#v; to be the villain (akatsuki)
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akatsukiky · 2 years ago
Hello I’m tasting a lack of Endless Coda-verse fics.
I’m unironically so invested in this April Fools universe, I almost (ALMOST) want an anime of it over Element. I want to consume any media of it and watch Eichi’s direct body count skyrocket in a world where he’s allowed to kill people at his own leisure. I want real, physical consequences to everyone’s words and actions and for the station to look like Danganronpa.
That said, I’m back on my shit, I come bearing a fic idea that I’ll never write. As ever, feel free to take it and use it as you please.
Warnings: Endless Coda story spoilers, leans into immoral villain Eichi, death death death death, manipulation and the like, the dove isn’t dead but it might need a bandaid.
I’m thinking more War Era w the Eccentrics since Shu mentioned 5 Eccentrics, leaning into the first anime’s version of Eichi’s obsession.
Setting likely another older space station, the Yumenosaki if you would. Doubles as an idol academy and a mecha pilot academy.
It follows the War closely at first what w the abysmal condition of the school and student body. Rei is in charge-ish and the clubs still exist, the DreFes fighting hasn’t become popular yet.
Officially the only mecha are one per established group for their leaders (Ryuuseitai’s Madara and Valkyrie’s Shu), the council leader (Rei), and personal ones for individual’s with the money to spend on it (Hokuto, Subaru, Ritsu, Kanata, Eichi, etc).
Once the Eccentrics are established by Eichi, Wataru and Natsume both receive their own mecha. Then, once units are being formed (ex-fine, Knights, AKATSUKI) they supply/are supplied mecha per member.
Eichi’s body count just skyrockets from the get-go. The mecha fight DreFes let him get away with outright murder + the s//c/d/ rates caused by the stress he puts on the students. Look at him, the little go-getter- murdering his way to martyrdom /ref.
And obv there’s the cloning thing. And the implanted memories into the clones. Technically that overrules Eichi being ill but he would have had to be dying at least a little bit when it was discovered.
The plot gets funny once the Eccentrics are formed, pov probably always one of them w smaller chapters for people affected by the war (Nagisa, Hiyori, Tsumugi Aoba, Hokuto, Mika, etc).
The bullying and social isolation all still happen but it’s decidedly worse in Coda-verse since killing and maiming is okay apparently. What happens is that, just like with THAT Valkyrie performance, some if fine’s fans go the extra mile to try and decommission the Eccentrics entirely through attacking them. Eichi never lets it get far and always arranges for something to interrupt so that the targeted Eccentric is always just hurt enough that they can push through it and appear as amazing as ever.
The Valkyrie loss goes more or less the same. It wasn’t a DreFes so there wasn’t any fighting, the audio gets cut, and Shu has his mental breakdown.
Rei’s incidents also are the same, he gets sent to other space station academies to fix issues that people ask him to help with.
Eventually one of these attempts get a little too far w Kanata, happening a little while after Shu’s public humiliation. Someone tries drowning him (the endless puka puka) and nothing stops them this time, thankfully someone else finds Kanata in time to resuscitate him. It can be Mama, Kaoru, or Souma, they’re all valid options for this.
The next time the older Eccentrics meet after that incident, they decide that now is the time to squirrel Natsume away for his own sake. Unfortunately, that means that the number of targets lowered from five to three (occasionally two) and the bullying just gets that much worse.
Eventually comes time for Wataru and Hokuto versus fine (and this is where things get really canon divergent-y). Because that one is a DreFes, they will be fighting in mecha for a 2 v 4. Obviously the odds are against them.
Beforehand, Wataru does say goodbye to the Eccentrics because, just like normal, he knows he can’t win- both because he literally cannot as it’s a losing fight and because that’s what the script calls for, a dramatic climax for the ages. First is Kanata, then Rei and Natsume (the scene in which Natsume tries to give Wataru a different script to save himself). He doesn’t, however, get to say goodbye to Shu who was locked inside of his room.
What’s happening with Shu is one of Eichi’s schemes. I haven’t thought of the reasoning, maybe Shu had recovered himself just enough to still slander Eichi and he decided that just won’t do. So, capitalizing off the fact that Shu has been taking to hiding in his room and locking the door, Eichi has someone (a fan, maybe Tsumugi Aoba, or Eichi himself) lock it from the outside w admin codes so he can’t get out. After all, what could be more crushing than watching your friend get executed right in front of you with no escape?
This is going by a HC I have for DreFes in general both in and out of Coda-verse in which (at Yumenosaki) you can’t change a screen connected to the school’s internet off from the current on-going DreFes. More specific to Coda-verse but I imagine there are cameras in the cockpits of the mecha, just like the obligatory shots of the pilots screaming when something pokes the mecha (I’ve never understood this, the robot’s leg got cut off not yours).
So, with Shu locked in his room and incapable of finding any comfort and with Natsume + Rei watching the fight firsthand (god knows where Kanata is), the DreFes begins. It’s a losing fight for Wataru from the get-go, even moreso because he’s going out of his way to protect Hokuto as needed. Eventually, Eichi or Tsumugi Aoba manage to damage Wataru’s mecha enough that it can’t move, making them the victors of the DreFes. Most of the feeds take an intermission break at this point except for Shu’s.
See, while Eichi’s plot to break Shu more was working to plan, his idea to make to make sure that the feed showed him every moment of the execution did backfire somewhat. Whether or not Shu knows it, he’s the only one to witness Wataru being removed from his mecha unconscious (or dead) after losing before it can be returned to the docking bay for him to be taken to medical if needed.
If he did die inside the mecha, I assume that the usual camera feed automatically cuts off if there’s damage to the cockpit that would harm the pilot since it would ruin the image of Yumenosaki.
So, since Wataru isn’t in the cockpit anymore when the people in docking bay try to get him to come out, they assume as first he’s a sore loser (because blah blah blah slander the Eccentrics), then (while fine’s live is going on) they finally think to check on him in the case he’s unconscious, and obviously when they open the cockpit he’s not there anymore. They assume he ran away.
From there, fine has their final performance and disbands. The Eccentrics are going through it.
Eichi only announces that Wataru passed away the following day due to a gas leak in his Mecca’s cockpit caused by a fuel line rupturing during the DreFes. Natsume is inconsolable and that’s important because of his eventual reconciliation with Tsumugi Aoba.
When Tsumugi attempts to apologize to Natsume and all that (the burning stuff behind the school scene I think), he mentions he can’t forgive someone who helped kill Wataru. Tsumugi drops the bomb that Wataru isn’t dead and is generally confused as to why Natsume thought that he would be. According to Tsumugi, he’s seen Wataru in the council room a few times since the DreFes.
Natsume gets the other Eccentrics (including Shu), much to their dismay that he has left hiding when the tensions have yet to settle. They’re a lot more understanding once he tells them about what Tsumugi has said. They decide to go straight to the council room to confront Eichi and ‘rescue’ Wataru.
They’re both there when the Eccentrics reach them. Wataru is happy to see them but not happy in the sense one would be to see a rescuer and more in the way of seeing a friend. He’s acting like nothing had happened out of the DreFes and a lot more familiar with Eichi than he was before (more like main !-era interactions). The Eccentrics get the sense that something is wrong but Eichi assures them that this is exactly what Wataru had wanted (which he affirms). When asked about telling everyone that Wataru had died, he explains that Wataru was hurt badly and had requested he be disappeared from the stage for a little while to recuperate. (He doesn’t look injured though)
I can’t be bothered to write more but eventually after the Eccentrics leave that little meeting, they splinter more. At some point one of them decides that they can’t just hide by Wataru acting so unusually even for him, they end up finding proof that Wataru was taken out of his mecha, they eventually find more clues to connect the dots, find out that Wataru had died during the DreFes but was replaced by a successful clone of him who lacks the precise memories of the DreFes itself and the animosity it should feel for Eichi, and all the Eccentrics die when they go to confront Eichi. Epilogue is one of them waking up from ‘hibernation,’ implying that they’ve been cloned themselves.
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criminal-sen · 5 months ago
Heeehhoo I got multi tagged for this so ty to prev, @fractoluminescence and also to op<3 (ps I don't have any characters who I'm super like 'it me!!!!' But I found. some guys idk)
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Okay Tetsuo from Akira is a shit in the movie for sure, like he does not handle his newfound powers very responsibly (tho who can rly blame him imho). But Tetsuo in the manga is a whole different level of Shit, he's the same unhinged mess of hormonal teenage.. machismo bullshit.. mixed with 'whoops I have godlike powers I didn't ask for nor can I comprehend without my mind shattering, guess I'll proclaim myself GodKing/Drug Lord/Bike Gang Ruler/Harem Owner/whatever strikes my fancy bc im the biggest strongest toughest man around💪 and i do!!!! what i want!!!!!' and then he sits there on his throne just fuckin. FUMING and unhappy and man.. idk.. that's just such a relatable vibe to me. A teenaged me surely would've been just as wild and angsty about my newfound powers (and maybe even a present day me, who knows) tho I like to think I'd be uhhhh 😏💅 a bit better at it tbfhhhhh.. like I contemplate. thr world. and thr horrors. I'm basically a monk I would be fine:) *immediately explodes into giblets*
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Ruth from Ancient Magus Bride is literally just a doggo, he wants to do a good job and protect the ppl he cares about and Bite anyone who threatens them. And um. Yah😒 v easy to see how thats relatable ig. I'm protective of the ppl who are important me, holy shit🤯 (this is sarcasm) But also like.. I'm kind of a directionless wet blanket of a person on my own??? I need a s/o or a friend to be like 'okay it's time for Outside, you wanna go outside???' so there's uh. There's also that:)
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Kisame Hoshigaki is 100% 'idk I just work here' vibes, for the majority of his screen time he's the absolute least fanatical-acting Akatsuki member. It's this air of mystery around him.. like he's doing all these dangerous fights with the same emotional gravitas as a blue collar worker punching in for another shift at the ol paper mill or whatever. Does this mean he's just ridiculously strong and has no reason to be concerned? Or is he secretly the MOST fanatically devoted member, he just is rly good at hiding it??? I'm not gonna plot spoil lol. But I fuck very heavily with those vibes, more as an aspiration than a relatable thing tbfh (I have zero chill smh)
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*slyly inserts my own art😏* Lastly Mayuri cuz ofc I'm gonna put him. I think that Mayuri's character is largely up for interpretation- how much of his personality is an act, wtf happened in his past, why is he so uhhhh (insert weird and off-putting trait) - and that's a big reason why I was drawn to him. Him being a villain (or at least villainous) only makes him better for all the negative shit I air out in my ff. Like believe me, I have Cursed this man lol
On a lighter note (and sorry for the repeating, I've said all this before in SO many other posts) the mad scientist part of him, specifically the 'constantly modifies his own body' part, has helped me work thru being - and coming out as - trans. Sometimes I wish I had a cooler coping mechanism bc 'yah this uhhhh weird anime guy helped me transition' isn't very fun to say outside of very limited circles dhdgdvdvdv but I appreciate him just as much as ever and Need to get back to writing my ffs about him😭
I used alllllllll my brain cells writing this (none left for tagging ppl, plus I always tag the same 3 ppl I stfg) so if u see this and u wanna do it, feel free<3
Moots! Show 4 characters who have a personality similar to yours
(Just to pass the time)
@jack-in-finit @srtruth @toxictaicho @r473n
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daybreakrising · 2 years ago
@claysplosion from here
“ well there’s definitely something wrong with you, yeah. ” the words are muffled against the heel of deidara’s palm. it’s a half – hearted grumble at best, given because it’s expected. deidara sits, slouched, face smushed into his hand, and risks a puzzled glance up at itachi. where’s this coming from? before the look can turn into a stare, though, deidara throws himself back so he’s lying on the ground, one arm pillowed under his head. he closes his eyes, but the soft tension between his brows betrays his show of nonchalance.
“ you make it sound like you think there’s a world where the two of us could have been right. ”
it’s — laughable. deidara scoffs and his eyebrows press further together. he tries to imagine it, but no matter how he arranges the puzzle pieces before his mind’s eye the image ends up with them in conflict. the one where those crimson eyes still serve konoha and deidara detonates and bleeds on orders makes his stomach twist so violently he turns to his side so that his back is to itachi. one blue eye flutters open but doesn’t see — deidara is still looking elsewhere.
he can’t imagine being anywhere else, anything else, and still being himself. deidara brings his free hand to his face and watches the grotesque grin that greets him. it’s not that lolling tongue that he carved out of his palm that makes deidara beastly, he knows; it’s how he devours earth and spits out carnage and calls it ART, calls it HAPPINESS, calls it FREEDOM. itachi is partly right: deidara’s soul is wrong, but it’s also true, and that makes it right. deidara was always meant to be shrapnel. he doesn’t know what itachi’s meant to be, but maybe they’re supposed to get caught in each other’s sharp edges.
now deidara laughs, but it’s a bark of hot air rather than sound. “ what? don’t tell me you think we could have been FRIENDS. and here i thought those eyes of yours helped you see clearly, yeah. ”
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The instant barb was met with a fleeting smile, gone so quick one would question whether it had ever been there at all. It was so typical Deidara, yet at the same time it reminded Itachi of someone else, someone now long gone. It was the teasing retort one might expect of a sibling - or someone close enough to one. Shisui would have made a quip like that.
His momentary lapse in his typical stoic expression was, however, missed by the blond. Deidara's stubborn refusal to ever look at him or meet his eye for longer than a glance blinded him to the humanity he might find, the lingering traces of the person he used to be before the world shaped him into this... ghost.
"You don't think it's possible?" A world where he was right. It was a nice dream, to think that somewhere, a world existed where he wasn't painted as a monster, where he could live a peaceful life with the family he had loved so deeply he'd had no choice but to destroy them before they destroyed themselves.
Onyx eyes studied the tense form of the blond, Deidara's back now firmly turned to him. Always hiding, afraid to let anyone look too deeply. He wondered what the blond was thinking, what darkness he called into question. Did he, too, think of an alternate universe where the choices he'd made had turned out differently? Or was he truly as comfortable in who he was as he liked to appear?
"Friends?" There was a definite thread of humour in his voice. If Deidara opted to look at him for once, he might even see a smile. "No, I doubt you and I could ever be friends, Deidara." The idea of his pacifistic nature melding smoothly with Deidara's destructive one was a little too far beyond the reaches of reality. "But perhaps we need not be the enemies you insist upon."
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azroazizah · 5 years ago
Looking for some new manga to read!! Do you have any favourite manga or any manga you’d recommend? I’m open to reading a lot of different manga since I only began reading manga at the end of last year- so there’s a lot of manga I haven’t read or heard off!! Thanks!!
I........ actually don’t read manga that much guys.....
mostly bc I’m usually so picky fhgkdkfgj pls don’t get me wrong, there’s tons of mangas/manhwas/webcomics that I like, but I only follow a few. I usually follow something that I use as some kind of reference to build my own story, mainly for the art and characterizations, etc so yeah wwww
for ones I obviously read were Fullmetal Alchemist and Soul Eater, ofc, but you def already know about them wwwwww
so uhh I guess I’m just gonna list what I currently follow? I’m currently liking manhwas/webcomics bc it’s easy to read on mobile. these are all that I check p regularly:
1. Gangsta. by Kohske. (seinen, adventure/thriller) Yeahhh p obvious I love this one lmao, it’s mature and pretty dark and interesting even though the plot’s pretty simple. Also, Kohske is cruel. She’s one of mangakas I look up to fgsgsjfd. It’s about mafia fights and drug problems and superhumans. plot is angst-heavy, but the characters are so lovable and did I mention everyone was hot asf? it’s currently on hiatus tho.
2. Otoyomegatari by Kaoru Mori (seinen, romance) this one’s so obvious lmao I like pretty clothes and it’s a great reference for me to learn to be a mangaka. The plot follows the stories of couples and marriages in medieval central asia. I must warn that the art details on this manga is beyond insane. Eyegasm.
3. Kono Oto Tomare by Amyuu (shounen, music) if u like chihayafuru u def would like his one wwwww. it’s about Koto and traditional japanese music. the romance is so cute jhdfsjfgsjkafgjkghgjdgd
4. Akatsuki no Yona by Kusanagi Mizuho (shoujo, adventure/romance). I’m honestly so into  historical mangas wwwwww. it follows Princess Yona and her ‘dragons’ on their journey after Yona was exiled from the palace.
5. Boku no Hero Academia by Horikoshi Kohei (shounen). Yeah this one’s maybe the only popular shounen I follow rn wwww but I haven’t checked it since like four months ago or smt wwwww
6. Flawless by Shinshinhye (webtoon, romance). it’s about a story between a blind boy with advanced senses and a headstrong girl. seriously good romance and even the side characters are all so complex and flawed. The male lead is a bit twisted and so manipulative while the heroine is stubborn and v independent.
7. 7 Wonders by Metalu (webtoon, fantasy/romance) idk if this had been translated or no, I read it in my native lang wwwww. it revolves around Indonesian folktale of Jaka Tarub and Nawang Wulan.
8. The Villainess Reverses The Hourglass (manhwa, romance). Aria Roscente was sentenced to death bc of her adopted family’s schemes, but god gave her a chance to change her fate by sending her back ten years earlier, and this time Aria vows to be a real villainess to punish people who wronged her.
I love this one so much bc we have a villain as a protag, who actually acts like a villain. She actually knows she’s evil, is ruthless, but still so charismatic that we can’t help but think that her actions were justified. I’m weak against greatly written villains. She’s also deeply wicked to the core, and not turning into your typical glorified good hero. Did I also mention she’s a strong woman who absolutely doesn’t need no man? yeah absolutely good shit
9. Suddenly I Became A Princess/Who Made Me A Princess by Plutus & Spoon (manhwa, fantasy, isekai). seriously, I normally don’t do isekai guys but I like this one so much wwwww. Basically an orphan fell asleep (suicide?) and woke up in the body of Athanasia, a princess she’d read about in a novel. The catch is she knows the whole plot of the novel and she knows Athanasia’s gonna be murdered by her own father, the emperor. So we follow Athy as she tries to avoid her death. Good. Found. Family. Shit.
Also the dad’s so tsundere hjgdskgfdk I love him.
10. Lessa by POGO (manhwa, dark fantasy) Completely Underrated™. it splits into a trilogy; Lessa, Lessa: The Crimson Knight, and Lessa: Servant of Cosmos. the last one is ongoing. Following the adventure of Lessa, a fallen god who fathered a demonic race called the Demans, and Rano, a human searching for his sister who was abducted by the demans.
This one also got a pretty dark in theme, considering its heavy symbolic with gods, angels, disciples and believers. I must warn that the art is maybe not for everyone bc it could get pretty disturbing like let’s say, Madoka? but instead of cute girls we have devilish/satanic figures lol. But honestly, the art is very pretty, and it speaks. Definitely my favorite manhwa so far.
Bonus, the ones that already completed (or, ehm, indefinitely on hiatus)!
1. Chang Ge Xing by Xia Da (manhua, seinen) currently on indefinite hiatus, but the published chapters are definitely Worth It™. it follows Princess Chang Ge, who was chased out of the palace after a coup, and living as a man while trying to gather strength for a revenge. I’m a historical fanatic I told you wwwww, but also the heroine is so complex, ruthless, cunning, manipulative, but also independent and v charismatic. The kinda heroine I love the most ughhh.
she seduces princesses and even elected as the male lead’s ‘sworn brother’ lol also she has a wife at some point. A++
2. Zetsuen No Tempest by Shirodaira Kyo (shounen, dark fantasy) follows Mahiro and Yoshino as they try to crack the murder case of Mahiro’s sister Aika through magic, wizards, and logic, at the end of the world. Heavy Shakespeare references. if u don’t have the time to read the manga, the anime is a pretty dang good choice too.
that’s it for now I guess? I def forgot a lot bc I don’t read much these days.
if you have any rec that’s similar to these mangas I’d like to know wwwww
thanks for asking and I hope this answers you ^^
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hypnotixstorm · 5 years ago
Which characters are your fav ones in Naruto and which do you not like?
Okay thank you for asking this! I’ll tell you why I love/hate the characters too 👀
Also disclaimer: This is long as FUCK which I apologize about. I got a bit too into this I think lmao. You probs don’t even care why I like/dislike these characters :’))))
Because this is so long it’ll all be under the cut :)
He’s the entire reason I got into Naruto in the first place. I loved the intrigue/mystery surrounding his mask and I won’t lie, I think he’s really hot lmao B UT I can also relate a lot to his backstory in the sense that we’ve both had a really rough life!
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Dude Deidara is the best! Yes he’s hot okay, most of my faves are for this reason BUT I also love his personality! He feels so human and well thought out, even if he is a villain who we don’t really see all that long. He’s fun and energetic, plus I love art too!
Let’s be real tho, I literally love the entire akatsuki. They’re like my fave villain group of all time. I want an akatsuki cloud tattoo okay 😩
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Okay okay okay I know this is weird and random but hear me out. I love this character, sm. I love his design, his personality, his voice, just, everything about him? I know he’s a minor character we very rarely see but idk I’m just so drawn to him 🥺
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hhhhnnnnNNGHHHHHH I love this man I s2g 🥺 like, he’s so pretty??? Eyelashes for days??? And long silky hair???? It’s mostly an aesthetic thing, but I do really like his backstory. I think he deserved so much better too!
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I feel like most people either love or hate him. Nobody ever is just like “he’s okay”. At least, no one I’ve ever met. Personally, he’s creepy as hell and I just *shudders* I just really don’t like him lmao
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I can feel the hate I’m gonna get from this but oh well. Sasuke to me is very... overrated, which is weird considering I love his brother/emo boys lmao. But Sasuke just feels ridiculous at times. I also don’t like how he went crazy, psycho, murderer and then was just accepted back with open arms, for the most part anyways. I didn’t watch Naruto until I was 17 so that may also have something to do with it but? Idk, just really dislike him 🙃
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Hiruzen Sarutobi (Third Hokage)
Okay. So. I really actually hate him lmao. I always see people ranting and raving about what an amazing hokage he was. Ummmmmm excuse me? He was awful! He promised to take care of Naruto, love him and treat him like his own but he actually didn’t? He never payed any attention to him and shoved him into some shitty ass apartments on his own? Plus the WHOLE VILLAGE bullied Naruto and he did nothing to stop it? Yeah, he’s awful. I understand he’s not biologically related to Naruto and all, but he still made that promise to Minato/Kushina and should’ve respected it. Yes, he could’ve just left him on the streets which is worse, but there was so much more he could have done FOR Naruto. I also understand he barely payed attention to his own grandson but still. You get the point. I don’t think he did anything right by those kids. I also think he’s to blame for the Uchiha massacre. Like, he knew what they were doing and went “ya know what itachi, why don’t you go kill them all and then fuck off even tho we know about this bc fuck you????” He knew about the Uchihas plans for YEARS and then with Danzo-
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L O V E / H A T E
I know you didn’t ask for this but I have to talk about this one person
Alrighty. This one is gonna be long like the Third Hokage’s. So I have moments where I both love and hate Sakura. I really do want her to be my favorite characters, but it’s really fucking hard. Honestly she’s probably my fave female character besides Temari, who was turned into a useless housewife, and Tsunade who is actually a /decent/ female character, post-Naruto fucking knocking some god damn sense into her. So really, I guess that makes her my fave female of the Konoha 12? Idk. A N Y W A Y S. Most of the women are done poorly, but Kishimoto has admitted to not being able to write them well so, it’s more understandable
Anyways. I’ll start out with why I dislike her
I HATE what she did to Naruto. It was seriously fucked up of her to use his feelings for her against him and just- Ugh, that shit really grinds my gears and pisses me off because I’ve been in Naruto’s shoes before in a situation like that with someone. I also hated how she STILL pined over Sasuke and ENDED UP WITH HIM???? Honestly, I don’t think Sasuke should have gotten with anyone and that’s because he does not seem emotionally ready/available to be in a (healthy) relationship, NOT because I don’t like him and I think he doesn’t deserve happiness. But anyways, I digress. I know that looks aren’t the most important things buuuuuut Studio Pierrot really made her look bad. Not only does she look more badass in the manga, but she actually has decent sex appeal. The only reason I bring that up specifically is because a LOT of people like to compare her to Ino and Hinata and make fun of her flat chest. I feel like it’s also worth mentioning, that anytime Sasuke was around or even mentioned, she turned into a babbling idiot, which is probably her biggest downfall to me
Now, on to why I like her
Sakura is the strongest NORMAL person in the world of Naruto, whether you want to believe it or not. Naruto and Sasuke are literal GODS. Even if they are reincarnations, they’re still gods. Of course Sakura is going to be useless compared to them. BUT compare her to other characters and she’s def stronger than them. She has surpassed her teacher, Tsunade, who was one of the Legendary Sannin. She’s also much stronger than Kakashi, who was a child prodigy and jonin at the age of thirteen. She also was also able to nearly go toe-to-toe with a member of the Akatsuki. I know she had help from Lady Chiyo, but she still did well, all things considered. Deidara has also stated previously that Sasori was stronger than him, so with that in consideration, she would have probably been able to beat him on her own and possibly several other members of the Akatsuki
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yioh · 4 years ago
hii yura ^^ im not that into anime yet, the only anime ive ever watched is erased and then i also started a few i never finished,, if you want to or have time to i would be happy to get some recommendations :) if you dont thats also okay! hope youre having a nice day! sending you lots of love!!💜🧡
heyo !! ooooo erased is a nice starting anime, hmm as for reccs i would say
if u want something emotionally consuming and devestating but beautiful and cool and very interesting id say zankyou no terror. this changed me as a kid lmao
jujutsu kaisen is an ongoing anime (up to episode 6) and i think itd be a nice anime for newbies !! its abt these 3 students who fight curses (monsters) and the fight scenes r nice and the characters are so cute and funny !!! it looks like it will go a bit deep tho,
i always recc akatsuki no yona because its such a perfect lil story with 24 episodes . its about a pampered princess who loses everything she's ever known, and her journey to become a true ruler, the character development is so satsifying and it has a fantasy historical setting !! the romance is also v cute and a side plot so its not overwhelming ( i hate focus on romance lol)
mob psycho 100 - a kid who has insane psychic powers but is average in every other aspect. its HILARIOUS and the animation is chefs kiss but also it has some very interesting life lessons !!
3 gatsu no lion - if you would like a gentle soothing slice of life where u just want to relax this is the one. its about this 17 yr old kid who lives alone and has depression who meets people and heals and plays shogi, the art and animation is so soft and warm !!
death parade - an extremely unique storyline abt where u go in the afterlife and stuff, i dont really know how to explain it but i highly recc u watch the trailer and read the synopsis to see if u like it !! the first ep blew my mind
psycho pass - another unique storyline in a world where computer intelligence measures the liklihood of a person being a crimimal, it discusses the morals of computer intelligence and whether its right for a computer to decide the outcome of a human life and has a super cool villain !!!!
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bloomingtalent · 5 years ago
Protect for the drabble meme `v`
Protect: My character keeps yours from harm
This wasn't supposed to happen! She didn't want to witness Sakura loosing a fight - and because of her no less! But their enemy proved to be smarter than the usual ones. He was an Akatsuki member after all. And with both of them being more or less short-range fighters, it was harder to find an opening, especially when the other managed to keep both of them occupied with just one puppet!
Hinata leaped aside as metal spears shot into her direction and decided to use that little opening to get to Sasori...but to her shock, she saw another one following but it was headed towards Sakura while she was trying to get close to Sasori.
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"S-sakura-chan!" she called out in panic, already rushing forward but the attack was too fast! By the time she made it there, she would be hit! That's when an idea came to her and she held out her palm before forcing a large gust of wind into collision course with the spear, successfully deflecting it. But her moment of relief was interrupted when she noticed the metal sand having surrounded her now, blocking out her view of the other kunoichi.
What was going to happen?
And the answer came shortly after when a purple cloud slowly began to fill the entrapment and Hinata held her breath instantly - this was poison! But how long could she hold on like this?
Luckily, she heard Sakura's angered cry from outside before punching part of the metal wall surrounding her and quickly dragging her outside before facing the villain who seemed not to have been fazed in the slightest.
This was truly a dangerous enemy!
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zutaras · 6 years ago
@adreamofspring yes of course there are subtitles :D 
Yona of the Dawn (Akatsuki no Yona): 
Yona of the Dawn follows the story of 16-year old, red-haired girl named Yona. Being the sole princess of her kingdom, Yona has it all: the finest clothes and cosmetics, the most divine sweets, and a loving emperor as a father. However, all of this changes on the day of her birthday, when Yona finds Soo-Won, her childhood friend, assassinating her father to secure his own place on the throne. Yona flees with her bodyguard and friend Hak, and together they begin a life on the run. Along the way, Yona learns to fight for herself, encounters both new friends and enemies out to silence her, and learns of a prophecy that will ultimately shape her fate.
my comments: very GoT like. There’s prohecies, lore, and a great female protagonist. I also really love the villains in the show! this a graphic novel (which you can read online!) but it was animated (not all the current chapters though): https://www.youtube.com/playlistlist=PLwazKLaN7rLi6Ma3irzEG1gwUnllvIznG 
Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms (aka Eternal Love) 
After a devastating war, the immortal tribe paid a heavy price to seal the ghost lord Qing Cang through the sacrifice of their God of War, Mo Yuan. 70,000 years later, in an attempt to re-seal the ghost lord who was about to break free, Bai Qian (Yang Mi)'s memories and powers were sealed by the ghost lord, and she was sent to the mortal realm to undergo a trial as part of her ascension to a High Goddess.
all the episodes are subtitled and on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmhVK9onFLY&list=PLMOLgNd7NKLc13HrAuycTyENHd5l16CnH
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something-like-air · 6 years ago
Naruto Asks
Meme created by @aroranger
thanks to @a-kid-named-hiro for tagging me!
1) Favorite village? I like Kiri just because it looks like a mess but not like the worst one
2) Favorite Kage? Minato!
3) Which villain would you most like to fight?
I would pay real people money to fuckin fight danzo
4) Favorite Chuunin Exam fight?
sasuke v gaara even tho it got cut short like the first time watching that... i mean wow dude that was some shit. 
5) How would you have cheated during the Chuunin Exams? Um. By being a nerd who studies
6) Byakugan, Sharingan, or Rinnegan? Sharingan i mean what can’t it do at this point 
7) Which battle was your favorite?
I watch sasuke v itachi for fun because i hate myself 
8) Favorite female ninja’s outfit?
temari’s, literally at any given point in the story
9) Favorite male ninja’s outfit? Hashirama, Tobirama, and Madara’s.
10) Favorite ninja’s hair? gotta be either itachi or ino  
11) How would you wear your headband?
around my head because im a lil boring
12) What would your ninjutsu be?
i like temari’s fan jutsu so if i could just straight up copy that we’d be set
13) What ninjas would you want as your teammates? Gimme some ino-shika-cho, or team 8. they’ve got their heads on right
14) Which opening is your favorite? Sign! 
15) Which closing is your favorite? I... don’t really know? 
16) How long have you been into Naruto? thirteen... years.... fuck
17) Do you mostly watch or read Naruto? Watch
18) Favorite characters? Karin, Itachi, Tobirama, Shisui.
19) Least favorite character? i... kinda.... don’t... really like sakura... i mean i DO but like... mmmm
20) Do you own any Naruto merch? Not really.
21) In the Akatsuki what color would you paint your nails? Gold! Or purple
22) Who would you want your partner to be in the Akatsuki? Itachi even tho that’d probably be a bad choice.
23) Have you ever played any of the Naruto video games? Nope!
24) Weapon of choice? Bigass fan
25) Favorite clan? Uchiha.
26) Favorite Uchiha? Itachi!
27) What animal would you summon?
29) Favorite arc?
Chunin exams. SO much promise and mmm we were all disappointed
30) OTP?
Itachi/Shisui, mada/tobi, narusasu
31) BrOTP?
i’ll be real like i ship it romantically but itachi/karin would be the most chaotic  fucking brotp like fuckin good luck sasuke like shit you’re never getting away with anything again
32) Favorite non-human character?
i like the ninja cats!
33) Favorite Bijuu? son goku!
34) Favorite Jinchuuriki? gaara, that sweet baby boy
35) What ninja occupation would you choose? probably med nin so i could just... you know, stay out of all that
alright good luck @paperprincex @h0ehinata @extraordinarily-prettyteeth @lady-serai @owolicious @contragram yeah i know thats you twice what of it
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loadbearinonion · 4 years ago
1) favorite village: konoha
2) favorite kage: nidaime hokage
3) which villain would you most like to fight: madara so I could kill him a lot.
4) favorite chunin exam fight: gaara/lee
5) how would you have cheated during the chunin exams: I would have stolen akamaru
6) byakugan, sharingan, or rinnegan:  rinnegan
7) which battle was your favorite: gai/juubi madara
8) favorite female ninja’s outfit: tenten post 4th war
9) favorite male ninja’s outfit: tenzo ANBU
10) favorite ninja’s hair: neji
11) how would you wear your headband: happuri
12) what would your ninjutsu be: mokuton
13) what ninjas would you want as your teammates: tenzo, gai, tobirama, tsunade, kakashi
14) which opening is your favorite: part 1: tie 2 & 5, part 2: 8
15) which closing is your favorite part 1: #1, part 2: #23
16) how long have you been into naruto: about 2 years
17) do you mostly watch or read naruto: mostly watch
18) favorite character: tenzo
19) least favorite character: danzo
20) do you own any naruto merch: yes
21) in the akatsuki what color would you paint your nails: periwinkle
22) who would you want your partner to be in the akatsuki: konan
23) have you ever played any of the naruto video games: no
24) weapon of choice: katana
25) favorite clan: senju
26) favorite uchiha: I dislike sasuke the least overall, I guess.
27) what animal would you summon: peregrine falcon
28) favorite filler episode: mecha naruto
29) favorite arc: naruto v pain
30) otp: kakashi x tenzo
31) brotp kakashi & gai
32) favorite non-human character: fukasaku
33) favorite bijuu: shukaku
34) favorite jinchuriki: naruto
35) what ninja occupation would you choose: rokudaime's assistant
Naruto asks
1) favorite village 2) favorite kage 3) which villain would you most like to fight 4) favorite chunin exam fight 5) how would you have cheated during the chunin exams 6) byakugan, sharingan, or rinnegan 7) which battle was your favorite 8) favorite female ninja’s outfit 9) favorite male ninja’s outfit 10) favorite ninja’s hair 11) how would you wear your headband 12) what would your ninjutsu be 13) what ninjas would you want as your teammates 14) which opening is your favorite 15) which closing is your favorite 16) how long have you been into naruto 17) do you mostly watch or read naruto 18) favorite character 19) least favorite character 20) do you own any naruto merch 21) in the akatsuki what color would you paint your nails 22) who would you want your partner to be in the akatsuki 23) have you ever played any of the naruto video games 24) weapon of choice 25) favorite clan 26) favorite uchiha 27) what animal would you summon 28) favorite filler episode 29) favorite arc 30) otp 31) brotp 32) favorite non-human character 33) favorite bijuu 34) favorite jinchuriki 35) what ninja occupation would you choose
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hotwngz · 6 years ago
For the naruto asks: binch all of them?
LOL first u prompt me to talk about my general thoughts on greed and now this. youre a real one
1) favorite villagenot 2 b basic but konoha. And sunagakure. Amegakure is cool too like the architecture is weird but im into it2) favorite kage6th hokage and 5th kazekage 😏3) which villain would you most like to fightI want to throttle danzo4) favorite chunin exam fightgaara vs rock lee for life. But i think sasuke v gaara is a close second.5) how would you have cheated during the chunin examsIf we’re talking abt the written test, Oliver sneaks around and sends me answers via our synced 3rd eye chakras6) byakugan, sharingan, or rinnegansharingan7) which battle was your favoriteGaara v lee. Gaara v deidara. Sasuke vs deidara. Sasuke vs itachi. i still have whiplash from naruto vs pain. shikamaru and kakashi vs hidan and kakuzu. o and kakashi vs pain was fun :))8) favorite female ninja’s outfitlove temari, karui and kurenais lewks.9) favorite male ninja’s outfiti rly like sais gay ass crop top outfit and all of gaaras outfits are cool af. tbh any of them that include those mesh undershirts have my vote10) favorite ninja’s hairdeidara and kakashi.11) how would you wear your headbandstapled to my ass12) what would your ninjutsu beoff the shits no jutsu. Ill tell u what I WANT. i would kill for lightning style anything since ive aways been a hoe for that shit. static shock no jutsu i wear socks and slide across the carpet then i zap u. im also a BIG fan of how extra deidaras explosion release jutsu is. if i could do something like that where its a fun little creative outlet and causes mass destruction itd b ideal. sais jutsu too like its basically the equivalent of the magic pencil in spongebob. doodlebob no jutsu. also evil meals no jutsu bc im a ninja chef on the side13) what ninjas would you want as your teammatesAll my obvious faves but imma highlight shino bc we r both bug loving bitches and shikamaru bc i would appreciate his ability to formulate brilliant strategies but also constantly make fun of him like “omg shikamaru your mind 🤯”14) which opening is your favoriteI answered this 1 already but ill just copy paste. In og naruto besides the obv choice of WE ARE FIGHTING DREAMERS i think opening 2 is still my fave cuz that song slaps. And shippuden openings 1, 4 and… 10. I havent even gotten that far but i have seen that op and its. rly something.15) which closing is your favoriteI mainly remember ending 1 from og naruto like its such a classic vibe and 12 mostly for the song. For shippuden i have several faves so far bc several of them r whack and it cracks me up. 6 bc sasunaru real, and 10 bc everyone is just @ the beach in swimwear for some reason. And then the one where the main chorus is just the word “bicycle” over and over primarily bc naruto and sakura actually complain about it in one of the omakes16) how long have you been into narutoI think its been 7 years but ive been quiet….Im ready to be annoying again now17) do you mostly watch or read narutowatch, ive only read a few volumes of the manga.18) favorite characterbitch i love so many. kakashi, sand sibs, naruto, yamato, deidara, sai, suigetsu, lee, itachi, hidan, shikamaru, tenten, shino…i could go on19) least favorite characteronce again, FUCK danzo. also i like do not care about konohamaru tbh. he gets too much screen time like pls im begging just give it to tenten instead.20) do you own any naruto merchi have a headband and i just got some prints and stuff. And because im me and idk how to save money Im boutta have more soon ;-)21) in the akatsuki what color would you paint your nails..matte black, for the aesthetic22) who would you want your partner to be in the akatsukideidara the original art hoe. & i think id get along with hidan. we r both annoying and a little dumb23) have you ever played any of the naruto video gamesnaruto ultimate ninja storm but idr which one. i miss it tho and i almost want to buy a game console so i can play it again24) weapon of choiceI have no skills with anything except knives so id prob keep it simple with kunai and shuriken. And paper bombs  25) favorite clanAburame, inuzuka and nara cuz bugs dogs and shadows i need not elaborate26) favorite uchihaGenuinely just love the uchiha bros but. itAChiIIIIIIIII27) what animal would you summonhaha snakes. We got ninken why not ninhebi. but i love that tsunade summons slugs tho like i rly identify with that too28) favorite filler episodeEveryones fave: the one where they try 2 see kakashis face. And im now trying to recover from the one in shippuden where naruto and sasuke get their hands stuck together while on a mission. I cannot believe…..29) favorite arcI honestly forget a lot of the arcs from classic naruto but i liked the zabuza arc a lot actually. And the chuunin exams is just a classic. Then out of shippuden the kazekage rescue mission, tenchi bridge, akatsuki suppression mission, pain’s assault and thats abt as far as ive gotten into the series so far30) otpKotetsu and izumo. Also heres the tea: sasunaru is real. Ino and sakura r in love. Temari and shikamaru is like, the only valid canon ship. And kakashi has like 4 boyfriends. The end.31) brotpSharkboy from sharkboy and lavagirl and kisame32) favorite non-human characterpakkun and katsuyu33) favorite bijuuKurama Shukaku and matatabi bc kitty34) favorite jinchurikigaara naruto and killer b35) what ninja occupation would you choosejounin. i like the vest plus im tired and in my 20s so id fit right in.
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willowchord · 2 years ago
Sending you a Naruto ask post (in whole); do if ya want ❤️
1) favorite village
2) favorite kage
3) which villain would you most like to fight
4) favorite chunin exam fight
5) how would you have cheated during the chunin exams
6) byakugan, sharingan, or rinnegan
7) which battle was your favorite
8) favorite female ninja’s outfit
9) favorite male ninja’s outfit
10) favorite ninja’s hair
11) how would you wear your headband
12) what would your ninjutsu be
13) what ninjas would you want as your teammates
14) which opening is your favorite
15) which closing is your favorite
16) how long have you been into naruto
17) do you mostly watch or read naruto
18) favorite character
19) least favorite character
20) do you own any naruto merch
21) in the akatsuki what color would you paint your nails
22) who would you want your partner to be in the akatsuki
23) have you ever played any of the naruto video games
24) weapon of choice
25) favorite clan
26) favorite uchiha
27) what animal would you summon
28) favorite filler episode
29) favorite arc
30) otp
31) brotp
32) favorite non-human character
33) favorite bijuu
34) favorite jinchuriki
35) what ninja occupation would you choose
1. Leaf
2. Fifth Hokage, Lady Tsunade
3. I want Kabuto to destroy me
4. Gaara V. Rock Lee
5. With my Byakugan, obviously
6. See 5.
7. Gaara v. that bone bitch
8. Hinata's
9. Kakashi's
10. Sakura's
11. Around the neck, loose
12. Ice Style! Ice Release Jutsu!
13. Shikamaru and Temari
14. Season 2
15. Also season 2
16. I started as a kid but didn't think ab it for 15 years
17. I watch Naruto
18. I like Shikamaru and Hinata
19. Sakura, she exists to cry
20. I wear a leaf headband as I write this
21. Burnt Orange
22. Deidara
23. Shinobi Striker!
24. Giant Fan
25. Whichever one the Sand Siblings are from
26. Itachi
27. Raven
28. Kakashi's True Face Revealed!
29. Sakura's love arc
30. Shikamaru and Temari
31. Neji and Sasuke
32. Gababunta!
33. One-Tailed Shikaku
34. Gaara
35. I am here to work at a ninja pet store, where ninja pick their summons.
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daybreakrising · 4 years ago
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@fightingdreamcrs​ asked:  “ i don’t fear death. i fear anonymity. ” [ from Dei for your choice ] | Meme
He didn’t answer immediately, didn’t even appear to acknowledge the other asides from the slightest shift of his head. They were not friends, of course. He was quite sure Deidara viewed him as some sort of goal to overcome - which, he admitted, reminded him so much of Sasuke that it was almost enough to make him fond of the blond. 
Eyes closed, he sensed out where Deidara stood, anticipating further remarks or for him to leave having had no response. When he didn’t, Itachi opened his eyes, the world before him already dimming. “Fame is not everything.” Clan-killer Itachi. “Sometimes it is a chain around your neck.” Deidara couldn’t know the true weight of his own infamy. How it sat in the pit of his stomach like a sickness, tormented his mind whenever he tried to find peace. 
“Sometimes I wish for anonymity.” He closed his eyes again to the rapidly fading world. “Sometimes I wish for death.”
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nntheblog · 3 years ago
In Which Episode Do We See Dream Of Tsunade?
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Naruto Shippuden is one of the three big anime and has provided some great moments. The story is told by Masashi Kishimoto and follows Naruto, a young knuckleheaded Ninja. Naruto is an orphan and has the Nine-Tails Fox in him. Naruto has 720 episodes. Part one, simply called Naruto, contains 220 episodes. Part two, also known as Naruto Shippuden has 500 episodes. Some might find 720 episodes a bit much to watch. The show is very popular but it also has many filler episodes. Some fillers are boring but others are worth the effort. Here we will look at Dream of Tsunade, a filler. A few filler episodes provide the backstory for a character as told in Kakashi’s chronicles. Kakashi's Chronicles provided a glimpse into the early days of Kakashi. We also get to see the story of Itachi Uchiha, a fan favorite. Madara Uchiha is one of the show's main villains. She casts the Infinite Tsukuyomi. According to Madara, the Infinite Tsukuyomi will bring about world peace. We saw all major characters' dreams during the Tsukuyomi. Tsunade, the Hokage at the time, had one such dream. What Episodes Did Tsunade's Night Cover? The Infinite Tsukuyomi began in Episode 426. It continued until the end. After Naruto, Sasuke and Kaguya are able to seal Kaguya away, Episode 474 ends the infinite Tsukuyomi. Tsunade's Tsukuyomi dreams span episodes 432 through 450. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3Jny6Kzdcw&ab_channel=NarutoAnimeChannel Infinite Tsukuyomi Everyone's Dream By NarutoAnimeChannel What happens in Tsunade’s Dream? Tsunade’s Tsukuyomi Dream arc uses the story of Jiraiya's novel in a dream within Tsunade’s dream. We are transported to a completely different world of shinobi, one that we all hoped for Naruto. After the nine tails attack, Minato and Kushina were both alive and well. As Minato predicted, the Uchiha clan did not fall. Hiruzen Sarutobi was able to negotiate with Uchiha. Itachi and Sasuke never became rogue as a result. Naruto is working to control the chakra of the nine tails, and Naruto is willingly helping the nine tails. Naruto is joined by Nagato, Konan and others who have not died. Team Kakashi and Team Kurenai, Team Guy and Team Asuma go on a mission. They will investigate recent abductions and disappearances of academy graduates. This is where Akatsuki is found to be responsible. Nearly everyone gets up and leaves after saving the students. Jiraiya travels to Orochimaru’s hideouts. Neji departs Naruto to follow a byakugan-wielding masked man. Neji is with the masked guy and leaves his friends. Sasuke, Sakura and the other side are attacked by Sasori. Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto are saved by Naruto, who causes Sasori's retreat. Later, it is revealed that the mask-wearing man is actually Hizashi Hyuga (Neji's father) who has reincarnated. Part 2 of Tsunade Dream Sasuke returns to the village and begins his Chidori training with Kakashi. Naruto, on the other hand, goes to Jiraiya and Minato to improve his Rasengan. Sasuke asks for a transfer to Konoha military police from team 7. This is because he is jealous of Naruto's strength. Naruto goes with Jiraiya for training, while Sakura begins training under Tsunade. Sasuke is now as powerful as Itachi and Shisui after the time skip. Fugaku nominates Sasuke lieutenant in police force. Naruto returns to the village soon and fights Sasuke. The fight ends abruptly. Sasuke gets angry at Naruto and threatens Kushina. Fugaku then expels Sasuke permanently from the police force. Sasuke then leaves the village to go to Orochimaru. Minato hears this and orders a search operation for Sasuke. Naruto, Shikamaru and Team Guy leave the village in secret and later join Team Guy. Sasuke confronts Orochimaru, demanding more power. Orochimaru grants the cursed seal of Orochimaru to Sasuke. In an epic battle, Naruto and Sasuke are enraged. Itachi is seen and it is said that he dies after taking one Sasuke's attack. Naruto is on the losing side of the battle. Itachi is remembered by Sasuke, who awakens Mangekyo Sharingan. Pain Assault And The War Pain arrives in Konoha to seek revenge on Yahiko's murder, which he believes was caused by Minato's order to destroy a village. In his Chibaku Tensei, he captures the entire village. Naruto arrives and begins the battle against Pain. It is very similar to Pain's assault arc. When Pain has Naruto trapped by Pain, Kushina comes to his aid. Naruto escapes to Nagato's hideout, where he uses his talk no Jutsu to save the village. Sasuke, on the other hand, kills Orochimaru. Sasori confronts him and says Akatsuki will help him exact his revenge on Konoha. Naruto and his companions make their way to the Akatsuki hideout. Realizing Sasori is evil, Sasuke decides to help Naruto to stop him. Team 7 summons Jutsu. Jiraiya, Nagato, and Konan arrive to assist Naruto. Itachi arrives, saves Sasuke, and also arrives with Nagato and Konan. We all realized what we had always wanted. Itachi and Sasuke use their Susanoos to defeat the puppets. Tsunade Tsukuyomi Dream Comes To An End As in the original ending Naruto meets Sasuke in an epic battle. Both of them trade blows. The fight ends after they have exhausted themselves with a variety of attacks. Sasuke accepts defeat and returns to the village. Tsunade awakens to see Dan in the Hokage Hat. They will be attending the Five Kage summit. Tsunade sees Jiraiya and Orochimaru as he descends the hall. Later, however, it becomes clear that Tsunade was still sleeping under the Tsukuyomi, and was actually dreaming. Conclusion Overall, Lady Tsunade had the most amazing Tsukuyomi Dream we have ever seen. While filler episodes are not always worth watching, this filler episode is truly special. This filler episode shows Naruto living the life we all hoped for. He grew up with his mother, father, and sensei Jiraiya. This is something that not only us wanted but also Naruto himself wanted. Fans would appreciate this dream, but it would not be a reality. Naruto wouldn't have been what they see today. We would love to hear your thoughts about this dream or any other. Read the full article
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kunoichisquad · 7 years ago
@All Kunoichi do you'll like to dance? Who, in each of you'll' s individual opinion, say is the best dancer?
Hanabi: I Like dance, I am pretty good at it.
Temari: I really like to dance. Actually, I’m an expert at Flamenco Dance!
Tenten: I enjoy dancing mostly because it’s a projection of my self-image, I can express myself in a way that no one understands!                                                  However, I’m really not that great of a dancer ;v; I really like Hinata’s style though! You should see her on the dance floor -winks-
Hinata: I-I’m not that great at dancing, but I love it and enjoy it nonetheless.
Anko: I don’t dance much. I do a little movement here and there, but I don’t call it dancing.
Konan: I never danced in my life. Do you think a villain like me has time to do that? I have paperwork and missions to do. Non stop. So, I don’t even know if I’m good.  I may be a born dancer and not even know it. I also don’t dare myself to do it, I don’t know what the rest of the Akatsuki will think of me if I do. I never saw anyone here dance, so I do not know who the best dancer is.
Karin: I don’t enjoy dancing if I can feel it. That said I will strip and pole dance when intoxicated.…Or so I’ve been told.
Ino: Oh I like dancing, I even took classes as a kid
Sakura: I can, I like to, I’m not amazing at it. It’s a fun thing to do. Also Hinata is likely the best.
Shizune: I am not a dancer, I enjoy it but if given the choice; I would rather not.
Kuro: I’m not the best dancer, not the worst either.
Tsunade- Ha! Of course I got my moves! I used to kill at dance floor when I was younger… Well, I’m still young! I can still kill at the dance floor!
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softshouyous-archive · 7 years ago
everything that hasn't been asked if nobody asked (rip) do all
GJFKLGJF I GET ASKS,,,,, (okay maybe not on this blog LOL)
1. best anime you’ve watchedgod,,,,, it’s a tie between haikyuu and hunter x hunter because
haikyuu: vvvv wholesome and pure, friendship is v important, v emotional, v funny, i really really enjoy the relationships that the charas have with each other, and just,,,, nice hunter x hunter: also a huge slap of wholesomeness, but it’s also v…. different and often deviates from Typical Shonen. i enjoy how togashi handles some things unexpectedly (pls excuse my incoherence and lack of eloquence LOL) but like for ex when opponents would see gon and killua they’d be like ‘lol they’re just kids lmao’ but then it’s like,,, they’re actually v Strong??? and also oh when he does that thing where something earlier in the series is brought up again in a subtle way??? like in the beginning of the hunter exam, killua drank like ten cans of tonpa’s (oh yeah he’s someone who i h8ted totally forgot about him) orange juice (i’m gonna say orange because saying that killua drank tonpa’s juice sounds kinda uh unwanted) it ended with him asking for one last one, but we never saw him drink it so it was assumed he did. but it turns out he used it for later when they got to the second stage of the exam where they all had to get through the moss??? lands and gon and killua got trapped in that huge frog thing and that’s sO COOL
there are um more reasons but this is already long enough LOL5. worst ending of an anime you’ve watchednot WORST because i can’t think of one LOL but i didn’t like angel beats’s ending just because it made me sad LOL 7. top anime you plan to watchi actually don’t think i have any in mind???? 8. first anime you’ve ever watchedpokemon!!9. lastest anime you’ve watchedboku no hero academia!!!10. top 5 characters you would die foroh bitch (no order)1. hinata (because i love he)2. kurapika (because my baby has been through so much with his family and everything and then trying to get the eyes and the isolation gdkfjghdfj)3. shin ah (my baby,,,,, he’s been through so much too ))): )4. neji (they should have taken me)5. killua (his family sucks ultra dick)13. favorite one shot (1 season) animedEFINITELY gekkan shoujo nozaki kun14. favorite completed (multi seasoned) animeoh bitch,,,,,, hunter x hunter16. animes you wish had another seasongekkan shoujo nozaki kun and akatsuki no yona!!!!!17. animes that didn’t deserve more seasons but got them anywaysuhhhh i don’t know???? i don’t really watch anime that i dislike LOL18. favorite villainsasori and deidara!!!! 19. favorite heroall,,, of them,,,,20. favorite costume/character designoh god my memory is so bad,,,,,,,, i really like kurapika’s first outfit LOLOL21. ugliest costume/character designidk about ugly but hisoka’s,,,,, confuses me22. any endings that you would rewritedon’t think so???23. characters that deserved betterneji hyuuga24. favorite genrecomedyyyyyyy it’s hard for me to watch an anime that isn’t comedy unless the plot/etc is really good25. best relationship between characters in your favorite animeoh,,,, oh god,,,,,,,,,haikyuu: hmm,,,,, i really like hinata and noya, hinata and kagayama, and hinata and kenma!! oH and akaashi and bokuto and bokuto and hinata!! oh and i find kuroo and yaku’s to be v interesting hxh: killugon obvi (not best bc idk i feel bad saying that but my fave) but i also enjoy gon and kurapika’s relationship!!26. first crush on a charactersasuke not hokage uchiha LOL 27. which anime universe would you like to live in/be a part ofhm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i don’t know jklfdj28. give me two animes to pick betweenhaikyuu and bnha??
haikyuu,,,, bnha honey i’m sorry baby29. give me two characters to pick betweenkuroo and kenma?? 
jkgdljgkd god this is actually kinda hard because i love kuroo because he’s stupid but also,,, v Good (like when he apologized about tsukki that was so nice i didn’t expect that) and nice like when he said he wanted a karasuno v nekoma match because it’s something their senseis wanted,,,, -explodes- 
but i also love kenma because idk i just really adore him,,,, like i love his chara development a lot and i can relate a bit because of him not wanting to talk to people,,,,,,,, damn,,,,,,,,,,,,, pro,,,,bab,ly,,,,,,,,,, um,,,,,, death30. favorite animes you’d recommendoh god oh bitch i def recommend haikyuu, hxh (i know it’s 148 episodes but listen you can watch it at your own pace!!! you don’t have to watch it all at once please please watch it i’ll baby sit your pets), akatsuki no yona (i know some people don’t like romance/shoujo but tbh it’s not that romancey actually??? it’s so funny and it has Great Chara Dev), gekkan shoujo nozaki kun, one punch man, and boku no hero academia!!31. animes to stay away fromuhhhh??? 32. most overrated anime in your opinionmmm i’m not sure kjfdlgfk33. most underrated anime in your opinionalso not sure kjglfkgd34. animes you’re looking forward toi don’t have any o:35. favorite animation stylehaikyuu????36. least favorite animation style????
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