#unmasked sub zero
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fsfghgee · 2 years ago
Bi-Han: Pretty boy at dawn, Handsome man at night
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edenian-gothik · 2 months ago
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Sub-Zero is a cold (And, dare I say, cool? (?) ) kharacter, so I had to put the post-it in my freezer/refrigerator, Lol XD.
Just like when your mom was so proud about what you made, so she displayed it for everyone to see. Except I’m not that proud about this one.
Some thoughts and maybe vent/rant ahead?
Honestly, I don't know what constitutes a good Bi-Han drawing (To me, at least, I love everyone's version but mine. Apparently). Seriously, and I’m talking about the original Bi-Han (Not the MK12 one, that is a totally different one.)
You see, I have many beefs, pet peeves, and I’m salty with Midway/NRS because they’ve never given us a real, canon look for Bi-Han. But what can I say, they hate his guts so much that they didn't care.
They even gave us the real look of Sektor and Cyrax for MK9, but couldn't do the same for one of their most iconic kharacters.
Guys, it's not just any secondary kharacter that no one cares about and could easily be forgotten (like so many kharacters for the Ps2 era). He is the first Sub-Zero!! And he deserves a little bit more respect from their creators than what has been given to him, I hate this injustice so much.
But oh, well…I am on the fence about this one. I think I’m closer to what I want to represent when I think about Bi-Han.
I would love to have real input about how people perceive him and such, and some references of masculine, asian men that don't look like they are 20 years old and barely age (If you know you know, I’m sorry but I want him to look his age and be intimidating as the warrior he is.).
Yes, I try to imagine him as a real Chinese man (Maybe a body builder?), but of course, John Turk’s image doesn't really dissapear from my mind.
When I think about Bi-Han, I think about Sub-Zero: Mythologies , Mortal Kombat 9 and Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Classic Sub-Zero).
Additionally, he is wearing his official Kostume from UMK3, I think that one wasn't drawn enough.
I gave him the undercut, and I think in fanon we kinda all agree that he would have one now.
I think I’m closer but I still didn't hit that “Perfect” spot (Oh God, that’s what she said, lol).
At this point, I don't think I really know what the “Bi-Han of my mind” looks like. I fear that he might be confused with his younger brother’s likeness. They are fraternal siblings and not twins, after all (Bi-Han being the older. So I think it's more aggravating that he was never presented to us unmasked.)
I dunno…maybe they didn't want us to know his face so he would remain a mystery? Or maybe because they didn't want us to emphasize with him?
Maybe I should do a Bi-Han challenge so I’ll draw him until I’m more comfortable with him. But please keep in mind that he was always my biggest insecurity when it came to do MK fanart and this is a big step to take for me.
I know it can come off as being dramatic, because “It's just a drawing”, but it's not. I’ve liked this Kharacter since my childhood and for that he deserves to be accurately represented. That is my way to pay respect (respekt, lol) to a kharacter that has been there for a long time in my life.
So there it is…
But well, I paid my “Bi-Han tax” to @bihansthot , for my next post because I used one of her koncepts for my Sektor fanfic and I felt guilty (?)
See you in the next post!!
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evilconcubinemk · 6 months ago
Kuai Liang (Sub-Zero)/Tomas (Smoke)
So, I, finally, decided to make this post and explain how I fell in love with the idea of these two being a couple many years ago.
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This is how it began for me. I'm not a native speaker, but one of my school teachers at the time was, and she constantly referred to her husband as 'partner' (as in, life partner). And, while I knew that the word has several meanings, somehow, that particular meaning stuck with me. Silly, I know, but after that I couldn't unsee that in Smoke's bio.
And, since Kuai Liang has been my most favourite character since MKII, where he was introduced to us and it was revealed that he's not the same Sub-Zero we see in the very first game, but his younger brother, everything about him has always been interesting to me, especially with him being so mysterious.
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Even unmasked, he remained mysterious (I miss that).
So, yes, it stuck with me, even before shipping was a thing, really (or, at least, I don't think it was; not nearly the way it is now anyway).
And, years later (and many games later), when MK9 (2011) was announced, I was both thrilled and apprehensive, because I was wondering if these two characters and their backstory would be honoured. To say that I was impressed is an understatement. On top of that, the characters were given a new depth without being ruined in any way possible. Pretty much everything about it agreed with me (I miss that, too), and as a fan, I was absolutely elated. That's when I knew Kuai Liang and Tomas were my OTP.
It took me many years to start contributing, and I regret not starting sooner, but with the current timeline, I became worried that these two, the way they used to be, their wonderful potential and chemistry, would be forgotten, so I had to join other authors and artists and do my part.
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Kuai Liang knew that precious soul was still there...
He refused to give up on Smoke, and Smoke, in turn, refused to give up on him in the second (alternative) timeline.
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am1inside · 3 months ago
Well ladies and gentlemen it’s finally happened, I’ve gotten banned for the first time on this newest Reddit account. Only for 3 days, and it’s because I went on a trauma subreddit and expressed how living with my father again makes me recklessly hypersexual and wishing he would rape me again, planning to seduce him. What fucking rules does that break? The mods of that subreddit permanently banned me over it when the whole point of that sub is to “unmask”, they even have a specific tag where you can INVITE sexual dms and messages when speaking about trauma, so wtf did I do wrong? Funny thing is, I actually made a post there months ago speaking about wishing to rape my dad, and they had zero problem with it, but when I express my masochism suddenly it’s not allowed, alright then.
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archoneddzs15 · 2 months ago
Sony PlayStation - Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Title: Mortal Kombat Trilogy / モータルコンバット トリロジー
Developer: Midway Manufacturing / Avalanche Software
Publisher: Midway Home Entertainment / GT Interactive Software / Soft Bank
Release date: 2 April 1998
Catalogue No.: SLPS-00791
Genre: 2D Fighting
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Mortal Kombat Trilogy is an update to Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (which saw a Saturn port but not on the PlayStation) which is essentially an update to the base Mortal Kombat 3 (which saw a PlayStation port but not on the Saturn). The PlayStation port of the base Mortal Kombat 3 was published by Sony (only the PlayStation port was released in Japan), while this version is published by Soft Bank. Both MK3 and UMK3 saw ports to the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo in the West. While there was a Saturn port of both UMK3 as well as a Saturn and N64 port of Mortal Kombat Trilogy, none of those made it to Japan. To my knowledge, the last Mortal Kombat to appear on a Sega and Nintendo system in Japan was Mortal Kombat 2.
If you're a fan of one-on-one fighters, this game would seem to be a slam dunk. Released in Japan and Asia by Soft Bank (who also published Doom on the PS1 and Saturn as well as other classics like Hexen), Mortal Kombat Trilogy combines all of the stages and characters from the first three Mortal Kombat games, places them in an improved version of the Mortal Kombat 3 engine and tosses in a few bonuses. The 32-character roster is loaded with all of your favorites, along with "mystery" characters like Smoke, Ermac, and Noob Saibot. You get both the masked and unmasked versions of Sub Zero, although if you ask me, removing Sub Zero's mask was a huge mistake - thankfully it's optional. Four bosses are available, but I have to warn you - they are just as cheap as ever. The core gameplay contains all the blood splattering, spine-ripping goodness you'd expect.
There is one glaring flaw, however, and that is the fact that Shang Tsung's "morphing" takes over five seconds to complete! (Blame the slower CD drive of the PS1's hardware.) The Saturn version loads faster by comparison. A new aggressor meter has been added, but it's unnecessary. Likewise, the new "Brutalities" are just a barrage of attacks followed by raining bones. Four and eight-player tournament modes are included which add some form of co-op replay value. This proved to be a swan song of sorts for the 2D Mortal Kombat games because Mortal Kombat 4 would eventually give it a 3D perspective while still playing like a 2D title.
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writerofcreativity · 2 years ago
Mortal Kombat Dream #1
Title says it all. I was too excited for Mortal Kombat 1 and made sure to avoid all spoilers except for one character tower ending which doesn't relate to his ending. I had to type it into a note before I forget.
This dream happened before I know of that said character tower ending.
Liu Kang and his allies found an entrance but it was blocked by a large Boulder. Kenshi, Baraka, and Syzoth say wake me up before going to the Boulder to move it.
Jax went to help move it. Kung Lao asked Jax if he should and Jax told him wake me up and joins.
This is true. I was listening to the song Bring Me To Life in the mourning and somehow the ones pushing the Boulder are chanting Wake Me Up.
Hanzo arrives with Kuai Liang who is Scorpion in the timeline, dragging him with a rope. Kung Lao asked Hanzo what he is doing with Kuai Liang. Hanzo replied this and start kissing Kuai Liang. Bi-Han, unmasked, looked surprised to see his brother kissing Hanzo back. Saibot was behind him with the same expression. He's still Sub-Zero in here.
My oc in for Mortal Kombat Kioka is there too, watching until Tomas covered her eyes.
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mikka-minns · 2 years ago
Predicting Kuai Liang's role in MK based on what we were shown and NRS' habits:
The Lin Kuei invade Rain's mansion -> they disappear -> they come back for a totally surprising reveal that Bi-Han got his dad killed -> insert obligatory Sub-Zero vs Scorpion battle -> someone probably dies or jobs -> if Kuai lives, he foot soldiers in the final battle in climax. The end.
If I'm wrong and Kuai Liang is more than a side-character this time, I'll put Shao Kahn's ugly unmasked face from MK11 as my pfp for a week. Or a month, idk.
The fact that this is basicaly Canon before the game is out tells us everything about how nrs treats Kuai Liang. One of their most popular characters.
Im hoping he gets to be important, but i dont even know anymore😭😭😭
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scalproie · 2 years ago
I agree with your opinions on scorpweewee's voice actors (though I will admit, I think I do also enjoy a calm Seitz as much as a calm Yuan Scorpion) so I'd like to know what your opinions on Kuai Liang's voices?
I'd also ask for Bi-Han but you're not obligated to! Plus 11's.....well. hm.
oh sure!
for kuai liang:
Firstly I would like to thank Sub Zero for breaking the Steve Blum curse for me. Now with that being said ofc his voice for subz is the most iconic one and I like it a lot but I think I like it BECAUSE he is voicing an older sub zero, idk how well mr. Blum would pull off a young kuai in his late 20s, for me. Regardless, 💙.
On terms of pure tone of voice, Idk how well I like Jim Miller in mk8/9 bc I think its just a TAD bit too deep, but one thing I really do like is how he makes him sound soft, like it cant be just me that hears it right? Maybe its inherent to kuai in mk8/9 but mr. Miller makes him reach critical meow meow levels
Like said above, in terms of pure tone of voice, I gotta say I enjoy Bayardo De Murguia as kuai in botr, but only when he's masked up, like idk maybe the slight reverb adds smth more but I buy him a lot more that way than when hes unmasked at the beginning
Nothing to say much about Ron Yuan in snowblind other than his voice and acting were very fitting. He is more emotive as sub zero in there than as scorpion in mk11 but I know its a matter of direction and not a critique on his work
Im extremely fond of Luke Perry as subz in the defenders cartoon bc if I had a nickel everytime a blue character captured my heart while also having a nasally voice id have two nickels yknow yknow
cant wait until we get proper audio of Daisuke Tsuji as kuai in mk12 bc we heard one (1) line from him in the lin kuei trailer whoch sounded pretty good with him being hammy, but im waiting for the clean lin kuei bros cutscene where they climb the wall bc his normal-speaking voice sounds much softer and if theres one thing about me its that I like softer spoken kuai liang.
now bi-han:
Jamison Price was gooooood as bi-han in mk9, see the deep voice always sound better on bi-han
See, hot take but I like mk11's noob saibot's voice, the raspy whispery voice makes him more inhuman which fit imo, also I know it killed Sean Chiplock's vocal chords so he has my sympaphy.
Who doesnt have my sympathy is whoever directed Kaiji Tang to voice bi-han like that in mk12, see the reason I tolerate mk11's bi-han's voice is specifically bc he is noob, regular bi-han having that aggressive raspiness seems cruel to mr. Tang's vocal chords especially when you hear his more normal speaking voice like when he dubbed Ichiban in yakuza 7, which would ALSO be a fit for bi-han if he sounded just more agressive. Like hell, even in mk mythologies bi-han has never sounded as raspy as that.
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leonrocha45 · 4 months ago
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Unmasked Sub-Zero mk 11
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thedestinysunknown · 6 years ago
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Outfits Appreciation: Unmasked Sub-Zero on Mortal Kombat 11:
“I’ve always been a fan of Sub-Zero’s design, specially when he doesn’t have the mask. I adore his design on Mortal Kombat 3 and Mortal Kombat X without the mask, so I though they couldn’t make something better than those. Then Mortal Kombat 11 appeared and I’m in love. They picked a great model for him because that’s a gorgeous face. That facial hair makes it even better. I’m obsessed with this so much.“
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fsfghgee · 2 years ago
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edenian-gothik · 2 months ago
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To no one’s surprise, here are the poll results!!
I wanted to draw something more…representative for him, but as a little koncept in a post-it note, this might do for now.
And what surprised me the most was that Kung Lao surpassed Bi-Han! Lol!.
I don't know if he looks "Asian enough", but I hope so! At least Bi-Han and him look different enough when I look at them side by side. For now that will have to do.
Of course this won't be the last time I draw him! Kuai Liang is one of my favourite kharacters, after all.
Sektor and Smoke shared votes, Liu Kang held strong and Cyrax is underrated King (for now, we all appreciate good ol' mustard).
So well, I hope you like this, and we’ll see where the next poll takes us!!
Thank you to all people that voted, I hope I can draw all of our favourite kharacters at some point.
See you in the next post!!
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evilconcubinemk · 1 year ago
I'm sorry I'm shy and you allow anon asks. I love all of your stories but especially "The other us, you and I" and "There's no smoke without fire". It's like I live through them . You write Tomas so well especially his feelings about the loss of his mom and sister. Very realistic depictions of trauma.
Is he your favorite Mortal Kombat character? And if not who's your favorite character?
It's perfectly okay with me if you stay anonymous, if you find it more comfortable.
Thank you! I'm so flattered!
I love Smoke, but Kuai Liang has been my most favourite character for a very long time. Not just as a character with an interesting background, but also as a character that I often choose when I play against someone else (though it's quite different now that he's Scorpion, so I'm not as good as before if I choose him).
I still remember how intrigued I was by the second game when I learned that he's not the same Sub-Zero as the one in the very first game, but, actually, that first Sub-Zero's younger brother. Some endings implied that he had a different personality, compared to his brother, and spared someone's life. The third game unmasked him and, while I don't always support such a decision, it worked perfectly for me, and his story blew my mind. Deep inside, I, sort of, started to ship him and Smoke back then. Maybe I'm going to write a post in the near future to explain my reasons. :)
I played Injustice 2, just because he was a guest character in it.
So, yes, he's my absolute favourite. I just hope they never change his personality.
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nika-vincent · 6 years ago
Just to clarify one thing to you:
Several times I noticed that some people told me that they were tired of my gifs with unmasked MK Kombatants or just asked me why I did these posts quite often.
I'm already tired of this shit and I just want to clarify to you why I have to do exactly such posts sometimes: So that you, my dear followers, can see the emotions of these characters. Because there are people who don’t have MK 11, and they have to watch dialogues and fights on YouTube. I know there are many dialogues with characters whose faces are hidden by a mask, but at least you can understand their emotions because of the intonations in their voice. But when you look at these GIF-dialogs on Tumblr, you can hardly understand the character’s emotions. And to make it easier, I create gifs of Kombatants without masks, especially for those people who are interested in the faces and emotions of the characters whom they saw only with a mask on their faces. So, let's treat each other with respect. 
And don’t writing any nonsense to me about the fact that I'm crazy about unmasked Erron and Kabal, or something like that shit. My patience cannot last forever.
Thanks for your attention.
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cage-n-saurian · 6 years ago
Unpopular opinion
I never thought that Ronda Rousey wasn’t that bad voicing Sonya Blade in Mortal Kombat 11. I mean, it’s not great but it isn’t that bad either. It didn’t bother me that much unlike most people.
Side note: Now that the Dimitri Vegas skin is out, his voice acting makes Ronda Rousey’s sound ‘Oscar‘ worthy. But I got the impression that Dimitri wasn’t trying to be so serious with the voicing acting but more like just joking around and having fun. It’s only for a free skin and nothing more.
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kyberphilosopher · 3 years ago
Scorpion Headcanons
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Headcanons for Hanzo Hasashi… the Scorpion. The first bridge expanding the Kyberverse to Mortal Kombat.
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The most dedicated guy like… ever. He’s committed in almost everything. Adaptable, yes, but committed. He dates to marry, he is loyal after death. For fucks sake look at how long this man was vengeful for.
In kyberverse, scorpion’s face does not look how he does officially unmasked. It doesn’t really match up to me. So, this scorpion has thin eyebrows, sharp and angular features, a clean shaven face and jaw, and white and upturned eyes. He has a different nose shape and thin lips, he looks younger. His waterline and lashes are dark and thick. He is tanned from the heat but pale from death. He is striking.
Doesn’t understand modern slang, but he can infer in his head. Just not preferred.
Uses his weapons in more scorpion-esque ways. Not just throwing it. It’s an art form, a mastery. He physically moves, crawls, stings like a scorpion.
Might occasionally use temperature play during no pants time. Might be on accident, might not be.
Speaking of, scorpion sometimes sets things aflame when his emotions get too heated. Not to say he’s an emotional person. Well, he is, but overall he’s a thinker.
Hates hates Hates being told what to do. I feel like that’s obvious, but it runs deep for him. Suggestions are usually swept under the rug, if he can even keep his cool. Helpful or not.
Will always have some doubts about sun-zero. I even prefer when they’re not friends.
Hates eating cold foods.
Speaking of, he will occasionally eat the same prey a scorpion would. He will just randomly catch them in his fingers at the speed of light.
Also finds Frost more annoying than sub zero. Yikes.
Scorpion does kinda respect Nightwolf though. They just don’t see eye to eye.
If you want to flirt with Scorpion, you’ll be going at it a while. He might not realize it. If he does, he won’t be responding. The whole losing a family thing kinda puts a damper on that sort of thing. But if he’s in a relationship, he’ll want to be married immediately. He takes them serious right away.
Unlabeled in terms of sexuality. He likes who he likes, and he doesn’t think much about it. As long as he gets to be him.
Tiny flames will occasionally dance off his golden skin, if you pay attention close enough. 
As you can tell, I really prefer angry and vengeful Scorpion over wise old scorpion.
When he has a golden glow like fire, it sometimes looks like flaming tattoos in the right lighting.
Probably married his first wife young. Like ages 17-21. Real committed guy.
If his kid wanted to dye their hair, he would absolutely REFUSE to accept it. He’d keep saying no over and over again when asked for permission. Grumbling and griping.
Probably also gets upset when he sees people on his property, especially teenagers. He’s the original “GET OVER HERE! Get off my lawn!” guy.
Ironically a rather good figure skater.
Well regularly set himself on fire to show off his skeleton to scare people who piss him off. Happens frequently actually.
While yellow and gold I’d say are his colors, he looks absolutely stunning in red. I mean I’ve seen skins where he’s wearing red and it’s just like holy shit. Why aren’t you wearing this? Also looks godly in white.
Idk what the fuck kinda ooc scorpion y’all got going on in your heads but this man is not falling for the reader in one night. Scorpion takes time.
Don’t even think about addressing him as Hanzo if you’re not close to him. That’s a one way ticket to having your face burned off.
Ever since he came back to life, he’s been flexible. Like an acrobat. It helps with looking very scorpion like, but it’s freaky. He can bend his body back into the most intense arch you’ve ever seen and spin around. His bones will crack- it’ll look and sound like a horror movie. But he can do it.
His style of martial arts focuses more on his kicking then punching and throwing. He’s deadly on his feet.
Favorite color is probably white.
Can’t really picture him enjoying Italian food. Maybe some bread.
*These headcanons can be expanded on and added to over time. Headcanons can be left in comments to be added to the list. These headcanons will be used in kyber’s fanfictions for this character. All headcanons can be used to inspire a fanfiction request. All headcanons discussed in comments must be discussed politely and are welcomed. Return frequently for new headcanons. 
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Edit: All Mortal Kombat headcanons WILL be expanded upon.
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