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disdaidal ¡ 2 years ago
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#bilbo baggins be like
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gatheringfiki ¡ 1 month ago
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Drabble Challenge 9 is now officially open!
We are only playing Sat - Sun, so please come back on Tumblr to check it often. (From now on until Sun/Mon midnight whatever time you’re on)
STEP 1: Pick one of the following prompts:
It's 3 a.m. but fuck it, we're being domestic.
Never have I ever...
The Consort and his King
"They will have to go through me."
Assembling IKEA furniture
Renting rooms from the locals
Valentines Day
“This isn’t going the way that I thought it would.”
Step 2: Write a quick response of at least 100 words (a classic drabble is 100 words, but whatever).
We won’t be counting, but the challenge here is to be concise, while having a clear link to the prompt you’re responding to. There is no upper limit, but remember the prompts get snatched pretty quick.
Fili/Kili or any fictional Dean/Aidan pairings, clearly mark your warnings etc.
Existing verses or brand new work are both fine.
Step 3: Refresh Tumblr and use the notes to check the last person that has reblogged this post with a response (IMPORTANT!)
Just ordinary reblogs to spread the word are ok (ignore those), but you’re looking specifically for the latest reblog that had a drabble added.
Step 4: Reblog from that person, adding your response. You also need to copy-paste the prompt list and REPLACE the one prompt you responded to with a brand new prompt (anything you like).
I.e. you claim one and you put one back. There are still 10 prompts.
Step 5: Format your post. Response text and updated prompts list MUST be hidden under the ��Read more’ button.
Only 2 lines should be visible on the dashboard: 1) which prompt you’re claiming, pairing, rating, verse, possible warnings and 2) ‘Read more’.
Step 6: Tag your response: #Drabble Challenge 9 so that whoever wants to, can blacklist the whole event.
Next person:
Step 1: Find the latest reblog of this post with a response.
Step 2: Pick one of the prompts from the updated list (always find the latest reblog!)
Repeat Step 3, Step 4, Step 5, Step 6 etc. The list of prompts is forever evolving.
This event is meant to be snappy and fast, creating a caterpillar of reblogs, crawling all over your dashes.
How to resolve possible problems:
Two people writing responses at the same time for 2 different prompts from the same list. This is not a problem: So long as the second person responding finds the latest reblog, their prompt should still be available on the updated list. Only 1 prompt is replaced at a time.
Two people writing responses at the same time for the same prompt (AKA my prompt disappeared by now): Find the latest reblog, add your response and add your own prompt as number 11. From now on there are 11 prompts. However, this is meant to be snappy, so please don’t spend half a day writing 100 words…
Meanwhile, @linane-art will kick-start this, and provide the first example.
Have fun! Any questions - give us a shout. If it starts going wrong, there may be a mod reblog, setting it straight again.
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fililoveskili ¡ 4 days ago
fililoveskili would like to wish you all a happy st. patty´s! Have fun and enjoy the festivities (most importantly pinch all those who are not wearing green).
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we present you with some green GIFS... just cause…
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youuuuegg ¡ 6 months ago
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My Durin's day gift for my partner Cas @omegaqueencas ,based on this lovely story!Hope you like it💓
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linane-art ¡ 11 months ago
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Something sassy this way comes...
It probably reeks of horses, cheap wine and sex, and will challenge all three of you to a duel, all at once!
You'd think I'd have something written for it, but no. No writing. Only in my head.
Bonus fullsize Fili
Bonus fullsize Kili (if that's more of your jam)
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brightestsunshineever ¡ 11 days ago
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omg this😂
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lakritzwolf ¡ 2 months ago
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Does anyone know where I can find this image by hvit-ravn but without the signature cropped out? I've had no luck so far.
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i-am-still-bb ¡ 11 months ago
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Erebor Revisited :
The Sacred & Profane Memories of Captain Felix Rivers
A Brideshead Revisited AU
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omegaqueencas ¡ 6 months ago
me and my wild boy
{ fic written for Durin's Day Exchange hosted by @gatheringfiki, inspired by @youuuuegg's art }
It was coronation day, and FĂ­li was feeling anxious.
It was to be expected, really, as he would officially become the King Under the Mountain, but everyone knew and adored him, so there was no need to be this anxious.
After Erebor had been through reparations and more of their cousins moved into the mountain, Fíli had worked alongside his uncle incessantly to make sure everything would work out as it should, and Thorin had said time and time again how much of a natural Fíli was, solving the people’s problems with ease and keeping his mind clear.
In fact, since the beginning, Thorin made sure to allocate some of his duties to Fíli in a way to teach him to become a good ruler. Back then, Thorin didn’t plan on retiring, not so soon at least, and it seemed like Middle Earth was finally going to see some peace after Azog died.
(FĂ­li heard the rumours, of course, he knew there was danger lurking, but so far, things had been stable, and he would take advantage of that.)
And Erebor thrived. Thorin had always been kindhearted, caring for his kin had always been his priority, which meant that Erebor quickly returned to its former glory.
Not without the help of the Company or the other dwarves that came from the Iron Hills – and even from the Blue Mountains when they heard that Erebor was dragon free now – of course, but Thorin was great at managing the parties of who would do what, and Fíli and Balin were his right and left hands, helping each step of the way.
After the reconstruction, Thorin could finally start digging the mountain again, and the relations with Men and Elves started doing well – Fíli had taken the primary role at dealing with the Elves, because even though Thorin had changed, he still felt his blood boiling when dealing with Elves, so Fíli was in charge of that.
Kíli would sometimes help, as he had made friends with Tauriel, and then with some other Elves after the Battle of the Five Armies, and Fíli had to admit that he quite enjoyed being the one responsible for making sure the dwarves’ relationship with the other races worked.
For one, he was very open-minded and curious, which made it easier to handle those who had spent decades, centuries even, with prejudice and bigotry in their hearts.
But also, it was one of the moments that KĂ­li got to work with him.
{ continue reading here }
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silvermoon-scrolls ¡ 5 months ago
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At first sight
GatheringFiKi Trick or Treat 2024 Trick: A persecuted witch with nowhere left to run
Pairing: Fili x Kili (AU) Words: 700 Content Waring: No warnings. Just a sweet meeting.
As no more than a slight shadow, Fili smoothly jumped to a branch in the next tree. Securly hidden in the yellow canopy his gaze followed the young man running on the ground below. He was beginning to look very tired where he was stumbling along.
Fili had followed him with fascination for more than an hour now. He didn’t think the man knew that he had passed into Wood Nymph territory. His pursuers had known, and they had elected to stop their hunt a good while back. He didn’t think the man knew that either.
Fili could have told him of course, but there was a certain fascination in seeing how far the young man could push himself. And he wasn’t supposed to talk to humans anyway.
Finally the runner’s foot caught in one root to many and he fell to the ground with an ‘Ouff’ as the air was knocked out of him — yellow and orange leaves flying in all directions. As the man scrambled to his feet in a panic, Fili’s curiosity got the better of him. To hell with rules. Hardly a leaf stirred as he landed softly in front of the cloaked runner.
The man yelped and almost fell down again as he stumbled back, looking around fearfully as if he expected to be surrounded. He was beautiful! — for a human anyway. Dark, brown hair and a hint of a stubble on his cheeks. Fili resisted the temptation to reach out and touch it.
“Please, I mean no harm to anyone,” the man pleaded, still out of breath. He held up his hands to prove his lack of weapons. As if Fili didn’t know that already; hunted or not, there was no way he would have allowed an armed human this far into the woods without giving alarm. But now he studied the other with fascination. Up close he smelled kind of funny; like he had been rolling around in flowers and old, burnt plants.
“You can stop running. They stopped chasing you after you passed the creek at the old oak.” He was trying to get a better look at all the pouches hanging from the man’s belt. He thought that might be where the smells were coming from.
The other predictably threw a quick glance behind to verify the lack of pursuit, and his stance began to soften slightly — but then his eyes widened as he took in this information and correctly concluded how Fili could know that. Had his pursuers simply been exchanged for another? “Who- what are you?” he finally asked.
Fili made a small nod in acknowledgement, pleased with the offering of a question. “A wood nymph. Why were those men chasing you?” he asked curious.
“A nymph?” The man’s big, brown eyes grew even bigger. “That’s incredible. I never knew-”
“I answered your question, now you need to answer mine,” Fili said. Maybe humans weren’t familiar with the Rite of Exchange?
“Oh… they didn’t want my sort in their village,” he answered elusively.
“But you are human. Just like them,” Fili said confused. He didn’t like that the man looked so sad, he wanted to see him smile; he wondered if that would make his stubble wrinkle and what that would look like.
“But I can do things they can not, and that makes them afraid of me. I was sure they were gonna catch me,” he said with a shudder. “Did- did you make them turn back?”
“No.” He eagerly asked his next question now that it was his turn. “What’s your name?” He was aware that he probably was staring, but he couldn’t help himself.
There was a slight pause before the answer came. “Kili. What’s your–”
“Fili,” he answered excitedly before Kili could even finish his question. 
Kili’s lips twitched into a small smile and Fili´s heart skipped a beat. He swallowed before asking his next question. “That thing you can do that the humans were afraid of… Do you- do you enthrall others with love spells?”
“What? No, nothing like that!” Kili said aghast. “What makes you ask such a thing?”
Fili smiled stupidly, feeling like he was falling into Kili’s eyes. “No reason.”
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disdaidal ¡ 2 years ago
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You cannot take that away from him! - Fili. - I will carry him if I must!
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gatheringfiki ¡ 4 months ago
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12 Days of Christmas - 2024!
We’re back with your favourite event of the festive season!
We would like to invite you to help us decorate our virtual fandom Christmas tree! With shiny, new, delicious content!
Bear with us, we’ll try to explain:
Fanart = Baubles
Fanfic = Paper chains
Photosets = Lights
This will make sense in a minute, we promise.
I would like to participate as a writer:
Step 1: Message @linane-art to request one of our festive photosets*. You can do so between now and 13th of December - no sign up needed.
Step 2: Write something based on the photoset. Minimum 700 words, no max, Fili/Kili or any fictional Dean/Aidan pairing. You’ve created a paper chain for our tree.
Step 3: Don’t post it, submit it to us.
Step 4: You can do this again (or as many times as you like), but you must submit one before requesting another.
You must submit at least some ficlets before 13th of December.
You will be offered a chance to continue writing after the 13th of December, but we want at least one complete wave of responses by then, so we can queue our content.
I would like to participate as an artist:
Step 1: Message @linane-art to request a bauble outline template.
Step 2: Within the bauble draw a little fanart. Photomanips are also allowed, but just edits or photosets won’t work for this. Must be Christmas or season-themed (no prompts, do what you like). Fili/Kili or any fictional Dean/Aidan pairing.
Step 3: Don’t post it, submit it to us.
Step 4: You can do this again (or as many times as you like), but you must submit one before producing another.
You must submit at least some fanarts before 13th of December.
You will be offered a chance to continue drawing after the 13th of December, but we want at least one complete wave of responses by then, so we can queue our content.
Decorating the tree:
Between 13th and 24th of December @gatheringfiki will be posting all your creations (decorations)
We will also re-use some of last year’s decorations: a selection of our favourite photosets from last year will be reblogged between 1st and 12th of December to whet your appetie.
Questions, feedback, ideas, comments - please let us know!
*We have 10 photosets ready at this point, the rest is still cooking.
Please re-blog to spread the word! Thank you.
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fililoveskili ¡ 7 months ago
we havent done one of this in a while! so..
Imagine your OTP
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aideans ¡ 11 days ago
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Half Halloween is coming! Submit something to celebrate!
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youuuuegg ¡ 5 months ago
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Treat Prompt for 19/10: Badass magical battles
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linane-art ¡ 7 months ago
Free Fanart Prints
Folks, I'm having a massive clearout, as I prepare to replace my kitchen. Among the things that are being chucked is a heap of my fanart prints, in A3 size, on regular paper or sometimes white cardboard. They cover most of the fanart I have ever drawn, except maybe for the really recent ones (haha, what recent ones?!)
Would anyone want any of those prints? If not, they will be disposed of - this is your last chance.
The prints are completely free, and you can have as many as you like (including all of them, if you wish, I have about 15x each), but I would ask you to cover all of the shipping cost, please, from the UK.
If you're interested, please let me know ASAP. They probably won't survive the weekend at the latest...
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