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Marigold Vance
Marigold Vance is an Investment Manager with over 15 years of experience managing investments for large investment funds. In the investment management industry, she is known as a "steel rose" due to the track record of generating over $20 million in returns.

Marigold Vance | Investment Manager at BitScreener
Gender: Female
Year of Birth: 1985
Place of Birth: Nevada
Company: BitScreener
About me: https://bitscreener.com/blogchain/authors/marigold-vance
Over 15 years of investment management experience.
Broad knowledge and extensive understanding of Binance and many other crypto exchanges.
Successfully assisted 500 clients in achieving a financial goal of $100,000.
Educational Background
2010 - 2014: Graduated with a major in Economic Investment from MIT Sloan School of Management.
2015 – 2017: Pursued a doctoral degree at the University of Pennsylvania.
My Social
Hastag: #marigoldvance, #bitscreener
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This is another of those aus that I go back to again and again.....it's just that good 😊😁

Even if he never heard those words again it was alright.
He knew.
for @shinigami714; inspired by the truly incredible Kings of Carven Stone series.
voilà minou, un p’tit cadeau pour toi! (*≧ω≦*)
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#gatheringfiki#fiki#fili/kili#durincest#fili#kili#dediction#fanart#fanart based on fanfiction#fíkí art by marigoldvance#art#@shinigami714#ao3#kings of carven stone#noxious#unrelated durincest#motorcycle club#motorcycle gang#tattoo kink
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So, I saw this (after watching Ghosts) and immediately thought: Kíli would buy this house. And Fíli would suffer for it. But it’s comedy gold, so it’s okay.
Kíli decides it’s his, site unseen, apart from the brief instant he lays eyes on it – at a distance. From the road. On the wrong side of the high, wrought-iron fence (completely obscured by a thick cover of gnarled climbing plants) – when he and Fíli drive past on their way through the quiet town.
A town, Fíli will have you know, that they had no intention of stopping in. Ever. Because Fíli had heard the rumors, okay? He’d done the research when they’d plotted their course and it was mutually (and vehemently) agreed upon that This Town was for appreciating in the review only.
It’s a feeling; this sense of rightness, of belonging, of ownership. Amongst their family, Kíli’s known for his strong sense of intuition that tumbles violently into the realm of psychic ability. Used to it, Fíli hardly glimpses a thought for Kíli’s sudden and unprecedented interest in an overtly abandoned, probably haunted to hell, might-be-the-den-of-Satan’s-disciples house.
S’great. Really.
Kíli convinces Fíli to stay for the night at the just as creepy local Inn whose proprietors look as weathered and old as the property itself. Fíli has a weird feeling vibrating in his bones, but Kíli’s smitten and on some sort of mission and Fíli can’t deny his brother when he gets like this. So, Fíli books the room. The crone at reception gives him a shiver-inducing, milky-eyed elevator stare and, without a word, hands him the key for what he’ll find out is the Newlywed Suite (one enormous four-poster and a deep, wide claw-foot tub sharing the moderately sized space).
It’s of course midnight when Kíli drags Fíli out of bed, brown eyes unfocused and distant as they often get when Kíli’s not entirely in control of himself. It’s not possession, Kíli has insisted in the past, it’s more like being guided from the inside.
Yeah, Fíli’s so profoundly uncomfortable with the intimacy involved in Kíli’s guiding that he has to recite all the poems he learned in Uni to keep from performing an exorcism.
Life means all that it ever meant and really, though: Some stranger? Inside his brother? It is the same as it ever was where do they get off?! There is absolute and unbroken certainty and this isn’t jealousy, this is concern for Kíli’s welfare! What is death but a negligible accident but seriously, get out. Please and fuck you.*
The streets are empty as they wander to the DID YOU NOT READ ABOUT THE MURDERS, KÍLI? house, the town eerily silent in sleep. To Fíli, it’s as if he has cotton in his ears; even the noise of his footfalls on crunchy brown leaves doesn’t sound right, a little too murky and faraway. Kíli doesn’t notice or, more likely, doesn’t care. He holds Fíli’s hand – fingers laced, thumb gently stroking in reassurance that’s not very reassuring – and leads them through the front gate. Just like that. No fanfare, no crime, no spooky/whiny groan as it opens like the great maw of a monster. Just … an everyday gate opening as it’s wont to.
Fíli hesitates. Not because he’s afraid, he’s not (not shriek-at-the-first-jump-scare afraid, anyway), but because someone has to be cautious and it sure as shit isn’t Kíli who’s already dragging forward against the shackle of Fíli’s hand around his wrist, towing Fíli behind him even as Fíli digs his heels into the ground.
Naturally, Kíli ignores Fíli’s warning, shakes off his grip and charges up the creepy stairs, across the creepy porch and into the conveniently unlocked creepy door that’s leaning partly off its hinges, disappearing into the dense shadows beyond the threshold as though he’s waltzing into a friend’s house for tea.
Cool. Cool coo-cool cool cool cool.
Well then. Just have to—Pffttt. Letsgogetonwithitokay.
Fíli hypes himself up; takes a long, satisfying breath, holding it in his lungs for a few seconds before releasing it over a few more: Kíli’s his brother, Kíli is his way more than a brother, and he has to make sure Kíli isn’t marching into House on Haunted Hill. Which this probably is, if Fíli’s research wasn’t exaggerated. Why can’t they ever find a place as modern and bright as Kriticos’ clockwork mansion? Huh? WHY.
Kíli’s upstairs when Fíli finally tracks him down, the black shadows not as depriving once his eyes adjusted. There’s enough light filtering through the grimy windows to see by. Kíli’s in the middle of the room, arms crossed, one hand under his chin – a real Thinker – because he’s clearly considering something that Fíli is in no way going to be consulted about. Kíli’s gaze is set and it’s definitely not on the torn away antique wallpaper on the opposite wall.
“Right.” Kíli says about ten minutes later, once Fíli’s found the courage to sit his arse on the dusty bedspread – aggressively ignoring the mysterious-but-not-really-though-are-they-? stains in the fabric. Fíli pops his head up and looks at his brother who’s now moving with purpose out the room and toward the stairs. “C’mon Fee!” He calls over his shoulder, trampling down, avoiding the holes at the behest of the disembodied voice at his ear, “We have a deed to sign!”
Oh no they bloody don’t.
But oh yes they bloody do.
Fíli shares all he learned about the house with Kíli, urgently explaining the number of suspicious and gruesome deaths that took place on the grounds Kíli is determined to own. There are wild, sharp gestures and a range of voice pitches and Kíli keeps humming to himself as if Fíli is a ghost who can’t get through to him which, rude. And seriously? They have somewhere to be! (“Not anymore!”)
The bank is too eager to hand Kíli the keys, practically shoving them in Kíli’s hand along with all the necessary documents, and isn’t that a sign? No? ‘Spose not with the way Kíli is grinning like the cat who got the canary. And then off they go, back to the house that gives Fíli an aneurysm in his soul just to look at, Kíli skipping up the pathway, warbling about putting a list together of the supplies they’ll need for the renovation, “— and they seem keen on a new parlor; and there’s something about the eaves, don’t let me forget! And they don’t want us interfering with the integrity of the house but that’s not a problem, is it? And—” on and on it goes.
Fíli is helpless and resigned and follows Kíli’s directions: Paint this wall, hide that portrait, don’t bother locking the bathroom doors, they can peek through walls anyway. Fun. Fíli’s now experienced the discomfort of showering with his swim trunks on for a week.
A month in, Fíli learns all the ghosts’ names, not that it matters since he can’t see them. Or hear them. Or interact with them in any way, shape or form outside of Kíli relaying messages to him about all the things Fíli’s done wrong during the repairs. Ungrateful motherfu—
“Fee, can you believe we open next week?”
Oh yes, they’ve converted the terribly unsettling, tragically ghost-infested house into the new town Inn. When Fíli was given the news he almost didn’t catch the, “The old Inn is run by phantoms who are ready to move on so —” hastily packed into his brother’s diatribe like an afterthought. Fíli wonders if Kíli speaks so fast on purpose, hoping that Fíli can’t make out all the words he says.
No, this doesn’t make Fíli paranormal-inclined like Kíli. Phantoms are physical impressions that anyone can see and interact with on grounds the phantoms own or have acute ties to. Kíli does a masterful job explaining the astounding and impressive facts to Fíli; it’s all very sound supernatural-science and makes complete and utter sense however, the author doesn’t feel inclined to share atm (҂⌣̀_⌣́)
Fíli’s mind seizes and proceeds to get monumentally stuck on Kíli’s oh-so-casual drop of: “We stayed in an Inn that’s itself trapped in interdimensional limbo, blah blah blah Twilight Zone blah blah” because, hold up, rewind, does that mean they were, in reality, outside the whole time? Did they fuck al fresco for the viewing pleasure of the houses on either side? Shouldn’t they be compensated?!
Kíli isn’t forthcoming with answers, distracted as he is by his excitement and the next thing Fíli knows, Kíli’s clinging to him like a koala, laughing and smacking kisses to Fíli’s cheeks and nose and, yes, it works; Fíli lets his frustrations melt into the ether. Where apparently their room in the Inn exists. Fantastic.
Is that where his missing socks went?
Whatever, with Kíli looking at him like that, like he’s the center of the universe, Fíli can’t bring himself to care much, chooses to band one arm around Kíli’s tapered waist, the other hooked under Kíli’s tight arse, and enjoy the weight of Kíli so thoroughly wrapped around him.
At the end of the day, Kíli now owns a property teeming with ghosts who enjoy watching reruns of Faulty Towers on Fíli’s laptop during the day; who can’t talk to Fíli but sure as hell make their presence known by flickering lights or making weird smells to communicate their displeasure at his handiwork. Sometimes, Fíli is convinced that they played a part in the demise of his favorite Frankenstein’s Monster figurine.
Fíli and Kíli promote the Inn as the “most haunted house in the country” which, as you can imagine, attracts all the sanest, most ordinary people …
Yet, all in all – okay, fine, Fíli can admit it – they’re happy. Like, actually, deeply, emotionally/mentally/spiritually at peace and content and so fucking happy and Fíli wouldn’t change a damn thing, not even the bloody ghost parade who, at this point, exist to make him miserable.
Fíli gets used to wearing his swim trunks in the shower …
* extract from Henry Scott-Holland’s poem Death Is Nothing At All (woven into Fíli’s messy stream of consciousness)
#MarigoldVance#i saw this and thought:#Kili#Fili#imagine#writing#my writing#plot#haunted house#Halloween#ghosts#inspired by BBC's Ghosts
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@legolaslovely @marigoldvance
i’m a huge fan of dean and didn’t know anyone wrote for him. i’m so glad i found your blog. your writing is incredible and i just spent the last hour reading all of your master list. i’m just glad someone loves dean as much as i do
All that in an hour 😅🤣 you've been busy!
Thank you for sending me this message and thank you for reading all of my stories! I'd love to know what you enjoyed the most! 💗
Dean is an incredible actor and person who has played extremely loveable characters, so I'm happy to give him (and them) the attention that's so well deserved.
There are a few of us around who write for him, so if you'd like some rec's let me know!
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Art for @marigoldvance Mafia-Verse (which you need to read if you haven’t already)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
(click for full size)
#fiki#durincest#marigoldvance#I need to emphasise how much I love this verse#so so so so good#tolkien#the hobbit#my art
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hee hee, i saw your "asks" request and am super curious! because i adore your writing so much 😊 so: 25, 29 and 45 - if you wanna answer all three or just focus on one, ain't no thang 😉 *squish*
Hi Lovely,
Thank you for sending your questions! Answers below:
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?
Answered here.
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
Recently Kiss 23 and some of the other Kisses. I am toying with an idea for a tiny sequel for it. Also Spellbound, just because it’s such a raw story, with a lot of emotions packed into few words. But it’s kind of come and gone, it would appear XD.
45) What spurs you on during the writing process?
Hmmm… I’m not sure, mostly just this need to get the writing out of my head. It bugs me until I do. And usually it bugs me because there’s a story there, which I’d like to share with other people, make them feel the stuff I’m feeling, but I can’t until it’s fnished. I often get frustrated with myself when I want to write, but the time just isn’t right, and then I have time, but the story just isn’t ‘fresh’ any more and it feels like even if I did write it, it would be sub-par quality.
I suppose after that it’s a little bit about the feedback and validation, so that there’s a proof that somebody else felt what you felt for the story too. But while I’m not immune to the problems of the lack of feedback, I think up to a point I have now trained myself to write for the sake of sharing alone and I’m happy with it. :)
Thank you!
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Happiness intensifies
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@marigoldvance replied to your post: Important notice
I hope all is well and I’m very proud to see that you’re doing what you need to do for yourself 😊 let’s see what awesome things you’ve got coming our way!!
@spinner33 replied to your post: Important notice
*sends hugs* in case you need them
Thank you so much, that’s really sweet!! Everything is very well, I think I’m just feeling the need to be more in the real world and not so much in fiction (although I still very much want to work on my book =) ). I do appreciate the hugs and support immensely, even though I’m sure of what I’m doing it’s still making me nervous. I followed you both and please feel free to drop by any time to chat! =)
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12 Days of Christmas 2024 - The Summary
Merry Christmas one and all!
May this be a time filled with warmth and love (regardless of whether you’re celebrating or not) and may you thrive in 2025, enjoying heaps of creativity and emotional comfort.
A huge thank you from us for all your submissions:we had a total of 22 fic responses, 7 new artworks and 12 photosets. :)
Which sets were your favourite? Which responses are going to stay with you for a while? Please feel free to leave comments if you’re doing a bit of catching up in the coming days. There's a reading bonanza here to take you all the way into 2025...
Reponses under the cut:
Day 1 Photoset:
Fic: @metztlilua (F/K)
Fic: @lazysaturdayonthebeach (F/K)
Fic: @marigoldvance (F/K)
Day 2 Photoset:
Fic: @ladysaturdayonthebeach (F/K)
Fic: @miaulady (F/K)
Day 3 Photoset:
Fic: @lazysaturdayonthebeach (F/K)
Fic: @miaulady (F/K)
Day 4 Photoset:
Fic: @lazysaturdayonthebeach (F/K)
Fic: @i-am-still-bb (F/K)
Day 5 Photoset:
Fic: @lazysaturdayonthebeach (F/K)
Fic: @filigreeing (A/M)
Day 6 Photoset by @stelly38:
Fic: @lazysaturdayonthebeach (F/K)
Fic: @filigreeing (F/K)
Fic: @anglphiletraveler (DH)
Day 7 Photoset:
Fic: @filigreeing (F/K)
Fic: @lazysaturdayonthebeach (F/K)
Day 8 Photoset:
Fic: @lazysaturdayonthebeach (F/K)
Day 9 Photoset:
Fic: @lazysaturdayonthebeach (DH)
Day 10 Photoset:
Fic: @marigoldvance (F/K)
Fic: @lazysaturdayonthebeach (F/K)
Day 11 Photoset:
Fic: @filigreeing (F/K)
Fic: @lazysaturdayonthebeach (F/K)
Fic: @metztlilua (F/K)
Day 12 Photoset by @stelly38:
Fic: @lazysaturdayonthebeach (I/L)
Fic: @metztlilua (A/M)
Or AO3 Collection HERE.
Bauble 1 by @youuuuegg
Bauble 2 by @youuuuegg
Bauble 3 by @metztlilua
Bauble 4 by @silvermoon-scrolls
Bauble 5 by @youuuuegg
Bauble 6 by @metztlilua
Bauble 7 by @youuuuegg
Thank you for playing!
Gatheringfiki will return in 2025 with more exciting events, and there will be a survey to that effect coming up shortly, so stay tuned!
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Mirkwood prison
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A Year in Review
words published: 147 946 (AO3), 7378 (tumblr exclusive), 64 764 (cuts/edits/abandoned)
favorite ‘verse: Apprentice
favorite project: Harlequin & Mafia AU
under review for rewrite: The Gilded Wolf (A/B/O Witcher AU)
most (personally) anticipated upcoming project: The DarkHawk Domestics AU
least favorite upload: More to Love (removed from AO3 until further notice)
goal for 2021: finish open series’ (🙄); more contributions to the Reader Insert nook of our fandom (because i have a lot of fun with those!) & artwork (not exclusively collages/photosets).
thank you everyone who challenged and supported me, who shared their interest in my creations, and who introduced me to vast worlds of their own imagination. thank you to my friends, my readers, the authors i stalk relentlessly, and everyone in between. this fandom/community means a whole helluva lot to me, more than i’ll ever be able to coherently express, and everyone in it deserves a pat on the back for getting through Murder Year 2020!
#2020#Overview#Year in Review#MarigoldVance#AO3#writing#my writing#thank you fandom!#you guys seriously rock socks!#update#personal
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Art for @marigoldvance Mafia-Verse (which you need to read if you haven’t already)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
(click for full size)
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Public Service Announcement
As many of you will be aware by now, I am about to leave the luscious shores of my adoptive country (UK) and ship myself diagonally half way across the world, to New Zealand, in hopes of surviving there on my own wits, for 9 months (followed by another 3 months in South-East Asia).
So with that in mind, a couple of things:
I'm flying out on the 18th of September 2022 and I envisage coming back around 17th of September 2023.
@linane-art is queued, all the way until I come back, with the usual content bordering on shameless self-promotion, so it's not like this tumblr will suddenly go dead.
I may however be a bit slow responding to messages and do fewer reblogs - sorry.
@gatheringfiki has been handed over to @marigoldvance for at least the upcoming year
If you wish to follow my hapless mis-adventures, any updates will be going through one of 2 channels: @lillys-adventures (which is my side-blog, but I make no promises that I will post regularly) or via my Instagram: NestingTendencies (you will get exposed to some crochet and food posts too, if you follow)
And finally: is any of you actually based in, or travelling through New Zealand and would fancy a meet up or could even put me up somewhere for a few nights? If so, please don't be shy, give me a shout - I'd love to connect!
Don't do anything I wouldn't do while I'm away, kids, and just keep being the awesome people I know and love until my return (and beyond).
Missing you already,
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I absolutely ADORE all your fili works (my fave being serendipity and better than dreaming!), can you recommend me other good writers who write for Fili as well? I'm not a veteran in the fandom so i'm still exploring, thank you!
Thank you so much!!! I'm so excited you liked these stories! They're two of my favorites as well! And Serendipity I worked super hard on, so I'm super thrilled to hear this! Thank you! I will link them here for a shameless wee plug :)
Serendipity and Better Than Dreaming
As for some other lovely Fili writers, I will tag a few and link their masterlists/stories/blogs. I KNOW I will miss some and I also know there are more I don't even know about myself! So Y'ALL! Please tag and share more Fili writers in the comments or reblogs! :) Spread the Fili love! <3
@marigoldvance has some of my favorite Fili x Reader stories. Her writing is always absolutely squeal-worthy. 1- Here 2- Here 3- Series Here!
theimaginesyouneveraskedfor has a great Fili x Reader masterlist. (I'm not tagging them because I don't personally know them but I've read these stories over and over! Here is their masterlist.
This is some amazing Fili smut from fanfiction.net from a user named cecania. There are over 20 chapters with many dwarves from The Hobbit but there are some great Fili ones! Warning that some of these chapters have threesomes, so if you're not into that, beware! Link here.
@luna-xial has some lovely lovely Fili stories! Here is her masterlist! Also be sure to check out her amazing courting guides!!!!
@deepestfirefun has the first Fili stories I've ever read! They're so sweet and comforting! The pinned post on their page has their masterlists! :)
@elvish-sky has lovely stories for a bunch of characters, including lots of Fili! Here is her sweet masterlist!
@xxbyimm has some LOVELY Fili stories! Also be sure to check out the tag Fili Appreciation Week in her blog! That's where a lot of my Fili love began!!! Haha! It was such a sweet event! Here is her masterlist.
@saviorsong has some wonderful stories for a bunch of characters, but her Fili ones are super special too! Here is a link to their masterlist.
@lathalea has some very sweet Fili stories as well! 1- Here 2- Here
I'm sure there are MANY many more writers for Fili! Lately, I haven't had the chance to read as often as I'd like to and I know there are a lot of newbies on here too! So please friends, share away! Thanks for the ask, anon! :)
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