#maseo yamashiro
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Katana by Mike W. Barr and Kenya Danino DC’s Spring Breakout! (2024)
#tatsu toro#dc comics#tatsu yamashiro#katana#tuesday spoilers#dc#maseo yamashiro#dc's spring breakout!#comics
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#tatsu yamashiro#maseo yamashiro#dc’s spring breakout special#dc’s spring breakout#dcs spring breakout#maseo x tatsu#tatsu x maseo#*panelsandpages#katana
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Tomorrow Will Be Different 26
Chapter 26 out of 26
Instead of managing to meet up later, Oliver has to keep running with Akio. The only way to keep them safe is to go public with Oliver being alive, leaving him back home in charge of Akio, while Tatsu and Maseo are still in the wind
In this chapter, the Yamashiros leave and Oliver decides what the next part of his life will look like.
On AO3.
Ships: Tatsu x Maseo, minor Tommy x Laurel
Warnings: mentions of panic attacks and ptsd
Chapter 26: Dealing with Them Being Gone
On the tarmac, it isn’t any less strange than it had been two days earlier in the court house that he isn’t going to be in close quarters with Akio or Tatsu and Maseo anymore.
But he keeps that strangeness to himself. They finally have each other again, they’re going home. They don’t need him being weird about it. Besides, it’s not like he’s going to lose them forever, there will just be a little more distance between them.
He hugs Akio tightly and says: “God, you’re gonna do great, Akio. I just know it. Give it some time and call me whenever you need, okay?”
“Okay,” Akio agrees, hugging him back. “You can also call me whenever you need.”
The gesture makes Oliver smile and he tightens his grip for a second. “Thank you, buddy. I’ll remember that.”
They let go and Akio seriously says: “Don’t get sad and grumpy without me. Your face looks weird when you frown.”
“Thank you,” Oliver chuckles. “I’ll try not to. Be good for your parents.”
“Yes, sir,” Akio salutes, something Diggle taught him.
Oliver shakes his head with a grin, ruffling Akio’s hair, before turning to Tatsu and Maseo. He hesitates for a moment, but Maseo moves first, puling him into a hug. “Thank you again for all you have done for us. If there ever is anything we can do, please, allow us to help.”
“It wasn’t a hardship,” Oliver replies. “Thank you for looking out for me the past year.”
They let go, both looking each other in eye, before giving one another a sharp nod, then they step back and Oliver moves to hug Tatsu. He doesn’t expect much, a brief hug at most, but she surprises him by pulling him close.
“Thank you so much for watching out for my Akio,” she whispers. “You’ll always have a home and a family with us.”
Now Oliver is getting choked up, while he told himself not to cry. He pushes it all down, though can’t help but hug Tatsu tighter as he replies: “Thank you for letting me into your home. I’m a better man for it. Akio is lucky to have you as parents.”
Behind them, Akio is saying goodbye to Diggle, while Tatsu moves to thank Moira and Thea, who have come as well, with her husband once Oliver lets go.
When they’re done with that, they board the plane. The Queens have loaned out their jet to them for this trip, wanting to ensure they had a comfortable flight without curious fellow passengers or paparazzi following them all the way to the gate.
Oliver stands next to his mom and sister, Diggle half a step behind him. There is more space between him and Thea than him and Diggle, but he’s getting there.
Neither of his mom nor his sister know of his panic attack at the courthouse and he’s planning on keeping it that way. He doesn’t want them to worry and he doesn’t want them to ask questions. He just wants to go back to always being fine, like he used to be before he left. He wants to get the good pieces from then back.
Diggle clearly disagrees, as did Tatsu and Maseo when he told them not to mention it, but Oliver doesn’t care. With Akio and his parents back to Japan, he craves a normal and his normal has never involved his mom and sister worrying about him like that.
So, Oliver puts all that undercover work to use and plasters on his best brave face as they wave the plane goodbye.
Akio is pressed up against the glass of his seat the best he can, grinning and waving. Oliver imprints it the best he can. He knows it’s not the last time he’ll see Akio, but it somehow feels like it, like an ending.
As the plane disappears from view, it hits Oliver that it is definitively over. He completed his mission.
The thought creates an empty pit in his chest. Ever since Tatsu and Maseo returned, it has been growing, that feeling of unease, but he’s been able to push it down with the thought that he was still responsible for them here. That is now gone.
Oliver is without a mission. It is over. He is home completely. Nothing standing between him and life as he knew it.
It’s terrifying.
His nightmares have already been bad ever since he got home, however, the panic attack didn’t happen until the courthouse, until his mission was almost done. Not having a mission only makes him more anxious and the only way to make it better is to think of his plans as a vigilante.
These plans to become a vigilante are not ones he can talk about. Diggle might be a good asset later on, but he can’t have him stop him before it’s off the ground. It’s something he needs.
Not just to keep the anxiety away or to let out the darker parts inside of him, but to do good as well, to make his father proud.
He still hasn’t forgotten the video his father left him that he found when breaking into QC for A.R.G.U.S., nor what he said in the boat, nor the sacrifice he made so that Oliver could live. These past three years have made it difficult to do right by him, but now that he is no longer responsible for Akio, he can. There is no one dependent on him, should it go wrong.
The latter part is another reason he probably shouldn’t tell anyone about his plans. He knows people will care if he gets caught or hurt, but it’s not the same as someone relying solely on him to look out for them.
He has to reconsider the importance of others in his life when they get back home. Tommy is sitting in the living room, grinning when the come in. “What are you doing here?” Oliver asks.
“Well, as I predicted you got empty nest syndrome the second Akio left and have been pouting ever since,” Thea says. “As your kindhearted and generous sister, I organized board game night to cheer you up.”
His two siblings – because let’s be honest, Tommy is family – have organized this for him. They’ve gone out of their way to make him feel better, to do something with the three of them. They care so deeply about him and he’s planning on getting caught into something dangerous just to make himself feel better.
It’s selfish in a way and he starts to doubt if he should go through with it. Akio might not rely on him anymore, but these people still care. They rely on him in different ways and will be upset if something happens to him.
All of it makes it so that Oliver chokes up slightly, but he luckily doesn’t have to do anything with those emotions, because Tommy says: “I suggested making a custom castaway card for the Game of Life, but Speedy vetoed it.”
“I suggested teen adoption instead,” Thea smirks.
“Both of you suck,” Oliver informs them happily, plopping down on the couch as he declares: “I want to play Ludo.”
“Ugh, you are so boring,” Thea groans as she gets out the Ludo to set up.
“I call playing green,” Tommy says.
“Hey, I wanted green,” Oliver pouts.
“No, you always play blue. I play green.”
“Maybe I want to play green now. I feel like I have the right to first pick today.”
“Oh, I see how it’s going to be, huh, pulling out that card?”
Thea interrupts their familiar bickering: “If both of you are going to be twelve years old about it, then I’m playing green.”
“You no longer want to play red?” Oliver asks.
“I do, but not if you’re going to be a baby about it,” Thea grins.
Oliver narrows his eyes at her, then turns to Tommy and says: “I play green,” snatching the pieces out of the box.
Tommy rolls his eyes, but he’s grinning. “Alright, I’ll play yellow. But I call dibs on green next game. Deal?”
They play three rounds of Ludo, which Oliver wins none of. He always sucked at Ludo and he had half thought that with the strategy he’d learned, he would finally find the secret, but no such luck. So, he forces them into playing Risk after, gleefully wiping the floor with them.
It’s after they’ve gone two rounds of Risk and are setting up for the next round, while Thea goes to get them snacks, that the happy atmosphere breaks.
Tommy glances around and says: “How are you doing, man?”
“Good,” Oliver replies, cautious at the tone. “I miss Akio, but this is nice. Thank you for coming and doing this.”
“Of course,” Tommy smiles, before his face turns serious again. “Laurel mentioned your freak out at the courthouse, but when I asked your mom how you were doing, she didn’t seem to know a thing about it.”
“You told her?” Oliver panics slightly at that. He wants to hide that from them, Laurel – and now Tommy knowing – is already too many people.
“No, no, just implied, but I got not reaction,” Tommy says. “Dude, are you hiding this?”
“What? No. …Maybe,” Oliver clears his throat. “You can’t tell them, Tommy. I don’t want to worry them. It was just a one off thing. Nothing big. I don’t want it to be something big.”
“It sounded like something big, dude. I mean, Laurel said you were completely out of it, struggling against your bodyguard and needing two people to calm you down. That is something big. You can’t just brush it off.”
“Yes, I can. I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Come on, Ollie. You can talk to me,” Tommy implores.
And in that moment, Oliver realizes he can’t. He can never open up about any part of it, ever. Even if fictionalized slightly to fit with his story. He can’t break the view they have of him, he can’t ruin the memories they have of Ollie.
He carries a darkness, created from the things he’s had to do in order to survive. It has become a part of him. Oliver doesn’t know who he is without it. But it’s not a nice thing, not a savory thing about him.
If anyone here knew the things he has done, they’d be horrified, rightfully so, maybe even scared of him too, and he wouldn’t be able to blame them. No matter how hard he tries, he isn’t made to fit in with polite company.
Tonight has been a taste of the good times, of the simpler years he lived. However, it is never the same as it used to be.
Thea has been way too agreeable, trying to cheer him up and Tommy is now inquiring about how he is, genuinely concerned something is deeply wrong with him. Even in this lighthearted moment, those years and how they changed him hang over him.
He is trying to wave away his episode at the courthouse, saying it was a one off, but he doesn’t know that. If he doesn’t do what he has planned for himself, that might become his life and the thought is terrifying.
The only person he has here now that might understand is Diggle and even he doesn’t fully know or understand what Oliver went through. He’s proven himself ready to support Oliver, help him through this, but Oliver isn’t ready to face that.
He doesn’t want to have more of those attacks, doesn’t want to find an outlet for all that is caught up inside of him. What if he lashes out because he hasn’t found anything yet and someone gets hurt? He already nearly killed Diggle earlier, what if it had been someone more breakable like Thea? He can’t risk that.
No, Oliver needs the outlet, needs the mission to keep him sane. He needs to do right by his city and his father. This is the way to do all of this in one. Keeping the bad men away has been the only skill he has gained these three years that is actually good, he should do that.
All these realizations wash over him in the split second after Tommy tells him he can talk to him about what’s happening.
He blinks himself back into the present and tries to be as reassuring as possible with his expression as he replies: “Tommy, I appreciate it, really. But there’s nothing to talk about. I’m fine. Truly. It wasn’t anything big. Laurel arrived later than the main thing, the rumors got out of hand.”
Tommy doesn’t look like he believes him, so Oliver pleads: “Please, I’ve already put mom and Thea through so much. I don’t want to worry them when it was nothing. I have it handled.”
Thea comes back with snacks before Tommy can reply. She looks between the two of them and asks: “Did something happen? You both look so serious.”
Oliver looks at Tommy, holding his breath as he waits to see what he’ll say. After a beat, Tommy answers: “I just realized how long Ollie has gone without sex. That’s something horrible to mourn, Thea.”
“Ugh, you’re both gross,” Thea wrinkles her nose. “I don’t wanna talk about Ollie’s sex life – or lack there off – let’s play more Risk.”
“Ready for me to kick your ass again?” Oliver gloats, happy for the deflection. Tommy has always been the one better at coming up with excuses.
“As if. Those two times were just luck,” Thea says.
The rest of the board game night passes in a good mood, but Oliver is aware of what his future will hold and he’s sure both Tommy and Thea feel the sudden barrier that has been erected between them.
But Oliver doesn’t acknowledge it. He was a fool to think that barrier wouldn’t be there, that he could just fit back in to his old life.
He’ll still try, of course. He’ll play at who he used to be, because that person can never be who he is now or who he is planning on becoming. He’ll need a cover and his old life is perfect. But those closest to him will feel that it’s not the same. It’ll hurt both them and him, but it’s the way it has to be.
The next day, he goes out to the Glades, using covert tactics to get the supplies he needs as he starts to set up a base of operations.
Within days, he’s in business. His father’s notebook is on the table, open on the relevant page. Tonight he’ll start with the first name he plans to cross off: Adam Hunt.
It’ll likely play out a little different than the first season of the show itself, but I will leave that up to your imagination, because this is the part of the story I wanted to tell. Thank you so much for sticking with me for it’s entirety and congrats on reading 100-ish pages xp
#rr writing#arrow#green arrow#cw arrow#arrow cw#arrow 2012#arrowverse#arrowverse fanfiction#arrow fanfic#oliver queen#akio yamashiro#oliver and akio#tatsu yamashiro#maseo yamashiro#thea queen#tommy merlyn#tomorrow will be different#dc#dc comics#detective comics
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Together they worked against the villains but circumstances and situations turned them to align with the opposition. Whose turn from friend to foe surprised you more?
#Maseo Yamashiro#caitlin snow#killer frost#danielle panabaker#karl yune#the flash#arrow#the flash cw#dctv#arrow cw
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I love how maseo just kicks Oliver in the face without even blinking 💀
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my arrow favs 🫶
season five ollie is so silly, him and felicity’s arc is so good 😭😭😭!!!! i rlly like the development of team arrow too, and his haircut is the best at this part🤗🤗 mayor ollie SOLOS.
ps seasons 4-6 he had the best arrow suit ong.
i think olicity but i’m not super sure!
again, the s4-s6 arc makes me FERAL
the beginning of s4 when felicity wasn’t fully there when oli and her were living in ivy town☹️
when he was about to PROPOSE and they had to leave..💔💔💔
that pisses me off SO BAD u don’t even understand
i’ll say olicity but here’s my honorable mentions:
dig & lyla
roy & thea
i can’t remember any ships all of the sudden whoops
oliver ofc 🫶🫶🫶
idk how to explain it rlly but
he’s so me fr sometimes. it’s so cool to see his overall character development, and how he goes from being super defensive and isolating to being more open and okay w himself ??? oml i love this show
more honorable mentions (there’s a lot.)
rene ramirez
his & oliver’s friendship is just 🫶🫶 the end of s6 when they make up ☹️☹️
dinah drake
gf. need i say more
thea queen
her & oliver >> they’re dynamic is so good 🙏 she is so strong jesus
john constantine
he doesn’t appear much here but i’ve seen both Constantine & Legends of Tomorrow and i <3 him
tommy merlyn
pookie ! again, need i say more
ray palmer
i said there was a lot didn’t i. his romantic life is SO SAD oh my lord. he’s the silliest
maseo & tatsu yamashiro
sobbing uncontrollably, i cannot😭😭
sorry last one
laurel (e2)
it’s crazy how much they skipped over her ENTIRE UNIVERSE COLLAPSING????? everyone she had ever known was gone, and they barely covered it holy shit. i understand why oliver did what he did but JESUS
adrian chase (ofc)
he was just generally the best villain. no beating him dude. best evil plan, holy shit he was good.
honorable mentions (in no particular order):
slade wilson
his arc w oliver??? god damn, plus his evil plan was pretty sick
damian darhk
i’m a lot of ppl will disagree w this but i liked him bc he was so silly abt murder. his lines were so good
“sorry i can’t hear you over your throat collapsing” HELLO??
floyd lawton/deadshot
bbg. that is all
dinah is my beloved, i fuxking LOVE rene, rory, im ngl im not big on curtis 🧍 he’s ok 😭 evelyn was pretty chill, liked her betrayal.
i just love seasons 4-6 if u couldn’t tell
sin is nonbinary. i prommy. quentin calling their haircut a boy haircut?? bro is a QUEER. the name sin?? screams trans. their style.. u can’t deny it
they’re nonbinary and no one can change my mind
#i don’t remember who i got this from mb#whoops#arrow#the green arrow#cw arrow#oliver queen#arrowverse#green arrow#grayson talks about arrow
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"La mercenaria Katana"
Nascita di Katana
Tatsu Yamashiro era una semplice ragazza della media borghesia giapponese, abile nelle arti marziali (passione incoraggiata dai genitori).
La sua vita cambiò quando conobbe i due fratelli Maseo e Takeo Yamashiro, entrambi innamorati di lei; anche se attratta da entrambi, Tatsu scelse Maseo e lo sposò: per vendetta, Takeo si rifiutò di partecipare al matrimonio e si unì alla Yakuza (venendo rinnegato dal fratello, quando lo scoprì); in seguito alla morte dei genitori, Tatsu si riprese dal lutto e iniziò una nuova vita con Maseo dal quale ebbe due gemelle: Yuri e Reiko. Intanto, Takeo scalò i ranghi della Yakuza e sviluppò un gusto esotico per le armi bianche; fu in quell'occasione, che gli vennero presentate una coppia di spade dal Generale Karnz (in seguito, servo di Baron Bedlam): soprattutto una venne gradita (per le sue proprietà mistiche).
Dopo essersi allenato per diversi giorni, Takeo si presentò alla residenza del fratello e lo sfidò, chiedendo Tatsu come premio. Nel corso del combattimento, scoppiò un incendio e, mentre era distratto dalle figlie, Maseo venne ucciso con la spada che diventerà nota come "Soultaker". Tatsu vide morire suo marito e affrontò il cognato, sconfiggendolo; tentando di salvare le due figlie, sentì provenire dalla spada la voce del marito che le disse che erano già morte.
Devastata, Tatsu fuggì e si allenò come samurai presso il maestro Tadashi. Dopo molto tempo, partì per l'America per combattere il crimine: assunse il nome in codice di Katana, in onore della spada che brandiva (e in cui era racchiusa l'anima del marito).
Lo stesso argomento in dettaglio: Outsiders (DC Comics).
Tatsu si recò a Markovia, un immaginario stato baltico, dove rintracciò Karnz e lo uccise, finendo per coinvolgere anche Fulmine Nero (che era insieme a Batman); dopo aver chiarito il malinteso e liberato Fulmine Nero, incontrò una giovane ragazza di nome Halo: insieme, si allearono per salvare Black Lightning, Batman (catturato a causa di un errore di Halo) e Lucius Fox dal loro rapitore, Baron Bedlam.
Batman si era recato a Markovia per salvare Lucius Fox e, dopo aver cercato inutilmente l'aiuto della Justice League, si dimise dall'organizzazione; invece, ispirato dal lavoro di squadra che vide tra Fulmine Nero, Katana, Halo, Geo-Force (il principe Brion di Markovia) e Metamorpho (presente per pura coincidenza), formò gli Outsiders: la squadra riuscì a distruggere la tirannia del barone su Markovia e si trasferì a Gotham City, dove stabilirono il loro quartier generale in un ex-attico di Bruce Wayne. Tatsu diventa il guardiano di Halo e si trasferì assieme a lei nell'attico.
Contemporaneamente, Takeo, vivo e latitante, seguì Tatsu a Gotham City e l'attaccò nell'attico, sconfiggendola e scambiando le loro spade; in seguito, tornò a Tokyo inseguito da Tatsu: gli Outsiders seguirono Tatsu e le offrirono aiuto, nonostante gli avesse chiesto di rimanerne fuori. Takeo portò la spada alla Yakuza; eseguendo un rituale specifico, richiamarono le anime che abitano la spada e gli diedero una forma corporea: tra gli spiriti, erano presenti leggendari mercenari e assassini ma anche Maseo (ora schiavo degli Yakuza). Katana e gli Outsiders li affrontarono e riuscirono a recuperare la "Soultaker" da Maseo: fu costretta a uccidere suo marito ma poi riuscì finalmente a uccidere anche Takeo; Maseo e tutti gli altri spiriti uccisi per la seconda volta dalla "Soultaker", poterono riposare nell'aldilà mentre Takeo venne intrappolato al loro posto.
Ad un certo punto, gli Outsiders si separarono da Batman e si stabilirono a Markovia, dove vennero finanziati dalla corona markoviana: divenuti agenti ufficiali di Markovia, si trasferirono a Los Angeles e stabilirono il loro quartier generale nell'ambasciata markoviana (pur mantenendo un altro quartier generale segreto). Sebbene Tatsu avesse lasciato il proprio passato alle spalle, gli Yakuza tornarono e le inviarono un tengu (con il quale, la catturarono): posseduta dallo spirito malvagio, venne usata come assassina dagli Yakuza; le sue due compagne di squadra, Halo e Bellocchio, riuscirono a salvarla usando altri tengu e il loro leader che le aiutarono in battaglia.
Debito di famiglia
Dopo vari tragici eventi che circondarono i genitori di Geo-Force e Markovia, la squadra si sciolse; tuttavia, gli Outsiders furono costretti a difendere Markovia dai Manhunters. Durante il combattimento, Halo entrò in coma, salvando la vita di Katana: vincolata dal giri-ninjo (un debito d'onore fino alla morte), Tatsu lasciò la squadra per curare le ferite di Halo.
Durante quel periodo, tuttavia, venne avvicinata da un membro della famiglia di suo marito che le chiese di accompagnare la Suicide Squad in una missione per distruggere un grande carico di armi che stava per essere venduto alla Yakuza; Katana rifiutò sulla base del suo giri-ninjo ma fu disposta ad aiutare se la situazione fosse stata davvero disperata; in seguito, l'uomo venne ucciso dall'Oyabun di Daichi-Doku, il quale non voleva che le armi venissero distrutte. In quell'avventura, salvò la vita di Bronze Tiger e Manhunter, rendendoli legati a lei dal giri-ninjo.
Infine, Manhunter la aiutò a sconfiggere l'Oyabun del Daichi-Doku che, in seguito, si suicidò facendosi aiutare da Katana come Kaishakunin.
Ritorno negli Outsiders
Tempo dopo, gli Outsiders si riformarono e tornarono a Markovia, tuttavia, vennero bollati come fuorilegge e, nonostante il successivo ritiro delle accuse, sorsero delle tensioni: Halo morì nell'esplosione di un assassino ma rinacque in un nuovo corpo e il fatto mise a dura prova la sua relazione con Tatsu. Katana si unì a una squadra con Geo-Force e Tecnocrate, prendendo il comando, e avviò una mite relazione romantica con Joey Hong, un socio orientale di Guy Gardner.
Durante una missione solitaria, il suo vecchio mentore Tadashi mandò Lady Shiva a rivendicare la "Soultaker" di Katana; Shiva affrontò Katana, che stava combattendo contro una banda di spacciatori: ne uccise molti ma si rifiutò di uccidere il membro più giovane, qualcosa per cui Shiva la insultò. L'avversaria, rinomata come la più grande assassina del mondo, uccise Katana con la sua stessa spada; dopo una prova di combattimento con la sua spada (che incluse il confronto con molte delle anime delle persone che aveva ucciso), Tatsu resuscitò; in seguito, trovò il suo vecchio mentore e lo uccise. Le due squadre scisse, alla fine, si riunirono per affrontare minacce più soprannaturali incentrate sul nuovo membro della squadra, Sebastian Faust: Katana e i suoi compagni subirono le torture fisiche e mentali subite dal padre di Faust, Felix, ma resistettero; in seguito, Halo li liberò distruggendo molti dei macchinari di Felix. Poco dopo, il gruppo si separò.
Dopo lo scioglimento, Tatsu mantenne i contatti con i suoi vecchi alleati Outsiders (come Fulmine Nero, Geo-Force e Halo) e, sebbene non operassero come una squadra ufficiale, furono sempre insieme durante le grandi crisi. I suoi stretti legami con Batman la videro anche combattere al suo fianco, diverse volte, in particolare, durante la crisi di Imperiex e l'incidente del Giorno del Giudizio (quando l'Inferno invase la Terra): la battaglia contro l'angelo Asmodel, con i poteri dello Spettro, si svolse a New York. Katana protesse personalmente Madame Xanadu (che custodiva il resto dei poteri di Asmodel, con uno scudo mistico); la protezione di Xanadu venne aiutata da Dottor Occult, Straniero Fantasma e Alan Scott.
Più tardi, Katana assistette Batman quando lui e Superman vennero dichiarati fuorilegge; venne chiamata anche da Black Canary, insieme ad altre mercenarie, per salvare Oracle dal senatore Pullman. Dopo che Oracle venne salvata, Katana ricevette una carta, insieme alla promessa di un favore; in seguito, Katana tornò per aiutare Oracle, insieme a dozzine di altri agenti.
Nuovi Outsiders
Successivamente, Katana si unì a una nuova squadra di Outsiders dopo averli aiutati a sconfiggere il potenziato Sabbac; quella squadra era composta quasi del tutto da nuovi membri, ad eccezione di Metamorpho (che si unì alla squadra dopo la morte di Shift). In quell'occasione, Katana indossò un nuovo costume, poiché non ritenne più appropriato continuare a indossare una maschera basata sulla bandiera del Giappone (dato che il paese le aveva revocato la cittadinanza, a causa della sua appartenenza alla controversa squadra). In seguito, Katana convocò Sabbac per distruggere la base del Dottor Sivana con il suo Hellfire.
Katana rimase un membro attivo degli Outsiders anche dopo Un anno dopo: inizialmente, la squadra venne guidata da Nightwing ma, in seguito, il comando venne passato a Batman. Il Cavaliere Oscuro decise di "testare" Katana e il resto della squadra iniziale (per realizzare una squadra migliore): Katana fu la prima recluta ufficiale di Batman.
La notte più profonda
Lo stesso argomento in dettaglio: La notte più profonda.
Mentre stava scortando Killer Croc all'Arkham Asylum, il veicolo degli Outsiders venne demolito da Maseo, Yuki e Reiko (che erano stati resuscitati come Lanterne Nere). Katana, credendo di essersi riunita alla sua famiglia perduta, abbassò la guardia ma venne salvata dai suoi compagni di squadra.
Rendendosi conto della verità, estrasse la spada, preparandosi a combattere il marito non morto; accoltellando Maseo, la "Soultaker" le rivelò tutte le funzioni delle Lanterne Nere. I suoi attacchi si rivelarono completamente inefficaci contro Maseo, che venne invece distrutto da un'effusione luminosa di Halo (che distrusse anche i figli non morti di Katana).
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DC Dimensions project plan - Katana: Exile (volume 1)

This series is not an assured project. It is a concept that can still be changed or scrapped.
After the murder of her husband, Tatsu is exiled to the United States. From the Colorado Rockies, she plots for revenge. Her brother-in-law Takeo Masaki hires the villain Multiplex to capture her as a plot to make her his wife. However, she is far from helpless.
Tatsu Toro/Katana - The widow of Maseo Yamashiro who seeks vengeance. She was framed and exiled to the United States of America by the Yakuza.
Takeo Yamashiro - The elder brother of Maseo. He was jealous of his brother and killed him to get Tatsu.
Danton Black/Multiplex - A metahuman mercenary hired by Takeo to capture Tatsu. His power is that he can duplicate himself.
Other Information
This is meant to be a neo-noir style story inspired by the John Wick franchise.
Many assassins and mercenaries were considered before I decided on Multiplex because he was a villain that would be an overwhelming force no matter how many Katana slays.
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people oliver can ressurect if he became ras al ghul
Maseo Yamashiro
sara lance
andy diggle
henry allen
laurel lance
billy malone
vincent sobel
quintin lance
Emiko Adachi
#laurel lance#quintin lance#emiko adachi#maseo yamashiro#billy malone#vincent sobel#oliver x laurel#sara lance#sara x nyssa#oliver queen#andy diggle#henry allen#maseo x tatsu
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First appearance of Katana.
[from The Brave and The Bold (1955) #200]
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Katana’s tragedy Batman and the Outsiders #12
#tatsu yamashiro#katana#dc comics#maseo yamashiro#gabrielle doe#jefferson pierce#halo#dc#black lightning#outsiders#batman and the outsiders#vintage
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#tatsu yamashiro#maseo yamashiro#tatsu x maseo#maseo x tatsu#katana#suicide squad#suicide squad black files#maseotatsu#tatsumaseo#*panelsandpages
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Tomorrow Will Be Different 22
Chapter 22 out of 26
Instead of managing to meet up later, Oliver has to keep running with Akio. The only way to keep them safe is to go public with Oliver being alive, leaving him back home in charge of Akio, while Tatsu and Maseo are still in the wind
In this chapter, Oliver, Diggle, Tatsu and Maseo have to deal with A.R.G.U.S. and America bureaucracy, before they can go to the Queen Mansion.
On AO3.
Ships: tatsu x maseo
Warnings: none
Chapter 22: Testimonies and Debriefs
In Washington DC two cars are waiting for them. Since Diggle and Oliver are off the record, they’re not allowed to accompany Tatsu and Maseo to the government building where they have to testify against Shrieve.
The only reason Oliver lets them out of sight, is because Lyla will be with them and she promises they can call Akio in the car. If they’re letting their arrival out of containment, they can’t make a disappearance permanent without raising red flags.
Still, the hours they have to wait are torture. The first two hours are filled with Diggle and Oliver giving a mission reports of went down in Japan, but after that it’s just waiting.
After an hour or so of just him and Diggle in a waiting room, an A.R.G.U.S. agent comes to bring them the stuff they left behind on the plane. Diggle goes to call Carly and Andy Jr., while Oliver cringes as he looks down at all the missed messages from his mom, sister and Akio.
Maybe he should’ve said goodbye, but in the moment, it seemed like too much to handle. Now reaching out seems like a lot to handle too.
In Osaka he was confronted once more with how different he is now. During the debrief he mentioned the explosion and they confirmed that 15 bodies were recovered. He didn’t feel a thing about that then, and he doesn’t now. That probably makes him a bad person.
It’s not like he completely minds being a bad person; being a bad person has kept him alive for the past three years, has ensured Tatsu and Maseo are now here to reunite with Akio. A lot of bad people accomplish good things. Like Amanda Waller.
However, being around bad people can make you a bad person, again see what Amanda did with him. He doesn’t want to make those around him a bad person too.
He won’t be around Akio for long enough to influence him, but what about mom, Speedy, Tommy, Raisa, hell, even Laurel or Diggle, maybe Felicity. He’ll be around them for long enough. He can’t hide these parts for forever.
Those years are a permanent part of him. They’re lodged deep inside his soul and still haunt him every day.
Oliver can’t just stop scanning every crowd for potential threats, mapping the best exit routes and cataloging all potential weapons. Can’t stop seeing violence as a posssible answer to solve his problems.
If he has to repress that for the rest of time, he’ll probably explode.
However, running away from home also isn’t the answer. Looking through the frantic messages from his family tells him that much. He doesn’t want to hurt them like that, even if it is to protect them from himself. That will be backup plan Z, not sooner.
Perhaps if Diggle stays, he can convince him to spar with him. Take a beating and give one to get it out of his system.
In that moment, the revelation from the shower returns to him. That he’d like to do something good anonymously. His father’s notebook is still in his pocket and he has everything else from the island too, which was among the gear Lyla got him. He can use the bow and the hood to work down the list and right his father’s wrongs, detox the city from its poison.
The idea is very appealing and he mentally starts working out the details, the process keeping his mind busy enough that all the messages aren’t so overwhelming anymore.
He calls Akio first. The kid picks up in seconds, excitedly saying: “Oliver! You got them! Otōsan and Okāsan called, they are going to be here soon.”
“They are, buddy. You’re going to see them real soon,” he says, smiling at the excitement in Akio’s voice.
“Thank you. I knew you would get them. You always keep your promises.”
Oliver knows that isn’t true, that he promised Slade he’d help him get off the Lian Yu, Yao Fei that he’d keep his daughter safe, Sara that she’d make it home. However, when Akio says it, he can almost believe it. “Yeah, I try.”
“Are you going to be here soon?” Akio asks.
“I don’t know. Your mom and dad are answering some questions, but it might take a while. The second they’re done, we’re coming home, though.”
“And that will be soon?”
Oliver isn’t sure what to answer to that. He has no clue how long Tatsu and Maseo will be held until it’s all cleared up. With American bureaucracy, it can take hours, days, or months, even years. The only confidence he has that it will be today is that they’re in the waiting room, but for all he knows they’re waiting to get put in a hotel or something.
“Oliver?” Akio prompts, a small frown audible at the lack of response.
He is saved by an unlikely hero; his mom. He can hear her in the background of the call asking: “Is it your parents again, Akio? Did they say where Oliver is?”
“No, it is Oliver,” Akio answers.
Moira gasps and her heels click quickly over the hardwood floors. “Can I speak to him for a moment?”
“Yes, you can,” Akio says, his voice further from the receiver.
“Oliver?” his mom sounds a lot like when he called her after those three years and guilt churns in his gut at that.
“Hi, mom,” he greets softly. “I’m so sorry for disappearing like that.”
“Oh thank God. You have no idea how worried I was. Never do that again.”
“I won’t, I won’t,” Oliver promises, vowing to himself to keep it. He never wants to make the life of his loved ones more difficult.
In the background, he can hear Akio ask: “Can you ask him when he will be home?”
“Of course,” Moira directs to him, before repeating to Oliver: “When will you be back? Akio’s parents said they’re in Washington DC. Are you there too?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m here. I can’t say much yet, but Tatsu and Maseo need to give their side of the story, you know, what happened between me leaving and- and nearly everyone dying,” he doesn’t have to fake how his voice turns a little strangled at the end, remembering how none of the prisoners of Ivo’s ship, bar Anatoli maybe, made it out of there. He was responsible for that and he feels that weight every day.
“Oh my poor boy, that- that must be so hard,” Moira says sympathetically.
“Only Tatsu and Maseo lived,” Oliver gasps, tears welling up as the cover story and memories run together in his mind.
His mom doesn’t know what to say to that and Oliver can’t blame her. The things he’s seen are beyond the norm. Some days he barely knows how to live with it, how to conceptualize it all, so how would anyone who didn’t live it know what to say?
“I’m sorry,” he says, because apologizing for his outburst is easier than letting it be real. He clears his throat. “Uhm, I don’t know how long we’re going to be, but they haven’t put us up in a hotel, so it should be today.”
“We’ll be waiting up for you,” Moira promises and the words settle something warm inside him. It has been so long since he had some place to return home to, people who’d miss him. The concept is still weird, but in a good way.
“Thank you,” Oliver smiles. “Can you give the phone to Akio so I can say goodbye?”
“Yes, yes, of course,” his mom’s voice still sounds strange at his concern for Akio. Oliver thinks she’s never going to get used to who is now. Maybe with time. He hopes so.
Akio gets the phone and says: “Moira says we are waiting up, does that mean you will be home tonight?”
“I’ll try to be. Might get late, but I’ll wake you when we get there,” Oliver says.
“Good, I missed you.”
It does a lot of things to Oliver’s heart that Akio means him too, not just his parents. That Oliver is important enough to him to be missed. Fuck, it’s going to hurt to let him go, no matter how good a hands he’ll leave him in and how much more Tatsu and Maseo deserve to fulfill the role he has these past few weeks.
But he can’t verbalize any of that, doesn’t want to put that on Akio’s shoulder. So he smiles, because you can always hear a smile, and ignores his wet eyes as he whispers: “I missed you too, buddy.”
He contemplates calling Thea too, but she’ll probably hear from his mom and Akio and he doesn’t have the energy to have another one of those calls. So he snaps a picture of himself, carefully making sure the backdrop reveals nothing and there’s no left over grime on his face. He captures it: alive, then presses send.
Diggle is still off having his own conversation. He’s probably more used to talking to family than Oliver is and the conversation is easier to maintain.
Unsure of what else to do, he dials the same number he did yesterday. Within seconds, he is greeted with: “Hello? This is Felicity Smoak, Queen Consolidated I.T. department.”
“I made your deadline. Back in the States, even called my mom,” Oliver informs her.
Felicity obviously isn’t expecting him to call, because she takes a few moments to process before replying. “Oh, Mr. Queen. Of course. Hi, yes. It’s good to hear from you. Not because I expected to hear from you, I’m not your girlfriend or something. Not that it’d a hardship to be your girlfriend, I’m just not your girlfriend. I didn’t mean to imply anything with that. I know I’m not your type- I mean, I don’t expect you to want to sleep with me. I mean, you do have a reputation, but I didn’t mean anything like that with it. Anyway, my mouth is running off, so I am going to stop now.”
She takes a deep breath, then starts over: “I meant to say: I’m glad you called, because I have been worried after what you had me do yesterday and I know you mom was too, so it’s good to hear that you’re safe.”
Oliver can’t help but huff out a short breath of laughter, which isn’t helped by Felicity’s soft muttered: “G-d, can’t go a day without humiliating myself.”
He decides to let her have most of her dignity and doesn’t respond to ninety percent of what she has said. “Truly, Oliver is fine. And I appreciate your concern. I’m all good.”
“That is good to hear.” Felicity sounds relieved that he doesn’t mention anything else from her ramble. She gathers herself and asks: “Was that all or can I help you with something else, Oliver.”
She’s testing out how his name sounds on her lips and he smiles involuntarily. Felicity truly is just a bright person, he’s drawn to her. However, it’s dangerous to let himself form attachments to anyone, especially people without his darkness. So he just says: “That was all, Felicity,” before saying his goodbyes and hanging up.
Diggle returns shortly after and the two resume their waiting. It’s not until three hours later, so six total, that Tatsu and Maseo enter accompanied by Amanda.
Oliver rises immediately when she enters, not out of any respect, but his instinct screaming not to be caught unawares by a predator. “Amanda, good to see you free,” he grins cockily, trying to cover that reaction to her.
Amanda gives him a mild smile, before greeting in turn: “Mr. Queen, good to have you back for another mission.”
“Mission is over, got debriefed and everything,” Oliver replies sharply, not giving her a second to think he’s actually back.
“Yes, I assume you will want to return home accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Yamashiro.”
Suspicion creeps up Oliver’s spine as he returns: “Yes, will that be a problem, Director Waller?”
“No,” Amanda says, smiling sharply since she knows she got on his nerves, that she still has that effect on him. “Mr. Yamashiro has officially earned his release from A.R.G.U.S. service with his testimony. They’re free to return to the public. We’ll release a statement about their survival tomorrow morning.”
“That is good to hear,” Oliver smiles. “Would it be too much to ask for transport home. You did kind of summon us away from it on short notice.”
While Amanda is still smiling politely, it is clear that she isn’t amused. She never is and Oliver doubts that’ll ever change. “Agent Micheals will have to return to Starling to finish her charade there. You can drive with her.”
“Thank you, I would say till next time, but let’s not and say we did,” Oliver says, before walking out of there, the others at his heels.
Once they’re over the threshold, Maseo leans in and says: “You can at least try to be polite to her, so we stay out of trouble.”
“You know me, Maseo. I’m never out of trouble,” Oliver grins, feeling too light and happy to care about all that right now.
“Let him have his fun, Waller is no longer our problem now,” Tatsu says, surprising Oliver, since she has never backed him up a day in her life. “Tell us more about how Akio is doing.”
“Well, you’ll loathe to hear that I’ve turned him into a spoiled American,” Oliver jokes. “I taught him to forget how to do his laundry and got him hooked on cheeseburgers.”
Now Tatsu is glaring at him. Oliver is almost entirely sure she doesn’t mean it, but not entirely. She never fully liked him and she might believe him. So to be sure, he quickly adds: “I’m joking. Well, about the laundry part. I did feed him cheeseburgers, but also veggies, I swear.”
At that Tatsu allows a bit of a smile to appear on her face and Oliver is now sure she was playing with him. He glares back, but knows it doesn’t have the same impact as hers. His glare can be intimidating, she just knows him too well to feel it.
The three of them are crammed in the backseat (not literally, the A.R.G.U.S. car is quite spacious), while Diggle takes up the front seat next to Lyla.
Tatsu and Maseo talk a little about how their weeks of hiding have been and how they ended up on that Yakuza ship. However, it’s mostly Oliver, who tells them all about what he and Akio have been up to, making sure to not leave anything out. These are his parents, they need to know what their child has been through, so they can support him.
Diggle pipes up sometimes, adding his own anecdotes or insights, but remains quiet mostly. Oliver is grateful for him, the man has a higher regard for his time as Akio’s guardian than Oliver has of himself.
When they arrive at the mansion, Oliver leans over to Diggle and asks: “Is this delivery also your resignation?”
“I’ll be here tomorrow morning, sir,” Diggle smiles and Oliver can’t help but smile back.
“Good, see you then,” Oliver says, glad Diggle is still on his side. Then he says his goodbyes to Diggle and Lyla, making sure to give the latter his thanks for her help.
He gets out of the car and sees Tatsu and Maseo stare at the mansion. It’s his childhood home, so he sometimes forgets it can be a lot to some. Cautiously, he asks: “Are you good?”
“That is a big house,” Maseo says.
“I get now why you did not know how to do your laundry,” Tatsu comments.
Oliver laughs, but before he can reply, the door is swung open. The other must have been looking out the window to wait for the car. Lit from the back stands Akio, face bright with a big smile as he exclaims: “Otōsan! Okāsan!”
#rr writing#arrow#green arrow#cw arrow#arrow cw#arrow 2012#arrowverse#arrowverse fanfiction#arrow fanfic#oliver queen#john diggle#tatsu yamashiro#maseo yamashiro#akio yamashiro#oliver and akio#amanda waller#lyla micheals#moira queen#tomorrow will be different#felicity smoak#dc#dc comics#detective comics
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Which male character of Arrow season 3 was your favourite?
#oliver queen#John Diggle#roy harper#Quentin Lance#Malcolm Merlyn#maseo yamashiro#Ray Palmer#Ra's al Ghul#Stephen Amell#david ramsey#Colton Haynes#Paul Blackthorne#john barrowman#Karl Yune#Brandon Routh#matt nable#matthew nabel#arrow#arrowverse#arsenal dc#The Atom
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Tatsu and Maseo in Batman & the Outsiders: Annual
#Batman & the Outsiders#Batman and the Outsiders#Annual#Katana#Tatsu Yamashiro#Maseo Yamashiro#DC#Comics
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P.S. Hong Kong: Was it Real?!?
Trope-tastic Awards: Week One
Fake Marriage!
Per @scu11y22‘s favorite, we have our first trope! Please share your favorite Olicity fake marriage stories! Pretending to be married, accidentally married, drunkenly married in Vegas and they don’t remember any of it…let’s do this!
Reblog this post with your suggestion or use the hashtag #olicitytropetasticawards to be safe and make sure we don’t miss it :) Also feel free to tag me, @hope-for-olicity, @it-was-a-red-heeler, @swordandarrow and @memcjo, we’re excited to read some fics this week!
Every Monday, I’ll reveal the week’s trope, and then the following Monday we’ll give some “awards” aka celebrate what we love about them! Let’s make Monday a little more bearable and give writers plenty of time to complete something new, if y’all so choose :)
(This is off season 3 Flashbacks. When Tommy goes to Hong Kong he doesn’t go alone he takes his friend Felicity as the best information system being to help him locate Oliver Queen. Tommy may leave empty handed but Felicity gets to be a bride…)
P.S. Hong Kong: Was it Real?!?
on A03
Thomas Merlyn looks at the information and is puzzled yet excited that his long-lost buddy could really be alive. He grabs his laptop and goes to see a computer expert he’s friended when she accidentally burned him with her latte at the local coffee shop.
“Hey Izzie?”
“It’s Felicity, like I’ve told you half a dozen times before.”
“I heard you the first time.”
She rolls her eyes. “So, why do I also feel like I’m on your beck and call when you need something?”
“Because I’m a nice guy.”
“Yea, no that isn’t it.”
“Because… you’re a nice girl?” she gives him ‘you really going there’ look.
“Remember the stuff you nicely put together for me after spilling your latte on me?”
“Okay, you said you’d let the incident go.”
“I said I forgave you for those blisters. Not that I said I’d forget.”
“I was hoping you’d forget everything after I tried half pulling that shirt off of you in front of so many people and blowing on your angry red skin.”
“Hard to forget.” Tommy said shaking his head. “Anyways I got a hit on ones of those search thingies you set up a while ago.”
“Okay, what do you mean?”
“There was a hit on Ollie’s email account.”
“Your dead friend?”
Tommy closes his eyes as he sighs, Ollie is… was his best friend who he considered like a brother. “Yes Izzie. I’ll need more than just for you to look at the IP address, I might need you to travel with me.”
“Travel? I have work and…”
“I’ll pay you and…” he rolls his eyes “I’ll even help you paint those walls in your new townhouse.”
“Hmmm… it seems I could have gotten you to…”
“Okay, I’ll ask for time off.”
“Thank you!”
In Hong Kong, Oliver learns that he is to sniper kill someone. He aims the gun and when the person turns, he is amazed that it is his best friend Tommy and he isn’t alone there is a blond woman laughing at something his friend just said. It takes him a few hours but Oliver comes up with a better plan than killing his best friend.
The morning before the whole kidnapping routine takes place and Oliver is suppose to kill the blond and make it look like a burglary. He sighs and finishes dressing in a hurry. After the whole debacle at the internet café he wonders if Maseo will trust him near telecommunication areas. They have an informant to meet so they head out.
Out in the small park near some docks the witness a gathering of people decorating the place.
“What’s happening over there?” Oliver asks just wondering what the fuss is about.
“Some fools are gathering people for mass weddings for some senseless record.”
Oliver made a face, “Eh, they’re crazy.”
“I’d say, come on I see the informant.”
The room is getting brighter as the sun’s rays fix its bright shine to stir the couple intertwined on the standard size bed cocooned in each other two bodies that are about to wake up.
He wakes up first with a low grunt as the woman on top of him moans as she moves her head slightly with her breathe tingling his skin. Her eyes flutter open when she feels she isn’t alone. Before either are able to say a word, the door is slammed against the wall and Oliver is up forgetting all modesty as he shields the body now behind him. Maseo shaking his head and heads towards the two lovers it seems. Felicity wraps the bedsheet around herself as the Asian man comes closer.
“The task wasn’t to bed the subject.” Maseo says in Mandarin. “Now we have two problems to deal with and for crying out loud put some pants on.”
Oliver using the language being spoken to him, “She doesn’t need to die. Let me work with her.” As he fishes his boxer shorts from the floor.
“Waller will not be happy.”
Oliver thinks hard for a moment something that can keep the blonde behind him safe. “Legally she’s my wife. If she dies the paperwork could be a problem.”
Maseo puts his hands in the air he doesn’t need this bullshit and just tells Oliver, “Fine, you can explain. We’ll be downstairs. Ten minutes. Got it.”
“Thirty and she comes with me.”
Maseo looks at the blonde still on the bed looking at them with doe eyes. “Fine thirty minutes. Don’t make me come back up here.” He leaves with his men and slams the door shut.
Oliver sighs and moves his hand through his hair as he sits not acknowledging the person on the bed. When she has had enough of his silence she moves as she crawls to the edge of the bed and makes sure the bed sheet is securely wrapped around her.
“Do I want to know what that was about?” she finally asks as she sits beside him.
“Do you value your life?”
“English please?” He rolls his eyes and says it again in English.
“Of course, I don’t want to die.” She looks at him and she gets up trying to back away from him. She starts to think back to when he approached her and how easily they talked and she basically admitted why she was in Hong Kong. She was now afraid not only for herself but for Thomas Merlyn whom she hasn’t seen since the evening when she wanted to watch some couple get hitched. The bedsheet under her feet gets her to trip and she falls still keeping her eyes on him as her bum hits the old shaggy carpet.
Even he winces as she makes an oomph sound but stays seated on the bed. He is looking at her wondering why he is going to put so much effort into saving her. His plan to kidnap Tommy was planed out to be executed soon enough so Tommy goes back to Starling safe and sound but now with this girl who introduced herself as Felicity Smoak got him to not only spare her life last night but also got him to relax and laugh and have some great moments that led them to waking up together like a warm pretzel.
“Relax. I’m not going to hurt you.”
She’s looking at him with narrowed eyes. “Then don’t open up a conversation with value of life. Who were those men? Do they have something to do with why you haven’t gone back home?”
“I told Maseo, he’s the one I was speaking to in Mandarin. That we got married last night.”
“Say what? I don’t recall that at all. We danced and laughed and well landed here for the remainder of the night doing things… doing really explicit scenes like how you…”
“Okay Felicity I remember it all. I’m just telling you now if you value your life you’ll keep this farce that we are married.”
“Oh. But won’t they figure it out we actually didn’t participate I mean I did dare you to dance with that bride as I danced with the groom on that special money dance.”
He nods and takes the information that there was no proof at all that she was now Felicity Queen that mysteriously married an Oliver Queen in Hong Kong. She was going to get killed no matter what but if there was a chance.
“I could hack into the wedding registry and at least have some proof.” She says getting off the floor.
“You can do that?” he asks amazed maybe just maybe luck was on his side. He really doesn’t want her to be killed and he hasn’t thought out how being married is going to affect him at all. Right now, he is short sighted and just wants Tommy and her safe.
“I even have a notice of marriage paperwork I got when the man at the event gave me some reading material we could swing by my hotel room.”
“Okay. We’ll do that.”
She is gathering all her clothes and heads to the bathroom.
“I’ve seen you naked.”
“Yep but I gather those men are like outside the door.” She nods at the now closed door.
“We have twenty minutes or so.”
“Yea, don’t call me pessimistic but their probably not the guys that’ll give you those full twenty minutes.” She leaves him to smile at her retreating form and as the door closes he’s intent on dressing up too.
TBC… (smut may happen so…)
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