#ursol headcannons
benjimatorarts · 4 years
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Silsol the muscian, Ursol the chanter, and Skeksil the chamberlain... I headcannon Skeksil being very talented with a wide range of instuments in his early years and was a great song writer. (a lot of funny songs, inspirational songs, and even few romantic songs for his boo at the time.)
 But he use his power words away from music and more toward being manipulative bastard. He sees music as a waste in time and hasn’t practice music in many trines. He use to be a good singer (though ursol is the singer of the two while skeksil is the music theorist), but out of practice and would hum to himself privately.
Skekung secretly misses Skeksil’s music and try to subtly push Chmaberlain into picking it up again. The fluffy bird wants to hear sappy love songs whats wrong with that not he likes skeksilatallthatsjustcrazypsssshhhhthats crazy talk
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benjimators · 3 years
Three reasons why you would recommend TDC to a friend? || Three favourite theories or headcanons? || Which Skeksis would you trust to look after your bag for five minutes?
Three reasons why you would recommend TDC to a friend?
1.) Great storytelling through puppetry.
2.) Skeksis alone (for me) sold the show. For anyone who love baddies, this is the show for ya.
3.) There’s so much lore and history in this universe from the gelfling clans, creatures, skeksis, and even Thra itself. We not only have the movie and the sereies, but we have books and comics... and an upcoming musical?
Three favourite theories or headcanons?
Ohhh thats a tough one. I’m not much of theorist, I’ve heard a few, but I guess my current favorite theory is there’s a possible secret gelfling clan that hasn’t been explore or been excluded by the skeksis. Though I don’t know if that’s been debunked...
Headcannon wise, mostly Skeksis related XD. I make it quick and say a few..
Skeksis make purr noises.
Gelfings have tails, size/style depending what clans they’re from.
Skeksis are hermaphrodites.
Ursol can fly when he’s in the deep singing zone. (I’m not sure this is canon or not)
Which Skeksis would you trust to look after your bag for five minutes?
Maybe Skekvar ... maybe even skeksil... But to be honest, I wouldn’t trust none of them to look after my stuff.
If I’m on good terms with Skekvar, he’s a good bro to look after myself for 5 mins. I hope he doesn’t loose it in that matter of time or doesn’t get stab...
My reason to pick Skeksil is if he does snoop through my bag, there’s nothing and I mean nothing that’ll interest him. Though, I hope I didn’t do anything bad to Skeksil to make him do something shitty in 5 mins. Hmmm.... Not the wisest choice but in the best circumstances, I think he can keep my stuff fine.
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chaifootsteps · 4 years
Hey, I know how much you love Ekt, but what about Utt? Do you have any headcannons? Also I love your stories on AO3, thanks for posting them :)
Thank you for reading them! I love Utt and have all kinds of headcanons I’ve never had an excuse to throw out there, so thank you for that too!
- Gentle, generous, and only a little ravenous for any drama that goes down, Utt also has the distinction of having more insight into the future than just about any other urru. Thra’s actually shown him at least as much as it’s shown Gra and Goh, but where Gra and Goh took this as Thra urging them to mash their beings together, Utt lacks the nerve to draw any concrete conclusions, and pours his insight quietly into the robes he creates.
- Has long, lovely eyelashes and really great hair. Very rough hands, but he smells amazing.
- Like Ekt, he’s frequently mistaken for a girl/referred to with she/her pronouns. Unlike Ekt, he doesn’t fly off the handle when this happens and go for the eyes. 
- Not so much into the idea of makeup -- one of the swirls on his muzzle is canonically shaped like a flower, which is enough for him. He wishes Su would let him do more with his hair, though.
- He’s not the recipient of the “suffocating hardest under urSu’s rule” award -- that one goes to urSol -- but he’s up there, along with urAmaj. Utt’s not as into flair and decadence as his counterpart, but he desperately wishes he could integrate more colors, patterns, and textures into his weaving.
- Also flowers. He adores flowers and has been known to lie around all day smelling them.
- He’d also secretly really like to be able to use scissors.
- Like most of the urru, he very much does not want to sacrifice himself to re-fuse with his Skeksis counterpart, but he’s resigned to it as what he perceives is the only option for Thra. Wants to make something lasting and beautiful to leave behind when he’s gone.
- He’s not with Amaj romantically, but they’re good friends and often meet up to discuss all the artistic things they wish they could do. Utt frequently serves as his taste tester.
- I ship him with urIm. How they got together is a long, filthy story, but in my baby AU, they have four kids. 
- Just likes kids in general. Taught Jen how to sew.
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