#utility kilt for kids
vivanightcity · 4 months
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Considering letting the game update - but going to check the modding situation before hand - so have some fallout bubs.
My ghoul lad, Bellamy. A former CIT phd candidate who was kicked out, turned pirate radio host living out off shore on a boat which is how he, and a few other crew and cast members, survived initially.
Various things I described him as in the past: a borderlands character who got lost, a tank girl extra, and, Junkrat before junkrat was a thing. He's chaotic, explosive, trashy as hell, still runs his radio station. I actually remade the old 8track playlist Here on spotify.
The molerat is named Big Momma. He collects teddy bears. He can't remember much of Nuka world because it was one long sugar rush followed by a huge crash where he turned into a petulant little shit that had to be dragged around by Mac.
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Arlo!! He's (Kind of) my first fallout OC. He's the first one I set out to make a character of and not just play the game (second playthrough) Sticks v close to the canon fole survivor story, but with the synth twist. (I like the eyes aesthetically, I know they wouldn't make sense so aren't like that actually, but :p)
Low spoilers for this old ass game, but the original Arlo has all the connections the 'real' sole does, but he didn't get along well with Father, who then decided he'd try to correct for that damn human reaction, maybe let his new replacement see what the 'real' commonwealth was like before bringing him home.
Doesn't go well. Arlo, the minutemen, the railroad, bffs. (But he also fucking adored X6 so that whole thing HURT)
I have so many others but can't find old screenshots of them. But off top of my head, the rest are below the cut
West - 14 year old orphan kid turned caravan guard and railroad runner then started up his own caravan company out of Egrett Tours, utilizing the waterways. Deacon taught him to shoot.
Nash - Semi canon-ish sole. Shaun's big brother. His dad was dead af and due to be honored at the start of the game, saw his mom killed and brother taken, then the cryo pod malfunctioned. Managed to get to sanctuary about ten years prior to game's canon date. Functionally blind. Essentially raised by Codsworth, became a damn whiz with robots and repairs to maintain Peep the seeing eyebot. Snuck out all the time with Peep, how he met a teenage Piper and even gunner Mac. Young adult when the minutemen survivors arrive at Sanctuary and kick off the game.
Orion - Former Disciple. Actual cannibal. Lives at the drive in cinema, owns just So Many dogs. Pickman's fuckbuddy for sure.
Boomer - Child of Atom. Wore a kilt. Used a huge hammer. I don't remember much more. I made a sign that said 'suck dick for atom' on his wall.
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storiesofrimbeldal · 1 year
This might be a weird first chapter, having in account you probably have just read the prologue to this book, but I believe this story, that took place more than a year before I could obtain my actual position, is important for the reader, at the least, to comprehend later stories in this book.
Is because of this, that, with the approval of Gunda to do so, I will tell you the story of how I met this curious girl, and how I befriended her.
It was a cold winter morning. The breeze entered through the cracks in the wood of the shed my adoptive father had left me now long ago. My body wanted to stay in the comfortable warmth of my bed, but my mind knew I had too much to do that day.
In the time this story takes place, I was only 20 years old, but I and Vimac already got as well as we do nowadays. So well, in fact, that he had decided to invite me to one of his reunions with the royal family, so I could meet them, as the Master Alchemist of then was too occupied to come.
This was a very special occurrence for me. At the end of the day, I was meeting some of the most powerful people on the Kingdom, perhaps even in the entirety of the Earth's surface.
Since Vimac invited me, and I had accepted, I had thought of making something special for the royals. In my tribe, they had always taught us children that we should give something special to the important people we meet.
I had decided to make them an ornate piece from wood. I had handcrafted it during the last three months, carving the shapes, from the big to the small, polishing it, and varnishing it with an alchemical mixture I was very proud of, which gave it a brilliant look, and a great protection against Nature's forces.
Some would called it my "Magnum Opus", but, really, it was simply a handcrafted gift to give a good first impression.
For the readers that are curious about the decoration's look, it was a centaur, holding a bow and arrow pointing towards the left. The reading was in Latin, as Vimac told me it was "a fancy language for fancy people". Translated, it said: "My bow is by your side". It was the best phrase that didn't sound overly pompous. It was all then surrounded by flowery details, of vines and roses, growing from the border of the lettering in the bottom.
Vimac had told me to dress as I usually did everyday, so I did, tying my trusty utility "half-kilt" around my waist. It should be obvious what I mean by "half-kilt", but, for the people that might not understand it, remember that we centaurs can't exactly wear normal human clothes.
After dressing, and cleaning myself, I took the present, and bestrided towards Rimbeldal, impatient for getting to know such important figures.
When I arrived to the Tower of Magic, Vimac was sat on a stool, near the big window, with his trusty pipe on his mouth, reading a book, as he usually did. When he saw me enter, he quickly put the book away and got up, greeting me.
I won't go into the details of dialog here, mainly because my memories are dusty, as one can only guess, but I remember he got to talk almost an entire hour about the royal family, before the real deal arrived.
I remember perfectly the look on their face when they saw me. Gunda was behind Ruura, like kids do when they meet strangers, and I remember her taking a peek, looking at me, and opening her mouth, in obvious disbelief.
Her father and mother went through the usual presentations, and I gave them my present, which Ruura obviously loved, though Arion only gave a nod of approval, that, as Vimac would later explain to me, was his way of expressing gratitude.
But the funniest and most memorable thing, was when, after the presentations, Gunda "whispered" to her mother "Did you see? He's a centaur!". It was obviously accompanied by a sush to her and a sorry to me from her mother. I told them it was nothing, and I told the, as I later would discover, 13 year old girl that, yes, I was a centaur, indeed.
The reunion was long, and I can say with certainty, that, for my younger self, it was very much uninteresting. I had to keep myself awake at times to avoid being disrespectful. Too much talk about budgets, about politics… Uninteresting things.
One of the most interesting things, was the girl seated next to me, almost every half minute, peeking at me, "secretly". She seemed very interesting, and I don't blame her. As I have explained, and as the reader must know by now, centaurs are quite rare, nowadays.
When the reunion finished, it was already lunch time, so Vimac decided to invite us all to one of his "magical banquets", quite literally. He always did the joke with the last year students, and I still found it funny. He cast a spell, and food appeared in front of all of our eyes, as was usual. I heard Gunda mutter a "Finally!", as I saw her mother looking at her with a grin.
The food was great, and the conversation was not excluded due to the eating. In fact, now I was also participating, and it was no longer so boring. Ruura asked me where I came from, and how I got here, and I told, over a few drinks, my entire story to the royals.
They were shocked at points, and Arion said he actually recalled the day the notice of the black market arrived to the castle, and he remembered dispatching the guards to investigate and close it.
Following the statement of her father, Gunda curiously asked me if I knew where the other centaurs where. That was something I had actually never looked into, and I sadly had to tell the girl that I didn't know anything about their whereabouts, though Arion told me the guards hadn't seen any centaurs at the black market. This will come back in a later story, but, for now, let's continue.
The food was excellent, and, after eating to our heats' content, we continued talking. When everything was said and done, around four o'clock, Gunda, as always, surprised me with kind of a random question. She whispered it to my ears, like she didn't want her parents to hear, though it was obvious they heard her, when she asked me: "Can I ride in your back?".
The question left us all silent for a moment, the awkwardness and spontaneity of it making me blush a bit, before Vimac exploded into laughter, followed by Arion, both driven by the drinks they had had. Ruura could only tell to Gunda that what she said was rude, but I said that there was no problem if she wanted to.
I asked her if she had ever rode in horseback, and she told me that she in fact had not. She told me she had a fear of the beast kicking her off. I told her she shouldn't need to have those worries with me, and asked her parents if it was good with them if she wanted to go on a ride. They told me that, as long as I was good with it, they were too.
Ruura told her child to take care, and we went down the tower to outside the school. I let the little girl sit on my back, and told her to get comfortable for the ride. When I asked her where he wanted to go, she told me she wanted to go to the forest, so we did.
I started slow, but, once Gunda gained security on herself and on me, she asked me t o go faster and faster, until I was galloping at a healthy rhythm.
There was a point where she got thirsty, so I took her to a pond I knew around the forest, actually not so far from the shed I then lived in. We both sat on the side of the clear water, and drank as we wanted.
After drinking, we were silent for a few minutes, before Gunda broke the ice, with a question I won't forget: "Are we friends?". It shocked me more than it should have. In that time, outside from the people in my tribe, I had never had more friends than Vimac. Of course, I had colleagues, I knew people, but… No real friends.
During my days as a student, no one dared to approach me. And I can't blame them. I was weird, and I didn't fit with anyone. I still remember, when Romeo died, I felt as alone as the day they captured me. Yet here was this little girl, from the royalty, no less, asking me if I wanted to be her friend.
The only logical response was yes. What else could I answer, really? I later was proud of the decision, when she told me thanks and hugged me. Later, I would learn she had been home-schooled all of her life, and she had met no more than the people that lived o the castle.
Many people also looked at her wrong. The nobility thought of Arion as a "traitor to the pure nobel human blood", since he married an Hybrid peasant. And all that anger carried on to Gunda. Nobody wanted to be her friend. But now she had found one.
I don't know how much we hugged each other, but it felt like forever, to be honest. When we finished, we went back to Rimbeldal, and said our goodbyes.
Since then, Gunda came almost every day to visit me. From her visits, and her future as a monarch, she also got to meet Vimac better, and forma bond with him. When she started studying Magic, she always came after class to ask me how had the day gone, and it wasn't rare seeing her until late around there.
For some time, she even became kind of a lab assistant to me. She seemed to make a new friend in school every day, and she would always tell me about it.
She would sometimes ask me to ride in my back, and I would always gladly accept.
But, with the death of her mother, and her acquisition of the throne, she had less free time, and it could really be felt. She didn't come as much, now only twice or thrice a week, and the Alchemy Tower felt empty without her.
With time, she got more time, but things aren't, and probably will never be, like they used to be. That said, every Sunday we go out to the fields and she loves to ride. I'm proud to say I take these opportunities to teach her how to hunt, and she gets better every day.
We will always be friends, whatever happens.
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imcamiiidiaz · 4 years
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Prince Charlie Jackets
The Classic Prince Charlie Jacket and Vest is a classic and timeless style. Suitable for formal occasions such as weddings. Find a perfect fit Prince Charlie jacket here with exact size measurements of your shoulders, chest and waist.
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scumtrout · 2 years
you have nothing to be ashamed of
Thank you, I have very mixed feelings because I feel like that's a t-shirt that would typically be owned by someone who owns a cheap katana and (as someone who has had to talk themselves out of buying a cheap katana) I'm not ready to embrace my Jungian shadow aspect like that when my Jungian shadow aspect appears to be such a raging weeb. I mean, I haven't even made peace with the fact that I unironically had a 3 wolf moon t-shirt when I was a kid, and I'm like... If I tolerate this, what's next? Am I going to start wearing a trenchcoat? I owned a fedora once. What's the worst-case scenario that could result from this? What if one day I end up attending an anime convention while wearing a utility kilt?
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jbluphin · 4 years
So in general, I was QUITE happy with the Animaniacs reboot. I think they in general did a solid job capturing the original spirit of the show. When they bust into the almost shot for shot redone intro (for the first verse, at least), and throughout the entire first ep, I was on a nostolgia high, laughing my head off, and generally that continued throughout the show! Lots of very clever jokes, tongue in cheek, meta... what you would expect from Animaniacs! 
But there were a few things that niggled throughout. 
Animaniacs spoilers below.
So yes, first, I really missed the expanded support cast. I get why they cut a bunch of them, I do. A decent amount of the original cast were based on stereotypes, wouldn’t work today, or were otherwise somewhat problematic. But I think they could have utilized some of them, re-worked a few more of them, and had more than the brief cameo that they did have (more on THAT later). 
They alternatively could have started developing some more characters that we could get attached to! Frankly, the few shorts they did with *new* characters honestly made me question the line about “our brand new cast who tested well in focus group research”.
My BIGGEST complaint is what they did to poor Chicken Boo. I always really enjoyed the Chicken Boo sketches. As a kid, sure, it was certainly funny that it was a giant chicken disguising himself as a human. But the thing about Chicken Boo and his sketches is that: 1) he a giant chicken, poorly disguised and generally silent (or speaking nothing but clucks) 2) no one apparently can see through this obvious disguise (except one nay-sayer) 3) HE ALWAYS DOES A REALLY EFFECTIVE JOB -- he’s always a well-liked, efficient chicken who does his job (or whatever) well. The ONLY thing that the rest of the cast find fault with is the fact that he’s a giant chicken. So, when 4) he is revealed to be a chicken and driven out of town, there’s a certain inherent tragedy. He was an accepted member of society until this reveal, and suddenly everyone who previously adored him turns on him. It’s clearly an unfair reaction, and one could probably write some long analysis discussing his treatment and how society treats ‘the other.’
So, poor Chicken Boo is an outcast from society, and here they make him a villain? Who  -- contrary to any sketch before -- actually does have an amazingly good disguise? And can actually speak? And does a terrible job doing what he’s trying to do? Which is that he apparently reacted to his alienation by becoming the cartoon equivalent of a serial killer??? Are you kidding me????? (Also, how the hell did anyone manage to catch Slappy?}
I did NOT see this coming because it was NOT in character for him, so my delight in the cameos of former Animaniacs bit characters (gruesome though the cameo may have been) was suddenly cut short. 
Other more minor complaints include: 
Brain is a bit more evil than usual (wanting to have children build bombs???). The dude wants control, not to destroy everything! 
The animation style of non-classic characters didn’t really.... fit? Like, it was super angular and didn’t quite mash well with the Warners themselves. They looked like they always did! Which is why the new characters contrasted do much. They looked like different KINDS of cartoons.
The animation was also weirdly detailed. I kept noticing things like really pronounced nipples, overly bodacious boobs almost falling out of dresses, weirdly long and salivating tongues, hair protruding from the top of Odyssius’s kilt. And I don’t think there was a single episode without a bouncing bootie with individual butt cheeks doing a little dance. It just felt.... intrusively in-your-face. I might not have this issue if it were a completely different show, but I didn’t think it fit with Animaniacs well.
As far as a reboot goes, these are not the biggest complaints ever (bar characterization issues). It’s one of the better reboots I’ve seen! I will happily watch season 2. But. Pobody’s Nerfect.
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ozkilts · 3 years
Why utility kilts are becoming so popular now
The Utility kilt is growing in popularity and fast! When you start the deep dive into why this is so, it doesn’t take long to become an advocate of utility kilts. The Utility is not only utility by name but by nature, there almost isn’t a situation that doesn’t call for one. Let’s talk about why utility kilts are so popular right now and how the team at Ozkilts will change your life.
The Ultimate in Freedom
For years, the debate has raged over boxers or briefs with both sides having passionate and compelling arguments. There is a new kid in town and that’s the utility kilt who has said to the briefs “I see your comfort and freedom and I raise you”. The ultimate in comfort and freedom, the utility kilt will give you a sense of getting back to nature and letting the boys breathe.
Make a statement
Today’s fashion for men is not one that is going to go down in history as ground-breaking. Skinny tight pants that leave nothing to the imagination and most of the time not for the good. Not only can you make a statement with a utility kilt, but you can also keep some mystery about yourself. It’s a great conversation starter and might just be the tipping point for a good night out.
Many Pockets
The problem with a traditional; kilt is that they are made for formal events and are based on the age-old design. In the modern era a more versatile kilt is required to enable the wearer the sense of freedom but also practicality. Loaded with pockets the utility kilts are the kilt for all occasions with room for your wallet, smart phone and whatever else you need to carry around with you on your night on the town.
Style for every occasion
The utility kilt is an amazing piece of clothing that can be worn for virtually any occasion, see below the occasions that are made for a utility kilt:
·        Casual Wear
Chilling on the coach or hanging with you mates you can experience total comfort in a utility kilt.
·        Smart Casual
Hit the pub or a function, with the right shirt and jacket you will be turning plenty of heads. Sometimes shorts just don’t cut it in a social situation, the kilt is the perfect solution for your smart casual wear.
·        Business Wear
Be the envy of your co workers as you rock the utility kilt to work. Can be worn as a more casual option or if a suit is required it easy to jazz it up with a jacket and tie. It’s the perfect business option.
·        Work Wear
Whether a home DIY master or a tradie the utility kilt might be the answer to your work wear woes. Tired of the same dreary work clothes, its time to kilt it up.
Whilst it is not limited to just the options above the utility kilt will turn out to be a welcome addition to any wardrobe, in fact it may just be the most versatile piece of clothing you will own. The team at Ozkilts are the best in their field and the isn’t a question they haven’t heard about kilts, join the kilt revolution, and speak to Ozkilts.
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kaaras-adaar · 4 years
Kaaras and Kilt Wearing
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// I think I had some old headcanons on this, but they’re lost in the void and most likely outdated anyway. So I wanted to do a proper revamp of Kaaras and when it comes to kilt wearing.
Longer term Rpers probably remember parts of this, or art I’ve done, but for anyone new, this is PRETTY old, so I wouldn’t be surprised if no one knew Kaaras wore kilts in a more traditional (or when home farmlike) setting. Generally speaking, you will not see him wearing a kilt around Skyhold or the battlefield. Only on special occasions does he wear dress kilts, and only at home, working the farm, does he wear working (utility) ones.
It would be super handy to first of all read THIS POST, which I am heavily going off when it comes to Thedasian climate, history, geography and the reasons WHY I don’t believe that kilts = Starkhaven and why they would be seen more in Ferelden, or at least I think. Ofc, the upcoming games could always overwrite this headcanon, but until then, this makes logical sense to me and a cultural sense. You also have to remember that Thedas isn’t Earth. Most of the countries in Thedas are inspired by MULTIPLE cultures here.
The main reason for Kaaras being comfortable in kilts is because he grew up poor. These were easy to make, easy to wear, especially for the work around the farm. I could see them being more traditional in setting as well, for those of nobility who may wear them (which are far more pretty and made of higher quality materials). Kaaras’ kilts as a boy were not flashy, not tartan, they were just plain pieces of fabric, plain utility kilts. They helped movement, and with keeping cooler and warmer depending the months.
Kilts for him nowadays are mainly used for formal occasions.
I’m sure there’d be some history behind their creation in a Thedasian setting, but I’m just going to leave that ambiguous atm because this is just my own headcanons. I assume there are definitely uses for them in a formal way for Ferelden as well. For instance, here in Australia, our police parades use them, and our military (we’re not Scottish, but we are still under the Commonwealth of the UK–it’s a part of our heritage, too, and MINE personally considering my heritage is Scottish), and they also play the bagpipes. Can you imagine Fereldan royalty in them for special occasions, parades, etc. It would be amazing!
Kaaras didn’t have a lot of clothes growing up, in fact, most of his clothes were rags and oversized shirts or something that covered his nudity. To be honest, his underwear was probably just a cloth wrapped around his hips. Yes, Kaaras was that poor as a child. Everything that the rams gave them went right back into the rams. They had money to pay for food, make some crops, etc. Nothing to really be new or special, everything was second hand and used, or hand crafted from his mother, sometimes, they could afford a special treat if they earned enough from the farm at the markets, or someone gave them a good trade.
His father did some odd jobs here and there for the villages over, which earned them some extra sovereigns, enough to maybe keep a ram blanket for them every now and again. So, clothes for Kaaras were not really an option, he ALSO got used to wearing things that might be considered a robe/dress/lack of pants. He got used to being barefoot and his legs showing. This might seem a shock to those who know Kaaras now, because he hardly resembles the poverty he once came from (particularly since he’s been working with nobles the last few years in Starkhaven and has adopted some of their finery).
Wearing a kilt would be no issue for him. That’s at least until he changed and grew up. Kaaras is exceptionally insecure about his body, even more so as he grew into being a man. When his father died, he had no male figure, and therefore didn’t enjoy or understand his body. He also grew taller and the more he interacted with humans, the worse it became to being so very aware of how different he was. Thus he began to cover himself up and became exceptionally private.
Wearing kilts or skirts and dresses were normal as a boy. Many of the poor kids in Ferelden wore them also, so it wasn’t anything different to see on him. But as he got older, as he mingled with older children and of course adults, that changed a lot. He was more aware of how ugly his body was in comparison. He was also earning money, so he could purchase something of finer quality, something that could cover him more.
When Kaaras moved to Starkhaven, I feel wearing a kilt would have been seen as something almost… preposterous. Especially showing skin near nobles. Kaaras didn’t have a need to wear them anymore. So he didn’t. He also wanted to keep a professional look about him. His clothes are influenced over time to be a professional appearance, someone to be taken seriously. His clothes SPEAK for him, show that he is not poor like he once was, show that he demands to be heard and respected.
Only in a more traditional setting does Kaaras wear a kilt now. He has gotten used to wearing pants and prefers them greatly (because he doesn’t like his skin showing anymore). Nowadays, it is kept for something shown when he is representing his country, as a Fereldan man. He does not wear one at the Winter Palace because he goes by Josephine’s orders as she knows how to deal with Orlesians more than he does. However, he does wear one during his wedding, with whoever he marries (default verse or RP).
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Cathal McKinney  *Supporting character.
Voice Claim:(Aidan Turner) https://youtu.be/l5sY-WWVnZM?t=18s (Right click on links and open in new tab)
Partner(s): None. Parents: Dubhlainn ‘Lane/Laney’ McKinney, Sorcha McKinney Kids: None Age: Several centuries at the very least. Height: 192cm Body type: Muscular, but on the slim side. Eye color: Medium blue. Classification: (Immortal) Demon Known powers: Possession, Teleportation (The ability to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between) Object Animation (The ability to bring any sort of object to life, such as statues, game stations, rugs, bottles, etc.) Reanimation (The ability to reanimate dead beings, possibly restoring their consciousness.) Intangibility (The ability to pass through physical matter.) Shapeshifting (The power to transform and reshape the form of one’s body.) Elemental Wing Manifestation (The ability to form wings out of elemental forces.) Elemental Manipulation (The ability to manipulate the elements.) Elemental Generation (The power to generate various elements.) Energy Perception (Possess the ability to see the energies that flow through the universe.)  Healing. Soul Energy Absorption (The power to absorb soul energy and utilize it in some way.)
About: Experimental, Outspoken, Unpredictable, Stubborn, Spontaneous, Social, Resourceful, Flirty, Playful, Passionate, Imaginative, Dramatic, Creative, Challenging, Adventurous and Protective. ~ Sexuality Pansexual. ~ Has several piercings, including stretched earlobes. ~ Always wears black nail polish. ~ Has dark red tips in his hair. ~ Irish/Scottish. ~ His name means ‘great warrior’ ~ Talks with a mild Irish accent. ~ Always smells of warm Bergamot, Licorice and Frankincense ~ Dabbles a bit in dark arts. ~ Smoker. ~ Absolutely horrible cook. ~ Pretty good at playing guitar and mouth harmonica. ~ Is quite skilled with a sword. ~ Obsessed with licorice and eats it all the time. ~ Loves rain and thunder, cats, alcohol, blonde girls, horseback riding, horses, dragon lore, fire, sex, partying and hanging out with his friends (pictured here) ~ Hates the smell of sheep wool. ~ Is pretty down to earth about most things. ~ Isn’t very fond of his mother (she’s a bitch to say it nice) ~ Can’t grow a beard. ~ Has a great sense of humor although he rarely shows it. ~ Style: Pop-Rock-ish. Cathal’s tag Cathal’s house/home Cathal’s moodboard Handwriting/ask answer pic:
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One gif to describe him:
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Gaël Mckinney  *Supporting character.
Voice Claim:(Peter Capaldi) https://youtu.be/iiY6_ttvNmc?t=12s (Right click on links and open in new tab)
Partner(s): None Parents: Morag McKinney (mom, born Morag Còmhan)  Griorgair McKinney (dad) Kids: Probably? Age: At least 2500+ years. Height: 180cm Body type: Slim, on the skinny side, but muscular. Eye color: Completely black. Classification: (Immortal) Demon Known powers: Possession, Invisibility, Intangibility (The ability to pass through physical matter.) Curse Inducement (The ability to place a curse on anyone or anything.) Teleportation (The ability to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between.) Force-Field Generation (The ability to project powerful fields of manipulated energy.) Dark Element Manipulation (The power to manipulate the dark/destructive aspects of the elements.) Nether Manipulation (The power to generate, conjure, and manipulate Nether, the essence that flows through the realms of the Living and the Dead.) Corruption Inducement (the power to erode a person’s morality to the point of being evil) insanity inducement.
About: Flirty, Charismatic, Charming, Seductive, Strong-willed, Secretive, Mysterious, Provocative, Perverse, can be a bit Neurotic, Morbid, can lack manners, Impulsive, can be pretty Disturbing at times, Disrespectful at times, Chaotic, can be rather brutal at times, Creepy Aesthetics, Reckless, Blunt,  can be Arrogant at times, Amoral at times, Crazy, Sarcastic and Cocky. ~ Sexuality Pansexual, Zoophilia, and pretty much any other Parahilia out there! ~ Is from the Scottish side of the McKinney clan.   ~ Has several tattoos including several facial tattoos, most known is his freak tattoo above his eyebrow, but his pride and joy is his Satanic Goat just above his dick, allowing his pubic hair to be the goats beard.  ~ Into dark arts/magic, and is very good at it. ~ Smoker. ~ Pretty outgoing, but doesn’t mind alone time. ~ Has a hard time accepting no for an answer when it comes to sex. ~ Typically smells of Saffron, Benzoin, Myrrh or Cardamom. ~ Has a slight Scottish accent. ~ Dislikes being told no. ~ Can’t cook! He burns EVERYTHING! ~ Is quite artistic, loves to paint and draw. ~ Loves food - would eat all the time if he could, teenage boys, taxidermy,  Horror movies - although it’s mostly because he finds them hilarious, alcohol, getting drunk, getting high, does a lot of drugs, getting into fights, freshly baked bread, chaos, hardcore sex, pizza and olives. ~ Hates people sticking their nose in his business, and wont hold back from punishing them, ~ Barely grows body hair, took him a century to grow pubic hairs. So now he treasures them. ~ Dislikes babies. ~ Style: Black kilt and black boots. Never more than that.
Gael’s tag Gael’s house/home Gael’s moodboard Handwriting/ask answer pic:
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One gif to describe him:
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Tristan Mckinney *Supporting character.
Voice Claim:(Colin O'Donoghue ) https://youtu.be/itEh-ZYJ4tQ?t=19s (Right click on links and open in new tab)
Partner(s): None Parents: Saoirse McKinney (mom, born Ceallaigh)  Anlon McKinney (dad) Kids: None Age: He doesn’t really keep count, but at least 700+ years Height: 189cm Body type: Muscular, slim waist, thick/muscular thighs, big butt and big boobs. Eye color: Dark brown Classification: (Immortal) Demon Known powers: Possession, Pheromone Manipulation (The power to manipulate the pheromones of oneself or others) Lust Manipulation, Kiss of Death (The ability to kill someone with a kiss) Tantric Metabolization (The power to feed off sexuality/sexual energy.) Enhanced Dexterity (The power to control limbs, muscles, and body extremely well. ) Dream Walking (The ability to enter the dreams of another person) Enslavement Kiss (The ability to enslave and control any being with a kiss.)
About: Charismatic, Confident, Open-minded, Fun-loving, Optimistic, Friendly, Outgoing, Flirtatious, Spontaneous, Perverse, Charming, Proud, Flamboyant, Sarcastic, Daring, Colorful, Adventurous, Convincing, Cheeky, Cocky and Sensual. ~ Sexuality Pansexual, Zoophilia, and pretty much any other Parahilia out there! ~ Irish. ~ Intersex (born with any of several variations in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, or genitals that, according to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, “do not fit the typical definitions for male or female bodies”) ~ Identifies as Genderfluid, but with mainly male pronouns. ~ Has multiple tattoos spread over his body, most noticeable are his demon skull tattoo on his chest.between his boobs and his favorite ‘Game On’ tattoo next to his dick (on his upper thighs) To view right click this link, and open in new tab: ~ Speaks with moderate Irish accent. ~ His name means ‘Tumult’. ~ Has beard stubbles. ~ Typically smells of Amber. But sometimes smells of Thyme. ~ Is always up for some fun! ~ Loves any sort of music with good dance rhythm, doesn’t care of genre, as long as it’s upbeat in some way. ~ Smoker. ~ Is always into going clubbing. ~ Dislikes judgemental people. ~ Loves cats and ducks, dancing, sex, flirting, partying, going clubbing, drugs, any form of celebration, alcohol, getting drunk, lemon, loud music, neon lights, anything digital, social media, getting inked, raves and sexual fetishes. ~ Hates close-minded people. ~ Knits. ~ Knows how to build a car from scratch, and loves the smell of motor oil. ~ His style is ‘Tumblr Chic’ - as he calls it. Tristan’s tag Tristan’s house/home Tristan’s moodboard Handwriting/ask answer pic:
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One gif to describe him:
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Nvm, always trust your gut lads
Second day on the job was a trip and then some.
First day just me and the new boss, and without the buffer of Lisa, Director Wallace has some new colors to show off to me, his fellow white male.
I’ll just itemize the gold here:
   -”The thing about Charlottesville though, those guys had permits. You think it would have gotten that much attention if there wasn’t all that unauthorized counter-protesting? Here’s what you do, right? You go through the proper channels, throw a bigger and better rally. Have Michael Jackson or someone play the thing, everyone has a lot of fun. That’s a better message, isn’t it? Besides, we have a little thing called the first amendment”
   -”This branch shouldn’t even exist. It’s all politics. We are at the mercy of the mayor’s office”
   -”I hear a lot of talk about internet as a utility, but think about it. Only the market can provide better internet, because you have the ability to buy a better connection.”
   -”Social media is probably the worst thing to ever happen to society. Say what you will about Trump but if he’d gotten reelected, some of these tech companies would be getting torn apart. The democratic party, tech is their top donors. I don’t think it’s gonna happen.”
   -”The LGBTQ et cetera et cetera et cetera, they’ve been taking refuge in libraries. Now, I’m cool. I have a cousin. He was Jeff and now he’s Henrietta, do whatever you want, fine by me. Just don’t shove a flag in my face, you know?”
   -”I liked Green Day’s early stuff, but once they got political, ugh.”
This list isn’t exhaustive. There’s definitely some stuff that I didn’t get a chance to scribble down in my little book before it got shunted out of my brain hole.
It seems though that I seem to be working for gamer Ron Swanson in a kilt.
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Something about me, I’m the last one of the 4 F’s. Out of Fight, Flight, Freeze, Faun, I’m faun. I’m not proud of it, it’s just part of how I’m wired. I’ll minimize situations by being nice and agreeable. I’ve never been happier to have a face mask in my whole life, because all I had to do was just nod and not do anything weird with my eyes.
Every once in awhile he’d say something like “if I say something you want to hear, just tell me and I’ll shut up.” And sure, I’d love to take him up on it but like... I need this job, man. I gotta come back here every day. I don’t have the guts to tell him how profoundly asinine his worldview is, and if I did I don’t know if I’d have the guts to come back to the office after explaining it. 
On the plus side, he’s pretty agreeable as long as you aren’t talking about like... anything that effects society in any way at all. He seems like a genuinely well-meaning and nice guy as far as two white men talking goes, because he seemed ready to put me on a rocket to Planet Success.
I don’t know if he does this with new hires or what, but I also got about a full hour of schpiel about career advancement. He told me point blank that my job was a starter job and if I found something better to take it at once. He asked me questions about my interests and my career plan, and seemed genuinely invested in me getting where I wanted to go.
That said, one of his recommendations was also to check LinkedIn and Indeed every day. The advice was kind of all over the place, but I wrote down some webinars and stuff he said to check out.
Like I said a few paragraphs ago, I need this job. I’m definitely gonna be applying to other things, checking the listings, but I’ll make peace some way or another with the situation.
Wallace manages a few branches, and told me straight up that I’m basically the branch supervisor in all but name and that I’m gonna have the place to myself a lot, which is good for several reasons, the foremost being that the cherrybomb that is my bi anarchist heart doesn’t light and explode all over my boss.
It’s also good because he’s made it very clear he doesn’t really give two fucks about the place. “I don’t care” and “that’s really not necessary” were the phrases I heard the most.
For example: The juvenile chapter books are on a window-facing shelf, and the spines are all bleached almost beyond readability. He said that the books are elsewhere in the system so these ones don’t really matter, and the process to requisition funds to put UV film on the windows is to byzantine to maneuver.
On the lighter side of things, he seemed eager to show off his little bluetooth speakers. He put one on either side of the room and said “what bands do you like?”
I froze, frantically pounding down the list of music I’d been listening to, trying to get to something even a little bit acceptable for a work environment.
I choked and blurted out “Black Flag.”
This fucking city is run by pigs. They take rights away from all the kids.
“So this is like, some kind of grunge music, right?” he asks me.
“Kurt Cobain would have owned this record, yeah.” I say.
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rcguna-archived · 4 years
Headcanon: Combat Prowess
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I’ve been wanting to go into this with a lil’ headcanon on how Raguna fights and how his ‘stats’ would be defined in my portrayal. To start off- maybe I’m being a bit of an ass to him because of the age of his games compared to the others in the Rune Factory series but he’s a much different fighter than say- Frey/Lest or Micah (and ESPECIALLY Aden holy shit) where they can move in and out of combat and use hit and run tactics. That isn’t going to happen as smoothly or skillfully with this farmboy. When he’s in the fight he’s in it.
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Raguna is very surefooted with his stance and attacks, but is also slower as a result. Low agility also means his reaction times aren’t sharp like a rogue’s. To offset this he is tanky as all get out. His fortitude and natural defenses mean he’ll take a lot more hits before he goes down or even staggers. Not to mention that he’s able to use his magic/earthmate abilities to passively draw energy from the natural surroundings to sustain him further if need be. This type of defense isn’t sure fire and can be interrupted by other types of magic or forcing a stagger.
He’s invincible with the power of friendshi--nah I’m just kidding. Invincibility is boring.
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With melee combat he will utilize a two handed sword that he can use both offensively and defensively. The strikes are slow but made with determination and confidence. There’s a lot of force put behind each one, and he can fell multiple foes with a sweeping strike. Yes, he also has the whirlwind move from Frontier because it’s required and functions as a great defensive move when he adds his magic into the mix.
Thus, it should be said that he’s fairly limited when it comes to ranged attacks. He’s not proficient with a bow or throwing weapons, which makes his tankiness all the more necessary when he needs to close the gap between himself and enemies that would seek to exploit this. I touched on it with an ask about his magical abilities, but he’s attuned to the elements of earth and water, and uses them both for different purposes.
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Earth magic is used for short range scuffles where his sword may not be quick enough or he needs more bludgeoning power to deal with armored foes. Stone fists, drill punches, short range quaking stomps and in the peak case he can send out eruptions of spires at a medium range. This would be considered a high risk high reward move given its large telegraph and slow speed.
Water magic is used for healing spells and for long range- and is usually the only thing he’ll have in his arsenal for distant or airborne foes if he isn’t gonna try something stupid like throwing his sword at them. It’s a possibility! You never know. The offensive water moves are water lasers that can be fired in place or swept a short distance for a slash. The offensive impact is unfortunately low. And they’re better used for temporarily disabling or interrupting enemies while he closes the distance through other methods.
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Last itty thing to touch on would be items and potions. You can assume he has an assortment of things at the ready when he’s out adventuring or exploring in his utility kilt. Vitamin rich rations for restoring stamina without having to tap into his Rune supply. Potions for quick boosts of health and remedies for various ailments like poison and seal. These items are all personally homemade in a small laboratory that is attached to his homestead much like the small personal forge where he works on his tools and weapons. Being that they aren’t professional or extra high grade, their effectiveness would be medium and not something that can be relied on for a full heal or clearing deadly venoms. They’re for staving off immediate failure in battles of attrition and that is not a desirable case.
Last but not least-
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Final stats-
STR: 16, +3  (A) DEX: 8, -1     (D) CON: 18, +4 (S) INT: 14, +2    (B) WIS: 15, +2  (B) CHA: 12, +1 (C)
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saintedfury · 5 years
If They Had a Kid - Furia and Meryl or Colin
If They Had a Kid
Name: Adan
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Short, black hair, that he sometimes lets go a little wild. He’s got Meryl’s eyes (because it is a must). And like his moms, he’s got an athletic build. Luckily for him, he got the height from Furia’s side of the family and he towers over both of them. He tends to follow Meryl’s style more--jeans, tees, black leather jacket (that Furia gave him), and shoes that move with him. He always makes sure to not wear anything he can’t get a full range of movement in.
Personality: Adan’s a big believer in living every second of his life to the fullest. Most of the times he’s gotten into trouble in his life were because of his inability to neither turn down a dare, nor say no to something new. He wants to experience everything, and he doesn’t want to wait for a more appropriate time or location for his experiences. He’s bold, and easily distracted which did not help him in school. 
Special Talents: He is a skater, and fell into parkour as a young child. He utilizes his flexibility to impress his friends and manage to get himself out of broken bones. There have been several times when everyone was sure he’d broken something, and he just hopped up from the crash or fall with bruises. He’s definitely a daredevil and has a fearless streak wider than Furia and Meryl put together. 
Who they like better: Meryl. She’s always up for the wild stuff. Furia can be a bit of a worrier and goes all mom on him. Meryl does too, but to a lesser extent, which means she gets to hear about far more of Adan’s antics than Furia does. In fact, Meryl might be his first videographer for his stunting.
Who they take after more: Furia--though that fearlessness comes naturally from both of his moms. But his ability to mask over even the slightest hint of concern about what he’s trying is definitely something that he gets from Furia. People only know what Adan is really thinking, unless he lets the mask fall and tells them flat out. Sometimes he just can’t find the words for it.
Personal Head canon: He’s nearly set their house on fire three times. Jumped off the roof twice without breaking something. The third time, he did break his collarbone, which only mildly slowed him down. He’s got scars from bouncing off walls and concrete. He’s broken an average of two bones a year. 
Face Claim: (Tobias Sorenson)
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Name: Rowan
Gender: Non-binary
General Appearance: Colin’s red hair meets Furia’s thick waves. He’s also got his mom’s hazel eyes which add a bit of mystery to his chiseled features. He is always precisely dressed, even if his current style might looked mussed. He knows himself, who he is and what he is capable of and is confident in that skill.
Personality: Rowan is a little on the quiet side. He has a solid sense of self, and really only speaks up when he’s moved. And he only makes claims about his skill that are entirely true. A lot of people still view him as egocentric and a boaster. He is bold and people notice Rowan when he walks into a room. He is tough to miss and often has several admirers.
Special Talents: He’s got a fashion sense most Vogue editors would die for. Rowan loves clothing. He consumes fashion from across the spectrum, and sketches his own. He somehow managed to pick up sewing--probably that home ec class in middle school and some you tube videos. In middle school, he starts altering his own clothes. He can take something apart and turn it into something else entirely. Rowan’s got his own ideas about what’s hot and his style changes like the weather. 
Who they like better: This might be a toss up, both his parents have a keen fashion sense, which Rowan appreciates. And neither of them judges his every malleable sense of style. When he goes through his kilt phase, they go with it and even go so far as to introduce him to their tailor so that he can learn more about his chosen hobby. By the end of high school, he’s sketching his own designs and makes a prom dress for his girlfriend at the time and makes his own suit.
Who they take after more: Colin. Rowan definitely looks up to his father as a prime example. He sees Colin’s ease within his body now, and knows that is something one has to work at. Luckily, he’s had a solid example of it all along. 
Personal Head canon: He was twelve the first time he stole a car. Furia and Colin knew his penchant for cars and were careful about keeping their keys put away. He was sleeping over at a friend’s and they wanted ice cream at like 2 am. Rowan volunteered that he could drive them. He did. They probably wouldn’t have gotten caught if the lady in the drive through hadn’t called the cops when she served a car full of six tween boys. Rowan did give the cops a run for their money for about ten blocks until they PITed him into a line of parked cars. He might have gotten in trouble, but he became a god among his friends that night. People talked about that night all the way through high school. It helped preen his ego a bit.
Face Claim: (Lara Santiago)
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Bonus: Sean
Name: Thalia
Gender: Non-binary
General Appearance: Red hair, hazel eyes, short with a medium build. She tends to dress down more than up, going for comfy baggy clothes that make her feel comfy and warm. Thalia kind of wears her clothes like a shield or a shell and is likely to be found tucked away in a hoodie.
Personality: Quiet, unimposing. She’s a bit of an intellectual with an artistic streak. It’s not really surprising given her parents’ proclivities for artistic endeavors. She’s an extreme introvert, who makes friends slowly. But the friends she does make, she keeps her entire life.
Special Talents: Watercolor painting. She adores the way the color blooms on the page. It brings her a great sense of peace to paint. She likes to toy with colors, the way the bleed and flow into one another and change and merge. She’s drawn into the movable nature of the medium.
Who they like better: Sean, because he’s a bit more like her. Furia can be a little too bold and vibrant and Thalia is much more interested in calm and quiet. She and Sean can both just sit in silence, reading or painting, and while away a day without uttering a word.
Who they take after more: Again, Sean. This lovely girl is definitely a daddy’s girl. They can have intense conversations in a silent series of looks, which sometimes makes Furia feel a little left out. 
Personal Head canon: When she was young, Thalia wished she could be a little more like her mother. She tried dance classes, which she never quite even got adequate at. She would try to get into the things that interested her mother, but it never panned out. She burned down the kitchen once, and it was years before she’d ever try to help her mother cook again and when she did it was only ever with salads or prep, nothing that involved fire. 
Face Claim: (Emma Stone)
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imcamiiidiaz · 4 years
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Custom Made Best Utility Kilt
The Utility Kilt is manufacturing all types of kilts from traditional to modern utility kilts, tartan kilts and hybrid kilts by using top quality fabrics and our experienced staff works day and night to produce top quality results. Customer satisfaction is our top priority.
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borderlandscast · 5 years
his dark materials au
all these aus are going to crossover at multiple points, since it’s inevitable and i like creatively torturing myself. here is a basic cast list and notes. discworld au will be placed into a different post because this one is also epic length.
nilesy, will strife and parvus will get their own post! and discworld peeps too.
any feedback and thoughts on the magic system would be greatly appreciated!
born in sweden. barely left the country of his birth, except on family holidays or short trips to neighboring locations.
he became an experimental theologian with the intention of studying his heritage and discovering the mystery of why his daemon settled in an unusual form. the official story is that he’s supposed to retrieve or make copies of the althiometer interpretations for sweden’s own universities.
his daemon is called ‘ender’, gender neutral, small dragon the size of a house cat. ender has a lot of raised scales which gives them a thorny devil’s appearance. the scales are smoother than appearances suggest, so concealing ender beneath rythian’s cloak is the usual means by which ender hides.
ender’s species is that of a western dragon. thier features include a pointy head, frill, four legs with talons (thumb ones opposable, albeit sharp), leathery wings and a tail. ender’s eyes have a nictating membrane, and they possess excellent night vision.
ender’s voice has a raspy quality to it, but mirror rythian’s own voice. both have a faint accent when they speak.
ender shares rythian’s taste for information and knowledge. between the two of them, ender hoards the bulk of it. ender has never forgotten a book they or rythian have read.
born and grew up in scotland. has never been anywhere else, nor interested in doing so.
daemon is ‘finnley’, goes by she/her, a unicorn. finnley is a white ‘horse’ with patches of speckled grey on her body. she blends into mist perfectly. her eyes are a hazelnut colour. finnley’s tail is mostly white; she doesn’t take kindly to people pulling on it.
her hooves are the second most dangerous part of her, her ivory horn being the other. her hooves can crush skulls and stones, and her horn can gore through people.
that said, ravs is the only person who can ride her. she can outrun normal horses. he can ride her with or without a saddle, though ravs prefers the former for obvious reasons. finnley can carry ravs and cargo for about 100 miles (twice that of a regular horse) before tiring. she can go much further at a slower pace.
both left their town of birth due to religious authorities getting wind of him and his daemon’s settled form; the two of them left to protect their family and friends.
both have made a relative’s old highlands castle their secret base. the two earn money from running delivery jobs all over the countryside. given finnley’s speed and ravs’ head and social knack for business, they’ve got quite a reputation built up, and numerous friendships all over the place so both are never in pressing need of a roof, food and drink.
rythian doesn’t know this when they meet, but ravs can separate from finnley at will; both can travel incredibly far from each other if needed, though they prefer not to.
wherever ravs goes, he takes a carrier pigeon with him. the pigeon has been trained to respond to basic commands and questions, including relaying messages back and forth with fellow scotsmen.
a witch taught finnley the trick of how to conceal her horn by using the same trick that witches use to hide themselves from crowds or when infiltrating locations. people simply just don’t notice finnley’s horn. finnley has to concentrate to do this, but ravs’ natural chattiness makes up for her reserved nature.
ravs grew up as a farmer’s child, which explains his lack of complaints when it comes to hard work and rising at the crack of dawn to help out his folks and relatives. he’s used to the ups and downs of the occupation. he’s fairly well built as a result.
y’all be pleased to know that he wears pants in this au, plus his trademark kilt.
british. welsh heritage. voluntarily mute.
daemon is ‘basil’, he/him/they/them, a cockatrice (with some traits from a basilisk mixed in). has a rooster’s head, body, feet, wings and tail; the tail has a functioning serpent’s head. the serpent can hide within the rooster’s voluminous tail.
basil is about the size of a large rooster; he comes up to teep’s waist if that’s any help.
basil’s ability to petrify people is based on vision; it can apply to objects too. basil ‘requires’ a blindfold, but gets by via infrared sensing and a keen sense of smell on their snake head, plus sharing teep’s vision.
basil’s venomous. their leg spurs and snake head produce a potent venom that’s akin to that of a taipan or brown snake. fortunately, basil can only produce so much venom a day. teep harvests the venom from the snake head to dip arrowheads into. the two are initially unwilling to elaborate on an antidote to ravs and rythian.
i said in an earlier post that basil had four legs, but i’m changing my mind and making basil more chicken shaped. basil has two taloned feet, but at the top of their wings is a smaller set of talons. these can be operated like pointy hands. like ender’s, they’re capable of shredding fragile items, like paper. it also lets basil scale objects, mostly trees and fences.
after a noodle incident that left a whole village petrified, teep and basil fled. they returned to keep guard over the village to make sure nobody discovers what happened to it. basil doesn’t feel any remorse whatsoever, and doesn’t think teep should either.
teep has proficiency in archery and maintains their own bow. their family used to be rangers and hunters, but began to dabble in lumberjacking due to rising demand in wood for ships, carpentry, artisan pursits and construction.
teep’s relationship with basil is that of mutual tolerance. they don’t necessarily like or hate each pther, though basil seems to prefer being around teep than be separated, with the addition of basil’s role in speaking for the two of them.
that said, teep dislikes basil’s snarkiness and talkativeness (which is hilarious, considering basil is a reflection and manifestation of teep’s own soul), while basil regards teep’s muteness the ‘silent treatment’, which says a lot.
some notes about zylus and daltos’ world:
separate to that of rythian, ravs and teep’s world, but linked thanks to several secret openings caused by the subtle knife’s bearers.
magic is heavily relient on dust, and the magician’s bond with a daemon.
this world developed like lyra’s world, so electricity/anbaric isn’t as widespread, and a lot of the continents remain to be explored. it’s part fantasy with steampunk thrown in.
cost of magic is concentration; you ever feel like you want to pass out after concentrating too hard? or get a migraine after a giant task? that’s the feeling. the tryhardiest of magicians fall asleep and simply never wake up; the dust expended doesn’t replenish in these comatose individuals to warrant consciousness.
given the presence of magic, religions are much more lax, acknowledging and tolerant of each other. that doesn’t mean that there weren’t wars, it just mean that they’re less on a grander scale of death and destruction since magic is utilized heavily to tamp down on these matters and nip them in the bud. there’s a lot of careful balancing between countries on keeping the peace.
magic is allied with science; science is one of the main drivers in advancing civlisation, while magic serves to fill in the gaps that science leaves (e.g. healing, weather control, binding). magic is treated like a science itself.
there are multiple schools of magic, and many sub classifications and styles. no one way is emphasised (though rival schools try to preach otherwise), or stronger than the others.
the term ‘magician’ is an umbrella term; wizard, witch, sorcerer are perfectly applicable examples of job titles, but regular folks use that first term the most.
anyone can enroll to study magic, and the earlier the better. the highest enrollment tends to occur at when kids enter adolescence, which is when dust begins to increase. there’s always funds set aside for those with incredible potential or from lower social classes to cover schooling, food, travel, study materials and uniforms. it’s in a country’s best interests to produce magicians since not many go on to further their career in a way that benefits a country.
all budding magicians start as theorists, and the majority choose to follow this path in life. they debate, study, experiment and discuss magic, just like they would a science. they can cast magic, but their methods and output differs substantially to that of a practical practioner (get it?). many theorists also have a second occupation, not always magic orientated (such as teaching, gardening, merchant). a few even regard magic as a hobby, dabbling in it on the weekends.
practical practitioners are a jack of all trades. they go out into the world and solve problems that occur as a result of dust, and to a lesser extent, conflicts or human problems. they’re paid a portion of the comissions fee by the requester and a reward upon successful completion. many are freelancers, some work only in one location, and a select few work for the government.
all requests come through via guilds that screen them for issues before making them public. private requests are also possible, including wanting a specific magician but these charge a much higher fee since the magician may not always be available or if another has to transferred in or out.
all magicians undertake a final exam condicted by professors to test their control, theory, aptitude, and specialty (optional, and the magifian can claim multiple ones). this is to root out those unprepared and the undesirables. it can be retaken as many times as needed.
upon passing, the institution acknowledges the magician, and grants them a license. the license isn’t legally needed since unlicensed magic thrives just as well; more caution is required when dealing with said magic. the license also serves as identification since each carries a unique signature from each daemon/human pair.
daemons must be settled by the time of the magician’s graduation. exceptions are rare. certain factions prefer recruiting daemon specific magicians. some say that the final settled form of a daemon determines how advanced one’s magic growth is, but that’s just gossip.
dust is present in this world to a ridiculous degree; if lyra’s world is a lake, this one is an ocean. two basic opinions exist: dust is finite, the other being dust is infinite. either way, there’s evidence to support both, but further studies are needed. and magic is slowly vanishing...
to prevent accidents with daemons (such as in hunting, sports, public events), all daemons must be marked in an obvious, foolproof way. kids tie scraps of colourful cloth or braids to their daemon, explorers equip hats or backpacks, university members use their school’s crest branded on a scarf or tie. there’s a whole world of daemon fashion. people can get very creative.
dutch scholar. born in the netherlands, has never traveled beyond europe. prefers to stay in one location, dislikes travel unless absolutely necessary. especially hates sea travel.
daemon is ‘griffin’, prefers masculine pronouns but will happily accept female pronouns, brown gyrfalcon. griffin’s height is about arm length. he has a whistling nature to his voice.
part of a noble house that made its fortune when shipping and trade lanes were first established out of the country. his family’s company has existed for a century, and is family run. zylus would rather avoid drawing attention to this fact. his family has low expectations that he’ll run the company, given his natural aptitude for magic, his interests and lack of business ambition.
zylus is a mathematician and a budding physicist. he has a head for numbers, attributed to his upbringing where no child in the house grew up blissfully ignorant of how the company operates. zylus assisted in accounts, making sure all the numbers nearly lines up on all sides. he gained a taste for it, and combined with a curiosity of dust (thanks to the scholars frequenting the store), led to his university career.
zylus entered university in his early teens, and spent the majority of the time immersed in the mathematical side of explaining dust and feeling out his magic. his faculty involves studying the nature of magic through formulas, theorums and laws, depending on the type of magic.
zylus developed a method for quick, precise casting of magic. it involves entering a certain state of mind, and he and griffin are currently stumped as to standardize it. if he’s successful, he might revolutionise the way magic is cast. most magicians cast magic like they’re being filmed: with great, sweeping movements, drama and chants. zylus thinks this is impressive and all, but highly impractical.
he has yet to decide on a specialisation in magic, owing to his occupation and interests. it’s fine to leave a magic specialty blank since all it does is help the guilds match up requests to a magician.
he prefers using precise magic, mostly used to give him a quick, numerical snapshot. it can be tailored depending on the job (like calculations, divinations, calibrations, weighings or measurements). zylus’ toolkit also includes a wider variety of real world magic but he rarely uses those spells. he also knows archival spells to preserve notes and texts, and the manual methods of doing so.
zylus is certified as a practical magician, but chooses not to accept requests except those from his family, faculty or friends. he doesn’t even know who’d request him snice he works in such a niche field to begin with.
griffin is capable of flying at least a hundred metres away from zylus. the nature of this range is a subject of intense debate in the field of daemon focused studies in that large daemons are theorised to have a greater wandering range than that of smaller daemons, and is especially so for bird daemons (those with flight capabilities, anyway).
due to griffin’s talons, zylus has to carry a foldable, wooden perch for his daemon, or have leather pads fastened to one or both shoulders whenever he leaves his home so griffin doesn’t have to park on his head or arm.
griffin’s personality isn’t as aloof as their form suggests; griffin is more talkative than zylus is, and is the more patient and outgoing of the pair. griffin tends to notice smaller details that zylus overlooks. griffin isn’t as serious as zylus is; in fact, their playfulness is akin to that of dallas’, daltos’ daemon. sometimes zylus’ self consciousness spills over, so griffin can be harder to read than usual.
zylus adores griffin, though griffin can be a handful when the both of them are agitated and hold opposing opinions. nonetheless, zylus unconditionally loves his daemon, and vice versa. he does his best to listen and compromise, and he doesn’t shun griffin for long after they’ve both squabbled.
zylus ties a small leather pouch to griffin, and a plain, sandy coloured scarf to mark griffin as a daemon. the pouch can hold letters, small objects, food, and instruments. griffin can open it on their own with their feet and beak.
american scholar. born in ‘new denmark’, left the country at a young age. the sole reason for that is his talent in magic; schools for magic hadn’t been fully established, and the best option was to send daltos back to europe with his uncle and aunt.
daemon is ‘dallas’, genderfluid, bearded vulture. dallas has no preference for pronouns. their voice is ambigious, albeit with a harsh note to it; daltos prefers masculine pronouns when personally referring to his own daemon.
his early childhood in italy was full of adventures, largely spent by following his aunt and uncle around since both were practical magicians by trade. he picked up a lot of their mannerisms and habits, including their taste for functional, minimal fuss casting and arsenal of spells.
as a result and in his later years, daltos has traveled extensively all over europe; his trips as a small child had a profound effect on his curiosity, and his aunt and uncle did well in cultivating it.
once he hit adolescence, he went to one of italy’s universities, taking the exam. he eventually decided what he wanted to do while attending said university.
daltos studies people and daemons as an anthropologist, focusing on the study of the presence of dust and how it rises and falls with social development, culture and practices.
he keeps meticulous logs about his travels; part of his goal is to track, document and learn about cultures that lack archive entries. his other goal is to chart shifts in dust over time to pool together data for a collective study that his faculty is responsible for. said faculty believes that sentience is key to dust’s existence, and thus, dust is infinite.
he transferred to zylus’ university to access their data, with the stipulation that he help some of the other branches to cover some absences. this is how he and zylus met.
daltos’ magic is more focused on a versatility of spells than conpletely mastering a select few. as a field magician, he and dallas have to be prepared for anything, from healing, shielding, weather adjustments, repairs, to animal control. he carries around a detailed notebook listing basic spells, sorted by category, effectiveness and strength, all based on his own observations and experiments. he also prepares powerful spells in advance on dust infused scrolls; these are last minute resorts, and are all sealed away in a waterproof bag.
dallas is a large daemon, measuring about 1.2 metres in height. like zylus and griffin, daltos owns leather pads to support dallas landing on his shoulders, and carries around a portable wooden perch.
dallas’ wandering range is about two hundred metres. dallas reckons that he could go further, but that’s his rough estimate.
dallas is marked by a navy bandanna worn around their neck, and leather spats. when traveling, dallas equips a backpack to help carry equipment and items.
dallas is a reserved daemon, in contrast to daltos, who is known to be a chatterbox rivalling parvis. however, dallas does share some of daltos’ traits, such as his stubbornness, acting insufferably smug, and being a playful piece of shit. dallas is fond of stealing items that daltos needs and retreating to a high location until daltos either comes after him or caves.
daltos and dallas are as thick as thieves, they have no secrets between them, and indulge in a lot of joking around. they know it looks unprofessional to onlookers, so dallas tends to adopt an intimidating air when out and about. otherwise, dallas plays the straight man to daltos’ funny man. as for how daltos keeps a straight face when he looks at dallas head on, he says ‘he doesn’t.’
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rosesforchangkyun · 5 years
a stressful name tag
RULES: Using the first letter of your name, answer each of the following questions. The answers must be real and only one word. If the person who tagged you had the same first initial, you must use different answers; no utilizing words twice. Tag 15 people when finished.
I was tagged by @isthisatlantis now I’m tagging @seesawmv @sunmisgirl @bluemoonamjoon @stray-bts-kids and anyone else who wants to suffer 😇
Name: Kayla
A four (4) letter word: King
A boy’s name (not your own): Kyle
A girl’s name (not your own): Kyla
An occupation: Kinesiotherapist
A colour: Khaki
Something you wear: Kilt
A food: Kale
Something found in a bathroom: Kleenex
Reason for being late: Kids
You shout: K
A movie title: Keane
Something you drink: K6
A music group: KARD
A street name: Kempt
An animal: Koala
A type of car: KIA
Title of song: Kicks
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suthnmeh · 6 years
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“Wow, Don, I love your skirt.” Future Casey prodded at the multi-pocketed kilt. Its owner brushed his fingers off.
“It’s not a skirt, it’s a utility kilt,” Future Donnie said, suture in hand, with the air of someone tired of pronouncing the same set of words day in and day out.
The corner of the lab that doubled as med bay was crowded that night, and Leo listened half-heartedly to the banter. They’d only gotten home an hour ago, and some of them were still getting patched up. After helping a while, Splinter had retired to his room, and Present Raph and Casey had other things to do, each on his own opposite side of Manhattan. The rest were gathered in the lab. Future Donnie worked on Casey’s stab wound, while Present Donnie, having popped Leo’s arm back in its socket and put it in a sling, dutifully assisted him.
The pain in Leo’s shoulder was down to a dull throb, and hardly a concern: he’d be fit for duty again in a few hours. No, there were other things making Leo’s head buzz like a jar of flies.
Disgruntled and stressed out and just all around exhausted, he shot a not so covert glare at Future Leo, and another one at Future Raph.
After parking the Shellraiser, Donnie had taken him aside, restless, and told him what happened in that surveillance office. Present Raph and Casey backed it up.
As if Leo needed any more reasons not to trust these guys.
Leo’s future self—not even out of his cowl and chest plate yet, which were grungy with mud spatters—hadn’t so much as looked his way since they got back. Any moment now, however, Leo expected to get the bulk of the blame for everything going to hell, for letting the truck go. He glowered at Future Leo, silently daring him to. Go ahead, get me started.
The rest of the group wasn’t any better off. Everyone was rattled, anxious, or pissed off—everyone except Future Casey, who was currently on the cot, tripping on pain meds, a relaxed smile on his face while Future Donnie stitched him up. The lab was pungent with the reek of defeat. And the antiseptic eeking out of the medigel recently extracted from Future Casey’s shoulder certainly didn’t help.
(Keep reading on FFnet)
Chapter summary: After what happened to that Purple Dragon kid, the Present Turtles can hardly recognize their future counterparts. But if they’re going to work together, future and present will have to face each other, and find themselves there. 
Themes: Sci-Fi, time travel, drama, family and romance.
Ships: Apriltello, Leorai and some mild Rasey.
Rating: T+ for language, violence and some sexual themes, but nothing too explicit.
Authors: violette-aner and suthnmeh.
And continuing with our long history of feels, have some emotional Leo on Leo.
And then, because we ALL needed it, some fluffy Mikey-led shenanigans!
Remember! Reviews are a writer's Scooby Snacks ^w^
ALSO remember, we’re gradually posting the fic on AO3 as well!
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paraphernaliawagon · 5 years
when i was a kid (teenager) i wanted a utility kilt so bad but i couldn’t have one cause they’re all so expensive. then one day my parents bought me a cheap off-brand one and i was so happy. but i never ever wore it out of the house cause i was too self-conscious about being seen in it. and i still have it but i gained a lot of weight in the past couple years and now i can’t fit in it at all and i’m so pissed at myself cause i never ever wore it and now i actually can’t. but i think now i finally feel confident enough to maybe get another kilt and actually wear it?
i have one terrible awkward teen picture taken by my mother of me wearing the kilt.
(i’m also binding my breasts with an ace bandage cuz this was before i got some real binders. and if it kinda looks like you can see my nipple that’s actually a safety pin holding the bandage in place because it had lost its ability to stick to itself through overuse. terrible, right? i didn’t know any better. i was a typical awkward autistic teen lacking in common sense and self-awareness.)
(this was actually in like 2013 when i was about 20 but i was definitely still in that awkward teenage phase of my life.) i posted this pic on tumblr and a blog about men in kilts reblogged it and then a bunch of tumblr white nationalist types were like “lol that’s not a man. you look terrible.” one of the weirder things that’s ever happened to me.
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