#unreal training
ai-dream · 6 months
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elena-illustration · 2 years
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“all the deaths could have been prevented if andrey and goncharov just had gay sex” well what if they had gay sex and then still did the killings. i think they deserve to have some killings as a treat
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sreepadamangaraj · 2 years
We are proud of you for taking this next step in your career. Congratulations to our dear student "VickyPawar" Placed at "TCS as a 3d DMP Artist"- CreativeMultimedia.
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emirkocturk · 8 months
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Eskiden ne renkli hayallerim vardı. ama artık hiçbirine sahip değilim. çünkü bu yaşamın her zerresinden soğudum..
I can't control my heart anymore..
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httyd-art-requests · 8 months
Your art style is beautiful! 🩷
Could you draw a singetail please?
I got back into playing Rise of Berk and finally got one of the login reward dragons! He's my specialest little man and I love him so much, thank you for giving me an excuse to draw him <3
Dragon #33 - Singetail (Freezeburn from RoB)
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I broke out my fancy splatter brush for this one
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studysnorlax · 3 months
I was wondering bc it seems like all of rotomblr works in fields about pokemon
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fanartfunart · 2 years
Everyone is talking about Goncharov this, Katya that-
What about the extra in the background of the diner scene who somehow managed to get a whole box of cookies to munch on during the scene? I am obsessed with them. I am them. How did they not notice that while they filmed
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facts-i-just-made-up · 8 months
What training does it take to be a doctor
Not much, just solve ∂³∑x²
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
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amtrak-official · 2 years
Somebody told me that transsexuals are the only group that still rides trains at the same rate as autistic white boys and to test that theory we have decided that all trans girls will get free train rides till June 30th of 2023!!
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daylighteclipsed · 2 months
ive been replaying kh1 (going thru the whole series on steam since i never got the chance to play all the games) and i was struck by something a bit odd. i have been dyinggg to talk about it
it's about kairi and her past.
i don't think she's a replica or construct necessarily
but in kh2 there's a parallel drawn between her and sally in halloween town; and the same i think could be true in kh1.
sally is a Frankenstein monster/doll made by the doctor. the entire plot of Halloween town centers around the need for the dr to make a "heart" which requires memories from Sally (the scene of her picking the forget me nots looks a lot like kairi holding a flower for aqua too)
sora takes interest in the project to restore a heart to the heartless too because of his desire to restore Kairi's heart.
i havent really come up with a coherent thought about what this means.
but given that we know kairi was experimented on in a way that involved her heart, it just seems suspicious that this parallel was made twice to her and a doll that was stitched together and animated by a mad scientist.
shes also compared to chirithy in kh3, which from my understanding were created by MoM for keyblade weilders; and to Pooh, who is a toy/story book character that came to life
given too that Kairi already has a weird thing going on with her heart, it just seems possible that theres something..more to it that i have yet to piece together. and its driving me crazy
NO, WAIT… ANON YOU’RE COOKING. Idk what it all means either, but those parallels are so good and so true. Cause there definitely is something artificial about Kairi’s heart, even if just partially. It was experimented on, like you said, and it looks completely different than the organic hearts we see, and I suspect that’s why we’ve never seen Kairi’s heart station. Because it’s (at least partially) artificial. It would look totally different than all the other heart stations and would probably give away what’s going on.
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realpokemon · 2 years
My 84 year old grandmother has a "House Machamp".
she's smart asf. perfect service mon. no wheelchair needed AND still has free opposable thumbs
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laughing-moonlight · 2 months
Everytime I rewatch the 2004 movie, there's something that I always feel justifies Alan's thoughts and actions when it comes to feeling like he's the black sheep of the family more than anything. Namely: this family portrait/mural.
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It spans most of a wall and is, quite frankly, damn good. It's exactly the kind of dramatic, family photo you'd expect in a regular billionaire's home, let alone Jeff Tracy's. But take a closer look. This is a family painting. A FAMILY PAINTING that features a proud Father and his talented Sons:
Scott, Virgil, Jeff, Gordon & John
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But where's Alan, you ask? Well, guess what? Once again: HE'S NOT THERE!
I've always found it pretty messed up that Alan isn't on it. There is plenty of room because it doesn't take up the entire wall, so that's not an excuse. But more importantly: this is the Command Centre. Also known as Jeff's Office. Where he goes everyday and sees everyday and spends more time in there than anyone else. So you can't tell me he just forgot to put Alan on it. No, of course it's on purpose. And whether he meant to or not, that's just another thing that's pushing Alan away from the family.
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Like, fair enough, he doesn't have a portrait leading to the silos because he's not a Thunderbird yet. But the damn thing is what is hiding the silo portraits!
And everytime Jeff summons Alan to his Office to berate him, Alan has to walk past and look at that thing. The perfect picture of the perfect Father and the perfect Sons. And Alan isn't on it. And you (Jeff) wonder why he's always reckless and selfish and trying to prove himself! You haven't shown him he doesn't need to!
I wouldn't be surprised if he's already tried to explain why he doesn't like it and Jeff and his brothers just twisted it around to him being spiteful or something.
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And those two family photos on his desk do not justify Alan not being on that version of the wall, Jeff Tracy! It doesn't matter if they're on your desk right in front of you two tiny pictures do not make up for an entire damn mural! And I'll die on that hill. It's messed up!
*Anyway, thanks for listening to my little rant lmao*
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the-scooby-gang · 2 years
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Goncharov coming to a liminal cinema near you!
Never been to a Liminal Cinema before? Don't worry! Its super easy to find.
Go to the nearest liminal space in your town (it can be your local cemetery, airport waiting area, that one Wendy's parking lot, The Waffle House, etc.)
Wait for the Skeleton Train to come and collect you
Go to the town square. The Liminal Cinema normally materializes over there, but it always safe to ask local authorities about it, just to be safe. Except Bill. Don't ask Bill ANYTHING.
Exchange one of your baby teeth for a ticket (if you didn't keep your baby teeth, someone else's is fine 🙂)
Profit!!! Enjoy the movie.
Just remember to keep track of the Skeleton Train schedule! You don't want to be left behind, do you?
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httyd-art-requests · 8 months
Can you draw a changewing❤️❤️❤️❤️ they are my favorite😁
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I actually started on the sketch for this one yesterday, but then I got home and got so tired that I fell asleep midway when I was trying to finish it lol
Dragon #26 - Changewing(s)
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(She's trying her best to hide... Is it working?)
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Can't wait for Hotshot to bring Teddy's long lost wife back on the show. Like having her be in like ONE episode only to disappear in a freak snowstorm was so unsatisfying of an ending to her character!!! And ngl I do love Kim Lastname, want her back on my screen!
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