#ur milkovich
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acnologias-ass · 8 months ago
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Ur and her boys ❄️
Gray's backstory was always my favorite out of Team Natsu 🥹
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turkey-sandwich · 2 months ago
I gotta know what kind of shit Mashima-san was on when he made the ice wizards, because holy hell. The most attractive fuckers alive (or dead in Ur and Silver's cases ahahaha *runs away*)
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oreokorose · 4 months ago
Ur and Gray❄️
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Redraw 2023 / 2024
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sweetiepotatofry · 3 months ago
I just watched the 413 days, and I realized something. That day, not only Gruvia's anniversary, was the first anniversary of Ur's death Lyon had the chance to spend with Gray. Because the first, I wanna say seven? Anniversaries he spent being a criminal and the other seven were spent thinking Gray was dead.
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fairytailsocialmedia · 10 months ago
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sansan9 · 3 months ago
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gruviaa · 3 days ago
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cecenyss · 2 years ago
The real reason Gray and Natsu didn’t get along is because Gray has mommy issues (Ur’s death) and Natsu has daddy issues (Igneel’s disappearance).
Lucy has both mommy and daddy issues and Erza was an orphan, so the team stayed balanced.
Erza discovering she actually has major mommy issues (Irene) is what really killed Natsu, because it ruined the balance. Lucy’s keeping him alive through the power of her own daddy issues, which happen to be strong enough to sustain him.
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bcubercaps · 7 months ago
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the-dragon-hearted · 3 months ago
Fairy Tail: Smartest Character Headcannons
No one asked, but I wanted to elaborate on my characterization of the "smart" characters in the Fairy Tail fanfiction. These are just in chronological order.
Zeref Dragneel: One must imagine boy-genius mixed with a teenage moron. By that I mean this man is so smart when it comes to science, math, history, language, health, magic - but he's a dumbass when it comes to literally anything else.
Feats: He's a genius
Discovered ethernanos and then created a whole race to combat both dragons and gods. Literally a pinnacle of magic theory and development: all ethernanos studies stem from his initial discovery
On that note, he's actually the one who coined the phrase "magic container". He discovered different individuals had different-sized internal containers for holding mana. Most progress in magic deficiency syndrome can be attributed to him
Created several forms of enchantment magic
Perfected the making and using of lacrimas, whose development can also be tied back to him.
Does strategize incredibly well, if he has the time to think everything through. He likes being thorough and so prefers to make an all-inclusive plan. As you'll see his plans are bat-shit wild and complicated because the man doesn't like loose ends, and also his opponent is MAVIS. Bro can't afford to slip up. I'd say more, but I'd spoil the story -
Weaknesses: He's literally so stupid sometimes
Makes a time machine, it requires a celestial mage to activate it: the celestial wizard dies. Man leaves all twelve keys in the grass where they are lost to space and time. Whoops, no more working time machine.
Literally everything that he did after Mavis died. Literally all of that.
Actively picks fights with Acnologia
Actively pick fights with Natsu
Picks the aforementioned fights and then feels BAD when the fight happens. LIKE BRO -
Anna Heartfilia: Math smart (high-level physics and theoretical calculus), and a strategist/leader. She was privately tutored as a child and had celestial spirits to teach her.
Feats: Math and leadership
Wrote most of the calculations for interdimensional travel when Zeref was building the Eclipse Gate
Is pretty good with calculating angles on the spot, and is fairly accurate when estimating distances (this is a big deal when you're directing spirits with mass destructive power and using abilities that are distance-limited)
Unlike Mavis' strategist side, Anna's strength in strategy was in rehearsing and forethought. She would practice with her spirits on what to do in high-stress situations so they would all know how to react and who to work with. In all honesty, her ability to lead her spirits was what made her so useful on the battlefield.
Practiced for years subdividing her magic container and memorizing how much energy she'd need to summon ALL TWELVE GOLDEN KEYS AT ONCE -
Weaknesses: One must imagine a chaotic perfectionist two seconds away from a nuclear breakdown
Gets too focused on things and will stay up all night. Will forget to eat and drink, in fact.
A perfectionist - will not stop until her calculations make sense
H A T E S writing, spelling, language, etc. Keep that shit away from her
When backed into a corner, and none of her strategies work her next plan is quite literally: RANDOM BULLSHIT GO -
Acnologia: Bro may be illiterate but he's also an actual genius when it comes to magic. Street smarts > School smarts, because fucked up mentors don't send their human weapon to school.
Feats: Anything magic related. I'm not exaggerating. And funny enough, grammar, vocabulary, diction, etc...
Picked up several human languages fairly quickly and has taught himself to read.
An actual GOD when it comes to enchantments and rune recognition, NO ONE knows more than this man
His knowledge on magic is CRAZY, this man can smell what type of magic you use, deduce whether it be elemental, reactionary, or application, and then IMMEDIATELY figure out how to counter it.
Even if he can't EAT the magic you're using, he knows. He knows what to do. You're cooked.
Thinking and strategizing on the spot is literally his thing. He's a terrifying opponent because he's insanely strong AND insanely good at reading his opponents
Weaknesses: Cannot do math
In all fairness, man did not go to school so all academic areas are a lil hard to grasp when you're over three hundred years old
Old man dilemmas: man can and will disarm a seventy-layer enchantment in thirty seconds but PLEASE do not ask him how to use the newfangled screen lacrimas. He bought those for the children and never touched them again -
His options in any social environment are (a) constant sarcasm, (b) ignoring everyone he doesn't know or like, (c) leaving, or (d) leaving, but faster.
Mavis Vermillion: The greatest strategist there ever has been. This is canonical but let's just elaborate shall we. The gal basically had a decade of university-level studies under her belt when she was fifteen. Girl learned to read by opening up Sun Tzu and memorizing it.
Won the Trade Wars. I'm not kidding. This is canon. In the fanfiction though, she won the trade wars and didn't ask Acnologia to participate at all, because she literally didn't need him. She is the SOLE reason Fiore is still a country
Her level of strategic comprehension and quick thinking is terrifying. She actively runs simulations in her head, and thanks to her illusion magic (which makes her a god at multitasking), she can predict several outcomes to a TERRIFYING level of accuracy within an insanely short amount of time.
Even if you catch her by surprise (big "if" there, buddy) she's not pre-planning dependent or easily stunned. She can and will have another plan before you can register that you did something good.
GOD LEVELS of poker face when necessary (canon)
Now, thanks to the curse, she can emotionally detach from most conflicts and make riskier and riskier plays to attain victory. The ability to remove her emotion from plans only makes her that much more terrifying
Weaknesses: The poorest loser to ever lose
Literally hates losing. Will not stand for it. Will demand a rematch
She hates surprises and also hates any information that she deems useless. She will and has lectured spies over what counts as "good" intel.
Detaching from your emotions is not always the best thing to do when your "pawns" are your family and friends, but in all fairness when you have Ankserham's curse, it's kind of for the best to leave those affections aside. Still sucks though, and will cause problems
Natsu Dragneel: The man, the myth, the legend himself. No one has the brain for fighting like this fucking idiot.
Feats: FIGHT
Literally can fight without thinking. His subconscious is that in-tune with his body. Erik HATES him.
When he fights and thinks, his mind his canonically like a steel trap. He can pick up on patterns and weaknesses in his opponents that he will utilize. There's no mercy.
I don't usually include being underestimated in feats - but it's important here. Natsu's so good at what he does, it's easy to mistake strategy for raw power, or even dumb luck. Enemies go in thinking they're fighting some arrogant asshole and then get absolutely annihilated by the combat strategist himself
Pain is never a limiting factor. Natsu prevails.
Weaknesses: Bro has ONE brain cell and it flip-flops between wanting to eat and wanting to BRAWL
Focus is not his strong suit. ADHD poster child right here, he will be distracted if he is not locked in
Cannot read (like he can, but not really -)
Does not know how to multiply. DO NOT ask him what a quadratic is, he'll ask if he can eat it.
Can be a little arrogant, but he's kind of earned it
Someone he cares about is in danger? BRO IS GONE! Bro is not strategizing! Bro is IN THERE and no one can stop him. Bro will throw off all your plans and risk everyone else to save one person. It's all or nothing for him.
Like someone else we know, if he's backed in to a corner and doesn't know what to do, he falls back on "RANDOM BULLSHIT GO", but that random bullshit is usually just PUNCH THEM HARDER -
Ur Milkovich: A creative queen like no other. Her creativity in Ice-Make magic is indicative of just how out-of-the-box she can be. Such an ability is easily overlooked, but that creative tenacity IS a game-changer when you're mid-fight.
Feats: Other than just being the best fucking ice mage on the planet? She's cool about it.
Recognizes her own strengths and weaknesses. This may sound obvious but in a world of arrogance or false humility, Ur knows EXACTLY how good she is and what match-ups favor her, as well as which ones don't. Knowing that allows her to pick her fights very well.
Minor spoiler for the fanfic: She will be thinking up some CRAZY ass creative plans in the future. I'm talking chaotic-Ur-certified plans that will actually work. Perks of creative strategy.
You know how the ice mages typically specialize in a form of ice make, whether it be animals or weapons or armor? Yeah no. Ur has it all. Ur can do it all. Imagination? Ur has all of it -
She will compromise her strategy for her boys. As soon as Lyon and Gray are involved, all bets are off - she's going in whether it's a good idea or not. Normal Fairy Tail things.
She actually has a shit poker face. She cannot hide her thoughts at ALL
The smallest mention of calculus will get you turned into a popsicle. She'll suffer through science and history but as soon as the numbers get mentioned she's OUT.
Lucy Heartfilia: Quite literally the peak of adaptive learning. I will DIE on this hill
Feats: Lucy ACED every exam she ever took. Jack of trades, LITERALLY -
Her ability to pick up new magics or items and use them is nothing short of impressive. She's not afraid to leave her comfort zone and try something new.
A master at improvised weapons. Literally a M A S T E R-
She can be quick on her feet and has a great reaction time which lets her effectively pick the best spirit for the job. Her gut instincts are solid in battle.
She knows she has a smaller magic container and so is more limited in longevity and magic potential, which means she's very careful about her magic usage - as we've said, being aware of your weaknesses AND taking the steps you need to work around them counts as a strength.
Let's not forget canonically she REWROTE a book of Zeref after reading through it ONCE and learned how to cast Fairy Sphere after seeing it cast (kind of) ONCE
Photographic memory? Oh yeah, that's Lucy.
Knows when to make the tough calls (Aquarius' key)... enough said.
Weaknesses: Confidence and maybe some application
She doubts herself, a lot, and that is reflected in her hesitation to take action.
She hates putting her spirits in harm's way (which is hard to put in the weakness category cause that's literally just her being a good person but it does inhibit her ability to act efficiently as a celestial mage).
She recognizes that her magic container is not as large as those around her but can get too far in her head about how limited she is. Doubt is never a good thing.
Special mentions, in no particular order, I just don't have as many headcanons for them and this shit is getting long:
Erza Scarlet: Same vein as Natsu. Her ability to strategize in combat is INSANE. Realistically, she's actually ranked higher than Natsu because she can read, write, do math, pay bills, and also knows when to NOT run into a fight. But in battle, Natsu has her quick thinking and prowess beat, at least by the end of the series.
Levy McGarden: Same as Lucy, except she's taken photographic memory to the next level. Girl can remember the exact book, page, paragraph, and line number when recalling information. Perks of her magic but also just the perk of being that fucking brilliant. This is also apparent in her magic (which was nerfed in canon but will not be anymore because a BOOK LOVER being able to use ANY WORD is CRAAAAAZY).
Laxus Dreyar: He's here for his reaction time and quick thinking. It's insane. And, as seen in the Grimoire Heart act when he canonically gives his power to Natsu, he has a good foundation on magic pairings and can make sacrificial strategic plays. All in all, solid foundation for smarts and strategy.
Serena: Man has mastered 8 elements and can switch between them with no problem. That takes some brain power. He loses points for being an actual menace to society and picking a fight with Acnologia in his last life. Actually no, he loses points for being THAT arrogant in his first life and dying a single manga panel later.
Wendy Marvel: Has mastered not one, not two, but THREE forms of magic. Healing, Enchantment, AND Offensive. She quite literally has application magic (her enchantments and healing) and elemental magic (dragon slaying) and has mastered BOTH. She does, however, also struggle with confidence and her good nature means she hesitates before inflicting permanent harm.
Erik: Bro can handle reading five people's minds at once and has the multitasking ability anyone would be jealous of. Bro just gets a lil too angry and distracted sometimes. Can also get overwhelmed if he's experiencing a loud noise or a lot of noise. Really, he just loses points for those times when he gets too mad to listen to anything. He gains points back for having zero hesitation when necessary - man will decide someone's free warranty on life has expired with no remorse.
Special, Special Mentions:
Yajima: Man put up with Team Makarov's bullshit, Fairy Tail's bullshit, AND the Magic Council's bullshit without going insane. Is a lawyer by trade, and a friend of Makarov's by choice. That's crazy work right there.
Warrod: Has been committing tax fraud for over a century. Has never gotten caught.
Weisslogia: Was a strategist in the draconic wars and was pretty damn good at it. No, Sting did not inherit that lol.
Tyregenium (OC): Acnologia's master do be that evil sadistic strategist. He loses points for arrogance - and for losing to Acno twice and STILL coming back for more. Also crazy work right there.
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lorengirl · 1 month ago
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Ultear, Lyon and Gray.
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patentedsun · 10 months ago
Thinking a lot ab Ur today. I don't have negative opinions on the character that just exists to die and fuel a backstory trope because like... people do die... which can significantly affect their loved ones... Like that is a thing that happens.
There r ways to do it right and ways to do it terribly. Imo, Ur's case was done exceptionally well — gray and Lyon get a whole arc to sort their shit out, almost all of Gray's significant moments pay homage to her in some way, Ultear... just... Ultear.... etc etc +++ Ur as a character alone does hold up all things considered! You could tell enough about her from the few scenes she was in that she came across as a person and not just like... a trope.
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astrastarcharm · 10 months ago
Lamia Scale Head canons 3
Lyon always makes whatever ice creations Chelia asks because once when she had first joined the guild she had asked him to make her a flower and she had snapped at her so badly about it she cried and avoided him for weeks over it.
Once Chelia had tried a test of courage at a graveyard that was a common spot for many guild children to test there courage but Yuka and Tony thought it would be fun to dress up as monsters and scare her. Lyon and Sherry beat the crap out of them and Obaa-baa gave them month long punishment over it. Chelia refused to leave Lyon’s side for a long time after that to the point that Lyon had to walk her home and come pick her and Sherry up in the morning to head to the guild.
Guild still teases Lyon on his crush on Juvia. Especially since half the women in town had a crush on him and he never seemed to notice.
Once Lyon told his guild mates he could walk around in the snow in just a pair of pants no shoes or shirt on and Yuka called bs so they went to mount Hakobe for a job for 4 hours so Lyon could prove it and Lyon got Yuka’s part of the reward money because of it.
Jura used to be in charge of making sure Lyon didn’t attack people due to his anger issues. He often would have to physically drag Lyon away from a brawl.
Lyon actually has a reason he said he doesn’t like blood in Galuna. As a very young child he actually had a phobia of blood because he once saw a corpse in the forest with a huge amount of blood pouring down it. While the fear managed to die down due to seeing many deaths and injured people (like when him and Ur visited the destroyed towns of Deliora’s rampage) he never liked seeing it hasn’t changed now that he’s older. 7. Jura was Chelia’s jungle gym the first few years she joined the guild. It was the same for Yuka Sherry and Tony when they joined the guild.
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nightingale2004 · 4 months ago
Do you hate Gruvia too?
For me personally, it's a like hate thing. According to the story, it was "love at first sight," but in my opinion, it was "one-sided obsession"
Juvia literally took one look at the guy and then said "welp I'm in love immediately with this random half-naked dude I just met. I'm gonna give up this fight!" Like wtf? (Although I don't blame her tho)
I don't believe in "love at first sight," and it just looked like Juvia was toxic on soooooo many levels. This girl is paranoid to the T, doesn't trust the woman friends he has in his guild around him, is completely obsessed with him, and I feel like she doesn't know a thing about him. BTW was proven in one of the episodes where she tried to give Gray a scarf she made on the anniversary of Ur's death. I know she didn't know, and she was trying to be nice, but she should've just left him alone.
In my opinion, they're cute together, but I did not like how obsessive and delusional she was with Gray, how fast she was moving with him, and how she saw every single woman he interacted with especially Lucy as a threat.
I would've loved to see her truly take her time and get to know Gray and his relationships with the people in the guild and tone down the psycho. She can still like him and make it clear where her feelings are, but I'd rather see her other relationships with the guild members like Erza, Lucy, Wendy, Gajeel, and a few other members of fairy tail grow and have their moments of platonic friendship.
I like the ship, but I hate the dynamic. Gray and Juvia looked completely one-sided, and throughout the whole series, I was cringing so hard and was very disappointed in Juvia and her actions.
I liked the moments and the relationships she built with other people other than Gray way better than the ship itself, and I was disappointed when the creators of the show didn't show more of that and I didn't really see all that much chemistry from them but this is just my opinion and I want everyone to respect that.
Sorry, i went on a whole rant, but it is how I feel
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beargyufairy · 1 year ago
Just My Thoughts Pt. 14
Fairy Tail Manga Reread Version
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How ironic Mr. Fullbuster. Gray saying this is so funny to me because he’s so willing to put his life on the line to settle things. He’s not thinking of the future, yet he’s giving a lecture about to the enemy. This is actually more ironic when considering the next arc of the story is related to the S-class mission in Galuna Island. The very island Gray attempts to use Ice Shell a few times, a spell that uses the life of the caster to make powerful ice. A spell he knows very well from first hand experience with his beloved master Ur.
I think having Gray deliver this line is perfect because he does value life, just not his own, especially when it comes to settling difficult disputes. He values the life of Ur, who Gray is constantly thinking about since she taught him everything he knows. He values her life so much he’s willing to give his up to prevent the demon from the book of Zeref escape again however, she’s long gone but he’s stuck in the past. He’s not thinking of the future, not even a little.
I think this line and the next arc combined provide information about who Gray is. This is important down the road since he starts to see what living is worth. I’m glad that in the 100 YQ, Gray is shown thinking of the future and what he wants more often. In this original manga, he’s usually depicted thinking of the past, especially of Ur and how’s he’s the reason she’s gone. I’m glad he found some resolve down the line for his past and future.
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sansan9 · 3 months ago
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