#unoa rowan
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queenofsquids · 3 months ago
All this time I was thinking the Rowan body was shorter than the older Limhwa body. But they're actually quite close in height 😦
I mean nothing super fitted in the torso could swap between them, but lots of modern clothes can. And the jumpsuit can!
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Nude BJD comparison under the cut
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soulmass · 2 years ago
i miss my sq-labs haruka/2d doll hybrid, so i think i'll plan to get another sq-labs haruka head and put it on the unoa rowan i traded her for.
i really want to make an anime doll doggirl, and i have for quite some time... and today i saw this image that's been going around twitter:
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which is a perfect concept, I adore the big hair and big paws. vintage anime & manga art is something i really love and what drew me to the obitsu-01 head and VMF50s in the first place. I think i'm going to use this as a starting point, along w/ the haruka sculpt ofc, to build the concept outwards.
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berrysdoll · 7 years ago
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Messy background but some shots of Prim ❤️
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unoafreaks · 7 years ago
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More shots of the gorgeous Unoa Rowan Metia faceplate (default and decadent). She has such a range of emotion, and so many similarities to the Unoss. I’m in love. She’s on the Zero body for now, so it’s only portraits. 
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renhuuka · 7 years ago
Luna by borboletta_blu
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funnylori · 5 years ago
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Today's doll of the day is another Unoa. This time it's my Unoa Rowan Prim. I gave her a very simple subtle faceup, which I may still enhance a bit or may not. I adore this doll so much.
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unoalchemy · 6 years ago
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Hey everyone!!
We’ve sent out all the tan boys and girls, and most should already be in their new homes! 😍 so happy to see them so cute!!
We’ll now be taking orders for ALL AVAILABLE STOCK!! That means ALL colors, all sizes, all dolls! 🥰✨
There are a couple of colors or dolls already sold out at the moment, so we’ll let you know here:
Chibi Unoa Roron: not available in TAN or BLUE skin
FAIRY skin Unoa 1.5 girl bodies
FAIRY skin Unoa elder sister bodies
Other than that we should have all Alchemic Labo dolls available!!
Prices INCLUDING international shipping are as follows
Chibis, girls, boys - ¥40.000.-
Elder brothers and sisters - ¥43.000.-
Rowan - ¥89.000.-
Face plates - ¥5.000.-
Hands and feet - ¥3.000.-
Small parts - ¥1.500.- each (in sets of 2 or more)
At the moment we do not have any stock of the new Unoa Light dolls or dolls that were produced by Hobby Japan and/or discontinued. We hope to have updates on Hal and Aki soon!!
Email us at [email protected] or check out our website, unoalchemy.com
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truebjdconfessions · 6 years ago
My grail is Unoss. The colab between Unoa and Volks. It is nearly impossible to find now. I was today years old when I learned Unoa released their Rowan line and one of the face plates looks enough like Unoss that I'm over here dancing. What a beautiful day!
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lunaticparadisecraft · 7 years ago
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😍😍 My unoa Lilin is here! I got her on the unoalchemy sale, but it was a bit of a difficult buy because somehow loads of emails got lost 😅 but she's here and safe! The face is such impish cuteness, and the face plate is so raw I'll need to cut off the flashing, when I have the time😬. And look at that ad for the rowan! Faceups and all that also when I have the time! 😔 I'm so glad to get a full unoa for the first time. I've some faceplates and stuff lying around but I've always wanted either the chibi or the zero. I still want the zero, sometime 😆 #unoa #unoalilin #unoaroron #bjd #abjd #unoalchemy #abjd #balljointeddoll #unboxing #bjdunboxing #gentaroaraki
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grey-march · 7 years ago
Someones selling their Unoa Rowan bjd and I absolutely love her but I’m broke as shit ;A;
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queenofsquids · 4 months ago
I honestly thought back in 2018ish when they came out, that the Unoa Rowans would be insanely popular and I'm just dumbfounded that there are so few photos like on IG or anywhere.
What happened? Why aren't they everywhere? They're so gorgeous 😭
The blank doll price of 60,000円 dropped to like $360 usd recently and I lost my composure. 👀 I had gone through all the rigamarole to verify a Tenso account three years ago then never used it. So now I'm using it for the first time. They have been pretty quick so far, now I'm just waiting for that holiday shipping to come through 🤞
Related news, I got a stack of small boxes ready today so I can list the rest of these ponies to pay for my indiscretion 😅
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queenofsquids · 4 months ago
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I nearly teared up at this one, I've wanted a Rowan for so long, and seeing how beautiful she was as soon as I opened the box and beheld her even with the plastic on made me 🥹🥹🥹
Didn't expect the package today! I'd been watching tracking a NORMAL AMOUNT, like one does, and she hadn't moved from customs in Chicago for many days. I was heading out to the garage to work on the car when I heard a rustle clunk at the front door and there she was with no preamble! The driver just hightailed it with no signature or anything 😨
So!! Alchemic Labo says they will send an extra gift if you go through all the trouble of using Tenso. Apparently they mean half a dozen extra gifts 😱 All the shoes, the decadent Metia faceplate, and the flat hands are all extras!
I believe they send the dolls strung specially for shipping and you are meant to restring them using the guide when you get them. But I haven't done that yet and I must say she already stands unaided and I'm VERY enamored of her torso and neck posing.
I immediately started considering what dolls I should replace bodies with this one for, to be honest. I gotta step back from that cliff and mull it over properly for a while but the thought is there. I love the doll so much. I can't believe I waited six years to get one.
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Her eyes are a bit crooked but I'll save the effort of making them straight for when she has an actual faceup 😅
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queenofsquids · 3 months ago
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hat made, now to obsessively do about a dozen more of these bad boys
(this one is actually a bit small for a 1/3 bjd head, it's streeeetched on there)
vintage punch embroidery yarn, 1.75mm hook, following this tutorial:
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queenofsquids · 3 months ago
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Decided I absolutely must make some backgrounds to go in the Ikea Detolf shelves. Am tired of this ugly olive and reflective glass. 🥹
Look how cute their outfits are! They need a bright surround.
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queenofsquids · 3 months ago
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playing with wigs on the big Unoas
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queenofsquids · 1 year ago
Desperately want the energy to do this color matching all over again on the Unoa Rowan Prim head 😭
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Eyelashes glued in, and I drew another layer on her eyebrows in an attempt to darken them. 😍
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