#until she's forced to choose
dreamedfyre-a · 27 days
not to be morbid on main but i saw this art and honestly that and the one f&b art where she's running towards jaehaerys' body while b&c leave always makes me think of the horrible violence and its aftermath, the grief and loss, the trauma and shock, a mother unwilling to let her son's mutilated body go, his blood on her hands, her dress, her hair (it doesn't matter; nothing matters but the fact there is no life in him anymore). she holds on to bloodied clothes even after. she haunts the room where the stones are stained with her child's blood. more self flagellation than remembrance, because it hurts and she wants to hurt, because she doesn't think she deserves to stop hurting. it's her blood on the stones, on the clothes she won't let go of. the life she birthed, the horror she let happen, it's all hers and she won't let go of it. it's repulsive and frightening and horrible and her fault in so many ways. she can't let go.
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ambeauty · 3 months
Ok let’s discuss partnership agreements for a quick second. I own a business and I have a partner. It’s common and it’s necessary to have a partnership agreements. It’s going to list the official profit share, how much time each partner is going to commit, what skill each partner brings to the business, and what factors are in place in case one partner wants to leave or dissolve the business. This is a very basic overview of a partnership agreement. Sydney needs this. It will legitimize her position as partner in the Bear. So Carmen extending this agreement to her is significant. He can’t necessarily force her not to leave but they have to have a protocol in place in case she wants to. It could get sticky but not if they follow the agreement. Unless she doesn’t sign it…
What’s strange to me is him saying “So I can push you and you can push me.” This makes me think he knows that he’s going to get toxic and he doesn’t want her to just walk out like she did in review. It’s like saying “for better or worse.” And also tell me when I’m fucking up because I don’t want you to leave. I have it in writing how much you mean to me and this business. So neither one of us can just fuck off when the going gets tough. Signing this agreement would make her (both of them) contractually committed to working things out with him even when it (he) gets difficult. That’s still a spiritual marriage. A business is a marriage and a (legal) marriage is a business.
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blazingblorbos · 3 months
I hate gay people I hate gay people so much.
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helpimstuckinafandom · 6 months
#CAMI AND DAVINA GONE IN ONE EPISODE??!?!!??#YOU CAN'T BE FUCKING FOR REAL#(davina perma died an episode later both they both died in one episode right before that)#also this season has been slacking on marcel and the ep post-davina's death kicked him up several notches#he said all the shit i take issue with about the always and forever family bs#he hit that shit out of the park#also camille's death being all about comforting klaus fucking pissed me off#it was until she was scared right at the end that it was more about her#and her last words COULD have beenthe immortality line. but then they had to have her bolster klaus again instead#at least we got others mourning her after#but davina????#those bitchass ancestors forced her boyfriend to kill her then nearly shredded her soul#and she could've been resurrected. but of course fucking family came first#she had to die screaming for mercy alone as the ancestors tried to carve her soul from fucking existence#(and though i'm mad at elijah and freya for it it makes sense for them to do it#(what pissed me off was them and klaus then telling marcel that they were justified and he should just suck it up and understand)#(like no take the consequences let the man mourn)#(freya claiming family to kol too like girl i don't know you. and this 'family' loves you more than it ever loved me)#(y'all only love me on my deathbed)#(if being family means we kill each other's partners [which happens time and time again] then fuck being in this family)#like i don't actually want the mikaelsons dead. but also i hope super vampire marcel kills you all#hope kol gets away from you people because you are not family to him. you aren't.#but mostly davina. poor fucking davina#her and kol are my bonnie and enzo - finally finding someone who will choose them not just use them#only for death at the hand of allies#davina clair was an abused teenager you all used and who justifiably hated y'all#and she deserved more than to die like this. die basically three fucking times over still helping in the end#truly have not seen a witch this blatantly used and mistreated since the bonnie bennet#davina claire#the originals
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moonilit · 1 year
having so much emotions over Jote and Joshua I can’t even articulate, like
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#Like I know it looks like this one side unexplored ship at first glance but once you give it a thought#Dear god#their situation is so complex and there is SO much work and healing that need to be done#Especially after you learn more about the undying and put two and two together to see what kind of environment -#- they both grew up in#They are at first glance the master and servant trope#Which isn’t so exciting imo#Until you learn that technically neither of them choose it#You can tell they are two kids who grow up together and ‘saw’ each other#Jote not wanting to let go of Joshua because she knows the burden he was forced to carry as the firebird#Knowing that this path would kill him and she want to save him save her dearest friend#While Joshua seeing how Jote was made to live a life where she have no freedom or life or future#Both wanting to save each other but were powerless against their situation#And at the first chance Joshua gets he let her go#Even though she was the only person who grew to see and love him for just him#Which is his most precious inner wish yet he give that up for her sake#Imagine when he thought for years Clive was gone the only person who saw him and believed in him as him#The loneliness of being a god and a deity and yet Jote came along and mended his heart again#Then he let her go because she deserve to be free#Im in tears#there are more layers then this but#I can’t write all of then in the tags aaaaa#Like do you understand me?? Do you??#Jote#joshua#ffxvi#Like a big theme in this game is people wanting to carry the burden with their loved ones like come one im crying here
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oorevitcejda · 1 year
maybe, when luz and hunter had their truce to save the palisman from kikimora and he excitedly started talking about wild magic before he cuts himself off, the titan was watching him too. i mean why wouldnt he? he knew belos killed his brother in cold blood and made grimwalkers with his corpse, so maybe he knew that all the grimwalkers would eventually 'turn' on belos and did try to show them his glyphs after they left/fled/ tried to fight, but bc belos always got to them quickly the titan never had a chance to truly get them to realize the magic is right in front of them. maybe he also likes that luz not only taught the first real victim of Phillip how to use glyphs, but retaught the whole isles how to use glyphs (and then some! since all humans can use glyphs as long as theres a big enough titan around)
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zikadraws · 11 months
I couldn't exactly get what I wanted for Halloween done, sooo you're getting some OC stuff.
Her name is Salomé, and she's been 11 for twelve thousand years.
Happy Halloween.
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datastate · 3 months
oh i am very curious which yttd routes did you play first :O? (mine was alice/shin <- this was literally because i was hyperfixated on alice + i was playing it with my friend who was hyperfixated on shin.)
oho... i believe my first route was true logic! (reko + shin) -- i'd pushed the fake reko, because my view on the whole 'doll v. human' thing is. well. humans will always be preferable if they're still alive, though even after death it's a shaky trail to follow. of course, while alive they can still be manipulated & gaslit into certain things, but the AIs can be changed on a very fundamental level with the intention of deceiving someone they care for (whether they mean to or not; mishima, for example, whose values weren't necessarily changed, but just shifted to see those he would've cared for as enemies), and the idea of them being so easily reset - to me - makes it more difficult to view anything you do with them as permanent. which, while that may be something worthwhile for some (sara w ytts, hiyori w shin ai...), i find scarcity to be something very important & i just hate the idea of desecrating who someone was after death. what you see as the ai will often have a very tangible effect on how you perceive the person post-mortem as well, which isn't fair to you or them, regardless of how genuine they believe they're being.
or, well. that's the gist of my thoughts on it x']
in any case! i do wish i could've kept alice alive, but this was a 'no resets' run for me & i still wouldn't have changed my answer here... sorry reko ai.
as for shin, i chose him primarily because my sister (kid) really enjoys his character & i was very intrigued in seeing where he'd go once pushed further than this. i felt terrible killing kanna for this, & realized during her death (i. started crying also <3) that if i were in this situation that i'd never be able to work w someone who enabled kanna's self-sacrificial nature. which shin evidently echoed, rendering any logic behind the choice null, ironically because i failed to take into account the emotional attachment between them all.
& of course the influence this has on ch3-1... where sara had very obviously sacrificed dolls for her allies before, it just makes it tasty...
however! as for my current routes, i think i favor true emotion (alice + kanna) -- i really wanted to know more abt alice before he died & i was surprised it was even an option so early on. i also enjoyed seeing alice getting after gashu outright + i think he deserved to have that personal chance in getting after hiyori again... even if the realization he's become a 'real murderer' (he had still pushed hiyori w intent to kill, you know...) is held against him here.
and, in terms of character development, upon reflection: i really do think i'm more interested in seeing kanna truly overcome that desire to push herself aside for others' benefit... it'd be so much more fulfilling to me, with what i'm searching out, in a game like this where pushing forward really is the only choice you can make...!!
as for both, they don't get the focus i wish they could've in ch3-1, but i nonetheless find it a more interesting route going forward, even if i still don't agree w the choice made to keep alice alive x'] the implications for sara's character in either route are really fun to consider :D
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quietwingsinthesky · 7 months
hi not to complain about a poorly written game from a decade ago, but can we please talk about how egregious it is setting the dinner chapter directly after separation in beyond: two souls? i have gripes about how poorly this game utilizes it’s non-linear narrative in a lot of places, but this stands out as the worst offender to me while replaying it. directly after we reveal Ryan (already the face of the CIA that we know will later go on to hunt Jodie down and who “used her”) as also the man who tears Jodie away from the only home/family she’s really had, we jump directly into. them in a romantic relationship.
Ryan is not just some guy Jodie could have as a love interest. He represents a very negative, very exploitative force in her life. Hell, going linearly, you have Jodie yelling at him not to touch her in The Embassy straight into the hijinks of The Dinner. It’s jarring and not in a meaningful way. Not purposefully, at least. Like, Aiden getting Ryan to leave the apartment during The dinner is one of the requirements for the “be evil whenever you can” achievement, right next to literally trying to kill children. There’s so much dissonance between what we’re told (Jodie and Ryan’s relationship is Normal And Fun And Sexy, Actually) and what we’re shown (Ryan is the face of the agency that takes and uses and hounds Jodie all game, and no relationship they could possibly have would ever be on equal footing.)
I really think, and bear with me because I know this chapter has Issues™️ too, that The Dinner would have benefitted greatly from being directly after Like Other Girls and taking place before we learn just how the CIA got ahold of Jodie in Separation. The two chapters obviously tie-in together with the consequences of the events of Like Other Girls falling directly on Jodie’s relationship with Ryan in The Dinner, while also having a thematic tie in Jodie desperately wanting to pretend, if only for a night, that she can be a normal person with normal relationships. It would also have led to a stomach-sinking moment in Separation where Jodie meets Ryan for the first time chronologically and you realize just how connected that relationship is to Jodie’s exploitation by the CIA. If you got Aiden to ruin their chances, then you might feel a little better about that. If you let them get together, you’re going to feel uncomfortable, and you should! (And if Like Other Girls prevented that outcome, again, poorly handled in-game, but at least it would come full circle just how violating this has been for Jodie. I cannot emphasize enough how much Jodie is seventeen in Separation, and the first line Ryan says to her (not about her. to her.) is for her to quit her adolescent whining and pack up to get drafted.)
(I also think that if the game was half as good as its potential, we wouldn’t have gotten some random SWAT guy hunting Jodie down. We would have gotten Ryan doing it. I think that would have provided a much needed layer to their relationship that’s hinted at at the end of Separation and The Mission. Ryan has manipulated her, but at the end of the day, Jodie & Aiden can fuck him and anyone else up that tries to harm her.)
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gaymakima · 6 months
Two theories I have (well, one theory and a headcanon) regarding Raven.
Headcanon: Raven's kindred links can influence her own emotional state, depending on the intensity of the other person's emotions.
Theory: Raven left to spy on Salem for Ozpin, with the specific purpose of getting close enough to Salem to create a kindred link with her. This plan succeeded. The mysterious portal in the V9 flashback was to Salem. Raven spent enough time by Salem's side to bond with her. Kindred links can only be broken when the other person is dead.
Conclusion headcanon: Raven, as we see her in canon, has been emotionally linked to a whole range of people, none of who have particularly positive opinions on her that don't come with a caveat (namely Taiyang and Qrow being heartbroken and bitter, Yang's feelings of abandonment, Ozpin's guilt, Vernal might be the only exception but, uh... decoy). And then you add in Salem's emotions to the mix, which have been stewing in Raven for over a decade by the time we see her.
Bonus: if kindred links can only be broken when the other person is dead, and Summer has turned into a Hound, what would Raven feel from that?
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saltpotion · 2 years
What sorts of stories do u like writing? Any ideas ur excited about right now??
I’m kind of newish to writing stories, so I guess I don’t have a set genre/preference yet. I wrote a lot of fiction as a kid but got bored of it eventually, and I never finished anything. The most I’ve done since then is creative nonfiction essays, which can be cathartic but definitely a very different skillset.
I haven’t gotten an idea for an original story yet, so for now I’m just working on fanfiction. I’ve been thinking kind of obsessively about the Zelda II backstory ever since I thought it would be fun to imagine what would mean for all that to go down in the context of the canon that’s been established ever since.
Originally I was just going to write a story about Aurora and her brother (who I named Itentio), two Golden Age siblings under immense pressure who are at each other's throats until the bitter end.
But the more I thought about it, the more I became interested in Aurora's life after waking up, so now this idea has evolved into a LU fic. The POV flips from Traveler to Aurora to Dawn, and we get a flashback scene from each of them while the present-day story deals with them confronting their respective pasts.
I'm still kind of in early drafting stages, but so far the story involves Traveler's dad, Aurora's dad (lots of dads), Dawn's political life, uncertainty vs. certainty at the end of the world, rehydrated wizzrobes, the blood curse, monsters who don't want to be monsters, and lots and lots of magic.
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freebooter4ever · 2 years
This is 1000% random but came to mind regarding the duck movie. I sometimies watch movies without sound if I think they might ~suck~ like that... so just a tip if you want to see it but not sort of experience it :D hahahha
heh, well. ive already seen it fully so the damage has been done. i bought it even, thinking i would want to rewatch it, but i really REALLY dont think i will. ever. i have watched a LOT of bad movies for my stupid infatuations over the years so honestly im used to it.
#Im not gonna pretend like it doesnt hurt a little seeing the kind of movie joe is ok with attaching his name to#I was vaguely aware he was conservative but i will admit i didnt really have it shoved in my face until this#It reminds me of one of my closest friends here who just...we meshed in a that natural immediate connection way#And one day we were sitting in the getty villa just chatting and i was talking about the amazing documentary the Janes on h * b *o#And he just casually threw out there that he was pro life and anti abortion and he kind of wished he could force a woman#To carry his child against her wishes#He insinuated that when he was younger he got someone pregnant on accident and she refused to have the baby and got an abortion#And he felt it was a violation of his rights not to be able to force her to have a baby#And let me tell you i was like a slap in the face#Like that is...it is so discounting a womans right to her own body#It was chilling to hear a guy who i vibed with so well talk about a woman as if she's just a body and nothing else#I personally have been lucky or ugly enough that its never been an issue i have no idea how i feel about it#I mean my grandma WAS catholic and that seeps down no matter how lapsed i am#So i dont think i would have an abortion? But like i said i really genuinely like kids and in an ideal world would want that#But god im in my thirties now and still not financially stable enough to support a child i have no idea what i would have done#Had i gotten pregnant on accident#I spent most of my twenties recovering from an abusive relationship and not letting men touch me so it was never a question#Im just saying its a womans body its her life pregnancy is simple for some but for others its a life altering experience#It should be her right to choose :( and i wish men respected women enough considered them human enough to recognize that#If the shoe were on the other foot what man would let a woman decide that he must be pregant for 9 months#ALSO for fucks sake women shouldnt have to be practically celibate like i was just to prevent any accident from happening#Also also it is so fucked up that the same people who are pro life are also the bob types - skeptical of adoption#Like this is how you get unwanted kids in the world and take it from me that kids childhood is really really weird#Like knowing from a young age that you are what ruined your mothers life????? Fucking weird man i dont think i will ever process it#Especially being a woman now and recognizing that yeah i kinda did ruin my mothers life but it was neither of our fault#It was the pressure of society and people Trying To Do What They Are Supposed To#Meanwhile my dad was the I Could Never Love Other Peoples Kids and I Hate All Children That Arent My Own type#So yeah i guess i have a lot of negative feelings about this movie after all#Anyway it might have completely killed the joe infatuation LOL probably for the best#Dont even get me started on the blink or you miss it homophobia with bonus weird almost racism in the therapy scenes
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inthelittlegenny · 14 days
tavern talk is great; just completed it. 10/10 would recommend if you want something super chill (i'm going to ramble in the tags so probably spoilers)
#okie i loved the story and how everything was lowkey connected#like the quests at the beginning were mentioned later on#i want to know about the endings though like is there good/bad?#(a quick google search shows there is different endings)#i got a defeated quasar; dead tia and grace but overall success#that's probably mid#i loved tia though she was my fav (well one of them)#tia; caer; jade; baya were probably my favourites#melli was cute; lil detective#oh and voy who doesn't love him#did not like iniko though; which i usually like chaotic characters but they were not it for me#hex and grace were cool but so sad omg#i liked clay until he got super angry about tia like i get it; but it's no ones fault don't have a go at me#oh speaking of being angry#fable; god#they lowkey annoyed me#i liked them; don't get me wrong#i'm not the biggest fan of anxiety-riddled characters; and then they get angry i don't make them a drink after they one-sided shout at me#and everyone is judging me for not making them a drink? guys. it wasn't an official quest. i said don't go or wait or whatever#so not my fault#neil is a stupid name haha; i liked zephir/malachite/kumo but i'm not mad at neil#him and fable are cute though; kinda prefer fable/caer though.... if i was too choose.... just saying#i did feel like it was game though that encouraged charisma over fighting though#i made zephir kill the vamp and felt punished for that; and just making charisma the 'correct' choice for the decisions is boring#i don't know for certain if that^ is the case though; but it has that vibe#also i kinda wish the inkeeper remained mysterious#i liked being an npc/having little ambition but then boom backstory was forced on me and i was an adventurer? ugh#knowing the villain though is fun#also i wish there was more freedom in the drinks#but i understand that would mean 10x more writing
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ladysnows · 19 days
sara is very aware of how lucky she is to have a brother who'd never force marriage on her.
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nunyabznsbabes · 10 months
Katniss is like Lucy Gray this, Katniss is like Sejanus that, and yes fine that's all good and true and lovely but Katniss Everdeen is also a direct parallel to Coriolanus Snow and people NEED to start talking about this because it's driving me crazy.
Think about it: they both grew up poor and deeply vulnerable, losing parents at a very young age, with a matriarchal adult (Katniss' mother and Coriolanus' Grandma'am) who fails to provide for them emotionally and physically. They intimately understand the threat of starvation, even developing with stunted growth because of it, and their narrations in the books share a fixation on food. Throughout their childhoods, both experienced constant fear and suffered a fundamental lack of control over their circumstances. Because of this, they're inherently suspicious of the people around them. They resent feeling indebted to others, especially those who have saved their lives. They're motivated almost entirely by family and deeply connected to their communities. Both are used and manipulated by the Capitol, both are forced to perform to survive and despise every inch of it, both are thrown into the Arena and made to kill. Both have a self-sacrificial, genuinely sweet sister figure acting as their conscience. Peeta and Lucy Gray - performers and love interests with a fundamental kindness and sense of hope about them - fulfill markedly similar roles in their narrative. Both contribute to the development of the future Hunger Games, Snow throughout tbosas and Katniss towards the end of Mockingjay.
It's easy to ignore these similarities because, as mirrors of each other, they are exact opposites. Katniss is from District 12, viewed and treated as less than human; Snow is the cream of the Capitol crop, given the privilege of a name with social weight, an ancestral home, and the opportunity of the Academy despite having no more money than a miner from 12. Katniss has no agency over her life, and responds by being kind whenever she's able, while Snow justifies horrendous evils in order to continue his quest for complete control. Katniss does everything she can to protect her family; Snow does everything he can to protect his family's image as an extension of his own ego. Katniss loves her District and connects with its inhabitants on a meaningful level, but Snow is indifferent at best to his peers - the apparent "superior people" - and only engages with his community for personal gain. Katniss emerges from the Arena horrified at herself and the system, but Snow takes his trauma and turns it into an excuse to perpetuate the violence with himself at the top. Katniss cares for Prim until her death and then snaps at the loss of her little sister, while Snow survives on Tigris' blood, sweat, and tears and then torments and abandons her, presumably because she calls him out on his insanity. Snow actively adds to and popularizes the Hunger Games because of his vendetta against the Districts following his childhood wartime trauma - Katniss briefly agrees to a new Hunger Games in the pursuit of vengeance, but later stops them from happening by killing Coin and choosing a life of peace and privacy. Snow is obsessed with revenge, but Katniss empathizes with the Capitolites and does what she can to keep them from suffering. He exists in a cruel system and selfishly upholds it; she exists in a cruel system and works to dismantle it for the good of her family and community, at great personal cost. And Peeta and Lucy Gray are incredibly similar, but Katniss and Peeta forge a relationship of genuine love and understanding that shines in comparison to Coriolanus' obsessive projection onto Lucy Gray.
So, yeah, Katniss is Lucy Gray haunting Coriolanus. But I bet you anything that eighty-something year old President Snow looks at her, the girl on fire, bright and young and brilliant, emerging from a childhood of starvation with a relentless hunger for success, a talented and charming performer helping her win the Games, and he sees the ghost of his own past. And that's why he's so afraid of her! Because if he sees himself in her, then he's up against his own cunning, his own talent for manipulation, his own charisma, his own genius. He's up against the version of himself that he once wished to be, with the nightmare army of his childhood at her back and her star-crossed lover at her side, spewing Sejanus' truths in his own voice. This isn't to say that Katniss ever achieved the level of power and agency that Coriolanus did during her time with the rebellion, but it is to say that Snow was taken down by what truly terrified him - his own morality, come to finish the job.
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odairfilm · 10 months
In the epilogue of Mockingjay, Katniss only refers to her children as 'the boy' and 'the girl'. We never learn their real names. Throughout her life, Katniss has never really been allowed privacy or the ability to make many of her own decisions. Whether this was caused by the living conditions of the Seam and having to constantly provide for Prim and their mother, or by the fact that she was forced into the scrutiny of the public eye when she was reaped/volunteered and became the face of the rebellion- The Mockingjay.
So then all of this passes, she and Peeta are living together in District 12 in the Victor's Village, and they are finally allowed to choose how they want to live. After 15 years, she decides that she's ready to have kids. They can be raised in a safe environment with no Games, no threats. So the one choice she makes at the end is to keep their names from us, the audience. The one thing that gives us our identity before anything else. The one thing that, essentially, makes us who we are (also Suzanne is so meticulous with picking names throughout the series, so it would be special to Katniss and Peeta). She decides that that's only for her and her family to know.
We, who have literally seen every inch of her life from the reaping up until now, are being told that no, we don't get to see parts of her life without her permission anymore. And it always makes me so emotional. Like yes! Take back your life! Rest. Live. Love. But on YOUR terms and no one elses.
(I posted this on my TikTok acc @narniachrons as well. It wasn't stolen, I swear!)
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