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thelostgirl21 · 1 year ago
English Translators: "Jaskier" translates as "Buttercup", but we can't just let a manly man use "Buttercup" as his nickname! That's way too feminine, and our readers would be horrified! Let's call him "Dandelion" instead. Yes, much better... Mucho macho...
Netflix & Joey Batey: Yeah, no. We'll just call him Buttercup by keeping the original Polish name, i.e. Jaskier.
So, this is our very own Prince Buttercup. He's a damoiseau in distress that's regularly in need of being rescued, enjoys chatting with animals, and might randomly break into song.
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He feels very comfortable asking a strong, stoic, muscular man to accompany him to the Royal Ball for protection, and will attempt to convince him by rubbing chamomile onto his lovely bottom, giving him a bath, washing his stupid hair, and dressing him up in stylish, fine clothing.
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He tends to see the good in everyone, and will spontaneously attempt to become friends with things that want to eat him (both figuratively and literally).
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However he can occasionally become pretty condescending with commoners, and treat those that fail to appreciate his talent as beneath him; often with a complete disregard for his personal safety, as if it doesn't seem to occur to him right away that they'd actually dare lay their filthy hands on him.
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He cries very pretty (so pretty), and will look at you with gorgeous doe eyes when he feels sad, hurt, scared, or needs a favor.
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He's very distrustful and afraid of power-hungry sexy witches coming at him from many different angles, until they stop being all predatory and menacing, and begin rescuing and protecting him instead.
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He gets along very well with other princes/princesses, and will resent not being invited to one of the most important social events of the Continent, but not getting to spend more time with them.
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And he never experienced what romantic love truly was until he finally got to meet his very own Prince.
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Obviously, Prince Radovid fell in love with our Buttercup at first sight, and was willing to give up his Kingdom for a chance to be by his side.
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And as far as Prince Buttercup is concerned, he sees himself as a
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because that's simply who he is, and that's also what masculinity looks like.
So, unless Jaskier, in the books, is a very insecure man that constantly worries about being mistaken for a woman, I can't help but find it hilarious that the translators of the books, in English, got so worried over "Buttercup" sounding feminine...
...when the character himself likely wouldn't have been bothered by the way it sounds in the least, and would totally have rocked that nickname while making it work perfectly for a guy!
Hell! As a non-native English speaker, other than the fact that I've seen the movie "The Princess Bride", and the princess in it was named "Buttercup", my brain does not at all perceive "Buttercup" as inherently feminine, nor "Dandelion" as inherently masculine.
Perhaps because, in French, each word has its own gender, and "bouton d'or" (i.e. "buttercup", but the literal translation would be "button made of gold") is masculine.
Un bouton d'or (a buttercup) is masculine.
Un pissenlit (a dandelion) is masculine.
Une rose (a rose) is feminine.
Une tulippe (a tulip) is feminine.
"Princess Buttercup" is thus named "Princesse Bouton d'or" (it's actually the title of the movie) in French.
But "Bouton d'or" (Buttercup) is, by itself, a masculine word.
The funny thing is that, where I'm from, I think the dandelion is literally the single most hated flower I can think of.
When I was a kid, my parents - and pretty much all our neighbors - spent countless hours trying to remove every single dandelion they could find on their lawn and in their garden while making sure to fully eliminate the whole root, because they tended to replace all the grass, and some of the other flowers and plants from their garden.
Some of our neighbors had their lawns treated with very harsh chemicals (many of which are thankfully illegal today) in a desperate effort to get rid of them.
Dandelion always makes allergy season a complete and utter nightmare, makes it harder to breathe outside (those floating bits clouding the air always get stuck in your nose, throat or even eyes), it also clogs the air filter of your car...
And, when you cut them at the stem, your hands wind up all sticky and smelling awful.
Unless they want to make a point that they'll be extremely annoying, unwanted, sticky, smelly, trying to get into every single exposed orifice of your body as soon as you're exposed to them, and hard to get rid of, why would anyone ever wish to nickname themselves "dandelion"?
I mean, "pissenlit", the French name for "dandelion", comes from "pisse-en-lit" and literally means "peeing-in-bed".
Because if you eat dandelion leaves, they will make you pee and wet your bed (they have a strong diuretic effect).
Yes, we hate the dandelion so much, that we've decided to name that freaking flower "peeing-in-bed".
So, if you go from the original Polish name to the English translation of the name, and then translate the English name back to French...
You've essentially replaced:
Jaskier - > Buttercup - > Button made of gold (Bouton d'or).
Jaskier - > Dandelion - > Peeing-in-bed (Pissenlit).
It's hilarious!
All because some English translator got scared "Buttercup" would sound "too feminine".
The good news is that we kept Jaskier's name as "Jaskier" in the French translation of the books and the games. Although Bouton d'or would have worked just fine.
But yeah, come on! Jaskier would have made a beautiful Buttercup!
#the art of creating some gender issue where there's none.
When in doubt, just ask the character...
Would Jaskier have had what it took to call himself a "Buttercup"?
You bet your lovely bottom and bloated biceps he would have!
Still can't wrap my mind around him being a peeing-in-bed flower in English... Just... Nope! Does not compute.
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shadowroth · 7 months ago
Dr. Who. (📞 🎁 ) v.s. Peaky Blinders (🦯🦮)
What show do I watch (🪝 - vatch up ) v.s. start (start -🔘)?
You decide!!
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macamarsme · 1 year ago
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Rock Lee (Naruto) V.S Envy (FullMetal Alchemist).
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autismswagsummit · 6 months ago
By the way, even if Tumblr claims a poll isn't tied/selects a victor, if a poll says 50/50 then legally it's a tie. Just thought I'd clarify since this round has some tight matches
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sun-sandwich · 10 months ago
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"Your toss is the best!!" (Stage.ver)
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nokia7600 · 2 years ago
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Enjoying this show a normal amount
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tyummyz · 2 months ago
ᝰ.ᐟ insta posts . . . 💬
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summary : posts from v.s model!reader - ft. chris’s fangirling
warnings : swearing = that’s all!
a / n : ugh i love them so so much (chris is a fan girl, nobody will convince me otherwise.)
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real.vickiii ✔️
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♥︎ 873K 💬 15K ➤ 63K
liked by christophersturniolo and others
real.vickiii photo dump from these past weeks! your girl is back!
christophersturniolo✔️ hey, gorgeous. 😘 • ❤️ by creator
↳ matthew.sturniolo✔️ are we pretending your previous comment doesn’t exist??
christophersturniolo✔️ OH MY FUCKING GOD.
freshloveee gorgeous woman right here 🫵 • ❤️ by creator
cupiidk1lls oh my god i love her. • ❤️ by creator
nicolassturniolo✔️ chris is squealing and kicking his feet..
↳ real.vickiii✔️ @/nicolassturniolo i bet he is 😚
↳ christophersturniolo✔️ HES LYNSING • ❤️ by creator
↳ christophersturniolo✔️ LYIMG*
↳ christophersturniolo✔️ LYING*
lockettesroom kiss me — woah, who said that?? • ❤️ by creator
mattsbows you’re so pretty ��� • ❤️ by creator
mrsarnold i actually love your vibes so so much • ❤️ by creator
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dragandfashions · 11 months ago
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Drag U.K V.s The World Finale Looks Finalist Edition
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universaln0b0dy · 11 months ago
Twisted wonderland v.s reader (Posetif)
Note; you all now the drill by now-
The first class you had was potions. Normally you would have failed every assignment because you didn't know anything about potions at all, but at the moment you were raising your hand like there was no tomorrow.
"What happens to a love potion once it hits is expiration date?" It was a question only third years new the answer to, but you called out the answer. "Depending on the type of the love potion the effects might reverse. If you give someone an expired love potion they might start to hate you."
It was surprising just how much a few months at RSA had changed you. Neige, Amanda and the triplets had looked over your academic struggles and helped you overcome them. Now you even had a decent intrest in history, though Amanda was more fun with explaining that to you than Trein.
The students around you noticed that change as well, you a magicless human outdoing them in most of their theoretical classes.
"Amazing, last year (Name) was a horrible student, but now?" Was said at every teacher conference. Crowley felt uncomfortable by that change, just a few months ago you could be pushed around but now? You had scared most of the housewardens, some of them even fatally injured, but they couldn't prove it.
Every time someone questioned you about what happened you used that one fatal weakness to your advantage. "How could I? I have no magic."
"Grim, what do you think about asking Crowley about his process to send me back to my world?" Grim knew you were going to threaten Crowley. Amanda, her work held in high regard, didn't have the authority to send you back home, Crowley did.
The grey feline was a bit sad, he didn't want you to leave, but after all the shit you went through the least he could do was let you leave.
You sat with Grim in the cafeteria, most people left you alone, but sometimes some people were stupid enough to test their luck.
"Hey! This is our space!" A boy with cat ears yelled, slamming his tray onto the surface of the table. You continued to eat your food calmly, ignoring the boy.
"Are you death or something?" He growled, one of his friends pulled his sleeve. "Dude, stop. That student took out most of our housewardens, we shouldn't anger them." The friend said, trembling.
"That weakling? Ha! I bet they couldn't even land a h-" he couldn't continue, as a blue flame suddenly burst across him. It only burned a few pieces of his uniform, but his reaction was priceless.
"Great shot Grim. For that you will get my grilled sandwich." Is the only thing you say, calmly handing Grim the Sandwich. Grim took it as if he didn't almost burn a student.
The way both of you continued to eat your food was peaceful, a friend group of two enjoying their food. The two people that had bothered you scrambled away, trying their best to find a table as far away from you as they could.
"So Grim, how does "I will cause a revolution from the magicless people against the people with magic?" Grim shakes his head. "That is too flowery, I mean you can't guarantee that."
Right, you couldn't. Not at the moment. But an idea had formed in your head, you would leave Twisted wonderland with a caboom. A revolution as significant as the french one was back in your world.
"Don't worry Grim, I'll think of a way to make that exact threat true....."
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niftykin · 2 months ago
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'¡Swim Shimmer Boom!'
Starring: Scott Pilgrim
Warnings: no use of pronouns, red swimsuut mention, overall swimsuits and Scott looking at you
A/N: I apologize if there is any spelling mistakes, English is not my first language and I tend to make mistakes in my phone's keyboard pretty easily + I haven't written in a while. Sorry for the wait tho.
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You had been standing in front of the dressing room mirror for a while, adjusting the latest swimsuit that Ramona had recommended to you.
“Scott is a visual guy,” she had told you. "You can impress him easily." And, although you were a little uncomfortable with the idea of trying on swimsuits for Scott, you decided to follow her advice.
You took a deep breath and left the fitting room. Scott was sitting on a bench, playing on his phone. Seeing you, he looked upfrom his phone with a soft expression. "Uh-m, S-scott? I'm not too s-sure about t-this one...", you stammered, feeling a little vulnerable. Scott stood up and walked over to you. "What's wrong? Don't you like it?" he asked, looking at you curiously. "Can I see?" he asked, and moved a little closer and when you finally let him see his mouth went open wide before clearing his throat and raising his eyes to your face before looking you up and down, his expression changing from surprise to admiration. "Wow... you look... you look amazing," he said, with a smile on his face and his cheeks flushed, trying to no drive his eyes down again.
"You're… you're stunning," he said, before he added "uhm- would you- would you like to try on another one? I mean you look lovely on this one but maybe we can see if- uh- I mean if you could use another?" A blatant lie, he just wanted an excuse to see more of your body without being looked at like a creep. Ramona was right: Scott was a visual guy, and you had managed to catch his attention.
Once you left the dresser with another swimsuit he inmediatly looked at your bode as if he was a dehydrated man in an oasis of the first time in years "Oh it looks lovely, red suits you just well... Why- ¿why don't we keep looking? I- I'll buy you whichever swimsuit you want just- let's try some more, ¿yes?, they make you look lovely..."
Gods, Scott would drown and eat the way you looked in swimsuits if he could. You looked lovely, oh so pretty, he could swear he wanted to see you in swimsuits over and over again. He was visual, awkward, and kind of a nerd, but even he knew how to appreciate a look like that.
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Sorry if it's short
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i-nataraja · 2 months ago
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sesiondemadrugada · 9 months ago
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V.S. Gaitonde.
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borderline-culture-is · 9 months ago
BPD culture is being drastically annoyed by each and every single one of those around you, ESPECIALLY your favorite people. Like yes I love you so much that it's disgusting but also? You tick me off everyday. Go find someone else or something. Gosh you're so annoying. You're so stupid. And I hate you so much. And just shut up and leave already. YOU'RE SO ANNOYING. YOU'RE SO ANNOYING. IM TRYING SO HARD. YOU'RE SO ANNOYING. IM TRYING. IM TRYING. IM TRYING. DO YOU EVEN ACTUALLY CARE OR AM I LIKE SOME SCAPEGOAT FOR WHEN YOU STRUGGLE OR YOU NEED SOME HAPPINESS AND NEVER MINE. someone's better than you anyways.
- V.S 🗯
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out-of-heaven-and-hell · 9 months ago
@hells-greatestdad , @timeless-stories , @grimgrinnrs
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Lute arrives, in full exorcist gear and all. There's two other angels on either side of her, neither seem to be normal trops. One is blonde in bronze armor with a large flail as her weapon, she seems almost bored with this. On the other side is one with black wings, dressed much like the typical goth with an evil on her face. She holds no obvious weapon.
"You know the requirements, if you kill yourself now, I'll leave and let everyone in your hotel live. But if you don't? We'll rip each one of your, limb from limb!" she yells out, arms crossing as if waiting for the princess to actually come out and commit the deed. "Your little girlfriend was hardly a challenge, neither were you! Can't wait to see how easy this will be!"
She still lost an arm last time, but it's fully been replaced and frankly even if she does get hurt not only does she have better back up but i'll be worth to finally make the Moringstar family suffer as much as heaven did after the attack. It was time to put all of these filthy demons back in their place.
"Wait? They can choose to surrender?" the gothic angel asked, clearly disappointed, "Lame."
"QUIET ALANA!" Lute barks at her, back to yelling at the hotel, "If we don't get an answer, we'll kill all of you anyway. So? WHAT WILL IT BE!?"
Alastor's already put some strange demonic magic on the hotel, something similar but different to the force field trick they used before. Her eyes narrow, it's nothing they couldn't get past, but still. She waits for Charlie, truly she cares too much to risk more death?
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the-official-goose-god · 10 months ago
Have some bread 🍞
- your worst enemy apparently
I DONT WANT YOUR BREAD @definitely-waste-management
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melancholyclover · 5 months ago
of living in death; the hunted, the deer
Killing off his love for her, what a pitiful man he is. He really was never any good for her, was he? No matter what he did. Or who he became. He will choke those he loves with his own hands, he will be their deaths. It’s better this way. He will die with his last love - he will die, and take this love into death.
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