#utility pan status
rainet00 · 1 year
As the world becomes increasingly digital, businesses are constantly seeking ways to streamline their operations and improve efficiency. One area where this is particularly important is in identity verification, especially when it comes to government-issued identification documents like PAN cards. This is where Rainet's Pan API comes in - a powerful tool that allows businesses to easily verify the authenticity of PAN cards in real-time. In this article, we'll take a closer look at why Rainet is the best Pan API provider on the market, what features our Pan API offers, and how it can benefit your business. So let's dive in!
Rainet is the best Pan API Provider.
When it comes to Pan API providers, Rainet stands out as the best in the industry. Our years of experience and dedication to providing top-notch services have earned us a reputation that is second to none. We understand that our clients need reliable and efficient Pan API solutions, and we go above and beyond to ensure that they get just that.
At Rainet, we pride ourselves on offering cutting-edge technology that is designed to meet the unique needs of each client. Our team of experts works tirelessly to develop innovative solutions that are tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you need a simple Pan verification service or a more complex solution for your business, we have got you covered.
We believe in delivering exceptional value to our clients, which is why we offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality. With Rainet as your Pan API provider, you can rest assured that you are getting the best value for your money. So why settle for less when you can work with the best? Choose Rainet for all your Pan API needs and experience the difference firsthand!
Our Pan API Feature.
At Rainet, we understand the importance of providing a reliable and efficient Pan API for our clients. That's why we have developed a feature-rich Pan API that is designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. Our Pan API provides real-time access to the PAN database, allowing businesses to quickly and easily verify customer identities.
One of the key features of our Pan API is its flexibility. Our API can be integrated into any system or application, making it easy for businesses to incorporate it into their existing workflows. Additionally, our Pan API is highly scalable, meaning it can handle large volumes of requests without sacrificing performance.
Another important feature of our Pan API is its accuracy. We use advanced algorithms and data validation techniques to ensure that the information returned by our API is accurate and up-to-date. This helps businesses reduce fraud and improve customer trust.
Overall, our Pan API is a powerful tool for any business looking to streamline their identity verification process. With its flexibility, scalability, and accuracy, it's no wonder why so many businesses choose Rainet as their go-to provider for Pan API services.
Benefits of our Pan API.
Our Pan API offers a range of benefits that make it an ideal solution for businesses looking to streamline their operations and improve their customer experience. Firstly, our API is incredibly easy to integrate into your existing systems, meaning you can start using it right away without any hassle or downtime. This means that you can quickly begin reaping the benefits of our Pan API without having to worry about any technical issues.
Another key benefit of our Pan API is its speed and accuracy. Our system is designed to provide lightning-fast responses to queries, ensuring that your customers receive the information they need in real-time. Additionally, our API is highly accurate, meaning that you can trust the data it provides and make informed decisions based on this information.
Finally, our Pan API is incredibly secure, with robust encryption protocols in place to protect sensitive data. This means that you can rest assured that your customers' personal information is safe and secure when using our system. Overall, these benefits make Rainet's Pan API an excellent choice for businesses looking to improve their operations and provide a better experience for their customers.
Why Choose Rainet for Pan API?
When it comes to choosing a Pan API provider, there are several factors that you should consider. At Rainet, we understand that your business needs a reliable and efficient Pan API solution that can help you streamline your operations and improve your customer experience. That's why we have designed our Pan API service with the latest technology and features that can meet all your requirements.
One of the key reasons why you should choose Rainet for Pan API is our commitment to providing exceptional customer support. Our team of experts is always available to answer any questions you may have and provide guidance on how to use our platform effectively. We also offer regular updates and maintenance services to ensure that our Pan API solution is always up-to-date and running smoothly.
Another reason why Rainet is the best choice for Pan API is our competitive pricing model. We understand that every business has different budget constraints, which is why we offer flexible pricing plans that can be customized according to your specific needs. With Rainet, you can get access to high-quality Pan API services at an affordable price point.
Overall, if you're looking for a reliable and efficient Pan API provider, look no further than Rainet. Our commitment to quality, customer support, and affordability makes us the perfect partner for all your business needs. So why wait? Schedule a demo today and see how Rainet can transform your operations!
Schedule a demo today?
If you're interested in learning more about Rainet's Pan API and how it can benefit your business, we encourage you to schedule a demo with us today. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing personalized support and guidance throughout the entire integration process.
During the demo, we'll walk you through our Pan API features and answer any questions you may have. We understand that every business is unique, which is why we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs. Our goal is to help streamline your operations and improve efficiency, ultimately leading to increased revenue and customer satisfaction.
Don't hesitate to reach out and schedule a demo with us today. We look forward to working with you!
In conclusion, Rainet's Pan API is the ultimate solution for all your Pan verification needs. Our advanced technology and user-friendly interface make it easy for businesses of all sizes to integrate our API into their systems seamlessly. With features like real-time verification, instant results, and 24/7 support, we guarantee that you will have a hassle-free experience with our Pan API. Moreover, our competitive pricing and personalized customer service set us apart from other providers in the market. So why wait? Schedule a demo today and see for yourself how Rainet's Pan API can help streamline your business operations and take your organization to new heights!
Visit Website:  https://rainet.co.in/PAN-API-Integration.php
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sailormoonsub · 8 months
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Naturally there's a vast well of potential metaphors that apply here, superimposed on each other and difficult to isolate, but I've been enjoying the interpretation that Mirror Sheriff posed last episode: MT is not a main character and therefore does not get an arc or growth.
Through that lens, this book is a story about stories. The traditional narrative structure would have us believe ALL obstacles are there for conflict, ALL characters exist for a reason, and the story ends when something is learned or changed.
within this framework, MT is the Very Special Episode Guest Character, who exists to act out a marginalized story for the sake of the characters who get their names in the credits, leaving behind nothing but William Shatner idly speculating "but what of Lazarus?" as we pan to an exterior shot and the credits roll.
MT rejects that role. Obstacles and foils aren't there FOR you. Narrative utility is a useful myth. Stories don't end when a comfortable status quo is attained; they continue with a different lead.
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bluerose5 · 6 months
[sticks leg out] may we see ur warden(s)/custom hawke(s)/inquisitor(s)
and if u feel like it how would any of them fare if dropped into Faerun (with or without Fenris/Zev)
Ohhh don't get me started!
Garrett Hawke, my beloved, although I hc him as elf-blooded. Ironic enough, in Thedas, "half-elf" or "half-blood" is used as an insult iirc, so imagine his expression to hear people use the term half-elf so casually in Faerûn. Just a little aside.
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For him, he is your typical purple mage Hawke, so I'd definitely say he'd bring that type of energy to Faerûn, no matter what time in his life he's in. He'd be excited as fuck to be in a place where he can use his magic openly without worry, and he would take the adventure in stride, even while he's screaming on the inside. (Still, none of this is as bad as Kirkwall in his opinion. 😆) Somehow gets everyone to fall for him without even trying. Not his first merry band of bi/pan misfits that he's had to deal with.
Then, there is HIM.
Darrian Tabris. My Warden. My Warden-Inquisitor. Love of my life. My angry rebel. The Dark Wolf himself! I djdbdhsbdfkf 😍💖💞💖💞
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Sorry, but he was a character I loved writing so much. Maybe I'll return to his story one day, but my energy has been more devoted to one shots and shorter works these days. It just suits my current habits and lifestyle better than going full multichap.
Darrian is a rogue/mage multiclass thanks to my setup on pc where I utilized the game's console commands and such. He's faced a lot of hardship in the Alienage and puts his people (elves and mages) first. He's also not above using less than savory means of achieving his goal (ex. the power of blood is a badass concept, coating his blades in his tainted blood to seriously fuck up his enemies, this is one of my favorites). He's also not above committing crime to get what he wants, but he grows into being a leader. In one AU I have, he even serves at Alistair's side as king (a poly relationship in this one). He also becomes Inquisitor and demolishes the status quo by encouraging rebellion where he can, so there's that too. 😂
So, with that in mind, how does he fare in Faerûn? Probably thinks it's too cushy compared to Thedas. His temper is his biggest flaw because he's so damn passionate that anything that angers him can set him off. Will be ready to fistfight any oppressive gods or former masters at the drop of a hat because he values freedom above all else. Could probably take Cazador out on his own ngl 💀
And of course Zevran was his romance (surprise, surprise). I don't think they'd necessarily act different around each other in Faerûn, but Zevran’s opinion would hold a lot of weight for him.
Also, semi-related, but I have so much art commissioned of these two. I didn't have my thoughts organized for this post at all so if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
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cryptid-stimming · 8 months
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🍁 🍂 Possum Springs (Night in the Woods) Stimboard 🏭 
x x x / x x / x x x
[Image description: a 9 gif stimboard; from left to right.
First line: A gif of a timelapse of clouds moving across the sky behind a utility pole and power lines. A gif of someone climbing up the ladder of a graffitied water tower. And a gif jumpcutting between shots of a small US town in Autumn, two shots panning over suburban streets and one shot of a single house as it begins to get dark, all have Autumn trees and fallen leaves.
Second line: A gif panning upwards to display a view of The Kinzua Bridge skywalk, surrounded by trees with the differing shades of Autumn. A still image of the 'Welcome to Historic Possum Springs' sign in the Night in the Woods game, the main character Mae can be seen standing by the sign and woodland is in the background. A gif panning up a historic statue of a horse, the base of the statue has graffiti and litter all over it.
Third line: A gif panning over storefronts with signs like 'For Rent' and spray-painted 'Going Out of Business', there are people and cars in the foreground. A gif of a rural road with a train crossing as a train crosses, the roadsides and background have trees with Autumn leaves. And a gif of two sneakers tied up on a utility pole and power line, one sneaker is spinning in the air.
End of image description.]
[Unsourced gifs are screenrecorded from my DVD of Jumanji (1995)]
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quinloki · 2 months
I know this may be strange to say,But havw guys ever had that teacher that yiu thought was a part of the lqbgt community but only to find out that they have partner and kids. ......
That doesn’t mean they aren’t queer.
There are literally so many ways to be married, have kids, and be gay.
One or both persons could be intersex. One or both persons could be not cis. One or both persons could be bi/pan/omni/poly/ace/aro/demisexual.
The person in question could also be in the closet for personal reasons.
Remember we do not call out someone. Gender identity and sexual orientation aren’t labels we apply to others, they’re descriptors people utilize for themselves. You haven’t the right to know or assume such status for someone else unless they tell you.
Now, if this was truly looking for a reasonable explanation then I hope that helped. If you were looking to stir the proverbial pot, and use me to do it, then kindly buzz off. As the biological child of a queer individual, I must admit this kind of ignorance leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
But we all have to learn at some point and I detest assuming the worst in an ask. So I went at this assuming the best, and I hope it did honestly help, and if it felt defensive on my end - it was.
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taekooktimeline · 1 year
June 25, 2023 - Taekook attend Yoongi’s concert. They arrive and leave together, sharing a car for an unofficial schedule, during their private time. The car they ride to and from the venue in is the same car they’ve both utilized getting to and from the airport for individual overseas schedules. I find this interesting and important to note but please draw your own conclusions! The below isn’t necessarily in order. 
Jungkook gets out of the car -
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Taehyung gets out of the same car -
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Walking into the venue together -
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More stills of them walking into the venue together-
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The lack of space -
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https://twitter.com/bun97koo/status/1672889516267544576?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/lyan333_kv/status/1672890776723017728?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Close up -
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According to concert goers, they came 40 minutes after the concert started. It’s hard to see in a still but the below link shows them arriving -
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Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook -
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The camera pans to Jimin, Tae and Jk -
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https://twitter.com/eri_purpledream/status/1672901356880027648?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/archivejkks/status/1672901045029154820?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
I wanted to emphasize Taekook booping their heads, so here it is separated from the above, when the camera zoomed in on the three -
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https://twitter.com/sorte613/status/1672935854032183298?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/taekookalbum/status/1672936390424686593?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/yourstrulytkk/status/1672901791787220992?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Jungkook is seen with a small fan -
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But at some point he gives his fan to Tae, who holds both to cool off -
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Jk’s arms bracketing around Tae😭
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Right before Jk whispers to Tae, their hands touch, with Jk’s hand lingering on Tae’s, not moving, until Tae moves his hand away (I really encourage you to watch the links because it’s so sweet) -
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https://twitter.com/jeongukie007/status/1673053819356209152?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/koosyoyo/status/1673058781528485889?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Jungkook whispers something in Taehyung’s ear -
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https://twitter.com/taekoomania/status/1672984558051160064?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/koovarbie/status/1672903009582604288?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/ausieyy/status/1672901881256108037?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/taekoomania/status/1672951675362103297?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/onlytkv_/status/1672954997741436929?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/koovarbie/status/1673051814667616257?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Whatever he said has Tae playfully nudging him after -
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Tae also whispers in Jk’s ear -
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Tae gets Jk’s attention, then makes two boxing fists -
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A female fan yells, “Taekook.” Jungkook points between them.
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https://twitter.com/sorte613/status/1672909358252937221?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/army_mx5/status/1673364976315121670?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/vkoopics/status/1673701679919710213?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Yoongi tells the crowd his brothers are here. Jungkook hops around while Taehyung dances in tiny, but soon both adorably hop around -
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https://twitter.com/jieunl07792333/status/1672919225961439234?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/golden_puta/status/1672985997439651840?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg Another angle - https://twitter.com/archiveforjk/status/1672894208699514882?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/keeponlovingv/status/1672894188420202498?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/_rapperjk/status/1672984667786543104?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Taekook dancing around during “cypher part 4” -
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https://twitter.com/diionyssustkk/status/1672895538914533377?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/ging_jjk/status/1672898334292582400?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
They look so domestic throughout the concert, glued to each other’s side😭
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This moment is so domestic to me! Jk yells “Yoongi” during the VCR. Tae yells “Yoongi” in a copy paste, but it goes quiet when he yells it. The crowd laughs and he gets shy, going straight to Jk to hide, walking in a circle around him. Jk laughs and watches fondly as Taehyung walks around him (I love when you can see Jk’s eye smile through his mask).
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https://twitter.com/jkbestmaknae/status/1672913098834059264?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/kookvtwins/status/1672914704472129537?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/amibangtan0309/status/1673113147740418048?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Tae handing the mic to Jk -
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https://twitter.com/koovarbie/status/1672921142623973377?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/koovarbie/status/1672921142623973377?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/ilykv_/status/1672931370027618304?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Transcript of what Taehyung and Jungkook say to cheer Yoongi on -
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https://twitter.com/bts_nanak_/status/1672906746027986946?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/thetkglobal/status/1672908903225622528?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/holidayforhope/status/1672943198782767105?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/thvvvvv_1997/status/1673039295438012416?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Vibing to “D day” -
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https://twitter.com/peachesminty/status/1673039748208939009?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/thvvvvv_1997/status/1673035173892599808?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg Long clip - https://twitter.com/thvvvvv_1997/status/1673035173892599808?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Noting Jk’s thigh muscle 🥲and also wanting to point out (again) how sweet it was Jk and Tae stuck by each other’s side through the concert.
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When the fans did the BTS fan chant, Jk and Tae exchange a glance after “Jeon Jungkook” -
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https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ct-biAcJTw0/?igshid=MTI1ZDU5ODQ3Yw== https://twitter.com/taegukkielover/status/1673204643197845504?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
The quality isn’t good in these stills, but Jk pats Tae’s stomach, then his butt -
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It’s hard to see in a still but Taekook leave the venue together -
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As mentioned at the start, they arrived together, and they leave together. Once again they’re walking so close, without space and attached at the hip, their body language similar in rhythm (their happy eye smiles!) -
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https://twitter.com/myu_kookv/status/1672911946214002688?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/vkookies_89/status/1672911096250867714?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg Different angle - https://twitter.com/peachesminty/status/1672924423341637632?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/bts_nanak_/status/1672921263319416833?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/thetkglobal/status/1672924871431688192?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg HD - https://twitter.com/koovarbie/status/1672922058789879810?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg Thread - https://twitter.com/koovarbie/status/1672892262626504705?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Fun fact - Jungkook’s shorts are part of Graffitionmind’s "R'Love'Ution" collection (his brother’s brand). His brother recently posted the inscription “R'Love'Ution.” I found his choice of shorts interesting to note since it’s pride month.
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CTTO for the collage
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pinkymoone · 8 days
Akiba Maid Wars Review! *~Minor Spoilers BEWARE~*
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Long time no see! I've been occupied with living, and boy, it's been annoying. Anyways, I watched Akiba Maid Wars during my long summer break and decided to write a review because it was one of the only series I actually finished since this year began [which says something abt this anime b/c I never finish anything].
First things first, this anime was hella funny because the concept was one of its kind: maid cafes x gang/mafia. The great dichotomy between those two concepts in itself is hard not to make iconic, and engaging the audience is quite simple when the "surprise" factor IS the plot. But...
...do you see how that can be problematic already?--detrimental and damaging to this whole anime?
I'm going to try to not get too rant-y because credit does need to be given to where it deserves, and this anime was very entertaining.
Pros: The characters had distinct, comical personalities. Although it was a bit stereotypical [a hopeful MC, stern friend, cute/cold friend, cute/violent friend], it wasn't a huge splinter to the story. I'll just say everyone had a funny dynamic with one another and the obstacles they went through because their characters were all different. The villain was a bit boring, but again, not a huge problem. For the plot, it wasn't anything mind-blowing or new, but it was decent mostly because it was so funny. It's so damn hilarious to think that cute maid girls are actually gangsters. I laughed a lot at each episode because of how ridiculous it was, and many scenarios were quite memorable. It made me think the writers probably had a good laugh themselves when writing a maid festival where cute maid groups had to fight each other/climb a huge maid statue to win and get more prestige and sales.
Now I'm not going to lie; there were many eyebrow-raising moments because things just didn't make sense/came off as unnatural.
That goes right into my cons: the plot execution was so messy. Not "just" messy, SO messy. It really affects the viewing experience about halfway through the season, even to the point that I just wanted to drop it. I can see that at the beginning of the series, there was a clear vision the creators had: to shock viewers when cute maid girls suddenly kill each other [obviously, like gangs]. I think they were also going for a meme/gag aesthetic. The first episode accomplished it well, but they already utilized the "surprise factor", so how were they going to top it off in the next 11 episodes? The scenarios began to get severely repetitive, predictable, and the weight of death wasn't there at all, with no consequences or realistic emotional damage. This is a huge problem; it strips away the human quality of the characters/setting that is based on IRL concept of maid cafes in Japan. If they were going for a totally unrealistic/absurd vibe, I'll take it, but the anime seemed confused, because they tried to add real sentimentality of gang stories.
SO at about episode 6 or 7, it was a struggle. They had nothing more to work with in later episodes as the same situations kept happening with loosely mended solutions. Sure, there was a plot to address, but in between that seemed like filler episodes of either kidnappings, sabotage, gun fights, and meaningless deaths. And I'll just say it now, there is such a thing as TOO MUCH killing sprees and character deaths, especially when it's either used as a brainless resolution or a pointless attempt at "shocking" the viewers. It just didn't make it enjoyable anymore, and I know the execution could've been better had they carefully constructed HOW they were going to present important plot points and HOW they were going to solve it. Were they going for a coherent story? Or just a gag (think Gintama) vibe? The humorous situations were what kept this anime going, but then you'd think about the foundational plot and wonder how serious (or unserious) it was, and just end up getting frustrated with the way things pan out.
As for the ending, it was nonsensically abrupt and did not make much sense; I think I constantly questioned, "Why am I still watching this?" at that point. But, you know, I commend the writers for giving it a happy ending than the miserable/sadder ones I see in mainstream media. They got the main message across pretty good: Maid's are defined by their duty to bring happiness. It isn't about power, money, or glory. I suppose you can apply this idea to numerous roles in our societies. Overall, a 6/10 watch.
It was a decent, turn-off brain series to watch, so if that's what you're looking for alongside good laughs, I recommend it. If you hate messy, nonsensical stories to the point that it exhausts you (i was indeed a bit exhausted) don't watch it.
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Disney Dreamland - Part 4: Fantasyland
(I had already posted about Mysteryland previously, which retroactively makes it Part 3. So we're moving on to the next part.)
Quite possibly the largest of the five lands, probably even beating out my mega-Adventureland. 
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Small World Gardens
Located behind Small World, this sprawling area would transition into Storybook Town Square. Flower arrangements inspired by Keukenhof in the Netherlands. Similar to Paris’s Fantasyland, there would be a couple rivers running through the garden with lovely bridges to cross over them. 
Dumbo the Flying Elephant : The Masquerade Circus could be positioned near the Mysteryland/Fantasyland border so that the back of the tents could serve as a backdrop for the Dumbo ride, which would have its own little area in the gardens. I was at a loss on where else to place this ride, but I stubbornly wanted to include it as it is currently the only attraction to be found in all 6 existing castle parks and I didn't want to break that streak.
"Casey Jr. Circus Train": Doesn't have to specifically be Dumbo-themed, I just really want a cute novelty train to wind through the garden, with cute bridges to pass over the walkways and rivers.
“Swan Boats”: Paddle boats. I say “swan boats” but they don’t have to be just swans, but could also resemble other birds such as ducks, geese, and flamingos.
Symphony Gazebo: A gazebo in the garden for a live band to play classical music.
“Windmill snack stand”: I saw a picture of the Old Mill in Paris and thought it looked so charming. German pretzels. 
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Storybook Town Square
The town follows in the footsteps of Ananheim’s 1983 overhaul with each building having its own unique look. Would feature a fluid mix of Bavarian and British architecture. The Bavarian half of the town on the west contains “Pinocchio Square” and the theater. The British half on the east contains Peter Pan, Little Nemo (even though Nemo is American), and Mr. Toad. A large fountain stands in the center. Cobblestones would pave the ground. I want this area to evoke the feeling of Paris’s Fantasyland as well as Efteling in the Netherlands . 
Pinocchio’s Daring Escape: Focuses more on escaping Pleasure Island. The only other thing I would change is have all the sets and animatronics appear to be carved out of wood, and have real clothes on the animatronics, for a more high-quality “hand made” look, the implication being the entire ride is a life-sized puppet show. The ride building along with the toy shop and restaurant form a smaller “Pinocchio Square”, which would include a smaller fountain with a statue of Pinocchio.
Geppetto’s Toy Shop: Would feature regular retail plush toys, as well as old fashioned toys like wooden marionettes and wind-ups, as well as cuckoo clocks. Christmas ornaments can also be purchased here.   
Pinocchio’s Pizza Place: Italian cuisine. Basically the Pinocchio Village Haus in Orlando, but with an alliterative name, and also some of the pizzas have toppings decorated to look like Pinocchio smiley faces. Quick service.  
Once Upon a Time Theatre: Hosts live indoor stage shows. While any show with Disney musical medleys is fine, I would much prefer original shows of rarely-featured stories, such as the other tales from the 1001 Arabian Nights, or a stage version of Disney's Return to Oz (which I personally love better as an Oz adaptation than MGM's movie; 2013's Oz the Great and Powerful was meh). Building design would be modeled after the new Fantasyland Forest Theatre in Tokyo.
“German restaurant”: Table service. 
Flight to Neverland: Would utilize the best aspects from each version of the ride. For example, I love that Shanghai’s queue is themed to a London park (Kensington Gardens?), and the chimneys in Paris’s loading dock blow smoke. The building facade would definitely have a functioning clock tower, in homage to Big Ben, but designed to fit with the small town aesthetic. The name change is simply because I feel like guests actually take on the role of the Darling children more than they do Peter.
Little Nemo in Slumberland: Little Nemo may not be a Disney IP, but it has such rich and vibrant imagery, I think it could work really well as a Disney ride. Not to mention it’s in the public domain, so there shouldn’t be any legal issues. In many ways it’s very similar to Peter Pan’s Flight, so maybe it could also help balance the wait times between the two rides. Guests take on the role of Nemo and ride flying beds (or at least, benches that look like beds, with a headboard and a footboard) that soar out the bedroom window. What follows are awe-inspiring, almost surreal, scenes of Slumberland. Things start to distort and become chaotic as the dream turns into a nightmare. Before anything too awful happens, guests “wake up” back in Nemo’s bedroom while the voice of Nemo’s mother scolds us for eating before bed. For visual reference, I recommend the Osamu Dezaki pilot film that was created during the movie’s development, though I obviously wouldn’t put the giant Sauron eye in the ride. 
Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride: Orlando’s former double-track ride, but with Anaheim’s building exterior. I never got to experience this ride and I really want to.
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Ever After Castle
Here it is, the traditional centerpiece of all Disney parks, now the centerpiece of Fantasyland instead. I personally think of most Disney castles as tall but not wide. This castle would be slightly different from the traditional Disney castle by taking up more ground space. I hate to sound blasphemous, but for this castle I’m thinking of something similar to Shrek’s Far Far Away Castle in Universal Singapore but with more detailed ornate decorations like Paris’ castle, and the outer walls slightly covered in ivy vines for a more inviting, homely look. It would also stand on top of an elevated foundation, surrounded by a moat. There would be a large courtyard in front of the main castle building, with the carousel placed in the center of it. The gift shop and the meet-and-greet are each placed on either the west or east side of the courtyard. The north of the courtyard would feature the restaurant on the ground floor, the entrance to the underground boat ride, and stairs to the second floor attraction. 
Cinderella’s Carriage Carrousel: Regarding the visual design, I want it to look like the pumpkin carriage turned into a carousel. The canopy could include fiber optic fairy dust that lights up at night.
Be Our Guest Restaurant: French cuisine. I really like Tokyo’s Beauty and the Beast ride and would love to import it, but I respect the OLC’s exclusivity rights too much. I wondered if I could make it a combination ride and restaurant where each table is a ride vehicle, but I worried that would cause motion sickness which is a big no-no for a restaurant. At the very least, for my version I would love to have animatronics perform “Be Our Guest” every 30 minutes or so. Also, perhaps every hour, Belle and Beast performers would come out onto the dance floor and invite guests to waltz with them. Hot Take: The Grey Stuff is very obviously a savory food as it is clearly presented on a tray of hors d'oeuvres in the movie. But since the version currently offered in the parks has been imprinted in fans’ minds I think it’s best to offer two versions: Savory (chicken liver pate) as an appetizer and Sweet (cookies and cream) as a dessert.
Royal Meet-and-Greet: I personally do not care much for meet and greets, but for the people that do, here you can meet the Princesses, some of the Princes, as well as non-Princesses such as Giselle, Esmeralda, and TinkerBell. 
Kingdom Treasures gift shop: Based on the Tokyo shop of the same name. 
Crystal Caverns Canal: Boat ride underneath the castle. My first idea for this ride was basically Voyage to the Crystal Grotto from Shanghai, if all the character statues were built out of crystals and mosaic tiles. Then I realized, there’s probably too much IP already in the land, so I think there could be an original story about the crystals being a source of magic for the kingdom, and have scenes of wizards and fairies harvesting the crystals and creating experiments with them. Sort of a “tour of the workshop” kind of ride. I’m thinking of something with the same vibes as Dreamflight in Efteling. 
Merlin’s Library / Yen Sid’s Library: Located on the second floor of the castle. Originally I wanted a ride in a similar vein to Symbolica in Efteling, but with a story like that of Mystic Manor in Hong Kong. Then I wondered if it would be feasible to have a ride in the second story, so I’m also okay with this being a walkthrough attraction.  I feel either wizard could work here. Merlin is the more well-known wizard, but Yen Sid is easier to create an original backstory for. The basic gist of the attraction is you wander around a library with little vignettes of magical items operating on their own; a quill pen writing  by itself, a large spell book turning its own pages, floating books sorting themselves on the shelves, etc. There could even be some interactive elements, such as paintings that change, or opening a book can project a scene “coming to life” and “escaping” the book.
Fairytale Gardens: Walkthrough garden. There would be lovely little vignettes scattered throughout, including Snow White’s wishing well, a giant beanstalk, and The Sword in the Stone placed in a little alcove in the castle’s outer wall. This would be outside the courtyard. Maybe off to the side, to the west, wrapping around the outer castle wall, next to Shadowland Forest.
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Shadowland Forest
Inspired by the Black Forest of Germany, this area features spookier attractions. West of the castle, shares the border with Mysteryland and the Gravity Falls area. There would be plenty of fir, spruce, and pine trees to make it feel like an actual forest, maybe even hide some of the attractions from view. 
Snow White’s Scary Adventures : Building facade would include the Evil Queen peeking out her window. I would place the building nearest to Storybook Town Square, at the edge of the forest.
“Gingerbread Factory Tour” : Based on my twisted Hansel and Gretel dark ride idea. Guests are given a tour of gingerbread golems at work (something like Tim Burton’s version of Wonka’s factory if it were more surreal and set in 1800s Germany), then are chased through obstacles, such as lollipop blades swinging from the walls, and peppermint stick darts, by Hansel and Gretel themselves. They’ve been very distrustful of adults after their parents abandoned them in the woods, and after the witch held them captive. They deem the guests harmless, and let them go but warn them to never come back.
Candy Carnival shop: The ride would exit into a shop themed to a candy carnival safe haven that Hansel and Gretel built for children lost in the woods. Would feature gingerbread treats and a nice selection of old-fashioned candies and German sweets. Guests can also watch bakers and candymakers at work. (Despite the name, there are no actual rides here, just animatronic decorations.)
Dragon Mountain: I wanted a unique “Mountain” ride, much like how the Matterhorn and Everest are unique to their parks. And dragons are cool. Originally this was going to be based on Maleficent, but now I’m leaning more towards an original story. And to put a neat spin on things, instead of a fire-breathing dragon, it would be a wintery ice dragon! I would also love it if the dragon was not portrayed as a mindless, violent beast hoarding treasure, but a parent protecting their child from intruders.
I initially wanted a sub-land recreating Halloween Town (with a spooky "Scare-ousel") but I felt Fantasyland was already overrun with too many IPs (and seven carousels is enough for one park), so here an area is set aside for seasonal Nightmare Before Christmas or Villains themed events, leaving the Haunted Mansion free during the holidays. 
Disney Dreamland Railroad Fantasyland station: Styled after the ruins of a medieval castle. Located on the edge of the forest near Ever After Castle, next to the entrance to Winter Village.
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East of the castle, on the border with Create-It-Land. While there would be plenty of natural green, there would also be an abundant mix of giant pink, purple, and turquoise “wildlife”, as seen in the initial scrapped concept art for Tokyo’s expansion. Giant mushrooms in place of benches,  trees decorated with misleading signs, lamp posts that look like giant flowers. March Hare would definitely be included as a walk-around character alongside Hatter and Alice. People often forget the tea party took place at the Hare’s and mistakenly believe Hatter to be the host, and I will not stand for this March Hare erasure.  I would also have plenty of card soldiers roaming around, “patrolling” the area.
Down the Rabbit-Hole: An upside-down funhouse with wonky mirrors, and trick doors galore! A hall of doors in the end would lead into the maze. I was thinking there could probably also be a madhouse ride portion where guests can experience the room actually turning upside down; inspired by Villa Volta in Efteling. 
Wonderland Maze: As much as I like the Alice in Wonderland ride in Anaheim, I personally feel that Wonderland is a world that is best experienced up close and at your own pace, which a maze perfectly embodies. While the maze would obviously be themed to classic animated Alice like the Paris version, it would have different environments, like Shanghai’s Tim Burton version. First half of the maze would be a forest-like environment with giant plants and singing flowers. Second half would have rose bushes, fancy iron fences, and carved stone walls and statues for the Queen of Heart’s castle area. There would be a handful of tiny doors scattered throughout that guests can crawl through as shortcuts. Among the character statues scattered around the maze, I really want to include the Mock-Turtle and Gryphon, based on their designs from the Jell-O commercial, perhaps on a sandy beach shore by a small fountain / pond.
House of Cards Banquet Hall: Inspired by the Queen of Hearts Banquet Hall in Tokyo. Would follow the same eccentric and colorful design scheme, but I want it to look like a stone castle made out of cards. Definitely would have lovely stained glass windows. Desserts include Royal Heart Tarts. They could also come in souvenir cups and plates like the ones found in Tokyo.
Mad Tea Party: Would have a canopy roof to protect from the weather and direct sunlight, but I also wouldn’t mind a stained-glass version. Or even a canopy made of trees. Teacup designs would be a mix of various patterns from all versions (except Orlando’s, I do not care for the zigzag scribbles). Would also include the giant teapot with the Dormouse in the center. To help with queue waits, I’d even have two ride systems, much like how Orlando doubled their Dumbo ride. One could even be themed to the Hatter while the other to the March Hare.
March Hare’s tea shop: Would have the same building design as March Hare Refreshments in Paris. Would sell several varieties of tea, Unbirthday Cake, and macarons. Could also feature a long table with interactive tea things to play with, like Shanghai does at the end of its maze, and plenty of fancy chairs for photo-ops.
Mad Hatter’s hat shop: Hats, Mickey ears, and other headgear. To match the March Hare’s chimney ears, this building would resemble a large top hat. Would also feature hat racks for photo-ops, like Shanghai does at the end of its maze.
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100 Acre Wood
East of Town Square, on the border with Create-It-Land. A tiny little area with tall trees providing shade, a lovely little Poohsticks Bridge over a small river, and a cozy corner for a meet-and-greet with Pooh and friends.
Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day: Basically the same as Pooh’s Hunny Hunt in Tokyo, which includes the giant book facade, and the same level of crafted detail and technical marvel throughout the ride, but with scenes added for the “rain, rain, rain”, and Pooh’s hero party as the ending. I would also use Anaheim’s zany color scheme for the Heffalumps and Woozles room with some added special effects for even more zaniness.  The ride’s name change is just to both set it apart from the other versions, and because I realized with the exception of Pooh stuck in the honey tree, all the iconic scenes in the ride come from Blustery Day.
Pooh Corner gift shop: Also utilizes the same English cottage look as Tokyo’s.
Hunny Smackerels snack stand: Hunny Pot cupcakes, honeycomb, honey ice cream, and a separate cart for honey popcorn in lovely Pooh-shaped popcorn buckets. It would be really cute if the stand is actually inside a giant tree trunk, with a dutch door counter window for guests to order from. 
The next three sub-lands would be behind Ever After Castle, outside the perimeter of the railroad tracks border. The entrance to Winter Village is between Shadowland Forest and the castle, while the entrance to Encanto Valley is between Wonderland and the castle. Mermaid Lagoon is directly behind the castle, between the other two sub-lands and only accessible through them. Small mountains would form berms for each sub-land. For reference, think of how Grizzly Gulch, Mystic Point, and Toy Story Land are arranged in Hong Kong.
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Winter Village
Inspired by my Narnia theme park concept. This entire mini-land would be indoors, to have air-conditioning to sell the illusion of winter, and to preserve the artificial winter setup from the real-life elements outdoors. This mini-land would be round (roughly) so that the glass ceiling that lets in natural light can have a hexagonal snowflake design. At night time there’d be projections of Northern Lights. NOT Frozen themed. It’s a cute movie and all, but far overstayed its welcome before it was even released on DVD. Village would be a mix of Russian and Scandinavian architecture.  Can be used for a Santa Claus meet-and-greet during Christmas.
Enchanted Snow Palace: The planned but never built ride based on Hans Christian Andersen’s Snow Queen. The concept art looks leagues better than the final product of Frozen Ever After.
“Winter Sleigh Ride”: Ride through winter scenery in sleighs pulled by reindeer. Technically a dark ride, since the entire subland is indoors, but feels like an outdoor ride.
"Snowball Arcade": I really wanted something to simulate snowball fights, but without the chaos and mess. Here, guests can throw snowballs at targets to win plush prizes.
"Russian cafe": Russian pastries and snacks
"Ice skating rink": Free if you bring your own skates.
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Mermaid Lagoon
A scaled-down version of the land in Tokyo DisneySea, without the playground and kiddie rides. Like DisneySea, it would have a lovely seashell castle facade, with the attractions indoors. Unlike DisneySea, there would be a small lake in front with a ship restaurant docked on it.
“Under the Sea”: NOT a retelling of the movie, but instead an original story that would take place some time pre-movie. Follows Ariel on one of her outings as she explores the sea looking for new treasures to add to her collection. Final scene could be of Ariel in her grotto after completing her latest trip, but feeling unsatisfied as she wistfully looks at her collection, while instrumentals for “Part Of Your World” softly play in the background. 
King Triton’s Concert Hall: Just like the one in Tokyo DisneySea, this would be a 360 degree show with Ariel “swimming” in midair above the audience, a giant animatronic Triton, performer puppets of Flounder and Sebastian, and other mixed special effects. 
Undersea Carousel: Fish carousel. Underwater lighting effects and blows bubbles as it spins. 
Ariel’s Grotto gift shop
Ship restaurant: Mediterranean seafood. I mean, it’s on a human ship that’s not technically in Triton’s Kingdom, so I think this gets a pass for serving fish. It could even be themed to Chef Louis for a laugh. 
“Nighttime Water Show”: Just spitballing an idea, maybe the lagoon could also be used for a nighttime water show a la Fantasmic / World of Color. The viewing area could be across the lagoon from Triton’s castle; the lights of Triton’s castle would coordinate with the show.
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Encanto Valley
A lovely recreation of the valley, with Casita and a little village area for shops and Colombian dining, and plenty of lush greenery. 
La Casa Madrigal: I really like @rrdcooc’s idea for Casita as a walkthrough attraction! It’s so cool! Especially the ideas for Pepa and Luisa's rooms. I wouldn’t change much, aside from adding a few extra touches, such as an interactive flower wall in Isabela’s room that mimics guests’ silhouettes (like Daniel Rozin's "Mechanical Mirrors"), and maybe a couple themed flat rides to add capacity, such as a flowery swing spinner ride in Isabela’s room, and a tiny jungle animal carousel in Antonio’s room. In Dolores's room, guests can see sound waves (like that Magic School Bus episode), and Camilo's room can contain "mirrors" with different character models that mimic guests' movements in real time (like VTuber avatars). Also includes a gift shop selling “homemade” fashions and plush toys by Mirabel.
“Magic Realism Art Exhibit”: While I think the final movie is perfect, I would have loved it if Casita more closely resembled its concept art, which leaned much more heavily into magic realism. This attraction would be a walkthrough art exhibit full of giant optical illusion paintings that guests can pose in for photo-ops. For reference, I’m recalling the Trick Eye Museum, a temporary art exhibit I went to years ago in Hong Kong.
Encanto Sing-Along: I’m not always a huge fan of the “book report” shows they do in the Parks, but in this case, most of Encanto’s songs are so specific to the story that removing them from the context of the movie wouldn't work (especially in the case of fan favorite “We Don’t Talk About Bruno”).  The stage can also be used for original Colombian performances, as well as from neighboring Latin American countries.
Julieta’s Arepas: Food cart. These arepas may not heal you, but they’re magically delicious! 
Arabian Oasis (scrapped)
Before Encanto was released and became one of my favorite recent movies, my initial idea was to put in an Aladdin-themed area. Not an exact recreation of Agrabah, more like a broad strokes version of Agrabah in the same manner as Arabian Coast in Tokyo DisneySea.
Magic Carpet Ride: A suspension ride in a similar manner as Peter Pan’s Flight, using the carpet vehicles. Fly through the Agrabah marketplace, over the desert, and above the clouds. Ride music features instrumentals from “A Whole New World”.
Scheherazade’s Tales From the 1001 Nights: Stage show.
Flavors of Agrabah: Arabian / Middle-Eastern cuisine 
Cave of Wonders gift shop: I think the theming is appropriate considering guests are exchanging money for goods and not stealing them (ideally).
Other parts:
World Galleria
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chantillyxlacey · 2 years
So I saw this art that Abby Howard posted on twitter: [https://twitter.com/AbbyHoward/status/1601958920255307783] of Reese and Truck, and I entered a fugue state and wrote these little ficlets at work instead of... uhhhh working lmao.
It takes every ounce of strength you possess not to burst out laughing at the tableau you find waiting for you upon entering your apartment.
“If you’re going for a whole ‘seduction’ angle, the cat kind of ruins the effect a little bit,” you say as you shuck off your jacket and drop your keys into the little dish by the door. You even manage to keep the threat of laughter out of your words– well, mostly. It’s an admirable effort, at least.
Reese deflates, but only a little. He makes a sound between a disgruntled grumble and a laugh of his own, quiet but so low that you swear you can feel it resonate through the floor into the soles of your feet.
“I was doing my best to work around it,” he says. “I couldn’t just push him off– I mean look at him.” He gestures at Truck, currently sprawled over his thighs, and scratches delicately behind his ear with the tip of one long claw. Truck blinks at you, looking distinctly smug. You cross the room, shaking your head.
“Yeah, well– I can.” You unceremoniously push Truck to the floor. He sneezes on your foot to protest the indignity, but you ignore him.
You insinuate yourself into the freshly vacated seat in Reese’s lap, draping your arms over his shoulders and leaning close, delighted by the rush of color into his inhuman but comfortably familiar face, and by just how easy it was to turn the tables.
“You know, neither of us will get to eat tonight if you keep letting him distract you like that.” The admonition is blunted by the poorly disguised amusement in your voice.
From his perch atop Reese’s shoulders, Truck lets out a jubilant and unapologetic caterwaul, which turns vibrato when his stage is jostled under him as Reese laughs. The sound this time is a low, rumbling hiss that makes you think of an alligator.
Your upstairs neighbor, apparently unappreciative of Truck’s aria, pounds on their floor in protest. Reese reaches up and thumps the ceiling once, with enough force to rattle both your kitchen and the one upstairs. Your neighbor doesn’t offer a return volley, and you like to imagine there’s a meek, intimidated quality to their silence.
“Sorry, buddy.” Reese scoops up Truck in one enormous hand and curls his long fingers into a loose cage around the cat. Truck looks a little put out at the loss of his glorious vantage point, but he doesn’t attempt to wriggle free. Apparently, he’s content enough with the fact that Reese is technically still paying attention to him.
Even with one hand occupied Reese deftly finishes dredging and breading the slices of calf’s liver that still need it, passing them to you and the hot pan you’re monitoring on the stove. He’d learned to do a lot of things one-handedly, he told you once, from days when he’d gotten so immersed in his art that it was almost literally impossible to pry the brush or pencil from his grip.
That talent was mostly utilized for Truck-wrangling these days. He’s also told you, his voice soft and sheepish and sweet, that he hasn’t felt that consuming compulsion to exorcize himself onto a page or canvas nearly as often since he’s been here with you.
You watch your companions surreptitiously over the top of your book, your grin hidden by it. Truck chatters at Reese so purposefully that you can almost imagine he’s saying real words. Reese humors him and murmurs back, too quiet to make out his words any better than the cat’s.
Truck rears up and plants his front paws on Reese’s chest, then lunges forward for an affectionate headbutt the likes of which has nearly given you a black eye in the past. Reese, however, seems wholly unperturbed at being besieged by a ballistic missile of feline friendship.
At the moment, he looks almost exactly the way he did when you first met him. The only clue to his true nature is the way his teeth press outward against his lips, straining against the skin like his jaw is just a little too large and a little too crowded to fit quite right. He almost never dulls his teeth anymore when he isn’t out in public. No– that’s not exactly right, actually. When you first met him he’d been– duller? More faded? He’s still pale as milk and thin as a leather cord, but there’s a lively color in his face now, and his cheeks are no longer hollowed and gaunt.
Truck blinks slowly and deliberately at Reese, and Reese blinks back in the same way. You wonder if he did it consciously or not.
Reese’s eyes are different these days as well. The bags under them are still there– that’s just how his face naturally sits– but they no longer look like bruises. There’s a light in them now too, other than the literal glow that lingers faintly even when he otherwise looks entirely ‘normal’. They have a spark in them–
They’re looking right at you, catching your own and holding fast.
Reese blinks at you, too, and those eyes of his are warm and soft and heavy with so much– so much, just in general, and it’s all aimed at you.
Heat floods your face and you duck back behind your book. You don’t hear his laughter so much as feel it, like infrasound. Lowering the book just enough to stick your tongue out at him, you prod at his bony hip with your big toe.
Truck apparently takes this as a declaration of war and launches himself at your foot, teeth-first.
Reese laughs again– aloud and full-throated this time– at your misfortune and the cartoonish yelp you let out, but he comes to your rescue anyway.
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“You’re asking for my name? Aren’t we all the same person anyway? ..well, if it helps distinguish us from each other, call me Slater. Nothing else, okay?”
Cherenverse Notes:
Cheren Slater / The Heart 
Age : 17
Trainer Class : Gym Leader (Suspended)
A Cheren from the era of Neo Team Plasma’s attack and downfall. This one seems to be currently suspended from his gym leader role for undisclosed reasons. Regardless, he’s still a respected teacher in Aspertia City, even if he seems desperate to hide certain skeletons in his closet.
“Suspended from his gym leader duties? Undisclosed reasons? What if this one killed a guy?”
“His strange demeanor could be a cover for something malicious. We need to thread carefully.”
“What do you mean he’s 17??? Have you seen that tapestry in his apartment???”
I think it would be really funny if everyone in the Cherenverse had notes on each other just in case one of them turns on the other..
I have no idea what the plot for a Cherenverse game would be outside of “you’re all a bunch of Cherens with a silly weapon and one Pokemon each, and you all walk around like Earthbound characters in a line”. Slater’s weapon would either be a parasol he was given by Bianca (imagine not being able to take both the cold and the heat) or a frying pan.
Also, this is post-Relic Castle Slater, so he’s celebrated his 17th birthday! Most of his issues seem to have settled down, but.. he still has his moments, of course.
Currently, most of his Pokemon are in his home at Nuvema, and though he’s back to teaching at Aspertia, his gym leader status is currently suspended as decided by the league. In the meantime, Hilda is taking his place as temporary gym leader and is utilizing his team. 
Anyway, here’s the GIFs of Slater! There’s four that couldn’t fit in the post, so I’ll just sneak them in here + the sprites post and a little surprise. :)
Blush + Doubt + Excited GIFs:
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And a special little sprite;
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hollydays · 2 years
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(x) —— look who’s joining the infinite tour! only 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐀 𝐋𝐎𝐉𝐀𝐘𝐀 (𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐘), who is the 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐀. i’ve heard whispers that the 𝟐𝟔 year old is pretty 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐔𝐋 but lowkey 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒. also, doesn’t she remind you of 𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐀 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐁𝐀𝐍?
*  𝑵𝑨𝑽𝑰𝑮𝑨𝑻𝑬:    connections .  pinterest .  spotify .            (  𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒐𝒐𝒏 )
♡     ◞         𝑶𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑽𝑰𝑬𝑾 ,   𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗂𝖼𝗌 .
official name: chatchasa lojaya.   stage/nick name: holly.   birthdate: december 8th, 1996.   birthplace: khon kaen, thailand.   nationality: thai.   education: graduate of hanlim arts high school & seoul institute of the arts.   gender: cis female, she/her pronouns.   orientation: bisexual, biromantic.   languages: thai, korean, japanese, english.   occupation: idol, main rapper of flora.
♡     ◞        𝑶𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑽𝑰𝑬𝑾 ,   𝗉𝗁𝗒𝗌𝗂𝖼𝖺𝗅 .
faceclaim: lisa manoban.   height: five foot seven.   build: slender, athletic.   eye color: brown.   hair color: dyed black.   hair style: always worn with long extensions and accessories, rarely ever reveals her natural hair.   signature scent: chloe narcisse.   style: an elevated yet casual wardrobe with a lot of statement pieces.   piercings: five total across both ears.   tattoos: her mother’s name in thai script on the back of her neck.   scars: surgical scar on her left ankle from tendon surgery.
♡     ◞         𝑶𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑽𝑰𝑬𝑾 ,    𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗈𝗇𝖺𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗒 .  
big three: sagittarius sun, scorpio moon, capricorn rising.   mbti: esfp-a.   label: the halcyon.   traits: cheerful, persistent, curious, warm, restless, impulsive, obsessive, stubborn.   character inspos: boom clap by charli xcx, kiki (kiki’s delivery service), ty lee (avatar: the last airbender), stella (winx club), yoon saebom (happiness)  .
♡     ◞         𝑶𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑽𝑰𝑬𝑾 ,   𝖿𝖺𝗆𝗂𝗅𝗂𝖺𝗅 .
biological father: paniti lojaya (pan).   occupation: ceo of a film production company. biological mother: rapassa kasamvilas (mind).   occupation: luxury real estate mogul.   siblings: sophon lojaya (mark), brother.   occupation: lead singer for a thai punk band.   financial status: wealthy, upper class.
♡     ◞         𝑩𝑰𝑶𝑮𝑹𝑨𝑷𝑯𝒀 ,   𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗒 .
born in the charming and culturally rich city of khon kaen to a well-to-do family who had a great standing in the community, it was said that holly had stars in her eyes from the very beginning. maybe it was toddling around after her father on film studio visits and being doted on by thailand’s biggest celebrities, or perhaps it was the jam sessions she’d had with her brother in their playroom, spawned from his very early interest in music.
regardless, the small girl had big dreams, and the means with which to follow them. she was quite privileged, but she was also appreciative. she knew never to take her circumstances for granted, for it could all be gone in an instant.
holly had a fondness for dance, utilizing any free time she had in her heavily scheduled childhood to simply leap around her room rhythmically to her favorite music. she had some natural ability, but it was nothing compared to what she wanted to possess. after a bit of pleading to drop some of her less favored activities and some well-reasoned convincing from her mother to her father, she was able to start dance classes.
while training in dance, holly discovered an all encompassing love for music in general. there’d be days in her classes where some students would get to sing or play instruments while the others danced in elaborate practice performances. it was the most fun she’d had outside of the impromptu concerts put on with her brother.
she caught word that one of the girls in her dance class would soon be embarking to south korea in hopes of auditioning for an idol company, and a dream of her own began to take form. becoming a fierce, confident idol? it seemed too good to be true, but holly’s ambitions didn’t know sleep. her mother was as supportive as she always had been about it, but her father was understandably weary about his wife and daughter moving to another country. still, even he couldn’t deny holly’s dedication to the idea and his wife’s willingness to uproot her own life and business for their daughter’s dream. it didn’t help that holly’s sad eyes were a bit much to withstand, so he finally gave in to the master plan.
the transition to seoul was hectic and there was a ton of paperwork involved, especially as it pertained to transferring holly to hanlim arts high school to finish out her schooling. she and her mother moved into an apartment in songpa-gu, and for the first time, holly took the time to realize just what was happening. her family believed in her to the point that they had sacrificed so much; she couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty, but it also impassioned her to push on until she achieved what she was after.
it didn’t take long before she was signed on as a trainee for new star entertainment, given her endearing look and intense persistence. she always gave her all when completing any task they assigned her, and kept her head down for the most part; she did not want to make a fuss or catch the ire of any of her fellow exhausted and hungry trainees. she earned a reputation in the company of being quite easy to work with and open to direction and critique. 
they’d begun training her in something completely different than she’d expected in the form of rapping, but she supposed it was understandable for new star to want their idols to be all-rounders. besides, it was actually quite fun learning the skill and she’d come to find her voice was well suited for the medium.
she was eventually informed that she would be among the lineup for the company’s new girl group flora, but when her position was announced, holly was slightly confused. she was chosen as the group’s main rapper, which was a bit blindsiding. the recent rapping training suddenly made a lot more sense, but holly couldn’t help but feel nerves take hold of her. what if the group flopped because of her lack of experience in rapping? what if she ruined a golden opportunity for four other hardworking women? but she couldn’t let herself lapse into that negative spiral; no, she’d push through it with poise...she had to. it wasn’t just her dream at stake, anymore. 
once the group began practicing together, holly felt a bit more natural in the role of main rapper. she injected a bit of playful attitude into their rehearsals and with amazing moral support from the rest of flora, she was beginning to feel like she belonged. finally, it was time for the lineup to be announced, and new star did it with pride.
there was a bit of backlash initially, as many watchful fans of the trainee group felt that the lead rapper deserved flora’s main rapper position instead of holly. there was even some discussion that holly didn’t fit flora’s concept at all, and shouldn’t have been in the final lineup. when her dance origins were dug up by fans, some less than reputable news sources painted holly as a jealous backstabber harboring the belief that she should have gotten the main dancer spot.
it went without saying that holly didn’t really know how to handle all of this. she was genuinely excited, albeit nervous about her new path as a rapper and despised any sort of drama or confrontation, and it wasn’t as though she wouldn’t get to flex her dancing muscle in the group’s performances. she’d known how unforgiving the industry could be, but it was difficult to prepare for just how many false narratives people would create around her. the support of her mother was paramount during this time, and rather than let the gossip swallow her up, she crested the wave and soldiered on toward the shore.
once flora actually debuted, a lot of the criticisms people had about holly fell away. her determination could be felt on stage, warm comradery with the other members of the group was palpable, and people were finally seeing the reality that she herself had always envisioned. of course, there’d always be antis and outliers dredging up old fake drama, but the toxicity lessened considerably over time.
about to celebrate their 9th anniversary, flora has undergone many evolutions over the years, as have the members themselves. always the cheerful, determined one, holly now must wonder if 11 years in the industry has cracked that happy, picture perfect visage of hers. and perhaps, at age 26, she does smile a little less and sleep in a little more. maybe she doesn’t pose as long for the paparazzi when she gets off a plane. perhaps the nasty social media comments cut a little deeper now. maybe this type of career has a shelf life, and holly is nearing the end of it... but what does that mean for someone with a crushing amount of determination and an intense fear of letting down the people around her? she’s still figuring that out.
♡     ◞       𝑬𝑿𝑻𝑹𝑨 ,   𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗌 .
she took a hiatus in 2020 due to a tendon tear in her ankle that required surgery to repair. since then she’s been forced to take it easier on the dancing outside of practice, which is actually quite devastating to her.
the silver lining of her injury is that she’s discovered a fondness for swimming, which was suggested to her by a doctor for low impact exercise. it’s quite freeing floating atop an expanse of water, and it’s made her dead set on retiring in a place by the ocean.
she’s been burned so many times in the romance department. more than once she’s been told she’s someone’s everything when she’s really just their dirty little secret while they’re with somebody else in the public eye. it’s been rather taxing and made her quite weary in matters of the heart. she finds dashing actors to be the worst offenders.
she’s still incredibly close with her brother, who is also pursuing music professionally back in thailand. he’s the lead singer of a punk band called sanamdeklen, and recently toured australia with them.
about two years after holly debuted with flora, her mother felt comfortable enough to move back home to thailand, as she knew the group was a success & her daughter could now take care of herself.
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rainet00 · 2 years
Pan Verification API
Are you looking for a reliable Pan Verification API provider? Look no further than Rainet Technology Private Limited. We are an app development and software development company that specializes in providing secure, efficient, and cost-effective solutions to our clients. We offer a comprehensive range of services including PAN verification API integration with your existing systems or applications. Our PAN verification API is designed to provide accurate information about the identity of individuals by verifying their Permanent Account Number (PAN). This helps organizations comply with KYC norms while ensuring data security and privacy. Our PAN verification API is integrated with the Income Tax Department’s database which ensures accuracy and reliability of the results obtained from it. It also provides real-time updates on changes in PAN details such as name, address, date of birth etc., thus helping organizations stay up-to-date with customer information at all times.
Apart from offering PAN verification APIs, we are also one of the leading BBPS API providers in India. Our BBPS APIs enable businesses to accept payments through various payment modes like UPI, debit cards, credit cards etc., without any hassle or delay. We have partnered with several banks across India so that customers can make payments quickly and securely using our platform.
Visit Site:  https://rainet.co.in/PAN-API-Integration.html
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themattress · 2 years
OUAT Observation
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In retrospect, Season 2 was a Sophomore Slump that Once Upon a Time was never truly able to recover from, despite all of Season 3′s best efforts. However, while the show would certainly get worse than how it was in Season 2, there’s still a fascinating uniqueness to how it went off the rails. This is pretty much the only season (other than the final one due to the sudden cancellation) where I feel they had a road map going into it that they just trashed.
For those who don’t know what I mean, it’s been confirmed that with each season renewal there is a session between the writers where the new season’s road map is created, which is then utilized when they reconvene that Summer to actually start writing the season. And the road map for Season 2 was clearly going smoothly for its first 6 episodes; everything felt tight and naturally flowing. But then we hit “Child of the Moon”, where not only did the requisite centric for new season regular Megan Ory and her Red/Ruby character get forcibly cobbled together with the teased Albert Spencer plotline, but a development was made that ensured Emma and Snow’s quest in the Enchanted Forest would come to its conclusion two episodes later, in time for the Winter break. I highly doubt this was originally planned; it feels like the idea going into Season 2 was for that quest to end closer to the middle of the season, with the discovery of Baelfire/Neal in Manhattan occurring closer to the climax...after all, the season opened with a sequence all about him in that part of New York City. Just as Season 1 opened with the Curse being cast and ended with the Curse being broken, Season 2 was to open with Neal as the focus and end with him as the focus. And, well, it still does...kind of.
After this alteration, the season was on track to have Neal found in the middle of the season, and it would conclude either with a battle against Cora or against Regina who spirals out of control following Cora’s death. After all, before “Manhattan”, the focus was still on the threat Cora posed, especially now that Regina had joined up with her, and it was still continuing focus on plotlines and characters the season had set up (Hook and Smee, Mulan and Philip, Red/Ruby, Dr. Frankenstein and his monsterified brother, Anton/Tiny the Giant, all of the core characters’ personal arcs, etc.), plus threads that could be pursued in the following season (Emma’s magic, Snow and Charming’s disagreement on whether to stay in Storybrooke or not, Belle’s amnesia, Greg Mendell, etc.) But it was at the time of making “Manhattan” that a bombshell dropped: A&E, perhaps due to their usage of Hook and Smee being met with acclaim, were granted full rights to use everything else from Peter Pan. And because they had a passion for that property and the ideas they had for it, they just burned the season’s road map altogether and redirected it toward ending with everyone going off to Neverland.
So many decisions made were centered around this choice: the removal of the scene with Rumple’s father in “Manhattan” since their plans for that character immediately changed, the whole “the boy will be your undoing” prophecy being geared specifically toward the Neverland situation, Neal knowing Hook and it being set up that he was a Lost Boy in Neverland, Neal’s fiancée Tamara being introduced to be the “Her” that Greg Mendell was in touch with and revelation that they’re anti-magic activists unknowingly working for Peter Pan, and literally every single plot thread that had no place in the Neverland story either being dropped altogether (Red/Ruby, the Frankenstein stuff, Emma further awakening her magic powers, and any on-screen resolution to restoring Philip’s soul) or wrapped up as hastily and anticlimactically as possible (the darkness in Snow’s heart, August’s situation, the magic beans, Belle’s memory loss and new cursed identity, and Regina’s status as the villain).
Because of this rush, there wasn’t enough time to properly think through or flesh out a lot of the story decisions being made, which - along with A&E’s skewed morality - made “Welcome to Storybrooke” through “The Evil Queen” such an aimless, unpleasant slog to sit through. Another consequence is that one of the writers who had been there since the beginning, Ian Goldberg, jumped ship, clearly more interested in working with the setting and characters the show already had and resenting the sudden directional shift A&E had forced upon everyone.
Despite all of this, I want to stress that everyone involved was still trying the best that they could which still was able to shine through (ex: “Welcome to Storybrooke has some chillingly good direction, music and acting, and even in the moments it’s not intentionally trying to be “Lacey” is a highly funny episode, as are parts of “The Evil Queen”.) And as much as it pains me to admit, A&E were totally justified in wanting to get to Neverland ASAP, since the Neverland Saga ended up providing so many things the show and its characters were in desperate need of, the dark take on the Peter Pan story was very clever and interesting, and doing it right then allowed them to cast Robbie Kay as Peter Pan while he was still the right age for it, and he gave one of the greatest villainous performances in the entire series.
In the end, Season 2 and its messy storyline is what it is. Not entirely good, not entirely bad, but certainly entirely interesting and something that I look back on more fondly overtime.
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crystalelemental · 2 years
“emrylurkeroftheloch: See, I'm not sure that I agree that they wouldn't? Outside of Gen 8, they have, generally speaking, thought TM creation and placement through, and lock the high level TMs behind later stuff. Doing so via crafting materials potentially enables them to both make TMs more accessible, encourage exploration (via mons), and lock more powerful TMs away??“
Fair, but it depends on whether Gen 8 was an outlier or a new meta, which we won’t know until we see how this game pans out.  But I really, really feel like Pokemon in the last two generations has wanted to just nuke everything that wasn’t four offensive coverage moves and Choice items.  Gen 7 absolutely obliterated status, and Gen 8 just gave up and handed all the best offensive tools to players at the half hour mark.  Their post-game skills also tend to be more...utility than offense.  Like, Gen 4 kept status like Toxic and Thunder Wave locked behind BP in the Frontier.  Gen 5 kept Calm Mind locked to post-game.  Even as recent as Gen 8, Trick Room is a post-game ability.  That feels like the bigger problem.  Players never get access to all the unique fun tools that they could use, so no one tries.  The series really, really pushes just hyper-offense-ing your way through every challenge, and actively discourages trying to get fancy with strategy, either by making it hard to set up, or outright not providing the tools needed.
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Legal Requirements for Sole Proprietorship Registration in Bangalore
Sole Proprietorship Registration in Bangalore
A sole proprietorship company is owned and operated by a single individual and is typically established within a quick 15-day timeframe. It often emerges in an unorganised sector among merchants or small business proprietors. A notable advantage is the absence of a mandatory registration process, including the exemption from GST registration. However, it's essential to note that the liability in a Sole Proprietorship Company is unlimited. This type of business registration, particularly Sole Proprietorship Registration in Bangalore, is a prevalent choice in our country.
Simplified procedure to guide you through the process:
1. Business Name Selection:
   - Choose a unique and suitable name for your Sole Proprietorship. Ensure it complies with the guidelines and availability criteria.
2. Document Preparation:
   - Gather necessary documents, including:
     - PAN card of the proprietor
     - Aadhar card of the proprietor
     - Address proof (utility bills, rental agreement, etc.)
     - Passport-size photographs
     - Canceled cheque or bank statement
3. Registration Form Filling:
   - Visit the official website for business registration in India.
   Please Complete the required online registration form with accurate details. Provide the business name, proprietor's details, business address, and other relevant information.
4. Submit Documents:
   - Upload scanned copies of the necessary documents per the platform's requirements.
5. Payment of Fees:
   You can pay the registration fees online through the designated payment gateway. The costs may vary depending on the services and features you choose.
6. Verification Process:
   - After submitting the application and documents, the registration authority will review and verify the details provided.
7. Acknowledgment and Application Status:
   - Once the verification is complete, you will receive an acknowledgement or an application reference number. Use this to track the status of your application.
8. Certificate Issuance:
   - The authorities will issue the Sole Proprietorship registration certificate upon successful verification. This document serves as proof of your business's legal existence.
9. Business Bank Account:
   - Open a business bank account using the registration certificate and other relevant documents.
10. Compliance Requirements:
    Familiarize yourself with local and national compliance requirements. If your business turnover exceeds the threshold, this may include obtaining a Goods and Services Tax (GST) registration.
11. Post-Registration Formalities:
    - Display the registration certificate at your business premises. Ensure you comply with all regulatory requirements to run your Sole Proprietorship smoothly.
For a smooth and error-free registration process, consult with a professional or use government-approved portals. The specifics may vary based on updates in government regulations, so always refer to the latest guidelines.
Documents Required for Sole Proprietorship Company Registration in Bangalore
The specific documents required for Sole Proprietorship Company Registration in Bangalore may vary based on local regulations and the nature of your business. However, generally, the following documents are commonly needed:
1. Identity Proof of Proprietor:
   - PAN card of the proprietor
2. Address Proof of Proprietor:
   - Aadhar card of the proprietor
   - Passport, voter ID, or driver's license
3. Passport-size Photographs:
   - Recent passport-sized photographs of the proprietor
4. Business Address Proof:
   - Utility bills (electricity, water, or gas bill) of the business premises
   - Rental agreement, if the property is rent
5. Bank Documents:
   - Canceled cheque or bank statement in the name of the proprietor and the business
6. Registration Application Form:
   - Duly filled registration form with accurate details
7. Additional Documents:
   - Any other documents required by the local registering authority or as per specific business activities
It's advisable to check with the local authorities or consult a professional to ensure you have all the necessary documents for Sole Proprietorship Company Registration in Bangalore. Additionally, the process and required documents may be subject to updates in government regulations, so staying informed about the latest requirements is crucial for a smooth registration process.
Proprietorship Registration in Bangalore offers a straightforward and efficient avenue for individuals venturing into small businesses. The process, typically completed within a quick 15-day timeframe, requires carefully considering the business name, gathering essential documents, and navigating through an online registration form. The unique advantage lies in the exemption from mandatory GST registration, making it an appealing choice for merchants and small business owners. However, it's crucial to acknowledge the unlimited liability inherent in a Sole Proprietorship Company.
The outlined step-by-step procedure provides a practical guide for the registration process, emphasizing the importance of compliance with local and national regulations. To ensure a smooth and error-free registration, consulting with professionals or utilizing government-approved portals is recommended, as well as adapting to any updates in government regulations for an informed and seamless registration experience in Bangalore.
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What to Know Before Buying Property in Goa - A Complete Guide
Dreams of azure skies kissing golden sands, the tranquil hum of waves, and a life bathed in perennial sunshine draw many to the serene shores of Goa. This coastal paradise, with its lush landscapes and vibrant culture, beckons those who wish to invest in a slice of its enchanting beauty. However, before you embark on this journey, it’s essential to be well-informed about the intricacies of buying property in Goa. Here’s a complete guide to help you navigate this delightful yet complex process.
The Allure of Goa’s Real Estate Market
Booming Real Estate Market: Goa’s real estate scene is flourishing, with property values on the rise. From luxurious beachfront villas to charming heritage homes, there’s something for everyone. Many see the potential for great returns and love the idea of having a vacation home in such a beautiful location. Whether you aim to buy a villa in Goa or explore other Goa homes for sale, the market offers diverse options.
High Rental Yields: With tourism thriving year-round, rental properties in Goa are always in demand. Homeowners can cash in on high rental yields, especially during peak seasons. Investing in luxury villas in Goa means they can earn money while enjoying their slice of paradise.
Finding Your Ideal Location
Accessibility: Look for proximity to major roads, public transport options, and airports for easy travel, especially if you’re looking to buy a villa in Goa.
Amenities: Check the availability of essential services such as grocery stores, hospitals, schools, and recreational facilities near potential Goa homes for sale.
Safety and Security: Research the crime rates and overall safety of the area to ensure a secure living environment.
Community and Lifestyle: Consider the local culture, lifestyle, and community vibe to see if it aligns with your preferences, particularly when considering luxury villas in Goa.
Natural Surroundings: Evaluate the area’s natural beauty, parks, and recreational opportunities that contribute to your quality of life, making the choice to buy a villa in Goa more appealing.
Cost of Living: Analyze the cost of living, including property prices, utilities, and other expenses to ensure it fits your budget when exploring Goa homes for sale.
Future Development: Investigate any planned infrastructure projects or developments that could impact property values and your living experience.
Climate: Consider the local climate and how it suits your preferences for outdoor activities and overall comfort, which is crucial if you want to buy a villa in Goa.
Local Regulations: Be aware of zoning laws, property taxes, and any restrictions that could affect your property ownership of luxury villas in Goa.
Market Trends: Research property values and trends in the area to assess the investment potential and long-term value appreciation, particularly for Goa homes for sale.
Community Services: Look into available community services, such as public transportation options, parks, and recreational areas.
Integration Opportunities: If you’re an NRI or newcomer, consider how easy it will be to integrate into the local community and connect with neighbors, especially when considering luxury villas in Goa.
The NRI Advantage
Legal Aspects and Simplicity: Yes, as a Non-Resident Indian (NRI), you can buy a villa in Goa. The Indian government has simplified the process, with clear regulations and straightforward procedures. NRIs are allowed to purchase residential and commercial properties, including luxury villas in Goa, without any restrictions. However, they are not permitted to buy agricultural land, plantation property, or farmhouses.
Documentation and Payment: Ensure all payments are made in Indian currency through normal banking channels. Essential documents include a passport, a valid visa, PAN card (Permanent Account Number), and proof of NRI status. Consulting with a legal expert can help navigate the purchase process smoothly when considering Goa homes for sale.
The Investment Perspective
Tourism Hub and Appreciation: Goa is a popular tourist destination with a high demand for holiday rentals, particularly in coastal areas. Investing in property for vacation rentals can provide a steady income. Property values have been appreciating due to increasing demand and limited supply, particularly in prime locations, making it a lucrative investment, especially if you choose to buy a villa in Goa.
Quality of Life and Development: Goa offers a high quality of life with its scenic beauty, pleasant climate, and relaxed lifestyle, attracting retirees and second-home buyers. Significant infrastructure development, including improved roads, better connectivity, and enhanced amenities, boosts property values, making luxury villas in Goa highly desirable.
Cultural and Community Appeal
Cultural Richness: The blend of Indian and Portuguese cultures, historical landmarks, and vibrant community life make Goa a unique and desirable place to live. Owning a home here is not just an investment but a journey into a rich tapestry of history and tradition. This cultural appeal enhances the desire to buy a villa in Goa or explore other Goa homes for sale.
Friendly Expat Community: Goa’s vibrant expat community provides a supportive network for NRIs, making it easier to settle in and integrate. This diverse community enhances the living experience, offering a mix of cultural exchanges and social activities.
Practical Considerations
Maintenance and Market Volatility: Properties near the coast can have higher maintenance costs due to the humid climate and potential saltwater damage. Like any real estate market, property values can fluctuate, so it’s essential to conduct thorough market research and understand long-term trends, particularly for luxury villas in Goa.
Legal Due Diligence: Ensure clear titles and proper documentation to avoid legal issues. Conducting due diligence and seeking legal advice can help navigate the complexities of property laws and regulations, which is vital when considering Goa homes for sale.
Let the serene landscapes and vibrant culture of Goa captivate your heart. With thorough research and expert guidance, buying property in this coastal paradise, especially if you plan to buy a villa in Goa, can be a smooth and fulfilling journey, offering you a sanctuary where every day feels like a holiday.
Visit The Chapter to read more.
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