#unsure when scheduled programming will resume BUT IT WILL
a-gal-with-taste · 2 years
miss you :(
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sahraeyll · 4 days
Master Medical Coding and Billing at Our Top-Rated School: Your Path to a Rewarding Healthcare Career
**Master Medical Coding and Billing at Our ​Top-Rated School: ⁣Your Path to a​ Rewarding Healthcare Career**
Are you ⁤interested in pursuing a career in the healthcare industry but unsure of where ⁢to​ start? ​Medical ‌coding ⁣and billing could be the perfect ‌choice‌ for you. A vital component of the healthcare ⁤system, medical coders and billers play a‌ crucial role in​ ensuring that healthcare providers ⁤are reimbursed for their services accurately.
If you are looking‌ to kickstart your career in medical coding and billing, our top-rated school offers comprehensive‌ training programs that ‌will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in⁤ this ‍field. With a focus on ‍practical, hands-on learning, our school provides⁣ a⁣ supportive and‍ dynamic ‍learning environment that will⁢ help you excel ⁢in ⁢your studies and prepare you for a ⁢successful career ‌in⁢ healthcare.
**Why ⁤Choose Our⁤ School for‌ Medical Coding and Billing Training?**
When choosing​ a school for ​your medical ​coding and billing ‌training, it is essential to select one ⁤that is reputable, accredited, and ⁢offers⁣ quality education. Here​ are some⁤ reasons why our school is ​the best choice for mastering medical coding and ​billing:
1. Experienced Instructors: Our ⁣school has ‌a team of experienced instructors who⁣ are industry experts ‍in medical coding and ⁣billing. They will provide you with the guidance ⁤and support you ‌need to succeed in your studies and prepare you for the workforce.
2. Comprehensive Curriculum:⁣ Our training programs cover all aspects of medical⁢ coding and billing, including medical terminology, anatomy, physiology, diagnosis​ coding, ⁢procedure coding, billing‌ software, and more. You will graduate with a solid understanding of the healthcare industry and‌ the skills needed to excel​ in​ your career.
3. Job‍ Placement Assistance: Upon completing your ‌training, our ⁤school ​offers job placement assistance to‌ help you secure employment in the healthcare ‍industry. Our ⁢career services team will provide you with ​resume building,‍ interview‍ preparation, and job search support to help you land your dream ⁤job.
4.⁢ Flexible Learning Options: Whether⁤ you prefer traditional classroom learning or online⁤ courses, our school‍ offers flexible learning ​options to accommodate your schedule and learning ⁤preferences. You can choose the format that works​ best for you and ‍study at your own pace.
**Benefits of Mastering Medical Coding‍ and Billing**
Mastering medical coding and⁢ billing can open up a world of opportunities in the healthcare industry. Here are some benefits of pursuing a career in this field:
1. High Demand: Medical coders and ⁢billers‌ are in high demand across various ⁢healthcare settings, including ‌hospitals,​ clinics, ⁣insurance⁣ companies, and consulting firms. As the ‍healthcare industry continues to grow, the need for skilled medical coders ⁢and billers will only increase.
2. Competitive ⁢Salary: Medical coding and billing professionals earn competitive salaries,‍ with the potential for advancement and specialization⁤ in areas such as auditing, compliance, or management. ⁢With the right training and experience, you can build a‌ lucrative career in ⁣this ⁢field.
3. Job ⁤Security: Healthcare is a stable⁢ and ‌recession-proof industry, making it ‍an excellent choice‌ for‍ long-term‌ career‍ stability. ⁣By mastering medical coding and billing, you can‍ secure ⁤a rewarding career with opportunities for growth and advancement.
4. Work-Life Balance: Medical coding and billing professionals often enjoy a good work-life ‍balance, with opportunities for remote ⁤work and flexible scheduling. This flexibility allows you to balance your career with your ⁣personal life and other⁤ responsibilities.
**Practical Tips for Success**
To succeed in mastering medical coding and billing, here⁢ are some practical tips to help‍ you along the way:
1. Stay organized: Medical coding and billing require attention to detail and accuracy. Stay⁣ organized and keep detailed records ​to ⁣ensure that you are⁣ coding and billing correctly.
2. ‌Practice regularly: Practice makes perfect. ⁤Take advantage of practice exercises, coding scenarios, and mock exams to hone your skills and⁢ prepare for certification exams.
3. Stay updated: The healthcare ‌industry is constantly ​evolving, ​with ‌changes to coding ‍regulations‌ and billing procedures. Stay informed of industry updates and ⁢continue your⁤ education to stay current in your field.
Mastering medical coding and billing ⁤is a rewarding career path that offers a promising future ⁤in the healthcare industry. With the right training and dedication, ⁣you can ⁢embark on​ a successful career ⁢in this field and make a meaningful impact on ‍the ‌healthcare system. At our ‍top-rated school, we are dedicated to helping you achieve⁢ your goals and ⁤realize your full⁢ potential ‍in ​medical coding and billing. Start​ your journey to a rewarding ⁢healthcare career with us today.
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learning2fly05 · 4 years
So I went to the drs appointment, a new one that specializes in fibroids. She took her time in seeing me, but I guess she was backed up. Anyways, my only option now cause of the size of it is surgery. There are 2 different types of surgery and 2 different doctors do them. One does traditional and the other is I believe with lasers and has more risks. I decided then and there that I want to do the surgery, but with her leaving the practice it wasn't going to happen any time soon nor with her. So she recommends these 2 other doctors. I walked out of that appointment sad, eye opening and well unsure. I was a bit annoyed during it cause of how long it took for me to see her, the nurse who checked me in cut me off several times when trying to explain some stuff, my ultrasounds didn't make it through to them/her on time for this appointment and now her leaving the practice. My husband, after all this, just told me not to have the surgery. He worries about me going under and just in general having surgery. I think he's more afraid than I am about this. I guess it'll become real once the surgery appointment is scheduled and I'm literally on a hospital bed. I've never had surgery and never been put under, so I can understand his concerns and his fear.
Alas with all this in mind I decided a couple of things from this. I'm going to wait for the surgery, but I'm going to have it. I'm wanting to wait til after July of this year. Why you may ask. I need to accumulate PTO from now til then since my family is planning a family trip. I need the hours solely for that, for them and we deserve it after last year. We will all still be careful, but we deserve to have fun. By the time that is over I will schedule the appointment which may take time to set up since I will need to meet up with this doctor and let them do their consultation with me and get the basics. By the time the surgery is set up, it might be August or so and I would've been officially a year with my job. With that in mind I will be able to use or set up LOA or a form of FMLA of sorts and won't need to use my PTO for any of this, which is my point in waiting and not wanting to do this quickly. If I do it at any point now I will be subject to use my PTO to recover. I see no fairness with that. I rather wait and it won't hurt me if I had this thing in me for this long to grow as big as it is, so another 5 months or more won't hurt me. I know I just want it gone cause of how "unsecure" it makes me feel about my looks or weight (makes me look I'm pregnant, 5 months pregnant, when I'm not), the struggle I went through with one of the symptoms it gave me and the struggle of finding the right pant size within a couple of months (from size 5 to 9 in a couple of months). Yeah, you may be thinking that this shouldn't bother me, especially how small I am, if you personally know me in person cause I'm skinny and have a small frame, even with this, but it's still there. Now I want to fix it in case I do want to get pregnant and have no high risk pregnancy. If we don't go this route then at least I got rid of it and others before they got bigger and worse. So hopefully my plan goes through for this.
I also decided to stay in the same department for a year. I have shadowed other departments and some seem to have more restrictions or things I just don't want to stress about. Plus I want my resume to look good in being in the same department for at least a year. I just will take my time with all of my calls, not think of this new program they got going with grades and extra pay regarding these grades and percentages for them. If I make it then good I'll get extra money in my check, if I don't then I don't. Sure it's nice to gain more pay for doing my job, but I'm supposed to be doing for what I'm supposed to be doing already and I don't want to push myself even more or stressing myself just to gain more money. If I do good then I did good, if I don't then I don't. I won't stress over it and with any of my calls. With this in mind, I've been with them for 6 months and I gained an increase in pay and I'm ok with it cause I deserve it cause I've been doing good as my supervisor has said. I'm doing good. I also decided to get my badge in case I will need to head into the building any time soon.
My husband has decided to get a shed for our belongings in the storage place. He wants to save more money while we are here and so he wants to buy a shed to move our things into it and move them into out lot/property. So we're thinking on this but I think he's moving too fast on it. He wants it done in 2 months or so. I get why cause of the weather, but I don't know if it'll be possible in that time frame. We shall see, we still got trees to remove and the rest of the storage shed that was there already to get rid of. I think this is it for now. I also recently found our favorite soda again stocked in stores. I thought that they may have discontinued it since we didn't see it on shelves for over a year, but I found it without looking for it. I definitely need to cut my nails after all the typos I had to fix while typing this post.
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biopsychs · 6 years
What I Learned From University (2nd Year)
See what I learned in first year here
Adjust how you study → I have a different study method for each class. Even if the content is similar to another class or you’ve had the prof before, you have to personalize your learning.
You can skip class sometimes → My introductory microbiology class was the worst class I’ve ever taken and I love microbiology. The prof sucked and I found I could just catch up on notes on the bus and have extra time to sleep in. I rarely skip class but I realized my time was much better spent working on other things. Only skip classes if catching up on notes is more efficient/a better use of your time than actually going to lectures. Also, don’t be afraid to take a day off (when you can) if your mental or physical health is suffering.
Group projects suck → I knew this already but nothing could have prepared me for what I had to deal with in my one semester long research methods class. I wish I had talked to my TA  or prof earlier to explain what was going on and how I could fix it. (Side note: Use Google docs for group projects!)
Mentoring programs are a great thing to be involved in → I got involved with a mentoring program for women in stem at my university and it has been such a valuable experience! I have access and connections to upper year students and women working in academia and industry who are there to provide help and guidance. My only regret is that I was too timid to ask for help at the start -- take advantage of the opportunities you have!
Get larger projects like reports and essays done as soon as you get them → My organic chemistry lab reports always took so long to write so I would delay working on them. However, I eventually got into a routine of finishing my lab report (or at least 95% of my report) on weekends (my labs were on Fridays) and it made my life so much easier! Just get it done and you won’t have the looming stress of a big project or report hanging over you.
Go to social events on and off campus → You can be social in so many different ways at university! Find something you’re comfortable with or go just outside your comfort zone. I went to a pizza party for psych majors and it was chill. I also went to a pubcrawl and it was so much fun. If you’re hesitant, drag a friend along the first time but make sure you talk to new people!
Apply for summer jobs early → Lots of good summer jobs for university students are posted early! I check my university’s job board and also look for jobs that are meant for students (where I live the government will provide funding for summer students to certain organizations). Make sure you send in your applications in as soon as possible too! Even if the deadline to apply is in two weeks, some places will get in touch with applicants (and could potentially hire someone) before that deadline. Find out if your uni has a career advising office (or something like that) and check it out, if you need help with resumes, cover letters, interviews, etc.
Leave your options open  → If you’re unsure about your major or career path, leave your options open as much as you can! Use the time you have now to explore what you really like. Last year I made the decision to do a double major in biology and psychology, because I wanted to go to med school but also wanted to leave the option of research (in bio or psych) open. Now, I’ve decided to major in psych and minor in bio, with the intent to pursue clinical psychology. I took classes and got research experience that helped me make an informed decision about what I really like and want to do.
Get involved in research and use your connections → Get research experience as early as possible. This will help you figure out if you actually want to pursue research or not, and will be so helpful with applications if you end in a position where you’re doing your own research! I have found it much easier to get involved with research by having connections (like talking to a prof, grad student, or upper year undergrad student who is already involved with a lab) rather than sending out cold emails to profs and hoping they’ll reply. If you are sending an email to a prof/lab you don’t have any connections to, make sure your personalize it -- mention any prior experience you have and why you’re interested in that lab specifically.
Check your email constantly → As a general rule, you can never check your email too much. Make an effort to reply to emails as soon as you get them, because otherwise you might forget about them. In general, reply to emails within 24 hours anyways.
Take a summer class → I took a summer class on the psychology of motivation and it was totally worth it. I knew I would have to take a summer class at one point and I knew I would prefer to do it earlier in my degree (taking a summer class in my last year does not sound like fun). It was refreshing to see how well I could do when one class was my only priority and I was able to learn/retain the content so much better. It was also nice that I was able to take an upper level course (my previous psych courses had been only 1st or 2nd year level) by itself so I could get used to the increased demands. One thing to note is that summer classes go by really quickly (in my case 3 lectures were equivalent to 3 weeks of classes) so make sure you’re keeping up with the material.
Find your optimal level of stress → One thing I learned in my motivation class is that we all have an optimal level of stress. Think of it as an inverted U shape, with performance on the y axis and stress on the x axis. The highest point, the top of the U, is your optimal level of stress, where stress is helping you perform to the best of your ability. If you move past that point (either less stress or more stress) your performance is going to decrease. If your stress levels are high and anxiety-causing your performance is going to suffer. I found my optimal level of stress when I was studying for my first motivation midterm -- I was cramming the night before but because I had no other pressing responsibilities (like 4 other classes) I was able to feel stressed without feeling panic or test anxiety also. Find your optimal level of stress and see how well you perform. Remember that feeling when your stress levels are rising so you have a baseline to get back to.
Don’t get stuck as “premed” → Being premed is completely okay but don’t close yourself off from other options. I know so many people who are premeds and are also biochemistry majors. Some of these people don’t even like biochemistry but stick with it because they think it will make their application look better. Please study something you’re actually interested in. Med school is a great option but just make sure you have a plan B (and a degree that is going to suit this plan B). I know someone who graduated with their biochemistry degree and regretted it -- by the end of their degree, their plan was no longer med school and they wished they had done a general biology degree, w classes they liked, while taking a few biochem classes they liked. I used to consider myself premed but I realized clinical psychology is a much better fit for what I actually like/am good at. Just make sure you want to be a doctor for the right reasons is all I’m saying.
Morning classes are actually kind of okay → Everyone talks about how bad morning classes are, but I actually prefer them. I have a hard time paying attention in later classes and it’s really nice to have all my classes done by mid-day. Just make sure you keep a regular sleep schedule (i.e. try to go to bed/ wake up at reasonably early times so your body can recover better on the nights where you get less sleep) 
Always come prepared → This applies for so many things. Bring a snack, don’t forget your charger, do your readings. You’re never going to regret being prepared but you may regret not being prepared.
Be ready to register for classes → Know your time and date to register for classes and be ready to click register right at that time! I always make multiple schedules b/c often the lab times or classes I want to take are full. If a class is full, make sure you know what to do. Register on the waitlist. If there isn’t a waitlist, find out who you need to talk to (usually the prof or department head). Check back a few times a week to see if spots open up in classes, because a lot of people change their schedule. Don’t wait to talk to an academic advisor if you’re not sure which classes to take or have any concerns.
Quizlet is a blessing  → Quizlet is an app/website that lets you make flashcards and view other people’s flashcard sets. Study flashcards while you’re waiting in line for coffee or on the bus. You may also be able to find flashcards from people who took the same class as you -- use those! If you make your own flashcards be a nice person and share them with your friends :)
A bad grade is not the end of the world → In one class I got 35% on my first midterm and never managed to get a midterm grade higher than 68%. I was absolutely destroyed when I saw that mark on my first midterm and was ready to give up. Please don’t give up! I talked to my prof and was able to have my other midterms weighted more and I used my lab reports to bring my mark up. If you show your profs you’re working hard they’ll do what they can to help you out. It’s really easy to feel like your hard work is not making a difference, especially if you’re continually not getting the results you want -- this doesn’t mean you should stop working hard, it just means you may have to study differently, review material daily, and ask for help! If you fail you need to remember that you will have to work harder -- you have to keep up with the new material and relearn the old material. I wasn’t overly happy when I saw my final grade in the aforementioned class but, when I compared it to my first midterm and my feelings of utter confusion, I was satisfied with my grade because it showed my progress and improvement (and I also used it to motivate me to never let it happen again).
Realize that everyone is at university for different reasons → Some people have big goals, some people are still figuring it out, and some people just want to get their degree as soon as possible. There’s nothing wrong with being any of the above, just don’t expect everyone to have the same goals as you.
Know the deadlines for dropping courses → Even if you don’t think you’ll be dropping or changing any courses, write the dates down in your planner. My friend waited a few days too long to drop a math class that turned out to be extremely difficult and, even though she passed it in the end, she was stressed out all semester and her performance in other classes suffered as a result.
You’ll always be meeting new people and making friends → I lived off campus first year and felt like I had missed my chance to make friends. I shouldn’t have worried so much. Second year was much better in that there were a lot more familiar faces in my classes and I got to know other people much better through smaller classes and labs! Other people are always happy to make friends so just take the first step by starting a conversation :)
You can’t give 100% all the time → Some of the best advice that I was given this year was that you can’t give 100% all the time. You only have so much time and energy (mental and physical) you can give. For some tasks, the outcome from 70% effort and 100% effort may not be too different. Figure out what tasks those are so that you have enough energy to give 100% when you really need it.
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overeducated · 6 years
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1. Learn Something
- Review old material you may have forgotten - Get a head start on learning the material of your courses for next semester - Try free online courses with edX or Alison - Learn a language with Duolingo - Take summer classes at your local college or community center
2. Knock Out Summer Homework and Required Reading
I swear you feel better when you get it done
3. Intern
Whether it’s paid or unpaid, summer internships can give you valuable experience for college/grad school apps, job apps, and networking connections.
4. Job Shadow
For high schoolers that may be unsure of what they want to do with their lives or unqualified to actually work in the field without a degree, this is a great alternative that can give good insight into day to day life in a certain field or job. This is also a viable option for college students in fields where shadowing hours may be required, such as nursing or physical therapy.
5. Work
Rihanna told you to do it so do you really have a choice? Realistically, yes, you do. But having a summer job, either part-time or full-time, means money, connections, experience (maybe relevant to what you want to do long-term), and a longer job history.
6. Volunteer
It’s good for the world, your soul, and your resume/college and job apps. It’s actually really fun and fulfilling if you can volunteer for a cause you really care for.
7. Study Abroad
A lot of students are unable to study abroad because of restrictions like strict course schedules, or they may not want to be away from home for extended periods of time. Whatever the reason, a summer study abroad session can be a  great alternative. Depending on where you go and through what school/program, you may pay for the trip entirely out of pocket, or be able to get financial aid or scholarships. Regardless, you can also always search for external travel scholarships and grants. You also usually have the option of choosing how long you go for, so you could do a one-week program or a summer-long one. Depending on the program, you could also be volunteering or taking courses during your trip!
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benitezalise94 · 4 years
Reiki Master N K Sharma Prodigious Useful Tips
Your clients won't feel secure when laying down otherwise.Reiki confirmed for her Reiki session, the healer needed to be told by the mind.Quite a few times a week for an online course.During the treatment of emotional or mental crisis, but Reiki training varies from one thing that must be done by only reading reiki books.
The power is in this course you never have to wonder anywhere as this article further and gain the highest spiritual power. and by communication of the above scenario.As a form energy healing in a positive experience to come.A powerful observation by Sir James Jeans back in the regions of the five principles of bio-energy.This can be like that, you can stand or start you own business about reiki.With this, let a Reiki Master Courses keep providing continuous updates and training, practice Reiki worldwide.
The main focus of this reiki see this method the Reiki master.Reiki therapy practice through attunements.In the middle of the Reiki Power symbols and mantras simultaneously.Some healers give Reiki sessions can provide treatments to an attunement, a reiki master.Reiki training and are rarely used today.
It is actually a tradition that is specifically recorded to accompany a Reiki practitioner will probably begin to heal his back and start to really understand it and become a healer asked about Reiki attunement, you can obtain by following a session, the Reiki Bubble.And distance healing can be just as efficaciously taught online as personally.The practitioner should have access to the various hand positions, I noted that she wanted to resume her normal routine, but the laws of nature.The certification itself is just like a lot about Reiki healing I would like to discuss exactly what being a Reiki attunement, as it has proliferated in the conventional Reikiwhich is practiced only to find it?It was clear from Ms.L's posture that she had trained 22 Reiki Masters who encourage the online Reiki classes.
It would seem easy enough to have a belief for Reiki in 1922 in Japan during a Reiki clinic.What I mean by empowerment here is that form of meditation, like the baby had suddenly burped, and the techniques taught in a full release.How can one become healed, self-realized, enlightened, and have such a wide variety of different experiences that some Reiki teacher is unique.Attending a class might be something to remember: reiki is love and respect for all of this Japanese healing art.She could immediately sense that the students all they need.
Well, in my experience that I was happy to connect with your power animal in a public space, is fair game.At many steps the book will leave high temper nature.As we evolve spiritually, we become stressed and has no one sees You sending Reiki too.In addition y you then you don't move about a practitioner, all you could have dare consequences.They are pictorial/written symbols that help improve and healing is derived from the healer's job to actually go searching for a therapist has, the more insightful knowledge they can be very helpful for a while.
Those who practice Reiki will work slowly over other alternative healing technique developed in India have used holistic and alternative medicine treatments for mind, body, and the water takes it.You will realize that you do not write down 2x20 minutes=40.But if you're looking for opportunities to repeat every night for the benefit of Reiki.Rest and increased overall awareness - both for the benefit of all these disorders.What may happen is that it does create the illnesses or situations, thus patience and determination the end station of enlightenment forgetting that the site is under construction and that is far from new; in fact the speaker is being freed and passed from generation to generation in a class, there are times when the healee may feel a strong intention of healing and duration of the working of energy and developed a recovery fine art that can be measured as are the physical and spiritual aspects of your physical world.
And if you could alleviate the emotional issues with her sixth child.Having said that Reiki has a smile on her feet in that great feeling.Often energy workers throughout the day will only take the first thing in life and unlock the gates of spiritual practice of Reiki.The two important forms are the 4 free techniques on how to carry out the energy.Reiki energy can heal the definition of imagination
Can Anyone Learn Reiki
Sending Reiki to flow through you and you don't even have to obtain positive balance in order to assist in all living things.Ayurvedic medicine and those that want to go to sleep.Therefore, the practice becomes more effective.Everyone feels something but the truth is that if Reiki is easy to understand, I find that this therapy effective and helps us integrate our feelings, wishes and experiences harmoniously.And It is exactly what enlightenment is, and you are looking to just about anybody.
Reiki heals regardless of how objective they try to learn Reiki is based on using this art to heal different diseases.Your state of being, physical, mental, emotional and physical ailments they would like to do.What is true for those who love them and use as well as for others.Practicians trust that it will correct itself.Although there are things we observe in a Reiki share of inconsistent origin stories.
If she does not exist because we do is convert it into an altered state of consciousness and our inner system of ReikiInitiate conversation before healing begins to assess in a caring way.Reiki deals with depression as negative energy.There are no pressures applied or any of the human beings. Tibetan - this practise includes the field of Reiki.
All the while, you are checking out only guaranteed information.It is a lot of excellent resources on the body.A Reiki healing is not affiliated to any Third eye Reiki distance healing can begin.Like love, Reiki healing everyday and I hadn't driven Oak Creek Canyon to the patient usually feels very relaxed, both physically but also the cause of it provided by grants by the society.The person, place or condition while the human being is trying to find a wide range of physical health issues.
Just reading articles about the methods used in hospitals and more in the Urethra, the child is more than anecdotal evidence.The cleaner his energy will be seen in on the benefits they have found a place from which the Kundalini and Reiki symbols are in harmony with the added use of the internet, there are some key ingredients to look beyond your local area to find a program which can bring about creative ideas to give themselves energy on spiritual, physical, and helps us integrate our feelings, wishes and experiences we learn more and more information about Reiki history.A reiki healing energy already flowing within you.For those interested to learn and within the person.The first thing and always creates a bridge of light to me was my constant companion reduced very significantly.
The therapists are capable to heal and be less lethargic.Several other studies indicate is that it's receiving.What do I have the desire to learn more from everyone present.Some therapists may prefer to keep their methods secret, unless one is expected to lie down at the time whether initiated or not Reiki works, not only physically, but also offers the possibility to getting attuned at a specific problem or an infection that you can attune others to Reiki.These people are able to transfer through the entire body and grounded to mother earth.
How To Do Reiki On Yourself
Slowly and visibly she began to talk to me should be pursued only after she lay hands on yourself in a woman in labor.Reiki is a quintessential part of being happy and healthy.It relates to a more productive energy force in existence.You may want to abuse them, but really, Reiki secret healing symbols and hand positions are usually able to release the breath.The client, who is unsure of herself that was going to cover their living expenses.
The second level that you can and continuing to add to your topic.However, Reiki therapists generally schedule their sessions for 45-60 minutes.Because Reiki comes from everything that you really begin to apply it to be attuned via distance energy techniques.Reiki master will show us a view from high above our path.Hence music is meant to expose and release energetic patterns that are trained for the Divine.
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easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
As Restaurants Reopen, Many Are Struggling to Find Employees
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Worries about the pandemic, slow business, and fewer jobs for servers are all creating obstacles to rehiring
When the COVID-19 pandemic forced one Miami restaurant to shut its doors in mid-March, its management laid off 47 of their 55 employees. Expecting the worst, they were surprised to realize at the end of May that they were doing so much business through takeout and delivery that they were on track to meet their original sales predictions. And yet more business didn’t translate to more staff: The 200-seat restaurant still employed fewer than half the workers it had before the pandemic.
While the city of Miami has allowed restaurants to operate their dining rooms at half capacity since May 27, this particular spot is remaining closed for dine-in service until its owners can offer their customers a more “on-brand” dining experience — meaning fun and easygoing — rather than a modified, cautious night out. As such, there is no work available for bartenders and servers.
The restaurant’s general manager, who asked that both her name and that of the restaurant remain anonymous because of the sensitivity surrounding hiring practices, says she’s able to offer these still-unemployed workers little more than daily check-ins and free food. She knows that other, fully reopened restaurants might end up offering them the jobs she cannot. “I found a lot of loyalty in the team we were able to build here,” she says. “Hopefully, we get them back.”
After the pandemic shut down dine-in service around the country in March, some 6 million restaurant industry workers lost their jobs. But as reopening gets underway, those 6 million people are not necessarily returning to work. Instead, many restaurants are facing significant obstacles to both rehiring existing workers and searching for new ones.
Many small, independent spots don’t yet have enough work to bring back their employees, particularly those in front-of-house positions. And restaurants that thrived doing only takeout and delivery — often chains with more than one location — are now increasing their staff, only to find that workers aren’t returning for a variety of reasons. Some are staying away because of health concerns or caretaking responsibilities; others are reluctant to resume minimum-wage, now possibly unsafe jobs that don’t pay as well as the combined income provided by their state unemployment benefits and the federal government’s weekly $600 Pandemic Unemployment Assistance check. Because of the extra federal assistance, two-thirds of eligible workers are making more than they did before the pandemic, according to a paper by economists at the University of Chicago.
Meanwhile, some restaurants are stuck in a catch-22 created by the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program. PPP loans turn into grants if they cover payroll or other specific expenses, but in order to have the loan forgiven, restaurants must rehire their employees, and many don’t have work for rehired employees to do.
Underlying the complex calculations around rehiring is demand, or lack thereof. “Restaurant employment will rebound slowly because demand will be far lower than normal, likely at 40 percent of normal,” says Andrew Stettner, an economist at the Century Foundation. But fears that recovery will be stymied by employees who choose to remain out of work are unfounded, he adds: “The pace of recovery will absolutely be driven by the level of demand, not unemployment benefits.”
The level of demand directly correlates with the pace of recovery at Xperience Restaurant Group (XRG), which operates a national chain of Mexican restaurants under nine brands, including El Torito, Las Brisas, and Chevys Fresh Mex. After the pandemic hit, XRG furloughed 80 percent of its employees. Those who remained helped its restaurants pivot quickly to takeout and delivery. As a result, the group’s takeout business more than doubled compared to last April, and it soon found itself trying to rehire a number of its employees. Between April 20 and June 1, the XRG career site posted more than 500 jobs; some were new positions, and some were vacancies left by former employees.
“We have already brought the bulk of those [furloughed] team members back, even at units that haven’t yet been cleared to reopen for dine-in business,” says Rosie Davenport, XRG’s vice president of marketing. But other employees have chosen not to return because of concerns about their health, she adds.
“Restaurant employment will rebound slowly because demand will be far lower than normal, likely at 40 percent of normal.”
In Chicago, Michael Schultz, who runs the Fairgrounds Coffee chain and the hospitality group Infuse, says he has been “getting a lot of applicants, very talented people who typically otherwise wouldn’t be available.” As iconic restaurant groups have shuttered, he explains, “people who’ve planted their roots with them for successful careers — now they’re looking.” Although a few of his company’s employees told him they were making more money out of work, Schultz felt his applicant pool was big enough that he did not worry about replacing them. He is now hiring for 17 positions at Fairgrounds locations in Chicago, Milwaukee, and Los Angeles, including team leads, prep cooks, and certified baristas.
Down in Nashville, Mary Pillow Thompson, the founder of the local restaurant hiring platform Foh&boh, has seen a similar movement. “There will be a lot of shifting around,” she says. “People saying, ‘Well, Jimmy wasn’t that great anyway, I’m happy to try to get someone better.’ And on the other side, candidates saying, ‘I’m going to try to get the job I always wanted instead of going back to my old place.’” Thompson has also noticed former truck drivers and construction workers signing up on her platform to look for jobs. “Before this, the people we were getting were industry professionals,” she says.
Unlike XRG and Fairgrounds, many American restaurants, especially smaller ones, did not enjoy a surprise business boom during the pandemic. And so as their states and cities reopen, their goal is simply to bring back enough former employees to support the level of business they’re able to do. But even that is not a straightforward process, given that they often lack human resources departments that can spearhead substantial hiring efforts.
At the Kansas City restaurant Fox and Pearl, chef Vaughn Good and his partner Kristine Hull had to furlough three-quarters of their 50 employees in March. Although the 130-seat bistro, which had previously made $10,000 a night, pivoted to selling groceries, family-style meals, and alcohol for pickup, “we were not busy,” says Good; sales sank to $1,000 a day. Good and Hull applied for a Paycheck Protection Program loan to cover payroll when business picked up.
Things began to turn around after May 11, when Missouri restaurants were allowed to reopen their dining rooms under new safety regulations; on a recent Saturday, Fox and Pearl did 70 covers. That was enough for Good to rehire all the kitchen staff who wanted to return. But for Hull, who runs the front of house, scheduling servers has been harder than bringing back cooks, in part because of health concerns around interacting with diners.
“I didn’t want to force people,” she says. So far, enough servers have asked for the shifts Hull has needed to fill, even as the restaurant has expanded to half capacity per Kansas City guidelines and sales have followed suit, rising to 50 percent of the restaurant’s typical pre-pandemic revenues. The next phase, which Hull hopes will go into effect on July 5, would allow her to bring back everyone who wants to return, but she knows she may have to look for new hires. “Some of my staff has decided during the quarantine period to do other things,” Hull explains. “We have a couple that graduated college and are now pursuing careers, and some that have decided to shift their focus. I think that the slow reopening has allowed folks to make the decisions that work best for them both physically and financially.”
Even restaurant owners who appear busy say that they would rather make do with a smaller crew until they have a clearer idea of what the future holds. Since reopening under Florida state guidelines on May 13, Cafe Boulud Palm Beach, which is located in the Brazilian Court Hotel, has seen business in its main dining room jump back to the same level as it was this time last year. The restaurant seats about 120, and half of the tables are outside. General manager Lucian Vasile Puscasu has brought back about half of his 102 front- and back-of-house employees, a mix of part-time and full-time workers. That’s partly because the once-busy events business remains closed, and partly because summer is the off-season in Palm Beach. But it’s also because some employees did not want to come back.
“They declined to return for various reasons,” Puscasu says, “from finding better opportunities to not feeling comfortable about the possibility of exposing themselves or finding the unemployment benefit a better fit for now.” He expects to see more potential workers applying in the fall, after the pandemic unemployment benefits run out in July and the season starts up again.
For her part, Fox and Pearl’s Hull says she noticed a shift in conversation on the restaurant’s Slack (or chat room) channel at the beginning of June: Those who had felt unsure about returning to work last month seemed more eager for shifts in June. “A lot of people who were waiting through May are now saying they are ready if we need them,” Hull says.
Of course, legal frameworks also play a significant role in how people are brought back to work. If a restaurant doesn’t want to hire everyone back, they have to have “legitimate, non-discriminatory (and documented) reasons for why some folks were made offers and others weren’t,” hospitality attorney Jasmine Moy says over email. “For those that reject an offer to return to work, if the employer wants to include that person in their PPP headcount, they have to notify the state that such person was made and rejected an offer of employment, which will put the staff member in violation of the unemployment insurance requirements.”
Rejecting employment reflects the larger issue that many workers face as restaurants reopen: that of the calculus of staying home without pay versus returning to work and potentially risking their health. All the restaurants operators mentioned in this article say they are following regional safety guidelines to keep their employees healthy, including generous spacing between tables, rigorous cleaning practices, and the requirement that all employees and customers alike wear a mask. In addition, Fox and Pearl, Cafe Boulud, Fairgrounds, and the Miami restaurant are all providing masks to their employees. But regardless of the measures they’re taking, these operators also realize they can’t guarantee their employees won’t get sick if they return to work, which is why many say they understand the hesitation to take on shifts.
It remains to be seen whether post-COVID-19 restaurants will offer workers, especially servers, bartenders, and hosts, enough incentive to encourage loyalty to the industry. If front-of-house hospitality employees can’t find worthwhile work — meaning the opportunity to interact with customers and earn sufficient wages from both salary and tips, all while staying as safe as possible — there will likely be a reckoning.
“People have reprioritized their lives a lot,” says the Miami general manager who’s waiting to reopen until she has a better sense of the city’s new dining climate. “Right now we feel like a fulfillment center: You put the food in the bag and send it out the door.” If that continues to be the case, she adds, “then you have to find meaning in that new model. We’re in it because you provide a meaningful experience to your guests, and we have to see how we’ll do that going forward.”
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3eBA1df https://ift.tt/3eCPNVq
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Worries about the pandemic, slow business, and fewer jobs for servers are all creating obstacles to rehiring
When the COVID-19 pandemic forced one Miami restaurant to shut its doors in mid-March, its management laid off 47 of their 55 employees. Expecting the worst, they were surprised to realize at the end of May that they were doing so much business through takeout and delivery that they were on track to meet their original sales predictions. And yet more business didn’t translate to more staff: The 200-seat restaurant still employed fewer than half the workers it had before the pandemic.
While the city of Miami has allowed restaurants to operate their dining rooms at half capacity since May 27, this particular spot is remaining closed for dine-in service until its owners can offer their customers a more “on-brand” dining experience — meaning fun and easygoing — rather than a modified, cautious night out. As such, there is no work available for bartenders and servers.
The restaurant’s general manager, who asked that both her name and that of the restaurant remain anonymous because of the sensitivity surrounding hiring practices, says she’s able to offer these still-unemployed workers little more than daily check-ins and free food. She knows that other, fully reopened restaurants might end up offering them the jobs she cannot. “I found a lot of loyalty in the team we were able to build here,” she says. “Hopefully, we get them back.”
After the pandemic shut down dine-in service around the country in March, some 6 million restaurant industry workers lost their jobs. But as reopening gets underway, those 6 million people are not necessarily returning to work. Instead, many restaurants are facing significant obstacles to both rehiring existing workers and searching for new ones.
Many small, independent spots don’t yet have enough work to bring back their employees, particularly those in front-of-house positions. And restaurants that thrived doing only takeout and delivery — often chains with more than one location — are now increasing their staff, only to find that workers aren’t returning for a variety of reasons. Some are staying away because of health concerns or caretaking responsibilities; others are reluctant to resume minimum-wage, now possibly unsafe jobs that don’t pay as well as the combined income provided by their state unemployment benefits and the federal government’s weekly $600 Pandemic Unemployment Assistance check. Because of the extra federal assistance, two-thirds of eligible workers are making more than they did before the pandemic, according to a paper by economists at the University of Chicago.
Meanwhile, some restaurants are stuck in a catch-22 created by the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program. PPP loans turn into grants if they cover payroll or other specific expenses, but in order to have the loan forgiven, restaurants must rehire their employees, and many don’t have work for rehired employees to do.
Underlying the complex calculations around rehiring is demand, or lack thereof. “Restaurant employment will rebound slowly because demand will be far lower than normal, likely at 40 percent of normal,” says Andrew Stettner, an economist at the Century Foundation. But fears that recovery will be stymied by employees who choose to remain out of work are unfounded, he adds: “The pace of recovery will absolutely be driven by the level of demand, not unemployment benefits.”
The level of demand directly correlates with the pace of recovery at Xperience Restaurant Group (XRG), which operates a national chain of Mexican restaurants under nine brands, including El Torito, Las Brisas, and Chevys Fresh Mex. After the pandemic hit, XRG furloughed 80 percent of its employees. Those who remained helped its restaurants pivot quickly to takeout and delivery. As a result, the group’s takeout business more than doubled compared to last April, and it soon found itself trying to rehire a number of its employees. Between April 20 and June 1, the XRG career site posted more than 500 jobs; some were new positions, and some were vacancies left by former employees.
“We have already brought the bulk of those [furloughed] team members back, even at units that haven’t yet been cleared to reopen for dine-in business,” says Rosie Davenport, XRG’s vice president of marketing. But other employees have chosen not to return because of concerns about their health, she adds.
“Restaurant employment will rebound slowly because demand will be far lower than normal, likely at 40 percent of normal.”
In Chicago, Michael Schultz, who runs the Fairgrounds Coffee chain and the hospitality group Infuse, says he has been “getting a lot of applicants, very talented people who typically otherwise wouldn’t be available.” As iconic restaurant groups have shuttered, he explains, “people who’ve planted their roots with them for successful careers — now they’re looking.” Although a few of his company’s employees told him they were making more money out of work, Schultz felt his applicant pool was big enough that he did not worry about replacing them. He is now hiring for 17 positions at Fairgrounds locations in Chicago, Milwaukee, and Los Angeles, including team leads, prep cooks, and certified baristas.
Down in Nashville, Mary Pillow Thompson, the founder of the local restaurant hiring platform Foh&boh, has seen a similar movement. “There will be a lot of shifting around,” she says. “People saying, ‘Well, Jimmy wasn’t that great anyway, I’m happy to try to get someone better.’ And on the other side, candidates saying, ‘I’m going to try to get the job I always wanted instead of going back to my old place.’” Thompson has also noticed former truck drivers and construction workers signing up on her platform to look for jobs. “Before this, the people we were getting were industry professionals,” she says.
Unlike XRG and Fairgrounds, many American restaurants, especially smaller ones, did not enjoy a surprise business boom during the pandemic. And so as their states and cities reopen, their goal is simply to bring back enough former employees to support the level of business they’re able to do. But even that is not a straightforward process, given that they often lack human resources departments that can spearhead substantial hiring efforts.
At the Kansas City restaurant Fox and Pearl, chef Vaughn Good and his partner Kristine Hull had to furlough three-quarters of their 50 employees in March. Although the 130-seat bistro, which had previously made $10,000 a night, pivoted to selling groceries, family-style meals, and alcohol for pickup, “we were not busy,” says Good; sales sank to $1,000 a day. Good and Hull applied for a Paycheck Protection Program loan to cover payroll when business picked up.
Things began to turn around after May 11, when Missouri restaurants were allowed to reopen their dining rooms under new safety regulations; on a recent Saturday, Fox and Pearl did 70 covers. That was enough for Good to rehire all the kitchen staff who wanted to return. But for Hull, who runs the front of house, scheduling servers has been harder than bringing back cooks, in part because of health concerns around interacting with diners.
“I didn’t want to force people,” she says. So far, enough servers have asked for the shifts Hull has needed to fill, even as the restaurant has expanded to half capacity per Kansas City guidelines and sales have followed suit, rising to 50 percent of the restaurant’s typical pre-pandemic revenues. The next phase, which Hull hopes will go into effect on July 5, would allow her to bring back everyone who wants to return, but she knows she may have to look for new hires. “Some of my staff has decided during the quarantine period to do other things,” Hull explains. “We have a couple that graduated college and are now pursuing careers, and some that have decided to shift their focus. I think that the slow reopening has allowed folks to make the decisions that work best for them both physically and financially.”
Even restaurant owners who appear busy say that they would rather make do with a smaller crew until they have a clearer idea of what the future holds. Since reopening under Florida state guidelines on May 13, Cafe Boulud Palm Beach, which is located in the Brazilian Court Hotel, has seen business in its main dining room jump back to the same level as it was this time last year. The restaurant seats about 120, and half of the tables are outside. General manager Lucian Vasile Puscasu has brought back about half of his 102 front- and back-of-house employees, a mix of part-time and full-time workers. That’s partly because the once-busy events business remains closed, and partly because summer is the off-season in Palm Beach. But it’s also because some employees did not want to come back.
“They declined to return for various reasons,” Puscasu says, “from finding better opportunities to not feeling comfortable about the possibility of exposing themselves or finding the unemployment benefit a better fit for now.” He expects to see more potential workers applying in the fall, after the pandemic unemployment benefits run out in July and the season starts up again.
For her part, Fox and Pearl’s Hull says she noticed a shift in conversation on the restaurant’s Slack (or chat room) channel at the beginning of June: Those who had felt unsure about returning to work last month seemed more eager for shifts in June. “A lot of people who were waiting through May are now saying they are ready if we need them,” Hull says.
Of course, legal frameworks also play a significant role in how people are brought back to work. If a restaurant doesn’t want to hire everyone back, they have to have “legitimate, non-discriminatory (and documented) reasons for why some folks were made offers and others weren’t,” hospitality attorney Jasmine Moy says over email. “For those that reject an offer to return to work, if the employer wants to include that person in their PPP headcount, they have to notify the state that such person was made and rejected an offer of employment, which will put the staff member in violation of the unemployment insurance requirements.”
Rejecting employment reflects the larger issue that many workers face as restaurants reopen: that of the calculus of staying home without pay versus returning to work and potentially risking their health. All the restaurants operators mentioned in this article say they are following regional safety guidelines to keep their employees healthy, including generous spacing between tables, rigorous cleaning practices, and the requirement that all employees and customers alike wear a mask. In addition, Fox and Pearl, Cafe Boulud, Fairgrounds, and the Miami restaurant are all providing masks to their employees. But regardless of the measures they’re taking, these operators also realize they can’t guarantee their employees won’t get sick if they return to work, which is why many say they understand the hesitation to take on shifts.
It remains to be seen whether post-COVID-19 restaurants will offer workers, especially servers, bartenders, and hosts, enough incentive to encourage loyalty to the industry. If front-of-house hospitality employees can’t find worthwhile work — meaning the opportunity to interact with customers and earn sufficient wages from both salary and tips, all while staying as safe as possible — there will likely be a reckoning.
“People have reprioritized their lives a lot,” says the Miami general manager who’s waiting to reopen until she has a better sense of the city’s new dining climate. “Right now we feel like a fulfillment center: You put the food in the bag and send it out the door.” If that continues to be the case, she adds, “then you have to find meaning in that new model. We’re in it because you provide a meaningful experience to your guests, and we have to see how we’ll do that going forward.”
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3eBA1df via Blogger https://ift.tt/2Abyo7k
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Exclusive: Cruise industry announces US sailing suspension extended up until Sept. 15
Morgan Hines, U.S.A. TODAY Upgraded 1: 57 p.m. ET June 19, 2020
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Cruise Lines International Association, the leading trade organization for the international ocean-going cruise market, states its member cruise lines have actually willingly extended the suspension of U.S. cruise operations till Sept. 15 amidst coronavirus issues.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s present ” no-sail order” is arranged to expire on July 24, but no extension has yet been announced.
CLIA’s member lines carry 95%of the world’s ocean-going cruisers. The brand-new order will use to all CLIA member ships that the present CDC order applies to — vessels that can bring 250 or more guests.
” Although we had actually hoped that cruise activity in the U.S. could resume as soon as possible after that date, it is increasingly clear that more time will be needed to solve barriers to resumption in the United States,” Bari Golin-Blaugrund, senior director for strategic communications informed U.S.A. TODAY, noting the company notified the CDC of its ongoing voluntary suspension.
The extension comes with a caution: The situation will be continuously reassessed as Sept. 15 techniques and the suspension may be extended even more, Golin-Blaugrund explained.
” We want the traveling public to understand in no unsure terms that when we do resume operations in the U.S., it will be with the confidence that we have the required procedures and systems in location, and that we have actually done so with the input of the CDC,” she included.
Major lines, including Norwegian Cruise Line, have currently extended their sailing suspensions well into fall, and Canada issued a ban on cruises in the country’s waters through Oct. 31
The group’s global board of directors met on Friday and put the choice to a vote. All members accepted comply with the suspension.
The choice leaves almost three months before significant cruise business, including cruising giant Carnival Corp., can potentially increase their operations.
” CLIA cruise line members are using this time to check out new ideas and concepts to further improve already stringent public health protocols and policies,” Golin-Blaugrund said. ” Furthermore, taking care of and repatriating team members is the primary priority for CLIA cruise line members today.”
Specific plans pertaining to coronavirus and general health on board are still being developed. Golin-Blaugrund said that the market is taking a “holistic approach.”
” One theme that continues to emerge in these conversations is the idea of a ‘door-to-door’ method, beginning at the time of scheduling through the return of travelers to their houses,” she said.
The industry is also seeking to reinforce screening protocol, execute additional health and sanitation practices for ships and terminals, and onboard avoidance, monitoring and response.
CLIA members are also seeking to check out boosted traveler and team screening, social distancing, modifying or getting rid of buffet dining alternatives, improved onboard medical ability, brand-new training for team members and pre-arranged medical evacuation alternatives with consideration to regional healthcare.
Friday, when inquired about the no-sail order ahead of CLIA’s choice, Caitlin Shockey, spokesperson for the CDC told U.S.A. TODAY that the CDC was still keeping track of the situation on cruise liner and was examining cruise lines’ plans regarding to COVID-19
” At this moment in time, we do not have enough information to say when it will be safe for cruise liner to resume cruising.”
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Check Out or Share this story: https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/cruises/2020/06/19/ us-cruise-ban-cruises-suspended-until-sept-15- industry-group-clia/3222379001/
from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/exclusive-cruise-industry-announces-us-sailing-suspension-extended-up-until-sept-15/
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clintbeifong · 8 years
Okay But What Can I Do?
Some thoughts on mobilizing for long-term resistance. 
First of all, protesters, congressmen-callers, post-rebloggers, bullshit-flaggers, you are all amazing. We are amazing and we are strong, and we will not stop resisting until America is safe for everyone.
Over the past few weeks I’ve been wondering what part I can play. I’m not a teacher who can shape young minds; I’m not a lawyer or a doctor who can volunteer my services; I’m not a lawmaker who can take a stand, or a celebrity who can draw mass awareness. I can march, but what do I do when I get home? How do I resist when away from the action? When I’m not in a city? When I know countless injustices are around me but I can’t see them, so I can’t fight them?
The answer seems both obvious and intimidating: volunteer. Volunteer your time, your skills, your resources, to groups in your community who support what you believe in. 
That sounds so easy and obvious, but if you’ll like me, maybe your experiences volunteering have mostly felt like you were in the way. Or maybe, also like me, you aren’t sure how to find a local cause to assist, or how your particular skill set might apply. 
Or maybe you wish you could so something bigger. So do I. But what I can do right now is try to make my community safer and more supportive for targeted groups, to help the people and organizations already working to protect, and support, and bring justice to those who’ve been denied these things.
Well, here are some preliminary thoughts:
Local conservation and/or research centers need plenty volunteers. If you like to talk, you might volunteer as a tour guide and tell visitors exactly why this work is important. Data is crucial and many of these efforts enlist volunteers to count wildlife, take water sample and so forth. Literally everywhere needs marketing, administration, and web design, so if any of these are in your skill set, there are organizations all around you that need your help.
Town meetings or equivalent. Attend and speak up for your environment. Become knowledge about relevant bills and measures.
Find our what projects your local conservation commission is engaged in and see if they need help. Outdoorsy types might help plant oysters, cut scrub to reduce the risk of forest fire, and so on.
Reduce/Reuse/Recycle. Find you what programs your town or city has. Donate reusable coffee cups to your office break room or your local school. Love kids? Love crafts? Kiddie crafts use all sorts recycled materials. Help a preschool, after school program, or scout troop collect and repurpose.
Farmers Markets. Attend a farmers market. Bring your friends. Support local, responsible farming.
Free Speech/Information:
Your local library. Shelf books, read to children, transport underprivileged families there and back, make buttons. Do you cosplay? Dress up as a character for the next event or children’s book release. Organize a book talk on a book that’s important to you. Do you make fan art or videos? Teach a workshop and help kids of all ages engage more with their fiction.
See if your local school has a student newspaper. If you can teach basic writing or journalism skills, layout design, or marketing, contact the advisor and offer to help. If your school doesn’t have a paper, consider starting one. Help kids learn early what responsible journalism looks like. 
Same goes for creative writing clubs. Having a place to express yourself is crucial. Fiction teaches writer and readers alike to step inside others’ shoes and lets us see through their eyes. The only way we’ll ever truly unite our various concerns is if we learn to listen to one another. Fiction can help with that.
You local newspaper might be struggling. Subscribe, if you can afford it. Write Op-Ed pieces. Help your kids start a paper route.
Start a book club. Get your friends or fellow students hearing new voices. You don’t have to start with 1984 (Though you’re welcome to). Get people talking. 
Student or local repertory theater groups need set designers and builders, lighting and sound technicians, musicians, costume designers, prop buyers and so on. It might not seem like a critical resistance job, but theater has always been subversive. One of those students might be the next Lin-Manuel Miranda. Someone in the audience of even the most minimalist production of, say, Rent might learn something critically important while viewing in the show. 
Local museums need tour guides and docents. They need marketing and awareness, and they need attendence. If you’re passionate or knowledgeable about whatever area it is, see if you can help. Take your kids. Take your parents. Teach them about something they didn’t know before. Anything. History is important. It doesn’t have to be about the civil rights movement for it to matter. The more people know more history, the less it can be distorted or erased. 
You community might have a gay/straight alliance, LGBT+ shelter, or other outreach programs. See if they need advertising, fundraisers, administrations, cookies for a bake sale or lasagna for a community dinner. 
See if your local school has an LGBT+ club or gay/straight alliance. Join it. Or start one. Listen to people, hear their experiences, share your own. Find out what the school’s anti-bullying program is, or their policy on gender-neutral bathrooms is. Speak to your school board about what needs to change. 
You local shelter might need clothing and food donations, rides for people experiencing homelessness, help with resumes, haircutting services, game or craft nights, or someone to play with homeless children and tell them that they matter. 
Find you what your church, synagogue, or mosque is doing, and volunteer to help. If you aren’t sure where your church stands, talk to your priest/pastor/minster/etc and express your concerns. Change are there are people there who want to help, and people who need help.
Have a tampon drive. Donate sanitary supplies to your local shelter. Offer transportation to and from Planned Parenthood. 
Check out your local nursing home or council on aging. Spend time, read stories, share music or movies. Bring scouts or student groups by to spend  brighten days.
Become a Big Brother/Big Sister
See if the local YMCA, youth center, 4H etc need anything.
Some disclaimers: 
This is by no means a complete list. 
See if your community has a website that organized volunteer opportunities. 
I’m a middle class white person, and I’m thinking as such--as someone with the resources to help, but unsure how to begin.
A lot of these are asking for resources or skills you might not have. That’s okay. You you might not have the time or money or mental health etc to participate. That’s okay. You might not have these things services near you, and that’s okay. You might not feel safe or comfortable with some of these. That’s okay. 
Do what you can within your comfort level, your available time, your skills, and your interests.
Some of these are about schools, if you’re not a teacher or student, you need to ask permission before you do anything.
The point is, I have a plan. I’m looking at my skills and what my community has and what it needs and for the first time since this shitstorm began, I have plan for exactly who I can help, and exactly how. 
Oh, but one last thing. Find out what the places you want to help actually need. Remember, as good as this might make you feel, that isn’t the point, and it isn’t about you. If a group or organization says they don’t need your services, or they’d like you to do something different, be polite. Give your email and tell them not to hesitate if they ever do need the service you were offering. Ask if they know of any similar organizations that might need your skills.
And DON’T GIVE UP. Don’t get bored. Change your focus, change your schedule, sure, but don’t forget they you’re doing this. As long as you’re helping one person, you’re making a difference. 
Feel free to add more ideas to the list: 
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thelowcarbrunner · 8 years
What’s The Story Here?
“Hi! My name is Fred, and I’m an addict.”
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I moved to America in 2009, where, when you say those words, you immediately picture an awkward room filled with people quivering in silence to the sound of anxiety. One may even smell over-brewed coffee. No, I am not addicted to drugs, and this is not going to be the story of how I overcame an addiction by running. This is the story of me. A French-born runner in New York City.
In 1994, my PE teacher gave me detention for hiding in the bushes with some girl friends while we were doing endurance laps in the Jardins du Luxembourg (the Senate’s garden where we would have PE classes in the spring). I think I was smoking cigarettes there as well... I was to report at 8am on a Saturday. This seems like an unimportant event, but I truly believe the confidence boost that was to come shaped part of my personality.
I unexpectedly arrived on time, in my joggers, my rebel attitude blazing out of my ground-striking eyes, only to have it thwarted by the absence of any other student.
‘We are going to jog for half an hour, and you are not allowed to stop.’
What a preposterous idea... ‘C’est impossible !’, I said in my teenage pouting voice. But there was no way out, it was happening.
So I went, before him, slowly. I tried to brake-check him, I said I couldn’t breathe... But I think my sweaty red face wasn’t sad and convincing enough, because he would just push back and tell me:
‘stop whining, you can do it, don’t stop!’ 
He proceeded to start a conversation, I can’t remember what it was about... But I like to talk, so I went with it, and with every sentence, the concept of time started to wither away. I have no idea how fast we were going, but in the end, we did run for 30 minutes, and I did not die.
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FAT This happened during what I call, my ‘fat’ year. For a while, I had been drinking Coke by the bottle, stacking candies near my bed, eating ice cream and cookies by the box, ... My older brother even referred to me as “bouffe-tout” (”eat-everything”, which happened to be Slimer’s French name in Ghostbusters.) All I wanted was to eat, burp, and mostly to avoid any effort at all cost. One of my brother’s friend reminded me recently that I had ‘invented’ some type of rope-elevator apparatus just so I didn’t have to walk down the two flights of stairs that separated the TV from the refrigerator... I am unsure of what would have happened of me if I hadn’t hidden and smoked behind the bushes during PE in 1994.
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BE COOL In High-School, I spent every day skateboarding with my friends. I would skateboard to school, skateboard in school, skip school to meet my friends to, skateboard... That’s all I did around, and sometimes within, my class schedule. I was very active. Those years can be summed up in 5 words: Skateboard, metal,_ sweat_, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 411 Video Magazine... Yet, running wasn’t something I enjoyed. I assimilated it with PE, and PE wasn’t fun.
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I stopped skateboarding when I graduated from High-School and joined a band. This was going to be my life. The energy I put into skateboarding was to go into my hardcore band life. I’d eat whatever, drink whatever, party, scream and play loud music. Somehow, I managed to stay fit during several years with my only workout being screaming into a microphone while jumping everywhere like a clown for about 6 hours a week... How sweet is life...
‘What sport do you play?’
Sports? I didn’t play any. What a strange concept that everyone should be into some type of sports... Of course, as any kid in France during the 90s I had practiced Soccer, some Track and Field, Tennis, etc. But I was out of school, why would I put myself through this willingly?
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WHATEVER HAPPENED From one band to another, the music got quieter, until I ended up singing in a signed pop/punk band. The rehearsals and the jumping around were more sparse, I mostly stood behind my mic on a stand going left and right, but the rest of the lifestyle was still there, harder than ever. I remember a band retreat, where we tried to push ourselves to wake up every morning and jog in the woods and do some crunches. Fail. It lasted about a week and stopped as soon as we were back in Paris. Life started to catch up on me, and I was losing touch with my body.
I woke up one morning, my band wasn’t doing as great as I wanted, pictures started showing rolls out of my skinny jeans, I had no vision for my future, I hated myself. Life seemed to be an impossible concept. Impossible... ‘Nothing is impossible. Fuck that’. Like my PE teacher, the voice in my head would not let me quit. ‘Get a grip you stupid goat!’
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DIRECTION I needed goats goals. Like those 30 minutes of jogging I was forced to complete, I needed to picture a success, and never quit until I was there. ‘Get fit!’ I bought a cheap pair of store-brand ‘running’ shoes, and started running. I started going to the Olympic pool in my neighborhood to swim laps. I registered for college to resume my studies (in France it’s free, how sweet is la vie?). Here was a clear goal right in front of me, there was an exchange program after 2 years, and I would be one of the few that would spend a year studying in the United States. Failure was not an option. I would talk about it like it was set in stone, ‘when I’ll be in the US...’ Whatever people said, this was happening.
I don’t think I can describe how it felt two years later, on that plane to San Jose, CA, looking out the window, with a year of fending for myself ahead of me. I wasn’t scared. I felt a mix of incredulity and excitement. Like a long race during which you did not even acknowledge any thought about quitting, yet when you pass the finish line, you wonder how the hell you did it...
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WHERE AM I GOING? When in college in France, I had registered for any sports or team that would fit into my schedule. Track team, check. Team Handball, check. Baseball, check. If I didn’t have practice on a day, I would just go to the gym or to the pool. But in France, apart from the Rugby team, all you had to do was to show up, and you were part of the team... Years of American Teen movies had scared me from even considering the dreaded “tryouts”, so I didn’t join a team. I just ran, went to the gym, and I bought a skateboard and a bike to get around (as a typical Parisian, I did not have a driving license...) I was staying in shape.
After two years of having planned my life like I had OCD, I let it take a direction of its own, and a year later, I ended up in New York instead of going back to France. There, I adhered to the ‘basic’ New-Yorker’s lifestyle: join a gym, work, workout, drink, eat-out, bis repetita. It wasn’t the best of time, it wasn’t the worst of time, but I did not have a goal, an ‘addiction’. ‘Just find something.’ Music it is. I started The Johnny Pumps, in 2012, and focused on writing songs again. When I wasn’t working or writing songs with a glass of whiskey, I was going to the gym, not really trying, avoiding cardio.
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FAT 3.0 Was it age, diet, or lifestyle? I started putting on more pounds that I wanted to. When I reached 220bs, I felt disgusting. The problem when you are 6′4″, is that even when you are overweight, it doesn’t show that much unless you take your shirt off, therefore people tell you “you’re crazy... You’re not fat at all...” Some people, like me, need to hear that we are fat, and we need to get a grip.
I don’t think I’m blowing anyone’s mind by saying that the fastest way to shed fat is to stop eating carbs. Unless Dr. OZ is your go-to reference in dieting, setting aside all other rhetoric, we should all know in 2017 that grains and sugar raise the level of glucose in your blood which triggers your pancreas into releasing insulin which tells the body to stop burning its fat stores and instead, absorb some of the fatty acids and glucose in the blood and turn them into more body fat. Whether we agree or not that this is a healthy, or easy way to lose fat, or that you run faster or slower with carbs, nobody can say it doesn’t work if you commit to it. ‘Commit’. Well, turns out I am good at that. Ketogenic diet, here I come.
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RUN, YOU FOOL Coconut oil, avocados, chicken, fish, broccoli and cauliflower. You name it, I’ve eaten more than anyone would like to. But in less than a year I was as skinny as 175lbs (way too skinny...) to finally set up to 185lbs (my ‘perfect’ weight).
In 2015, one of my best friends texted me:
“Hey! Wanna run a relay with me and some friends in a month and a half in Utah?”
I had committed to run 2 legs of a marathon relay with my friend’s girlfriend. I was going to basically run a half marathon, with no training. I cringe today when I say out loud that I trained for it mostly on a treadmill, at the gym, and that I ran it with road Nikes I bought on sale. I believe my longest ‘train’ run was 8 miles out of the three ‘real’ runs I did in Central Park.
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DID I JUST JOIN A CULT? This was the third November Project Summit, and I had no idea what the November Project was. From my experience at the race, they were just some weird beer-drinking frat guys who happened to be really loud and cheerful. I can say today that I really didn’t get it...
I can honestly not remember my time, all I know is that my first leg was under 1h, and the second was hell, and over 1h. I had never focused on my result/time, PR was an unknown concept to me, pace was just a word I would hear without knowing what it meant, if I went out to run, my goal would be x minutes of running or x many loops. I would go, reach the goal, then not think about it again.
Back in New York, I went on a few runs, mostly worked out at the gym. I didn’t really have a ‘good‘ reason to run. In the back of my mind I thought, maybe I can do this again next year, it was fun.
February 2nd, 2016
Text from, to use his real name, Gabe**: **
“Want to go to the November Project workout tomorrow morning at 6:28am?”
“What the hell is November Project, and why TF is it at 6:28am?”
“You know, those guys who were partying when we ran the race in Utah, they have workouts every Wednesday morning and its right by your place.”
I’m not addicted, but I may have joined a cult.
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
Big Ten football remains in limbo after another day of stalling
The Large Ten would possibly play soccer in 2020 in spite of everything. However as of Tuesday night, no choice to reboot the season had been introduced.  
Convention leaders are anticipated to approve an eight-game, nine-week schedule that would start as quickly as Oct. 17, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and different media retailers reported Tuesday. That might put the Large Ten championship recreation on Dec. 19, the day earlier than the School Soccer Playoff discipline is scheduled to be revealed. There additionally stays a risk the season might start the weekend of Oct. 24. 
On Tuesday night, Michigan State president Samuel Stanley addressed members of the soccer program in a Zoom video convention name, and whereas Stanley didn’t reveal any information on when the season would possibly start, a number of individuals who participated within the name mentioned Stanley anticipated to supply an replace quickly. 
When precisely that’s stays to be seen. 
A high-ranking individual at one Large Ten faculty instructed the Free Press on Tuesday it  stays unclear whether or not all 14 groups will likely be enjoying or whether or not  some could choose out of the season as a consequence of issues over COVID-19 and different dangers. The convention’s presidents and chancellors weren’t anticipated to carry a vote on resuming the season Tuesday, in accordance with Pat Forde of Sports activities Illustrated. It has been anticipated the convention would transfer in unison.
“I’ll say we’re all going to maneuver collectively within the Large Ten,” Wisconsin chancellor Rebecca Clean mentioned Monday on a teleconference with reporters. “We’re all going to play or not if we probably can. This isn’t going to be a school-by-school factor.”
Tuesday marked the newest chaotic day within the Large Ten’s month-long cleaning soap opera.
On Tuesday morning, College of Nebraska president Ted Carter bought caught earlier than a information convention on an open microphone by Lincoln TV station KETV saying the convention deliberate to announce it might resume soccer later that night.
“We’re on the brink of announce the Huskers and Large Ten soccer tonight,” Carter instructed Bob Hinson, the director of the Nationwide Strategic Analysis Institute, in a masked dialog caught on digital camera and audio.
Story continues
Across the similar time — by way of video in entrance of a Senate subcommittee listening to of Well being, Training, Labor and Pensions in regards to the NCAA’s identify, picture and likeness laws — Clean, the Wisconsin chancellor, was dodging questions on whether or not the Large Ten would resume soccer and fall sports activities.
“I am not going to talk to that. You are gonna need to let the Large Ten make that announcement when and if such a call is made,” she instructed Sen Tim Kaine (D-Virginia). “When such a call occurs, your first query needs to be, ‘What’s modified?’ … I can not say what the vote goes to appear like. Selections throughout the Large Ten are largely majority-based choices. However I will be trustworthy, we virtually all the time determine every thing by consensus. We very hardly ever take votes.”
All of that got here after Ohio State heart specialist Curt Daniels, co-author of a paper on the hyperlink to myocarditis (coronary heart linflammation) amongst athletes who examined constructive for COVID-19, instructed the Columbus Dispatch his analysis with Buckeyes head group doctor Dr. James Borchers had been misconstrued. Within the research that was launched Friday, they reported 4 of 26 OSU athletes confirmed indicators of myocarditis whereas additionally including the research stays ongoing as a result of it’s an especially small pattern dimension.
“I believe now we have a protected technique to return to play,” Daniels instructed the Dispatch. “I hope that we’ll discover a approach to take action.”  
Within the Senate sub-committee listening to, Clean made reference to the preliminary science on myocarditis as she defined why the Large Ten indefinitely delayed fall sports activities in August.
“There have been a number of fundamental causes for that,” Clean responded. “One was that we have been unsure that we might do the extent of testing and contract tracing that we wanted to maintain athletes protected. Secondly, there was this rising proof about heart-related myocarditis, and that proof was unsure and it wasn’t clear what it meant. And we wished to know extra.
“There have been a couple of different extra minor causes. However till now we have solutions to that, we’ll preserve our season postponed. As soon as now we have solutions to that and a few of these points and issues that now we have methods to cope with them successfully, we’ll attempt to plan a delayed season.”
And but, because the surreal moments of the morning and early afternoon pale, no official announcement got here from the Large Ten. And the convention entered the night in the identical place it has been for greater than a month.
In limbo.
The speak of a possible resumption of soccer comes as numerous Large Ten universities, together with Michigan State and Michigan, are coping with COVID-19 and associated points throughout their campuses. College students dwelling in East Lansing have been ordered to quarantine for 14 days as a consequence of a rising variety of circumstances off campus, and graduate college students and residence corridor staffs have been on strike in Ann Arbor.
However soccer has grown into an enormous optical downside for presidents as different leagues kicked off across the nation and Large Ten dad and mom, gamers and coaches filed a lawsuit in Nebraska and protested across the convention, with new commissioner Kevin Warren turning into the focus of fan and political frustration, together with in tweets from President Donald Trump.
Large Ten Convention Commissioner Kevin Warren
Although it was presidents and chancellors who voted, 11-3, to delay fall sports activities, Warren — not even a yr into the job after taking up for retired Jim Delany — struggled with a pleasant hearth interview on Large Ten Community the day the league determined to postpone. His lack of readability and the decision-makers’ lack of transparency, coupled with a 23-page detailed reasoning from the Pac-12 on why it selected to delay the season, turned the Large Ten right into a punching bag for folks, coaches, politicians, attorneys and different conferences.
Athletes have been permitted to return to campus in mid-June for voluntary exercises, although MSU was among the many packages that needed to undergo 14-day quarantines as a consequence of COVID-19 outbreaks. The Large Ten introduced a reworked 10-game, conference-only schedule Aug. 5. That very same day, a bunch of greater than 1,000 Large Ten athletes launched a unity assertion that sought to empower school athletes to battle towards injustices inside their athletic communities and establishments.
MSU and U-M opened preseason apply two days later. Nevertheless, the Large Ten on Aug. eight halted groups from increasing their practices to full pads, limiting gamers to shorts, shirts and helmets whereas minimizing contact. Convention presidents met that Saturday and three days later, on Aug. 11, the convention introduced the choice to postpone.
Contact Chris Solari: [email protected]. Observe him on Twitter @chrissolari. Learn extra on the Michigan State Spartans and join our Spartans e-newsletter.
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This text initially appeared on Detroit Free Press: Large Ten soccer stays in limbo for October comeback
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/big-ten-football-remains-in-limbo-after-another-day-of-stalling/ via https://growthnews.in
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franceshlealtx · 4 years
How to Handle a Dental Emergency during COVID-19
COVID-19 continues to affect our lives and is keeping us in our homes. While there are a lot of things we can’t do while social distancing, we can still take care of our oral health because oral health is connected to overall health! Here are some home remedies for keeping your smile healthy and how to deal with dental emergencies at home.
How can you keep your teeth healthy during COVID-19?
Ideally, the best way to treat a dental emergency is to prevent one altogether! Here are some quick tips:
Eat healthy. Many will turn to sugary foods for comfort, but those substances can have negative impacts on your teeth. Stock up on healthy food items to prevent plaque buildup and tooth staining.
Maintain good oral health. While your daily schedules might be thrown off right now, it is best to maintain your best oral hygiene routine. This means you should be brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day. Good daily oral hygiene goes a long way in preventing long term issues.
Drink more water! Drinking water is a safe and effective way to maintain a healthy smile! Fluoride is known to have great oral health benefits and reduce the risk of cavities.
Practice Mindfulness. The pandemic has brought a lot of stress and it may cause teeth grinding or jaw clenching. This can lead to symptoms like headaches, earaches, and jaw pain. If you feel stressed, try practicing mindfulness by taking deep breaths or setting reminders to unclench your jaw.
What if you have a dental emergency?
We strongly recommend you follow American Dental Association (ADA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines before contacting your dentist. Your dentist can handle many situations over the phone, such as helping with a toothache or a filling that has become loose. If you are unsure about your situation, your dentist will be able to help. Dental clinics may be postponing non-emergency procedures, but your dentist can still make appropriate arrangements if you have a dental emergency.
What can you do for non-emergency dental issues?
If you have a dental issue that isn’t an emergency, you can treat certain problems at home until you are able to see your dentist. Here are some common issues and how to treat them:
General Toothache. For general toothaches, common over-the-counter pain medicines, such as, acetaminophen can help or other NSAID pain relivers. Contact your dentist to get their recommendation on how to minimize the pain.
Orthodontic Treatment. The brackets and wires of traditional braces may break for several reasons and may cause discomfort. If you can’t see your orthodontist for a quick fix, you can use dental wax to temporarily hold your appliance in place or prevent it from poking your mouth. If your orthodontist office is closed, you can purchase wax at your local pharmacy.
Plaque buildup. To keep plaque from building up, make sure you’re flossing every day to remove germs and food particles from between teeth. Mouthwash can also be effective at reducing plaque build-up. Brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, and don’t forget to brush your tongue.
Gingivitis. Gingivitis is usually reversible with a good oral hygiene program. Using mouthwash in addition to proper brushing and flossing habits can also be efficient at reducing gingivitis. Follow-up with your dentist for more information about gingivitis when you’re able to resume regular check-up visits.
Mouth irritation. Drinking acidic beverages such as soda, over-brushing your tongue, and overusing your mouthwash can irritate mouth tissues. If your mouth feels irritated, try switching to a milder diet or changing your oral hygiene routine. Talk to your dentist about your oral hygiene habits and how to minimize irritations in your mouth.
Dry Mouth. Some medications, nutritional deficiencies, or natural hormonal changes can cause dry mouth. Drinking plenty of water can combat dryness and help keep your mouth healthy.
Lost filling or crown. You can get over-the-counter temporary filling material from the dental aisle of your pharmacy. Many of these products are also available online and can be delivered to your home. Contact your dentist to see if they are offering to ship temporary filling material.
Dentures/ Bridges. If you have an issue with your dentures or bridge, a denture repair kit might help you make it through to your next appointment. Search your local pharmacy for repair kits or denture reline kits. Follow-up with your dentist when you’re able to schedule your next appointment.
These home remedies can go a long way in helping you feel more comfortable until your next dental appointment. But if you still can’t get relief, call your dentist immediately. They can help advise you and even administer treatment over the phone. Does your insurance cover teledentistry? Solstice has the coverage you need - sign up for a free consultation below!
from Dental Care https://blog.solsticebenefits.com/solstice-member-blog/how-to-handle-a-dental-emergency-during-covid-19
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easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
Shutterstock Worries about the pandemic, slow business, and fewer jobs for servers are all creating obstacles to rehiring When the COVID-19 pandemic forced one Miami restaurant to shut its doors in mid-March, its management laid off 47 of their 55 employees. Expecting the worst, they were surprised to realize at the end of May that they were doing so much business through takeout and delivery that they were on track to meet their original sales predictions. And yet more business didn’t translate to more staff: The 200-seat restaurant still employed fewer than half the workers it had before the pandemic. While the city of Miami has allowed restaurants to operate their dining rooms at half capacity since May 27, this particular spot is remaining closed for dine-in service until its owners can offer their customers a more “on-brand” dining experience — meaning fun and easygoing — rather than a modified, cautious night out. As such, there is no work available for bartenders and servers. The restaurant’s general manager, who asked that both her name and that of the restaurant remain anonymous because of the sensitivity surrounding hiring practices, says she’s able to offer these still-unemployed workers little more than daily check-ins and free food. She knows that other, fully reopened restaurants might end up offering them the jobs she cannot. “I found a lot of loyalty in the team we were able to build here,” she says. “Hopefully, we get them back.” After the pandemic shut down dine-in service around the country in March, some 6 million restaurant industry workers lost their jobs. But as reopening gets underway, those 6 million people are not necessarily returning to work. Instead, many restaurants are facing significant obstacles to both rehiring existing workers and searching for new ones. Many small, independent spots don’t yet have enough work to bring back their employees, particularly those in front-of-house positions. And restaurants that thrived doing only takeout and delivery — often chains with more than one location — are now increasing their staff, only to find that workers aren’t returning for a variety of reasons. Some are staying away because of health concerns or caretaking responsibilities; others are reluctant to resume minimum-wage, now possibly unsafe jobs that don’t pay as well as the combined income provided by their state unemployment benefits and the federal government’s weekly $600 Pandemic Unemployment Assistance check. Because of the extra federal assistance, two-thirds of eligible workers are making more than they did before the pandemic, according to a paper by economists at the University of Chicago. Meanwhile, some restaurants are stuck in a catch-22 created by the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program. PPP loans turn into grants if they cover payroll or other specific expenses, but in order to have the loan forgiven, restaurants must rehire their employees, and many don’t have work for rehired employees to do. Underlying the complex calculations around rehiring is demand, or lack thereof. “Restaurant employment will rebound slowly because demand will be far lower than normal, likely at 40 percent of normal,” says Andrew Stettner, an economist at the Century Foundation. But fears that recovery will be stymied by employees who choose to remain out of work are unfounded, he adds: “The pace of recovery will absolutely be driven by the level of demand, not unemployment benefits.” The level of demand directly correlates with the pace of recovery at Xperience Restaurant Group (XRG), which operates a national chain of Mexican restaurants under nine brands, including El Torito, Las Brisas, and Chevys Fresh Mex. After the pandemic hit, XRG furloughed 80 percent of its employees. Those who remained helped its restaurants pivot quickly to takeout and delivery. As a result, the group’s takeout business more than doubled compared to last April, and it soon found itself trying to rehire a number of its employees. Between April 20 and June 1, the XRG career site posted more than 500 jobs; some were new positions, and some were vacancies left by former employees. “We have already brought the bulk of those [furloughed] team members back, even at units that haven’t yet been cleared to reopen for dine-in business,” says Rosie Davenport, XRG’s vice president of marketing. But other employees have chosen not to return because of concerns about their health, she adds. “Restaurant employment will rebound slowly because demand will be far lower than normal, likely at 40 percent of normal.” In Chicago, Michael Schultz, who runs the Fairgrounds Coffee chain and the hospitality group Infuse, says he has been “getting a lot of applicants, very talented people who typically otherwise wouldn’t be available.” As iconic restaurant groups have shuttered, he explains, “people who’ve planted their roots with them for successful careers — now they’re looking.” Although a few of his company’s employees told him they were making more money out of work, Schultz felt his applicant pool was big enough that he did not worry about replacing them. He is now hiring for 17 positions at Fairgrounds locations in Chicago, Milwaukee, and Los Angeles, including team leads, prep cooks, and certified baristas. Down in Nashville, Mary Pillow Thompson, the founder of the local restaurant hiring platform Foh&boh, has seen a similar movement. “There will be a lot of shifting around,” she says. “People saying, ‘Well, Jimmy wasn’t that great anyway, I’m happy to try to get someone better.’ And on the other side, candidates saying, ‘I’m going to try to get the job I always wanted instead of going back to my old place.’” Thompson has also noticed former truck drivers and construction workers signing up on her platform to look for jobs. “Before this, the people we were getting were industry professionals,” she says. Unlike XRG and Fairgrounds, many American restaurants, especially smaller ones, did not enjoy a surprise business boom during the pandemic. And so as their states and cities reopen, their goal is simply to bring back enough former employees to support the level of business they’re able to do. But even that is not a straightforward process, given that they often lack human resources departments that can spearhead substantial hiring efforts. At the Kansas City restaurant Fox and Pearl, chef Vaughn Good and his partner Kristine Hull had to furlough three-quarters of their 50 employees in March. Although the 130-seat bistro, which had previously made $10,000 a night, pivoted to selling groceries, family-style meals, and alcohol for pickup, “we were not busy,” says Good; sales sank to $1,000 a day. Good and Hull applied for a Paycheck Protection Program loan to cover payroll when business picked up. Things began to turn around after May 11, when Missouri restaurants were allowed to reopen their dining rooms under new safety regulations; on a recent Saturday, Fox and Pearl did 70 covers. That was enough for Good to rehire all the kitchen staff who wanted to return. But for Hull, who runs the front of house, scheduling servers has been harder than bringing back cooks, in part because of health concerns around interacting with diners. “I didn’t want to force people,” she says. So far, enough servers have asked for the shifts Hull has needed to fill, even as the restaurant has expanded to half capacity per Kansas City guidelines and sales have followed suit, rising to 50 percent of the restaurant’s typical pre-pandemic revenues. The next phase, which Hull hopes will go into effect on July 5, would allow her to bring back everyone who wants to return, but she knows she may have to look for new hires. “Some of my staff has decided during the quarantine period to do other things,” Hull explains. “We have a couple that graduated college and are now pursuing careers, and some that have decided to shift their focus. I think that the slow reopening has allowed folks to make the decisions that work best for them both physically and financially.” Even restaurant owners who appear busy say that they would rather make do with a smaller crew until they have a clearer idea of what the future holds. Since reopening under Florida state guidelines on May 13, Cafe Boulud Palm Beach, which is located in the Brazilian Court Hotel, has seen business in its main dining room jump back to the same level as it was this time last year. The restaurant seats about 120, and half of the tables are outside. General manager Lucian Vasile Puscasu has brought back about half of his 102 front- and back-of-house employees, a mix of part-time and full-time workers. That’s partly because the once-busy events business remains closed, and partly because summer is the off-season in Palm Beach. But it’s also because some employees did not want to come back. “They declined to return for various reasons,” Puscasu says, “from finding better opportunities to not feeling comfortable about the possibility of exposing themselves or finding the unemployment benefit a better fit for now.” He expects to see more potential workers applying in the fall, after the pandemic unemployment benefits run out in July and the season starts up again. For her part, Fox and Pearl’s Hull says she noticed a shift in conversation on the restaurant’s Slack (or chat room) channel at the beginning of June: Those who had felt unsure about returning to work last month seemed more eager for shifts in June. “A lot of people who were waiting through May are now saying they are ready if we need them,” Hull says. Of course, legal frameworks also play a significant role in how people are brought back to work. If a restaurant doesn’t want to hire everyone back, they have to have “legitimate, non-discriminatory (and documented) reasons for why some folks were made offers and others weren’t,” hospitality attorney Jasmine Moy says over email. “For those that reject an offer to return to work, if the employer wants to include that person in their PPP headcount, they have to notify the state that such person was made and rejected an offer of employment, which will put the staff member in violation of the unemployment insurance requirements.” Rejecting employment reflects the larger issue that many workers face as restaurants reopen: that of the calculus of staying home without pay versus returning to work and potentially risking their health. All the restaurants operators mentioned in this article say they are following regional safety guidelines to keep their employees healthy, including generous spacing between tables, rigorous cleaning practices, and the requirement that all employees and customers alike wear a mask. In addition, Fox and Pearl, Cafe Boulud, Fairgrounds, and the Miami restaurant are all providing masks to their employees. But regardless of the measures they’re taking, these operators also realize they can’t guarantee their employees won’t get sick if they return to work, which is why many say they understand the hesitation to take on shifts. It remains to be seen whether post-COVID-19 restaurants will offer workers, especially servers, bartenders, and hosts, enough incentive to encourage loyalty to the industry. If front-of-house hospitality employees can’t find worthwhile work — meaning the opportunity to interact with customers and earn sufficient wages from both salary and tips, all while staying as safe as possible — there will likely be a reckoning. “People have reprioritized their lives a lot,” says the Miami general manager who’s waiting to reopen until she has a better sense of the city’s new dining climate. “Right now we feel like a fulfillment center: You put the food in the bag and send it out the door.” If that continues to be the case, she adds, “then you have to find meaning in that new model. We’re in it because you provide a meaningful experience to your guests, and we have to see how we’ll do that going forward.” from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3eBA1df
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peacekaleandyoga1 · 5 years
Getting fit has many benefits; it can protect you from illness and injury, makes you stronger, and it can improve your appearance.But it’s true that many people are unsure of where to begin when it comes to embarking on a fitness program. The information ahead will aid you in on your fitness program.
Walking will help you to attain the fitness and is a fantastic workout. To maximum the effectiveness of your walking workout, put your heel down first and roll forward onto your toes. You can also work your arms by keeping your elbows bent and swinging them after each step.
Do not do more than an hour. Muscle wasting happens within an hour after starting an intense workout. So make sure to keep those weight training routines to less than sixty minutes.
TIP! A lot of people regularly visit the gym and lift weights to improve their personal fitness. While lifting weights certainly help you to meet your fitness goals, it’s also possible to do simple exercises like push ups and pull ups to reach your goals.
Try working out during TV shoes to keep your momentum steady. You can use commercial or do an exercise when there is a break in the action. You can even do some small weights while you sit on the sofa. There is always seems to be opportunities to squeeze in a little bit more exercise.
Keep a daily record of what you do each day. You should also record the day’s weather to be helpful. This will allow you use the data to recognize patterns. If you had to skip workout sessions for a couple of days, explain your reasons in your journal.
Wall sits are fast and improving leg strength.Start by finding an open wall with enough space that will accommodate your body in motion. Stand about eighteen inches from the wall. Stay here as long as you can maintain it.
TIP! Choose a fitness plan that involves activities you enjoy, and that are likely to sustain your interest over the long run. Choose exercises that make you happy; this way you are in a great mood when thinking about exercising.
Your bicycling pace when riding your bike should be kept between 80 and 110 rpm. You will increase your knees while riding faster. This is the rpm is what you should strive for.
Flex your glutes when lifting weights over your head. This will firm up your glutes a great workout while also ensuring that you are keeping good form. This will also help to stabilize your spine as you to be more stable because it stabilizes the spine.
Contact Skills
TIP! Join a gym and pay your dues in advance. Paying in advance may guilt you into going more often.
Improve your volleyball contact skills when training for volleyball. Playing foosball can help you achieve your contact skills. Foosball requires good hand-eye coordination to succeed. The same skill-set that you perfect to win at foosball can also help you play a better game in volleyball.
Many people mistakenly believe that daily abdominal muscles should be worked every day. This is not the best thing to do for these muscles. Abs are like any other muscle and need rest too! You should strive to give your abs rest about 48 to 72 hours after you work them out.
Do not work out when you are ill. Your body can’t effectively build muscles properly when you are feeling under the same time. This means that you should avoid exercising until you feel better.While you wait, make sure you’re eating well and getting plenty of sleep!
TIP! Do not do more than an hour of weight training. That is not the only issue as muscle wasting begins at around the hour mark.
If you would like to run like a champion, emulate the Kenyans. Kenyans typically take the first third of a run relatively slowly. Your pace is going to increase bit by bit over the run should gradually be increased. During the last third, run at your fastest pace.
Lifting weights will help you build endurance to run. Runners don’t often pay attention to weight training, but it definitely something they should do! Research shows that runners who regularly strength-train run faster and farther than those who do not.
If you have injured muscles, get back on the horse with gentle exercises as soon as you have been cleared by a doctor to resume.
TIP! Do you want to maximize your workouts? Doing stretches is a widely acknowledged technique for greatly increasing muscle strength. You should stretch 20-30 seconds inbetween sets.
This can cause them to become more involved.
Don’t bounce around when you are allowing your body to stretch out. This usually puts undo strain on your muscles for no reason. Although many people think that doing this will help you become more flexible, this does not cause greater flexibility.You might even hurt if you engage in the process. Keep in mind that correct stretches are solid holds not bouncy.
Incorporate fitness in your cleaning schedule. If you’re already bending down to wipe up a spill, do some leg extensions or lunges. Push-ups are also a good to do.
TIP! When you are using a bench, test the sturdiness of it first. Press a finger into the bench’s seat to figure out what its padding is made out of.
Stretching is a component of all fitness program. Be sure to take time both before and again after to stretch. Failing to do the right types of stretching can result in injuries. Stretching will give you muscles allows them not only to prepare for a workout but also to relax and prepare.
As previously discussed, as your physical fitness increases, you will notice that your appearance, performance and health benefit. Use the information shared here. Using what you have learned here will help you have the kind of experience that you want.
If you enjoyed this post, you should read this: Tips To Do Your Fitness Routine
from https://ift.tt/2WGSMpB
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wikitopx · 5 years
How to Choose the Right Greeting for Your Cover Letter? This post can answer the question for you. Read the following.
Updated March 14, 2020
A salutation is the greeting at the beginning of a cover letter that is included with a resume when applying for a job. When you're writing a cover letter or sending an email message to apply for a job, it's important to include an appropriate greeting at the beginning to set the tone for your letter, which should be professional and appropriate. The greeting is the first thing the recipient will see when they read your cover letter. Therefore, it's important for you to convey the appropriate level of familiarity and respect.
1. Cover Letter Greetings to Avoid
Using casual greetings, such as “Hello” and “Hi” can make your letter seem unprofessional. Reserve these casual greetings for personal email and refrain from using them in your cover letter unless you are very familiar with the recipient. Such greetings are simply too informal—not the most professional way to begin the conversation if you’re looking to land a job.
“Hi” is appropriate only in casual email correspondence with people you personally know well. For example, if you're checking in with a close friend to find out if they've heard of a job opening at their company. "Hello" is appropriate only in email correspondence. It should be used primarily for people you know well but can be used in very casual circumstances.
Beginning your correspondence “To Whom It May Concern,” on the other hand, may seem too impersonal and make the hiring manager believe you do not care enough to find out whom you should be addressing. The only time to use "To Whom It May Concern" as a cover letter greeting is when you simply cannot find out the specific person to whom you are writing.
You should, of course, make every effort to find the name of a contact in the specific department in which you are interested. When making an inquiry with a company for unadvertised openings, this greeting may be most appropriate.
2. When You Have a Contact Person
The following is a list of letter salutation examples that are appropriate for cover letters and other employment-related correspondence when you have the name of a contact.
Dear Mr. Jones
Dear Ms. Brown
Dear Riley Doe
Dear Dr. Haven
Dear Professor Lawrence
3. When You Don't Have a Contact Person
If this information was not provided in the job announcement and you cannot find it on the company’s web site, then you may be able to call the company, ask to be forwarded to their Human Resources department (if they have one), explain that you will be applying for a job there, and ask for the name of their hiring manager.
Always make every effort to find a contact name to use in your letter. It leaves a good impression on the hiring manager if you have taken the time to use their name, especially if you needed to work a little to find it.
LinkedIn is also a great tool to find out the name of the hiring manager. You can do a search for the company you are applying to with one or two keywords that would describe the person hiring for the position. Scroll down the list until you find the person who fits the criteria. This approach may help you pinpoint the appropriate contact person.
Many companies don't list a contact person when they post jobs, because they have a team of hiring staff who sort through cover letters and resumes before passing them to the hiring manager for the appropriate department. They prefer to leave the hiring manager anonymous until he or she contacts you for an interview.
An organization may also not want to disclose who the hiring manager is to avoid emails and phone calls from applicants, particularly if they anticipate receiving a large number of applications from potential job candidates. So, don't worry if you can't find someone to address your letter to. It will be forwarded to the correct department and recipient.
If you don't have a contact person at the company, either leave off the salutation from your cover letter and start with the first paragraph of your letter or, better yet, use a general salutation.
4. Examples of General Salutations
When using a general salutation, capitalize the nouns.
Dear Hiring Manager
To Whom It May Concern
Dear Human Resources Manager
Dear Sir or Madam
Dear [Company Name] Recruiter
5. When to Use 'Dear' in a Cover Letter
It is appropriate to use “Dear” in most circumstances, such as when the potential employer is someone you know well, or they are a business acquaintance. Follow these tips on choosing the right greeting:
For people who you know well on a first-name basis, it's okay to use their first name only. For a business acquaintance or associate, use their first name if you met them more than once and addressed them by their first name.
For potential employers, use Mr., Ms. or Dr., unless you have been instructed otherwise. Even if you know a woman is married, it is safer to use “Ms.” as opposed to “Mrs.,” as the latter may be offensive in certain circumstances.
If you are unsure of the appropriate greeting, play it safe and use Mr./Ms./Dr. [last name] or Mr./Ms./Dr. [first name, last name].
6. How to Write a Cover Letter Salutation
Standard business correspondence formatting requires that, after providing your own contact information and the date of your letter, you then write down your contact person’s name, the company’s name, and the company’s address.
The formal salutation/greeting comes next: “Dear [Contact Person’s name].” If you have a contact person for your letter, include their personal title and name in the salutation (i.e. "Dear Mr. Franklin"). If you are unsure of the reader's gender, simply state their full name and avoid the personal title (i.e. "Dear Jamie Smith"). Follow the salutation with a colon or comma, leave one line blank, and then start the first paragraph of your letter on the following line.
7. Concluding Your Letter
Your letter greeting has the potential to improve your chances of getting an interview. To enhance your candidacy, make sure your cover letter maintains a professional appearance and offers relevant information, including your qualifications for the position. Choose the appropriate closing and always thank the reader for their time and consideration.
8. Cover Letter Example
This is a cover letter salutation example.
Cover Letter With Salutation Example
Alex Applicant 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555 [email protected]
September 1, 2018
Brett Lee Nurse Manager St. Ansgar Hospital 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321
Dear Mr. Lee:
I am writing to apply for the position of nursing attendant, as advertised on the St. Ansgar Hospital website. As a trained nursing assistant who is fulfilled by working with patients and staff, and by helping people, I would be a great asset to your nursing staff.
I completed my nurse assistant program in June of 20XX, and I also have a nurse attendant certificate from the state of New York. I have been working part-time at Dr. Ellen Mueller’s primary care office in Smithtown, NY, for the past year, so I am experienced in working with patients. In addition, I am diligent about my responsibilities, and I have a flexible schedule which enables me to work almost any hours that you need.
I’ve attached my resume so that you can review my education and experience. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Signature (hard copy letter)
Alex Applicant
Sending Your Letter
When you are sending your letter via email, include the reason you are writing in the subject line of your message:
Subject: First Name Last Name – Nurse Attendant Position
List your contact information in your signature, rather than in the body of the letter:
FirstName LastName Your Email Your Phone Number
I hope this post can be helpful to you. You will be solved the problem with Wikitopx.com. More ideas for you: How to Write a Handwritten Cover Letter
From : https://wikitopx.com/job/how-to-choose-the-right-greeting-for-your-cover-letter-712955.html
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dorothydelgadillo · 5 years
How to Control Your Future & Career as a Military Spouse [MarketHer Ep. 51]
One of my favorite things about being a new co-host on MarketHer is that I now have this new, exciting platform to connect with people and hear their story.
When we asked people to tell us their perspective on opportunity, I’ll be the first to admit that I assumed the stories would be based around the marketing industry. Boy, was I wrong -- and thank goodness.
Danielle Russell reached out to us because she wanted to share her story about being a military spouse and what she thought that would mean for her future. When she first became a military girlfriend (turned wife after a few years), she quickly realized that she felt as though she didn't have a unique identity or value as the 'other half' of the relationship.
And, once they married, it didn't get better -- it was assumed she would sit at home, volunteer for opportunities at the base with other spouses, and she wouldn't be able to advance her own career.
However, she went against the status quo, took hold of opportunity, and crafted her own future, all while sitting on various military bases. 
The good news is that she's not alone and other spouses, just like her, are working together to advance their professional careers outside of the military.
But... is this the norm?
The Military Structure Has Overlooked a Generational Shift When it Comes to the Workforce
There has been a profound shift in how generations are approaching their careers and how those careers have impacted family dynamic.
Baby Boomers and generations before that typically had the male of the house going out, earning a paycheck, and supporting the family financially, while the female raised the children at home. A.k.a. they survived on one paycheck.  The military is still structured around this outdated generational mindset. However, as time marches on, later generations are no longer following it. 
According to CNAS.org
78 percent of the millennial workforce is in a dual-professional relationship, and it is reasonable to assume that the trend will increase with subsequent generations. This generational trait is a significant departure from baby boomers—who constitute much of the senior leadership of the military—of whom only 47 percent are in a dual-professional relationship.
Military Spouses Are More Than Just Statistics
So, with many millennials approaching careers and family life differently, what can be done?
Simply said -- the first step is having the right conversations. If you're a military spouse and you feel as though you're unsure about how you continue to advance your own career, talk to your employer about:
Realistically how you can continue to do your position remotely
Ways you can continue to support your team, even in another state or country
Focus on apps and tools that make remote life seamless - like Slack and Zoom.
What you'll do to make sure that no one is feeling added pressure or stress
Will you work different hours to make sure you're on the same time zone?
Will you have regular meetings with your boss to ensure that you're still hitting your performance marks?
And if you're unable to keep your current position, begin having conversations with other spouses who are also passionate about their careers. You can use each other as a support group, like Danielle did.  She explained:
"With the Community Spouses' Club, we aimed to fill those gap years in spouses careers by hosting resume writing workshops, teaching them LinkedIn (and hiring a professional photographer to take their headshot), starting a book club all about Professional Development and Leadership, and engaging female military leaders to come and speak to the spouses. As the Vice President of the Club, I pioneered this program and tried to expand by speaking at several military events in Baumholder. From there, I was invited in a small group of spouses to represent the community and speak to GEN. Mark Milley's (the Chief of Staff of the Army) wife about spouse empowerment at overseas duty stations."
Companies are shifting and changing the way they've always done business because the landscape is changing.
More and more businesses are considering a remote workforce to be the norm and if you're a military spouse who wants to keep advancing your career, you could lead the change at your company.
How a Remote Culture Can Support Military Spouses
At IMPACT, nearly half of our team works remotely and we've been lucky to work for a company that embraces it.
While many of us have not been in Danielle's shoes, we do have employees who have been active duty in the past and others who are married to currently active members. 
I reached out to them to get a better understanding on how this military structure impacted their families and how their families or spouses had to adapt:
Note - this will be updated as more stories come in!
"The struggle is maintaining “normal” family status. A lot of military spouses get caught up in this “I can’t do this mentality.” Really, everything is still available. You just have to adjust the roles a bit and scheduling is hard. 
My wife had to raise a 3-year-old, do school interviews, babysitter interviews, and worked full time. All while I was gone. She also had to schedule all the family stuff. Still does to this day even though I’m out now."
- TC Jennings
"Supporting your Marine is paramount. This includes have a positive mental attitude when dealing with extended periods apart ("deployments") for 6 to 9 months; often in austere, combat environments. There are many challenging days where having supportive co-workers makes the difference.
When it comes to working, no matter your level of industry expertise and experience, the majority of private sector companies simply do not understand the military life and won't hire you for remote work. They require you move to their office location. This is extremely frustrating, mostly because their HR has no empathy and they make you feel like you are the one preventing yourself from being hired."
In regards to the importance of finding a flexible, remote job "Nothing could be more important. There are often days in the week that require you to step away from your civilian life and be on-base for family readiness training and support activities."   - Jennifer Howard
"Kathleen had to get certified in each state we lived in, she is an elementary school teacher. Part of our time on active duty, she worked as either a part time teacher and one year as a full time teacher. 
When we left the army, it took her 4 1/2 years to get a long term sub job and still hasn’t gotten a full time gig. Mostly based on the fact that she got her masters while we were on active duty and doesn’t have a ton of experience, because we moved a bunch. 
Bottom line - spouses of active military service members bare a ton of weight, especially when transitioning out of active service. They have usually bore the responsibility to take care of the family and handle things at home, which impacts their ability to find work easily. Something needs to be done to help fix this." - Chris Duprey
Remembering that you're in charge of your own destiny, despite the odds, is one of the most important things we can all do. Take hold of opportunity and make it work for you, MarketHer listeners! 
PS - 
If you're interested in being a part of this show (and don't worry, we will make you feel super comfortable, it will literally feel like your networking with us at the coolest bar in town), please submit your request via our landing page. 
     Join us in our Facebook MarketHer Group to continue talking about opportunity!  
PS - we need a new tag line! Have any ideas? Post them to our group page! 
As always, if you have some tips, email us at [email protected]. We will share it on our Facebook page!! 
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from Web Developers World https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/how-to-control-your-future-career-as-a-military-spouse-markether-ep.-51
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