#used to check these books out a lot from my local library growing up
punster-2319 · 1 month
For animation books that have been out of print for decades, these ones I found online recently are in pretty good condition (and reasonably priced).
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itsdannycragg · 2 months
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Hi Tumblr!
I logged da fuck off at some point and will continue to be very much so not on social media! Believe me when I tell you life is better on the other side.
I do want to pop in with a life update for the curious!
I'm out here in Durham, NC, and three years after moving here with Shelby and Brian, I can confidently say there isn't a place in the world I'd rather put my roots down.
I never knew what actual community looked or felt like until I came here. I'd made friends in town everywhere I'd lived, of course, and we would go out to eat or on a vacation, visit a gallery or something, but in Durham it's just different. Looking out the window during a car ride, chatting with a stranger in a grocery store, checking out a thrift shop or going to the library, I find myself declaring "I love living here..." the same compulsive way I tell my partners I love them. Durham isn't just a place I live, it's where I belong.
I've been calling myself an ex-cartoonist, and preaching the nightmare of trying to make art for infinite-profit focused megacorps. It's not that I didn't love making cartoons, it's that I did. It may not be that way for everyone, but for me, working a job I loved meant I was working every second of my life. Being an artist is a core part of my heart and soul, and near the end, I had become so burnt out I would spend hours just trying to start doing the work I used to fly out of bed excited to do.
So I did some of this and that, worked a retail job that fucked my hands up so bad that I had to have double carpal tunnel release surgery. 29 years as an artist and I get carpal tunnel from hefting around boxes in a warehouse!
Since then, I've pivoted into building a career as a graphic designer. (And I'm learning web dev too!) I'm getting involved in the local nonprofit scene, meeting so many incredible people and finding so many cool and exciting opportunities to focus my design work on community awareness, nonprofits, small businesses!! I didn't expect that to be so viable for a Graphic Designer. I had the misconception for a long time that I'd have to put my creative sensibilities aside for more dry, sensible corporate phooey. But there's so much more. Graphic design is truly a delight and a challenge! I have always enjoyed thinking critically about all forms of human creation. Why am I so drawn to this book cover? What makes that building so weird? Why do these casserole mix boxes piss me off? Why does that person's outfit look so fucking awesome?
Taking those thoughts and using them to inform how I approach design is an entirely different beast from animating and illustrating. I'm fighting for my life out there formatting text, morphing vectors and and scooting things around a comp until it works. A picture's worth a thousand words, but you don't have space for a thousand words in a graphic design. Condense! Condense! It's challenging, and a lot of fun.
Working as a cartoonist was my dream come true, and I am forever proud of and thankful for the part I have played in the history of animation and queer representation in entertainment. I had the privilege of having the life crisis I had at 21— "I never thought I'd get this far. What more could I want? What do I do now?"
Well, a decade later I confidently know what comes after having my dreams come true. I get older, and I experience new things, meet new people, struggle paying bills, endure all kinds of misfortunes and problems, and come out the other side astounded and proud to have survived it. Grow closer to my family friends and community as the years deepen our history together, and just be amazed and thankful that I made it this far, over and over.
It's funny being called old by my younger friends, because I have never felt so young in my life! I JUST cracked 30. There are so many things I haven't done yet, and so many things I don't know that I don't know yet. And I have the power to take ALL of this and to create art about it. Hopy shit!
Speaking of making art and sharing it, one of the reasons I'm excited to be learning web dev is so I can carve out places online where I can share anything and everything I want to. Media Crit, comics, essays, comics, illos, however I want to present it. I'll share it when I get the site running. Or maybe I wont and you'll have to find it by chance.
And of course, I'm still actively writing Neokosmos with Shelby and Brian, and doing other little things here and there. :) See ya when I see ya, Danny
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deathbypufferfish · 1 year
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It's finally done cooking, my sims gameplay ideas list! After scouring all types of sites, generators, lists, and my brain for ingredients, I've come up with a list stew that hopefully will spark some inspiration for your sims gameplays!
This non exhaustive list consists of ideas that are applicable to sims gameplay/things to do in-game. AKA things that can be played out in the sims or half pretended. If you're looking for less-gameplay story ideas, I recommend my story/conflict idea list. Most of the conflict and love ideas are on that list. Please feel free to send asks to add to the gumbo! Just note in your ask that it's for the gumbo and keep it applicable/feasible for gameplay. (To keep the post from getting too long I'll make a contributor list into a compressed image later on for those who send off-anon.)
If you are looking for more complex, in-game story ideas check out the Story Soup list here!
🍲 Gumbo below the cut! ⬇
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Single Sim Gameplay:
Learn an instrument
Learn a new skill
Start a seashell collection (Island Living)
Have a sim get a bad haircut
Enroll an Adult/Elder sim in university
Use a skill you don’t usually play with
Become a mountain climber
Build a Servo
Take care of local strays
Use more likes/dislikes
Drop out of or fail university
Drop out or fail out of highschool
Talk badly about another sim in your house to other sims
Sim loses their job
Failed retail business
Foster a child
Parties for children
Have a baby shower
Have a slumber party
A grandparent/other family member moves in with your main household
Have a specific family holiday tradition besides the in-game ones
Family bike rides
Game night
Parent trains child in their sport
Family hikes at Granite Falls
Family volunteering
Bake sale (entrepreneur table)
Have a family photoshoot
Have teens study at the library
Have your teen go through a bad fashion phase
Host an exchange student
Make school picture day photos (Teen poses, children poses)
Have an arts & crafts day
Go fishing as a family
Have a specific weekly meal (spaghetti night, a fancy meal)
Make ice cream together (Cool Kitchen Stuff)
Wear matching pajamas for holidays
Have a bake off
Play with voidcritters (Kids Room Stuff)
Granola family (camping, hiking, low tech, simple living)
Play in a multi-generational household
Family reunion
Unexpected baby
Have siblings share a room
Sports party night (e.g. watching the superbowl, world cup, etc)
Start a book club (with clubs)
Have a themed kids birthday party (Here’s a helpful website for ideas)
Have a potluck (buffet tables)
Garden party
Neighborhood party
Neighborhood holiday decorating contest
Host a haunted house in your home
Barbeque party
Go to the arcade
Go regularly to restaurants (Dine Out Reloaded Mod to make restaurants tolerable)
Have an out of control party (maybe a teen party)
Go camping
Go to an Ice skating rink/roller skating rink
Spa day (at home or at a spa)
Make an army of snowpals
Movie night
Stargazing night/camp out in the backyard
Weekly bowling night
Museum trip
Karaoke night at home
Campfire night
Pool day
Weekly meetups with friends at a cafe
Try on wedding dresses with a bridal party
Have someone stay over (Growing Together)
Hook up with a service sim
Have a vacation romance
Have a “meet the parents” moment
Have an affair
Marital fight
Rejected proposal
Throuple/Open Relationship (Open Love Life Mod)
Left at the altar
Use fear of commitment, jealous, or unflirty trait
Create a rocky marriage
Spend too much money on a vacation
Play with lot challenges
Use simple living (only cook with ingredients and do grocery orders)
Don’t clean up after sims (don’t drag plates, laundry, trash)
Use the Reduce and Recyle lot challenge for realism
Use the Filthy lot challenge to make cleaning harder
Lose a large sum of money
Randomize your sims’ traits as they age up
Have puppies and kittens
A serious house fire (either with cheating or with fireworks. There is also a mod for more intense fires here
Spring cleaning
Garage sale
Visit houses before you move into them
Create a storage room/attic (Eco Living boxes, Discover University chest, toy chest, treasure chest etc) Use this for old heir’s items if you are playing a legacy
Start a garden (herb, vegetables)
Renovate the house
Watch what your pets are doing
Adopt a stray animal
Teach your pets tricks
Upgrade objects
Have a home bar/rec room
Go on a vacation
Play with roommates (additionally have them be odd, difficult, or a romance option)
Have an always messy home
Hire a live-in butler
Hire a regular maid
Play in a sustainable community on one of the islands/isolated areas. (community farm, community space, homes)
Play in a tiny home (Tiny Living)
Play in a haunted house residential (Paranormal Stuff)
Become an Archaeologist. Live in Sulani and regularly visit Selvadorado for work
Art gallery: sell your paintings or buy them off Plopsy/Buy Mode
Play a career you don’t usually play
Winter sports store in Mt. Komorebi
Own a farmstand for your produce (Eco Lifestyle entrepreneur table) You can even build a small building for it on your property!
Pet supplies store 
Plant store
Tourist gift shop
Mattress/Bed   store
Florist shop (Flower Arranging Skill)
Juicery (Juice Fizzing Skill)
Yoga studio (host classes at a retail business or at a home studio)
Start a Bed and Breakfast/AirBnB with the roommate system
Become a celebrity in a path besides Actor/Actress (Author, Chef, Video Creator, Skier, etc.)
Food truck (Restaurant)
Fish stall (Entrepreneur table)
Make a living on Plopsy
Wool store (Cottage Living)
Natural health store (Herbalism)
Resources Used
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em-dash-press · 9 months
Drafting Your Creative Time: Your Guide to Planning a Year of Creative Writing
2024 is about to start. You’re going to venture into another year of writing incredible stories, but what will that practically look like? I feel more in charge of my creativity by planning rough writing schedules. Here’s how you can do the same without locking yourself into a too-strict calendar that leaves your writing spirit depleted.
Set One Writing Goal
Twelve months is a lot of time, but anyone can handle a single goal. Make the next year easy on yourself by picking one thing you want to accomplish (and let’s not make it “publish my novel” if you’re just starting the manuscript on January 1, given how it takes roughly 18 months of work after you get an agent) (and that can take a few weeks to a few years, depending on your querying experience!). 
Try picking a manageable writing goal like these:
I will write 10 chapters of my novel.
I will make a collection of 5 short stories I write this year.
I will submit a short story to at least 3 contests this year.
I will publish one new work of fanfiction in the next 12 months.
I will write one short story in a new genre.
Publishing a book can be a long-term goal, but your 2024 goal should be easy to break down into manageable steps you can accomplish by yourself. You’ll be more likely to reach the finish line and work toward another goal.
Establish a Stress-Free Writing Schedule
Creativity comes and goes, but your writing will never get done if you don’t form some kind of schedule. Your upcoming year could look something like this:
I’ll write every Wednesday night between 7-7:30 p.m.
I’ll use voice-to-text to get my story-related thoughts on virtual paper for five minutes every morning before school.
I’ll do freestyle writing for five minutes on Mondays and Saturdays to keep my thoughts flowing, even if I don’t find more time to work on my story that week.
Your schedule should be realistic, which means it shouldn’t stress you out. Make it match your weekly and daily routine. When do you naturally feel most energized? When can you carve out ten minutes for your craft? 
Remember, you can always (and should!) adjust this set schedule as time goes on. Your non-creative schedule most likely won’t look the same on January 1 as it will on December 31.
Save a Few Writing Prompts
You might have a few weeks here or there when you’re juggling life’s responsibilities and can’t get to your WIP. It happens to all of us!
When you’re busy, try answering a writing prompt in three sentences or less. Use your phone, a sticky pad, or whatever’s nearby. You never know if it’ll inspire you later when you’re free to write.
In the meantime, you’ll keep using the creative side of your brain so your writing abilities don’t feel so distant.
Check out these prompt apps if getting online isn’t your thing or takes too much time from your busy schedule!
Find a Writing Community
There are so many ways to build a writing community. Start a tumblr about it (guilty as charged) or join a Facebook group. Find an active Reddit thread about your favorite genre or join a Discord server with writers. 
You don’t even need to start talking to others and making friends if it makes you anxious. Read what people are saying to get inspired by everyone. You’ll naturally join in when you get excited about something they’re discussing and keep creative writing at the front of your mind.
Read Lots of Books
I always feel more connected to my writing when I’m actively reading. Artists of any kind need a source of inspiration to keep their creativity flowing. Keep an actively growing To Be Read list with apps like Story Graph (a Goodreads-type app that isn’t owned by Amazon and gives so much more information about your curated reading history!).
Visit your local library if you don’t have the money for new books all the time (who does?). As you get inspired by what you read, you’ll also pick up skills from authors you admire or note things you don’t want to recreate. Study each story’s structure and character development. You’ll return to your WIPs with renewed passion.
Embrace the Scary Editing Stage
Your first draft is your thoughts and dreams poured out on paper. The editing stage is where you refine and re-write your work until it shines. Set aside specific time for editing after completing a first draft of any story. Even if your editing phase doesn’t take very long, working on line edits and developmental edits will make your work so much better.
It’s also a normal form of frustration for writers, but one that happens no matter where your writing goes (on fanfiction websites, short story contests, a literary agent’s desk, etc.).
Schedule Your Rest
Writing might feel like a natural hobby, but your brain and body still need to rest after periods of intense focus/work. Schedule rest periods into your daily or weekly calendar. It’s time to recharge in whatever ways best suit your body, like:
Sitting outside
Walking in a park
Sitting in a hot bath
Going to the movies
Sleeping in
Keep in mind that sometimes you’ll need more rest than others. Extend some self-compassion by checking in with your physical and mental energy frequently during the next year. If you take time to rest, you’ll be less likely to burn out creatively.
This next year will be full of growth, challenges, and joys in your writing life. Embrace every second by resting and writing in new ways.
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alliluyevas · 25 days
Have you ever posted about what about Mormonism first caught your interest and why its stuck as such a major interest?
I've been asked this before, but not for a while, so I'll answer again.
I've always been pretty interested in religion and religious history, I think part of this comes from growing up with a few very different religious perspectives in my extended family. I was raised Episcopalian and so was my dad, but my mom was raised Catholic and my dad's older sister and her husband are born-again evangelical Baptists. I was very much a type of kid who paid attention to and noticed stuff like this, so when I went to Catholic mass with my grandparents I would pick up on both similarities to and differences from what I was used to at the church my immediate family went to, and have questions about that. And my mom talked with me when I was still pretty young (late elementary/preteen) about why she left Catholicism and issues she had with it, and I also remember talking with her about how my aunt and uncle are creationists and what that meant and creationism versus evolution versus intelligent design and how to avoid arguments about this when we visited them. So I definitely grew up navigating having very divergent religious experiences and perspectives in my family and how to engage with people respectfully about that, and I was always curious about how different groups worship and define themselves.
I had a couple different phases as a kid where I was very interested in researching religious topics, like I got very into Ivanhoe in fifth grade and read a lot about the crusades and medieval Catholicism for a few years, and then later in middle school I first became interested in religious extremism and cults and I used to watch 19 Kids And Counting and read a lot of Time magazine special editions about Heaven's Gate and similar topics. 
I didn't really know a ton about Mormonism until I was an adult because I didn't know a lot of LDS people and I don't remember learning anything about Mormonism in my US History classes in school. When my brother and I were in elementary school, one of his best friends was a boy whose family was LDS so I had been over to his house several times and played with his sister and stuff, but I don't remember him or his parents really talking about their religion at all and I don't think I asked any questions either of them or of my parents. (Though I do remember my mom explaining that his parents didn't drink because of their religion, and I also remember reading the titles on their living room bookshelf and seeing a lot of books about Brigham Young and assuming he was my brother's friend's dad's historical blorbo essentially because my dad had multiple biographies of Abraham Lincoln and I thought it was a similar circumstance.)
About three years ago when I was living in Boston I was reading a fair bit about the Nation of Islam because a) Louis Farrakhan grew up in Roxbury where I worked and there's a main street in Roxbury named after Malcolm X, and I remember thinking that it was ironic that Farrakhan was the local but the street was named after Malcolm X and wondering if that pisses him off b) the Nation of Islam is fascinating to me in general. So I watched this Hulu documentary about the Nation of Islam and then Hulu recommended me a documentary about FLDS and I watched that too. I felt like the documentary didn't really go into enough detail about the historical context for modern Mormon fundamentalism, so I checked out the book Under the Banner of Heaven from my local library, and then I wanted to know more about early Mormon history in general, so I checked out a few more books, and then I got hooked and started ordering some of the ones the library didn't have online.
I can't entirely explain why my interest in Mormonism has stuck around, because I do tend to be very fixated on special interests and sometimes that kind of feels a little arbitrary, especially when that sort of hyperfixation intersects with and becomes genuine investment in academic scholarship (which it doesn't always for me, but here it did). I am interested in women's history in general and always have been, so I initially really found polygamy fascinating, and wanted to learn more about the dynamics of polygamous households. Specifically, the fact that early Mormons created a very controversial social order that wildly diverged from the norms of their culture, did this essentially from scratch, and were able to maintain it for roughly 3-4 generations of polygamist families despite significant external pressure and initial internal opposition is really interesting to me. I also think Mormonism is a very American religion that has also sometimes been at odds with American mainstream culture despite that and that's a very fascinating dynamic to investigate. I think I've also often been interested in attempts to create a new, utopian community or culture and the ways in which these experiments often fall short, which has been a constant in a lot of my historical interests like the American Revolution, the Soviet Union, and Mormonism as well.
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just-a-dead-kid · 6 months
Sometimes it fucks with me just how young I was when I got concrete evidence I wasn't like other kids.
It's funny to me how much I didn't realize it was batshit fucking crazy that I could read and understand college medical textbooks, and did so for FUN, in the third grade.
I begged my mom for a copy of Grey's Anatomy, the medical textbook, at that age. She thought I assumed it had to do with the show (which I liked too), I did not. I found a copy at our local library and was ENTRHALLED with how thorough it was compared to other stuff I could check out. But it was limited to in-library use only and I wanted to take it home. Obviously it was like a $400 textbook, I didn't get it, but I looked at the library's copy every chance I got.
It makes me really fucking frustrated trying to decide whether I have narc traits/NPD because I really do understand more, more quickly, than almost every one of my peers. I never had an "innocent kid" stage where adults could use big words and go over my head. I knew what was going on because I understood them from the time I could speak, nearly. I understood every word I read in the world around me. If I didn't, I only needed context clues 95% of the time to learn a new word, I didn't look it up.
I learned my vocabulary from reading hundreds and hundreds of books from four years old on.
Books were all I had growing up. I couldn't allow a lack of knowledge to lock me out of a single one.
Remember AR testing? I scored a 12.8 grade reading level in third grade. I was 8.
It's hard to judge whether I'm actually just smarter than my peers, or whether it's narcissistic traits.
The same lead I had on kids my age back then, I have on adults my age now. I connect dots faster than most people I meet.
Because of this, I only tend to associate with people who do the same, because the others fail to be intellectually stimulating. You don't have to read like me, but you do have to think like me, to be interesting.
Is this "only associating with people/institutions of a higher caliber" or is it enjoying similar company?
Do I think I'm smarter than most people irrationally or am I actually that smart?
I've been IQ tested, not that it matters much, I don't think the tests account for a LOT of what intelligence is and means, but I scored 134 around 12 when I got tested (and confirmed) ADHD.
Any thoughts, NPD havers? There are more reasons I think NPD is a possibility, especially considering how I tend to rank people according to their usefulness/my willingness to associate with them subconsciously, but this is a big reason I can't decide.
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djservo · 9 months
cutting it soo close to the wire oopsie but i'm here!! 2023 is out, 2024 is in. also in: your december reading update? did you hit 50 books read? what are your 2024 reading goals, anything that suprised you about your 2023 reading other than falling in love with Dennis Cooper?
I read 12 books last month man it was a blur!!
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ok there's just too many for me to indulge in any rambling so I'm gonna try and keep things short n sweet
Nana Vol. 1-3 by Ai Yazawa - I was never really into manga growing up but this is like exactly the type of story and style I wanna wrap myself up in always!! so much fun!! the rumors are true, I love a roommate story!!! I read each one in a single sitting so I wanna pace myself thru the rest of the series so that I don't spoil + finish it all at once </3
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury - honestly not as fantastical as I was expecting for some reason but it reminded me of Coraline which was fun! I could see Neil Gaiman getting inspo from this (edit: literally just looked it up and yes Gaiman indeed cites him as a direct influence yup yup)
Out of Time by Samira Azzam - something almost Steinbeck-like in these vignettes of everyday life in a very culturally-specific way that I really enjoy. really insightful introduction that mentioned how although most her stories didn't explicitly mention Palestine, they still were recognizable as a Palestinian existence + therefore shaped a sort of Palestinian consciousness for readers that were often blocked from accessing their own culture in academic settings
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison - I can't believe it took me this long to read something by Toni Morrison / that I never read her in any English classes?? like she seems so foundational to the grand scheme of American literature.... ridiculous! so phenomenal and gripping and darker than I expected. not just an engrossing story but also a really intentional and haunting use of language that really sinks you into that world/shifting perspectives
Tasting the Sky: A Palestinian Childhood by Ibtisam Barakat - this is like the only Palestinian book my local library has (shameful!) so I checked it out on a whim and was so surprised at what an amazing memoir this is!!! touching and vibrant and left me so eager to read her follow-up memoir based around her teenage years. I feel like this is a great introduction to Palestinian literature in general bc while it does (obviously) tie in the history and reality of occupation, the amount of love & detail given to the everyday things - merely going to school or playing with her brothers - was so enlightening and relatable
Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris - the first/main story, SantaLand Diaries, is still one of my favorites - I love stories about odd jobs + boy does Sedaris have so many tales to tell about those!! reread this in one sitting before I sent it off to a friend who seems to find herself in a new odd job each year so I figured she'd resonate
Gaza in Crisis and On Palestine by Noam Chomsky & Ilan Pappé, edited by Frank Barat - 2 separate books but I'll talk about them together since they're companion pieces. surprisingly accessible, probably due to the format of essays mixed with interviews. On Palestine echoed a lot of the sentiments of Gaza in Crisis so I'd recommend On Palestine for a sort of "updated" version (and in my opinion, more thorough). a good stepping stone for some of the meatier/more history-dense books on my TBR
Like Water For Chocolate by Laura Esquivel - yknow the thing about recipe bloggers who will intersperse their super personal life story into the recipe? this is like a whole book of that it's kinda iconic... honestly a little juvenile and ridiculous at times but I had a fun + have made hot chocolate every single day since reading this which literally wasn't even one of the recipes included/the title itself comes from like 1 short part towards the end but still... Ms. Esquivel's impact... the movie adaptation was really well done too, captured the magical realism surprisingly well without making things look hokey + Man I just love food in film!!!
Good Sense & the Faithless by Michelle T. Clinton - beautiful sexy thoughtful angry hopeful healing.... I really love her and I'm glad I ended the year with this!!
YES I surpassed by goal which honestly did surprise me bc if you recall I sliced my 50 down to 36 a few months ago because 50 didn't seem feasible at the time, but I guess the lesson is to never underestimate winter reading!! still I'm playing it safe and declaring 40 as my 2024 goal... for now.... a few weeks ago I made a little reading syllabus for the year where each month is a different theme (except for january + august to give myself some time to get the wiggles/impulsive reads out ya know) and I mostly sourced from books I already own or books in my TBR so I'm really excited to have more structure to my reads + actually get through some of the books in my ever-growing TBR!! shameful and embarrassing that it's nearly at 1k books like GOD just READ them, woman!!! I think I'm also surprised at how many graphic novel collections I read (3!) which maybe shouldn't be that surprising bc I always have a good time with graphic novels but I think these particular reads opened the door to a buncha different authors and artists and literary circles which ofc I'm always grateful for! yay reading!!
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rebeccathenaturalist · 11 months
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Well, it's been a whirlwind few days! Thursday I went on the weekly phenology walk at Audubon Trails Nature Center in Rolla, MO. It's the last one of the year, and we were seeing if there were still any wildflowers in bloom in spite of the freeze a few nights before. We did find a scant few Asteraceae with open flowers, but for the most part everything was done for the year. It was a really good experience getting to wander the trails with someone who knows the local flora really well; I'm still playing catch-up on learning (and remembering) native prairie plants in this area, and since they happen every Thursday morning during the growing season, I'm going to make sure and attend whenever I'm in town.
Thursday afternoon I officially taught my first in-person class in Rolla with my basic mushroom foraging intro at the Rolla Public Library. I checked out SO MANY BOOKS from that library as a kid, and so it was basically coming full circle to be able to teach there. I had an awesome audience that packed the room, got some great questions, and really appreciated the support that library staff gave me throughout the entire process. I'm already brainstorming what I want to teach when I head back to this area next spring.
Friday I got to spend immersed in planty goodness at the Missouri Botanical Symposium. I had actually registered last year but ended up not feeling good at the last moment so I had to miss out. Totally worth the entire trip this year, though! There were some really great talks (I especially enjoyed the one on the interplay of geology and plant life in Missouri karst fens), and I even made some good connections and new friends! I am SUCH an introvert that it can be tough for me to go around introducing myself in a room where I don't know anyone, but luckily a friendly extrovert latched onto me and helped me meet some really cool people. (Also, pro tip: having art supplies out and in use makes for a great conversation starter, and if you bring enough for others to use you can have a little science illustration party at your table!)
Saturday I peeled myself out of bed early yet again for a very good reason--I got to lead a lichen hike at Audubon Trails! It sort of felt like cramming for a test because while the basic biology of lichens is the same everywhere, I'm not as familiar with local species here as I am back home in the PNW. So I visited the site a few times on this visit to look for cool lichens and try to get them down to at least a genus level, if not species. Again, really great turnout for the hike--people were having a great time, lots of excellent questions and discoveries along the way. And there were two kids from the Rolla Outdoor Collaborative School on site who were not only THE best guides to the trails there, but they found and showed off some cool stuff (including lichens, AND fuzzy oak galls!) The next generation of naturalists is already well on their way to helping others connect with the great outdoors, which does my heart good.
I gotta start driving back west tomorrow; I have classes in Portland next weekend. So today is being lazy, doing laundry, and helping my folks with a few more things around the house. It's been another great visit here, though, and I'm already making plans for next year. I'm going to try to schedule a couple of classes along the way for my spring trip; since I'll likely be taking I-70 since 80 is sketchy even in April, I'm probably looking at Salt Lake City and Denver for venues. I'm open to suggestions if anyone knows of a bookstore, library, nature center, or similar who might like to host a wandering naturalist infodumping about ecology for a couple of hours!
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libertyreads · 8 months
Book Review #8 of 2024--
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The Exiled Fleet by J.S. Dewes. Rating: 3.25 stars.
Read from February 4th to 6th.
Man, can books stop getting printed with such absolutely TINY font? I ended up checking the ebook out from my local library to read this one because I was getting a headache from reading the small print. I know publishers want to save money by using fewer pages per book or whatever, but I'm getting older and my eyes cannot take the abuse. It doesn't help that I read two different books back to back that had such small font. Complaint over.
As some might know, I've been missing The Expanse a lot over the past several months. So, when a booktuber recommended this series I jumped on it so fast. I've been craving some Sci-Fi in my life. And I did enjoy book number one in this series. I read it last month and rated it 3.75 stars. This one doesn't live up to that first one for a couple of reasons. 1) It uses a lot of the same tricks or conveniences from the first book to make everything work out for our main characters. 2) When we weren't running into the same tricks over and over, we were running up against problem after problem for what felt like no reason. There's a specific moment in the book that I'm thinking of where they have to travel pretty far in order to get something to help with their task...but then they don't get it...and technically don't need it? Which felt weird. I know this was probably only there to move a certain aspect of the plot forward but it felt so clunky.
And maybe I need to put some of the blame on myself for not giving this book a fair enough shot. It isn't fair for me to want the first series from an author to live up to my love for The Expanse series. I heard someone say a while back that we need to meet books where they are in order to give them a fair chance and I think that's what I really should have done with this series as a whole.
Don't get me wrong though, there are aspects of this world that I love. Adequin Rake and Cavalon Mercer are such a wonderful set of characters. These are the two point of view characters we get throughout the novel and they're so absolutely different but there's something about their personalities that really make them play off each other really well. The side characters are also really great and deserving of so much love. There's also such a great moment in this one where Adequin, who has been away from any real society outside of the crews of the ships out at The Divide for over 5 years at this point, ends up on a station with a lot of civilians wondering around and we see her having to reign in her feelings about being around other humans she's not in charge of. And we get a moment like this again when she ends up planetside for the first time in that long and she has a weird sort of culture shock. Those moments really made me feel something about her and her life since arriving at The Divide. It was so good.
I do plan on reading the next book when it comes out at the end of the year. Maybe a little time away from these characters, this plot, these settings will make the heart grow fonder. And hopefully I can meet that book where it is when it does come out.
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nancypullen · 5 months
Sunday Evening
I'm stretching out the last minutes of this day because I don't want to face another work week. Not because it's horrible, but because this weekend was so much fun. We drove up to Lancaster, stayed in a gorgeous hotel on Penn Square, spoiled ourselves with room service, and just had the best, most relaxing time. On the morning of day one we roamed around the city of Lancaster, spending a good amount of time at Central Market - sort of a huge farmer's market inside a historic brick building. It was hoppin'. Think of any tasty treat, from freshly churned butter to exotic spices and you can find it there. Amish bakeries rubbing shoulders with Cuban spiced meats, Irish stew served up in a booth next to Polish pierogies - you get the idea. Several local dairies offering raw milk, tempting cheeses of all sorts, logs of flavored butter,and so on. The aroma of the baked goods made Mickey weak at the knees. It was so crowded that we didn't even stay for lunch. We wanted to, but decided we'd keep exploring. So we did. I was surprised that Lancaster had such a young, hip vibe. I'm not sure why I expected it to be more staid and full of white-haired folks like us. It's a beautiful city of gorgeous old buildings housing cool new stuff. I loved it. This is a view of Central Market from our hotel room.
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Anywho... We hopped in the car and headed out for Intercourse. Get your mind out of the gutter. Intercourse, Pennsylvania along with Bird-in-Hand, and Strasburg are all towns east of Lancaster that offer a peek into Amish life and lots of wonderful garden centers, farm stands, quilt shops, etc. I'm waiting for some of Mickey's photos of the beautiful Amish farms (every one neat as a pin), buggies traveling up and down the roads, and the stunning countryside. I spent a lot of time exclaiming, "I want to live here" Think Tyler and Jamie would drive an extra hour to see us? It's so beautiful. I did snap a few photos. We pulled in to take a peek at the library in Intercourse and I enjoyed the parking lot...
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Reserved parking for library patrons...please clean up after your horses. I'll take their horse poop over our bedbug books any day.
We traveled through covered bridges that led us to pretty towns,
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and it seemed like we bought a snack at every stop. There is no shortage of tempting treats in Amish country.
ON day two we explored Lititz, Ephrata, and the surrounding area. Mickey wanted to pop into the nation's oldest commercial pretzel factory - it's in an old stone building in the middle of Lititz.
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So we had lunch on this street...
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and then walked right around the corner and found the Julius Sturgis pretzel place.
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Mickey chowed down on a fresh hot pretzel and I picked up some snacks to take home. I mean, how often can you buy dark chocolate dipped pretzels shaped like a horse and buggy?
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I'm barely scraping the surface of the fun that we had. We made numerous stops at garden centers and greenhouses because my husband is nice enough to hit the brakes every time I gasp, "Plants!" My favorite stop was a big Amish operation named Reiff's. They had the healthiest plants I've ever seen, all grown in their greenhouses that looked like showrooms. The prices were rock bottom. I filled the back of the SUV for $21. Herb plants were just 99 cents! I also picked up some extra bee balm (always trying to lure more hummingbirds and butterflies) and odds and ends. Their displays were so unique. Check out the succulents growing out of this old sofa.
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It's kind of equal parts pretty and creepy, isn't it? Like you might see it in an a creaky old mansion occupied by a witch. This chair is less creepy.
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I could have spent hours at Reiff's. While I walked through the greenhouses, Mickey was inside their store buying sauerkraut. He knows the way to my heart. He also bought a big ol' jar of their peaches. The orchards are right there and they boast acres and acres of peaches, plums, and apples. We brought home last summer's peaches and they taste like they were picked yesterday. Heaven! No heavy syrup, just delicious fruit. Does is sound like all we did was eat? I swear that's not how it went. We had a ball going town to town and admiring the picturesque countryside between them. I'd love to see it in every season. Did I mention I could live there? Real estate is quite affordable, just sayin'. Okay, I'm shutting up. I still need to paint my nails and get a few things ready for work tomorrow. I'll be back to share more when I can get my hands on some of Mickey's pretty photos. I'll close by saying that Lititz was my favorite town, the Amish have no fear of carbs, there is a peaceful magic afoot in that corner of Pennsylvania, and my husband is still my favorite travel buddy. It was a perfect weekend. More soon. I have a few long days ahead, but I'll meet you back here for a chat. Sending you lots of love and a sincere wish that the week ahead is a good one for you. Treat yourself kindly. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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oldsalempost-blog · 1 year
The Old Salem post
                  Our  Local Tamassee-Salem SC Area News each Monday except holidays                                          Contact: [email protected]                              Distributed to local businesses, town hall, library.                            Volume 7 Issue 28                                                                                                  Week of July 24, 2023                https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/oldsalempost-blog                                                         Lynne Martin Publishing
EDITOR: ** Did you know the Oconee County School District is conducting a survey that will affect our elementary school under the long range plans?   There is a Plan A and Plan B, and a place for comments.  You cannot put in comments without choosing a Plan A or Plan B.  Both Plan A and Plan B are the same for closing the Keowee Elementary and Tamassee-Salem Elementary schools.    I reached out to Amanda Holder, our district representative on the school board, to ask her how the message is getting out to those affected to take the survey, since Steve Hanvey, one of the school administrators told news reporters that not many surveys had been completed. LRM  
From Amanda Holder: “I am one of five votes,” on the board.  “I’m going to need a lot of feedback” from the Tamassee Elementary area.  Please share the info on how to participate. See the following:  GO TO SDOC.org   SCROLL DOWN TO DISTRICT NEWS   CLICK ON SDOC LONG RANGE BUILDING PLAN    On the first slide, click at Public Feedback underlined SDOC LONG RANGE BUILDING SURVEY
Town of SALEM:  Need Softball and Soccer players!  Need Soccer ages  6 and under and 14 and under.  Softball players ages 8 and under and 12 and under.   Sign up at the Salem Town Hall.  944-2819.  The children’s area at the Town park is closed for now for renovations.  The picnic shelter can still be rented.         NEWS:  Check out Face Book Remembrance stories, Reflections of Yesteryears Gone by Brenda Dubose.  
Recreation Department:  Adult coed Softball game,  July 29.  Register and Pay at 5:30pm at the ballfield.
BLESSING BOX:  Have you noticed the blue box located across the street from the Dollar General? This is the Salem Community Blessing Box.  A blessing box is a way to give to those less fortunate.  They take what they need and leave the rest for sharing to benefit others in need.  The items are primarily non-perishable food, toiletries, and other necessities.  Canned food items are best with the pop-top lid, ( no need for a can opener).  Foods that are easy to prepare or already prepared are best.  A list of items is located on the blessing box. There are brochures with helper information on free or reduced school lunches, childcare, and food banks.    Cont next .....by J Young
Jottings from Jeannie:  Thought  you might need a laugh!  So, here are some snappy captions printed on Tee-Shirts:  * I HATE it when I see an OLD Person and soon realize that we went to HIGH School together.    *Nurses CAN'T fix STUPID, but we CAN SEDATE IT!   *Teachers don't teach for the INCOME, WE teach for the OUTCOME!   *I thought that GROWING OLD would TAKE LONGER!   *Scientists say the world is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons-- they forgot about all the MORONS!                                           Oh! You Queens of Issaqueena! You Kings of Lake Keowee!  Miz Jeannie love you so stay safe!!!
JOCASSEE VALLEY BREWING COMPANY,(JVBC) & COFFEE SHOP 13412 N Hwy 11 Open  Wed–Sat-Sat 8am-9pm. Sun: 12pm-7pm.  Events this week: Thurs: Food: KISS MY ASADA 5pm and OLD TIME JAM  6:30pm. Fri– PaChuy Food Truck  at 5pm  Music: McGaha & Lark at 6:30pm.  Sat–Food: IRON PIG 12 pm—Music:  Crank Dogs  6:30pm.  Sun: Choc’s BBQ Food 12pm-7pm,   Music: 2pm Neil Conway  4pm Peanut Butter Whiskey.      More information call  864-873-0048                                                
Pat’s Cash & Carry:  Best Hot Dogs & Ice Cream Cones around.and more. Tues-Sat 11am-4pm 944-1445
SiSterS Restaurant:  open Breakfast and Lunch Wed-Sat 7:30am-1:30 pm. Sun 9am-2pm.   944-8100
Conservation Corner:  YOU can be the source of change in Northern Oconee from sprawl and unwanted consequences of un-thoughtful development.  Let us think about conserving the area we live in instead of contributing to its eventual destruction for  failure to take the opportunity to act.  No area is immune to the effects of overdevelopment.  It kills everything that has ever been special about rural havens.   ...E Martin          
Ashton Recalls:  DAR SCHOOL STUDENT FROM 1942-46 RECALLS - (Seventeenth Installment of Pauline Kelley Cannon's Memoir). . .Earlier I mentioned Mr. Reiley being the shop teacher. He and the boys who worked in the shop made small boats for each of us to take down to Little River the week before we graduated and float them down to the bridge. We decorated them with emblems and flowers. I put a small American flag on mine, right at the very front. . .We also wrote wishes and dreams we hoped to accomplish after school. If our boat made it all the way to the bridge without getting hung up on the banks, those wishes and dreams were supposed to come true. . .My boat was one of the very few that made it to the bridge. Most everyone just let their boats stay in the river, but Ernest got mine as it went under the bridge. We made a vow to write to each other every day when we went home, and we wrote the vow on a slip of paper and put it in the boat. We kept that vow, too. . .TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK                                                                                                
Sound of Freedom: This is a heart wrenching movie about human trafficking and the driven-passion of a man to risk his life to help these children.  It brings an acute awareness of evil and darkness that no sound person wants to admit even exists.  Go see this movie!  It will continue to increase awareness of this crime against the innocent! What is even worse is that  our beloved United States of American is the worst in human trafficking compared to the whole world.
                                   EAGLES NEST ART CENTER , 501c3, 4 Eagle Lane, Salem  DHEC kitchen available & rentals                                                                                                                      
TALENT SHOWCASE:  August 12th.  This will be a fun evening to show off your talents on stage.  Please sign up by July 30th.  Please call 864-280-1258, 864-888-5663, or email [email protected].  All ages welcomed!  
SONGS of the COWBOY Trail- Aug. 19th, 7pm– A Tribute benefitting ENAC.  Jef Wilson sings the songs of Gene Autry, Bob Wills, Cowboy Copas and others. $10 or Cowboy Dinner & Show $20.
CLASS REUNION:  The T-S Class of 1978  is having their 45th Class Reunion at ENAC, Friday, July 28, 6pm-8pm. We are inviting former classmates, faculty and staff to stop by to share memories and a covered dish meal together.
SAVE THE DATEs:  Sept 16th, 7pm next Oconee Mountain Opry,  Oct 7th, 4pm-8pm Alumni Fall Gathering.  Oct 14th 7pm Elvis Returns!    See our eaglesnestartcenter.org website for more details and follow our posted events.  
          CHURCH NEWS                                                                                            Salem Methodist Church:  Community Women’s Bible Study each Monday morning, 10am in the Fellowship Hall. Also join us in our one day Bible School and back to school day that begins with the July 30th Sunday morning worship at 10:30 am and will go on until the afternoon with a hike to Oconee Station Falls.                                                     
TAMASSEE DAR AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM:  Sign up beginning July 3 for the Tamassee DAR Afterschool program that begins August 3.  Call 864-944-1390   for more details.                                                                                                                                     Pray for our children and our nation!  LM                        
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ontheroadrp · 2 years
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GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN, WALDEN COLE (timothee chalamet fc)  
life on the road can be tough, but we’re glad you and yours made it to taos!
my boy’s wicked smaht!!!! - ro
[TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET, CISMALE, HE/HIM] ever heard about [WALDEN COLE]? Out here on the road, they have a reputation of being [INTELLECTUAL & CUNNING] but also [SARDONIC & STUBBORN], no wonder they’re called [THE BACKSEAT PHILOSOPHER]. According to local legend, they’re [TWENTY-TWO] and when they pull up to camp not a soul can mistake the sound of [STEELY DAN’S “DON’T TAKE ME ALIVE”] following them. Some say they carry  [A BLACK LEATHER-BOUND JOURNAL THAT’S SEEN BETTER DAYS, A BOOTLEGGED RECORDING OF FIDEL CASTRO’S “CHE DIED DEFENDING THE CAUSE OF THE POOR” SPEECH, AND WHATEVER TATTERED BOOKS HE LIFTED FROM THE LIBRARY] and have been traveling with [THE CON JOBS].   [nikki, 25, she/her, central]
tw: mentions of abuse, mentions of homophobia, mentions of communism
Walden Alexander Cole was born on April 23, 1963 to Margaret Cole and Dale Smith. They weren’t exactly high school sweethearts– Maggie was sixteen and Dale was nineteen when they met. At seventeen, she was pregnant with Walden. When her parents found out, they were quick to kick her out, adamant that they wouldn’t support a child conceived outside of marriage. So, just four months before Walden made his grand appearance, Maggie picked up and moved from Vancouver, Washington to Depoe Beach, Oregon to live near Dale. Dale was sort of around for the first few years of Wally’s life, though mostly he just blew into town to ask Maggie for money after he lost big gambling or needed bailing out of jail for roughing up whatever girl he was seeing on the side. For a long time, Maggie would give him whatever he wanted, hoping he’d stay and be a father to his son. Of course, he never did, and when Wally was four, Dale left for good, moved to Florida with some younger girl. He was too young to remember much, other than his mom being close to comatose for a few weeks; so much so that his grandmother came to stay with them for a few weeks. Suppose grandma’s nagging was grating enough that Maggie snapped out of it and landed on her feet– more or less.
They didn’t have a lot of money; Maggie had dropped out of high school when she’d gotten pregnant with Wally, and though she considered going back or at least getting her GED, she never managed to get the timing right. Maggie worked as a hairdresser and had dreams of opening her own salon one day, when the money was there, but with a growing boy, that dream continued to be shelved. They did alright, but Walden distinctly remembers waiting in the long lines at the food pantry on Saturday mornings and the stream of guys his mom brought around who helped with rent or bought dinner. Despite it all, Wally had a relatively happy childhood. Maggie adored him– it felt sometimes like she was trying to make up for his father, the way she doted on him. Even after her long shifts, she’d come home and read Wally whatever book he’d picked up at the library, or help bind together the “book” he’d written that day, or, on really rare occasions, help him sneak into the church on the corner and teach him something on the piano. Walden always thought of his mom as his best friend, and felt like he didn’t really need anyone or anything else.
When he was in fifth grade, Maggie lost her job at the salon. Rather, the salon shut down– business just wasn’t what it used to be, and the owner forfeited the property in favor of cutting hair out of her living room. That left Maggie with nothing but her last paycheck, which was barely enough to cover rent in a good month. Between what they got from the food pantry and what she could scrape together with the remaining dollars of her check, they always had something to eat. Always– she would never let her baby go hungry. But, the power was cut off, then the water a few days later. All it took was one report form a nosy teacher who’d noticed Walden hadn’t changed his clothes in a few days, that he seemed a lot hungrier than usual at lunch, and that he turned in work late. Wally was taken from his mother when a judge who didn’t know them from Adam declared that as long as she was unemployed, her home wasn’t the right place to raise a child. 
So, he was sent to live with his dad in Florida. To this day, Walden isn’t sure if he’d preferred being put into the system– he’d heard the horror stories from kids in his class, but he was sure his dad was worse than all of them. He was a mean drunk, and he disapproved of Wally from the second the social worker dropped him off at the shitty duplex in Pleasant Glade. He had a problem with Walden’s name (it was queer), had a problem with his long hair (that’s for girls), had a problem with his stature (he was too damn skinny), and he certainly had a problem with Wally’s smart mouth. Wally tiptoed around the house for a few weeks, doing his best to stay out of the way. But things came to a head one night, and Walden wasn’t fast enough to dash out of his dad’s reach. He’d always been on the small side, so he knew he was no match for his dad physically– he did the only thing he knew to do and stole fifty bucks for a bus ticket. Obviously, nobody was going to sell a bus ticket to an eleven-year-old, but his mom had already been called. Maggie was in Florida the next day, taking Walden home within a week. She apologized to him the whole way home, promised it would never get that bad again, swore that she’d gotten a nice job waitressing and the tips were good, so he had nothing to worry about, and things went back to normal. Mostly.
Maggie and Walden’s relationship changed as he got older; it got more complicated. First, there was the gay thing. He was thirteen when it hit him, that as much as he’d heard about love and romance and classmates having their first kiss, his path would look different from theirs. He didn’t want any of that with girls. Honestly? The thought grossed him out. The only thing that made him sicker was the idea that his mother would be heartbroken that her son was so different, that she’d never get grandkids. So, he pushed it away, buried any “wrong” desires he had in his books. By eighth grade, it was clear to Wally’s teachers that he was smart; more than a voracious reader, he was quick-witted and persuasive. Maggie was thrilled, and quick to brag to whoever would listen that her son was a genius (demonstrably not true) and that he was going to go to college and become a doctor or a lawyer or something equally impressive. 
Walden loved his mom and wanted nothing more than to make her happy, to bring in enough cash that she could finally have a house of her own… but in his reading and involvement in local politics, he’d become utterly disenchanted with the idea of working for the man. Still, school came easy to him and though he often challenged assignments and prompts, he continued to do well. So well, in fact, that he landed a full-ride scholarship to Emory University in Georgia. He was completely convinced he was going to turn it down, feeling his time would be better spent doing volunteer work, canvassing, and diving into the world of grassroots organizing and unionization. After all, Oregon was a hot spot for union organizing in the 70s and 80s, and Walden never felt more alive than when he was at a rally, feeling the rush of solidarity with his neighbors, the buzzing in his veins when he was chosen to speak on behalf of the workers for the first time at seventeen. But, he couldn’t bear to ruin his mother’s dream– a second dream he’d ruin by existing. So maybe he was wrong to go to college for her, but Wally figured it was the least he could do to pay her back for the eighteen years she’d cared for him.
In August of 1981, he packed up a duffel bag and hopped on a cross-country train to Emory. He knew immediately that he didn’t fit in. His ripped up jeans and well-worn tennis shoes were a stark contrast to the pressed khakis and boat shoes of his peers. But, Wally had always been an outsider– a contrarian– and figured he’d lean into it. Rebrand a little. He grew his hair out, got his ears pierced, and started going by Cole. He quickly became known for arguing (monologuing) in class, and though it fulfilled a deep need to put yuppies in their place, it didn’t exactly earn him any popularity points. Cole was a loner, but he didnt’ care– every weekend his peers spent partying, he spent at a rally for civil rights or neck-deep in the library preparing some brief or manifesto to force upon his classmates. It didn’t take long for him to solidify his degree plan: Philosophy and History with a minor in French which he tacked on because he’d taken it in elementary and enjoyed the classes well enough.
Always the contrarian, Cole didn’t mind a little heat! He could take whatever jokes were hurled his way, and was always ready with a snarky response. But, growing up didn’t exactly fill Cole out, and when his rich, meathead classmates started sniffing around to figure out his sexuality, he knew his twiggy frame wouldn’t get him very far. And if they got wind of the fact that he spent every weekend at a gay bar outside of town? He knew it’d be a constant stream of black eyes and bruising and maybe worse. It was during one such confrontation after class– Chad or Brad or Dan was upset that Cole had bested his buddy in an argument about stoicism or something– and was accusing him of being queer. If Cole believe in God, he’d have thought Sonia was an angel, the way she swooped in and saved his scrawny ass. They instantly hit it off, so faking their relationship came naturally; Sonia was one of a handful of people who could put Cole in his place, and one of even fewer who seemed to like him because of, not in spite of, all of his grandstanding and sarcasm. They’d play the game during college to take at  least one target off of Cole’s back (and for Sonia herself to fly under the radar)  and “break up” just before graduation. No one would be the wiser! They still keep in touch, because as much as their arrangement started as a mutually beneficial deal, they grew fond of each other. She’s the closest thing Cole has to a sister, after all. 
As much as Cole loved college– the freedom to take classes like History of Marxism and Philosophy and Henry David Thoreau– he knew it was essentially a waste of time. Why did a fancy piece of paper that most of his peers bought instead of earned entitle him to a better job than his friends in the city? Than the farmers and miners and blue collar workers back home? At his mother’s insistence and his academic advisor’s advice, and despite his protests to both, Cole applied to a few law schools. He did have a penchant for arguing, after all, though he couldn’t imagine being paid to do it for the highest bidder. He got his acceptance letter from Harvard Law the very same day he was arrested with a group of students in downtown Atlanta, at a peaceful protest to raise the minimum wage. It wouldn’t have been a problem, he knew– nothing a persuasive essay couldn’t fix for a white man– but it didn’t sit right with him. Was he really going to go into thousands of dollars of debt to become a lawyer and then wear a stuffy suit and hide his identity just to pay off the debt for the next… fifty, sixty years? 
It was the kick he needed to really take account of his life, and Cole decided that after graduation he’d hit the road– maybe forever, maybe for a little while to figure out what was next. And as long as he was ripping off the band aid, he figured it was time to come clean with his mom about his sexuality. The train ride back to Oregon was awkward and too quiet, at least on Cole’s end. His mom was already talking his ear off about how he was going to love Boston, how she’d gone once when she was a girl and had fallen in love with the East coast. Cole’s not sure which piece of news she took harder: Cole declining Harvard or Cole declining heterosexuality. He still remembers how her face fell when he said he wasn’t going to Harvard; tough pill to swallow, but expected. She argued a bit, yelled at him about how he was supposed to be the change their family needed, demanded to know why he’d even gone to college if he was just going to piss it all away. But when he came out to her? She was silent. Cole couldn’t tell if she was more sad or angry or none of the above, going comatose again. When he finally got her to speak– after begging her to say something– all she could manage was: “Your dad was worried about that. He was right.”
Cole ran, then. He didn’t want to stick around long enough for her to come out of the shock, didn’t want to see the sadness in her eyes when she looked at him– it reminded him too much of the first ten years of his life, when he was nothing but her sad little fatherless son. He’d gotten spoiled in the in between, the years when he was her brilliant son, her college boy. To be this was too much to bear. Cole took the train to Portland and stuck out his thumb with no plan other than to go. He lucked into a solid group of people– THE CON JOBS, they call themselves– and happily monologues from the back seat when he isn’t busy fighting with the driver about whether or not Steely Dan is the most appropriate music for the road (it is). He’s not sure where he’ll end up; Cole figures that he’ll eventually make his way to South Carolina-- the last place he heard dear old dad was-- to confront him, force him to fork over some cash for mom, at least. Cole’s happy enough going from place to place, stopping in town long enough to make enough money for gas (and a little extra he always sends home to mom, gradually paying her back as best he can). 
Please distribute up to fifty points among the following stats! Click here for more detailed instructions on stats.
Athletics -2
Burglary 2
Contacts 1
Crafts (Sewing, mending, basket making, weaving, etc. etc.) 3
Deceive 3
Drive (like, actual driving ability) -2
Empathy 2
Fight -3
Investigate 2
Lore (Kinda like knowledge) 3
Navigation 2
Notice 2
Physique -3
Provoke 3
Rapport 1
Resourcefulness 2
Stealth 1
Will 3
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sunkaluta · 2 years
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Reflecting on childhood memories growing up along the Moreau River or traditionally, Hinhan Wakpa (owl creek), always reminds me of a generational past-time.  Growing up in the “country”, we always found work to do or found ways to keep ourselves busy with minimal time for complaining. The river was always flowing, the animals were always present, and the landscapes were always beautiful. Everything was so simplistic, and family/friends had a deeper impact and reflected who we are and how we were raised. In my teenage years, dial-up had been introduced with the creation of the world wide web. The wait time was normal but considering today's fast 5G, fiberoptic connection speeds, we were in the technological stone age. Regardless, that time was very exciting as we were introduced to easier access to information than looking up index cards to find a certain topic and checking out the book from a local library. Eventually, the internet became a huge source of power and information for the world from the military, the business sectors, chatrooms, online dating sites, blog spots, and eventually social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. With the advances in tech and an avenue to generate money through internet businesses, consequently, the black market and illegal businesses begin to thrive online as well. With the rise of tech use by the world, we have begun to normalize the use of the internet daily without a moment’s thought. In today’s western society, our population and cultures have become a lot more diverse and outspoken. Thus, comes the arrival of internet bullying, cancel culture, and access to different cultural beliefs. When comparing the imagery in my memories about my childhood has greatly changed through the generations and has developed with limitations with cultural beliefs and values. Changes happen regardless of whether we are ready for them or not. Understanding the next generation who have lived with the internet with the multitude of genders, and many other issues are difficult for me to comprehend as most of these conflict with Lakota culture. I don’t know what the future holds for our people, but I am hopeful. I will end this post with cultural teaching, Mani Hotanin (speaks from a distance) once said, “listen to nagi(spirit) as we are still connected to the spirit world with our spirit”. “It will often nudge you out of your comfort zone to the direction you need to be.” 
TaSunka Sica (Bad Horse)
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kiingocreative · 3 years
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The Structure of Story is now available! Check it out on Amazon, via the link in our bio, or at https://kiingo.co/book
Performance coach Tony Robbins says that the quality of our lives depends on the state we live in every moment of every day. That state, whether we’re happy, sad, frustrated or excited, depends on three things:
• Our physiology — the way we move our bodies, the way we breathe and what we do with our face.
• Our language — the words we use, whether spoken out loud or inside our own head, to describe our experiences.
• What we focus on — the things we see versus the things we block out or fail to notice.
Today, I want to zone in on that final piece, because what we focus on is key, and it will in turn affect the way you move your body and hold yourself, and the language you use. I see this play out so much around me in general, and in the writing community in particular.
At any given time, the things we focus on determine how we feel and what we make of a situation. And what we focus on, in turn, is governed by the questions we ask ourselves every moment of every day.
Take your writing journey for instance:
If someone leaves you a negative review, do you ask yourself whether this means you’re a failure and your work is a failure? Do you ask yourself how dare that person belittle your work with a bad review? Or do you ask yourself what you can learn from this? Could you ask yourself how good it is that this person was honest in their feedback, so that readers with similar tastes won’t buy your book—and therefore not spend money on a read they might otherwise dislike and rate negatively too?
See how different questions would illicit different points of focus, and therefore different states? Some are more conducive to a positive mindset, whilst others tend to nurture frustration.
‘Why’ Questions: The Endless Loop.
And so it goes that by asking lousy questions, we get lousy answers. Because our brain has this tendency of taking any request we give it and processing it, regardless of whether or not it’s good for us. It’ll scour through the recesses of our mind and go on and on until it finds an answer.
‘Why’ questions are the worst, because there’s often no clear answer, or more than one possible answer to them, and it sends our mind on a chase to find as many possible reasons, processing like a headless chicken, often going around in circles, leaving us ruminating.
Take our example again: What if you asked yourself ‘why is this person leaving me a bad review?’
Now unleash your brain on that one, and let it roll with it—you may get:
• Because they didn’t like the book.
• Because my book is terrible.
• And if my book is terrible, then that makes me a terrible writer.
• Maybe I should just stop writing.
• Who was I to think I could do this?
• I’m clearly not good enough.
• Or maybe they left a bad review because they’re an idiot and didn’t get the brilliance of my work.
• Clearly they’re a moron.
• Maybe I should track them down and tell them just that.
• Maybe I should rally everyone I know on Instagram to shame that dimwit for leaving that review.
• …
… this can go on, until it loops back to the top and starts again. Sounds familiar?
What kind of state do you think you’d be in from obsessing over those disempowering, angering questions, never able to get closure because the loop has no logical end?
Empowering Alternatives.
My own experience of asking myself lousy questions, and my interactions with others within the writing community, have left me convinced that writers need to start asking themselves more empowering questions.
Because the way we tend to ask questions to ourself—those that breed anger, and resentment, and self doubt—ultimately only bring us back to two fears that sit at the root of it all: the fear that we’re not good enough, and the fear that we won’t be loved (or appreciated, or liked). These fears can be crippling. And that can’t be good for anyone’s art anywhere.
I’m writing this today to give you some more empowering alternatives. Some that I have used along my journey and have helped me improve.
Here are four examples:
#1 — gearing up for success:
• Instead of: ‘Why are other writers so much more successful than I am?’
• Ask yourself: ‘What I can learn from other writers to become more successful myself?’
There’s a lot of comparison out there. We know we shouldn’t fall into the trap of it, but it’s easier said than done.
If you see fellow writers thriving with their writing, their social media strategy or their exposure, try modelling what they do that is working and find what, from that, works for you.
Better even, reach out to people and ask them for advice—most people will be more than happy to share, and it’s a great way to build a network!
#2 — boosting sales:
• Instead of: ‘Why am I not selling books?’
• Ask yourself: ‘What I can do to increase my book sales?’
It can be discouraging to have published something, and to see your sales figures stalling. If you start wallowing in self pity through disempowering ‘why’ questions, you’re bound to start spiralling.
Instead, make a list of what you could do to help your sales along.
Here are some ideas that come to mind:
• Seek out book clubs and put your book on their radar. See if they’d been interested in reading your book and having you for an author Q&A when they’re done reading the book.
• Look into running promotions on Amazon (like discounted eBooks).
• Go local! Reach out to your local community and spread the word (cafes, local bookshops and libraries, local Facebook groups and communities etc.) and give them a chance to support a local.
• Contact your old school or university and enquire about showcasing you and your book as an alumni success story.
• Build genuine connections with fellow writers, avid readers and book bloggers. These relationships are a fantastic way to increase your reach and spreading the word about your book—and as a result, improve sales.
• Offer to do a read and review swap with a fellow author, where you read and review each other’s book.
• And so on.
If you start asking your brain to think outside the box, it’ll do just that!
#3 — the writer’s life:
• Instead of: ‘Why can’t I be a full-time writer and have financial security from writing?’
• Ask yourself: 'How is my present occupation helping my writing?’
• …And then ask: 'What can I do to increase my revenue from writing?’
This is one topic that’s been crossing my mind a lot, and I suspect many of us out there have pondered it at one point or other. If asked the wrong way, this question can send you spiralling into a frustrated state.
I don’t write full-time at present, and I have had my moments of daydreaming hours away, wishing I could live off my craft. That never led to anything very productive.
What I have found helpful however has been to focus on what my day job enables me to do with my writing:
• It takes away the pressure of earning a full income from writing.
• It gives me time to write and experiment with my craft in different forms.
• It enables me to look into ways to monetise my writing at my own pace.
• And that’s made for much more exciting trains of thought!
#4 — social media guru:
• Instead of: ‘Why can’t I manage to grow my Instagram reach?’ Or ‘why is social media sapping my energy?’
• Ask yourself: ‘What can I do to create a healthier balance when it comes to promotion efforts?’
Social media is a tricky one. It has incredible benefits if leveraged the right way, and it’s an amazing tool to get yourself and your work out there. In fact, I recently wrote a piece on the immense value of joining Bookstagram for writers.
But it can also be a drain, because the mechanisms of social media are built on the principle of addiction. It’s literally designed to suck you in and make you crave more, and fear that you’re missing out and not doing enough.
To avoid falling into that vicious circle, I’ve found it much healthier to ask myself how I can find the right balance to achieve what I want with my social media presence whilst also keeping my sanity. What this ends up being will look different for different people. If you’re unsure where to start, think about what you find challenging about maintaining your social media account, then what you find helps with your peace of mind, and try to find a middle ground somewhere in between that meets your needs.
Ask and thou shalt get.
I’m a firm believer in our ability to manifest our reality—at least to some extent. If you focus on all the wrong things, then your reality will look challenging and bleak.
If you train yourself to look for constructive ways forward and to get yourself excited about making the journey smoother for yourself, then finding that sweet spot that works for you can be a fascinating journey.
And that all starts with asking the right questions. Finding the right point of focus. Writing can be a wonderful, yet at times confusing and challenging journey. So do yourself a favour: where possible, take away those mind blocks that stand in your way!
Different questions about your writing journey illicit different points of focus, and therefore different states. Some are more conducive to a positive mindset, whilst others tend to nurture frustration.
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theunstuffedpepper · 3 years
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Somehow it’s December already? And I’m 12 weeks along? The 12-week mark feels like a nice milestone. I’ve got some major pelvic aches but a lot of the nausea and exhaustion is getting better, thankfully. I’ve got my NT scan on Wednesday of this coming week and my parents are coming up to visit and watch pep that morning so that B can actually come along and see his first ever ultrasound. Exciting! I’m also on vacation all week — double exciting — though I’ll still have to be available to check/respond to emails and join a few meetings. Sigh.
We were gifted (another) Hello Fresh box way, way long ago and couldn’t redeem it until recently for some odd reason, and after this one, I’m convinced Hello Fresh is not for us. While the meals are tasty for the most part, there are never leftovers, and I’m not a huge fan of having to cook a new meal every single day with not a scrap left over. I’m gonna have to figure out an easy meal solution for after baby #2 comes along. Maybe Factor 45, like @losingitinvirginia is doing? Though we’re a household without a microwave, so.. I dunno. I’ve got time to figure it out.
Randomly, I joined a local mom-group book club and the first meeting I’ll be joining is next week. I borrowed the book (“In a Holidaze”) from my local library three weeks ago and naturally I’m only like 1/4 of the way through it. I just cannot find time to sit and physically read things lately. Because of that, I decided to get the Libby app and start listening to audio books. I have plenty of time to listen to podcasts, so why not audio books? Plus, I seem to be running out of murder podcasts to listen to. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The few books I’ve looked up so far are all out with multiple holds on each copy, but that’s fine. I’ll get to them eventually. If you have book recommendations, please lay them on me!
We’re not doing much holiday decorating this year, which is bumming me out a small bit, but it’s for the best. We always get a real tree each year, and with pep being on the brink of walking and at the stage where EVERY tiny thing goes immediately in his mouth, it doesn’t make sense to go through the trouble of getting a real tree only to stress about every little pine needle getting sucked up by our resident baby vacuum. Plus, we’re traveling to NJ again for Christmas, so we won’t even be here to open presents under our own tree. Maybe next year.
That said.. we did manage to get some cute festive photos of pep for our first post-baby Christmas cards! We never do photo Christmas cards, but I wanted to start that tradition now that the family is growing. They get delivered Tuesday and I’m super excited to see them and mail them all out! If you’d like one, PM me your address! 🎄
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hellreads · 3 years
Hello, I just stumble on your blog. Seeing a comment from Wrienne which I also read on AO3, I wanted to ask if you also have AO3 recs..?
hi there darling, of course, I have some recs for you! since you didn’t ask for anything specific let me just share a few faves that you could only read/access on ao3 (I would also recommend you check my ficshelfs and use the ao3 filter to find stories exclusively posted there + i’ll still include wrienne’s works for other readers :3 ) | 🍒
❥ Right of Way by fringesofsanity ➴ Infidelity!AU | Jungkook x Reader x Jimin | Series ➴ In theory, things were simple: your best friend was Jungkook’s girlfriend while your boyfriend, Jimin, was Jungkook’s best friend. In reality, things weren’t always that simple. And mutually exclusive.
❥ The Hills by minlouvre ➴ Vacation/Exes!AU | Yoongi x Reader x Hoseok | Series ➴ A ski trip with old friends sounds like a fun time, right?
when your ex-boyfriend (who you hate but somehow always end up in bed with) and your stepbrother (who you are harboring not-so-secret feelings for) tag along at the last minute, you have a feeling it won’t be an uneventful weekend.
but fun? debatable. that remains to be seen. ❥ A Hundred Percent Human by Wrienne ➴ Hybrid!AU | OT7 x Reader | Series ➴ In which you (reader) are forced to take care of seven hybrids in a twist of fate.
After your estranged mother passes away, you're left with an unwanted will and the heavy burden of responsibility. Although you're desperate not to stray from the familiar path you thought was laid out in front of you with a fully human boyfriend who loves you more than anything, your life is thrown upside down once more after another unfortunate incident (that may or may not have to do with said boyfriend) occurs.
Drunk and down on life, you finally decide to deal with the house and the unsavory business your mother left behind. However, to your shock, you find that seven very different hybrids are included with both the house - and the business. Seven hybrids you never even met before - even less agreed to take care of.
❥ Dead Leaves by Wrienne ➴ Detective/Exes!AU | Yoongi x Reader x Jimin | Series ➴ In which you (reader) are a homicide detective about to face the biggest hurdle both of your career and life.
Married to probably the kindest but most boring man you’ve ever met and living in a town where nothing ever seems to happen means life for you is dull. Dull enough to drive you crazy with boredom and dissatisfaction. However, life changes abruptly when your old boss retires and a new man takes his place - a man you used to love (and sleep very regularly with) more than a decade ago. Especially when your husband comes home smelling of perfume, you’re unable to resist your more carnal urges and dead women start showing up across the city with unnerving frequency. ❥ See Both Sides Like Chanel by minlouvre ➴ FWB/Rich Kids!AU | Namjoon x Reader x Hoseok | One-Shot ➴ You, Namjoon, and Hoseok are inseparable. 
Three best friends that grew up together since you were all in diapers.But lately, Namjoon has been drifting away…
So on his birthday, you and Hoseok remind him just how inseparable the three of you really are.
⤷ or alternatively: a little less twenty-one candles, a little more “touch me”
❥ Love Is A Dog From Hell by yourlocalhoney ➴ FWB/Lovers!AU | Yoongi x Reader x Jungkook | Series ➴ You and Yoongi agreed on being good friends, co-workers, and friends who help each other out under the sheets. What you never agreed on was to catch feelings for each other.
Enter, accidental feelings.
Enter, Jeon Jungkook.
❥ The Uncanny by Sinsirella ➴ Arranged Marriage!AU | Jungkook x Reader x Seokjin x Jimin | Series ➴ (Y/N) is a young girl whose Life turns upside down. One day her mother surprises her with news of her arranged husband, forcing her into her new chaotic lifestyle. Join her journey and experience her new life through her eyes. Will she get along with her husband? Or someone else? What are they hiding? ❥ Seven Deadly Sins by mintedmango ➴ Hell!AU | OT7 x Reader | Series ➴ You stood suddenly, chair being pushed away by the backs of your legs, the rest of the sins standing with you as you looked around in panic. All except Sloth who was out cold in the corner.
“Oh, little pet, indeed, I am still hungry.”
❥ Walk Through The Fire by shellflower ➴ Supernatural!AU | Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook | Series ➴ In a world of supernatural beings, a normal human like yourself always found attraction and wonder towards these creatures. It was your kind heart that led you to become a doctor to treat such people. And it was your kind heart that led you into the arms of a young Alpha wolf who will accidentally force you down a path you were never meant to follow... ❥ Into Temptation by coconutty  ➴ Demon!AU | Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook | Two-Shot ➴ It was just a dare...
❥ Won’t Be Nice by coconutty ➴ Lovers/Poly!AU | Taehyung x Reader x Hoseok | One-Shot ➴ A night by the pool just got interesting...
❥ Covenant by fringesofsanity ➴ Arranged Marriage!AU | Namjoon x Reader | Series ➴ You are betrothed to Kim Namjoon, the heir of a real estate mogul. To say that it was a fairytale romance would be erroneous. You’re instead loped in the sad tale of the rich and melancholy.
❥ Read You Like A Book by coconutty ➴ University!AU | Namjoon x Reader | One-Shot ➴ Come get an attitude adjustment in the library, courtesy of Namjoon.
❥ Éffleurer by @sugaurora / sugalights ➴ Office!AU | Seokjin x Reader | Series ➴ There were always whispers in your office about what secrets Seokjin hid behind his clean image. Now, you knew at least one of them. ❥ The City Comes Alive by minlouvre ➴ Musician/S2L!AU | Seokjin x Reader | Series ➴ Seokjin is a street performer who falls for a girl who is always passing him by. ❥ Seaside Sabbatical by dark_muse_iris ➴ Working Man!AU | Seokjin x Reader | One-Shot ➴ After an accountant in your firm is sent to prison, you are assigned to clean up the mess he left behind. Sorting out your clients’ disastrous business records proves beneficial when you meet the fisherman who teaches you the value of taking a break. ❥ Cake by yeyeniejjung ➴ Yandere/Killer!AU | Seokjin x Reader | Series ➴ "I was always hungry for your love. Just once, I wanted to know what is was like to get my fill of it. I wanted to be fed so much love that I couldn't take it anymore, just once." ❥ The Lord Taketh Away by dark_muse_iris ➴ Medieval/Werewolf!AU | Seokjin x Reader | One-Shot ➴ Every autumn, the dwindling harvest summons fears for the impending winter and its promise of scarcity. For Seokjin and his wife, faith lies in God and their local lord’s generosity to provide what their ailing son needs to survive another year. With each season, however, the lord grows cold-hearted and greedy, squeezing the young family to the brink of despair.
❥ Zelus by SugaAconcept ➴ Lovers/Sugar Daddy!AU | Yoongi x Reader | One-Shot ➴ Yoongi becomes jealous when your close friend Jungkook puts his hands all over you right infront of his face. So, Yoongi decides to make sure you know who you really belong to. ❥ Carpe Diem by fringesofsanity ➴ Idol/Lovers!AU | Yoongi x Reader | Series ➴ Working for the UN, you are tasked to handle the poverty reduction campaign of a certain boy band. A certain rapper from the group however decides to mix business with pleasure.
❥ Feel You From The Inside by coconutty  ➴ Idol/Staff!AU | Hoseok x Reader | One-Shot ➴ You've been watching him for months, little did you know, he's been watching you.
❥ As You Are by fringesofsanity ➴ Lovers!AU | Hoseok x Reader | One-Shot ➴ You're not the girl for Jung Hoseok. Him - who was sunshine and daisies and fireworks. You - who were back-alley darkness and used needles and burnt cigarettes. But he doesn't care. And you fucking hate yourself for it.
❥ The Thin Blue Line by bluesxde ➴ Pregnancy/E2L!AU | Hoseok x Reader | Series ➴ One badly-judged fling with Jung Hoseok, the son of a company-rival, leaves you with a little surprise.
❥ His Throne by hseoks ➴ Royalty!AU | Jimin x Reader | Series ➴ You, a maid for the royal family, have sex with the irresistible Prince Park Jimin on his throne.
❥ Ineffable by fringesofsanity ➴ FWB!AU | Jimin x Reader | One-Shot ➴ You’ve only shared your body to Jimin, mostly silent after the act. The one time you decide to bare so much more, you find yourself baring your soul to him, far more than you bargained for.
❥ Blue Side by hoseokiehopie ➴ Ghost/Lovers!AU | Jimin x Reader | One-Shot ➴ You’re all too familiar with the legend that says the dead can walk freely on Halloween. It’s a secret you hold deeply within yourself. When a classmate starts to break down the walls you built so strongly after your boyfriend’s passing, you have to decide if you’re going to remain in the past with the dead, or live among the living.
❥ Effervescence by fringesofsanity ➴ Idol/Fling!AU | Taehyung x Reader | Series ➴ Just like the fizz of a cola on a hot summer’s day, your encounter with Taehyung is short but sparkly sweet.
OR Getting married in three months, you and your girls attend Ultra Miami to cap your single life, a final hurrah of some sort. What you didn’t expect is meeting a beguiling boy with a boxy smile who gives you a festival you’ll forever reminisce.
❥ Minutiae by coconutty ➴ Stalker!AU | Taehyung x Reader | Series ➴ Y/N meets a mysterious and alluring photographer and wants to interview him. Along the way things start getting a bit strange. What happens when you draw the attention of someone who always gets what they want?
❥ Flower Arrangements by iq_biased ➴ Pregnancy/Lovers!AU | Taehyung x Reader | One-Shot ➴ From the moment you met Taehyung, his flourish for life drew you in completely. It wasn’t long before you fell head over heals for the tattoo artist who was so wrong for you, it felt right. But your story hasn’t always been an easy one, and just recently it’s become a whole lot more complicated…
❥ Freaks Forever by yeyeniejjung ➴ Criminal/Psych!AU | Taehyung x Reader | Series ➴ "So tell me, Mister Kim, what's your ideal evening?"
"Ah..full moon, sex and drugs all night."
You are the psychologist to the world's most dangerous criminal, Kim Taehyung. Kim Taehyung is the man solely responsible for some of the most horrific crimes that the world has ever seen, from burglary, drug possession, sexual assaults, to brutal homicides of a total of 37 victims, though there are suspicions that there are more, that range from children to the elderly; both male and female. The two of you form an odd bond between your weekly sessions, causing you to somehow completely miss his blatant manipulation that soon controlled you in every aspect; resulting in his escape from prison and his bloodthirsty ways and eyes to be immediately turned onto you..but will he spare you in the end of the torturous time he keeps you or will your fate be the same as any other past victim of his?
❥ Slow Burn by fringesofsanity ➴ Idol/F2L!AU | Taehyung x Reader | Series  ➴ He was just supposed to be one of those clients. But then he gives you a night you’ll never forget. ❥ Noona by yuu14045 ➴ Neighbors/Lovers!AU | Taehyung x Reader | Series ➴ Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin lives in same apartment building. One day Taehyung received a mail for another Kim. She turned out to be Jimin's new neighbor.
❥ Snapped by Kpopyandere ➴ Yandere!AU | Taehyung x Reader | Series ➴ Your relationship with your boyfriend hasn't been going well lately. His twin, Kim Taehyung, decides to take advantage of this.
❥ If You’re Struggling Like I Am by @btssavedmylifeblr / bts_ruined_my_life ➴ Idol/Lovers!AU | Jungkook x Reader | Series ➴ You are hired as a makeup artist for BigHit working with BTS. You are older than all of them, yet, despite your best efforts, you find yourself slowing falling in love with the youngest member.
❥ My Cheating Amnesic Fiancé by Wrienne ➴ Idol/Arranged Marriage!AU | Jungkook x Reader | Series ➴ A series set in our world featuring Reader, the sole heiress of a multibillion-dollar company, and the Bangtan Boys' Golden Maknae - Jeon Jungkook. Mainly a romance, though doused with angst, drama and the twisted ways of fate. ❥ Return by Kpopyandere ➴ Yandere!AU | Jungkook x Reader | Series ➴ As Seokjin's girlfriend, you're off-limits, but Jungkook doesn't see it that way
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