#usp 45
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Flood White House Post Office!
On March 15, 2025, mail a postcard to Trump "Felon 47" publicly expressing your opposition. Let’s overwhelm the man with his unpopularity and failure. If each of us writes even a single postcard and we put them all in the mail on the same day, we can flood them with our anger and opposition.
Hank Aaron currently holds the record for fan mail, having received 900,000 pieces in a year. Let’s set a new record and send over a million with not a single nice thing to say. Let’s make March 15th, 2025, a day that hereafter will be known as #TheIdesOfTrump.
Send your "not a fan" mail to:
President (for now) Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

#not a fan#the ides of trump#hate mail#theidesoftrump#march 15#the white house#felon 45#felon 47#fan mail#washington dc#us politics#u.s. politics#social justice#advocacy#advocate#activism#fuck maga#take action#protest#ides of trump#flood my inbox#flood the white house#white house#fuck the gop#fuck the president#pathetic loser#trump is a loser#donald trump is a criminal#send it#usps
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I got an anon ask that wondered if I had any plans to continue this prompt fill, which is an AU of my already-an-AU Among Us/HLVRAI crossover Some Stars Are Not Enough. This is the result. (You don’t have to read Some Stars to get this, but you should read the prompt fill linked above, since this picks up right where that leaves off.)
45% Chance
The ship groans around Benrey as he sprints through the corridors. This time, he’s literally going through them - with no humans left on the ship, he’s free to clip through the structure. It slows him down a touch, since he needs to make sure nothing is exposed to the vacuum of space before he steps into it, but he’s got all his senses flared out like a net, his form warping into a dish-like shape with limbs in order to catch all the information he can get before he reaches the lab and the spacewalking suits.
Something cracks on the other side of the bulkhead he was just about to cross into and he jukes to the right, pounding through several hissing pipes and another bulkhead. He stumbles out into the lab and steps sideways to get himself free of the bed he’d walked into. Casting a frantic glance around, he lunges for the spacesuits and wrenches them out of their cabinet, breaking the door lock so he can pull them free.
The lock floats by his face and he pauses to stare at it, then at the rest of the room. The lab is a mess of floating jars and colorful liquids that are coalescing into wobbly balls, drifting aimlessly through the air. The gravity is failing, and that means the second reactor is close to failing, too. Benrey moves faster.
There isn’t enough time to try to rig the suits together. Benrey jams himself into the biggest one, which will allow him to keep his own suit on with its auxiliary oxygen pack. However, that means he’s down to two arms and two legs - the spacewalking suits weren’t designed to change with him.
The screaming alarms rise in pitch and distort, then fall silent with a strangled chime. Benrey whips his head around and listens. There is a faint whine coming from the rear of the ship, which is now below him - he had to brace himself against the wall to get into the suit in the failing gravity. The reactor is going, and he’s running out of time.
He’s not really sure what his plan was beyond this. He’s in a suit that will give him four hours of oxygen on top of the two hours of oxygen his own everyday suit contains. (The people who sent them on this mission - the humans, not the Supervisors - figured if something in the ship broke and they lost oxygen for over two hours, it wasn’t going to be fixed. Why waste resources?) Benrey’s own, ahem, unique physiology means that he can use the same amount of oxygen for about twice as long as a human. It’s still probably not going to be enough.
The ship groans in protest of what’s happening to it. Benrey feels a bit bad - it’s not the ship’s fault it was chosen for a mission that was doomed to fail. They’re all just playing pieces in a bigger game that none of them know the rules to. It’s not fair - but what is?
Gordon’s shocked face flashes through Benrey’s mind, and he takes a sharp breath. He shouldn’t leave it like that. If there’s any way to get back to them -
Probably not quite a 45% chance, now. Maybe 20%, at least? Benrey’s not great at calculations, but he can probably swing 20%.
The ship screams and something wrenches. Suddenly, half of it falls quiet.
“Hull breach,” Benrey hisses. “Fuck.”
He shoves the huge spacewalking helmet between his legs, locking his ankles around it. Upside down in the far corner of the lab, he pulls his torso out of the spacewalking suit and shoves more arms out, catching the walls and ripping them free. Rivets ping loose and tumble through the air as Benrey curls the walls around himself. He doesn’t need a lot of room - just enough space to keep all the suits folded inside with their fresh caches of oxygen. The tricky part will be getting a solid enough seal to maintain the atmosphere with no gaskets and no external bulkheads.
Unless…Benrey glances up through the narrowing space above his head. If he can reach the right wall panel, then maybe he could get a secondary layer. He’ll have to move quickly, though. Already he can hear cracks forming in the nearby bulkheads.
The vacuum is closing in.
* * *
“Dad? Shouldn’t you put your helmet back on?”
Joshua’s voice is shaky, and Gordon snaps back to himself. He’d been floating away, his eyes on the porthole window of the escape pod that is rocketing away from the stricken spaceship.
“Yeah - yes, right.” He shoves the helmet back on and engages the locks with a hiss. Then his eyes flick to the control panel and he curses. 45% oxygen? That must be what Benrey saw, what made him back out. Just Gordon and Joshua will be okay, but adding another adult would have shortened their conscious time by a potentially lethal amount.
“Is Benrey gonna be okay?”
The pod is traveling on a surprisingly straight path, and Gordon can still see the ship. The pod must be rotating - or the ship is, because it’s tilting nose-down in the porthole view. He finds himself thinking about terrestrial ships sinking at sea.
“I’m sure he’ll be fine,” Gordon reassures his son, though his voice is strangled.
He feels like he’s going insane. Benrey kissed him. What the fuck?
“Oh. Okay.” Josh looks around, but the jumpseat harness keeps him from moving too much. “Where’re we going?”
Gordon glances back at the control screen. “The pods are all - uh, they’re programmed to rendezvous with each other to form a raft. Then they’ll send out a distress signal, and someone will pick us up.”
“Okay.” Josh kicks his feet. “Um. How long?”
“It depends, buddy. Might be in ten minutes or two hours, or tomorrow.” Or a week, but Gordon isn’t going to mention that. Hopefully someone had gotten off a long-range distress signal from the ship’s transmitter while he and Joshie were locked in the stargazing room. Otherwise they’ll be at the mercy of interplanetary shipping schedules. All the planet-to-planet people transfers are limited to once a month, and they certainly don’t have enough air to hold out that long.
“Okay,” Joshua says, sounding preoccupied.
Gordon knows that tone. He tilts his helmet against the shoulder harness to look over at his kid. “You have to go to the bathroom, don’t you?”
Joshua nods.
Gordon sighs and checks the control panel. “Can you hold it for ten more minutes? We’re supposed to dock with the rest of the raft then, and after that you can get up and use the cubicle.”
“Can I go now?”
“No. If we get knocked around by something you could get hurt.”
“Okay,” Joshie sighs, and Gordon stretches himself up to peer back at the ship, now inverted in the pod’s window.
It looks…weird. Some sort of vapor is coming off the snout, and it’s tilting away from the wispy trail.
Gordon breathes in sharply through his nose. That’s atmosphere. The ship is venting atmosphere, which means there’s a hull breach, which means -
“Shit,” he swears under his breath.
Joshua seems like he’s ready to protest, but Gordon holds a hand up. “I’m - watching the numbers, okay?”
Apparently that sounds boring enough to satisfy Joshua, and he ducks his chin and pats his legs in an off-kilter drumbeat.
Through the window, the ship cracks in half.
Gordon’s muscles are so tense his vision is starting to darken around the edges. His heartbeat is pounding in his ears, and he forces himself to breathe steadily as he watches the front half of the ship droop, then disconnect from the back half. A burst of debris is expelled from what must be the cargo hold - Gordon clinically picks out chairs, gas cans, crates, and tables.
He doesn’t see another pod. He’s not sure there were any left. Benrey was bunking with Tommy, and Tommy’s pod is blinking in the image of the raft on the control panel, so that means that, unless someone else hopped into that pod and left their own, Benrey’s trapped on the dying ship.
He must have a plan, Gordon’s sure of it. He must. There’s no way he would have sent Gordon and Joshua away without having a plan - right?
But he’d kissed Gordon. And it felt like a goodbye. It feels more and more like a goodbye with every passing second, as Gordon watches the field of debris expand into the vacuum of space.
“Dad, can I -”
Gordon can’t pay attention to what Joshua says, because at that moment, the ship explodes.
It should make noise, he finds himself thinking wildly. It should be making a sound, or there should be a shockwave that hits the pod and sends it spinning. But this is the void of space, and all there is is a bloom of terrible light that obscures the intact rear half of the ship. When it clears - fire can’t live without oxygen - the entire stern of the ship is so much blackened debris, scattered chunks of bulkhead tumbling away in all directions. Without air resistance, their momentum will keep them going practically forever. Maybe someday, one of them will end up crashing through the atmosphere of the planet the ship came from. Maybe someday, some tiny remnant of their vessel will find its way home.
The pod’s transmitter crackles with static. “...Freeman! Mr. Freeman? Can you hear me? Mr. Freeman, come in!”
Gordon reaches out and hits the transponder button with numb fingers. “I can hear you, Tommy,” he says, voice hollow. “Can you see -”
He can’t finish, but luckily Tommy doesn’t need him to. “We saw it. You’ll connect, um, you’ll be docking with us in just a second.”
Sure enough, a heavy clunk sounds through the bulkhead behind Gordon’s jumpseat, and the whole pod shudders. Some sense of motion that he hadn’t even noticed ceases. He twists his head around, but he can’t see past the helmet, and there’s no window back there, anyway. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. He doesn’t know what to think.
“Fucking finally,” Forzen’s voice snaps through the static. “What took you so long?”
“We were trapped,” Gordon rasps. “On the observation deck. The doors locked on us.”
Several voices clamor at that, but Gordon can’t pick any of them out.
“Dad!” Joshua whispers. “Can I go to the bathroom?”
“Yeah - yeah, go ahead.” Gordon unclips his own harness at the same time as Joshie does, but he kicks away from the jumpseat and plasters himself against the window.
In the distance, the ship continues to drift apart.
Tommy’s voice cuts through the chaos. “Mr. Freeman, is Benrey with you? He’s not showing up on the scans.”
Gordon swallows. “No,” he chokes out, then stops. What else can he say? They already know he’s not with any of the others.
“Oh,” Tommy replies, and then he, too, falls silent.
“So…maybe he’s the one who sabotaged the ship,” Forzen says after a moment, and Gordon’s vision whites out. Luckily, several other voices are jumping to Benrey’s defense, Dr. Coomer and Bubby flinging curses over the channel and Darnold’s voice trying to call for calm.
“It wasn’t him.” When Tommy speaks, the others go quiet. “One person couldn’t do that. Watch - look at it! It was broken from the start.”
The others go quiet, and Gordon’s throat is hot and thick with grief and fury as he looks at the desolation. Benrey was supposed to get out of that. How could he just kiss Gordon, push him away, and then - and then die?
How dare he?
“I got a signal out before the, um, the ship’s communications went down,” Tommy continues. “My - um, I mean, we should be getting picked up soon.”
“How soon is soon, my dear Tommy?” Dr. Coomer’s normally jovial voice is tight.
“Um, really soon.”
Light blooms across the pod window again, and Gordon flinches back, squinting into the glare. This isn’t the dirty yellow-orange glow of an explosion - this is the clean white light of a spaceship.
“Is that a courier?” Forzen’s tone is disbelieving. “Is that a fucking courier? Who the fuck heard you and has the clearance to re-route a fucking courier -”
His voice cuts out with a screech of static.
Please stand by, the courier says in a gentle voice. You will be relocated shortly.
“Dad?” Joshie has finally emerged from the tiny restroom cubicle, and pulls himself along the wall to reach Gordon. “Who’s that?”
“It’s a courier,” Gordon says blankly. “They’re - living ships, with a mind and everything. They’re the fastest commercial vessel in the quadrant.”
Joshua peers through the window at Gordon’s shoulder and gasps. “Is that our ship?”
“But where’s Benrey?” Joshie twists around to look up at Gordon in distress and ends up knocking himself loose from the wall. Gordon catches him as he floats by upside down. Zero-G is weird. “He was supposed to follow us - you’re supposed to get married!”
“What?” Gordon sputters, completely derailed.
“He kissed you, so he has to marry you!”
“He did WHAT?!” Several voices shout in unison from the control panel.
“Fuck,” Gordon swears vehemently. He’d thought the courier had cut them off, but apparently it had just overriden their speakers for a moment. “Uh - nothing! It’s not - it doesn’t…matter.”
He clenches his teeth and listens to the others yelling at him.
“Is Benrey okay?” Joshua whispers.
Gordon bites the inside of his cheek. “I don’t know,” he says quietly, even though he does know. No one could have survived that explosion. Hell, he’d probably been killed when the ship broke in half and started venting atmosphere.
He’s probably been killed.
The pod shudders, and Gordon’s boots hit the floor with a clank. He curses and stumbles, juggling a suddenly-heavy Joshua, and they both nearly fall before the gravity slips and they tumble weightlessly up into the air again.
My apologies, the courier says calmly. Please be seated for relocation.
“Shit - sorry! Let’s strap in, Joshie.” Gordon kicks off the wall and fumbles them both into their jumpseats, fastening Joshie’s harness, then his own. He looks over at the control screen to see that the raft of pods has detached and is rising in a steady line into the bright spot of the courier above them.
Are you fully secured? The courier sounds slightly tetchy.
“Yes - sorry, yes, we’re strapped in,” Gordon replies, and the weightless feeling disappears as the courier pulls them into line. On the control screen, Gordon can see the first two pods already vanishing into the courier’s cargo hold.
Thank you, the courier replies blandly. Gordon catches a glimpse of the vessel’s hull as the pod passes by, and it is just as sleek and white as the advertisements make it seem. Then the hold encases them and his view of space is cut off by the darkness of the ship’s interior.
The pod slows, then settles with a clank as some sort of mag-locks catch it with a hum. The view outside the window spins, then flips, and then Gordon can see two other pods facing him across the open hold.
Please remain seated and secured while retrieval continues, the courier says.
“Continues? Who’s missing?” Tommy asks. “Mr. Freeman?”
“We’re here,” Gordon replies. One by one, the rest of the crew responds.
There is one more signal to retrieve, the courier says.
Gordon freezes. “Who is it? Can you hear -”
One moment, please, while the signal is boosted. The courier sounds tired already.
Static buzzes, then resolves into the monotone beeping of a spacewalking suit’s emergency beacon.
“No fucking way,” Forzen growls, but even his bad attitude isn’t enough to keep Gordon’s heart from lifting in his chest.
The beeping stops. And now that Gordon thinks about it, it hadn’t sounded like an actual machine beeping so much as someone saying “beep beep” in the same tone as the emergency beacon.
He takes a breath, and hopes. “Benrey? Is that you? Can - can you hear me?”
Gordon laughs in disbelief. “I heard that! Where are you? What happened? Are you okay?”
Fifty-three meters and closing, the courier says. Then it says, What is THAT?
“Uh…I’m fine, I'm in a burrito. Beep.”
“You don’t have to keep saying ‘beep,’ you idiot, we can hear you,” Bubby bursts in.
“Oh hey, cool, everyone’s here.”
“What happened to you?” Bubby snaps. “The ship blew up!”
“Yeah,” Benrey hums. “That was…kinda sucks.”
Stand by for relocation, the courier says.
“Can’t really stand, bro,” Benrey replies over the comms. “There’s, uh…no gravity out here.”
Please be secured for relocation, the courier tries.
“Yeah, this, uh, burritos’s not very secure.”
“Why the fuck do you keep saying you’re in a burrito?” Gordon laughs. Just hearing Benrey’s voice is filling his chest with bubbles.
“It’s a metal burrito,” Benrey replies, as if that’s supposed to make any sense.
The courier apparently gives up. Just don’t move, it tells him.
“Sure,” Benrey says easily. “No controls on this thing.”
The object that rises into the hold a few moments later defies explanation. It’s a long cylinder of metal that’s rolled up and twisted around itself at least twice like some sort of giant soot-smeared pirouette cookie. One end is blown open like a cartoon cigar, and it’s from that end that a battered spacewalking helmet pops out.
“You look like a weasel in a cardboard tube,” Bubby says.
“Thanks,” Benrey mumbles over the comms, and attempts to pull himself free.
What are you doing? the courier says sharply. Remain seated - remain still - stop MOVING.
“Kinda busy,” Benrey says as his makeshift pod spins. The spacewalking suits have darkened helms, but Gordon can see his head turning as he peers at each pod. “Where’s Freeman?”
“Over here!” Joshie bounces up in front of Gordon to wave through the porthole, and Gordon yelps and swipes his kid out of the air.
Can none of you follow orders? the courier asks in apparent exasperation as it closes its hull doors.
“Not - not really,” Tommy replies. The courier sends a burst of static over the comms in a machine version of a sigh.
Pressurizing atmosphere, the courier says, then it says, Seal lock. Atmosphere present. Gravity is not available at this time. For your safety, please remain seated.
“Fuck that,” Benrey mutters, half-out of his handmade pod and spinning around upside down. He seems to be hung up on the bulky spacewalking oxygen tanks.
Yeah, Gordon agrees. Fuck that. He plonks Joshua down into his own seat and straps him in. “Stay here, okay? I’ll be back when it’s safe to grab you.”
Joshua tries to protest, but Gordon is already keying in the sequence to check the outside conditions and open the pod door. The pod seems to open almost sulkily, and Gordon tumbles out and kicks off the hull in a trajectory he hopes will send him colliding with Benrey.
He almost misses, but Benrey flings out an arm and Gordon snags the oversized spacewalking suit’s glove. They spin together and smack into each other, and Gordon kicks his feet down and engages the mag-locks on his heels, slamming his boot soles onto the floor of the hull.
Someone is applauding on the comms, but Gordon isn’t listening. He needs to see Benrey’s face. He frees one hand to wrestle at the clasps of the spacewalk suit’s neck, popping them loose with a series of clicks. Once it’s free, he bats it away and it tumbles lazily through the air, fetching up against one of the pod windows.
“Hey, I can’t see!” Forzen barks.
Benrey’s eyes are golden, with a red ring around the outside of the pupil, and they glow. Gordon always figured it was just a bodymod, but now he wonders. The explosion certainly couldn’t have rolled this sheet of metal up so neatly. And Benrey had talked about “humans” like he wasn’t one.
“Hey,” Benrey smiles lazily, sticking sideways out of his horizontal tube. He reaches out with the massive, clunky spacewalk glove and taps at Gordon’s helmet. “Off, please?”
Gordon pulls Benrey’s other hand down and fastens it to his waist so he can reach up with both hands and pull his helmet off. He feels his hair float up behind him, and Benrey’s grin widens, his glowing eyes crinkling at the corners. He wiggles and pulls his free hand out of the heavy exo-suit’s shoulders to flick his own visor up so he can lean forward, but Gordon is already pushing in to meet his lips.
This time, he closes his eyes and kisses back. This time, he savors the touch of Benrey’s chapped lips, feels the rush of air against his cheek as Benrey inhales sharply through his nose and presses harder into the kiss.
The comms are a cacophony of whistling and clapping, cut through with Forzen complaining that his view is still blocked and asking for someone to describe what’s happening. Gordon leans back and opens his eyes. Benrey looks concussed, slowly rotating in his “burrito” until he is nearly vertical, with his head facing down. Gordon snorts and pulls his helmet back on.
Please do not engage in dramatic emotional moments in my hold, the courier says. Save that for the private rooms.
Benrey blinks several times. “You, uh, have private rooms?”
Of course.
“Can I, uh, request - oh, hey, where are you going?”
Gordon had started to pull away, but Benrey tugs him back with the grip on his waist. Gordon is suddenly very angry again.
“I’m going to get my kid, Benrey, so he can see that you’re alive. The ship blew up, dude! We thought - I thought you’d died.” His voice cracks awkwardly. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Bubby squeeze out of his own pod, muttering something about claustrophobia. Dr. Coomer soon follows, and Darnold joins them with a sigh, tapping something into his wrist panel.
“Oh…well, I’m okay, see?” Benrey spreads his arms, then has to grab Gordon’s waist again to keep from rotating away.
Gordon reaches out and smacks his shoulder, hard enough to knock him loose. “You’re an asshole,” he snaps. “What the fuck was your plan?”
Benrey’s makeshift pod bounces off the ceiling and starts to descend again. “Oh…you know.” He pulls both arms out of the exo-suit and wiggles himself free, kicking off from the metal tube, which flies like a javelin straight at Dr. Coomer. Dr. Coomer catches it and flings it away, where it slams into Forzen’s pod just as the door opens, knocking him back inside with an inarticulate curse.
“No, I don’t know, dude,” Gordon growls. “Enlighten me.”
Very suddenly, Benrey is in front of Gordon, both hands on his helmet. Gordon’s own hands snap up to keep him from pulling it off - but he’s not doing that. He’s holding down the comm button, which means they’re on a private, proximity-based channel.
Benrey leans in close, golden eyes flashing intensely. The red ring around the outside seems to be growing. “The plan was to keep you alive,” he says quietly. “Mission fucking accomplished, huh?”
Then he presses a smacking kiss against the curve of Gordon’s helmet and flicks his visor back down, pushing away from Gordon and corkscrewing through the air with a shout of “TOMMY! Did you see that explosion? Fucking sick, right?”
Please be warned that this hold is equipped with liquid water hoses, if their use becomes necessary, the courier says pleasantly.
“Uh - sorry,” Gordon waves a hand. “Won’t happen again.”
Please refrain from lying, the courier says.
Gordon ducks his head and clomps across the hold, heading back to his pod so he can release his child, who will probably immediately attach himself to Benrey and ignore Gordon for the rest of the cycle. He can’t win.
But then again…
He pauses and glances up at Benrey and Sunkist spiraling around each other, the giant dog apparently perfectly accustomed to moving in zero-G. The other crew members stand or float below, commiserating and complaining, but miraculously alive.
Then again, maybe he’s already won.
#hlvrai#half-life vr but the ai is self aware#hlvrbtaiisa#kiss prompts continuation#my words#45% chance fic#some stars fic#i really enjoyed the courier#i wasn't expecting her to show up and now i want to keep her#she's my new favorite character#picture the attitude of a 70s air stewardess#but she's built like a learjet and armed with multiple types of weaponry#neither snow nor sleet nor space pirates nor hail#none of these will stop the mail#yes she's a continuation of the usps#we don't have many things going for us but by god do we have a mostly-functioning postal service#and if the usps special cops are after you that's when you KNOW you're in trouble
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Me: *refreshing the CVS Caremark app every 45 seconds to see if my prescription is being processed yet*
The CVS Caremark app: ℹ️ It may take up to 48 hours for your order to show up.
#dying dying dying#so impatient#I just want to be able to refresh a usps tracking number every 45 seconds
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What is so endearing about a picture of a knife, a gun, and a cup of coffee? I don't quite understand the joy anyone would get in that. The same goes for naked and half-naked women holding a gun.
If you read my bio, you would see that I clearly state I am a firearms enthusiast. After reading that, you could logically infer that I enjoy such images. So quite frankly, the matter is self explanatory. That said, I do not ask or require anyone else to enjoy such images. Feel free to unsubscribe or skip over such images in the future.
As they say, to each his own. The beauty in being part of humanity is understanding that we each have our own likes and preferences and that’s what makes us all unique.
#thanks for the ask!#I am also a coffee enthusiast but don’t say that in my bio#I also have a knife collection#I have an identical HK USP in 45 used in that photo
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Langdon Tactical has introduced their latest in custom firearms with the LTT HK USP. Langdon Tactical states ” Langdon Tactical Technology (LTT) known for their best-in-class custom gunsmithing, is proud to announce the addition of the HK USP to their custom firearm offerings.LTT has partnered with HK to bring another LTT’d HK platform to the market with LTT’s Trigger Job and low Red Dot Optic…
#HECKLER & KOCH TO SUPPLY US ARMY SQUAD DESIGNATED MARKSMAN RIFLE#hk usp 45#langdon tactical#langdon tactical ltt hk usp heckler and koch
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H&K USP 45 with sound suppressor.
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HK USP 45 Holster - Your ultimate carry solution
Unlocking the Potential: HK USP 45 Holster Selection
When it comes to the HK USP 45, its reputation precedes it. Renowned for its durability and precision, this firearm stands as a favorite among various sectors, from military to civilian circles. But to truly harness its power, finding the right HK USP 45 holster is paramount. Whether you're on duty or safeguarding your home, the right holster ensures seamless access and maximum comfort, enhancing your overall shooting experience.
Exploring Versatility: Options for Every Carry Style
Delve into our diverse array of HK USP 45 holsters, tailored to cater to a myriad of preferences. From the convenient OWB holsters offering quick draws, to the discreet IWB options perfect for concealed carry enthusiasts, we've got you covered. Even those with tactical lights attached to their USP 45 will find a snug fit with our specialized holsters. With options ranging from shoulder holsters to premium leather designs, there's a holster here for every discerning owner. To learn more about HK USP 45 holsters and to discover the best options available in the market, visit Craft Holsters' holsters for HK USP 45 section.
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Oh mein Gott! Diese Pistole schürt meinen Patriotismus!
IQ + USP gaming :3c

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So I have/had two packages coming to me in the exact same period. A candle that shipped about 10 days ago via USPS, and shoes that shipped 2 days ago via Fedex. And it's hilariously just been like
USPS, taking a drag off a cigarette: right so we'll get that candle to your city, then over the course of 5 days we're gonna send it to a city 45 mins away, back to you, then to a city 2 hours away, back to you, then BACK to the 2 hour city, back to you, then we're gonna take a benzo nap for a 3 more days, maybe send your candle back to the city 2 hours away if we feel like it.
Me: ...oh. ok.
Fedex, snorting 6 lines of coke: so your shoes are in VIETNAM, gonna have those to ya in 2 days.
Me: but I - I didn't order expedited shipping or anything, how are you gonna get them to me in 2-
Me: ...why the FUCK are you naked ????
Fedex, already streaking out of my house: SADDLE UP BITCHES WE'RE GOING TO NEW ZEALANDDDDDDD
#like i'm not even mad just confused#usps is goin THROUGH IT#meanwhile fedex might need rehab#ANYWAY I GOT SHOES#tw: drug mention
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trying something different this time ! i'll be keeping the application form open until 4:00 PM EST tomorrow (9/24), and then i'll pick 5 comms that i feel i can put my best work into !
$45 USD
Taking 5 Slots
NOT fcfs !! I will pick which comms that I am most motivated to work on !
Apply by filling out form linked below
Form will be closed Tomorrow (9/24) at 4:00 PM EST
Application Form: https://forms.gle/46nQjm2k3QGn5dWH6
TOS: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1By4l2-5ElN8ZdY8ui1YwmQBzvFk0AJlWyepelA-E2lM/edit?usp=sharing
shares appreciated 💚🩷
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COD OC: Trudy "Jay" Saidler
Name: Trudy Saidler
Nikename: Jay
Date of birth: June 01, 1992
Age: 24 (at the time of the events in 2016)
Place of birth: Liberec, Czech Republic🇨🇿
Citizenship: Czech🇨🇿
Nationality: English 🇬🇧
Rank: Sergeant
Specialty: Infantryman
Unit: TF - 141
Mother: Adele Saidler (Hofmann) 🇬🇧
Father: Philip Saidler 🇬🇧
Love Interest: Gary "Roach" Sanderson🇬🇧💕
Trudy on the day she arrived at Credenhill
Hair: brown with light strands
Eyes: grey
Pigmentation on the body: freckles
Tattoo: on the left arm
Scars: scratches on the right and left arm, a bullet wound in the left shoulder, suture marks on the right side at the rib level, bullet wounds in the abdomen, cartilage injury of the right ear
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Body type: normal
Armored vest: warrior "plates" assault systems
M4A1 assault rifle with a grenade launcher
M14 EBR sniper rifle with silencer for long-range elimination and, if necessary, to cover the group
Pistols: M9 and USP.45
Cold steel: Alpha S D2 knife Tactical Knife and Custom Steel Machete D2 Machete Etsy Knife
Trudy is a young girl with sociability and good nature. Her attitude towards people depends on how they treat her: if they show a positive attitude towards her, she is a little stubborn. Even so, Trudy is not so trusting, so she does not immediately open up to the interlocutor. Trudy sometimes experiences moments that can cause irritation. And in such cases, she can flare up, allowing her emotions to come out. However, she tries to control her emotions so as not to show them to other people. But Trudy's weakest side is her worries. Everything that she experiences inside herself, she tries to hide from others.
🔥Pyrophobia🔥is a phobia consisting in a constant, irrational, obsessive, panic fear of fire, fires; an obsessive fear of burning alive, getting burned, or losing property as a result of a fire. (in one of the missions, she almost burned herself in the room in which she was locked, losing consciousness)
Trudy's parents live in the Czech Republic for most of their lives, they have successfully established their lives in another country, and we can say they have lived in it for most of their lives, and did not want to return to England. Adele Saidler (Hofmann) has opened her own atelier in Liberec, where they now live. The woman is engaged in custom tailoring, previously she was specialized in sewing military uniforms. Philip Saidler is a former infantryman, retired for health reasons, retired, but he helps his wife in the atelier, delivering sewing materials. He also earns a living on the outskirts of the city, but there is no information about his place of work. Before Trudy, they had a son, Evan Saidler [date of birth unknown, died as a teenager, cause of death unknown]. The couple suffered a hard loss, and were very worried about their daughter, who knows about her late brother.
Trudy's childhood, like that of ordinary children, was no different from them. She also had her own hobbies, which her parents reacted positively to, and supported their daughter in every possible way, most importantly. The girl was actively engaged in dancing from the age of 12, from which she developed flexibility, there were even performances on behalf of the school. She also loved to help her mother in the atelier, more often looked after the counter, and thus engaged in needlework, she could also sew some clothes with jewelry. In addition to dancing, Trudy also had hobbies, which she does not mention.
During her student years, Trudy met a girl who was 1 year younger than her, Linda Kovac (Czech). She was always an inconspicuous gray mouse, but Trudy became friends with her on the first day they met, and spent more and more time together. Thanks to her, Linda began to gain self-confidence and even changed her style in order not to fall into the gray mass and stand out somehow. Saidler never sought to attract attention, preferring to wear comfortable and not too bright clothes, and studied like all ordinary students. She needed Czech to learn, so even at preschool age she learned this language, English is considered the main one.
There have been mistakes in Trudy's life, one of them has undermined people's trust. As a student, a guy was in love with her, and he sought her attention in every possible way. The student's infatuation, yes, did not last long. This guy dated her for a joke, enjoyed her trust. After receiving her education, Trudy left Liberec and went to England. After living there for some time, she went to Credenhill, where the selection for group 141 was held. During the trip, Trudy heard other recruits talking about this group, and who is in it, quite big names sounded from the mouths of the guys, which made her interested. Arriving at their base, Trudy did not expect to see the members of the 141 group live. At the time, Captain McTavish was in charge of the selection, and he took up her training in order to make Saidler an experienced fighter. As a rookie, she was sent for additional training to improve her skills and adapt to work in group 141. During her stay at the base, Trudy met Roach, a young sergeant whom she saw on the day of her arrival. At first, things didn't go very well due to distrust, so we gradually communicated. Jay showed a special interest in Roach as a person and wanted to get to know him better, and thus she awakened trust in him. Roach also showed interest in the girl and communicated with her even from a distance. Trudy was very afraid of attachment to people, and hid her sympathy until the last moment, Roach had the same feelings for her. They gradually showed warm feelings for each other.
Jay began his service under the command of Captain McTavish, took his first part in the Hunting mission, where the goal was to catch Alejandro Rojas, worked in a group with Roach. In the future, she participated in assaults at certain points, provided cover, engaged in inconspicuous liquidation
The history of the creation of the OC
In 2011, I played with COD Modern warfare 2 for the first time. This game has left vivid moments in my memory, from joyful to sad, my favorite mission is "Rock Climber". At that moment, the first character appeared in my head. Since I couldn't draw at the age of 9, I was building a plot in my head. There is an important point, this is the date when I started playing and when I came up with Trudy. This is June 1, 2011, and this date is also Trudy's date of birth.
In her first version, there was no first or last name, I just called her "Emersan", this call sign is taken from another game that I also actively played. As for her appearance, Trudy looked different, not like she does now. In 2018, I visually sketched her portrait, hoping for my memory. Based on this, I decided to change her appearance, and also attached my old works. As time went on, I always wanted to add something, it seemed to me that Trudy was too simple. Although yes, she really was like that. Then, during the redrawing, I already gave her a name. Her name was Trudy "Emersan" Sombra. She later became Jay, the new surname is Saidler. Trudy's redesigns didn't last long, so I changed it again by drawing new references. You can see that she has hardly changed since 2019, there are small changes on her face – freckles and hair color have become darker. Next comes the tattoo. It was a difficult choice, I came up with the first tattoo myself, then I made another, more complex one. The final version was drawn in 2023, and received a reference

Trudy in 2011 to 2022
#call of duty oc#modern warfare 2#cod mw2#cod mw2 2009#mw2 2009#mw 2009#oc#oc art#my oc#original character#cod oc#trudy jay saidler#trudy saidler#oc x canon#roach x oc#roach x jay#biography oc
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i stg i was so scared these wouldn't show up, last week stupid USPS listed my order as 'delivered' when it very obviously WASN'T so that resulted in me having to call the post offices around town and then finally the main offices to put in a support ticket to investigate what was going on BUT like 45 minutes later it showed up so I can assume they found it somewhere it wasn't supposed to be and got it to the correct location this time.
ANYWAYS! This is a really cool self-published tarot deck that I saw advertised around months ago when it was still in production, usually I'm a little sus when it comes to item advertisements online but when I checked out the seller, this seemed to be a pretty reputable Etsy creator who was simply creating a tarot deck themed around Majora's Mask!
Majora's Mask is still, to this day, one of my favorite games of all time, and this deck beautifully merges my love for the game with my love for tarot reading.
Like with the vast majority of tarot cards, the art is the focal point, both in design and thematic messaging. Some card decks fail to express their card meanings, others fail to look appealing or unique.
This deck passed both tests with all the flying colors of its presentation.
It's very simple in execution, with the art contained within black borders that designate its suite/title and number, but that leaves all the room for the art to be appreciated. The artist has done a wonderful job capturing the original style of the game, as well as the themes of the cards themselves. Every single card design is unique, and you can really tell the creator deeply understands both the art of tarot reading and the intrinsic themes of Majora's Mask.

I'd love to do a more thorough video breakdown of the cards in this deck in the future, but for now, take this brief 10/10 rating from me, this was absolutely worth the money and wait! And it turns out I was real lucky too, because it sold out FAST on the seller's Etsy, but I'm hoping that means it was successful enough that it'll be stocked again in the future for anyone who wants to get one for themselves! It's not only a beautiful display of craftsmanship and passion for Majora's Mask, but a very fun deck to read and use ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
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I don't usually advertise but here's my new commission prices/sheet for those of you that may be interested!!!
TERMS OF SERVICE https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M6Cso2cAVBrOTPMSsQzKwEbs9m9XhBbi97ueKf9uGPo/edit?usp=sharing
Prices are laid out in average prices + ranges, when you ask for a commission I will give you a quote myself since I offer quite a few different options~ :)
My current commission prices are... ✦-** Headshots, Icons, and Bust's**: 25$ *[15-55$]* ✩- *Half-body + thigh up's:* 45$ [25-65$] ★- Full-body: 15-150$
Detail level prices... [these add onto the prices above^] ⟡- LQ- Sketches, Doodles: 5-50$ <--[Doodles are exempt from the prices above] ✦- Flat color - slightly shaded: +10-45$ ✩- MQ - Lightly rendered: +15-65$ ★- HQ - Rendered: +35-150$ [Price HIGHLY depends on what your specific commission is]
Visual Quality guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FizctGHNEJLPkueq3ZyfIMJdXIucl2t3EYD3Lk2dmVU/edit?usp=sharing
Extra's... ⟡- Blank/Transparent BG: +0$ ✩- Default BG [aesthetic]: +15$ ★- Drawn Background: 50-150$+ ✦- Extra character's: +10-100$ [Roughly x(# of Ex. Chars) the base price] ⟡- Alt version/'s: +10-40$ [Ex: Clothing alt, expression alt, hair alt, etc.]
All prices are subject to possible change depending on pose, OC complexity, etc.
Payment method and turnaround info Payment methods I accept ╰┈➤ CASHAPP <---- preferred! ┈➤ PAYPAL
Turnaround time is roughly around 1-7 hours upon starting a comm with frequent updates! Full renders or pieces with backgrounds may take 1-4 days! [In rare cases commissions may take longer]
Payment specifics: ╰┈➤I will not start any commissions until I receive 50% of payment up front [If you pay 50% up front then you will pay the other 50% after I have cleaned the rough sketch OR upon another milestone the customer and I can determine] In some cases I may ask for 100% up front if needed/Customer is comfortable.
If you feel like you need to see more examples then here's my Twitter + DA ╰┈➤https://x.com/VoidedAurora ╰┈➤https://www.deviantart.com/voidedaurora For commissions related to custom's you can look at my ToyHouse! [Everything on there was made by me !] ╰┈➤https://toyhou.se/Voided_Aurora
Additional examples can/will be provided in DMS!
Feel free to shoot me a DM if you're interested, have questions, want to be quoted, or anything else of the sort :)
I am the most active on Discord so if you can, please contact me there! User: VoidedAurora
BLACKLIST: Bara/buff-males , Elderly, Extreme f*tish centered art.
#art#digital art#voidedaurora#furry commission#art commisions#commisions open#digital commisions#commission#furry commissions open
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The Cleanup Crew - Chapter 6
[Previous Chapter]
Still got one more in the chamber, at least for now. As seems to be a trend with me, I feel like this may be my worst-written chapter yet but I still think it's a fun one. Hopefully you'll agree with at least the second part lol.
Female sneezes - Pollen
cw: Guns, Violence
Operation "Royale"
Take the briefcase. Call a Zümer. Sounds easy enough. Bucket was looking forward to spending a good chunk of the day being driven around instead of having to actually do anything. That is, at least until she remembers the whole ‘going outside’ part. The poor maid can barely take a single step toward the car before…
“ah… ahh… ahhh… ah-CHOO!!”
Bucket doubles over, her free hand cupped loosely in front of her nose.
“That was dramatic,” mumbles Mop.
“You’re supposed to say ‘bless you’ when someone sneezes,” Bucket groans, rubbing two fingers back and forth under her nostrils. “Besides, it’s not my fault I have allergies.”
Mop opens the Zümer’s rear door and climbs inside with a huffed “eh, you would.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Bucket whines. Mop shrugs from her seat behind the driver.
“You just seem like the type.”
Unaware that allergies had a type, Bucket glumly hauls herself into the car and shuts the door. She sets the briefcase down on the middle seat, buckles in, and…
The driver doesn’t bless her either.
By the time Bucket finishes smushing her tickly nose around with her fingers, the car is already moving. Her eyes flit over to Mop, then to the driver. While Bucket is immensely relieved that he’s not trying to make small talk, she can’t help but wonder why he seems as nervous as she feels.
The briefcase is… Some kind of delivery for headquarters. Normally they would just take the van from the cafe and bring it themselves, but it seems their little shootout with the Church of the Fourth Light wasn’t the only one in town over the past couple weeks, and now both groups are on high alert. Taking an unaffiliated vehicle would hopefully let them slip through undetected.
Bucket nearly screams when she feels her phone vibrate in her pocket. Oh yeah, one of the biggest perks of the tactical housekeeping uniform: pockets. Lots of them. She retrieves the device and flips it over in her hand, eyes widening as she reads the illuminated screen.
A notification from just now: “Your Zümer has arrived!”
Bucket frantically unlocks her phone and stares at the app. The little car icon sits unmoving in front of the cafe. The cafe that they’d already departed from. After a nervous swallow she moves to give Mop a poke on the arm, but the morose maid’s hand flies up and snatches her finger before she can make contact. Still, Mop turns to look at her colleague’s phone all the same. She releases Bucket’s hand and immediately springs into action.
“Pull over, I have to pee,” Mop demands flatly. The driver’s head whips around to her for a second before turning back to the road.
“What? But we-” he stammers, the first words he’s said all ride.
“If you don’t pull over right now, I’m gonna pee in your car.”
Both Bucket and the driver gawk, but sure enough he hits the brakes and turns into a mostly empty strip mall parking lot. Mop steps out the instant the car comes to a halt, and Bucket has no opportunity whatsoever to ask Mop what she’s doing before she opens the driver’s door and hurls him to the pavement.
“Next time, wear your seatbelt,” she growls, drawing her suppressed USP .45 and pointing it squarely at the young man’s forehead.
“Wait, hang on! Don’t shoot me!” he pleads, holding up both hands and turning his face away. Mop remains motionless.
“Did Fourth Light put you up to this?”
“I-I don’t know! I’m behind on bills, a-and he gave me enough money to-”
“Big gray trench coat?”
“What? I-”
Mop’s trigger finger twitches.
“Yes! Yes, I think so, yeah.”
“You already get paid?”
The driver nods breathlessly, finally managing to look up at Mop. The maid flicks her pistol’s safety on and holsters her weapon. She nudges the car’s left rear door shut with her foot and then slips into the driver’s seat.
“Five stars,” says Mop, grabbing the driver’s phone off the dashboard and tossing it at him. “Now get lost, dipshit.”
Bucket is thrust back against the cushion as the car burns rubber out of the parking lot. She blinks slowly and finally manages to pick her jaw up off the floor.
“So do you still have to pee, or…”
“Text Kerchief, tell her the gestapo’s on to us.”
“Oh, right, uh, sure. Just… Wow you’re cool.”
Bucket sets about typing a message, but the glare of the sun through the window makes reading her phone’s screen a total pain in the ass. She wiggles around, trying to find a dark spot, but she just can’t manage it. Another vehicle begins to pull up next to them and Bucket hopes it might finally block the sun, but to her dismay the gigantic truck’s stainless steel body reflects the light right at her face. Bucket shields her eyes and tries to get a look at this ridiculous reflective behemoth, and through the glare she’s just able to make out the truck’s windows rolling down.
“Mop, look out!” screams Bucket, and Mop slams on the brakes just as a barrage of gunfire tears into the side of the car. The maids then speed onto the highway, momentarily evading their pursuers.
“Still with me, Bucket?” Mop shouts over the wind whipping in through the shattered windows. Bucket pats herself down and nods weakly.
“Yeah. I… heh… ah-ahh-CHOOO!! I’b fide.”
“Good. Lock and load.”
For better or worse there’s hardly any traffic at this time of day. Up ahead, the big shiny truck climbs the very next onramp. It begins to slow and line itself up with the beset car again, but this time Bucket leans out of her window, pistol in hand. What can a mere handgun hope to do against a huge chunk of metal? It’ll be just like the movies: shoot the gas tank! Bracing herself against the inside of the car, Bucket does her best to stay on target as she opens fire. A few bullets manage to punch through the truck’s steel panels, but to the maid’s dismay there’s no satisfying explosion. And even worse…
Some combination of the sun, wind, and pollen are too much for poor Bucket’s nose. She sniffs hard, her big nostrils sucking in for a second, but the tickle inside continues to grow. Too distracted to even think to pull herself back into the car, she continues to hang out of the window as she absently waves her gun in front of her face. Eventually she scrunches up her face and presses the top of the pistol’s slide against the underside of her nose in a last ditch effort to hold in her sneeze, but even this only manages to delay the inevitable.
Bucket might have been disgusted at herself for sneezing all over her gun if she hadn’t dropped it. She dropped it! Turning her head down the highway, she’s just barely able to see the pistol bounce and pirouette off of the asphalt before it disappears into the distance. After another nostril-constricting sniff, Bucket gives the forsaken Glock a pitiful salute. She sheepishly sits back down, twiddling her fingers in her lap.
“Hey Mop, can I, uh… Borrow another gun?”
At a loss for words, Mop looks back at her passenger. Bucket guiltily rubs a finger back and forth under her big, clumsy nose.
“No fucking way.”
Bucket scrunches her face and shoulders, folding in on herself in indignation.
“I told you it’s not my fault!”
Mop swerves to avoid another hail of bullets, nearly giving Bucket whiplash. The car remains intact, but it jolts and shudders as the rear right tire bursts. Bucket yelps and holds on for dear life, one hand flying to the briefcase to keep it from being sucked out the window. Sparks spray as the bare rim grinds along the pavement, and Mop struggles to tame the steering wheel.
“I have another gun under my uniform!” Mop shouts through gritted teeth. “Drop this one and you’re dead!”
Bucket pops her seatbelt off and crawls over the center console as quickly as she can. She reaches into Mop’s ruffles, expecting to find her pistol, but instead her hand comes out with a fully loaded MP5K submachine gun. Bucket stares at the weapon in awe.
“How did you fit this in-”
Mop places her palm over Bucket’s face and shoves her back into her seat. Bucket allows herself an ailing “ah-CHOOO!!” to get it out of the way before peeking out the window at the fast approaching truck once more. She sprays down the rear half of the vehicle, but again it refuses to explode.
“Where’s the gas tank!?” Bucket sobs as she pries the empty magazine out of her gun. “Why won’t it blow up?” She inserts a fresh mag and slaps the charging handle back into place, and just as she’s about to resume firing, she finally notices a few small flames beginning to peek out from underneath the truck. Adrenaline surging, Bucket aims at the lower middle of the vehicle and squeezes the trigger.
“Wooo! Yeah baby! That’s what I’ve been waitin’ for!” the maid cheers as the hulking truck erupts. Not quite the kaboom she wanted, but there’s still plenty of fire. Bucket dumps the rest of her ammo into the truck for good measure, and it jerks to an immediate stop in the middle of the highway, doing who knows what to the goons inside. Bucket slumps back into her seat with a much needed sigh, closing her eyes and sinking through the cushion. Meanwhile Mop eases off the gas, allowing the car to limp along at a more controllable speed.
“You know what? That was actually kinda… Kinda fuuhh… ah… ahh-ahhh-CHHOOO!!!”
Bucket bends forward with a big sneeze, half covering her nose with one hand. Without missing a beat she wipes her snot-slicked palm on the seat in front of her and then smudges her nostrils against the back of her hand.
“Uh. Got any tissues?”
Mop doesn’t bother to look.
“Think there’s some in the briefcase?”
“Don’t fucking open it.”
“But I… I need a… ah… ahh… ahhh… ah-CHOOOOO!!!”
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🟦 Latest Updates from Israel
✡️ Tonight is SUKKOT.. Sukkot celebrates the gathering of the harvest and commemorates the miraculous protection G‑d provided for the children of Israel when they left Egypt. We celebrate Sukkot by dwelling in a foliage-covered booth (known as a sukkah) and by taking the “Four Kinds” (arba minim), four special species of vegetation. https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/4784/jewish/What-Is-Sukkot.htm
⚠️HOME FRONT COMMAND NOTICE.. Staying in the Sukkah during the holiday? The sukkah is not a protected space (from rockets)! If a warning is received, you should leave the sukkah and enter a protected space or a shelter in a nearby building.
.. It is important to leave the access to the protected space LIT and clear of obstacles, so that it can reached it in a calm and safe manner.
♦️INTERROGATION of captured Hezbollah Rawan invasion force terrorist, English subtitles: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yrj0bjqw_PqTpZm1EOnCRvcULcR9hqAx/view?usp=sharing
“Everyone fled, the commander of the area and his deputy, from the beginning, they already fled. Lack of faith, people without religion, came to receive money and that’s it, they were afraid [of Israel]... they wanted to respond to an attack, advance into the Galilee, but after the assassination of Hassan (Nasrallah, Hezbollah leader), no one has seen any of them.”
♦️BEIRUT.. The IDF confirms: after six days, an attack was carried out in Dahiya, Hezbollah’s Beirut neighborhood, on an underground weapons warehouse. The IDF is calling on the residents to evacuate the Da'ahia.
♦️ASSASSIN! Iranian assassin caught.. thwarting of Iran's attempts to recruit Israelis continues: the Shin Bet and Yahbal Lahav 433 arrested a resident of Petah Tikva, who agreed to carry out an assassination in Israel for $100,000 and had already acquired a gun and ammunition.
♦️IDF ATTACKS.. A wave of attacks by the IDF in Beirut this morning.
♦️IDF CAPTURES.. its 5th Hezbollah Radwan invasion force terrorist. From a soldier in the field: most of the Hezbollah terrorists fled and did not fight against our soldiers - and some also surrendered.
.. And Israeli flag spotted flying over Meiss El Jabal, south Lebanon.
♦️COUNTER-TERROR.. (Enemy report) Significant IDF forces moved from Kiryat Arba into Hebron overnight.
.. IDF security forces foiled two terrorist attacks, entering Jenin to kill a terrorist who was planning to carry out an attack in the immediate time frame, and the IDF captured a terrorist armed with weapons near the border fence seam-line area.
⭕HEZBOLLAH ROCKET HIT civilian home in SAFED overnight, 2 lightly injured - damage to the house.
🔹THE INTL POLITICS.. Iran informed the UN Secretary General last night of its intention to respond firmly if Israel attacks it.
🔹SYRIAN REBELS ON THE MOVE.. Intense gun fire reported on Aleppo front line between Syrian Army forces and Syrian Rebels.
🔸GAZA HOSTAGE DEAL NEWS.. The American administration: Hamas leader Sinwar shows zero interest in continuing the talks, so there is no negotiation taking place. The Qatari’s however blame Israel: The Prime Minister of Qatar, on the deal for the release of the kidnapped- "An agreement cannot be reached when one of the parties is not interested in it," he added, “especially in recent times, the side that failed was the Israeli.”
▪️HEALTH.. In the last decade and a half, decrease in the incidence of prostate cancer in Israel with survival rate increase. Based on age and per 100,000 people, the incidence rate of invasive prostate cancer is 45. From 2006-2021, a decrease of 7.5%.
The main incidence of prostate cancer is at the age of 50 and over, with the majority age 70-74.
#Israel#October 7#HamasMassacre#Israel/HamasWar#IDF#Gaza#Palestinians#Realtime Israel#Hezbollah#Lebanon
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