#uses of plants
sergle · 5 months
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pink carnations for the floral portrait series + detail (pls do not tag as "me", thank you!!)
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reasonsforhope · 7 months
"A century of gradual reforestation across the American East and Southeast has kept the region cooler than it otherwise would have become, a new study shows.
The pioneering study of progress shows how the last 25 years of accelerated reforestation around the world might significantly pay off in the second half of the 21st century.
Using a variety of calculative methods and estimations based on satellite and temperature data from weather stations, the authors determined that forests in the eastern United States cool the land surface by 1.8 – 3.6°F annually compared to nearby grasslands and croplands, with the strongest effect seen in summer, when cooling amounts to 3.6 – 9°F.
The younger the forest, the more this cooling effect was detected, with forest trees between 20 and 40 years old offering the coolest temperatures underneath.
“The reforestation has been remarkable and we have shown this has translated into the surrounding air temperature,” Mallory Barnes, an environmental scientist at Indiana University who led the research, told The Guardian.
“Moving forward, we need to think about tree planting not just as a way to absorb carbon dioxide but also the cooling effects in adapting for climate change, to help cities be resilient against these very hot temperatures.”
The cooling of the land surface affected the air near ground level as well, with a stepwise reduction in heat linked to reductions in near-surface air temps.
“Analyses of historical land cover and air temperature trends showed that the cooling benefits of reforestation extend across the landscape,” the authors write. “Locations surrounded by reforestation were up to 1.8°F cooler than neighboring locations that did not undergo land cover change, and areas dominated by regrowing forests were associated with cooling temperature trends in much of the Eastern United States.”
By the 1930s, forest cover loss in the eastern states like the Carolinas and Mississippi had stopped, as the descendants of European settlers moved in greater and greater numbers into cities and marginal agricultural land was abandoned.
The Civilian Conservation Corps undertook large replanting efforts of forests that had been cleared, and this is believed to be what is causing the lower average temperatures observed in the study data.
However, the authors note that other causes, like more sophisticated crop irrigation and increases in airborne pollutants that block incoming sunlight, may have also contributed to the lowering of temperatures over time. They also note that tree planting might not always produce this effect, such as in the boreal zone where increases in trees are linked with increases in humidity that way raise average temperatures."
-via Good News Network, February 20, 2024
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hellsitegenetics · 4 months
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hey this was taken from a matt rose video
lets see what animal/plant kim kardashian is
Closest match: Sorghum bicolor subsp. drummondii cultivar S722 chromosome 10 Common name: Sudangrass
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(image source)
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roadkill-creatures · 1 month
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Unsurprisingly, one kiss in an alleyway behind some bins doesn't fix your problems. Previous part is here, I skipped Castafiore's introduction because I animated it here!
This is part of my story, The House of Glass. Poor Chang is going through it in this one.
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inusmasha · 1 year
Sometimes it’s hard to read fanfic when you’re studying herbalism.. when they have the character preparing a tincture to use that same DAY!!?
Baby those dried herbs need to sit in that jar with high proof alcohol for at LEAST a month!
That’s why before the use of calendars ppl use to prepare their tinctures either on the new moon or full moon. A a full moon cycle is usually 28 days or so. And they would give the moon names so it’s easier to remember when/what month said tincture was bottled.
This is also why herbal medicine is prepare in small batches. You have to take your time preparing your bottles. Making sure everything is clean so you don’t end up with mold. Diluting your grain alcohol. Heckkk knowing when to pick your herbs for max potency! Drying your herbs! That takes a lot of time too!
I didn’t mean to rant lol
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sadmishutka · 2 years
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they :с
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smoosie · 1 year
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Birds of Paradise
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yashley · 5 months
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Then why are you here? What is it you want? I want to free you.
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oxytocxins · 2 years
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I thought the earth remembered me, 
she took me back so tenderly. 
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transgendz · 6 months
My roommate and I are financially unstable while he does through a long, complicated diagnosis process that started as we stopped being homeless. I just got a job, and it's going to pay well and allow us to get caught up and stable, but I don't get my check for a week and a half. We have rent due on the 1st, our storage bill due at the end of the month, and we are out of food.
Dm me for proof or details
I will do art for anyone who gives, just message me @theartistrans I also take commissions there.
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Dm me for zelle
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kaogens · 2 months
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happy days
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alena-draws · 10 months
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Point of view: You've royally pissed off the most powerful being on the planet.
(Knives is currently not on the planet but above so it counts)
(please click on the full image! It's DIN A3 and the effect is better in full view, especially Vash's glowing eyes! Little close ups under the cut)
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traditional knife 石镰shilian specially used to harvest glutinous rice
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gen-toon · 2 months
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sableeira · 1 year
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ode to a failed partnership
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