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Ten Facts About Ulannium Kaarz
I wasn’t actually tagged to do one of these for Ulannium, but I started putting this together as a sort of case-study for him, and it seemed to make sense to do this. Tagging the following people just in case they want to do this for one of their own OCs: @raven-of-domain-kwaad @anchanted-one @actualanxiousswampwitch @grandninjamasterren @sullustangin @cyraniadebergerac @starrypawz @intheinkpot @voidendron @lanabenikosdoormat @dragons-bones @clifford-telegenic @cryo-lily

Fact One – Parentage and Early Childhood: Ulannium Kaarz was born on Coruscant, the son of Ishris Kaarz, his mother, a brilliant research scientist with a Republic pharmaceutical conglomerate, and Luncib Kaarz, his father, a marketing executive and lobbyist with the same company. Both of his parents were very affectionate, Ishits especially. Although she worked long hours, his mother always made time for her son at bedtime, first by singing him Mirialan lullabies, and later by reading to him, fictional stories at first but later more advanced texts such as scientific manuals. Years later, Ulannium would credit his mother’s efforts (and her genetics) with the development of his impressive intellect. By chance, Ulannium’s Force sensitivity was not discovered until he was already six years old. (Possibly a result of his mother’s interference in the screening process.) By then, he was already academically precocious in the extreme, devouring books far beyond his age-level. When he was selected by the Jedi and told he might one day gain access to the full wealth of the Jedi Archives, Ulannium was thrilled at the opportunity. Indeed, if he had an ambition at this point, it would have been to spend the rest of his life in the galaxy’s greatest library. Ulannium had a younger sister, Tharia, who was possibly even more curious about the universe than he. As she was four at the time, he regarded her as a pest who kept stealing his scientific holopads. When the Jedi tested her for Force-sensitivity, it came back negative, much to the relief of her parents who were already giving up a son.

Art by @theoasiswinds
Fact Two – Inspirations: One of my inspirations for the character of Ulannium is George Smiley from John le Carré’s Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. When he does finally confront someone, whether an enemy or even an ally whom he’s trying to persuade, he brings the full force of his intellect to bare on them, and people often find it as overpowering as a force of nature. Ulannium is remarkably proficient at understanding and analyzing most of the people he encounters, including some who others find enigmatic. (Such is the case with Corellan Halcyon. Ulannium understands the Hero of Tython far better than someone like Satele Shan, at least earlier in the story.) On the flip side, a select few people are something of a mystery to Ulannium, and throw him off entirely. (This was the case with Zenith.) Another character who inspired me was Vaegon Targaryen, a minor character from George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire. He could have done a hundred things, including becoming the King. He preferred his books, however.
Fact Three – Growing up on Uphrades: To avoid potential contact with his family on Coruscant, the Jedi sent Ulannium to their small enclave on the agricultural world of Uphrades. It was a small training cadre; two semi-retired Jedi Masters and eight younglings. To discourage unhealthy attachments amongst the younglings, they were arranged on a tiered-age system. The oldest of the younglings would be around fourteen and would be considered on the precipice of their initiate trials to become Padawans. The next-oldest would be a year or two younger than the eldest, and so on down the line until the youngest child, who would be around four or five. With the age difference, it was hoped that the younglings would be less likely to adopt detrimental attachments to each other.

Fact Four – First Friendship: Two years after Ulannium arrived on Uphrades, the next youngling was sent. The younger child seemed untalented and almost Force-blind to Ulannium, who by then was already demonstrating an impressive sensitivity to the Force. But as the Masters were unwilling to give up on him yet, when he turned six, he was handed a training saber. Within a week, he had surpassed every other youngling in combat, even those twice his age. Within a year, no two initiates could match him. Even Master Sagottoh, once a Blademaster of the Order in his younger years, soon found himself pressed. This youngling - one age tier below Ulannium - was named Corellan Halcyon. When they first met, Ulannium himself thought the youngling was untalented and barely worth his notice. Later, when his martial capability manifested, Nowan Ko Detizu realized that Corellan needed Ulannium’s help to acclimate to the other children, most of whom were intimidated by the young firebrand. The bond the two developed would last them the rest of their lives. In recognition of this reality and her responsibilities, when Ulannium was ready to become a padawan, Nowan Ko’s report to the council would advise them not to assign the two to work together, which is why they were kept separated for the next eight years. Although they were both disappointed, both would ultimately conclude it had been the right thing to do.
Fact Five – Tragedy: When the Sack of Coruscant took place, Ulannium was still far away on Uphrades, reading a text on archaeology. He recalls feeling a deep sense of foreboding in the pit of his stomach, but as he was unable to determine what it was, he soon resumed reading. A few days later once the reports had come in, the Uphrades Masters regretfully informed him that his family had been killed during the attack when falling debris had collapsed on them on the street. The youngling showed little reaction at first, then finally announced his intention to head off to find solitude to meditate. The masters, decided that he needed time to process what had happened, let him. Corellan, recognizing that he needed friendship, pursued him and talked. [I may write about that encounter someday.]

Fact Six – Personality: One of Ulannium’s personality quirks is his tendency to answer a question with a question. This is sometimes a defensive mechanism, and sometimes simply a way to get an individual to rethink their position diplomatically. In the normal flow of conversation, he does this skillfully enough that people rarely even notice. He picked up this particular quirk from Master Nowan Ko Detizu, one of his mentors back on Uphrades. The Cathar Jedi taught him a multitude of simple techniques that aid him in his day-to-day life as a Jedi, diplomat and sometime political and military leader.
Fact Seven – Traits: By the time the class stories begin, Ulannium is already an expert in the fields of biology, archaeology, geology and history, and could probably have earned a master’s degree in any of those areas if given the time and inclination to do so. Although he was appropriately honored to meet the esteemed members of the Jedi Council, he was most excited to meet Gnost-Dural, as the Kel Dor had, by then, been named the Keeper of the Jedi Archives. Ulannium definitely has a strong interest – some might even say a passion – for ancient Force knowledge and would live in the Jedi Archives if he could. One of the most difficult decisions he ever faced was rescuing Laria Taphoni on Taris, effectively sacrificing the holocron the expedition team had found. In making his choice, Ulannium was guided by the principles of the Jedi code and recognizes that it was the correct decision, but nevertheless he had to meditate for a long while to process everything that happened. Although he recognizes that Rajivari’s teachings ran contrary to the Jedi code and had corrupted many ancient Jedi, Ulannium never quite forgot what he had learned of it. He wishes he had spent more time with the fallen Je'daii Master to learn where things had gone wrong.

Fact Eight – His Relationship with Nadia Grell: Ulannium doesn’t believe in concepts like “love at first sight”. But when he met Nadia, he generally became more protective of her innocence. Eventually, those feelings evolved into romantic impulses, but even in their early days together, he was somewhat distracted. That was one of the reasons he didn’t immediately pick up on Nadia’s force-sensitivity, which he would have normally understood right from the get-go. As a side note, his relationship with Nadia develops very differently in my story than in the game and does not progress until after she is Knighted almost three years after becoming his Padawan. As a fluffy note, To date, Nadia is the only person who has ever called him “Uli”. She’s usually discreet about the practice, but she did actually let it slip in front of Felix Iresso on one occasion. Ulannium was embarrassed, Nadia was aghast, and Felix was amused.
Fact Nine – Joining the Alliance: After Ulannium and the rest of the Ossus colony rejoined the rest of the galaxy (lining up with the Jedi Under Siege expansion from the canon story), he and Nadia became honorary members of the Eternal Alliance, with Ulannium serving as the Alliance’s liaison with the Council. The Council - when it eventually reformed - did not formally condone or condemn this relationship; they simply pretended that they didn’t know it existed, despite it becoming common knowledge by that point. [Note: This mirrors Revan’s post-KOTOR relationship with Bastilla in the “Revan” novel.] Far from being past his prime after joining the Eternal Alliance, Ulannium achieved some of the most impressive efforts of his career as the Alliance’s top diplomatic negotiator, writing much of the treaty that Corellan and the Alliance would eventually sign with the Galactic Republic. But arguably the most impressive feat of his career was the negotiation of the Treaty of Alderaan, a pact that ended nearly twenty years of civil war and internal discord. Leading the Alliance’s diplomatic corps, one of Ulannium’s top deputies would be the Killik Joiner and former Imperial diplomat and Intelligence operative, Vector Hyllus. Ulannium learned a great deal of respect for Hyllus and his capabilities, which was reciprocated by the Joiner.
Fact Ten - His Legacy: Some years joining the Alliance, he and Nadia had their first child: Maykia Ishris Kaarz. She is named for both of her grandmothers; Maykia on Nadia’s side and Ishris on Ulannium’s. She’s a couple of years younger than Bela and Tasiele, who are friends of hers who I’ve spoken about elsewhere. Her childhood was complicated to say the least, but she eventually fully joined the Jedi order on her own terms as she began adulthood. She wields a double-bladed lightsaber as her mother did, albeit she’s not a true Jedi Shadow. [Note: Maykia is part of the “Future Halcyon Legacy” I’ve been putting together. ]

Thousands of years later, Teela Kaarz, one of Ulannium’s descendants, would be conscripted to work on the construction of the Death Star. Teela and a group of Rebel recruits fled the doomed space station before it exploded. [Novel: Death Star ]
Thank you for reading!
#swtorpadawan talks#swtorpadawan writes#oc: ulannium kaarz#oc: maykia ishris kaarz#nadia grell#the halcyon legacy#ten facts#oc ten facts#uphrades#uphrades enclave#oc: nowan ko detizu#oc: sagottoh panaka#teela kaarz#rajivari#the eternal alliance#eternal alliance#loss#art by theoasiswinds
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got a cute lil sunset lamp after my cats destroyed the last one except this ones better cuz it comes w a remote for diff colours like I will nvr tell my cats off for breaking anything ever again
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oh i love this events 3* ena though
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SWTOR Ask Meme: Vajra Devarath (Jedi Knight)
What is their alignment? Light Side. About 70%.
Empire or Republic? Republic.
Do they fit in with their faction or were they sort of born into it? He was on a newly discovered world, but entered the Republic at a young age.
What is their homeworld? It's called Raudraksha. It's an original planet, and his species Raudra is also an original.
What planet do they now call home? Either where their stronghold is or where you headcanon they live at. Early Childhood: Raudraksha Between 4-14 years: Uphrades Chapter 1-3: Tython Between Chapter 3 and Rakata Prime: the Jedi Knight ship, which he called the Garuda.
What race are they? Raudra. Like I said, and original. Four arms and a third eye in the middle of their forehead. They have a weak connection to the Force which gets amplified if they choose the Dark. But generations of religious teachings have kept them on the Light.
Are they loyal to their faction? Yes.
How do they feel about the opposite faction? He wants peace with the Empire. He wants peace with the Sith, too. And he does find many Sith to his liking, chief among them Lana Beniko and Kairegane Rooks (Sith Warrior) He does not favor total victory.
How do they feel about the Force and the Orders that use it? He loves it, but appreciates the many dangerous and unnatural abilities it grants its users.
What is their specialization class? Was there a reason they picked that discipline? In-game, he's a Guardian primarily, one that favors mobility. His secondary class is a Sentinel, though the story version would wield four Lightsabers instead of two. He fell in love with the songs Lightsaber crystals sing, and realized early his path was through them, and Lightsabers. He often uses his Lightsabers to commune with the Force.
Do they have a favorite color crystal they like to use? What color? He uses 3 crystals in his primary which make it a silvery turquoise. He loves it. Also, his Lightsabers all have flat blades.
Be honest, how many outfit tabs do they have? I dunno. Eight?
Let’s see those outfits!
Who is/are their favorite companion(s)? T7, Kira, Scourge, and Lana (Order of appearance)
Who is/are their least favorite companion(s)? Doc. He finds his flirtatious ways disgusting, and realizes that he often points his touchers where they're not wanted.
What do they do in their spare time? Lightsaber training/exercise, drawing, tinkering, hanging out with his friends.
Do they have family? Silbings, parents, children? His family were killed by Sith, as was his whole tribe. His father had three wives (polygamous species due to gender ratio disparity). He had three older sisters and a younger one. He was informally adopted by Jasme Shan (Theron's twin sister). They see each other as siblings, and share most of their secrets with each other freely. As a result of this closeness, Satele and Theron also awkwardly treat him like family. Satele is the less awkward of the two, believe it or not. He marries Lana after Yavin, and they have two children together. I'm still figuring out their names, but I'm thinking Raphael and Harini.
Who is their BFF? Jasme Shan. They met on his first day on Tython, where his heroism landed him in the psych ward (all those deaths). Jasme came to spend time with him every day, which he deeply appreciated. And he was a real sweetheart with a heart of tortured gold, so Jasme quickly decided he was her brother. Their friendship has been a source of comfort for them both, over the years. In case you're wondering, neither has ever harbored romantic feelings for the other.
Who is their rival? Kairegane Rooks, Sith Warrior. I say rival, but I really mean 'rival.' They're close friends who like to spar and motivate each other. Also, Kairegane marries Jasme, so sort of like in-Laws xD
Do they have a love interest? Who? Lana Beniko.
Would they continue their legacy by having children? Adopt? Get an apprentice? Two children and an apprentice. They both (he and Lana) share the apprentice, giving her the sum of their teachings. They also raise Lana's younger brother Ivan Beniko together after their father passes away. Ivan was born a year after KotFE Chapter 1. He also had Kira as his Padawan.
What is their sexual orientation? Honestly haven't decided. Sometimes I think it's pan, though I've never written him having a romantic relationship with a man.
Do they like their role in their current situation? i.e.: if they are a Sith do they like being in the Sith order? Yeah, but he thinks he's a poor Jedi. And for most of his life, he is. He is far too tormented, and Masters often say that he's a poor Jedi, but a really good person. He overcomes his demons with Lana's help and emerges with bearing worthy of a Jedi Master, which earns him that title. But he quits the Order right after in order to settle the matter of Vitiate. The Order promises to welcome him back, should he ever decide to return to the fold.
If they could be part of another group, what would it be? You can choice from Old Republic, Expanded Universe, or Cinematic Universe. I don't think he'd be anything but a ronin.
Do they have any deep dark secrets? His time as the Emperor's plaything. It's different from the game. He doesn't become a slave, he becomes a raging beast eager for carnage, and barely under anyone's control. The Emperor sent him on dozens of murderous rampages, and he only broke free thanks to Jasme. Few know about it. He also attempted to end his own life once, not long after the battle with Angral. He was haunted by his failure to save Uphrades.
Do they have any vices? Never thought about it.
Do they have any regrets? Not saving Uphrades. Going to Marr's ship in KotFE chapter 1. Not being there for Kairegane when she died, or Jasme in the months afterwards.
Have they done anything embarrassing? When sedated after his suicide attempt, he mumbled something something about Satele being cute (and Jasme). He wasn't trying to flirt. In another similar instance, he asked her if he was a good boy, and if she was proud of him. She laughed and said yes to both.
What’s their favorite food? Pizzas, I guess.
Do they like to boogie? Do they dance to that good old cantina band? He is canonically one of the best dancers out there. He even has a 'dancer's gait' that makes people stare at him when he passes.
Describe their personality. Are they snarky, noble, insane, etc? Somewhat naive and open. Eager to please. I think he has golden retriever energy.
Do they have any special skills? He can see Shatterpoints, like Mace Windu. This allows him to evaluate situations. And sometimes, opponents and armies, finding out surprising weak spots. He also created his own version of Juyo called Rath that cuts through the Dark Side and traps it on his blade for him to later release.
In KotFE which companion(s) from another class are you most looking forward to them recruiting? Vette. Since he was close to the Warrior, he was also very good friends with Vette. And when he is released from Carbonite, she and her hubby have had a kid, so there's more excited chatter incoming.
Any major flaws? Mental health is the biggest one for about ten years. Pride is another one. He rarely asks for help in combat. It nearly gets him killed. And he refuses to use cybernetic implants.
In KotFE what is their relationship with Valkorion? He tries to stay civil, unwilling to waste energy on pointless fights. Also hoping he'll slip up and reveal something.
#star wars#swtor#the old republic#star wars the old republic#star wars fanfiction#jedi knight#hero of tython#lana beniko#asks
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gladio final fantasy turkey uphrade mirror sense standing piece divingses jast jastremski pion tuer meanses happy french translation souris xv vii ohp bortles coursenses fanfiction ya novel adventure drama im
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What is Corrian’s relationship like with Koth?
Corrain's relationship with Koth is....tense, especially at first. Because while on one hand he's grateful to Koth for risking his life to help Lana rescue him from being Cor-bonite (i'm so sorry XD) - and doubly grateful to Koth for helping Lana care for him after the carbonite poisoning took it's toll (Corrain reacts the cure badly and ends up pretty sick for a few days while it slowly works its way out of his system) - he's REALLY not fond of Koth implying that Valkorion was. a good guy, in any way. So he's...civil, but it's very strained.
This comes to a head when the Scions lure Corrain and Senya into their little test to try and see why they can't foretell Corrain's future, and it's revealed that he's got Valkorion in his head. Both Koth and Senya are- excited by this, they think it's a *good* thing, and Corrain has suffered SO much at Vitiate's hands. He's seen first-hand how this man has destroyed the galaxy for his own gain, (Uphrades, Ziost) seen how Zakuul's prosperity was built on Valkorion funneling shit away from the Sith - and he snaps.
And it's not like- he just loses his temper. Because he does - but by this point in the plot he's strong enough in the Force that when he loses his temper he also loses grip on the Force, and he accidentally drags everyone present into an extremely vivid hallucination of a series of moments from his past - his torment on the Fortress, Uphrades burning, Ziost's death and Vitiate taunting him there, Orgus's death and the murder of his entire creche, that sort of thing. It's kind of a forced reverse-psychometry, and he's not in control of it. (This is where Valkorion has the opportunity to snatch a few of Corrain's memories as well, and from the memories of Corrain's mother, he realizes that Corrain is his son)
Lana has to calm Corrain down to get the whirlwind hallucinations to stop, he's managed to accidentally do some structural damage, Koth and Senya are both in utter shock both at Corrain's raw strength in the Force and the scale of devastation that Valkorion/Vitiate was able to invoke upon the galaxy - Koth doesn't say shit about Valkorion being good for Zakuul after this. Neither does Senya. Neither of them are willing to risk that kind of wrath again.
After this incident, Corrain and Koth get on alright. They're not close, but they're not necessarily antagonistic either, and Koth respects Corrain's dedication to trying to preserve Zakuul as well as he can. And they kind of maintain that distant-colleagues attitude for their entire 'partnership'
Thank you for the ask!!! :DDDD
#luna tag!#corrain gealai#corrain#moonrise legacy#swtor oc#swtor jedi knight#swtor oc ask!#:DDDDDD#and yeahhhhhhh Koth was never my favorite#like i get where the devs were trying to go with him but. talk about poor execution
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i have gounf a mushroom biome! which also means im in the cavern layer. i should probably uphrade my pickaxe soon digging through stone takes forever.
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Fadyl + Rhystyl = date?
Send me “[your OC name] + [my OC name] = date?” for me to tell you the chances of my OC going on a date with your OC
I believe there's a part of Rhyst that'd like to hang up his lightsaber one day. Fadyl's transition of service from the frontlines into a more diplomatic role would be inspiring in that way and I think there's a lot Rhyst could admire about him.
I think Rhyst would give him a relatively easy yes. Let's say... at least 75% likely, maybe somewhere in the 80s%. More likely either a bit earlier into his service as a Knight or with some time after Dromund Kaas; understandably, he needs time to work on... a handful of things that he didn't get the chance to in the thick of things. Some of it he needs to do alone and some of it he could desperately use a few more people in his corner for.
Perhaps especially then, he values (and needs) people to talk to, to bring him back. The amount of projects he sees go wrong, seeing people like Galen lost in the thick of it all, being able to feel Uphrades - and all of this before the Main Event - would be enough on anyone. Not having Master Maltaf's guidance to lean on in the worst of it does a number on his already somewhat rocky confidence. He manages to soldier through, but it's just barely in places.
I think they could do well in some companionable silence, maybe take a nice walk in the Coruscant sunset and talk about life and goals and ideals and dreams... He'd like that, so if that sounds good to him, then count Rhyst in.
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another handful of gifs of pretty planets bc this is all i’m capable of these days
#swtor#the first one is uphrades#bc that planetary approach was something else#the second one is the ziost station#and the third one is hutta bc DAMN that's pretty#anyway these all came from my phone#look at me learning video and photo editing in real time#uphrades#ziost#hutta#my gifs
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“The slightest push, the smallest touch, sends echoes throughout life. Even an act of kindness may have more severe repercussions than you know or can see...”
“... and perhaps in the end all you have wrought is more pain.”
#i love kreia and her quotes so much#star wars#swtor#jedi knight#hero of tython#tarnis#darth angral#orgus din#uphrades#swtor oc#my oc#oc: ryscha kine
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I'm captivated by Corellan's personality in your narrative. Could you share more about his defining traits? For me, your JK comes across as a dedicated, humble and compassionate person who shows strong protective instincts, bravery and resilience in the face of adversity. I greatly admire his commitment to seeking peaceful solutions. But I'm curious, how would you describe his overall personality and his approach to his bond with Kira while remaining true to his and the Jedi Order's ideals?
Thanks for this ask, @rajakaen !

Corellan was raised in a rather isolated Jedi enclave on Uphrades. It was two semi-retired Jedi Masters, Sagottoh Panaka and Nowan Ko Detizu, with eight younglings, the eldest of whom was 14, the youngest of whom was five. Because of that isolation, his perspective on certain things was very skewed.
You speak of his humility, and yes, its true to an extent. But he genuinely thought he was going to get to Tython, and there's be fifty other padawans just like him.
So he was a little confused by a lot of stuff he experienced on Tython, but Master Sagottoh instilled in him a full-steam ahead mentality, so he pushed through. It was only after chapter one of the Jedi Knight story that he actually caught his breath enough to understand a few things.
Kira… was a surprise to him. He had no context whatsoever for his feelings towards her.
When she kissed him, it brought clarity.
Did he feel conflicted? Sure. But his biggest concern during that time was that if they were discovered, that Kira would be expelled. She'd worked very hard to become a Jedi Knight, and he didn't want to ruin things for her.
But he can't run away from it. If he tried, he'd probably crack, the way Malgus did after he killed Eleena.
It got easier after they joined the Alliance, of course.
Thanks for the ask!
#swtorpadawan asks#oc: corellan halcyon#kira carsen#oc: sagottoh#oc: sagottoh panaka#oc: nowan ko detizu#uphrades#uphrades enclave#the uphrades enclave#rajakaen
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Ten Facts about Vajra Devarath
Sorry it's been such a long time, but I completely forgot about this. I thought I'd finally do @swtorpadawan 's prompt.
This is Vajra Devarath, the main character in my fanfic reboot. Apologies--my drawing is still not as good as it used to be.

Homeworld and Species
Vajra is an original species, called Raudra, from Raudraksha. They're based very loosely on Shiva, one of the chief deities of Hindu mythology.
Their world was discovered by a Sith who crash landed there, and remains a secret to most of the galaxy as they have tremendous Dark Side potential. The Raudra have four arms and three dark eyes. They wear white tattoos on their bodies. Beyond this, they can regenerate non-critical injuries over the course of months, and have a high tolerance to all foreign substances (including alcohol and kolto). They have a weak connection to the Force which grows astronomically if they're furious--which is something the Jedi fear. It's for this reason that the Jedi and the Republic got the world's location to remain secret.
2. Special abilities
Vajra has two main abilities in the Force. The first is a gift of Sight. He is able to see Shatterpoints, a gift that Mace Windu also had. He can see the interconnectedness of causality, of the many events and people rubbing against each other to create critical junctures. He can also see weaknesses in enemy formations and stances.
His second gift is his ability to listen to Lightsaber crystals. This isn't a special ability like the last one, since every Jedi can hear these crystals (Sith can, with some minor perspective changes). In his case, it's just cranked up to twenty. His chief way of communing with the Force is through his Lightsaber crystals, which is why he loves Lightsaber practice very much, even treating it as sacred.
3. Skills
Vajra's main skill is combat mastery, especially Lightsaber forms. He learned to love the lightsaber crystals' songs right at the beginning, and decided to master Lightsaber combat in order to fully appreciate these songs. To him, practicing the Forms is akin to a dance, a very holy dance at that. He dedicated much of his time to becoming the very best there is. He has even learned to strike at Shatterpoints in a person's defenses, or to watch his own flaws.
Besides this, Vajra grew up on a farm world. He learned how engines work, and became fairly good at fixing the more common, civilian machines at a young age. He repaired T7-01 several times when he was damaged, and repaired tank and speeder engines quite regularly.
He's also learned the art of hunting from his tribe, so he's good at stealth in the field.
4. Weaknesses
Hailing from a cold, mountainous world, Vajra is weak against heat. Even the factories of Balmorra sapped him of energy and water very quickly. Spending less than a day out in Tatooine was almost enough to kill him.
He's also quite weak in the Force, quite below average in power and reach. He can't affect matter at ranges greater than 10 meters (30 feet or so).
He has a predisposition to self-blame.
But his biggest weakness for his young adult life is his crippling depression born from the traumas of having killed so many people, and having watched Uphrades die.
5. Close friends
Vajra's closest friend is Jasme Shan, Theron's twin sister. She helped him cope with the trauma of having killed hundreds of Flesh Raiders (whom I renamed 'Khrayii' in my story) and the two quickly adopted each other.
He's also close to Kira Carsen and her fiancé, Seraphim Abbot. He and Bengel Morr also bond during his recovery period.
6. Age
Vajra was 14 at the start of the prologue, which lasted about a year in my story. He was 16 when he defeated Angral, and 20 when he slew Vitiate.
7. His worst moments
He was deeply disturbed by having to watch (and Feel) Uphrades die. This caused him to try and run away after the battle, and live in self-imposed exile. He devolved over the next few months, and attempted suicide.
An arguably worse period for him was his tenure as the Emperor's demon. Unlike the other Jedi, he was never fully under the Emperor's control. He lost all reason and became a dangerous lunatic. As Warpath, he killed tens of thousands of Imperial and Republic soldiers, Jedi and Sith. And many civilians. To the point that both sides briefly called a truce in order to deal with him.
His rampage ended only when he stumbled upon Jasme, who was a captive in the Empire at this time. He pieced his fractured mind back together rather than kill her, but remained maimed by what he'd done for years afterwards.
8. His relationship with Lana
I won't lie, any main character of mine is going to end up with Lana. Most of you who've followed me know about this.
But in my story, he met her much earlier, back when she was Cipher Nine (under a different name and face). She was the one who saved him when he attempted suicide, and he paid her back when he found her on Quesh. She was dying, her brain losing integrity due to the Castellan restraints, when he nursed her back to health using the most expensive medicine he had onboard his ship. He also helped her find and synthesize the IX serum.
While he didn't find out that Lana was Nine until after Rishi, he still felt something familiar about her, enough to drop his guard around her right from the start. The two were dating within a week of Manaan, and teamed up when the group went underground and split into pairs.
The two forged a Force Bond, and loved each other above all else. To the point they might abandon the galaxy to save each other.
9. After the Alliance
Vajra sets himself up like a Shogun. He uses the Eternal Fleet and Gravestone, along with his reputation among the galaxy, to subtly demand that all sides stop fighting, and let him lead them into an era of healing. He places a few restrictions on the galaxy, but gives everyone enough resources to rebuild and live happy lives. But he is not without his opposition. He faces several rebellions and threats after beating Vitiate for good, and he only gets weaker as time passes due to the incurable side-effects of carbonite poisoning.
He has two children with Lana--Nakul and Harini--and a shared apprentice--Kriina.
He retires after about twenty years as a Commander and gives Kriina the reins. He outlives all of his loved ones and suppresses the Gravestone (which in my story is the prison for an Abeloth-like entity) by semi-fusing with it.
He is put down/freed by Anakin Skywalker or Vader, who is able to banish the Gravestone entity. It's possible that Lana (or her ghost) leads Anakin there, right after the Mortis arc.
10. Extra trivia.
When one of his kind has a third eye that turns white, his people hail them as Avatars of their god. This was Vajra too, and many saw him as a chosen one. Especially since he didn't die right after. But Vajra figured out later in life that the white eye has a more mundane cause: blindness. It lost its light after beholding the Lightning attack his tribe elder used to kill the Sith who attacked their tribe.
So he's not a true chosen one, but he chooses paths that lead him to saving billions of lives.
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Star Wars: The Old Republic
The destruction of Uphrades, a Republic farm planet by Darth Angral‘s Desolator
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