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stingslikeabee · 2 months ago
@5judgements . from here
To bring the magistrate in charge of the 13th bureau to his knees (quite literally) had been a shared dream among Bhujerbans - not many were willing to accept the ostensive presence of Archades in the Sky City, manifested in the judge's visits (and threats) to the Marquis while inspecting the mines. The dancer had been among them once, as well - determined to bring a horrible fate to him, scared and alone as many of her compatriots when they perished during the war.
And yet 'Melissa' was no more - the elaborate identity created by Ondore, the web of lies carefully constructed to entrap the weaker link among the feared group of officers (or so it was supposed at the time). The fact that would-be-murderer and potential victim had married, moved away from the imperial power seat and traded such words with fond smiles and tender caresses was testament to how much the Resistance had failed in that aspect.
But the war had been won through other means - perhaps one day Ondore too would be able to forgive his agent, and Lilian would feel less of a traitor to set foot in her homeland.
For now, home was the Phon Coast - surrounded by the sea instead of the clouds, but freeing in a different sense. Even if their complicated story had been left behind in Archades and their neighbors just believed the newlyweds to be a regular couple like many other settlers (despite the fact that the imposing aura of a judge was never truly gone, even without armor), the past came alive during their conversations. Even if they were devoid of resentment, transformed into teasing remarks more than anything else.
Lilian's right hand traced the visage of her husband, diligently moving over every inch of skin before settling under the chin, finding room in-between her legs. For a moment, her honeyed hues were impossibly tender - full of affection and kindness for the one who held her country by the throat and yet who sacrificed everything to see her safe.
The Bhujerban had learned to love the enemy and no one ever saw it coming.
"In your back? You believe me that predictable, kanta?" Lilian smiled, thumb sliding over her husband's lips before leaving his face, wordlessly motioning for him to get closer - by parting her legs and adjusting her weight over the mattress, eventually she had enough room to press two digits to his neck, all the while leaning back and bringing the former magistrate to be over her, trapping the performer against the bed.
"I planned for your throat, of course," the Bhujerban carried on, adding minimal pressure to the area, marking where her final act would have been performed if her own heart hadn't blurred the lines, "Preferably while we were together so you had no means to escape. You would have perished while inside me - I think that would have been merciful," the description came to an end, tempered with a curve of lips and roaming hands that did not match such gruesome depiction.
"Would that have been an acceptable demise for the judge magister Ghis?"
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swoodthis · 1 year ago
WHY must my two favorite Final Fantasy games be 5 and 12, the games everyone else hates?!
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jadagul · 1 year ago
I knew that Gilgamesh showed up in FFXII, and was still surprised when Gilgamesh showed up in FFXII.
(And of course he's hanging out on a bridge. Goddammit.)
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disillusionedjudge · 9 months ago
((tag drop 3
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stingslikeabee · 1 month ago
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Alain Delon in Purple Noon Plein soleil (1960) dir. René Clément
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sir-adamus · 4 months ago
i do like how FFXIV re-uses elements and plot beats from previous Final Fantasy games to tell new stories
like the Garlean Empire is a send-up to the Gestahlian Empire from FFVI (though named for Garland from FFI - same with Cid Garlond, who is a more direct reference) with their magitek and general bullshit, but Nael from 1.0 is essentially FFXIV's equivalent to Sephiroth, disenfranchised as a soldier and driven mad by the whisperings in her ear from a higher power, trying to end the world by Meteor. Garlean Legati are also modelled on the Judges from FFXII
Gilgamesh doesn't count because he's just the same Gilgamesh from V that has appeared in numerous other FF games, traveling between dimensions
Crystal Tower, the bosses within, and Doga and Unei are lifted from FFIII
Matoya is an elderly woman who lives in a cave, much like a character of the same name did in FFI
Shinryu and its propensity to come out of bumfuck nowhere to be a problem is from FFV, as is Omega, a mechanical being that lives within the Interdimensional Rift (and his raids basically feature cameos from other games). Krile and her grandfather Galuf also originate from V
Doma, Hien and his father Kaien are all references to FFVI as well (in the localisation, Lord Cyan, a Samurai, ruled Doma, and his son was Owain - they were Kaien and Hien in the original Japanese however)
the Return to Ivalice storyline uses elements from all across the Ivalice Alliance games, from FFTactics to FFXII (though while Ultima resembles her Tactics incarnation she's blended with Jenova from FFVII)
the Weapons from the Werlyt storyline are sendups to the Weapons from FFVII (though instead of being naturally occurring superbeings, these are highly destructive biomechanical super fighting robots)
the entire Eden plotline in Shadowbringers is FFVIII, with Ryne as a stand-in for Rinoa and Gaia for Squall (though with elements of Ultimecia)
the whole post-Endwalker story is Final Fantasy IV, just with Zero in place of Cecil - Golbez, the four Archfiends, all that is just IV
i know all the Alexandria stuff in Dawntrail is a whole reference to FFIX, however the concept of all memories of a person being erased when they die is from FFType-0, where the Crystals of Orience do the same thing
the biggest contribution FFX brings in is Anima - a ghoulish and grotesque Summon created using a dead parent of the initial summoner as a basis (Seymour's mother in X, Zenos's father in XIV)
the Black Mage soulstone is inherited from a legendary mage named Shatotto, who is one-hundred percent a reference to Shantotto from XI (who briefly attempted to invade Eorzea in a crossover event years back). Tenzen, from the Four Lords storyline, is also lifted from XI (his katana is referred to as the Phoenix Blade, and in XI it's what allowed him to summon Phoenix)
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machiroads · 1 year ago
sitting here with my head in my hands trying to pic only one WIP title when they all intrigue me😭 I'm sorry FFXII steampunk au, I have to know what's up with When the Battle's Lost and Won
When the Battle's Lost and Won is the next installment in the Nine Lives Extended Universe and it's effectively a post-final battle post-mortem. I've been picking away at it since I finished 9L (like. a year and a half ago now) and every week a chunk of it is like "oh well this isn't going to be canon anymore" but oh well ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ WRITING CANON-ADJACENT FICS IS FUN.
It's intended to be 4 parts (Moon > Sun > Cloud > Stars) and I SINCERELY HOPE I DON'T HAVE TO CHANGE THAT.
Here's an excerpt that probably? won't have to get deleted
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The FFXII Steampunk AU is a bit of a redundant title, as FFXII's Ivalice is inherently kind of steampunk (or at least steampunk fantasy). It's a fic with a demographic of approximately two people, and it still lives in my Active folder because I inadvertently bamboozled three other very talented people into collaborating on it and then just. Didn't do anything with it for uhhhhh a solid year now. Oops.
It's a big damn adventure fantasy, featuring Spy/Bard!Mic, Airship Pilot!Shirakumo, Viera!Midnight, and Time Mage!Zawa (and the two mist-touched kids who follow him around). There's legitimately probably like. 20k of it written and I really should just put some of it up for funzies but I have a mental block against posting things that I can't commit to finishing in good faith because I have a pathological need to be reliable. Maybe some day. Not right now.
It was originally supposed to be just a loosely connected series of vignettes but those vignettes keep getting longer and longer :V
Here's a chapter transition of all time (spice warning)
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stingslikeabee · 6 months ago
ghis has sought her out with some semblance of a plan. not one concocted by his own imagination, of course, but sewn together by his desire and drace's own prowess in this field of knowledge. really without her aid he would be about as useful as a fish on land, flopping around in desperation. but all is well, at the moment, where the magistrate has invited her into his less than humble abode for a quiet night of conversation. rare are the moments as of late where he is able to call the capitol city, home. the magister's days are fairly limited to the skies he patrols well beyond archades' borders. in these moments though, where ghis can simply be, he does readily choose to spend them with her.
'you are stunning,' he compliments immediately, the man starstruck for a moment. this happens often, around melissa.
unscripted asks . always accepting
The inner rooms of the home belonging to one of the judge magisters of Archadia was a precious location for intel. One could find out much about their living conditions, food preferences and even details about a schedule that would be undisclosed otherwise. It was easier to get a trained officer to be unguarded at their own residences and to justify the casual investigation of the place under the excuses of being lost within such imponent surroundings.
The Marquis would have been overjoyed if he knew of such invitations and plans from judge Ghis - but these were never properly communicated back to the Sky City. By the time Melissa was invited to such occasions, the dancer lacked the old enthusiasm to see the man dead or held accountable by the crimes perpetrated by the empire he served. In the most unexpected twists of the fate, the Gods had seen fit to have an undercover agent turning sincere in her pretend act.
The smile when returning the invitation by writing to Ghis' aide, the careful planning into her appearance for the evening (with the right amount of jewelry, perfume and colorful fabric enveloping her body) and even the way her hand pressed into the magistrate's open compliment - none of them were rehearsed or performed with a hidden agenda in mind. At some point, surely, the leader of Bhujerba would send another missive with ciphered wording inquiring about Melissa's advances and success with the judge that had warranted a prolonged stay in imperial lands - but it was not a concern for that evening.
Perhaps, for once, Melissa shared the same lack of regard of her host for the future day - the man had stepped out of his trademark armor and opened his home (and possibly his heart) to the Bhujerban in a fashion that had no connection to his duties as a man of the law. There was no planning for the next morning, just the eagerness to profit from the rare occasion of the two of them being free and in the same city.
Once Melissa was taken further inside, the attentive servant who had been in charge of closing the doors disappeared. The first drawing room to where the dancer was steered to was very much Archadian - overflowing with the opulence and material comforts expected of someone of his station and family background. And yet, Ghis had eyes only for her, uncaring for the appearances presented. His home was often empty and impersonal - Melissa was being granted an unique chance not only to see it, but to find its owner there too, dressed as a man rather than a tool of the Empire.
"It pleases me to hear that, Jarvis," the Bhujerban mentioned in a low, intimate tone once she was lead to a comfortable couch. It lacked the exuberant covers of these at her home, but it offered more than enough room for Ghis to take a seat close to her, perhaps closer than the proper etiquette would mandate. Right hand raising to touch his face tenderly, Melissa allowed herself the boldness of those born closer to the stars in the floating island, smiling at the man before inching closer for a kiss that was as sweet as it was scandalous if the servants returned to that room.
"I dressed for your gaze alone, after all," the dancer murmured upon parting from that brief caress over the judge's lips, however lingering within his personal space, "And while I would be delighted to hear about your travels and everything that is novel about our vast world, I would also be more than happy to let you take my outfit apart. I have cleared my morning schedule following your invitation - I hope you have no intentions of seeing me leave until well after sunrise."
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stingslikeabee · 9 months ago
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sarasa-cat · 8 months ago
Finally have time to think about fandom stuff and add *at least* fanfic writing back into my life. Graphics edits/VP and Moodboards or fanart would also be great, time allowing.
The problem with not doing something for a long while is forgetting how to start because nothing is easting my brain at the moment.
Realizing that what I really need to do is to re-develop my habit of READING FANFIC because that was often what sparked my desire to write fanfic.
Not certain what I will return to, and how multi-fandom I will be in output. Possibilities:
1. I have FOUR different Thedas timelines for DAO-DA2-DAI that are of interest.
2. Need to get back to playing CP2077, mostly interested in VP/graphics/moodboards/visual stuff but I have quite a few short story ideas for my Corpo V.
3. So. Much. FFVII. Fanfic in draft-state from ages ago. (Vincent, Lucrecia, and so forth).
4. A bunch of Witcher Fanfic that is an extension of the Netflix series, fully outlined from a couple of years ago (?) but just sitting there, waiting.
5. Stardew Valley?! Yeah. Idk. I just vibe with it and it created an unexpected desire to write fanfic or to make moodboards or both. But then I found a fanfic that scratched the exact itch I wanted to see scratched which left me feeling "okay, so, now what do I write? (more of the same? idk...)" but then a very _strange_ idea hit me and I need to think it through. So there is all of that, perhaps? tbd.
6. Finish, re-edit, or tidy-and-move-to-AO3 various ooooollllddd old old fanfic, mostly for FFXII but some for DA that is currently hard for fannish readers to find because it is squirreled away in strange locations, mostly locations that are pre-AO3 but not entirely.
7. Something else I have forgotten? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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penroseparticle · 6 months ago
Hiiieeeeeeee. I heard you like v-games.
3. Favorite boss?
15. Hardest game you’ve ever played?
19. A game that you wish you could play for the first time again.
25. Favorite environment in a game?
40. Best game cover art.
I went back in my inbox and there are some asks I haven't answered, clearing things out. So throwback meme!
3. Favorite Boss:
I'm partial to Facade from Link's Awakening. I think he's simple, he's memorable. He comes at a part of the game where you learn a very big revelation. The music for The Face Shrine is stunning, and really does something interesting considering the Ballad of the Wind Fish isn't a part of the song despite being part of the other dungeons' music. I like that Facade isn't an enemy you can fight with a sword. I like that his name means edifice, and he's the floor aka part of the building, but also mask, and he's a face. I like that he comes when you have to decide between dream or reality.
Can you tell I did a Zelda deep dive a bit ago?
15. Hardest Game You've Ever Played?
This is a tough and interesting question- what's a hard game, after all. Do I play hard games? I don't know if that's something I do. I like fiddly or intricate games. But I'm not sure I play hard games- I get frustrated easily. I guess I do play hard games, but they have to onboard you really really well. You have to feel like it's hard but achievable right? Like you're struggling but you could succeed.
I might say Desktop Dungeons. Simple concept, really intricate execution, technically not hard at all, but the Tower of Ga'antalet is still not cleared on Vicious on my save file, and I followed that game from Alpha to Beta to release to Rerelease with better graphics. My account is like a decade old. Maybe I'm dumb. Or maybe I just need to drill in and practice, because I've cleared almost everything else.
19. A game that you wish you could play for the first time again.
Final Fantasy Tactics. It's my first major game. Introduced my love of turn based strategy. Great story, rich execution. Broken as hell and glitchy, but in a fun way. Tons of side content but plenty of room to be expanded. I wish I could go through it the first time all over again, not knowing what was next, what was important, how to play correctly. The struggle was fun. I remember getting creamed on Dorter Trade City, like every new player. I remember thinking the Desert Map was crazy. I remember not playing the game for like 3 weeks when I got to the rooftop with Rafa because it was IMPOSSIBLE (Ok maybe some bits of the game aren't that great. Fix Rafa's AI so that's not a roulette ok thx).
Favorite Game. Excellent content. Gonna play it again right now probably.
25. Favorite Environment in a Game?
God I really, REALLY like the setting in FFXII, but particularly I like the Rainy Season Giza Plains. I just have such fond memories of that area, and the Wild Hunts are fun. It's early, it's accessible, its somehow new and exciting because it introduced weather as something that you have to care about. I like Phon Coast too but it's a bit too sparkly, and I also like the Salikawoods too. Just a great game for environments imo.
40. Best Game Cover Art
Ask me this in 5 minutes and my answer will change. I think it would be really funny to say Triangle Strategy (Hello most generic cover art and name of all time. Great game, but TERRIBLE marketing). I think today I'm going to go with Celeste- because it's nostalgic for me. It's cute.
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mister-e-muss · 10 months ago
Alright. Time for another Backlog Report. May ‘24
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As always, thoughts are below.
Etrian Mystery Dungeon
Being completely honest, I didn’t quite know what to expect with this one. While I know that Mystery Dungeon is a larger series than its iconic crossovers with Pokémon, I wasn’t sure how the formula would work when melded to a different series, especially one as anti-roguelike as Etrian Odyssey.
I enjoyed how the game played out as a shrunken-down version of EO’s team and character building. I liked the idea of locking a dungeon’s layout. IMO, that was a nice way to find a middle ground between EO’s mapping and MD’s random generation.
In a word, I liked it. Do I think it’s a good game? Sure. Do I think it’s a great game? Unfortunately not.
The narrative is painfully sparse. While Etrian Odyssey is known for its sparse narratives, I was hoping for something more along the lines of Etrian Odyssey Untold. It seems perfectly fine for most of it, but the ending feels distinctly undercooked, with the main antagonist not having even a single word of dialogue.
While I locked the combat, it doesn’t feel as deep as could be. For that matter, having the FOE’s require status ailments for any damage to be down just feels like an extra bit of restriction. I don’t like it when customizable games like this have a built-in wrong answer.
The soundtrack is also a mixed bag. This game does have my favorite rendition of The End of Raging Waves, many of the tracks are either unfitting, loop too often, or both. (EO2’s FOE theme was not meant to be an exploration track dammit!)
I enjoyed this game as a whole. But solid gold, it is not.
Final Fantasy XII; The Zodiac Age
To start with, who talks about this game?
No, really, who talks about this game? Who wakes up in the morning, offers their daily prayers to the Ashelia B’nargin Dalmasca shrine kept in the closet, and walks out the door thinking “Oh boy, I cannot wait to spend another day telling people about my favorite game of all time: Final Fantasy XII.” (You can’t hear me through the post, but I’m laughing rn because that is a sentence that has never been said.)
FfXII is in a weird place in the series. It isn’t as foundational to the series as the first four, nor as widely popular as VI, VII, and X. It doesn’t quite generate the same vitriol from disappointed fans as XIII, XV, and to a lesser extent, II and VIII. (Btw, playing VIII, and it is just fine.) Even it’s immediate precursor XI is of more value as an object of curiosity in a “What would a FF MMO look like before they made XIV good?” Hell, even when discussing the more overlooked hidden gems among the series, it still has less fans than IX and V. The most people seem to think about this game, myself included before I actually played it, is “Well I know there’s a X, and XIII is supposed to be the Worst Game Evar, so logically there has to be two more in between there.” For that matter, I think the reason why XIII has so many design choices it does, is because XII is also so very much XII.
Looking at the game as a whole, I think it’s easy to see why this one slipped so hard under the radar. Final Fantasy XII is not a game that presents itself all that well. That’s not to say it looks bad or plays bad. If anything the world design is gorgeous. But it is a game that takes a while to reveal the true appeal.
Truthfully, this was one of my first purchases for the switch, alongside Fire Emblem Three Houses and Digimon Story CyberSleuth. (Incidentally, CyberSleuth is a really really good monster catcher game and you should go play it.) Over two years and 60 hours, I explored the world of Ivalice.
The gambits are a great bit of customization. They involve you in the decision-making and let you fine tune a party that functions well enough to tear through superbosses. But it takes until the third hour at least for you to get enough to really start playing around with the system, and even then, it sometimes isn’t as refined as you’d like it to be. Multiple times I wished I could add a second condition to a certain action. Sometimes when playing, I jokingly thought to myself “Man, this gambit system is groundbreaking. Now if only it could be included in a game where combat was fun in its own right.” Why hello there Unicorn Overlord :D!
Playing this game, it felt like I was in conversation with it. One where I wanted it to be something that it wasn’t.
“Do you want to play a game where the main fun of combat doesn’t come from combat itself but by refining your strategies and party-comp?”
“That sounds vague and abstract, but I’m willing to work with it.”
“How about an upgrade/skill tree style of system that restricts you from using equipment until you unlock the very specific ability to use it, and all of the would-be stat boosts are also abstract and don’t actually change your numbers?”
“That just sounds like the Sphere Grid from X, but worse in every conceivable way. Will I receive weapons that don’t benefit any of my party members’ jobs?”
“You’re guaranteed to.”
“Okay, how about a political drama set in a diverse and expansive world, with a really cool magic-science aesthetic and a culture that isn’t just Europe-but-fancy?”
“That actually sounds pretty cool. You’re going to tie in this grand overarching narrative with individual character arcs that flesh out both person and world right?”
“. . . Kind of. Think less ‘Characters driving plot’ and more along the lines of ‘Plot happens to characters.’”
Briefly touching on the characters: I like most of them, but I wish there was more actually between them. Vaan makes a friendship comment to Ashe in the very late game at it feels almost completely undeserved because These People Don’t Interact. As for Vaan himself, I talked briefly with a mutual of mine about it, and I repeat here. I don’t hate Vaan. I just wish he had more going for him as a protagonist. I kept waiting for him to be an interesting or engaging character and he only had around three moments of substance in the whole game. He has a very undercooked revenge story that lasts for barely 5 hours with sidequests, and beyond that his main job in the party is to Not Know Things, and be wowed by all the pretty sights. There’s an argument to be made about how X did something similar with Tidus, but the key difference there is that Tidus is actually engaging of a character, with a character arc that lasts the whole game, and whose ignorance is used to provide the player and the party extra perspective, even coming to challenge the status quo.
The soundtrack is also not my favorite. Not that it has many bad tracks, just not many that really stick. I still hold that FFIV has one of the best soundtracks in the series. Both this game and Etrian Mystery Dungeon suffer from a common problem with the soundtrack, and it’s an unfortunate side effect of how these games are designed. Seemless integration of combat into exploration also means that there’s very little dedicated combat music, so you’d better enjoy listening to those world themes because they aren’t going anywhere.
For all that FFXII does that doesn’t jell with me completely, I should have hated this game. Either that or forgotten about it like everyone else. Honestly, if I had a wider selection of games in my early Switch library, I might have done just that. And yet for all my grievances with this game, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it. I loved exploring the world of Ivalice. Even when I finished this game, I’m not entirely sure I was ready to say goodbye to it. However I also really really wanted to start on Harvestella, so off to the very short and underwhelming final dungeon I went.
If you enjoy Xenoblade as a series, I feel like you owe it to yourself to try out Final Fantasy XII. It might not be anyone’s favorite game of all time, but it is worth the time spent.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDb5WGZQMtY Total sentence imposed is ten Total sentence imposed is ten Total sentence imposed is ten Total sentence imposed is ten
This is like the add for a Moster truck rally, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday.
Let's hope it's something that it's ok to joke about.
I'm reminded of some of the music from FFXII, last great game designed for the PS2 really enjoyed that one
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flowers-of-tenebrae · 19 days ago
Crystalline Resonance concert
saw Luna on a big screen (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
I liked the design of the FF title cards they used (game logo + character silhouette in the bg; usually of the Dissidia character renders).
It was cute how they incl. Yuna alongside Tidus for FFX's splash card, and after that Jecht, as well. Same with how the title screen for FFXV and Noctis was followed by the renders of all four chocobros :') I liked those tiny touches~
The video they put together for Flow hit me in the feels! So many moments I'd forgotten about over the years 🥺 Like Meteion turning into a shooting star! It made me laugh how the WoL they used in the video (i.e. Meteor) rocked up in the lvl 90 PLD job artifact gear xD Like bro turned up on the first day of EW already lvl 90, finished the tank role quests and twisted Tataru's arm into giving him early gear access /j
I was surprised how easily they spoiled major story cutscenes for Endwalker (Flow) AND Dawntrail (Bygone Serenity). I know I wasn't the only person going "MSQ spoilers!!" after the latter song finished cos I heard other ppl whispering the same thing xD But I'm relieved they didn't show the super spoilery bits of the lvl 99-100 MSQ coughterminalscough.
Fun fact: I noticed for Bygone Serenity that, instead of the trailer WoL, they went with a blue-haired Miqo'te - likely a GNB based on weapon. Pretty sure the Miqo'te was on a tank job based on the Neo-Kingdom outfit they wore.
It made me happy that I could recognise most of the songs, bar FFXVI 😅 Other than Joshua's theme (Away), I found it difficult to recognise the piano versions of the FFXVI tracks... The vocals and intense instrumentals really are what make the FFXVI songs iconic. But yeaaah, I recognised Lightning's theme as soon as the pianist played the first few notes <3
This concert reminded me how I used to be OBSESSED with Theme of Love when the FFXIV remake first came out on the DS. Come to think of it, they played a lot of the FF love songs - Theme of Love, Suteki da ne, and Eyes on Me. No FFXII but I think they have played Kiss Me Goodbye at their previous piano concert tours (I mean it is on their Crystalline Resonance album).
Cosplays spied: Tifa, Aerith, two SOLDIERS (one with Tifa, the other with Aerith lol), Alphinaud & Alisaie - Eorzea Academy edition 🤭
Lots of ppl in the FF UNIQLO shirts (myself incl!)
Plushies spied: Torgal AND a loporrit 🥺, plus Cloud I think. Someone was carrying the loporrit tote bag - jealous!
Anyway posting the setlist for posterity (based on my recollection / guesses):
FF Prelude / Crystal Theme (Luna~)
I-III - Battle Theme
XIII - Lightning's Theme
IV - Theme of Love
X - Suteki da ne
XVI - ?? To Sail Forbidden Seas?
V - Battle on the Big Bridge (Greg!)
XIV - Bygone Serenity
V - Chocobo Theme (Boko and Koko 😳)
XIV - Flow (EW Montage)
XV - Somnus (Ch1-2 cutscenes incl. Luna 🥺)
VIII - Eyes on Me (Rinoa 🩷)
VII - Bombing Mission 
VII - Aerith's Theme
VIII - Man with a Machine Gun
XVI - Away (Joshua)
?? - FF Medley? A Dissidia song perhaps? 🤔 I read a post saying they played Final Fantasy I's overworld theme so this could've been it
VIII - Liberi Fatali
XVI - Ascension (Dion)
rip VI, IX, XI and XII
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atlasheartd · 2 months ago
v; i found myself in my melodies - main verse
v; baby stark - child/teenage Carter
v; it was just like a movie - any threads involving specific movie plots or between movie plots (ex: a thread during aou, or a thread between im3 and aou)
v; trouble will come trouble will go - any threads around iw/eg and after
auv; into the multiverse - general crossover/au verse
auv; iron kid - details can be found here; also called the ikau
auv; hansen not stark - details can be found here, also known as the hansen au
auv; not today - follows her main verse up until the final battle in Endgame - instead of Tony causing the second Snap and dusting Thanos and his army, it’s Carter. She replies to Thanos’s line of “I am inevitable” with “Not today”, and collapses as soon as she snaps. She’s whisked to Wakanda through a portal, and somehow manages to pull through - however, she loses complete hearing in her left ear, loses her left arm, and some vision in her left eye, alongside scarring on the same side.
when focusing the Stones’ power on dusting Thanos and his army, Carter also tried to focus the power on bringing back both Vision and Natasha - whether or not that’s successful can vary with each thread
auv; just like fire burning up the way - pyro/mutant au; details can be found here
auv; i know you miss the world the one you knew - private ffxii/mcu crossover au with @tarnishedxknight
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weariedwight · 3 months ago
v; when something wild calls you home - any threads during SA 1582 to SA 1693
v; run boy run and disappear in the trees - any threads during SA 1694 to SA 1700 with Faegalad as the Ring-bearer
v; i will carry all your names and i will carry all your shame - any threads during SA 1700 to SA 3441
v; though the storms will push and pull - any threads during TA 1 and TA 3001
v; it started out as a feeling which then grew into a hope - any threads during the events of lotr (TA 3001 to TA 3019)
v; remember the sight of the ghost on the shore - any threads during FO 1 to FO 56
v; the ships have come to carry you home - any threads taking place around when Faegalad sails (FO 56) and/or threads in Valinor
auv; oh how far you are from home - any threads dealing with crossovers or exploring other aus in universe
can include the idea that Tolkien found the Red Book of Westmarch and translated it to be published
Faegalad could be reembodied and sent to whichever universe the crossover is a part of, so she has an idea of how she got there but doesn’t understand the world she’s now in - specifically for crossovers that are outside the lotr universe
can include the Dagor Dagorath - the war that ended Arda before it was recreated, leaving behind a few ruins and the Red Book as the only reminders of a time now lost
auv; legends never die they become a part of you - mcu specific crossover verse. Details can be found here.
auv; 'cause all my life is wrapped up in today no past or future here - private FFXII/Tolkien/MCU crossover au with @tarnishedxknight
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