#urru x reader
skekshroom · 4 years
Skekgra/Urgoh,SkekMal,SkekSo getting jealous when another human shows up and starts acting a little too clingy to their mate, said other human thinks Skeksis are aliens that have invaded Earth and they and the reader are the only two humans left and need to start saving the species which causes to the reader to freak out and their partner(s) to come help them.
Thanks to this post they have names now!
Also, in this AU, they’re going to be just a little bit... more delusional than how I’d normally write them, so like, I wouldn’t judge their characters here lol. Also AU of an Au bc in the one theyre from, you came to earth with them too in the same escape ship. 
Violence and angst warning!
[SkekGra/UrGoh x reader]
“Look, I don’t know what kind of lies they’ve been planting in your head (y/n), but you’re not one of them. You’re human, I’m human, what if we’re the only ones left on Earth!? We have to leave, come with me-” Argyris grabbed your hand hard enough to elicit a pained yelp from you. Both SkekGra and UrGoh stood up seeing the alarm on your face and rushed over as you began to yank your wrist from their grip.
“Alright, yep, yep, we are done here.” SkekGra all but pried Argyris off of you by the scruff of their clothes. They quarreled as UrGoh put his arm around you.
“Are you... alright?” He murmured. You nodded.
“Yeah just... startled, I’m fine.” You frowned. “I’m afraid they’re um... Not all there anymore. They really think they’re on Earth I just feel bad I mean, the truth is right in front of them.”
[SkekMal x reader]
Whatever sweet Lamia you’d come to know was gone. Their eyes looked vacant and... wrong. There was no other way to put it, it was like they looked right past you.
“I love you, (y/n).” They breathed. “I was made for you. We’re the last two people on this planet, that can’t be an accident. It can’t be an accident. It can’t be.”
They laughed emptily and pressed your hand to their breast. You couldn’t tell if their heart was beating so fast it all blurred together, or so slow you barely felt it at all. 
“It can’t be an accident, the world wouldn’t just... take everything from me and give me to you on accident. My friends and family, they wouldn’t just disappear and leave you here, if it didn’t mean we were meant to- (y/n) I love you so much. This is our Eden, we were meant to start over we- (y/n) you’re the only thing I have to live for anymore.” They sobbed, weakly groping towards your face and throwing themselves in your arms against any protest. “I love you! I love you! You’re the only fucking person in the world, tell me you love me! (y-”
They cut off with a terrible gasp and thrashed for a moment before going limp. You looked up to see SkekMal pulling the dagger out of their back. He said nothing. He only looked at you, dropped the weapon, and cradled your shocked face in his claws. Your jaw dropped, your eyes wide, you said nothing either, bringing a shaking hand up to his and holding him close.
[SkekSo x reader]
“Sorry it’s just- its just funny.”
“What is?”
“These things take over our world and you become like, their ruler. That’s just crazy to me but like, powerful in a weird way.” They laughed. You bit back a frown. You’d explained to them many times that this wasn’t Earth, but it always seemed to go in one ear and out the other. “You know... if you ever come to your senses, Earth needs to be repopulated. I’m joking, I’m joking... Unless?”
They laughed again, and you chuckled too, quieter though. You knew who was watching with an icy gaze boring into the back of Ozzie’s skull.
When Ozzie went missing the next day, you didn’t ask questions.
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the-vibe-dealer · 4 years
Could I get some UrSol relationship headcanons? We need more of this good lad!
Anon.... Anon you don’t understand.... Anon you are literally feeding me right now yOU DON’T UNDERSTAND I ABSOLUTELY ADORE HIM!!
UrSol the Chanter
According to all known laws of the universe, there is no way a Mystic should be able to flirt. But bOY HOWDY does UrSol not only break this rule, he smashes it like a thin pane of glass and proceeds to walk over it to give you a flower.
He is SkekSil’s other half after all, and he’s called the Chanter for crying out loud! There’s no way he wouldn’t be good with his words!
He’s very subtle with his flirting, so if you happen to be on the denser side, you may not pick up on his advances at first. Key word here being ‘at first’. Because the thing about UrSol is that he adapts. So if you don’t realize that he’s flirting with you at first, you definitely will within the next hour or so.
Whether or not he’s the one to make the first move is really up in the air. But if he was, he’d probably do something lowkey but still really sweet and romantic. Maybe even... a song??
If you made the first move, he’d be very receptive to it, responding with a little smile and the softest kiss on the cheek you’ve ever had. That is, before promptly turning the situation around on you and reducing you into a red flustered mess. Because although we love him, UrSol is still a flirty BASTARD who canNOT BE STOPPED.
His voice always has a sort of sing-song lilt to it, even when he’s not singing. It's incredibly calming to listen to, which makes UrSol the perfect partner for someone with anxiety or trouble sleeping. It’s like hearing a tuneless lullaby or rain pattering against a roof, it’ll just wash over you and make you feel so much more relaxed and at ease.
Despite his flirty nature, you can expect lots of quiet time when you’re in a relationship with him. He’s still a mystic after all, and he tends to appreciate the little things in life. His ideal ‘date’ with you would consist of curling up with one another underneath the night sky and exchanging quiet words and chaste touches with one another.
PDA really isn’t that big of a deal to him. You love each other, so he sees no reason why he should have to hold back from touching you among others. Though if you’re uncomfortable with the idea, he’d definitely respect that.
He’d just be such a soft and caring partner, though never dishonest. He’d tell you if something was wrong, and fully expects you to do the same. How are you supposed to fix things if you never tell each other?
Just,, little touches, quiet whispers of praise, and soft and pleasant humming are only a few of the things you can expect if you’re in a relationship with UrSol.
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kiraleestudios · 4 years
UrSan X Reader
All three sisters had just bloomed among the stars by the time the mystic got to shore. Though her muscles burned and her hair docked hair weighed down on her head, there was only on thing on her mind as she settled your body upon the silver sand.
Her three fingers pressed upon your neck as she tried to feel your heartbeat. She sighed in relief when she felt the vibration and you slowly began to take in the fresh sea air.
The mystic couldn’t describe it, but seeing you slowly recover made her own heart simmer down and rest. Almost as if it was just as relieved seeing you safe.
As your eyes began to slowly rise, you could only make out very few details of your rescuer while your brain pounded from the trauma it experienced.
From little of what you could see, you saw a friendly almost welcoming smile as the strange figure moved away to give you some air.
She stopped, her eyes darted as she caught notice of a other figures darting towards the shoreline.
With a quick dash, the mystic dove back into the water before anyone noticed. She left a large splash as a group of Sifan gelfling, who all didn’t seem to notice as they rushed toward your aid.
From the shore’s rocks that hid her, she watched as you looked around confused while the other gelfling shared the same expression.
You almost stumbled down onto the sand as you try to explain to your kin about your mysterious savior. Neither one, had a clue of what you were you even trying to say as they led you away from the beach.
As you look back towards the distant shore, the mystic was almost sure that her own heart was gonna stop.
She would give anything to be apart of your world.
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shortpirateking · 5 years
Poly UrGoh and Skekgra headcanons please?
When they find their Third(or others, honestly they could range from a cute three person couple to a giant pile of happy beans), they welcome them with open arms, Urgoh calm and gently welcoming them to their home while SkekGra practically bounces about introducing them to everything and almost tugging their arms off in his happiness.
Both have their own qualities that show during their relationship, SkekGra is far more creative and bubbly while Urgoh is teasing and down to earth. Because of this, Urgoh tends to be the one to notice when their S/O’s saddened or down in general, while SkekGra tends to make sure they never feel that way in the first place.
SkekGra, of course, is an avid cuddler and will often snuggle into either Urgoh or their other S/O’s. He tends to be the skeksis in the middle, unless asked by the others.
Urgoh tends to give decent advice when he isn’t being confusing, and will often hold his own way of cheering up his love by driving SkekGra insane by his much too slow speech. 
Skekgra will often sing songs about them, as well as urgoh, and just them all together
Often they make puppet shows with the three(or more) of them, often silly shenanigans like ‘tricking’ skekGra puppet that the mini circle of the suns is on fire, or other silly but cute things.
When they mention their rejoining, they often take notice of the fear and worry within the eyes of their third. They understand the fear, given they know once they are GraGoh, they won’t be the same as they were separate. One thing they know, is they will never stop loving them, even after they merge once more.
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languor-em · 4 years
I Have an Imagines Blog Now!!
Feel free to come check it out and send in some asks!
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skeksisloving · 5 years
Dating headcanons for UrGoh: (skekgra is a bonus)
-He and skekgra are a package deal. You gotta date both or neither.
-Your gonna have to get used to him smoking. He does it A LOT. You have to walk through it.
-Arts and crafts dates!
-Food scavenging dates!
-Youre gonna be in a sleep pile at night. Urgoh is at the bottom. He's great to curl up to. Skekgra snores.
-Skekgra used to be the blanket burrito. Now that youre here its your turn. This is one of those "Four arms but only two legs, and neither good for much!" Things skekgra told you about. It isnt fun for him.
-Urgoh will let you play with his tail sometimes. Slap slap slap!
-He'll let you play with his hair! On the condition he gets to play with yours too.
-Duo/group baths.
-homemade soap and candles made from the finest the desert has to offer.
co-written by @dracocheesecake
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skekshroom · 4 years
Reader being confused at skeksis (if your choice) acting like a peacock cause they trying to impress them
VERY epic of you to give me the choice anon!! This will be SilleyTM and I hope you don’t mind I gave them different bird mating tendencies!
[SkekGra x reader x UrGoh] (Turkey + Bearded Dragon)
“Has he… have you both gotten into the berries again?” You asked UrGoh, not sure what to make of SkekGra- face flushed with color as if he just had an asthma attack, bobbing his head and flipping his skirts about. As he strutted this way and that.
“I… told you… it would go… over their head.” UrGoh threw a disappointed look over to SkekGra as he tossed his head downward over and over again. You sat there, dumbstruck as UrGoh mimed breaking something in half with his chin and SkekGra tossed up his robes, pacing back and fourth, muttering.
“We thought-” SkekGra muttered. “This would be spontaneous and exciting and romantic, but it seems the message isn’t getting through.” You blinked, scratching your cheek with a finger.
“….OH! You guy’s wanna f-”
“Why didn’t you just say so?”
[SkekMal x reader] (Frigate bird)
You sat very still, grinning with your hands gripping your knees. Ok, now this was exciting. While you two had been laying beneath the shady canopy, protected from the midday sun, you told SkekMal stories of your homeworld. The topic got to dance, to clubs, then to lapdances and stripteases. He seemed… oddly interested, and for a moment you thought he was going to ask you to perform one for him. But no, SkekMal had other plans. He instead offered to put on a show for YOU.
So you sat, trying not to grin as his hooded green eyes met yours and he swayed deliberately. There was a deep rattle in his throat, like the throaty clicks from the Predator movies. He was… not a bad dancer, to say the least. His hips were limber and his shoulder strong, and he lifted up his back arms to flex his claws as if he didn’t know he was showing off. 
He came closer, purring deeply and undid his blouse. Blood rushed to your face and you ogled down where he stripped layers from his breast….
And it was like someone had hit your car and engaged the airbag. A gigantic, red, hollow sac of flesh inflated from his chest and he threw his head back to let out a loud honk. Your face dropped as he vibrated, arms up, beak open, gigantic weird skin sac deployed like a raft. You came this close to fainting as the mood (for you) was killed completely.
He seemed very into it, but you never asked for a striptease again. 
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skekshroom · 4 years
A scenario human who was a monster hunter back in her world telling SkekGra/Urgoh and Skekmal folktales the mythology and times she'd encountered these creatures even had the scars to prove it. large claw marks that go from her neck to her back.
[SkekGra x reader x UrGoh]
"So, did you ever find your moon-eater?" SkekGra leaned in as you recounted the tale of your greatest failed hunt. You gave a tight smile and shucked your robe from your shoulder, revealing a long, thick scar that enveloped your entire left side.
"It found me. Just as fierce as my father described it- and just as big. This thing towered out of the water as if it could bite the moon in half and drag it under. It was smart too, it knew why I was there." You lifted your clothes back over yourself. "The serpent was tall and silverbacked, the color of constellations and the sky behind it. When it lunged it looked like the white milky way had converged on my position. It barely nicked me, I managed to dodge that bite... But the bakunawa got away. And it took my flesh with it."
[SkekMal x reader]
"Why did it catch you off guard?" SkekMal was immediately interested. Your hunting skills rivaled his own. To think not even someone but something has outwitted you had him surprised. You looked grimly into the fire as you sharpened your spear.
"It spoke to me in my sister's voice." You said. There was silence for many moments. "It led me out off the trail and into the woods. I heard my sister say she was lost, so I went to go help her. I should have just said 'follow my voice!'... It would have probably ran out of things to mimic."
You loosened the straps of where your prosthetic leg fastened to your thigh, massaging the skin and marks left behind my the loss of it.
"After that, I never touched the forest without a weapon. And anything that came close never left alive."
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skekshroom · 4 years
An Older human (like mid 30s to early 40s) who lives with Skekgra and Urgoh she's very jittery at first refusing to go out, always looking over her shoulder subconsciously picking at scars on her body, she later confesses that that she used to be an assassin in her younger years, but was branded a traitor after refusing to kill a target who turned out to be the child she had given up for adoption years prior to save them from a life senseless bloodshed.
this is so specific i love it 
[SkekGra x reader x UrGoh]
They both noticed your behavior, but never commented it. You own past was your own. They both made choices they weren't proud of, had past lives they wanted to forget, used to be people they aren’t now. They assumed the same for you. It wasn’t until they told you about themselves that you confirmed what they thought.
Heresy. Violence. Cruelty. The words lingered and stung. 
“I was a traitor too... And a monster.” The skeksis and the urru exchanged looks, and wordlessly encouraged you to continue. It was time they learned something about you, after sharing their own history.
“I was an assassin. I killed people out of money, or greed. I killed people who told me to just because I got something out of it... Because I was expected to. I was loyal. I did the worst thing imaginable and I did it because I...” You trailed off, and could feel yourself breaking down. Tears welled up in your eyes as you mournfully remembered a younger you. Oh the things that young person saw, did, experienced. All those years of trauma they told you would build you up stronger only left you broken and afraid. The lives you took took life from you in return. It was the same pain that aged the Heretic and the Wanderer. The blood on SkekGra and UrGoh’s hands. The screams of the innocents ringing in their ears. The suffering SkekGra caused and the suffering UrGoh allowed to happen.
“I couldn’t kill a child, why would I? What transgression could a kid make that would warrant that? That’s when I found out... They were always on the list. From the beginning they were going to have me kill them, I was the only one for the job. If it were anyone else maybe I would have found out and tried to get revenge.” You took a shaky breath wiping your eyes as SkekGra gently grasped your hand. You squeezed it and your eyes shut. “They wanted me to kill my own child. I... I put them up for adoption years ago, to try to save them from the mess of a life I had made for myself. It wasn’t enough. They wanted me to-”
You collapsed into sobbing and at once found yourself wrapped in both SkekGra and UrGoh’s arms. Your pain reflected their own. 
“I didn’t. I couldn’t. So they cast me out, branded me a traitor. Everything I worked for...gone. My friends, my family, my comrades... As if I even earned any of that. I committed the worst possible crime against life itself and its no surprise it all blew up in my face and left me alone.” You wept. “It was just a taste of the pain that I caused.”
“(Y/n), your pain is ours.” SkekGra murmured against your hair, rubbing your back. “We understand. How can we not?”
“We all regret... the horrors we caused... and what we... allowed... to happen.” UrGoh echoed in a doleful whisper. 
You all had crimes weighing down on your shoulders. It took three of you to support each other under all that weight.
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skekshroom · 4 years
I request some urSol fluff please. Take this ask and run with it
For sure! Sol is a babe and one of my favorites (weeps)
[UrSol x Reader]
- He is cheeky. You wouldn’t expect from a mystic, especially not this sweetheart, but he’s a notorious flirt. 
- Very tactile and playful. You can expect a sly hand on your lower back or a gentle graze of your hair with his fingers. You have, before, felt a tap on your shoulder, only to turn to see nothing and have a kiss planted on your cheek. He always acts completely innocent after he does this.
- He’ll often sing to you on a frequency only you and Thra can hear. Its a beautiful sound, a love song, and it makes the world sigh and swoon and lean in just a little bit closer.
- One of the boldest with PDA. He doesn’t shy away from holding your hand in the presence of others and will even give you chaste kisses. Some find it endearing, others find it too shameless.
- He’s got such a big heart treat him well
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skekshroom · 4 years
Could we see some stuff for UrVa x Reader please?
yes of COURSE i literally cannot get enough of this old man
[UrVa x reader]
“There’s something on your mind, (Y/n).” UrVa’s deep voice broke the forest ambiance. “What troubles you, my love?”
“I…” You were caught staring at him,and tripped over your words. “God, I just love you so much it’s literally unbelievable.” UrVa chuckled and lumbered closer to you. He brought his hands up to your face and smoothed the hair from your eyes. You smiled sheepishly as his other pair of arms wrapped around your waist and drew you gently closer.
“I love you too, so very much.” He purred and gently rubbed his cheek against your jawline. “And I know.” You chuckled at his continuous movements. His hands never seemed to stop their slow movements. They endlessly wandered over you as he endlessly wandered over Thra.
“I don’t think you know.” You teased lightly. You kissed his lead and slowly pushed him down into the grass, entwining his fingers with yours.
“Oh, I do.” He purred. You felt his smile against your neck. “I know what is on that mind of yours…” His hands suddenly stopped.
“(Y/n), I know you broke my arrows.”“Ok, it was an accident and I am so sorry.”
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skekshroom · 5 years
Hi, can I request yandere poly skekgra and urgoh falling in love with a reader who is a Harpy?
yup! hope you enjoy this one I had a pretty good time writing it- lots of bird imagery and also. i like doing drabbles a lot lol
[GraGoh x Reader]
They both had the same thought, and they both knew it too.They watched you flexed your wings as you yawned and stretched, facing away from them with your feathers spreading apart and glowing in the morning rays of sun. They both had the same thought that made them feel a deep shame but a deep intrigue. They both wanted to keep you forever, make you theirs.
Yes, you lived with them, you are their friend and valued companion. The funny crowing way you laugh and the way your nictitating membrane slides over your eyes when you yawn at night makes their two hearts ache and their one soul sing. You roosted between them at night but left midday to catch peeper beetles and stretch your wings, the skeksis and the mystic felt more alone with eachother than ever.“I know you feel it too.” SkekGra said as he twirled one of your downy feathers between his claws. UrGoh nodded; the other didn’t have to say it. They were in love with you, but it was as if love was beginning to describe it less and less every day. Love wasn’t strong enough a word for the cold burns in their chests they felt when you came home smelling of a Dousan. Love couldn’t drive UrGoh to hold up your sleeping wing and SkekGra to shear the feathers down. Love couldn’t have wandered into their life and bless it the way you did. Love couldn’t  conquer they way they did.
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skekshroom · 4 years
Ursu daying headcannons? Please and thank you! :D
coming right up! the ol’ master himself
[UrSu x reader]
- He was reluctant to begin a relationship with you, preferring a passive and abstinent lifestyle. You’ll have to take the initiative to putting the moves on this old guy if you want to be with him or he’s just going to be silently yearning for all of eternity
- He’s a very shy lover, despite being perhaps the most wise and physically imposing of all mystics. Many would take him to be dominant and coy behind closed doors. He is not. He’s very shy and the other mystics find this very cute when you’re together.
- He was very concerned by the kind of example it would show for the other mystics and what it would say about him as a leader but honestly everyone is just glad he found someone. He assumes everyone is as prudish as he but he is wrong.
- That’s not to say he isn’t affectionate. He loves to have some kind of contact with you, lots of hand holding and curling his tail around you as you both talk. 
- You two sleep apart for a long time, but when you finally start sleeping side by side, you always have some part of you touching: usually your leg and his tail when its warmer or full on cuddling when its cold/you’re feeling extra affectionate that night.
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skekshroom · 4 years
Dude, I am absolutely LIVING for these bathtime headcannons. This wasn't a need I even knew I had until now!! What about everyone's favorite desert duo SkekGra bathtime headcannons 🥺👉👈
[UrGoh x SkekGra x reader]
- There are many types of baths you can take with someone. Tender baths, sensual baths, “hurry-up-and-get-clean-already” baths. With SkekGra (and UrGoh!) you are signing up for some fun and playful baths!
- While UrGoh usually only hums, SkekGra will hum or sing as he cleans himself. Don’t encourage him unless you want to be having a full on jam session as you wash yourselves. And by that I mean of course you should be encouraging him do you know how absolutely fun that would be?
- You three bathe often in oases in the desert, but sometimes will travel down to the tunnels connected by the breath of Thra, and take a dip in the underground pools. The water is nice and cool (usually too cool for bathing in SkekGra’s opinion but fun for swimming) and the minerals are excellent for the body! Plus those cave acoustics? Nice.
-  UrGoh is more likely to initiate washing you, and gives the best massages while you three talk. SkekGra gets cold quite easily, and loves having warm hands rub soap onto his back, especially around his smaller set of shoulders where he has a hard time reaching.
- Splash fights are initiated by UrGoh, escalated by SkekGra, and finished only when you are doubled over laughing and coughing because water got in your mouth and now you need to breathe.
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the-vibe-dealer · 4 years
@skekshroom again sorry im jus pumped 2 see a new blog!) 👉👈 if u have time may I have a matchup? I'm a bi nb with a very silly and relaxed demeanor- I love being in nature! I swim a lot in rivers/sea, hike and forage.I love dancing and sparring but when Im not being active Im all about naps, baths, art and mushroom gardening. I love cooking for people I care about and I try to be as kind to ppl as possible but deep down Im a bitter bitch but even deeper down I just rly want to nice to everyone
Oh dude, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry about!! You’re legit one of my favorite blogs, and I’m so hyped to have more asks to answer anyway!!
I match you with: SkekSa the Mariner!
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And I mean, how could I not?? She absolutely adores you for your chilled out demeanor and active hobbies, especially your love of swimming! She would be sure to make you feel right at home on her ship, and you can expect plenty of nights of dancing and merrymaking! She’d be more than happy to challenge you to a sparring session and then join you for a bath afterwards. She would also be 100% down to gossip with you if that’s what you wanted, y’all can be bitter bitches together! Also gives some of the best cuddles of any of the Skeksis, I mean, look how fluffy she is!
Bonus match: UrVa the Archer!
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UrVa was first attracted to you due to your relaxed personality, but he loves everything about you! He himself is quite the sportsman, so he’d be more than happy to share in your active hobbies, maybe aside from sparring. He spends much of his time in wooded areas and surrounded by plants, so you would have plenty of time to grow your mushrooms and indulge in many of your more quiet passions. Seriously, draw this man, he’d be so flattered. He’d honestly be one of the best people to cuddle/nap with too, he’s gotta use all those arms for something after all! He would also absolutely love it if you cooked him something. By which I mean please cook him something, the man’s been surviving on nothing but nut and berry wraps for the past lord only knows how long.
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skekshroom · 4 years
Everybody loves yandere skeksis, but what about a yandere urru?? Probably wouldn't happen in reality due to their good nature, but lets just pretend. Thank you so much if you do take on the request, I would appreciate it a lot! :D
Now THAT’S a thought! Mystics at their very core are the passive and rational half whereas skeksis are active/instinctual. But we’ve seen just about every skeksis exhibit reflection and deeper thinking in some capacity- time to get some instinct driven and desiring mystics up in this kitchen
[UrSol x Reader]
- He’s perhaps the most likely to be yandere- Implied to be the Dark Heart Urskek and considered a rogue among his kind. He doesn’t tell anyone, but as you sleep with your head in his lap and nobody is around, he will sing soft and subliminal messages.
- He will do the same to other mystics, but instead urging them to stay away from you. Pretty soon the other urru cant explain why, but they just feel they’d rather avoid you. 
- All of the reasons are different. Suddenly, a mystic wakes up feeling afraid of humans when just before they were being friendly with you, or another mystic that was just happily talking to you yesterday now thinks your mannerisms are rude and abrasive.
- If he ever gets caught doing this, there will be must unrest in the valley. The mystics may blame you for being a bad influence on him, or just be very upset with him for it.
- He will tire of the others trying to come in between you two, and urge you to leave with him. You do, of course, he’s very persuasive.
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