#skekgra x reader x UrGoh
skekshroom · 4 years
Skekgra/Urgoh,SkekMal,SkekSo getting jealous when another human shows up and starts acting a little too clingy to their mate, said other human thinks Skeksis are aliens that have invaded Earth and they and the reader are the only two humans left and need to start saving the species which causes to the reader to freak out and their partner(s) to come help them.
Thanks to this post they have names now!
Also, in this AU, they’re going to be just a little bit... more delusional than how I’d normally write them, so like, I wouldn’t judge their characters here lol. Also AU of an Au bc in the one theyre from, you came to earth with them too in the same escape ship. 
Violence and angst warning!
[SkekGra/UrGoh x reader]
“Look, I don’t know what kind of lies they’ve been planting in your head (y/n), but you’re not one of them. You’re human, I’m human, what if we’re the only ones left on Earth!? We have to leave, come with me-” Argyris grabbed your hand hard enough to elicit a pained yelp from you. Both SkekGra and UrGoh stood up seeing the alarm on your face and rushed over as you began to yank your wrist from their grip.
“Alright, yep, yep, we are done here.” SkekGra all but pried Argyris off of you by the scruff of their clothes. They quarreled as UrGoh put his arm around you.
“Are you... alright?” He murmured. You nodded.
“Yeah just... startled, I’m fine.” You frowned. “I’m afraid they’re um... Not all there anymore. They really think they’re on Earth I just feel bad I mean, the truth is right in front of them.”
[SkekMal x reader]
Whatever sweet Lamia you’d come to know was gone. Their eyes looked vacant and... wrong. There was no other way to put it, it was like they looked right past you.
“I love you, (y/n).” They breathed. “I was made for you. We’re the last two people on this planet, that can’t be an accident. It can’t be an accident. It can’t be.”
They laughed emptily and pressed your hand to their breast. You couldn’t tell if their heart was beating so fast it all blurred together, or so slow you barely felt it at all. 
“It can’t be an accident, the world wouldn’t just... take everything from me and give me to you on accident. My friends and family, they wouldn’t just disappear and leave you here, if it didn’t mean we were meant to- (y/n) I love you so much. This is our Eden, we were meant to start over we- (y/n) you’re the only thing I have to live for anymore.” They sobbed, weakly groping towards your face and throwing themselves in your arms against any protest. “I love you! I love you! You’re the only fucking person in the world, tell me you love me! (y-”
They cut off with a terrible gasp and thrashed for a moment before going limp. You looked up to see SkekMal pulling the dagger out of their back. He said nothing. He only looked at you, dropped the weapon, and cradled your shocked face in his claws. Your jaw dropped, your eyes wide, you said nothing either, bringing a shaking hand up to his and holding him close.
[SkekSo x reader]
“Sorry it’s just- its just funny.”
“What is?”
“These things take over our world and you become like, their ruler. That’s just crazy to me but like, powerful in a weird way.” They laughed. You bit back a frown. You’d explained to them many times that this wasn’t Earth, but it always seemed to go in one ear and out the other. “You know... if you ever come to your senses, Earth needs to be repopulated. I’m joking, I’m joking... Unless?”
They laughed again, and you chuckled too, quieter though. You knew who was watching with an icy gaze boring into the back of Ozzie’s skull.
When Ozzie went missing the next day, you didn’t ask questions.
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urleaf · 4 years
This one’s for @skekshroom but I’ll still use ‘you’ so anyone can enjoy. Happy broth birth day. skekGra and urGoh had asked you to go out for food scavenging with Lore which wouldn’t be all that unusual if it wasn’t for them acting all weird for the past few days. It was mostly skekGra who was giggling and being all jumpy more than usual, whilst urGoh was speaking in riddles more than ever. "Do you think this will be enough, Lore?" you asked, getting a head tilt from the creature you decided that it’s enough. Both of you started to make your way back. Most of the trip you had spent wondering what the pair could be doing, hoping there was no anniversary you had forgotten about.  When both of you finally arrived back to the circle of the suns you heard Gra shushing Goh as you approached. When you entered you noticed that the place was redecorated. The place was brighter with a few pieces of cloths hanging down.  You looked around, taking in all the beauty of the three suns shining perfectly, to create a warm, welcoming atmosphere. You saw skekGra and urGoh pop out from one of the curtains with their arms up “Happy birthday” both of them exclaimed, urGoh speaking a little delayed. Both of them engulfed you in a group hug, Lore awkwardly joined in. “Thank you” you spoke into urGoh’s shoulder, your voice muffled.  Pulling away from the hug skekGra spoke “We didn’t know when is your actual birthday, but it’s been a year since you came to Thra, so we thought that shall do!” he explained.  “We also.. made you.. a cake” urGoh spoke as he moved out the way to reveal something that resembled a cake. It had clearly broken into many pieces but was put back together rather messily. It was surrounded by a bunch of sticks that were lit up. That explained the burnt off sleeve Gra had been sporting.  “Happy first Thra-birthday!”  The cake contained urdrupes
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shortpirateking · 5 years
Poly UrGoh and Skekgra headcanons please?
When they find their Third(or others, honestly they could range from a cute three person couple to a giant pile of happy beans), they welcome them with open arms, Urgoh calm and gently welcoming them to their home while SkekGra practically bounces about introducing them to everything and almost tugging their arms off in his happiness.
Both have their own qualities that show during their relationship, SkekGra is far more creative and bubbly while Urgoh is teasing and down to earth. Because of this, Urgoh tends to be the one to notice when their S/O’s saddened or down in general, while SkekGra tends to make sure they never feel that way in the first place.
SkekGra, of course, is an avid cuddler and will often snuggle into either Urgoh or their other S/O’s. He tends to be the skeksis in the middle, unless asked by the others.
Urgoh tends to give decent advice when he isn’t being confusing, and will often hold his own way of cheering up his love by driving SkekGra insane by his much too slow speech. 
Skekgra will often sing songs about them, as well as urgoh, and just them all together
Often they make puppet shows with the three(or more) of them, often silly shenanigans like ‘tricking’ skekGra puppet that the mini circle of the suns is on fire, or other silly but cute things.
When they mention their rejoining, they often take notice of the fear and worry within the eyes of their third. They understand the fear, given they know once they are GraGoh, they won’t be the same as they were separate. One thing they know, is they will never stop loving them, even after they merge once more.
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grievous-writes · 5 years
Poly heretic x nb reader x wanderer? Just fluff. You'd stumbled upon them once and they'd been welcoming, ended up living there and joining their non sexual nice realtionship. Thank you!
Omg I LOVE this! Gonna do some headcanons with these two lovebirds. Fluff coming right up with some bittersweet at the end! 
You had barely managed to escape the storm before it swallowed the desert; taking shelter behind a large rock.You still got injuries though, lots of sand burns from the wind. Your limbs and face were covered in a raw, burning rash. It hurt to move at all.
It got so bad that you just laid there and passed out. You’re not sure how long you laid there, dying in the sun.It was UrGoh that found you, caring your body with such care and tenderness up the rock face of their home.
SkekGra was frantic when he couldn’t find UrGoh for hours, fearing that maybe he had given up on their life’s mission. But when they came back and with you in their arms, SkakGra was both delighted and horrified. “Found them … down … bellow. A … victim of … the storm.” 
“Ah! Such horrid burns! No no no, this will not do! Bring them in, we can help!”If UrGoh is the nurse, SkekGra is the doctor. Their opposite speeds combined well together to heal you. Some of the burns left scars, but as UrGoh says, “Scars … are … precious reminders …that we … survive, and … carry on. Not many … get … the opportunity.” 
SkekGra helps decorate your scars with red body paint; so you can match him somewhat. “There! Now we match, ha! Yes, this is good, very good! Scars don’t always have to be a downer; we can make them beautiful! Like me!” 
You ask to stay and, with many open arms, they welcome you to their home. You half expected maybe to be their maid, or servant, you’d have gladly done so, but they treat you like an equal. A friend. Even a student.
They teach you about their world, how to read and write, all about math and science, and they even help hone in your arts and crafts.They make you a little puppet of yourself; to add to their little family. 
These puppets, when not in use, are sat together on a shelf - with yours in the middle of the two embracing yours. Eventually the student persona falls away into partner. You are theirs and they are yours. 
You seem them for who they are, and help them lay the stones to become what they want.
They adore you, love you, and it’s a happy life you live with them; even till the end.They keep your puppet in a very special place, perfectly kept all these passing trine; circled with wild flowers and pretty gems that remind them of your hair and eyes. 
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skekshroom · 4 years
Reader being confused at skeksis (if your choice) acting like a peacock cause they trying to impress them
VERY epic of you to give me the choice anon!! This will be SilleyTM and I hope you don’t mind I gave them different bird mating tendencies!
[SkekGra x reader x UrGoh] (Turkey + Bearded Dragon)
“Has he… have you both gotten into the berries again?” You asked UrGoh, not sure what to make of SkekGra- face flushed with color as if he just had an asthma attack, bobbing his head and flipping his skirts about. As he strutted this way and that.
“I… told you… it would go… over their head.” UrGoh threw a disappointed look over to SkekGra as he tossed his head downward over and over again. You sat there, dumbstruck as UrGoh mimed breaking something in half with his chin and SkekGra tossed up his robes, pacing back and fourth, muttering.
“We thought-” SkekGra muttered. “This would be spontaneous and exciting and romantic, but it seems the message isn’t getting through.” You blinked, scratching your cheek with a finger.
“….OH! You guy’s wanna f-”
“Why didn’t you just say so?”
[SkekMal x reader] (Frigate bird)
You sat very still, grinning with your hands gripping your knees. Ok, now this was exciting. While you two had been laying beneath the shady canopy, protected from the midday sun, you told SkekMal stories of your homeworld. The topic got to dance, to clubs, then to lapdances and stripteases. He seemed… oddly interested, and for a moment you thought he was going to ask you to perform one for him. But no, SkekMal had other plans. He instead offered to put on a show for YOU.
So you sat, trying not to grin as his hooded green eyes met yours and he swayed deliberately. There was a deep rattle in his throat, like the throaty clicks from the Predator movies. He was… not a bad dancer, to say the least. His hips were limber and his shoulder strong, and he lifted up his back arms to flex his claws as if he didn’t know he was showing off. 
He came closer, purring deeply and undid his blouse. Blood rushed to your face and you ogled down where he stripped layers from his breast….
And it was like someone had hit your car and engaged the airbag. A gigantic, red, hollow sac of flesh inflated from his chest and he threw his head back to let out a loud honk. Your face dropped as he vibrated, arms up, beak open, gigantic weird skin sac deployed like a raft. You came this close to fainting as the mood (for you) was killed completely.
He seemed very into it, but you never asked for a striptease again. 
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skekshroom · 4 years
SkekGra/Urgoh,SkekMal,SkekTek leaning how short human lives are by their older female s/o who's like late thirties who already getting gray hair, and complaining about their back or joints bothering them, which confuses her partner(s) because by Thra standards she's a young adult. which leads to the conversation that humans don't live that long
SkekGra/UrGoh: They were confused. You were so young! 30 years old was... ridiculously young in their years, but you assured them that was very much the adult age of humans, and they accepted it. They simply seemed to think human adolescence was a blip on the radar. That’s when you exhibit the first few signs of aging and sit them down for the conversation. SkekGra is devastated. UrgOh is devastated. They’re both quite frankly freaking out. SkekGra paces about, babbling about how he needs to make sure your short few years left are spent as best as possible- but why didn’t you tell him sooner!? Oh all the squandered moments, if he’d known he wouldn’t have wasted so much time! UrGoh doesn’t say much, but pulls you into a hug and cries. You can tell them “its not gonna be for a while” all you want, but the thought is just so jarring! Give them a bit.
SkekMal: He thought you were sick, at first. When you tell him humans don’t live very long, he immediately assumes the worst. He silently is freaking out, thinking you only have a few months or years to live. When you assure him you’ll be around hopefully until your 80′s or less, he’s much more at peace with the fact. He feels... pity. And a bit of anger at the injustice of it all. It was unfair that someone as important as you lived for such a short time. He would have to make the next 40 years worth it, as he’d be grieving you for much longer.
SkekTek: He sees signs of aging, he knows it better than anyone. He’s concerned in an instant, though he wont say it until the conversation that prompts you explaining that human lifespans are nothing to write home about. He doesn’t know how to take it. On one hand, he should have expected that it’d be different from a skeksis lifespan or even a gelfling but that short? He almost feels bitter you let him get so attached to you if you knew you’d leave so soon. He forgives you, though. He always does.
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skekshroom · 4 years
SkekGra/Urgoh,SkekMal with a blind human who curiously asks if they can feel their face or hands so they can feel what they look like.
[SkekGra x reader x UrGoh]
- They happily agree, and gently guide your hands to them to explore. You feel every deep divot and wrinkle in their hands, careful to mind SkekGra’s sharp claws. You smile as you feel the knitted fabric of his fingerless gloves. 
- Up to their faces you move, feeling the firm and textured skeksis skin and long, protruding jaw bones. He closes his eyes as your fingers trace over his bushy eyebrows and feel along the sticky lines of facepaint.
- UrGoh’s face is a gentle slope with creases and aged lines along it. He’s so cute and round, a perfect compliment to SkekGra’s spiny features.
[SkekMal x reader]
- You didn’t have to ask- he offered, actually. He had been thinking about it for a while and couldn’t take it anymore. You yelp in shock as he takes your wrists.
“What are you d-” Thats when your palms press against curved bone and he slowly releases you as your hands move to explore. Your mouth is slightly agape as you feel all the nicks and scratches of the bone mask. Suddenly it moves from under your touch and you feel firm and wiry skin. There’s about a million little pockets to his face, and protrusions along his cheek and above his eyes. 
You realize after you pull away and you hear his mask replace onto his face what he wanted. He just wanted you to see him. 
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skekshroom · 4 years
How would the rest of the skeksis react to being pregnant with reader's child? (Like SkekGra, SkekUng, SkekSa, SkekOk)
anon i really hope you had some utterly insane sex beforehand to make up for how insufferable this is for both of you
SkekGra: Congratulations! On the incoming twins but also for choosing the most difficult possible option! Buffoon! Utter fool! SkekGra and UrGoh, by proxy are both pregnant. SkekGra is a lot whinier, but don’t take UrGoh’s patience and quietness for a lack of need to be cared for. You are gonna be BUSY. Taking care of them, making preparations for the little ones, going out and getting stuff from Dousan merchants, etc. Still, SkekGra and UrGoh are overjoyed and can’t wait to have their babies.
SkekUng: He’s proud and sees the pregnancy as a testament to his strength and vitality. He doesn’t get broody much at all, surprisingly. Absolutely insatiable appetite, though. Out of all the skeksis, he’s the least likely to be personally demanding towards you and moreso to every skeksis and podling in the vicinity. Like “don’t trouble yourself love you need to be thinking on names SKEKAYUK I’M STARVING IF YOU’RE ANOTHER SECOND LATE WITH THAT NEBRIE MY HEIR’S GONNA COME OUT A RUNT.” 
SkekSa: Super broody. So so broody. She’s one of the few to still have hair to compulsively pull out and believe me she’s gonna have some bald spots during her pregnancy. Nests like crazy, gets aggressive, has a few voice changes. Switches between eating a ton and nothing at all.
SkekOk: One of the few to be actually spiteful about it. Give him a foot rub wont you? Its the least you could do, YOU did this to him, after all. Drastic mood swings. He coos to his baby and will cuddle you and tell you how happy he is to be starting a family with you one minute and be This close to choking out a podling the next. 
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skekshroom · 4 years
Can we have more skeksis with a pregnant reader please and thank you! ❤
ab !! so !! lutely!!
- SkekSo, as I’ve said before, is a very very anxious padre. He’s constantly having SkekTek give you a checkup,making sure you and the baby is ok, monitoring your diet, etc. His fear of death extends to his fear of his family dying as well. 
- SkekTek is actually very calm about the whole situation. Its surprising given how anxious he is in general. Must be something about the scientific aspect of monitoring your body is familiar and soothing to him. Because as soon as his halfskeks are born... all that goes out the window and he cries.
- SkekLi is delighted to know that the babies can hear him in there. He talks to them constantly, makes jokes, etc. He’s so excited to meet them, he’s already got these ideas of them in his head. He imagines the kind of family you’re all going to be and he gets giddy.
- SkekSa is a nervous madre, but she will be with you every step of the way. You two have already decorated the nursery, and she sits with you every night, talking to you both. She kisses your belly and jokingly tells the little halflings inside you that they best come out soon, their parent needs some wine.
- SkekGra and UrGoh are doting as the word may allow. They want you to take it easy, you’re carrying both their little ones! They really wish they could carry instead, that would distribute the “workload” a little more evenly... Or not, because then you’d have TWO pregnant beings in need of care. They cant wait to see what their childlings look like, they’ve already started making clothes for them! That begs the question though... How many arms do they sew for?
- SkekEkt and SkekAyuk are overjoyed, and you can be sure you’ll want for nothing as their pampering knows no bounds. Cravings are taken care of, comfy clothes, also taken care of. You three spend hours coming up with names because all of you are incredibly indecisive. You end up with an extensive list to ensure no matter how many end up in the world at once, all will have beautiful names.
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skekshroom · 4 years
A scenario human who was a monster hunter back in her world telling SkekGra/Urgoh and Skekmal folktales the mythology and times she'd encountered these creatures even had the scars to prove it. large claw marks that go from her neck to her back.
[SkekGra x reader x UrGoh]
"So, did you ever find your moon-eater?" SkekGra leaned in as you recounted the tale of your greatest failed hunt. You gave a tight smile and shucked your robe from your shoulder, revealing a long, thick scar that enveloped your entire left side.
"It found me. Just as fierce as my father described it- and just as big. This thing towered out of the water as if it could bite the moon in half and drag it under. It was smart too, it knew why I was there." You lifted your clothes back over yourself. "The serpent was tall and silverbacked, the color of constellations and the sky behind it. When it lunged it looked like the white milky way had converged on my position. It barely nicked me, I managed to dodge that bite... But the bakunawa got away. And it took my flesh with it."
[SkekMal x reader]
"Why did it catch you off guard?" SkekMal was immediately interested. Your hunting skills rivaled his own. To think not even someone but something has outwitted you had him surprised. You looked grimly into the fire as you sharpened your spear.
"It spoke to me in my sister's voice." You said. There was silence for many moments. "It led me out off the trail and into the woods. I heard my sister say she was lost, so I went to go help her. I should have just said 'follow my voice!'... It would have probably ran out of things to mimic."
You loosened the straps of where your prosthetic leg fastened to your thigh, massaging the skin and marks left behind my the loss of it.
"After that, I never touched the forest without a weapon. And anything that came close never left alive."
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skekshroom · 4 years
Here we go again. Could you please do Gra and Goh attempting to recreate an earth holiday?? I feel like gra would LOVE christmas. ty.
osidjhvncs sorry i made you resend this buT SIFHDSJD TURNS OUT I DID NOT DELETE THE ORIGINAL ASK ILYYY
Edit: screams and cries bc i accidentally refreshed the page and lost like. all of this.
[SkekGra x reader x UrGoh]
“Can I look now?” You peeked out from between your fingers. 
“No!” SkekGra squawked from behind the curtains of linen and canvas. You sighed, burying your eyes once again in your hands. You could hear shuffling... A bit of jingling... and something heavy move. Mostly you heard skekGra muttering to keep still and directing urGoh in...something.
“Alright, (y/n), you can look now!” You immediately dropped your hands and blinked to adjust to the light. You’d been waiting pretty patiently for a while.
Out stepped skekGra and urGoh, wearing much more red, white, and green than you’d ever seen them where. You were a bit confused at first, until out stepped lore from behind the hanging sheets of fabric that descended from the rafters. You gasped.
“We had... a tree... but...” UrGoh glanced over t the vaguely tree shaped pile of scrap wood and fabric. “We wanted.... Lore... to feel... included.”
And included he was. The creature of rock stood there, seemingly oblivious, and draped in decorative strings with knots of colorful cloth, wooden charms, and hanging ornaments. You gave a gleeful laugh and marveled at their craft. Especially that adorable star shaped hat atop Lore’s head.
“Guys, this is so sweet!” You chuckled as Lore rest his blocky head in your hands. SkekGra and urGoh joined you at your side, and you gave them both an appreciative kiss on the cheek.
“We figured you might miss such a wonderful celebration!”
“So we thought... why have you... miss it... at all?”
“Thank you both. This is so nice of you!” You were stunned, though really did you have much reason to be? These two were interested in human culture, and were always so kind to you. It was no surprise they’d want you to be a little less homesick. 
“Merry Crass Mask, (y/n).” SkekGra said, giving you a kiss. “....I said that right, didn’t I?”
“Christmas but-” You held his hand, grinning. “I get the idea!”
“SkekGra... you didn’t... wait for... me to... bring it out...”  UrGoh said with a hint of disappointment in his voice. Confused and intrigued, you watched him rummage through his shirt pocket and produce a wad of green fabric scraps tied together with white beads. You stifled a squeal at the craftsmanship and how cute the little mistletoe was. 
Gleefully you gave them both adoring kisses.
You didn’t have the heart to tell them Christmas wasn’t for another 8 months.
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skekshroom · 5 years
Can I ask for some wholesome polyromantic skekGra x reader x urGoh cuddling headcanons please? c:
of course of course!!
- Skekgra is either the little or big spoon. Ok, big spoon isn’t really the right image, its more like he’s the backpack. He loves to cling, whether hes facing towards you/UrGoh and clinging with his main arms or facing away and clinging with his smaller arms (this one is his favorite as it allows him to kick and shift in his sleep without accidentally nudging either of you)
- Urgoh would love the concept of a weighted blanket. Just straight up pile on this dude. His favorit cuddling position is on his back or side holding you and SkekGra. Its relaxing and so very warm.
- They are both. Such. Heavy. Sleepers. Like genuinely if your arm falls asleep or you need to get up good luck. UrGoh is pretty hard to wake up, but SkekGra sleeps like he’s in a coma. 
- Both of them will curl their tails around you and entwine them with eachother. They will sometimes both drape their arms over you and clasp hands. 
- You’re usually in the middle, being a human and therefore most likely the tallest. They both like to be under your arms using your chest/shoulders as pillows. SkekGra will sling his leg over you. There is no amount of nudging that can save you from this. UrGoh will just gradually roll on top of you. Even though Skekgra does the most kicking/twitching in his sleep, UrGoh is most likely to fall asleep under your left arm and wake up on the right side of SkekGra. 
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skekshroom · 4 years
[SkekGra x reader x UrGoh]
In the Circle of The Suns your eyes opened slowly to broad, illuminating daylight. Goodness, it must have already been well into the afternoon, hadn’t it? Judging by the way the suns beat down from above, at least. On a normal day, SkekGra would be up at dawn and You shortly after. UrGoh was always the slowest to rise, but then again, he was usually the slowest to do anything around this home.
You took a deep, refreshing breath, still groggy from sleep, and closed your eyes again. It hitched as you scooted upwards and released your arms from the blankets that were just a little too warm now. Today just felt like the kind of day to sleep in. You’d get up sooner or later, but for now you wanted just a bit longer of this.
Giving a content sigh, your cheek fell gently to the side. Nuzzled into UrGoh’s coarse pale hair, you peeked out from it. Strands glowed ivory in the midday sun that streamed down from the rafters, blurry from the proximity to your eyes. They themselves were like arches of light that sit stationary in your vision.
 Particles of dust and canvas fibers floated leisurely down, and you lifted your hand as if to touch them. Your fingers dipped into a beam of light as SkekGra twitched in his sleep beside you. While the little drifters meandered down the still air, you could hear SkekGra’s soft snoring rumble from within his throat. His back to you, and legs hooked beneath yours, you could just barely see the rising and falling of his shoulders. You kissed the top of UrGoh’s head, feeling his warm belly press against your side. His breathing was much more quiet, yet deep and low and so very soothing. 
Just a bit longer, then you swear you’d get up.
Just a bit longer.
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skekshroom · 4 years
ooh what about skeksis/mystic of your choice, raising a smol human with their human partner? COuld you imagine the teen years? lol
this prompt made me so SAD bc i started thinking about it when i was on a hike missing my friends but oGHHh since i mentioned one of the gragoh kids was curious about his human parent’s home world its gonna be HimTM. I’m giving them names btw skekAr and urGi (argi is a name that means light or something in euskara iirc). He calls you “adre” as a gender neutral term for padre/madre.
This is VERY LONG, mostly happy, with some sad
[urGi & reader] (urgoh x reader x skekgra later)
“I’m bored.” urGi rested his heavy chin on your shoulder. His thick brown hair obscured your vision, and you blew a quick breath to get it out of your eyes. 
“Why don’t you go play with your sister?” You asked and paused in your sewing. “Or you can help me with this.”
“I’ll help you.” UrGi declared as he lifted up his head, sat across from you, and picked up a ripped tunic. He turned a spool of thread over in his hands. “I don’t want to hang out with SkekAr right now. She’s being a dick.”
“Don’t say that.” You tutted, shaking your head. “Honestly, I don’t know where you keep learning these from, I don’t even swear that much in front of you.”
“You said shit a couple of times.” You tossed him a look.
“But yeah, Dad said it.” UrGi shrugged. “Father said it was like ‘jerk’, but worse. It’s an Earth term, I know that... Why, is it a swear word?” You nodded, making a mental note to remind skekGra to not teach your kids any more curses. You continued sewing peacefully, urGi humming as he patched up a hole on his sister’s shirt.
“Hey, Adre?” urGi piped up you looked up to see your son’s eyes, so similar to yours, looking away. “What did you do for fun when you were my age?”
“Well, when I was around your age, there wasn’t much to do. We worked, wrote stories, drew, got high, stayed in the house, hiked sometimes. Kinda like what Dad and Father do.” urGi looked a little too interested in the part mentioning drugs. “Except you shouldn’t be getting high.” You raised your eyebrows at him, knowing him and his sister sometimes snuck puffs from urGoh’s pipe when they think no one will notice. 
“Right, yeah, with the plague and everything... But what about before that? Did you ever drive places?”
“All the time, yeah.” You sighed wistfully as you tugged the thread through the coarse fabric and began a knot. “My friends and I would pile into the car, the- the carriage things. You know what a car is. We’d go uh... well, we’d go anywhere really.”
UrGi looked enthralled, pausing in his sewing and staring intently at you. “Where?”
“Same places you and your friends go. Periss and the rest of you take Bennu to the beach and woods sometimes, right? And you guys go to market, it was like that.”
“Yeah, but it can’t be exactly the same! It was... what’s that word... Ni’ka and Yothi says Thra is too small to be as industeyes as Earth was.”
“Industrialized?” You chuckled, holding up a mended pair of trousers and moving on to the next. “That’s probably for the best, anyways. Thra’s got enough problems without greedy fracking corporations and poisoned air.”
“Is fracking another swear word?” urGi knotted the thread and looked over his work. “It sounds like one. But anyways... What did you and your friends do? Did you live in a city?” 
“Well, we didn’t live in one... But we’d go to them sometimes. We’d all hop in the car and drive for miles, just to have fun during the way there and walk around afterwards. We’d always go to this one diner in the middle of this seedy corner of the city you have to find by accident. We’d all mess around in the parking lot and drive home down the highway listening to old music.”
“That sounds like the kind of place you get killed at.” urGi said bluntly, shaking his head. You laughed.
“Yeah, it kinda was, buddy. But, hey, never said we were smart, just fun. Let’s see... we did all kinds of stuff. We uh, we used to go up in the hills and hike or explore the abandoned farms... Sometimes we’d drive out go explore sea caves or scrape together money and visit the stores in the real rich neighborhoods.  We’d ditch campus and just go to the cornerstore, or throw a party at one of our houses. Never mine, but we’d cook together and play video games and end up passed out on the couch.”
“Ronnis doesn’t even like us staying inside the house too long.” urGi giggled. You chuckled. His friends’ mother wasn’t one for guests, especially not a gaggle of rowdy childlings. “I wonder why.” He laughed gleefully and set down the needle and thread, resting his chin in his hands. The hand with five fingers tapped his cheek, a little tic similar to the way Gra seemed to always pick at his own face. 
“I wish I could see all that. That sounds like so much fun.” Your son sighed, grinning at your story. “I wanna go to a movie! And to that town with the lanterns... and the city with the festivals and big buildings! Y’know, I wish we could go see Dousan plays more often... Those are so much fun. Dad’s puppet shows are fun, but... Dousan plays have cooler effects.”
“Yeah... You would have really liked it... I wish I could take you and your sister there.” You looked up at your son. He smiled with your eyes and the dark face of an Urru. Even if you ever found a way back to Earth, the enchanting stories you told him would be a quickly shattered fantasy. 
Earth was no place for someone like him. He was so innocent to all the hate in that world. It was a beautiful place that you loved unconditionally, but it was just as unforgiving as it was home to you. You wanted to take him to the malls, hold him on your shoulders at a concert, take him to the hotsprings or the ferry docks where the sea lions loitered... You would never be able to show him the best parts of your childhood.
Adre?” urGi frowned, moving the piles of ripped cloth aside and scooting towards you. “What’s wrong?” You don’t know when you started crying, but you folded the little urru in your arms and held him tightly.
“I just wish I could take you there. I wish you could see all these things, not just have stories about them... I’m sorry, mijo I- I’m so glad you weren’t born there. You would have hated how stressful and dangerous it was but...” You let go, holding him at arms length in front of it. “But you would have loved Earth. I wish I could give you everything good about earth.”
“You are, Adre. You are.” urGi mumbled, hugging you again. You chuckled, wiping your eyes and muttering an apology for crying so suddenly. You never cried in front of urGi or skekAr. You didn’t think it was fair for them to have to comfort you, but you spared yourself this even as you took deep breaths and gave your son a smile to show you were alright.
 You weren’t sure your paltry stories really did any of it justice, but urGi seemed to think so. He was such a sweet boy. You petted his hair, holding him close to you. You didn’t want to admit you missed it as much as you did. Gi, Ar, Gra, and Goh were your world. Thra was your world, and you couldn’t be more thankful for that.
“Thank you honey.” You said and kissed his forehead. Right as you did, skekAr walked in followed by her fathers.
“Aw, what the hell, you made Adre cry? Now you’re the one being a dick!” SkekAr glared accusingly. UrGi quickly denied it and the two began to bicker. You chuckled, shaking your head as skekGra intervened between the two of them. 
“Hey.” You said and kissed urGoh on the cheek as skekGra picked the two of them up under his arms and declared they weren’t to move until they made peace.
“Hello.” He echoed as he watched the mayhem with an amused expression. “What were.... you and urGi... talking about?”
“Ah,” You shrugged. “Just old Earth things.”
“I see...” UrGoh said, taking your hand in one of his. You looked down at it, and up at him, sharing his smile.
Gi and Ar were so much safer here. They never went hungry like you did, hear gunshots in the distance constantly, or crumble under the stress of the academic system. Every day you thanked Thra for this. You were so, so grateful for this, all you wanted was for them to be happy, to have a better life than yours.
But you wanted to show them rock music, cartoons, neon lights and singing along to the car radio.
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skekshroom · 4 years
SkekGra and UrGoh as dads?
SkekGra and UrGoh would make good dads!! They’re a little... out of place at first, they’re not quite sure how careful to be with the little ones. They’re not sure how this fits with their plan to reform or how their children fit into that seeing as they were born split, rather than born an urskek. They’re both fun dads, very caring and excellent teachers.
The skekling has a very short face and long teeth, skekgra’s eyes and a skin tone similar to yours, in Gra’s shade. She has lots of fluffy straight hair, very light in color like Gra’s but there’s clear resemblance with yours. She’s competitive and restless, very similar to skekGra in his youth.
The Urrling has a pretty long face, dark skin with a tone closer to yours, your hair texture in a deep brown. He’s got your eyes, hundred percent. He’s big hearted and curious, especially about his human parent’s home world. 
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skekshroom · 4 years
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your work. I was wondering if you could do a skekgra/urgoh x human reader where they care after the reader’s injuries? Their reactions to seeing their beloved injured? Thanks!
wEEPs,,,!! anon ily xx
[SkekGra x reader x UrGoh]
The desert was full of lots of creatures. However, peeper beetles were perhaps the scariest. 
Even more frightening than large animals like Crystal Skimmers, or Moogs that might startle one as they popped out of their burrows. Thankfully scare you is pretty much all this peeper beetle really did. 
The little thing managed to take a chunk out of your forearm as you walked back to the Circle of the Suns. You’d just come from the Great Forest awaited a sandmaster to take you home in exchange for some of the spoils you brought back from the Stonewood. She took you to a point, and you walked the rest of the way to the Circle of the Suns.
There was a stirring in the sand that you had the unfortunate idea of investigating and were sent home on the verge of tears with a large gash from the creature you chucked as far as you could into the desert.
You were pretty shaken up, and it had left quite the mark on your arm, but you were home now and safe. 
“With... both eyes!” UrGoh added, and earned a stern look from SkekGra, as you looked like you might cry from fright. “....Sorry.”
SkekGra tended to your wounds, the experience of centuries of bloodshed in his movements. The bite was nasty and it burned, but ointment made from the buds of urdrupe blossoms numbed the pain in a heartbeat. 
SkekGra’s actually the quickest to comfort you... a little bluntly, but that wont stop him from reminding UrGoh to have some tact. He fixes up your injury while UrGoh attends, fetching him gauze and keeping a comforting hand on your knee. 
“Its okay... (y/n).”
“See? All fixed!”
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