#utsugi kotoko
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konxhk · 2 months ago
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Two meme redraws for no reason at all, it was still fun tho, I have a lot more of those in mind so I might do more. Original photos under
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duckybathperson · 7 months ago
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I'm so sorry kotoko they did you so dirty in the game :(
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wisterimist · 4 months ago
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Inspired by Perfect Blue
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cannibalisticdespair · 6 months ago
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“I want a baby” prank texts from Twitter x Despair gals (and Kotoko and Komaru)
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do-you-know-this-baby · 5 months ago
Do you know this baby?
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comment: kotoko is my best friend's favorite character and she's ADORBS!!!! for a while during my udg hyperfixation i kept using the word adorbs to describe things because of her. her backstory makes me sick i feel so bad for her. she absolutely deserves to be the fan favorite out of the woh, if she gets mostly "i dont like her answers" me and my best friend star will cry. do you want that do you wish tears upon us
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eeveesplace · 14 days ago
Regressuary 2025 Day 14
“Kotoko regresses from fear.”
Please heed the warnings for this one! There are some heavy topics included, but nothing explicit.
🩷 Many thanks to @mcschnuggles for the prompts list! 🩷
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Character: Kotoko Utsugi
Word Count: 302
Applicable Tags: Post-DR:AE, Implied/Referenced Childhood Sexual Abuse, Impure Regression, Nightmares, Panic Attacks, Flashbacks, Coloring, Plushies, Music Boxes, Regressor Kotoko Utsugi, POV Third Person Omniscient
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“Everyone will be gentle with you…”
Kotoko shot out of bed, sobs wracking from her body. The traumatic nightmares, while thankfully less frequent since Monaca’s departure, still tormented her. “N-no… No more g-gentle…” Kotoko struggled to calm her breathing but managed to get her hyperventilating down to in-and-out breaths through her nose and mouth. Finding her favorite pink rabbit plush, she rubbed her hand against the soft, minky fabric to ground herself. She hugged it tight, trying to replace the tainted memories with thoughts of the childhood she wished she had.
Once she had soothed herself enough, Kotoko reached under her bed for her box of markers and coloring book, which was filled with all sorts of adorable animals and scenery. She opened to a page displaying a lush garden, picking shades of green for the leaves and bright pops of color for the flowers. With each stroke of pigment, she tried to push the nightmare out of her mind. The demons couldn’t hurt her anymore, and it was time to take back the youth she deserved.
Kotoko eased into the younger headspace the activity brought, her coloring getting a tad beyond the lines but not so much that it ruined the art for her. Once she finished the picture, she hugged her plush close and cozied into bed. “‘M safe now,” she mumbled. “Nothin’ can hurt us.” The rabbit was filled with weighted beads, which offered reassuring compression.
Kotoko reached for a pastel pink music box on her nightstand decorated with embossed ribbons and gold details. It was a gift from Nagisa, given to her on one of her birthdays. She turned the small key to begin the melody, the chiming of Brahms’ Lullaby easing her into a reverie. She yawned and petted her plush once more, falling back to sleep.
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meet the new warriors of hope… and monaca. you can ask all 5 of the kids (+nagito, and maybe some others if you get creative…) something!! so please do!!!
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dr-sapphic-tourney · 2 months ago
SHSL Survivors 1-8
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repo-net · 10 months ago
How do you think Nagisa would react if the other warriors were the mastermind instead of Monaca
Oooh, that's a fun question. Thanks for submitting it, anon!
I'm going to assume that you mean if any of three other WoH had Monaca's ideals and goals rather than the pickle herself? I've actually never given this one much thought until you submitted it, but I'm always down to explore/give my own take on Nagisa's relationships with the other three kiddos.
To generalize the points I'll make, I think the one thing that'll stick with Nagisa finding out that Masaru/Jataro/Kotoko was pulling the strings is that he'd be able to stand his ground much, much better than how he took it when Monaca revealed her true motives, and he'd likely be able to keep himself composed; at least until the matter of expectations gets brought up.
Although Nagisa loves those three dearly and would put himself in danger before letting any of them get harmed, Monaca was a special attachment that he had. I've said this in previous posts, but I do think Nagisa's kind of had a hunch that there's something wrong with Monaca, and one reason why becoming leader meant so much to him is that maybe with that authority he can convince her to get to a paradise without like, committing a full-blown genocide.
I'll surrender that It's a little hard to imagine the three of them actually having it in them to lead something as diabolical as Monaca's plans, but maybe my imagination just isn't wild enough, eheh.
For the sake of storytelling, I think how this would play out in terms of the other Warriors getting sic'ed would be:
Chapters 1-2 are occupied by the two from Masaru/Jataro/Kotoko that aren't the mastermind, while Nagisa takes the lead in Chapter 3 and tries to deal with Komaru and Toko before realizing that he can't beat them, so Chapter 4 starts off with him as usual - trying to get both of them to leave Towa City before the eventual confrontation with one of the three other WoH being the mastermind. As for where Monaca would fit into all this, uhh. No clue. But she isn't really an important factor in this post.
Individually though, Nagisa's reactions to the three other Warriors being masterminds...
More than anything, he's actually shocked. Masaru being the one is what would take him off guard the most. While Monaca broke him; it was because he repressed/denied the possibility because he wanted to believe he could trust her. This is an option he never accounted for, and it's because Nagisa thinks Masaru would be too much of a dunce to pull something like this off.
The initial reaction would be something akin to dismissal, before realizing 'oh shit, he's actually serious?'. That's when the anger kicks in. Not so much fear, but just pure vexation at the fact that he of all people thought that something as insane as creating a second Junko would be a good idea.
Nagisa'll threaten Masaru that he'll tell on Monaca, but Masaru at this point likely doesn't care. This version of Masaru likely rules through power and would probably just bullrush through his enemies to get his way. I could honestly believe in the idea that he'd be cruel enough to show Komaru her parents' corpses in a similar fashion to how the pickle did it. (Actually, all three of them should be able to...)
This Nagisa would probably want to throw hands with Masaru because his opinion on Masaru already isn't the greatest and he gets annoyed by him pretty easily; but having a reason to go from 'well he's kind of annoying but he's still a good friend to me' to actually hating him - it's a transition that gives Nagisa motivation to actually fight back. Though he'll probably realize soon enough that trying to hurt a P.E kid when the one thing you flunked in school is P.E would be a terrible idea...
Though self-doubt issues would surface, Nagisa would find it easier to deny Masaru's taunts and telling him that nobody expects anything from him in comparison to being told the same ideas by Monaca. This version of Nagisa likely makes it past Chapter 4 because he runs off to Monaca. Kotoko and Jataro are absent here, so Monaca and Nagisa would probably alarm Tokomaru about what's about to go down.
"He was always kind of strange, but to think that this is what he had in mind all along...?" - That's what would settle in. Unlike with Masaru's reveal, Jataro's would make Nagisa put things into perspective for a bit as he realizes that maybe all those gross things Jataro told him were his actual thoughts and not just ways to get Nagisa to hate him.
Heck, I think he'd genuinely be wondering at first if this is just another one of Jataro's ways to get Nagisa to hate him, because Nagisa's aware enough to realize that Jataro might think Nagisa doesn't hate him unlike the other Warriors because he's been far more patient with him and doesn't pick on Jataro.
This one would have a much softer Nagisa - he'd ask if any of the other Warriors have been going overboard with their teasing/bullying and that's what's making Jataro act out like this. Even when he's already showing himself off to be evil, Nagisa would still be concerned for mask boy's well-being.
(Actually, that could be a motive for why a MM!Jataro would want to pursue a second gen Junko, no? Maybe because Junko was the only one who seemed to care for him/give him what he really wants, and now Jataro wants to have something akin to that now that Junko's gone.)
Eventually, Nagisa'll realize that Jataro's a lost cause and he'll turn his back on him. With Masaru and Kotoko absent from the Warriors here; he again tells on Monaca - but as strange as it may sound, I think Jataro would be much more eager to go after Nagisa and make sure he doesn't ruin his plans than Masaru. Nagisa still seeming to harbor some sort of pity instead of hatred towards Jataro would push the latter over the edge and he might just finish the job himself. Though of course, all of this is just speculation on my end.
All the masks finally come off here. And out of all three - Nagisa would be pretty quick to believe in the idea that Kotoko was puppeting the strings all along. This is less because of an inherent bias against her, thinking that she's always been evil; but rather that if anyone had the capacity to be so violently cruel, it'd be the one who's been an actress since she was born.
I feel as though the sequence of events that would play out are pretty similar to how it goes down with Monaca, and that's because Kotoko would know how to push all the buttons to set Nagisa off, and she already has the attitude/malice to pull it off if she were a much darker character than her canon self.
Since Kotoko knows how to push Nagisa over the edge and break him like Monaca did in canon; Nagisa's reaction here mirrors how he is in UDG proper - utterly defeated, but this time it's because Kotoko would taunt him, telling him that nobody would ever believe him if he tried to snitch on her, because who would trust the smart, calculating Nagisa over sweet, innocent Kotoko, right?
She'd also be able to lure Nagisa into doing her bidding in a similar fashion to Nagisa's - Nagisa doesn't have it in him to hurt Kotoko and she's fully aware of Monaca's crush on Nagisa; but instead of childishly teasing him over it, it's using it against him - maybe something along the lines of threating to harm Monaca if Nagisa tries to tell her/betray Kotoko.
Because of that, Nagisa's fate here is likely the same as it is in UDG. Gets 'crushed' by a robot at the end, never to be seen again.
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light-wynd · 1 year ago
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The Fighter!
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junkosblunt · 2 years ago
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this is canon btw
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pirelindo · 4 months ago
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Kotoko in some photo I found on Pinterest
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kierankisses · 6 months ago
utsugi for warmup
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tomboyvampire23 · 9 months ago
Happy Birthday to my favorite UDG character, Kotoko Utsugi again~ 🎭🩷
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eeveesplace · 11 days ago
Regressuary 2025 Day 17
“Komaru and Toko work together to take care of Kotoko.”
🩷 Many thanks to @mcschnuggles for the prompts list! 🩷
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Ship: Toko Fukawa & Komaru Naegi & Kotoko Utsugi
Word Count: 324
Applicable Tags: Post-DR:AE, Characters Playing Animal Crossing Game(s), Candy, Plushies, Comfort No Hurt, Toko Fukawa Being Toko Fukawa, Regressor Kotoko Utsugi, Carer Komaru Naegi, Carer Toko Fukawa (Kinda), POV Third Person Omniscient
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“I’m not good with kids!”
“Just… try your best, Toko! She needs our help, for sure.” Komaru peeked around the corner of the side room, looking at where Kotoko sat in a mountain of plushies. “It’s the least she deserves after all she’s been through.”
Komaru walked over to her, kneeling to get on her level. She waved, trying to get her attention. “Hey, Kotoko!”
The young girl looked up from her Switch, fully absorbed in her playthrough of Animal Crossing. “Huh?”
“Toko,” Komaru looks behind herself, and Toko scurries over to her side. “And I were wondering if you needed us for anything. Snacks, some company?”
“Hmm…” Kotoko pondered if she needed anything, as having someone supportive of her regression was new. “Candy?”
“Yeah, we can do that!” Komaru gave a thumbs up, then turned to Toko. “Hey, remember when we got all that stuff for the pantry in the hotel room? There should be some gummies in there!”
“Why do I have to be the one-” Komaru’s puppy-dog eyes convinced the older woman. “Fine. You owe me a favor next time!” Toko left to find the aforementioned treats, leaving Komaru and Kotoko together.
“Whatcha playing? That is, if you’d like to show me.” Kotoko tilted her Switch to show off her island, which was decorated with all sorts of pink flowers and furniture. “Oh, wow! You sure have a way with brightening things up!”
The pigtailed girl smiled and ran her villager in circles. “Lots of fun! And adorbs.”
Toko returned with the snacks and sat beside Komaru, but not before stealing one for herself. She passed the bag to the younger woman, who poured some gummy candy into Kotoko’s hand. “What, are you her mother now?”
“Hey! I just wanna make sure she stays out of trouble, that’s all.” Komaru leans into Toko’s ear and whispers. “I doubt either of us want to deal with her running around all sugared up.”
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Liked this and want more? Check the full Regressuary fic on my AO3 here!
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motherlyidol · 1 year ago
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✺   ﹒   🎁   Kotoko Utsugi Layouts!
(# >o<)   ❛   🎄   ♡⃘   Req By: @denpakawaii . No Id/Kin/Me Tags unless
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