#usagi bayverse
artzzyb00-27 · 11 months
{💙New Guy In Town💙; part.1}
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The turtles were on patrol around 1 am on a Saturday. It was a good thing mutants didn't require that much sleep, and they could patrol when crime was most active. Night was mostly quiet, with a few thieves or just gang members here and there. Roof jumping building to building never got old for them. It was such a surreal experience flirting with death when just jumping off and trying to make it to the next building.
Traveling throughout Manhattan they landed in Yorkville and decided to sit on top of one of the easier to get to apartment complexes. With the noise of passing cars and honking occasionally, typical for the city that never sleeps. Leo was standing while his brothers chatted, looking out towards the city. Hoping for anything that could keep them entertained.
"Remind me why we're freezing our asses off still?" his very patient brother, Raphael, asked.
"Not sure, but it'll come soon. Don't worry Raph, you can pummel the next guy causing trouble we find." the blue-clad leader assured the latter. Only getting a scoff in return, but not one that indicated aggression or replacement for backtalk.
Mikey began twitching which meant he was getting bored and needed something to take his mind off it. Digging through his pockets, Donnie took out a fidget cube and tossed to his younger brother who 'ooed' in excitement. Smiling at the interaction, Leo turned his attention back towards the city, this time catching a strange shadow figure hop roof to roof.
"Let's move, quickly! Mikey put that thing away." he ordered as he ran off with his brothers following behind in confusion, but didn't say anything. They were moving and chasing something, that's all that mattered.
Suddenly the figure turned and jumped over the street and landed on a building on the other side. Turning again heading in the same direction they were going before. Leo knew they couldn't make that jump. Their weight held them down, and the width of the street was a problem too.
"Did I see that right!?" Mikey yelled next to his brothers riding on his hover-board Donnie made him.
"You're not alone little brother!" Leo responded as they continued chasing the figure now sprinting. They jumped on a water tower bounced off it with a sharp right heading off into Midtown. The turtles followed with good distance as to not be noticed.
Finally the figure slowed down and perched on top of one of the apartment buildings. Not knowing the brothers were behind them trying to be quiet but were panting from the excessive running. Keeping up with this person had made the night more interesting than it was when they first emerged from the sewers that night.
Stepping up slowly, trying not to make sound on the concrete beneath his feet, Donnie used his goggles to scan the person looking down at the street beneath them. Donnie froze and removed his goggles quickly. His brothers looked at him like he was crazy.
"You're a mutant." he said to no one in particular and his brother's eyes widened. A mutant? The three of them stepped out of the shadows and looked at the person, now getting a better look. Donnie was right, he was a mutant, a bunny mutant to be exact.
"Yup." they said now standing up, turning around towards the brothers and walked off the edge getting closer. Then pulling of their hood showing of the white fur and ears that were tied up together. "I'm Usagi Miyamoto. But my friends call me Sagi, hopefully that's what you guys are." he introduced himself without hesitance, getting the attention of the youngest brother.
"Wassup, brah! I'm Michelangelo, call me Mikey. These are my bros, Raphael the strong one. Donatello the brains, and our oh-so fearless leader Leonardo who is master swordsman." he said making the rabbit mutant examine all of them. Their outfits reflected their personalities well.
"Nice tattoos, wish I could get some." Usagi complimented the three who had ink on them.
"Thanks, you're pretty difficult to keep up with ya' know?" Raph said trying to start conversation. The rabbit boy smiled.
"Thanks, it wasn't hard to speed up knowing how far behind you guys were," he explained shocking the brothers. In response he pointed to his ears, and they nodded in understanding.
"I like your spots." Leo said not really knowing what else to say, he would compliment the sword at the shorted mutants hips but that wouldn't make sense because it was sheathed.
"Really? Well that's sweet of you, normally people don't mention them. It's nice for a change." Usagi rants while reaching up to his right upper cheek where the small black spots were. "Anyway, I should head back home, it's getting late for me and my friend will kill me if I'm late for training. She's always cranky in the morning." he said cracking his neck in the process. he pulled up his hood and jumped up going over Leo. Landing on the edge of the roof and jumping again launching himself towards the second building behind him and sprinted off into the alleyways below.
"Who would have thought there were more mutants, huh Leo?" Donnie asked his brother who kept staring at the alleyway the rabbit boy disappeared into. He hummed in response receiving some looks but left it alone. At least for now.
Luckily that wasn't the last time they saw of the rabbit mutant. They next caught him in Upper Manhattan talking to a wolf girl mutant who had a grey hoodie on and black cargo pants. She had sickles at her sides and had black tape around her feet. Her fur was white and she had brown eyes. In contrast to Usagi who had grey ones.
They all chatted and introduced themselves finding put that her name was Uki. Not her birth name but she changed it because it meant something special to her and it was from her ethnic language before she was mutated.
The boys didn't bother pushing the topic further. If they were actually curious Donnie could just tell them. After some convincing, mainly from Mikey, they brought the two mutants to meet Splinter.
"How does your dad look like?" Uki asked Raph. They were similar in someways but her voice was more calming than his. At least according to Mikey.
"He's a mutant rat. I would ask not to freak out, but I don't think it's necessary." he joked making her slightly chuckle. Usagi and Leo were behind the others walking through the sewers.
Leo looked down slightly at the guy next to him. They were tall but Usagi was definitely smaller than him and his brothers. Uki was taller than him as well. Slightly surpassing Mikey and almost Leo.
Must have been because she was part wolf, he thought. Usagi glanced at him and he looked ahead quickly getting embarrassed that he got caught staring.
"You know it's okay to look at each other right? Not like it's forbidden." the rabbit boy amused making the turtle leader chuckle. After reaching the lair and meeting Splinter the mutants were just interacting with each other. Leo kept giving glances to Usagi here and there and it didn't go unnoticed by his red bandana'd brother.
"If you're gonna kiss him just do it." he teased making the older ninja roll his eyes and look back at the white rabbit talking to his nerd brother. Raph smirked but headed off into the training room along with Uki who pulled out her sickles and got ready for a quick sparring match.
This would be weird to get used to, but he was glad they had more friends. Ignoring his brothers previous remarks, he sat down on the floor next to Usagi and smiled at each other. Pulling their attention from each other, they conversed with Mikey and Donnie.
Part 2 here!
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rabbiturtletunnel · 8 months
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Shhh, they're sleeping 🤫
Take a little bayverse leosagi <3
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tmnt-tychou · 1 year
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Randomly felt like designing a Bayverse style Usagi. He is smoller than Leo, but can totally kick his ass. XD
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Bayverse Leosagi would be so cursed
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amingethia · 1 year
Seriously though I really wanna read this fanfic
It’s a Leonardo Usagi ship fic but like, it’s called the arrangement or something, they get thrown into Usagi’s universe after fighting the Kraang and I swear I read a chunk of it on Tumblr WHEREEEEEEEEE
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max-strahan17 · 2 years
(and bayverse Donnie in Rottmnt because I was bored)
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ruusukultakruunu · 2 years
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microstmnt · 2 years
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Some minor (for now) characters that appear during the Batte Nexus arc, they all share something in common, props if you know what.
I made a lot of changes to some of them
Usagi: I took most inspiration from his 2003 version, he’s a teen, and he’s way more serious than he should have a right to be, like seriously dude have you ever laughed in your life? He befriends Leo quickly and has an amicable relationship with the other turtles, but he doesn’t go out of his way to talk to them like he does with Leo
Traximus: Definetly the one that went through the most changes, and he’ll keep going through them because I’m not super happy with his design... Any changes he goes through? Puberty, don’t ask. He’s still an alien, but for the moment we won’t learn much of his race
Leatherhead: Another one that went through some changes, he’s not a mutant in my version but rather a Yokai from the dimension of the Battle Nexus. Even though he looks scary, he’s actually very friendly and shy. He sometimes gets angry, but he’s aware he can get dangerous so he has found ways to calm himself from it, helps Raph a lot with his own rage issues. Mikey at first is a little afraid of him because of a past issue with a certain sewer crocodile, but quickly realizes Leatherhead is actually pretty cool.
Renet: RIP to you, but I love pathetic woman (affectionate), I find them hilarious, so I also took most inspiration from 2003, she’s typical teenage girl who’s rebellious because she wants to have fun. Doesn’t take most things seriously because she’s on a vacation! Barely interacts with any of the turtles, only with Mikey during a party celebrating him winning the Battle Nexus. Manages to steal his kneepad and swears one day she’ll have his signature too. Sidenote nobody cares about: I was drawing Renet during the last match of the World Cup, so I owe her my life...
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sunny-clover · 1 year
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chicchanmooshy · 2 years
Ch 21. Christmas at Usagi’s, part 4 - gifts
trigger warnings: NSFW, 18+, little swearing, smut @leosgirl82 @thelaundrybitch @roxosupreme @mysticboombox @turtle-babe83 @sewerninno @angelcatlowyn @raisin-shell @catweasle @bibiz82  It took quite a while before everyone woke up next morning. Ishtar felt refreshed after last night and sighed. She felt small movements in her hair. Curious, she opened her eyes to see who was fidgeting with her. There she found Leo caressing her blue ribbons. “Would you like to have them?” she asked, carefully not to wake the others. “No, not as long as I have you. I already got a blue mask. And besides, they look better on you”, he said and kissed her nose.
Lifting herself on one elbow she looked around the tent. The others were sleeping stull around them. Ishtar giggled softly at the sight where her clothes had went. Her purple and black stockings hung over the zipper of Donnie's compartment. Raphael was sleeping on his back still holding her bra. And Mickey... “I've never seen this before, but somehow it doesn't surprises me at all”, she whispered to Leo. He grinned. “Well, if that piece of clothe had been blue, I'd do the same.” “Just as long you don't make a face mask out of it. How does he make sure it stays on his face? Because he moves quite a lot in his sleep.” “He has his ways”, Leo shrugged. “We probably should wake up the rest, don't we?” Ishtar asked.“Yes, we should. Although Raph can be a challenge...” Ishtar looked at Raphael for a moment. She smirked, because she had the best idea. So she crawled over to him and climbed on top of his face, only a few inches above it. She looked down, wondering how long it would take for him before he would wake up to her delicious essence. Five seconds passed and nothing happened yet. “Wow. I'm not sure if I should call you evil or just naughty. Please wake me up that way, sometime soon...” Leo groaned.
Raphael's nostrils were coming alive now. He took a deep breath, moaned and opened his eyes. He looked right into her folds and moaned again, this time louder. “Geez, what a way to wake up. Breakfast in bed, my favorite! Come here babe, come sit on my face.”
Leonardo's view was fantastic. Seeing their female enjoying herself with his brother. And Raph was still very gentle with her, even for his doing. So sweet. But his own body was starting to demand his attention. So he got up and came to stand before her, offering his now fully swollen member. “Would you please blow me?” he asked in that dark voice of him, filled with lust. As an answer she gripped his hip tightly and pulled him closer. “Make sure you're standing firm, Leo”, Raph said between licks. “She has talent for this and is possibly even better than Mickey..” “That's not possible! I'm the king of blowjobs!” said Mickey from his bed.
“Hey Ishtar, where are you with your thoughts?” Leo nudged her gently while they were still lying in bed. “What are you thinking of?” Finally waking from her daydream she looked sheepishly at him and grinned. “Just an interesting fantasy. This was a good one.” “Yes, I could smell your arousal already. It doesn't take much to warm up, now do you? To put it mildly”, he grinned. “Shall we use the old fashioned way of waking them up?” “You could, but get dressed first. There is always a possibility that Raphael will scare you out of the tent..” In the end it wasn't that bad and Raphael even came without being grumpy. Because of the five young children of Usagi, they had breakfast first. And then came the feast of unwrapping presents. Ishtar sat just outside the big circle. She enjoyed the happy expressions on everybody's faces, the laughter and the happy exclamations. All the gifts were quickly distributed by Mickey. But it was just too busy to her liking. In her own bubble Ishtar almost missed Mickey giving her present to Master Splinter. Fortunately, Splinter looked in her direction before opening the package. The twinkle in Splinter's eyes was the best gift she could get from him. After all, she liked making memories more than giving and receiving gifts. Leonardo and Donatello looked at that gift but really had no idea what is was. Until Splinter pulled it over his tail.“It's a tail sock, guys..” she informed them. “Wow, that's a thought-full gift..” said Leo. Soon after Donnie gave his gift to Ishtar. Her own lab-coat with some inspiring quotes on it. And a big number 42 on it as well. She thanked him with a goofy smile, “I love it Donnie”, and kissed him on the cheek. Raphael presented his gift a little apprehensive. He had knitted (of course) a scarf for her. But with such a small yarn and it was so soft... with red and black roses on it. “Raph, it's beautiful, thank you so much!” Mickey's turn. Bouncing around, he plopped down next to her and handed a small box. She looked at him thought-full at first, but he kept looked at her expectantly. “Open it.” he encouraged her. Inside she found an aluminum weird shaped tube with a tapered tip and a ring thingy on top. Hollow on the inside and in Mickey's color. “I don't mean to be rude Mickey, but I have absolutely no idea what this is. Could you tell me?” “It's a kazoo, babycakes. It's an instrument. You play it by humming on it.” He took the small instrument and hummed a tune on it. “Wow, that's a funny sound. Kinda like a nasal sound.” “I'll teach you when we're home again. Or maybe sooner, if Leo and Donnie aren't around. And Raphie isn't irritated yet”, he grinned. “You annoyed them already with a kazoo?” “I don't annoy, they find it annoying. There's a difference”, he stated. Ishtar chuckled. “Thank you to give me the chance to learn a new instrument, Mickey.”
And finally Leonardo came forward and gave her.. an envelope. “It was really difficult for me to find the perfect gift for you. I want to give you the world.. everything your heart desires. Until I can, this is a small gesture towards that.” Ishtar opened the envelop and found a letter with the most beautiful handwriting she had ever seen.      Dear Ishtar.      In a very short time you have become very dear to me.       From the moment you showed interest in me, I wanted to do this      with you. I therefore want to ask you to have a romantic dinner      with me.      Always yours, Leonardo.
After reading the text twice she smiled and folded the letter back into the envelope and pressed it against her heart. Looking into his beautiful blue eyes, she nodded. “I would love to, Leo. Just say when and where,” she said slightly blushing. She moved closer, turning his face downward with her hand and kissed him lightly. Leonardo returned her kiss and with closed eyes he laid his forehead to hers. They sat there for a while holding hands. From a distance Usagi waited patiently, as he witnessed the forging of a close bond between those two lovers. After a considerable time they were still fondling each other.  “Leonardo-san..” he finally interrupted the lovers. “As a gift for you and your brothers and Ishtar, I made some arrangements. I would like to take you sailing. With your permission, we leave in two days. It's a day's journey from here, so you still have plenty of time to prepare. We will be away from home for three days, maybe four.” Mickey was so excited, totally over the moon, bounching all around. Raph and Donnie liked it too, but played it more cool. Leonardo looked at Ishtar, “sounds nice, wouldn't you agree?” She nodded eager. “I very much would like to come. I love being on the water.” “Good, that settled. In two days we'll come with you, Usagi.”
The journey to the Great Open Water was done by jogging. Usagi assumed that everyone could sustain that. Unfortunately, Ishtar's condition was not yet at that level. The first hour she could easily keep it up, but after that it became more difficult for her. Then Raphael offered to carry her. But hanging over his shoulder for hours on end didn't seem all that appealing to her. “Can't I just sit half on your shell, half on your backpack?” she asked. Raph looked down at her and answered grumpy, “I'm not your mount.” Ishtar raised an eyebrow with a mischievous smile on her lips. But before she could comment on that, he cut her off. “Don't even say it! OK, you can piggyback on top of my shell, but I'll swear, if you say anything about this to the others, you'll pay for it!” “I wouldn't dare”, she said holding up her hands.
For the next several hours Ishtar alternated walking and piggy-backing, until they reached the Great Open Water in late afternoon. Usagi arranged for them to sleep in a barn near the water for the next few days, since there wasn't a tavern nearby. They dumped their stuff in the barn and played in the water for a while. Dinner was again arranged by Usagi. Socializing around a campfire and going to bed early.
Ishtar woke up very early the next morning, the sun hadn't even risen yet. Carefully slipping out of the haystack where they all slept, she walked to the water. She could see on the horizon that the sun will soon show its face again. The shy coloring now a deep blue and purple. She always felt happy near water; she grew up near a big lake. And it always had an attraction to her. Now since she had been mutated, that attraction had only grown. The reason why, she had not yet explored. Looking up into that crisp air she saw stars in the sky. In very different constellations than on their earth, but still comforting to see. A song bubbled up in her. (Click here if you want to here the song: Nessie Gomes - Long way home)      And the stars they are fading      The sun, it is falling       the stars,they are fading      The moon slips into the dark, slips into the night      It's early in the morning and the moon is hardly showing      There are creatures all around      see their shadows and hear their sounds      But they're taking me places      places I don't know      It's getting kind of spooky      should I stay or follow?      But they take me by the hand and whisper in my ear     “There's no need to worry first, let's make that clear      But we're gon' to take your places, places you will know      They look kind of different but not to your heart or to your soul      So just open up your senses and let the light in      You've now reached these gates, so you may as well step in”      And the mystery unfolds as she walks along the path      The trees talk to her finally at last      It's a long way home      I'll be back at down      got to walk this road alone.. Finally she opened her eyes again and saw to her right Usagi and Leonardo standing close by. They had been listening to her singing. Leo had that smile on his face he always has, after she sang him something. Usagi was quite in awe. Of course he had heard her sing before, but this was something more, quite amazing, more... wildly, this went so much deeper. He didn't know what kind of word would describe it best. “Would you like to join us in meditation?” asked Leonardo. “Sure. I was wondering when you would wake up already”, she teased. “I woke up an hour or so ago.”
They sat down in a circle near the water. The sun had risen above the horizon and now warmed them nicely. Ishtar sighed, feeling happy. Halfway through, she heard the other three turtles wake up. In the background she could hear them talking and preparing breakfast for all of them. A little while later it became quiet again. She welcomed the silence very much, so didn't think twice about the fact that those three brothers were never silent together.
That was her mistake.
“I still don't get how she keeps it up guys. Meditating every day, it's so boring”, said Mickey. “Well, you know. Master Splinter told her to. And better her than us, don't you think,” responded Donnie. “Yeah, but do we have to wait to eat until they're done? How long have they actually been at it?” “Yes, we have to wait. And I have no idea. Ishtar's bed was already cold when we woke up, but Leo's was still warm. That was strange, because he usually wakes her for meditation.” They were silent for a whole minute. “Ooh, I have an idea guys. Shall we see if we can break Ishtar's focus?” asked Mickey eagerly. “Oh lord, what have you come up with now?” asked Donnie. And even Raphael looked worried. “Well, Ishtar had some trouble dancing and stuff. So, shall we give her a performance? With guilty pleasure songs? I took a look at the list and there are quite useful songs in there. What do you think of these?” he rambled on. While playing some songs softly. “Oooooh, I want to do that second song! Really, if she doesn't go on the first song, she'll break on the second! I am in. Raph, are you in too?” “Sure, anything to make her laugh out loud. Gosh, do I love that sound.”
So they set up a "stage" in Ishtar's direct line of sight. Starting with Abba – Gimme gimme gimme. Ishtar heard the music start and was quite curious. 'What are the guys up to now?' But she kept her focus.     Half past twelve and I'm watching the late show in my flat all alone Hearing them sing the first lyrics, with quite high pitched voices broke her concentration. She frowned and tried hard to keep her mouth relaxed. But this was so difficult. With a few deep breaths, she brought herself back to the stillness in her head. The silence that was quickly dispelled by the music.     Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight     won't somebody help me chase the shadows away     Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight     Take me through the darkness to the break of the day Her eyes flew open to watch that ridiculous performance. She saw Mickey and Raph singing into their weapons. And Donnie... oh my fucking goddess.. even Donnie was singing in his bo staff... And of course they had to stand exactly in that spot. Right in her line of sight. 'They must have done that on purpose. Well, they may have broken my focus this time. They won't succeed twice.' she thought and closed her eyes again.  The brothers finished the song without Ishtar looking again. “Wow! That was amazing! Did you see that? She really did look! Uhu, uhu, uhu uhu uhu.” Mickey bounced around. “OK, now my song”, Donnie said enthusiastically. “Could you get me this, and...” Ishtar couldn't hear what else Donnie was saying, as they walked in a different direction.
“Are your brothers always this annoying, Leonardo-san?” asked Usagi. “Yes, and this was even the beginning of annoying. Brace yourself, they're up to no good. It's just meant to break our concentration. They try that every once in a while, every time Master Splinter is not around..” “I think they're trying to break mine”, said Ishtar. “Oh, I know so. They cannot break me with songs, they know that already. But I want to help you. While I'd rather have you train yourself in this, you may now have the chance to use some earplugs.” She looked at him in disbelief. “Seriously? Would you allow me that? But why now?” “Well, to bother them, of course.” Leo smirked. “You know, I will do without earplugs. Might as well get used to those pranks.” “Best way to do it. Just be glad they're just singing. They tried to break me once with farting in my face.” “Noooo, they did not!” Ishtar exclaimed. “Unfortunately, they did. Didn't break me though. I just held my breath.” “I can't hold my breath that long. But I did grow up on a farm with cows. Believe me, I've smelled worse things in my life. Farting wouldn't be a thing that can break me.” “Good to know. And... here they come again..”
Ishtar was very curious about what they had brought. But she also knew that as long as she remained curious, it would be difficult to maintain her focus. She wiped everything out of her mind and even yawned a little. “Wow, did she just yawn?” asked Donnie. “She's so gonna get it!” 'Ooh goodie, I know this song too', thought Ishtar when she heard the music start again. 'Mickey is singing the higher notes again. And Raph the rest. Sure, whatever guys. This song won't work on me.' “It's alright if you take a peek Ishtar. After all they're showing off for you”, Leo said softly. 'Well, if Leo's says so', she thought and opened one eye to look.
Bad choice.                  (To everyone who wants more visuals, I had these dancing moves in mind; look up this video on youtube: Robin Schulz – Sugar) Her first response was surprise. Sure she heard the music, but she didn't quite get what they were doing. These turtles had brought three buckets, filled with water and a lot of soap. And sponges... So now while mostly Raph was singing, Mickey and Donnie were playing with the sponges. Slapping a sponge on each other's bodies. Soaping their own bodies. Squeezing that sponge over their heads so that all the water and soap would drench them. This was so wrong, like fifty shades of wrong. And yet, seeing those three showing off just for her, it was hot as hell. She really couldn't contain herself anymore. Leaving that meditation for what it was. This was so much more fun. And they looked so ridiculous. Starting with a giggle and snorting. And soon after, she was rolling in the grass laughing. At that point the boys knew they had won. As an encore, they danced in sync, ending up throwing a bucket of water on themselves. That did the trick, churr... Yelling loudly, they gave each other a high three, picked up their things and ran inside to dry themselves off. Leaving Ishtar alone. She sighed. 'Now I'm was stuck with this pent up sexual energy. Yeah, this is going to be a great day', she thought sarcastic. With a sigh she looked at Leo. “Hey, don't blame me for that”, he said. “I wasn't going to. It's just.. what just happened?” Leo smirked. “Do you want the truth or a reassuring answer?” “Mm, neither..”
She stayed a little longer near the water, before joining the others for breakfast. It was in that moment she felt something was going to happen today. Not necessarily something bad, but something anyway. With the prospect of a day full of fun and sailing, this made her cautious..
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artzzyb00-27 · 11 months
{💙New Guy In Town💙; part.2}
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After a few months of hanging out and getting to know each other, Usagi and Leo were able to become good friends. Not just friends in forced environments, like the one they were currently in. The one where because of their appearances, no one else would be their friend. It became so much deeper than that.
They were able to be themselves around the other and express their passions without getting ridiculed or judged in anyway. Not even questioned because that's how similar they were. Of course everyone has their own unique aspects and one of them was flavors. Usagi was the kind of guy to like savory flavors. Like steak and carrots and just regular food that wasn't meant to be anything special. Leo was one of the loyal followers of sour/spicy flavors. The rush he got when eating spicy foods or just having some Mexican food that April had bought from somewhere in Washington Heights.
This led to an interesting discussion of what was a good middle ground. Developing ideas they had simultaneously decided that if it was shown to them they'd acknowledge it but never mention it. The arrangement wasn't made vocally either. As if they knew what the latter was thinking they just went on with more topics of conversation.
That may seem stupid to most, or at the very least boring, but it never bored Leo listen to Usagis' voice when he talked about a new movie he couldn't wait to watch about super heroes. Another thing they had in common of interest. He felt happy whenever the rabbit mutant would go to the lair and specifically look for the leader in blue because it meant he was special to the boy.
Usagi was special to Leo too. Whenever they would team up on patrols with Uki and Usagi, Leo would make sure Usagi was partnered with him or with Donnie. The reason was because he knew how his other brothers were and didn't want Usagi to think Leo was weird.
Why, you might ask? It's because the turtle with baggy pants let is slip he loved hanging out with Usagi by himself. He had meant to only tell Casey this when him and April visited but it was overheard by Splinter. After a round of training, Splinter popped an interesting question making the other brothers do their own investigations.
"I must ask Leonardo, what is it about this mutant you love hanging out with?" hell broke lose after that one. Mikey was chuckling like numbskull, Donnie gave a smirk accompanied with a side glance and Raph just crossed his arms with a smug expression.
One that surely meant, 'I told you~', referring back three weeks prior to this event. Sadly, because his father asked, Leo answered truthfully. Saying that from his interest and drive for succeeding in martial arts and compassion towards anyone, he couldn't help but admire him. At least that's what he had told his sensei. After leaving the dojo the brothers cornered him almost immediately.
"I can't believe Raph called it before me!" Mikey exasperated.
"I can." Donnie replied, while Raph just put his arm over his elder brothers shoulder. Leo rolled his eyes and looked away in embarrassment to hide the tiny blush forming.
"Aww, ya' thinking 'bout your boyfriend?~" Raph teetered as Leo just groaned while laughing and shoved them off walking away as best he could. It didn't work, considering they all had a last gaming session in his room and just talked about the subject for the entire time.
Coming back to present time, it became more apparent to everyone how close the turtle and rabbit dynamic had gotten. Every time they would visit each other, or the other was in sight, they would rush over as if something was trying to stop them. Nothing was stopping them. Not the rules of society or their own personal friendship and family dynamics.
Usagis' favorite moments with Leo had to be when they had taken down a mob of rogue Foot soldiers trying to start their own version. It was shut down after 3 days due to the duo being strong in battle. The fluidity of each others movements was great like a river and when working together in a special dual move they were sturdier than obsidian.
As if to be connected psychologically, their movements were in sync from the moment they began talking alone. Without the distractions from their friends and family, it suddenly felt like their moments alone together was the most cherished thing they could have. Even moments sitting on billboards, in the shadows with lights of the city and stars above, where the most soul relieving experiences.
Tonights was one of those nights. On top of a roof near China town, they were talking about the latest issue of a novel series coming up. Usagi had been ranting about how beautiful the cover was for the soft-cover version when he suddenly felt someone staring. Turnings his head towards Leo, his eyes locked with dark blue ones and didn't let go right away. Suddenly turning their heads away they sat in silence.
Not awkward silence, never awkward silence. More of unexpected yet calming silence meant to ease the tension. Taking deep breaths, Leo turned to face the mutant rabbit with softened gaze. The purple lights from the rave down below were shining onto his white fur glowing with the lavender hue. Sighing in delight, Leo looked away from his friend who was looking up at the sky while leaning back to the billboard.
The turtle boy looked up as well and breathed the atmosphere in. Usagis' ears twitched and he side glanced at the ninja leader. Proceeding to pull something out from his pockets, Leo turned his attention back to him again. Pulling out a walkman from his baggy pants and some earbuds that could be shared between people, plugging them into the device and passing one to Leo, he put the other one on and put a tape record in.
'Sagis' Playlist' began to play and Leo had to admit,... this boy loved romance songs. Like,.. a.. lot. Some of them were just basic dance, hip-hop, pop songs, but most were 'good feeling', 'falling in love' and 'being in love' songs. The blue bandana'd turtle memorized some of the rabbits favorites(he could tell because Sagi would break out into song), and wrote down their names on his phone in the notes app.
After a while of just chilling they decided it was time to head back home. At least to meet up with Uki and his brothers to go their separate ways. Once the turtles left Uki looked at Usagi in curiosity. Noticing he was still smiling from his encounter with Leo earlier and was most likely replaying the event on loop.
"Why are you so happy after seeing Leo?"
Not gonna lie, it made the rabbit jump. However, that did not stop him from ranting on about how kind the turtle boy was. How strong and skilled he was in battle and just the amount of ability to have this presence that brought peace to his soul.
"You like him?" Usagi stopped and looked at the wolf girl. She stared at him without a specific emotion, but it was an expression that dared him to deny anything. He thought about it, and then stood in his spot. No movement, or attempt at trying to defuse the tension. Letting the air build on itself solidifying the question asked.
"Yeah, yeah I do." he smiled and continued to think. Everything he liked about Leo came rushing to him causing a bundle of words to spew out from excitement. "Holy shit, I like him! I like the way he's able to be serious but it comes from a place of worry and consideration for his family and friends, I love that no matter what he's tried to understand me on any level of hyper-fixations or just simple interests." At some point Uki leaned back on the wall of a building and watched her friend go on a rant while pacing slightly back and forth.
"I love how even when we've had tough battles and he's exhausted, he always gives me the option and heads up of making sure I get out off it with less injuries. I mean, even if I do get hurt, he always tends to them and checks them right away to make sure I'm fine. Normally when a mutant with scale touches my fur it makes my nervous system feel jumpy, with him it feels like I'm able to relax further and ground myself. It's like he's this thing and light in my life that keeps me more stable than before, and when I'm not? Oh you best believe he's there to get me out off negative thoughts through compliments. Not just ones on my appearance, but ones that truly matter, like how he loves my personality. This turtle boy really doesn't know what it does to me but I can't believe I haven't realized before that I've had a crush on him. Shit, maybe even more than that!"
Once done and out of breath he finally stops pacing and looks at his friend, who's face is smug looking and glancing out to the side on the right of Usagi. He quirks and eyebrow and looks in the direction Ukis' attention is. Leo is standing in front off his brothers, who were looking at their elder brother with smirks and smiles, holding the headphones Usagi shared with him back in the billboard. An expression on his green face that sent different emotions through the mutant samurai.
Usagis' eyes widened and shuffled quickly to take back the headphones. Snatching them away and trying to run, he's suddenly grabbed by the forearm, pulled back and spun to face Leos' carapace. Leo wraps his arms around the rabbit boys waist and hugs him. Usagi reciprocates, throwing his arms over Leos' neck and nuzzling into Leo. The turtle brother lifts Usagi up slightly, bringing one hand up to the boys' cheek and rubbing his thumb on it.
"I know this is fast, but, can I kiss you?" he asks and not a millisecond passes before the two are lip-locked and taking the moment in. It's good that Leo saw Usagi that night on the rooftops and decided to chase him.
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rabbiturtletunnel · 24 days
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Mikey being the cheff for helping the dates👀
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scarredwoods · 2 months
As we all know, the 2003 turtles are around 5 feet tall, and since they're 15 at the start, they'll definitely start growing taller. But when do they stop growing?
A headcanon I've had is that the turtles from certain iterations don't stop growing until they're much older because of their mutation. Like around mid to late 20s. And because of that, they end up growing very tall (Not Bayverse tall, definitely a little shorter than that).
And you might be asking, "Woods, what made you come up with this very simple headcanon?"
And to that, I say, I think it would be very funny if Casey and April, who obviously don't know a lot about mutants, just based them off of regular human growth and ended up being wrong. They'd probably think that they stop growing around 16-18 years old, the same that humans do. So since they're 5 foot at the start of 15, they most likely believed that they're still going to be either around the same height as April or a little shorter by the time they stop growing. Only to find out that they became taller than April by 18. But that's fine. They just had a big growth spurt before they finally stopped. After all, that's normal amongst humans, too.
But they didn't stop. They kept growing. And now Casey's starting to get worried. He's the tallest amongst them and if Raph ends up getting taller than him, then he's never going to hear the end of it. It's gonna be short stack jokes for the rest of eternity. And that's exactly what happens. Granted, he's not a GIANT compared to Casey, maybe a few inches or half a foot taller than him.
By the time they were 22, Casey started getting worried about their height and even started questioning to April if the turtles would ever stop growing and if they're going to turn into four giant godzillas, or something. April thought it was a ridiculous idea, of course, but after a while, she almost started questioning that too. Plus, she was getting tired of cranking her neck up to look at everyone. Now she knows how the turtles felt all those years ago. Thankfully, they stopped growing by the time they were 26, which was a relief for everyone. They most likely had to find ways to extend their beds a couple of times to fit in them. Even Raph had to get a bigger hammock since his last one could no longer support his weight.
Also, imagine the thought of Usagi being a lot shorter than Leo since he most likely stopped growing once he reached around 5'5. Just the thought of Leo having to look down at Usagi and stop his urge from picking him up like a limp cat. Or lifting him up to see the top of a fridge or a cabinet for the first time.
Plus, there's Mikey who would makes jokes about since he's taller, Usagi should listen to him, while Usagi's down there responding about he's older and Mikey should listen to HIM. And it all just ends up with back and forth sibling banter. (This is specifically inspired by me and my little brother, who grew taller than me and ends up telling people he's the oldest. Shout out to all the other older siblings who ended up shorter than their younger siblings)
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These bitches are the reason I meditate
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amingethia · 1 year
Okay I need help real quick.
There was a snippet from a fanfiction I saw a little bit ago. It was a Leo x Usagi fic, I think from Bayverse turtles, where they got transported to Usagi’s dimension after fighting Kraang. I don’t remember what it was called but I really wanna find it and read the whole thing. It was based on my likes on Tumblr and the site glitched before I finished reading it. Maybe it was the Arrangement or the Alignment or something like that?
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britt-kageryuu · 2 months
Okay this is just a quick thought from me writing out a prompt.
If Leonardo and Usagi (Yuichi or Miyamoto) got married, who would take up the family name?
Would Leo take Usagis name, or would Usagi join Leo's family, since sometimes their Hamato, other time their Splinterson.
I know there was a lot of confusion on Yuichi being the first or last name, but it still counts to this.
Or would they Hyphenate like Hamato-Yuichi, Hamato-Usagi, Hamato-Miyamoto, what have you.
Opinions are welcome and the inspiration is intended! Have fun with this.
Should I bother with adding MM and Bayverse to this idea? I'll tag them anyway. A Bayverse Usagi would be a very interesting situation.
Edit: It took me 3-4 days to realize I forgot to put 'get married' in there, but everyone still got the idea at least.
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