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paradise-in-k4 · 4 months ago
The Gap in the Evening, Entry 10: Glimmering Mystery Out West
Our travels granted us an invitation to the Hakurei Shrine for some tea while we discuss the ongoings of the incident at hand… and that’s when it tripped us up. Or in this case, it tripped Maribel as she fell face-first into the dirt. It turns out that we found another invisible being that Reimu was close to whacking with her purification rod when she was presented with a banknote worth a thousand yen attached to a pile of papers. It seems like this fairy was onto something. Was it us? Could she have caught onto the Parallel Satellite Incident? Why not hear her out? She’s already introduced herself to us as Sunny Milk, a sunlight fairy that lives behind the shrine. Maybe she knows something that we don’t…
(2 hours later…)
It seems that she knew nothing about our incident, but now that we told her what we knew, she seemed to light up. Sunny claimed to be on a paper trail leading to a secret faction of fairies who helped youkai and similar resolve incidents without the help of the Hakurei clan. Instead, they relied on forgotten technology that seemed to become “gapped” into Gensokyo from the outside world. Quite an impressive lead, but how could that help us? Sunny told us that she saw a bright light from a distant mountain out west, which Reimu swears was not there last season. As such, she made a point of gathering a team to investigate this mystery herself with a gathered party that she seemingly invited us to join. Sunny said that this group of fairies could help us if we found them, but no fairy who’s gone out to that seemingly gapped mountain- dubbed by her teacher as the West Mountain- has ever returned. It was only when a different crow Tengu named Futsubasa no Rei returned that preparations were being made between us and some of Gensokyo’s (un)usual incident resolvers…
-Renko Usami
Muse Notes: Sunny Milk
Title: Shining Sunlight
Universe of Origin: L1
Size: Considerably short; 2’8”
Species: Light Fairy
Natural Affinity: Sunlight
Pronouns: She/Her
Age (headcanon): 79, immortal
Personality: Sunny Milk is notoriously energetic and curious about the world around her, especially during a clear day where she’s happiest under the sun. She’s also a notorious jokester, often pulling pranks on humans- see Reimu as a repeat target- where she usually makes people get lost in the woods among other possible pranks. Despite this, Sunny often leans on Luna Child and Star Sapphire as friends and fellow pranksters who sometimes share a common goal. Her curiosity also pushes her to eavesdrop on people for things that might seem interesting.
Occupation: Leader of the Three Fairies of Light
Home Region: Hakurei Shrine; in a large tree in the backyard
Ability: Capable of refracting light and manipulating sunlight
Light Refraction - Invisibility: By refracting light around her, Sunny can make herself and others invisible. This can also extend to her hiding any light that her targets would give off, mitigating their ability to reflect sunlight, preventing them from casting a shadow, and making them unable to reflect danmaku composed of light.
Illusions: By refracting light, Sunny can also change how the surrounding environment (and other people) appear from the perspective of other people, which she often uses to prank people.
Regeneration: Sunny can heal from grievous wounds very quickly by simply basking under the sun. This is also how she regenerates after being dispersed and taken out of action by literally anything else.
Sunlight Reserve: Sunny can absorb sunlight within her own body and release it at a later time in a form of her choice. The power generated by the sunlight she releases can be strong enough to blind people, generate massive amounts of heat, and even start fires. If Sunny is killed or severely injured enough to render herself unable to move, she will disperse all of the sunlight she’s stored within herself as an uncontrolled massive light burst that scales in damage depending on how much sunlight she’s stored up.
Weaknesses: Sunny’s ability gets weaker when the sun is obscured (and at night), and rain will give away any illusions she casts. Solids and liquids are not manipulated by her ability, and they can still show visible contact with her if she is in its path even when she’s invisible. IE if you know where she is and she doesn’t move, you can still hit her with danmaku and other throwable objects.
The Udongein Clause: Sunny’s ability does not directly affect the perspective of anyone who has the ability to sense and manipulate wavelengths, namely Reisen Udongein Inaba. Her ability can still work if she uses her power to make such a person invisible, but anyone and anything she tries to make invisible to them will remain visible. Reisen could even outright nullify this ability if she wanted to.
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Sunny’s Favorite Dress: A red-white dress with long sleeves and frills, accented with ribbons. Usually red, with one white.
Red Ribbons: They accent her dress and tie her braids.
Yellow Neckerchief: It ties the top of her dress together.
Maid Hairband: It binds back the hair between her braids.
Fairy Maid Uniform: A maid uniform especially tailored by Sakuya Izayoi for Sunny Milk when she was pressed into service to work her debt off. When she was free to go, Sakuya let her keep it.
Muse-Specific Headcanons:
Sunny is a fond enjoyer of good food and especially liquor
Late sleeper, sometimes a really late sleeper if she’s drank too much
Insists on having the top floor of the house so she can receive the morning sunshine
Inadvertently makes anime references when shooting lasers made of sunlight. Why? She found Patchouli’s manga collection and only understood the pictures.
For a short time during the Scarlet Mist Incident, Sunny was kept in the Scarlet Devil Mansion as a Fairy Maid after being caught by Sakuya for making a mess. She eventually worked her “debt” off and was released from her servitude, although she was considered welcome to return and work for money, food, and lodgings. She still owns the maid uniform she was given.
Blog-Specific Lore Notes:
During the Frost Miko Incidents, Daiyousei along with the Three Fairies of Light were all pressed into service for the Hakurei Shrine by Yukari while Reimu was considered absent. While this blog takes place after those incidents were resolved, it’s unknown whether Sunny wants to interact with the unusual visitors again afterwards.
Sunny Milk met Renko and Maribel with a proposition after learning from them about the Parallel Satellite Incident, claiming that a secret faction of incident-resolving fairies existed in Gensokyo and that they were based on a recently-gapped mountain called the West Mountain. She’s still running this investigation even after Reimu and Marisa’s group departed westward.
Sunny has attended the 2nd Multiverse Fighting Tournament as a spectator with Reimu, Luna, Star, Cirno, Daiyousei, and Nitori after Star Sapphire stole Reimu’s donation box.
Sunny Milk asked Reimu to join her in bringing back the sun during the Frozen Peak Incident.
Spell Cards:
Sunlight “Sunshine Blast”
Rainbow Light “Prism Flash”
Light Fairy “Diamond Ring”
Light Fairy “Cross Diffusion”
Light Sign “Blue Deflection”
Light Sign “Yellow Deflection”
Flickering Light “Fatal Flash”
Sun Sign “Aggressive Light”
Sun Sign “Direct Sunlight”
Sunlight “Sunshine Needle”
Solar Storm (Last Word - LW)
Solar Storm Vermillion (Last Word - A6 LW)
Shared Three Fairies Spell Cards
Light Sign “Bright Night” (Luna)
Light Sign “Full Moon Night” (Luna)
Light Sign “Triple Meteor” (Star)
Light Sign “Extensive Meteor” (Star)
Light Sign “Rutile Flection” (Sunny)
Light Sign “Hyper Inflection” (Sunny)
Falling Light “Triple Light” (Luna)
Moonfire “Ice Dissolver” (Luna)
Starfire “Ice Dissolver” (Star)
Sunfire “Ice Dissolver” (Sunny)
Bright Star “Orion Belt” (Star)
Bright Star “Great Triangle” (Star)
Sky Sign “Elfin Canopy” (Sunny)
Violent Light “Sunburst” (Sunny)
Team Tech “Fairy Overdrive” (Last Word)
“Three Fairies” (Last Word)
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9rytna · 1 year ago
Cours et Résumé d’Institutions de l'Union européenne et Conseil de l'Europe L1
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shivshaktiexpress · 2 years ago
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sreppub · 1 month ago
the LAST thing i need is like. An in-universe outsider pov gotham batwatch news pod show... but wouldnt that be fun. like nightvale kinda "congratulations to the third grade class of gotham ps 53: don't worry about your science homework this weekend! yeah, killer croc ate your teacher yesterday."
"anyone see those really cool hats left on that fold-up table in the L1 subway line today? anyone try one on yet? cause if they're not evil I want one so bad."
Host gets a wind-heavy voice memo soundbite from a vigilante after getting saved from a would-be mugging and it's a 2 second clip of nightwing saying "brush your teeth!" and grappling away
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mostlysignssomeportents · 8 months ago
Why is this Canadian university scared of you seeing its Privacy Impact Assessment?
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I'm coming to DEFCON! On Aug 9, I'm emceeing the EFF POKER TOURNAMENT (noon at the Horseshoe Poker Room), and appearing on the BRICKED AND ABANDONED panel (5PM, LVCC - L1 - HW1–11–01). On Aug 10, I'm giving a keynote called "DISENSHITTIFY OR DIE! How hackers can seize the means of computation and build a new, good internet that is hardened against our asshole bosses' insatiable horniness for enshittification" (noon, LVCC - L1 - HW1–11–01).
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Barbra Streisand is famous for many things: her exciting performances on the big screen, the small screen, and the stage; her Grammy-winning career as a musician (she's a certified EGOT!); and for all the times she's had to correct people who've added an extra vowel to the spelling of her first name (I can relate!).
But a thousand years from now, her legacy is likely to be linguistic, rather than artistic. The "Streisand Effect" – coined by Mike Masnick – describes what happens when someone tries to suppress a piece of information, only to have that act of attempted suppression backfire by inciting vastly more interest in the subject:
The term dates to 2003, when Streisand sued the website Pictopia and its proprietors for $50m for reproducing an image from the publicly available California Coastal Records Project (which produces a timeseries of photos of the California coastline in order to track coastal erosion). The image ("Image 3850") incidentally captured the roofs of Streisand's rather amazing coastal compound, which upset Streisand.
But here's the thing: before Streisand's lawsuit, Image 3850 had only been viewed six times. After she filed the case, another 420,000 people downloaded that image. Not only did Streisand lose her suit (disastrously so – she was ordered to pay the defendants' lawyers $177,000 in fees), but she catastrophically failed in her goal of keeping this boring, obscure photo from being seen:
Streisand has since called the suit "a mistake." On the one hand, that is very obviously true, but on the other hand, it's still admirable, given how many other failed litigants went to their graves insisting that their foolish and expensive legal gambit was, in fact, very smart and we are all very stupid for failing to understand that.
Which brings me to Ian Linkletter and the Canadian Privacy Library. Linkletter is the librarian and founder of the nonprofit Canadian Privacy Library, a newish online library that collects and organizes privacy-related documents from Canadian public institutions. Linkletter kicked off the project with the goal of collecting the Privacy Impact Assessments from every public university in Canada, starting in his home province of BC.
These PIAs are a legal requirement whenever a public university procures a piece of software, and they're no joke. Ed-tech vendors are pretty goddamned cavalier when it comes to student privacy, as Linkletter knows well. Back in 2020, Linkletter was an ed-tech specialist for the University of British Columbia, where he was called upon to assess Proctorio, a "remote invigilation" tool that monitored remote students while they sat exams.
This is a nightmare category of software, a mix of high-tech phrenology (vendors claim that they can tell when students are cheating by using "AI" to analyze their faces); arrogant techno-sadism (vendors requires students – including those sharing one-room apartments with "essential worker" parents on night shifts who sleep during the day – to pan their cameras around to prove that they are alone); digital racism (products are so bad at recognizing Black faces that some students have had to sit exams with multiple task-lights shining directly onto their faces); and bullshit (vendors routinely lie about their tools' capabilities and efficacy).
Worst: remote invigilation is grounded in the pedagogically bankrupt idea that learning is best (or even plausibly) assessed through high-stakes testing. The kind of person who wants to use these tools generally has no idea how learning works and thinks of students as presumptively guilty cheats. They monitor test-taking students in realtime, and have been known to jiggle test-takers' cursors impatiently when students think too long about their answers. Remote invigilation also captures the eye-movements of test-takers, flagging people who look away from the screen while thinking for potential cheating. No wonder that many students who sit exams under these conditions find themselves so anxious that they vomit or experience diarrhea, carefully staring directly into the camera as they shit themselves or vomit down their shirts, lest they be penalized for looking away or visiting the toilet.
Linkletter quickly realized that Proctorio is a worst-in-class example of a dreadful category. The public-facing materials the company provided about its products were flatly contradicted by the materials they provided to educators, where all the really nasty stuff was buried. The company – whose business exploded during the covid lockdowns – is helmed by CEO Mike Olsen, a nasty piece of work who once doxed a child who criticized him in an online forum:
Proctorio's products are shrouded in secrecy. In 2020, for reasons never explained, all the (terrible, outraged) reviews of its browser plugin disappeared from the Chrome store:
Linkletter tweeted his alarming findings, publishing links to the unlisted, but publicly available Youtube videos where Proctorio explained how its products really worked. Proctorio then sued Linkletter, for copyright infringement.
Proctorio's argument is that by linking to materials that they published on Youtube with permissions that let anyone with the link see them, Linkletter infringed upon their copyright. When Linkletter discovered that these videos already had publicly available links, indexed by Google, in the documentation produced by other Proctorio customers for students and teachers, Proctorio doubled down and argued that by collecting these publicly available links to publicly available videos, Linkletter had still somehow infringed on their copyright.
Luckily for Linkletter, BC has an anti-SLAPP law that is supposed to protect whistleblowers facing legal retaliation for publishing protected speech related to matters of public interest (like whether BC's flagship university has bought a defective and harmful product that its students will be forced to use). Unluckily for Linkletter, the law is brand new, lacks jurisprudence, and the courts have decided that he can't use a SLAPP defense and his case must go to trial:
Linkletter could have let that experience frighten him away from the kind of principled advocacy that riles up deep-pocketed, thin-skinned bullies. Instead, he doubled down, founding the Canadian Privacy Library, with the goal of using Freedom of Information requests to catalog all of Canada's post-secondary institutions' privacy assessments. Given how many bodies he found buried in Proctorio's back yard, this feels like the kind of thing that should be made more visible to Canadians.
There are 25 public universities in BC, and Linkletter FOI'ed them all. Eleven provided their PIAs. Eight sent him an estimate of what it would cost them (and thus what they would charge) to assemble these docs for him. Six requested extensions.
One of them threatened to sue.
Langara College is a 19,000-student spinout of Vancouver Community College whose motto is Eruditio Libertas Est ("Knowledge is Freedom"). Linkletter got their 2019 PIA for Microsoft's Office 365 when he FOI'ed the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (universities often recycle one another's privacy impact assessments, which is fine).
That's where the trouble started. In June, Langara sent Linkletter a letter demanding that he remove their Office 365 PIA; the letter CC'ed two partners in a law firm, and accused Linkletter of copyright infringement. But that's not how copyright – or public records – work. As Linkletter writes, the PIA is "a public record lawfully obtained through an FOI request" – it is neither exempted from disclosure, nor is it confidential:
Langara claims that in making their mandatory Privacy Impact Assessment for Office 365 available, Linkletter has exposed them to "heightened risks of data breaches and privacy incidents," they provided no evidence to support this assertion.
I think they're full of shit, but you don't have to take my word for it. After initially removing the PIA, Linkletter restored it, and you can read it for yourself:
I read it. It is pretty goddamned anodyne – about as exciting as looking at the roof of Barbra Streisand's mansion.
Sometimes, where there's smoke, there's only Streisand – a person who has foolishly decided to use the law to bully a weaker stranger out of disclosing some innocuous and publicly available fact about themselves. But sometimes, where there's smoke, there's fire. A lot of people who read my work are much more familiar with ed-tech, privacy, and pedagogy than I am. If that's you, maybe you want to peruse the Langara PIA to see if they are hiding something because they're exposing their students to privacy risks and don't want that fact to get out.
There are plenty of potential privacy risks in Office 365! The cloud version of Microsoft Office contains a "bossware" mode that allows bosses to monitor their workers' keystrokes for spelling, content, and accuracy, and produce neat charts of which employees are least "productive." The joke's on the boss, though: Office 365 also has a tool that lets you compare your department's usage of Office 365 to your competitors, which is another way of saying that Microsoft is gathering your trade secrets and handing it out to your direct competitors:
So, yeah, there are lots of "features" in Office 365 that could give rise to privacy threats when it is used at a university. One hopes that Langara correctly assessed these risks and accounted for them in its PIA, which would mean that they are bullying Linkletter out of reflex, rather than to cover up wrongdoing. But there's only one way to find out: go through the doc that Linkletter has restored to public view.
Linkletter has excellent pro bono representation from Norton Rose Fulbright, a large and powerful law-firm that is handling his Proctorio case. Linkletter writes, "they have put this public college on notice that any proceeding is liable to be dismissed pursuant to the Protection of Public Participation Act, BC’s anti-SLAPP legislation."
Langara has now found themselves at the bottom of a hole, and if they're smart, they'll stop digging.
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Copyright (C) 2002 Kenneth & Gabrielle Adelman, California Coastal Records Project, www.californiacoastline.org (modified) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Streisand_Estate.jpgbr>
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
Langara College (modified) https://langara.ca/
Fair use (parody) https://scholarship.law.ufl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1104
Fair dealing (parody) https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1468015
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baeddel · 2 years ago
long post abt accessability in games, DMC3, DS1, and control schemes
games like God of War or Devil May Cry can be inaccessible because they have inputs which require button mashing, which is difficult for someone with arhritis or other problems that affect their hands and wrists. but these inputs are generally not required to beat the game; you have a lot of options, so you can just avoid using any move that's too difficult. the main issue is that these games become more demanding the further into the game you want to go; keeping a combo going in DMC requires a very high apm and use of the entire controller, so a person with a motor disability will hit a wall eventually.
this is a design problem which i think is difficult to analyze. DMC starts from a very unique design—it has a huge number of moves, almost all of which are accessible out of neutral rather than hidden at the end of an attack string—which it has to pay for by using a large number of unique inputs (forward + attack, back + attack, forward then back + attack, hold shoot to charge, hold devil trigger to charge [charges can be buffered]). it introduces a lot of complexity, but it's actually less complexity right away than other action games; instead of having to memorize a long list of complicated strings (cf. Bayonetta's Punch, Punch, Kick, Kick, pause, Kick, which is different from Punch, Punch, Punch, Kick, Kick, pause, Punch [click]—have fun with those!), you can learn attack, shoot, devil trigger, then forward attack, hold shoot... etc., one at a time, and mix them into your play and find out when they're good. its combo system is not just complex but also discoverable; players can try out how its different pieces fit together without opening the movelist.
but once a player already knows all the moves, the game starts to ask more and more out of them. not only do you want to use all of the inputs one after the other very fast (try jump cancelling Beowulf's Killer Bee into another Killer Bee for the first time—pretty tough, right? and all you're pressing there is X and △! the inputs get harder!), but since your charge moves can be buffered, you also want to hold O and L1 to charge your shot and devil trigger for when you might need them, and you might also want to lock-on by holding R1. when watching a really good player playing with an input viewer it's not uncommon to see every single button on the controller light up at the same time. doing that stuff is really fucking hard.
so far we don't have any problems; it's a picture perfect picture of a system that's 'easy to use, hard to master,' right? but because the thing thats hard to do in this case is input a lot of buttons at once on a physical controller, we've just frozen out any players with hand/wrist problems or motor issues from high level play, at least without adapting the game somehow. this is a problem that's difficult to predict, difficult to foresee, and difficult to design around; i don't see how you could fix it without making DMC a completely different game than what it is.
so if you started from the premise of designing a game that was accesisble to people with hand/wrist and motor issues (including suckers like me who played a bunch of high apm games like DMC and Runescape and fucked up their wrist), you'd have to come up with something pretty different at a very fundamental level.
this is why Dark Souls is, in a lot of ways, a VERY ACCESSABLE action game. what do i mean? its control scheme is extremely simple. once you press every button on the controller you've learned everything you're going to learn about it (apart from one very non-obvious hard-coded universal cancel, but don't worry about it). all you have to do is dodge or block the other's guys attack and then hit him with yours.
there's a lot of ways that DeS/DS1 approached the action genre differnetly to other games, but right now i'm only going to highlight one: the kind of 'questions' DS is asking its player. if you think about DMC, what is DMC trying to get the player to do? while you can beat the game with one or two simple combos, the system is obviously made in a way that encourages freedom and flexibility, and the game has systems to reward long, varied combos (the 'style' rating). and that's all it wants you to do (apart from in a couple of levels where they want you to do platforming—ugh!). to accomplish this, they lock you in a room with some enemies and only let you out when you beat them all.
in Demon's Souls the main thing they want you to do is navigate complicated dungeons that are full of traps; some levels have mazes in them, and lots of traps kill you instantly. it's similar to Kings Field, which its a spiritual successor to, but it's also similar to other early 3d RPGs: Deathtrap Dungeon, Die by the Sword, Dungeon Lords... (in one interview Miyazaki said part of his job was to play a bunch of 'open world RPGs' for research, and i imagine that included some of these old, weird games; the first dungeon in Dungeon Lords has a rafter-walking section with projectile-shooting enemies, chain-pulley mechanical elevators and highly damage-resistant slimes). they also want you to kill enemies. but the game never forces you to kill these enemies; you're never locked in a room until you kill all the enemies, and enemies never have items that are necessary to progress in the level. enemies are just one obstacle among others. consequently, enemy encounters are designed in a certain way that makes avoiding them difficult and approaching them complex. an enemy that throws firebombs will stand at the top of a long, narrow staircase, forcing you to dodge them on the way up; two enemies will stand behind a doorway and, if you run in blindly, will both attack you from behind. things like that. it was hard to avoid enemy encounters in Demon's Souls because the levels involved suffocatingly narrow corridors and the enemies followed you forever. but it was possible and sometimes desirable. in DS1 running by enemies is often preferable and, with foreknowledge of the level, always possible. it's also a lot easier as enemies don't follow you very far anymore (this change was patched into the game after release).
running and jumping both consume stamina, as do dodging, blocking, and attacking. getting hit costs hitpoints, and falling off a ledge costs all your hitpoints. both aspects of the game (navigation and combat) use all of the same resources, and engaging in combat is generally one of a few options the player has to navigate an area. it is, a lot of the time, by far the easiest option, but most players will find a few areas that they hate enough to always run through. one of the messages players can leave to each other is 'try dashing through.' the game rewards you for killing enemies by giving you souls and loot drops, but it also punishes you for making mistakes by leaving you down on resources—less health, fewer estus, and fewer spellcasts—so the best thing to do at any given time is difficult to analyze.
the questions DS is asking its players, therefore, is to familiarize themselves with the level, come up with a plan, conserve their own resources and make it out with the loot. at lower levels of play the game is mostly about succeeding at lots of combats and navigating lots of traps over a long distance without making too many small mistakes. then, at high levels of play, the gameplay is mostly about movement, exploiting the game's verticality and taking advantage of holes in the enemy placement. but the change from low to high levels of play mostly takes place in the mind of the player, not their hands; they understand the levels better, they are better able to respond to things which were previously unpredictable to them, and they have more confidence in their ability to do what is needed of them.
so our game not only starts off very accessible to players with hand/wrist or motor problems, but it finishes there too. although, i've gone a little too far: the player's hands will change a bit as they improve at the game. like Monster Hunter, the best way to play Dark Souls is to have a claw grip in both hands; the thumbs should operate the analogue sticks, the index finger should operate the d-pad (for toggle escales, the universal cancel i mentioned, as well as changing spells) and the face buttons (for rolling, using items, interacting with doors and items), and the remaining digits manipulating the shoulders/triggers (for attacks, blocks and parries). while running, you want to hold L1 (block) so you can roll (circle) out of a run without jumping. this might be hard for you depending on your condition, but i don't think it's that much worse than holding a controller the regular way.
anyway, the point is this: you might want to think about making your game accessible not just to the general player with disabilities, but to the 'hardcore' player with disabilities. do you want disabled people to not only beat your game, but be really good at it? how would you design systems to accomodate that? i've talked about hand/wrist and motor issues here because it's what i was thinking about (and some games, like Runescape, aren't really accessible to me anymore thanks to my wrists, at least in the way i used to play them), but there are other disabilities you could probably design around. imagine a player who has CFS or ADHD in a way that keeps them from practicing consistently; could you make a game that is rewarding for such a player to try and get really good at nonetheless? Runescape (conceived of competitively, ie. racing to the leaderboard &c) was good for players with certain kinds of disabilities and neurotypes since it required a huge amount of time and dedication, it really rewarded being unemployed, LOL. but what if there was a game that somehow rewarded inconsistency? who knows...
anyway, i'm saying how i tend to think about it as a rebuttal to the way i see most people talk about accessibility in games, which is merely playing games. thus Dark Souls can be criticized for being difficult for a new player to complete, for example. but this always struck me as a bewildering way to talk about games. plenty of disabled people don't just want to complete games, they want to be good at them. and disabled people can and do become good at games and compete and win at them. so the question for me is not so much 'how do i make a game someone with this disability could play?' but 'how do i make a game someone with this disability would want to master?'—a game which doesn't create headaches for them, which works with rather than against them, and which they actually enjoy at all levels of play.
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pandemic-info · 4 months ago
Global Breakthrough: ... effective, inexpensive, and simple COVID-19 vaccine that can be stored at room temperature and administered as a nasal spray
News Release 21-Nov-2024
Peer-Reviewed Publication
Prof. Ronit Satchi-Fainaro's lab at TAU's Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences collaborated with Prof. Helena Florindo’s lab at the University of Lisbon to produce a novel nano-vaccine for COVID-19.
The nano-vaccine, a 200-nanometer particle, trains the immune system against all common COVID-19 variants, just as effectively as existing vaccines. Moreover, unlike other vaccines it is conveniently administered as a nasal spray and does not require a cold supply chain or ultra-cold storage.
Additionally, mice treated with siPD-L1 NV-8 (IN booster) exhibited enhanced GC responses (Figure 5O), consistent with the strong humoral and mucosal immunities also detected in this group. In contrast, the mRNA vaccine induced higher numbers of Tfh and Tfr cells (Figure 5O). Regarding antibody levels, both vaccines revealed similar IgG titers (Figure 5P). Overall, our data show that heterologous immunization with siPD-L1 NV-8 effectively stimulates mucosal (cellular and humoral) immunity, providing robust protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection
The versatility of our NV platform was further demonstrated by its capacity to induce robust mucosal immunity following intranasal booster immunization. This route triggered significant CD4+ and CD8+ TRM, high mucosal IgA levels, and robust systemic immunity. These findings underscore the potential of our NV platform not only for SARS-CoV-2 but also for other pathogens requiring mucosal immunity.
Mucosal immunity (the first line of defense, preventing pathogen replication) is what many vaccine researchers have been aiming for. See also:
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d8tl55c · 6 months ago
hi! 🎊\o_🎉 looking for something? 𓆡
'/_'|-_ |'['-,= _|_'|L'|-',=•-|[,-,= [,-'/L'-_
L' /_'|-•|-',= "/,|-•_| +。⁠. ゚✧ ✨
update 3.17 - 01/03/2025! :D
gender: she/they/it thx
util: colorsss, community posts list (doc), spacer [⠀], 🌟(• ˕ •マ ฅ(ᵔ꒳ ᵔマ.ᐟ
fan of (bold==frequent post): AvA/M and other Alan Becker works, AUs, Rain World, The Murderbot Diaries, Sky CotL, Kitten Burst, ULTRAKILL, Portal, Pony Town, Minecraft, Interstellar, D:BH, Undertale, Hollow Knight, Lackadaisy, 17776, Murder Drones, Dungeon Meshi, Doctor Who, The Isle, WolfQuest, Warrior Cats, wildlife, bugs, space, robots, software development, adding programming knowledge into my writing and headcanons, modding, whump;blood;violence;fluff;serious and silly, fanfic of all of the above, humans, math, animation, ascii art, old internet.
(^ will update over time)
my ava/m au is called EXECUTABLE. it spans the entire known timeline of AvA and AvM in a Different POV and Drabble format (img), focusing on StickFigures, software, and eldritch dieties.
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^ and mostly these two.
(i plan to make an index post once there's enough material to lay out a timeline >:3 )
/// personal tag collection ///
#executable!au == my AvA/M AU!! _o/
#--/ art == visual art made by me!
#--/ story == writing made by me! +art = a comic
#--/ animation == animation made by me!
#subpixels == discussion about xyz
#read later == you can probably guess this one
#important == occasionally heavy shit /gen
#wiki == knowledge base
#ancient lore == cool old stuff
#tumblr stories == stories i found on tumblr
#writing advice == i want to save this for writing
#saving this == grabbing it
#awoo to this == this is SO interesting i want to emit a noise
#kitceil == one of my OCs (scug) (intro-ish) (ref)
#leuenaar == one of my OCs (scug) (ref)
#L1_CAT == one of my OCs (laptopcat) (intro)
#L24_CAT == one of my OCs (laptopcat) (^ intro)
#datelyssyc == one of my OCs (protogen) (NEVER posted ;v;;;)
(^ all these are in the tags of this post too)
/// posted works ///
✨no extra memory (done - short story - musings about CG executable!au)
✨tco_safety+feathers.pdf (done - png and short story - EXECUTABLE AU BREACHES CONTAINMENT ) (related: third safety doc page)
they are ready to spar (done - short story - c!alan & TCO executable!au)
if you were Orpheus... (done - short story - ??? mythological chodark)
error load (done - short story - TDL and yellow? how did we get- dw about it. executable!au)
tco_physeng_breakdown.png (done - png and short story - Universe AA2B+ executable!au TCO)
orange has a question (done - story - Universe B executable!au chodark)
fly away (done - story - TCO post-Showdown executable!au)
orange with a diamond sword (done - story - green influencer arc)
some things are extremophiles (done - comic - TCO executable!au)
this is not a prophetic vision (done - theory - TCO in AvA 7)
Minecraft bed (done - comic - TDL and some TCO)
programmer021 (done - short story - AU copy of TCO, early executable!au)
in the right (done - theory/story - victim in upcoming AvA 11)
Character Limit (done - Ao3 LINK - TCO whump pre-AvA III executable!au)
Box Lunch (done - Ao3 LINK - TCO in the Box executable!au)
Call Your Last Witness (done - Ao3 LINK - tmbd prologue)
missed a spot (done - story extension - yellow and TSC)
(^ latest at the top (✨ sparkles == newly added))
/// some --/ art i like ///
thinking about names (orange vs. the second coming)
different strokes (TSC portrait collab)
WING/K (signature animation)
inspiration in 4k (word count) (L1 and being attacked by fic ideas)
they are dancing (TCO and TDL. one of my first asciis)
i have the solution (throw him into lava) (TCO headcanon diagram)
8-petal design (another ascii. this one flopped lol but i like)
2 many crabbies (Animal Restaurant meme)
approx. pi using e (Animation vs Math meme)
ways of seeing them (playing with new TCO and TDL faces)
TCO cosplays (Pony Town)
tco_physeng_breakdown.png (TCO headcanon diagram v2!!!)
d8's wolf armor(y) (minecraft build ;P )
tco_safety+feathers.pdf (TCO care and safety)
connect the dots (ava/m asciis)
L1 & L24 (intro post)
known sketchcreatures (StickFigures, laptopcats, Tempo, & kirt)
i liked to watch them squirm (kitceil activities)
✨violence common (kit & leuenaar co-ref)
✨person machine (critter) (tw bright colors)
(^ latest at the bottom)
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paradise-in-k4 · 6 months ago
The Gap in the Evening, Entry 8: “The Definition of Trust”
What is trust? Is it a promise? A (potentially) magical contract you make with someone or something else? A lesser form of love? Trust is everywhere in a society, regardless of the era you’re researching. It forms civilizations and great nations. It brings likeminded people together to achieve a common goal. It empowers leaders to shepherd their followers without the fear of separation or worse. Would that not make it the defining trait of a higher entity such as a god? That is the premise which Suwako Moriya has set since her storied reign over an ancient land that outdates the common region of Japan as early as 300 BCE or further. But how did we find ourselves face-to-face with a god anyway? We took Nitori’s advice and went up to the shrine atop the mountain via the ropeway to ask Sanae Kochiya, the shrine maiden who normally lives and works there. Unfortunately, she was absent from the area, and our further investigations soon led us to the inner chambers of the native god. The introductions were short since she’d somehow been watching over us since we landed here, gathering her own knowledge of the incident.
When we asked her what she thought about the incident in that alternate universe, she said that what was happening to Yukari and Reimu was almost akin to what would happen if a god were to be denied their faith. They would lose their ability to administer divine miracles, a fate which would soon lead to something seen as the equivalent of death to a deity. Currently, they are in the first phase of deterioration: loss of control over their abilities. She also remarked on how it was a miracle that the Marisa of that parallel world could still control gaps using Yukari’s parasol, possibly because it was an item that belonged to Yukari for time unmeasurable. As for Reimu, her ability to float has seemed to amplify within the scarlet gap, which seemed to explain why the land was detached from the earth. But considering that she is simply just a shrine maiden and not a demigod, this amplification could be her unwilling first step either towards deterioration or deification. Suwako thinks it’s more likely the latter, and to potentially expect to return to her- as a last resort- assuming the form of a great dragon to ensure her survival in the future if this incident should go further.
We then discussed how she seemed to exist despite being forgotten by almost all of the world. She and Kanako had first existed in the outside world, but they, their shrine maiden, and their shrine overall was spirited away here after being forgotten. Perhaps that’s what everyone meant when they said this is the place where forgotten things go and reality meets fantasy. Her existence here is fueled merely and wholly by the faith of Gensokyo’s denizens alone, obscurity elsewhere be damned. But going back to how abilities in the scarlet gap were going out of control, she kept us from leaving because she had one more thing to tell us. In the event that a hostile encounter were to take place during our travels, we would need to prepare for an airborne duel full of danmaku, something that this universe’s Marisa brought up once. She trusted us enough to tell us this in our investigation into this incident. Simple man-made firearms such as revolvers would do nothing here. In order to emerge victorious in a battle here or elsewhere in any Gensokyo, we would need to develop our own Spell Cards.
-Maribel Hearn
Muse Notes: Suwako Moriya
Title(s): Pinnacle of Native Gods, The Highest of Indigenous Gods
Universe of Origin: L1
Size (headcanon): Medium, 4’5”
Species: Native God of Mountains (but not native to Gensokyo), Specifically one of the Yaoyorozu no Kami (Eight Million Gods) of Shintoism composed entirely of faith
Age: Older than the invasion of Kanako Yasaka and the Yamato in the Great Suwa War (about 2,300 years ago), exact age otherwise unknown besides being at least 2,300
Personality: Suwako is the more laid-back and mischievous of the two gods of her shrine, although just as capable of scheming despite her feigned ignorance. She enjoys competition, and when she loses, she loses with grace. Her intentions can be hard to read at times because she barely leaves the shrine.
Occupation: Goddess of Moriya Shrine (relegated to the background)
Home Region(s): Moriya Shrine, Youkai Mountain, Underground Geyser Center, originated from the outside world
Ability: Capable of creating earthliness
Kun: One of the eight trigrams in Taoist philosophy that means creating Earth, and the pinnacle of the native god. Associated with acceptance, devotion, subtlety, flexibility, and reacting to others instead of acting first. This all refers to Suwako’s ability as an opposite to Kanako’s ability and trigram of Qian.
Nature: Physically, she can “swim” underground and manifest all kinds of natural phenomena such as summoning and/or manipulating magma, geysers, rocks and minerals, bending rivers, and instantly growing plants. The bounds of this ability are still unclear.
Mishaguji: Curse gods tamed by Suwako during her tenure as the ruler of a small kingdom. They have amassed plenty of faith due to how they can curse births, militaries, and harvests, although they can just as easily bring plentiful harvests as well. Suwako is the only one who can control them in her attacks, and her control over the gods was the only reason that she was retained in the background of Moriya Shrine following Kanako’s successful invasion of her kingdom: because the shrine’s followers would withhold their faith from Kanako if she didn’t keep Suwako around to keep the curse gods in check.
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Skills: Capable problem-solver and long-term planner/strategist
Purple Dress: Heian-style purple dresses with varying frog patterns on them. They have white sleeves and a collar stitched onto them, giving them the illusion of an undershirt despite being one piece.
Wide-Brimmed Hat: A light brown hat with a wide brim and big spring-loaded froggy eyes. The eyes change expressions as Suwako does, sometimes reflecting her inner thoughts or doubling as a voice of reason.
White Kneehigh Socks: Tall white socks that up to- or go way past- her knees.
Black Shoes: Traditional black shoes. As she gets new pairs due to older ones wearing out and breaking down, the materials that they’re made with tend to change with time.
Iron Rings: Weapons that Suwako uses in various attacks. Possibly due to her status as a god of mountains, she could have forged them herself. Due to the way she throws them, they aren’t the Japanese chakram-like kanawas. They’re also very sharp. Suwako sometimes tells others that the rings she uses are hula hoops.
Muse-Specific Headcanons:
Despite her waning faith from the outside world, she is aware that one outside world magical girl named Haruka Tsukikaze (a non-Touhou-specific OC of mine) still uses a nearly-identical variant of her iron rings- sharp-edged metal and all- in plenty of her attacks. It is unknown whether Suwako played a role in granting this equipment or even customizing her alternate outfit. Sumireko is the only other person who knows about this replication from both sides of the barrier, and therefore the only one who could present a solid answer. Both Suwako and the mun can talk about her freely until her interactions become available.
Suwako is often mistaken as a god of frogs or as a symbol of frogs in general, which often led to several unfortunate run-ins and flash-freezes from Cirno. Arguments could still be made for this due to the association with curses that both of them share.
Reimu has summoned Suwako several times while trying to hone her god-summoning abilities. Most of them were accidents, but at least one instance was intentional. The two are aware of each other’s presences, and the relationship is mildly positive due to Reimu’s maintenance of a branch shrine for Moriya Shrine. As a result, Suwako sometimes attempts to train Reimu herself to limited efficiency.
Her leering stare is on par with the menacing squinting stare of Angel Cookie. If you don’t know who that is or why the comparison is being made, look it up.
Blog-Specific Lore Notes:
While trying to find Sanae at the shrine under Nitori’s suggestion, Renko and Maribel find Suwako in the shrine instead, where she gives the duo her insights on how she views the incident. She also gives them tactical advice on how to present Gensokyo to the outside world, and what they should do in the event of a danmaku battle in another dimension.
Suwako’s nature as an outsider goddess of sorts has garnered Nitori’s attention in helping her scope out other universes’ Suwakos and their own personalized Spell Cards by using a device that can view other universes.
Spell Cards:
*Close-quarters combat Spell Card
**Spell Card for close-quarters combat and long-ranged danmaku duels
Party Start “Two Bows, Two Claps, and One Bow”**
Divine Tool “Moriya’s Iron Ring”**
Spring Sign “Jade of the Horrid River”**
Spring Sign “Suwa Clear Water”*
Frog Hunt “The Snake Eats the Croaking Frog”**
Native God “Lord Long-Arm and Lord Long-Leg”**
Native God “Seven Stones and Seven Trees”
Native God “Froggy Braves the Wind and Rain”**
Native God “Red Frogs of Houei 4”**
Native God “Moriya God”*
Native God “Mishaguji-sama”
Scourge God “Mishaguchi-sama”*
Scourge Sign “Mishaguji-sama”
“Suwa War ~ Native Myth vs Central Myth”
Frog Nap “Can Always Hibernate”*
Clap “Daidarabotchi’s Worship”*
“Hellish Heat Geyser”*
“Magma Amphibian”*
Divine Sakura “Full Sakura Blizzard”
Hime River “Princess Jade Green”
Iron Ring “Mythical Ring”
Combination Spell Cards:
Wind God Sign “Mishabashira” (Kanako Yasaka)
Wind Flower Sign “Mishaguji-sama’s Right and Wrong” (Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu)
Ghostly Wind Sign “Native Butterfly Storm” (Yuyuko Saigyouji)
Last Words and Impossible Spell Cards:
“Divine Battle Above Gensokyo”*
God of Stone or Wood (Lost Word)
Mishakuja Faith (Lost Word, A10)
Bog Iron to Wrought Iron (Lost Word, W2)
Green Stone “Jade Break” (Impossible Spell Card)
Frog Sign “Bloody Mound of Red Frogs” (Impossible Spell Card)
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9rytna · 1 year ago
Qcm Relations Internationales L1 avec corrigé (QUIZ)
0 notes
lurkingteapot · 2 years ago
code switching and emotions in step by step
During ep … 8? 9?, I noticed that Jeng tends to switch to English with Pat when talking about emotional things. He didn't for the big damn confession in the club, but for a lot of things, he'll drop into English from Thai, and Pat does it right back.
We don't know what their respective strongest languages (L1) are, though I'd assume it's Thai for both of them, though they've both, per the narrative presented to us, lived abroad and speak English fluently, so we don't know for sure (in the sense that it's never stated). Pat uses it with his parents occasionally, Jeng uses it with Jaab on an occasion or two.
And the thing is … unlike many many MANY examples of codeswitching in fiction, I feel like these sort of make narrative sense. Linguistic research suggests there's a lessened emotional impact, particularly of negative statements, when hearing or speaking a second language compared to the strongest language. There are a lot of theories as to why this is, and I've been out of academia for way too long to be confident I could accurately represent any of them, but iirc the effect has been tracked fairly reliably across several studies in the past 10-15 years.
And this isn't something consciously acted upon normally! Just something that happens with the way our brains organise our languages, but it has consequences in how we use language. Bilinguals, when speaking to someone else who shares their languages at sufficient levels of proficiency, might find themselves naturally switching into one or the other because it "feels easier" to express things in one language or another. (Also, as anyone whose L1 ISN'T their main fic reading language can attest to, porn in own L1? cringe as fuck almost universally, and there's a containment-breaking tumblr post to that effect out there somewhere to prove it.)
In the case of Jeng and Pat, my hunch is that it's a) an emotional thing – some things feel safer, easier to say or hear with some emotional distance, whether it's soul-bearing honesty ("It makes sense to me") or suggestive little lines to drop to your FINALLY BOYFRIEND ("I'd rather have you [than the cake]"), and b) as a sort of equaliser – Thai has a few features that express hierarchy/seniority that can't easily be dropped from the language that aren't present in English, and Jeng in particular might feel that using English with Pat brings them onto a more equal level.
Of course, there's also the possibility that it's just there for flavour, or for getting shit past the radar, or even for the actor's sake – all been done before. But I like to think that this is something the creators actually intended for the characters, for all the reasons outlined here.
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thisweekingundamwing · 1 year ago
This Week in Gundam Wing 26 October 2023 - 13 January 2024
Here’s the roundup for October 26th, 2023 - January 13th, 2024!
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works you see or make this next week!
~Mod Hel
(Look, we’re just going to ignore the fact that I keep reminding myself to do this and then forgetting about it 10 minutes later.)
The Pageant (a LAM sidefic) https://archiveofourown.org/works/52557262
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Family Fluff, Kid Fic, Post-Canon, Christmas Fluff, Post-Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Author Is Not Religious, Christmas, Not Beta Read
Christmas was always a big deal—even in the colonies—perhaps all the more so following the Eve Wars. This year’s holiday was especially important for their little family, however: Sousuke was going to be an angel.
A Not So Tropical Vacation https://archiveofourown.org/works/51336205
M/M, Chang Wufei/Heero Yuy
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Alcohol, Broken Bones, Major Character Injury, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Heero being sweeter than Wufei deserves, Post-Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
When an injury prevents Heero and Wufei from going on their long-awaited vacation, Heero tries to bring the vacation to Wufei.
Vendredi https://archiveofourown.org/works/51237895
Gen, Duo Maxwell & Heero Yuy
Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Sally Po, Zechs Merquise, Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Supernatural Elements, Possibly Pre-Slash, Angst, no happy ending, Ambiguous/Open Ending, mentions of other characters from the series, only tagged those who appear 'on screen', little OOC-ness, Horror-ish, multiple uses of the 'F' word
Duo's friends are vanishing, and no one else notices or even remembers. Only Heero believes him and together they try to discover what is happening.
@zaganthi @tzigane
How L2 Learned to Cope with Werewolves https://archiveofourown.org/works/52676311
F/M, M/M, Multi, Chang Wufei/Treize Khushrenada, Chang Wufei/Long Meilan, Chang Wufei/Treize Khushrenada/Long Meilan
Chang Wufei, Treize Khushrenada, Long Meilan, Lady Une, Chilias Catalonia, Vingt Khushrenada
Explicit, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Failed Arranged Marriages, Biological Weapons, Psychological Warfare, Werewolves in Space, Cameos
It was remarkable how many people assumed that being from L5 made him deaf. Possibly it was the security badge that gave them that impression, or maybe they just thought that allowing Treize to nail him meant he was on their side.
Overall, it was pretty stupid. No one paid attention to him lingering with a cup of coffee, they just went about their day and spoke where they normally would. He wondered if being able to fade into the background might be some form of magical camouflage. He supposed that was a realistic option, and there was no reason for them to expect otherwise. Not really. They didn't know him. So he was free to wander and listen and just exist for a while before he went up to the secured swipe card room to try to get a little rest and personal time.
Pleased to Meet You, Hope You Guess My Name https://archiveofourown.org/works/52675717
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Explicit, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Meet-Cute, Assassination Attempt(s), The combination meet-cute and assassination attempt, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
A third shot rang out, and then footsteps, and he wasn't trying to get away, no, not at all. He was coming closer.
Hell yes. It was a shame the guy was working for L1 or whoever had hired him because he would've been amazing back home. "Hey, hey! Don't fucking shoot! I wanna talk!"
That felt like a purely audible pause, followed by a nasal voice that was more a statement than a question. "About what." Like they had the time to have a discussion here. Somebody would have heard the shots by now.
Arts/Crafts/Photo Manips:
WuFei/Duo, fanart
WuFei/Duo, fanart
Duo/WuFei, fanart
Iconic intros, comic
Relena Darlian-Peacecraft, fanart
Heero/Duo, fanart
Duo Maxwell, fanart
Duo/Heero, fanart
Treize Khushrenada, fanart
WuFei/Heero, kissing, comic
Mashiro Andy
Relena Darlian-Peacecraft, fanart
Trowa/Heero, fanart
Quatre/Heero, comic
Photosets/Gifsets/Screenshots/Manga Pages:
Clowns, frame stitching
Christmas tree decor
Fandom Discourse:
LAMs Lost and Found - find great info/world building here
@prettyboysdontlookatexplosions WuFei being ‘normal’.
Obviously late for this one, but know that LAM does this pretty much every year if they get people who want them. ^_^
episode naming things
how age affects how you view GW
Trieze & Zechs
A GW Archive should people need it.
GW Prompt Meme event
Rules: https://gwpromptmeme.dreamwidth.org/408.html
Main Page: https://gwpromptmeme.dreamwidth.org/
Howare, Quatre, & WuFei
Heero & Trowa
Cathy & Trowa
WuFei & Heero
Heero, Trowa, & WuFei
WuFei & Duo
WuFei & Duo
Dorothy, Relena, & Sally
Quatre, Heero, WuFei, Trowa, & Duo
Circus Owner & Trowa
Heero, Duo, Trowa, & WuFei
Relena, Heero, & Duo
WuFei, Trowa, & Quatre
Heero, Duo, & Quatre
Duo & WuFei
Zechs, Duo, & Trowa
Heero & Duo
OZ Soldiers, Duo, & Trowa
Duo & Trowa
Duo, WuFei, & Trowa
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompts for Friday, January 19th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/739456744765505536/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-january
In need of prompts!
There’s nothing for it posted yet... but sign-ups are open. >_> Though the events calendar says they’ll be open next month... so I dunno. I just know I’m signed up already. *flails*
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/730188053636841472/updated-events-calendar
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
GW Holiday Gift Exchange 2023
Gift Roundup is here: https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/739404313112297472/alright-wingers-here-is-the-gw-holiday-gift
GW Valentine’s Event 2024 goes live the 18th! Be on the lookout for it!
GW Gift Exchange
There is another exchange being done now... I *think* it’s on dreamwidth, but I can’t find the convo with the person running it to save my life, but it’s on the events calendar with all the info I had...
Jan 15th - 21st is Nominations
Jan 16th - 28th is Sign-ups
Posting and whatnot will be in April.
Not sure if something will be posted anywhere on tumblr or not, but hoping I can get y’all the info for where and how when it goes.
19 notes · View notes
mostlysignssomeportents · 8 months ago
This day in history
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I'm coming to DEFCON! On Aug 9, I'm emceeing the EFF POKER TOURNAMENT (noon at the Horseshoe Poker Room), and appearing on the BRICKED AND ABANDONED panel (5PM, LVCC - L1 - HW1–11–01). On Aug 10, I'm giving a keynote called "DISENSHITTIFY OR DIE! How hackers can seize the means of computation and build a new, good internet that is hardened against our asshole bosses' insatiable horniness for enshittification" (noon, LVCC - L1 - HW1–11–01).
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#20yrsago MSFT buys spam company, sues the competition, silences political activists https://web.archive.org/web/20040803201355/http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/archives/001774.php
#20yrsago Genome of human zit sequenced https://web.archive.org/web/20040803105000/http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99996222
#15yrsago Annie Lennox gives her masters to mashup artist DJ Earworm https://web.archive.org/web/20090717083944/http://djearworm.com/annie-lennox-backwards-forwards.htm
#15yrsago High school student suing Amazon over book-deletions which rendered his study-notes useless
#15yrsago Six String Nation, the chronicle of Voyageur, a remarkable, unifying, synthesizing Canadian guitar https://memex.craphound.com/2009/07/30/six-string-nation-the-chronicle-of-voyageur-a-remarkable-unifying-synthesizing-canadian-guitar/
#15yrsago HOWTO make a prison soldering iron https://web.archive.org/web/20090803185647/http://prisonproxy.blogspot.com/2009/07/how-its-made-soldering-irons.html
#15yrsago Canadians vow mass-mooning of US spy-blimp https://web.archive.org/web/20090805142350/http://www.theobserver.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=1680060
#15yrsago Rich NY town tries to shut down children’s library because poor kids might use it https://research.checkpoint.com/2019/cryptographic-attacks-a-guide-for-the-perplexed/
#5yrsago Cop says Amazon told him they had “partnered” with 200 US police forces to sell and tap into Ring surveillance doorbells https://www.vice.com/en/article/j5wyjy/amazon-told-police-it-has-partnered-with-200-law-enforcement-agencies
#5yrsago Affluent parents surrender custody of their kids to “scam” their way into needs-based college scholarships https://www.propublica.org/article/university-of-illinois-financial-aid-fafsa-parents-guardianship-children-students
#5yrsago The darkest SEO: forging judges’ signatures on fake court orders to scrub negative Google results https://web.archive.org/web/20190726010633/https://www.cbsnews.com/news/online-reputation-management-cbs-news-investigation-finds-fraudulent-court-orders-used-to-change-google-search/
#5yrsago Zero Sum Game: action-packed sf thriller about a ninja hero whose superpower is her incredible math ability https://memex.craphound.com/2019/07/30/zero-sum-game-action-packed-sf-thriller-about-a-ninja-hero-whose-superpower-is-her-incredible-math-ability/
#1yrago When the app turns you into a robo-scab https://pluralistic.net/2023/07/30/computer-says-scab/#instawork
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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spacetimewithstuartgary · 6 months ago
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Work is underway on NASA's next-generation asteroid hunter
The mirrors for NASA's Near-Earth Object Surveyor space telescope are being installed and aligned, and work on other spacecraft components is accelerating.
NASA's new asteroid-hunting spacecraft is taking shape at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. Called NEO Surveyor (Near-Earth Object Surveyor), this cutting-edge infrared space telescope will seek out the hardest-to-find asteroids and comets that might pose a hazard to our planet. In fact, it is the agency's first space telescope designed specifically for planetary defense.
Targeting launch in late 2027, the spacecraft will travel a million miles to a region of gravitational stability—called the L1 Lagrange point—between Earth and the sun. From there, its large sunshade will block the glare and heat of sunlight, allowing the mission to discover and track near-Earth objects as they approach Earth from the direction of the sun, which is difficult for other observatories to do. The space telescope also may reveal asteroids called Earth Trojans, which lead and trail our planet's orbit and are difficult to see from the ground or from Earth orbit.
NEO Surveyor relies on cutting-edge detectors that observe two bands of infrared light, which is invisible to the human eye. Near-Earth objects, no matter how dark, glow brightly in infrared as the sun heats them. Because of this, the telescope will be able to find dark asteroids and comets, which don't reflect much visible light. It also will measure those objects, a challenging task for visible-light telescopes that have a hard time distinguishing between small, highly reflective objects and large, dark ones.
"NEO Surveyor is optimized to help us to do one specific thing: enable humanity to find the most hazardous asteroids and comets far enough in advance so we can do something about them," said Amy Mainzer, survey director for NEO Surveyor and a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. "We aim to build a spacecraft that can find, track, and characterize the objects with the greatest chance of hitting Earth. In the process, we will learn a lot about their origins and evolution."
Coming into focus
The spacecraft's only instrument is its telescope. About the size of a washer-and-dryer set, the telescope's blocky aluminum body, called the optical bench, was built in a JPL clean room. Known as a three-mirror anastigmat telescope, it will rely on curved mirrors to focus light onto its infrared detectors in such a way that minimizes optical aberrations.
"We have been carefully managing the fabrication of the spacecraft's telescope mirrors, all of which were received in the JPL clean room by July," said Brian Monacelli, principal optical engineer at JPL. "Its mirrors were shaped and polished from solid aluminum using a diamond-turning machine. Each exceeds the mission's performance requirements."
Monacelli inspected the mirror surfaces for debris and damage, then JPL's team of optomechanical technicians and engineers attached the mirrors to the telescope's optical bench in August. Next, they will measure the telescope's performance and align its mirrors.
Complementing the mirror assembly are the telescope's mercury-cadmium-telluride detectors, which are similar to the detectors used by NASA's recently retired NEOWISE (short for Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) mission.
An advantage of these detectors is that they don't necessarily require cryogenic coolers or cryogens to lower their operational temperatures in order to detect infrared wavelengths. Cryocoolers and cryogens can limit the lifespan of a spacecraft.
NEO Surveyor will instead keep its cool by using its large sunshade to block sunlight from heating the telescope and by occupying an orbit beyond that of the moon, minimizing heating from Earth.
The telescope will eventually be installed inside the spacecraft's instrument enclosure, which is being assembled in JPL's historic High Bay 1 clean room where NASA missions such as Voyager, Cassini, and Perseverance were constructed. Fabricated from dark composite material that allows heat to escape, the enclosure will help keep the telescope cool and prevent its own heat from obscuring observations.
Once it is completed in coming weeks, the enclosure will be tested to make sure it can withstand the rigors of space exploration. Then it will be mounted on the back of the sunshade and atop the electronic systems that will power and control the spacecraft.
"The entire team has been working hard for a long time to get to this point, and we are excited to see the hardware coming together with contributions from our institutional and industrial collaborators from across the country," said Tom Hoffman, NEO Surveyor's project manager at JPL.
"From the panels and cables for the instrument enclosure to the detectors and mirrors for the telescope—as well as components to build the spacecraft—hardware is being fabricated, delivered, and assembled to build this incredible observatory."
IMAGE: This artist’s concept depicts NASA’s NEO Surveyor in deep space. The black-paneled angular structure in the belly of the spacecraft is the instrument enclosure that is being built at JPL. The mission’s infrared telescope will be installed inside the enclosure. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
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spacenutspod · 11 months ago
A surprise appearance of a new comet made the April 8th total solar eclipse all the more memorable. Any dedicated ‘umbraphile’ will tell you: no two eclipses are exactly the same. Weather, solar activity, and the just plain expeditionary nature of reaching and standing in the shadow of the Moon for those brief moments during totality assures a unique experience, every time out. The same can be said for catching a brief glimpse of what’s going on near the Sun, from prominences and the pearly white corona to the configuration of bright planets… and just maybe, a new comet. The Discovery While many planned to try and spy periodic Comet 12P Pons-Brooks during totality, astronomer Karl Battams at the U.S. Naval Observatory alerted us to another possibility. A new sungrazing comet, spotted just hours prior. The Kreutz family comet was seen by Worachate Boonplod in the field of view of the joint NASA/ESA Solar Heliospheric Observatory’s (SOHO) LASCO C3 and C2 imagers. These are equipped with Sun-covering coronagraphs that allow it to see the near solar environment. The mission was launched over a quarter of a century ago in 1995. SOHO was deployed to the sunward L1 Earth-Sun Lagrange point nearly a million miles distant. SOHO has since proven itself to be a crucial workhorse in solar heliophysics. Doomed SOHO-5008 (lower left). Credit: NASA/ESA/SOHO The comet soon received the formal designation of SOHO-5008. That’s right: SOHO has led to the discovery of over 5,000 comets in its career. Most of these discoveries were thanks to the efforts of dedicated online sleuths, scouring recent LASCO images. At the time, the doom’d comet was a faint object, located only a few degrees from the Sun. The icy interloper was a tough target to nab during the fleeting minutes of totality, but at least two dedicated astrophotographers managed to catch it. Lin Zixuan saw it imaging from northern New Hampshire. Petr Horálek from the Institute of Physics in Opava Czechia (Czech Republic) was imaging from Mexico as he caught the object. Like so many other sungrazers, the comet met its demise shortly after discovery (less than 12 hours, in fact), like a sundiving spaceship at a Disaster Area concert right out of Douglas Adam’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. A Brief History of Sungrazers This sort of SOHO versus comet, versus eclipse discovery has only occurred twice: once in 2008 and again in 2020). SOHO wasn’t designed per se to find comets, but its prolific nature as a comet hunter has become an essential part of the legacy of the mission. SOHO has defined whole new families of Kreutz, Marsden and Kracht sungrazing comets. And to think, prior to the mission, only sixteen sungrazing comets were even known of. One similar case was the Great Comet of 1948, which was also discovered by stunned observers during a total solar eclipse. Another was C/1965 Ikeya-Seki, which went on to become one of the truly great comets of the 20th century. More recently, C/2011 W3 Lovejoy surprised everyone by surviving its perihelion passage 140,000 kilometers from the surface of the Sun. Just one year later, however, 2012 S1 ISON didn’t. It was a thrilling celestial spectacle, with an added treat. The post There Was a Doomed Comet Near the Sun During the Eclipse appeared first on Universe Today.
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darthkvznblogs · 1 year ago
I actually am looking for more PS5 games to buy. A more detailed review/recommendation of Spider-Man 2 would be appreciated if you have the time.
Alright, I'm gonna try to keep this as spoiler-free as possible!
-Story's great! Perhaps not as emotionally resonant as the first game (they really did knock it out of the park with the Otto-Li-Osborn story), but still very impactful, and I loooved everyone's characterization. The setpieces were freakin' wild, so much more intense than almost anything in the previous entries, but the smaller, quieter moments were also very well done. Dialogues are great, can range from corny to eye-roll worthy, but in such a way that it matches Spider-Man's vibe very well.
-Traversal is the best in the series, with multiple new options that feel seamlessly integrated and a boost to swinging speed that can genuinely get you across the city in just a couple minutes, if that.
-Combat has been streamlined in some ways, deepened in others. YMMV on some on the missing gadgets from previous games, but I found the new ones and the new abilities (and the much simpler activation mechanic, ditching the slow "weapon wheel" style for an L1/R1 + assigned button method) an overall positive change. You kinda need it, because this game has a much steeper difficulty curve than the previous two.
-Aside from some facial oddities (I do find it a bit annoying that they keep changing how Peter looks, and even though it's the same MJ face model she looks super different from the 1st game to me, too, while the characters from Miles' side of the story look better but still perfectly recognizable), game looks incredible. Visual design, costumes, special effects, just all around a gorgeous game, and incredibly well animated, too.
-Practically zero loading times or any sort of performance issue (I did play on the 60 fps performance mode, tho)
-Some real narrative Choices(TM) are made that could definitely be divisive if you're expecting more of a traditional Spider-Man story. I personally wasn't bothered by most of these (especially as this is its own universe), but I could understand some ruffled feathers.
-The expanded map can get a bit same-y, outside the obvious landmarks, especially with the added speed which blurs things together a bit more.
-Like I said, some facial models/animations kinda dip into uncanny valley territory, at least for me. It's not game breaking, but it could potentially take you out of a scene if you're more bothered by it.
-Less activities/sidequests than the first game (but what's there is very good!)
-This is mildly spoilery, but my biggest complaint with this game is that they got rid of minor but valuable worldbuilding elements like the Twitter-esque social feed or the in-universe character bios. I get that that's a lot of writing that a lot of people are gonna skim or skip, but you want to see people's reactions to the crazy stuff that happens in this game, trust me. Also, if you miss the podcasts or they get cut off when you're swinging around, there's no way to replay them this time around, for some reason? Maybe I just didn't find them?
So, yeah! I think it's an easy 8.5 or 9 out of 10 for me! I had a blast, and even if I don't agree with some of their choices, I respect the hell out of them for making them. Insomniac!Spidey remains my favorite of all the Peters in the Multiverse <3
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