#uraraka traitor theory
mydisasteracademia · 9 months
I spend a lot of time harping on the disappointing and frustrating aspects of MHA, so I'd like to change gears and talk about some specific positives for me:
- Ida, Todoroki, and Izuku's friendship during and post Stain Arc. The way those three stuck together was just awesome, and we got the legitimately funny 'Hand Crusher' moment.
- Eri being 100% ride or die for Izuku. I'm not a fan of Eri (specifically her writing), but seeing her going so hard for Izuku in the light novels were the ONLY bearable moments for me.
- Kota becoming an Izuku fanboy and apologizing for how he acted towards him, specifically how he ran up to hug Izuku after the Dark Izuku Arc.
- All Might and Inko owning up to their mistakes and working to make up for them.
- The audience legitimately cheering for Sero after his match with Todoroki during the Sports Festival, seeing as how unfairly matched up they were.
- The OFA vestiges (for the most part) being genuinely kind and helpful towards Izuku, gently encouraging him to rest and not push himself during the Dark Izuku Arc
- Dark Shadow absolutely loving Izuku and being so gentle with him during 1A vs Izuku 🥺
- Aizawa FINALLY realizing how unfair and awful he'd been towards Izuku during the PLF War, specifically after hearing Izuku stand up for him
- AFO in Kamino Ward was badass. Enough said.
- Dadmight and Izuku. No other words needed.
- Ida comforting and reassuring Izuku that he'd always be there to help him during 1A vs Izuku.
- Endeavor actually realizing how awful he was towards his family, and Natsuo and Shoto being more or less allowed to feel conflicted/resentful of him.
Those are all very nice moments, I do have to say. I agree wholeheartedly with all of them.
Adding to that list, I love how the girls support each other. It’s such a good group dynamic and I love that despite their differences they all look out for each other and their friendship is strong.
I may criticize the plotline as a whole, but I do like that instead of turning on the Yuuei traitor they understood the traitor’s situation and promised to help the traitor with their issues. It was honestly really heartwarming.
I love Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima’s adorkable friendship. They’re all so goofy together!
I love seeing Kirishima and Tetsutetsu’s bonding moment during the Sports Festival. Kiri definitely needed another friend and branching the gap between the (at the time) nebulous 1-B and our 1-A was really nice. (Plus the separated at birth theory makes me laugh. Too many coincidences! Get the string board!)
Eri SMILING and finally acting like a kid during 1-A’s musical number at the Culture Festival and making Mirio cry? That hit me right in the feels.
Speaking of Mirio, I love his friendship with Midoriya. He is the exact kind of friend he needed and he’s so goofy he makes me smile whenever we see him. The Big Three are honestly one of the better parts of the Academia part of the manga/anime.
This is a bit of a petty moment, but I’m petty and it makes me laugh: Overhaul’s whole cameo in the Lady Nagant arc. I personally despise him so seeing him so disheveled and bewildered all of the time gives me joy.
I LOVED Shuichi/Spinner’s loyalty/friendship with Shigaraki. He is such a ride or die friend and it made me smile every time he mentioned how much he was willing to do just to save him. It reminds me of how dedicated Iida/Todoroki were to save Midoriya from himself and it hits home that they’re effective foils of each other.
And of course, Uraraka and Midoriya’s bond is one of my favorite parts. Not only are they both super cute/adorkable, but they care about each other SO MUCH and it HEALS me to see them showing that.
There’s just so much good and while it frustrates me a lot due to the wasted potential I just can’t hate it, y’know? Not when there’s so many good parts to come back to.
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bokunodumbassery · 2 years
(I just want to infodump. If you aren’t interested, feel free to scroll. This might turn into more of a guide or overview of what I know in the fandom so far; discussion is welcome and appreciated!!!)
So. BNHA fan-devised quirk theory!!! Because the fandom is better at clarifying worldbuilding in BNHA than Horikoshi himself.
The term ‘secondary mutation’ pops up a lot, and it’s probably one of the more important ones to understand. The idea is that, there are quirks, which are the actual power, and the secondary mutations, which are evolutionary characteristics developed to support that power. For example, Toga likely has an immune system specifically designed to fight the diseases she’s get from drinking random strangers’ blood, and Uraraka is probably actually more resistant to nausea and G-force to handle her quirk’s drawbacks.
Sometimes, a character has a secondary mutation without the quirk, or (in extremely rare circumstances usually related to a quirk being given/stolen) a quirk without the mutation. For example, Midoriya’s green hair - he doesn’t use it for anything because he was born quirkless, but presumably someone in his ancestry had a quirk that was supported by having green hair, so it became an evolutionary trait.
When you have a character with a quirk and no secondary mutation, however, things get interesting (spoiler alert for UA Traitor). Aoyama, being originally quirkless before recieving a quirk from AFO, has no secondary mutation to deal with his quirk; hence, the “drawback” of the stomach aches hurting him. This can also be seen in Izuku’s chronic bone-breaking tendencies, although not to the extent that it should, which is where a lot of Dad for One theories come in. And, weirdly enough (although I haven’t seen many people talk about this out of the context of Dad for One yet), a lack of secondary mutations in the brain may be the reason for the Nomus’ lack of sentience - there has to be SOME part of the brain that processes how/when/if you’re going to use your quirk, and it stands to reason that if you have too many quirks, your brain can’t do that.
That’s also why a lot of people believe in Dad for One; from a worldbuilding perspective, it’s the best explanation for why Midoriya of all people unlocked OFA’s potential through Quirk Singularity. Midoriya having a secondary mutation, passed down from his father, that allows him to hold multiple quirks would theoretically explain why it is that Midoriya can hold all the past users’ quirks without becoming a nomu.
(Technically, you can argue that OFA changes the user’s DNA to make them compatible, but that obviously has limits, as seen in Midoriya’s chronic bone breaking. If that limit is hit before the quirk even reaches singularity, then how would he stay sentient with nine quirks in his brain??? Also, why would OFA reach singularity when Izuku is quirkless and has nothing (quirk-wise) to combine the quirk with, if not for a wierdly specific secondary mutation that comes from the same family line as the first holder?)
If you read on ao3 among the ‘Dad for One’ or ‘Quirk Theory’ tags, or longer fics that mainly centre around that area, you probably know most of this already. If you’re interested in quirk theory, I would definitely recommend checking that area of fanfics out. Even if you aren’t; a lot of these fics are really good!
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ao3feed-tododeku · 22 days
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katsukimchita · 2 years
Katsuki Quirk Theory
So. I wanted to bring up a quirk theory I heard suggested once, and have THOROUGHLY researched. It comes up in a lot of my fics and I think it’s so important in explaining Katsuki. MENTIONED UA TRAITOR SPOILER DON’T READ IF YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW! 
Nitroglycerin is, in real life, prescribed as a medication. It relaxes blood vessels and can alter heart rate - usually slowing it down. This is a controlled, medicated prescription because in LARGE amounts… well…it’s slowing down the heart - that can be pretty freaking bad. We know that Katsuki - at least in his hands - produces nitroglycerin. He gets this from his parents combined quirks - his father’s acid and his mother’s glycerin. I am not as certain of glycerin/glycerol effects, but one or two articles I sifted through did say that in SOME cases heart rate can be slowed down as well - others sped up.
Where I’m going with this is, typically, people born with quirks have some sort of natural defense against them. It’s why OFA causes such a strain on the user’s body, especially Izuku, and why Aoyama gets sick using his quirk - they weren’t theirs to begin with. Now, I know not EVERY quirk has built up defenses, and every quirk has a drawback (Aizawa’s dry eyes, Uraraka’s puking, Iida’s engine stall - etc etc). But, overall, I think most quirks come with a natural defense. There’s always been debate over whether or not Katsuki will or won’t lose his hearing - maybe already has since he’s so loud. I PERSONALLY think his body probably gave him sturdier ears to prevent that, but that’s just me. And I also think that Katsuki’s body came up with a way to defend against the possibility of Nitroglycerin poisoning - only it might be the biggest drawback of all. 
Anxiety and Anger can MASSIVELY boost heart-rate. 
Who is angry all the time? Katsuki AND Mitsuki. 
Is it possible that Katsuki’s anger/anxiety issues stem from his body trying to keep his heart rate up? Is it possible that the nitroglycerin and glycerin require their bodies to combat slower heart rates? (Maybe for Mitsuki her heart is doing the opposite of slowing and just constantly going fast - keeping her in a mental state that’s higher?) 
We all know that, while, sure, Katsuki was always a bit of a shit - he and Izuku WERE friends before he got his quirk. We put so much of the blame on his personality - on the ego he got from his quirk being epic. And I don’t dispute that as being part of it. But is it possible his quirk genuinely screwed with his brain chemistry? 
Is it possible that his tendency to ‘explode’ partially gets worse when his body is trying to dispel large amounts? That his anger and anxiety decrease after he explodes shit, not just because he let something out emotionally…but physically? Possible that he is calmer after because his heart rate can slow but not dangerously so because he isn’t full of nitroglycerin? 
I doubt that a doctor or anyone would ever look into this as a possibility because there would probably be an assumption that it was all ‘bad attitude’ or ‘personality’ maybe even simple upbringing - what with Mitsuki’s anger issues and all. 
But think about how angry Katsuki gets - some of the pivotal moments in his and Izuku’s lives. If my theory is correct, he already would have a baseline of high anger and I truly think anxiety. Just because his body is trying to keep his heart steady. (the more the nitroglycerin pulls it down, the higher his anger/anxiety would work to pull it up). But add on an external moment of anxiety or anger? It’s going to be for all LITERAL intents and purposes like a ticking time bomb. Katsuki falls in the river? He’s scared? His anxiety is going to be even higher. Someone comes to help him? BOOM. 
He gets extreme anxiety while the sludge villain is suffocating him? Rabid ‘monster’ BOOM. Izuku saves him? He’s vulnerable/anxious and now even more angry? BIGGER BOOM.
He gets muzzled after an anger episode? Triggering his anxiety over suffocation? RABID BEAST ONCE MORE MID PANIC ATTACK. He thinks he’s responsible for the fall of the greatest superhero? That the world is falling apart and it’s his fault? Yeah…that normal anxiety? Now skyrocketing. His heart rate is going crazy, his nitroglycerin builds up - both sides are attacking one another and he needs to boom the hell out of someone he knows can take it - Izuku. Baboom! 
Wakes up in a hospital where he hasn’t been able to dispel any nitroglycerin? Learns Izuku is still unconscious? (the love of his life) BOOM! Katsuki’s body chemistry is literally ALWAYS fighting against itself. So when he starts to realize he’s an ASSHOLE and wants to change…. He is fighting an uphill battle in a nitroglycerin hurricane because his body is pushing him down in this war against its own chemistry. And that, Ladies, Gents and Those of you in between, is why his character progression is that much more meaningful. Because he still begins to overcome himself - even with all of that happening. And THAT is why I love him. 
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transhawks · 2 years
If you're comfortable answering
Which hero (except Hawks) do you think would make the most interesting villain and why?
So the thing that made me think about Keigo as a villain is the way Horikoshi wrote him so richly to parallel the villains. Not even one villain, but most of the League. And I think that's what I look for...
Most heroes don't have it, I guess, or we don't know enough to think they do. I'd say Nedzu would be the one who I find interesting, not an as outright villain, but because I find some of the greyness we have seen fairly fascinating. Wish it was explored more. The kids have more interesting stuff going for them, I guess. I was a big fan of Traitor!Uraraka theory and really thought she had a similar thing to what happened to Aoyama going on. While I don't mind how Horikoshi ended up doing it, I'm still thinking, hmm, "what could have been?".
(I also thought Aoyama was an HSPC plant lmao) So, uhh, that.
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edeniansys · 2 years
BNHA WIP that I'll probably never actually finish. This was chapter 1.
Bad Girl Online
Word Count: 2,344
Summary: The students of class 1-A are nearing the end of their first year at UA, and the traitor still hasn't been identified. The teachers have gone over it countless times, and even the students themselves are attempting to figure out who the traitor is. But sometimes, the answer is either A. The most obvious solution, B. The least obvious solution, or C. All of the Above.
Story below!
"Aizawa, please! Young Midoriya could never betray his classmates! I trusted him with One For All, I practically put my career into his hands, how could he possibly be the traitor?" All Might shouted.
The teachers were having a meeting over possible traitors. At this point, they were desperate. It was the end of Class 1-A's first year, and everyone wanted answers. Even the students had their own speculations about a traitor. They had to get this over with quickly.
Aizawa sighed. "Yagi, we have to consider every possibility-"
"Every possibility?! Okay then, what if it was your personal student, Shinsou?"
Now Aizawa was getting annoyed. "I'm not saying it isn't possible that it isn't Hitoshi! I'm just saying that it very well could be Midoriya! He's a better actor than he seems, okay? I've seen him looking dead tired then when he realized I was there he immediately became his happy self again. Despite knowing him for two years, you barely know anything about him. You don't know what he's been through, and you clearly don't understand how people become villains."
Midnight tried to break the tension. "Okay, look. We obviously aren't going to reach an agreement here, so let's just mark him as an unlikely suspect and move on. Maybe Bakugou or Ashido should be next?"
Meanwhile, the students of class 1-A in question had met up to talk about the traitor theory as well. They all had their fair share of evidence for who it could be, and they all came prepared with an argument against themselves.
"Okay," Iida began, "we have narrowed down the students in class 1-A to the following status:
Midoriya Izuku: safe
Kirishima Eijirou: likely safe
Yaoyorozu Momo: likely safe
Hagakure Toru: suspect
Mineta Minoru: very likely suspect
Ojiro Mashirao: safe
Shoji Mezou: on the fence
Kouda Koji: safe
Uraraka Ochako: safe
Asui Tsuyu: suspect
Sato Rikido: on the fence, leaning safe
Jirou Kyoka: possible suspect
Ashido Mina: possible suspect
Tokoyami Fumikage: possible suspect
Bakugou Katsuki: likely safe
Iida Tenya: safe
Todoroki Shouto: suspect
Kaminari Denki: on the fence
Sero Hanta: safe
Aoyama Yuga: possible suspect
Does that sound okay?"
Everyone in the room nodded. No one got offended if they were deemed a suspect, even Mineta wasn't that upset. They knew that this was serious. Even the bakusquad, most of which didn't believe the traitor theory at first, were paying close attention, and they had stopped joking about people being the traitor.
"But," Jirou said, "we also need to think about people we usually wouldn't assume it could be, like Kouda, or even Uraraka." Everyone seemed a little conflicted; they didn't even think of that.
"She's right," Kaminari agreed. "Usually what makes a good actor is their ability to convince people that they aren't acting-their ability to make people truly believe what they say." Everyone else nodded in agreement.
"Alright then," Iida declared, "let's go over the list once more, shall we?" At everyone's agreement, he continued. "Midoriya Izuku."
Kirishima gave an argument for Midoriya. "No offense bro, but you're an awful liar. Iida, Yaoyorozu, and Todoroki saw how bad it was when he tried to convince Aizawa-sensei that we weren't planning to try to save Bakugou."
Midoriya looked embarrassed. "That's... actually really fair." The other three nodded in agreement.
Iida nodded. "Okay, so Midoriya is still safe. How about Kirishima?"
Bakugou scoffed. "As if. Dumb hair doesn't have a bad cell in his body. He's also horrible at pretending that he doesn't dye his hair. He'd make an awful spy."
"However," Yaoyorozu added, "unless he is feeling a lot of either excitement or anger, Kirishima is usually fairly good at strategy, and he didn't think about Cementoss's quirk not having a time limit like his and Sato's, so he may have failed the exam on purpose so he wouldn't go to the training camp. Actually, now that I think about it, you could add that into Sato as well, they could have been working together on that."
Iida looked at the two in question. "Do either of you have any arguments?" When they shook their heads, he continued. "Alright, so change Kirishima and Sato to possible suspects then?" At everyone's affirmations, Iida altered the chart to put those two under possible suspects. "Okay, what about Yaoyorozu?"
"She can lie if she has to, but she doesn't like doing it. Plus, if it's something big, she almost always breaks from guilt and ends up telling the truth," Todoroki shared.
"She was also the one with the idea of putting the GPS tracker on the villains at the training camp," Tokoyami added. Everyone mumbled in agreement.
Shouji interjected. "On the other hand, her family has a lot of money, which means information, which could mean possible indirect contacts to the League of Villains, such as brokers or maybe even Yakuza."
"Well," she replied, "I don't have much of an argument against that. Where will that put me?"
Iida furrowed his eyebrows. "I'd say it would put you on the fence. Does that sound good?" At (almost) everyone's nods and sounds of approval, he put Yaoyorozu under 'on the fence'.
"Guys, don't you think this is, like, morally... I mean, we're basically asking ourselves which of our friends are most likely to betray us and lie about wanting to be a hero. Do none of you think that's kind of messed up?" Uraraka looked conflicted and almost angry at everyone.
"I... I know what you mean," Kouda agreed. "You guys are my best friends, but at this point, what choice do we have? We've had so many really sensitive trips and training exercises this year, I can't even imagine what it would be like if the traitor wasn't revealed by second year, and it would be even worse in third..."
"You know, Uraraka," Mineta interrupted, "maybe you're just saying that because you want us to stop investigating this because you're the traitor."
"He kind of has a point, Uraraka..." Kirishima said. "Why are you trying to stop the investigation?"
Uraraka looked shocked, and worried. "What?! I'm not! I just... You guys know me. I'm worried about what'll happen if we get this wrong. Our class will get divided. We're going to end up fighting each other trying to defend our friends, and then we'll all hate each other! Like, what if I accused Mina of giving the League the training camp location? I would be accusing her of being the reason Deku might not be able to use his arms if he breaks them again! Do you guys get how serious this is?"
"We know, Uraraka!" Midoriya yelled. "I don't want to do this either, but we have to! It's better that one of us is arrested than some of us dead. Besides, no one besides Mineta got offended when they were deemed a suspect, and even he didn't complain too much. You're the only one that wants to stop the investigation, and now even I'm getting suspicious of you."
Uraraka felt betrayed. "Wh... Deku, you... we've known each other all year, we've even been living together! How could you guys think it was me?! If I were to pick anyone in this class, I would say Bakugou! I mean, just look at how he acts. He's one step from being a villain already."
Bakugou got angry. "You were just talking about how you wanted us to stop doing this, then you go and accuse me?! Besides, trying to convince us it wasn't you based on what we know about you isn't even a mediocre strategy."
"Besides," Midoriya added, "Kacchan may be rough around the edges, but he's no villain. I've known him since we were practically babies. I can read him like an open book. I know all of his tells, and he's almost as bad a liar as I am. Plus he hates getting in trouble more than anything. He's not a traitor." Bakugou looked grateful that Midoriya stood up for him, but he didn't say anything.
"Fine. Do what you want, but I'm leaving. Unlike you guys, I'm not going to accuse my friends of being a villain." Uraraka slammed the door as she left, and you could hear her stomping to the elevator to go to her room.
Iida cleared his throat. "Okay... well, she's going on the suspect list then, and hands up if you want to put Bakugou on safe?" 15 hands went up. "Okay, Bakugou is getting moved up then. Next is... Hagakure. We've already addressed that, even though you can't get out at night because of the thermal sensors, you very well could during the day, especially if no one can see the door. It's also fairly easy for you to listen in on the teachers' conversations, which would make it easier for you to get information. I hate to be basing most of this solely on your quirk, but do you have anything to say in your defense?"
"No, I don't have anything. I'm sorry," Hagakure replied.
"It's fine," Iida said. "Mineta?"
"As much as I would like to say it's him," Jirou said,"reasonably speaking, other than the history of his... actions towards the girls, he really doesn't have any evidence going for him. As much as I... loathe to say it, he's likely safe."
"Fair enough. Ojiro?"
"Now that I think about it," Kouda quietly stated, "there isn't really any evidence going either way for Ojiro, so maybe put him in neutral?"
Ojiro sighed. "As usual. That sounds fine."
"Okay. Shouji?"
Midoriya looked determined to prove a point. "Guys, he literally lost one of his hands so he could help protect everyone because of Dark Shadow going out of control. There's no way Shoji is the traitor. He's definitely safe. I don't care what his quirk can do. He's proven that he's 100% loyal to us."
Everyone immediately agreed, and Shoji looked a little embarrassed. "Alright then," Iida smiled, "Kouda?"
"Well, his quirk is really useful for spying," Sero said, "but at the same time, it would be really hard to believe that Kouda is the traitor. I mean, no offense, but he's scared of bugs."
Kouda smiled. "None taken. I appreciate the positive argument."
Iida nodded. "Alright, does anyone have any more information for Kouda?" When no one answered, he continued. "Asui, then?"
"Well, she is brutally honest pretty much all the time, but there's not much emotion that comes with it," Midoriya said. "There's also the fact that she likes to go in the forest to find damp places, but we never see her, so, for all we know, she could be in the middle of town."
"Well, I can't prove you wrong," Asui replied, "so I guess that's evidence for me."
"Alright, so I'll say likely suspect then." Iida marked her on the list. "What about Jirou?"
Sato decided to say something. "She does have her punk aesthetic, but I don't think that's really evidence. Her quirk does make it easier for her to spy, though."
"But," Jirou countered, "I can't hear actual voices with my quirk. It's just vibrations and stuff like that, so, while my quirk is good for stuff like detecting footsteps, it would be useless trying to understand a conversation."
"Fair enough," Iida said. "So neutral then. Ashido's next."
"Well, Ashido has a really bubbly personality," Kirishima said, "and I feel like she would be the type of person to try to prove the people that said she would be a villain because of her quirk wrong, y'know?"
"Does anyone have anything else to say to that?" Iida asked. No one said anything. "Okay, Tokoyami then."
"I, um, I hate to say it," Yaoyorozu began, "but what with his personality as well as his quirk, he does make a likely suspect. There's also the thing with him, and Shouji, for that matter, have this tendency of... well, just kind of... watching people from the shadows. They could definitely use this for spying, but we've already addressed that the likelyhood of Shouji being the traitor is almost none."
"He's also fairly closed off from everyone," Sero added, "but when he does talk to us, he's really nice, so I'd say maybe in the middle, leaning suspect?" He looked to Tokoyami. "Is that okay?" Tokoyami silently nodded.
"Alright then. My turn."
"It's not actual evidence," Shouji said, "but I honestly think everyone here agrees that you could never do anything like that."
"Yeah, you totally listen to the rules too much!" Mina agreed.
"Alright. Todoroki's turn."
"It's kind of like, really obvious that you absolutely hate your dad, plus you don't show much emotion, so I think you're still a suspect," Kaminari gave, with several people, including Todoroki himself, nodding along.
"So still a suspect then. Kaminari?"
"If I may, Iida," Tokoyami said, "I believe that Kaminari is in the same boat as Kirishima and Sato. Sometimes he goes a bit out of character and acts very intelligent, even though he gets bad grades very often, so the failing could be a cover-up."
"But I- um, actually that's pretty fair..." said boy replied.
"Possible suspect then. Sero?"
"I would say the same for Sero," Midoriya said, "but, unless Midnight is a traitor, which, despite her... unique personality, is extremely unlikely considering she is a hero, he couldn't have easily planned the final exams, so I would say safe."
Iida nodded. "Last but not least is Aoyama."
"I think I will go ahead and say this myself, mes amies," Aoyama began. "Though my personality is very sparkly and non-threatening for the most part, there are a few people here that could attest that I am a little... creepy at times."
Several people nodded along and made general gestures of agreement.
"Yeah, that cheese thing was... intense. On the other hand, though, you are generally very friendly and easy to get along with, so I think you'd be more in the middle than anything." Midoroya looked fairly confident in his answer.
Iida cleared his throat. "Alright then, let's go over the new suspect list."
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pikahlua · 2 years
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ladysunamireads · 22 days
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 3 months
Another One (let's try this again)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Fj1i6HB by WatermelonShips After being announced that Shinsou will be joining the Hero Course during his second year, Midoriya decided to make a group chat to celebrate! Aka another chatfic. What could go wrong? Words: 777, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya, Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki, Ashido Mina, Tokoyami Fumikage, Todoroki Shouto, Other Character Tags to Be Added Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Iida Tenya/Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Kouda Kouji/Tokoyami Fumikage, Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako, Kaminari Denki's Mother & Midoriya Hisashi, Aoyama Yuuga & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Shinsou Hitoshi & Tokoyami Fumikage, Kaminari Denki & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Additional Tags: attempt at crack, Hurt/Comfort, chatfic, Post-My Hero Academia Chapter 216: Class A vs. Class B: Conclusion!, References to other pieces of media, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Class 1-A as Family (My Hero Academia), One-Sided Kaminari Denki/Sero Hanta, Past Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Shirakumo Oboro/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Established Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Established Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao, Established Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Shinsou Hitoshi & Tokoyami Fumikage are Foster Siblings, Kaminari Denki & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko are Online Friends, They met on Valorant, Agender Kouda Kouji, Traitor Aoyama Yuuga, S Ranked Villain Midoriya Hisashi, Sensei | All For One is Not Midoriya Hisashi, Kaminari Denki's Mother is a D Ranked Villain, Quirkless People with Extra Toe Joints Wear Custom Sneakers | Red Shoe Theory (My Hero Academia), But it isn't just sneakers, Past Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Author Wrote This Instead of doing Artfight, More characters will tagged when they have two or more things of dialogue, OOC read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Fj1i6HB
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ao3feed-spinaraki · 3 months
Another One (let's try this again)
by WatermelonShips
After being announced that Shinsou will be joining the Hero Course during his second year, Midoriya decided to make a group chat to celebrate!
Aka another chatfic. What could go wrong?
Words: 777, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya, Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki, Ashido Mina, Tokoyami Fumikage, Todoroki Shouto, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Iida Tenya/Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Kouda Kouji/Tokoyami Fumikage, Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako, Kaminari Denki's Mother & Midoriya Hisashi, Aoyama Yuuga & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Shinsou Hitoshi & Tokoyami Fumikage, Kaminari Denki & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko
Additional Tags: attempt at crack, Hurt/Comfort, chatfic, Post-My Hero Academia Chapter 216: Class A vs. Class B: Conclusion!, References to other pieces of media, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Class 1-A as Family (My Hero Academia), One-Sided Kaminari Denki/Sero Hanta, Past Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Shirakumo Oboro/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Established Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Established Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao, Established Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Shinsou Hitoshi & Tokoyami Fumikage are Foster Siblings, Kaminari Denki & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko are Online Friends, They met on Valorant, Agender Kouda Kouji, Traitor Aoyama Yuuga, S Ranked Villain Midoriya Hisashi, Sensei | All For One is Not Midoriya Hisashi, Kaminari Denki's Mother is a D Ranked Villain, Quirkless People with Extra Toe Joints Wear Custom Sneakers | Red Shoe Theory (My Hero Academia), But it isn't just sneakers, Past Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Author Wrote This Instead of doing Artfight, More characters will tagged when they have two or more things of dialogue, OOC
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57177913
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 1 year
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Crisis Averted
She remembered her Dad always telling her one thing growing up, ‘Pumpkin there’s the quick way to do things and the right way. The right way can take a lot of work and time, but you’ll always keep yourself out of trouble'
Ochako finds a rather tempting deal right before getting into UA but common sense prevails and she stops herself from getting caught up in something terrible. Basically my take on why turning someone into a traitor isn't as easy as it looks
General Audiences
Archive Warning:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Uraraka Ochako & Uraraka Ochako's Parents
Uraraka Ochako Uraraka Ochako's Father Sensei | All For One Okuta Kagerou | Giran
Additional Tags:
Traitor Theory Character Study Ochako is Smarter Than She Looks Getting a mole is not so easy Uraraka Ochako Needs a Hug
Published: 2021-12-28 Words: 1160 Chapters: 1/1
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aashi-heartfilia · 3 years
How would My Hero Academia would have looked like without Uravity!
So I just came across various arguments stating that “Almost nothing would have changed in MHA if we remove Uraraka from the show.” For a good 5 seconds I gave it a thought and came to the conclusion on how stupid this statement actually is. So today let's have a look at how the plot of My Hero Academia would have moved forward without our Gravity Girl, Uravity:
Izuku would have lost the entrance exam in the beginning
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Lol, it's not even 3 epsiodes and we already have a big consequence of removing Ochako. Recall that when the giant robot with zero points started attacking everyone, Ochako was the only one who got stuck under the big debri and it was because Deku wanted to save her, he used his OFA Smash. All 60 points he scored were rescue points because the robot in itself was a zero pointer.
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Ok now let's just assume for our convinience that Deku still punches the robot because he had to defeat it eventually, then what?
He starts falling…and without Uraraka no one to save him. Lol, just 3 episodes guys!! Just 3 episodes and the story can't move any further.
Shigaraki's plan to capture UA would have been successful
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Ok seriously how many of you remember that it was it was Ochako who subdued Kurogiri which allowed Iida to escape USJ and get help from All Might and the rest of the teachers!
Otherwise their was no way Iida could have escaped Kurogiri, 13 was already in a bad condition and they would have all died right there.
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The thing is, being a hero isn't just about defeating villains or looking cool but it's about taking the next step in right direction in times of need when nobody has the nerve to do it.
That's what makes a hero.
Asui would have died during the summer camp
Toga stabbed Ochako and captured Asui the minute she entered the battlefield and Asui asks Ochako to escape and get help only for Ochako to do otherwise and come to the rescue of her dear friend. She quickly makes the work of Toga with her newly obtained GMA and then we have Shouto and gang arriving the scene.
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Without Ochako there, Asui would have been badly injured if not dead and Toga would have gotten Asui's blood which would have been arguably even more dangerous than Ochako because with Asui's quirk she segret poison, a big tounge to attack and overall every ability raised. So imagine.
Who will stop Deku's rampage?
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This is also one of the most important things in the series. Black whip was so dangerous already convinced with the power of OFA it was causing havoc when first unleashed. No one, I repeat no one dared to go near him. Infact Shinsou was so scared that he stood their frozen despite having the perfect quirk to stop his quirk.
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Now I am not saying anything against Shinsou because I know it was his first time and he did very well. I'm just saying this to describe how dangerous Black whip really was.
Who will redeem/save Toga?
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3/5 of our lead have their villan foils or nemeses they're bound to save. With Shouto and Dabi, Deku and Shigaraki we have Ochako and Toga. Who will save her? The rich, bubbly run away which she failed to confide in the last time they met but we also know that Ochako had some realisation during that scene. The recent events in manga more than confirm the fact that it will be Ochako who will redeem Toga.
A hero who saves other Heroes with a smile
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Probably one of her biggest contribution in the series! When all hope seemed lost and everyone from Heroes to Teachers failed to convince the angry mob it was Ochako who took the first step again.
Her philosophy on 'saving people with a smile' parallels Nana Shimura in more than one ways in it was Nezu who finally put it into words: Taking the first step is always hard but the step taken in right direction leads the path to greatness and gives rise to ultimate Hero that will surpass even All Might.
She saved Deku with a smile on her face, reassuring him in the very beginning that it's okay for him to be here and follows it to the end finally convincing everyone including Deku that's it okay for him to stay.
She was already a very positive influence on his life saving him from falling on his two feet in the very beginning, to giving his name a new meaning, to stopping his wild rampage and even now she's doing the same thing.
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She was also the first person to pick on Asui's sadness post kamino and gathered everyone in the class so that they can settle things.
JUST BY BEING THERE, her cherry and warm presence is a comfort to not just Deku but for almost everyone around her.
Additionally she saved a lot of people during war arc and she was one of the people who were going Plus Ultra desperately while even Pros were giving up right then and there!
Saying that removing her will change nothing is not just objectively wrong but also biased thinking.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 1 year
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traitordenki · 3 years
I’m sorry I was gonna wait until I actually read the chapter but initial thoughts and all that let’s go 
Anyway, yeah, I’ve been firmly in the ‘making Hagakure the traitor is the obvious choice but it’s also by far the most boring one’ so let’s get into it
Look I don’t know how to say this nicely so I’ll just say it. No one gives a shit about her. Like if you genuinely like her as a character I’m happy for you! But most people just don’t care. And that’s bound to happen when you have an ensemble cast this goddamn big and she gets overshadowed by bigger personalities and yeah ngl the whole being invisible thing isn’t doing her any favors. She’s just kinda there. Like she says cute stuff every now and then and has some comedic moments but that’s… kinda it?
Like for the audience reading/watching the impact would be that much greater if the traitor was a fan favorite, or close enough to a fan favorite at least. Like imagine if Uraraka was the traitor? How devastating that would be not only for the audience but also the characters? Or the juxtaposition of having Kaminari, the goofy one, someone who acts like the glue in the class, to turn around and betray them with no remorse? Like... poetic cinema or whatever.
This is obviously written with a big disclaimer of ‘we don’t know yet’
Like if the username wasn’t already a give-away; I’m a huge fan of the Kaminari traitor theory. I’ve always thought it was fun and had a lot of potential so yeah, ngl, I’m kinda bummed out that he wasn’t the traitor (kinda.. it’s a weird headspace to be in lol) and so that coupled with me finding Hagakure to be boring is... yeah. Not Ideal in terms of what is happening now. But even with all that I’m well aware that my opinions could change! Maybe her reasons are super interesting! Maybe she’s a total badass and she’ll do something super cool and I’ll immediately start simping. Like realistically she’ll be more interesting following this reveal. Or maybe I’m right and she’ll still be kinda meh. Maybe she won’t be the traitor a lot of us wanted her - or someone else - to be. 
(also just like as a side note, what do folks even wanna see? bc like personal opinion here is a traitor who is extremely cold and detached once revealed but I don’t think that’ll be the case idk) 
Who knows? Like I’ve even joked that this could all be a red herring for all we know. The point is that we just have to wait and see how it all plays out before completely condemning the storyline. 
didn’t we already do the whole ‘let a storyline breathe for more than five minutes before saying it sucks’ thing with endeavor
I’m still traitor Kaminari trash though uwu
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tojo-nozomeme · 5 years
They make Dabi being a todoroki obvious to hide that uraraka could be the traitor
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