#unrelated FiKi
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fililoveskili · 4 months ago
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We made this lil edit to go with it cause were so exited
do Fee and Kee finally get their hapy ending?!?!
GO check it out on Ao3 right now!
Title: battle hearts dont change
rating: G
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gatheringfiki · 1 year ago
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Coming soon: Kink Bingo and H/C Bingo 2024!
Something kinky this way comes... (and it's probably limping).
Yes, very soon we will be back with our most daring events of the season: the Kink Bingo and the H/C (Hurt/Comfort) Bingo! With the Valentines Day just around the corner, it's time to charge up your toys, prep your bandages and generally brace yourselves for a delicious avalanche of guilt-free indulgence!
As usual, we will be running those 2 events in paraller, so you can take part in both, switch between the two, or take part in just one, and totally ignore the other. They are unrelated to each other.
We have 2 Collections: Kink Bingo and H/C Bingo
In each of those, on the 17th of Feb, the prompts are going to be revealed, on a 7x7 card.
We are playing between 17th of February and 17th of March.
Your task is to create something for 7 consecutive fields (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) to achieve a bingo line. 
... Or not. We really have no way of checking who’s completing which line, so you can use it as a free-for-all, pick and choose prompt board, if you prefer. But it’s good to challenge yourself and attempt prompts you wouldn’t normally pick - you may be surprised to find you like it!
Both Collections are fully Anonymous and will remain that way forever. However, you may choose to ‘reveal’ yourself as the author and ‘claim’ your work, if you wish at the end of this event. You don’t have to. More about this below. 
Usual pairings apply: FiKi or any fictional pairing portrayed by Dean or Aidan.
Tag your warnings and kinks R E L I G I O U S L Y.
No kink-shaming or judgement, please. We are all grown-ups: don’t like, don’t read.
There are no word limits
Play as little or as much as you like; you can even attempt all 49 fields, if you wish.
This event is mostly aimed at Writers, but Artists can also take part. More about this below.
Gatheringfiki will be doing our best to post links to all new responses during this event here on Tumblr (for exposure and promotion), but your freshest stuff is always in the Collections.
Q&A section under the cut:
Q: But why run those two bingos together?
A: The common theme for these events is that they cover subjects that could be considered ‘guilty pleasures’ or ‘taboo’. We wanted to create a safe environment where these themes can be explored and shared. Plus, they will have identical rules, so it didn’t make sense to run another Bingo event, with a different theme, later in the year.
Q: Do I need to post each response in a separate work or can I have a single work with chapters?
A: We would suggest separate works, because it will make it easier for you to tag it appropriately, and for the readers to search for, or avoid.
Q: Can I create one thing (story or art) for multiple fields in a single bingo card?
A: You can, but we would encourage you not to. The aim of this event is to create as much new content as we can and that doesn’t help it. Having said that, we understand that sometimes brain just connects things and it wants a combo.
Q: Can I create one thing (story or art) that covers both a Kink and H/C scenario?
A: You can, but we would encourage you not to. See: above.
Q: Can I mix and match pairings, e.g. within a single line have 4 FiKi and 3 Britchell?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I create more than one response to a single prompt field, for example for different pairings?
A: Yes, just post them as separate works.
Q: Can I use a prompt that someone else has already used before me?
A: Absolutely.
Q: Can I somehow visualise which line I’m working on, or which prompts I managed to fill?
A: Sure. Feel free to copy the Bingo Card image and start marking off the ones you’ve done. You can then post your updated Bingo Card picture with each response.
Q: Can I comment on the works posted in the Collections?
A: Yes, please do! If you wish to comment anonymously though, you’ll need to log out of your account first and comment as Anon, or open the story in a private tab. The Collection won’t anonymise the commenter’s identity automatically.
Q: How does the ‘Anon’ thing work?
A: The author is displayed as ‘Anonymous’ to everyone, except you. Yes, this includes the mods - we don’t know either. If you wish to respond to your comments, it will automatically show as ‘Anonymous Creator’.
Q: When can I ‘claim’ my works and ‘de-anon’?
A: Please only do this after the event has ended, i.e. after the summary post has gone up. The guessing is part of the fun!
Q: How can I ‘claim’ my works and ‘de-anon’?
A: Simply message @linane-art with the works that are yours and you wish to 'reveal' now. As a mod, I have a way of removing the anon status, while keeping the work in the Collection. It will automatically become your own work, like anything else, and you will not lose any kudos or comments. You may then choose to make an accompanying Tumblr post, if you wish to promote it.
Q: Do I have to ‘de-anon’ at the end of the event?
A: No. You can leave your works as anonymous forever, if you wish.
Q: I am an Artist and I would also like to take part.
A: Great! Fantastic! We’re all dying here to see it! However, because we all have our distinctive art styles, we can’t think of any way to keep you anonymous. If this doesn’t bother you, just play like everyone else, using artwork inspired by the prompts for your responses.
Q: But how to post artwork as a part of event response?
A: Post your artwork on Tumblr or host it elsewhere (Tumblr doesn’t like sexytimes, so it might try to block you). That will give you a hyperlink to the picture itself. Then create a new AO3 work within Kink or H/C Collection, and add a picture (using hyperlink) into the body of the work. If in doubt, message @linane-art for help.
Any further questions? Please give us a shout!
Good luck!
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a-pen-in-the-paw · 6 years ago
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It wasn’t like fili to miss their prearranged morning meetings: even in the midst of all the work in the garden springtime brought, they’d been able to see each other every day. But now Fili hadn’t met Kili for over a week, and a seed of doubt plants itself in Kili’s mind. 
Very late SpringFre prize for  @kaetien  by @brandywinebridge-twentymiles and myself. We’re sorry for the wait :,( but we really hope you like it :)  
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i-am-pinkie · 1 year ago
This is another of those aus that I go back to again and again.....it's just that good 😊😁
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Even if he never heard those words again it was alright.
He knew.
for @shinigami714​; inspired by the truly incredible Kings of Carven Stone series.
voilà minou, un p’tit cadeau pour toi! (*≧ω≦*)
Keep reading
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nelioe · 7 years ago
In chapter 6 of @khafushun and my collab we will witness some awkward family time!
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linane-art · 8 years ago
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A Nice View - the rest of the story!
OH MY GOSH, THIS WAS SO SWEET! I really love how Fili tries to be considerate and clear away, even thought he could stay and be an ass about the whole thing. And Kili’s wonderful freeform performance! You guys are gonna be great together!
I am also totally blown away by that first comment, it really means a lot to me <3
Thank you so much, Nonnie! That was amazing <3
*stumbles away, humming Oasis*
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saucywenchwritingblog · 8 years ago
Next chapter is up!
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marigoldvance · 4 years ago
Marigold Vance
... And the Adjustments That Need To Be Made:
coucou cocopuffs!
it’s officially coming to the end of September and that’s fine, cool, great but Things are getting rather claustrophobic in my brain and i need to purge them. here. at you. also kinda for you because this is - ultimately - an update/note/memo about what’s gonna be up for the upcoming few weeks!
let’s start here: BroVance needs the computer for School Stuff. obviously, that’s a priority and i’ve relinquished my usual time on it. which means i’m struggling to find a schedule that works for me and Brain Tooth and (most importantly) BroVance. 
next item on the agenda: my consistency might wane in the coming weeks for reasons unrelated to scheduling. one of those reasons is that i’m starting to feel restless and disconnected with my writing. i think it’s time i prioritize a new hobby for awhile. as much as i adore creating content, i think that part of my creative brain needs a bit of a break. this doesn’t mean i’m going to vanish into the ether and only return in 2047 looking wizened beneath my gas mask, riding on the back of my mechanical Murder Hornet. 
nay nay, i’ll still be here. i’ll still be updating The Mummy AU and Courting Fíli. but just. maybe not often? they may go the way of the WIP as most fic authors know it. 
which leads me to: i have other ideas that i wanna tackle that i keep putting off or ignoring because i know there are people waiting for updates for either of the aforementioned (mostly Courting Fíli). i have some more Fee/Reader and Kee/Reader jazz that i wanna share, a few FiKi snack fics that i’m eager to pelt at you, and an entirely new fandom that i want to start playing in (for those of you worried about what might crowd your dash - completely fair - don’t worry! i’ve made myself a side blog dedicated to the new fandom 🤓). 
in conclusion, frens: although fall is my favorite season, it comes with a lot of hindrances. between BroVance’s courses, the weather affecting my head, my medication affecting my moods, and RL just, yanno, being RL, i simply haven’t found a way to balance it all (if any of it). 
thank you all for being awesome and understanding and patient while i take this step back to readjust my equilibrium! 
xx - Mari
EDIT [2020-09-28]: this will in no way affect my participation in the Durin’s Day Gift Exchange!! 
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mmmuses · 8 years ago
fanfic questions: P R T U?
Thanks for asking, honey! I love these kinds of things... this is from the Fan Fic Ask Game:
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)This is a great analogy! I would say I’m an architect. I will write up chapter summaries of what I want to happen. Then, just before I get started to write, I write an outline from the summary for each chapter. I’ll note where I need to do more research, but that usually doesn’t happen until I’m in the midst of writing (although I did a lot of prep when I started Prairie... I didn’t know much about the Oregon Trail beyond what I studied in high school, so I had a lot to learn before I could start it). I’m much more up on my Washington State history so I hope Nisqually will be an easier time. My new fic, Nampara Garage is the first time I’ve not done the first part. Most of that story is still in my head and begins to form when I put an outline together.  
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?I’d have to say J.K. Rowling, for one (her research and world building is amazeballs). Jane Austen, of course. Very heavily influenced by modern romance/fiction writers like LaVryle Spencer, Jane Anne Krentz, especially her Regency novels written under the name Amanda Quick, Nora Roberts (the woman is a machine). 
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?I don’t know if there are any I can’t stand...probably ones I’m more bored with than anything else. Enemies/Friends/Lovers is the main one. I mean, Austen wrote the perfect one, so why mess with perfection? ;-) I have a not-so-secret love for coffee shop/bar/restaurant tropes.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
My dear friend @xxsparksxx (Ao3 works here). She was seeking a beta for a story (Forsaking All Others) she’d written because her usual beta was unavailable. I’d read all of her Poldark fics and was a massive fan, but offered my help anyway. She has a way of writing the most exquisite stories with incredible economy of words. Her character development, especially with the Philip/Vera fics, And Then There Were Two, is incredible...she’s made me like Vera, for pete’s sake! Her attention to detail is fantastic and it’s been a joy to become friends with her. She’s working on a fic now that will blow people’s minds when it’s finished...seriously excellent stuff. She’s not afraid of major character death, either...her “what if Ross was found guilty” fic, The Stars Are Not Wanted Now, tore my heart out, but it’s brilliant. I just read a few words of it now and am a weepy mess.
Another person I’ve become very close friends with is @rainpuddle13. (Ao3 works here). Hers were the first Poldark fics I read when I first started searching for fanfic and found it absolutely marvelous. One of the reasons why we get along so well is because of our love of character development. A great example of this is the Killer|Queen universe she created with Philip Lombard and Alice Cunningham. She has notebooks of character development for each of them: the clothes they wear, the music they listen to, the liquor they prefer, the skills and talents they have, their childhood back stories... it goes on and on. Having done that, she’s able to make them multidimensional and stay true to the world they live in. Her modern Poldark fic ExLibris slays me. She’s my beta and is not afraid to tell me when I’m hurrying through something to get to the good part (most of the stuff with Jefferson in Prairie I had down to happen over the course of two chapters...yeahno...she called me on it and was totally correct to do so)
@drakkhammerwrites (Ao3 works here) -- I first got to know her when she made a comment about one of my stories, the first super long, intricate comment I’d ever received for my writing. The kind of comment all writers love to get and I was so honored to receive that gift. Since then, I’ve read several of her works but the one that will make me stop whatever I’m doing and read it (including when I’m at work... I will literally get up out of my chair, take my phone to the break room, get coffee and read and sigh) is Ironman. I was one of the folks clammering for more chapters and, thank god, she’s written them... it is a wonderful unrelated FiKi that makes me smile whenever I think about it. She’s become a great pal and supporter of my work and my aspirations of becoming published one day.
My thanks to all three of you... you make me a better writer, and I am grateful beyond words.
Thanks again for asking, @chelidona! :-)
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legolasoftherings · 5 years ago
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I wanted to draw him with some flowers :3
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gatheringfiki · 3 years ago
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They're back: Kink Bingo and H/C Bingo!
Hi everyone!
We might be slightly late with our announcement (apologies) but we are definitely ready to rock & roll with our much-loved twin events of a Kink and H/C Bingo! *confetti*
The rules are going to be exactly the same as last time, but here they are again, just to refresh our memory:
Yes, we are running both Kink Bingo and H/C (Hurt/Comfort) Bingo simultaneously. You can take part in both, switch between the two however takes your fancy, or take part in just one and totally ignore the other. They are unrelated to each other.
We have 2 Collections: Kink Bingo and H/C Bingo
In each of those, on the 2nd of July, the prompts are going to appear on a 7x7 card, visible as the Collection's banner.
We are playing between the 2nd and 24th of July.
Your task is to create something for 7 consecutive fields (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) to achieve a bingo. 
... Or not. We really have no way of checking who’s completing which line, so you can use it as a free-for-all, pick and choose prompt board, if you prefer. But it’s good to challenge yourself and attempt prompts you wouldn’t normally pick - you may be surprised to find you like it!
Both Collections are fully Anonymous and will remain that way forever. However, you may choose to ‘reveal’ yourself as the author and ‘claim’ your work, if you wish. You don’t have to. More about this below. 
Usual pairings apply: FiKi or any fictional pairing portrayed by Dean or Aidan.
Tag your warnings and kinks R E L I G I O U S L Y
No kink-shaming or judgement, please. We are all grown-ups: don’t like, don’t read.
There are no word limits
Play as little or as much as you like; you can even attempt all 49 fields, if you wish.
This event is mostly aimed at Writers, but Artists can also take part. More about this below.
Q: But why run those two bingos together?
A: The common theme for these events is that they cover subjects that could be considered ‘guilty pleasures’ or ‘taboo’. We wanted to create a safe environment where these themes can be explored and shared. Plus, they will have identical rules, so it didn’t make sense to run another Bingo event, with a different theme, later in the year.
Q: Do I need to post each response in a separate work or can I have a single work with chapters?
A: We would suggest separate works, because it will make it easier for you to tag it appropriately, and for the readers to search for, or avoid.
Q: Can I create one thing (story or art) for multiple fields in a single bingo card?
A: You can, but we would encourage you not to. The aim of this event is to create as much new content as we can and that doesn’t help it. Having said that, we understand that sometimes brain just connects things and it wants a combo.
Q: Can I create one thing (story or art) that covers both a Kink and H/C scenario?
A: You can, but we would encourage you not to. See: above.
Q: Can I mix and match pairings, e.g. within a single line have 4 FiKi and 3 Britchell?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I create more than one response to a single prompt field, for example for different pairings?
A: Yes, just post them as separate works.
Q: Can I use a prompt that someone else has already used before me?
A: Absolutely.
Q: Can I somehow visualise which line I’m working on, or which prompts I managed to fill?
A: Sure. Feel free to copy the Bingo Card image and start marking off the ones you’ve done. You can then post your updated Bingo Card picture with each response.
Q: Can I comment on the works posted in the Collections?
A: Yes, please do! If you wish to comment anonymously though, you’ll need to log out of your account first and comment as Anon, or open the story in a private tab. The Collection won’t anonymise the commenter’s identity automatically.
Q: How does the ‘Anon’ thing work?
A: The author is displayed as ‘Anonymous’ to everyone, except you. Yes, this includes the mods - we don’t know either. If you wish to respond to your comments, it will automatically show as ‘Anonymous Creator’.
Q: When can I ‘claim’ my works and ‘de-anon’?
A: Please only do this after the event has ended, i.e. after the summary post has gone up. This is because otherwise there is no way to track which works are event responses and which ones aren’t, and we’ll need that for the summary post.
Q: How can I ‘claim’ my works and ‘de-anon’?
A: Please message @linane-art with the work you'd like to de-annon. There is a way to do this AND leave it in the Collection! You may then choose to make an accompanying Tumblr post, if you wish to promote it.
Q: Do I have to ‘de-anon’ at the end of the event?
A: No. you can leave your works as anonymous forever, if you wish.
Q: I am an Artist and I would also like to take part.
A: Great! Fantastic! We’re all dying here to see it! However, because we all have our distinctive art styles, we can’t think of any way to keep you anonymous. If this doesn’t bother you, just play like everyone else, using artwork inspired by the prompts for your responses.
Q: But how to post artwork as a part of event response?
A: Post your artwork on Tumblr or host it elsewhere (Tumblr doesn’t like sexytimes, so it might try to block you). That will give you a hyperlink to the picture itself. Then create a new AO3 work within Kink or H/C Collection, and add a picture (using hyperlink) into the body of the work. If in doubt, message @linane-art for help.
Any further questions? Please give us a shout!
This is the first time we’re running this event, so please be patient with us, should the things start going wonky.
Good luck!
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ao3feed-tolkien · 6 years ago
The coffee van man
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IhSM8x
by Chelidona (Hobbity)
Prompt Fill for Prompt 14 from the GatheringFiki SpringFRE 2019: FiKi - Coffe. Shop. AU.
At first, Fíli paid little heed to the coffee van that appeared in the morning near his office building, although he passed it every morning. Then he found out what a charming guy manned it every morning.
Words: 1298, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit (Jackson Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Fíli (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien)
Relationships: Fíli/Kíli (Tolkien)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Unrelated Fíli and Kíli, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IhSM8x
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nelioe · 7 years ago
Find out in the final chapter of @khafushun and my collab how things between Fili and Kili are going to end!
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msil-fic-recs · 3 years ago
Gorgeous art, gorgeous fic!
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The Sound of Silence Kili - A Happy Ending (Fullsize)
If I live, will you put me in your heart? I don’t want to be all alone (anymore).
Kili bites his lip, picks up a pen, writes –
If you live, will you trade with me for my heart? I don’t want to be all alone (either).
—- Heartbeat, part of The Sound of Silence Verse
Tumblr has somehow eaten my original post, so this is a re-upload.
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saucywenchwritingblog · 7 years ago
New chapter is up!
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 6 years ago
The coffee van man
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IhSM8x
by Chelidona (Hobbity)
Prompt Fill for Prompt 14 from the GatheringFiki SpringFRE 2019: FiKi - Coffe. Shop. AU.
At first, Fíli paid little heed to the coffee van that appeared in the morning near his office building, although he passed it every morning. Then he found out what a charming guy manned it every morning.
Words: 1298, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit (Jackson Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Fíli (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien)
Relationships: Fíli/Kíli (Tolkien)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Unrelated Fíli and Kíli, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IhSM8x
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