#fiki ficrec
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i-am-still-bb ¡ 2 years ago
Self FicRec - Feb. 2023
Thanks @blairsanne for the tag!
Rules: Recommended us 3 of your fics. 1 that is the "most popular" and 2 that you consider as "hidden gems."
Most popular:
According to Ao3 How We Live Now is the most popular in terms of hits by a long ways but it does have 149 chapters. Stitches has 2 more subscriptions than HWLN, but about 1/3 of the “hits,” but it does have multiple parts grouped in the series.
Hidden gems: AKA stories that I had a lot of fun writing, but appear pretty low when my Ao3 stories are sorted by hits. 
Wintergreen - Just a bit of Christmas / Winter Holidays spirit. Can be Fili & Kili or Fili/Kili depending on how you want to read it. I just love the concept of the story.
Seeing Shadows - 14k of a Fili/Kili Arthurian AU that nobody asked for with Fili as Arthur and Kili as Merlin/Lady of the Lake. Warning for ambiguous ending. This one has gotten a high ratio of comments to hits, but I think the niche subject makes it more “hidden.”
The Wild Hunt - A Fili/Kili Faerie kidnapping with Fili as a Fae on a big black motorbike. Utter nonsense. But I had fun writing it.
No pressure tags: @alwaysfarawayeyes, and anyone else who wants a go! Most people I would tag have already been tagged. 🧡
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i-am-still-bb ¡ 3 years ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers (◠‿◠✿)
Thanks @legolaslovely and @lakritzwolf for sending this!
I got to go digging through all ninety-five (excuse me, what?) of my works on Ao3 for this and there were things that I wrote that I had forgotten about. And that was nice. <3
It was hard to narrow it down to five, so I may not have followed the instructions exactly. But a lot of them are pretty short and I know DarkHawk isn't everyone's cup of tea.
Whiskey Nights (DarkHawk, T, 274w, complete)
Cold War stories set in Russia warm the cockles of my heart, so I decided to give one a go. So far there are only some short snippets like this one, but I do re-read them for fun.
There’s that meme going around Facebook, I think, about “what job would you have if you had become what you’d wanted to be as a kid.” Spy. I’d be a spy.
The Hispaniola Menagerie (DarkHawk, M, 7,158w, complete-ish)
I'm torn about this one. I like how it started, but then I'm not happy with the last 2 chapters, and the second chapter is even iffy for me. But I definitely recommend chapter 1.
Silvertongue (Anders/Mitchell, T, 972w, complete)
I made myself cry when I wrote this one.
Wintergreen (FiKi, G, 1,096w, complete)
I was actually at a loss for ideas when I got the photoset that inspired this story. So I just contemplated a few different ideas, but none of them worked. And then I went on a run. And the story was born. And it was so fun to write!
The Winter Witch (FiKi, T, 892w, complete)
Sometimes my goal is to create moods, poesia for writing if you will. And I really like how this one turned out. (How We Live Now is written in a similar way, or at least that's the goal.)
The Camper Van (FiKi, G, 614w, complete)
Just a fun little feel good story.
The Lighthouse (FiKi, G, 1553w, ongoing)
This was just so much fun to write. More is forthcoming, but I have to figure out what happens first.
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legolaslovely ¡ 4 years ago
GatheringFĂ­KĂ­ Fanfic Bingo
Column 1!
Your Comfort Fic: 
What the Winter Snows Gave Me by @i-am-still-bb: Rated Teen and Up (FíKí)
I have read this so many times because it’s so cozy and all the nice vibes and kind of a slow burn and Fili taking care of Kili and then OMG Kili taking care of Fili and I LOVE IT.
A Fix-It Fic:
From Dark Corners to Open Corridors by Anonymous: Rated Explicit (FĂ­KĂ­)
Spicy fix-it and Fili doing everything he can to make sure he and his brother get the life they wantttttttttttttttttttt 
A Fic You Stayed Up Too Late Reading:
One for the Road by @fikidurin: Rated Mature (FĂ­KĂ­)
I was very afraid this was going to be too angsty for me but oh my lorddddd I’m so glad I trusted fikidurin with my heart! It’s beautiful and made the boys very happy and very strong. Just lovely!!
A Beautiful or Poetic Fic:
Heart of Stone by Anonymous: Rated Gen (FĂ­KĂ­)
This thing is ridiculous in the bestestestestestestest way. It’s absolutely gorgeous and heartwarming and kind of mysterious with all the good vibes and IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL READ IT.
A Fic Less Than 1200 Words:
The Ships Left Early in the Spring by @marigoldvance: Rated Gen (FĂ­KĂ­)
I melted right off my chair when I read this. That is all.
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i-am-still-bb ¡ 4 years ago
Gathering FiKi - FicRec Bingo
Column 1
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Fangs by dab ( @alwaysfarawayeyes​ )
E, Anders/Mitchell 3,826 words - 2020 - Complete
I know that this is rated E, but it’s really about the self-acceptance. And, just, I get so emotional thinking about it. MITCHELL AND ANDERS JUST DESERVE ALL THE GOOD THINGS, OKAY?!
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A Sum of Every Part by @marigoldvance​
M, Anders/Mitchell 2,459 words - 2020 - Complete
I’m stretching the definition of “fix-it” here. Anders gets fixed and loved. And you really have to read it twice, but you’ll read it far more than twice.
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Famous Last Words by My_Trex_has_fleas
E, FiKi 158,016 words - 2015 - Complete
This one ruined my sleep schedule for days and ruined my productivity, because I just had to know what happened next. And if I wasn’t actively reading then I was think about it. (That seems to be a trend for me with this author’s stories.)
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The Boy Who Would Be King by @marigoldvance​ - SERIES
T, FiKi 3,970 words - 2019 - Complete
More LOVE and ACCEPTANCE! But this time Fili gets all the love.
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Veni, Vedi, Amavi by xenia_che
M, FiKi 1,267 words - 2019 - Complete
It might be short, but there is so much story packed into this tiny package. 
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i-am-still-bb ¡ 4 years ago
Gathering FiKi - FicRec Bingo
Column 4
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Stripped Bare by @linane-art​
T, FiKi 3,405 words - 2015 - Complete
This counts as an Erebor fic, right? I’m going to say that it does. My history revealed to me that I read way more modern au’s than fics set in ME.
Just so much angst and love. 🧡
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Make Me See the Stars Again by goldenlionprince and liddie
M, FiKi 126,276 words - 2014--2016 - Complete (basically)
This is just such a lovely story. It was one of the first FiKi stories that I ever read and it made me want to read more. There’s nothing in it that has the potential to scare off newbies. It’s just so sweet and lovely. I wish every story that I read when I first entered a fandom was this good.
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D-Day by My_Trex_Has_Fleas
E, DarkHawk 31,497 words - 2020 - On Going
If you like WW2, stories that jump around in time, or stories that keep you on the edge of your seat then this ones for you!
It makes me so glad that I read this author’s other stories once they were finished, because I could binge them. There wasn’t this feeling of waiting for the next shoe to drop (which is enjoyable, don’t get me wrong, but I keep thinking about it when I should be working, I don’t think my college career could have handled me reading them as they were released).
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The Ritual of Initiation by @marigoldvance​
M, DarkHawk 4,236 words - 2020 - On Going
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Softly Falling Snowflakes by @i-am-still-bb​
T, DarkHawk 3,081words - 2019 - Complete
Shameless self-plug.
This story has some of the sentences that I am the most proud of. Literally one of the only stories that I’ve written that I like to re-read from time to time. 
Their first kiss tastes like winter. All cold, fresh, and thrilling. Ross savors the feeling of Jim’s cold nose against his cheek, the whisper of Jim’s eyelashes against his skin. The contrast between cold skin, the brisk wind, the quiet of a winter night, and the warm slide of tongues is intoxicating.
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i-am-still-bb ¡ 4 years ago
Gathering FiKi - FicRec Bingo
Column 2
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Grand Pas de Deux by Vetiverite ( @flow-it-show-it​ ) - SERIES
M, FiKi 6,645 words - 2019 - Complete (Series is On Going)
I just love historical AUs and this one is just perfect and delightful. If you have not yet feasted your eyes upon it DO IT. DO IT NOW!
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Time Warp by @legolaslovely​
E, FiKi 5,810 words - 2020 - Complete
There were so many times that I laughed while reading this. SO MANY, I TELL YOU! Ahem. Here is one of them. 
But that couldn’t be right. He looked in the mirror and gaped. Then he screamed to Kíli: “It’s a thong?”
Without knocking, Kíli flung the door open, almost knocking the knob straight into the lips on Fíli’s front. “Really? You kept your boxers on?”
“I’m glad I did! You didn’t tell me it was a thong!”
“Well, you could always spin it around. It’s up to you whether you want to cover your ass or your dick.”
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Amor Sine Peccatorum Remissione by @linane-art​
E, FiKi 3,411 words - 2020 - Complete
Can I just say the whole fic? Because that’s why I want to say. I can’t pick just one sentence. How about a handful? 
He allows his expression to melt into one of pure mischief and delight as he leans in close, right into Fili’s personal space, to murmur: “perhaps because it gave you a chance to twirl that pretty ass of yours, bare your claws in public, hm?”
“So help me God, Kili –”
Kili kisses him then, deep and passionate, one arm raised to give them the flimsiest of pretences.
God has no place between them
“Or perhaps,” he whispers sensually right against those parted lips, “because I know that every once in a while you just need to save someone.”
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Karakoram by Im_a_huge_fan_of_coffee
E, Darkhawk (T for what is available) 15,037 words - 2018 - Incomplete
Can I rent a billboard to tell you how much I love historical AUs and then we have mountaineering on top of it? Let me tell you how much my Venture Crewing ass loves this.
And that’s probably not even an accurate representation of how much I love it. 
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The Wrong Way by Anathema_Cat - SERIES
T, FiKi (M for the series) 5,782 words - 2015 - Complete
It breaks it. Over and over and over again. But then it fixes it so it’s okay. 
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i-am-still-bb ¡ 3 years ago
Has anyone told you that you’re a Creative Goddess today?
This story was so fun and melancholy at the same time.
Trick or Treat 02
prompt: (Trick) One of them lives in an old lighthouse AU. And when I say 'lives'… Does he really [...]?
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Fíli’s bones groaned as he sat up, swung his legs over the side of his narrow bed and planted his feet on the rug on the floor beside it. It was a thin, ratty thing that absorbed the cold that seeped through the concrete, rather than protected from it. A chill ran up from the soles of Fíli’s feet and settled as an ache in his knees. He felt haggard, spread well beyond his thirty-six years, but duty called, and it was ingrained in him to answer.
He’d been here for as long as he could remember. The small island had been his family’s responsibility for generations, and it was his turn to take up the mantle of keeper. As soon as Fíli had been old enough, his uncle – who had replaced Fíli’s late father – had moved on to take over a fishing enterprise in the shoreline village.
Dale appeared to have climbed out of the sea, a densely packed cluster of damp stone structures, as grey as the landscape that surrounded it. The smell and taste of brine had sunk into the pores of its people, clung to them wherever they went so they would always be reminded of where they came from. They were hardy, grown on temperamental waves, giving and receiving life from the depths, and FĂ­li was no exception.
Though, now, in the strained, evening, mid-October light, Fíli’s joints creaked as he stood, and his spine popped like a zipper.
He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been ashore, though it couldn’t have been too long ago. His mother wouldn’t have had it, making the short journey to the island herself if he’d been gone awhile. Time passed strangely there, one day washing into the next and into the next and so on, like waves over sand.
Dressing quickly in a wool sweater that needed darning at the elbows, a pair of thick trousers that should’ve been replaces ages ago, the hems curled and frayed, and his double-breasted sack coat, Fíli didn’t waste time shuffling toward the stove to boil water for coffee. His nights were a slow routine of shaking the coffee tin, jotting down a note on his supply list to get more when Bard made the trip over; then he sat for a few minutes, warming his hands around his mug, letting the stiffness in his body recede enough that he could comfortably climb the stairs to the light room.
Earlier, Fíli had seen signs of an oncoming storm and he wasn’t disappointed to hear the roar and crash of waves against the crags. As soon as he finished half his mug, he ambled to the stairs and made his ascent.
Outside, the fog was thick and the air so cold it pinched Fíli’s cheeks and neck. He’d forgotten his scarf again, somewhere in the bedroom. It was odd that he’d misplaced it in the first place, given that there wasn’t much filling the small spaces within the lighthouse. Hardly anywhere it could’ve hidden itself. No matter, Fíli had a job to do and so he set about doing it. It was nearing the end of October and the light was thin by four. He hobbled up the stairs to the light room, made his tour and inspected what needed inspecting, winding the lens and ensuring it moved correctly.
Fíli sighed, the unmooring sensation of isolation squeezing his chest, as if someone’s boot was bearing down on him. It had definitely been too long since he’d been home. Thankfully, he only had a week left, his cousin Dori taking his place for the month of November. He sat up, swung his legs over the side of his bed and planted his feet, tilted forward to rest his elbows on his knees.
His back protested, but he ignored it, hunching forward. Then, scrubbing his hair back, FĂ­li stood and moved to his wardrobe, pulled on his wool sweater that needed darning and his trousers that needed replacing and shoved his feet into two pairs of socks which he then shoved into his boots.
Next, stove, boiled water, coffee.
Christ, what day was it?
October 31st. He didn’t know how he knew today was October 31st, only that it was. The same way he knew when it was time to get up and time to go to sleep, when he was hungry or thirsty.
Fíli hauled his legs over the side of his bed with a groan, feet on the rug. He stretched his arms and scratched his furry belly and then marched to his wardrobe to dress. While he didn’t particularly enjoy the monotony, he had to admit he liked the simplicity of wearing practically the same thing everyday. The sweater with the elbows that needed darning, trousers that needed replacing, socks in socks and boots and coat.
It was when he was bending to sit, a movement the required his legs to be spread at exactly the right angle and his arse to stick out in order to hit the seat before the rest of him fell into the chair, that something very…unusualhappened.
The crash and clamor hadn’t been what had spilled Fíli’s coffee all over his boots, it had been the very sudden interruption of a body falling through the door, soaked in the sea and pale as a ghost. Fíli shot forward, thoughts stuttering to a halt as instinct took over. He dropped to his knees and rolled the stranger over by the shoulder to get a better look at what he was dealing with.
He gasped at the sight.
A boy, no older than fifteen or sixteen with features that would mature into a striking handsomeness. He was wet from head to toe, lips blue and lashes starred and stuck together by globs of something resembling black tar. FĂ­li hurried to strip the boy of his wet clothes, an unusual combination of hideous green and purple and black-and-white-stripes; half-carried, half-dragged him to the armchair in front of the stove and piled the boy in blankets.
Two hours later, after FĂ­li finished the chore of winding the lens, the boy woke up and gave FĂ­li his name.
“Kíli,” He said it like a secret, “What’s yours?”
KĂ­li told FĂ­li a harrowing tale of dares between friends and how KĂ­li had swum from the shore to the island, emboldened by something called Sour Puss.
“I wasn’t expecting anyone to be here.” Kíli admitted, looking small and lost and very ashamed.
When Fíli didn’t say anything – he didn’t feel there was anything to say, honestly – Kíli again filled the silence, nattered on about this and that and—
“Mobile?” Fíli interrupted as soon as Kíli had said the word. It wasn’t as though Fíli didn’t understand the concept of the word, he did; it was simply that in the context Kíli used it, it didn’t make sense.
Kíli scrunched up his face in confusion, “Yeah?” Fíli lifted an eyebrow in the hopes of prompting Kíli for clarity. Instead, Kíli continued his story, telling Fíli how he’d decided it was about time his dumb friends learned that I’m not the kind that doesn’t follow-through.
“So, you’re a knob’ead.” Fíli concluded, deadpan and stone faced. He couldn’t keep it up for long, though, the mask cracking at Kíli’s gull-like guffaw. Fíli doubled over, sucking in large breathes and holding himself around the middle. Kíli’s stricken expression was priceless and by far the funniest thing Fíli had ever seen.
“Oi!” Kíli leaned back in the armchair and kicked out, striking the side of Fíli’s thigh. “Don’t be an arse! I almost died!”
Which sent FĂ­li into another fit of laughter.
A year later, Kíli returned, again on October 31st. He’d said he’d been ‘round sometime in between, but Fíli hadn’t been there. Fíli figured Kíli made the journey during one of the months Fíli was ashore and so Fíli rectified that by giving Kíli a better idea of the rotation he, Dori and Nori had created for themselves.
Kíli had looked puzzled, the straight line of his mouth giving him a severe look. He’d been quiet for most of the night, brightening later when Fíli promised to show him how to wind the lens so it turned clockwise.
Over the years, KĂ­li grew into himself, and FĂ­li had been right, his features only improved with age. He was striking and dark and emotive, the position of his brows determining his whole expression.
Somehow, Fíli didn’t feel as though he was outrunning Kíli in age. Rather, Kíli made him feel young; his joints protested less, his skin warmed, his chest lightened. He had a regular skip in his step in the days leading up to Kíli’s arrival. And then, one year, Kíli came with something familiar wrapped around his neck.
“Where’d you get that?” Fíli asked, trying his best to keep the suspicion out of his voice.
“Huh?” Kíli tucked his chin into his chest, peering down the long line of his nose, going crosseyed as he gazed at the scarf he’d chosen for his visit. “Oh, this?” He glanced him, big, cheerful smile lighting up the dull interior of Fíli’s living space. “My nan was cleaning out her attic, this was tucked away with some of her grandfather’s things. S’nice, innit?”
“Yeah.” Fíli said, eyes fixed on a coffee stain he was certain he recognized. “S’nice.”
“You know, one of these days, you’ll have to come to me on the shore.” Kíli wheezed, dragging himself up the rest of the stairs and through the door.
Fíli chuckled, large hand pressed into Kíli’s lower back where it belonged. “One of these days, I might.”
KĂ­li cast him an odd look over his shoulder.
“What? I’m on shore a few months during the year, you know. We could meet then. You just,” Fíli hesitated, realizing a little late that he didn’t want to have that conversation, “Never suggested it before.”
FĂ­li never sought KĂ­li out on shore.
KĂ­li never mentioned it.
And they continued the way they were until KĂ­li never left again.
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i-am-still-bb ¡ 4 years ago
Gathering FiKi - Fic Rec Bingo
Column #3
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Wartime Christmas by mosslover - SERIES
M, FiKi 3,478 words - 2015 - Complete
For two RAF pilots who fell in love, Christmas during the time of war brings moments of love and longing, hope and sadness, separation, and perhaps a reunion.
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Chase the Wind by DrakkHammer
E, FiKi 241,035 words - 2014--2016 - Incomplete
Sadly Hvit-Ravn deleted her Tumblr and her Imgur account so the pictures no longer appear in the story and they’re really hard to find on Tumblr because ... tags. Some of them can be found on Pinterest. Like this one. Isn’t it glorious!?
Kili went by the nickname of Chase on the BMX bike racing circuit. He never rode anything but a Chase, the world’s elite racing bike, and he was pushing for a spot on the Chase BMX World Cup team. There was a shot at the Olympics in Rio on the board as well. Unfortunately there was also a drunk who didn’t make a turn. Kili never even saw the driver who crushed his spine, his legs and his dreams. Now life means dealing with a very different set of wheels and priorities.
Fili is an artist and photographer from Auckland to research his ancestry. His showing in London did well and he is trading the sun of NZ for the emerald damp of Ireland. He’s left other things; too and for the first time in years he feels he might have a future. He just didn’t expect it to include a gorgeous young Irishman with chocolate eyes, a wild mane of dark hair and a family that could give any prospective suitor second thoughts.
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Red, Red Africa by Anonymous
M, Darkhawk 2,938 words - 2019 - Complete
He came to Africa because he was an idealist, back then. The thought he could help stop the worst from happening.
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Roping the Wind by SaucyWench ( @saucywenchwritingblog​ )
M, FiKi 103,722 words - 2014--2016 - Incomplete
I’m stretching the space’s prompt again. There are ponies. They do watch them.
Fili is a cowboy who just wants to be able to find a place he can call home and people he can call his family. When he stumbles across what seems like the perfect job, will he be able to let his past go, or will it ruin everything? 
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Discord and Love by jynx - SERIES
E, FiKi 97,434 words - 2015--2016 - Complete
I read this one from my old Tumblr account (it was eaten in the great NSFW purge because how dare I point out how stupid it was). But it was all posted to Ao3 which makes it easier to find and read in order!
Fili and Kili are brothers, separated by divorce, time, and distance. Neither realizes who the other is as they embark on a journey of love and discord.
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i-am-still-bb ¡ 4 years ago
Gathering FiKi - FicRec Bingo
Column 5
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Chu Lai Beach by My_Trex_has_fleas
E, Darkhawk 232,573 words - 2016-2018 - Complete
I have no words to express how much a I love this story. I have a variety of formats on a variety of hard drives just in case the internet goes down forever. I have re-read it several times and the characterizations are spot on. The conflicts, both the Vietnam “War” and the character’s conflicts with themselves, are all consuming. 
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Between the Boards by @linane-art​ - SERIES
E, FiKi 47,407 words - 2015 - Complete
“Siskel and Epert gives it two big thumbs-up!”
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Glass Arrows by jynx - SERIES
E, FiKi 64,618 words - 2013 - Complete
Reincarnation fic alert! 
I read this back when I was a lurker (makes a note to go and actually leave comments). It was one of the fics that got me into the fandom, but it is kinda dark so I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it to a newbie, but for the vets... DO IT! 
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ink to gold by nasri
M, FiKi 23,366 words - 2015 - Complete
I was hooked on this from the second I read the summary. Honest to God, best summary ever. I found it while trawling through someone else’s bookmarks on Ao3.
Fili, with his crown of golden hair and his Tsarist blue eyes, bleeds a darker red than Marx himself. He runs the Lubyanka from a windowless office, ruthless and swift. Rumour has it for every warrant he signs, Kili stands in the very centre of the firing squad, rifle raised.
It is told through Ori’s eyes and it’s a different way to see the relationship. But even though it’s told through a third party’s eyes it does not lack in the heartbreak. The moral ambiguity of the characters does not make them any less compelling. 
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The Stranger by shinigami714
E, FiKi 2,569 words - 2014 - Complete
I read pretty much anything and everything in public. So how about a fic that has smexy content taking place in public?
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i-am-still-bb ¡ 5 years ago
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Make Me See Stars Again by goldenlionprince and liddie
Kíli Oaks never thought his ad for the spare room in his little house by the lake in the middle of the forest would work but suddenly he finds himself with a tenant who needs a long vacation. Coming from the big city Fíli Durin isn't what Kíli was wishing for but slowly he starts to open up to the quiet blond business man that seems to have a sadness about him that Kíli finds himself relating to more than he’d like to admit.
This story is one of my favorites. These two were probably the two writers who got me into FiKi in the first place (and from there it was a slippery, but not unpleasant, slope to Anders/Mitchell and DarkHawk.)
I’ve read it several times and it is 126,276 words of wonderfulness. 
It’s like a warm blanket and a hot cup of tea while it rains outside.
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i-am-still-bb ¡ 5 years ago
You had me at cop!Fili (one of my favorite things to find!) and it just got better from there. It was perfect! I loved every moment of it!! 😍
A/N: Happy Fili Friday! I immensely enjoyed righting this. I hope you guys enjoy. For @patchworkideas Thank you for everything! <3 
Pairing: FiKi
Word Count: 6,100
Warnings/Tags: Modern AU, Cop!Fili, Artist!Kili, they are not related, angst, comfort, non explicit smut, fluff! 
Summary: For most of his life, Fíli didn’t like surprises and did his best to avoid them. Then he met someone who taught him to savor both giving and receiving anything unexpected.
Keep reading
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i-am-still-bb ¡ 5 years ago
Famous Last Words
My first foray into Fiki inspired by Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance.
Fili had been living with Frerin for the last seven years, with no contact with his family after being forced to leave. Out of the blue, he receives an invitation that he didn't expect.
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M Fandom: The Hobbit - All Media Types Relationships: Fíli/Kíli, Thorin/Frerin Characters: Fíli, Kíli, Dís, Thorin, Frerin, Tauriel, Rest of the Hobbit crowd
Language: English Published: 2015-04-11 Completed: 2015-06-29 Words:158,016 Chapters: 98/98
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legolaslovely ¡ 4 years ago
Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: The Hobbit - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: FĂ­li/KĂ­li (Tolkien) Characters: FĂ­li (Tolkien), KĂ­li (Tolkien) Additional Tags: Light Angst, Fluff, MagicFoxFĂ­li, HumanKĂ­li Series: Part 5 of GatheringFiKi 12 Days of Christmas 2019, Part 1 of FoxyFili Summary:
Fili is perfectly happy being the guardian of his forest, until an unexpected visitor shakes up his whole life and makes him remember things he would rather stay forgotten. Sometimes curiousity can be a curse - or it can be the greatest gift of all.
This is So So magical!!!! Just loved it! <3
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legolaslovely ¡ 4 years ago
GatheringFĂ­KĂ­ Fanfic Bingo
Diagonal... thingy... yes that one.
Your Comfort Fic:
Meal or Mate by @patchworkideas: Rated Mature (FĂ­KĂ­)
How may times have I read this? Friends, I have lost count. It is one of my FAVORITES!!!!!! The power play, the attitude shifts, the humor, the smexyness, the beauty and the trust!!!!! Amazing. MUST READ!!!!
A Fic That Made You LOL:
Apprentice by @marigoldvance​: Rated Gen (FíKí)
Everything that makes me tingle is in this! Harry Potter AU but also kind of a Professor AU? TEEEENNNNNSION??? Funny and heartwarming and also pants warming. So SOOOO sweet. 
Free Space! Going back to a Fic That is Beautiful:
The Letters of Kyril Gavrilovich and Filipp Koivu by @flow-it-show-it / vetiverite on ao3: Rated Teen and Up (FíKí)
Part of the wondrous, magical Grand Pas de Deux Series, these are the letters passed between these amazing characters. They are gorgeous. They are art in every way. Not only are the visually stimulating and absolutely beautiful, the words are magic. Pure magic. And so full of love.
A Fic You’ve Read More Than Once:
With Sincere Regards by girlmarvel on ao3: Rated Teen and Up (FíKí)
How about a fic I’ve read OVER AND OVER AND OVER???? I’m a sucker for epistolary stories, they are magic, they have cozy vibes and serious longing and this is one of my favorite things holy MOLYYYYYYY
The Smexy Fic You Read In Public:
Heirs of Durin by Dragonsquill (dragonsquill) on ao3: Rated Explicit (FíKí)
Parts of this got re-read on the subway, but you need to give your full attention to every chapter! This story and this world is frick-fracking addicting and oh-so-hot. Like I-can’t-even hot. But it’s also so heartwarming. The boys are happy and beautiful, just as they deserve to be. And hot. Hot-hot-hot.
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i-am-still-bb ¡ 4 years ago
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Art for @marigoldvance​ Mafia-Verse (which you need to read if you haven’t already)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
(click for full size)
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legolaslovely ¡ 5 years ago
Chapters: 27/27 Fandom: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: FĂ­li/KĂ­li, Dis/Husband, Bilbo Baggins/Bofur, Gimli/Legolas Greenleaf, Nori/Tauriel Characters: FĂ­li, KĂ­li, Thorin, DĂ­s, DĂ­s's Husband, Dwalin, Nori (Tolkien), Ori - Character, Dori, Tauriel, Legolas, Gimli Additional Tags: AU, Gothic metal, Modern AU, still dwarves and elves, Erotica, Light Bondage, Asexual Characters, Sibling Incest, reupload, Vignettes, Dwalin/Ori implied - Freeform, possible Nori/Tauriel/FC, Aromantic Character Series: Part 1 of Heirs of Durin Summary:
To their fans, Fili and Kili Durin are descendants of a royal line that gave up the throne, famous for the fact that they use their ground-breaking concerts as a blatant form of foreplay.
To the members of the Heirs of Durin, they are the ones who made them a family.
Another story I just HAD to share. It’s definitely one of my favorites of all time. I am a little over halfway through and I am thoroughly enjoying this entire WONDERFUL world @dragonquill​ has created along with STUNNING art by @ linane-art It’s SO SO beautiful and I HAVE THOUGHTS I NEED TO SHARE OKAY
1. DRUMMER KILI????????? I’m not right. I can’t stop listening to songs like Everlong, Best of You, and Pretender  (but also this video of Pretender because I can’t pick they’re both so gooooood) and thinking about him rocking out- hair flying, arms burning, eyes blazing, I really just can’t handle it in any way and I’m feeling a lot of feelingssssss
2. This pic of David Lee Roth from Van Halen is just what I imagine when I think of dummer Kili running down to the front of the stage with Fili in chapter 1 and I am NOT sorry.
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3. and Fili. 
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I’m gonna go try to remember how to breath
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