#until i can save enough money for a new computer
hanatatami · 2 years
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restless and relentless
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einaudis · 8 months
Remember the apartment of my dreams? The one that was for sale? Well... It got sold. And I wasn't the one who bought it. I'm so genuinely heartbroken right now.
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homunculus-argument · 5 months
My usual problem of "and then some other shit happens" is that they keep piling up on top of each other. This morning, I was just about to start work when
mail comes in. I've received a letter from the tax office.
I open the letter and get a Fuck No Way That's Right kinda bill.
time to hit up my accountant and ask what the fuck do I do now
realise that I haven't delivered my accounting stuff for like four months either, gotta apologise to her about that too
e-mail doesn't go through, double-check the address, re-type my whole apology and explanation again
four consecutive e-mails do not go through
fuck I gotta call them, where's my phone
just as I was about to make a phone call, I receive a phone call
forgot I had a phone appointment with my doctor, turns out I do not have a natural physical resistance to poison damage, and my medication resistance is something else.
confident in my ability to execute two unrelated tasks at once, I take a sip of my tea while on the phone. Naturally I fuck it up and pour the lukewarm tea on my lap instead.
figuring that since I'm unhurt and only poured enough to soak my clothes, not my chair, I'll just sit with the wet tea on my lap until the phonecall is over, and hang them to dry on the balcony later.
phonecall done, I remove my clothes and go hang them up to dry.
spot my little ficus tree cutting on the balcony, decide to water it since it's so hot and I don't want the thing to die.
coming back inside after leaving my clothes on the balcony, my boyfriend sees me undressed and wants affection.
he also wants to show me a video that he came upon.
make myself more tea
coming back to my computer, remember the phonecall I was supposed to make.
call the accounting people and tell them I can't e-mail the person I worked with, and get informed that the person I had been working with quit unexpectedly, and the one currently running the whole business on her own will look into my shit once she's personally out of the hospital. She meant to call me earlier about What The Fuck I'm Doing but unfortunately hospital.
promise her to deliver my accounting things today since it's the least I can do to not make her day any worse than it already is.
save through my paypal activities, log onto my online bank, check my account and do some math to confirm that I should more or less be alright until my next payday. Move some more money to my bank card account for groceries, and log out.
remember that the reason why I logged into my bank in the first place was the accounting, and log back in to get that data.
send my records to my new current accountant with apologies for not doing that for four months despite of being supposed to do it monthly.
finally done with that, satisfied of actually Getting Things Done, I suddenly realise I've spent the past three hours on random sidequests, haven't even touched whatever it was that I was planning to do today, and top of that I've completely forgotten what it was that I meant to do.
waste another half an hour writing a meticulous account of how I spent my morning doing everything else than what I meant to.
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fluentmoviequoter · 8 months
A Room Away
Requested Here!
Edit: Part 2 Here
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!reader
Summary: Tired of Tim's bad moods, Angela gets him a new roommate: you. As Tim gets to know you and learns about your past, you slowly become more than his roommate.
Warnings: mentions of past domestic abuse (reader and Tim), reader has chronic migraines from past head trauma, nightmares, reader has a panic attack, angst, fluff, Nyla and Angela. (roommates to lovers)
Word Count: 4.2k+ words
A/N: Parts of this are so self-indulgent. The migraine depictions are based on my migraines, but I think they're some of the most common symptoms. I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think! (I'm still trying to get Tim's character down, so apologies if he's OOC.)🤍
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
Picture from Pinterest
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Tim sits in the back of the room for roll call, his arms crossed tightly across his chest as unimpressed sighs escape him. Angela is getting tired of his seemingly perpetual bad mood. Clearly, he’s lonely, but he will never admit it. And that loneliness makes him mopey and broody (Angela’s official motto for Tim Bradford) until he has enough and snaps at someone.
Sitting at her desk, Angela watches Tim yell at a boot. He’s always harsh with them, trying to prepare them for anything, but now he’s using them as punching bags for his forbidden feelings. 
“What’s his problem? He’s grumpier than usual,” Nyla says as she joins Angela.
“He’s lonely,” Angela answers. “Won’t admit it or do anything about it.”
“That man needs a girlfriend,” Nyla muses.
Angela sits up straighter and smiles. “You’re a genius, Harper.”
“I know.”
Angela opens a website on her computer, and Nyla pulls up a seat to watch her intervention into Tim’s personal life.
“You’re going to rent out his spare room without telling him? This’ll be fun to watch,” Nyla says, laughing.
“He has way too much room for just one guy. Getting him a roommate and a girlfriend will surely help with.. that,” she finishes, gesturing toward Tim.
“A roommate and a girlfriend, or a roommate who becomes a girlfriend?”
“Either should work.”
“That’s your number.”
Angela nods, putting her contact information on the listing. “Tim would shut it down after the first call, so I’ll interview them, run background checks, whatever, and find the perfect one.”
“Well, Mrs. Right is always found on Craigslist,” Nyla jokes.
“This isn’t Craigslist.”
Angela posts the listing, and she and Nyla hope getting Tim a roommate will help nudge him out of his bad mood. He needs someone to talk to and bond with, but he’ll never come to that conclusion on his own. Which is why Angela considers herself to be such a good friend.
Los Angeles is a big city, which is part of why you chose it without another thought. Full of opportunities and a chance of fading into the background, it’s the complete opposite of your home, which overflows with memories. The patched drywall you were pushed into, the stained tile where you thought everything was going to end, and the china cabinet with the shattered glass are left behind and traded in for a minimum wage job, a used car, and a lot of panic that you won’t be able to find somewhere to live.
You’ll need a roommate until you can save enough money for your own place. However, finding a decent place with a decent roommate is nearly impossible in your price range. Browsing online listings, you see one that could be promising. The information at the bottom says there is an interview process, which catches your attention. Sending a text to Angela Lopez, you cross your fingers for good luck before walking into work.
By the end of your shift, Angela has replied and asked you to meet somewhere nearby. You want to go home, a dull headache building at the base of your skull impairing your mood. But you also really want a better place to call home than the pay-by-the-month motel you’re currently living in.
Angela gives you a firm handshake as she introduces herself as an LAPD detective. She asks questions about your life, job, hobbies, and finally, why you moved to Los Angeles.
“I just needed a change of pace; was ready to leave my old life behind, find something bigger and better,” you answer, a simplified version of the truth.
Trying not to show it, Angela immediately takes a liking to you. Each of your answers solidifies her gut instinct that you’re a good fit for Tim. You ask why her name was on this listing if it’s not her house, and she follows your lead and gives you the truth, but not all of it.
“Tim, the owner of the house, is a coworker and friend, and I’m just trying to help him out while he’s busy with work,” she explains.
As you leave the meeting, Angela gives you her personal number, as well as someone named Nyla Harper’s number, “just in case you need anything.”
She texts you a time and address, telling you to meet her at your new place the following afternoon. You thank her repeatedly before driving to the trashy motel one last time.
Parking outside the house, you fall in love with the neighborhood and the cute architecture of the home. Angela meets you in the driveway, seeming more nervous than excited. You realize she may not have been totally honest with you as you follow her to the door.
An incredibly handsome man opens the door, sighing when he sees Angela. He lets both of you in, seeming to trust Angela completely.
Tim knows he will regret opening the door, but the woman with Angela is beautiful, and deep down, a small part of him wants to know who she is and why she’s on his doorstep.
“This is your new roommate,” Angela announces, giving Tim your name.
“You didn’t,” Tim responds. “Please tell me you didn’t rent out my spare room without asking me, Lopez.”
“I won’t tell you that, then.”
Standing quietly to the side, you anxiously watch their argument.
“Um, sorry,” you begin, interrupting them. “But I can go, and find a new place, since this is clearly not what you signed up for.”
You move toward the door before stopping when Angela demands, “Don’t go anywhere.”
She gives Tim a stern look before cocking her head to the side. He sighs like he has accepted his fate, a tragedy based on his reaction. Gesturing for you to follow him, he gives you a quick tour before showing you to your new room and bathroom.
“I’m not home a ton, but when I am, I’m usually watching a game or just hanging out, so,” he tells you before trailing off.
You nod before promising, “You won’t even know I’m here.”
Tim wants to believe you, but he also thinks you’re pretty and kind enough that he wouldn’t mind seeing you occasionally.
You cross paths with Tim a few times in the first two days of living with him. He’s struck by your beauty each time but recognizes that you don’t open up willingly, so he never presses you to talk. Content to be ships passing in the night, Tim gives you a nod before continuing out the door.
It’s your third night in the house that Tim learns your reserved qualities may not be as simple as a personality trait. Waking when he hears a strange noise, Tim listens in the darkness before deciding it’s your footsteps he hears. Based on the sound, you're pacing, so Tim gets out of bed and walks to the kitchen. He walks right past you, and you give him an apologetic smile before slowing down. Tim makes you a mug of calming tea, sliding it across the kitchen island before sitting beside you as you drink it. Suspecting you had a nightmare or some similarly disturbing experience, Tim reminds you where you are and that everything is okay in his own way.
Over the next week, you wake him up a few more times, thrashing in your bed or exiting your room once you wake. He nudges each time, offering to let you talk about it, but you never do. You always apologize for waking him, thank him for keeping you company and making you tea before you disappear back into yourself and into your room.
You’ve lost count of the days and nights spent in Tim’s house, your sense of time thrown off by the continued plague of nightmares and the monotony of your days. As you wake up after a surprisingly dreamless sleep, you immediately turn your face back into the pillow. Your heartbeat pounds in your head, and everything seems brighter and louder. The migraines have been nearly as consistent as the nightmares since before you left for Los Angeles. 
Tim knocks on your door, and you groan as the sound echoes in your brain. He cracks the door, concerned that you aren’t up yet.
“Are you okay?” he asks, seeing your current state.
“Migraine,” you answer. “I called in sick.”
He closes the door to block the light from outside and lowers his voice to ask, “Do you need anything before I leave?”
“I’m okay. Thanks.”
“Well, call me if you do, or if anything changes, okay?”
“I will. Thank you, Tim. Have a good day.”
Tim nods, even though you can’t see him, before backing out of your room and exiting the house as quietly as possible. He keeps his ringer on, looking at his phone every few minutes as his concern for you remains at the forefront of his mind.
Angela and Nyla notice his usual grumpy disposition seems to have been replaced with concern for something, or someone. After he checks his phone for the fifth consecutive time, Angela decides to pry.
“How’s the beautiful roomie? Still just a roommate?” she asks.
“She’s not feeling well,” Tim answers.
Angela waits for an elaboration, but Tim doesn’t offer one. She looks at Nyla, who gives a knowing look. It’s obvious that Tim is softening toward you, but you haven’t made enough of an impact that he’s less grumpy or snappy. As the day continues, his usual personality returns, convinced that you must be okay, or you would have called.
The next day, after learning that you are, in fact, feeling better, Tim is back to his pre-roommate levels of anger and high strung-ness. To worsen his mood, you wake him up with a nightmare but refuse to let him in, not even acknowledging his kind questioning as to how you are. He’s worried about you because you welcomed his presence before, but he is also angry that you changed so quickly, and now you don’t trust him. Everything is piling on, and Tim isn’t sure how much more he can carry.
“Just tell me something,” Angela presses.
“Stay out of it, Lopez!” Tim yells, his emotions reaching a boiling point. “I didn’t even want a puppy- a roommate! If you like her so much, why don’t you take her in?”
Angela waits for his shoulders to drop slightly before asking, “Timothy… is this because you don’t like her, or because you do?”
Tim’s jaw clenches, and his nostrils flare as he turns away, offering to go on patrol while Nolan and Celina go to the shooting range. Everyone seems to think they know Tim better than they do; Angela is pushing him toward you while you’re distancing yourself, and the push and pull is tiring.
Tim waits in his truck in the driveway for a few minutes before walking in. When he walks in, you’re standing in the kitchen. He hasn’t actually seen you since the day of your last migraine when you stopped trusting him, and your sudden willingness to be in the same area confuses him. Anger and confusion rarely mix well; with Tim, it’s a fatal combination.
You notice his tension and knitted brows, chewing your bottom lip before asking, “Are you okay?”
Stumbling to his tipping point for the second time in the day, Tim takes all his anger and confusion over his feelings out on you.
“What do you think? You can’t decide if I’m worth trusting with something as small as a nightmare, and Angela thinks that I’m practically neglecting you,” he begins.
You swallow harshly as his voice rises, stumbling backward when he starts moving his arms. 
“Especially considering I didn’t even want you here!”
Flinching, you snap your eyes closed and catch yourself on the corner of the wall. Tim freezes as he watches you. Everything begins snapping into place in his mind: your nightmares and the distance added to your reaction to him yelling and moving his hand are all signs he should have noticed sooner.
Your chest is heaving as you take short breaths, and when you finally open your eyes, you look terrified. Tim steps back, keeping his hands where you can see them. You focus on him as you slide down the wall, cradling your head in your hands as you fight off bad memories and a growing headache.
Tim watches you before sitting on the floor, keeping his distance. He waits for you to calm down, willing to let you decide whether or not you want to talk to him. You finally look back up at him, but he doesn’t move.
“I- I’m sorry,” you whisper.
“Can I come closer?” Tim asks.
You nod, and Tim slides across the floor, not wanting to stand up and look any more imposing than necessary. His knee presses gently against your thigh, and when you don’t move, he gives you a small smile – the first you’ve ever seen.
“I’ll leave in the morning,” you say, fiddling with your fingers.
“Please don’t,” Tim replies, shaking his head. “I’m really sorry. I wasn’t mad at you, just angry with a long day. But that’s no reason to yell at you or act like that. You confused me, and I didn’t know how to deal with it. That’s on me.”
“I’m sorry,” you repeat.
“Don’t. When I was younger, my dad took his anger out on me sometimes. I’m sure I deserved it once or twice, but I also know better than to treat people like an emotional outlet. If you ever want to talk, I’m here.”
You nod before saying, “My ex.”
Tim feels a protective surge at the idea of anyone hurting you, let alone doing it enough times that yelling pushes you to the point of a panic attack.
After comforting you with proximity and kind words, Tim offers to walk you to bed. Your hand brushes his as he opens your door, and you smile as you thank him for everything. It’s a minor change in your relationship but an important one.
Tim leaves before you wake up the following morning, determined to find out as much as he can about you and your past. He’s not necessarily being nosy, but he wants to know if there’s anything specific that could help or hurt you.
“What do you know?” he demands as he storms up to Angela’s desk.
“About what?” she replies, raising her brows.
“What do you mean ‘about what’? Her!”
Nyla leans back in her chair, glad to watch the unfolding drama.
“Tim, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Angela explains.
“Why’d she move to LA?”
“Are you seriously trying to find something wrong with her? That’s low.”
Tim moves around her desk, dropping his voice to answer, “I’m trying to figure out who thought it was okay to put their hands on her. Because she won’t let me in.”
Angela begins connecting the dots you left untouched. You ran from the person controlling your life, not your actual life. She knew that you were omitting something during your initial meeting, but she didn’t expect it to be so big.
“Have you been open with her?” Angela asks finally. “Because that’s a two-way street. I’ll talk to her if you want me to, but she trusts you, Tim.”
“How do you know that?”
Nyla’s eyes bounce back and forth like she’s watching a tennis game. She sighs before deciding to interject. “She told her! Sent her a text one night!” she calls out, smiling and waving when Angela and Tim look at her.
Tim nods, giving Angela the closest she’ll get to an apologetic look before leaving.
Returning home, Tim is surprised to find you on the couch, in your work clothes, with your face pressed into a pillow. You wave your fingers without moving to acknowledge him, and he remains silent as he walks to the kitchen.
“You don’t have to be silent, it’s your house,” you mumble. “I’ll figure out a way to get to the bedroom.”
“You’re fine here,” Tim answers, setting a glass of water beside you. “Another migraine?”
“Skull fractured from getting my head pushed through a window a few months ago,” you explain with a sigh. “The migraines have gotten worse since then.”
Tim lays a hand on your shoulder, giving you plenty of time to tell him not to touch you. You don’t, relaxing under his touch instead. Tim takes a seat beside you, hoping to comfort you once more.
“Your ex?” Tim asks. 
You hum a yes, and Tim’s jaw tightens, even as he comforts you.
Walking into the police station, Tim’s wallet is tucked safely in your bag. Approaching the front desk, you say your name and are wordlessly handed a visitor’s badge before someone gives you directions. You don’t have time to argue, shrugging as you attempt to remember where to turn. Angela sees you before you see her, rushing to your side and looping her arm with yours.
“What are you doing here?” she asks happily.
“Uh, Tim forgot his wallet. I was just going to drop it off, but they sent me back here,” you answer.
Tim says your name, coming around a corner, and Angela pushes you toward him, joining Nyla as they watch your interaction.
“You know she was trying to get you a girlfriend and not just a roommate, right?”
Tim nods a thanks as he accepts his wallet, glancing over at your audience. “I’m half-tempted to make them think I kicked you out.”
You smile brightly, and Tim licks his lips to keep his smile from mirroring yours. His eyes tell you more than enough, and you’re happy to see him, too.
“Do it,” you whisper. “Just let me know when so I can play my part. Angela told me to call her if you were ever mean to me.”
“Have you?”
You don’t answer, opting to wink at him before stepping back. Waving at Angela and Nyla, you leave the station as they rush to Tim’s side. As they ask overlapping questions and talk about how cute you and Tim look standing together, Tim ignores them before walking away.
Tim is pulled from his sleep by your panicked yell. He leaves his bed and barges into your room with no thought. His heart rate slows when he sees your teary face and tangled sheets.
“Sorry,” you mutter as you wipe your tears. “I just don’t know how to make them stop.”
Tim sits beside you, opening an arm toward you. It’s a bold move, especially for him, but you take his offer and curl into his side.
“Are- did you mean it when you said I could talk about it?” you ask.
Tim nods, and you tell him more, but not everything. You remind yourself that he’s your roommate and maybe, just maybe, he's your friend, but he’s not here to listen to all of your baggage.
“The last thing he said before I left was, ‘there is nowhere you can go that my love won’t lead me to find you.’”
“You know that wasn’t love,” Tim replies, waiting for your nod before continuing. “And I’ve got your back, Angela and Nyla are right here, and we won’t let anything happen to you. No matter what.”
Drifting back to sleep in his warm, safe embrace, you finally learn what it’s like not to be scared.
When you wake alone, neither you nor Tim acknowledge what happened. You’re okay with slow changes, as long as there are changes.
“Tim,” you say, interrupting him on his way out. “Thank you. For last night.”
“I’m only ever a call away,” he reminds you.
Your head starts aching around noon, quickly worsening into a full-blown migraine. When you’re ready to go home, it’s bad enough that you can’t drive. Sitting in your car and resting your head against the steering wheel, you want to call Tim but can’t find the strength to move.
Tim, meanwhile, returns home and begins wondering where you are. He calls, and you don’t answer, so he lets his worry control him as he gets back in his truck and drives your usual route. Tim hopes to pass you or find you waiting as someone changes your tire. When he gets to the parking lot of your job and sees you slumped in your car, he has to fight not to panic.
Rushing to the door, he’s both grateful and concerned that it’s unlocked. He kneels beside you, saying your name before bending to see you. Your eyes are tightly closed, but tears are still leaking out. 
“I’m taking you to the hospital,” he says.
You whimper as he picks you up, clinging to him until he lays you down in the backseat of his truck, buckling you in as well as possible.
“Hospital can’t help,” you mumble.
Tim wants to argue, but remembers what you said about the skull fracture. You’ve already been to the doctor, so maybe getting you home and comfortable will be enough.
After a nap partially influenced by unbearable pain, you wake to see Tim sitting by your bed.
“Why are you so nice to me? You didn’t even want a roommate,” you mutter sleepily.
Tim smiles, making you think you’re hallucinating. “Yet I got something better.”
You don’t quite make it to work the next day. Walking into the station, you’re surprised when Nyla greets you first.
“I’m assuming it’s a joke,” she says.
You furrow your brows in confusion before you see Tim leaning on a desk with his arms crossed while Angela yells at him.
“Unless he really kicked you out,” Nyla adds.
You nod, walking towards Angela and Tim.
“No, you don’t get to blame me! I got you a roommate, a friend, a beautiful woman who could have been more than a friend, and you’re mad at me?” Angela exclaims.
Tim locks eyes with you, not changing his expression as he gauges whether or not her yelling is upsetting you.
“Can I talk to you?” you ask Tim.
Angela steps back, hoping to hear Tim apologize, but he stands up and gestures for you to follow him without speaking. Worried that you’re sick again, Tim waits silently.
“I’m okay,” you promise. “I just wanted to see you.”
Not believing something so simple, Tim shakes his head. “Tell me what happened.”
“I saw a guy who looked like him while I was driving to work. He was yelling at a girl outside of a diner, and it made me nervous.” You keep your eyes on the floor, but Tim gently raises your head.
“You’re not alone, and I know that things still seem uncertain, and probably will for a long time, but you don’t have to be afraid of anything while I’m here.”
“Then why’d you kick me out?” you tease with a pout.
Tim shakes his head, telling you to go before following you out. You wipe an imaginary tear before waving at Angela.
“No, you’re not leaving,” she says, grabbing your shoulders and steering you toward her desk.
Nyla smiles at Tim, and he sighs before following.
“Tell me exactly what happened between you two,” Angela commands.
You look past her before tensing, and Tim immediately catches on. He follows your line of vision and sees Nolan and Celina booking someone. You shrink in on yourself, and Tim moves to block your view.
“Get her out of here,” he tells Angela.
Angela doesn’t wait before obeying, ushering you into the bullpen and out of sight.
“What’s the charge?” Tim asks Celina.
“Assault. Beat up a woman outside a diner,” she answers.
Tim’s jaw tightens at the knowledge that this man made you nervous this morning, reminding you of your ex. He hates abuse in every situation, but when you’re involved, his protectiveness and anger differ. Tim leaves before saying or doing something he’ll regret.
When he finds you in the bullpen, he takes one look at you before hugging you. It’s quick, but Angela and Nyla look at each other in shock.
“So, you’re good?” Nyla asks.
“We were never bad,” you reply. “Just wanted to get back at Angela for trying to set us up.”
“It worked?” Angela inquires excitedly.
“Not yet.”
“Not yet?” Tim repeats, looking over at you. He shrugs as he concedes, “Okay.”
When Tim gets home, he drops his stuff by the door, raising his arms in question as he looks at you. “Not yet? What is that supposed to mean?”
“You haven’t made a move. How do I know you’re not just protective and caring under that handsome, gruff exterior?” you ask with a shrug.
Tim shakes his head, cupping the back of your head gently as he kisses you. You raise your hands over his chest to hold his jaw, pushing yourself closer as you reciprocate his every move.
“Because I don’t protect just anyone like this,” he says against your lips.
You kiss him again before asking, “Does this mean you can reduce my rent?”
Tim rolls his eyes, tucking you against his side where you’re safe from everything and everyone. 
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pyuppy · 8 months
˗ˏˋ ꒰ a fruitful legacy challenge ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Hey there, I'm finally finding more time to play the Sims again, and I wanted to make myself a legacy challenge to keep me engaged in a long-term save.
I wanted to publicize these ideas so that others who are interested can have a new legacy challenge to try out for themselves! ♡
This legacy was inspired by the not so berry challenge and sims in bloom legacy ♡ You'll have 10 generations of fruit-based heirs to play with.
Sorry, but this legacy is going to be VERY PACK HEAVY. (If you'd like I will take into consideration making a base game legacy)
General Rules:
normal or long lifespan (aging on)
you can only cheat money for the first-generation house, and it should be no more than 40k. (keep the idea of a starter)
you must complete all generations' goals before their death.
you can have sims move around to different worlds and lots. you do not have to live with your entire family all the time (unless stated otherwise).
infants and toddler traits should be randomized and only once.
you can use as many mods as you want to add events and other gameplay elements to your game.
Generation One: Banana
You've come a long way. You just turned twenty-one and saved every cent you earned from part-time work in your teens. It's finally time to reset and start a new life in a new city/town. Unfortunately, you can only afford the smallest, oldest house in the area. You're still grateful, and don't let it affect your enthusiasm. You are determined to make the most of what you have.
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Traits: Cheerful, Childish, Loyal
Career: Part-time Worker -> Educator
Max the Fishing, Cooking, & Parenting Skill
Work part-time while going to college to become an educator (professor or admin path)
Upgrade and renovate your house overtime to facilitate your lifestyle and family.
Have your first child while in college
Marry as an Adult in your backyard
Take your family out at least once a week until your eldest moves out.
Generation Two: Pineberry
You watched your parents work pretty hard in life yet still found time to raise you actively. You have always been quiet and always enjoyed your alone time. During those times, you'd isolate in your room and play games. Soon enough, you taught yourself a bit about coding, and ever since, your curiosity has been boundless.
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Traits: Socially Awkward, Geek, Loner
Career: Freelancer
Max the Programming, Guitar & Gaming Skills
Program for money as a teenager to adulthood
Go to college but, drop out after the first semester
Maintain one friendship and marry them
Only live in apartments and decorate them monochromatic
Adopt one child (never have a biological child)
Play games with your child often
Generation Three: Grape
After being adopted, there weren't many rules in your home. You used that freedom to skip school and travel to new places. In Del Sol Valley you became obsessed with the idea of fame and desperately wanted to act on screen! After barely passing high school, you move to Del Sol Valley with the little money allowed by your parents to seek fame, fortune, and maybe notoriety.
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity
Traits: Self-Absorbed, Materialistic, Ambitious
Career: Actor
Max the Acting, Mischief, & Fitness Skill
Date multiple celebrities to increase your fame
Only marry when you date a 5 star celebrity
Become a 5 star celebrity and win an award
Purchase a mansion
Have 3 children and name them after luxury cars
Generation Four: Cherry
Being born into wealth and fame is hard on a child. Having the world's eyes on you at all times didn't allow you to have a normal childhood. Especially when your parents were more concerned about chasing money. The one thing you're grateful for is the huge kitchen your parents owned. You spent a lot of your time cooking and trying new recipes. Feeding your siblings and experiencing new cultures has inspired you to pocket some of your parent's money and move to a new city to open your own restaurant.
Aspiration: Appliance Whiz
Traits: Foodie, Creative, Perfectionist
Career: Restaurant Owner/Chef
Max the Cooking, Gourmet Cooking and Baking Skill
Be at least lvl 5 cooking skill before moving out
Start your business through a food stand in your yard.
Start a restaurant with a consistent menu (Japanese, Seafood, Italian, Soul Food)
Marry one of your employees and have a child with them.
Have your child cook dinner with you every night.
Generation Five: Peach
You loved animals all your life. You begged for multiple pets and fed strays with leftovers from your parent's cooking. Wasn't too long until you wanted become a veterinarian. You seek to learn how to care for all animals and own them all! Making your house a sanctuary for animals has become your new life's purpose. Soon enough, you take in a child as well.
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Cat/Dog Lover (choose one), Outgoing
Career: Veterinarian
Max the Veterinarian, Horse Riding, & Pet Training Skills
Buy a large plot of land to grow into your Ranch
Adopt a horse and dog in the same day.
Take one of your pets to work everyday.
Own a horse, a dog or cat, fish and other farm animals.
Never marry and adopt all of your children.
Generation Six: Lime
As your parent was working the Ranch and a veterinary clinic full time, you surrounded yourself with books during your time alone. You were gifted a computer for your 14th birthday and immediately started writing your own fanfictions about book series you adored. After some online traction you decided to make writing your full-time job!
Aspiration: Best Selling Author
Traits: Bookworm, Romantic, Slob
Career: Writer -> Freelance Author
Max out the Writing, Handiness, Logic Skills
Live in a tiny messy apartment
Get a degree in Literature and Language
Create an ongoing book series about a supervillain.
Make friends within your career/degree
Date 4 men before finding "the one" (the 5th)
Continue to have children until you have a girl
Generation Seven: Blackberry
Of course, you've read your parent's works. You have been heavily inspired by their main drama series. You want to be a "Ultra Mega Super Villain" just like they wrote about. The idea of having the world under your control is exciting enough! Can't be too hard!
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Traits: Mean, Kleptomaniac, Jealous
Career: Secret Agent (Villain)
Max the Logic, Charisma & Photography Skill
Get a degree in Villainy
Live in campus for college
Steal to afford college
Marry an Evil sim
The basement of your house has to be used for your villainous activities
Have 3 children and name them after famous villains
Generation Eight: Orange
Your parents were complete assholes; if anything, you don't even like them? As a teenager, you spend a lot of nights at friend's houses and don't like to socialize much with your parents. You grow an interest in the military and "secretive" government agencies. You quickly join the military after college for a chance to work in covert operations. Maybe even taking down your parents in the process?
Aspiration: Academic
Traits: Hot-Headed, Ambitious, Active
Career: Military (Covert Ops)
Max the Logic, Fitness, & Programming Skills
Get a degree in Psychology
Play piano as a hobby
Become enemies with your parents
Uphold multiple relationships but, eventually be caught cheating
Have one child and raise them alone
Be a strict parent
Generation Nine: Coconut
You hated your insanely strict one-parent household. You became a delinquent seeking trouble wherever you went. Always sneaking out, cycling through partners and even clubbing on the weekends. Immediately after graduating you couldn't help your extroverted partying nature. You quickly drop out of college and have to make a decision. Nightlife, or a successful career? Who said you can't do both?
Aspiration: Party Animal
Traits: Non-Committal, Lazy, Party Animal
Career: Mixologist
Max out the Mixology, Mischief and Charisma Skills
Get all F's in your first semester of college
Visit the same bar/club you "work at" on your off days
Date one of the regulars and have a child with them
Rush into marriage a week after their birth
Live in a duplex/townhouse and have a bad relationship with your neighbors
Raise your child to be an A student
Generation Ten: Blueberry
After You worked VERY HARD to get where you are now, You're in the position of going to any university you choose and on scholarship. You plan to make the most of it by becoming a doctor. Finally, you can help support your family back home and also have a self-fulfilling career to keep yourself inspired. The problem is that you've never had time to "live" until now? Can you juggle school and a social life?
Aspiration: Academic
Traits: Socially Awkward, Clumsy, Squeamish
Career: Doctor
Max the Logic & Fitness Skills
Get your degree in Biology and then another (of your choice)
Maintain 2 good friends
Marry someone in a non-STEM career/degree
Participate in all university parties
Max the Doctor Career
Have all your children in the hospital
Have at least 2 children
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hopeful-engineer · 11 months
🌞 Self-care vs. self-indulgence vs. avoidance
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Sometimes it may be a hard to swallow pill, but there's a difference between self-care and self-indulgence:
🍭 self-indulgence: spending too much money on stuff you want, but don't really need, like clothes you'll wear twice and then leave in your closet, where all they do is take up space, books you'll never read, subscriptions you'll forget about
✨ self-care: saving money; planning your budget; buying less, but better quality; thinking twice, before buying something you want, but don't need: "Will I really use it? Do I have enough money to buy it, without worrying, that I won't have enough to buy something more important? I want it now, but will I still want it tomorrow?" (note: I didn't write "don't buy anything except necessities" anywhere. Buy the stuff you want, but do it consciously, plan it and think before buying.)
🍭 self-indulgence: eating fast food and unhealthy snacks; drinking soda pop, energy drinks, tea with a lot of sugar, or too much coffee; adding sugar to everything; drinking too much alcohol
✨ self-care: eating as healthy as possible; learning to cook; avoiding fast food, sweets, potato chips and other unhealthy snacks; reducing your sugar intake; drinking water, fruit juices, tea without added sugar; planning your meals; buying natural food (note: It doesn't mean "never eat anything unhealthy again, never add sugar to anything, never drink alcohol". You can treat yourself with some pizza, or sweets, or beer sometimes, but it should be a treat, not part of your everyday meals.)
🍭 self-indulgence: staying up until 3 AM to watch films/series, play computer games, browse social media, chat with someone, or even to do something, that doesn't involve technology, for example draw or read books; sleeping until 11 AM, because you went to bed too late; sleeping 12 hours at the weekend, because you slept 4 hours a day during the week; hitting the snooze button; laying in the bed for too long after waking up
✨ self-care: fixing your sleep schedule; waking up earlier; going to bed earlier; sleeping 7 to 9 hours every day; avoiding all-nighters; having a fixed wake up time and a fixed bedtime, the same every day, including weekends; getting out of bed immediately when your alarm clock rings (note: I know there are circumstances, that can mąkę having a fixed sleep schedule is impossible, or next to impossible, I also know in some situations it's totally normal to stay up late, like you don't have to leave a party at 9 PM just because you want to stick to your sleep schedule, that would be unreasonable. Do it the best you can under your current life circumstances, and remember, this is about everyday life, not some rare exceptions.)
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There's also a difference between self-care and avoidance:
😨 avoidance: staying home all the time; not going to any events, because meeting new people is stressful; always declinig your friends' invitations
✨ self-care: not going to that big, loud party, because it's too overwhelming, but going to a pub with a few friends instead; inviting your friends to your home, when going out feels too stressful; declinig some invitations, when you don't have time and/or energy, but accepting others, when you feel better and have more time; gradually increasing the number of social interactions you have, to be able to meet new people with less stress
😨 avoidance: having no plans for the future; thinking, that there's no point in having any goals in life; telling yourself, that ambitions are generally pointless and hence you don't have to do anything and be good at anything
✨ self-care: having specific, short-term goals and an overall vision od your long-term future; knowing, what you really want to do and what you're good at, and sticking to these things; consciously choosing, what to learn and what to give up on, based on if it's important to you, not to other people; not distracting yourself with too many side plans, when you have one main goal; knowing, what is your passion and what is your ambition; knowing, that you are ambitious mainly for yourself, and only secondly for the society; believing, that you are capable of achieving your goals
😨 avoidance: not studying at all, because it takes time and energy; procrastinating until the last moment before the exam/test/project deadline; always talking the easiest way possible with no ambition beyond barely passing the exam/test; having no plan, no study schedule; never asking for help, even if you're failing, because you think asking for help is a shame, or you're simply too shy; dropping out of school/college because it's stressful
✨ self-care: knowing that you're studying for yourself, your grades don't define you and that real knowledge and skills are more important, than grades; focusing on these topics, that are important to you for your future studies/career, and being the best you can in these areas; being good enough to pass at everything, that isn't important for your future plans; planning your studying and starting early; taking regular breaks to avoid burnout; asking for help if necessary, but trying to do as much as possible and reasonable on your own; acknowledging that, despite the education system being flawed in so many ways, it also gives you many opportunities;
Of course, self-care includes bubble baths, eating cake, listening to your favourite music and slowly drinking tea, while watching the rain outside through the window and letting your thoughts wander, but these aren't only forms od self-care and definetely not the most important ones. Of course, sometimes it includes staying home with your cat instead of going to the party, sleeping in, instead of studying for an exam, because you're exhausted, or giving up on something, instead of trying again and again, but this should happen in some, specific situations, not be your default response. Real self-care should focus on improving your life, not escaping it or avoiding it.
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This post doesn't mean, I'm perfect at all of these things. Actually I struggle a lot with many of them. This is a piece of advice for me, too.
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goodolddumbbanana · 3 months
I don't think a lot of people realize the reason why Sun acts nonchalant with Moon while just after the last episode, Sun just said out loud that he doesn't think his relationship with Old Moon is good.
Old moon, or Moon now, he is not an enemy or a stranger. He is his brother, the one who stayed with Sun longest, for better or worse, from the very beginning. They only have each other, and even if they fought a lot back then, they couldn't survive if one of them died. (Moon would go crazy due to KC, and Sun would get scrapped for him couldn't make enough money to keep the daycare float.)
Their relationship is horribly toxic, not because of how terrible Moon treated Sun, or how Sun completely relied on Moon, but also because Sun and Moon love and care for each other so deeply.
Surely, there were some moments when things got worse, but isn't any relationship end ups like that sometimes? That is what the victim of abused relationships, or from a family abuse always believes.
It is my fault. Maybe I have done something wrong. Maybe I shouldn't pushed him too hard. Maybe if I could control Eclipse better, Moon wouldn't be mad like that. I shouldn't break Moon's computer. It was not Moon's fault, it was his KC active. It was not Moon's fault, I am the one who did something stupid.
Because despite all of Moon's flaws, Moon was not entirely terrible with Sun. They still have a lot of good old dynamic siblings moments, and Moon always the one who fixes the mess Sun ends up (getting scammed from Monty) and sometimes, saves Sun from Moon's mess (Eclipse).
Moon was not only the one who hurt Sun, but he was also the one who saved and cared for him, the source of both his joy and his despair. And isn't it sad? When the one who loves you deeply is the one who hurts you most? The one who would sacrifice the world for you, is the one to make your life a living hell?
That's the reason why, a lot of victims from an abusive house, couldn't cut ties with their families, especially if the relationship is not built on thoroughly manipulation like Eclipse and Lunar.
We can see that, Sun at first, didn't even realise their relationship was bad. He has Earth, even the New Moon points that out for him, but he still stubbornly thinks all of this happened, (Lunar blew up, Eclipse took the star, Old Moon died) was his fault only.
It was not until when Sun distanced himself from Moon like for a whole year, and through a lot of therapies with Earth and New Moon, and with him hung out more with Foxy, Freddy, Lunar, Earth,... making him realise how awful his relationship with Old Moon.
And still, Sun can't help but love the Old Moon, but miss him. Because letting Moon go means cutting a part of Sun's heart. It means he is selfish, ungrateful, for abandoning the one who always was there for him, until they died. It means all of their love, all of their time they shared together was meaningless.
I think Sun realised how easily he can just to say fuck off with Moon and never let Moon walk into Sun's life again. Because Moon and Monty and the others, they will understand Sun's wishes (maybe, not so sure) . But then it would mean Sun would be alone. He already lost the Old Moon, then the New Moon, I don't think he has a heart to go through this again.
Across the multiverse, the tragic destiny of a Sun, if he is not dead, then he would be forever alone, distanced from the others.
Furthermore, even if you stand your ground and say I would never forgive my abuser, you can't just do it. It does not work like that. Either this abuser gets out of your life and you never see them again, or some of your behaviour is still exactly just like when you and your abuser still stay together.
It's kind of confusing explaining but for some people, their PTSD makes them do exactly what they don't want to. Like even scared and hated their abuser so much, but still the victims find themselves comfortable to hangout and cheerful around the abuser.
For example, you might have said you hated someone's guts so bad and how terrible they have been treating you with everybody around, but as soon as this individual shows up, all of your negative emotions are just gone, flushed away into the thin air.
Sun trauma dumps a lot. He is not aware of it, or it is not his conscious choice, due to how bad he has been treated by Moon and how he needed to suppress his feelings to keep Moon happy and stay sane, that... Make Sun's word seems contrary to his actions sometimes.
Unreliable narrative symptoms.
No wonder why he seems to forgive Moon so quickly. He didn't. He just doesn't let his emotions get better of himself and for more worse reasons, seeing Moon make him regression back from where everything is good and cool and maybe not bad.
He still hates Moon, bitter of how Moon treated him. But Sun after trauma and trauma, has been so tired now. I feel like if Sun is a human, he just sleeps a day and never wants to get out of his bed.
Caring seems like a torture chores with Sun right now, and he now just lives out of his spite and hope nothing would go even worse.
I think if Moon ever goes bad again, it would be the last straw for Sun. Right now, Sun just seems unresponsive just because he is waiting. Waiting for when another shoe drops, waiting for Moon to snap again.
And when it happens, I think Sun will finally get a chance to cut ties of Moon.
Because for some people, even with someone who has long toxic co-dependent relationships, you only stay in that mess because you are caring and find something worth staying .
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astermacguffin · 11 months
UPDATE: Due to the increasing prices of Everything lately, the money I previously saved that initially would have lasted me the rest of the semester is now running thin.
Job market is rough and my dad still hasn't found a new job after being unjustly fired (their union's lawsuit against the company is still in progress). Thankfully I can keep myself afloat weekly through student assistant work and tutoring, but the other costs (e.g. rent and utilities) are a bit harder to meet. From my computation, I won't be in trouble until late November to early December.
If you have even just a dollar to spare, that would already be a huge help. 22,000 pesos, or 387.33 USD (as of Oct. 24, 2023) would be enough to last me until the end of the semester. Thank you so much for your help.
Send money to: Philippines
Delivery method: Mobile money
GCash/Maya account: 09291580204
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aloneinthehellfire · 8 months
The Introduction
A (possible) brand new series featuring Robin Buckley x Reader set in ST4
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Summary: When Vecna comes to town, Robin and her friends need all the help they can get in the final battle. The gang searches for an old friend she's never met before. But what Robin didn't know, was that the help would catch her attention in more ways than one.
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: canon deaths (mentions of vecna killings), reader appears at the end it is mostly a set up for the series, nothing really to report here tbh
[A/N: well hello there. I have *finally* storyboarded a new series that would be an episode by episode ST4 fic where Reader and Robin are endgame. It's something new and something I've been dying to create for a while now so I wanted to test the waters and see if anyone would be interested in reading this? I will literally take one person's yes and go with it, I am very persuadable]
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The Introduction
Since when was it too much to ask for a normal spring break?
Robin had enough of the excitement in Hawkins last summer when she ended up in a secret Russian lab, tortured and shot full of some serum she was sure was unsanctioned.
The horrors of that day were flushed down that bathroom toilet along with those drugs, some kind of wave of reality hitting her hard when she realised she didn’t want to be alone anymore. She confided in her new friend, her closest friend, and hoped that it would end a horrible day with a weight off her shoulders.
And then she was crashing a car into a possessed guy and hurling fireworks at some freaky flesh monster. So, nothing good lasts forever.
But after that, it all had been pretty quiet. Robin worked Family Video every other evening and weekends, had Steve drive her to school for the first couple of weeks before it became a habit, secured her place in band and forgot that anything ever really happened. She didn’t want to remember. She wanted to graduate, to have that silly little crush on her bandmate, to save enough money to get out of Hawkins for good.
Then the first day of spring break hit. The first day. And she was stood there staring up at that TV, feeling nauseas in her uniform, knowing that the brutal death of a high school student wouldn’t be as simple as murder.
“So we got, uh, some good news and some bad news.” Dustin says awkwardly and Robin’s lips tighten, looking at where Eddie sat munching through Honeycomb cereal like it was his first meal in days. “How do you prefer it?”
“Bad news first, always.” Eddie responds with his mouth full.
Robin shifts on her feet. It would be dishonest to say that Dustin and Max dragged her into this. All they had done really was show up demanding their computers and a name. She didn’t have to help, or find the address, or go with them anywhere.
The urge to be a part of something always had been a habit of hers. The only reason she joined the marching band was because she figured she’d be safe there. The Russian radio communication was only of interest because she craved involvement. And now she had Steve, her best friend. Where he went, she followed. Which is why she was stood here now, contemplating her decisions.
She was scared, afraid that last year would have only been the baby of all problems she would have to face in Hawkins. And it was understandable, she wasn’t built for pressure situations. If anyone could take a look inside her brain, they’d be questioning why she was even here in the first place.
She has this theory where her mind and her body act completely differently. She’ll rethink everything until she’s overthinking it, but her body will never not react immediately. Whether its her mouth rambling or her legs running, her mind and body haven’t been in sync for a while now.
“Alright, bad news.” Dustin shifts in his seat and Robin exchanges a wary look with Steve. “We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro, and they’re definitely looking for you.”
Eddie’s face falls and Robin hates seeing the way the light in his eyes dim even darker.
“Also, they’re, uh, pretty convinced you killed Chrissy.”
“Like, 100% kind of convinced.” Max chimes in.
“And the good news?” Eddie looks for Dustin’s answer but Robin spoke first.
“Your name hasn’t gone public yet.” She says, resting her arm against a shelf. She really felt for him. He didn’t deserve this. “But if we found out about you, it’s a matter of time before others do, too. And once that gets out, everyone and their shallow-minded mother is gonna be gunning for you.”
“Hunt the freak, right?” Eddie spits and Robin feels that little stab in her chest. Hunt the freak.
“Exactly.” She says and Eddie curses under his breath.
“So, before that happens, we need to find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence.” Dustin tries to bring a positive note, Eddie’s face remaining unswayed.
“That’s all, Dustin? That’s all?”
“Yeah, no, that’s pretty much it.” He concludes, the older boy looking very unconvinced. Robin can’t help but think that Dustin almost was as bad as she was in these situations.
“Listen, Eddie, I know everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional, but we’ve actually been through this kind of thing before. I mean, they have... a -a few times, and- and I have… once.” Robin adds, hoping that somewhere in her ramble there was a coherent message that he shouldn’t be afraid. “Mine was more human-flesh-based, and theirs was more smoke-related, but bottom line is, collectively, I really feel like we got this.”
“Yeah, see, we usually rely on this girl who has super powers.” Steve follows her direction and Robin nods, “But, uh, those went bye-bye, so…”
Everyone’s faces start to scrunch in realisation.
Robin searches for words. “So, we’re technically in- in more of the…”
“Brainstorming phase.” Max decides and they all hum in agreement.
“Brainstorming.” Steve snaps his fingers.
“There… there’s nothing to worry about.” Dustin splutters and Steve nods along with him.
If Eddie had been following on at all before, he was completely lost now, looking at them like they were maniacs. They tried their best, Robin thought just as a high-pitched noise started approaching in the distance. Sirens.
“Tarp.” Robin immediately says, pointing to Eddie. “Tarp. Tarp.”
Everyone starts scrambling to their feet and rushing to the windows, Robin’s heart rate unusually high. She hadn’t even experienced what she would assume to be the worst of it yet and she was already hating every second.
Her eyes follow the police cars and the ambulances drive directly past the boathouse, further down the road. Towards the trailer park.
“Trailer park.” Steve mutters, on the same page as her.
“They might have found something new.” Max suggests, looking at her friends in worry.
“Or someone new.” Robin grimaces and they all frown. “The ambulance.”
“Shit, okay, we need to-” Steve turns around, “Hey, Eddie.”
The tarp comes flying off once again, his hair looking a little dishevelled as he still tightly hugged the cereal box.
“You gonna be alright here?” He asks, and the boy simply shrugs.
“We’ll be back when we find out more.” Dustin promises, nodding. “With food.”
Either he didn’t mind or was too freaked out to argue, but Eddie remained impartial on their decision. It was a matter of time before they’re all clambering into Steve’s car, following the same route the police had taken earlier.
“What if the place is completely cornered off and we can’t see anything?” Robin voices her worry, Dustin’s eyes flickering to hers in the rear view mirror.
“It’s too early for that. Plus Max lives there, we can just say we’re dropping her off.”
The girl in question nods her head, her bottom lip stuck between her teeth.
“Doesn’t look like we need to worry about that.” Steve says and everyone’s heads turn to look ahead, focusing on a familiar girl stood among the cops, looking like she wanted to be anywhere else.
Once the car stops, their doors are opened and they all stand, patiently waiting. Even from a distance, Robin could see Nancy’s face light up with gratitude that she wasn’t alone.
Just as Nancy makes an excuse to walk over, Robin’s eyes are already scanning the place, actively ignoring the sheet covering something on the ground. There was this pit in her stomach, an unsettling mix of regret and panic. Whatever they were dealing with this time, she knew it was going to take more than an array of fireworks.
They were alone now, any help shipped away to California, and she was still barely caught up with their previous battles.
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Robin really didn’t remember life before sitting around a picnic bench discussing freaky incidents that always seemed to link back to the Upside Down. Maybe that day in the lab had ruined her brain chemistry in a way that reduced her life before as meaningless. Or maybe her life before just wasn’t any better. Either way, a police report of a dead student wasn’t normally followed by a theory of some weird mind wizard from an alternate dimension. Then again, anything was possible in Hawkins.
“So you’re saying that this thing that killed Fred and Chrissy, it’s from the Upside Down?” Nancy asks, but it wasn’t the same scepticism Eddie had.
“If the shoe fits.” Steve raises his brow with a sigh.
“Our working theory is that he attacks with a spell, or... a curse.” Dustin says, “Now, whether or not he’s doing the bidding of the Mind Flayer or just loves killing teens, we don’t know.”
“All we know is this is something different.” Max frowns. “Something new.”
“Doesn’t make sense.” Nancy mutters beside her, looking down.
“It’s only a theory.” Dustin defends but Nancy shakes her head.
“No, Fred and Chrissy don’t make sense. I mean… why them?”
Dustin shrugs. “Maybe they were just in the wrong place? They were both at the game.”
“And near the trailer park.” Max cuts in.
“We’re at the trailer park.” Steve comments, looking around. “Uh… should we maybe not be here?”
A shiver rolls down Robin’s neck as she peers around, the wind picking up at the worst moment. It was eerie here, even without the knowledge of two murdered kids.
“There is something about this place.” Nancy shares, “Fred started acting weird the second we got here.”
Robin’s heart jumps. “Acting weird as in…?”
“Scared, on edge, upset.” Nancy explains, her brows permanently scrunched together.
“Max said Chrissy was upset too.” Dustin looks at her.
“Yeah, but not here.” She frowns. “She was crying in the bathroom at school.”
Robin’s mind began flittering around with theories, nonsensical ones for the most part until she pulled out something that felt comprehensible to their case.
“Serial killers stalk their prey before they strike, right?” Robin begins, forcing herself to reduce the speed of her words to ensure they were properly heard. “So, maybe Fred and Chrissy saw this Vecman.”
“Vecna.” Dustin corrects and she represses the urge to roll her eyes.
“I dunno about you guys, but if I saw some freaky wizard monster, I would mention it to someone.” Steve expresses.
“Maybe they did.” Max theorises, “I saw Chrissy leaving Ms Kelley’s office. If you saw a monster, you… you wouldn’t go to the police. They’d never believe you. But you might go to your-”
“Your shrink.” Robin finishes and the younger girl nods. “They keep files, right? Maybe something in Chrissy’s file will point us in the right direction of who, uh… Vecna is.”
“It’s worth a shot.” Max says and Dustin nods.
“But how are we meant to get it?” Steve frowns, “It’s the counsellor's office, wouldn’t they be locking that thing up tight? The whole school, even.”
“I can get the key.” Max says with confidence, “Ms Kelley said I could come to her house out of hours if I need it, maybe I can find where she keeps her keys and sneak out before she realises.”
Rather than question her alibi, it seemed like everyone was in agreement. They were off that bench in a second flat and following Steve to his car. Robin was trying to push away that fear of the unknown, the anxiety that they would find an answer they wouldn’t like.
She always loved puzzles, brain teasers, classic crosswords. Solving that Russian broadcast was a riddle she enjoyed, assuming it would be nothing but a small summer project to cure her boredom of the ice cream slinging world. But beyond games and word scrambles, she felt completely useless.
“Woah, woah, Nance.”
Robin snaps out of her haze to turn back around, her hand still steady on the passenger door.
“Nance!” Steve calls out and Nancy guiltily turns around from where she was straying from the group. “Nance, where you going?”
“Oh, there’s just something I wanna check on first.” She dismisses, her footsteps still leading her back to her own car. She looked like a woman on a mission.
“Something you maybe wanna share with the rest of us?” Dustin says and Nancy scrunches her face.
“I don’t wanna waste your time, it’s a real shot in the dark.”
“Yeah, okay. Are you out of your mind?” Steve expresses and Robin’s eyebrow raises. “Flying solo with this Vecna creep on the loose? No, it’s too dangerous. You need… you need someone to…”
There’s a pause and Robin’s mind is already drifting when keys are suddenly being hurled at her, only catching them in the last second.
“Here. I’ll stick with Nance, alright? You guys take the car, check out the shrink.” Steve says and she blinks at the metal in her palm.
“I don’t think you want me driving your car.” She points at it.
“I don’t have a license.”
“Why don’t you have a license?”
“I’m poor.”
“I can drive.” Max suggests and Steve is quick to protest.
“No, no, never again. Please. Anybody but you, no.” His eyes drift to Dustin’s smile. “No chance.”
“Look, if it helps, I’m not gonna be alone for very long, okay?” Nancy interjects with a smile. “I… I need to call in a favour.”
“Call in a favour?” Steve frowns, “Who?”
Nancy purses her lips and looks down, shrugging. Robin notices Steve’s stance shifting into one she had labelled ‘the annoyed babysitter’; hands on hips, a slight furrow in the brows and a pouty lip. She had to refrain from pointing it out as she had done many times before, usually resulting in a random object thrown at her head.
“Y/n.” Nancy eventually says and Steve groans.
“No, come on. Literally anyone else.” He protests, shoulders dropping in defeat.
“What’s wrong with Y/n?” Dustin frowns, shaking his head.
“She’s just…” Steve sighs, not bothering to finish the sentence. Robin mouths your name, no familiar face ringing a bell.
“Whatever she is, she’s saved our asses on multiple occasions.” Max spoke up, Dustin nodding in agreement.
“It’s…” Steve starts, shaking his head. “She’s not even in town, is she?”
“She’s visiting her grandparents.” Nancy shrugs. “Look, we don’t have time to argue about it, I’m heading to the library.”
“And what if you don’t make it there, huh?” Steve objects, “What if Y/n is busy? Do we really want to drag another person into this?”
“We need all the help we can get.” Nancy says.
“Do we really want to drag Y/n into this?” He rephrases and Robin watches Nancy’s eyes dart away. Whoever you were, you were a sore subject it seemed. But they didn’t have time to be arguing about this.
“All right, okay. This is stupid.” Robin finally breaks, snagging the exposed radio from Dustin’s backpack and thrusting Steve’s keys back at him. “Us ladies will stick together. Unless you think we need you to protect us.”
Steve pulls a face at her and she laughs, already walking away.
“Be careful!” He shouts after her and she throws up a peace sign.
In all honesty, she was relieved to be heading to a library instead of sitting around in a silent car with her own thoughts. Anything but that.
“So, um… who’s Y/n?” Robin queries as Nancy starts up the car.
“An old friend.” She explains briefly, waiting until the others had driven off before following them out.
“She wasn’t at Starcourt, right?” Robin frowns, repeating your name in her head over and over.
“Uh, no. I don’t think you would’ve met her. She was with me and Jonathan, at the hospital, and…” Her voice trailed off, lips tightening.
“And?” Robin prompts but Nancy simply shakes her head with a smile.
“It doesn’t matter.”
As she looked over, she could just read a hint of guilt on her expression, a hard stare on the road ahead as she turns towards the public library. Robin wasn’t always the greatest at reading social cues, only when she was rambling and paying more attention on getting her thoughts out than how people were receiving them. There was something different about the way they were talking about you, however, like there was something unspoken.
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The first thing Nancy did was find a phone.
Robin could just make out Nancy’s expressions in the payphone as she stood waiting by the car, her brows scrunched and mouth constantly moving. When she finally hung up, she wrapped her arms around herself and headed back to the Robin, nodding.
“She’s meeting us in a few minutes.” She explained, and Robin figured she didn’t want to talk about it any further. So, as she made a turn to the library, Robin decided on a different bugging query.
“Okay so, help me get this straight.” She starts as they climb the steps, the bell tolling above the building. She was recalling Nancy’s brief summary on the drive over. “Eddie’s uncle, Wayne, thinks that Victor Creel escaped from Pennhurst Asylum and that he’s the one running around Hawkins committing all these murders?”
“Pretty much.” Nancy responds with a tight-lipped smile. Robin wasn’t finished.
“But Victor committed the eyeball murders, like, way back in the ‘50s.” Robin frowns and Nancy pulls open the door.
“Well, ‘59.” She says.
“So, that means these murders predate Eleven in the Upside Down by about 30 years?” She continued as they walk up to the librarian’s desk.
“Yeah.” Nancy responds bluntly.
“Which makes spooky Victor Creel like 70 years old.”
“Yep.” She reaches out and dings the bell.
“So…” Robin keeps talking, occupying her brain with this theory so she didn’t have to worry about anything else. “He’s a grandpa murderer who can turn invisible and lift people into the air.”
Nancy takes a breath. “It doesn’t make sense. I know. That’s why I said it was a shot in the dark.”
She rings the bell again and, once again, Robin doesn’t catch the hint Nancy’s throwing her way.
“I know. I just thought that by ‘shot in the dark’ you were being modest or hiding something super solid up your sleeve that you were gonna wow us with later.”
Nancy rings the bell twice this time but Robin barely registers it.
“But this is really, truly a shot in the dark. Like, we are snipers with blindfolds on who’ve been spun around 50 times.”
She starts ringing the bell rapidly and Robin looks down at it with a frown, finally realising she’s yet again talked too much.
“Coming!” The librarian calls out, carrying a stack of books.
“Hi, sorry, we’re in a bit of a rush.” Nancy smiles apologetically at her, “Could we get the keys to the basement archives?”
“Of course. Give me one sec.” The woman nods, turning away.
Robin stares down at her hands before the anxiety takes over.
“Did I come off mean or condescending or something?” She blurts and Nancy hesitates.
“Right.” Robin sighs, still staring at her, “Sorry. It’s just, you seem annoyed. You don’t know me very well. I don’t really have a filter or a strong grasp of social cues.”
“Okay.” Nancy whispers.
“So if I say something that upsets you, just know that I know it’s a flaw. Believe me, my mother reminds me daily.”
Nancy nods quickly, pretending to be interested. “Got it.”
“Alright, ladies.” The librarian returns with a smile, holding out a set of keys. “Here you go. Have fun.”
“Yep.” Nancy accepts them, forcing a smile. “We’ll… try.”
She starts walking away while Robin remains there frozen, earning a grin from the woman opposite. Robin simply shrugs and begrudgingly follows Nancy.
The archive room was… dusty. A little too dusty to Robin’s liking. Everything was old and smelt weird. Nancy starting looking over some books, inspecting the covers before spotting the Microfilm Readers.
“We should probably get a start while we wait for Y/n.” Nancy says, sitting at the machine and Robin hesitantly leans against it, pursing her lips. Nancy notices and looks up at her, already anticipating another ramble. “Yes?”
“So… Y/n?” Robin holds out her hands, “I don’t want to keep being nosy but, uh… how does she fit into all of this?”
Nancy reluctantly turns towards her with a smile. “She’s been a part of our, uh, group for a while now. Since Will was possessed.”
Robin blinks. “Right.”
“She was the one who figured out heat was their weakness – the things that live in the Upside Down. I’ve known her since we were kids and she’s always been amazing at…” Nancy searches for a term, “Detective stuff.”
“Detective stuff, right.” Robin nods and Nancy slowly turns back to what she was doing. “So, like…”
Nancy sighs and Robin shuts her mouth.
“Sorry, I’ll shut up.” She raises her hands in surrender and Nancy scrunches her face.
“No, I’m sorry. It’s just… I haven’t seen her in a while so I… I’m not trying to be rude, there’s just a lot going on.” She explains apologetically, surrendering her attempt at scrolling through the machine. “I can’t believe I’m dragging her into this.”
“Why are you?” Robin asks genuinely and Nancy tilts her head in contemplation.
“She did a project a few years back on the Creels.” Nancy begins, resting her chin on her hand. “She was researching into small town murders. Y/n was obsessed with the unexplained ones. She likes uncovering truths, solving the mystery. I don’t remember how far she got with this but she’ll have more than enough information to get us started.”
“Right, right.” Robin slowly nods, thinking it all over. You weren’t the new addition she assumed you would be. In fact, she was the only one here who was really new to everything.“Should I be here?”
“Sorry?” Nancy frowns.
“I mean, it sounds like you two are pretty close. And I- I don’t want to ruin the reunion or whatever, I don’t even know how to- I suck at meeting new people, basically.” Robin stresses, holding up her hand when Nancy tries to protest, “I already know. Everyone I meet pretty much hates me from the get go. I’m already ruining it with you and we’ve literally met before. Briefly. But still, I- I don’t know this Y/n and I don’t want to annoy her out of helping you-”
“Robin.” Nancy laughs, “It’s fine. Y/n isn’t like that. To be honest… you’ll probably get along.”
“What does that-”
Her words are cut off by the sound of the door opening and slamming shut, the wooden steps creaking beneath the weight of descending footsteps. They both whip their heads to the noise to see someone stood there with a folder in their hands.
“Got here as fast as I could.” You say, letting out a breath and smiling Nancy. You quickly notice the girl standing beside her with a startled look on her face. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“No, you- we were, just- I’m Robin.” She stuttered, her face flushing with embarrassment before she turns away from you. Calm down, she begs herself.
Nancy looks at her in confusion, “Are you-”
“I’m good.” She insists and Nancy shakes her head, getting up from her seat.
“Hi, Y/n.” She smiles, walking over to you. “Thank you for coming.”
“Of course.” You say, but your heart didn’t really feel in it. “I brought the project you wanted. It’s got the newspaper reports from the original killings. If that’s of any help.”
“It is, thank you so much.” Nancy takes it from your hands and starts flipping through, carefully reading each of your headings and findings.
You shift on your feet before glancing at Robin, her eyes widening slightly when you look at her.
“I’m Y/n.” You offer and she nods quickly.
“Yeah, I, uh, I know.” She laughs awkwardly, “Nice to put a face to the name.”
An incredibly gorgeous face, Robin screams inside. Of all the problems she was facing today, this shouldn’t be one of them. Monsters, Russians, that was pretty much up her alley right now. Sudden introductions of pretty girls that literally took her breath away? Not on her bingo card.
Robin noticed the tension in the air between you and Nancy, that same unspoken theory recycling in her mind. What happened last year? Why weren’t you there at Starcourt? Why were you back?
She didn’t really know if she would regret knowing the answers. All she knew was that you had been here all of two minutes and Robin already felt like you were going to change her life.
Because, you were. In more ways than one.
Update: The Pariahs That Saved The World
[if you want there to be more chapters, pls comment below or leave it in my asks to be added to a taglist, i don't want to post something no one wants to read <3]
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petitelepus · 1 month
Could you write a Yandere Muichiro (Aged up) x Fem Reader, where she had escaped almost an entire year ago, changing her appearance completely and working a job where she cannot be recognized. But of course, she wouldn't run away forever, and Muichiro finds her, I wonder what would happen after the recapture.
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Summary: You escaped from your captor Muichiro exactly one year ago. You crafted yourself a brand new life, but can you ever truly escape?
A/N: Fem!Reader, Adult!Muichiro
It has been a year since that fateful night when Mucihiro, your friend, your lover, your captor, and your stalker had forgotten to lock the door to your room that worked as your prison. You had gotten a chance to escape and you greedily took it.
That night you drew out all your money from your bank accounts and left town with the first train, making sure to use cash so Muichiro wouldn't have been able to track your card's transaction.
You weren't an expert, but you had seen enough movies to know what to do and what to avoid to keep yourself from being caught.
You did everything in your might to avoid your former friend and protect yourself and the new life you had built around you.
You adopted a new name, cut your hair, dyed it, and changed your whole dressing style and even the way you spoke. You were ready to do anything to keep that man from finding you and locking you up ever again.
You were a humble office lady, working quietly in your own little space that you could decorate any way you liked… But to make sure that your interests weren't leaked to social media, you left your workplace as it was, plain and boring.
"Good job today!" Your co-worker smiled as he walked up to your spot.
"Thank you," You nodded, "Job well done, right?"
"Right!" He laughed, "Listen, we're going to go out to drink and wanted to invite you to join us?"
In your previous life, you would have happily taken a chance to let loose and talk with your friends and co-workers, but in this life, you were a loner with no real social life.
"I'm sorry, but I really have to finish this thing…" You shook your head, "Maybe next time?"
"Alright then," The man gave up and left. You watched after him as he joined his friends by the doorway and you sighed before turning to look at your computer again. It was already late and the sun was setting, it was time to go to your apartment.
Yes, it was an apartment, not a home. Home was where the heart was and yours wasn't there. You weren't sure where it was… Maybe it got left behind when you escaped or fell off somewhere along the ride.
Either way, you packed your things and left the office. The walk back home was quiet, except for people walking and talking around you. You blended into the crowd like a ninja, but you didn't feel anywhere near that cool.
You made it to your little apartment complex, took an elevator to your floor, and let yourself into your apartment with the keys. You flicked the lights on as you closed the door and you sighed, leaning against the door and slumping down until you sat on the floor.
Even your apartment was empty, save for the bland couch, bed, TV, and computer. You didn't have the strength or energy to care… But these days made you miss your real home, your friends and your old job.
Hell, you almost missed Muich-!
No! That man locked you into his home and didn't let you go! He claimed that he loved you…
"But who locks up their loved one…" You muttered quietly by yourself…
"A man who knows best."
Your eyes widened and your flight or fight instincts flared as you registered the familiar voice that you thought you had forgotten long ago.
You turned and saw him, Muichiro standing at the corner of your room, looking at you. How you didn't notice him until now? He was always light on his feet, silent as a cat.
"Hello, dear-!" He was greeting you when you grabbed your umbrella from the floor next to you and pointed it at him, "S- Stay away!"
"Don't call me that!" You scrambled back until your back hit the wall. You grounded your teeth together, "You don't get to call me that!"
"Please, calm down," The young man smiled, "Put that umbrella down so we can talk."
"H- How did you find me!?" You totally ignored his plead and he sighed, "You were always a stubborn one."
"Answer the damn question!"
"Well… To start with, did you really think you could escape from me?" Muichiro smiled, "The only reason you got this far is because I allowed you to."
"T- That's not true-!"
"I'm always one step ahead of you." He said as he bolted and you yelped, raising your umbrella but as you were about to hit him, he caught the thing easily and threw it across the room, leaving you helpless before him.
"Please don't be afraid," He smiled as he offered his hand to you, "I'm not going to hurt you."
"Y- You aren't…?" You asked, your body tense with fear, but he just smiled sweetly at you, "Have I ever raised my hand against you?"
He had not… But he had messed with your head before so you couldn't let your guard down around him.
"Please, let's talk." He said as he moved his hand towards you, but you smacked it away and got up on your own.
"Say what you want and then get the fuck out…!" You hissed and the young man nodded, "Alright. I came to bring you back home."
"I knew it!" You pointed at him accusingly, "Forget it, I'm not coming back!"
"Why?" He seemed honestly confused like he had forgotten that he had locked you into your room and never let you out without him by your side, holding your hand as if it was a sweet gesture but you knew better.
"Why!?" You frowned, "Did you forget what you did to me!?"
"I took care of you and kept you safe?"
"Being locked inside didn't keep me safe but miserable!"
"I see…" Muichiro nodded thoughtfully, "I can see the point in your view. But how has your life been without me?"
"Bette-!" You were saying when you froze, dread creeping up from behind you and stilling you. You felt anxious as you thought back at the last year of your life and it made your heart ache in your chest.
Muichiro saw your reaction and nodded, "I always knew where you were… I've been watching you for quite some time already."
"Y- You knew?" You were shocked, "You knew where I was all this time?"
He nodded, "Yes."
"Wh- why?"
"Why what?"
"Why did you wait this long…?"
"I just gave you a taste of how dull your life would be without me in it." Muichiro tilted his head as he looked at you, "You are miserable, aren't you?"
"I- I-!" You couldn't reply, not when you knew that he was right and you hated more than anything admitting to him that he was right, as usual.
"Is life really worth living if you have to be someone you are not?" He asked and anger flared inside you, "It's better than being your prisoner!"
"You were never my prisoner," Muichiro shook his head, "You're an indoor cat, not an outdoor cat. You were safe inside."
"I'm not a cat!" You cried out in frustration, "And you just can't treat me like one!"
"But aren't you tired of living this way?" He sounded genuinely confused, "Running, hiding, and denying yourself from being you?"
"I don't…!" You swallowed, feeling yourself grow desperate, "It's all your fault!"
"I love you, I always have and always will. So I've come to you with a proposition."
"W- what is it?"
"If you come back kindly and peacefully, I will make sure that you can live your life to the fullest with me by your side."
"I'm..!" You swallowed nervously again, trying to find reasons to refuse, "I'm not the person I was back then…!"
"I have changed also," He smiled, "For example, I didn't like how that man spoke so familiarly with you, but did I hurt him? No, I let him go because I know you only have a spot in your heart for me."
"Y- you saw that?" You were truly horrified, but the young man didn't seem to mind it, "As I said, I've been watching you and I've seen how miserable you have been."
"I'm…" You frowned as you felt the heartache in your chest as if a cold hand was squeezing your heart. It left you nearly breathless as you tried to calm yourself down, but you just grew more and more anxious.
"I knew it," Muichiro nodded, "So I've come to you with a proposition."
"Wh- what is it?" You looked at him uncertainly as you frowned, and he smiled so gently you almost forgot how sinister he could actually be when he wanted to, "I love you and never want to be separated from you ever again… And therefore, I'm ready to put this all behind us so we can start anew."
"W- Wha-!?" You were so shocked you felt it in your bones.
"Marry me." He said and he sounded so genuine as he knelt before you and grasped your hand, "Marry me and come back with me and I promise, you can be yourself and we can be together and love each other unconditionally."
"B- But, I-!" You stuttered, your mind feeling like it had been shuffled and your feelings were all over the place. Your mind was a mess and you couldn't tell if you Muichiro was being genuine and if you were actually in danger or not.
That was one of his traits you hated, making you question your own feelings and such…
"I love you." He said as he gently kissed your hand, "Give me a chance and I'll show you truly how much I care for you."
"I…" You swallowed as you succumbed to your feelings, "I love you too."
"That's all I wanted to hear," The man smiled as he got up and pulled a gorgeous diamond ring from his pocket and slipped it onto your left ring finger, making you briefly wonder how he knew your exact ring size?
"Now…" He kissed your forehead, "Let's head back home."
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tgmsunmontue · 6 months
Online & Anonymous 1/16
Hangster. Explicit. (2.5k chapter) Years before they meet in person Bradley and Jake strike up a friends-with-benefits relationship online. And then something more like an actual relationship.
A predominantly epistolary fic set in a world where papers were pulled and events of TGM will take place and DADT exists until it is repealed at the end of 2011.
The website they begin chatting on is called 'Jake', which was a site that existed back in the early 2000s. (It was too good an opportunity to miss).
Odd year = Bradely's POV and Even year = Jake's POV
>>Bradley chatting (bold and italics)
>>Jake chatting (italics)
Many thanks to @celandinebergerac, @phisworld14, @redfurrycat and @nevergettingoverit for being my sounding boards as I hashed this out.
2005 – Bradley
                Bradley refuses to be grateful about his years at college. Going the ROTC route has meant he’s likely had a wider exposure to certain elements than if he’d gone to USNA but he still doesn’t understand why Pete pulled his papers, or why Tom let him, but they’re his past now. He has a new family, his fellow classmates and the online message boards he found when he was exploring. He’s got them in his corner no matter where he goes in the world now, his own private little cheering squad. Of course he’s been lonely in the holidays, but he’s made do. Usually working to earn money to see him through the next semester.
                One thing he has saved and scrimped for is a laptop. A personal laptop that he can use to keep in touch with his friends he made online and at college. Yes he could of course use the communal computer labs, and he will need to do that to actually get closer to the WiFi signal, however he doesn’t have to use a communal machine, which makes him more comfortable considering what he often uses his machine for. He’s aware of what he says and does could be used against him, but he’s aware now that he could do something else with his life if he had to. Not that he wants to, but he will if he has to.
                And it’s all been worth it. He’s made it, he’s at flight school, is a commissioned officer in the US Navy and now he just needs to be the best. He knows he’s good, flight school is highly competitive and the fact that he’s here is enough of a confidence boost that he’s actually good enough, no matter what Pete or Tom think. That it didn’t take anyone’s name to get him here. He settles into the orientation session, listening intently, taking notes, and looking around at the rest of the class. He recognizes a few faces, but most are simply a haze, although he knows that will change soon enough. A break comes and the woman beside him turns to him.
                “Hi, Natasha Trace.”
                “Bradley Bradshaw, nice to meet you.”
                “Is that actually your name?”
                “Yep,” Bradley sighs, resigned to going through the whole thing with another group of people.
                “Ouch. My condolences.”
                Bradley laughs, pretty sure he’s going to like her.
2006 – Jake
                Jake stares at the name of the site and he’s pretty sure he could use Jake as his username, and no one would believe that it’s actually his name. And he’s not actually going to use his whole first name, he remembers a few details about staying safe online. He creates an account, his hands shaking a little because he’s not ever gone looking for anything like this before, not online. Not where he might get found out.
>>Okay, if that’s the year of your birth you need to change your username. That’s not a smart thing to put on here.
                Jake stares at the message, then at his username. It needed to be eight characters or less and something he’d remember. Of course he’d gone with his initials and the year he was born. Of course that maybe wasn’t the smartest thing in the world in hindsight, but he’s new to this. What this PeteF14 thinks he knows isn’t much, because he’s fucking using a first name and the name of a fighter jet. It couldn’t be more obvious. Well, maybe he’s just a fan of fighter jets?
>>What’s wrong with JAS1986?
>>And you’re using your first name, that’s not smart either.
>>Pete is definitely not my first name. It’s not even part of my name. I hate the name Pete.
>>Oh my god, why did I use the name Pete?
>>I don’t know, you tell me.
>>Just someone from my past I’d rather forget. How about you call me Nick instead? Actually.
>>PeteF14 has changed their username to NickNick
>>Again not your name huh?
>>Nope. But it is a family name somewhere in the line of my ancestors.
                Jake snorts, because that could be father, uncle, grandparents. Hell, it could even be part of a last name, which he guesses is actually pretty smart as names go, for it to be something so generic.
>>You need to make a new username though. There are some dodgy people online.
>>But not you right?
>>I can be plenty dodgy if the circumstances require it, but just doing my civic duty. Change your username kid.
                Fucking fine. He doesn’t want to be kept calling kid by strangers on the internet. This isn’t why he signed up to this account.
>>JAS1986 has changed their username to JASTexas
>>No! Don’t put where you’re from. Or where you live. Fucking hell. Is this your first time or something?
>>Yes, if you must know.
>>What would you suggest? Considering your name was something you apparently hated and is now NickNick, which is ridiculous by the way, double-barrel names like that sound stupid.
>>This isn’t why I signed up to this site. And Texas is a fucking huge state, and even if I did still live there, it’s not where I live now.
>>Sorry. How about TJASX, or 00Austin, JASUSA maybe?
>>You suck at coming up with usernames.
>> JASTexas has changed their username to 00JASTYX
>>Hmm. Yeah. Better.
>>So glad to have your approval.
>>I can’t tell if you’re being a dick, or if you actually want my approval. Because I do like that you listened to me. If that’s something you’re into.
>>I don’t know what I’m into. First time remember?
>>First time online right?
>>No. Not just online.
                He pushes the laptop away from himself, suddenly mortified that he’s admitted that to someone. Not that it matters, not that he just can’t outright lie about it, and he shouldn’t care so much, but… well. He does. He doesn’t like not knowing, not having that life experience. Not that he can just go out and get it, hence… this.
>>You ever slept with a guy?
>>Yep. I got the whole college experience under my belt.
>>I’m jealous. None of that where I went. And not really easy now either.
>>You ever had cybersex? I can tell you what to do to yourself. Might get you off.
                Jake’s pretty sure there isn’t any might about it, is already getting hard just thinking about it, just having this tenuous connection with someone, anyone, that might in fact be like him. Fuck. He has no idea if this Pete-hating Nick guy is even a guy, or how old he is, or even where he is in the world. It’s all sorts of freeing actually, this level of anonymity that despite the fact that Nick knows he considers Texas home and is born in 1986 there is nothing else about him that can be used to identify him.
>>No, but I am very open to new experiences. You want to tell me what to do huh?
>>No, I think this time I want to tell you what I want to do to you.
>>You can touch yourself however you like.
>>Trust me, you can just read. Multi-tasking takes a while to figure out.
                Jake snorts, but Nick probably, no, definitely, has more experience than Jake in all things sex-related and if all he has to do is read words on his screen then he can manage that. Although he’s going to practice, wants to be able to jerk off and type at the same time, get good at doing it one-handed. Wants to be able to reciprocate in the future.
>>Your first time, I’d kiss you, slowly and softly to start with, and I’d hold your body close, because I want to feel it against mine, solid and warm. I’d slip a hand between our bodies, run my fingers up the length of your cock, feel how warm it is, how heavy… 
>>God I love the feeling of a cock in my hand, knowing how much pleasure it can bring.
>>We’re still fully clothed, I want to enjoy undressing you. I’m not touching your cock to get you hard, more giving you a promise of what’s to come.
          ��     Jake’s mouth is dry, his entire body tingles at the images and ideas this is creating. These words are meant for him, and him alone and he runs his fingers down his body in a ghosting imitation of what it might feel like to finally have someone else’s hands on him. This is exactly what he was looking for when he made the account, something real but also not too risky. A little risky though, but it’s not heading out to the nearest gay bar.
>>I’m pulling your shirt out of your pants, getting my hands onto your skin, just touching for a little before I go back and undo the buttons and push your shirt off your shoulders.
                Jake groans, part of him impressed that his guy has somehow picked exactly what kind of shirt Jake is wearing, and he pulls it off, along with his singlet top, lets his hand stroke over his skin and is a little surprised at the responding shiver his body makes. He likes this even more than he thought he would. He shoves off his pants, not wanting to wait until Nick tells him he’s taking them off.
>>You’re enjoying it, enjoying my hands on you, warm fingers just tracing over your skin, making you feel desirable. I’m still kissing you, still pretty softly, I don’t want to spook you, not this first time. I run my hand down your body again and I find your cock. It’s gotten harder, pressing against the front of your pants and I can feel how thick you are. I want a closer look. A taste.
>>I kiss down your neck, along your jaw, suck at your nipples a little until I’m on my knees in front of you.
                Jake groans, imagines some guy wanting to do this with him, to him, for him. He reaches for his lube, glad he doesn’t have to try and type, squeezes a little out, he doesn’t like it too slick, grips his cock and strokes, tries to imagine what a hot mouth would feel like sucking him down.
>>I know it will be warm, I’ll inhale through my nose, learning what you smell like. I’ll exhale through my mouth, pressing it to your cock so you feel the warmth of my breath through your pants around your most sensitive skin.
>>I undo the button of your pants, carefully lower the zipper, and then pull them down, tugging your underwear down carefully as well. Then I can finally taste, get my tongue on you, let my fingers dig into the muscles of your thighs and bring you closer to me.
>>I am not in any type of rush, I love giving blowjobs, gets me off, having a guy trust me this much. Just let my face rest there and breathe for a few seconds before I lick up your length, one of my hands coming to fondle your balls. Some guys love having their balls sucked, I wonder whether you will?
                Jake bites his lip, his hand stroking harder and faster, wonders when he’ll get to find out, god he wants to find out. If this is how good the written word is he really wants to find someone he can try these things with in-person. He might have to wait a couple of years still, but fuck it’ll be worth it. God it better be worth it.
>>I lick at the head of your cock, place a light kiss and then I lick and purse my lips, making a warm slippery heat for you to press into and then I suck you into my mouth and all you can feel is sudden tight heat around your cock. I’ve moved my hand to the bottom of the shaft, stroking you there but I’m sucking the head and top half of your cock with the sole intent that I want you to come in my mouth.
                Jake whines, his hips jerking as he imagines coming in someone’s mouth, having someone wanting him to come in their mouth. For it to be sexy rather than dirty or forbidden. That idea, that he will one day get to be sexy, that he will have someone that is his, that wants to be with him, is what has him coming, his breath coming in rough pants, loud in the quiet of his room, all the tenseness in his muscles suddenly turning into hot liquid as he comes and he groans.
>>I reach for one of your hands, get you to run your hand through my hair, encourage you to pull a little as I suck you harder and faster. I want to make you noisy, want to hear your pleasure when you come. Want you to come.
                Jake quickly wipes himself clean, the tissues by his head there pretty much there solely for this purpose and he wants to go and wash his hands before typing but he types one thing before sprinting to the little bathroom and washing his hands as quickly as possible before running back to his bed and laptop.
>>Mmm. I’ll take that as a compliment.
>>I hope that was an okay first time.
>>You know where to find me if you want to.
                Jake shivers, re-reads the words, because first time implies there will be more and he can only imagine the things he might get to share.
>>That was really something.
>>Was good. Amazing.
>>I enjoyed it.
>>A lot.
                Oh god, he’s babbling through the internet and the guy is probably laughing at him.
>>Good. I’m glad. Can’t vouch for your first time in real life, but at least you can always hit me up if you find the real thing lacking.
>>Actually the real thing can take some practice and experience to get right, so don’t just go with the first guy who shows interest okay? Learn from my mistakes at least.
>>Your first time wasn’t good?
>>Nope. Got better of course. Eventually. But I had years at college to figure things out. Now I’m not at college, but I’m still figuring things out. Young yet though. Got time. Not as young as you though.
>>Haha. I’m legal.
>>Yeah well, I’ll have to take your word for that.
                He signs off, feeling a little awkward and he wonders how awkward it would be if it was face-to-face. Yeah, he’s really not ready for that yet.
                The awkwardness fades though, and he chats with Nick almost weekly. They definitely get better at the sex talk, and Jake becomes adept at one-handed typing. They also talk about other stuff, and Jake can feel like he can ask him anything, be open with his worries about his career, without going into detail about what that career is exactly. Nick is non-judgemental, answers all his sex questions and when he goes looking to verify some of the answers he finds that the information he’s getting is solid. Correct. It makes him trust him. Probably more than is wise, but he doesn’t share any further information that could identify him. The risks are too high and Nick hasn’t offered up anything either.
                Then Nick says he’s going to be online less regularly, maybe not online at all, potentially for five to seven months and Jake is surprised at how disappointed he feels. Somehow, with the sex and the talking and the fact that he’s been able to be so open with Nick about being gay makes Nick feel like his best friend. He has other friends, but none of them know he’s gay. He’s far too scared to tell them.
                Maybe one day.
2007 - Bradley - Chapter 2
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gxtzeizm · 1 year
hello and good day to all my beloved mutuals in this site <333
tbh i truly hate to do this because i really feel ashamed to myself that i need to beg for some money since i've never do this before...but since the new semester starts in a few days for my uni and i truly i need for the money, so here's the thing.....
if some of you guys know that i had bought my first own laptop for my uni (yup considering that my prev laptop was my mum's old laptop and it literally not having a sufficient RAM enough for me as a computing student) which i was actually using all of my monthly allowance i saved since this july earlier (that was when my 2 months and half semester break started) until this october when i supposed to use for this month during the new semester.
and right now i really just have a little amount of money in my bank account which is barely enough for me to spend my whole month expensess (food, transport, course books etc etc)
so i truly appreciate all of you guys if you're willing to help me donate some money no matter how much amount either on my paypal or ko-fi account. i just only need at most $170 only to cover up monthly expensess for this month.
or maybe you can help me reblog this post if you not able to donate and it truly means everything to me 🙏🙏🙏
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enluv · 1 year
love spill !
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PAIRING! - rockstar!jay (enha) x fem!reader
wc: 1.3k+
warnings: angst-ish but not really + fluff later !!, reader is stressed/exhausted, profanity, slow burn(?)
coco’s ♡ note: this came from a mini game I answered once and literally could not get over because I need rockstar bf jay so badly, I might make more with this jay too so let me know if you like it or have any rockstar!bf jay thoughts because I will indulge and write them !!! literally adore this jay so much ahhhh!!!
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Finally some piece and quiet away from the shared apartment you live in with the three younger boys.
Perhaps living with your younger brother and his university friends wasn’t the best idea, especially when you had a ten page journalism report due by three pm the next day.
That’s why you find yourself here on a hot summers day sitting in your favorite cafe, it’s not busy on Fridays and is hidden enough so the boys won’t find you for a while, but they will come looking eventually.
The bell of the cafes door rings to signify it being opened but this report is due tomorrow and you can’t stop to look up, but maybe you should have. Maybe you should have because now as you watch the hot brown liquid seep into your laptops keyboard you become painfully aware of the boy in front of you who’d walked in early wearing the most guilt ridden expression. His words muffled as you watch your screen go black.
“Oh fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I’m so sorry. Wait here let me get something to clean this up.” He’s fumbling with the other drinks in his hand as he tries to reach for napkins to clean the spill he’s made.
Where else would you go really? Right now you’re just waiting for the ground to swallow you whole. Had the program even saved the other three pages you’d written? Was your hard work gone just like that? Would your professor even believe you if you told him what happened? Even if it sounded straight out of a movie?
“Just leave it, I’ll clean it myself. Please leave.”
He stills at your words, no malice or emotions within them just exhaustion. The tone of your voice makes his heart ache, and he swears to himself that he’s going to make up for this for the rest of his life.
“I’m sorry for this really, I need to leave because I have a schedule to get to but I promise I’ll make this up to you. Can I have your number?”
Your stare makes him feel small, then he realizes how his question sounds after a minute passes between you two.
“Wait I didn’t mean it like that. I’m not asking you out. Not saying I wouldn’t ask you out but I’m not doing that right now! I just need it so I can text you to pay you back, or I can pay to get your laptop fixed. I’ll send you the money or even if you want buy you a new one.”
Jay can’t tell what you’re thinking but somehow he’s walking out of the cafe with your phone number and an assortment of drinks for his members. Dreading having to explain to them just what happened in the cafe.
unknown (2:46pm):
uh hey this is jay, I’m the one who dropped my coffee on your laptop, really sorry about that by the way!! um i want to give you these so I can say sorry again in person because my mom always said to apologize face to face or you don’t mean it and also that way we can figure out the laptop money thing together.
unknown (2:47pm):
four attachments sent
just stop by tomorrow and have some fun and then after I’ll come find you and we can talk!! what’s your name by the way?
you (3:12pm):
it’s y/n. thanks, I’ll see you tomorrow.
“I cannot believe some random dude gave you tickets to see downfall, like this show has been sold out for months and I mean months, talking eight months and he just gave up four tickets to see them? He must be loaded! Tell him you want a new computer and game console, I want the newest version.”
Jungwon’s excited rambles bring a smile to your face, sure just yesterday you’d cried almost all the water out your body until Jungwon had called your professor and explained in detail (along with sticking the phone in your room so he could hear your cries) the situation, but he’d also somehow gotten you an extension on your paper for the next week. He seriously deserved the random concert tickets the stranger, Jay, had sent you.
Receiving them was odd but he’d convinced you with the promise of fixing your laptop and that’s honestly all that mattered, so if you had to sit through a three hour long show next to some stranger who spilled coffee on your laptop then so be it because you’d be getting it fixed no matter what.
Except instead of said random stranger sitting next to you, an actual random stranger stood beside you excitedly yapping with her friends and the random stranger you had expected was perched on stage with a guitar in hand, microphone stationed in front of him like it belonged to him, and soon enough you’d realize from the crowds hollers that it did belong to him.
“ARE YOU READY FOR TONIGHT?” He’s met with screams all around the arena.
“That’s what I like to hear, alright let’s go.”
The shock of who Jay was really didn’t cease even after the show had ended and the four of you began to walk out the packed venue, it doesn’t really go away until a large man comes to escort you backstage.
“Hey buddy I think you have the wrong people, we’re just here still because my sisters waiting for someone.” Jungwon’s voice breaks you out of your shock and the man nods as if he knew what he was going to say.
“Yeah he’s backstage, just follow me.”
Jay fidgets with the bag he has in his hands, earlier he’d dragged the boys along with him to pick you out a new laptop and even threw in a new case and holder for it. He really wanted to get the image of your exhausted eyes out of his mind, he wanted to see you happy and healthy.
“Y/N you didn’t tell us the guy who spilled coffee on you was one of the members of downfall,” the voice he hears is failing to whisper as you get closer.
“Are we about to meet one of the members? What if it’s just like a staff or something like why would an actual member be getting their coffee and oh my god that’s the lead singer Jay.”
He laughs shyly at the boy who’s mouth is now wide open pointing excitedly at him, but he quickly shuts up as he spots you. You look so pretty, completely different from when he’d last saw you drenched in coffee and exhaustion all over your face. Right now you looked content and really really pretty.
“Hey Y/N, I know I said I’d give you the money to fix your laptop but I thought you should just have a completely brand new one, I’m really sorry for spilling my coffee on yours, I’m sure you were busy and needed it, I hope you can use this new one well,” his breath hitches as he holds out the bag to you and your fingers touch briefly, “and I hope you liked the show, I see your friends did.” He sends a wave their way and laughs when they all excitedly wave back.
A smile begins to develop on your cheeks and his heart races. This is exactly how he’d like to see you, happy and smiling.
Later that night as you pull out the new laptop determined to finish your nearly complete paper, a small card flutters out with it that reads —
“I wrote this to say not only sorry again, but to also ask if you’d like to go out with me sometime? and I mean it this time, as in I am actually asking you out unlike last time when I, you know accidentally asked you out unintentionally, this time I promise it’s intentional. Please let me make up the god awful first meeting we had, I promise it’ll be worthwhile. You have my number so if you want to then just shoot me a text but if not then that’s fine with me too! – Jay”
A smile forms on your face as you set down the card and get to working on your essay, the answer to Jay’s proposition already clear in your mind. Yes.
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coco’s love note: i am so terribly down bad for jay it’s crazy. he’s so just perfect like I adore him so much!! and I’m the biggest rockstar!jay enthusiast like I just had to write something about it, plus I think it’s so adorable how he’s clumsy in this fic but a crazy rager on stage & only mc gets to see both sides of him fully! I hope you enjoyed this fic! As always, feedback & reblogs are appreciated! Thank you for reading <3
enhypen taglist?! @en-fvr @bloom-bloom-pow @nikis-mum @yourlocalhotgf @kyublr @spoooooooooooon @enhacolor @yoongimooni @blaqpinksthectic @gyuuss @eternallyhyucks @dinosdance @simpforsung @misschubswrites @junityy @jjunry @jwonsgirl @fxckingshame @stealanity @haoreo @jxp1t-3r @chaerybae @bobariki @vatterie (bold can’t be tagged!) Wanna be added to the taglist? – Check out THIS post!
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pianocat939 · 2 months
I haven’t posted in a longgggg time. Mostly because I’ve been on the grind for some video games + money to buy a new saxophone because my girlie is LIVING on tape rn ;-;
Anyway, this is just…a random idea I’ve thought of. I don’t have big plans yet, but just a little something to get me back to writing again.
So this idea is inspired by both Monster High and Monsters University. And the thing that might make this a shitpost is acrually the heavy design inspo from Mike Wazowski…save me from my brain-
Tw: Drugging, Needles (very brief), no consent mini surgery (installment of a device), implied stalking
So, MC is at university doing whatever studies they wish. Of course, they get assigned to a dorm to make transportation easier.
(MC can be human or any creature you choose, I’m bullshitting here)
Upon first entrance, their roommate happens to be some cyclops dude trying to cut his hair. Just…casually cutting his hair. Miserably. The more he cuts, the more it looks like a bowlcut.
(Now, unlike Wazowski, he actually is tall and has a proper body and head. More similar to the Ancient Greek myth than Mike. However, minus the giant part.)
MC is kind of feeling awkward but tries to introduce themselves. But he’s just snipping away, while talking. He’s quite friendly, but more quiet.
It’s only until he’s about to chop off a huge chunk that MC offers to do his hair since it’s about to be a borderline disaster. He agrees.
So somehow MC is stuck with trimming hair while they get to know him better.
He talks of how he’s a computer engineering major. How he’s building some grand PC of his own to game on.
Then he mentions how his family immigrated from Cyprus and has been living in [country idfk] ever since. Then goes on a ramble how despite his family’s culture he is the biggest hater of olives. He mentions mother complains to him he is avoiding his true nature.
But then, he asks MC, “If you had to offer your heart to let someone survive, would you?”
Of course, MC is stunned and is confused why he’s asking such a question. But answers soon enough.
He smiles. His one eye squinting with happiness.
“I would. I absolutely would. Especially since it took me so long to find you.”
Before MC could question him, they feel his hand quickly grasp away the scissors. His agility is a mystery. He then gets some form of spray can bottlefrom his hoodie pocket and sprays their face.
A suspicious, cheap looking can. MC starts freaking out: the chemical smell, his strange statement and question, and even his facial expression creeping them out too.
But then, they start feeling woozy. Weak. Extreme weakness you could call it. Having to settle themselves on the nearby seat. Their mind shutting down quickly.
And in moments slump over the backrest of the chair like they’re sleeping.
The cyclops just continues to smile. Before reaching to pet their hair. “I lied. I never was a computer engineering major. I’m actually a chemical engineering major.” He swishes a hand through his hair. He then comments, “Not bad at the cut.”
Before he drags them to a different room. The room is already decorated with things they would tend to enjoy. The colours, furniture, and items.
He tucks them into bed. Before leaving the room briefly, getting a tiny device (like lady bug small) with a needle attached to it. He leans down and pricks their neck, installing the device. He settled it deep enough to hide, but not enough to cause permanent damage.
He finished the installment off with a bandaid. Giving one last pat to their head before leaving the room.
Similar to what I said before, this isn’t a fully established idea. Just something I thought of while doing random things.
Now, just a bit of explanation because that’s what I love doing. So, he has in fact been stalking MC before this event. I’m not sure how/when yet, but definitely for at least a year.
The suspicious can of chemicals he had is actually something he engineered himself. It’s just a chemical that can knock someone out for less than half an hour, while also having the side effect of losing their recent memory.
The device he installed is a tracker. A very detailed one.
I don’t have a name for him. And idk if I’ll ever will, but just know he is in fact evil Mike Wazowski. /j
I’m thinking to add other characters to this idea I have. Including more ladies because I realized I rarely ever write women. And we need some.
Alright I need snoozers.
- Celina
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coltrainbat · 2 years
Can you something about our boy, chris evans being wanting to get married and have kids but he feels uncommitted. He dates a few women in the past and has done fake relationships. One day, Chris met reader at a party, he asked her out but reader straight out says no
Yes, No, Maybe...
A/N: I had this in my drafts! Like this exact thing! Omg did you hack my computer? I fixed it up and made it all good but thank you great request. 💕
Disclaimer: All characters and events written, even those based on real people are entirely fictional and are no representation or comment of said characters in real life.
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You readjusted your dress in the mirror, fiddling with the fabric stretched over your boobs. There was no way to make your cleavage less prominent, so you decided to embrace it, avoiding any nip slips in the process. Turning to the side you were able to appreciate the curve of your body, your natural hourglass extenuated by the bodycon dress. You weren’t skinny by any means, but you loved how your curves filled out dresses. 
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Your friend had given you a VIP access ticket to the Premiere afterparty for the new Barbie movie – it was the perfect event to bring out the pink bodycon midi dress that lived in the back of your closet. 
  Doing a final swipe of gloss over your lips, you exited the washroom and made your way to the bar hoping to find a familiar face. 
  “Hey stranger” you whistled at the bartender. Danny was one of your friends’ older brothers and before he was making you cocktails on nights out; he was buying you 6 packs of white claws when you were 15. 
  “Y/N! Where have you been girl?”
  “Working. How’s the fam?��� 
  “Good, mom asks about you all the time... I’ll tell her you’re staying out of trouble.”
  “Please do, it’s been years since she had to pick me up from a house party gone wrong.”
  “Hope you haven’t gone boring on us… do you want your special drink to loosen you up?” 
  Your special drink. Danny had a talent of making you a drink that was sweet enough you couldn’t taste the alcohol but strong enough to make you pass out on the road after 5. And right now, seemed like the perfect time for your special drink.
  As Danny made your drink, you finally got a chance to look at your surroundings; music played in the background of the dimly lit room. Extravagant flower arrangements towered over tables; you made a note to steal one before you left for the night. Groups of influencers, movie stars and A-Listers hung around their respective friend groups. You felt a little uncomfortable, not a single person here looked like you. 
  “One special drink for one special girl.” 
  “Too good to me.” You leaned over the bar to kiss your old friend on the cheek as he placed the pink concoction on the table. 
  “More where that came from just ask.” He smiled and went back to cleaning glasses as you sipped the familiar drink and tried to get comfortable on the bar stool that had the area of cheese slice. Your thighs sat half on, half off the stool and you’d stand if your feet weren’t hurting from the heels you had on. 
  The bar was conveniently empty of patrons meaning you had time to play your sudoku and figure out how long you had until you could go home and put on your PJs. Uninterrupted. Until…
  Another afterparty. It’s not like I hated them or anything but after the 5th or 6th they all seemed the same. Sure, they’d be in different cities, different venues but all the people were the same. 
  Same old brown nosing from people who think that because your whole life is on Wikipedia, they can act chummy with you after 5 minutes. 
  Same old C-List actress and their terrible attempt at flirting. God if I had a dollar for every girl who said they needed saving by Captain America I’d have the same amount of money I got from the whole series. They all looked the same as well – blonde, skinny, flat ass. First couple of times, sure, I’d try to get to know them, but they had the same amount of substance as white bread, and my acting skills only stretch so far in trying to seem interested. 
  I did a silent prayer that I didn’t have to bring along a date. I couldn’t go another night having to be paired with some questionable wannabe actress/model/influencer hybrid who couldn’t hold a conversation that wasn’t about how much free shit she got or her willingness to do absolutely anything for a role with a wink. Shuddering at the thought. 
  A good thing about afterparties was the booze. Free, unlimited, delicious booze. 
  “Maybe you’ll find her tonight ya never know.” I was pulled out of my train of thought by a harsh slap on the back from my buddy, Zach.
  “I can promise you bro the love of my life is not here, drunk as a skunk in a push up bra begging for a minor role to some sleezy director but thanks for thinking of me.”
  “Beggars can’t be choosers my man, but if you’re going to be ungrateful about the number of women who would trip over themselves to breathe the same air as you the least you could do is play wingman.”
  “Whatever you say, I’m getting a beer.”
  As I tried to slip through the crowd of people and avoid getting stopped for photos. Throwing in a couple of “Heyyyy’s” “How are ya’s” and “Good to see you’s” “Yeah of course we’ll chat just need a drink” I finally arrived at the bar which was conveniently off in a semi quiet corner.
  Waiters were walking around with champagne glasses and bottle service which was great for three reasons; it occupied the masses, meant the bar was empty and more beer for me.
  I waved down the bartender and settled myself on the all too small barstool. 
  “Can I please get a corona?” 
  “Of course, sir. Y/N you need another?” The bartender looked towards the girl next to me. 
  Holy shit. Y/N. 
  There she sat in all her glory; she looked out of place in the best way possible. The pink drink in front of her barely full. Her ass could barely fit on the child size barstool. The light casted a soft shadow on her cleavage. She was gorgeous. 
  “Gosh, yes please Danny.” She knew his name. Was he, her boyfriend? God, I hope not cause if so he just caught me blatantly staring at her. 
  He placed the cold beer in front of me with a wink. Gesturing for me to lean in close.
  “Good luck trying she doesn’t crack easily.” Ok great not her boyfriend. But also shit, he definitely saw me checking her out. 
  “I’ll do my best.” 
  I slide in the seat closest to her. She didn’t even look up from her phone. Sudoku. She was playing fucking Suduko in a club. Way to send a statement that you don’t give a fuck about the event at you’re at. 
  He placed a brand-new drink in front of her. 
  “What is that?” I gestured towards her drink.
  She locked her phone and looked up slightly dazed as she ran a hand through her volumed hair. 
  “It’s a secret.” Holy shit. I know who this is. I know. What’s his name… Brad? Sebastian? Holy shit how could I forget the sexiest man alive’s name. Why is he talking to me? Does he think I’m easy or something? 
  “May I?” Does he want to taste my drink? Like drink from the same glass as me? What the fuck?
  “Be my guest.”
  “Omg that’s delicious.”
  “That’s why it’s a secret.”
  “Chris.” He held out his hand. 
  Chris. Chris Evans. That’s it! 
  “Y/N.” You shook his hand to be nice. The man had a reputation though. You had read all the gossip forums; knew he was a serial dater. Surely, there’s a reason if you’re that good looking and successful you hadn’t settled down yet. 
  You studied his face, he was far from young, but he had aged well, he clearly wasn’t trying to hide the grey specks in his beard or the soft wrinkles of his forehead. He wasn’t as intimidatingly big as you expected but broad and solid none the less. He smelt clean and expensive, and you hoped to God your hand wasn’t sweaty. 
  “So, what brings you here to play Sudoku?” Omg did he look at my phone? Shit that’s embarrassing.
  You chuckled lightly, “Just came for a friend… and the drinks of course.” You took a long sip of the yummy cocktail. 
  “So, what do you do?” Please don’t say actress. Please don’t say actress. Please don’t say actress. Please don’t say actress. Please don’t say actress.
  “I manage a (dream workplace).”
“Wow that’s awesome for a second there I thought you were going to say-”
  “Actress. Yeah no.”
  “God you’re quick” He chuckled nervously, unsure of how he was going to crack her. He didn’t know what it was. Maybe it was the fact that at this fancy schmancy event she was playing Sudoku at bar or that regardless of whether she could properly fit in the seat she sat so gracefully and confidently. How her dress hugged her curves, how she got a special drink at the bar because she was just so goddamn special. How every movement was sexy and smooth like she knew exactly who she is and didn’t question herself it for a moment. All he knew is that he wanted to know everything about her and to study ever curve on her body. 
  Feeling confident after your 2nd incredibly potent drink, you thought you’d take the opportunity to have some fun with him
   “How often do you do this?” You quizzed.
  Do what? Go to after parties?” Chris replied puzzled.
   “No, go up to random women at a bar”
   “Not often”
   “Why bullshit?”
  You gave him a knowing look
   “Oh so someone likes to read gossip magazines.” he smirked and leaned closer 
  You held your hand to your chest “It’s my god given right as a woman to read trashy magazines”
  “No fair enough but that doesn’t mean they’re true...”
  “Hard to believe you‘d complain about getting pictured with models.” You scoffed, taking a long sip. 
   “Could I prove you wrong?”
  “Doubt it I’m always right” you took another sip, smirking into your straw
   “Then let me take you out”
  You laughed at the suggestion 
  “Chris, I can call you Chris right?”
  “You’re handsome, successful, clearly there is something going on up there and as much as I’d love to have you sweep me off my feet one night, I also love the fact that me doing the walk of shame has never been put on the front cover of TMZ. So thanks but no thanks.”
  You got up to leave until he grabbed your wrist firmly but softly pulling you to face him. 
  You stood over him, him never letting go of your wrist. 
  “You think I’m handsome?” He crocked his head to the side in a knowing smirk.
  “This is ridiculous.” you rolled your eyes dramatically 
  “How about no walk of shame instead…dinner, privately, no cameras, no photographers… your favourite restaurant brought to you… whatever you want”
  “Whatever I want?”
  “Whatever you want. If I don’t manage to sweep you off your feet, you can go to all the rag mags and tell them Chris Evans is a douchebag.”
  You went to answer until a man came up behind you
  “Brooo there you are where the hell have you been?”
  Chris’s hand fell from your wrist and went to pinch his eyebrow.
  “Hey Zach, this is Y/N” gesturing towards you 
  “Hi nice to meet you sorry I was just leaving.” You scooted past his friend.
  “Wait... Y/N… I..” you disappeared into the crowd before he could finish. No way were you going to embarrass him and in turn yourself in front of his friend.
  “Bro she was… wow… don’t tell me you dropped the ball on that one.”
  “I didn’t… until you showed up.” Chris rubbed his face in angst
  “Shit dude I’m sorry… hey go get her she’s probably still here.”
  “Yeah.. yeah fuck you’re right.” He jumped from his seat and gave his friend a quick tap on the shoulder as he ventured into the crowd towards the exit pushing past bodies.
    You had made it downstairs and walked down the road a little, resting your head against the cold tile wall outside the club. 
  Taking in a deep breathe. Great. You blew it. Maybe you misjudged him. God he was so good looking as well! And smart and funny and charming. You got caught up in his façade, why would he ever want to be with someone like you? He was drunk and clearly out of his mind so he wanted to mess with you. Lucky you got out before you well and tru-“
  “Why so quick to run off?” there he was, hands in his pant pockets leaning towards the wall. 
  You gave a defeated laugh “I didn’t want to embarrass you.”
  “What’s so embarrassing about you?” He said, his face not flinching, seriousness laid in his voice. He seemed genuinely confused at the suggestion. 
  “I don’t know maybe because I wasn’t like every other skinny blonde in there.”
  “You’re right you weren’t…” He took a step closer
  “You’re better. Zach was pretty impressed with you; I just came down to avoid the teasing I’d get for the rest of my life if I managed to let you go without at least one date.”
  You tried to hide you’re smile as you looked away from his intense gaze.
  “There’s nothing embarrassing about you and if you would let me, I would like to take you on that date. And before you ask, no, I don’t do this often.”
  You looked up at the night sky, considering whether you’re about to make the worst or the best choice of your life.
  “Yes, I’ll go on a date with you.”
  “Good.” He passed you his phone and you entered your number, giving it back to him he immediately dialled it and put it towards his ear.
  “Just to be sure” he smirked at you.
  Your phone rang and you held it up to him “I got it.”
  “Good. I’ll see you tomorrow then” He stepped close to you, you thought he was about to kiss you, so you stretched your neck out a little in anticipation towards his chin. 
  Bypassing your lips, he moved to your ear.
  “See you tomorrow” he kissed the skin between your ear and your cheekbone. Your body went hot at his touch.
  He walked backwards as you took a gulp at the sudden intimacy, trying to catch your breathe. 
  He fist pumped the air in a celebratory motion.
  You laughed at his gesture and gave him a little wave goodbye as you walked down the street to get a cab.
  “Tomorrow!” He screamed out at, drawing attention from loiters on the street. 
  God what have you gotten yourself into? 
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shuadotcom · 2 years
Crush on You | HJS
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❄ Summary: Joshua hates the idea of you being all alone for winter break so he wants to surprise you.
❄ Pairing: Joshua x GN!Reader
❄ Genres & AUs: Fluff, friends to lovers au, college au
❄ Rating: PG
❄ Warnings: None just Joshua being the sweetest
❄ Words: 3.3k
❄ Note: First fic of 2023! Big thank you to @toikiii​ for reading this over for me! This is an old fic of mine that I’ve been meaning to get around to rewriting when I was feeling especially soft. My brain simply would not rest and I literally couldn’t work on any other wip until I got some of these Joshua feelings out. The swiftness at which he shot up my bias list since last year is unfair because I didn’t ask to be this down bad for him, yet here I am.
I told myself I’d start working on my Seventeen wips in the new year and here we are - soft hours for Joshua are open forever!
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Being broke during winter break sucks. Being broke during winter break and alone sucks even more. Being broke during winter break and being alone and being in a whole different country sucks the most.
You plan on buying your plane ticket to go home for the break early on. You tell yourself over and over again that you’re going to get it months ahead of time. Of course what you plan and what actually happens are two different things.
September is when you’re going to get the round-trip ticket. If you get it out of the way three months in advance, you won’t have to worry about doing anything last minute or having to pay more as the day grows closer. You have the money in your account and as soon as you finish your homework for the week, you’ll sit down, get the ticket, and plan the trip.
Unfortunately, you make the fatal mistake of allowing all of your friends to squeeze into your dorm room to celebrate the coming weekend. Thanks to the half-full bottle of soju that spilled all over your laptop, you learn two things that day; one is to never let a group of college boys drink excessive amounts of alcohol in your dorm room. The second thing is to never let a drunk Kwon Soonyoung anywhere near your expensive things ever again. Ever.
October rolls around and after buying a new computer and making sure Soonyoung knows that he’s indebted to you for basically the rest of his life, you’re back to saving up again. That’s short-lived though when you leave your backpack, which just so happens to have most of your textbooks in it, on the train.
This time you mostly blame Seungkwan. There’s a new restaurant opening in Gangnam that he really wants to try and everyone else is either busy or doesn’t want to go. He has to bribe you with a free meal, but you ultimately agree.
The problem is, he gets so caught up in trying things and gushing over the food that you miss your train back to campus, meaning you’ll likely be late for curfew. He pays the bill and the two of you sprint to the train to catch the next one. Once you reach your stop, you have to push through the abnormally crowded train passengers to get out, and in the process, your backpack is forgotten on the seat you and Seungkwan shared and you don’t realize that your bag isn’t slung over either of your shoulders until the train is long gone. While, yes you blame the incident on your forgetfulness, Seungkwan had told you that he'd carry your backpack and then didn’t so it’s still partially his fault.
November is your fault, which you can admit. Dragging along as many of your thirteen closest friends as will go with you to a SHINee pop-up shop in Busan means more planning and money than you account for. At the time all you have on your mind is getting your hands on as many limited edition fan items as possible, but once you’re faced with the double-digit number in your bank account, irresponsibility and guilt settle heavily on your shoulders.
December brings on tests and projects almost nonstop which barely leaves enough time for you to sleep and eat, so your mind is on school and school alone. You’ve seen the holiday decorations and heard plenty of people talking about the upcoming break, but your homework takes precedence over anything else.
After months of excuse after excuse, and you simply forgetting, here you are now; alone while all of your friends have already gone home for break, most of them only having to hop on a train to get there. Barely anyone is on campus at all and the few students that did stay back are unfamiliar to you so you choose the solitude of your own room for the next week.
Your family doesn’t have the funds to get you a ticket, so your financial irresponsibility is your problem and yours alone. Of course, your friends offer to pay for your ticket home, which when you decline, their next suggestion is to let you go home with one of them, but you turn them all down on that offer too. You want them to enjoy their time with their families and not have to worry about their foreign friend tagging awkwardly along.
You regret your decision just a little bit as you trek through the freshly fallen snow to the bus stop. The fact that the school's cafeteria would be closed with most of the staff gone, hadn't occurred to you either, which is why you found yourself in the small tteokbokki place about fifteen minutes away from school on New Year’s eve.
You’re in the middle of grumpily stuffing your face full of rice cakes when your phone rings on the table. After glancing at the contact name and photo, you quickly swallow the food in your mouth before swiping your finger across the screen to answer the phone.
“Is that any way to greet your lovely friend?” A chuckle comes through the line making you scoff while simultaneously trying to ignore your rapid heartbeat.
“You're Joshua, you don't count.”
“Are you saying if I was Jihoon or Jeonghan you would've answered nicer?!” He gasps in faux offense.
“I don't know, maybe. Neither of them has hit me in the face with a door you know,” you taunt, trying not to laugh. You’ll never let him live down the fact that your first time meeting was due to him accidentally smacking you in the face with the door to your shared math class.
“How long are you gonna keep bringing that up?! I said I was sorry!” Joshua lets out a deep sigh and you can practically hear him sulking over the phone. “Anyway, where are you?”
“Tteokbokki,” you simply answer, not needing to explain where since he’ll know “Why?”
“Go back to your room.”
“I sent you something and you have to hurry back, like, now.”
“I'm serious you have to go now. I’ll time you and if you aren't there in less than twenty minutes, I'm sending it back.”
“You can’t just unsend a mailed gift!”
The sound of the dial tone is his reply.
You usually aren’t one to listen to people demanding you to do things. You can admit to being pretty stubborn and petty at times and you can proudly say no if you didn't want to do something.
Well, unless the one telling you what to do was Joshua Hong.
You did a flawless job (in your opinion) of hiding the fact that you’ve, more or less, fallen for one of your best friends. All of your male friends were handsome and fun to be around, but there is something about Joshua that you can’t put your finger on, but it makes you feel so many things for him. His sweet smiles always make your heart practically beat out of your chest. His laughter makes you weak in the knees; the sound is like your favorite song. Anytime you sit close to him, you find yourself daydreaming of being more than friends, the urge to hold his hand always at the forefront of your mind.
Obviously, you haven’t told a single soul about this and you plan to keep it that way. The last thing you need is to disrupt the dynamic of your newfound family with a silly little crush, but you still can’t help the giddy feeling you get around him or the way that you tend to do nearly anything he asks of you.
Today is no expectation as you promptly stand up, throw away your trash, and beeline out of the restaurant and to the bus stop to go back to campus.
With your boots caked in snow, palms sweaty, and breathing labored from fast-walking to get here, you’re back at your building and rushing into your room. Upon stepping inside, you instantly note that it looks different than the way you left it.
Your walls, which are usually covered in posters, now have sparkly, silver stars hanging haphazardly around the room. There’s a string of blinking fairy lights hung up on the ceiling, a few feet above your head and there’s a candle burning that smells strongly of sugar cookies. Sitting on your desk is a small artificial Christmas tree complete with rainbow-blinking lights and a little gold star on the top. Your eyes only scan these things briefly before they land on the man sitting cross-legged in the middle of your bed. His phone is next to him, playing a soft R&B song that you can’t name, but it sounds nice. He’s wearing a red and white sweater and a glittery ‘Happy New Year’ headband. Joshua’s wide, bright smile completes the ensemble.
“Surprise!” Joshua bounces off your bed and throws his arms in the air.
You’re still standing in the doorway, unsure of what to even say. A jumble of things runs through your mind, but the only thing you manage to get out is, “How'd you even get those lights on the ceiling? You’re not that tall.”
Joshua throws his head back and laughs in response. “I show up here when I'm supposed to be at home and turn your room into what looks like the holidays threw up in it, and that's what you say to me?”
As if a switch is flipped, you snap out of your daze and kick your soggy shoes off, tossing your coat on the back of your desk chair and plopping down on the edge of your bed.
“Okay then, why are you not in California and how did you do this?” You try your best not to sound as giddy as you feel and ignore the somersaults your stomach is doing under your sweater.
“Well, as you know I did go home.”
“Yes, we all facetimed for Christmas I’m aware.”
“Don’t interrupt!” He playfully scolds, and it makes your face heat up. “As I was saying, I went home, but I was still thinking about you here alone and I just couldn’t stop imagining you sitting here with no one to celebrate any of the holidays with and I hated it. So, I bought a plane ticket and got back here this morning to surprise you. I actually didn’t know if you’d be in your room or not, but when I came by you were already gone so I let myself in and decided this was a better surprise than showing up with the decorations in my arms and making you put them up with me. Worked pretty well I'd say.” Joshua pats himself on the back and admires his work with a pleased grin.
“Okay… but why?”
“Why what?” Joshua sits on the bed next to you, your body going rigid. You try to create some distance between the two of you, the usual butterflies in your stomach going insane.
“Why did you go through the trouble of setting all of this up and leaving your family? During the holidays of all time.”
Joshua's face is suddenly serious as he turns towards you. “Because I know you. I know when you're unhappy, even when you try and hide it. You've been unhappy all month and I could tell. When you’re sad about something you get weirdly quiet all the time, whether you notice or not. You also get more agitated than usual and you stare off into space a lot.” He scoots closer to you ever so carefully. “We've known each other for two years so I've had plenty of time to pick up little things about you. I probably know more about you than you think.” Joshua shrugs and glances away from you. His tone has been casual, but you don’t miss the blush that spreads over his face.
“So… you ditched your family early to come back to school during break and spent your time and money on decorations for my room because you wanted me to not be unhappy?”
“Well, I mean you're my friend, obviously.” His face is still turned away from you, but the strain in his voice is noticeable. Seeing Joshua act so flustered gives you a boost of unexpected confidence, so you decide to see how far you can push this conversation. Admitting that you have a crush on him terrifies you to no end, but maybe you can gauge his feelings.
“But I'm also friends with Mingyu and Chan and they didn't go out of their way to do this for me.”
“Yeah, but they're not clever enough to think of doing this. And they're also nowhere near as nice as I am.”
“What about Wonwoo? He's pretty smart. And Seungcheol is actually the sweetest man I've ever met. If anyone would've planned all of this, it would've been him,” you say matter-of-factly.
Joshua finally turns to look at you then, clearly offended.
“What do you mean?! I’m very sweet! How about that time I brought you all of your homework and let you copy my lecture notes that whole week you were sick! And the time last year that I surprised you with EXID tickets for your birthday! And let us not forget all the food I’ve made and bought you when you have cravings! I’m so nice I don't know how you stand it! Seungcheol sucks." He puffs out his cheeks and crosses his arms, a pout forming on his perfect lips.
You have to turn your head and change the giggle you nearly let out into a cough.
“Well yeah, but Seungcheol always compliments me. He also makes sure that when he gets coffee for himself before our Tuesday morning class, that he brings me a caramel latte since he knows it’s my favorite. You've never brought me anything before our class.”
Joshua’s brown eyes stare into yours as you talk, his jaw clenching in annoyance, but you keep talking. “Oh! And he always holds doors open for me. Let's not forget what happened the last time you and a door were anywhere near me.”
“Not this again -” He groans out through gritted teeth.
“And, Seungcheol also makes sure any restaurants we go have plenty of nut-free options for my allergy and -” Joshua grabs your waist, tugging you forward and sending you falling against his chest. When you look up at him and your eyes meet, he hesitates for only a second before bringing his lips to meet yours.
He moves his hands up to cup your face and turns his head, aligning your lips at a better angle. Your fingers grip the front of his sweater, hands bunching up the fabric.
Kissing Joshua Hong is only something that you dream about and keep to yourself, but this moment, right now with him, is better than any scenario your brain has conjured up on its own.
The two of you lose track of time, nothing mattering except how soft Joshua’s lips are and how good he smells, and how warm his hands on you are.
It isn’t until you need to breathe do both of you pull back slowly, neither of you really wanting to do so. Once your eyes flutter open, they widen, the realization of what just happened hitting you. Joshua on the other hand looks much more relaxed - relieved even.
“I can’t believe you kissed me,” you breathe out, almost in a whisper, afraid that if you’re too loud you’ll wake up from what you’re still convinced may be a dream.
“I can’t believe you kissed me back.” The two of you share a quiet laugh.
“Is that why you came back to do all of this for me?”
Joshua gives you a look that very much feels like a non-verbal ‘duh!’ “I thought it was obvious honestly. I’ve wanted to kiss you since I first met you.”
“With my bloody nose and all, huh?”
His pretty face twists in agony at your teasing. “You’re going to make me apologize for the rest of my life about the door huh?”
“Yeah, probably.”
“Our kids are going to ask how we met and you’re going to tell them that their father nearly knocked you out and had to rush you to the campus infirmary and how for the rest of the day I stalked you around school to make sure you didn’t randomly pass out because I gave you brain damage.”
You chuckle at his dramatics, telling your heart to stop trying to leap out of your chest at the idea of kids and a future with Joshua. You’ve been more than friends for less than an hour at least - you have got to calm down.
“Oh, before I forget, no more talking about Seungcheol like that anymore, okay? And I'm going to tell him not to bring you lattes in the morning because I'm going to do it.”
“But your classes on Tuesdays don’t start until eleven.”
“Guess I'll just have to get up early and meet you then. I’m going to be nicer than Seungcheol can ever hope to be. You’re mine now so no one can be nicer to you than me.”
“Whatever you say, Shua.” You roll your eyes at him, fighting back a giddy smile.
“Good. Now that that's settled, let’s pack a bag for you.” Joshua hops off of the bed and drags your suitcase out from under your bed.
“What? Why?”
“You wouldn’t let me buy you a plane ticket back home, so you're coming home with me,” he says as he bounds over to your closet. Just as you open your mouth to object, he puts a hand up. “You're not going to spend the rest of the break here alone. I got a round-trip ticket for myself and one for you too. The flight leaves tomorrow morning, so we should get your stuff ready now.”
Crossing your arms, you watch him casually look through your clothes. “And what if I didn’t like you back? You didn’t even know that I felt the same way about you.”
He only shrugs. “Honestly? I didn’t plan that far ahead. I just wanted to get to you so you weren’t lonely anymore and I’d figure it out from there.” He emerges with an armful of your sweaters, beginning to neatly fold them and set them in your open suitcase. “But now I don’t have to vanish off the face of the planet due to embarrassment and a broken heart which is good because I told my parents I was bringing you back. My mom is super excited to meet you.”
The thought of going home with your friends was awkward to you which is why you turned everyone down. The thought of going home with your used-to-be-friend-who-is-now-your-boyfriend makes you just as nervous, if not more, but even so, you don’t object as you join Joshua in packing your things and set your bag by your door for the morning.
The two of you spend the rest of the night cuddling, something you never want to stop doing with him as long as you live. When the countdown to midnight starts, you watch on your laptop as a new station counts down and as soon as midnight hits, Joshua’s pulling you into another kiss, this one just as magical as the first.
Your lips are still tingling when he pulls away and rests his forehead against yours.
“Happy New Year, Y/n.”
“Happy New Year, Shua.”
Sleep comes next for both of you, Joshua mentioning that the flight is pretty early and that you need your rest before dealing with the chaos of the airport. He rambles a little as you fall asleep, going on about wanting to take you to all his favorite places back home. Just hearing the excitement in his voice helps you decide that maybe visiting his family wouldn't be so bad. Especially if he keeps kissing you the way he does and looking at you with those soft, sparkling eyes. Hell, if he asked you to fly to the moon with him right now, you’ll likely say yes without a second thought and not regret a single thing. Not as long as you’re with him.
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