The RP Blog of Soledad Amaranta Guerrero: Boss of the Third Street Saints, President of the former United States, Empress of the Concordant Galactic Empires (formerly the Zin Empire). AU- and OC-friendly Please read the Rules page before...
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That drew her brow together. It hadn’t occurred to her that way, and for that reason it sparked her curiosity. “How’s that?” she asked, taking the knife that was offered to her.
Furia nodded. She’d been thinking as much, but … “I just can’t shake off the feeling that doing nothing is at least as bad. Like it’s a sign of laziness or weakness if I”m just languishing here,” she admitted with a sigh. She was used to always doing something.
It might also not have been a flower.
Faith offered Furia the knife, grip first as was only proper. In case she wanted to get some vandalism artwork in.
“Sounds like vanity,” she remarked.
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Look, sometime you just really need a Johnny Gat wallpaper and you have to stay up all night making it. I don’t make the rules.
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Had Careless Whisper on repeat, while sketching.
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“Wing it and hope you get it right.” He hums, “That’s what worked for me over the years.” “Oh that? Well, my parents were loosely on the fringes of the movie business, my mom was a makeup artist and my dad was a stylist. So I’d often go with them when I was young and I loved being on set. They were both working on the set for a tv series when one of the actors suggested they have me try out for the part of a kid in one of the upcoming episodes. I got the part and from there I just kept going to auditions and it just stuck. I never really wanted to do anything else over the years, so it worked out.”
“That easy, huh? Maybe it was just what you were meant to do. I couldn’t even manage a proper interview without looking like I was getting a mugshot,” Furia chuckled. “Let alone actually convince anyone that I was someone else.”
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“Maybe not,” Faith replied, off the cuff. “But what’s the point in dashing right back out into it again before you’re ready? What good does that do you, let alone anyone else?”
Her design might have been a stylized flower.
Furia nodded. She’d been thinking as much, but ... “I just can’t shake off the feeling that doing nothing is at least as bad. Like it’s a sign of laziness or weakness if I”m just languishing here,” she admitted with a sigh. She was used to always doing something.
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On Anon or not, send “Plot:” + describe something you really want to RP with my muse or something you want to see my muse do (if it’s to/with another RPer, list their username) and I’ll rate it:
fuck no || not really interested || huh?? || give me more details… || sure why not || OMFG YES
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It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.
Henry David Thoreau (via quotemadness)
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The art project detoured some of Furia’s attention, and for a bit it quieted her mind. With each curl of wood, the exposure of lighter, unstained matter revealing something fresh and unprotected. With each stroke of the knife, a new sliver of beat up wood made way for something below; Furia studied each gouge in its turn as Faith worked.
She tried to just watch, observe, batting away the pesky thoughts that whirled and tried to start her back into a cyclone of self-destruction. Being still seemed to help.
“I can’t hide out forever,” she finally mused. She had never been one to hide or run from things. Perhaps to her own detriment in many cases.
Sobriety tended to suck in her experience, especially when a ghost of a memory popped into her head. Her head pounded despite the pain relievers, her body ached in ways she didn’t want to think too hard about. But she’d made mistakes. Mistakes she would have to deal with, though somehow later still seemed to be a better option than now.
Furia wasn’t sure she was in a hurry either. A part of her felt the need for movement, some kind of forward motion. Of course, she also worried about that motion making her fall backward.
She didn’t know what to do. And just being still, stagnant … it felt wasteful.
Faith’s little art project grew until she had built up enough shavings in her way to want to brush them away. She glanced at Furia as she did so.
Still, she wasn’t about to ask, How’s sobriety? She knew how she generally felt herself under these circumstances.
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You get a strange feeling when you’re about to leave a place. Like you’ll not only miss the people you love but you’ll miss the person you are now at this time and this place because you’ll never be this way ever again.
Azar Nafisi (via quotemadness)
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“Something like that,” Gat agreed.
He didn’t seem to be paying too deep attention to the western, himself. Faith found her pocket knife and started etching into the table. But neither seemed in a hurry to be anywhere else at the moment.
Furia wasn’t sure she was in a hurry either. A part of her felt the need for movement, some kind of forward motion. Of course, she also worried about that motion making her fall backward.
She didn’t know what to do. And just being still, stagnant ... it felt wasteful.
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Zintroductions (@Zinjai-The-Zinbean)
Zinjai let out a soft sigh. He nodded in agreement to her words. “I can’t deny that” He told her as he brought up a list of three planets untouched by the zin. “These might interest you” Zinjai added as he turned in his seat just enough to look at Furia.
One planet was more or less a forest planet with ice caps at the North and South poles. Whether it was inhabited or not was unknown. It had no oceans, but rather rivers and lakes dotted its surface.
The second planet was almost barren, but liveable. It had three large oceans and plants were scattered about the place.
The final one was largely covered in oceans with the only land masses being islands scattered across it’s surface. Some with life, others just large mounds of sand.
“Interesting. Why were these passed over?” Furia asked, studying them for a moment.
She wasn’t sure if perhaps it was the lack of life present or something else. What was it that drew Zinyak to the planets that he destroyed? Why did these go overlooked?
“Which one is it that drew your interest?”
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“Well, that was good at least.” She tried not to think too much or make any comparisons, but there was a thought that tried to take hold and she focused on the feeling of her breath in her lungs.
“You might have to give me some pointers on that last bit sometime,” she said, trying to find some amusement in her statement as they meandered toward the sidewalk.
“How you end up acting?”
“I can only imagine how tense that was.” Though to be entirely fair, she didn’t have to imagine. Just a phone call from Eli had thrown her into a tail spin. Having to see and work with him every day. That she could not imagine.
“Not sure I could have done it,” she admitted. “You deserve credit for sticking it out. Though I guess maybe your contract probably wouldn’t let you just say fuck it all.
“And I bet Devin’s glad, too.”
“If I honestly tried, I probably could have gotten Devin written out of the script. I just…kept finding reasons not to. I guess subconsciously I really didn’t want to actually do it.” He sighs and smiles wryly. “I’m not proud that it really happened in the first place. But I know Devin’s definitely glad. And I’m glad I didn’t completely screw everything up.”
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“Yeah. It took a few weeks and some straining filming sessions but I finally got my head out of my ass.” He nods, starting towards the elevator. “I’m glad I did though.”
“I can only imagine how tense that was.” Though to be entirely fair, she didn’t have to imagine. Just a phone call from Eli had thrown her into a tail spin. Having to see and work with him every day. That she could not imagine.
“Not sure I could have done it,” she admitted. “You deserve credit for sticking it out. Though I guess maybe your contract probably wouldn’t let you just say fuck it all.
“And I bet Devin’s glad, too.”
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