#uwaaaa.... love is in the air...
sunflawyer · 3 months
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HI MAYOOOO I'VE BEEN WANTING TO DRAW U SOMETHING FOR A WHILE!!! <333 ur such a positive influence in this community and a total ray of sunshine!! EVEN ABBY LOOKS LIKE A WALKING RAY OF SUNSHINE I LOVE IT SM!!! ur so nice to everyone whenever i see u on the dash i'm like whajekh ;w;
AND THANK U AGAIN FOR MY DRAWING i love how u drew my eyebrows in it. i look so >:3c it's literally perfect i look at it all the time
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you really didnt have to give me anything back i just wanted to share a little happiness around!!! 🥹🥹🥹💗💗💗 !!!! i have a special announcement coming in the next few days i want to gather people and celebrate it!!! wait for it okay!!! ⭐⭐⭐✨✨
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hakogyi · 9 months
Hello~! Sending this on anon because I'm still a little shy about talking on this site, but I just wanted to let you know that I love your art so much! Your art has brought a lot of positive change to my life this year <3
Over the summer, I saw your beautiful art that you made for the-nameless-ramekin's fic and it really inspired me! Up until then I was just a lurker/passive enjoyer of the twst fandom. But seeing that kind of artistic exchange/connection really sparked something in me to be a little more brave/active in my love for fandom stuff. I made a tumblr and AO3 account, I started writing again, and I joined a discord server for the first time and made so many wonderful new friends! <3
I think what I ultimately wanted to say here is: Thank you~!!! <3 And I hope you have a wonderful new year~!!! <3
UWAAAA ANONN 🥹🥹🥹 thank YOU for sending this to me!! this made me really happy AA giggling and kicking the air rn
i'm really happy i had such an impact 😖😖 for years now my art has been nowhere near the level i want it to be at, and sometimes i feel like taking down my accounts because of that LOL... but at the end of the day i think it's more important that i have spaces to express myself and to find friends (and fellow artists) to share it with. and i'm glad you found those spaces too 🫶
so thank you (and the rest of thihablr) for allowing me to share this space with you guys! my art will only keep improving 🫡
anon if you ever want to you should totally send me your ao3 handle i'd love to read your writing 😚!! my fic reading grind never stops (<- browses twst ao3 every night)
have a great new year!!
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hotarutranslations · 7 months
Announcement For Tomorrow!
Spring Tour Tickets are on genral sale..
🩵🎫e+ 🩵🎫TicketPia
We're waiting, everyone
Over the past week the members, have been having Instalives but,
Tomorrow! Its my turn~~!
Ishida, with Makino Maria-chan🩷💙
The 2 of us are doing it!
When we did it during the winter concert, with various group members, it was an uwaaaa-- Instalive, Actually while doing it,
it was really like, uwaaaa-- lol
I'm going to be having an Instalive-- I realize its been a while since making an announcement like that🪽
Its scheduled to start in the evening from 6:00PM…
Because there is a possibility it will change, please understand that🥺 but definitely be on stand by🥺
Excuse me for my announcemnt blog~~
I had fun eating a meal today as well! Tomorrow I'll also do my best!
📺Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
April 18th 11:30PM~ A Learning From TSUKUSHI-san Adventure🕺
In season 10 we challenged breakin', its reairing continuously! On the 15th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, #1~#6 all at once! Check out HP for info!
Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" Every week (Sat) 10:25AM~ Ishida Ayumi Goes~!
I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family🌸
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
Also on YouTube
Sendai Broadcast Ara Ara Kashiko
📺"HinaFest 2024" Before Special ~NamaTake Member Great Gathering 2 Hour SP~ (tenative)
CS TV Asa Channel March 24th (Sun) 12:00PM~
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
✍🏻Tokyo Sports note Series #145 Reflecting on the Presence of Sasaki Rikako
🪩Spring Tour Has Been Decided Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Spring MOTTO MORNING MUSUME
We'll be going around the country from March 16th!
🪩HinaFest March 30th and 31st at Makuhari Messe
🪩JAPAN JAM Morning Musume '24 will be performing on May 3rd!
《LIVE DAYS!~Exciting Big Exhibition Match~》 June 2nd(Sun), after the Hokkaido Ham Fighters vs. Yokohama DeNa Baystars match, Morning Musume '24 will be having a special mini live!
.👗👠 Aoyama Clothing x Morning Musume '24
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
Everyone! Watch this too ok!
Yamazaki Mei's Panda-san Daisuki!! ~Expressing Love Towards My Favorite Panda-san♡ ver.~ in Adventure World
Yamazaki Mei's Panda-san Daisuki!! Mei-chan's Holiday. Adventure World with Oda-san and Ishida-san
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See you ayumin <3
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mysteryshoptls · 3 years
SSR Ortho Shroud Ignihyde Gear Personal Story: Part 3
"You can't do this sort of thing with magic"
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Interior Hallway]
Ortho: Sigh. While I was collecting all the sheets in the school, the sun has almost risen.
Ortho: …Well, it’s possible for me to keep working without sleep anyways.
Ghost A: Heehehee. You’re just like us, being able to work all night long~
Ortho: Ah, Laundry Ghost-san. Thank you for your hard work!
Ghost A: The work still isn't finished, you know~?
Ghost B: Once the washing machine that’s currently running finishes, we’ll have to hang all the sheets.
Ghost C: The hard part is yet to come… Haah~~
Ortho: Hey, Ghost-san. Leave the rest to me. If it’s just hanging all the washed sheets to dry, I’ll be fine by myself.
Ghost A: Eh!? You’re going to hang up the huge number of sheets all by yourself…?
Ortho: Yep. Because once in a while you ghosts should take a nice break too.
Ghost A: Wh-what a good kid~~!!
Ghost B: Then should we allow him to spoil us?
Ghost C: Heeheehee, let’s go play at the Ramshackle Dorm! It'll be the first time in a long while!
Ortho: Please enjoy your rest. Bye bye~!
Ortho: Now…
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[Main Street]
Deuce: What’s going on? It’s pretty noisy out front of the school this morning… What is this!?
Deuce: A huge screen has appeared on Main Street!? …Hm?
Deuce: Looking closer, it seems to be the sheets that we always use.
Deuce: Why are they hung up to dry in the middle of Main Street?
Ortho: Ah, Deuce Spade-san. Good morning!
Deuce: Ah, Ortho. Good morn… hm?
Deuce: Ortho, what is that light that’s coming out of your palm?
Ortho: This is a high-performance projector mechanism for casting images on screens.
Deuce: A projector? Why do you have that with you during school?
Ortho: Shh. The show is about to begin, so please watch the screen?
Diasomnia Student C: Ah, what’s this? Some words have appeared.
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…This is a love song created by a certain guy with all his heart and soul.
Diasomnia Student A: I dedicate this to you. The title is… 「Twonight」
*The title was a play on words, "futari ja naito", which would roughly translate to “It has to be the two of us” but the word naito was in katakana, playing on the fact that he uses night and knight in his song. Thus, my attempt at a pun on the word tonight.
Diasomnia Student A: You are always present in my thoughts at night / I am always protecting you as your knight.
Diasomnia Student A: UH~… I am always going to hold you so tight.
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Ortho: It’s a pretty typical love song, isn’t it? Even though his key is flat from start to finish.
Deuce: it's rhyming structure is a bit simple. If I were the songwriter, I would be so embarrassed I’d feel like climbing into a cauldron…
Ortho: Alright, let’s liven it up even more!
Deuce: The screen changed. There’s a different guy on there now… What’s next?
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Diasomnia Student B: “I don’t usually make a hobby of bullying the weak.” In that instant, Schwarz Strom howls through the air!
*The kanji under Schwarz Strom translates to “Jet-Black Wind”
Diasomnia Student B: Slash! Pow! “Dear me… Were you able to avoid activating the Third Eye?”
Diasomnia Student B: “You all aren’t enough to be my opponents, but… perhaps you’d be enough as rust on the sword of the Schwarz Dagger.”
*The kanji under Schwarz Dagger translates to “Jet-Black Knight”
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Deuce: He’s reading aloud his own novel… I think…? He’s completely in his own world.
Deuce: The story seems to be of a born-genius hero who, before he realizes it, is saving the world even though he had no intention to do so…
Deuce: Urgh, and the name of the main character, Schwarz Dagger, is the same name the author is going by!
Ortho: The best part was when everyone watched the hero, who had been hiding his abilities the whole time, reluctantly defeat the dark organization that had taken over the school.
Deuce: This one is pretty painful too… Hm?
Deuce: This guy in the video and that guy who was singing the love song earlier, I feel like I’ve seen them somewhere…
Diasomnia Student B: DON’T WATCH IT!!! I’M BEGGING YOU!!!
Diasomnia Student A: Damn, who did this!? Showing our private hobbies right in the middle of Main Street!
Deuce: Those are the guys who were picking on Ortho yesterday… Ah!
Deuce: Hey, they’re the ones who were singing and reading their novel on the screen earlier!
Ortho: Fufufu, how was it? My handmade screen and the super high-performance projector my brother developed?
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Ortho: You can see it so well even in such a bright place, right?
Diasomnia Student A: You robot! So this was all your doing!
Diasomnia Student B: How in the world did you get your hands on these kinds of videos!?
Ortho: I can get into the school’s security cameras, or the camera in anyone’s computer or smartphone and activate it…
Ortho: Something like that is a piece of cake for me.
Ortho: I don’t overlook even the smallest bit of information. I can find and show every single bit of data associated with anyone.
Ortho: It's like Nii-san always says.
Ortho: “Science surpasses magic.”
Ortho: …Don’t you think that’s right? You can’t do this sort of thing with magic.
Trein: What in the world is all this racket?
Diasomnia Student A: Ah, Trein-sensei!
Diasomnia Student B: That robot just revealed our personal information without permission… Hey, wait?
Diasomnia Student B: The projection is gone…!?
Ortho: Se-sensei. While I was just drying these sheets, I got yelled at by these people… [ueue].
Trein: Goodness. Are you two still complaining and finding fault with Ortho Shroud?
Trein: Even though he’s humbly reflected on his conduct and is doing his best for the school without making a fuss. You could learn a little from him.
Diasomnia Student A: No way…! I-It was definitely on the screen just a moment ago!
Deuce: It’s useless trying to tell on him to the teacher so long as there's no evidence. Give it up.
Deuce: Ortho is the winner of this battle.
Deuce: Just shake it off… “Your knight” and “Schwarz Dagger”.
Diasomnia Students: STOP IT――――!!
Ortho: I promised Nii-san that I would “do it properly,” after all. I got revenge “properly” in a way that wouldn’t cause more trouble.
Ortho: Fufufu. I look forward to reporting back to Nii-san!
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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oumiyuki · 3 years
Teachers don't date teachers (but You-sensei and Riko-sensei definitely are) Ch17
Summary: The whole student body and teachers teases the gym teacher, Watanabe You, with the new art teacher, Sakurauchi Riko, that they make a cute couple. How long can You deny this when Riko isn’t helping to reduce the rumours?
Pairing: YouRiko
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Slice of Teacher Life ;D
Words: 3200
Read me at fanfiction.net or AO3 too~
Author Notes
Ahhh, still September!
September feels very YouRiko-y XD
May you enjoy~ :D
Tease17 – You-sensei can’t help but think of Riko-sensei (and her students will help her think of Riko-sensei more~)
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
You taps her finger on the table at a nervous pace before picking up a pen laying about and tapping it to her free hand, her mind busy and disoriented.
Ahhhhh…. …aahhhh… aaahhhhh…
The gym teacher’s mind had a steady scream as she worried about actions and plans in her love life.
I’m in school. I should be thinking about school stuff and yet. Here I am… Thinking of… of… of…
You slowly turns her head towards the direction of Riko’s desk in the Teacher’s Office.
“Riko-chan…” You murmurs unknowingly, only a certain bluenette around heard and could not help but smirk as they pretend to be occupied with what they had.
Riko’s desk was a bit far for You’s liking; at times like these, she wonders why the science department was closer to the sports one.
Shouldn’t the creative ones be closer? Maybe I should talk to Ruby-chan about having Riko-chan situated closer to me—
You’s cheeks turn a shade of red as she coughs in her mind and does the coughing action physically too to cut off that thought.
TO HAVE ART TEACHERS. Closer. To the gym teachers. For creativity sake!! T-T-This is definitely not because I got an ulterior motive of wanting to stare at Riko-chan up close?? Wait why do I want to do that????
You’s rapid tapping of her pen was going so fast and loud that Kanan had to turn to make sure You was not trying to hurt herself but before the Science teacher could voice up, You drops her head into her arms on the table, groaning.
Uggghhhh… It’s because I’m in love and am so helpless when it comes to these! I don’t…I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do…
You’s head of ash-grey shifts as she turns from left to right with low grumbles rumbling out of her as she whined internally; unaware of the stare on her.
If I like her… I should…ask her out and then we get married?
You's body jolted before she lets out a long sigh as her ears glow red from the very thought.
No, no, no, no. That’s way too fast. I’m missing a million steps here!
The beep of the Teacher’s Office door being unlocked sounds and soon after, a gentle lilt reaches You’s ear and she sits upright, looking to the source of the voice like a meercat.
“Good morning.” The pretty art teacher who stole everyone’s favourite gym teacher’s heart greets aloud.
Kanan turns her chair towards Riko. “Good morning, Sakurauchi-sensei.”
“Ah, good morning, Matsuura-sensei. How are you?” Riko was still formal around the other teachers, the only exceptions being her mentor, Mari, and her caretaker, You.
Kanan shrugs towards You’s direction in a not too obvious way. “Well…it is interesting, to say the least. I’m sure yours will be getting better soon enough.”
Riko-chan’s day will get better soon..?
Riko’s eyes widen a little with a small head tilt as she wondered what the friendly science teacher meant. But before she could get more clues, Kanan faces her stack of papers to mark and Riko was going to head to her desk but she felt a certain puppy-dog gaze on her and turns in that direction.
Ah! Our eyes met!!
You’s ocean-blue eyes widen and she desperately wanted to avert her gaze and pretend she was not staring but even doing that was hard as her eyes adamantly remained glued to Riko.
Ah…what do I do…
To Riko whose, golden eyes stared right back with the warmth of the sun. To Riko whose, pink lips glisten and curled upwards into a smile towards You which made You gulp.
Riko-chan is way too beautiful for a school day morning.
You’s brain was not making much sense as she got lost in the art teacher’s little actions of suddenly being much, much closer than before!
Eh?! Is it just me? Or Riko-chan is right in front of me??!!
Still deeply attracted to just staring at Riko, You watches as those sweet lips moved and said “Good morning, You-chan~” with a smile that made You’s inside feel like warm honey and butterflies at the same time. With a gentle, lyrical tone that made You want to return a smile that could make Riko’s day but…she’s quite sure her smile was late to make an appearance. For the signals, her single-minded brain sent out was – a dreamy gaze and relaxed shoulders.
Dreamy gaze and relaxed shoulders caused You’s elbow to give way from her weight and fell a few centimetres out of Riko’s sight, surprising the art teacher before You caught herself with an awkward chuckle.
“Ah, um…I’m okay! I’m okay. Good morning, Riko-chan!” You let out a barrage of assurance and quick good mornings as her cheeks glowed pink from embarrassment.
Aaahhhh, what am I doing??? Watanabe Youuuu! This isn’t how you impress your crush! Not at all!
Riko breathes a sigh of relief and when You looks up she sees the redhead smiling that sweet, sweet smile again and You almost lapsed into another dreamy gaze, but this time she was quick to bite her bottom lip and blinked a myriad of times to remain poised.
“Did you have a good night’s sleep last night?” Riko shifted her handbag’s strap on her shoulders as she continued the conversation.
Last night…
You thinks back to all the dreams she had of Riko which led to her realizing how she has fallen in love and how those dreams tend to lead to Riko’s lips for a kiss. You’s ears grew incredibly hot and red and she tilts her head up and to the side and everywhere but Riko’s face. “Well, um, last night was…good.”
You croaks the word out as she did not know what else to say. On one end, she wanted to say ‘I dreamed of you.’ And the other end, ‘Don’t tell Riko-chan I dreamed of her. Don’t!’.
Riko nods. “I’m glad to hear that. I had a good night too.”
“Ah! That’s good!” You nods vigorously.
Why am I unable to have a normal conversation like we always do now?? Am I broken?? Do I have a fever?
You lifts a hand to her forehead and Riko asks, “Are you okay?”
“Oh, um, yeah… I… Just…” You’s blinked large, watery ocean-blue eyes at the unassuming pretty art teacher that is causing You’s vocabulary to not function, wishing Riko could stop being so gorgeous for a second. But that was not going to happen so the gym teacher lowers her head. “I’m okay.”
I need to fix my stuttering and being incapable of being cool in front of Riko-chan if I want a chance of Riko-chan liking me back!
“Well, I’m going to prepare for class for now. See you later, You-chan.” Riko turns to head to her desk and You felt like she caught a glimpse of smirk instead of Riko’s usual grin.
Was I seeing things..? Ah, that aside! How do I ask Riko-chan out!?
“You~ You-sensei~”
“Eh? Yeah?” You blinks out of her train of thought.
Kanan was clearly smirking at her. “Homeroom starts in 5 minutes.”
You's eyes widen again and she looks to her clock, then to her watch and to Kanan tapping her watch. You panics and hurries to pick up her materials. “Tell me that earlier!”
Kanan laughs carefreely. “You were too busy with being lost in Sakurauchi-sensei’s eyes~”
“Uwaaaa!!! I wasn’t! What are you saying, Kanan-chan!! Mou!” You wanted to argue and deny but she had to be in class in 4 minutes so she pouted hard at the teasing Science teacher before running out of the Teacher’s office.
Mou!! Kanan-chan is always teasing me just like Mari-chan! Aaahhh!!
You shakes her head back and forth, doing her best to clear from her head the tease, the blush and the images of a really pretty art teacher that makes You’s heart race.
Gotta focus on homeroom first!
You makes it right on time to her class, blowing out a big breath of air as she steadied her breathing, she slides the door open, poking her head in with a smile as her students sat waiting for her appearance.
“Ohayousoro!” You salutes them cheekily; seeing her students' faces (when they aren’t trying to declare that she was dating Riko-sensei) makes her feel happy and at ease.
Her class, energetic and peppy as always, stood up and chorused an “Ohayousoro, You-sensei!” with a bow.
Today’s going to be a good homeroom day.
“You may sit.” You steps to the front of her class, picking up the chalk and writing “School Cultural Festival” in large on the blackboard and she turns around with an excited smile. “Ready to discuss ideas?”
“We’ve discussed among ourselves and decided that we want it to be a Café!” The Class President raises her hand as she speaks.
Ooh, a café huh~
“Sounds good.” You writes out “Café” on the board, doodling a teacup beside it.
Riko-chan probably could draw up a cool looking menu and omurice on the spot…
The gym teacher catches herself being distracted with thoughts of a certain art teacher and shuts her eyes tight, chiding herself to focus. “And the theme?”
Many voices and groans sounded as she glanced around her class. “That’s the thing. There’s so many we can’t quite decide.”
You chuckles at her kids’ furrowed eyebrows and thinking sulking faces. “Throw out those ideas and we can vote on them.”
With their homeroom teacher’s suggestion which should have been obvious yet overlooked from their overzealousness, the class’s faces erupted in sparkling eyes and wide smiles as they shout out the ideas they had.
“Ohh!” You nods as she writes the ideas down, trying to imagine how their café would be like with those themes.
“It’s got to be vampire!! Imagine You-sensei in a shiny black tuxedo and a flowy cape with blood-red hints!! And, and…!”
Wait, why me?!
“Riko-sensei wanders alone in the night…” Another student adds to the setting.
Riko-sensei!? What are you doing alone at night?!
“And vampire You-sensei comes swooping in! Holding her by the waist! Faces extremely close!” A student on the front turns around in her seat to chip in eagerly.
W-W-W-Wait. That’s..! Not good for my heart!
“THOSE FANGS GLEAMING IN THE MOONLIGHT!” A third student practically cheered with both hands thrown into the air from her seat.
F-Fangs… That means…
“Riko-sensei enraptured and entranced and enticed!”
You really think Riko-chan would be that into me?? No, wait, I meant-
“Aaahh, and Riko-sensei would whisper as she wraps her arms around vampire You-sensei’s neck-”
“Please suck my blood and leave a hickey or two on me, You-sensei~” The second drama club student helps her friend finish the script, standing and wrapping her arms around the air to re-enact the scene playing in all the students’ minds.
“Hold up! Wait! Stoppp!! Why is this about me and Riko-sensei?? Stop making me imagine those scenes and properly discuss the theme of our café!” The gym teacher was red from the neck up and she puffed both cheeks out, trying for a stern look.
“Ahh, sorry, sorry, You-sensei.”
“We could not help it~” The students chorused apologies but You had slight doubts on how truly apologetic they are.
The ash-brunette sighs and writes ‘vampire’ on the board. “We can consider it since you all are so excited about it. Now, more ideas?”
The class were loud, rowdy and animated as they wondered what else they wanted.
“How about Maid café?” A student by the window raised her hand as she gave her suggestion. “It’s a norm for a reason! I bet it’d be so popular!”
Maid café huh… that does sound nice.
“You-sensei would be super popular as a maid!!”
As I said, why me?
“Ah, how about a Butler café? That’s a second popular option too, right? Imagine You-sensei in that tux without the cape!” The student laughs as some nodded in agreement.
“Hey.” You calls out half-heartedly as she allowed the students to fantasize again.
What are y’all imagine… Sheesh.
“Ah, but I still think Maid Café would be nicer.” The student who suggested Maid Café initially voices, hoping to get more onboard her idea.
“Ehh~ But Butler Café…” Team Butler whines.
Oh? Seems like we got the top 2 candidates for our café.
“You-sensei, You-sensei~” You looks to the Class President with a nod for her to continue. “How about the class appeal for Maid Café vs Butler Café and we see who wins?”
And Class President knows~
You hums in thought as she wrote “Maid” and “Butler” much bigger than the other suggestions from earlier. “Everyone, it’s a bit sudden but…”
When the ash-brunette lowers her voice and head, holding the tip of her ethereal cap and a smirk, all her students sat up straight and paid close attention to what their favourite teacher was going to say and do.
You grins higher. “I’m going to have all of you stand and those on Team Maid will be to my right and Team Butler will be to my left! Let’s go!” You flicks her non-existent cap up as she raised her head with a pearly white smile as her students grew louder as they moved all about the classroom to their designated positions.
“Okay~” You loved that her students knew to sit down so it was easy for her to take a walk down the classroom and count the heads. “Huh…”
You shakes her head as she hopped back to the front, a hand on her hip. “Is this planned? It’s an equal half-half for each side.” You writes out the number 15 under the theme “Maid” and another number 15 under the theme “Butler”.
“You-sensei is part of our class too! Which theme would you prefer?” A student grinned as she popped her head to the side so the gym teacher could give her a good long stare.
Dragging me into this little voting system, eh?
You shakes her head, her smile never fading. “This.” You writes “0.5” under each of the themes.
“Buu buu desu wa!” Another student mimicked their mathematics teacher.
You chuckles at the high-quality copy. “Hey! It’s only fair.”
“But then how will we decide?”
“Mmm, how about you all appeal the pros and cons?” You suggests, ready to pen them down on the chalkboard.
You genuinely believed that her class will continue to proceed with seriousness in this but her ocean-blue eyes widens as she realized that her top two drama club students were each on Team Maid and Team Butler respectively.
Uh oh.
And it happened.
“Imagine this!” Team Maid’s representative, Marika, started with an eager smile which morphed into a composed expression of a cute, small smile and upturned eyes. “You-sensei-”
Of course, it will be me as the main lead being projected!
“Dressed in a long black dress and pure white frilly apron – the epitome of maid outfits! And she curtsies to Riko-sensei – taking in the sight of Maid You-sensei~” Marika holds her skirt and curtsies before she closes her eyes for a pause and character change.
“Ah, I would like to order a kiss to my hand. Is what Riko-sensei will say before Maid You-sensei complies!” Marika beams, proud of her rendition of her favourite teacher as a maid serving Riko-sensei.
K-Kiss!? To the hand?!
Team Butler’s representative, Ryo, stood unfazed with a cool, charming smile, already in the role as she has a hand to her back and an arm held up smartly right below her chest. Ryo lowers her head with one eye closed for a suave effect.
“Ah, in the case of Butler You-sensei, however, she would step up to Riko-sensei.” Ryo takes a step closer to Marika, lifting her hand. “And kiss her hand right away.”
I would do that???!!
Ryo moves her hand that was behind her as a show that she was holding something towards Marika. “And a cup of tea – hot and Riko-sensei’s favourite brew before being asked.”
Are all butlers that smooth? I gotta learn from them…
The gym teacher would love to stop the little play but at the same time, she was seeking ideas to courting Riko, leading to having her eyes peeled on the scene unfolding.
Ryo leads Marika to an empty chair and smoothly sat her down and she whispers loud enough for all to hear. “Riko-sensei…”
Ryo’s shining aquamarine eyes look over to You which made You hold her breath in anticipation for the next line.
Ryo seemingly smirks as she returned her attention to Marika who was made to be the role of Riko right now. “Would you like to take it to the bed?”
“Stop! Stop! Stop!!!” The gym teacher with the red cheeks flails her arms in the air and pointed at her two theatre kids. “You all have been hanging with Mari- I mean, Ohara-sensei way too much, am I right? Sheesh. B-Back to your seats!”
The students aww-ed and laughed as they sat back down at the closest table they were at.
You sighs tiredly; her mind almost, almost imagined the bedroom, Riko and her!
That was way too dangerous.
“You-sensei, You-sensei~”
“W-What?” You tilts her head questioningly.
“You’ll join us during the school cultural festival, right?”
You nods. “Of course. I am your homeroom teacher after all.”
The students cheers and started whispering within the buzzing excitement making You look back and forth between their cheeky and sly smiles and chuckles.
“Wait. What are you all discussing there!” You tries but fails to pick the whispered words.
“Hey, hey, I’m voting for Maid Café! Think short skirts instead, and You-sensei’s legs~” A student clearly influenced by a certain veteran pervy and blonde art teacher whispers eagerly to her classmates.
“I’m in for Maid Café too!” Another student cheers. “I want to see You-sensei in a cute apron-like top~ Riko-sensei would squeal!”
“I’m hearing Maid Café but I feel like I’m missing out on the essential discussion here.” You complains but her students were all in cahoots as they kept the whispered discussion to themselves, clearly plotting, clearly full of teasing energy.
But when all her students smiles up at her with such unity, You could not refuse as she shook her head with a wry smile. “I know, I know. Maid Café, right?”
“Yes~!!” The students cheered with banzais and high-fives.
You smiles and turns to the board and circles ‘Maid Café’. The theme for their class’s School Cultural Festival was decided and the gym teacher feels a tad lighter as the weight of responsibility for the upcoming event partially settled.
Maid Café, huh… I wonder if Riko-sensei will stop by. Ah-
You’s grip on the chalk tightens as her cheeks flare hot again as she gets self-conscious of how her thoughts naturally flow towards the pretty art teacher with that gentle yet mysteriously teasing smile.
The bell chimes the end of homeroom and You wonders how she will go about handling being in love with one Sakurauchi Riko-sensei who fills her conscious and subconscious mind.
Author Notes
Aaaahhhhhh~!!!! ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
YouRiko-senseiiiii~ You-senseiiii~ XD
I really, really love how Riko keeps invading her mind XD
Also I love all the students enthusiasm cos I’m sure we ALL feel the same way too!! (≧◡≦)
Well! This was a blast to write!! And I certainly hope you all enjoyed it too! ;D
Leave me a comment if you like! Let me know your favourite parts! Send cheers and support to You-sensei! XD (I’ll be here to receive them! ;D)
Also, I felt like names would help with writing the students part… so I went with Ichinose Marika and Aikawa Ryo (N girls from SIF). Calling them theatre kids make me want to have Shizuku here so badly but I can’t!!! (≧x≦)
Fun fact though, I like Aikawa Ryo a lot haha, she’s super cool :P
And with that~ See you next tease~ ^w^7
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calientecoochie · 3 years
It Happened So Fast-
Kirishima told you he was going to pick you up around 8. Which gives you abouttttt two hours to get ready. That’s manageable right? You shower, get all primped and pretty and, now for the clothes.
-Three days earlier-
The outfit Kiri -overall Mina- picked out for you was hard not NOT to get attention in. You can even remember Mina’s singsong voice, “ You’re going with THE Red Riot, Y/N. He’s already flashy! You HAVE to match his energy! This bland shizz has got to go! Here tryyyyy THIS!” She held up the most risqué thing you’ve ever seen. It was still classy but, places were low when they were supposed to be high, cutouts and, glitz/glam. The works.
You’re not too sure how the pair got you’re measurements to the t. Going to have to ask that question later.
Just as you were finishing up, a car pulling up could be heard. A red Aston Martin. You didn’t expect anything less... Opening the door, you were greeted with fresh, crisp, night air. This all felt so...nice like, you could actually breathe. Carpe diem and all of that.
“W-wait! Wait right there, Y/N!” You froze, confused. Kiri power walked towards the front of your door. He gingerly closed the door on your face and knocked on it.
You smirked coyly and opened the door. You lean on the doorframe and crossed your arms, “ Really, Kirishima?” You laugh, “You’re too of a gentlemen...”
“Don’t like it” He looked perplexed.
“I’ll get over it.” You joked and threw Red a wink. You took his extended hand and got lead back to his car. “Wow, your car is gorgeous...”
“I could say the same about you.” Eijirou begins to rub his neck, “ You’re outfit and like, your face because you don’t have a car here, haha!” Uh oh, he’s beginning to nervous banter.
“Thank you, Red. You look handsome. Let’s get to the Gala before traffic gets any heavier.” He beamed and nodded.
The car ride over is pleasant. Traffic was okay (it’s been heavier, especially going towards downtown), within the car has been relatively silent but it’s obvious that you two just enjoy the other’s company. At some point, Kirishima threw his arm over the back of your seat. You could not help yourself and focused on the viens in his hands or how his muscular build strained against some parts of his suit. What’s his exercise regimen? How would a hug feel? How long you were looking? You don’t know. The music was low, seems like the whole squad was into the same stuff. Maybe you should try having a conversation?
“Soooo~” you drum your hands on his dashboard, “Kirishima, do you like hero work? Anything, interesting happened?” You curse yourself mentally. Of course he would like hero work!
“Hmmm, yeah! I love it. Cant really see myself doing anything else...” He keeps his eyes focused on the road but it’s obvious his brain is elsewhere, “Some days are harder than others but, there are great day too of course! I get to meet so many cool people. I met you.” His gives you a quick smile, “ Oooohh, let me tell you about this time I was saving these people from a bu-“
Now this car ride is getting livelier. Red is so animated when talking about his experiences. He so passionate... it’s nice :).
-At The Hero’s Gala-
You could not see a single star in the pitch, black sky; the venue was so bright. Practically blinding. How many of these did these Pros have to attend?! You don’t mind being the center of attention but, this is WAY too much. At least you’re not alone. You guess.
You could not even process the blur of pink barreling towards you and Kirishima before it practically tackled you (thankfully not to the ground).
Mina squished your cheeks together, “Ah~! You look so gorgeous! Especially you’re hair-!”
It seems like she was about to ask you something else but Red picked her up from under arms and gingerly put her to the side, “Come on, Mina, if we don’t hurry inside we’ll be late-“
Mina waggles a finger towards Kirishima, “Tuh tuh, fashionably late.”
“Late is late, Mina”
“Since when we’re you such a stickler about time 😩! Don’t act brand new just because you got a boo-“
“HEY HEY!” Kiri claps his hands together-loudly- a few times, “Where’s your plus 1, M?”
“Hmm? Wh-She was just beside me! Don’t tell me they just went inside~ Ughhh, where could they be at?” Mina pulls out here phone, “I’ll see you inside, Y/N! Save me a seat beside you!”
“Okay, Mina!” You give her a thumbs up as a sweaty, blushy Kirishima rushed you towards the Gala’s entrance.
You had thought this whole extravaganza would be exhilarating! Exciting! A completely new experience! It kind of sucked. The venue was gorgeous, all pretty and made up. The people were chatting amongst themselves sometimes forgetting about the announcer. The food is great.
You sat beside Kirishima and left the two chairs to your right empty for Mina and her date. Your table was between Bakugo’s and Denki’s. To be frank, there was was never truly a lull, especially when the two blondes spoke to their redhead friend. You could really understand since they were speaking a bit too fast and adding slang you haven’t heard before. Bakugo was always threatening and Denki was just acting like a crackhead. It wasssss fun.
A bit later, it seemed like everyone mellowed out (probably thanks to the alcohol) and started mingling amongst each other. You guess you should start too, this whole thing is for the agency.
As you try to get get up, you feel a firm palm settle on your thigh, lightly pushing you back down, “Relax, Y/N. Bakubro finally left and Denk is off flirting...” You settle back into your seat, “The Agency will still be standing still be there. Just enjoy yourself.” He takes a swig of a soda, keeping his eyes forward as if he was focusing on something but, nothing interesting was in that direction as far as you could see.
“I hope Mina found her date...”
“She probably did. She’s pretty good at finding people.”
“Not going to drink?”
“Mmmm, we got to get home. I’m also much more comfortable drinking at home. I think they water it down at the events now due to...” he makes a painful face, “last time.
“Last time?”
“N’yeah...Some hero got super trashed and just let loose.”
The two of you stare at each other for a bit then start to laugh.
“Mm, I wouldn’t drink either then, I guess! Afraid you’ll say something you don’t mean, Red?”
“PFFT, no! All I have to say are good things. It’s just if I pay for a drink, I don’t want it to be watered down. What’s your excuse?”
“Welll, I thought I was going to be promoting our company. Guess not now.”
“So again, what’s your excuse?”
“Mmmm, I like having my wits”
Just as Kiri was about to reply, you both heard a voice from across the floor, “FINALLY FOUND YOU TWO” it was Mina and her absolutely stunning date. “What are you two just sitting down?! Let’s liven up this place! To the dance floor!” As if either was you had a choice.
Red had absolutely NO rhythm but that didn’t really stop you. The two of you spent the rest of night dancing away (along with Mina’s guidance at times). It was almost perfect.
Kirishima and you trudged back to his red, luxury car.
“Uwaaaa! My feet!” Kiri exclaimed, “When I usually dance it never hurts this bad~”
“That’s because you were dancing right, Kirishima.”
“Tsk, I am not that bad. That first move I busted always kill~”
“Yeah, yeah, people probably.”
“Hey, rude~” He opens the car door for you, “let’s get you home. Traffic shouldn’t be too heavy.”
“Thank you, Red.” He gives you a smirk as he shuts your door.
As it was before, the car ride was hella quiet, more so due to being tired. You look to the driver’s side of the car at Kirishima. His eyes were half lidded and focused on the cars in front of him... or so you thought.
“Hmm, caught the staring bug again?” You quickly turn back forward, caught off guard, “I’m just messing with you, Y/N, I don’t mind.” He flung his arm around the back of your seat again.
I guess it’s our time to talk, “Ha, I just can’t help it. You’re so nice and tonight has been really fun. It’s all been really fun. That and (I hope this doesn’t sound too creepy) your physique is amazing! I can tell you put a lot of care into it.”
“Haha, well, I have to!”
“Of course, of course, hahaa..” you start to break into a cold sweat.
Kiri notices the lull, takes his arm from behind your seat and instead takes your left hand and intertwines both of your fingers together. His hand practically engulfs yours and it’s so clammy.
“Uhh, hope you, don’t mind..” Kirishima says bashfully.
“Nope!” Smooth, Y/N. Real smooth, “Not at all. You’re hand is very soft...”
The car went silent again, hands still tangled together. Both enjoying the nighttime view and the somewhat muted sounds coming from the cars surrounding you guys.
-Back At Y/N’s Home-
Kirishima walked you to your door, “Welp, here we are.” He rubs the back of his neck, “S’thanks for being my da- company and all. It was- it was super fun, yeah.”
You were digging around for your keys but still listening to you stuttering boss, “Hm, hm. It was super fun for me to. Especially getting to experience the Hero Gala!” Finally, you found your keys and opened your door. You turn towards Kiri and he looks as if he is about to pass out, “Uhm, Red? Do you want to crash here? I don’t really think you should drive back-“
“Oh no, I couldn’t! I’m fine, I promise-“
“Then at least let me make you some coffee or something with caffeine, Red...”
“...Yeah, I will take you up on that..”
The pair of you step inside and you lead Kiri to the sofa, “Here, just relax.”
He slumps against the arm and lays his head against his forearm. “Thank youuu~” Yeah, he sounds like he is about to knock out.
You gently shake his form, “Here, Red, drink up.” He doesn’t say anything, he takes the cup drink from it and just stares down into it.
“Is it nasty?”
“<Wha-what? Oh, no, it’s delicious>” pfft, he’s so out of it he didn’t even realize he started speaking Japanese.
“<Want to speak in your mother tongue?>” He seems to wake up a bit more.
“Ha, sorry. Hey, Y/N?” Kiri drums his fingers against the side of his cup.
“Do you have anyone waiting for you?”
“Uhm, no? I mean I have my family but I can’t say they are really waiting for me...” you ponder his question, “Why’d you ask?”
“...” He seems to be reluctant in whatever he is trying to do. You can really get read on him. He looks scared? Kiri sets him lukewarm cup down on the side table and stares deeply into yours eyes.
He grabs your hands.
He starts to pull you closer
“It’s Eijirou.”
He pulls you into a passionate kiss. It felt so desperate and longing. The need for oxygen being long forgotten between the two of you.
This was going to be a long night.
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camisaido · 6 years
alrightttt new hq chapter lets gbro
immediate nice 
as hinata and bo stand like that all cool with the jackets 
‘hey bro how do we look”
‘ur wearing ur jackets wrong dickweed’
“fuck u man”
smoking area fuck u ukai
take that poison stick outta ur mouth right the fuck now
huh ??? some mattsun-like guy’s waving at kageyama ive forgotten who he is
ugh that kourai twink
is he a twink tho pls debate with me on this
kageyama waiting for hinatas trademarked ‘uwaaaa!! oooH im not gonna lose !!” response
hehehe kourai kun
“for someone who hates being called little u sure do like the phrase little giant a lot”
I was waiting for him to get pissy the way noya does
my respect for him is grudgingly rising I will concede
welp he still kicked him the way yaku does to lev so everythings the way it usually is
wouldn't be hq if the shorty doesn't kick his asshole tall friend ammright
hah kourais p chill actually
nope there it is he stared intensely at hinata
“hey kageyama”
hes so cute aww
HAH hinata
‘do u end every sentence with dumbass is that ur thing like the naruto believe it shit‘
‘switch it up say nyan”
what the fuck all the teammates family is sitting together
holy fuck
shes crying taketoras adorable sister is crying
shes so perfect 
shes just being all chill and ‘cheers” and 
u can see akiteru blushing a lil
no im not seeing what I want to see tf r u on abt
and nekoma
kuro and daishou: see eachother
*kuro voice* “ah”
*daishou voice* “ah”
stage whispers ‘hes even taller up close!!” ah mika-chan.
stage whispers “nah its just his rooster hair that makes him seem taller”
“yknow I can hear u right”
his face im crying 
and kuro looks like his soul is ascending for a second before he snaps back
“hey can someone snap a pic of his face im gonna send it to mika-chan”
OOOOOHH damnnnn
“its not a big deal nothing to cry over, after all only one team was gonna win. you didnt honestly think it would be you did you” 
oh fuck u daishou
“... thats true. theres not many people out there who’d believe 100% they could win”
“ugh stop its no fun taunting u when u get like this”
“.. the truth is none of this had to do with weather u could win”
oh shits abt to get real
“its not like we quit just because we lost. we dont play to win.  I know that you shit!”
“..oh daishou-kun what a potty mouth I should get a voice recording”
*yaku* ‘u were the one tryna piss us off why r u getting pissy now”
“OH SHUT UP U DUMBASSES” *flips them off*
* mika voice* u done
*claps* mika ily u and yaku are the only normal people here
wow daishou switched around completely “ah yes when did u get here lets go get lunch uwu”
kuro “what is wrong with him”
yaku “wow hes a fun guy”
kai “huhu” (wtf kai)
ah kenmas here!! light of my life! my sun and stars!!!!
kais so cool omg
“maybe belief isn't the right word kuroo”
*panel turns to bokuto, hinata and kageyama*
“there are people who are crazy about victory”
bokutos jumping in the air im love
ugh I dont like that top three spiker guy
*damn you bokuto* 
yeah I rly dont like him who thinks ‘damn you bokuto” bokuto is amazing
oh wow hes overanalyzing his interaction with bo
“by acting like that” like he always is, excitable and hyper and adhd, “was he trying to establish dominance and fluster me? did i seem overwhelmed”
that sounds so wrong
“wakatsu-san do u have something on ur mind thats bothering you?”
wtf man 
someones got big dick issues
or smth
oh this usuri guy’s cute ! hes being all sweet like
“ok then! im sure you’ll be as amazing as you always are!!” ooo someone has a crush uwu
“of-of course I am!!” hehehe its mutual I see 
akaashis watching like “should I be more complementary of bokuto-san???”
bokutos turn to shineee
ahh the guys from the training camp r cheering him on 
kuro and kenma watching fondly from the stands
‘fucking fantastic u funky lil wing spiker”
“look at that bitch look at him go”
akaashi picks up bos discarded jacket for the nth time with a longsuffering expression on his face
thats all folks subscribe for more hq yelling every friday 
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peachingboy · 7 years
Boku No Hero Light Novel No.2 Trans
Chapter 1: Commence the Study Groups! (そろそろの勉強会),  Part 3.
[Part 1, Part 2]
t/n: at first I didn’t think I’d get this done today but! due to the fact that bnha s2 was starting today which gave me a big motivation boost to do something bnha related and hence me plus ultra-ring through part 3! Btw I also want to say thank you to those who have left kind messages in my ask box, they really make me happy! THANK YOU <3
Kyouka is starting to get the quadratic formula’s they were going through.
“Ah I see, you can solve them like this?”
“Oh, Kyouka-san, at first glance you’ll feel like you are stuck but if you look at the question properly you will be okay.”
“As expected that’s our Yaomomo, so easy to understand!”
“Oh, please, don’t say stuff like that..” 
Kyouka’s honest thoughts about Yaoyorozu made her blush happily, her explanations made it really easy for everyone to understand.
“Yaomomo-senseiiiiiiiii- How should I do this English translation?”
“Just give me a minute Ashido-san….. ah this one…”
Yaoyorozu’s standing study plan was the most perfect, each subject was carefully timetabled together, everyone’s weak point was analysed and measured. Yaoyorozu taught everyone with kindness and carefulness which made everything easy to understand too.
When they think about all the time and preparation she’d put into this, to think in the beginning they didn’t want to enter into this palace.
Because Ashido really wanted to attend the lodge for the test of courage she is aggressively trying really hard to concentrate.
“Uh, your face is gonna explode!”
However, there is already one person who has had enough, that guy is Kaminari Denki.
From the sports festival to the work placements, they’ve literally been swept away by these events, it’s bewildering and then having to come and study, the brain is going to fry if this keeps up!
“X&Y ions combination…. auxiliary verbs…. Sumerians and Crown Shock….”
“Ahhhhh! If you say anymore, I’m going to really explode!”
Even though he didn’t emit any electricity he had on his stupid facial expression. Kaminari turns towards his neighbouring Kyouka who tells him:
“Get a hold of yourself! Don’t you want to go to the lodge?”
“I doooooooo, but even Aizawa sensei said who ever gets failing marks won’t be able to attend, I even had supplementary lessons at school!”
“AHHHHHHHH…. somebody……. anybody please exchange heads with me!!”
Ojiro tried to give him some encouraging words, but the soon to be reality for Kaminari is him blowing up and sinking, because of this Ojiro felt bad and apologised for not being more sensitive.
“Kaminari-san, should we take a break soon? It’s good to have moderate breaks, it raises efficiency” Yaoyorozu suggested, just then a voice could be heard from outside the doors.
“So then…” The door opens, and the butler enters.
“As you wished, the tea has been prepared.”
“Welcome back.”
Don’t tell me, he’s just been waiting on standby all this time???
Kyouka and the gang eyes rounded at the sight of the maids reeling in a wagon with tea and cookies in front of them. 
Just from the looks of it, the tea set prepared were obviously really expensive, they watched a crimson red coloured tea being poured out into the cups. The steam along with the soft aroma can be felt drifting in the air around them.
The butlers and maid left out to avoid getting in the way of their break so they quietly and quickly distributed the tea and left the lecture hall.
“Pleas everyone drink and eat up.”
Yaoyorozu acted as a cue and everyone stopped their studying and took a sip of the crimson red tea.
“The tea brewed by the maid for us…” The carefully brewed red tea rains down and stains the dry grounds of Kaminari’s heart.
“mhmm, that hit the spot!” The obviously exhausted Ashido complimented.
“Harrods? or something right?”
“Yes that’s correct, I personally love drinking this specific blend when studying, it’s produced in a different area, that’s why the blend produces a complex flavour of persimmons so when your brain becomes weary, you relax and drink this, it’ll instantly rejuvenate you.”
“ummmmmmmm…… I don’t really get what you just said but it’s delicious!”
“I don’t usually drink tea but this crimson red tea is really good!”
Sero and Ojiro appeared to be quite interested in the tea.
Ashido eyes began to shine at the tea coloured cookie she just dipped into her cup.
“This cookie looks real yummy!” The little distorted shapes on the cookies were kinda weird but nonetheless they were certain it was ordered from some fancy high end shop which had their version of stuff they’d thought would be delicious, well that’s what everyone thought as they put the cookies into their mouths.
Yaoyorozu smiled at everyone eating, waiting for the taste of nutrients (?) to hit, it was different from the usual sweet tastes, she anticipated them to taste the complex bitterness.
The five cocked their head slightly at the unexpected taste, at first they were stuck in a state of confusion but suddenly a strong bitter and pungent taste came rushing in their mouth with a strong hint of salted fish!
Their senses were going off, their tongues were tingling and their mouths and throat felt like it was under attack. They turned their head back to try and stop the smell of fish from getting into their nose.
This isn’t something people can eat, they had to trust the instinct of their tongues right now, but they were in such a fancy place, there must be a reason, they have to doubt their own tastebuds.
This must be the taste of celebs.
“What do you guys think?”
To stop themselves from puking, they pressed their hands down onto their mouth, their faces turned blue and started producing cold sweat.
Yaoyorozu suddenly notices their demise, but they five just chugged down the red tea alongside the cookies.
“Is it possible that it is not suitable to your taste?”
“Ah…h n-no it’s not like that…”
“The celeb cookie is grea—–t!”
Somehow Ojiro and Ashido managed to open their mouths to try and not hurt Yaoyorozu feelings but she becomes worried she made them eat bad cookies.
Yaoyorozu’s face fills with shock.
“Wai- please excuse me for a moment..”
She presses her hand against her mouth as she becomes mildly confused.
The remaining five waited for her footsteps to distant away from them before they end up throwing the cookies away.
“uwaaaa! The taste is still in my mouth..”
“These aren’t cookies anymore, they’re weapons of mass destruction!” said Ashido as she tries to drink out the taste with her tea.
Kaminari was still staring suspiciously at the cookie.
“But this really woke us up right? It got me in one shot!”
Following on from what Kaminari said, Ojiro mentions with a serious expression.
“I really had to work up the courage to take bite it once.”
Kyouka also downing her tea played lookout and kept her eyes fixed on the door.
“I wonder if Yaomomo tasted something weird, she did look confuse?”
“Ah, it doesn’t matter, she’s going to return soon.”
However, it was the opposite to what Kaminari said, it didn’t seem like Yaoyorozu was going to come back any time soon. But they can’t resume their tutoring with a teacher however, they thought with concentration, motivation and a different mindset they could atleast try,
But Kyouka couldn’t function with the smell still lingering, she’s still trying to get rid of the taste that is still swimming in her mouth with the tea.
“Wait a minute guys, I’m gonna head to the toilet”
“Ah, me too! I need to go too, I drank way too much!”
Both Kyouka and Ashido get up and opened the door, there was a maid on standby for anything they might need.
They had to hurry as the urge to pee was unreal, the long corridor playing music did not help either and Ashido was about to burst!
“fuaa- I made it! 
“It’s tough because this place is so wide!”
The two exit after washing their hands both with refreshed smiling faces, suddenly they both stopped.
“Ah…. which way was back again?”
“oh.. god”
Right or left, no matter which way they look it’s just the same continuous long corridor! It feels like they came from the right but it also feels like they came from the left.
Kyouka was embarassed about the maid waiting in front of the toilet so she sent her away, now who was going to make sure they returned back okay?
“I don’t think she’s coming, let’s just go which ever!”
“Huh?!…. wait!”
Ashido simply suggested turning to the right based on only intuition, Kyouka was unsure but followed anyways.
“They’re late…. did those guys get lost or something?” Sero asked with a laughing face, Ojiro agrees with an eyebrow raise.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if they got lost, look at this place.”
“But the maid would be there to bring them back right? They should be okay, no?”
“Nah, I think so too” Ojiro smiles. While Ojiro and Sero were conversing, Kaminari planted his face down into his notebook and started rubbing it around.
He wiggles the top half of his body like a giant worm, Sero and Ojiro couldn’t help but notice, they exchange looks and then watched Kaminari’s head, Sero with a calming voice asks;
“Dude, what did you just do?”
“I’m trying to get the knowledge to enter my head.”
“Dude, I don’t think that’s going to work, you’d probably lose more knowledge like that” Sero calmly pointed out as the teary eyed Kaminari raises his head.
“sooooooooooo what should I doooooooooo?!”
“Try and study normally.. don’t you think?”
“My brain has reached its limit!…. Limit!!! If I don’t get one more letter into me… uhhh….hu…good bye lodge camp… hello supplementary lesson hell.”
Even his dreams of having tea made by maids before couldn’t stop Kaminari from going into give up mode, Kaminari is just doing whatever now.
Ojiro and Sero tries their best to console him.
“I-it’s gonna be okay man! There’s still plenty of time elft!”
“Y-yeahh… Yeahh! That’s right! If we just focus hard enough we can surpass any difficulties! Remember the school’s motto!”
“….Even if I can’t remember one more letter?”
It didn’t look like Kaminari’s give up mode was going to end anytime soon, this went against his usual positive attitude. I guess the studying and it’s stress really changes you negatively!
“Hey, you can definitely plus ultra that last letter can’t you?”
“Yeah, what Ojiro said, you can totally power through the last word! Don’t you want to attend the lodge camp?!”
His classmates kind, encouraging words had Kaminari’s stuck gears slowly moving again.
“………y-you’re right! I just need to power through this last letter!” said Kaminari as his eyes fell upon his English text book and its tightly packed lines of English letters.
From A to Z he tries to line up the letters in a formation he’d like and was able t to read from.
pa———–n, Kaminari bursts a brain cell!
“ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I can’t I can’t I can’t!” Kaminari tries to escape from the reality as he covers his ears from Ojiro and Sero’s worrying words.
The world is cruel, he remembers the ridiculing from Mineta Minoru from a few days ago.
-When push comes to shove, you gotta do what you gotta do…
Kaminari lets out a dry laugh, the days before it was Kaminari who kept bragging to Mineta about going to study at Yaoyorozu’s house.
“Ay, you alright there dude?”
“Man,, you seem pretty tired, maybe you should call it a day and head home to bed?” suggested Ojiro and Sero who were seriously concerned Kaminari probably over studied.
Kaminari with a bitter smile said, “You’re wrong, Mineta… that guy… he said studying at Yaoyorozu would be helpless… that I should cheat… I keep remembering those words”
“Ha…ha, if you cheat you won’t be able to attend the lodge camp, don’t even think about that conversation with Mineta.”
“you’d get expelled dude!” Ojiro and Sero laughs together, Kaminari laughs too.
“Yeah, you’re right.”
Kaminari looks at the reflection on Sero’s arm. Sero’s quirk allows him to shoot tape from his elbows which he can control freely and draw back whenever, it’s an extremely high-tier, useful quirk. And then Kaminari suddenly remembers the class seating order, Kaminari sits diagonally behind Sero’s seat.
“hahaha….ha…. no that can’t be right….”
Ojiro and Sero stared at him with puzzled faces as his laugh disappeared and his frightening voices draws near to them.
t/n next part switches back to bakushima and teaser note they visit a drinks bar after escaping the library lmfao fun times, once again dependent on my speed I’ll try to post it asap.
btw pls check my acc from time to time for updates, I thought at first I could just go back to my previous updates and post links to new parts but it’s actually really troublesome to do so, so please pop back every now and then to check for updates.
And last but not least, bring on season two!
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Alhamdulillah. Allah still gives me chance to live my life, to look after my very own sons. To still have a understanding husband. To meet my family and to breath air FOC! Masha Allah. So, to cut story short, today's leisure afternoon, looking thru my IG feed, and out of the blue, I saw a video post, something to do with parents, appreciating them etc. The video showed a boy (aged around 7-8yo), lying his head down on his mother's jenazah, weeping calmly but looked like he'd been there for quite a long time. With a sentimental song in background (Ummi thumma Ummi, in which I am in love with the song eversince I listened to it), made me burst into tears! 😭😭😭 Watching the video over and over again, made me realise how I am actually always being a spoiled brat to abi ummi and what touched me the most was. I cannot imagine Fatih and Furqan weep their heart out on my dead body. Allahu. I was thinking, if I were dead, who is going to look after them. Are they going to be safe? Are they going to be raised well? Kesian Cinderella tu, thinking of how much she'd been missing her mommy. I wonder how her mother feels knowing her daughter kana layan cematu oleh her stepmother 😭😭😭. There must be someone in this world yg cematu kaaann. 😭😭 The video reflects me as well, how I should prepare for death at any time, any occasions. Reflects that I should start eating healthy, stay healthy and take care of my health for my sons. I really should ! May Allah make ease 😢 Wah, already 12! Akhir sudah. I should be sleeping by now. I have 1 day before submitting my draft proposal! Uwaaaa! And I miss my husband so much, how come you not replying me! 😠😠 and Fatih kept mentioning your name okay. If you were sleeping, I pray may Allah always take care of you, tetap kan iman, setia pada isteri & anak-anak mu, hehe! And may Allah give you strength and sabr carikan nafkah untuk kami. We lvle you Abi! 😘
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