#using hashtags to ramble more about fics
raspberrystruck · 8 months
i have countless wips rn... desert duo magical girl w/ sum horror ... gem pearl fantasy au... joe and cleo alien au... someone save my drafts </3
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etherealhoneybee777 · 2 months
Okay, the mp100 fandom (and other fandom spaces as well) makes me really hopeful✨
The internet is mostly a cruel and terrible place. It largely exists as an instrument of global capitalism. Governments use social media to push propaganda that either reinforces their fascist, conservative ideals or instills leftists that want to fight back with a sense of hopelessness that paralyzes and scares them. And we’re also getting to a point where much of the content we see online is not only made by AI, but interacted with by AI as well. We’re seeing “art” and ragebait stories that aren’t even made by real humans, but are spread online as if they’re true. Transactions are everywhere, but because everything is a subscription service, we own nothing. Corporations are putting advertisements on even the most sacred corner of the web & encouraging people to constantly consume, to BE consumed with the desire to consume more things, and to fill up the little time we have left with constant, buzzing productivity—because the internet is an instrument of capitalism, and capitalism is about constant expansion, expansion that won’t stop until everything in our lives is quantifiable and our whole being is stretched thin in service of a pointless, unstoppable economic growth.
In the face of that, I think your mp100 art is amazing. I think your fic is amazing. I am glad you decided to share it with us. I am glad you took the time to analyze Mob or Serizawa or Tome. To post screen grabs of Dimple or gifs or animatics or anything else. I’m glad you reblogged my post and added some silly or thoughtful little hashtags. I’m glad you DM’d me or posted a long ramble about Ritsu or Teru or reigen.
People don’t have to do these things. They don’t have to sketch characters or share headcanons or write fic or make watch parties on cute little discord servers. But they do. They do it because it’s a fun thing to do & because they’re talented and passionate. And it makes me happy that on the internet—which is increasingly being used to alienate and control us—still hosts real communities and real people making real art and writing their real thoughts without any kind of profit motive or manipulative agenda. People are literally just posting because they want to share their work and connect with others. It reminds me that no matter what capitalism does, we live in a fundamentally social world & we’re constantly trying to connect with each other about the things we like. MP100 is the thing I like and the people here make me hopeful. I see people post their art/writing/headcanons and I get super happy. I get inspired. I look at people’s bios and all the different countries they’re from and get really happy that the internet can be used as a tool to connect people across the world with the same interest together.
Choosing to create and make friends and be nice and spread positivity over the internet is a uniquely powerful thing. It may not seem like much, (and being on the internet is often framed as “wasting time”) but the Internet is important and the things you do here are actually tangible and real. Making and sharing art—making friends—sharing writing and blurbs and headcanons is a legitimate pushback against the terrible capitalistic machine that the internet has become. I’ve heard a lot of creators say that their art doesn’t get noticed/doesn’t matter because it doesn’t get a lot of attention. But it DOES matter. Because, for every second that someone spends seeing your art, that’s one second that they don’t spend on government propaganda or brain-numbing advertisements or ragebait or AI generated “content”. And even if no one sees your art, YOU spent time making it. You loved it and cared for it and valued it in a way that capitalism can never profit from or understand.
I hope you know that I see your art & love it. I look at it when I’m sad. My gf and I look at mp100 art while we sit outside and feel the world leave our bones. Maybe this is too much, but I’m feeling earnest and joyful tonight & am trying to lean into those feelings.
I’m just thankful. You create and share just because you wanted to create and share. You’re making the world a better place.
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mushiewrites · 4 months
Just A Little Bit
well....it's certainly been a minute, hasn't it
but what better way to come back than lee!George week??? If you didn't know (or sleep under a rock), @wishitweresummer is hosting a lee!george week, perfectly named lee!GeorgeSummer (make sure to use that as the hashtag if you contribute)! if you click this link, you can find out all the details about the upcoming week! I got to do my own lee!george week last May and it was the most incredible thing, I honestly am so excited to see what everyone does!
okay, anyway, we're starting off with day 1 - first time!
this idea came to me randomly at 5:30 this morning when I saw a random text post, and it gave me the biggest shot of inspiration, and FINALLY cured my writers block! so much so that I...wrote a pretty long one. ha ha...whoops. aaaanyway, thank you to summer for hosting this awesome week and for cheering me on while you watched me destroy george in the ending, and thank you to my partner in crime @awkwardtickleetoo for listening to me whine about writers block for months, and for supporting me through it all AND reading this before it was posted. couldn't have done this without you both, thank you so much <3
OKAY I promise I'm done rambling, please enjoy the fic! :D
(lee!George / ler!Dream / ler!Sapnap : 4.5K words)
“Dream! Come on, I have to show you something!” 
Dream rolled his eyes as Sapnap called him from downstairs for the fifth time in under a minute, chuckling to himself at how impatient he could be. Despite being annoyed, he was also incredibly intrigued, and so he saved the video he had been editing before standing up to go see what all the fuss was about. On his short walk to the end of the hallway, he could hear George squealing and protesting, though he couldn’t make out what was being said. 
“What is so important that it couldn’t wait until I finished the video?” Dream called as he reached the thin railing at the top of the steps, clasping his hands around it and leaning forward to find where the two boys were. However, his eyes nearly popped out of his head as he took in the unexpected scene below him. 
In the living room was Sapnap, straddling a very squirmy George on the couch. George was screaming and thrashing around while Sapnap was beside himself with laughter through it all. They continued to fight as Dream quickly made his way down the steps, almost losing his balance as he refused to take his eyes off the two as he descended. 
“What are you doing-“ Dream’s question was cut off by a squeal from George, who was throwing his body around so violently it looked as if Sapnap was riding a bull. 
“Well, what is he-“ Again, Dream’s question was cut off by a scream, this time coming from Sapnap. George had attempted to knee him between the legs, and Sapnap had barely stopped it before it was too late.
“Well now you’re really fucked, aren’t you, George?” Sapnap leaned down close to his face, invading his space with a wide smirk as George’s eyes grew to the size of saucers. He shook his head from side to side frantically, spewing out apologies and practically pleading for his life. 
“No! No nohoho no! P-Please! Sapnap, come on!” George pleaded through nervous giggles as he continued to kick and squirm, attempting to escape the smaller boy in any way he could. But Sapnap held his own on George’s waist, clamping his thighs tighter together and giggling triumphantly when it effectively lessened the squirming.
“Can someone just tell me what’s going on?” Dream spoke up awkwardly, now standing at the end of the couch, unsure of what to do. Sapnap and George immediately looked towards the voice, almost as if they forgot the other was there in the first place.
“Oh, right! So, our best buddy Georgie here is- MHF!” George had successfully slapped a hand over Sapnap’s mouth, preventing him from sharing the information with their third party. Sapnap raised an eyebrow down at George, and no more than a second later Sapnap’s hands lowered onto his ribs. The hand over his mouth immediately dropped as George brought his arms to his sides, pressing them tightly against his body as he threw his head back, eyes screwed shut in what seemed to be agony. 
“George are you-“
“Oh don’t worry, he’s fine! He just doesn’t want you to find out about his little secret.” Sapnap cut him off once again, causing Dream to run a hand through his messy curls in frustration. 
“Shut UP, Snapmap!” George hissed from below Sapnap, articulating the dreaded nickname as he reached both hands up to try and cover his mouth again. Unfortunately for George, Sapnap’s strength was too much for him, and his wrists were scooped up into a tight hold. 
“If he doesn’t want me to know, it’s okay!” Dream blurted out quickly, seeing how panicked George was becoming. Sapnap shook his head as he chuckled, looking down at George with wiggling eyebrows before he turned his attention back to the blonde.
“No, it’s nothing like that.” Sapnap started, his chuckles turning into bright giggles as George struggled harder than he had before to break free. The older boy let out a scream, trying to talk over Sapnap, which in turn only made him more keen on exposing him. George continued to scream every time Sapnap attempted to even open his mouth, and finally fed up with the boy, he placed his hand harshly over George’s mouth. When the noise was finally muffled, Sapnap flashed Dream the biggest smile he had ever seen in their time living together.
“The big secret is that our little friend here…” Sapnap raised his eyebrows as his mouth hung open, pausing for dramatic effect to make Dream laugh. “Is extremely, devastatingly, ticklish.”
Dream felt his jaw drop slightly as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, no doubt looking like a lost puppy as his two friends watched his reaction. George whined behind Sapnap’s hand, squealing when Sapnap released his previously held wrist in favor of roughly squeezing his cheek. The pinching hand was quickly slapped away, but Sapnap made sure to keep his other pressed tightly over George’s mouth. Dream made his way over to where they were on the couch, standing over them and shrugging his shoulders at the two.
“…Really? That’s it?” Dream questioned, not understanding what the huge deal was.
“No, like, Dream. You have to see it. It’s kind of insane how ticklish he is.” Sapnap explained, giggling as George began screaming behind his hand again. Dream looked down at George, purely out of curiosity, and was surprised when the brunette immediately turned his head to face the couch cushions. He chewed on his bottom lip as he turned his gaze to Sapnap, questioning the action, but it went ignored.
“I’m serious! You need to see it! No, wait. Actually, you need to experience it. You need to tickle him, Dream!” Sapnap exclaimed, giggling again when George tried to buck his hips up to make Sapnap lose his balance. 
“No, come on Sap, I can see he doesn’t like it.” Dream spoke softly, craning his neck slightly as he leaned his body forward to try and get a glimpse of George. This only made him lean into the cushions more, now trapping Sapnap’s hand between his mouth and the couch. 
“No no, don’t mind him! He’s fine, Dream! Just scribble your fingers here!” Sapnap poked at George’s lower tummy twice, making George jolt underneath him and causing Dream to jump back at the panicked action. 
“Sapnap, no, we don’t have to-“ Dream tried again, shifting his weight nervously from foot to foot, watching as George fought for his life underneath the youngest boy. Sapnap finally removed his hand from over George’s mouth, successfully opening the floodgates to his screams and frantic laughter. George kept his forehead pressed against the cushions, leaving room for him to continue yelling as he blindly battled with Sapnap’s hands that were actively trying to render his own useless. 
“It’s fine! He loves it!” Sapnap countered through bubbly giggles, his voice growing louder to drown out George’s girlish screams as he finally managed to wrangle the small wrists down against the couch. 
Dream crossed his arms and tapped his fingers against his elbows in thought, trying to find the words to make Sapnap stop, when George finally turned his head away from the couch. This left room for the two to finally make eye contact. It was brief, only lasting a few seconds before George turned back towards the couch, but Dream knew immediately what was really going on. It wasn’t that George was uncomfortable like he had initially thought; it wasn’t because he hated it. 
Dream was incredibly familiar with George’s tells. Like how his nose would scrunch up whenever he tried a new food he didn’t like. The way George would mess with his hair whenever he got tired, always tangling small strands around his pointer finger without a thought. Dream knew that  whenever George would stomp down the steps to steer clear of him until he satisfied his inner hunger-beast. 
And he definitely recognized this particular George.
The deep red in his cheeks. The glassy eyes. The continuous whining through his protests that seemed never ending. Dream knew what this really was. George was simply embarrassed. 
Realizing this, Dream felt all the tension in his shoulders melt away, finally allowing his arms to drop and a smile to form over his face. He took a step forward, his knees lightly pressing into the seat cushions as he leaned his upper body over George. Already anticipating he would hide further into the couch, Dream brought a hand up to lean on the back of the couch to steady himself and used his free hand to run through George’s hair. Dream’s smile widened when George let out a high pitched whine at the feeling, angry at his body for betraying him as he leaned into the touch. 
“Someone’s embarrassed.” Dream stated nonchalantly, sending George into another round of loud protests that had Sapnap in near stitches. Hearing both boys giggle only made George’s blush spread, and he quickly hid his face back into the cushion as his face continued to rise in temperature. 
“Awh, is wittle Georgie embawassed?” Sapnap teased, squeezing his wrists a few times playfully to make George struggle against him more. To his surprise, George wasn’t fighting back nearly as hard anymore. Dream was still scratching lightly at his scalp, and the longer it went on the more Sapnap felt George relax beneath him. Slowly, Sapnap released George’s hands, silently observing as the wrists stayed pressed to the couch despite not being held down anymore. 
“You’re both idiots.” George mumbled quietly into the fabric, bringing his left hand up to cover his ear and the visible side of his face to hide his own smile. Sapnap reached out to grab onto his wrist, ready to pull it back down, but Dream stopped him before he could. Sapnap met his eyes in confusion, only to have his features soften a few seconds later when he understood the silent agreement Dream was trying to make. 
“Oh, come on, George. I can tell you love this. Just let it happen.” Dream suggested, receiving a high pitched growl in response. His hand never wavered from carding through George’s hair as he slowly brought himself down into a kneeling position, therefore freeing up the hand he was using to balance himself against the couch. He brought the hand down the front of the cushion slowly, allowing George time to stop him if he wanted to.
But he didn’t. Just like Dream expected.
“If you need me to stop, just tell me, okay?” George’s nod was almost missed, and would’ve been if Dream hadn’t been watching the blush slowly spread onto his ears. The tips of them were beginning to turn a deep shade of red, and Dream wondered if his cheeks were the same hue. He quickly dispelled the curiosity though, not wanting to make George shy away while in this very vulnerable position. 
“Mh mhhm.” Sapnap and Dream exchanged a quick glance to see if the other had caught what George said, but unfortunately neither did. Sapnap sat back on his heels, providing George more space to breathe as Dream did the same. The only touch left on George was the hand steadily scratching, with Dream’s fingertips lightly resting against the seat cushion next to his torso. 
“What was that, baby?” Sapnap tried to be as soft as possible, understanding the importance of keeping his tone neutral so as to not spook George.
“My…my hands.” 
“What about them?” Dream spoke next, leaning a little closer in to hear the muffled speech. 
“I just. I can’t keep them down once you start.” He practically whispered, bringing his other hand up to cover his face completely as he spoke. Dream moved his hand from the couch to rest it against George’s bicep closest to him, rubbing soothingly over the shirt sleeve with his thumb. 
“That’s okay, angel, if you need to stop me you can.” He reassured George, carding a little more harshly through his hair as a playful gesture with his gentle words.
“Well…it’s not that I want to. I just…can’t help it.” George let his voice trail off into a whisper, obviously embarrassed about his confession. He quickly tried to twist his body away from the two, but was stopped by Dream’s sudden grip on his arm. The older boy whimpered, allowing himself to be returned to his position on his back, facing the ceiling. His hands were still clamped tightly over his face, a poor attempt at blocking the two from seeing his blush. Dream and Sapnap just about cooed audibly at that, but stopped themselves before they ruined the calm atmosphere they were currently in. 
“Do you want me to hold your wrists down for you?” Dream asked. George slowly spread his fingers apart, meeting Dream’s eyes before speaking. 
“No, not you! Sapnap!” He barked, closing the gaps in his fingers when the two laughed at his outburst. “You think I want Sapnap to do that to me? He’ll kill me!” Sapnap sat up on his knees with a hand thrown over his heart like he had just been shot, offended by George’s accusation. 
“To be fair, he does have a point, Sap.” George giggled quietly at the comment, causing Sapnap to poke timidly into his lower ribs with both pointer fingers. Dream watched as George’s body jerked to the side, amazed at how such a tiny touch could produce such a reaction. 
“See! I told you he was bad!” Sapnap playfully slapped Dream’s shoulder when he noticed him looking, further proving the point he was previously attempting to make. 
“Shut up!” George screeched from behind his hands, moving them up his face slightly until he was able to lightly grip some of his hair that draped over his forehead. Dream shot one last warning glare Sapnap’s way before he turned back to George, delicately gripping his wrists and moving them slowly towards Sapnap; slow enough that George could stop it if he wanted to. 
But again, he didn’t. And again, it was exactly what Dream had expected. 
Sapnap took George’s wrists, moving them down until his hands rested against the couch on either side of his thighs. Dream sat up further, crowding a little more into George’s space in order to place both hands on either side of his ribcage. He looked down at George, searching for any sign that he wanted this to stop, that he was uncomfortable, too nervous, but Dream found none. And so, he lifted his hands from the couch and let them touch down onto George’s body, not moving them yet, but resting so he could get used to the feeling at his own pace. 
“Fuck!” George cried out when he felt Dream’s fingers press against his lowest set of ribs, throwing himself upwards as his back arched into the sky against his will. He squeezed his eyes shut and turned his face into the couch again, embarrassed by his own reactions. 
“I didn’t even do anything yet, George.” Dream snorted.
“I-I know but, like, I know you’re gonna!” George whined, throwing his head back when Dream poked his cheek to get him to return his head straight so they could see him. He kept his eyes closed, refusing to look at either of them but still obeying Dream’s quiet request anyway.
“It’s alright, Georgie. It’s just a little tickling.” Sapnap teased, vibrating George’s wrists softly into the couch as he spoke. George giggled at that, followed by a deep exhale he didn’t realize he’d been holding in. And after that much needed release, his nerves were finally calming down. 
“I know, I know. But it’s still, like..y’know, flustering or whatever.” George grumbled, peeking out of one eye to see what the two were up to. Just as he decided to do that, though, Dream poked gently up his ribs, directly up to the highest ones, stopping there when George shrieked in response. 
“Plehehease please please! No!” His laughter was louder now that Dream was focused on such a tiny, hypersensitive spot, unable to hold it in any longer. Sapnap giggled along with George as he made sure to keep the squirmy boy down, leaning forward slightly to put more of his weight into restraining George. 
“You’re okay, George. Like Sap said, it’s just a little bit of tickling, right?” It was Dream’s turn to tease him, relishing in the feeling of being the one to make George react like this. He pressed two of his fingers into both sides of his upper ribs, rubbing slightly to see what George would do.
“FUCK NOHOHOHO!” George was howling at that, the sound of heavy thudding coming from behind Sapnap as George drummed his legs against the couch as he thrashed. Dream wished he could whip out his phone and snap a picture of Sapnap, who looked as if he’d just found a goldmine. Technically, it was Dream who found it, but Sapnap’s reaction was just as good as George’s was. 
“Are you doing okay?” Dream asked loud enough for George to hear over his own laughter. He saw a slight nod but decided to pause entirely to make sure, not wanting to overwhelm George. 
“Yehehes, I’m okay, just…please, you hahave to move!” George pleaded as he let his head lull to the side, breathing heavily through his nose as he recovered from the mini tickle attack. Dream rolled his eyes as he watched George’s chest heave up and down dramatically, still surprised at the intense reactions such little tickling was causing.
“Okay, giggly boy, I hear you loud and clear,” Dream began, lifting his hands up and wiggling his fingers over George’s torso. “How about…here?” 
“Wh- NO!” George’s protest came too late as Dream tapped his fingers gently over his lower tummy, kneading gently into it and giggling softly to himself when George squealed in response. He felt his finger catch on the edge of his bellybutton, making George’s laughter jump an octave. Dream ran his fingers over the spot directly under it, back and forth, over and over, until eventually deciding to spider them out towards his hips. Sapnap bounced as George attempted to buck his hips into the air, squealing when Dream’s thumbs found his hip bones and rubbed into them roughly. 
“Oh, there’s good, huh?” Dream commented, looking up to Sapnap for confirmation while George was busy laughing under his fingers. 
“Definitely a good spot. I like to get there when he’s being annoying.” Sapnap answered, laughing when Dream tweaked his hip bones again, causing George to squeal through his hysterics. He noted the spot in his mind and continued his ticklish journey to the spots that made George laugh the hardest. His squeezing migrated up to his sides, eyes widening when George suddenly twisted his whole body away from Dream. Sapnap used his knee to press into George’s hip, trapping his waist down against the couch so Dream could continue tickling up his sides. Dream tested the spot further, letting his hands dip under George’s shirt to skitter cold fingertips along the warm skin. 
“Dohohon’t! Plehease!” George begged as Dream’s fingers continued their venture, making sure to knead over each and every rib as they climbed higher and higher. Sapnap watched in awe as George squeezed his eyes shut tighter, a few stray tears collecting together at the outer corners of his eyes as he continued to laugh himself silly. 
“Please? But I have to! You wanted this, remember?” Dream reminded him, using two fingers on each side to act as if his fingers were actually walking up his ribcage. George squirmed from side to side, as much as he could with Sapnap’s full weight practically holding him in place. 
“‘H-Hold my hands Sapnap! Dream, don’t tickle me too much pwetty pwease!’” Sapnap mocked, breaking out into his own laughter when George let out what could only be described as a lion cub’s roar trying to cover up Sapnap’s teases. 
“Stohop, idiot!” George pleaded through his laughter, kicking harder against the couch as he tried to expel the ticklish energy that was coursing through him. 
“Awh, Dweam, I think the pretty kitty is angwy!” Sapnap pretended to pout, sticking his bottom lip out as much as he could as he looked at Dream for fake sympathy. Dream gasped at the comment, feigning surprise at George’s complaints.
“The pretty kitty is angry?” Dream stopped tickling for a moment, removing his hands from under George’s shirt and bringing one up to rest under his chin as he pretended to think over his options. “Well, I think I have just the thing to help with that!” 
“Wait, no, nonono!” George cried out, throwing himself forward to try and counteract Sapnap’s weight to knock him off balance, but all he accomplished was giving Sapnap more of a reason to make him suffer. 
“You wanna play it like that, baby boy? Okay, I can do that.” Sapnap spoke flatly, stopping his moments for a second before throwing himself further over George, flinging his arms up and over his head, pressing his wrists deep into the cushions as George begged and apologized profusely under him. 
“Noho NO! I’m sorry! I’m sohoho sorry!” George tried to talk his way out of his impending doom, but it fell onto deaf ears as Sapnap leaned forward slightly, dragging his wrists up further until George’s arms were practically straight up over his head. The position had him completely stretched out, not only extending the area of his torso, but more importantly, leaving a very vulnerable opening under his arms. 
“Sorry won’t cut it, George. We want you to be happy! We can’t have our little kitty angry, now, can we?” Dream spoke over the screaming, ignoring the many apologies and threats that were now being thrown their way. “You leave us no choice, pretty boy.” With that, Dream lunged forward, letting his fingers dance under George’s arms with speed and precision that only a ballerina could possess. 
It was an understatement to claim that George lost his mind. 
George screamed out, high pitched and desperate as Dream’s fingers made circles under his arms, zoning in on the very centers. His laughter was hysterical, having no choice but to lay there and take whatever tickles Dream decided to make him endure. There was a brief pause, just to let George take in a quick gasp of air, and then Dream was back to the torment.
“Surely it can’t be that bad, George.” Sapnap chortled, watching as the small body below him writhed in ticklish agony. Dream took this opportunity to shove his hands inside of George’s shirt sleeves, using his two pointer fingers to gently scribble at the outer parts of his armpits, watching for every tiny jump and twitch from George as he did. 
“Yeah, I’m sure I could be doing something much worse,” Dream smirked, looking up at Sapnap with raised eyebrows as he began to spider all ten of his fingers under George’s arms. “Something like this, right? That’s worse?” 
“Wh-wait, wa-AHAHAHAIT! NOHOHO!” George was full on shrieking now, squirming and thrashing and throwing his body every which way to try and escape the torturous feeling. As Dream continued the tickling, George quickly lost his ability to speak, just blurting out little half pleads here and there whenever he got a second to breathe. His head was titled so far back the two thought he might snap it off if he leaned it back any farther. The tears that had been clinging to his eyelashes finally fell, rapidly descending down each side of his cheeks, right over his ears, that were burning hot from all the laughing. 
“Okay I think- woah! What- Sapnap!”
Just as Dream had noticed the tears and decided to put an end to George’s torment, Sapnap had other ideas. He let go of George’s wrists, allowing him to fling them down, nearly decapitating Dream in the process, in favor of reaching behind him to squeeze the inner part of George’s thighs. His laughter refused to go any higher, and so it went silent as he pounded his fists against Sapnap’s own thighs. 
“Okay, Sap, that’s enough. We’re not trying to kill him!” Dream reached behind Sapnap, quickly putting an end to Sapnap’s vice-like grip on George’s thighs. Sapnap rolled his eyes with an overexaggerated sigh, annoyed that his fun was ruined before it even got started. 
“I guess you’re right.” Sapnap pouted again as he climbed off of George, picking up his legs and placing them over his own thighs as Sapnap sat on the couch next to him. He rubbed at the sore muscles, giggling when bubbly laughter exploded from George at the action. 
“Y-You were supposed tohoho be nihihice!” George weakly pointed a finger in Dream’s direction, causing the two boys to laugh along with him when he pointed the complete opposite way of Dream, his eyes still closed as he took in quick gasps through the leftover giggles to try and steady his breathing. Dream slid his arms under George’s torso, picking him up and maneuvering a very limp George into his lap as he climbed up onto the couch next to Sapnap. He draped George’s back over his thighs, using his arm as a headrest for George. 
“I know, I’m sorry. It’s just hard not to get carried away when I’m tickling someone this cute.” Dream smiled down at him, bringing his thumbs up to rub the tears away from under George’s eyes. A moment later, George’s eyes fluttered open, his hands coming up to rub his knuckles harshly into them as he got used to the light again. 
“Yeah, yeah. Remember that when I get you both back, later.” George threatened, giggling up at the two when they exchanged nervous glances. “Yeah, that’s right. And don’t think you both will team up on me again. You’re both too smart for that. You’ll turn on each other, just wait.” 
Sapnap and Dream turned towards each other, smiles slowly fading into determined looks. Suddenly George was on his back on the floor as they both scrambled to run out of the living room, trailing each other up the steps, shouting threats and cursing each other as they made their way to their respective rooms, slamming the doors behind them. Not even a second later, George heard his phone vibrating like crazy on the couch cushions above him. He picked up his phone, smirking when he had messages from both boys, detailing each other’s weaknesses and vowing to make amends with him to take the other one down. George giggled to himself, standing up and walking over to where Patches had been sitting on the other end of the couch, snuggling up with her.
He had them exactly where he wanted them. 
(you can find this fic on ao3 here!)
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chaos-in-deepspace · 4 months
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Hello, you can call me Hare (They/He), and this is an NSFW Writing blog dedicated to Love and Deepspace. I mainly write: Drabbles, Long Fics, and Scenarios. I do requests on occasion however I have a long list of things to write and can't get to them all in a timely manner. This blog is 18+ and minors are not welcome in this space as a majority of my writing is adult content.
Masterlist (Contains all my writing to date)
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This is a side blog. My main blog is @havenofwriting
If you'd like to follow me on other socials, my X account for LADs is ChaoticRabbits (Mainly just reposts of fanart I enjoy, and sometimes ramblings about my current writing projects). You can also find me on Archive of Our Own at The-Chaotic-Rabbit.
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For ease of access I have custom hashtags, so please read so you'll be able to choose if you'd like to block the hashtag to customize your experience on my blog. - rabid rabbit hours: Anything NSFW from asks to writing will have this hashtag. - hare speaks: All my ramblings and updates will go under this hashtag. - rabbit reblogs: This is made for reblogging things I enjoy. I sometimes forget to add this hashtag, however I'll try my best.
Content you can expect from this blog:
Will have SFW and NSFW fics written. NSFW will either be gender neutral or AFAB depending on how detailed it gets.
All NSFW fics will have content warnings on them. If I see a minor liking or reblogging anything, I will block immediately.
Posts will be put up randomly. I don't plan on having a schedule for things.
I don't take my writing overly seriously. There might be written posts that are more comedic if anything. I enjoy writing comedy as much as I enjoy romance.
I'm caught up on the lore so I will be writing for it, however I will also do AUs if that's what I'm feeling for the day.
There will be spoilers for the game. Again I'm caught up on content and lore and can't promise things won't slip, so if you don't want any spoilers then my writing isn't for you.
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The Reader may or may not be a deepspace hunter depending on the fic or scenario.
Reader is 18+
Reader's: name, age, gender, appearance will never be specified. The most I will do is having the Reader look up at the guys which could show that they're shorter (The shortest love interest is Rafayel who is 6ft or 183cm). Reader will also have hair. Doesn't matter if it's a lot or a little, curly or straight. Hair might be mentioned from time to time but won't be specified on how much there is.
Everything is gender neutral. My biggest issue with Love and Deepspace, and I understand that it's not an English App, is that the MC is Female no matter what. She/Her pronouns and nothing can change that. This is my blog, my au, so I'll be using they/them pronouns.
Reader may or may not have an Evol depending on the fic. I know the real MC has an amplification type Evol so that will be the default for fics. If the reader has a different Evol then I'll state it in the Fic Description at the start.
Depending on the fic, Reader will either be in a relationship with one of the boys or it will be a harem situation. I will make sure to list it in the post so you can decide if you want to read it.
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Depending on the fic the relationship could be established or not a thing yet.
Backgrounds might change depending on how I wanna write the fic.
If Caleb gets released I will not be writing for him. As someone who has a step-brother, the idea of him isn't appealing. Please respect this decision.
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deityoftherain · 9 months
Hello there :D
Welcome to my tumblr! My name is Rain (Deity works too) and I use they/fae/star pronouns. I am a young adult and my timezone is ET. If you’re hateful to people in any way (queerphobia, transphobia, straight up rude, or anything else), please stay away. I do not tag reblogs often and they aren't tagged with anything specific. If you would like to look at what I have written, I have started to use the hashtag #deity writes as a way to organize it all better. You can also look below the cut for direct links to all of my writing! If I do drabbles via asks, I'll mark them with #rain drabbles. I am going to use #rain answers for anything posted through the ask function whenever I get them too, and #rain rambles for random rambling stuff- just for organization’s sake! Feel free to send me asks ^^
This account is mostly for mcyt fanart reblogs and occasional random thoughts, but I am also a fanfiction writer! My ao3 is deityoftherain! I post chapter/fanfic updates here so you can follow me on Tumblr and/or AO3 to get notified. I consider myself to chill in the PG-13/TV-14 rating though I write for both "General Audience" and "Teen And Up Audiences" and occasionally “Mature”- make sure to mind the tags! Also, if you want to know how to tag your own fics, click here for a short guide.
If you enjoy my content, please interact! I love comments (I read all of them and respond to most of them) and I appreciate kudos/notes dearly. If you want to add my work to collections of works under a theme or mark a work “Inspired By”, don't be scared to! I'll accept the request and be super ecstatic. Just do not repost any of my works! Reblogs are loved (especially if you add little comments on them) and, if you want to draw art or whatever other creative works based on my fics, feel free to (that would be really fucking cool if you did :O but no pressure obviously), but PLEASE let me know about it and tag me so I can see it!!! I will reblog them with my #deity writes and #fanart for rain tags so it's more accessible/so people can see it when looking at my works too because I want to show it off ^^
If you would like to chat, I have a discord server (invite under the cut), but also feel free to DM me here or Discord- just make sure to tell me who you are, where you found me from, and why you are messaging me. I dislike it when strangers message me without a reason for it or without something to say. It is unsettling to me but I do greatly enjoy chatting with people. I don't think I am scary so don't be anxious if you want to reach out! My discord username is the same as my username here :D
Here's my carrd, (best viewed on desktop) if you're interested, and, if you want to leave me a tip, you can on CashApp at $deityoftherain! Thank you so much if you do, but no worries if you don't, I still appreciate you <333
I run the @scottsmajorshipbracket, @trafficblrpolyamshipbracket, @mcytblingsbracket, and @mcytnamesmasterlist if you want to go check those out too :D
Above has all my my AO3 works! Below are most of my fanfics posted on Tumblr. It will take you to a post with the fic's summary and basic information. From there, you can decide to route yourself to the fic on AO3.
Discord Server Invite: https://discord.gg/xMQN5XWeHr Fanart Based on Rain's Fics (#fanart for rain): https://www.tumblr.com/deityoftherain/749375688496316418/fanart-based-on-my-fanfics
^ also includes fanart where it would be labeled more “Rain Fics Based on Others’ Fanart” or something
Listed in alphabetical order because why not :D
Obligatory disclaimer that this is the characters not the creators- the creators can do whatever they want, and I can do whatever I want with the blorbos. Nothing I write will ever be RPF; everything is drawn from the characterized versions of them. Fanon is fanon for a reason :p
Traffic Life/Life Series Fanfics dream killer chocolate kisses* crochet & cuddles cuddle hideaway empty home* festivals and ferris wheels* fidgets & flower shops fireworks flower ranchers... literally* from different worlds* healing flowers* his artist* honeybees, i'm home* isn't that jimmy's hat?* know that all my love will be your breath let me take care of you martyn, i'm not drunk matchless matchmaker* moth to a flame needles* (not) just a costume one of them only friends pesky bird* phases of the moon scott, you're drunk save a spot for me* the boogey* the canary broke his curse the warmth you bring to be human* now that you've won post-concert highs why does it matter? you're not tango, are you? zombabe
Empires SMP Fanfics accidental sleepover* all is fair in love and war* blood is thicker than blood* chord crush flower ranchers... literally* from different worlds* helixes & abalone shells* her beloved mortal ^ her beloved immortal i really missed you, dumbass i'm just me* isn't that jimmy's hat?* looking in the mirror* matchless matchmaker* my favorite color is triangle (not) a boy in a princess dress* silver sanctuary silver wounds soulbound enmity, spare me dignity strangers to fighting buddies* strawberry tears* swimming below zero the cold is nothing compared to your warmth water & art
Hermitcraft SMP Fanfics flower ranchers... literally* for pearl his artist* i don't want to be friends isn't that jimmy's hat?* matchless matchmaker* (not) a boy in a princess dress* save a spot for me*
* uncolored astrick'ed ones are tagged with multiple SMPs/fandoms tales of the empires ^ click on this if you want to view the collection with all my fics within my empires s1 canon divergent au; each fic can be read separately* traffic life superpowers au ^ click on this if you want to view the collection with all my fics within my life series superpowers au; each fic can be read separately*
Misc Fanfics New Life SMP: sparrow and his teleporter friend
Extra: I have written other mcyt fics as well as for Sanders Sides (and one for The Owl House) but those are a bit older (and I believe am better than I was) so I have not listed them here! You can still read those on my ao3 or my fanfic Tumblr (it is all listed on the pinned post) if you would like!
I also have a side blog if you are a Tumblr fanfic reader (and/or want some extra information), but a lot of things broke on me so I have abandoned it as of April 4, 2024. If you want me to post my fanfics on Tumblr (either a specific one or many of them) or something, let me know via asks or something.
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darkbluekies · 5 months
I find your answer's to us really interesting to be honestly! Makes me feel more connected with you and other readers and makes me more comfortable interacting me more. Anons message feels quite off and does feel selfish to me from my perspective and plus! Reading OC related questions makes you know more about the character as well! Really fun and exciting! From what I am seeing, it's quite rude and selfish to want stories than people questioning you because you're not the only one reading. Many others including I are interested in your ocs, hobbies and etc! Like I mentioned, it makes me feel connected with you and it gets me more comfortable interacting considering you're the only author I feel comfortable interacting with. If Anon would love to read more stories, why not click on the hastags in your account? I actually found some fics that weren't in the masterlist by it because of me wanting to learn more about Kry but anyways love your content as always 💘 will soon make a ramble about the new Hedwig story, why I think it's Hedwig when you first posted the fic of it and why I feel bad for what Edmund went through. ❤️ Please take care as always!
I hope my wording doesn't feel off, it's 3 am here and it'll be 4 am soon.
That makes me so glad!! I love to interact with you as well! And I'd just like to apologize for being a bit messy yesterday about this because I was left with a really weird feeling and was exhausted, it became a bit too much for me!! But I'm back now with new energy<3
Oh yes the hashtags are a really good idea! in that case, anon will only get to see yandere related things!! I find myself going through the hashtags sometimes when I just want to see my own things, it's a really good advice!
I hope you got to sleep well<3
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cerealmonster15 · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
ty for the tag @unpredictable-probabilities! I don't usually do tag things but I'm feeling an exception today and I want to ramble lol let's GO!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Right now, 51! I think i started using ao3 back in college with rvb fic lol. I've since orphaned 2 fics so I guess there wouldve been 53.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, mostly just Twisted Wonderland (and the occasional dndads, I still have a fic in my brain I kinda wanna write for that). Twst was kinda my comeback to wanting to write fics and has been my main inspiration for a lot of things and it's been the most fun i've had writing fics I think, and it's eventually what's gotten me to try to write my first multi chapter fic.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Slip Ups and Lift Ups (Stardew Valley) 444 Kudos 2. A Fishy Intervention (TWST) 354 Kudos 3. Company (TWST) 249 Kudos 4. Security Cauldron (TWST) 248 Kudos [my first twst fic i think? also has some errors in it teehee oopsie] 5. Because I Care (TWST) 234 Kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes!!! I think I didn't used to? Maybe because I felt weird about my own comments changing the comment count and like it was somehow lying lol. but that's silly and i like talking to people and I Need people to Know that i Love Their Comments
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm I do not write much angst, and even when I do it's more hurt/comfort, bc permasads make ME permasad. I think it was my rvb fic "forgotten" - which i always forget was my first fic uploaded to ao3 LOL, back in 2015. ironic that my first wasnt reflective of the tone i usually write for. i don't wanna reread it to check [even tho my fics from back then are WAY shorter] bc im scared to face how i wrote when i was fresh outta hs lol BUT if i remember correctly/based on the summary, it was a doc/donut fic and I think it was about how after doc had disappeared from the future cube or whatever in canon and no one knew he was gone, i wrote a scene of doc getting upset with donut bc Of All People Why Didnt You Notice I Thought I Meant Something To You 😔 kdlsjfkdlsj i think it ended with doc walking off and donut being SAD and idk maybe they broke up, idr if they were 'officially dating' in the context of that fic. but um hashtag docnut for life.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most all of my fics are happy endings with an exception of like one ^ or two lol. I don't know if i can quantify those!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not to my face if I do lol. I don't think enough people know about me to give a shit if i do stuff they dont like
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nope!!!! i dont really like smut personally and it's not the kind of genre i have story ideas for.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't think i've ever done that 🤔
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that I know of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
girl help i cannot choose. um. well first shout out again to rvb's docnut bc u will always be strong and married in my heart. and in dndads im an oakworthy truther til i die BUT for twst. twst beloved twst i am in that pitfall of i like 50000 different ships. jamiazu is the one i write and draw the most LOL and theyre def a top fave HOWEVER. god. treycater alters my brain chemistry. rookvil marriage real. adeuce beloved fool duo for life. im physically restraining myself from mentioning more KLFJDSKLFJS especially when we get into the multiship/poly web bc god we will be here all day. i can and will be enabled but this post is already long enough GOODBYE!!!!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oooh ok well there was a dndads oakworthy thing I started like last year but pretty soon after I started it, we started seeing more of hermies forbidden other 'true' personality traits and i was like ruh roh this guy keeps pulling a fast one on me, i dont think the direction i had with this fic is fitting anymore. i had barely gotten anywhere with it and it wouldve been short anyway, but i think about what couldve been.... lololol and then for TWST umm. Hehe. Teehee even. Back during nanowrimo I used that as time to start 2 fics: kalim and the great relationship rescue, which is my current multichap fic about kalisil and jamiazu, it’s got about 3 chapters, and I’m still writing it. AND IM STILL GOING TO FINISH THAT ONE!!! but the OTHER one I started during that time and have NOT posted any of it yet was the stuff with my first twst oc, Char, and his place in my big caterella multiverse ideas lol. I’ve posted a bit about that story idea and done a lot of doodles and brianstorming for it, but I fear it would be too intimidatingly ambitious to stick to and I’m not sure writing one concrete fic is the right medium for it 🤔 plus I just don’t think many people would like it much LOL it would be very self indulgent and tapping into my soap opera brain. I feel nervous when I talk about it HAHDBFNTG so I’m not sure I could commit. But I still have what I wrote, and maybe I’ll figure out another way to go with it or maybe I’ll just wake up one day and say WHATEVER and write it anyway lol. I’ve gotten shyer again so we’ll see 🧍
16. What are your writing strengths?
umm. i do not know if it is a strength but i feel more light comedy and dialogue come more 'naturally' to me, but i do not know how well i actually can pull it off LOL also shorter, contained stories. Everything I write is a one shot, and I’m struggling on my recent attempt at a multiple chapter fic BDBFFBFNGD
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
hrhrnrngm more descriptive writing, i find im in the pitfalls of writing TOO MUCH dialogue. and i also feel like when i try to do more serious tone things it comes off as cringe or trying too hard kFDKLSHFLDSJ. no one's said that to me but yknow. fear and whatnot. also ending the story is. Hard. I feel like that’s always a weak part of my fics bc I sit there like WELL I WROTE ALL MY IDEAS HOW DO I WRAP THIS UP…. I worry my endings come off kind of half assed but I do my best lol 😔✌️
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
like are you asking if i would do it? or how i feel when it's done in fics i read? i dunno lol. i could maybe do spanish bc ive studied it a lot but i'd get nervous i think.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
on ao3 it was rvb bu teeeechnically back in my neoseeker forums days i was in there writing like, animal crossing or harvest moon or pokemon stuff. it was very bad bc i was like 10 years old LOL
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
ohoho ummmm. Well I always have fun writing jamiazu and I’ve written a LOT of those lol. I have a soft spot for The Comfort of Familiarity. That’s one of the ones hats taken me the longest to write because I was really trying hard to handle it with care, as it was a less light tone than I typically do and I was trying to explore the characters and their situation in a particular way that I really wanted to come across well with who reads it. It was hard, and I’m not sure I fully got there, but ultimately I did like it quite a a bit. on the flipside, one of my more recent fics and I think now my longest oneshot to date, Blue Raspberry Mango was VERY fun to write lol. That one’s a lot more like what I typically write, silly romcom style lmao. Cater and Idia goofing, characters bickering, friendship, me trying to sneak in as many side ships into the background for funsies, jamiazu is there, it was a good time. And that one started as a prompt suggestion which I feel like often times I end up struggling with and not delivering super well… but this one ran away from me and I had a blast lol. Idikei fixed me 😌✌️
Ty for tagging me! Umm. I am too scared to tag other people 🧍 goodbye jk @officialgleamstar 🫵 You Do It
[sorry if I missed any typos or autocorrect, part of this was on my phone and I always miss SOMETHING lol]
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gemmahale · 1 year
What's All This Then?
Gemma Hale, Thirties, She/They, Bisexual Polyamorous Disaster, Housed in the Western Great Plains of the USA
This space is an 18+ space. Kink, sex and other 18+ topics are discussed here frequently. That includes: BDSM, dark fics/concepts, and similar.
Don't like? Back button or block, hun. Back button or block.
Minors and ageless blogs will be blocked on sight - I can't guarantee you're 18+ without some sort of signifier.
Too verbose for most social medias. A veritable source of weird useless scientific facts. Doctorate in plant health (but not diagnosing your plant problems). Likes cool bugs more than anything. Probably tangled in a ball of yarn. Might be working on writing.
My Masterlist
Some useful hashtags:
#Gemma Rambles - personal rambles and discussion about life
#Gemma Lectures - long form discussions
#Gemma Reads Fanfic - Fanfic specifically I've read
#Gemma Writes Fanfic - fanfic thoughts and writing See also: #Gemma Talks WIPs
#Gemma Answers - Answers to Q's
#Gemma Crafts - me venting about craft things (usually resisting purchasing more yarn)
#Gemma Watches - Reviews of films I’ve seen
#Gemma Vibes - Music that I'm enjoying
#Gemma makes a house a home - trials and tribulations of home ownership
#Gemma Eats Books - Book reviews and thoughts
#Gemma Dresses - Fat positive, body neutral discussions about clothing, fashion, etc.
#Gemma Works - job related shiz
#Friends are Friends - reblogs of friends works and posts
#Kallen Kvetches - Anything and everything that's got Kallen (my partner) in it. Usually a discussion of military inaccuracies in some capacity.
Twitter (inactive) | Instagram | StoryGraph
I will probably not have other social media sites - this will be updated if I do. I'm tired of jumping around from social media to social media as shitty policies are enacted by owners for stakeholders.
Last edited: August 27, 2024
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detroitbecomeonline · 2 years
Hello to a bunch of my new followers! My name is Trinity and I'd like to run through some of what my blog supports, my opinions, and other stuff. Feel free to message me anytime or you can lurk like the little goblins you are >:)
I reblog a lot of art, comics, and memes. I like to interpret canon by analysing specific choices on a timeline based on the end outcome. Basically that means I believe a character is canonically horrible, nice, cute, a killer, a saviour, etc. all simutaneously. If you have a take, I probably have evidence to support it even if I don't like it LMAO
My favourite character is Connor because he (apart from Hank) is the only character with strong internal conflict (and I go feral over characters with internal conflict). I enjoy Rose and Adam's interpersonal conflicts with each other, I love Hank and Connor's interpersonal conflict (probably for the same reasons as everyone else: it's funny af), and I found the relationship development between North and Markus rushed and disappointing.
I don't really hardcore romantic-ship anything, but I enjoy a bit of simarkus, and mainly reed900. Reed900 is so, so horrible that it makes me laugh. Make android-racist kiss the upgraded version of the android he hates most. A well-deserved punishment lmaooooo 💀 Also I love the fanon dynamics it's too good.
I like to ship Hank and Connor as father and son because that's such a vibe to me!!! Most of the time, hankcon makes me uncomfortable because of this, but I'm vibing and it's okay if you like to interpret their relationship the romantic way. (Multiple timeline brain, after all^.) I keep the hankcon hashtag hidden but sometimes I sneak a peak hoping it's a funny comic alskdhskjdhd I used to get jumpscared by hankcon because I interpret them as father and son, but nowadays I look at it and go "ah yes, not My timeline" and travel back through the wormhole whence I came 🥴 I can still appreciate some of the art tho!! Btw I'm chill if you tag my some of my stuff as hankcon I don't care 💅
I like to see the RKs as brothers in one universe, but I don't mind the RK ships in another universe. These ships are like a true neutral for me, but the brothers is preferred :) I think I just like family dynamics lmao
I dislike the main fanon interpretations of Sixty, but I do love the memes of him being a dumbass. I like memes of any character being a dumbass. It makes my dumb ass feel less of a dumb. Also it's funny
I REALLY love meta and analysis. I soak that up like a sponge. I love when people throw essays at me or a ramble comes across my feed. I love it so much. Analyse the symbolism!!! Do it do it!!! I will lick the screen like an RK800 I don't care I am Normal about proper good analysis.
I don't really read much fic and if I say I'm going to read something, give me about 1 business month. (I'm not exaggerating I'm so sorry.) I'm more of a content creator than consumer, so I spend my free time making stuff and then I consume when my brain needs to chill out or the guilt gets too strong.
You can find all the stuff I create on my pinned content master post. <3
Once again, feel free to message me or throw me posts but if there is one thing that tops it all: If you find any content of Connor suffering, I require it to live. That's my oxygen. If Connor is reduced to nothing but his entrails on a table and a CPU propped up on a stand, I will be so happy LOL sorry Connor. Get shot homie
Bonus: The PM700 is cool as hell and I have a blondman crush on the WR600 who gave Kara directions to Zlatko's 💀👌
Bonus bonus: Mega crush on Connor too!!! Also I love Zlatko's monsters ok I'll shut up now
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moonstandardtime · 1 year
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hunter toh in my botw au.....oh i could go on and on abt this au. i think ill do lumity next?
feel free to ask question abt the au. please do actually. to get you started heres some base info under the cut. its VERY ramble-y.
base character matchups are Luz as Zelda, Hunter as Link, and Belos as Ganon. this au doesnt involve much from TotK bc i havent finished it but. given the story it will definitely come into play!
basic story/plot/exposition is that 10,000 years ago, the sheikah Made a Hero for the future. just in case. extra safety measure or whatever. they saw how difficult it was to overcome the calamity and were like, hey, what if we made the ideal hero for future hyrule? make it easier. and so they do. they Make a Guy (caleb is the first hero (yknow the one in the hyrule historia manga bit) so his bones arent available to use for a grimwalker. so idk if hunter is a grimwalker of the 10k hero or if hes made entirely independently bc the sheikah. probably could do that) and stick him in the shrine of resurrection. this is the true purpose of the SoR: its really more of a shrine of stasis, to keep this manmade hero alive till hes needed. think cryogenic stasis or whatever.
so. hunter sleeps in the SoR for 10,000 years. has an awful time. one of the first (maybe The first) fic i read on ao3 was about what the SoR was like for botw link and it. stuck with me. so now i incorporate it into everything i make for botw if possible. anyways he has a miserable time, which is important because he had this miserable time for 10,000 years instead of just 100. Anyways. like botw link, he loses his memories. unlike botw link, they are inaccessible. period. there is no remembering Shit. besides like. vague vibes that he was instilled with. turns out if you make a person and tell them for their entire short existence that theyre made for a thing, then even if they forget everything else they Will still remember that theyre made for a thing. even if they dont really. so yeah all hunter knows is that he is not a person, that he exists for a Reason, and how to breathe. and other basic bodily functions. hes basically a big baby with a hero complex.
the rest of the au takes place "pre-calamity". i have a vague idea on how the actual calamity takes place (and how to make it similar to botw w/out so much death bc i have thought Very Much about this specific time period and not whatever the hell would be going on a century later. lmao.)
so. when the SoR is Discovered by sheikah researchers everyone is Very Surprised at the Whole Human Boy inside. because well. that should not be possible. this thing was difficult as hell to get into and also there was quite a bit of rock in the way! so they assume him to be dead and just miraculously preserved by the SoR fluid. And then he wakes up screaming (imagine being in the most agonizing sensory deprivation tank ever for 10,000 years and then abruptly being exposed to the world again. not fun!) and everyone is like OH SHIT ITS ALIVE.
eventually they get him out and not having the worst overstimulation meltdown in the history of all time and space and get back to hashtag Researching. some ppl focus on him (taking care of him (like i said. big baby with a hero complex), figuring out what the hell is up with him, etc) and others continue examining the SoR. the ppl with hunter make very little progress. because just bc hes not having the worst overstimulation meltdown in the history of all time and space, it doesnt mean he has a clue whats going on at all. or that hes not still having one of the worst overstimulation meltdowns in the history of all time and space. the ppl at the SoR, however, find a plaque with his name and vague purpose for existing, as well as the sheikah slate. yippee!!!
after all this, once hes less. of a big baby with a hero complex ig. we move to more character-focused stuff than exposition. so ill end this here for now. if you read all this you are very invited to talk to me abt this! i would love that! a good place to start i think would be with explaining characters. most of the important characters in the show are in this au. and i do mean most. there is quite a lot going on
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meowsticmarvels · 7 months
im curious. who are your fav characters from each mainline persona game that you have played 🤔🤔 (take this as an invitation to ramble about them)
YIPEEEEEEEE here we go will be long so im hiding it under a readmore again. also since you said mainline im not including toshiro or eri but you Know...... im abnorma, abt them
i have NOT played p1 and i've just barely started p2is (though ive watched snippets of someone elses's playthrough) but i will say. based on my limited knowledge i rly like hidehiko, ayase, naoya, tatsuya, jun, eikichi, yukino, maya, and lisa
p3 and p4 are difficult bc theyre the ones im the most autistic abt and the main entire casts as a whole are comforts for me. but anyways. going to talk about p3 first Yes I Will Include SLs too. im abnormal. top 3 main insaners for p3 though are akihiko, yukari, and junpei. for me
makoto/minato sooo so gender envy. im obsessed with his design a lot. his character i do also like hes a little goofy and so mecore but mainly his design is something i love a lot
same with kotone. also love how she has a sort of distinct personality that you can tell with slight dialogue changes that her counterpart doesnt say. shes rly real. love reload but i miss her...
as stated yukari's one of my favs. she didnt Use to be (i did like her but Not as much) but she's slowly become one and man. i love that silly girl. her haters will not survive the winter actually. it does piss me off though because like. yeah shes not perfect no character rly is but she's a traumatized mentally ill teenage girl with a dead dad and a neglectful mom cut her some slack maybe? god forbid women do anything. idk. but im obsessed with her. her character is actually so interesting to me and not a lot of people talk about it? like her whole fear of death causing issues with summoning her persona like at the beginnning, her dad being involved with the kirijo groups shit, how she puts on a cheerful front but is actually deeply really lonely :(, her kinda playful insult friendship with junpei (deep down they do care abt eachother. i wish that was explored more. i found a rly good fic abt it once.) and etc etc. idrk what to say but shes sooo. i also love how she initially HATES mitsuru and is super jealous of her and then. Well. gay tension is real. anyways shes a transfem lesbian to me btw. yukamitsu ftw
junpei's also become one of my favs. somehow. in a similar vein to yukari in that he wasn't initially my main fav character but i think his character's also pretty interesting and has. a lot of unexplored potential. he's very silly and i love him for that a lot but something i don't see many people talk about is like. his Issues. like yeah hes silly but he's also got some fucked up self-worth issues!!! remember the scene on 5/9 where he kinda gets really upset and goes off on his own and stuff. for example. like i think him being imperfect and having these moments where he's NOT cheerful and goofy all the time and actually deeply really jealous of you because he feels that fighting's all he's good for and he's not worth much else is what makes him interesting. do you get it. like him being tbe silly funny guy isn't all he is as a person yk!!!!! also as far as characterization I point a lot to the scene where yukari's more than willing to go confront the people in the alley while junpei's worried, or scene near the end of the game where yukari teases junpei and he snaps at her, confessing that while he doesn't show it he really is terrified. they all are, at that point. yk what I mean? also people don't acknowledge his trauma with his father enough (maybe because it's only really discussed at all in femc's route... his SL is so good but not enough ppl see it... BUR YEAH did not think I'd go off on a tangent about junpei fucking iori tonight but he's real. hashtag brokeback tartarus. also he's an adhder to me. (oh yeah also want to point out this line in his SL where he says "maybe I have anxiety or something". yeah. that's a line!)
akihiko fucking sanada. ohhhh man. this guy. where do i even START. he's so so crazy like what if your local high school upperclassman boxing champion guy was also really gay for his dying childhood friend and autistic as hell and also traumatized. and he's doing boxing in the first place to overcompensate because the death of his sister made him fear losing anyone else again snd he needs to feel like he has power. he needs control. yk? like this guy made me insane for like several months straight in 2023 and he still makes me ill. to this day. as you can probably tell by my distaste for people seeing yukari and junpei at face value you can probably gather that I hate the protein jokes and i Do. he said it like. Once in p3. it never rly was funny????? and what they did in spinoffs esp p4a to just make him look like a gym rat and nothing more makes me upset bc of the REASON he's obsessed with fighting. he's not just a dumb jock (he also isn't dumb lol he canonically scores very high on his exams) he's overworking himself because feelings of self doubt from trauma have caused him to feel the need to overcompensate so he never loses anyone again. you know? it would've been interesting to see him relapse in p4a if theyd actually done it well. like he doesnt rly give himself time or room to grieve in game (theres rhat onw scene on 10/5 and then he barely talks about it again. man i wish it was developed more...) so realizing that grieving isnt a linear process that he can just repress for a long time and even years after it can still hurt would go INSANE. but no they just turned him into i love protein joke number 20. okay!!! (im very angry) thinking about when my non persona friend after hearing me explain some of the plot described p3 as like a greek tragedy because like. damn. he and shinji were doomed from the start with personas like polydeuces and castor huh. anyways. yeah. continuing writing now that i've watched october 4th in reload AND akihiko's breakdown as a reuslt and i wanna scream and cry and throw up that will be for another post but ooh man it mad eme cry like 3 times. and I KNOEW WHAT HAPPENS. THEYRE SOOOOOOOOOO if you know me im an insane akishinji truther. im just. i wanna talk abt other charactrs so ill stop here but always ask me about akihiko + akishinji + ships i like in general. i am really normal. oh btw transmasc akihiko is forever real to me. also he's autistic and a ptsder. to me (tbf what persona character Doesnt have some form of truama but like. this guy in particular). up there with my highest blorbos
i dooont wanna go on for too long abt every other character in p3 so ill keep this next part short and sweet but if u wanna hear me talk more abt any of them. feel free to. starting with fuuka i love he rmy transfem autistic girlie who has every disease. i also love mitsuru a lot who i Wish had people acknowledge her deeper aspects more. like. she was experimented on and also very sheltered and also a little bit of a girlfail. shes not fully the girlboss you all say she is shes also just a teenage girl!!!!!!!!!! koromaru can do no wrong hes forever the best. i love that dog. ken makes me so so sad he is just a kid!!! what the hell!!!!!! :(. and oh man. shinji. guy who is so wracked with guilt. guy that is dying no matter what happens. guy that dies in his lover's arms
as far as non-sees characters. i rly like strega. esp jin and chidori. dont think abt them enough. also as far as SLs i like keisuke, hidetoshi, bunkichi and mitsuko, kazushi, yuko, and etc etc...i need to see rio and saoris links too they look real. oh also i LOVE ryoji
p4 time !!!!!!
again gonna cut this short so i can actually Fit it all in one post. but wow. i do like all of the IT so so much but im just focusing on my favs. anyways i love yu so much his autistic swagger esp in the animation is amazing. like he is not a "chad" he's just an autistic teenager. ok. also the animation broke me when nanako gets kidnapped he sounds fucking distraught there. love when people delve into yu's issues also bc hes a bit fucked up but Man. ouch. just like me fr tho
i love yosuke in a similar way to why I like junpei because he's kind of a loser /pos snd has some insane issues that his shadow delves into that are Kind of Insane for the FIRST shadow of the game. like ok damn. i really do love his social link in general tho his was the first one I maxed out in my (unfinished because i didn't want to finish it) p4g playthrough so!!!!! many things wrong with him and also the lgbt community has forgiven yosuke hanamura. also similarly to junpei he's adhd as hell. souyo ftw
naotos probably my fav p4 character I think which is Pretty Painful Sometimes. sometimes I need to kill both other persona fans and atlus if ykwim. but anyways i hc him as transmasc for one thing but also if atlus weren't cowards and actually made his story abt rhat it would've hit so hard. his shadow in general is often overlooked apart from that bc what about the part where he talks about being mistreated by others and feeling utterly alone and not allowing himself to act like a kid!!!! it fucks me up!!! he's also super autism btw like god damn. but YEAH point is I love naoto so much and i hate how both some fans and atlus tjemself treat him because his whole arc and shadow had the potential to be super compelling
apart from who i listed above i do like the rest of the IT so much they're such silly friends (i love you chie i love you yukiko i love you kanji i love you rise i love you teddie.). can't think of any SLs off the top of my head that were crazy but I do like daisuke and kou. OH ALSOO the dojimas..... 😢💧😢😢💧 love them
p5 time :3 I'm into it less so than p3 or p4 but Still
yusuke's my favorite p5 character probably. i domt know what it is apart from the common trend of my favs being autistic as hell (see: akihiko and naoto) but he's like. such a fucked up guy. he's traumatized. he loves art. something is deeply wrong with him. obsessed with this gug
i also do like ren/akira, ryuji, futaba, and also mishima (unfortunately. but in my defense there is something deeply wrong with him slash positive). i don't know a lot abt all of p5's confidants but i like iwai I think.... this reminded me I need to make more progress in p5 what the hell. i miss you futaba (i haven't even got to her palace yet im still on kaneshiros LOL)
but YEAH! thank you for asking!!! from the ones I've played my top favs are akihiko + naoto + yusuke respectively so👍👍👍 loved answering this :3 if u have any thoughts on a particular character feel free to ask and ill elaborate :3
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eemoo1o-animoo · 1 year
Wdym Claude was doomed by the writing and not narrative I'm curious to see how that differe
From: (x)
You seem nice enough, so I assume you’re not here to tell me that I’m shit at using words, and for that I’m grateful. 😅
(After posting this I’m going to go back to posts which I reference/would give further explanation to my ramblings, so if by chance you read this before all the links are added, I’d recommend coming back.)
Actually, what I mean by that is that Claude’s character (general consensus thereof aside, being: flat, unreactive, dispassionate, etc., especially in contrast to Alois and, especially, Sebastian) is quite inconsistent.
In fact, from what I remember, episode one and six appear to have the most consistent Claude in comparison to the rest of the season (oh god, including “the derailment” in episode nine but that’s to be expected—but more on that in a minute).
That being said, episode six then had a minutely different Alois/undertone to episode one (episode one being the “set up” episode that I refer back to for my darling, darling sliver of the endangered “Soft Claude”), with Alois referencing “punishing Claude” when prior to and even after this it’s never brought up at all, and the esteem in which Alois holds Claude anyway disallows him from ever “punishing” him, anyway, so it feels quite out of character in that regard.
Episode nine is the blood tasting episode, if I recall correctly (or, perhaps that is at the very end of episode eight?) is, what I call, “the derailment”, for the whole series and plot completely shifts tonally and so does the characterisation of Claude.
Claude was eventually the scapegoat for the writers trying to get back on track from the “set up of recurring characters” they’d had in practice to the “season exclusive arc” they had on paper. For that, Claude’s characterisation suffered.
Hashtag Flanderisation, am I right, gamers? (Please don’t sue me.)
It wasn’t even flanderisation, technically, either! Because most of the attributes inflated (ie. “creepiness” and “perverseness”) post-blood tasting weren’t present let alone even hinted to in prior episodes, inconsistent characterisation of all season-exclusive parties aside!
I’m a big advocate for “Claude’s characterisation deserved better” (then with the immediate clarification of “not his character—just his characterisation”).
In fact, it was @indigoipsum that brought to light the popular hypothesis that each episode was written by a different writing team, hence the inconsistencies (some of which were exclusive to an episode each, like Claude’s “soft moment” in episode one or Alois’ mentions of punishing Claude in episode six, to name some, but there are more). An idea which none of us have gone back to check the season’s credits to prove, and so it just floats in the air, unproven, and we’re okay with that.
(It’s also an idea that made me a bit upset, for whatever reason, because I’d become quite attached to the “Soft Claude” scene in episode one, as I’d rewatched the episode to analyse Claude and Alois for a fic. For the record I’d pumped out like a billion bullet points after going frame by frame analysing anything I could.)
I go into further detail of it here, a post that was prompted by Indigo telling me the aforementioned theory.
As far as season two goes, someone with a better recollection than me would be @nullb1rdbones, who tends to rewatch it all on the near-daily, it seems, so off I send you for further in-detail questions about the season, and not Claude / ramblings about the writing (of which you are more than welcome to come back to me whenever you feel you must).
So I guess, what I mean by what you’re asking, is that the “narrative” would be the perspective of which he’d been put into the story (I don’t doubt he was always meant to be the season villain, but in the beginning it certainly wasn’t delivered as thoroughly as what it was later on), but the writing was… the writing made it worse, I guess is what I’m trying to say.
Hopefully, that clears some of the confusion (explaining myself is hard).
And, hopefully, I do these characters more justice than the canon ever did (and what they deserve because not believing that good writing is what they deserve makes me sad. Fuck you, estrogen 🖕) in my upcoming fic, Claudetails.
I doubt it will be hard, though. The badness of writing makes it so easy to trump it. (And yet so, so difficult.)
Thanks for the ask, anon! Hope you come again soon.
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carlos-tk · 11 months
nice ask week
hi D! it's nice ask week! What made you start watching LS and what was it about the show that made you spiral into fandom?
Hi Rae! Thanks for the question! 💗 Apologies for how long this took me to answer. Work took over my life this week 😢 Now buckle in for a stupidly long story 😅
Firstly, I had watched the original 911s first and half of its 2nd season whenever they aired (2018/19 thanks Wikipedia) and then totally forgot all about it because again #life 😅 I did hear about a spin off whenever they announced it but I guess the only info was that it was coming soon. Wikipedia is helping out and it seems it was May 2019. I didn’t really pay it much mind because by then I had already stopped watching the og.
So I move on with my life and don’t think about either series until September 2022. I saw a youtube clip of a scene: the throwing each other against the wall hookup from 1x02. I watched it and I was like.. OH?!👀🔥🥵 Saved it to my YouTube watch later and again forgot all about it because back then I was doing full time shift work and had no time to breathe let alone watch anything new 😂 (kicking myself because I could’ve been here a year ago) 😭
Cut to this year. I can give you an exact date i rediscovered 911 verse. May 17th 2023!! 🥳 All because of the Tarlos wedding.
Twitter is probably the platform I use the most cos it’s got all my sports content😅 Anyway I happened to be on the discover/trending tab and one of the top hashtags was #TarlosWedding which was airing that day. I clicked it to investigate and scrolled through. It was full of pics and fanvids of the wedding and again I was like OH 👁👁. I liked a bunch of the tweets to revisit and moved on with my day. A few days later because I had liked all that stuff, Twitter keeps recommending me more content. So I find myself back on YouTube and watched these:
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and then a series of random scenes and I was like... okay I need full context for all of this. Another month passes and it’s probably end of June/early July and I’m like let me see if this is available anywhere to watch in Australia. I find it on Disney+ and they have seasons 1-3. This is finally when I watched the show. And then I could not stop thinking about it. S4 is no where to be found though. So I google and see it’s halfway through airing on Channel 7 here which means it won’t be uploaded to Disney+ for a while. So then I’m like UGH 😒😩😤 I wanted to binge the whole season like I had for the others. I kept tabs on when it would finish airing on TV and eventually the finale airs August 14th. The next day I start it and binge the whole season on 7Plus over a few days.
Now that I had seen their entire story so far, I was full blown hyper fixating. Like they’re on my mind ALL the time. I’m reading a book or watching a movie/show and thinking about Tarlos in place of the characters. I’m listening to a song or reading a poem/lyric and being like oh that’s so Tarlos coded😂😂 At this point i’m like oh no 😅😅 The fandom life is coming for me.
Then the biggest surprise of all I start getting the urge to write fanfic again! Which is insane because I had not written anything in (redacted) years. Like nearly every time as I was about to sleep, I start having ideas and rambling it out in my notes app at stupid hours like 2am 😂😅
Next we have the writers/actors strike and I’m like 👀trust me to find a new obsession and everyone is on strike and I’m gonna get nothing new for ages. Then I remember AO3 is a thing that exists and find my way to the 911 Lone Star tag and start reading fic again. Any spare moment I had I was itching to read whatever I could get my eyeballs on. I said to you the other day that I read your gym!AU first and look I might’ve read a random 1k word one shot or two but nothing I can actually remember like yours 😂🥵 I think the added pictures and texts made it so memorable because 1. I did not know you could do that on AO3 2. Rafael is like the hottest guy I’ve ever seen 😅😅 and 3. It was just so damn good 🥵 Sm*t with feelings and I am there. You teased the feelings a little and if/when (no pressure btw) you decide to revisit this universe just know I’ll be first in line 🙋🏼‍♀️ and the reason I can recall it as the first is it’s the oldest AO3 tab saved to my safari reading list 😅
By this point I’m reading fic through the end of August and September constantly. A few I read had peoples Tumblr links in the end notes so then I remember that Tumblr also exists 😂 I come over and lurk, explore the tags, look at all the beautiful gifs, look at a few peoples blogs and make a mental note to maybe join Tumblr again. I had 2 blogs back in hs, 1 fandom specific blog that got abandoned during my last year of hs and a sports/tv-series one I used a little in the years after hs but then again #life and I didn’t touch it after like 2016.
Come September 2023. I made a new email, signed up to Tumblr again, and requested an AO3 invite. Learning how to use this site again was wild because so much had changed since I last used it. I saw something about getting mistaken for bots so I spent a little time making the blog look nice and like an actual person exists before I bothered to follow anyone or any tags. October rolls around and I finally start using it every day and now I’m here with all of y’all 💗
Sorry for the extremely long story and again sorry for how long it took 😅😅
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llolianarchives · 1 year
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About the user . . .
Ella/Lorraine ✮ they/she ✮ minor ✮ filipino ✮ diasomnia
About the blog . . .
This is pretty much just a turf for me to post self-indulgent writings and tributes to my favorite franchise! Frequent posts are not guaranteed as my interest comes and goes. Other than that, I am a very dedicated student so I'm typically burning my eyebrows studying. My main account that I primarily use for reblogging and miscellaneous posting is @llolian 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
Other Interests . . .
Obey me, Arcana Twilight, Tears of Themis, For All Time, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Stardew Valley, Hades I, Hades II, Classic Literature, Harry Potter Magic Awakened, Hogwarts Legacy, Fear and Hunger, More Video Games, and the list continues to grow!
Hashtags . . .
#inkless-printer (completed fanfics?)
#just-a-drop (short works that didn't make it into full fics)
#paper-balls (rambles and miscellaneous thoughts)
#canon?-yeah-in-my-heart (namesake: headcanons)
#yue-lorren (works featuring my twst oc and yuusona)
Twst EN Account . . .
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If you ever feel like befriending me in-game or sharing cards in dire straits (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
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03l210 · 2 years
About me/my blog (remake):
⊱ ──────── {.⋅🦋⋅.} ─────── ⊰
Hello, my name is Aponia, I’m 16 (17 soon), unlabeled aroace, and use any and all pronouns besides they/them, and this is going to be an account featuring my writing that is mostly centered around things ranging from x readers to solo ‘character study’ writings! My writing is off of PC for the most part, so sometimes I am not able to update as frequently if I am sick, out of town, or busy with school assignments/work around the house, so please bear with me during either of those instances. Also note that sometimes I suck with tone in my messages when I’m tired/really bored so I apologize if I come off rude or anything at any point, I really don’t mean it.😭😭 Some of my main interests are Blue Lock, Genshin, Honkai, Tatsuki Fujimoto's works, Jigokuraku, and many more that I might ramble about, or you can ask if I'm into them.
Please do not follow if you are under 14! I do not want people 13 and under following me for my own comfort, people over 19 are more than welcome to follow but I may not engage with all of your content as much or talk to you that often unless it is about something you requested/series rambling.
This isn’t the place for you if you are racist, trans/homophobic, misogynistic, and etc. in anyway shape or form, this includes being against lesbians that use he/him pronouns or gays that use she/her pronouns (they are literally just preferred pronouns)
As I mentioned before, I am 16 and I will NOT be writing any sort of NSFW/Smut fics!! I don't mind if you write them yourself, but I will not be interacting with them so if you are purely an NSFW writings only account I most likely won't follow you back. If you just occasionally do NSFW pieces, then I'm just going to ignore them or block out the hashtags. (I’m not just saying this to say it, I am just overall uncomfortable with in depth nsfw content as a whole for a number of reasons)
I don't have any other socials associated with writing EXCEPT for this blog and an AO3 account under the same user that I haven't used yet, so please do not claim that I do! I also do not allow FULL reposts of my works so please do not post them anywhere else outside of sharing the link for my original work.
I don't mind starting conversations in my ask box, go right ahead! I love talking about series/characters I like with other people, just please do not ask me anything about my personal life unless I talk about it first.
What I will or won't write
Romantic works
Platonic works
Fem reader
Male reader
Gender neutral (This is usually my default)
Solo character fics (I don't take requests for these currently though!!)
Explicitly yandere stuff
Dark content but specifically content like r/pe, inc.st, p*do shit, and anything of the like.
Character x Character (I suck at it and don’t feel confident with taking requests for it)
A/B/O. Just no.
And that's all I can remember but I will add to it as I remember!
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therapycord · 11 days
❝ 透過、「また会いましょう」 ❞
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❝ 天国も地獄も無いのなら ❞
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riri ♡ they/he/she ♡ istp ♡ akito & shizuku kinnie ♡ nagi seishiro & keqing fan
♡ hi! I'm Riri and this is just an archive for all of my ao3 fics since my ao3 page has become a very large mess :)
━━ ♡ please read the full pinned post, thank you!
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★ ! '07 · bllk · literature ! ★
— 🎧 !! 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑎 !! 🎧—
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୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. ABOUT RIRI !!
♡ please refer to in 3rd person or use the they/he/she pronouns
♡ minor, high school 2nd year, biromantic asexual
♡ very big fan of Keqing (genshin), Baizhi (wuwa), Nagi (bllk) and Mizuki (prsk) so please don't slander these characters in front of riri
♡ hyperfixations and adhd
♡ likes to yap about their interests a lot, please use tone tags when speaking with them since they're terrible with social interactions
♡ uses CAPS LOCK while typing and rambling. likes desserts, animanga, vocaloid and badminton. dislikes spiders and mornings
♡ absolutely adores the hirakagi/kagihira and kyoru ships
♡ akiyama mizuki (prsk) and mitake ran (bandori) oshi but never gets them in game </3
♡ really loves to read novels, classic literature and manga! always open for recommendations to add to their to-be-read list!!
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୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. ABOUT THE BLOG !!
this blog is for two purposes: 1. to archive and keep track of all of my ao3 works 2. to post my opinions on manga i've been reading recently this blog is mainly to keep a track of my ao3 works since my ao3 page is extremely disorganized and a mess with over 200 fics (some aren't even completed) i will be using this blog ( and another priv. blog) to post my opinions and review on manga - mainly so i can finish reading all the manga i own. the manga review is for a school project.
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୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. FANDOM WORKS !!
Project Sekai Colorful Stage ft. Hatsune Miku
Fruits Basket (anime + manga)
Hirano And Kagiura
Miraculous Ladybug
Genshin Impact
My Hero Academia
Haikyuu !!
Assassination Classroom
━━ ♡ plus a lot more but they all have like 1~5 works so I didn't bother including links
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୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. SERIES !!
Fandom Snippets!! (Completed)
Violet Ballroom (Fandom Snippets Part 2, ongoing)
Kagihira Week 2024 (Completed)
━━ ♡ I have a few more series posted but they're mostly incomplete so I didn't bother. They can be found under the series tab on my ao3 profile.
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♡ Please include the title of the fic + author when submitting fics for me to read and add to my bookmarks, it's super helpful!
♡ You can submit nsfw fics but please put a trigger warning before you add the link so I'm aware, thank you!
♡ Include trigger warnings if the fic involves triggering/dark topics (that aren't horror)
♡ I read fics of any and every fandom so don't be afraid to submit fics from fandoms that aren't animanga or video games! I'm always looking to expanding my reading horizon :)
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♡ Feel free to ask me anything that aren't the following:
my age, where I study, my birthday and other personal information
♡ I will do my best to answer any questions!
♡ When requesting, please write out the full name of the fandom and particular ship you want me to write for. I accept rarepairs as well.
♡ And please make it clear what you'd like: fluff, angst, crack or a combination when requesting.
♡ Unless it's for my own self-indulgence, I will NOT be writing nsfw.
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୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. HASHTAGS !!
fanfictions = » eulaexe
original character stuff = » therapycord
project sekai = » pjsk🎀
bandori = » bandori🎍
enstars and other rhythm games = » es+others💿
gacha games (genshin, hsr, wuwa, etc) = » gacha🔮
manga reviews / posts = » manga review📖
unrelated rambles / random posts = » chaos
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୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. EXTRA STUFF !!
♡ favorite song(s)
とっても素敵な六月でした (It Was A Very Beautiful June) - Eight Piya O Re Piya - Atif Aslam, Shreya Goshal JUDGEMENT - ASH DA HERO STORMY - Nissy x SKY-HI
♡ carrd
♡ ask to add me on genshin (asia server), honkai star rail (asia server), wuthering waves (asia server), roblox, ensekai and jpsekai !
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天国も地獄も無いのなら こんな泥塗れの現実を誰が裁けるの
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