#its a good thing the only thing out there is a Felicity
dailyrothko · 29 days
No, the Popularity of Abstract Art is Not the Result of a CIA PsyOp
If you are unlucky enough to move around the internet these days and talk about art, you’ll find that many “First commenters” will hit you with what they see as some hard truth about your taste in art. Comments usually start with how modern art is “money laundering” always comically misunderstanding what that means. What they are saying is that, of course, rich people use investments as tax shelters and things like expensive antiques and art appraised at high prices to increase their net worth. Oh my god, I’ve been red-pilled. The rich getting richer? I have never heard of such a thing.
What is conveniently left out of this type of comment is that the same valuation and financial shenanigans occur with baseball cards, wine, vacation homes, guitars, and dozens of other things. It does indeed happen with art, but even the kind that the most conservative internet curator can appreciate. After all, Rembrandts are worth money too, you just don’t see many because he’s not making any more of them. The only appropriate response to these people who are, almost inevitably themselves, the worst artists you have ever seen, is silence. It would cruel to ask about their own art because there’s a danger they might actually enjoy such a truly novel experience.
When you are done shaking your head that you just subjected yourself to an argument about the venality of poor artists plotting to make their work valuable after they died, you can certainly then enjoy the accompanying felicity of the revelation they have saved to knock you off your feet: “Abstract art is a CIA PsyOp”
Here one must get ready either to type a lot or to simply say “Except factually” and go along your merry, abstract-art-loving way. But what are the facts? Unsurprisingly with things involving US government covert operations, the facts are not so clear.
Like everything on the internet, you are unlikely to find factual roots to the arguments about government conspiracies and modern art. The mere idea of it is enough to bring blossom for the “I’m not a sheep” crowd, some of whom believe that a gold toilet owning former president is a morally good, honest hard-working man of the people.
The roots of this contention come from a 1973 article in Artforum magazine, where art critic Max Kozloff wrote about post-war American painting in the context of the Cold War, centering around Irving Sandler’s book, The Triumph of American Painting (1970). Kozloff takes on more than just abstract expressionism in his article but condemns the “Self-congratulatory mood”of Sandler’s book and goes on to suggest the rise of abstract expressionism was a “Benevolent form of propaganda”. Kozoloff treads a difficult line here, asserting that abstraction was genuinely important to American art but that its luminaries, “have acquired their present blue-chip status partly through elements in their work that affirm our most recognizable norms and mores.”
While there were rumblings of agreements around Kozloff’s article of broad concerns, it did not give birth to an actual conspiracy theory at the time. The real public apprehension of this idea seems to mostly come from articles written by historian Frances Stonor Saunders in support of her book, “The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters” (New York, New Press, 2000). (I have not read this 525 page book, only excerpts).
The gist of Ms. Saunders argument is a tantalizing, but mostly unsupported, labyrinthine maze of back door funding and novelistic cloak and dagger deals. According to Saunders, the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF), an anti-communist cultural organization founded in 1950, was behind the promotion of Abstract art as part of their effort to be opinion makers in the war against communism. In 1966 it was revealed that the CCF was funded by the CIA. Saunders says that the CCF financed a litany of art exhibitions including “The New American Painting” which toured Europe in the late 1950s. Some of this is true, but it’s difficult, if not impossible, to know the specifics.
Noted expert in abstract-expressionism, David Anfam said CIA presence was real. It was “a well-documented fact” that the CIA co-opted Abstract Expressionism in their propaganda war against Russia. “Even The New American Painting [exhibition] had some CIA funding behind it,” he says. But the reasons for this are not quite what the abstract art detractors might be looking for. After all, the CCF also funded the travel expenses for the Boston Symphony Orchestra and promoted Fodor’s travel guides. More than trying to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes, it was meant to showcase the freedom artists in the US. enjoyed. Or as Anfam goes on to say, “It’s a very shrewd and cynical strategy, because it showed that you could do whatever you liked in America.”
For what it’s worth, Saunders’s book was eviscerated in the Summer 2000 issue of Art Forum at the time of its publication. Robert Simon wrote:
“Saunders draws extensively on primary and secondary sources, focusing on the convoluted money trail as it twists through dummy corporations, front men, anonymous donors, and phony fund-raising events aimed at filling the CCF’s coffers. She makes lengthy forays into such topics as McCarthyism, the formation and operation of the CIA, the propaganda work of the Hollywood film industry, and New York cultural politics—from Partisan Review to MoMA to Abstract Expressionism. Yet what seems strangely absent from Saunders’s panoramic history, as if it were a minor detail or something too obvious to require discussion, is the cultural object itself: The complex specifics of the texts, exhibitions, intellectual gatherings, paintings, and performances of the culture war are largely left out of the story.”
Another problem with the book seems to be that Saunders is an historian but not an art historian. For me, I sensed an overtone of superiority in the tale she’s spinning and most assuredly from those that repeat its conclusion. The thinly veiled message of some is that if it were “Real art” it would not have had be part of this government subterfuge. The reality is very different. For one thing, most of us know it is simply not true that you can make people devoted to a type of art for 100 years that they would sensibly hate otherwise. Another issue is that it’s quite obvious none of the artists actually knew about any government interference if there was any. Pollock, Rothko, Gottlieb and Newmann were all either communists or anarchists. Hardly the group one would recruit the help the US government free the world of communism. Additionally, this narrow cold war timeline ignores a huge amount of abstract art that Jackson Pollock haters also revile and consider part of the same hijacking of high (Frankly, Greek, Roman, or Renaissance) culture. If you look at the highly abstract signature work of Piet Mondrian and observe the dates they were painted, you’ll see 1908, 1914, 1916. This is some of the art denigrated as a CIA PsyOP, 35 years before the CIA even thought about it. Modern art didn’t come from nowhere as many would have you believe to discredit its rise. There was Surrealism, Dada, Bauhaus, Russian futurism and a host of other movements that fueled it.
Generally, people like to argue. On the internet, “I don’t like this” is a weak statement that always must be replaced by “This is garbage” or my favorite, “This is fake.”
It’s hardly surprising that the more conservative factions of our society look for any government involvement in our lives to explain why things are not exactly as they wish them to be, given the (highly ironic) conservative government-blaming that blew up after Reagan. In addition, modern fascists have always had a love affair with the classical fantasy of Greece and Rome. Both Mussolini and Hitler used Greece and Rome as “Distant models” to address their uncertain national identity. The Nazis confiscated more than 5,000 works in German museums, presenting 650 of them in the Entartete Kunst (Degenerate Art, 1937) show to demonstrate the perverted nature of modern art. It featured artists including Marc Chagall, Max Ernst, Wassily Kandinsky, and Paul Klee, among others. The fear of art was real. It was the fear of ideas.
To a lot of people on the internet just the mentioning a “CIA program” is enough to get the cogs turning, but as with many things, the reality of CIA programs and government plots is often less than evidence of well planned coup.
The CIA reportedly spent 20 millions dollars on Operation Acoustic Kitty which intended to use cats to spy on the Kremlin and Soviet embassies. Microphones were planted on cats and plans were set in motion to get the cats to surreptitiously record important conversations. However, the CIA soon discovered that they were cats and not agreeable to any kind of regulation of their behavior.
As part of Operation Mongoose the CIA planned to undermine Castro's public image by putting thallium salts in his shoes, which would cause his beard to fall out, while he was on a trip outside Cuba. He was expected to leave his shoes outside his hotel room to be polished, at which point the salts would be administered. The plan was abandoned because Castro canceled the trip.
Regardless of your feelings on this subject or how much you believe abstract art benefited from government dollars, Saunders herself quotes in her book a CIA officer apparently involved in these “Long leash” influence operations. He says, “We wanted to unite all the people who were writers, who were musicians, who were artists, to demonstrate that the West and the United States was devoted to freedom of expression and to intellectual achievement, without any rigid barriers as to what you must write, and what you must say, and what you must do.” Hardly the Illuminati plot we were promised.
In 2016, Irving Sandler, author of the book that started Kozloff tirading in 1973, told Alastair Sooke of The Daily Telegraph, “There was absolutely no involvement of any government agency. I haven’t seen a single fact that indicates there was this kind of collusion. Surely, by now, something – anything – would have emerged. And isn’t it interesting that the federal government at the time considered Abstract Expressionism a Communist plot to undermine American society?”
This blog post contains information and quotes sourced from The Piper Played to Us All: Orchestrating the Cultural Cold War in the USA, Europe, and Latin America, Russell H. Bartley International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, Vol. 14, No. 3 (Spring, 2001), pp. 571-619 (49 pages) https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20161004-was-modern-art-a-weapon-of-the-cia https://brill.com/view/journals/fasc/8/2/article-p127_127.xml?language=en https://www.guggenheim-bilbao.eus/en/learn/schools/teachers-guides/the-dark-side-of-classicism https://www.artforum.com/features/american-painting-during-the-cold-war-212902/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/modern-art-was-cia-weapon-1578808.html https://www.artforum.com/columns/frances-stonor-saunders-162391/ https://www.artforum.com/features/abstract-expressionism-weapon-of-the-cold-war-214234/ Mark Rothko and the Development of American Modernism 1938-1948 Jonathan Harris, Oxford Art Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1 (1988), pp. 40-50 (11 pages)
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mauvecherie-writes · 8 months
tell me what you want: j.koundé
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pairing: jules koundé x black!fem reader.
warning: 18+ heavy touching and kissing, suggestive language, no distinctive descriptors for reader but they are BLACK.
summary: your birthday is quickly approaching and jules just wants you to tell him what you want.
w.c: 717.
notes: i saw this tiktok and i thought it was the cutest thing ever and i thought why not make it into a scenario with one of my fav footie boys. so this is something short and sweet to get those juices flowing! much love! This is not edited.
tags: @queenshikongo3 @hopefulromantic1 @dhlfastestlap @saintslewis @hersinsarescarlet @felicity-x0 @serpenttines-library [ask to be tagged for jules]
Driving through the streets of your hometown has never felt so good.
The sun high in the sky, a soft breeze in the air coming through your open windows as your boyfriend drove.
Nothing was better than this.
“Bébé.” The French twang in his raspy voice had your thighs clenching. From the moment you met, his voice was your weakness and that will forever be the same.
“Yes baby.” You say as you turn to look at him. His hair in its usual thick twists, moustache and goatee trimmed perfectly. The sun hitting his skin, making it look perfectly golden. Your boyfriend was beautiful and you appreciated that beauty with every glance.
“Tell me what you want for your birthday.” He asked with a slight smirk playing on his lips. Those perfect lips, soft and plump lightly moving as he chewed on his gum.
But the question had your eyes widening a bit. You’ve only been together for a few years and with each passing birthday, that question always seems to bewilder you. The type of person that you are was one to never ask for anything, most of the time Jules would have to ask your closest friends or sneak into your online shopping baskets to gift you something worth while.
This time, he wasn’t going to a take a simple “I don’t know” from you.
“C’mon. Tell me what you want for your birthday.” The smirk was still on his face as he quickly turned his head to look at you.
You could feel your cheeks warming from the way that he was staring at you.
“What’s my budget?” You jokingly quirked.
“Unlimited. Now, tell me.”
“What if I said I wanted a house?”
“Then I’d get you a house.” His matter-of-factly tone caused to giggle.
“You’re actually serious about this?” You asked as the car came to a slow stop.
“Just rub on my thigh, like the magic genie, I’ll grant you anything mon cœur.” You giggled as you leaned across the console and with one hand on the inner of his thigh and the other to pull his face towards yours by his chin.
He licked his lips as he quickly glanced down at yours before meeting your eyes.
“Since you want to know so much let me tell you.”
“Mhm, tell me bébé.” He nodded with his head still in your palm. You leaned forwards and traced your lips with his.
“I want you.” You whispered before placing a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth.
“With me.” Another kiss on the other side of his mouth.
“Just the two of us on a yacht.” You pick his bottom lip which causes him to groan. “With all my favourite things.”
“Which are?”
“I’ll send you the list.”
“And then what will we do on this yacht?”
“And then you fuck me until I can’t breathe and walk.” You breathed those last words into his mouth before he groaned once more and took a hold of the back of your neck and pulled you close.
“Genie grants your wish.” He murmured before you watched his eyes go dark. You let go of his chin the minute his other hand comes to the front of your neck.
You whimpered softly as he kissed you slowly and deep. He swallowed every sound that you made as he pressed his lips harder into yours. Shifting out of your seat, you had to restrain yourself as you could feel your body wanting to lunge into his lap. Losing yourself, your hands cupped his dick through his shorts and began to rub.
Jules slid his fingers through your braids and pulled at the roots. He pulled your head away causing you to gasp. He was always in command and you loved it that way. Jules trailed his lips down the valley of your neck until he reached the hemline of your dress.
“Let’s get this food so we can go back to your place and we can start practising what I’ll do to you on boat.” He whispered into your skin as his teeth softly grazed your skin.
You squealed as your thighs squeezed together. “Are you gonna give me anything that I want?”
“As long as you tell me what you want mon cœur.”
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eerna · 4 months
Omg the way Eloise is written as a feminist character BOTHERS me. I can’t always put my finger on why, but a thing that sticks out to me the most is how she just says the most blatantly basic (for us 21st century viewers) things and idk it’s supposed to seem revolutionary… but it’s never clever. And it is never deep.
Anyways I saw your tag on the Eloise/Cressida post and I was curious to hear any elaboration of your thoughts on her feminist portrayal? (But no pressure!)
YEEAAAH EXACTLY! I have the same issue, Eloise just says 21st century equality stuff without ever having read a single feminist pamphlet (this is canon, she doesn't start reading them or attending discussions until she's 18). Somehow she developed a perfectly uniform idea of modern womanhood when she was isolated and raised to be a traditional lady. Her opinions should be WAY more half baked and full of holes because this life is the only one she'd ever known. That's not even mentioning the inability to discuss feminism without discussing class, something Eloise has No Idea About.
Then comes the issue of writing. This is a stupid show. No one looks smart on this show. So when Eloise drops a "smart comment", it is cringe and dumb. She is supposed to be eloquent and witty, but most of the time she looks like a mean snob belittling everyone around her.
Another issue is that everyone else around her is a horrible sexist caricature. Yes, she is snobby, but my god every other woman only cares about men and marriage and gossip so I can't even blame her all that much for it. Her friends don't really care about what she has to say and will always leave her to go chase a man. And even SHE starts fitting the description the moment she falls for a guy - she lies to her friend and puts everyone in danger, and 90% of the reason is a man with only 10% being her self actualization. You can't write a proper feminist if everyone in your story has the same goal, which is to find a husband. It doesn't help that we know Eloise is headed for marriage and babies because every time a character expresses they don't want one or both of those things, they are proven wrong by the narrative.
And finally, my last thing making Eloise a bad feminist character, is that she is SO PASSIVE. Sure, it might be the point of the show as Pen calls her out for it, but we still don't know if they are gonna fix it so I am putting it here anyway. She only talks and complains about her lot in life, but never acts against society. I was happy when she started sneaking out and hang out with The Working Class Feminists TM, but that turned out to be a short failed romance subplot instead of a character moment and she gave up on it almost right away, so it doesn't count. And now in s3 she decided to embrace society and its expectations, so I am not sure we will ever get to see that kind of rebellion again - I sure hope so! But idk.
As a "well written Eloise" character, I'd like to suggest Felicity Montague. She is a character from a 18th century romcom, a noble lady, aroace and trying to go to med school when her gender prevents her from getting an education. She doesn't use her screentime for long-winded monologues about the unfairness of the world, she ACTS on her thoughts and opinions so we know what they are. She switches covers of romance books and textbooks so she can study without being bothered, she runs away from home to try make her dreams come true, she finds alternative solutions. Her thoughts are never lauded as One Truth, in fact she is often called out for the blind spots in her opinions since she too grew up a sheltered noble and can't account for all experiences. She is surrounded by women who challenge her ideas and make her into a better friend and person. AND she is funny and reading her is just plain fun. You CAN do a feminist who doesn't belong in her era, you just have to be careful to also make her a good character.
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vacantgodling · 2 months
the quest for perfect a labyrinth honey loaf
cuz of the ask multi sent me i got inspired to write a little thing. i’m not narratively confident in this wip yet cuz i mostly build i don’t write 💀💀 but i thought it would be fun to write a lil thing so.
wip: the chronicles of lathsbury (tcol)
character(s): sir mukul brio & miona winfrey
mukul once again fails to temper labyrinth honey 😅
notes: miona is from diisai and has an accent and by god i will write it out :) it’s not as bad as erik’s or papa’s so yall will live lol
“Right—issit safe tha’t A’m standin’ in here with you then?” Miona’s voice cracked a little on the last word, and she had very noticeably gone from amiable and chipper to apprehensive the moment Mukul told her what was bubbling away in the boiler on the stove. Mukul grunted. “That’s not a yes!” She said—but even she could admit, it smelled absolutely heavenly; syrupy almost, but richer in depth. Miona found it hard to put her finger on what exactly the scent was, but that only added to her worry: there was only one reason that her friend and sort-of guild superior, was standing in the kitchen with a full helm and suit of armor on, underneath a ridiculously scorched apron—standing near a foot away to swirl a ladle through the boiler’s contents… he was dealing with live Labyrinth honey.
That was the funny thing about Labyrinth honey—it was sort of a creature of its own… or at least as best as any Terranean bestiary for the past few hundred years could guess. It possessed a small level of ars, and enough sentience to act as a sticky trap for its prey—usually smaller creatures or bugs. But still a sticky treat just like honey. It wasn’t fully on the mimicry scale since unlike other creatures it didn’t have the ability to shift beyond this particular capability—but in lieu of being able to hide it had exactly one defense mechanism….
“Mukkie… A’think it’s starting to boil over…”
“Shut up.” He hissed, but his voice sounded worried. He reached out with his ladle and pushed the sentient sap back into the pot, but it clung to the spoon. He tried to shake it off, and the monster pulled, turning into a full tug-o-war match. But as he was distracted, Miona noticed the inevitable.
“Mukkie, it’s gonna pop!”
The knight looked up from where he was wrestling with the ladle and dropped it. “Mio look out!” He was across the kitchen in two bounds and threw his armored body around her just as the entire pot exploded in a fantastic display of heat and pettiness.
When the dust settled, he pulled back. Miona reached up and yanked the helm off of his head. His tan skin was already covered in a fine layer of soot.
“What did’a say about makin’ Labyrinth honey at the guild!” She demanded, though she sounded much nicer than she intended. Mukul muttered something about making it outside under his breath but Miona couldn’t hold the facade for long. She collapsed back against the door, laughing heartily.
“What’s so funny?” He asked, but there was a tired grin in his voice. He kicked the helm for good measure, his whole body tensing when the shock of pain tingled up his spine, only making her laugh more.
“Issit the third batch today?” She asked. “How long do you plan to go on!”
“Well—that’s my last attempt seeing as I don’t have any more honey.”
“Oh poor dear.” Miona strode over and pinched his cheek, wagging it back and forth like an old aunty would. “Do you need me to tell Felicity to get you some more on her next supply run?”
Mukul didn’t say anything for a long minute. Finally, he heaved a heavy, heavy sigh.
“I’ll make you eclairs in return.”
Miona whooped, skipping eagerly out of the kitchen, already thinking of her eclairs as she mentally began the write up for an in house quest.
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kelean · 1 year
it's always funny to me when people blame jack's insanity and genocidal tendencies solely on lilith and moxxi's so-called "betrayal" and at this point i'm convinced that they played some different game because:
lilith and moxxi literally saw him kill innocent scientists only because he thought they may betray him, but there was no solid evidence for that. and even if there actually was a traitor among them, jack could've simply put them in some sort of jail or just deal with them quietly. but no. instead he decided to make a whole show out of killing them in one of the most cruel ways possible, while gathering all of his allies around. because his goal wasn't to just get rid of someone you can't trust - he wanted lilith, moxxi and roland to see what will happen to them if they dare to disobey him
after he killed the meriff he thought that it was - quote-unquote - "invigorating". killing scientists also "felt good". normal person behavior btw
he never cared about felicity. he doesn't feel any remorse or guilt after killing her, even though she was helping him this entire time. and correct if i'm wrong, but while he did need an army to take helios back, he, in the end, never actually used it. the loaders in bl:tps couldn't do much - we had to manually turn them into the loaders who can shoot or blow up stuff. and it was after we already got on helios. so basically, there was no rush to make a constructor out of felicity and consequently kill her in the process
by the time of the events of bl:tps he has already destroyed moxxi's underdome like she said in one of the side quests in bl2 (nevertheless, she still agreed to help him). and before you say anything about how he couldn't actually do that and it's a retcon because he was a low-level programmer may i remind you that he had the money to make a goddamn body double for himself. he had a fancy office. he had a chamber for angel's containment. and i think it's pretty believable that a person with that much money is capable of doing that
and yes, angel. while lilith and roland didn't know about that at the time, he has already enslaved his own daughter many years ago and used her to manipulate them into finding the vault for him in bl1. and he had the resources to keep her in her place, too
so, of course, when they saw the eye of the destroyer they knew what was going on. imagine somehow killing a monster that took down armies just to see its' eye being used by some big fucking corporation for god knows what years later
now, to the fun part - the betrayal. let's just say that moxxi’s good at reading people - she wasn’t wrong when she called jack a «power-hungry psychopath» and said that «a lot of decent people will live to regret it if you come down from helios alive» as we will see in the future events. she and others saw jack's true colors shine through during their little quest to save the moon and it was the only logical conclusion. she was fucking right
moxxi specifically asked jack to be at the eye of helios because she planned to kill him (and, well, people who agreed to work for him) and him (and his team) only. moreover, the station was already under attack by the lost legion by quite some time. so there was literally no possibility that it would've impacted any innocents (so idk from where some people got the idea that they killed "millions of innocent hyperions" - that's just called making shit up)
jack, on the other hand, didn't know how much of an impact that caused. however, he isn’t sad about the possible death of people that singularity might have caused (again, it could, but it didn’t - still, Jack doesn’t give a fuck). he isn’t even worried about his own team. all he cares about is that he lost a very valuable and deadly weapon because of «the things he could have done with it» - and it’s pretty obvious what exactly can you do with this sort of weapon. it wasn't just standing there to look pretty you know
also, while we’re at it, you can even argue how this whole “saving the moon and its’ people” thing might have been just a cover up for a real reason – that is, get this very dangerous weapon back under his control. but that's just a speculation based on some of the in-game things i've noticed, so let's not dwell on it
finally, i never really got why people are so mad at lilith for punching jack - she literally admits that she should’ve just killed him instead, as, in the end, it costed her a lot of people’s lives and, more specifically, roland’s life. she feels extremely guilty. she knows that she fucked up. her main mistake, however, wasn't that she "betrayed" jack - her main mistake was leaving him to die instead of finishing a job and thinking that he can actually be trustworthy
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wilhelmsbee · 8 months
Okay honestly? I'll just take you up on that offer because I'm obsessed with your edits in general, but if you ever feel like talking some more about that Wilhelm edit you did to the song Ribs by Lorde??? Would love that because that edit lives rent-free in my head! (no pressure though, I just like the idea of like... director's commentary or something for edits haha)
preface: i talk ab why i chose each scene for the lyrics, then colouring/font, idk if this is the directors commentary you wanted but like this is how I think about all my edits
We're reeling through the midnight streets- initially, I actually wanted to start it on the this dream isn't feeling sweet line but it just didn't fit in instagrams 1-minute time frame ANYWAY This scene has always been the most painful to me. Wilhelm realises at this moment that he's truly, undeniably alone in his life. Everyone he trusts (or is supposed to trust) has left him, and he has nobody left to go to. He's alone, going through his own personal hell, finding out his only family cares more about public perception than him as a person. It's like the beginning of the worst spiral we see from Wilhelm. Its quite a literal scene-to-lyric moment, but also the we're part feels (to me) like him-as-well-as his public self. Crown Prince Wilhelm and Wille are such separate parts, and its all he has left.
And I've never felt more alone- The THERAPY SCENE! Specifically this is the I think it's better not knowing how it could feel scene, because that truly is the most heartbreaking viewpoint I've ever seen from a character. It was better not being in love because I couldn't miss it. He might be getting closer to the other boys in the secret society, as well as Felice, but he's not really breaking past the surface level with anyone. Not even Felice knows the depths of his pain, he keeps it all to himself. The loneliness crushes him, he wishes he didn't know how love felt. As far as he's concerned, he's never loving someone else again (true) and he's never going to be able to love Simon again (false). In this moment there's this feeling of emptiness. He has nothing he actually cares about, and he wishes that he never cared in the first place.
It feels so scary, getting old- He wasn't supposed to fill this role, giving a speech as the Crown Prince of Sweden about his brother's passing. Wilhelm's character (obviously) fundamentally switches after Erik's death. He used to be a lot sillier, more reckless and more willing to fight back against his parents. But now he's got every single eye on him, watching him. Put into an adult role at the age of sixteen, forced to carry the burden of spare his whole childhood, then suddenly forced to be the sole heir. Even if he had planned to maybe one day be the heir (which he didn't, judging by the he should be here instead of me comment) it wasn't supposed to happen until he was older and wiser. He stops acting like a kid because he can't be a kid anymore. The cuts between the frog/getting the frog/breaking the globe aimed to emphasise this. He's lost all connection to his brother, he's in a place he didn't expect to be until he was extremely old (if ever), and he's lost control of his own life.
We can talk it so good, we can make it so divine, we can talk it good how we wish it would be all the time- I wanted to frame Simon in this as a sort of healthy distraction for Wilhelm. He was the only person in his life who actually looked out for him and cared. They're happy and they're smiling, all the clips are intimate even if there's someone else there. It highlights how they care. It's good, it's divine. It's what kept him happy after the hardest thing in his life (so far). In this edit, he desperately wants it back because he knows how much it helped. It was the only bright thing he had. The cutting to Wilhelm alone in s2 after how we wish it would be all the time just aims to really enforce that he wished it was still like that, wishing for someone who truly cared and loved him. It's all yearning, pining, wishing things were better. Every single clip is a clip in which Wilhelm has been pining over Simon. There's an ache he expresses that was just so, so important to this edit.
This dream isn't feeling sweet- Lots of clips of Wilhelm trying to process things. He's been forced to change his entire life, after all being a prince is a privilege, not a punishment. The 'dream' of being royal crushes him, despite the fact he can't ever voice it. Walking down the halls of his castle, sitting in his private boarding school therapy session with an actual therapist, being driven home in a private car from the party where he was filmed fighting. These luxuries juxtaposed with his actual circumstances hurt. He can't complain because he's got it best in the country, but it isn't a system designed for him, it doesn't want to help him, it wants to make him conform. It isn't fair, but he can't say that.
We're reeling through the midnight streets- He's forcing himself to try and fit the mould while also being himself, and all it causes is pain. He's actively fighting against the institution he was raised in simply by existing. The panic attack from being perceived holding Simon's hand. Deleting his contact after his mother told him 'no more mistakes.' Trying to play nice at the dinner table even though his whole life was crumbling around him and the institution was failing everyone even though nobody believed him. The panic attack/anxiety vomit from Simon going public, against Wilhelm's institution, knowing that he might not be able to protect him. He's got no control in any of these scenes, its a desperate fight against himself. He's a publicity risk to his own family if he is true to himself, and he's a risk to himself if he isn't.
And I've never felt more alone- Desperately trying to comfort himself when nobody else can (or wants to) comfort him. After the fight at the party all his family cared about was the PR response. When August said that Simon would take the fall for the drugs, all he cared about was getting Alexander back. During the uniform tailoring, all Jan-Olof cared about was tradition and making Simon as background as he could. When Wilhelm gave up meditating to soothe his anxiety, he was upset at his inability to calm down, despite the fact he's never been given an opportunity to be calm. Nobody really knows about his mental health struggles, he just has to fight through them and desperately try to self-soothe. Nobody else will comfort him after all.
It feels so scary getting old- Each of these scenes show Wilhelm being viewed as his role instead of being viewed as a person. He clearly struggles with being viewed as just the Crown Prince of Sweden, especially since that was never supposed to be his role, so of course it hurts when he's viewed as just a pawn in the Royal Family. Especially from people he loves. Yes, it was undeniably hard when he first became the Crown Prince, and it absolutely would've crushed him to know that when he had a panic attack he couldn't be alone. But these scenes are interlaced with him being viewed as a political pawn by Simon and his mother. People he loves, people he trusts. He's just a public statement to his mother, and he's just a human representation of the Crown to Simon (in these scenes not in general ofc). He's never going to be able to be his own person again, because he's got a country to run when he grows up and a public image to form between now and then.
This dream isn't feeling sweet- The lyrics are now getting more compounding, it's louder and it's closer. He's fighting to be heard, he's being ripped off of his desk, he's forcing down a panic attack because he needs to be happy for Simon. His emotions aren't allowed, he can't feel anything negative so he won't feel anything at all. Nothing in his life feels good anymore, so he's fighting the losing battle to just try to break even. Nobody would dream of this, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. He can't even voice that, though.
We're reeling through the midnight streets- Now he's reminiscing about when things were easier, but they weren't, really. Yes, the placard was there the night he first kissed Simon, but that was also the beginning of the horrific realisation he wasn't built for the world he is forced to live in. His mother says 'no more mistakes' and he already knows it means he has to leave Simon. When that doesn't work and it all falls out, he's left to try and clean his own image up by nailing the closet shut with every fibre of his being. His life wasn't better, he's grasping for anything to show him life will be okay again. Everything has crumbled and now he's got nothing, so he yearns for when he had something, even if it was just something to lose.
And I've never felt more alone- He is constantly left. Something that isn't brought up enough is how often he's just abandoned. He has no one to talk to, he's forced to work through his struggles alone because his existence is political and any sign of weakness being public could reflect badly on his family. He becomes the embodiment of the Prince he could never be. Walking to the lake and reminiscing about when he would be happy there. Being left alone by his brother, who didn't even reply to him asking to say hi to his mother and father, who he then never sees in person again. Then wearing his brother's jacket. He's alone, and all he does is pine for a time when he wasn't. All he wants to do is go back and do it all again, and he can't. But he also can't move forward, he doesn't want to, he doesn't know how.
It feels so scary- Only two scenes so I'll discuss 'em one by one: -At Erik's funeral, there's a more literal fear of getting old. I don't want to repeat myself more than I already have but obviously, that forced Wilhelm to grow up and be more mature, and act like a Crown Prince instead of just the Prince. More attention, less room for error. He's terrified of fucking it up, and there's nobody who can help him. -The breakup scene is more metaphorical. He has to grow up and figure out what he wants to do with his life, while also having to grow to understand what he actually has the ability to do with his life. He's not ready to do this because he wants things to be good and happy but it was ripped away from him. He can't just pretend everything is alright anymore, but the amount of maturing he needs to do seems impossible at this moment, especially knowing he was in love with a boy when he wasn't allowed to be. He tries to be both a Prince and Wilhelm and all it did was betray his boyfriend's trust.
getting old- Wilhelm shutting his computer and pressing his hands to his eyes. It's exhausting. He's exhausted. Constantly working to try and be who he's supposed to be as well as being himself and trying to navigate his emotions in a vulnerable state is just too much. He can't carry it all, so he just gives up for a moment. It all goes quiet, but not in a good way. When you're that overwhelmed, the lack of anything just leaves more room to spiral.
Intro: literally my handwriting. I wanted this to feel personal and almost like a desperate written plea to go back to when it was good, and what's more personal than my own handwriting am I right!!!
First chorus loop: Magazine font, it's in pieces and it doesn't match. There's a sporadic chaos, like he's beginning to feel it but it isn't there yet. The text isn't fully opaque, it's in front of him. We're seeing it before he does in this context. Trying to reflect how the media knows things before he does, like his brothers death, the tape leaking, all that good stuff.
Second chorus loop: Big, Bold, Unavoidable! I rotobrushed Wilhelm in every scene so that the text could be intertwined with him. He can't escape the reality of his situation, he is getting crushed by these feelings. The song gets louder and more claustrophobic, the text is in the scenes with him. It haunts him, it's everywhere. When he closes the laptop and it all goes silent, its not relaxing, it just makes you anxious in a different way.
I actually chose the blues from the intro scene, mainly in the night sky bit of the frame. Also! All the happy Wilmon scenes have a higher saturation, though you can't tell because of how I did the colouring. It just results in them being a little bit brighter, because things were good then and I believe it should feel good then, too.
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sarawritestories · 1 year
You Found Me
Harry Wells x Fem Reader Feat Oliver Queen
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Alright @yetanotherwells hopefully the tag works!
A/N: Ever since the Arrow episode of season 9 aired, this story has been in my head, not wanting to leave, and i wanted to share. That being said: SPOILERS FOR SEASON 9 READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Also, this is my first story im sharing on here, and i would greatly appreciate any feedback!
Content Warning ⚠️: brief talk of grief, little bit of angst, and a whole lot of fluff
Summary: With the return of Oliver Queen, Y/N begins to think of all the other people who she lost at the hands of crisis. Oliver then gives her a precious gift before he has to leave.
The West-Allen household was set ablaze with chatter, laughter, and clinking of drinks to celebrate the return of Oliver Queen, even if it's a temporary return. Barry was out making sure that Ramsey got to Iron Heights with no problems. Y/N sat by the fireplace observing the joy and happiness of all her friends, especially Oliver.
She was elated to see her oldest friend. Though with every happy memory and joyous moment she had that night, a somber thought or memory would take its place. She began to fall deeper in her thoughts, spinning the diamond ring on her finger, her mind trailed to the Grumpy Scientist that put it on said finger.
"I know that look," Oliver's voice pulled her out of her thoughts as he took a seat next to her. "Where did you go?"
Y/N gave a small smile, "I'm happy to see you, Ollie, I've missed you."
Olivrr reciprocated the smile and nudged her shoulder with his, "I've been keeping an eye on you, so much so, I want to thank you." Y/N furrowed her brows, and his smile wavered only for a moment. "For keeping Felicity company and taking care of her. I miss you both often, but affection is not going to make me forget my question." He grabbed her hand, "Talk to me, Y/N."
She released a sigh, "Good to know you're still insufferable." They both laughed, "i am happy you're here. It's just when i see you that i can't help but think of all the other people i lost due to crisis." She glanced down to her wedding rings, tears pooling in her eyes.
Oliver followed her gaze and gave a nod of understanding, "Harry," she nodded as Oliver pulled her into an embrace. Tears began to streak Y/N's cheeks.
"Ollie, every day feels like my heart has a hole that keeps growing that might swallow me whole." She sniffled, "I never even got to say goodbye to him."
Oliver rubbed soothing circles with his thumb to comfort his grieving friend. Then, an idea struck him. He pulled away from the embrace as Y/N wiped her tears from her face. "I've interfered plenty with the multiverse tonight, but i have one more thing to do," he rose to his feet.
Y/N gave him a confused look, "What does that mean?"
Oliver held out his hand that she took cautiously. He pulled her close and whispered in her ear, causing her eyes to widen. He pulled away, still holding her hand, "That's all i can tell you, unfortunately, but maybe this could bring you some peace."
Excitement and nerves bubbled over as she gave the former vigilante a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you, Oliver, Im going to miss you!"
Oliver smiled as Y/N made her way toward the exit, "I'll miss you too, Y/N."
~2 hours later~
The breach opened, and Y/N stepped out onto the parking lot. Though the place was familiar, there were parts that were new to her. As she faced the building of the parking lot she was standing in, she gasped. Wasting no time, she ran into Earth 2's S.T.A.R Labs.
Walking in, she became overwhelmed with senses. The most potent being the familiar smell of him. A rush of memories hit her, the first time they met in the cortex at Earth 1, their first kiss, their first date. Before she drowned in the sea of memories, she pressed forward toward the elevator.
Y/N pulse began to beat rapidly as she approached the second level. She smoothed out her knee-length dress to remove some of the persperation on her hands. The doors opened, and the office was just how she left it. Everything looked in place and the same.
Cautiously, she walked up to his desk, papers with his handwriting cluttered the desk. She grabbed the frame that was on his desk. Fresh tears blurred her vision of her, and Jessie kissing both of his cheeks in front of a christmas tree from the West Christmas party. "I miss you so much, Harry," she put the picture back on the desk.
"I've missed you too, Princess." The familiar voice caused the young hero to straighten her spine. She turned around, and her eyes met Harry's crystal blue ones.
"Harrison," Y/N whispered under her breath, a rare moment where she called him by his full name. His hair was shorter, clean shaven at the sides with his curls up top, and he was in a suit with a full smile on his face. He was even more handsome than she remembered.
He rubbed his hands together nervously. "I know you may have a lot of-" he couldn't finish the sentence as she leaped into his arms, burying her face in his neck. Harry returned her embrace his hand held the back of her head.
"You're real," she whispered.
He chuckled, "I'm real, Princess," he pulled away to face her again and brushed a loose strand of hair from her face.
"I don't know how this is possible. I knew that the multiverse was being restored, but I didn't think that it would restore the people." She stepped out of his grasp and was speaking a million words per minute. "What about your intelligence did that come back? What about the council? Jessie?"
Harry stepped in front of his wife and cupped her face in his hands, "Y/N, can I kiss my wife now?"
Y/N smiled and nodded. Harry pressed his lips on hers. He tilted her head to deepen the kiss. After a few moments, they separated for air, and he grabbed her hand and led her to the balcony. "Tell me something, how did you know where to find me?" He wrapped his arms around her and pressed her back against his front as the sun began to set.
In the distance, Y/N saw a hooded figure in green, who gave her a nod before disappearing. "I had some help from an old friend." Harry kissed the top of her head as they watched the sunset on Earth-2.
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runefactorynonsense · 9 months
what changes would you like to see in a rf1 remake?
Hello, hello!♡
I want to preface a question like this with how I view video game mechanics and criticism; I don't like talking about things I dislike. I don't like comparing things that aren't as good. I dislike being negative. So as I answer, I answer with musing thoughts and hope! These are positive remarks about things that could be so helpful!
This is a hard question because of just how old those games are. RF3 got off easy as it already had a significant number of "quality of life" changes that had carried into 4.... Though 2 does have the advantage of already having the request system and the start of interactions between villagers. As much as I love it, 1 is lacking and archaic. It still has a world, plot, tone and art syle charm that I adore, but. I have to be honest. Both games will basically need to be entirely redone, but I think if they do 2, they HAVE to do 1- 1 will have so many tie-ins to 4 that people will be curious. Or, so I hope.
Aside from things like the modern stacking, inventory organizing, etc;
2 -- More villagers referencing/interacting with one another, more emphasis on the rival relationships, more consequences from the earthquakes, and I hope they would leave the temple as difficult as it was.
Don't shorten it's time or change the rarity of items to get in there. Don't remove the 2 gen system. I would also love to see a scene where Kyle confronts Fiersome and maybe a battle the player is scripted to lose before the generation switch! Why do we only get to talk to Venti and Aquaticus? (I don't mind not knowing who Kyle is, despite being told he got his memories back, as I have loudly said my personal headcanons, but. That'd be a cool tidbit and I love lore!)
1 -- A request system, my gosh. I could see it playing into the LP of characters like Melody, Tabatha and Felicity, along with being something else to do in a day. As always, addition of villager interactions, who actually knows who?? We never see anyone together. More of a hint that Kardia is supposed to be this important trade crossroads? Some lore hints at this, while the game makes Kardia feel like a lost, isolated little place, a paradigm I struggle to get out of my head at times.
They should NOT shorten the game, keep its number of dungeons, keep Misty Bloom unable to be gotten to until the 1st winter. (Maybe after that, magic or a bridge could get there during a non-winter season. But. Keep that early limit.) More use of characters like Sharron and Ivan?? Please? Explain (at least to the viewer) who they are, what they know. And, for the love of every dragon, don't lighten the tone; that would mess up the story. I said very recently to people that 1 has a gravity to it that gets lost in later games-- the way it uses the Empire/Norad struggle, and makes the amnesia not just a convenient plot device but a defining moment for those involved... Don't take that away. Especially when the game can now hint to things to come in 4! (And yes, I want to talk to Terrable after we calm him down, too. Ivan can talk to him, why not Raguna?)
And. Postgame. Actual family interactions. Why have 2 candidates that the story must be finished to wed, with no other reward? And if they wish to be so clever, cement that Frontier is supposed to happen after this game with some cute hint or something.
And lasty- I still beg and plead for a world map.
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fatale-distraction · 9 months
Whattuuup - If your work shit is still broken, AstarionxTav, smile that makes their eyes soften 💖
This is the dumbest thing I’ve written in a while I hope you like it
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Astarion seethed. He couldn't get that disgusting drow woman with the smelly blood out of his head. The way she felt so entitled to him brought back memories he'd rather not dwell on, yet it was all he could think about. He squeezed his hands into fists until the knuckles popped and ground his molars together. The one saving grace, the only reason he hadn't ripped that bitch's spine out and fashioned it into a cunning necklace, was Felicity. She hadn't so much as hesitated to inform the drow precisely where she could take her weird vampire fetish and shove it, nor had she hesitated to tell her to fuck right off when she'd had the audacity to push. To insist that Felicity ORDER him to bite her. As though Astarion would have. As though he took orders from ANYONE anymore. Breathing in deep through his nose, his eyes searched the camp for her, peeking over the spine of his book. She was currently on her ass in the dirt, trying in vain to divest the dog of his ball. Scratch wasn't putting up much of a fight, but Felicity's heels dug into the ground and her neck strained as she leaned all of her inconsiderable weight backward. Scratch wagged his tail. Their fearless, heroic leader; bested by a mutt with a ball. Their companions all stood or sat in front of their tents, most of them sipping wine or tea, watching the pathetic display and showing not the slightest intent to alleviate Felicity's humiliation at the hands of the dog. The owlbear cub sat back with it's feet out to the sides, looking between the two of them with bright, curious eyes and its tongue poking stupidly out of its beak. He knew if she'd ordered him to, he would have. It was too ingrained in him, and frankly, no matter how he detested to admit it, he would do anything Felicity asked of him. He knew just as strongly that she would never ask such a thing of him, much less have the audacity to order him. She could be as fiery as her vibrant red braids stereotypically suggested, but she was kind. Disgustingly so. It had made bile rise in his throat at first, but he was coming to appreciate the benefit of her particular, rather violent kind of do-gooding. His thoughts were interrupted by the sudden camp-wide explosion of chaos.
"Drop the BALL, Scratch!" Felicity had gritted out. He dropped it. Felicity tipped violently backwards, the ball flying out of her hands and directly toward the vampire's tent. Scratch pounded right over her, followed closely by the owlbear, the elven woman trampled beneath them groaning something that sounded like "ow fuck my tit." Every humanoid eye in the circle of tents followed the high arc of the ball as it blasted into Astarion's little collection of potted plants, bounced high, and landed smack in between the pages of his book with a wet SPLORT. Scratch pawed excitedly at Astarion, tail a blur, barking as the owlbear danced an eager jig around them. "NO, DOG," Astarion bellowed, peeling the ball off the page and fighting to keep his balance. "DOWN, GET--DOWN!" "His name is Scratch," Felicity wheezed helpfully, holding her stomach and rolling like an upturned turtle while the others continued not to help her. "I am NOT calling him that ridiculous--I SAID DOWN, YOU HAIRY BEAST!" Wyll and Shadowheart were trying very hard not to laugh, and failing miserably. Gale and Karlach were openly guffawing, mirthful tears steaming on Karlach's cheeks. Haslin merely shook his head and hid a smile. Lae'zel watched the insanity unblinking, her face carefully arranged in a rigid glare, but her lips were twitching. "Felicity," Astarion gritted out, using his foot to try and push the dog away. "Get your pet before I EXSANGUINATE him." "Throw the ball," she gasped. She'd managed to get her feet under her, but her arms were still wrapped around her bruised stomach, forehead pressed into the ground, long braids trailing limp in the dirt.
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Unthinkable 10 Years Day 3: Favorite Episode of Season 2 - "Time of Death"
Okay this is one of my all-time favorite episodes for so many reasons and definitely the one I've rewatched the most ( I'm pretty sure I can quote all of the Felicity/Sara scenes by heart)
This episode explores so many dynamics in so little time, but somehow doesn't come off feeling rushed or overloaded (at least in my opinion). Laurel being angry at everyone, but trying to help her parents get back together, her fight with Oliver in the hallway that feels like the first honest moment they've had in years, and her reconciliation with Sara finally leading to her first AA meeting.
We also get to learn about why Sara looks after Sin (side note: still pissed we got no elaboration on them after s3) and Thea beginning to notice the cracks in Oliver and Moira's relationship
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The biggest focus, however, is the changing dynamic in Team Arrow now that Sara has joined full time (and has gotten back together with Oliver), and specifically, how it's affecting Felicity.
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We quickly see how well Sara can hold her own against Oliver and Dig at the same time, inter cut with shots of Felicity looking worried, relegated to the sidelines. In the overhead shots you can even see that her computer chair has been moved from its usual spot, showing how displaced she is from her normal routine
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They pause and compare scars, but when Felicity offers up her own story, it further reinforces how different she is from her teammates. The same (mildly flirtatious) "You're [still] cute" from Sara that was sweet during their introduction, now feels condescending when Felicity is feeling insecure. Her later attempts to train where she gets her form corrected by Sara brings out her bitter side in a way we haven't seen directed at anyone other than Oliver before, and Sara picks up on something being wrong
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Her insecurities about her place on Team Arrow get further compounded with the arrival of the Clock King.
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One of my favorite villains mostly due to the fact that his whole timing is everything/clock shtick does not really match his hacking capabilities thematically. He times everything, kills people with clock parts, quotes "tempus fugit", but yeah his thing is that he's a good hacker who robs banks. 10/10 no notes.
This is the first time we've seen Felicity go up against another hacker and well, he bests her, badly. I think what's almost worse is Oliver's complete belief in her abilities to beat him, which just makes her feel even more worthless when she can't and Sara comes up with a lead instead (using her computers). She's been sinking lower and lower into her self doubt and then Tockman blows up [her part of] the lair.
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And it's the final straw. She was part of a trio, she was "the girl", (she was even kind of Oliver's "girl"), she had a place, a specialty, she felt like she mattered for the first time in a long time. This also comes only an episode after she reveals that her father abandoned her and her greatest fear is experiencing that again and Moira threatening that she's going to lose Oliver if she reveals Thea's paternity. So it's especially fragile, this state she's in now. Oliver's attention has shifted, 3 becomes 4, her space is not really hers anymore. In her mind, she's no longer special, now she just doesn't fit in. Dig's pep talk comes too late. How can she be irreplaceable if she's already been replaced?
So is it any wonder that she does something reckless to try to regain some control?
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Felicity proves her technical prowess by tracking Tockman down and her badassery by taking a bullet for Sara and giving Tockman a taste of his own virus, knocking him out.
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Now that she has proven her worth to the team (entirely to herself, as no one else doubted her), the combined efforts of Sara, Oliver, and some "aspirins" are able to raise her spirits the way Dig had earlier. Sara knows just how to compliment her and Oliver reaffirms her place in his life/the team and all is right again with their resident genius.
(And bonus, Sara and Felicity are now forever bonded by the homoerotic nature of life saving and nursing back to health)
All in all, such a good episode with solid character building, real consequences, and a quirky villain that is extra for no discernible reason. Iconic.
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schrijverr · 2 months
Tomorrow Will Be Different 22
Chapter 22 out of 26
Instead of managing to meet up later, Oliver has to keep running with Akio. The only way to keep them safe is to go public with Oliver being alive, leaving him back home in charge of Akio, while Tatsu and Maseo are still in the wind
In this chapter, Oliver, Diggle, Tatsu and Maseo have to deal with A.R.G.U.S. and America bureaucracy, before they can go to the Queen Mansion.
On AO3.
Ships: tatsu x maseo
Warnings: none
Chapter 22: Testimonies and Debriefs
In Washington DC two cars are waiting for them. Since Diggle and Oliver are off the record, they’re not allowed to accompany Tatsu and Maseo to the government building where they have to testify against Shrieve.
The only reason Oliver lets them out of sight, is because Lyla will be with them and she promises they can call Akio in the car. If they’re letting their arrival out of containment, they can’t make a disappearance permanent without raising red flags.
Still, the hours they have to wait are torture. The first two hours are filled with Diggle and Oliver giving a mission reports of went down in Japan, but after that it’s just waiting.
After an hour or so of just him and Diggle in a waiting room, an A.R.G.U.S. agent comes to bring them the stuff they left behind on the plane. Diggle goes to call Carly and Andy Jr., while Oliver cringes as he looks down at all the missed messages from his mom, sister and Akio.
Maybe he should’ve said goodbye, but in the moment, it seemed like too much to handle. Now reaching out seems like a lot to handle too.
In Osaka he was confronted once more with how different he is now. During the debrief he mentioned the explosion and they confirmed that 15 bodies were recovered. He didn’t feel a thing about that then, and he doesn’t now. That probably makes him a bad person.
It’s not like he completely minds being a bad person; being a bad person has kept him alive for the past three years, has ensured Tatsu and Maseo are now here to reunite with Akio. A lot of bad people accomplish good things. Like Amanda Waller.
However, being around bad people can make you a bad person, again see what Amanda did with him. He doesn’t want to make those around him a bad person too.
He won’t be around Akio for long enough to influence him, but what about mom, Speedy, Tommy, Raisa, hell, even Laurel or Diggle, maybe Felicity. He’ll be around them for long enough. He can’t hide these parts for forever.
Those years are a permanent part of him. They’re lodged deep inside his soul and still haunt him every day.
Oliver can’t just stop scanning every crowd for potential threats, mapping the best exit routes and cataloging all potential weapons. Can’t stop seeing violence as a posssible answer to solve his problems.
If he has to repress that for the rest of time, he’ll probably explode.
However, running away from home also isn’t the answer. Looking through the frantic messages from his family tells him that much. He doesn’t want to hurt them like that, even if it is to protect them from himself. That will be backup plan Z, not sooner.
Perhaps if Diggle stays, he can convince him to spar with him. Take a beating and give one to get it out of his system.
In that moment, the revelation from the shower returns to him. That he’d like to do something good anonymously. His father’s notebook is still in his pocket and he has everything else from the island too, which was among the gear Lyla got him. He can use the bow and the hood to work down the list and right his father’s wrongs, detox the city from its poison.
The idea is very appealing and he mentally starts working out the details, the process keeping his mind busy enough that all the messages aren’t so overwhelming anymore.
He calls Akio first. The kid picks up in seconds, excitedly saying: “Oliver! You got them! Otōsan and Okāsan called, they are going to be here soon.”
“They are, buddy. You’re going to see them real soon,” he says, smiling at the excitement in Akio’s voice.
“Thank you. I knew you would get them. You always keep your promises.”
Oliver knows that isn’t true, that he promised Slade he’d help him get off the Lian Yu, Yao Fei that he’d keep his daughter safe, Sara that she’d make it home. However, when Akio says it, he can almost believe it. “Yeah, I try.”
“Are you going to be here soon?” Akio asks.
“I don’t know. Your mom and dad are answering some questions, but it might take a while. The second they’re done, we’re coming home, though.”
“And that will be soon?”
Oliver isn’t sure what to answer to that. He has no clue how long Tatsu and Maseo will be held until it’s all cleared up. With American bureaucracy, it can take hours, days, or months, even years. The only confidence he has that it will be today is that they’re in the waiting room, but for all he knows they’re waiting to get put in a hotel or something.
“Oliver?” Akio prompts, a small frown audible at the lack of response.
He is saved by an unlikely hero; his mom. He can hear her in the background of the call asking: “Is it your parents again, Akio? Did they say where Oliver is?”
“No, it is Oliver,” Akio answers.
Moira gasps and her heels click quickly over the hardwood floors. “Can I speak to him for a moment?”
“Yes, you can,” Akio says, his voice further from the receiver.
“Oliver?” his mom sounds a lot like when he called her after those three years and guilt churns in his gut at that.
“Hi, mom,” he greets softly. “I’m so sorry for disappearing like that.”
“Oh thank God. You have no idea how worried I was. Never do that again.”
“I won’t, I won’t,” Oliver promises, vowing to himself to keep it. He never wants to make the life of his loved ones more difficult.
In the background, he can hear Akio ask: “Can you ask him when he will be home?”
“Of course,” Moira directs to him, before repeating to Oliver: “When will you be back? Akio’s parents said they’re in Washington DC. Are you there too?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m here. I can’t say much yet, but Tatsu and Maseo need to give their side of the story, you know, what happened between me leaving and- and nearly everyone dying,” he doesn’t have to fake how his voice turns a little strangled at the end, remembering how none of the prisoners of Ivo’s ship, bar Anatoli maybe, made it out of there. He was responsible for that and he feels that weight every day.
“Oh my poor boy, that- that must be so hard,” Moira says sympathetically.
“Only Tatsu and Maseo lived,” Oliver gasps, tears welling up as the cover story and memories run together in his mind.
His mom doesn’t know what to say to that and Oliver can’t blame her. The things he’s seen are beyond the norm. Some days he barely knows how to live with it, how to conceptualize it all, so how would anyone who didn’t live it know what to say?
“I’m sorry,” he says, because apologizing for his outburst is easier than letting it be real. He clears his throat. “Uhm, I don’t know how long we’re going to be, but they haven’t put us up in a hotel, so it should be today.”
“We’ll be waiting up for you,” Moira promises and the words settle something warm inside him. It has been so long since he had some place to return home to, people who’d miss him. The concept is still weird, but in a good way.
“Thank you,” Oliver smiles. “Can you give the phone to Akio so I can say goodbye?”
“Yes, yes, of course,” his mom’s voice still sounds strange at his concern for Akio. Oliver thinks she’s never going to get used to who is now. Maybe with time. He hopes so.
Akio gets the phone and says: “Moira says we are waiting up, does that mean you will be home tonight?”
“I’ll try to be. Might get late, but I’ll wake you when we get there,” Oliver says.
“Good, I missed you.”
It does a lot of things to Oliver’s heart that Akio means him too, not just his parents. That Oliver is important enough to him to be missed. Fuck, it’s going to hurt to let him go, no matter how good a hands he’ll leave him in and how much more Tatsu and Maseo deserve to fulfill the role he has these past few weeks.
But he can’t verbalize any of that, doesn’t want to put that on Akio’s shoulder. So he smiles, because you can always hear a smile, and ignores his wet eyes as he whispers: “I missed you too, buddy.”
He contemplates calling Thea too, but she’ll probably hear from his mom and Akio and he doesn’t have the energy to have another one of those calls. So he snaps a picture of himself, carefully making sure the backdrop reveals nothing and there’s no left over grime on his face. He captures it: alive, then presses send.
Diggle is still off having his own conversation. He’s probably more used to talking to family than Oliver is and the conversation is easier to maintain.
Unsure of what else to do, he dials the same number he did yesterday. Within seconds, he is greeted with: “Hello? This is Felicity Smoak, Queen Consolidated I.T. department.”
“I made your deadline. Back in the States, even called my mom,” Oliver informs her.
Felicity obviously isn’t expecting him to call, because she takes a few moments to process before replying. “Oh, Mr. Queen. Of course. Hi, yes. It’s good to hear from you. Not because I expected to hear from you, I’m not your girlfriend or something. Not that it’d a hardship to be your girlfriend, I’m just not your girlfriend. I didn’t mean to imply anything with that. I know I’m not your type- I mean, I don’t expect you to want to sleep with me. I mean, you do have a reputation, but I didn’t mean anything like that with it. Anyway, my mouth is running off, so I am going to stop now.”
She takes a deep breath, then starts over: “I meant to say: I’m glad you called, because I have been worried after what you had me do yesterday and I know you mom was too, so it’s good to hear that you’re safe.”
Oliver can’t help but huff out a short breath of laughter, which isn’t helped by Felicity’s soft muttered: “G-d, can’t go a day without humiliating myself.”
He decides to let her have most of her dignity and doesn’t respond to ninety percent of what she has said. “Truly, Oliver is fine. And I appreciate your concern. I’m all good.”
“That is good to hear.” Felicity sounds relieved that he doesn’t mention anything else from her ramble. She gathers herself and asks: “Was that all or can I help you with something else, Oliver.”
She’s testing out how his name sounds on her lips and he smiles involuntarily. Felicity truly is just a bright person, he’s drawn to her. However, it’s dangerous to let himself form attachments to anyone, especially people without his darkness. So he just says: “That was all, Felicity,” before saying his goodbyes and hanging up.
Diggle returns shortly after and the two resume their waiting. It’s not until three hours later, so six total, that Tatsu and Maseo enter accompanied by Amanda.
Oliver rises immediately when she enters, not out of any respect, but his instinct screaming not to be caught unawares by a predator. “Amanda, good to see you free,” he grins cockily, trying to cover that reaction to her.
Amanda gives him a mild smile, before greeting in turn: “Mr. Queen, good to have you back for another mission.”
“Mission is over, got debriefed and everything,” Oliver replies sharply, not giving her a second to think he’s actually back.
“Yes, I assume you will want to return home accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Yamashiro.”
Suspicion creeps up Oliver’s spine as he returns: “Yes, will that be a problem, Director Waller?”
“No,” Amanda says, smiling sharply since she knows she got on his nerves, that she still has that effect on him. “Mr. Yamashiro has officially earned his release from A.R.G.U.S. service with his testimony. They’re free to return to the public. We’ll release a statement about their survival tomorrow morning.”
“That is good to hear,” Oliver smiles. “Would it be too much to ask for transport home. You did kind of summon us away from it on short notice.”
While Amanda is still smiling politely, it is clear that she isn’t amused. She never is and Oliver doubts that’ll ever change. “Agent Micheals will have to return to Starling to finish her charade there. You can drive with her.”
“Thank you, I would say till next time, but let’s not and say we did,” Oliver says, before walking out of there, the others at his heels.
Once they’re over the threshold, Maseo leans in and says: “You can at least try to be polite to her, so we stay out of trouble.”
“You know me, Maseo. I’m never out of trouble,” Oliver grins, feeling too light and happy to care about all that right now.
“Let him have his fun, Waller is no longer our problem now,” Tatsu says, surprising Oliver, since she has never backed him up a day in her life. “Tell us more about how Akio is doing.”
“Well, you’ll loathe to hear that I’ve turned him into a spoiled American,” Oliver jokes. “I taught him to forget how to do his laundry and got him hooked on cheeseburgers.”
Now Tatsu is glaring at him. Oliver is almost entirely sure she doesn’t mean it, but not entirely. She never fully liked him and she might believe him. So to be sure, he quickly adds: “I’m joking. Well, about the laundry part. I did feed him cheeseburgers, but also veggies, I swear.”
At that Tatsu allows a bit of a smile to appear on her face and Oliver is now sure she was playing with him. He glares back, but knows it doesn’t have the same impact as hers. His glare can be intimidating, she just knows him too well to feel it.
The three of them are crammed in the backseat (not literally, the A.R.G.U.S. car is quite spacious), while Diggle takes up the front seat next to Lyla.
Tatsu and Maseo talk a little about how their weeks of hiding have been and how they ended up on that Yakuza ship. However, it’s mostly Oliver, who tells them all about what he and Akio have been up to, making sure to not leave anything out. These are his parents, they need to know what their child has been through, so they can support him.
Diggle pipes up sometimes, adding his own anecdotes or insights, but remains quiet mostly. Oliver is grateful for him, the man has a higher regard for his time as Akio’s guardian than Oliver has of himself.
When they arrive at the mansion, Oliver leans over to Diggle and asks: “Is this delivery also your resignation?”
“I’ll be here tomorrow morning, sir,” Diggle smiles and Oliver can’t help but smile back.
“Good, see you then,” Oliver says, glad Diggle is still on his side. Then he says his goodbyes to Diggle and Lyla, making sure to give the latter his thanks for her help.
He gets out of the car and sees Tatsu and Maseo stare at the mansion. It’s his childhood home, so he sometimes forgets it can be a lot to some. Cautiously, he asks: “Are you good?”
“That is a big house,” Maseo says.
“I get now why you did not know how to do your laundry,” Tatsu comments.
Oliver laughs, but before he can reply, the door is swung open. The other must have been looking out the window to wait for the car. Lit from the back stands Akio, face bright with a big smile as he exclaims: “Otōsan! Okāsan!”
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bluedalahorse · 3 months
Slates of Standard Pairings
Does your fandom have a Slate of Standard Pairings?
Maybe there’s a better term for this that TVTropes came up with years ago. But this is what I call it in my head.
A Slate of Standard Pairings is a phenomenon where if you have a fic with multiple pairings and almost every character being paired off, it will most likely include the pairings on the slate. This doesn’t mean the fandom only ships those pairings. It just means that those pairings have gained enough momentum, and enough momentum in proximity to one another that they sort of… show up together quite frequently.
For instance, I would argue that the Slate of Standard Pairings for Young Royals fandom is as follows:
Simon/Wilhelm, Sara/Felice, Maddie/Rosh, Stella/Fredrika, Walter/Henry, Nils/Vincent
If you are a boy in Young Royals and your name starts with the letter A, you are SOL for romantic relationships according to the Slate of Standard Pairings.
(Back when I was more active in Les Mis fandom, there were I believe two competing slates of Les Amis pairings, both of them headlined by Enjolras/Grantaire. Is that still the case, or have things shifted?)
For the most part, Slates aren’t intentionally created, but they do sort of drift together by probability. The thing about the Slate of Standard Pairings is that it can sometimes feel like a fandom rule, in an unconscious way where its structure is sort of encoded into the background of a lot of fics and discussions. They can also influence the prevailing fanon at any given time, in terms of which configurations of an ensemble hang out the most, who tops versus who bottoms, etc. There are some folks who actively choose all the pairings in the slate. Others choose some of the pairings in the Slate when writing a fic, but they may not choose all of them. Other people’s reading of their work may be affected by the Slate.
There are always ships that get popular outside of the Slate. For instance, Young Royals fandom has a fondness for Madisander. At one point we were getting into Roshella. Are we still into that? We should still be into that, it coulda been fun.
The Slate is not an inherently bad or an inherently good thing, but I think it’s good for fandoms to be aware of them. It’s also good to recognize the influence they have on fanon and interpretations of canon. It might also make you aware of which characters do and don’t get shipped a lot, or patterns in who your fandom recognizes as more dominant/more repressed/more desireable/whatever else.
You can also go against the Slate to shake things up once in a while, because it’s not actually a rule. I say this because “chronic desire to shake things up” was on my paperwork when I got diagnosed with hyperactive-subtype ADHD. (Yes, that was a neurodivergent joke, sorry.) For instance, Sara/Felice means so much more to me as a platonic relationship than a romantic relationship, because it reminds me of some of the strong platonic friendships that make my life rich and livable, but I’m totally here to ship Felice romantically with Rosh or maybe even Ayub. Or like, as far as non-canon August pairings go, I think we’re really sleeping on August/Nils. It could be so good! And then sometimes you get ideas for a crack pairing, because we all love a good crack pairing.
Anyway, what do you think? Does the Slate of Standard Pairings theory hold water?
What does it look like in your fandom?
Are you someone who tends to like Slates of Standard Pairings, or are you someone who prefers to ignore them?
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 5 months
Help! I don't exist in this universe!
Summary: Luna and Ámbar were just trying out a new drink and suddenly, Felicity arrives. And it's not Nina in disguise, no, this is legitimately Felicity as her own person! Felicity takes with them on a journey through different universes, where in every new one, something is different. New partners, new life situations, even completely other children that they have, or don't have. It gets extremely odd and life-questioning... send help.
This is KIND OF a sequel to a Violetta oneshot I did a while ago, where essentially the same thing happened. I'm not saying you need to read it before this, especially if you have only seen SL and not Violetta, but if you HAVE seen Violetta too, it would be fun if you checked it out too after you finished this one. I'm gonna link it in the end notes. Again, not a requirement as this can stand on its own, but I do make some references to it in this.
Ámbar sat on the couch, watching her daughter run around laughing, as Luna chased her.
"I'm gonna get you!" Luna exclaimed. "Oh? Where are you? There you are!" She lifted the 1 year old up, blowing raspberries on her.
"Mama!" another toddler shouted. It was Luna's own daughter, that ran from behind the curtain where she had... just been behind for a little while. 
"Hi!" Luna said. She then sniffed on Ámbar's daughter. "Oof, you don't smell good! Here you go, Ámbar, go change your kid."
"No, thanks, the couch is so cozy."
Luna rolled her eyes, as she looked down on her own daughter. "You need a change too, young lady."
"Do not!" her daughter exclaimed.
"What were you doing behind the curtain, then? Come on, I'll change you and Lilith at the same time."
"Don't want mama!" 
Luna raised her eyebrows. "Mama can't change you?"
"Then who can change you?"
"Ámbar can!"
Luna chuckled. "You heard her, Ámbar. Let's make a deal, I change your kid and you change mine."
Ámbar stood up. "Alright. It's time for their... n-a-p, anyway."
As Luna and Ámbar both inherited the mansion, it was only natural that they'd eventually raise their separate children there. There was plenty of room for it. Luna adopted a little girl named Lucia just a year back. Soon after, Ámbar and Simón welcomed their first child to the world, and named her Lilith. The five of them now lived kind of like a big happy family, helping out with each other's kids.
After changing their daughters, they put them down for naps. Sometimes, this could be a struggle, but this time, the toddlers just fell asleep immediately.
Ámbar and Luna made a silent high five and walked out.
"So, what do you wanna do now when we get an hour of quiet time?" Luna asked.
"Hm... I kinda want a drink," Ámbar admitted.
Both snickered.
"I just remembered!" Luna exclaimed. "Ada sent me a recipe for some 'witch brew' that her sister had made."
"Why are you still in contact with Ada?"
"She dated Nico, Nico is part of the Roller Band, I am an honorary member of the Roller Band!"
"But... she broke up with Nico like 4 months after they moved to New York."
"So... you know what, nevermind! She sent you a 'witch brew' that Eva made?"
"No, not Eva. Her other sister!"
"Oh my god, are they triplets?"
"No, no... there's five sisters in total, and this is their older sister who is a witch, or at least aspires to be one."
Ámbar stared at her with confusion. ”Why… do you know this information?”
”I remember people’s family details when they tell them to me.”
"Fair enough... so, have you made this 'witch brew'?"
"Yes. Simón helped me because he didn't trust that I'd make it correctly." She opened the fridge and brought out a bottle.
"Have you tried it yet?" Ámbar asked.
"No, it was supposed to be in the fridge for 22 hours at least. We can try it now!"
They poured up two glasses. 
"Cheers!" they exclaimed, as they took sips. 
"Hm..." Ámbar said, "It doesn't taste bad, but it doesn't taste much."
"I agree..."
"And yet, I feel... dizzy?"
"Same here! And we only took a sip."
Suddenly, there was a flashing light, and there was this weird humming sound like something from another world.
Suddenly, a new person was in the room. It was a person they knew, but they were surprised of her attire. She also sat on the kitchen counter, swinging her legs, which was not like her.
"Nina?" Luna asked. "What are you doing here, and why are you dressed like Felicity?"
"And why do you still look like you're 17...?" Ámbar chimed in. 
"Oh, because I'm not Nina, I am Felicity!" Felicity explained, and got down from the kitchen counter. 
"... what..." Ámbar mumbled.
Felicity pulled her own hair. "See! No wig. Try it."
Ámbar aggressively pulled her hair, although Felicity did not seem to be so hurt from it. "No... the wig does not come off. What the heck?!"
"Told you!" Felicity said.
"So you like... exist... as a real person..." Luna said confused, "... and you're not Nina's alter ego?"
"I may be her alter ego in this universe, but where I'm from, I exist!"
"Existing as you were born, grew up and have an entire life-"
"No, no. I live in a universe only for alter egos and imaginary friends. We don't get born, the second that someone makes us up we just pop into existence in that universe. Then we just float around in a void there, not aging and not doing anything really, until someone from another universe summons us. Now, it's the first time I do this, my friend Roxy was supposed to do it, but she said that I'd be more fitting for you two. But she left me some instructions..."
"I'm sorry, what?" Ámbar asked.
Felicity closed her eyes. "Take my hands."
They did. Felicity inhaled deeply, and as she exhaled, they suddenly traveled away from the kitchen.
They ended up in some white void.
"Where are we?" Ámbar asked.
"We are in the space between universes," Felicity explained. She had a device with her all of a sudden. "Now, you two live in universe 1, it seems. I'm checking universe 2 right now, and it seems like everything is the same for you in that universe."
"Yeah, the only difference in universe 2 is who your kids end up with when they grow up. But it doesn't really affect you."
"Is there any universe that does affect us?" Luna asked. 
"There is... there's universes in which neither of you were ever born. There's a universe where your aunt married your biological dad instead, Luna, and so she had children with him that isn't you."
"I can't imagine Sharon would ever want kids..." Luna admitted.
"... she adopted me willingly..." Ámbar said. "I know she's not a good parental figure at all and is the most cold and bitter person alive, but she wanted to have kids. I do think she wanted one more to raise them to be exactly like her and to have as a mini doll of herself rather than letting me be my own person, but still. Also, I think she wished you were her daughter and not her niece."
"There's a universe where she never adopted you," Felicity said. "But in that universe, Luna got to grow up with her rather than ending up in Mexico. In that universe, the two of you get close and have a Romeo and Juliet story where Sharon does not approve her niece Sol to date a poor woman's daughter."
Ámbar and Luna stared at her uncomfortably. 
"There is also a universe called the 'Sunshine and Moonshine' universe for some reason, in which you two both grow up with Sharon!"
"And what universe is that in numbers?" Ámbar asked.
"Oh. It's not numbered."
"Why are some universes called stuff like 'universe 2' and others have... titles?"
"Don't question it."
"Are we just gonna get informed about universes, or are we gonna visit one?" Luna asked.
"We're gonna visit several ones! I'm just trying to scroll by which ones I'm allowed to show you. It says I'm not allowed to show you the universes where you don't exist, as that can cause horrifying side effects. And I can, but am not encouraged, to show you the ones where you grew up in other circumstances, as it can cause you to miss what you didn't get to grow up with. So I'm trying to find the ones where your upbringing was mostly the same, but your current life is different."
She scrolled some more, and eventually exclaimed. "Aah! I got one! This one... hm, wait, I need to call Roxy about this."
She pressed her finger in her ear and turned it sideways. It seems like she was calling someone on a phone... but in her ear.
"Hi, Roxy? Uh... this universe is said to be called 'the canon endgames universe', but it also says it's an inaccurate title... uh-huh... aah... okay, so... I see! You're gonna change the title? Ok! Thanks! Yeah, I'm doing fine! A little nervous to be doing this the first time... haha! Yeah! Ok, they're waiting... thanks! Bye!"
She got her finger out of her ear. "So, this universe was called 'the canon endgames universe' by Roxy, but apparently it was only accurate for the people she knows. For you, it's more of a 'canon ships universe', because apparently there were some people that ended up single in canon that now have relationships that were with the ones they had been dating before."
"What are you even talking about, I don't understand!" Ámbar admitted. "What do you mean 'canon'?"
"Let's just say there is a universe in which you are all fictional characters in a tv show. Many of you ended up with someone else in that tv show, while others ended up single by the end. Those ones that ended up single now have partners that they didn't end up with in the show." Suddenly, Felicity's hair buzzed, like she got a text message in her hair. She giggled. "Also, Roxy wants to add that this is the most 'heterosexual happy ending' universe."
"What?" Luna asked.
"Let's go see it!"
They ended up in front of a pretty big house. Ámbar immediately saw herself and Simón. 
"We're still together," she concluded. "But why are we here?"
"You live here!" Felicity explained. "With your two kids."
"We only have one kid." 
Felicity smirked. "I forgot to mention, this universe is 10 years into the future. And in every universe in which you two are together, you have the same amount of kids. So..." She patted Ámbar's belly.
"I didn't consent for you to touch me," Ámbar said.
"You can't do anything about it, I don't exist in any of the universes you do."
Ámbar took a step back.
"I'm sorry," Felicity said, "Living in a void universe makes me forget social boundaries. Anyway... you and Simón live here, after you decided to get your own place after having two kids."
They then teleported to another house none of them have seen before. Outside was two children, walking towards the car.
"Those kids look familiar, but I have never seen them before..." Luna said curiously.
"Again, this takes place 10 years into the future... they are the children of two people you know very well."
"Be patient, I need to find the car keys!" a familiar voice called. 
Out of the door came Gastón, holding a little toddler on his arm. Soon after came Nina, holding another toddler, seeming to be the same age as the first, but with red hair instead of brown.
"Woah! Are these all their children?" Luna asked.
"It is. They moved here just a year ago to make room when they expected twins," Felicity explained.
"They have no kids in our universe..." Ámbar said. "But... I guess they will... eventually."
"Yep! Their kids are slightly younger than yours."
”I love that for them,” Luna said and smiled. ”But am I living alone with Lucia in the mansion, then?”
Felicity gave her a sympathetic smile. ”Not exactly…” 
They teleported to the mansion living room. Luna saw herself sitting on the couch. She was quiet for a moment, until she heard someone’s footsteps. 
In came Matteo. 
”What’s he doing here?” Luna asked curiously.
Suddenly, Matteo leaned in and kissed her. ”I just dropped off the kids… we have the house to ourselves.”
The Luna from this universe smirked and stood up. ”Well, what are we waiting for?” 
The two of them giggled and sprinted off, tickling each other on the way. 
”Okay…” Ámbar said, ”I’m disturbed.”
”I’m confused,” Luna admitted. ”He… he talked about kids. We have kids? Plural?”
”Yes, but we arrived here when they weren’t home,” Felicity shrugged. ”The device also says you and Matteo are the only pairing you have in which you have kids biologically rather than adopting.”
”How come?”
”Mostly because Matteo thinks it’s unnecessary to waste time adopting when you could make your own kids faster, and for free.”
”… I see.”
”Anyway! Let’s check on Jim!”
”… and Yam?” Luna asked.
”Nope!” Felicity shook her head. ”Only Jim! And her husband!”
”Husband?” Ámbar and Luna asked. 
They teleported to an apartment. Jim and Nico sat at the kitchen table. With them was a little baby sitting in a high chair. They were quiet. 
”Aww, I’m glad Jim has a child!” Luna said, ”She said she had names for them already planned out in middle school. Although, it’s a different child to the ones she has in our universe…”
”Yeah, this is sort Jim’s happy heterosexual ending if she never came out,” Felicity explained.
”So she’s… straight in this universe?” Ámbar asked. 
Felicity shook her head. ”Your life situation and partner may be different in different universes, but your personality always stays. So does your sexuality and your diagnoses.” She glanced at Luna as she said the last part. ”Jim is always a lesbian in every universe. Only here… she never came out. She and Nico are happy… mostly… they have been trying for a child for years, and have been having trouble as it seems like Jim isn’t really into it for some reason…?” 
Ámbar and Luna stared at each other pitifully.
”But, they finally managed to get knocked up, and I think their child brings a new light into their relationship. Had they not managed to get a baby, I think it would have ended in a divorce. But now when they have one, Jim especially is happier, and Nico sees that. He has his theories that she might be… you know…” Felicity did a certain gesture with her hand. ”But he also has not as good of a gaydar to fully realize it.”
”If Jim is with Nico… who is Yam with?” Luna asked. 
”Great question!” 
They teleported to a new house. A bunch of kids ran around, and in the middle was Yam and Ramiro. They looked a bit tired.
”Yam and Ramiro?” Ámbar asked. ”Woah. Like I knew Ramiro tried to hit on her constantly, but I always had the feeling she wasn’t interested. Not that I cared much, none of them were threats to me so I never got invested.”
”They seem to have their hands full!” Luna commented. ”How many kids do they have?”
”Four,” Felicity said. ”Yam is also still very much a lesbian, and both she and Ramiro are pretty much aware of it, but they decide to not do anything about it. They’re still so good friends, so they try to think of their marriage as they kinda are friends… that bang sometimes and get knocked up.”
”Yeah, I’m… interested how they got so many kids,” Ámbar said. ”Is it to give their marriage a purpose or what?”
”Well… Yam especially did want kids, and Ramiro is sort of indifferent. And so they tried for one… and decided to get another one… and so on. But they only sleep together for reproductive purposes. Nothing else.”
”Interesting…” Luna said.
”Maybe we should have given them some larger age gaps,” they heard Yam say as she tiredly watched the kids run around. 
”Eh, smaller age gaps makes them closer to each other!” Ramiro said.
”I know, but I mean, for us! So that we’d not have several small kids at once…”
”Hey… we got this! Don’t we?” Ramiro took her hands. 
”Yeah… we do.”
”I mean, as long as their marriage is happy…” Luna said. ”But I think Jim and Yam were like… written to be soulmates.”
”And as far as I know, Jim and Yam are together in every other universe!” Felicity said. ”Except for the universe where Jim is with you, Luna, and Yam dates Jazmin.”
”Also, I think Yam is with Ámbar in some universe too, and I think Jim is with Luna in that one as well.”
”I have no idea how that would even end up happening, but it also sounds interesting,” Ámbar admitted. 
”Yeah… we can’t visit those universes right now, because apparently they haven’t ’finished rendering’…” Felicity said. ”But, there is a universe in which Ramiro has another partner that you know very well!” 
They teleported back to the mansion, now apparently in a brand new universe. Ámbar saw herself and Simón sit with their daughter Lilith on the couch.
”Back to normal…?” she said.
”Oh yeah, the previous universe was the only one 10 years into the future. Every other one is in the present.”
”We’re home!” That was the voice of Luna, from this universe. She came in, holding hands with…
”I’m… with Ramiro in this universe?” Luna asked. 
”So you are,” Felicity nodded.
”Is… Lucia here? Do I have her?”
Felicity checked her device. ”Hm… no, in this universe you and Ramiro don’t have kids. It’s possible you have some later, I mean, this universe takes place in the same present as yours.”
”Aw. So I only have her when I’m alone?”
”Maybe. Maybe not. There’s a lot of universes. Maybe you adopt her together with another partner you have. Maybe you and Ramiro adopt her later, just that she was adopted later in life. But right now, the only kid in your house is Simón and Ámbar’s.”
”There’s my little champ!” Ramiro exclaimed, picking Lilith up from the couch. ”How are ya?”
”Ramiro should babysit her again sometime, in our universe,” Ámbar said with a smile. ”He’s good with kids.”
”Are Jim and Yam back together?” Luna asked.
”Yes,” Felicity assured her. ”If I don’t mention them, then just assume they are together, with their kids. But… hmm… there’s another pairing that is different here.”
”Which one?” 
They teleported to someone's backyard, with a pool.
"Ooh, fancy!" Luna exclaimed.
"Someone's lying on the sun chair," Ámbar said, pointing at someone lying on a sun chair. 
Suddenly, Gastón came in with two glasses of either fanta or a yellow alcoholic drink. Or he pissed in a glass, but that was very unlikely (we hope).
"Are you just gonna sit here and lounge all day?" Gastón asked the person in the sun chair.
"I've worked hard!" It was Matteo's voice. In the next second, Matteo sat up and took one of the drinks. 
"You vacuumed the house, Matteo."
"Yes, exactly! Worked hard."
Gastón chuckled and then leaned down, proceeding to give him a kiss on the lips.
"Oh my god, they are pool gays!" Ámbar exclaimed. 
"Schh, they're gonna hear you!" Luna replied.
"No? We're invisible?"
"Wait, we are?"
"Yes? That's what I've concluded after we've been in the middle of several people's houses and they have not batted an eye at us."
"Aah... anyway, what's a pool gay? A gay that hangs out at the pool?"
"I need to remind you that everyone always has the same sexuality in every universe, and both of them are bisexual," Felicity corrected her. "A bit surprised you assumed they were gay just because they're with each other. You're bi yourself!"
"I am saying 'gay' as a general term," Ámbar explained. "Pool bi's doesn’t sound as good."
"Wait, where's Nina then?" Luna asked.
"The device doesn't say..." Felicity said. "I don't think the universe has decided yet."
"What does that mean? That she doesn't exist?"
"No, no! She does exist! It's just that the universe doesn't let us see her. So we don't know if she's... maybe thriving as a single woman, or is with someone else, or what."
"Well, I wanna see her!"
"Alright... you wanna go to another universe, then? I know one where Nina is a lot more in your life than what she already is."
"Ooh! What's that universe called?"
"It's called the 'nothing-is-the-same-as-any-other-universe-universe'! It's a bit of a misnomer, as some things are the same in other universes too, but what I think it refers to is that it's the only universe where two or more pairings or situations are not identical as any other."
"... I'm dizzy by your talking, I don't understand anything," Ámbar admitted.
Once again, they ended up in the mansion, although this time in the kitchen.
Luna from this universe was setting the table, when a little girl ran inside.
"Oh my gosh, I have my daughter back!" Luna from universe 1 exclaimed. She recognized it was her adoptive daughter Lucia right away.
"You're in for a surprise, Luna, because in this universe, you share your custody of her with someone else," Felicity informed her. 
Luna from this universe twirled around her daughter. "You wanna help me set the table?"
Right then, Nina came inside. "Hello! Is dinner ready?"
"Oh, does Nina live here or something?" Luna from universe 1 asked. 
"You could say that..." Felicity replied.
Nina from this universe took Lucia in her arms and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Then she kissed Luna on the mouth.
"Oh!" Luna from universe 1 exclaimed, as she witnessed herself kiss her best friend. 
"I have stopped questioning stuff now," Ámbar said. 
"You know, my mom for a long time had a theory that we were dating."
"Wait, what?"
"Yeah. She was convinced that I was dating someone, but she couldn't figure out if it was Simón or Nina."
"Where's Ámbar?" Lucia from this universe asked. 
"Oh, she's up in her room," Luna from this universe explained.
"Go get her?"
"No, we better let her rest." Luna and Nina shared a knowing look.
"Let's go check on you, Ámbar," Felicity said.
"Oh, I don't wanna disturb myself..."
"You're gonna get quite the surprise as well!"
They popped into Ámbar's room, where Ámbar from this universe was lying on the bed. Next to her was another woman. Emilia. 
A quick glance at their pupils, you could see right away that they were stoned as heck.
"Okay, I'm getting high with Emilia," Ámbar from universe 1 said. "Big deal. As long as it's not in front of my kid."
"Your kid doesn't exist in this universe," Felicity said in an eerie tone. "Because you didn't get with Simón."
"What? Who did I get with then?"
Felicity pointed at Emilia.
"Hey Emi," Ámbar from this universe mumbled, "Would you ever wanna get married or whatever?"
"Nah," Emilia from this universe replied. "I'm not into that. I just like the way it is, you know... you, me, getting stoned and having awesome intercourse like my old teacher would say."
Both of them laughed. 
"You and Emilia live here with Luna and Nina," Felicity explained. "You work and roller skate and do everything you do in your own universe, but in evenings you like to just go up in your room and get blazed. You don't have kids, Luna and Nina's adoptive daughter is enough. Their daughter thinks you're her funny aunties who speak odd."
"Ok, I do love that..." Ámbar said. "And I guess... we have a pretty decent life."
Suddenly, Emilia from this universe sat up. "Ha! Ámbi, look! I can see you standing in front of us!"
Ámbar from this universe also sat up, and squinted at the multiverse travelers. "Woah... sick... hi, me!"
"Right, getting high makes you almost see through time and space..." Felicity sighed.
"Ámbi, I don't know if it is that I'm already turned on, but wouldn't it be so cool if we like... banged while that blurry version of you watches?"
"Yes! Take my shirt off!"
"Ookaay..." Ámbar from universe 1 said, "We... probably are gonna go now."
"Where's Simón?" Luna asked.
"Good question!" Felicity said and snapped her fingers. 
They were back at the pool again. This time, they arrived right in the middle of Matteo chasing Simón around the pool.
"Come here, you!" Matteo yelled.
"Never!" Simón laughed. He then, in panic, jumped into the pool. 
Matteo shook his head. "I don't know how you do it, but you're making me just love you more." After he said that, he jumped into the pool and dragged Simón under water.
The two had a wrestling match for a moment, before suddenly leaning against the pool wall and starting to make out.
Luna and Ámbar stared at them pretty unfazed.
"Well, since none of you girls were interested in them, the boys I guess found each other!" Felicity chuckled. "I know, it must be weird seeing Matteo with so many other people that isn't Ramiro. But Matteo and Ramiro are together in a majority of universes, there's just like... four exceptions."
"Wait, what?" Ámbar asked. "What do you mean they're together?"
"You know... Matteo and Ramiro in your universe?"
"They're not together in our universe..." Luna said slowly. 
Felicity cracked up. "Oh! My apologies! Well, I guess I spoiled it! You have not experienced the summer-lovin'-had-me-a-blast-of-2030 yet! That's when their romance starts!"
"You need to work on your titles," Ámbar said.
"Can you see into the future?" Luna asked.
Felicity nodded. "As a magical girl I am allowed to know everything that happens in your life span, and all the information ever about you, even the information you don't know yourselves!"
"Anyway, can we go, the makeout session is starting to get too intense now..." Ámbar said.
"Yes. We need to stop by Jim and Yam."
They teleported to Jim and Yam's house. It all seemed to be the same. They noticed Jim and Yam standing in the hallway, watching their daughters, who they also had in universe 1, get dressed to go outside.
"Now, it all might look the same at first glance," Felicity said, "But just you wait."
"I'm coming!" a high pitched voice exclaimed. "I need to powder my nose like all the time!"
"I've been there," Yam said. "Just a few short months more!"
Suddenly, Jazmin came into the room. Just a quick glance at her could determine she was pregnant. 
"Aww, good for her!" Luna said.
What then happened caught them off guard. Yam grabbed Jazmin and kissed her. Luna and Ámbar remembered they apparently did date in some universe, but judging from the kids, Jim and Yam were also together? Why was Jim so ok with her wife kissing another woman?
"So... remember how I told you Yam was dating Jazmin in a universe?" Felicity asked. "In this universe, she sort of ended up in a love triangle with the two, and... well, now all three are dating each other. Jim and Yam have legal custody of the kids, and Jazmin is now pregnant with a child she's gonna have legal custody of on her own. But all three will be and are parents of all the kids."
Luna and Ámbar stared in silence for a few moments. 
"You know what?" Luna said. "As long as they're happy."
"And as long as we are happy," Ámbar chimed in. "We all seem pretty happy with our lives in this universe, even if it's not what I'd picture..."
"I'm guessing we are only like this in this specific universe," Luna said.
"Oh, no!" Felicity replied. "You and Nina for example are together in at least two other universes. But in those ones, Simón and Ámbar are together instead, although there's some other pairings I think is different. I know there's several universes in which you and Emilia are together too, Ámbar, but it's universes in which your whole life is different after some earlier circumstances, so I won't go into it. In one of them I think you and Emilia kidnapped a child or something, and I think you're also dating in the universe where Sharon married a woman named Priscila."
"Wait, what?" Ámbar and Luna asked in unison.
"Oh. Yeah. So, there's a universe where Sharon married a woman named Priscila. Priscila had a daughter on her own and you two befriended her. Priscila also pushed you down some stairs, Luna, it was a whole mess. We won't go into it. Now! Which universe do you wanna go to next?"
"I don't know, just pick one," Ámbar said. She was getting too tired to really comprehend much more. 
"Can we go to the universe where we are tv characters?" Luna asked.
"No," Felicity said. "Trust me, it's too odd, your brains might explode. Plus, people write fanfiction about you, too. The only plus side is that the people who live in that universe where you are fictional characters, are fictional characters in your universe! Which means, you can write fanfiction about them!" 
Felicity then proceeded to stare at you, the reader, before pressing her device to travel to a new place.
They teleported into a park that Luna and Ámbar were familiar with. They used to roller skate here.
Suddenly, they noticed Luna and Simón from this universe play with three identical girls.
"Let me guess," Ámbar said, "Luna and Simón are together in this universe."
She got her answer a second later, when Luna and Simón kissed. 
"Knew it!"
"Okay!" Luna from universe 1 exclaimed. "It seems like I'm... together with someone in a lot of these scenarios! And I never thought I'd really be with anyone like that!"
"Remember that you always got the same sexuality in every universe," Felicity reminded her, "So you are always panromantic asexual. There are some other universes where you are single, yes, but there's also these where you do end up with someone! You're thrilled, you married your best friend and you adopted triplets, who you hope to get into roller skating when they're old enough! But right now they're only toddlers, so you mostly just take them outside, let them explore the world and play with them. You're wonderful parents that love to play."
Luna smiled as she saw herself from this universe. "I do look really pleased with life."
"You also have the same diagnoses in every universe."
"You mentioned that. Although I don't know why, because I don't have any?"
Felicity looked at her. She was about to say something, but didn't have the words.
She then took a deep breath and decided to just cut to the chase. She pointed directly at Luna.
"You have ADHD."
"Come, let's go see what Ámbar in this universe is up to!"
They teleported to the mansion living room, where they immediately were greeted by music playing, and Ámbar and Matteo dancing.
"Aaah..." Ámbar sighed. "I'm with Matteo. Of course, of course..."
"You're still the 'it' couple," Felicity said. "No one can compare to you two."
"Oh gosh, and we still live in that delusion that we're the best... also, do we share the house with Luna and Simón and their triplets?"
"You do! The house is large enough, isn't it?"
"It is, but... wow. And we don't have any of our own kids?"
"No, because for some reason none of you can... finish whenever you're in intimate situations."
"Of course we can't... our love is fake and we're so delusional to think it's real... but it shows when we're behind closed doors."
"Now, now, Ámbar! Don't be harsh! You in this universe genuinely thinks he's your one true love. You're happy together."
Ámbar crossed her arms, observing herself slow dancing with Matteo. "Maybe... but I'm glad I have a different life in my own universe.”
"You might wonder what happened to Emilia!" Felicity exclaimed, deciding to change the subject. And with a snap, she poofed them away to Emilia's location in this universe.
They ended up in a pretty humble apartment. There were tables with makeup and hair products on it, some random gothic skirt lying on a pink couch, and it smelled like burned toast from the kitchen. Someone also played rock music.
This felt like Emilia's own single apartment. Well, until they heard that high pitched voice.
"Ay, que error!"
In came Jazmin, frantically searching for something. ”Emi! Turn down the music and help me!”
”I’m busy burning toast!” Emilia yelled from the kitchen. 
”Why does everyone call her ’Emi’?” Ámbar asked. ”I never did in our universe.”
”Well, it’s a nickname exclusive to those who date her,” Felicity explained.
”So… Emilia and Jazmin…?” Luna suddenly facepalmed. ”Why did I automatically assume they were roommates? I’m stupid!” 
”Well, they started out as roommates… and then this happened.”
Emilia turned off the music and walked into the room. ”What is it, babe?”
”I can’t find my hair pin! Have you see it? You know, the pink one?”
Emilia smirked. ”Hmm… check my pocket.”
”Check my pocket!” 
Jazmin put down a hand in Emilia’s pocket, and dug up the hair pin she was looking for.
”Oh my gosh! How did it end up in your pocket?”
Jazmin giggled and the two leaned in to kiss.
”Well, opposites attract…” Ámbar shrugged. 
”Is there anything else different about this universe?” Luna asked.
”Hmm…” Felicity checked her device. ”No, Nina and Gastón are still together, so is Jim and Yam. I guess a difference here is that Ramiro is gonna be single forever… unless the universe decides to pair him up with someone else.”
”So the universes are like… matchmakers…”
”Think of every universe as someone playing the Sims and you’re the premade characters that they decide the destiny of. Sometimes they just let you roam free and focus on their own created Sims, but other times they decide to play with you and pair you up with each other.”
They traveled back to the white void.
”I don’t know if we have time to travel to much other universes right now,” Felicity admitted, ”So while we go back to your universe, is there any questions you have?”
”Yes,” Luna said, ”Why did me and Simón adopt triplets?”
”You know, it’s not clear, but every time you end up together you adopt triplets. I don’t know why!”
”Is there a universe where I end up with Benicio?” Ámbar asked.
”No! He is hated across the multiverse and never gets a happy ending.” 
"Do I ever end up with Michel in a universe?" Luna asked, suddenly remembering Michel's existence.
"Hm... no, but there is a universe in which he's a girl named Michelle. So you got kissed by a girl in one universe!"
”Does Nina ever end up with Eric in a universe?” Luna asked.
Felicity thought for a moment. ”No… unless we count the one where you’re in a tv show, they were kind of endgame there… but no universe believes in their love. There has been several universes we’ve visited today where Eric and Nico are a thing, though. I just forgot to show you that.”
”Okay…” Ámbar said. ”Is there one pairing that remains the same in every single universe?”
”There is, actually! There’s a couple that is even the same in the nothing-is-the-same-as-any-other-universe-universe!”
”Wow… which one?”
”I’ll let you guess! It’s people you know very well.”
”Ana and Mora?” Luna asked.
”No! Although, fun fact, there’s a universe where Ricardo is only a donor and they raised Nina as two moms on their own.”
”Woah. That’s cool.”
”Is it Rey and Maggie?” Ámbar asked.
”No!” Felicity exclaimed. ”I forgot those two even existed, haha. No, it’s people around your ages!”
”Let me guess,” Luna said, ”It’s Daniela and jailtime.”
”Noo! Come on! You know them really well!”
”We do?” Ámbar asked.
”Yes! Come on… two close friends that you have? That we haven’t seen anything of today?”
”I can’t come up with any,” Luna admitted.
Felicity took a deep breath. ”PEDRO AND DELFI! Your friends? You know them?”
Ámbar and Luna were silent for a few short moments, before letting out an ”Oooooh…”
”Wait, so they’re together in every universe?” Luna asked. 
”Yes. As I said, they’re an exception even when all you others have different partners, or no partners.”
”So why didn’t we visit them anywhere?”
”Because it would always be the same every universe we went to! Also, you didn’t ask.”
”And they just… always end up together…” Ámbar said, as if she couldn’t believe it.
”Yes. I mean, in the universe where you’re fictional, there’s some people shipping Delfi with Emma, but I have yet to have found a universe where they are together. So for now, it’s always Pedro and Delfi everywhere.”
”Well, that’s cool. I guess.” 
”Is there any universe where none of us have partners?” Luna asked.
”Well… there is one where you, Ámbar and Simón live together as friends and decide to make the mansion a foster home,” Felicity explained.
”Aww! I love that!”
”Yeah, well, it still ends with Simón and Ámbar banging and getting knocked up. They can’t resist each other apparently!”
Ámbar snorted. 
”Oh! Will you look at that, we’re back in universe 1 again!”
They ended up in the kitchen again. 
”And you’re sure this is the correct universe?” Ámbar asked.
Felicity held up her device. ”It says ’universe 1’ on it. Also, you can’t be left in a universe that isn’t your own. If you do, then you’ll pop back to your own immediately.”
”Ok. Just checking.”
”Our daughters might have woken up from their naps…” Luna said. 
”Oh, no! No time in your universe has passed! Don’t you worry.”
”It was… interesting to multiverse travel…” Ámbar said. ”A little weird, but… fun.”
”Yeah! I hope we get to do it again sometime!” Luna admitted.
”Well, all you need to do is just to summon me,” Felicity said. ”If you remember how to.”
”What do you mean?”
”When I leave, that drink will just be a normal drink. To travel through multiverses again, you’re gonna have to find another way. Maybe by a spell or by something else that’s either drinkable or eatable. Now, I must leave.”
”Where are you going?” Ámbar asked. 
”Well, in the universe where you are fictional characters, someone is reading a fanfiction about you during this very moment. The fanfiction in question has a summoning spell on it, and I’m on my way as soon as they read what I just said.” 
”Okay.. goodbye?” Ámbar said.
”Bye!” Luna said.
”Goodbye, girls!” Felicity exclaimed and disappeared in a flash. 
”Ámbar,” Luna said, ”Which universe besides ours did you like the most?” 
”I don’t know! How about you?”
”Well, I liked… the… uh… wait, I can’t… remember…”
”We were…” 
”We traveled to…”
”Wait,” Ámbar said, ”What were we talking about?”
”I… I don’t know,” Luna admitted.
What Felicity didn’t tell them was that, as soon as your multiverse trip is over, you forget all about it. All left is the feeling that something has happened, but you can’t know for certain what. 
So, Luna and Ámbar from universe 1 forgot all about the other partners they’ve had in other universes. They thought their friends had only been with the partners they had and didn’t have in universe 1. They only remembered their kids they had in this universe, and no other kids they might’ve had in other universes.
They lived with a vague memory of something happening to them, but they both decided it could have been some repressed memory from their childhood. They had a lot of those, especially before they were adopted. 
Maybe it was for the best. Knowing what you’re doing in other universes might make you question reality too much. 
As you read, dear reader, this fic is under a spell and Felicity is coming for you soon. You might have questions. You might not have spanish as your first language and wonder if she knows your first language. You might be scared to know your life in other universes.
All your questions will be left unanswered anyway because you won’t remember the multiverse trip once it’s over. But with that being said… have fun!
Read the Violetta version if you have also seen Violetta, as it is fun: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54882559 Also, you can make a drinking game every time I wrote the word "universe" lol.
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antares-8 · 1 year
hello! i recently finished rereading the pilgrim's progress and honestly, it's some of (if not the) best beast!wirt fic i've ever read! there's a lot of stuff that i've realized makes it so good, especially after giving it more than one read through.
first of all, beatrice's characterization throughout the whole series is AMAZING and feels really accurate to the show. she's angry and almost always ready and willing to punch a man, but that's only part of her character. like, i've seen a decent bit of otgw fic where she just gets reduced down to "the angry one" but in tpp, her other emotions get the spotlight too sometimes and it makes her feels so real and human. she's determined and stubborn and willing to go to the ends of the earth for the people she cares about and you can really feel it!! she's her own person with her own stuff to deal with and it makes her so interesting in this series. i think she's possibly my favorite character.
(also, in writing that paragraph about beatrice i realized that tpp, or at least the arc with the witches, has a lot to do with grief and anger. this is more of a half-formed thought, but the way they're fairly consistent elements throughout and fit in perfectly with its other themes. i'm not exactly sure what else to say about this since i haven't put much thought into it until just now, but it's definitely something i like about it, although it's more of a personal preference.)
characters in general are one of tpp's strong suits, i think! the ocs created for this series are amazing without detracting from the main cast. felicity sticks out to me in particular, likely because we get to see things from her perspective. her motives manage to be understandable without detracting from the sense that she's in the wrong. also, shoutout to peg-leg polly, whose character description is amazingly evocative, as well as literally everything else about her. 10/10, no notes.
i think something else tpp does amazingly is all the "side" stuff. not "side" as in, like, subplots (this is all pretty much main plot, which is part of why it's so great), but as in "not the first thing you think of when you think of a beast!wirt au." "weren't you someone's son" is possibly the best example of this. we get to see how wirt's family is affected personally, something that's so often ignored. and it's a *whole main plot thing*--they never get fully shoved off to the side. the same goes with the unknown's reactions to wirt as the "new beast"--it's not glossed over. in fact, it's one the things the story is based around. tpp is BUILT around the stuff that's not immediately obvious, and it really makes it stand out in the best way possible.
and somewhat relatedly, wirt's character arc, about CHOOSING to stay in the unknown, is so good! it takes 30 works and tens of thousands of words until he fully admits it to himself but the payoff is so, so worth it. the line at the end of "to wind thy soul" where wirt says he *wants* to stay is built up so beautifully. it's another one of those things that makes tpp so unique and amazing.
and last, but definitely not least, is the WORLDBUILDING. there's a lot to say about it, but i love your version of the unknown!! it feels so real and alive, and the people in it do too. it really manages to capture the feeling of the original show--there's darkness, but it's not ALL sad times and eldritch horror, and some things are even a bit silly. and the way the unknown keeps on feeling mysterious even as we learn more and more about it is impressive. the fact that some things are mentioned but never expanded upon (like the beast-cult or the wars against nature) is far from a flaw here--they make the unknown feel like a real place, and help keep up the sense of mystery, magic, and a long history by sounding so interesting while being left mostly up-in-the-air. and the idea of using edelwood to cleanse corruption is also so good. like, if i force myself to look at it from a doylist perspective, i can say that it might exist to avoid a moral quandary which would seriously hurt everything that tpp is trying to say (although honestly, i don't think that it's a bad thing if that's the case; i love worldbuilding but making sure it plays nice with story and message is important, often moreso than making it feel "good"), but i have to force myself to think like that. while reading, it's foreshadowed well and feels so natural that i sometimes forget it was created for this series. and that's just one part of the worldbuilding! so much of this version of the unknown feels so in line with everything the show gives us, and there's so much attention to detail. it's so fantastic and i love it!!
also, a couple small details i noticed (and are appreciated):
in "all that was lost," enoch says that he can tell beatrice + greg where wirt is if they stay the night, and in "wish i was a shadow" it's mentioned that enoch vists the queen of the clouds a lot. did. did enoch ask the queen of the clouds where wirt was for beatrice and greg?
in "only one thing" greg mentions that he's sure that the cloak wirt gave him is enchanted, and in "gone to the tree" wirt mentions that he'd only tried to imbue something with his protection once before. did wirt enchant greg's cloak?? if so that's ADORABLE. wirt really loves greg huh?
anyway, yeah, the pilgrim's progress is amazing!! i didn't realize that i had this much to say about it, but it honestly deserves all the praise i can throw at it. there are some other small things that i love, but this is getting pretty long as it is. i can't wait for the next update, and i hope that you're doing well!! <3
First off, thank you for making my day! (And hopefully inspiring me finally finish the next installment. One can hope, right?) I always love to hear from readers, especially readers who enjoy my work.
Beatrice is a lot of fun to write. She accepts no nonsense (except when she doles it out to get something), her first impulse is violence, and she's fiercely loyal to all those she loves. Plus, some of her reactions to Wirt are just hilarious. She knows enough to realize how weird--or perhaps extraordinary--he really is.
I wanted to say something about how family was important in the show (the bluebirds, the brothers), but the truth is that I really like outsider POV and the parents gave me a good opportunity to play with that. That can remain our secret.
Sometimes, I feel like this entire series is just one big exercise in worldbuilding. Because the Beast is so well-known (and feared), I have to think about how the new Beast interacts with the world in general and how the world's reactions reflect back onto the character. That being said, I've still got a few headcanons that I'd like to explore.
Both of your theories regarding small details are correct. Enoch asked the Queen of the Clouds where to find Wirt waaaay back in the beginning, and Wirt added a few enchantments to the cloak before giving it to Greg. The enchantments... well, let's just say that no one will ever try to bully Greg while he's wearing it.
Unfortunately, I can't say for certain when the next update will be out. The next one is a new arc (or maybe it will be the one after that, because I've got another WIP that could become part 31 instead), so I've been obsessively tweaking it to get everything set up correctly.
As Wirt says to the people who try to drive him out of their town with torches and pitchforks, have a nice day!
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coldflasher · 1 year
okay since the montgomery 3000 clip is our snart gifset of the week, i wanna talk about my headcanon that actually the only reason len cracked the system so easily is because he figured out it had some incredibly stupid and exploitable design flaw that rendered all its fancy features absolutely useless. because it’s very common for incredibly clever people to make something really complex and cool but then overlook a very basic detail that kind of fucks the whole thing if you think about it for more than 5 seconds
because like. i love him. he’s very smart. but i do think that they kind of overstated his skillset a little bit in that ep. len’s smart and resourceful and he’s an experienced thief, but a hacker? mmm yeah, im not so sure about that. like if you look at how he pulled off his other heists, he wasn’t really hacking computer systems or whatever, it was more like, disabling basic security alarms, freezing lasers (which is... not... yeah, we’ll ignore that), lots of planning and attention to detail. but pulling off a felicity smoak level hack of an unfamiliar security system in 37 seconds? it was always a little bit silly and convenient, and i’m not mad about it, BUT i do have a better explanation for it than just “he’s such a good thief he can crack ANY security system instantly”. 
every time i watch this scene i think about this guy who picks locks on youtube. i wanna say it was thelockpickinglawyer? i can’t remember the exact video, might have been someone else, idk. but anyway, someone had asked him to try and crack open this brand new security lock that was supposed to be super secure. it was meant to be immune to being picked with a traditional lock pick. don’t ask me how, i know almost nothing about lock picking (though i did just get a copy of the CIA lockpicking guide from the international spy museum and i 100% bought it for fanfiction reasons so stay tuned, i will learn!!). but yeah idk, it was something like, the pins resist being lifted individually so you can’t manipulate them the way you usually would with a traditional rake pick, they have this special resistant mechanism, blah blah blah, like i said, i don’t remember the exact details but the point was: you cannot pick this lock. it is unpickable.
so the guy in the video describes all these fancy features that make this lock impossible to pick---and then he examines it for a second, thinks about it and then shoves a metal rod into it really hard and it IMMEDIATELY snaps open because after they’d done all the fancy shit they did to make it unpickable, they totally missed the fact that all you actually needed to do to open it was to essentially like. jab it. 
and that is how i think len cracked the montgomery 3000 in infantino street. he’s not actually an expert hacker, he just has common sense. 
like cisco is there listing all these features this system has that make it impenetrable: it’s bomb proof, it requires voice authentication, blah blah blah, and while team flash are panicking trying to figure out how to hack into this 10 million dollar impenetrable security system, len thinks about it for a second and then just. takes the batteries out.
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magnorious · 6 months
Young Royals Perfectly Understands Frustrating Teenagers
*Spoiler Alert for the whole series*
This Netflix-produced Swedish teen drama just wrapped up its third and final season. It follows the second-in-line to the Swedish throne, Wilhelm “Willie” navigating a fancy boarding school rife with toxic social hierarchies and a crippling addiction to dangerous traditions, while also discovering his sexuality. Suddenly, his older brother dies and he’s now the crown prince, when no one ever expected him to have this responsibility, including himself. His jerk of a cousin records him and his new secret boyfriend being intimate and so ensues three seasons of drama surrounding the chaos of this poor kid being outed to the whole world, and the damage of publicity on his relationships.
*I watched this with subtitles and cannot comment on the quality of any dub.
This show is incredibly frustrating, because its characters are frustrating—because they’re incredibly believably teenagers who stake their entire futures on a high school fling. Willie and his love interest, Simon, are in a constant struggle over Willie’s great expectations as the new crown prince and Simon, of a lower social class, having a great many demands over how he thinks he should be able to live his life.
The characters have a ton of depth and that goes well beyond the two leads. The villain of the show, August, the evil cousin, is a hot mess who can’t do anything right. One that absolutely expects to peak in high school and sail through adulthood on his family’s legacy. He’s also Willie’s spare if he abdicates the throne, a rather unique twist on the prince trope I haven’t seen very often. Willie doesn’t want to be king, but he hates the idea of August on the throne even more, and, if only to spite his cousin, strays way outside of his comfort zone and ignores his own wants and desires to make sure he becomes king.
Other side characters include the dudebro boys of their school, also all dickish aristocrats, the ladies’ side of the school, and Simon’s sister's relationship with these socialites and her awesome best friend, Felice.
*spoiler alert again*
These two characters, Willie and Simon, are terrible for each other. Simon is too young and immature to understand and appreciate the demands of being royalty in a modern setting. He gets upset at Willie for all manner of things—that Simon has to watch what he posts on social media, who he talks to, who he takes pictures with, what statements he makes, and his unrealistic expectations of any politician. Every time he gets upset, I understand that he’s 17, but I’m also scowling at my TV thinking, “What exactly did you expect, dating royalty?”
Willie, on the other hand, bends over backwards for this guy and desperately needs to actually attend his therapy sessions instead of angsting over his doomed-to-fail romance. They’re entertaining, but they are so, so stressful to watch, whether it’s their many arguments or whenever they start making out in a public place where they can be caught.
They break up, get back together, break up, get back together. In the 11th hour of season 3, Simon officially breaks it off and I actually cheered. I figured the finale would end with the sick queen’s funeral and Willie reluctantly accepting his birthright.
That did not happen. Instead, Willie and August have a rushed “all’s forgiven” conversation, he abdicates, and runs after Simon to be free of a responsibility he never wanted. On the one hand, yes, he never wanted to be king, that much was clear from the moment he found out he was the new crown prince, but on the other hand—Willie wasn’t the character who needed to change for this relationship to work.
Simon was.
Simon, who argued with him constantly over the conservative nature of the monarchy, for all the stances Willie wasn’t allowed to take because of his rank. Simon could have ended this season either breaking up with him for good, or committing to the responsibility of loving royalty, and the two could have looked to a future of slew of progressive changes once Willie had the authority to enact change as king.
August won’t enact shit. August who, upon telling his friends that he’s the new second-in-line, realizes acutely how miserable he’s about to be for the long rest of his life. I half expected this guy to not survive to the end of the season with how self-destructive he is.
It feels like they had a different direction planned for the finale and someone somewhere cut it down. That, or Netflix's "3 season" rule made no exceptions and they had to rush to the finish line.
Overall, they’re frustrating, but they’re also incredibly well-written teenagers. The constant pop/club music over actual score got annoying but it’s an exposure to artists I never listen to. The acting is fantastic across the board, as well, along with the editing and cinematography. The actual plot, up to the finale, was engaging and well thought out, with these two heirs duking it out in a cold war with the entire school caught in the middle.
Maybe I just don’t understand Swedish teenagers. I certainly can’t speak to if this at all reflects the reality of Swedish culture and living under a monarchy. It’s a shame that, in my opinion, it didn’t quite stick the landing with the messages it wanted to send, but the show’s a solid, if stressful watch, and a short one at that.
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