#v| Dungeons and Dragons
caemidraws · 27 days
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venusmage · 11 months
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🩸first blood 🩸
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leglessstreetlights · 4 months
somthing abt bell's hells going from being a cobbled together group of (self proclaimed) expendable chucklefucks with little to no cohesion or reason other than "might as well" or "for the money", to being united not only by the narrative (they're too far in and while they're not that good at talking to each other, who else do they have?? they're family now, obviously) but also now they are visually united & have a cohesion that they never did at the start of the campaign.
Every single character now has blue & yellow/gold as a part of their wardrobe, even Dorian. The way BH's commemorate their dead is so interesting to me. FCG is honored in the way they dress, just as Bertrand is honored in their name. When people meet them, they don't know it, but they are also meeting the bells that have stopped ringing.
and just the overarching idea of clinging to the past while the world burns down around you (wearing your dead friend's armor and praying that their sacrifice will make a difference)
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judyalvqrez · 1 year
there was something really jim henson-esque and campy about how some of the non-human races were portrayed in the new dnd movie that i really enjoyed. they could’ve easily gone the shitty cgi route or just not shown those races up close at all, but no, they said you want a bird man? we’re gonna get you a bird man
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“A bunch of cowards and the bravest little girl in the world.” - Neverafter, Ep. 3, about Ylfa Snorgelsson
“The world should have protected you, but you have been asked to protect it. What an honor. What an injustice." - NADDPOD, Ep, 97, about Beverley Toegold V
Something something about children being forced to grow up faster than they deserved because the powerful people around them aren’t doing enough. Gonna go cry thanks.
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oldschoolfrp · 7 months
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When robotic wizards strode the wastelands (Robert Phillips V, The Space Gamer 45, November 1981)
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caleb-crow · 3 months
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Omg, Gnoll V-Tuber moonlighting as a cute little Shiba…??? Me too 😔
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the-banished-one · 1 month
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pinayelf · 4 months
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Halfling sorcerer Immy!
I’m not playing in any campaigns rn but I wanted to re-imagine immy as a dnd character and to me Halfling lol
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caemidraws · 5 months
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Things we bled for
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jellisdraws · 3 months
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It could be all you wanted
Striiga, from my dnd campaign
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hitlikehammers · 4 months
if you can’t write your own necronomicon, store-bought is fine 📔
(not ideal but: fine) — 1/3
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for @klausinamarink, who prompted 'NECROMANCY' at the @steddiesummerexchange
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Steve wants this clear, on-the-record, absolutely fucking crystal, okay?
It was not his intention to snoop through Eddie’s shit.
It’s not even a ‘respect for the dead’ thing. It’s just a ‘be a decent dude and don’t go through another dude’s personal stuff’ thing.
So like. Just to be clear.
It does not start out the way it…ends up.
How it does start out is this notion that gets stuck in Steve’s head about the fucking gravestone they’re putting up. He hates the idea of it being installed over nothing, just plopped atop grass and dirt and just, just…nothing.
Almost like they’re saying Eddie was somehow nothing, and when the overall notion hits on that thought specifically Steve has this simultaneous urge to break a window and vomit, and it’s just, it’s not—
He needs to find a way to curb that feeling.
He hates it enough to mention it to the others, who don’t get it. At all. Maybe because it’s Steve, and they don’t think he knew Eddie enough to be this…this. Maybe because it’s Steve and that’s not Steve’s role, is it? Having the feelings. And if Steve was in a clearer frame of mind, maybe he’d be able to wonder if the people he’s asking just can’t handle what he’s asking, can’t process more of…any of it, not right now.
But he’s not. In a clearer frame of mind. He can’t process, either, beyond the kind of fucking all-consuming need to not bury nothing under Eddie Munson’s name.
So he buys a casket. Anonymously, uses his dad’s business card. Ships it to the place he knows is doing the stone, there’s really only one option in town and maybe they’ll be confused, or maybe they’ll be pissed, but Steve makes sure when it arrives that it sits on their doorstep, moves it in the night when it gets dropped after hours: unavoidable. Unignorable. Black on the outside and red on the inside, but Steve moves it all by himself and it’s still too light. It’s still empty. It’s not quite nothing.
But fuck if it’s enough.
The only two people he’s tried to broach the subject with—or who’ve heard him in the process—and who haven’t brushed him off are Robin, and that’s because she’s his soulmate, and they haven’t slept without one another in arm’s-reach at the absolute most since they lost—
Well. Since.
The second person is Eleven, and she’d just overheard Mike scoffing and Dustin blinking silently, and Steve had known when to leave a battle that couldn’t be won because it wasn’t even gonna be fought, but he had caught her with a crease between her eyes. Her face scrunched all thoughtful. Listening.
And if nothing else: not dismissing.
So when the idea strikes—not manic, it’s not a manic sort of idea, maybe it’s close, like in the ballpark of manic but hotdogs and millionaires are also in the same ballpark at the same time, y’know, and they’re nothing alike so fuck you—but when the not-manic idea strikes to put something, something that means something, that carries literal and figurative weight, inside that casket?
He tells Robin, who looks at him with sadness but not with pity, and who asks how they’ll manage it, rather than trying to talk him out of it. He’ll never get over how lucky he is to have her; never learn words that live up to how much she means to him.
But also: it’s good that all she does is ask how. Because Steve actually has that figured out.
He heads to Hop’s cabin when he knows both he and Joyce are gone. He explains in simple but plain terms, the kind he’s learning El appreciates best and processes easiest, especially when feelings are involved. And these feelings she grasps without hesitation, and fills in Steve’s vague ideas with concrete plans, and it takes less than twelve hours to see them at Forest Hills, where the government still hasn’t moved that goddamn trailer to give anyone any semblance of closure but definitely finds the time and manpower to put up new tape around the scene whenever it’s tampered with, fuck those motherfuckers all over again and—
Right. Well.
It takes less than twelve hours for El to distract the guards with a very minor fire on the other end of the park and some suspicious-sounding chittering she bets right on piquing their attention, giving Steve and Robin the in to sneak around the barriers and find their quarry: the version of the Warlock that never saw the Upside Down, knocked to the floor but in one piece. Weighty.
Something that means something, to mourn in the ground.
Robin’s peeking out the window, checking if the coast is clear for them to jet, for Eleven to ease off and meet them back at Steve’s car to go back to their evenings like nothing ever happened, save for the guitar in Steve’s trunk and at her signal Steve makes to follow with said guitar slung awkward across his back but then something…something pulls in him. It’s not even a catch from the corner of his eye or some shit, no, he feels it in the center of his chest:
What if it’s not enough?
So he grabs as many of the books scattered on the floor around a cracked and quaked-apart shelf in the corner as he can fit between both arms, all sorts and shapes and sizes, and then he’s ignoring Robin’s raised brow and crawling as quiet as he can back out of the trailer, out of the half crime scene, half quarantine zone, and running for the trees to get back to where they parked.
El’s waiting for them, and as he drives, honestly?
Steve thought he’d feel better about things, now. He thought this would start to calm that nauseous rage in him.
Maybe once it’s in the casket. Maybe once he feels the heft of it as a real thing.
It would probably be logical to think that it’s the weight of the guitar that makes the shift, that turns the tides.
But that’d actually be a goddamn stupid thought because nothing about any of this—this town, what lies beneath it, the war they’re fighting the battle they lost, Steves fucking life now at large—none of it is logical, Jesus Christ. The guitar. What a fucking dumb idea.
Because it’s the books, of course.
It’s the goddamn books.
Because the guitar helps but it’s not enough. Steve tried his fucking hardest to lift Eddie’s body, had him in his arms but the gates were closing, the rope half-assed at too short after he’d cut Dustin off and with all of their wounds even Robin and Nancy—both with more upper body strength then you’d think—were basically fish in a fucking barrel and Steve was in worse shape but fuck if he didn’t get them out, get everyone out but—
He’d been the last, with Eddie. He’d felt the heft of that body, too cool against his chest but not cold, not yet—not dead weight, not dead weight, he was a person, he was this incredible person Steve was only just getting to know and he was, now he was—
No one had been unscathed to the point of being able to help Steve up. Steve had had the kind of shocking sort of clarity for being ready to stay with Eddie as the gate sizzled and narrowed, no man fucking left behind, right, but for the screaming growing ever more shrill for each failed attempt Steve made at holding Eddie different, at trying to get up and over the threshold together to no avail: he made the call the rest of them were screaming of him to make, despite the messiest fucking tears:
Leave him. He’s already gone. You’re not.
He knew how much Eddie weighed to carry, is the point. And the man was a lanky fucker with a little more build to him than first glance gave away but still: the guitar does barely half the work of filling the void.
Though the exact void Steve’s trying to fill might be…it might be more complicated than just the fucking casket not being empty.
But the casket does need more than just the instrument.
He sorts through the books he grabbed blindly; they all must at least be ones Eddie liked but…The Lord of the Rings. There are three of those, right? I feel like there are at least the three, and there are three right here that look so well loved they can’t not have meaning; Steve wanted to read them. He won’t be quick enough to read these copies, though, and that does feel like such a fucking loss, and that’s the point, isn’t it?
The grave can’t be empty. It can’t be meaningless. The marker’s meant to bear the loss.
They’re big, like, thick fucking books—one of about a hundred reasons why Steve hadn’t picked them up before. And no, he’s not…he’s not going to dwell on the why behind the way he lets his fingers flip the pages slow, stop here and there and drag the nail-tip across a line, a paragraph, wondering what some of the words mean, what Eddie would have thought of them, if he were here to ask—
There needs to be more weight. He shoves the trilogy to the side and grabs for…oh.
Oh, these are the…manual. Thingies.
For the dragon dungeons.
He lifts one, tests it: not as heavy. But there…there are a lot, and—
And Steve’s opening them too, flipping slow just the same: wondering. Wishing he could have a running commentary alongside that boundless energy even in the face of the end of the world, maybe because of the impending doom of the end of the goddamn world and Steve, walking shoulder to shoulder with him in those fucking death woods, he, it was, they—
“He was right,” Steve remarks, and realizes belatedly that it’s the first words he’s said to Robin where she’s flicking through a stack of books much quicker than him, clinical: all about the weight for the casket but Steve’s stuck on a page that takes him back to a conversation he heard only half of, the kids trying to catch Eddie up, trying to describe what they all call demogorgons and Eddie muttering under his breath about how that sounded absolutely fucking not like a demogorgon, and there a drawing right here, black and white and:
“They look nothing like they do in the game.”
Robin meets his gaze and still—somehow—her eyes are sad but they don’t pity him. Not yet, at least.
He’ll take it.
“Nothing in these is even really, like, connected,” Steve mumbles as he flips, flinches at the marked up pages on Vecna, Jesus fuck; “or workable,” he looks at the Mind Flayer and cringes, feels the urge to hide those pages from Robin even if she isn’t close, then decides to play it safe for probably irrational reasons and tosses the book to the side and grabs blindly for another one, oh cool, this looks like…spells and shit: “like, none of this looks apple,” Steve bites his lower lip, the word he’s looking for a little fuzzy when he’s scanning over the words on the page, because they’re, they’re not; “not even applicable, y’know, in reality,” but that’s vague, they’ve set foot in more than one reality, so does that even count as a caveat anymore but then, but then—and what they fuck is his heart pounding all of a sudden, he’s just sitting down, that’s not; but then;
“Or else, not for the Upside…”
His voice gives, peters out. His pulse is thick in his throat. He’s staring so hard at nonsense, at fantasy, at, at useless pretend things that won’t change anything, won’t fucking help, and why does it all hurt in his chest so fucking much and—
He looks up and Rob’s already got eyes on him. He can’t imagine how he looks. His vision’s a little…blurry, and it doesn’t even feel like it’s from tears, which…it does feel like it should be—but she might have crossed over to watching him with pity, now. He wouldn’t be able to tell.
But either way: Robin knows him, down to the cells. She knows the question he speaks out loud isn’t the question he’s asking. He’s not asking for reassurance, or confirmation. He’s not even asking her an opinion. He’s sure as shit not asking for permission.
Because he’s dizzy. His heart’s pounding, and he’s fucking dizzy, and it’s nonsense, it’s not real, it’s all a stupid game and the names don’t even match—
But. All of it was real. In some way, it was real.
It’s not an exact science, not a perfect match: it never was. But that wasn’t the point. It was a roadmap. It was a way to process the unfathomable enough to get from point A to point B.
And looking at the words on the page where his fingertip is drawing a long below: he can’t…not wonder. And if he’s already set on wondering, then fuck, fuck—the rage in his chest is easy, his heart doesn’t feel so squished and his might not sick up his lunch for the first time after trying to eat more than a peanut butter sandwich from the community hub. There’s something in this. It’s what he’s been searching for. He reads the words again, again, and again and yeah, they’re absurd, they’re absolutely insane:
But maybe…maybe they’re a roadmap. Inexact but…but up to the task. What if.
They can’t not…try.
Steve will not live with himself if they don’t try.
🖤🪦 NEXT >>>
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data-dork · 2 months
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since artfight just wrapped up i thought i'd share all of the attacks i managed to complete this year! this was my first time participating and it was a lot of fun. i'm proud of myself for being able to finish so many pieces between working and moving states and i'm already looking forward to next year's!! :]
characters and credits listed under the cut!
in order of appearance:
@rainily-03's cassian fitzgerald & sebastian finch
@thefroggiestoffrogs's caleb vatore
@snarksearching's circe cecil snark
granxa's eclipse
@blueammolite's button
@lieutenantcactus's extraordinaire
@dreamcast-official's shining star
@silentnoisemaker's muroide shu
@meowmoths's asmodeus
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elveneye · 1 year
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I've been watching a lot of DnD related content lately and taking some character building inspiration from other people. I've completely forgotten about the Dragonborn race, so once I started looking more into other people's designs, I thought why not make an Alduin DnD design?
This was also an excuse to make an anthro version of him because I think he looks cool in Sauron-ish armour.
(Sorry for disappearing for so long, my PC's harddrive died)
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oldschoolfrp · 2 months
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The Lost Caverns of Tsojconth, tournament module for WinterCon V in 1976. Many details changed between Tsojconth and the 1982 published version Tsojcanth, notably the gender of the Archmage Iggwilv. In this backstory for Tsojconth he was slain by Graz'zt, while in Tsojcanth she defeated Graz'zt but was weakened by the struggle, used the last of her powers to prepare her hiding place, and is presumed to have died sometime since then.
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lemonycranberries · 4 months
huge day for nerds everywhere
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