#ut dyne
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capricioussun · 2 years ago
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Final dtiys prize for @amee-racle-ofmyown , her OC Mirae with some underground friends
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pixiefeatherkw3 · 18 days ago
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stefanatlanten · 2 years ago
Saint Francois, Guadeloupe, 6/2
En söt liten stad med livlig fritidsbåtshamn, levande fiskehamn, en massa trevliga barer och krogar, vackra stränder alldeles utanför stadskärnan och fruktstånd i varje gatuhörn.
Guadeloupe är ett gäng öar varav de två största sitter nästan ihop, vore det inte för ett smalt vattendrag mellan dem, och bildar formen av en fjäril. Passande med den vackra naturen! Och makalösa frukten! Och prunkande trädgårdarna! Ett överdåd av dofter, färger och smaker! Frukt och, för klimatet passande, grönt finns på alla öarna här i karibien. Nästan. Men inte alla öarna har förstått att utnyttja detta. Guadeloupe har förstått!
Dessutom är de två, nästan ihopsatta, öarna väldigt olika geografiskt. Grand-Terre, den högra/östra delen har inte mycket höjder och är ganska flackt, kanske inte Skåne-flackt, men väl Norra Småland-flackt. Typ.
Basse-Terre å andra sidan, den vänstra/västra delen, är väldigt bergigt och omfattar den största höjden i Franska Antillerna, den aktiva vulkanen La Soufrière som har en höjd på 1467 m. Mycket att utforska således.
Dagens mål var att simma med Havssköldpaddor, alternativt Citronhaj eller få bekanta sig med den Antilliska Iguanan. Bästa platsen för detta är ett sund mellan två små, obebodda öar ungefär 45 min snabb båtfärd rakt öster ut från Saint-Francois, Îles de la Petit-Terre. En heldagsexkursion med både punch de fruits de passion, planteur (något svagare variant, med betoning på något) och en välsmakande lokal trerätters i båten!
Resan ut till öarna var värd pengarna i sig. Någon dags hårdare ostlig vind hade byggt en del sjö och vinden tilltog från morgonen och framåt. Dryga elva meters plastbåt med rejäl V-botten, två 300 hästars utombordare och en gasglad skeppare! Du milde! Dryga två meters vågor och 3 meters atlantisk dyning gjorde den första halvtimmen underhållande men blöt och den andra halvtimmen något tröttande och fullständigt genomdränkt!
Väl på plats fick vi en guidad tur på den delen av ena ön (Terre-de-bas) som är öppen för besök. Resterande del och hela den norra ön (Terre-de-Haut) är ett skyddat område som inte får beträdas. Väl värt ett besök om man har ett aldrig så litet intresse för natur och historia. Och kan franska. :-/
Oavsett blev det både ödlor, sköldpaddor, broskfiskar och annat att simma bland, filma och njuta av! Återigen, det kommer att komma fler bilder efter hemkomst då bilderna från min nyinköpta kamera kan laddas upp!
Sex dagar kvar på denna semester.
Imorgon blir det till att åka till Deshaies, Basse-Terre. Eller Saint Marie-för dem som följer tramsiga engelska TV-deckarserier ...
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smellslikejustice · 4 years ago
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squarefriend · 4 years ago
I, K, U? for the fanfic meme owo
I: Guilty pleasures
Admittedly, I am a SUCKER for when a character finally snaps. Be it emotionally or physically, but that final release of pint up anger/anguish/pain/saddness I just,,, MWAH
But only if it’s done right and paced properly ^^
Oh! And I can’t help but love me those good soft moments in a recovery or sick fic. When the entire world seems to be beating down on the two mains but one (or both) just won’t let it happen to their (insert relationship here).
(Also transformations. Happens less in fics (besides blaster ones) bUT STILL)
K: Angstiest Idea I’ve come up with:
*Loud glance at Chapter 6 of Because She Died* Well.....
Truth be told, probably a fic I was considering when in the process of story(hah) boarding BSD. It was called Last Two Standing, and would’ve been about a Banished Queen ending gone wrong. Baisically, Undyne and the folks invading the castle go all French Revolution on Tori’s ass, leaving only Dyne and Sans left alive.
The rest of the story would follow Undyne hard core regretting what happened and Sans inevitably running to the ruins because he’s lowkey wanted for treason (tried to break Tori out. Didn’t work. Made another promise).
The whole thing felt WAY too similar to BSD, and kinda out of character and mean spirited. So, I scrapped the idea fairly early on. I think it only made it to the concept art/doodle page stage of my planning process lMAO
Either that, Chapters 3 and 6 (and eventually 19 and 22 ;)) of BSD, or the shit me and my friends came up with in 5th grade lMAO
U: 3 favorite Fic writers
Oh man! This is a hard one!!! There’s so many to choose from, but I believe I can narrow it down, though I had to expand it to 5!
1. @a-conveniently-shaped-lamp ! They’re writing is so distinct and lovely. I haven’t quite binged all of their fics, but the ones I have read are too notch! They’re characterization is just so on point and aaaaAAAA!! I highly recommend their fic ‘Let’s Do the Mortal Coil’. Might be cause I’m a slut for body swap, but it’s some good shit.
2. @undertalethingems ! I haven’t been able to catch up on Bark At The Moon as of late, but it’s a really good fic. Their words never fail to drag me head first into a story, and I love how they write Undyne. Also big bone pubbies :)
3. @undertalewasagoodgameokay ! She hasn’t posted many of her fics, but man oh man are they good! Her writing is breath taking, and her use of allusion and imagery never ceases to amaze me. Also shes my sibling and I love her dearly!
6. @sugarweregoingdownswinging ! She doesn’t write and UT fics, but her Myst fics are just outstanding. Once again, amazing imagery and this elegant floating writing style that made me crave more. Heck, I read her fics before I even knew what they were about! (btw B if you’re reading this, yes I am still reveling at your Achnar hurt comfort fic)
5. Honestly Blaidd.... you. I love your work! I binged your AO3 Gaster askblog in Target the other day lmao. I love how you portray him, and his plights with being in the void. Home boy makes me sad. Also your Soriel fic makes me all warm and fuzzy inside ^^
6 because I couldn’t leave them off this list-: @smollest-soul has improved so much since they first started sending me their fic. Like, don’t get me wrong their characterization was already on point and I love their style, but like, it got even better! I’m proud of you dude!
Whoops. I doubled the list. And read too much fan fiction lMAO
sorry this turned out to be so long
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tally-kiza · 5 years ago
Undyne Headcanons
- After Undyne’s parents died when she was young, she became determined to get justice for al monsters who had to die without seeing the surface. She went to Asgore to fight him so she could get into the Royal Guard, but instead Asgore trained her. It wasn’t long before she felt like a daughter to him. It warmed his broken heart. Many years passed before he finally let Undyne into the Guard. As the king expected, she quickly climbed up the ranks into captain.
- Undyne and Papyrus’s friendship is full of sarcasm and weird jokes (like that time in canon where they joked about spider-ducks); a typical offbeat humor. They also get into weird competitions with each other, like who can drink 8 glasses of milk fastest, and who can leave the biggest splatter by smashing tomatoes. Watching their chaos is... an experience.
- Undyne is her students' favorite teacher. Most consider her gym class awesome. Obstacle courses, extreme dodgeball, bench pressing the students. The kiddos, humans and monsters alike, have a blast. (Even thought she's not so good at the whole grading thing.)
- Even on the surface, where Undyne has proper recipes, she's still a terrible cook. At least her house isn't always on fire, though. Unfortunately, Alphys is also a terrible cook. She can only manage noodles and take-out. After a few months of this awful diet, they both agreed to take cooking lessons. It went swimmingly!! ...Yeah, they got kicked out after 3 classes. Undyne only barely managed to reign in her chaotic nature enough to learn how to make a salad and boil water with burning her house down.
- Owns a bunch of giant swords on the surface --- Swears like a sailor --- Hated nerdy stuff as a kid, but now is super supportive about it --- Blushes and gets a dreamy look on her face every time Alphys is mentioned; Even when they’ve been married for 20 years lol
- She’s timid when Chara first meets them, but by the end of their journey, her passionate side really shines through. It just takes a bit for her to come out of her shell. But once she’s herself, it’s very clear how passionate and exuberant Undyne can be! Mostly about science, anime, and Alphys lol.
- Met Alphys at the dump. Undyne was looking for spare parts for her experiments when she spotted Alphys. The dino was staring at the waterfalls, contemplating her decision to be captain of the guard. Alphys never really wanted to hurt humans but she did want to free everyone, so it was a difficult decision for her. Noticing the other’s sadness, Undyne nervously introduced herself to snap Alph out of her reverie. They quickly became fast friends (and fell in love huehuehue)
- Experiments tend to go a little haywire when she’s really excited (and by haywire, i mean... explosion-inducing.) There are permanent burn marks on the walls of her lab. She doesn’t bother to clean them off anymore, not when they appear so often.
- Even more affected by the amalgamates than UT Alphys. Undyne truly thought she had saved everyone; she was so proud! But when she saw what the aftermath, she was devastated. The scientist never thought about her reputation, only how horribly she ruined them, how much pain she caused for them and their families. It was unbearable, knowing she was causing so much suffering. So Undyne hid them, not because she was worried of how people would think of her, but to prevent their families from seeing how devastated their loved ones had become. Chara reminded her, though, that she was just causing more suffering by making those families never know what had occurred.
- Undyne has been friends with Papyrus since they were kids. Shortly before he graduated, she got him an apprenticeship with the royal scientist. And even when he quit, they stayed friends, and often cook up explode-y experiments together. Both of them are still horrible cooks. ‘Dyne also has him join her to watch anime together. Pap isn’t as invested as she is, but he likes it well enough.
- Meme illiterate --- Loves side scroller games --- Can’t cook to save her life --- Plays piano for Chara when they first meet --- Met Napstablook at their cousin’s human fan club meeting. NTT felt guilty when they started distancing themself from her after they got famous, but the more time went on, the more awkward it would be if they returned, so they just.. never did... sorry...
- Papyrus is Undyne’s second-in-command and best friend. Neither of them will ever admit it, but they wouldn’t trade each other’s friendship for the world. And more so, they’re just chaotic goofballs a lot of the time. Normally Pap can calm Undyne’s hectic nature, but once she convinces him to join her mischievous plans, they are an unstoppable force of nature.
- Oddly enough, for being so chaotic and destructive, Undyne avoids fighting people as much as possible. She’ll always choose verbally de-escalating a confrontation over physically fighting any day of the week. Not because she’s a weak fighter, (no, if anything Undyne’s the strongest opponent you could ever face, second to Sans) but because she wants to minimize the bloodshed. The captain hates seeing her race at each other’s throats; it’s heartbreaking. So when it comes to monsters, she will always choose the most peaceful option until she has no other choice.
- When it comes to humans, though... ohohoho Undyne is merciless. She doesn’t even give the human the chance to run away. Frisk can’t beat her, all they can do is survive as long as possible. That is, until Pap shows up and distracts undyne while Frisk escapes. (Pap loves protecting helpless creatures, and Frisk was just too cute of a kid to let Undyne slaughter them). From there it proceeded like in canon UT: the human and Pap ran away to Hotland until Undyne passed out from the heat. Frisk stopped and gave her some water before the fish lady was revived, glared at them, and stomped back home.
- From there on, Frisk befriends her the same way as UT, except Papyrus doesn’t insist on hanging out with Undyne. In fact, he urges the human not to, but Frisk decides to go back and talk with her anyway. Pap tags along only to protect frisk! Definitely not to make up with Undyne. The hang out progressed as normal (just with ‘Dyne being a little more destructive and ranting about Paps’ betrayal for a bit), and she and Pap call up Frisk often with their usual snarky banter.
- Probably sets her house on fire on purpose. Why wait for the fire to come to her, when she can get one leg up on the fire!! Oh no... now she’s literally trying to fistfight her burning house. Can someone get a fire extinguisher!? Additionally, everything she cooks ends up on fire. Boils water? Fire. Makes a salad? Fire. Looks at a box of cereal? Fire. She’s like a Sim.
- Always gives the guard dogs pets --- Swears all the time and super crass. She doesn’t even censor herself around Frisk --- Wears her hair in a bun to prevent enemies from grabbing it during battle --- Has a very obvious crush on Alphys. Always gets shy and blushy when she talks about her. Pap teases her about it constantly
- Met Papyrus when he applied for an apprenticeship with the other Royal Scientist. The two of them quickly became fast friends: science-y, anime-loving nerds. But when Undyne started the DT experiments, Pap left. He could not in good faith sit back and watch her play god with people’s souls. They had a huge argument before he stormed out and they haven’t talked since.
- Over the course of Chara’s journey, as they have phone calls with Papyrus, and eventually Undyne, the two of them slowly begin talking things out. And by the end of the true pacifist route Pap and ‘Dyne have reconciliated and are friends again. It’s truly heartwarming!
- Rumors claim that Undyne is some kind of horrible mad scientist. Screams and shrieks are often heard emanating from the lab, surely awful and painful experiments are going on. But nobody dares go near the lab to investigate, fearing their lives... but NOPE! it’s just Undyne’s shocked wails at dramatic plot twists in her animes, and the sadness of particularly brutal scenes. Chara was terrified they met her, believing all those rumors. imagine their relief when they found out she’s just a nerd.
- Has the same motivations as US Undyne when it comes to the amalgamates, but SF ‘Dyne also hid them to try and fix them. Do more research, more experiments, anything to undo what happened! But none of it worked, so she just gave up...
- She is very curt when you first meet her, but it’s not long before that stony exterior melts away to reveal Undyne’s true form: a chaotic and excitable nerd with access to highly dangerous chemicals and explosives! ‘Dyne’s not crazy, she’s just really passionate and reckless about the things she loves.
- Loves how strong Alphys is. It’s the coolest! (But they both think they’re each the protector in their relationship lol) --- Created NTT to kill humans, but they just ignored her after she made their body, and left to pursue music instead. How rude! --- Adores vocaloid songs! Her favorite is “Paradichlorobenzene.” She even learned to play it on her piano! --- Addicted to coffee. She is VERY hyper at times. --- Tends to prefer darker animes but she secretly loves Mew Mew Kissy Cutie. No one can find out. Or else.
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takaraphoenix · 6 years ago
MCU ask: 9, 11 and 18
Thank you, my dear! I can use the distraction! x3
9. Favorite offscreen relationship and why?
Oooh that is an interesting question! :O
Mh... Okay so I have this headcanon that Hope van Dyne and Tony Stark could be incredible friends, two brilliant minds in the shadows of their fathers whom they don’t quite care for. I’ve grown very fond of the AU where Hope fucks off from Hank prior to Ant-Man or after Civil War, joins the Avengers and befriends Tony.
I also just generally love Darcy Lewis interacting with basically anyone. Because I love Darcy Lewis and she brings such a lightheartedness to the scene.
Another dynamic I am dying for that I hope we will actually get is Carol Danvers with James Rhodes. To literally any capacity.
I also ship Valkyrie/Sif and since they actually fucking killed Sif off I am hella angry about that because those two could have been fantastic. (Totally not on that fandom train of Valkyrie with Carol. Just... no?? Carol already has Maria and I don’t see... anything connecting them. I think Valkyrie and Sif could really fit together though!)
11. Favorite side character?
OKOYE. She slays. I love her so much? She is amazing. I want an Okoye solo movie that is just about her and the Dora Milaje. Like, Shuri, M’Baku and T’Challa can have cameos, but I want it to be about her. Because she definitely deserves to be more than just a side character. *^*
18. Favorite Iron Man suit?
Legit the Bleeding Edge. It’s such a sexy suit?? There’s nothing better than that. Every suit has something about it that’s very nice, bu--ut the Bleeding Edge is just hot damn.
MCU Ask Game
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thegge · 6 years ago
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02.07.19 - Aryabal buddhisttempel
Første natten i en Ger var helt fantastisk. Komfortable senger, skikkelig dyne og et iskaldt rom gjorde at jeg sov som en stein i nesten 12 timer.
På tross av en god natt søvn brygger jeg på en forkjølelse så vi tok det rolig i dag. Litt utpå dagen tok vi turen til et buddhisttempel, men gåturen var bare noen hundre meter, selv om det var bratt, så jeg bestemte meg for å gå tilbake til campen. Det var mye kortere enn jeg hadde forventet, men det var greit da jeg hadde tatt med meg for lite vann og det var stekende varmt ute.
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byggebobil · 6 years ago
Harriet - den røde drage!
Da var det en realitet!
Jeg har lenge fulgt med på folk på instagram og Pinterest som har forvandlet varebiler om til små bobiler - og nå fikk jeg endelig fingeren ut og har kjøpt meg en selv!
Eller, jeg har satt Åge på saken (bonus-paps) og sendt han avgårde på fly opp til Stokmarkens for å se på en Ford Transit som er til salgs der oppe. Heldigvis for meg så er Åge glad i reise da han og mamma stadig er på farta i sin bobil, så en svipp opp i nord var ikke no stress for han. Vel fremme så virket bilen tipp topp, en 93 modell i god stand som har hatt 2 tidligere eiere. Selges grunnet kone som ikke vil bli med på tur mer 😅 KJØPT! 🚀
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miscellaneous--bones · 6 years ago
I just noticed that in two different peices I’ve forgotten to draw ‘dyne w/ her eye patch even though they were both ment to be UT and not DR.
people have already seen the V-day one so lets just say its DR TuT
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capricioussun · 2 years ago
Frisk • Flowey • Toriel - Tori • Sans • Papyrus - Rus • Grillby • Undyne - Dyne • Alphys • Mettaton • Asgore
Frisk - Kris • Flowey - [???] • Toriel - [???] • Sans - Red • Papyrus - Edge • Grillby - Blaze • Undyne - Levi • Alphys - Vee • Mettaton - Metta • Asgore - [???]
Chara • Temmie • Asgore - Astilbe • Papyrus - Stretch • Sans - Blue • Muffet - Muff • Alphys - Axel • Undyne - Sylv • Napstabot • Toriel - Iris
I wanted to change the format of the nicknames since having them in list form make it sooo crazy long but long is preferable to unreadable
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ut-messyexchanges · 3 years ago
CMaster Post (or something like this)
About the AU
MESSY EXCHANGES and an UNDERTALE AU created by DYNE. The AU is about ROLESWAP but is in the “SWITCH IT UP” category. AU’s main intention is to see how X character would act in the role of Y character (WOW! what did you expect?).
There are some exchanges that you know with existing AU’S exchanges like in ASGORE<->TORIEL but that doesn’t mean anything.
Hope you like this disgrace :)
Mad dummy->Papyrus
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wiadomosciprasowe · 6 years ago
Kan kjøpe sengesett rett til hybelen
Kan kjøpe sengesett rett til hybelen
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Dato: 11-07-2019 10:16 CEST Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Kan kjøpe sengesett rett til hybelen Kategori: , Alta UiT Norges arktiske studentsamskipnad Studentvelferd Studentpakken
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I undersøkelser gjort av Samskipnaden har flere studenter utrykt at de ønsket muligheten til å kjøpe sengesett og håndklær når de ankommer. Både fordi mange flytter hjemmefra for første gang, og fordi dette tar opp mye plass i bagasjen.
«Det er bakgrunnen for vårt pilotprosjekt», forklarer Magnus Hammari, leder for drift Eiendom Finnmark. «Vi prøver oss først i Alta for å se på etterspørselen og det praktiske rundt bestilling og levering. Deretter sender vi ut en undersøkelse for å vite hvordan studentene opplevde tilbudet, og om det er andre ting de kunne ønske å kjøpe gjennom oss.»
Hvis prosjektet blir en suksess, håper Samskipnaden på å kunne utvide tilbudet til andre campus.
Studentpakken koster kr 500 og inneholder:
1 stk. Selje dyne / putesett 140 x 200 cm 1 stk. sengesett 140 x 200 cm 1 stk. jerseylaken 90 x 200 cm 2 stk. håndklær 50 x 90 cm 2 stk. håndklær 65 x 130 cm
Pakken kan kjøpes direkte fra Kid for kr 399, men kjøpes den gjennom Samskipnaden blir den også hentet og levert til boligen, og vil ligge klar til du flytter inn.
Kilde: Pressekontor Norges arktiske studentsamskipnad – PRESSEMELDING
Norges arktiske studentsamskipnad er velferdsorganisasjonen for de 16000 studentene som er tilknyttet UiT – Norges arktiske universitet og UNIS Universitetsstudiene på Svalbard.
Vår oppgave er å sørge for gode rammer i studietida slik at studentene opplever mestring, trivsel og trygghet. Det gjør vi gjennom tilbud om studentboliger, rådgiving, barnehager, mat og drikke, idrett og studenthus. Vi har alltid studenten i fokus.
Samskipnaden har omkring 450 ansatte, og våre tilbud er tilknyttet campusene i Alta, Hammerfest, Harstad, Narvik, Svalbard og Tromsø.
Hashtags: # #Alta UiT Norges arktiske studentsamskipnad Studentvelferd Alta UiT Norges arktiske studentsamskipnad Studentvelferd
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anettetheresepettersen · 5 years ago
Mellom erotikk og terrorisme
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Raskolnikov er utmattende og forførende om hverandre.
Jeg var forberedt på at Raskolnikov kunne bli en noe krevende forestilling. Etter fem timer var jeg likevel helt utmattet, jeg kjente meg øm i kroppen og var et øyeblikk sikker på at jeg var andpusten. Den lange, hengslete kroppen til Raskolnikov (Preben Hodneland) på scenen virket segneferdig, og kroppen min plukket kinestetisk opp samme utmattelse.
Fjodor Dostojevskijs roman Raskolnikov (bedre kjent på norsk som Forbrytelse og straff) hører med til den vestlige litteraturverdens soleklare klassikere. Gjennom bortimot 800 sider (eller drøye 27 timer i lydbokversjon) følger vi den unge studenten Raskolnikov. Han er lutfattig og sulten, men når Raskolnikov tidlig i romanen bestemmer seg for å ta livet av den gjerrige pantelånersken Aljona Ivanovna, er det ikke kun sulten som driver ham. Han er overbevist om at han gjør det for menneskehetens beste.
Som tenkt, så gjort – og så er det psykologiske spillet i gang. Var det noen som så ham? Er han gjennomskuet? Hva skal han gjøre med pengene han har stjålet? Var handlingen rett? Tankene går som godstog gjennom hodet til den febervåte Raskolnikov. Rundt ham utspiller det seg en rekke andre dramaer – hans søster skal giftes bort til en gjerrigknark, hans beste venn forelsker seg i nevnte søster, han selv forelsker seg i den unge og sterkt religiøse Sonja – mens Raskolnikov baler med sin egen livssituasjon og politiet til stadighet dukker opp.
Kroppsliggjort psykologi. Regissør Kjersti Horn har valgt å flytte handlingen over i filmformatet, noe hun har lekt med også i foregående forestillinger. I Kaos er nabo med gud (2017) på Nationaltheatret, lot hun et teppe skille publikum og scenen – og vi fikk følge handlingen via film projisert på sceneteppet, frem til siste scene, hvor teppet ble revet ned. Denne gang er det ingen skuespillere bak det store lerretet på scenen: De oppholder seg, sammen med et filmteam, rundt omkring i hele teaterhuset.
Ved å la Raskolnikov/Hodneland drive rundt i gangene på teatret, opp og ned trapper, ut på balkonger, forflyttes også romanens psykologiske maraton over i kroppen. Innledningsvis ser vi et stillbilde av Raskolnikov som ligger naken og gjennomvåt av svette på en lett støvete sofa, med en dyne med Spiderman-mønstret sengetøy over seg. Han befinner seg på hybelen sin, men det er også tydelig at rommet egentlig er en garderobe. Slik er hele forestillingen – teater på film – lagt opp, med en tydelig fremvisning av fiksjonen og fiksjonsapparatet.
Vi ser suffløren snoke i bakgrunnen, med en laptop i hånden, og ulike teknikere som holder dører åpne. Skuespillerne har tydelige kostymer, det gjøres ingen forsøk på å gjøre dem realistiske. Her er det løsbarter, akrylparykker og altfor store sheriffhatter. Det er en overtydelig teatralitet som i møte med mitt blikk og fantasi på mystisk vis transformeres til virkelighet. Jeg tror på den Raskolnikov jeg ser på skjermen. Jeg tror på tvilen, på sinnet, på frustrasjonen, utmattelsen og drømmene hans.
Hårfin grense. Den nærgående filmingen av Raskolnikov, måten vi innledningsvis møter ham til sengs – svett og naken, ruller seg, puster, stønner, i det som like gjerne kunne vært noens erotiske dagdrøm – presenterer oss for en terrorist som også er en posterboy. Han er billedskjønn og uhyre karismatisk – man ønsker å sympatisere med Raskolnikov. Men vil jeg egentlig støtte en mann som definerer andre mennesker som lus og ikke verdige et liv? Lar jeg meg forføre av det som egentlig er en simpel terrorist?
Det som likevel gjør Raskolnikov til en forestilling jeg følger intenst, er den kroppsliggjorte tvilen. Tvilen som driver Raskolnikov rundt i gangene på teaterhuset, eller: rundt i sitt eget hode, rundt i St. Petersburg. Det er en krevende øvelse å følge dette i de fem timene det står på, men skuespillernes energiske innsats i fremvisningen av Raskolnikovs stadige tvil rettferdiggjør lengden.
Teksten ble opprinnelig publisert i Morgenbladet 23.august 2019, og kan også leses på Morgenbladets nettsider.
Pressefoto: Dag Jenssen
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chancerv · 8 years ago
Things Dyne Is No Longer Allowed To Do On Infinity
INF-101 Directive SG217 was a United Nations Space Command Defense Force set of regulations issued by Spartan Commander Sarah Palmer, to be enacted specifically aboard the UNSC Infinity. Its purpose was to advise personnel on matters of interaction and protocol concerning one SPARTAN-G217. Its ruleset was subsequently dubbed the "Things Dyne Is No Longer Allowed To Do On Infinity."
The following is to be henceforth considered mandatory reading for all persons having any contact with Infinity Spartan Branch operatives or whose duties take them onto S-Deck. The following advisories must be reviewed regularly for frequent updates, at a rate of no less than one (1) time per month. Failure to abide by these regulations means any loss in materiel, lab equipment, or other supplies or belongings will be considered the reader's own fault, and will not receive no special priority for replacement or recompense unless critical.
As of April 1st, 2557, Specialist SPARTAN-G217 is hereby prohibited from the following:
INF-101 Directive SG217-A: Procedural
Treat “shoot first, ask questions later” as Standard Operating Procedure.
Submit any requisitions in the same folders as vacation requests.
Load live rounds in vehicles reserved for War Games use.
Store remote disarmers in close proximity to remote detonators.
Make taunts to Brutes Grunts the enemy over TEAMCOM except when strategically valuable.
Question if the S-Deck commander has been democratically elected Form political parties for the purpose of running for election as S-deck commander Form political parties of any kind. See SG217-C-8.
Make the excuse “Galactic Daylight Savings Time” for reprogramming Spartan HUD mission timers to permanently display “13:37” or any other deviation from actual mission time.
“Superhero” is not an officially recognized rank in Spartan Branch nor the UNSC at large, and may not be used as an excuse to disregard chain of command.
Infinity’s Spartan Detachment Commander is Palmer, not Shepard, or “FemShep,” and her methods for dealing with unconventional situations are not “Renegade Interrupts.”
Use the Infinity PA system to read his own morning announcements. In fact, forbidding SPARTAN-G217 from using the PA system at all sounds like a pretty good idea.
Accessing any Chatternet site which uploads enough malware to make Roland ██████████ █████ ██████████ ever again.
Submit after-action reports containing “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.”
Submit after-action reports containing any Latin, including idioms. Unless encountered Forerunner constructs really did speak to him in Latin.
Apply “artistic license” to decryption of any Forerunner artifacts or translation of enemy communications.
Take the “drop” in Pelican dropship literally.
Discuss the activities of ONI agents with their parents anyone below appropriate clearance level ANYONE.
Classify acquisitions of Infinity away teams as “Object Class Keter”.
Briefings have not been dumbed down, “fighting the Covenant at another Forerunner relic” is the mission parameter.
Infinity’s motto is “Audere Est Facere,” not,
“Per Audacia ad astra.”
“To boldly go.”
“Arms treaties can suck it!”
“Overcompensating for something.”
“Okay, but two Super MACs.”
“How many booster frames could this have bought?”
“Like, stupid OP.”
“Run it over, our shields can take it.”
“Throw more SPARTANs at it!”
“But can it do a Keyes Loop?”
“Yo dawg, I heard you like ships.”
20. Paint MJOLNIR chest plates of SPARTAN-IV personnel red.
21. Be allowed, under any circumstances, authority or privileges permitting SPARTAN-G217 to edit these regulations, especially to read "not prohibited from".
INF-101 Directive SG217-B: Conduct
Comment on tactical disagreements between Infinity’s Commanding Officer and Spartan Detachment Commander with “I hate when mom and dad fight.”
Comment on the casualty totals of the Human-Covenant War during conferences with Sangheili leaders.
Comment on the lack of military support the Sangheili are lending the UNSC in the same instances, especially under a minute apart from each other.
Comment on Chatternet sites. See SG217-C-8. At this point, comments in general should be subjected to a vetting process or kept to self.
Tell SPARTAN-IV personnel “Kids could do better.”
 Even if they could.
Mislead SPARTAN-IV personnel to believe SPARTAN-III augmentations include laser eyes.
Yell “abandon ship!” when Infinity’s Commanding Officer is announced going ashore.
Use “a childhood of military training, ruthless physical conditioning, and psychological indoctrination” to excuse fraternization with SPARTAN-G018.
Organize betting based on the outcomes of Spartan War Games simulation combat exercises.
Tamper with actively assigned MJOLNIR equipment to rig bets based on the outcomes of Spartan War Games simulation combat exercises.
Challenge the ship's AI to solve paradoxes.
Put orders from Infinity cafeteria ‘on his tab.’
Designate "team backup EOD technician".
Designate team positions by drawing straws.
Complain not enough operations are conducted against the Covenant “now that they're fun to fight again.”
Spartan Palmer's strategic decisions have nothing to do with the extreme-risk operations the SPARTAN-IIIs were trained for, stop asking.
Tell Spartan Ikari to "get in the fucking Mantis."
Challenge anyone to drinking contests until his twenty-first birthday on December 10th, 2560 (Military Calendar).
Insist rogue elements “did nothing wrong”.
Posit absurd conjecture such as “maybe the Flood were the Forerunners’ Forerunners” to Infinity xenoarchaeology or ONI REAP-X personnel.
Inform new personnel the only latrines are on the other end of the ship.
Inform new male personnel they might ��have a shot” with Spartan Commander Palmer.
Inform new female personnel they might “have a shot” with Spartan Commander Palmer.
Inform Swords of Sanghelios liaisons they might “have a shot” with Spartan Commander Palmer.
Interact with any personnel still undergoing Infinity orientation.
INF-101 Directive S1139-C: Research and Development
Deconstruct MJOLNIR torso plates to use their nuclear reactors for any reason.
Develop olfactory anti-Jiralhanae countermeasures outside of airtight lab environments. Again.
Research any further enhancements to THERMOPYLAE-grade prosthetic implants for the purpose of “giving Kodiak kick-ass robot arms”.
Ever bring up the idea of chainsaw bayonets again. And chainsaw swords are right out.
GEN2-compatible updates of pre-existing MJOLNIR variants are not to be created “because all the new ones look stupid.”
Attach active camouflage generators to anything, including but not limited to: Warthog ignition keys, alarm clocks, COM pads, Infinity Science Lead's glasses.
SPARTAN-G217 is expressly forbidden from experimenting with antigravity plating for the purpose of replicating Type-54 RAVs with UNSC equipment, constructing recoilless gravity rifles, or any other technology regardless of speculated utility. Gravity technology should only be used to keep your feet on the deck.
Developing intra-ship social networking platforms as social experiments, nor to provoke political discussion on any such platform. The resulting drops in performance efficiency are unacceptable.
While the M274-M is awesome, all work on the "Gun-snowboard" is to cease immediately.
Neither Infinity’s holographic imaging suites nor the War Games simulation chamber are “holodecks” and are not to be used to recreate sequences from any film, series, and especially not Chatternet videos deemed ‘viral’. How many cats were in the latter has no bearing on this decision.
Suggest alternate forms of ammunition for the MAC guns including Mantises, himself, or “a giant metal ball with spikes on it.”
Attempt construction of any ramp or vehicle launch mechanism aboard Infinity. Again. Yes, it was awesome. No, it doesn’t excuse the collateral damage.
Happy April Fools Day, from the Halo Fanon Wiki.
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eriksjos · 5 years ago
Igår hakade jag på ÄSSS onsdagspaddling. Vi var fem stycken som tog en runda på Skälderviken, ut till Magnarp och tillbaka. Inte så soligt och inte mycket vind. Lite gammal dyning gav lite småsurfar på vägen tillbaka. Lite fiskare på pirarna och väldigt få båtar ute. Go kväll i gött sällskap.
Inlägget Onsdagspaddling dök först upp på kajak.nu.
https://ift.tt/eA8V8J from kajak.nu https://ift.tt/2XU02yN via IFTTT
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