#unless you girlboss them so hard they quit
Ough Lady Maria.
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There is something deeply suspicious about Sandy from Stardew Valley
Sandy, the chill lady who runs the Oasis shop and front for Mr Qi's exclusive casino doesn't seem to have any major problems, outside of a lingering boredom.
But something just doesn't sit right about her character. Sandy never leaves the desert, even though she longs to see Stardew Valley again. She claims that she can't leave the shop unattended, but aside from the farmer, only her friend (definitely more than friend), Emily, will visit once a year on her birthday. No one else will ever enter the Oasis. We never even see the patrons of the Casino enter or leave, perhaps due to the exclusive nature of it's clientele, or maybe there's another entrance. Knowing Mr Qi, some of the patrons may not be small enough to fit through the doors. Either way, Sandy is never seen interacting with them.
What we know about Sandy:
Her name isn't actually Sandy. We never find out what it really is
She lives in the desert all year round, even though she says "my delicate skin burns quickly in the sun"
She is able to keep her store running, even though she never has customers
She is the only place that sells the unique starfruit, despite not seeming to have a supplier that we know of
She is aware of the Casino, but not allowed to enter, thanks to 24/7 security. Despite this, she continues to act as a front for it, taking hefty bribes to stay quiet
She used to visit, or perhaps live in Stardew Valley before moving to the desert
She is friends with Emily, but is never mentioned by anyone else
This is literally everything that can be confirmed about Sandy. Every single thing we know about her raises more questions than it answers. Aside from Mr Qi, she is the most mysterious character in the game. However, stranding together the small pieces of information we have, one theory seems more likely than all others: Sandy is on the run.
She lives in the desert, under a fake name, despite the climate being quite uncomfortable for her. Out in the middle of nowhere, no one can find her. Mr Qi took an interest in her, enough to move his Casino into the upper floor of her shop. The fact that he did this means that she's different.
She never returns to the valley - unless you invite her to the cinema - despite claiming she wishes to return. All flowers from the valley are considered a loved item to her. But why can't she go back?
My guess is that there was an incident. If she is friends (girlfriends) with Emily, she probably has at least a small interest in magic. Perhaps one day, intent on discovering the purpose of a certain crystal, she accidentally invokes some ancient power, causing mass destruction and multiple fatalities. Sandy never actually meant any harm, but no one will ever believe it. And so, with a heavy heart, she leaves her home behind to hide in isolation. Emily is the only one that understands. And Mr Qi.
The dramatic soul in me would love to believe this.
But what I reckon happened was that Sandy was just a girlboss supreme and committed multiple felonies including arson, vehicular manslaughter, battery and grand larceny because she knew deep down that she was just a true queen and those plebians should keep their heads down and kneel at her feet. Unfortunately, she couldn't slay hard enough to counter the entire police force and went into hiding until she can slay across the lands once again.
Mr Qi watched it all, munching on popcorn and little pieces of rock candy.
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cookii-moon · 1 year
Ninjago has social media so why not share some headcanons
so I was chatting with a friend and this came up and I wanted to expand on it and talk about it
Basically... how the ninja interact with the canon social media. Yeah. Twitter- I mean Chirp... is a thing in Ninjago. Canonically. And then never brought up again. So uh
What better to do than explore how the Ninja's social media life is going in relation to them being celebrities. And then post it on a social media at 9 pm. Headcanons under the cutoff yayy
Ok so first off Cole because he started this mess and I want to get him out of the way because I want to get to the other's.
He's... I mean are we going to deny he's popular... He was kinda already a celebrity before becoming a Ninja thanks to his family history. Either way, he is very afraid of the omnipresent conglomorate known as a fanbase. They scare him so he just does not interact with them whatsoever, yet he still somehow manages to remain VERY popular with fans for... a variety of reasons... his lack of interaction means they feel like they can get away with a lot of things. Despite this Cole does still have exactly one active social media account and it is an anonymous (Insert Ninjagan equivalent to Instagram here) where he quite literally just posts art randomly and daily and says absolutely nothing. By anonymous, I mean he pretty much just has an online name and profile picture that he made up that has no connections to his personal life or being a ninja. The other Ninja are aware he has an art account, but not of the name or any other details, so they've made a secret game out of finding his social media identity. It remains yet to be found, which is either a relief, to Cole (though he isn't even aware of it) or sad, to the people who are betting on it.
Lloyd!! Little candy loving goblin man!!! Lloyd is awesome I want to draw him more often hhh
Lloyd kind of just talks about funny things, posts memes, and shares cool fanart. He tries to steer clear of negativity in general because good lord knows he's far too exhausted from his own trauma and stress to fight the internet. He just tries to turn a blind eye to stuff but he still gets caught up in the web that is social media sometimes, what with fame and all that, which often ends in him getting emotional. And subsequently having Kai offer to punch somebody. His socials are public but he doesn't advertise them much at all for the sake of a peaceful atmosphere, so he has like a decently small follower/sub/whatever count for how popular he is. His fanbase is pretty tame for the most part, though there are a few overbearing young children who don't quite understand things just yet.
Kai, the guy who made chirp canon by posting about being in the hospital and causing a break in that probably violated several laws and frightened the children.
... I mean it's kind of canon that he uses socials. Since he's likely one of the only two Ninja with public and advertised accounts, people flock to him a lot over that fact alone, so not all of them are necessarily there for Kai. He has a pretty dedicated fanbase of people who like him for his charm and personality, but he also has a few people who find him annoying and pretentious. Some people kinda don't mind him and just follow him for Ninja news or snippets in general, even though he doesn't just post about Ninja stuff. Since it's kind of hard to convey a personality in.. you know... text... unless you know someone REALLY well, he tends to have a bit of a divide in the community over how he comes off as arrogant or full of himself sometimes.
Nya our local girlboss who's movie counterpart rides a straight up motorcycle through hallways endangering hundreds of children- look I love Nya but principal where are you.
She does have a social, but she rarely uses it. When she logs in every month or so it mostly just consists of roasting Kai or answering curious fans. Despite this she does look at the fanbase every now and then because she finds it equally parts heartwarming and, when it comes to the idiots and trolls, amusing. She's pretty popular because of her general attitude and girlboss vibes.
Zane, robot man with infinite access to the entirety of the web.
So hear me out here... I don't think he has an actual social, but I think he edits wikipages. Like not fandom or anything just straight up Wikipedia. In every language. (or, well, regional dialect?) I know it's really specific but that just seems like something he'd enjoy. It's a secret hobby. He'll be up at night facing the wall in his bed, eyes open trying to finish this wiki article because new info about prehistoric dinosaurs and their connections to birds came out and he has to document it right now oh my god, and the others think he's just like asleep or smthn. It just makes him really happy. His fanbase isn't as large as the others, but he's still very well liked by the majority of the ninja fans, even though he rarely interacts with social media outside of interviews (because Jay is actively trying to stop him from getting anywhere close to it so that he doesn't have to explain certain things)
And last but not least... Jay... the social menace of the internet.
He's the second ninja with a public and well known account, and he's very popular. He talks about everything. Funny memes. Fanart. Silly thoughts. And he loves gossiping about the other's in good fun. His sole purpose is to entertain both others and himself, and he is very good at it, even online. He's also really involved in the community and likes giving shout outs to talented people and such. Being really involved also means he knows their secrets. He knows about the more sus parts of the fanbase. He knows about the secret Benedict cult. He knows about the real reason Cole and Nya are so popular. Sometimes, he'll deliberately mention these parts of the fanbase, randomly and oftentimes months apart, and just set the place ablaze because he finds it funny. Nowhere is safe from him and they all know it. It's become a meme at this point with some even people making up wacky conspiracy theories about him being omnipresent or the account being run by a robot with very well programmed bad jokes. But his sheer presence in the fandom and his personality makes him very popular. And the social he uses is probably YouTube, but he also streams sometimes. On YouTube. Not twitch. He never changed. Ever. The others love coming in during a stream and messing with him or teasing him in chat. Mostly Cole and Nya. They're subbed both to be supportive and so that they get the notification whenever he's live or uploads so that they can leave a comment. Because of course they would. Cole's YouTube account is the only account he ever uses that's public, and he made it for the sole purpose of teasing Jay. If that doesn't say best friends, then I don't know what does.
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popstart · 5 months
Am I the only one who feels like the way this fandom talks about female characters is always so like???? Omg girlboss but also a girlfailure I support women’s rights AND wrongs she was robbed!!!! Idk it’s always the same few phrases lol I don’t get it.
OHHHH I AGREE SO HARD💀 seeing the same 3 phrases used to describe the female characters bc they think its a diversity win. ok.
Female character is independent or strong etc -> omg shes suuuuch a girlboss teehee🙈 step on me. other weird and annoying sexual comments bc girlbossery is sexy (or something) and thats the only appeal female characters are allowed to have for a lot of people Female character is kinda cringe sometimes and doesnt succeed at everything -> omg my silly girlfaliure girlloser shes so sillystupid i love her Female character has dimension -> omg??? shes like a girlboss and a girlfaliure at the same time???
ignoring the fact i hate so many things about tacking on the prefix girl to random shit as something that feels like a negative connotation (or something degrading), there is 0 critical thinking people have for female characters and its like. ok man. people come up with 600 random headcanons and backstory elements for every single male character they like but designate the female characters they like to "oh ummm shes a girlboss so i like her😊" AWWEEESOMEEEEE. LOVE TO SEE IT🥴
and to people that dont see that or say that doesnt happen....... it does. i see it with my own eyeballs every damn day. eg; in fanon noah has 8 (or 9? i forget) girlboss sisters and is an expert hacker and speaks 300 languages and knows everything and makes 0 mistakes and is always calculated all the time and has 20 boyfriends while in canon he got kicked out of the opportunity of 100k dollars because he was reading and hates everyone and plays video games all day and is a massive schmuck for 1 single person that being emma. sorry noah fans thats just how it is. headcanons are fine but it gets to the point where its like hey guys what are we doing here.
and ok whatever. say we all stop talking about noah bc god knows he did nothing to deserve it. where do we go from there? the amount of people i see saying they wish there was more f/f in fandom they just dont wanna write it or people that say they wish they wrote f/f more its just too hard has me :I i think it really just proves how little fanon there is for female characters. since generally fanon is what fandom bases its fanfiction and general characterization on and f/f famously contains only women, it makes sense that if its "hard" to write for f/f pairings it means that people just dont care enough about the women to make wide spread fandom interpretations of them.
and it reaaaaaally sucks. total drama has what i consider a pretty good cast of diverse female characters. And sure, a lot of the time the show doesnt do them justice (they were robbed as many many MANY people say) but a lot of them have so much potential and all of them have at least SOME potential. but ofc, due to how theyre treated in the fandom, no one really cares about them outside of them being paired up with men. and even worse, people will just straight ignore them outright a lot of the time because they 'get in the way of their mlm ship' or some bs.
am i saying its inherently misogynistic to write mlm ships? HELLLLLL no. im just saying that the heavy apathy or visceral anger many many many female characters get unless theyre paired up with a man or because they 'get in the way of' a mans love for another man is quite frankly laughable when you consider what actually goes on in the show. this shit was made for kids, these people are kids. its just so weird just how obsessed people can be with a fictional character to the point of these overblown reactions to other characters of the same god damn show
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somerandomcryptid · 3 months
More Dream&Cryptid in smp interaction (this is actually just a later part of the bit of conversation I posted yesterday)
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they are very healthy and normal and Dream is not a paranoid possessive mess, nope, definitely not
He has no problems with Cryptid having other friend :), not at all
Ok now that I'm done being sarcastic I can ramble about them more, also explain the Tommy thing a bit since I have yet to properly draw him for this au
Basically long story short, Tommy's one of the people on the smp who adopted Cryptid as their sibling
Cryptid made a run away attempt on their first night in the smp and ran into him and Ghostbur (who they are also close with!)
And they've been friends ever since, despite having their rough patches due to their clash of morals and personality (Tommy keeps swearing he doesn't actually care about them, he does, he very much does)
It's actually on the day that Cryptid runs into Techno that Cryptid aquires some of his wardrobe, they forgot to bring a jacket, so Tommy gives them his sweater(which is way too big for them) and just kind of never asks for it back, the bandana was specifically given though, it's a match of the one he had back in the day before he and Tubbo swapped bandanas some time in the L'manburg independence war
Cryptid wears the sweater often(despite it being too big for them) and they barely take off the bandana, it's comfy what can they say?
This... pisses of Dream quite a bit
He wouldn't like seeing them in any of his enemies clothes, but he especially hates that they're Tommy's
And for Cryptid, Cryptid thinks sides are bullshit in general, everyone's just people why do they have to pick a side when both are right and both are wrong at the same time? They'll just be friends with whoever they damn well like thank you very much
Dream absolutely does not think that way, and to him, them being friends with Tommy means they're abandoning him in the process
And it's Tommy, Tommy of all people, he made this server hell and then he just gets to steal his friends and leave him to rot alone? And be hailed as a "hero"? It's all bullshit to him, and he is absolutely not letting him "take" his sibling, no fucking way, they're good, they want what he wants, a world of peace, Tommy doesn't just get to take them and fuck everything up all over again, to make them just as chaotic as himself
If you cannot tell, Dream's mindset is very very unhealthy, and Cryptid's own agency is not a thing that pops up in there a whole lot at this point in story
He does basically everything he can to isolate them from people that are not him and his allies, he also does a similar thing with Wren, but that's more a matter of making sure that Wren will not meet anyone on the smp in a at all friendly way unless he wants her to be friends with them
Wren's harder to control though, Dream knows that he can guilt trip gaslight girlboss Cryptid into doing or not doing things if he tries hard enough, but Wren actually has enough of a backbone to call him out if he tried anything like that on her
So he tries to manipulate the situation more than her directly
I think that's all the rambling that I have for now, I was absolutely not kidding when I said I was going to make him a gigantic bastard, he has a lot of issues, a lot of issues
Also in this comic is what I was talking about when I said he moves Cryptid manually a lot, he tilts their head to him, pulls them onto their tips toes, pulls them against him, over all he's just very... Touchy.. in a very platonic way(obviously), but touchy none the less, it's often on the gentler side, but sometimes it's definitely closer to manhandling
Anyway now I'm actually done, I have so many thoughts about all my blorbos though, it's very hard to shut up :p
(Dreaming of death is an au of the fic Penpal by @calamari-minecraft-corner)
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 4 months
hello! 🐎 anon here. I'm not Dutch lol but close enough, I'm German. The average person isn't quite as tall as over there but literally no one looks at you twice for your height unless you're like 1.90+ meters. anyway what I came here to rant about was that I keep seeing ts releasing new variants of her album, with one extra song or fucking voice memos or whatever it is she's doing. And oh my god how does she not feel embarrassed for ripping off her fans like that. I'm loosely into kpop and even they have more shame when it comes to albums. At least with the group I mainly follow there's usually three versions of the album (lately a digital version and US/UK/Europe exclusive albums too, which is just greedy bullshit imo). for each version there's a different photobook with idk maybe 40-70 pages?, there's stickers, sometimes random other shit and of course the collectible photocards of the group members. And then they all get released the same day and you know its a cash grab lol but at least you get something for your money (25ish euros per album, 3-5 when you buy them second hand later without the photocards. yes thats crazy) and you know there won't be any random other versions appearing after the album dropped. so I just feel like paying money for music and pretty pictures and stickers even though then you own the cd multiple times is of course still a waste of resources, but at least you get something that isn't just EXACTLY the same thing + 1 new song. at this point I'd just like to say fuck capitalism.
i sooooo agree abt the kpop album releases bc kpop groups releasing multiple versions of the same album makes more sense to me because its usually in diff languages (japanese, chinese) to appeal to a wiser audience (and their new us/uk/etc is probably inspired by taylor’s greedy ass). and sooo true kpop albums come with so much content it (almost) justifies the price (it used to before inflation exploded in USD)
taylor is fucking crazy. i think its hard for vultures to be ashamed! that woman is the epitome of why girlboss capitalism is never going to free us. where’s the NFT anon because if taylor could sell her albums as NFT’s she WOULD
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wanderers-archive · 1 year
@thelost-in-time orders: Can I get a fluffy Xiao with a s/o reader who gets anxious easily and talks super quickly when they're nervous?
And they're only more comfortable around him compared to strangers?
summary of the order: Donut(fluff) water(gn reader) honey(oneshot)
[note]: none
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3rd person POV
as you were walking up the stairs towards katheryn to accept more commissions ''Ad Astra Abyssosque, welcome to the adventurers guild [name], here to accept more commission i assume?'' katheryn asked. you nodded quite excitedly, before katheryn turned around to get the list of commission you asked a question ''h-hey katheryn w-would you m-mind giving m-me more co-commission with int-interacting with more pe-people?'' you stuttered out, katheryn nodded and handed you your commission for the day ''well, here they are [name] goodluck and Ad Astra  Abyssosque'' she said before waving goodbye
[name] POV
as i looked at the first commissions in the list, it said 'help organize the wine at dawn winery' i suddenly regretted what i said to katheryn, master diluc was scary, everytime you helped employee's organize the barrel's he looked at you with a face that looked like he hated your whole existence so it's always scary when i go to dawn winery unless i go with someone im comfortable with like xiao and the traveller but since xiao was busy killing demons and lumine(imma make the traveller lumine cause #girlboss) being in inazuma i had to go to the winery alone...what am i going to do, i guess i can do it alone
~when you arrive at dawn winery~
3rd POV
welp here you are standing in front of the mansion, as you were walking to the front door,when suddenly someone touched my shoulder so you quickly turned around and you felt your soul leave your body, it was master diluc looking at you like a parasite ''well what are you doing here?'' diluc asked you while you were having a small panic attack on what to do when you suddenly blurted out
''i-im h-here to help y-you organize t-the wine''
diluc POV
hmm these grapes aren't ripe enough yet to be made into juice , why are these taking more longer then the other ones, huh it's that girl from liyue again what's she doing here again? ''well what are you doing here?" as they panicked to say an answer, ''i-im h-here to help y-you organize t-the wine''they stuttered out an answer ''oh well i'll lead you to the wine cellar'' i said beckoning for them to follow.
~after you finish organizing the wine cellar~
no ones pov
as you walked back to wangshu inn you looked back on what the commissions were today, first was *help organize the wine cellar at dawn winery* which wasn't all that bad as you soon realized that diluc did not hate your existence but juet looked at you with curiosity since you were always trembling . The second commission was * help flora gather flowers* not to hard as you interact quite better with children, the third commission was easy as well you just had to cook mondstat food-.
Before you could finish your inner monologue someone bumped into you, you looked up and saw 3 guys looking at you "oh? And whats a cutie like you doing walking around by yourself?" The first guy said but loud enough so you could hear it "i-im g-going to wangshu inn" you responded with a whisper " well why don't we come with you" the 3 men look at each other with mischievous smirks and roughly grabbed your wrist" um n-no need my b-boyfriend will be w-with me" you whimpered as the first men held your wrist roughly, you suddenly remember what xiao said 'if death comes knocking at your door, call my name, adeptus xiao' you needed help "x-xiao" you whimpered as the men who grabbed your hand suddenly tightened it when he heard his name "huh? What did y-"
"Let go of them"
The man was frightened when he felt something sharp on his neck, you slightly opened your eyes as ypu no longer felt a grip on your wrist. "Go. Unless you want things to get ugly." Xiao ordered, The other two men ran away.
"...are you alright?" Xiao questioned as he was you lightly rubbing your wrist "i'm okay, the only grabbed my wrist, other then that i'm okay'' you answered "let's go back, it's dangerous out here at night" he proposed "but.. my commis-" you were cut off when you both teleported back to your room at wangshu inn "just finish your commission tomorrow....I'll help you with it" xiao insisted, he had his back turned to you but you could slightly see a faint hue of red on his cheeks "really? I'm glad your coming with me xiao" you agreed on his idea "...you should rest now, it's almost midnight, mortals should sleep by now" xiao turned to you but had his head slightly turned
You slowly laid down on your mattress. You feel as your as getting more and more heavy. "Xiao, will you stay here for a beit longer?" You whispered, you didn't hear his response as you fell asleep.
"You don't have to ask me to stay with you, ill stay and protect you as long as you live." He held your hand to his cheek as he stays with you until you wake up.
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Thank you note: I FINALLY FINISHED THIS AFTER A YEAR IN MY DRAFTS😭😭 THANK THE ARCHONS I HAD THE MOTIVATION TO FINISH THIS. Anyways ill probably be doing my other drafts, also this took to long because i lost my note book with the whole story written out (my skz photo cards😭😭😭) hope you enjoyed stay tuned for more updates😘
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buried-stars · 6 months
👀👀 rubbing my gay little hands together... 001 + bstars, 002 + shinjiham, 003 + franziska :3 ily
oh god oh fuck (under cut for length lol)
Favourite character: i love basically everyone but juyoung min i can never forget you
5 Favourite ships (canon or non-canon): gyu-hyuk/do-yoon, inha/juyoung. that's it. unless you want to see me be really insane.
Character I find most attractive: juyoung
Character I would marry: ...see above
Character I would be best friends with: either inha or do-yoon
A random thought: hyesung definitely would wear heelies
An unpopular opinion: rash verdict is not a happy ending <3
My canon OTP: dont make me choose. gyuyoon & minnow are both basically canon
Non-canon OTP: seil/tae-yeon
Most badass character: inha and juyoung <3 they can girlboss without risking getting too close to the sun
Pairing I am not a fan of: any m/f pair or seil/hyesung
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): actually i don't think any of the characters apply here. like seungyeon sucks but she's supposed to
Favourite friendship: gyu & juyoung or do-yoon & inha. bestie squad
when or if I started shipping it: honestly it wasn't until i played p3p about a year ago where i decided to romance shinji on a whim and it changed my brain chemistry
my thoughts: when you're both doomed by the narrative but you're also desperate for human connection... choosing to love someone you know is on borrowed time... fighting for the sake of someone you may never see again... augh. augh. my heart.
What makes me happy about them: i like to think about them cooking together and minako sneaking scraps to koromaru when she thinks shinji's not looking
What makes me sad about them: what DOESN'T make me sad about them. how many ships do you get where they can BOTH die in the others arms.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: look i don't CARE that kotone is her canon name she'll always be minako arisato to me
Things I look for in fanfic: ....i'll read anything once! that's the life i live!
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: i'm not into any other shinji pairs but minako "patron saint of bisexuality" could easily go for aigis, yukari, akihiko, mitsuru, saori, rio...
My happily ever after for them: *smiles through my tears* very funny
How I feel about this character: ive adored her forever and i think she's really funny. her "little brother" is 7 years older than her. that's hysterical. when you're both traumatized but one of you hasn't figured that out yet
All the people I ship romantically with this character: it's literally just adrian
My non-romantic OTP for this character: i mean von karma siblings forever and ever they make me bawl. otherwise i like to think of her as being trucy's doting aunt and it confuses the hell out of phoenix bc he's never seen her be nice before
My unpopular opinion about this character: idk aside from being a frnmy hater i dont think there's anything i outright dislike about most interpretations of her...? i mean i think she doesnt go quite as hard on the fool/whip thing as an adult but idk
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I WISH THEY'D LET HER OUT OF THE BASEMENT I MISS HER SO BAD also she deserved more specific dev. she was robbed.
My OTP: fradrian FOREVER <3
My OT3: n/a
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princessmotif · 2 years
beneath the keep reading line is a cheat sheet for the kyoshi warriors and the freedom fighters (names given with the surname first where applicable), including canon members of both groups, that will be useful if you have a hard time keeping track of them
Kyoshi Warriors
Ikeda Suki (14-15)
Founding member of the Kyoshi Warriors
Trans girl
Mae Bongseon (14-15)
Founding member of the Kyoshi Warriors
Cis girl
Very serious but Chae-won and Suki can make her crack
Secretly kind; hides this behind resting bitch face
Often misses the joke
Blunt and direct
Willing to try if you are
Has a soft spot for Suki and Chae-won especially as well as the other Kyoshi Warriors
Middle child
Sun Chae-won (14-15)
Founding member of the Kyoshi Warriors
Cis girl
Bright and optimistic
Jokes around a lot
Loves to gossip
Gets frustrated easily despite her optimism
Swallows her harder to accept feelings often
Would do anything for Suki and Bongseon
Oldest daughter
Murakami Hana (14-15)
First member to join the Kyoshi Warriors after their revival
Cis girl
A bit of a gossip
Somewhat selfish but not ill-intentioned
A very normal teenage girl
A hard worker
Very affectionate and fond of the other Kyoshi Warriors, especially Yihwa
Sometimes gets on Suki and Bongseon’s nerves, but at the end of the day is on good terms with everyone
Youngest child
Ra Yihwa (12-13)
Newest and youngest member of the Kyoshi Warriors
Cis girl
Loves fashion and simple things like that, wishes she had more time to partake in those interests
Somewhat bitter about how fast she’s had to grow up due to the war
Endearing in how young she is
Middle child
Adachi Nabi (16-17)
Nonbinary girl
Shy but firm
A really good listener
Has good life advice
Doesn’t live in the moment enough
Strict with herself
Scolds the others a lot but does so out of love
Second oldest daughter
Eun Ha-yoon (17-18)
Cis girl
Easily embarrassed
Can be self-centered
Protective of the younger members
Butts heads with Yi-seul frequently but in the way where you know they’re close
Youngest daughter
Nijima Yi-seul (17-18)
Oldest member of the Kyoshi Warriors
Cis girl
Usually calm and rational, but Ha-yoon brings out her irrational side
Has a reputation for being “cool,” Ha-yoon wants to expose for not being cool
Seemingly wise, actually inexperienced emotionally in terms of things like romance
Really protective of the younger members
Oldest daughter
Ishikawa Kyuri (14-15)
Trans girl
A go-getter
Always trying to prove herself
Watches out for Yihwa a lot because she’s the second youngest member of the group
Bolder than she should be
Brash at times
Just wants to feel useful because she’s secretly very insecure
Only child
Hwangmok Ara (15-16)
Cis girl
Reserved but quite funny when you get to know her
Fiercely loyal
Not a big talker unless she’s cracking jokes
Lowkey judgmental
Best friends with Mi-yeon
Middle child
Choi Ye-rin (14-15)
Cis girl
Tries to act mature no matter what
Needs Xanax before Xanax exists
Stresses herself out easily
Is soothed by Yi-seul’s presence
Has OCD before OCD diagnoses exist
Very cool in a fight, though
Knows a lot of random trivia facts
Oldest daughter
Suzuki Mi-yeon (15-16)
Cis girl
Really smart
Loves animals a lot
Super traditionally feminine like in a girlboss way
Grows on people like mold
Would die for Suki actually
Super chatty
Highkey judgmental
Middle child
Freedom Fighters
Jet (15-16)
Founder of the Freedom Fighters
Cis boy
Smellerbee (12-13)
First recruit
Trans girl
Longshot (14-15)
Trans boy
Selectively mute
The Duke (8-9)
Cis boy
Pipsqueak (18-19)
Cis boy
Snips (13-14)
Firebender, earthbender mom and a firebender father (product of rape)
Cis girl
Snarky, sarcastic
Always gets the last word
Petty to her core
Deeply smart
Loves her friends but feels embarrassed admitting it
A pretty good bender
Earworms’ little sister
Mammoth (11-12)
Cis girl
Boisterous, lager than life personality
A good sense of humor
Hates cooking
Has a green thumb
Loves flowers and knows what they mean
Tigress (14-15)
Trans girl
Quiet but fierce when provoked
Sensitive to other people’s moods
Gets frustrated when people are illogical or irrational
Former rich girl
Knows a lot about the arts
Stink (12-13)
Cis boy
Princess’ twin. Contrary to his name, he doesn’t stink
Well-mannered, polite
Always looking out for others
Doesn’t like to get messy as a first resort, but will if you drive him to it
Good at espionage type stuff
Princess (12-13)
Cis girl
Stink’s twin. Ironically, she’s the one who often stinks
Grungy, rude
Loves violence
Slaps people around affectionately
Quickfire (15-16)
Firebender, nonbender mom and a firebender dad (dad was the product of rape)
Nonbinary boy
Quiet because he’s confused
Shoots first, asks questions later
Definitely a follower
A little stupid, but he’s got the spirit
Has a protective streak
A decent bender
Canines (13-14)
Cis boy
Finicky and a bit fussy
Fiercely loyal, almost to a fault
Shy at first but warms up to be quite bold
Not an idea man, but he has a lot of heart
Doesn’t like to get dirty
Fairly self-confident
Brainless (11-12)
Cis girl
Zones out a lot causing her to sound dumb at times, hence her nickname
In truth, she’s not dumb at all; she’s just easily distracted
Has a forceful personality
Incredibly loyal to her friends
Quick witted with insults and comebacks
Really hates eating her vegetables to Pipsqueak’s dismay
Quite childish because of her young age
A pretty good bender
Earworms (15-16)
Cis boy
His nickname is because he’s deaf
Has a good sense of humor
A weird guy
Loves all kinds of worms
Utilizes strategy over skill
A very okay bender
Snips’ older brother
Bugs (14-15)
Latest recruit
Cis girl
Exceptionally weird
Knows odd trivia and loves to share it with the group
Loves bugs
Definitely morbid
Gets graphic in her threats
Puts on a tough girl act often
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bisluthq · 9 months
I have been wondering a lot lately how many people in Taylor's life actually stand up to her and tell her I think you did a mistake, I think you could have done this better. For her sake I do hope she has them, because I cannot imagine how insufferable one person would be if everyone in her life acts like a fan and treats everything she does has the next big thing. Like how do you evolve as a person if you don't have anyone pushing you to do better?
I mean Andrea and Scott did that when she was younger and obviously still do on business decisions - whether she listens or not now idk but I think they do say when they disagree and she does hear them out - but Andrea’s blood sister is just shy of like us needing to ask where tf she was on January 6th lol and they’re all close af and Scott is a hectic fiscal Republican so I don’t know that anyone challenges her on sociopolitical issues. Joe prob did a bit (no, previous anon - you absolute fucking moron, I don’t think a private school upper middle class white boy from North London who spent 6.5 years flying around on private jets is the wokest white man ever or even in like the top 50% of them lol but I think as someone who was raised in a Labour voting family with political relatives, a feminist mother and an activism adjacent father, and having gone to liberal unis for liberal arts degrees, he is probably more “woke” than 99% of the people Taylor regularly talks to, which is a judgment on Taylor and her social circle not a compliment to Joe lol). Travis might also challenge her when he stops thinking the sun shines out her ass quite as hard as he does rn due to his honeymoon goggles on. I think let’s hope she keeps dating guys with decent politics and they can sorta encourage her to be a bit better lol because I do honestly think that unless you’re sticking her dick in her she doesn’t give a fuck what you think lol. She’s too girlboss for that.
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heliotism · 3 years
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requested by: @funkysaturn ! tysm for requesting!!
reader is gender-neutral!!
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the great hollyberry cookie has arrived!
and holy fucking shit is she infatuated with you!
honestly i think it'd be easier for hollyberry to fall in love w you if you lived in the hollyberry kingdom. for example, maybe you're a servant who works in the hollyberry palace!
you're so hard-working and kind-hearted! thanks to you, the castle is always bright and clean!
she has taken such a liking to you, that she decided to invite you to live in one of the room of the palace!! so you're always close to her <3
hollyberry thinks that you're just the most adorable cookie a witch could've ever baked.
to her, the glint of amazement that's always so bright in your eyes whenever she tells you another one of her legendary tales is simply the best thing in the world!
during each dinner, hollyberry and you literally spend more time discussing her many, many adventures and stories than anything else. most of the time, before you even know it, it's already midnight, everyone else is gone, and yet you're still talking with hollyberry.
in her mind, no matter your rarity, you're a cookie she simply must protect. you might even be a fellow ancient, but even then, she still sees you as a tiny little thing that can't defend itself.
so, in order to protect you, she either follows you around- or drag you with her, unless it's a dangerous mission. in this case, she'll probably leave you with her granddaughters, princess and tiger lily, or with another ancient.
she also doesn't let you go too far away from the hollyberry palace. going in the cranberry forest alone is strictly forbidden— it's too dangerous, what if you crumble and she's not here to help you?!
the only time you get to go there, is with hollyberry herself. and she's always protecting you with her shield, even when there's quite literally nothing that could possibly hurt you around.
hollyberry doesn't get jealous very often. i don't really know why,, but i don't see her as the "very jealous" type. since you spend most, if not all of your time in the hollyberry palace, either cleaning around or with her, most of the people you interact with are either her family, or friends. she trusts them not to hurt you or take you away from her.
kidnapping you?? why would hollyberry ever kidnap you?? you're already at home is in the hollyberry palace, with her! she has absolutely no reason to kidnap you!
even if, for example, you wanted to go and explore the rest of earth bread, hollyberry will manage to keep you here, simply by manipulating you.
“isn't the hollyberry palace enough for you?” “am i not enough for you?”
her words enter your brain, you're convinced, and while her words make you feel guilty as hell, hollyberry just gives you a huge grin while telling you that she just wants you to be safe.
hollyberry believes there's nothing harder than trust. she genuinely trusts you, so please, please don't break her trust..!
overall, i see hollyberry cookie as a more "harmless" yandere. she would never physically hurt you, nor would she hurt anyone else!! but she'd be guilt-trippy as hell, while also being threatening to anyone who'd try to woo you, that's for sure.
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weeee done!! i hope my hcs aren't too bad and you liked them!! i loved writing for the girlboss <333
want to request? click here before requesting please!
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eluxcastar · 3 years
Hi! I love you work. I was wondering if I could request a Ky Luc,Urd and Ferid headcannon/oneshot. Something angsty and fluff
General relationship headcanons.
FEATURES: ky luc, ferid bathory
CW: none (no more gaslight gatekeep girlboss)
WC: 900
NOTES: thank you (^o^) I actually started writing some headcanons like this for Urd already, so I’ll do his part in a separate post shortly (゚▽゚*) I hope that isn’t too troublesome (;´д`)ゞ
when it came to Ferid, my mind landed on a more playful person. Someone who, in response to his antics, plays his own games right back at him so I guess this kinda doubles as Ferid with a teasing s/o?
another Ferid request after this one. He, Ky and Urd seem popular on my blog, not that I’m complaining. I love the Progenitors.
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ky luc
Ky is somewhat hard to think of ideas for, I like to think his love language would be physical touch of some kind.
He can be clingy at times, in a constant state of touch starvation that drives him to find any possible excuse to have his hands on you. He wants you to do it back, of course. Something gentle, affectionate, anything loving and warm to the touch. It doesn’t matter where, it doesn’t matter when. He’d kiss you in public if it pleased him.
He’d probably like a s/o he can tease or banter back and fourth with always playfully. A certain type of coy way to say how much he loves you, as if to say that he feels comfortable enough to know that you can seem to playfully jab at each other without starting a fight over it.
Unless you do fight over it sometimes, then maybe you do have some making out up to do.
Ky would be fond of pet names, keeping a few of them to switch through every once and a while. Love, baby, angel, anything that comes to mind.
He’d prefer someone to match his energy, though if you don’t at first he’s happy to build you up to being a little more adventurous. Only if you’re willing, though. Pace doesn’t matter; take it slow or jump right in—he can work with either.
Ky is good at reading you and gets better the longer you’re together. He always seems to know how to cheer you up, hugs or forehead hisses, he'd probably sit you down in his lap and hold you in his arms until you feel better.
Unfortunately, being Urd’s second hand makes him busy a lot of the time, it’s why he prefers to have a s/o who matches his energy. If his s/o happens to be a Vampire (whether before the relationship or as a result of it), he can maybe work his way around to convincing Urd to let you come with him.
He likes it when he can give you some chance to have fun with him, it keeps him entertained by you. In an odd sort of way, competency is attractive to him. Like he can look at you and wonder to himself about how lucky he is to have a s/o so cool. It doesn’t have to be something violent either, any skill you have is something he would adore.
Though Ky is very fond of keeping you safe, though he doesn’t say it outright. He tends to keep how soft he can get over you to himself, he only let’s his guard down on it when he’s alone with you.
ferid bathory
You’d definitely have to be able to keep up with him, probably someone rather attuned to the type of games he’s fond of if not someone equally as much a trickster.
Unlike Ky he doesn’t mind if you’re a little slower to catch up, he doesn’t require someone to match his energy quite as much, just be able to keep up with his.
Ferid using your name is a rare sight, he’d probably only do it if he’s really mad, not even in an entertained sort of way. Otherwise, he’d call you his angel. You don’t have to like it. He does, that’s what matters.
In a way, he’d see you more an entertainment than his equal, but if you entertain him for long enough, who knows?
That is assuming that you don’t play his game right back at him for a taste of his own medicine, someone who keeps him on his feet like that could take his heart on a silver platter.
You’d probably annoy the hell out of everyone together—partners in crime, if you would. It’s your way of bonding together, like a date in your own wonderfully strange way. Why go somewhere nice when you could be making Crowley and Mika’s lives hell?
That's only if you’re not too busy trying to fool each other. It’s like one elaborate prank war that gets in everyone’s way constantly. They may hate it, but it sure keeps your relationship running smoothly and most importantly appears to keep Ferid out of their business.
Ehh, you know that’s never actually happening, the one time you can put your antics to rest is when you two get in everyone’s business. Nobody is safe.
The amount of times he’s had you caught snooping through Crowley’s things is concerning and it was probably all because of a dare. If you’re lucky you could maybe slip something interesting past him after making some whimsical excuse up because if you were waiting for Ferid to come bail you out, you can consider your stint there a sleepover.
He’s maybe more adept to holding you in his arms when you get sad over something, stroking your hair to cheer you up. He needs his little troublemaker back with him, especially when your mood clearly reflects back on him due to the fact it makes him realise how much he’s come to love your mutual love for causing chaos.
He definitely lets you pick out which bow to put in his hair each day, you can even tie his hair up for him if you want. It would only be a problem if he thinks you’re bad at it.
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stalksbyakuyatogami · 3 years
headcanon-request about female hajime and/or female izuru on how they'd be with their lover/ s/o :D thanks in advance!
Dating Headcanons for Female Hajime and Izuru
eeeeeeeeeee first time doing a genderbend uwu
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Hajime Hinata
•A female Hajime is still a tsundere Hajime. She would still be very kind to others though. Her personality would still be the same... well almost all of it anyway. But it's still Hajimeme.
•She'd be very sweet, but she won't realize that she's doing it. It's kind of a habit for her to do that to her S/O.
•Defends you when someone is causing harm to you. So people wouldn't expect her to step up first because of her feminine appearance. She's a total girlboss.
•Frequent dates when she has nothing to do.
•She secretly likes her hand being held while walking, but will speak nothing of it. She's too shy.
•When she's jealous, she won't show any obvious signs. Will not tell you unless you force her to. So one hint: she will puff her cheeks almost after every conversation with you.
•She doesn't know what gifts to give you, so she either picks something at random and hope you'll like it, or ask advice from people who have absolutely no idea about this subject.
•Calls you pet names. But only in private because she's too shy. Don't get her wrong though, she's still proud to have you as a S/O.
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Izuru Kamukura
•Izuru is still Izuru, but softer. Because she has an S/O now! Other people would notice the change in her personality since you two dated. No one would mention it to her though. They'd just get dismissed for that matter.
•Very defensive girlfriend. Overprotective. She speaks for you before you could speak to the person talking to you.
•She might appear very apathetic, but she actually cares about you a lot. You see the emotionless but soft face of her when she worries about you. She'd try her best to make you worries go away. Pro tip: convince her to cuddle.
•You think Izuru would be less romantic, but she's actually quite romantic. And just like Hajime, she's not aware that what she's doing is romance. She might try hard on being sweet sometimes and it all just ends up as a fail. She's better off not trying.
•Not a frequent kisser, but is really good at it. Izuru Kamukura, the ultimate kisser.
•She's sure to marry someone once they dated her. She just picks what's finest in her eyes, after all. So she wouldn't think twice of marrying them.
•Likes cuddles very much. So sometimes, she'd just pull you into her arms and impromptu cuddle. Talks about random things and tells you how much she appreciates you being there for her.
•Sadly doesn't call you any nicknames, but do know that she treasures you very much.
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This was fun to do! Thank you for requesting!
-Mod Toko [Angie Shift] ♡
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generic-hufflepuff1 · 4 years
The Fun Part (Tma Analysis)
Heyo! Here's the part two to This, using the data from Here.  
Now in part one I give some of my rationalisation as to why certain Entities show up in statements less often than others.  
In this one I’ll just be pointing out some interesting things in what the numbers say and/or some rationalization for weird numbers or sometimes just making up a in universe reason for some of Jonny’s writing quirks (Like how if you look at the numbers Jonny just finds ideas for Hunt episodes harder to think of) 
Im gonna be breaking this down into seasons 
Season 1
In Season 1 the most frequent entities are The Corruption and The Stranger (8 episodes each).  
Both of these make sense.  The main antagonist of Season 1 is Jane Prentis and having looked at all the Stranger episodes* it is quite clear that it is Jonny setting up for future arcs and plotlines.  But that's the boring reason. The fun reason is that The Corruption is ready to perform its ritual and The Stranger is busy setting up for their own ritual and as a result there are plenty of statements within easy reach of Jonathan Sims for these two entities in particular, with two to four times the number of statements of the other entities.  
Other notable entities are The Spiral and The Flesh.  
Mostly just because they each get a couple more entities than is the usual as ten of the fifteen entities have between two to four episodes.  The Spiral gets a bit of a boost from Micheal popping up every now and then and that works for me.  The Flesh is a bit weirder I can't really think of a writing reason for it all I can say is that they tend to be quite striking and it's quite clear Jonny had a lot of fun with them and honestly that's fair.  But again, boring.  One reason could be that as mentioned in the other post there is a bit of a requirement for a statement giver notably they need to be desperate enough and you know still alive to go to the Archives, and these statements** are quite obvious as The Flesh has no patience for subtlety, but still enjoys the act of delaying the suffering.  
And the final segment “What's the Eye Doing?”
The reason i'm including this is because Ive noticed that the Eye is strange in that it is the most popular entity over all of the show but is not the most frequent in most of the seasons.  So Im just gonna keep an eye on it.  
The Eye shows up in three episodes: 12 First Aid, 23 Schwartzwald and 40 Human Remains,  and of these only really the Mag 23 is the only real statement about it I just find this interesting no real notes about it though.  
*1 Angler Fish, 2 Do Not Open, 3 Across The Street, 24 Strange Music, 28 Skin Tight, 34 Anatomy Class, 39 Infestation, 40 Human Remains
** 5 Thrown away, 14 Piecemeal,  17 The Boneturner's Tale, 18 The Man Upstairs, 20 Desecrated host, 30 Killing Floor
Season 2
Now sure this season has three entities (The Stranger, The Buried and The Spiral) that have more episodes than the others and I will talk about them but what stands out more than anything else is just how spread out it is. I mean with the exception of those three and the Extinction the rest have between two to four with half of them having four and Hell even The Extincion gets one.  This is by far the most fair the spread ever gets.  Here’s the spread:
6: Stranger, Buried, Spiral
4: Desolation, Dark, End, Web, Eye
3: Vast, Flesh, Corruption
2: Hunt, Slaughter, Lonely
1: Extinction
So Why the Stranger, Buried and Spiral
Again the Stranger is being set up for season three and are working on their ritual, not to mention the presence of NotSasha gives a sizable boost.  The Spiral is a bit stranger but at this point Micheal is still running around and this gives it the needed boost.  The Buried is the only one that is not immediately obvious, after looking through the episodes* it still baffles me, as far as I can tell it's due to the focus on the Tunnels.  It could be that Jonathan in an attempt to understand the Tunnels tried to find similar statements and as a result the trend developed.  
The Extinction?
So season 2 has the first mention of number 15, well maybe it does.  See the thing with most of the Extinction’s manifestations is that it could maybe be something else entirely.  The Extinction episode of the season is 65 Binary and might be the Spiral instead but the focus on a new type of life and technology means that it is very difficult to say really.  
What's the Eye Doing?
The Eye falls right into the average place in the hierarchy for the season with four episodes.  Those being: 53 Crusader, 60 Observer Effect, 62 First Edition and 79 Hide and Seek.  These seem to work to expand what exactly the Eye is.  As I said, season 1 kind of lacks this and here Mag 53, 62 and 79 bring up the weirdness of the archivist, whereas Mag 60 explores how the Eye can manifest.  But the Eye isn't special every single entity gets fleshed out in season 2.
*41 Too Deep, 50 Foundations, 51 High Definition, 61 Hard Shoulder, 66 Held in Customs, 71 Underground
Season 3
This is the run away season.  This one is similar to the previous one but it does skew quite wildly at its end to favour the Stranger, for entirely understandable reasons.  But ultimately is still quite fair with only The Eye and The Extinction fall outside the three to five range.  
So the Stranger 
The Stranger has ten episodes this season and why is quite obvious as the climax of the season revolves around the Stranger.  Not much to say here.  
Again the Extinction
Now my notes had 114 Cracked Foundation as one of the Extinction episodes but for some reason I can no longer find any mention of it on the Wiki so I have no Idea what happened here.  My guess is that in the wake of Mag 196 and 197 this particular entry got a lot of attention and the link with the Extinction removed. 
What's the Eye doing?
This is the first season in which the Eye starts to take up the main spotlight with seven episodes. However looking through the statements* and it does not really appear in the statements but rather in the pre and post statement drama, as Jonathan and Elias use their abilities.  So as a result the Eye ends up feeling very different compared to the other entities and we don't see the ‘Horror’ of it for a lot of the podcast.  
* 82 The Eyewitnesses,  92 Nothing Beside Remains,  105 Total War,  106 A Matter Of Perspective,  117 Testament,  118 The Masquerade, 119 Stranger and Stranger
Season 4
So season four is very, very weird in that the Extinction is the most frequent entity (tied with the Eye).  It does make sense as Jonny needs to catch the audience up on what exactly it is as it does not have the breath of work that the other entities have, so as a result Lucas spends his Time telling Martin about it. 
Other notable Entities
The Lonely is also quite popular this season with five episodes but that also makes sense due to not only the presence of Lucas but also Martin’s fall into the Lonely.  Other than that The Hunt only has one statement* that has to do with it’s ritual.  The combination of this and the Extinction’s frequency in this season and the hunts underperformance in other seasons (4 in season 1, 2 from season 2, 3 from season 3 and 1 in this season) means that it has just slightly one more episode than the Extinction.   I do cover my rationalisation for this in the other post (Here)
What’s the Eye Doing?
Leading the pack that's what.  This season also has what other seasons lack statements that the Eye features in.  Now this is probably Jonny finally having the chance to explore the concept properly as it is a bit harder to really understand, but in world it could be due to a combination of Elias trying to keep Jonathan blind and Jonathan trying to explore his new identity as a ful blown avatar and going about it like a baby gay, consuming all media surrounding the topic.  
*133 Dead Horse
Season 5
I debated not including this section but hell I'll just add on any updates if it's necessary.  
So in this one to (to no one's surprise) the Eye is the golden child in this season after a brief jaunt into a domain for each fear the focus becomes almost entirely Eye focused, and if you want to be technical you can just add the Eye to every single episode but I did not.  
The runner up
The Web is definitely making up good numbers especially with how the finally is turning out. 
Other notables
The Lonely, Buried and Spiral all get a little above average.  Why? Well Martin has to deal with some baggage from Season 4 and Gaslight Girlboss is still running around but the Buried is a bit weird.  Again I think jonny just finds it easy to write claustrophobic horror, but again thats boring.  So lets have a look* and when I did I noticed that all three of these (and the Eye and Web) all are in 167 Curiosity so that adds a bit to the count.  But other than that its clear that it’s easy to add the Buried on top of another entity so its clear that the Eye simply likes how the Buried spices up the other flavours of fear.  And then finally the Extinction and Slaughter only get one each (163 In The Trenches and 175 Epoch) and they are the compulsory exploration episodes and unless the finale really is a complete curveball this probably won't change.  
What’s the Eye Doing? 
Having the time of its god damn life.  
*166 The Worms, 167 Curiosity, 184 Like Ants, 185 Locked In, 195 Adrift
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annorahs · 3 years
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(  belle.  20.  mst.  she/her.  ) welcome  aboard, annorah  carlisle, student #30.  we  are  excited  to  set  sail  with  you !   has  anyone  told  you  that  you  look  like  josefine  frida  pettersen ? according  to  our  records,  you  hail  from queensland,  australia,  prefer preferred  she/her,  are female,  and  are  here  to  study journalism  and  communications.  we  also  see  you  received  a  spot  on  the  ss  university  because  of  your money —  we  won’t  tell  anyone.  during  your  first  few  weeks  here,  other  students  said  you  were  + dedicated,  + bubbly,  but  also  - condescending.  it  sounds  like  you  spend  most  of  your  time  at  the sun  deck  upon  checking  your  luggage,  we  noticed  you  packed a  tattered,  old  sting  ray  plush.  hopefully  your  roommates  don’t  steal  it!
hi friends! i’m belle and i am so so excited to have annorah here! i have been wanting to actually develop her so much and tbh when i saw this group was inspired by old tumblr rps, i knew this was gonna slap! i am so excited to be here, even if this being like a day later than when i was accepted suggests otherwise! i have just been doing nothing but packing! anyways here’s a very messy intro 
tw: suicide
she comes from a family of dancers, her mom owned a pretty prestigious dance studio where annorah and her sisters danced their whole lives
around the time annorah was 13 she “retired” from dance and became an assistant at the studio bc let’s be real here annorah was a competition dancer and having the pressure from her mom and sisters was just too much for her at the time 
especially bc she was the youngest so like she had a Lot of pressure and a lot to live up to and honestly she enjoyed helping others become the best dancer they could be more 
aside from the dance drama her family was always pretty happy and they were definitely well off, they lived in a penthouse in gold coast and annorah could see the ocean from every window in her room
she actually grew up thinking she would become a marine biologist because she was constantly in the water and yanno sea world as awful as they are was in her town
and her oldest sister was a marine biologist and annorah was like i want to be just like you and then she got older and was actually i want the exact Opposite of you
when she was 17, annorahs dad committed suicide and that shook up the family quite a lot and that was when she realized she could not stay in australia forever and she got really into wanting to travel the world
she convinced her family that she was old enough to leave the country and she finished out her high school career in a small town in oregon and then she basically went buckwild while she was in the states and just kinda traveled all over and went to every state
she had a really hard time trying to decide what she wanted to major in and she was so obsessed with traveling that she thought being a journalist would be her best bet
so she decided she would be the best dang travel journalist out there and once annorah sets her sights on something, she does not stop
and honestly? she has and probably will continue to do Whatever it takes to get to the top even if she makes some not so nice decisions in the journey there
but its not coming from a place of rudeness and hatred, annorah is very loving and wants to see everyone she knows succeed and have the best lives possible just as long as it doesnt interfere with her being at the top 
she looks at it like she’s the main character of her own life and she’s not gonna let a side character ruin her dreams
so her life motto is basically help everyone you can unless theyre in your way then make sure they’re gone
so she definitely has a handful of burnt bridges because of that and probably a fair amount of people who hate her as like an one sided thing
because as much as she cares about herself and is very self-centered, she does not hold grudges or hate anyone because theres no point in it for her, especially if she's already knocked them out of her way
honestly she’s just a gatekeeping girlboss and i cannot shame her for it
yall can message me on here to plot or my d/scord is duncan from tdi simp#8888 !! ok thats it im so excited to write with all of you <333
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adlunametadastra · 5 years
Cutting Ties, Shedding Old Skins...Rebirth.
So, I had a website on Wix that I made about two years ago, that I swore I was gonna use to document my move to and exploration of Edinburgh and Scotland upon my arrival. It was...devoid of content, but of a beautiful and unique design. I held onto that website, and even the name of it, for a whole two years without ever uploading an ounce of content aside from a video of Jason Momoa doing a Polynesian version of the Haka to commemorate and celebrate the release of Aquaman in theatres worldwide. 
I have spent the past few days lamenting about finally having my second college degree and what it means to me and my current life trajectory. I’m halfway torn between just getting a part time easy summer job scooping ice cream at my local spot versus really doing something big this summer, entrepreneurial wise. The reason being, that I have no drive whatsoever to be a #GirlBoss. I do not want to own my own business, but I would love to custom create on a freelancing basis. As well, I have been going through my things to determine what to donate (books, clothes, stuffies) and what to sell on apps like LetGo, OfferUp, and the elusive Craigslist (I’ve honestly had success with Craigslist every time that I’ve used it.). 
I have been struggling with facing the reality that I am currently at a crossroads in my life, one that I do not know how to navigate, despite fighting and working and sacrificing in order to get to this very precipice. I fully realize that a snake has to rub itself up against some really hard and gritty surfaces such as jagged rocks and such in order to shed its old skin. In order to reveal the new, one has to go through a period of friction, which can and oftentimes will be quite painful, uncomfortable, and hard to endure. But the entire process is necessary, because the snake literally cannot grow unless it sheds its old skin. 
So...here I am. Shedding my old skin. Releasing my shackles. Leaving it all behind (I will miss my fur babies but I have a plan FOR THEM AND THEM ALONE) to continue on my path to Scotland...and from there, who knows? Bali, maybe. Or Singapore. Or Hong Kong. Or maybe even Palmyra or the Jordanian Desert towards Ancient Petra. 
I’ll let you all know as soon as I get there, but for now....
This is me. Shedding my skin.
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