#using whiteboard was such a humbling experience
artinandwritin · 6 months
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Whiteboard doodles featuring @nosuda-cringe 's Maggie!!!!!
I had a lot of fun with these <333
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agentbilliard · 11 months
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saint senyoyi, better known as agent biliard has been with cerberus corp as an eo since 2023 and is LEVEL III. BEING CRUSHED BY A VENDING MACHINE has gifted them telekinesis, though PHYSICAL INFLUENCE WEAKENING WITH DISTANCE, DISTRACTIONS, AND LARGER WEIGHTS has also been noted. when they aren’t protecting the tri-state area, they are fond of playing rounds of fischer random by his lonesome and are never seen without A LEATHERBOUND JOURNAL. civilians think they are meticulous & benevolent, but some of the other agents see them as NEUROTIC & COWARDLY. cerberus corp should consider the fact that their last mission status was successful, although unsuccessfully cleaning up local garbage might have been more impressive when giving out the next one.
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name  saint senyoyi
nicknames  agent billiard, vender bender, any saint under the canonized sun courtesy of agent jester
age  thirty-four
date of birth  march 9, 1989
zodiac  answer
place of birth  harefield, hillingdon, london
current residence  brooklyn, new york city, new york
gender  cis man
pronouns  he/him
orientation  bisexual, biromantic
occupations  level iii agent at cerberus corp, mathematics teacher and head custodian at brooklyn academy of ostentatiously pubescent pricks
faceclaim  daniel kaluuya
height  5’8
tattoos  none (he does, however, have the divine patience and dearth of dignity required to doodle and calculate all over his forearms daily)
piercings  none (he does, however, have a fake nose ring from his stint in a school-sponsored production of annie wherein mr warbucks and his servants made liberal yet incorrect use of african-american vernacular english to teach middle schoolers about the cold war)
distinguishing features  there are few features of saint’s corporeal form that function as evidence of him being a good person, but at a minimum he has good grooming. his collars are pressed to perfection, his trousers are steamed to sublimity, his hair both facial and scalp-al is combed and clipped as much as possible. nonetheless, a good portion of his shirts are stained with presumably non-toxic paint or crumbs of a graphite muffin. the backs of his blazers are often adorned with sticky notes with adorable titles such as ‘YOUNGEST SENIOR CITIZEN’ and ‘NOBODY LIKES MATH’ and ‘MY FAVE FUNCTION IS =3’ from his students. what can he say? he’s sentimental to a fault. and far too broke to go to the laundromat every week.
positive traits  altruistic, diligent, humble, observant, organized, polite, pragmatic
negative traits  craven, cynical, deceitful, insecure, perfectionistic, pessimistic, unyielding
labels / tropes  absent-minded professor, bad liar, beware the quiet ones, stern teacher, the fettered
likes  alphabetical lists, dish washing, libraries, origami (he cannot do it whatsoever), pranks (if they’re done right), summer, students at brooklyn academy of ostentatiously pubescent pricks (at least they’re funny pricks)
dislikes  art museums, astronomy girlies (if he learns that he has pisces energy one more time he will lose it), drinking (hypocritical), level iii agents, living conditions in nyc (no relation to previous item), rollercoasters, the subway
fears  blood, cockroaches, crowds, death, disappointing his family, his family period, smooth peanut butter, snakes, spiders, vending machines
hobbies  assigning homework, billiards (surprising who?), playing chess, solving crosswords, scrabble, sudoku — only the coolest activities for him, obviously
habits  bites pencils when deep in thought, cracks back against chairs, gestures to whiteboards that simply don’t exist, writes with said pencils on imaginary paper
near death experience…  
“you two! i swear on my non-denominational god that i am not forcing you to believe in, if i see you trying to axe deodorant the animals into making a little baby leopard in front of you, i’m calling your mums and telling them to pick you up this instant.”
the two snicker in response. saint isn’t sure how to respond if not with a wave of his hand, a pinch of his brow, a tour-guide-induced plug of his ear for when half his salary goes to dealing with the legal repercussions of incident number graham. this is his first field trip sitting in as a supervisor, and between the bloody boring itinerary his class has been breaking for the past few million hours and the boorish colleague he’s been paired up with he reckons that it will be his last. good riddance, he will say. good riddance, the class will say. really, the people of new york pay high enough taxes for their final destination to be more than a borough away. yet, here he stands in the densest stench he’s known since ap calculus was moved to seventh period.
this is not what he signed up for. you know what he said, when teachers asked what superpower he wanted to have? his voice would crack and his face would be lightning-split open into a barely-toothed grin and he would say he wanted to be a teacher because wow! they did so much for so little! and the teacher’s voice would crack and their face would be thundering with the truth and they would move on with their days because saint senyoyi had parents who hated him and peers who tolerated him and the guidance counsellor could deal with all that when she got back from happy hour.
he knows what he wants. something cold to drink. stupid brooklyn uniforms have gotten dark enough to hide period stains but continue displaying the effects axe deodorant has on his physiology with pure crystal. he excuses himself temporarily, tells the tour guide he’s off to the bathroom and that all the kids have do not resuscitates somewhere between their baggy pockets and knockoff gucci fanny packs, and gets to a vending machine. it’s bad, he knows, to continue to support capitalism and pollution after all the public service announcements from the lions of lying-about-admissions-policies colleges but it’s all he can afford and all that he wants and you know what superpower he did not wish for? guilt tripping. it’s a part of the faculty welcome package, but he’s never liked gifts.
no diet options. not like he cares. he hasn’t had much time to go to the gym lately. he just needs energy. a temporary fix.
the vending machine, he finds on a note far too small to be in compliance with the the occupational safety and health administration’s latest spicy issue, is temporarily unserviceable. not like he cares. he’s already annihilated the rules by leaving his class to their own devices, shiny and beepy and blackmail-filled as they are. this is just the narcotizing nightcap on the mushroom cloud. he slips a coin through the slot and waits.
and waits.
and waits.
and waits.
bloody hell. tommy j’s probably got his arse stuck between an alligator and a hard place by now, assuming sophie m’s greasy ipad hasn’t liquidated underneath the september sun. and assuming they haven’t broken up again, which is a flimsy variable by itself considering the seating arrangement’s got tommy j next to jason m and in front of jayson w and the three of them were exchanging notes yesterday like their lives depended on it. saint knocks on the glass. his parents never bothered to knock, but his sister had in the tune of an old ugandan choir song about welcoming and stars, so he does the same. welcome, cold coca-cola into his hands. welcome, please.
next he’s seeing stars. this is getting ridiculous. the machine is burping, whirring, choking, doing what saint should be doing as he details how the penguin populace has plummeted because of plastic straws and whatnot. he groans. only one thing left to do. he shakes.
and shakes.
and shakes.
and shakes.
next he’s seeing stars and blood and bone and you’re going to be a star saint because sophie m is taking a video of the entire ordeal as russell p drops his forged permission slip between sobs call 911 what’s the british version of 911 he’s english jayson same thing crapface pay attention in geology that’s geography jayson CALL 911 SCREAM CRY IS IT LUNCH IS HE DEAD SCREAM CRY I’M GETTING A REFUND CALL 911. there is glass everywhere. the ringing in his head is louder than the cries, the screams. pain is piercing yet heavy, paperwork that acts like a cactus to his poor eyes. that’s what he’s going to die as? the idiot who got crushed under a vending machine? no. he just needs to move. get out of the geysers and into a hospital that won’t charge him several billion dollars to get in.
he just needs to move.
he is not going to die before getting his one dollar bonus from the state exams.
SAINTS DO NOT DIE where did you come from father ABSOLUTE DISSOLUTION an inch towards the snake enclosure could save me SAVE YOURSELF swimming around nana’s lake house i wonder if i would taste good right now i wonder if a hot emt will try and save me SAVE YOURSELF you taught me how to swim by throwing me in the lake SAVE YOURSELF
he comes back with a massive headache, three exams to grade, and the power to move things with his mind. and a viral remix of his death, but he still hasn’t watched that in full. he’s told the chorus is incredibly vulgar.
“i wasn’t cheating!”
saint is making a scene for the first time since the tender age of five years old for bragging rights and a lukewarm beer. he hasn’t been accused of cheating since his preliminary foray into the cutthroat world of primary school mathletes, and that situation had the excuse of being started by a bespectacled potato sack no older than five years old herself. he’s kicked out for a myriad of reasons, none of which he believes are based on truth: he had fixed the game, he had fixed the bets, he had fixed his life and therefore had no business being with his friends. honestly? he thinks they just can’t look at him the same after seeing his broken body in a bed of glass, and he can’t blame them for that. he blames them for what happens, next, though.
he retreats to his apartment in shame, exile. daedalus has lost his son, he has lost his place on the top ten trivia masters. then he learns that he can fix everything in his apartment with nothing more than a mathematical buttload of attention and his mind. which, yeah, sounds boring when he puts it like that, but it’s telekinesis. objects already within arm’s reach require little to no effort to move towards him, while materials any farther than that require great concentration and a clear view to be moved. saint and telekinesis have a relationship comparable to a coparenting strategy on the verge of collapse, and none of it is particularly empowering. if he desires to take control of a stack of papers he has to focus on those papers, get an unobstructed path to those papers, stare at those papers for a solid few seconds wherein a hostile could stab him in the back. if he decides that he does not want to touch those papers, they have about a 50-50 chance of coming at him in an effortless tornado anyhow. it makes thinking inconvenient, which makes his life inconvenient. still, they’re something. he can lift roughly as much as he can with his arms, which is around the hundred-fifty pound mark with oscar-worthy thanks to a premium gym membership he passive-aggressively received from his mother some years back, although he has limits. many of them, in fact.
drawbacks / vulnerabilities…  
“shitterdoodle cookies.”
saint is on the same ground level of pathetic as his choice in curse words, for someone who has access to the school twitter account and all the bots that spam it for engagement. the heavier the object, the harder it is to move in manners that do not sound like nails on a chalkboard. the more he uses his ability, the more he is exhausted, liable to ramble about sensitive industry secrets or his feelings. neither will stop, neither will leave the conversational partner with any semblance of sanity. he has to be careful with how long he spends looking at anything, too, lest he drag some family heirloom other than his own through new york mud. also, everything he moves seems to really like his face. his pockets are nothing but bandaid collections by now.
cerberus corp…  
“and i am auditioning for the part of…”
that’s not quite right, is it? he clears his throat. a decade of teaching under his overly tight belt and there persists a lump in his throat whenever it must open. saint’s feelings on cerberus corp are complicated in the way that proving 1 + 1 = 2 is complicated. it’s a fact of life to most, easy to accept for some, but it’s also something that gets the smart alecks of the yearbook salivating and thus something he does not want to be involved in. well, strike that out and rewrite it in the past tense, his teachers would demand, for he now desires a status in american society that does not amount to school/fast food slander scene packs or graves with no return policy. his audition video was enough to get him invited for an in-person appointment, but he suspects that the possibility of him using lights and strings to get the effect of telekinesis pulled along a hundred-pound weight in comparison to his ounce of charisma.
he gets accepted, anyways, by some miracle. maybe it’s merely a seasonal investment in the marketability of a man who can soon hurl snowballs at unprecedented heights and velocities if he manages to concentrate. concentration is harder these days, however, and that descriptor of his career prospects comes with a near-overdose of pressure. he’s been with cerberus for roughly a month now, though the days blur with the hustle and bustle of extraordinarily tedious tasks assigned by the big bosses. saint is a worker bee to his core, though, and understands ranks, roles, and professional hierarchies better than breathing, so he questions nothing. as long as management of his powers is a possibility, the probability of him becoming a manger who has to do zero practical saving is above zero.
saint isn’t the best partner to have around, per se. his abilities are useful, but his personality isn’t much of an asset unless the mission involves stationary store espionage, and his desperation for a guide to everything is everlasting. nonetheless, he is nothing if not nice and accommodating to those he respects (ie everyone except agent jester. dishes can only go unwashed for so many days before his conscience is wiped clean of sanitary scruples) and aims for perfection. which isn’t the best philosophy to have around, per se, but at least he’ll do all the paperwork for you with zero prompting.
“vender bender? i would rather die again than be called that for the rest of my life.”
it’s a joke, but saint’s never been proficient with making those. his comedy is a dependent variable, a misshapen animal lump coagulating to the back of circumstances that prove truth is stranger than fiction. proof: here, now, as his branding is being discussed in a manner far too formal for the setting they find themselves in. he has no idea how he got here, honestly. how he got with cerberus, how his card didn’t turn red at the door of the bar. he supposes it’s something like the pythagorean theorem, if the hypotenuse was meant to be the shortest side. he’s not the shortest level iii agent, thank the non-denominational god that he is not forcing anyone to believe in, but there is a nagging feeling that he does not belong, that however many lives he saves he will always be the guy stuck under the vending machine traumatising upwards of infinity children.
he’ll stick with something short and sweet, thank you very much. occam’s razor has never cut murphy’s law while shaving at three in the morning. it is time to show the party how real english billiards is played. he’s set up his own cushions at the left and right ends, shown off his custom snooker spectacles, let everyone know what a genius he is. this is his element, the art of arithmetic gambling. one shot and he’s set for the night, getting his drinks paid by everyone in a fifteen foot radius.
he takes the shot and gets his nose broken by the ball going straight to the hard, wooden edge and bouncing straight to his hard, idiotic face.
agent billiard. that’s a joke for the ages. it’s short, sweet, and a math pun. saint hates puns. cerberus loves the name. saint then decides he loves it, too, changing his social media handles accordingly.
(this is me begging for someone to have their agent suggest billiard after seeing saint smack himself in the face with a cue stick pls and thank you)
003.  EXTRA
tl;dr of backstory while i make it all nice and fancy: the middling middle child of a blackjack dealer for one of the most corrupt casinos in london and a professional sports gambler, saint has always wanted to help people. he’s just never liked people. he’s always liked math, though, and upon moving to the us of a for the sake of his older sister’s career in medicine, he made sure that, if he was to be ignored by his beloved parents, he would be ignored and rich. flash forward to getting his first job at his alma mater which has improved in much the same way that milk improves by growing curds and the lowest college admissions rate in the city, getting crushed by a vending machine, getting kicked out of his favourite bar for cheating at billiards with superpowers, and getting his cool agent nickname his cool agent roomie and his uncool first few missions; if you need a reluctant ass-kicker/incredible ass-kisser/high school math tutor, this is your guy. his mission suit is 100% an actual suit. it doesn’t look cool whatsoever tho it’s the same getup he got into for seventh grade winter formal <3 also he's a faithful reddit user. thats his biggest character flaw i think but he's addicted to r/billiards and does not intend on quitting ever
wanted connections page here!!
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kempftheresalynn · 3 months
Mashallah and Tabarakallah: Meanings and Online Quran Academy Benefits
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In the digital age, where information is readily accessible, understanding and appreciating cultural and religious phrases such as "Mashallah" and "Tabarakallah" have become more significant. Moreover, the advent of online Quran academies has made it easier for people worldwide to learn and deepen their knowledge of the Quran. This article delves into the meanings of "mashallah tabarakallah meaning" and "Tabarakallah" and explores the benefits of using an online Quran academy website.
What Does "Mashallah" Mean?
Etymology and Usage
"Mashallah" is an Arabic phrase that translates to "What God has willed." It is commonly used to express appreciation, joy, praise, or thankfulness for an event or person. The phrase is often used when admiring something beautiful or good, as a way to acknowledge that everything happens by the will of God.
Contextual Applications
In everyday conversation, you might hear "Mashallah" used in various contexts:
Admiration: When someone sees something beautiful or impressive, they say "Mashallah" to acknowledge that it is a blessing from God. For example, if someone compliments a child or a scenic view, they might say, "Mashallah, what a beautiful sight!"
Protection from Envy: "Mashallah" is also used to ward off the evil eye, which is believed to cause harm through envy. By saying "Mashallah," one recognizes that all blessings come from God, thus protecting against jealousy.
Religious Significance
From a religious standpoint, "Mashallah" serves as a reminder of God's will and power. It reinforces the belief that everything happens according to God's plan and encourages gratitude and humility.
Exploring the Meaning of "Tabarakallah"
Etymology and Usage
"Tabarakallah" is another Arabic phrase, meaning "Blessed is Allah" or "Blessed be Allah." It is used to praise God's greatness and acknowledge His blessings.
Contextual Applications
Expressing Gratitude: "Tabarakallah" is often used when someone wants to express deep gratitude for God's blessings. For example, after receiving good news or experiencing something positive, one might say, "Tabarakallah, we are truly blessed."
Awe and Reverence: This phrase is also used to show awe and reverence towards God's creations and His overall greatness. It's a way of acknowledging that everything good comes from God.
Religious Significance
"Tabarakallah" emphasizes the importance of recognizing God's endless blessings. It is a phrase that encourages believers to remain thankful and humble, constantly aware of God's omnipresence and omnipotence.
Benefits of Using an Online Quran Academy Website
Accessibility and Convenience
The rise of online Quran academies has revolutionized the way people learn about the Quran. One of the most significant advantages is accessibility. No matter where you are in the world, you can access high-quality Quranic education from the comfort of your home.
Flexible Scheduling
Online Quran academy website often offer flexible scheduling options. This flexibility allows students to choose class times that fit their busy schedules, making it easier for people with various commitments to participate in regular Quranic study.
Personalized Learning Experience
Many online Quran academies provide personalized learning experiences. Tutors can tailor lessons to match the student's pace and level of understanding. This individualized approach ensures that each student gets the most out of their learning experience.
Qualified Tutors
Online Quran academies typically employ qualified and experienced tutors who are well-versed in Quranic studies. These tutors often have formal education in Islamic studies and are skilled in teaching students of all ages and backgrounds.
Interactive Learning Tools
Modern online Quran academy websites use interactive learning tools to enhance the educational experience. These tools may include digital whiteboards, audio and video resources, and interactive quizzes, making learning more engaging and effective.
Community and Support
Many online Quran academies foster a sense of community among their students. Through discussion forums, group classes, and social media platforms, students can connect with others who share their interest in Quranic studies, offering support and motivation.
Online Quran academies can be more cost-effective than traditional in-person classes. Without the need for physical infrastructure and transportation, these academies can offer competitive pricing, making Quranic education more accessible to a broader audience.
How to Choose the Right Online Quran Academy Website
Accreditation and Recognition
When selecting an online Quran academy, it's essential to consider its accreditation and recognition. Reputable academies are often affiliated with well-known Islamic institutions and have received positive reviews from their students.
Curriculum and Course Offerings
Examine the curriculum and course offerings of the online Quran academy. Ensure that they provide a comprehensive range of courses that cater to different levels, from beginners to advanced learners. The curriculum should cover Quranic recitation, memorization, Tajweed, and Tafsir.
Tutor Qualifications
Research the qualifications and experience of the tutors. A good online Quran academy should have tutors with extensive knowledge of the Quran and Islamic studies, as well as experience in teaching students of various ages and backgrounds.
Technology and Resources
Evaluate the technology and resources used by the online Quran academy. A good academy should offer a user-friendly platform with interactive tools that facilitate effective learning. Look for features such as live classes, recorded sessions, and supplementary materials.
Student Reviews and Testimonials
Read student reviews and testimonials to get a sense of the academy's reputation and the experiences of other learners. Positive feedback from current and former students can provide valuable insights into the quality of education and support provided by the academy.
Trial Classes and Demos
Many online Quran academies offer trial classes or demos. Take advantage of these opportunities to experience the teaching style, technology, and overall learning environment before committing to a long-term course.
Understanding the meanings and significance of phrases like "Mashallah" and "Tabarakallah" enhances our appreciation of Islamic culture and religious practices. These phrases remind us of God's will, blessings, and the importance of gratitude and humility.
At the same time, the rise of online Quran academies has made Quranic education more accessible, flexible, and effective than ever before. By choosing the right online Quran academy website, learners can benefit from qualified tutors, interactive learning tools, and a supportive community, all from the comfort of their homes.
Whether you are looking to deepen your understanding of the Quran or teach your children about Islamic teachings, an online Quran academy can provide the resources and support you need to achieve your goals. Embrace the opportunities offered by these modern platforms and enrich your spiritual journey with knowledge and faith.
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utsavkumar9875 · 3 months
Nurturing Minds: The Evolution of Education in Pecos, Texas.
Introduction: Nestled amidst the vast expanse of the Texan landscape lies Pecos, a town steeped in rich history and a proud legacy of education. Over the decades, the educational landscape of Pecos has undergone significant evolution, reflecting the town's resilience, adaptability, and commitment to nurturing the minds of its youth. Click Here
Early Foundations: The story of education in Pecos dates back to its earliest days, when pioneering settlers recognized the importance of knowledge in shaping the future of their community. One-room schoolhouses, often built with little more than determination and local resources, served as the cornerstone of early education in the region. These humble institutions not only imparted academic lessons but also instilled values of hard work, community spirit, and perseverance.
Expansion and Progress: As Pecos grew, so too did its educational infrastructure. The establishment of larger schools equipped with modern amenities marked a new chapter in the town's educational journey. Dedicated educators, passionate about their craft, emerged as beacons of inspiration for generations of students. Through periods of prosperity and adversity, they remained steadfast in their mission to provide quality education to all who walked through their doors.
Integration and Diversity: The mid-20th century brought about significant changes to the educational landscape of Pecos, mirroring the broader social transformations taking place across the nation. The process of integration, though challenging at times, ultimately enriched the fabric of the community, fostering greater understanding, empathy, and inclusivity. Schools became melting pots of cultures, where students from diverse backgrounds came together to learn, grow, and forge lifelong bonds.
Adaptation in the Digital Age: As the dawn of the digital age swept across the country, Pecos embraced technology as a catalyst for educational innovation. From interactive whiteboards to online learning platforms, classrooms underwent a radical transformation, bridging the gap between traditional teaching methods and cutting-edge technologies. The advent of distance learning, particularly in the wake of global events, further underscored the town's commitment to ensuring continued access to quality education, regardless of geographic barriers.
Community Engagement and Empowerment: At the heart of Pecos' educational ethos lies a deep sense of community engagement and empowerment. Parent-teacher associations, local businesses, and civic organizations have long played an integral role in supporting schools and enriching the educational experience of students. Whether through mentorship programs, extracurricular activities, or scholarship initiatives, the entire community is invested in nurturing the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and innovators.
Looking Ahead: As Pecos continues to write its educational story, the future brims with promise and possibility. With a steadfast commitment to excellence, inclusivity, and continuous improvement, the town is poised to meet the evolving needs of its students in the 21st century and beyond. By embracing innovation, fostering collaboration, and honoring its rich heritage, Pecos remains a shining example of how education can serve as a beacon of hope, opportunity, and progress for generations to come.
Conclusion: In the annals of Texas history, the story of education in Pecos stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of a community united in its dedication to shaping a brighter tomorrow. From humble beginnings to soaring achievements, the evolution of education in Pecos serves as a source of inspiration and pride for all who call this vibrant town home. As the journey continues, may the lessons of the past guide us, the challenges of the present strengthen us, and the dreams of the future inspire us to reach ever greater heights.
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israk1 · 8 months
Revolutionizing Engagement: Smart Boards and Interactive Kiosks in the Digital Age
In today's fast-paced world, technology continues to revolutionize how we work, learn, and interact with the world around us. Two remarkable innovations that have taken center stage in recent years are brilliant boards and Interactive Displays. These cutting-edge tools have found applications across various domains, from education to retail, making life more innovative and interactive. This post will examine the functions and implications of smart board and interactive kiosks.
The Evolution of Smart Boards: 
Brilliant boards, also known as interactive whiteboards, have transformed traditional classrooms and boardrooms into dynamic, engaging spaces. These interactive display systems have come a long way from their humble beginnings. Initially introduced as digital replacements for traditional chalkboards, brilliant boards have evolved into sophisticated learning and presentation tools. Brilliant boards empower educators and presenters to deliver content interactively. They offer touch-sensitive screens that respond to finger and stylus inputs, enabling users to write, draw, and manipulate digital content. This interactivity fosters active learning, making lessons more engaging for students. Moreover, Brilliant boards allow seamless integration with multimedia resources, enhancing the learning experience.
The Future of Customer Engagement:
Interactive Kiosks are changing the game in the retail and customer service sectors. The purpose of these self-service kiosks is to give clients easy access to products, services, and information promptly. Interactive Kiosks are versatile and can be found in various settings, including shopping malls, airports, and restaurants. Interactive Kiosk enable customers to browse product catalogs, place orders, check in for flights, and even make payments independently. They streamline processes, reduce wait times, and enhance customer experience. Additionally, businesses can gather valuable customer preferences and behavior data through these kiosks, allowing for more targeted marketing and improved service delivery.
Applications Across Domains:
Brilliant boards and Interactive Displays have found applications in diverse domains. Brilliant boards have revolutionized teaching methods in the education sector, making learning more interactive and enjoyable for students. Teachers can create immersive lessons, annotate content in real time, and encourage student participation. This technology transcends geographical boundaries, enabling remote learning and collaboration. On the other hand, Interactive Displays have become indispensable in the retail industry. They provide a cost-effective way for businesses to extend their reach, offer self-service options, and gather valuable customer data. Interactive Displays facilitate patient check-ins and information dissemination in healthcare, reducing administrative burdens on medical staff.
Brilliant boards and Interactive Displays are at the forefront of technological Innovation, transforming various aspects of our lives. These tools empower educators, businesses, and service providers to deliver interactive and efficient solutions. To fully use Interactive Displays and Brilliant boards, companies and organizations can contact Israk.my, a top supplier of state-of-the-art technological solutions; whether it's enhancing learning experiences or improving customer engagement, they offer innovative solutions that redefine how we interact with the world. Embrace the future of technology with them and unlock new possibilities for your organization.
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Genshin: University AU [V1]
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I love modern au. Or any “everything is fine, no one died, it’s just a fever dream” au. Half of me is thinking, damn maybe I should answer this serious- LOL HAHA no. That’s not happening. Time to crack my knuckles and let my brainworms take over again.
Once again, this is 90% crack 10% content. I want to switch up my characters from the last brainworm post but I included Kaeya and Diluc.
Today’s appreciation post goes to twistedwishes. Hey! I’ve been seeing you pop up a lot lately and thanks for the support 💕💕 I hope things are going better for you and you’re doing alright^^ I feel kinda bad for making appreciation posts on crack fics but hopefully this is somewhat funny haha. 
Genshin: Holding Hands [V1]
Genshin: When you’re cold [V1]
Genshin: Roommate [V1]
Genshin: Royalty AU [V1]
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
  @mikeysbike @hanniejji@unionwitch @musekala @twistedsunnshiii @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @childelover @dilucsz @dai-tsukki-desu @thicmitten @youaskedfurret @diaxfeliz @wintergreen-aix @dandelily @thegayrubberducky @lovelykittycatmeow @yuunoagivesmelife  @dokidokisama @simpygrimoire @minakohasmanyhusbandos @strwbrry-lia @tigerpriestess @yuu-yuukurotsuki​
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Absolute pretty boy who has braincells, but only if Kaeya is not there. In his mind, Kaeya’s presence makes his room loose 40% of their common sense. He can’t prove it just yet but he’s working on it. He majors in accounting but also has a minor in marketing, logistics’ management, fia- he majors everything business related. He’s going to become the next Elon Musk through smarts or by getting the competition drunk. There can be no contest if he’s the only candidate. He’s actually a hard working guy that overworks and stresses way too much. You have daily “Diluc recharge” evenings where he just hangs onto you while you go through your day.
“Don’t fucking talk to me until I’ve had my coffee,” except there is no coffee - he drinks grape juice out of juice boxes and his only energy boost is when he meets up with you - and that’s his constant mood. So he usually only hangs around you and Jean, since she has childhood friend status and is actually an angel. By default, Lisa is added and Diluc doesn’t mind her but if he see’s Kaeya, it’s full on war paint mode. If he's not busy with work or studies, he's usually with you either in your dorm or his apartment.
He has a fanclub and he seriously hates it and tries to do everything in his power to get Ningguang to take it down. Shouldn’t this be against his rights? But she refuses for whatever reason and makes a whole speech about free will. No matter what he does, someone manages to take a picture and it get’s printed in the university’s newspaper. The only bonding time he has with Kaeya is every Monday, where they collect and burn all the universities newspapers before anyone can get their hands on it. You always bring marshmallows to make smores during their arson activities.
“When I graduate I’m going to burn this school down to the ground. That’s not a threat it’s a promise.”
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Is secretly the leader of the Diluc fanclub - not that she likes Diluc, she’s in a questionable platonic poly marriage with you and Beidou - but it was the easiest way to gain funds for the student council. Which she is the president of, so rip Diluc the fanclub stays. Ruthless business woman I tell you. But she can run in heels so her danger factor rises by at least 20%.
Majors in social sciences and law but more specifically the political science & government. She saw the Imperial State Crown that the Queen of England wears and says yes, that’s mine now. If she’s not with Beidou and you planning on “how to infiltrate the state government just for lols”, then she’s with Keqing, Ganyu, and Zhongli discussing student council things. Should they or should they not tell the student body that they can see everyone’s search results? Sit back and relax as the school goes into chaos. 
She’s probably the scariest person on campus No, she is the scariest person on campus. She’s the scariest person on campus. But secretly she’s popping 20 aspirins just to make it through a night. She has the digestive system of steel. She still holds the title of "seriously do not try and beat her in a drinking game it's never going to happen" and that's her proudest achievement in life but sadly she can’t put it on her resume. Kaeya is still trying to beat her out of spite but so far it hasn't been working. You’re seriously concerned for her when she get’s challenged but Beidou gives you a way-to-hard slap on the back and cheers her on. If Ninngguang somehow get’s alcohol poisonings she’ll somehow find away to make a profit out of it.
"I'll let him die, I'll get the insurance money."
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One day he chugged too much mouth wash, passed out, and somehow woke up in university majoring in law. His idea is that if he is apart of the law, he can therefore stand above it. To be fair, his only goal in life is to say “I am the manager” and he can go live the rest of his life in bliss or as a hermit. He’s secret best friends with you but wouldn't be caught dead beside you. He will stab a bitch if you ever get hurt but will still trip you on the way home. Seriously, you have no idea why people find him attractive. Your guess is it’s the eye patch or the clap of his ass cheeks that keeps alerting everyone.  
He’s apart of the newspaper club and if anyone asks: No, he has no idea who keeps taking all the newspapers and burns them in the back of the campus. Originally, he joined because he was nosy and needed to join some type of club for his resume. He sometimes feels bad for his junior assistant Amber because he keeps tricking her and says that Diluc is secretly a demon that is trying to steal all the jobs and is apart of the lizard government hell bent on eradicating the human race. He even brought out a whiteboard for this joke, he’s dedicated to his job ok? 
The type of guy to try and be humble and say his work is “okay” but will choke a bitch if anyone agrees. He tends to leave everything last minute and says that it’s his drug since actual drugs could land you one year in prison and a maximum penalty of $2,000. You have to awkwardly hold in your concerned mother head shake when you see him speed running his assignment literally right when the professor is walking around to check if students finished. 
“I was taught how to lead not to read.”
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Broke wallet #2. Zhongli is broke wallet #1 but Childe simps for him so is he really a broke wallet at this point? In this essay, I Mona Megistus, will explain why I have the rights to the title “Broke Wallet #1″...
Believes that astrology should be an actual career path but refuses to take astronomy as her major. I can read the stars not a textbook that tells me how to calculate the mass of the sun divided by the fucks I give. Instead she went into Philosophy and cries to Albedo, who is an actual prodigy genius- sir lend some braincells to everyone else please?, that her professor keep turning her paper down because “star reading” is not an academic source.
Fischl wants her to join the occult club because, surprisingly, Mona is very good at telling people’s fates through her crayon sketch ouija board. She thinks first year Fischl is cute but is put off by the cosplay roleplay that she has going on. She would join except that stupid hat wearing gremlin in her lit class would make fun of her if he found out.
You gave her half your lunch one day and bought her a doughnut "because she seemed upset" and "out of the goodness of your heart" whatever the hell that means. She thinks you pensioned it but once that thought comes she takes a bite. Poison from a doughnut is not the worst way to go out, classes are hard enough. She’s waiting for the lord to strike her down anyways. 
“Its not about passing, its about doing better than everyone else.”
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Slept through most of highschool and people question how he got into university. He’s a music major (wow how fucking original is that), and if anyone asks him to serenade someone or just do anything, he’ll do it for the right price. Or if you buy him alcohol because he still keeps getting ID checked. He’s banking on Kaeya actually becoming a lawyer or being on good terms with Diluc so he can finally stop being arrested for looking like a toddler.
Takes one step into classes and quickly nopes out and goes back to bed. Professors have no idea how he hasn't dropped out or failed. He just has some god given talent. He does whine at you to pretty pretty please with a cherry on top tutor him because you're such an angel and would never leave your poor but awesome best friend hanging right? He needs to get this essay down but how he is suppose to explain how the number 10 is symbolic and connects to the universe or the meaning of life. Do you think he can just say it’s apart of his culture and make up some random myth to pretend it looks like he knows what he’s doing? 
He’s honestly going with the flow and put his brain on the back burner all of highschool and only now realizes wait, I actually have to use my brain?
He’s been banned from most club chats since Venti has the no chill card. Someone says “lol I look ugly today.” and he’ll respond "yup, you look like a cow." and he get’s banned. Zhongli keeps a speed run timer on his phone just to document these occasions.
"Sad spelled backwards is das and das how it be sometimes."
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An actual dumbass that somehow does well. He eats sandwiches with the crust off, this heathen. Surprisingly he’s studying to become a physical therapist but most of his experience has come from breaking his own bones. You’re scared how he's going to be if he actually becomes a therapist. If he'll make bets with his patients or try to one up whatever crazy injury they get into. Everything is a challenge to him that sometimes the best way to deal with Childe is to knock him out. 
This man really knows the way to a Zhongli’s woman's heart. Through micro transactions. Mona saw him accidently drop $20 and just shrugged and walked off. She has never been both spiritually and physically offended in her life. She did take the $20 though. As much as you hate leeching on Chile when he’s basically a walking wallet that probably uses bills as tissue paper, you can’t help but give him puppy eyes while planning on how to get into his will. If he even plans on having one, he might honestly write “whoever wins in a gladiator style duel in my funeral’s tournament, they will get my fortune.”. 
Any sport the university offers Childe is probably in it. Which is how he met Zhongli, challenged him to a fight, proceeded to have his ass handed to him, got a backhanded compliment, and screamed to you he was in love and how he found his soulmate. He's secretly very sappy and has cried and watched every Disney and Pixar movie at least 28 times.
God if it isn’t Scaramouche, it’s Childe that ruins the aesthetic. This is why I hate you. Why do you people enable me like this, it isn’t even good. This is pretty much a @ yourself moment and I vibe hard with Venti. This entire post was just to make a joke about the clap of Kaeya’s ass cheeks alerting the guards.
This week might slow down since I have classes and assignments. My reply’s are gonna be late too, sorry;; (oh and thank you to everyone that was so supportive and nice when I mentioned it. All of you. Beautiful 💕💕 )
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goflydigital123 · 3 years
Whiteboard Animation Services 2021
Whiteboards Animation Services video clips work excellent for informing your customers and workers alike. The essential to informing excellent tales with white boards computer animation is timing your hand activities exactly to Engage+Educate = Edutain. We likewise occasionally blend with each other this design with various other computer animation designs to enhance the interaction and the tale effect!
We comply with a really very easy 4 actions structured procedure to always keep you entailed as well as inform fantastic tales. White boards explainer video clip rates majorly relies on intricacy of the white boards computer animation and web content. Various other variables which may impact the prices are the shipment timelines, period, and also comments time. Let's discover some instance research researches for ideas and also know exactly how our prices functions. 
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The white boards computer animation manufacturing treatment starts with producing a subject. As soon as the subject is selected, scriptwriting starts. After the web content is developed, it's time to develop harsh drafts of computer animations. These aid to established the creative birthing and also timing for the activity. The remainder of the procedure is as complies with:
Make up the material
Document the voiceover
Make beginning computer animations
Arrange the computer animations
Make Overviews
Document the video clip
Compare audio and video clip
Consist of songs
Export and also share
The actions detailed over are not embeded in rock, they ought to be utilized as a standard to produce a white boards computer animation manufacturing.
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Our team believe that art can not—and must not—be produced. So we guarantee that every video clip is hand-drawn and you very own the full legal civil liberties.
We Goflydigital is a Digital Marketing Company that additionally gives the solutions of The White boards Computer animation Services. Call us now for more information.
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sorashiro001 · 4 years
Because R still using my Idea Dump account, Imma dump this idea here.
I wanna make my own Freemanverse, but in casual setting. Coffeeshop AU is overrated and Streamer AU isn’t my style, so... *cracks knuckles*
Freemanverse: Casual-Comp Gaming AU, featuring Black Mesa Esports Org’s BO5:
- Gordon John “VetExpert” Freeman (Half-Life); 27 y/o pro player, excels in FPS Multiplayer games, genius at making strats, selective mute and rarely got angry (because when he is, everyone in the same room as his will feel his wrath).
- Gordon Wayne “WayneTV” Freeman (HLVRAI); 28 y/o streamer and an upcoming addition to the org’s esports team, a single dad with his 8 y/o son Joshua that steals everyone’s heart at the org.
- Gordon Ross “Hawkeye01” Freeman (Freeman’s Mind); 25 y/o ranked player that got freshly-picked by the org, his shit-talking is as much as his K/D (this fucker is good at fragging, so not much his opponents could do).
- Gordon Dean “DFree” Freeman (Speedrun); 24 y/o speedrunner who just got accepted by the org, prefer to enjoy gameplays first before dissecting them for speedrun purposes.
- Gordon Antoine “GorgeousMan” Freeman (Gorgeous Freeman); 25 y/o streamer and a pro player at Arcade Fighting games. Bit narcissistic in public (though he mostly humble in his streams) and one handsome bastard, ripped af because gym and instagram artist, Black Mesa Esports Org’s unofficial mascot.
Headcanon for this AU:
- The org itself got assembled with Valve’s permission because how tf these irl Half-Life characters come together in one place as an esports org instead of science facility. Good for marketing tho.
- Wayne is trans. He’d realized that fact after his divorce with his abusive ex-husband, leaving him and 6-months old Joshua.
- Nobody knew how tf five Gordon Freeman with similar appearances got together in the Org, but nobody complained.
- John’s FPS Multiplayer experience: Every CS and CoD games, currently in R6S
- Ross’ FPS Multiplayer experience: CoD MW, CSGO, currently in R6S
- Dean is DeSinc with added personality. Calm, collected, and the truce-maker between Gordons. Hella chill even though his speedruns considered one of the fastest.
- Antoine is that one Chaotic Good™ friend with massive energy bursts. Highly charismatic and absolute beast at Street Fighter and Tekken. Has Takayan’s vibes.
- John is the leader of Black Mesa’s R6S esports team, got interview with either Barney or Ross as his translator (Ross is aggressive at translating, but mostly fine) or using his infamous whiteboard and pen.
- Ross has anger management problem, but he’s actually really nice (although masked by his aggressiveness, similar to Bakugo from BNHA).
- Joshua got babysit for free at either Coomer-Bubby’s or Vance’s whenever Wayne is on tournament or practice, but he’ll spent time with him and spare weekends for him (with the Gordons’ company).
Sexuality (Here we go...):
- John: Bisexual
- Wayne: Trans gay
- Ross: Bisexual (In Denial)
- Dean: Aromantic
- Antoine: Pansexual
Might adding more later, but holy shit I’ve squeezed almost the entirety of my brain.
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micahstravels · 5 years
*A year-long compilation; a wrestling. There is nothing necessarily conclusive about these words; they are just mine from my journals and reflect the ebb and flow of what my twenty-third year looked like, the year I think I grew [up] the most. I wanted to write and leave it semi-unfinished, just as various places in my life right now still feel very unfinished. This was my year, these were my experiences, this is how I documented it.
I am about to turn twenty-four.
A friend asks me over a cup of tea what this approaching year feels like; I tell her that I feel I am only just now catching up to myself.  It took a year of crucial and humbling moments to understand this feeling, I am certain it will take another whole year before I feel settled into this. I tell her I don’t like the feeling of running after myself.
I pinpoint this feeling at the start of twenty-three, when the Lord tells me that I’m moving too fast for myself. You need to slow down, Micah. I pretend that I do not know what this implies. It occurs to me that I am probably bulldozing through my own life, ploughing down everything in my path in an attempt to get where I want to be quicker.
The cop who pulls me over must think so as well. Any reason to be going this fast? he asks.
Um no, not really, I confess.
No emergency to get to?
You were just going that fast?
Um, yes?
He looks at me with gentle eyes. You need to slow down, ok? Wouldn’t want you to get hurt. I wonder if his speedometer can predict an inner collision.
I pay the ticket quickly; paying the self-imposed penance takes months.  
I pinpoint this feeling when a friend insists on catching up, so we start talking about the future. What is it that you want? she asks.
Not enough, is what I want to say.
Too much, I say instead.
I will scold myself for my answer later, because I don’t like the way it sounded coming out of my mouth. I don’t like the apology it implies.
I pinpoint this feeling as the mechanic hands me a bill I am unprepared for. He motions under the hood in an effort to explain why it cost so much, and the thought that I am probably getting ripped off gnaws at me. I diagnose myself as incompetent.
I put on my best non-quivering, adult voice as I transfer almost all of my savings from one account to the other, sign the slip of paper and dash to my car.
I sob the whole way home. By twenty-three I thought I would have a better grasp on these things.
I pinpoint this feeling as I sit through another forced talk about self-care in university. I realise that this advice does not apply to me. What’s keeping me up at night is not the urge to drink my guts out, instead I hang a whiteboard on my bedroom wall at 2:13 am with a list of questions I decide to answer in my spare time.
What am I working towards?
Who and what do I want to become?
What do I want my twenties to be marked by?
What problems do I want to solve?
Where do I want my time to go?
I want someone to give me the answers to these questions, to tell me how to keep my life on this trajectory. Because I am beginning to worry that in an effort to carve out the life that I want—the calling I feel compelled to fulfill—that I will lose myself in this process.
I pinpoint this feeling when I almost book a trip to Japan using the remainder of my savings. My friend tells me to chop my hair off instead—it will achieve the same desired effect. 
I realise it’s autonomy I’m searching for.
I pinpoint this feeling in August, as I watch my dad worshipping next to me at my home church. I realise that he is standing in the same place I knelt almost every Sunday for a whole year. I realise that he is alive at the same time that I realise I cannot stop crying.
I lean into him, confess that for a whole year I’ve been terrified. We weep together.
I look down: all of my disappointment and fear is draining out in a puddle on the floor. Your infection has run its course, I hear the Lord say.
I realise fear was never meant to be chronic.
I pinpoint this feeling when I show up to my final exam without a gram of makeup on. As I walk out the door, the sight of my face in the mirror makes me wince. I have never wanted to not look at my face so much, I have never turned away from myself so willingly before.
My skin bears the remains of an academic year I thought would be better: dark circles, acne, puffiness. Look at me, it says, look at these marks. This is the skin of someone that kept going.
I start noticing other peoples’ skin and wonder what they’ve had to walk through.
I pinpoint this feeling when an old friend calls me one morning; we have not spoken in years. I have wasted months analysing our last conversation, and I have finally reached the conclusion that I would take back everything I said if I could, even though those words aligned with all of my beliefs. This scares me. The thought of this chasm growing any deeper scares me more.
At twenty-three I am torn between inhabiting the house I built on a firm foundation, and the people in my life that refuse to come inside for fear this foundation won’t hold them. There is enough room here for you, I say.
No there isn't, they reply.
I fear that I will watch people’s lives occur through a glass window. Some days I want to leave this house, I’m just worried I’ll lock myself out.
But when he calls I am so shocked to hear his voice on the other end that I shove a t-shirt in my mouth to muffle the raw emotion leaking out of me. If you would have told me that my arm had just been popped back into its socket, I wouldn’t have known the difference: the relief feels exactly the same.
When he asks about the last time we talked, I find myself apologising for something I am not sorry for. I blurred all the lines, and now I don’t know how to undo what I’ve just done.
I pinpoint this feeling as I take stock of my life, of the people inhabiting it. I become acutely aware that if you were to strip them all away and leave me only with what I have constructed with my hands, I would have nothing of worth.
I pinpoint this feeling when, the morning after I fly [home] to Mexico in December, I’m sitting at our dining table with my dad and he asks me how I really am, how the last year was. I attempt an answer, except that I can’t, because I am quietly weeping into my plate of eggs. I don’t really know why.
But when he—this man with whom I feel most safe in the world—wraps me in his arms and says, what you’ve done so far hasn’t been a waste, Micah, I understand why my jaw has been clenched all year.
I pinpoint this feeling when I climb into my best friends car at the airport, four weeks later. I feel like I don’t want to be here anymore, I tell her as we drive through this city that I somehow do and do not love at the same time. But I also don’t want to leave. My time at home revealed what I have known all along: I love Mexico so much more than New Zealand.
“They say that nothing lasts forever,” writes Ocean Vuong, “but they’re just scared it will last longer than they can love it."
I google ways to fall back in love with a place.
I pinpoint this feeling when I realise this: what I want is taking up too much space in a decade that doesn’t have enough room. 
If what I want in my twenties doesn’t fit, then if and when it spills over into the subsequent decades, will it leave room for the rest? Am I caught in a recurrent cycle of catching up? Is this all in my head?
I pinpoint this feeling when I quietly ask the elderly speaker to pray for me. He takes my face in his hands, looks at me gently for a moment. Comparing your life to others’ is what’s suffocating you, he says.
I unravel slowly.
I pinpoint this feeling on a balmy evening in February, when I’m walking through my old neighbourhood with one of my dearest friends. I am wearing the leather flats that I bought in a market in Mexico; we have just eaten chocolate cake for dinner.  The past year has seen a lot of big decisions for the both of us, and the end result is that we both stayed.
And because we are in our twenties and because all of our friends are a blend of single, engaged, married, pregnant or breastfeeding—we talk about what it’s like watch this unfold from our vantage point.
I live with the weight of satisfaction and desire. They both exist inside of me, she says. I exhale. I didn’t know I wasn’t the only one who wrestled with this. 
It is here that I grab hold of my innate restlessness and pin it down—it is a habit I have started to avoid being consumed by it. At twenty-three I have had to learn that restless should not and cannot become a synonym for reckless, nor can it be a euphemism. Because if it is then I start to become someone that I do not intend to be.
And I do not intend to be reckless.
So when she says that, I understand that all along this restlessness was merely a side effect of the civil disruption happening inside of me. That to be twenty-something is to allow contentedness and longing to co-exist peacefully within you, until they decide to wage war.
And the aftermath shows up on my skin; it is insomnia, and writing lists of everything else I’d rather be pursuing right now, and boredom, and jealousy over my friends who look like they have achieved so much more. It’s the mornings when I wake up with a visceral urge to clean up what is not messy: my closet, my room, my brain. You are just restless, I tell myself. You are not purposeless.
But when they’re at peace? It’s a group of friends that make me a cup of tea without saying anything. It is parents who tell me that my life in itself is their proudest accomplishment, even when I feel like they’ve accomplished much more important things. It is the fourth and final year of a degree that I love; it’s an end in sight.
And so, at the end of this year, I pinpoint this:
I am deeply content; I am so unsatisfied.
I am still catching up.
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linuxgamenews · 2 years
I See Red with rage and revenge via Steam Play
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I See Red twin-stick shooter game aims at Proton for Linux via Windows PC. Thanks for further details and confirmation from developer Whiteboard Games. Working to make its way onto both Steam and Humble Store. I See Red is a fast-paced and frantic story of rage and revenge. The year is 2621. You are an outlaw traveling the infinite depths of space. You are also searching for those who have wronged you to dish out the ultimate punishment. With a unique dichromatic aesthetic, your view of the world is consumed by wrath. Doing so as the targets of your retribution appear in a deathly red. While the rest of the world around you fades to gray. Consumed by anger, everything that surrounds you can be destroyed. Such as ship hardware, furniture, and most importantly, I See Red enemies.
Linux support via Proton:
While we have no plans at the moment we have tested the game using Valve's Proton and it works great!
You can also see the Steam comment for yourself. But testing out the free Steam Demo, the twin-stick shooter game is developed via Unity 3D. Which should also make Steam Deck functionality straight forward. That being said, the I See Red Press Kit does show Linux support. So the Proton comment could be the result of the developer taking the easy route. BUT, you can also share your Tux Love too. In I See Red you will also uncover a host of diverse weaponry and augments. Along with skills and abilities to lay waste to your foes as brutally as they deserve. As a top-down, twin-stick roguelite, every playthrough unlocks a stronger version of yourself. Doing so as you improve your very own cloning machine. Bring entire ships to total collapse and exercise justice against invading spaceships. Even with robots, aliens, humans — the entire galaxy. Rage and crush them all. While you rage and make them pay. Rage and get your revenge. You. Must. Not. Stop.
I See Red reveal Trailer:
Key Features:
Variety of Opponents: Humans, aliens or robots—they all have their own ways of trying to put an early end to your vengeance! In order to prevail, you must adapt your tactics to numerous different types of opponents.
Action-Packed Gunfights: Enjoy fast-paced gunfights and the I See Red destructible cover. There are also a variety of weapon types that will help you sow death and destruction. Put your lightning-fast reflexes to the test. Doing so when opponents suddenly teleport behind you.
Let Your Rage Run Wild!: Sparks are flying in close combat, too! Use your grappling hook to quickly pull yourself towards opponents and deliver the final, bloody blow. Unleash your rage once you have collected enough energy and regenerate health with each kill.
Combos Do the Trick!: Throughout the game, you receive a number of randomly generated passive skills. This also turns each run into a unique experience.
Death Is Not the End: Thanks to cloning technology, you can always give it another try should your opponents ever get the better of you. Collect materials to strengthen your character’s attributes.
Dystopian Sci-Fi World: The unique art style draws you into a dark sci-fi world with a vengeful anti-hero. One who, quite literally, sees red. This innovative design choice allows you to see everything important at a glance. The dynamic music system always provides you with the right soundtrack!
I See Red twin-stick shooter will be available on Steam and Humble Store. Coming to Windows PC, but playable on Linux via Proton, in 2022. The release date is still TBD. Due to be priced at $19.99 USD / £15.49 / 16,79€/
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truthshield · 2 years
Jordan chalks up business success from limestone riches
Issued on: 06/07/2022 – 05:18Modified: 06/07/2022 – 05:16 Karak (Jordan) (AFP) – Long before whiteboards, beamers and laptops entered modern school classrooms, teachers relied on the humble, dusty, sometimes screechy blackboard chalk — a material that has created a Jordanian business success story. Chemical engineer Salah Aloqbi remembers sitting on a bus in Amman in 1995 when he hit on the idea that would lead him to create his company. More than two decades later it boasts 150 staff, with exports to more than 100 countries. Chalk, a white, soft limestone, was formed aeons ago when the shells of tiny marine creatures were compressed on the sea floor — and the landlocked Middle Eastern desert country of Jordan is blessed with vast deposits. “It was a game-changing idea,” recalled Aloqbi, now 49, who founded the Jordan Chalk Manufacturing Company. The company offers sought-after jobs in a country where the unemployment rate soared to 25 percent last year, about the same as the poverty rate Khalil MAZRAAWI AFP “I was returning from work at the Jordan Carbonate Company when I heard a radio interview saying that the calcium carbonate produced by the company is used in various industries in Jordan — except the chalk industry.” Aloqbi pondered how to make blackboard chalk, which was until then wholly imported, to gain extra value from the calcium carbonate that is also used to produce white cement, make soils less acidic, and toothpaste more abrasive. Seven years later, he launched a small factory in Karak governorate south of Amman, with two rooms and just five workers, and started experimenting — initially by pulverising the porous material with a meat mincer. Salah Oqbi, founder and owner of the Jordan Chalk Manufacturing Company Khalil MAZRAAWI AFP “But the chalk that we produced at that time was no longer used around the world, so we moved to produce dustless medical chalk,” he said, referring to a carbonate-based type with larger particles. The right stuff Some 2,149 attempts later, the businessman said proudly, he hit the right formula for dustless chalk, creating a “very strong export opportunity” that now sees his company produce 10 billion pieces a year. A worker carries chalk poducts at the company which started years ago with just two rooms and just five employees Khalil MAZRAAWI AFP Jordan has a near endless supply of the raw material, with the ministry of energy and mineral resources estimating the country’s “assets of limestone exceed 1.3 billion metric tons”. Limestone is the common form of calcium carbonate CaCO3, the main ingredient for chalk. “It comes to mind that this is an outdated product, but the truth is that we are struggling to meet the great demand,” Aloqbi said as he inspected hundreds of cartons heading to Britain and Germany, Mali and Morocco. The chalk pieces come in a wide palette of colours and are used for art and play around the world Khalil MAZRAAWI AFP The chalk pieces come in a wide palette of colours and are used for art and play around the world. The firm has also branched out into coloured crayons and modelling clay, and is the country’s only producer of chalk sticks. Today, the company sits on a 7,500 square metre plot and offers sought-after jobs in a country where the unemployment rate soared to 25 percent last year, about the same as the poverty rate. “Most of us are from villages in Karak governorate,” said one employee, 28-year-old Sundus Majali. “More than half of the workers are women.” Chalk was formed aeons ago when the shells of tiny marine creatures were compressed on the sea floor — and the landlocked desert country of Jordan is blessed with vast deposits Khalil MAZRAAWI AFP At first, she said, “it was difficult for parents to allow females to work … But today they have no problem with that, especially because the factory is safe, not like other workplaces.” Another colleague, Alaa Aloqbi, 33, said “the factory has provided job opportunities at a time when life became difficult”. © 2022 AFP https://ift.tt/q0PCKWe https://ift.tt/G9hUzvm
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andrewmichaelweir · 2 years
Has Zoom Dropped the Ball?
At a time when most companies were facing extreme hardships, struggles, and even closure, Zoom was experiencing growth at a rate that seemed almost impossible. The Covid-19 pandemic took Zoom from being a humble brand to one that is recognized by all and that generates unfathomable amounts of revenue. Even as the pandemic begins to wind down, hybrid work has stuck around and so has Zooms revenue stream. 
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With this sizable influx of revenue, Zoom has begun to create and plan many new innovations for their platform in order to stay ahead in this new digital world. Most of these invitations are add-ons or new features that can help to make online work easier, more effective, and more collaborative. For example, Zoom's “Whiteboard”, is essentially just that, a virtual whiteboard that allows many users to work and collaborate at once. On their website they write the following about Zoom Whiteboard, “Zoom Whiteboard will be your powerful virtual hub for real-time and asynchronous collaboration, creating more engaging and efficient meeting experiences. Any team, from enterprise to education, can use the Zoom Whiteboard experience to create, annotate, and share ideas from any device whether you’re in a Zoom meeting or not”. 
The list of other innovations that Zoom has in the works is quite expansive and most of them have the same general goal, to make virtual work easier and better. Emphasis on the word “work”. In this list of new innovations everything was geared towards work, with no mentions of new innovations towards play. The work world is not the only thing that became virtual during the pandemic, the social world did too. Many people have become quite comfortable meeting online just for the social aspect and it is likely that this will inevitably increase with the rise of virtual reality.
Is Zoom missing out on a whole market segment?
 It seems reasonable that as Zoom increases the number of work innovations, it would also include more innovations that make the social aspects of the platform more engaging and fun for friends and family to interact. Players like Facebook have been doing such things since as far back as 2020. Facebook added features such as virtual rooms to their messenger app which allowed users to “hangout” and include created virtual date features on Facebook Dates. 
All of this has me wondering, has Zoom decided to focus on promoting a professional image and a service that is geared towards the work setting or have they simply dropped the ball when it comes to the social aspects of video conferencing?
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New Apps Download For Android Mobile
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New Apps Free Download For Android Mobile
A few months ago, we introduced a new mobile app called Office—a whole new experience designed to be your go-to app for getting work done on a mobile device. It combines Word, Excel, and PowerPoint into a single app and introduces new capabilities that enable you to create content and accomplish tasks in uniquely mobile ways to help you achieve more. Today, we’re proud to announce the Office app is out of public preview and now generally available worldwide for anyone on Android and iOS phones.
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May 13, 2020. Turn your phone or tablet into a book with the free Kindle apps for iOS, Android, Mac, and PC. Read anytime, anywhere on your phone, tablet, or computer. Go beyond paper with immersive, built-in features.
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Hundreds of millions of people use Office to achieve more at work, home, and school. We know many people save rich document creation or editing for their computer or laptop and work on their phones in limited ways. We took this as a challenge for Office to find a better overall productivity experience that would change perceptions of how you could work on a mobile device to create an experience that was simpler, more integrated, harnessed the unique strengths of mobile devices, and truly put mobile needs at the forefront.
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The Office app delivers several key benefits including:
Combining Word, Excel, and PowerPoint in a way that simplifies the experience with fewer apps to download or switch between. It requires far less phone storage than installing individual apps while maintaining virtually all the capabilities of the existing mobile apps people already know and use.
Integrating our Lens technology to unlock the power of the camera with capabilities like converting images into editable Word and Excel documents, scanning PDFs, and capturing whiteboards with automatic digital enhancements to make the content easier to read.
Adding new functionality for common tasks people often encounter when working on a phone—things like making quick notes, signing PDFs, scanning QR codes, and transferring files between devices.
Altogether, the Office app is a powerful tool that is intuitive and familiar yet still uniquely different.
We’ve been thrilled and humbled to see the response to the public preview of the Office app since introducing it at the Microsoft Ignite conference last November. After the announcement, tens of thousands of people immediately rushed to get the Android and iOS apps, causing us to hit the 10,000-user limit in Apple’s TestFlight program in just a few hours. The feedback we received through customer conversations, social media, and the press has been very positive and encouraging— with the Office app seen as part of a new wave of innovation for Office and Microsoft. This inspired us to work hard to get this app ready for full release as soon as we could.
We have made several enhancements since the public preview—such as support for third-party storage services including Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and iCloud; templates to help you create new documents, spreadsheets, and presentations; and general performance improvements.
Today’s release is also available for download on Android tablets with limited support. The Office app for Android is fully optimized for tablets when working with Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents and we are committed to making the rest of the Android app as well as the iOS app fully optimized for tablets soon.
More features coming soon
But we’re not stopping here. We’re constantly thinking about ways to enrich the Office mobile experience to help people be more productive on a phone. We want people to think of the Office mobile experience as a tool they would turn to for content creation and more sophisticated work—not just for light editing and information consumption.
In the next few months, we’ll add three new exciting features that will help us deliver on that promise:
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Word Dictation—Let Word turn your voice into written text and use voice commands and simple toolbars to easily apply the right formatting and punctuation you need.
Excel CardsView—View and edit data in an Excel table row in a simple, digestible card format so you do not have span across columns that extend beyond the limits of the screen.
Outline to PowerPoint—Write your presentation content as a simple outline and let PowerPoint Designer turn it into presentable slides with the proper styling, formatting, and iconography of your content.
Download Apps To Android Phone
Get started with the Office app
Anyone can now download the Office app on phones for Android and iOS. The app is free to use, even without signing in. However, signing in with a Microsoft Account or connecting to a third-party storage service will enable you to access and store documents in the cloud. An Office 365 or Microsoft 365 subscription will also unlock various premium features, consistent with those in the current Word, Excel, and PowerPoint apps.
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Download the Office app now and discover a whole new way to organize your work and get things done for work, for home, and for school.
New Apps Free Download For Android Mobile
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Connecting the Dots
Two plans: one for design, one for culture.
What I’ve found is that the DNA between both dynamics must be inextricable from one another. Creating with compassion in an environment fueled by compassion means we never lose sight of what it’s all about: people. Beyond functioning in this manner because “it’s the right thing to do,” quality of work, loyalty internally (team) and externally (users), and product innovation are all benefits to reap.
Earlier we talked through the concept of “simplicity” and its application to creation and environment. Now, let’s revisit a few other examples of healthy benchmarks from a creative culture as we’ve discussed in this book:
Slowing down / pausing with intent
Everyone has a seat at the table
The New Day One
In taking a focused look at these facets, their correlation to HCD is readily apparent:
Culture: Slowing down / pausing with intent Design: Discovery / observation
The Swedish concept of fika transcends a mere “coffee break.” It’s about slowing down, the act of pausing during a typical day and making time to have a dialogue with someone (though a good cup of coffee is a vital part). I ensure this time is not only a known quantity within my team’s creative culture, but that it’s protected and actively utilized.
Instead of getting a product manager’s Powerpoint wireframe in your inbox with a request to “make it look nice” or a client’s request to crank out a design for their approval by EOD, we must slow down to understand the people who will be interacting with our design (and the design’s potential impact on others, the environment and community in which it will be used, and so on). Rushing to get something done to tick an account manager’s client-appeasement box at the expense of the human experience is to sacrifice empathy, quality, and any prospect of innovation.
Culture: Everyone has a seat at the table Design: Inclusion
As the very definition of cultural transparency, Nick Sarillo’s pizza parlors tack their full financial statements to a wall, daily, for all employees to see. Everyone’s hourly wage is listed on a nearby whiteboard, with the means to make more money articulated in tandem (training in more areas of business = increased hourly wage). Many managers have worked their way up in this manner, and offer training to other employees who wish to advance by taking on more responsibility. This is about collaboration yielding success to both the employee and the business, the sharing of information, and access for all; key dynamics of an inclusive culture.
Inclusion in the design process enables us, as creators, to recognize our own personal biases. By identifying the exclusion in our work, we humbly set aside our assumptions; connecting with people from diverse communities, building empathy, will expand our product’s reach (access). Via engaging humans throughout our design process, listening to them, and usability testing iteratively, objective solutions that yield innovation follow suit.
Culture: The New Day One Design: Ethnography
The New Day One concept evolves an employee’s first day from formulaic and sterile into directly personal and custom. Via the “Inspiration” portion of the day and venturing away from the office, we gain insight into a new team member as an individual that transcends what folio work can yield. What physical aspects of their selected location have impacted who they are? How did it inspire their way of creating, or approaching problems? Understanding the impact of spatial dynamics on an individual is vital toward an individualistic, yet ultimately holistic, view.
Ethnographic research provides an environmental context to human interaction that a video-conference interview could never yield. Through direct observation, ethnography is the qualitative study of human beings in their native environment. Is the individual sitting in a high-traffic area in an office, causing frequent distraction from their work? Are they a field worker primarily utilizing a mobile device in direct sunlight, yielding paramountcolor contrast needs? By making research truly human, we gain an understanding of how those we observe see the world and how they ultimately engage with it.
For the Greater Good
Greater Good Studio (GGS) is a social impact-focused human- centered design firm co-founded by Sara Cantor Aye and George Aye. Their business is located within the Logan Share, a co- working space they also founded in Chicago’s Logan Square neighborhood.
I reached out to the Studio to ask if I could stop by their space and observe a “morning in the life” view of their process: culture and design, organically, as both unfolded. Without hesitation, Sara (a former Northwestern University instructor) extended me an offer to join the team for observation. After signing a non- disclosure agreement, we agreed on a date for my visit.
When I arrived on a Monday morning, George (formerly of IDEO) greeted me with a cup of coffee and walked me up the stairs into the naturally well-lit Logan Share space. I noticed the open seating in the co-working section was already nearly full, as he gave me a tour of the “configuration by human need and intent”-based layout and active-project areas. On long single sheets of cardboard suspended by custom-built fasteners, entire lifecycles of project- centric human-centered design artifacts were on display. Once a project is deployed, George explained, the cardboard is detached and saved for forthcoming iteration, with fresh sheets re-fastened to form the partitions of a new project space thereafter.
The six core steps of the Studio’s HCD process manifest themselves in the following way:
Framing Defining questions to answer and people to engage
Research Learning from people about their needs and values
Synthesis Finding patterns of behavior and areas of opportunity
Concepting Creating a high volume of new ideas
Prototyping Making tangible mock-ups and gathering feedback
Piloting Testing solutions in real time with real people
As a team, GGS functions via a working method called ROWE (Results Only Work Environment), a concept leveraged from Cali Ressler and Jody Thompson’s book Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It: The Results-Only Revolution. Taken from an article on the Studio’s blog, they describe the practice within GGS like this:
“The basic principle behind ROWE is that staff doesn’t need to be supervised, when given the tools, clear expectations, and deadlines people will not only do their work, but do it better than if they were trying to fit into a mold. Within GGS, this practice is exercised by very diligent calendar management, clear deadlines, expectations on deliverables, and Cookie Rewards (little treats we give each other if we have to move something on the calendar).”
Once a month the entire team pauses for a five-hour, non-client project block of time called “internal day.” This time is reserved for studio-centric things: team members sharing learnings from conferences they’ve attended, how to improve internal practices, past project debriefs, etc. It’s the act of pausing with intent, in full effect.
Sara arrived a few minutes into my tour of the space, and the GGS team’s “BD charrette” was the first employee gathering (remote and in-person) of the morning. “BD” stands for “business development,” and in a cozy seating area, everyone had a seat at the table in all senses of the phrase. Sara and George ran through the status of a current request for proposal, then each team member had the opportunity to voice their opinion about whether the RFP should be pursued based on how it aligned with GGS’s (and their employees’) personal, values. Everyone was heard; every voice was respected.
The dialogue eventually shifted to another potential new client, this time with GGS at the presentation stage. Again, everyone at the table gave their feedback on Sara and George’s presentation plan of attack and, again, every team member’s voice carried equal value and weight. The studio-wide inclusion in the business owners’ decision making was genuine, effortless, and natural.
Forty-five minutes later, the group made a physical transition to a few nearby couches; less than a three-foot walk, as I eyed it. I inquired about the very minor spatial change for this next leg of the meeting and was told, “There’s a difference in purpose, so we transition to a different space.” Each member of the team then took their turn describing their weekend in three words:
“Sunshine, beach, baking.”
I got my turn as well. Changing the energy on those couches, from new business to being focused on the individual, made for a palpable climate change. In a few words everyone had a sense of what their teammates got up to over the weekend, eliciting smiles and planting the seeds for future dialogues throughout the pauses- with-intent over the rest of the day.
Next: “validations.” In this final portion of the meeting (pre- project status), anyone who wanted to articulate their appreciation for a team member over the previous week did so. One person recognized their co-worker for their selfless collaboration, taking time from their own project work to help theirs get client-ready on time. Similar-but-unique “thanks” emerged from varied people; no one was required to speak up, but everyone did.
After project updates I sat with Sara for a one-on-one to chat over coffee. I asked her about the synergies between their HCD process and how she interacts with her team in the office:
“I think where it’s actually become more intentional and obvious has been with our staff who are not trained designers. Operations folks, or our community manager, etc. I’ve had to say, ‘I want you to be a designer about this’ (whatever ‘this’ is). ‘We are your users, you’re trying to get us to do our timesheets, or clean up the kitchen, etc. Observe. Talk to people. Figure out our motivations. Summarize everything you’ve learned, and then have ideas.’
As a designer, I am constantly designing at every level. I’m designing deliverables in many cases for clients, or coaching our teams to design deliverables. I’m also designing process by which we work by writing proposals, scoping, etc. And at the highest level, I’m designing our company. I’m designing our culture based on our customs and traditions and policies (the hard and the soft) every day. My users are not hypothetical, they’re actual people.”
When All is Not Good
Sara went on to cite how her previous work experience shaped the leader she is today:
“I think a lot of my design choices are based in (unhealthy dynamics) with prior employers. Where decisions were not made transparently, everything financial was completely opaque. Lots of lack of trust with other employees. It’s been so critical that I’ve had bad experiences so I can now clearly say: let’s not do that.”
The tactics, mindsets, organizational shifts, and operational flexibility discussed in this book are predicated upon a simple truth: a company presently supports and operates as a creative culture, or it’s genuinely willing to evolve to become one. Along the way, I’ve been primarily speaking to those who are in a position to help implement change; even at a small scale. But what about when you’re not in a position to be heard, or the position to help facilitate change?
Reality isn’t always unicorns and rainbows. Bad experiences can impact us all. For example, the fabric of a company’s creative culture can become irreparably frayed thanks to management changes, acquisition, or it can lack sustainability. Whether these circumstances reveal themselves over years or overnight, your passion and evolution should never be their casualty.
Sometimes, creating within an environment that’s the best fit for your growth and passions means finding a new opportunity.
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hopefulqueer · 7 years
Stay in Touch
@dctv-hannukah-event sorry I didn’t have this ready last night, but here it is! Day three, prompt “fix something you’re bitter about” and, well, you’ll see.
Jax stood in front of the house, straightening his tie a bit nervously. He hadn’t ever been to a Chanukah celebration before (except on the Waverider, of course, but those celebrations were far from traditional). After retiring from live as Firestorm, Martin hadn’t kept in contact with the rest of the Legends very regularly, but he had invited Jax to come celebrate with him. Jax hadn’t seen him in over a month. He really missed him.
The door opened. A beaming Lily holding a sleeping baby Ronnie ushered him inside, saying, “Hey, Jax! Come in, come in!”
“Hey, Lily. Nice to see you.” He hugged her gently, careful not to squish the baby. “Hi, Ronnie! How are you, little man?”
“He’s been so good recently. Loves having his Poppop home.” Lily handed Ronnie over, to Jax’s delight. “Speaking of my father, someone’s got to go pull him away from his equations. You know, he’s bought two more whiteboards since you were here last? He claims he didn’t have enough space on the ones he had. I tell him, why don’t you just write on actual paper? And he says--”
“‘At least I’m not still using chalkboards’,” Jax finished for her, smiling fondly. “Yeah.”
“Yeah.” She touched his arm. “Do you want to go find him? I’m sure he just lost track of time, or he’d have been the first one to the door. He hasn’t stopped talking about how much he was looking forward to having you come over.”
“You sound surprised,” Lily said, frowning. “You must know how much he’s missed you.”
“Oh, it’s just…” Jax tugged at his ear. “He hasn’t really stayed in touch. I’ve only talked to him a couple times since he retired.”
“I don’t know anything about that. You’ll have to ask him.” Lily took her son back from Jax and pointed down the hallway. “He’s that way. And Mom will be home in about twenty minutes, she had to run an errand and the traffic just gets so awful in December, you know, all the Christmas shoppers.”
“Yeah, I know. Sure, I’ll go find him.” Jax headed down the hall. He remembered exactly which door was the one to Martin’s office, but he stood outside it for a few seconds, hesitating, before he knocked.
“Oh, uh, er--just a minute, Lily, I’ll be...I’m right in the middle...almost done with this--”
Jax smiled. “Grey?” he called.
There was a small clattering sound, like a whiteboard marker falling to the ground, and a flurry of footsteps before Martin opened the door. “Jefferson! Are you early?”
“No, Grey. It’s six thirty.”
“Already? Oh, dear, I thought it was four o’clock at most. I apologize for the...the clutter, and for my own absent-mindedness…”
“You’re an absent-minded professor, Grey, it’s in the job description,” Jax pointed out.
Martin nodded, gazing into the distance. Even without their psychic connection, Jax knew that Martin hadn’t fully come out of the focused state he got into when he was working.
“Hey, Grey?” Jax said gently. “You want to show me what you were working on, talk me through it? Lily said that Clarissa won’t be home for a little while.”
Martin brightened. “That would be wonderful! Oh, Jefferson, I’m sure you’d find this most fascinating. I realize that both of us have a lot of practical experience with time travel, but technically, in this time period, it hasn’t been discovered yet, and the equations I’m attempting to balance would really make a fantastic first step for the human race.” He had rushed back into his office as he spoke, picking the marker (which he had indeed dropped) off the floor and pointing at one of the four whiteboards he had positioned around the room.
Jax followed slowly, sitting down in a desk chair. He had to move a few papers off of it onto the desk--it didn’t seem like Martin really sat down in the chair, which made sense. He always did prefer to work standing up, and all of the chairs in the Waverider would end up covered in books and other small items. The other Legends would complain fondly about how Martin must have thought that chairs were just another flat surface to fill with stuff. Then they would just move the stuff if they wanted to sit down. Nobody ever confronted Martin about it. Everyone just considered it another endearing, if odd, quirk of their beloved professor.
“And you can see how this isn’t exactly the principle that the Waverider uses, but it could be one of the ideas that move time travel from theory to reality…” Martin rambled on.
Doing his best to listen, Jax nodded along and said “Uh-huh” and “Oh, neat” a lot of times. Even though he was very, very smart, the stream of numbers and symbols that Martin liked to spout didn’t always make much sense to him. But as a teacher, Martin liked having an audience. So Jax gave him one.
“And...there! Perfect. A good stopping point.” Martin capped the whiteboard marker dramatically and turned to Jax. “And now, Jefferson, you have my undivided attention. I apologize that you didn’t have it before.”
“It’s okay, I get it. So...it seems like you’re enjoying retirement, though you don’t exactly seem to be doing much relaxing,” Jax said, pointing at the whiteboard.
“I’ve never been one to enjoy having an idle mind.” Martin took a stack of books off a folding chair that Jax hadn’t even noticed and sat down. “And how are you? How is the search coming?”
“Well, I haven’t found anyone yet,” Jax said reluctantly. “It’s hard.”
“Yes, yes, I know. I really do.”
“You're...well, you're hard to replace.”
Martin shook his head. “Now, Jefferson. Don't think of it as replacing me, that's very unrealistic.”
Jax laughed. “Humble, Grey!”
“That's what I'm known for.” More seriously, Martin added, “Just think of it as finding another person who you can work well with--who complements you, who brings something valuable to the team.”
“It's hard,” Jax repeated.
“Yes, Jefferson. It is.”
“I can't imagine having someone else in my head. And I can't stand the thought of having to get used to someone else again, to learn someone else’s emotions and their patterns and...Like, god knows you weren't the easiest psychic partner at times, but I got so used to it. I learned how to tell the difference between when I was hungry and when I needed to come and drag you away from your work to make you eat something. Or when to stop trying to figure out why the hell I was sad, and go remind you that you needed to call Clarissa. Or…” Jax shook his head. He could think of a dozen other things to add, but none of them felt right.
Martin leaned forward and placed his hand on Jax’s knee. “I miss you, too, Jefferson,” he said quietly. “I hope you know that.”
“But you barely called!” Jax burst out. “Since you left, I've barely heard a word from you. I thought--I don't know what I thought.”
“I thought it would be easier for you to move on if I wasn't constantly around,” Martin replied. “That it might be harder for you--indeed, for all of you--to find a new half of Firestorm without the old one looking over your shoulder. And, I'll be honest. I was worried that if I saw any of you too much, I would decide to come back. But I can't come back, Jefferson. I can't miss my grandson growing up, not when I missed so much of Lily’s childhood. This was the right thing for me to do.”
“I know that, Grey.”
“But you're right, I was...avoiding you,” Martin admitted. “And I'm sorry.”
“It's okay. I understand. Just...don't do it anymore, okay?” Jax requested. “You've got to stay in touch.”
“I will, I will.”
“Good.” Jax looked up as he heard the front door of the house open and Clarissa say something cheerfully that he couldn’t quite make out.
“Shall we?” Martin offered, standing up and extending his hand.
“Let’s join the party,” Jax replied. He stood up and was about to open the door to the office to leave when he paused. “You’re happy, right?”
“Never been happier.”
Jax nodded, and turned to hug his friend tightly. “I’m glad.”
“Me too, Jefferson. Me, too.”
Aka what should have gone down. I’m bitter. We’re all bitter. Martin is still alive and peacefully retired with his family in this story. I cried writing this. Love y’all, happy Channukah.
<3 ~Clare
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silentcolorswithin · 7 years
[ “Sougou, the Soul-Gazing Heroine” ]
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Name: Kinoko Kuroyuri ( 黒百合 きのこ )
Pro-Hero Name: Soul-Gazing Hero, Sougou ( 総合 )
Occupation: Full-Time UA High Counselor + Graduate Student
Age: 21 (16 for student!kinoko)
Height: 5′5″ || Blood Type: O
Birthday: July 20 || Zodiac: Cancer
Gender || Pronouns: Female || She/her/hers
Orientation: Biromantic Asexual
Quirk: Blood-Willed (Emitter/Activation-type Quirk)
Details found in the Comprehensive Quirk Analysis: Blood-Willed
Combat Style: Close-to-Mid-Range Physical Combat
Prefers not to use Quirk, instead relying on Self-Defense Martial Arts 
Knows: Krav Maga, Southern & Northern Praying Mantis, Baguazhang
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Face Claim: Futaba Yoshioka (Ao Haru Ride)
Notable Dialogue Cues:
[ “ ” ] = whiteboard-written dialogue
{ “ ” } = hand-signed dialogue
Appearance & Notable Features
Hair: soft & silky pale ash-brown hair; reaches to just below the chest; often found in different styles, but usually in either a twin/side plait or braided into a bun
Eyes: tender/gentle reddish mauve eyes
Complexion & Marks: very light skin tone, very soft; scars all over her body, most notably on her fingers; small scarring on ears; that baby-face tho
Notable Accessories: ribbon-bell hair tie(s), red-frame glasses (rarely, prefers eye contacts), thin silver ring on right middle finger (bears a hidden nail to which she can activate open if she’s unable to inflict a wound on herself); hip pouch full of whiteboard markers; whiteboard w/ shoulder strap
Workplace Accessories: Spare Mini-Whiteboard & Whiteboard Markers (for client); Miniature Zen Garden (on side-table next to couch); Tabletop Water Fountain (doubles as a Device for a Counseling App)
Personality & Preferences
General Personality: a sweetheart, intuitive, empathetic, compassionate, humble, modest, sincere, insecure, morally righteous, selfless, expressive, curious
Interests: music, gardening, hanakotoba (language of flowers), tarot card reading
Likes: subtly sweet pastries, spider lilies, people passionately talking about a thing they like, stargazing, tiny and soft animals, axolotls, colder temperatures (despite how it affects her Quirk; mainly likes how it makes her feel all snug and drowsy)
Dislikes: dishonesty, betrayal, bullying, glasses, hearing aids, ocean/deep water
Tendencies: misplacing her glasses, head tilts, fiddling with strands of hair
Fashion Taste:  roomy/puffy/over-sized tops; long-sleeves or turtlenecks; scarves; leggings/stockings; ankle boots; neutrals w/ accents & light/pastel color schemes
A young, deaf adult who is a full-time UA High counselor in the day and a full-time graduate student in the night. Once in a while her duties as an underground pro heroine also come around, though pro hero work for her has been whittled down over time to nothing more than assisting the police department in interrogations due to complications with her Quirk. Aside from being a full-time counselor, however, Kinoko also pursues getting a teaching license in order to teach JSL/ASL as well as a basic Mental Health First Aid, both for high-schoolers. There’s a lot on her plate and Kinoko is more than aware of this unhealthy outlook of her lifestyle. Still, it doesn’t stop her from wanting to achieve all that she can in guiding future generations of heroes. It may not be big enough to have a spotlight as opposed to devoting herself to Pro Hero work, but it was just about second-best when it comes to leaving a mark in the history -- something she really wants to leave behind before her time is up. After all, Kinoko’s life here on Earth isn’t a long one, and if being a Pro Hero jeopardizes her lifespan due to her Quirk, she may as well leave the imprint on the hearts of future heroes to carry on her mark.
Kinoko was born deaf in addition to being the next inheritor of the Quirk Blood-Willed. Since her mother died giving birth, her father devoted a solid portion of his time to hero work in order to cover their lifestyle, only having a brief time in the morning to drop off his child to school as well as the evening before Kinoko is put to bed (on days off, however, he’s able to pick her up after-school). As a result, Kinoko often either spends her time alone indoors or in the nearby public park. Despite all the efforts she puts, Kinoko harbored a strong dislike for elementary school as she was a constant victim to bullying and had difficulties in communicating with classmates, often resulting in transferring schools. Her refusal to use or mention anything about her Quirk due to its connections to her mother’s death resulted in people ended up assuming her to be Quirkless, and it even fed into acts of bullying. It was up until one day after elementary school when Kinoko finally activated her Quirk, an act of self-defense from being bullied by a large group of schoolmates while waiting to be picked up. One of the acts they often did consisted of yanking her hearing aids out to throw away, and this time it resulted in damaging her ears due to the dangers of pulling them out too fast. Hurt, frightened and tired of it all, she finally used the blood she spilled -- but because she’s never used it before her actions were out of control, excessive amounts of blood were used only to result in a slaughter fest of more than 15 elementary schoolers as well as several adult bystanders, including her father who had arrived right when her Quirk was activated. Kinoko’s Quirk has taken both of her parents from her, and later down the road even ruined her dreams of being a pro hero due to the nature of its mechanics.
Fun Facts
Kinoko is a combination of kinodoku [ きのどく(adjectival noun, n) = pitiful, unfortunate, a pity ] and ko [ こ (n, n-suffix) = child ].
Interestingly enough, pasting きのどく into Google Translate comes out as ‘short-lived’ -- which is funny, because Kinoko is meant to have a short lifespan due to her Quirk. ¯\_(ᐛ )_/¯
Sougou ( 総合 ) could have somewhat of a play with the word ‘soul’ if you’re creative enough. (And if you do find any clever ways to incorporate it into the name without losing the kanji’s meaning please do tell me.)
Due to her experiences in elementary school, Sougou no longer uses hearing aids, and refuses to consider using them, too. Fortunately, she’s pretty good at lip-reading, but more often than not it’s easier to just communicate through white boards.
Kinoko fluently knows Japanese Sign Language (JSL) and some basics in American Sign Language (ASL).
Kinoko is capable of seeing a person’s ‘aura’, so to speak – it’s uncertain whether it relates to the person’s inner emotions or their very soul, but Kinoko is able to see a cloud of colors around each and every individual. 
Emotion-Color Synesthesia isn’t exactly an official category, but regardless she may likely be a synesthete (person with synesthesia) of that nature. 
Due to the nature of her Quirk, Kinoko also bears high tolerance to pain.
Kinoko is heavily inspired by Shouko Nishimiya from the animated film A Silent Voice.
Fortunately, Kinoko’s blood type is specifically AB+, making her a universal blood recipient (Blood Type O- being the universal blood donor).
Kinoko has a male leucistic axolotl pet named Haibi, after the flower of gentleness, hibiscus.
Turns out that the tabletop water fountain/app’s modem is something Kinoko created for a college project. She needed guidance from a college friend when she created the app, though.
Baguazhang is well-known for being what Airbending is based on, while the Southern Praying Mantis is what Toph Beifong’s unique Earthbending style is based on.
Blood Hero: Vlad King is the very first hero that Kinoko looked up to as someone whose Quirk manipulates blood. Thing is, she only knew of him once she began working as a councilor at UA High. By then, her ambitions in being a pro hero were already gone.
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