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just-a-carrot · 9 months ago
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extremely unhinged important carrot post: got a mod that lets me put The Guys in any equipment I want regardless of vocation. could barely decide what to put genzou in because every single outfit was more adorable than the last... but decided to go with this for a while, and promptly spent most of the play session distracted and flustered by how ridiculously cute he looks... ESPECIALLY BECAUSE FOR THE FIRST TIME I CAN SEE THE CUTE PAWN SCAR ON HIS HAND AHHHHHHHDHFJDJD (it's extremely precious to me...)
update ppl may actually care about (?): also finally buckled and got the save manager mod. I just want to "practice" with it a bit first, ensuring everything works properly and I know how to use it. then eventually want to use it to start new games and make Orlam and Gidget pawns I can hire in my main game to have a full ow party 😌 fingers crossed
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millipedemypants · 3 months ago
been thinking about peep show yuri... mark and jez are two loser butches in croydon. i want to draw and i want to write i Need to yurify/dykify/lesbify them very very soon...
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cupophrogs · 1 year ago
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peariote · 3 months ago
what’s a hidden talent you got?
idk... i'm a cat whisperer?
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zuzu-draws · 3 months ago
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[The Strongest "Hear Me Out"]
+ bonus Yuuji POV:
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Apparently this boy ain't traumatized enough!!!🗣️🗣️
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birbyarts · 5 months ago
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papyrus and undyne sketch from a while back 🐟🦴
(context: they went to a metal concert on the surface and every single human in their vicinity tried to get their number)
also i made an alignment chart for the bestie duos of ut and dr. because why not. i miss them
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ciearcab · 11 months ago
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gouache falin
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pileofsnakes1 · 7 months ago
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This is the first thing I thought of after getting out of the cinema
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catboy-beckett · 5 months ago
Kim Kitsuragi is a fascinating character because there's not that much fun or interesting or compelling about him. And yet somehow over the course of playing Disco Elysium the game rewires your fucking brain around him. He's the middest man you've ever seen in both appearance and personality but at some point he says something kind to you or something critical of you and you feel like you just got hit by a truck and you need his approval like you need oxygen and like how tf did this happen. what are you
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xuroky · 1 year ago
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marriage proposals
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aurosoul · 1 year ago
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absolutely haunting google maps point of interest. what do they know? do I want to know? do you?
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brucespringsteensborntorun · 4 months ago
Please Read
I am speaking on behalf of @eslamfa1, who has her own campaign for her and her family so they may survive under the harsh conditions in Gaza. She is very thankful for all the support she's had, but she needs more help.
She has asked me to host a fundraiser for more of her family, namely for her parents and siblings who desperately need funds for food, water, and medical treatment. They have been displaced multiple times and have only been able to contact Eslam through an unreliable internet connection.
Here is their story as written by her sister, Aya:
"Hello friends, we will tell you our sad story
I am Aya, an outstanding high school student. I was very happy to be on the verge of achieving my dream of finishing my school studies and achieving what I aspired to, which is to become a doctor.
My family of 8 and a beautiful cat named Katie were living a beautiful and peaceful life, each of us striving to achieve our dreams.
We had our beautiful house in Khan Yunis. Recently, we were celebrating my sister Heba’s fourth place in the Gaza Strip in the Arabic language recruitment exam. Our life was like material and emotional perfection. We did not feel deprived or lacking anything.
My sister Lina is a university student. Her dream was to become a psychologist to help mentally ill people in the Strip.
My brother Ahmed was the most beautiful gift from God. He came after 20 years of being deprived of male siblings. After completing his studies, he became a water carrier and took on a great responsibility beyond his capacity.
We also had two little butterflies, the apple of the house, and Jana, the favorites of their teachers and friends at school.
Then the war broke out and everything was turned upside down. We were forced to leave the house after quadcopters surrounded us, tanks surrounded us, and we saw death right in front of our eyes, but we miraculously escaped.
We were displaced several times on foot. Feet, then our end was in a tent that did not protect us from the cold of winter or the heat of summer, and there were poisonous insects and scorpions around us, there was no clean water or healthy food, so my family and I got hepatitis and a lot of intestinal infections.
We were shocked that our house was bombed and destroyed and the features of the house disappeared from the face of the earth, so we felt very sad and despair took over us.
Life here in Gaza is expensive, we cannot buy the minimum necessities of life, imagine that the price of a kilo of tomatoes is $50, and the price of a bag of flour is $200, life here is like a famine! My father is a nervous patient and my mother suffers from chronic pressure and they need continuous treatment and medications. We suffer from bringing water from long distances, and from the high prices of food and cleaning materials and water pollution. What we have suffered most in this war is the loss of members of our family, and this is the hardest thing we have been through. We have lost 20 members of our family. Please help us bear the very high cost of living until we evacuate from Gaza and save our lives. The cost per person is $5,000. Help us, you are the only hope left."
These are some of the photos she's managed to receive of some of her family (Aya, Ahmed, Hala, Jana, and their cat) and of the conditions of the areas they've been displaced from and to:
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Note: Due to mentioned lack of internet connection, Eslam has not been able to receive more photos yet. There will be more updates to come when, hopefully, more communications are made.
PLEASE DONATE !!!!! Aya, Lina, Ahmed, Hala, jana, and their parents' well beings are at stake! Starting goal is $10,000
@90-ghost @gaza-evacuation-funds @gazavetters
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ydteus · 7 months ago
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Thinking of… her… after a workout..
I feel like Camilla could fix my depression
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pangur-and-grim · 5 months ago
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alright, this one's a little more silly
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morningstarwrites · 19 days ago
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their fate is up to you now 🫣🫵
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