#unless anon does something
tiodolma · 1 year
Oh, this is fun! What if they end up in the Starz universe next? BBC Merlin wakes up as Lord Henry after having yet another nightmare of dying and BBC Morgana wakes up as Anna, a servant at the newly established Camelot.
Lord Henry comes in the company of his friend Lady Morgan, while Anna just serves people. Neither remember who they are until their eyes meet and Merlin and Morgana remember and both are cursing, because, dammit, seriously!?
It doesn't help that both notice that their counterparts are idiots.
hooo boy... these scenarios fkjafakj
im guessing Henry/Merlin is pretty much some kind of Lord
Anna/Morgana would be one of the women who took refuge in Camelot
sorry im too busy picturing colin morgan with long hair/scruff and luxurious cloak.while katie mcgrath wears simple medieval garments.
so basically lord henry is trying to look for his quarters before arthur's feast commence. when he finds his room (which is small) he bumps into the girl who was assigned by guinever. They both scream in pain and fall down. When they wake up they remember.
Henry: You!
Anna: You!
Henry: ...I know you
Anna: No
Henry: Morgana!
Anna: This can't be
Henry: It's you isn't it? Morgana? You..you look the same
Anna: What is happening to us, Merlin!?
Henry: You remember me!
Anna: You died! you died on me! and Arthur!
Henry: I didn't want to.
Anna: Wait... there is a Merlin in this world as as well.
Henry: I am Lady Morgan Pendragon's..friend and you live here...with King Arthur..
Anna: Oh no.
Henry: Oh no.
The items in the room shake, both their eyes grow gold and they hold onto each other.
Anna: You have to make it stop!!
Henry: I don't know how!
Out of fear he embraces Anna tightly and the magic seems to calm down. The objects stop moving. Guinervere bursts into the room in alarm and sees them in an embrace. They pull apart quickly
Guinever: Oh you two know each other?
Henry: Lady Gwen-Guinever, she was uh. helping me rest.
Anna: I-I'll take my leave (rushes out of the room)
Starz Merlin senses a disturbance in the force.
Starz Merlin: Something is not right.
Henry hurries to the feast and gets teased for being a little late.
Lady Morgan: Ah Lord Henry here has taken a fancy to one of your ladies, dear brother!
King Arthur: I am glad you found pleasurable company here in my humble castle Milord.
Lord Henry: (chuckles nervously) ...she-she's a bright young thing um..sire. It is of no consequence.
Lady Morgan: Oh you must make sure Lord Henry is well attended to, Lady Guinevere.
Guinevere: (baffled) ...i-indeed
Merlin: (stares suspiciously)
Anna: (in mindspeak) what the hell are you doing! I now look like your whore!
Henry: (chokes on his wine and glances around the room) Morgana!? Are you listening in?! AND I CAN HEAR YOU IN MY HEAD! This is great!
Anna: I honestly thought wouldn't work
Henry: This makes things easier for us i suppose
Leontes: Milord perhaps you are searching for a certain dame tonight?
(everyone on the table laugh)
Henry: I was just marvelling at the.. wonderful interior.
Lady Morgan: (raises eyebrow) I am intrigued, Lord Henry. This is the first time I've seen you so besotted. Dear Guinevere, I suppose you can bring this wonderful servant girl in?
Guinevere: She isn't really a serving girl my lady. Anna a daughter of a minor noble that have sought refuge here after the raids. She helps me sometimes
Lady Morgan: Well then, get her inside. You don't mind Arthur, right?
King Arthur: meh, it's all good fun
Anna is brought inside and made to sit beside Henry. They're both very nervous. Merlin can sense power from both of them but he couldnt understand. He keeps glaring bloody murder at the two.
Merlin: What are you and what do you want? What did you do to Henry?!
Henry: N-nothing! I am Henry! You know me, Merlin! My father has been loyal to Uther for a long time! You knew me as a childe!
Merlin: (holds Henry's wrist and sees him kill the serving girl in one scene and embrace a dying blonde haired king in the same world. The scene changes and he sees Henry dying in the arms of the serving girl in another... A young blonde king lies on the corner, breathing) You.. what are you...
Henry: I...
Anna: MERLIN! (both men turn to her as she pushes starz merlin out the way and puts herself in front of henry) STAY AWAY FROM HIM!
Merlin: (crazed look in his eye. he tilts his head) You called him... Merlin...
Anna: No.. I.. I...
Merlin: You died... He killed you with a sword... Excalibur..
Anna and Henry both pale
Merlin: And then he died...protecting you... a queen...
Merlin: You are... a...
Merlin: ...Morgan
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sibylsleaves · 3 months
wait are people really saying buck *wouldn’t* do keto? this is the same guy who was obsessively measuring his body fat percentage in the first two seasons, who clearly works out a lot (and you don’t look like that eating ‘poorly’ without monitoring you diet). I know he likes cooking and seems to favour pasta dishes, but come on, buck would absolutely try different diet/workout plans. I’m not saying that’s necessarily a good thing, and maybe I’m just projecting here, but buck having body image issues and trying out fad diets feels very in character to me
lol i think it just kinda goes with the general fandom tendency to make characters perfectly adhere to their own worldview. like WE know keto is for dumb fitness influencers, therefore Buck would NEVER do it.
but in fact buck is the EXACT type of person who would be susceptible to the dumb fitness influencers 😔 and we must accept this about him & love him anyway 😔😔😔
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north-winds1 · 2 months
You've chosen to fight the wild rivulet!
40 damage dealt
(1) turn remaining, 60 hp remaining
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3 (you are here),
The final turn,
This is how I'm calculating the damage/catch rate
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Rivulet has 60hp (currently) and rolling the dice will = the number x ten which is then dealt in damage. Example : 4 is rolled = 40 hp taken
The catch rate goes up in 5 percent every 10hp it is lowered
Current catch rate = 25%
(Don't worry if rivulet doesn't get caught something else will happen)
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Disassociation culture is your “friends” getting mad at you for breaking promises you never agreed to but what if you did? I can’t remember.
And also not remembering doing the stuff they’re saying you did, but how can you argue when you can’t remember or be present.
it’s fine a couple of my friends just kinda suck
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
A former slave came, to accuse a certain noble of the Zhak. The noble had taken her maidenhood, used her for his pleasure, and gotten her with child. Her new husband wanted the noble gelded for the crime of rape, and he wanted a purse of gold as well, to pay him for raising the noble’s bastard as his own. Dany granted him the gold, but not the gelding. “When he lay with her, your wife was his property, to do with as he would. By law, there was no rape.” Her decision did not please him, she could see, but if she gelded every man who ever forced a bedslave, she would soon rule a city of eunuchs. — ADWD, Daenerys I
A feminist icon, right ?
Daenerys never treats slavery as an evil in and of itself, as an affront to human dignity. It’s a legal technicality. It’s why she acted the way she did in the Lhazareen village, it’s why she doesn’t understand how she needs to treat her “handmaidens” differently if she wants them to understand they are no slaves, it’s why she can almost pettily declare Meereenese can sell themselves back into slavery if they want so long as she gets a profit. She doesn’t understand the fundamentals of why it is bad. The same way she doesn’t understand the concept of rape. That’s why her quest is so empty and doomed to fail. She doesn’t understand it and she doesn’t care to try.
I'm not even gonna bother putting energy into answering this cause it's obvious to me that you and reading comprehension have a strained relationship. You're just not smart and there's nothing I can do to change that. All I'll say is that you could only come up with interpretations like this by removing all context from Dany's arc and cherry-picking quotes. Luckily, the rest of us aren't reading the books with our eyes closed.
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tubbytarchia · 7 months
You deserve better than whatever the fuck is going on on Twitter
GSGFSH hi oh no my tumblr is being invaded by Twitter thoughts again haha. I appreciate that you think so!! Twitter is hell and the fault is no one's but mine for not always being able to stop myself from arguing with scary kids and teenagers... I'd really leave it be, I would, it just hurts so much to see some teenager get dogpiled for exaggerated claims like literal crime that proper proof is miticolously missing for and bullied off the platform. I'm glad if you can agree with that. I set myself up to being witchhunted by those same masses for disagreeing with them but that's alright, I knew that'd be the consequence, thank you again though kind anon ❤️
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not-poignant · 7 months
hihi pia! youve said before that you like to leave a lot of the visuals up to the readers imagination with what you write, but i thought to ask can you explain maybe the layour of garys cottage? 😭😭 im so bad with stuff like orientation and space, and i struggle so much sometimes when i read and think ok, now where is that door they came from and where is that chair next to the table and that window. rereading the teacup incident & i just really cant make it work. its fine if not. ily!
Anon, very unfortunately, I am not an architect, and I just spent 30 minutes trying to draw this out which has highlighted to me that I know what the layout is but my job is actually writing and not...drawing the layouts of homes. (If only)
You can always just look up cosy cottages and then use that, anon!
The job of a reader (imho) isn't to imagine things exactly as they are, but go from the details they've been given and often relate that back to what they already know. Sometimes that might mean looking something up if it's genuinely something you've never seen before (karri trees), or relating them back to a tall tree you're familiar with (sequoias). In fact no reader imagines the same thing when they're reading. I could spend 1000 words describing a red cabinet and people will imagine 1000 slightly different variations anyway. Everyone has a different idea of 'red' and a different idea of 'wood' and a different idea of 'cabinet' and even if I lock down into the nitty gritty, if we're not living in the same country, our power sockets look different, our heating and cooling systems (and accommodations for them) are different, the fabrics we use are different (unless we all go to IKEA), the smells of the home are all slightly different.
I think even if I did draw it out successfully in two hours (which is not time I really have spare at the moment :/ I wish I did because I think it could be fun except that I don't want to download architecture software to make an actual blueprint of an entire cottage that's in scale but also shows exactly where the furniture will go which includes interior design as well x.x - and I do know exactly how it's laid out mentally, so I know I could make it work. (And I still might, maybe, but probably not while I have a 15 week old puppy I'm sorry anon D: ) But yeah doing it on paper has proven to me that actually writing out the location of like 50 different things means the blueprint becomes too small and messy to still tell what's going on. I wrote 'table and chairs' over the table and chairs and now you can no longer see the table and chairs in my sketch which is not useful!
There's a difference between the layout of a house and the layout of the objects and furniture in a house. I may have worked for an architecture firm, but I am not a house designer. *cries*
But! All you really need to know is that Gary can't see the kitchen cabinets from where he sits on the couch. Which means if someone crouches down and opens the cabinets, he can't see them either. There are a lot of houses that have layouts like this, especially houses that have a counter not just up against the wall, but in the middle of the kitchen.
For example in this image, if a couch was in front of the kitchen counter that's free-standing, and a person was sitting on the couch and looked at the free-standing kitchen counter, they would not be able to see the kitchen cabinets from the free standing kitchen counter, or what's in them. They can only see the counter. If the lounge was lower than the kitchen, they'd see even less.
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In this image, if the couch was where the stairs are, you'd not be able to see what Efnisien was doing in the kitchen at all until he stoop and held up the teacup. If he kept the teacup low in his hands, you'd not be able to see it at all.
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Because Gary's cottage is small, but open plan, the lounge has a view to the kitchen, but not directly into the kitchen.
There's lots of houses that feature this kind of architecture, so if you really want to go down that rabbit hole, you can just search different kitchens in cottages until you see one where if you sit on the couch, you can't see someone crouched in front of the kitchen cabinets.
Gary's free-standing kitchen counter is also multi-level like this is multi-level:
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So someone could stand there and make a coffee and a person sitting on the couch wouldn't be able to see what they were doing. Ornaments and vases and notes etc. can go on the raised bit, and kitchen stuff can happen on the lower bit.
Ah marvel at my use of technical terms *cries again*
Anyway! I hope that helps somewhat. I'm mad that I can't draw this layout for you because I do wish I could just...mentally take people on a tour through this cottage. And it would be great to do that. But I am looking at the saddest most pathetic sketch in my sketchpad right now, and I used to work as an artist, but I'm just very very very very bad at this kind of technical drawing.
But maybe the teacup scene will make a little more sense now :)
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batsplat · 27 days
qatar 2007 catalunya 2007 laguna 2008 prop on the latest paddock pass ep.... everyone picking casey/vale races as their 800cc picks iktr
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wolpatinga · 1 month
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#*beep* oh. hey. guess you're sleeping? maybe you're at work. or out with friends. i hope wherever you are it's good#or that it's getting better. i really do#i'm not good. but you knew that already. otherwise why would i be leaving this message?#sorry. i just need to talk for a bit i guess#cause it's like. every day i write a hundred posts and every day i delete most if not all of them#and i could not tell you why#this is my blog after all. my words and thoughts go here#but also. this is my third place. and i can't lose that#isn't that crazy? i can't lose the handful of notes from reblogging other people's posts#the idea that somehow i'm constructing myself in the cut and paste instead of doing something myself#and i do try to make posts of my own. but nothing's ever worth posting. i don't even let it rot in the drafts. it's just gone#and i try to think about what would stop me from doing this#which inevitably brought me here - what would i be doing if it were fifty years ago#and i think the answer is i'd be calling someone who used to care and blowing up their answering machine#and i think about old answering machines. the ones that need a tape to record the message#does dora just re-record over the tapes that harry fills?#does she trash them? i'm guessing she doesn't listen to them#i won't tell you what to do with this message. i'll spare you a call to action#it's not like a diary would fix this. i have a diary. i've been keeping one regularly for months now#i think i want to be perceived but i refuse to speak unless spoken to and i will not reach out on here unless i'm being a kindly anon#and when i talk irl it's all broken disjointed subjects without predicates#it takes such effort for me to talk that people stop asking me out of kindness. but there's still thoughts i haven't said#thoughts that don't need to be said. we don't *need* another person rambling on about whatever random fandom topic or half-assed scribbles#i tried making serious art and meta posts for like four years across different fandoms#it's all gone now. as is most of my poetry. lotta things i don't know or care to know#and i can't bring myself to do that again. esp if that's not why you're here. so like. it's easier just to remain quiet?#because. i know people *can* understand. but it takes effort#and i can't guarantee a return on investment. i don't know if the cost of teaching me how to talk again is worth it#god i want to infodump but that was beaten out of me. the need is still there but i can't. it hurts#idk. things are good and then things are bad and on the whole they're good and getting better
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lovesickeros · 10 months
Your writing is actually like so good like i literally can't do that stuff even tho I have written for God knows how many years atp like,,, HOW?? I COULDNT EVEN COME UP WITH A SIMPLE COMPLIMENT AND YET YOU WROTE
“Your eyes glow like the cresting of the sun over the horizon, painting the world in hues of gold – yet it also reminded me of the dipping of the moon below the waves, casting the briefest, most gentle of lights upon the world engulfed in darkness. In the depths of your eyes was the birth and death of stars in the infinite cosmos – glittering stars in a sea of empty, blank space that left me feeling lightheaded and breathless.” - even the gods bleed [pt 2]
JSHDHDJDJDN THANK YOU???? I worry all the flowery language feels awkward but i am a sucker for things like that i shove it into every fic i can..glad 2 know yall like it 🏃‍♂️
im also just incredibly dramatic. it's a careful balance between being descriptive enough to get my themes across but not enough to alienate any readers and if I can't describe colors then I'm going to be a menace to society and describe it in the most vague way possible. enjoy ur 500 word description of a plate /j
#asks#anon#like. i try to avoid mentioning specific characteristics (hair color eye color skin color hair type etc)#but also ensure the general theme of what im trying to convey gets across#like in the part of my fic you mentioned (etheral and otherworldly. a disconnect between humanity and reader)#both from the perspective of the acolytes and from the reader.#almost. whimsical. unnatural. out of place.#reader is the divine but they do not belong there.#i try to be vague with readers personality as well (unless specifically requested otherwise)#but i want there to be an unease. an unatural stillness.#sort of like that feeling when you see something that looks human but its. wrong in a way. in a way you cannot describe#there is something wrong and you do not know what. you know that you must run#so a vague level of horror at play um. but lowkey eldritch horror reader is my fav soooooo#i need reader to be freaking out their acolytes but pushing thru it bc why would they be afraid of their creator? of the divine?#but that feelings of wrongness lingers at the back of their mind every time they are near#also adding to it that i dont really describe about readers eyes is that it. moves#like. whenever readers eyes move so does the view of the stars/planets/galaxies moves with it.#not in the sense that the stars themselves move. but rather that like a camera the focus has been shifted.#and now they are seeing entirely new stars and galaxies.#pats reader this bad boy can fit so much eldritch horror beyond human comprehension in them!#wow this got off topic fast um.#oop 🏃‍♂️
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coquelicoq · 3 months
For the 30 years old ask meme, could I ask: 8, 13, 15, 18, 36, 41, and 62 please? (I promise I restrained myself 🙈 I'm just very curious) -☆
thanks friend~
8. What cleaning product do you swear by? i am not a person who has strong feelings about cleaning products, except i prefer not to use antibacterial handsoap on a regular basis in the home environment…seems like tempting fate. if i had to pick something i guess i'd say detergent for washing dishes by hand, because i use it more than anything else probably.
13. Which filter are you most likely to go "eh, it's probably fine" when you find out you need to change it? the air conditioner. i clean it once a year…most years.
15. Do you go down each aisle when you grocery shop, or only the ones you know you need stuff from? only the ones i know i need stuff from! yesterday i went to a grocery store i don't usually go to because i'm not in my neighborhood at the moment, and it was such a frustrating experience because i had to go down every aisle multiple times, not knowing where anything was. hate that. i am in and out at my regular grocery store. i am here to get the stuff on my premade list and then get the fuck outta dodge.
18. Pro or anti tchotchkes? they don't really do anything for me from a visual perspective, because everything in my line of sight becomes invisible to me after a short period of time. (i have seen this called "visual exhaustion", but when i look up that term i just get results for eye strain, so maybe that's not an official term lol.) so having a bunch of small items in my vicinity ultimately just means there are more things to get dusty and for me to not even notice getting dusty until we are at critical levels.
36. Do you keep a daily journal or agenda? i keep a weekly agenda, which is structured as a table where the columns are the days of the week Mon-Sun and the rows are things like "french", "book", "puzzles", "social", "shower", "chores", etc. and then for every day i write down the initials of the french-language book i'm currently reading in the french row, the initials of whatever other book i'm currently reading in the book row, whatever task i need to do for my newspaper puzzles, and so forth. there isn't always something in every cell - for example if i have more than four days with something in the "social" row (which includes phone calls), i am in trouble because i don't have the bandwidth for that lol. then on the far side of the page i keep a running list of things i need to do at some point but don't plan to work on in the current week, so i don't lose track of them. i used to keep a daily journal but it petered off several months ago when i realized 1) i was running out of space for all my old journals, 2) there were so many it was prohibitively difficult to actually refer back to them for any reason, since just finding the relevant entry could take hours unless i already happened to know what date to look for, and 3) it was taking up time and also depressing me. lol. problems 1 and 2 would be solved by keeping a digital journal rather than a handwritten one, but that's never appealed to me. so now the only thing i write down is how much i slept, how heavy my menstruation was, and (only if they were notably unusual) how my mood and appetite were.
41. What's the oldest thing you own? the last time i thought this over i concluded it was a copy of a connecticut yankee in king arthur's court, and i haven't come up with anything else. i don't remember exactly how old it is. from the early 1900s maybe?
62. Where are you on the minimalism-maximalism kinsey scale? hm idk really. as stated before, i got the ol' "this sign can't stop me because i cease to even notice it if it's been on the wall for more than one hour" disease. so you could go all out and cover a room in all sorts of shit and i would enjoy the aesthetic and think it looks neat right up until i would never see it again, which would be very soon. so it kinda comes out to a wasted effort for me. however, on the other hand i can't say i'm a minimalist person either, because if you put me in a bare bones room with two sticks of furniture, within half an hour i'll have covered every space with bags and books and assorted papers and devices that i am planning to use throughout the course of the next few days and not even notice how cluttered i have made it due to the aforementioned visual exhaustion thing. so yeah. i have no idea. i do enjoy looking at pictures of maximalist decor though, and last year i visited a friend of a friend whose house was THE most intensely decorated place i had ever seen and i thought it was amazing. but if we're talking my own living space or anywhere i will be spending any amount of time, it does not and cannot matter.
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thesilverlady · 3 months
Hii! What do you think of Aegon III and Viserys II? Sometimes I feel that they are not highly valued in team black, and I don't really understand why, it is very difficult to find content about them that doesn't end up revolving around their half-brothers and sisters 🥲 Do you think Jacaerys would have been a better king than them? I honestly have my doubts, since with the situation that Aegon and Viserys found themselves in, it was difficult to do better and also their right to the throne could not be discussed. I think that sometimes there is very little empathy with what they had to live through.
i have conflicted feelings about it tbh.
On the one hand, I completely get what you mean, Aegon iii & Viserys ii are currently invisible when people discuss tb family so the sense of them being undervalued lingers. It also doesn't help that they're both seen as 'threats' even when people discuss about AUs scenarios (like what if jacaerys had survived, or what if Luke or joff were the sole survivors of the Velaryon trio etc) Viserys is sent off somewhere to marry or dies and Aegon conveniently always joins the kingsguard 💀
And don't get me wrong, I personally don't think the tb kids would ever turn against one another because they grew up in a loving environment and we see the loyalty they have to one another in f&b. They wouldn't try to usurper each other - they're not the greens.
The fandom seem to think otherwise however and that's because there's the question; Had Jacaerys survived would he be accepted as a king? Would Daemon have preferred a truborn son (Aegon) carrying his blood to the throne rather than a firstborn daughter (Baela) who would be only queen consort? Would he be satisfied with Jace as a King and husband to Baela? Did he love the Velaryon boys enough to never plot against them?
It all depends how each person views these characters. I've seen people giving variety of answers.
To your question, I think Jacaerys does have the potential to be a good king. He managed to gain allies (though I firmly believe if grrm didn't have a vendetta against targ women rhaenyra could have done this as well), the negotiation skills are there, he inspired loyalty, I suppose the plan with dragonseeds brings up the argument whether he's a good strategic or not or if he's too dominated by his own emotion to think wisely. To be fair though, he was a young man and this was his first and only war. So we can't judge him too harshly given the circumstances.
Now, could he have been better king than Aegon iii and Viserys ii? Maybe? Maybe not? Both the Targaryen princes were shaped by their circumstances. Could Jacaerys have survived what Aegon iii /Viserys ii went through?
I don't think we know enough about Jace to answer these questions. We know he loved his brothers, he was fiercely loyal to his mother and was eager to win this war. He was also a young boy with no battle experience, too eager and that led him to make mistakes. So how would he have coped if he had been in Aegon's position? (witness of his mother's murder and surrounded by traitors)
Aegon and Viserys obviously had some of the best traits of their parents we see glimpses of them as they grew but do you ever wondering who they would have become had they not been traumatized? I always wonder, especially for Aegon who was so haunted and depressed. What would he have become had the war never happened or had his mother survived at least?
It's up to us to wonder and imagine.
To bring it back to the "targ princes being undervalued", while it's true and it's frustrating for now, we gotta remember than the series didn't really show them properly other than when they were introduced to a dying viserys and that was over too quickly.
it also doesn't help that everybody's ages in the show are fucked up. There's no proper list of ages in hotd; cast members have said one thing, showrunners have said another, it's like time doesn't really exist in the show. Ryan has mentioned the ages are between 17-21 for the "kids" and that it.
In the book by the time the dance was about to start:
Daemon was 48
Rhaenyra was 32
Jacaerys was 15
Lucerys was 13
Baela & Rhaena were 13
Joffrey was 12
Aegon III was 9 
and Viserys II was 7
oh and Aegon ii was 22, Helaena 20, Aemond 19 and Daeron 15
In the show Jace is 16, Luke is 14,Joff is 7, Aegon iii is 3 or 4 and Viserys ii is 2. Baela and Rhaena aren't twins and Aegon ii is 20 with Aemond being 17 and Helaena 18
^ Those ages are debated among watchers and there are still plot holes with the timeskip. Point is, changing the ages of the Velaryon Princes, the Targaryen Princes and the Greens alters the dynamic between the characters and fans create different ideas.
Like, I can't blame a show watcher for not thinking about Aegon III and Viserys ii when they were merely toddlers with 1 scene.
On the other, I do sympathize with your frustration 'cause some book fans seem to have forgotten them too. When/if they eventually join the story properly maybe the tune will change.
oh, and because I forgot, about viserys ii and Aegon iii getting little empathy with what they had to live through, I'd say this is more of tg issue. Because while yes, I do see tb arguing the Velaryon boys suffered "the most" they at least don't ignore the fact that Aegon and Viserys did go through something awful. Meanwhile with tg the story is completely rewritten; Aegon iii is always made out to be a jerk because of jaehaera - he's "cruel" and an "asshole" for not bending over for the girl whose father murdered his mother right in front of him. And there are always the jokes about Viserys ii being a "baby daddy at the age of 11!😜" Nevermind the implications of what this actually means for him.
I don't see team black ever making these type of crude jokes for Aegon & Viserys
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piningpercussionist · 8 months
jason kim your ex is on tumblr now https://www.tumblr.com/thesushiguyy
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Oh. The guy from Ushi Bar, right.
We never really dated? He did help me move my stuff to Hollie's place though- that was... nice of him.
#ooc: current blog canon has decanonized him and kim as an item! unless they want to interact w me and have an ideas on how I can Fix That#ooc: it was more convenient for doing the hollie interactions. the way im currently imagining things is that Kim's beef with Hollie is less#+ a legitimate backstabbing/betrayal and more Kim being put off/a little jealous of the fact that people who expressed an interest in her +#+continually will also go for Hollie and will actually pursue her more actively than they would Kim#ooc: so like. if i was leaning more on SPTO canon. stuff like roxie's comment after their kiss would probably have made her a Mega Bitch +#+ to Hollie the next time she saw her despite them not interacting. does this make sense?#ooc: anyhow at a glance it looked like they were running some jason/ken bit currently#ooc: so yeah. the way ive been thinking about it so far Kim just knows Jason as a guy who expressed an interest in her when she'd show up +#+to get something on lunch break- which she was considering seriously... until she brought Hollie along one day and saw how he was ogling +#+her by comparison. Kim was upset but less about Jason himself and more just “what the hell am I? dirt?”#ooc: i am super open to reworking this since im not 100% happy with it but it's just. the way things work best I guess with the Kimona stuf#ooc: ALSO. I have her call it the Ushi Bar because the S is always out. she refuses to call it Sushi Bar again until they fix it.#pine.txt#asks#anon#rp#kim pine#sp comic#spvtwtg#spto#spvtw#(now to go reblog their intro I suppose!)#(ooc: also. processing that you d i d give me the opportunity to put this in separate continuity... but since this is their first mention +#(+ here and this change is relatively recent for blog canon I don't want to confuse anyone)#((ooc: ALSO... he IS brought up for the first time just after the Knives kiss right? man was a shield. that's my thoughts on that.))#thesushiguyy#jason kim#((ooc: also that jealousy thing WOULD effect more than just Hollie. it's just that it happens more frequently with her than anyone else))#?#(unsure if i may change the formatting for this to make it roadtrip compliant)
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daydadahlias · 1 year
Two questions:
Do you think that you'll ever come back to Bite Marks?
Do you think that you'll ever grow out of the 5sos fandom? Or at least, soon?
yes i do bc having an unfinished fic on my account tears at me. I just haven't felt inclined to work on it bc other fics (MiM) have taken more of my attention and make me happier
ive been here for 3 years and my pupils still noticeably dilate when i see a photo of ashton irwin so
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So have you heard of that Obey Me: Nightbringer thing?? I saw it on their Twitter and I have no idea what it is but I don't interact with enough people in the fandom to ask
oh yeah, i saw that too! unfortunately i also have no idea what it is, so i can't help you here ^^;
i think i saw someone under it saying it's a prequel game of some sort? but idk if they actually knew or if it's speculation, so keep that in mind
#answering asks#anon asks#tbh even if it is a prequel game it's a little hard to get excited about#i'd rather they just focused on making the current game's writing better yknow? especially after s4 which... certainly was a season#it had writing. and characters.#i did eventually finish it and while the twist with simeon at the end IS interesting... why did they leave it til the very last minute#and then not do anything with it???#it's a cool story beat! i'd love to see it explored! but it is not a big enough mystery#to warrant spending the whole season wondering what it is!#is s5 even going to happen at this rate?? are they ever going to develop the new trio????#unless s5 comes out and it turns out s4 was just a really long haul setup for something GREAT#even so it still makes it kinda disappointing that those 20 lessons had pretty little real substance#even though there were TONS of potential lines to follow!!!!#sorry this happens every time i bring up s4 lol#i just start writing an essay in the tags. that being said i'm still gonna do it#anyway if nightbringer does end up being a prequel game... idk#i can't really see myself being interested in it#when the brothers as demons honestly still haven't been explored to their full potential#(AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE SIDE CHARACTERS)#i don't have a lot of faith in what they'll do with them as angels#we'll see#also i have a mild confession to make. diavolo and luke don't really do it for me in canon#for diavolo i think part of it is just that i live in the uk and am incredibly jaded in terms of how i feel about monarchies#and i don't really like how om hand-waves diavolo as a ruler like 'everyone loves him and he is good and there's nothing wrong with royalty#he's felt like too much of a jovial dumbass as of late when that never really felt like who he was before#in terms of luke he has like three character gimmicks and they don't really stop to give him much depth after his brief stint in s1#the gimmicks being 1. child 2. bakes and 3. child again#THERE'S SO MUCH YOU COULD DO WITH HIM#he's like a baby angel but inherently still much older than a human right?? the psychology of it!! it could be so interesting!!#i keep meaning to actually add the stuff i've done with it into jtta but i can never find the right bit to add it to
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the ancients were right about ritual. i need more ritual in my life. ritualized friendships. ritualized gift-giving. ritualized feasts. ritualized hospitality. ritualized oaths. 
i’m just thinking about how much things like this mean to me. like gift-giving.  it feels so profound to me. almost reverent. giving a gift to someone is an almost spiritual experience for me. and i feel like ritualizing it is the only way to properly express the weight of it. it’s not something i take lightly. i want it to be so deliberate. 
i read about ancient greek hospitality or ancient germanic warriors swearing fealty to a lord who returns their loyalty with feasts and gifts of gold. i think of these customs and the social dynamics and how important they were to these people. literally a matter of life and death sometimes. and it may not be that way anymore but my soul still resonates with it at a primal level. when a lord ritualistically offers his new companion a gold ring or even some bread....there’s something sacred happening. and that’s how i feel when i give someone a gift or cook someone a meal or when i owe someone a favor or when i make a promise to someone. it’s a deeply spiritual/religious act for me.
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