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yellowmanula · 9 months ago
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W ramach Archiwum Rave Fm wyciągamy z szuflady przezabawną audycję nagraną 26.04.2022 r. link tutaj: https://www.mixcloud.com/RaveFM/speed-w-miękkim-futerku-guest-dj-madline-26042022/
Połączyliśmy wspomnienia o filmach Speed i Śmierć w miękkim futerku.
Wyobraźcie sobie: agentka FBI, grana przez Sandrę Bullock, musi ratować zakładników uwięzionych w pędzącym autobusie, który nie może zwolnić poniżej 50 mil na godzinę, ale tym razem nie jest to zwykły autobus... To luksusowy autobus pełen pluszowych zabawek, na którym znajduje się śmiertelnie niebezpieczny pasażer: zmutowany kot, który zabija każdego, kto wejdzie mu w drogę! Do gry wkracza tajemniczy psychopata (Keanu Reeves), który ukrył bombę w miękkim futerku jednej z zabawek. Kiedy napięcie rośnie, a czas ucieka, nasi bohaterowie muszą nie tylko zapobiec katastrofie, ale również walczyć z krwiożerczym kotem, który wplątał się w ten chaotyczny scenariusz.
Nie zapomnijcie zostawić nam lajków!
Rave FM www.facebook.com/ravefm
Gość specjalny: Madline https://www.instagram.com/madline_music/
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palskippah · 6 months ago
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Thinking about the differences between both Goldenheart babies and the relationship with their fathers ajsdkas there's some other drawings under the cut :y
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(love when artists make different fankids from the same ship interact ajsdk)
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-Btw he/they pronouns for both fankids asjdkd
-Baby has beautiful dark eyes (got the eye-shape from Ambrosius and the 🥺 energy from Ballister) and Cyrus got 'stares into your soul' eyes (got the blue from Ambrosius, and the intense staring from Ballister)
-Also, see that Baby is taller than Ballister (like Movie Ambrosius is) and Cyrus is shorter than Ballister (like Comic Ambrosius is) waa
-Also, I've been thinking that maybe the 'Baby' nickname was given by Ambrosius, and that's why Cyrus doesn't have it, because his fathers hadn't been too close during the pregnancy, mainly because Ballister hadn't wanted them to be.
>Comic Ambrosius referred to him as Baby once and Ballister stopped that right away with 'his name is going to be Cyrus, don't call him Baby'.
>Movie Ambrosius called him Baby once, given the lack of a name from before they had even known that he was a boy, and it just stuck right away.
-Comic Cyrus' reaction is based over the phrase 'when I remember I'm my father's daughter' that I saw once in a meme 😭
>Ballister said it just as a passing thought, but it didn't leave Cyrus' mind for years.
>Also, he's been hearing stuff from both Nimona and Ballister since he was a little kid, and that really warped his perception on Ambrosius.
>(Y'know with like the smallest of comments made by an adult about someone else, it can stay forever?) Ballister had thrown some comments that he didn't think twice about, and didn't think that Cyrus would pay much mind at either, BUT THEY DID and yeah
>I find it so interesting how easy it is to plague a kid's mind with stuff, even if unintentionally 🧍 (also I love how that was used in the Nimona movie WA)
-And Movie Baby's reaction is when you're compared to someone you deeply admire ajsdaj
>After that, they'd occasionally think about his abba (the most trustworthy of sources) saying that they were a lot like Ambrosius.
-Random thought but Baby's love language is being an annoying little shit. He could pretend to box with Ballister when he's busy working on something (not interrupting him, mind you, he's a good son). Or be like 'daddy. daddy. daddy. daddy. Papa. Dad. Father. Progenitor-' while Ambrosius' like 'what? what? what. what. what do you want? what is it? One more and I'll smack you. I warned you (pretends to smack him)' and then Baby says I wanted to say I love you :C and Ambrosius' like oh, love you too son <3
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-I drew this thing to see the differences between both asjdk it mostly being that in their movie version it was always teamwork, and in the comic version it was all Ballister (+ Nimona, but the point is that Ambrosius wasn't there to parent too) (thinking if that'd be because Ballister didn't want him around or what, I don't know🧍)
That's it! :D
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dullahandyke · 2 days ago
how it feels to have articulated opinions and principles about art criticism and 'modern' art and human relationship to it 🤩 but youre on tumblr 😶
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gil-notskajla · 20 days ago
*eris gets impaled in first cutscene* zośka, at me: oh they killed your wife. oh. oh they are dragging your wife on the ground. they jumped into the abyss with your wife. they ran away with your wife gil.
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shanti-ashant-hai · 2 years ago
someone make a menstrual cycle with no pain, no blood, no nothing. someone uninvent the menstrual cycle.
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fatcowboys · 1 year ago
currently at the ER w my roommate and having to listen to a random white man talk extensively about the improv he does. listen people are trying to Heal here
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pluralsword · 8 months ago
if anyone tells us (again) knowing ourselves as a zoomdare is micro-labelling we would ask them why would I only use word woman for the love for wheels our body aches for and how that is synonymous to us to the love for recreational martial arts or for putting in time to do something communally useful physically or mentally, to a want to soar. its a fine word that can encompass those things if you think about it (or depending on the society or context you come from, it's a given) but its insufficient to us especially since a lot of us come from a framework of sparktion and hearths, not gender.
no one has used the word microlabelling towards us specifically but many times we've been told even for just saying we're polygender or xenogender that terminology being 'so specific' is 'too personal' or 'not what gender is' etc. transmedicalists weaponize anti-xenogender and anti-nonbinary stances to justify bioessentialism. binary trans people who need to hear it from a transfemme juggling more genders and aesthetics than we can name opposing xenogender and nonbinary terminology will not save anyone and only serves to hurt all of us. you need only read the news to see that fascism and other reactionary movements have and will continue to futily try to kill us all.
If anyone weaponizes the above statement against transfemmes consider yourselves challenged to a duel, which for legal reasons since martial duels are illegal in our country (although sparring and recreational combat is not) we will define as showing for one on one moderated online in either FATE 4th Edition or the E20 rule system minus MLP (we are removing the MLP sourcebooks to spare you) for a player character vs. player character duel.
yes the fact the 2024 election is not far off may have something to do with airing this out. like what the fuck are we doing how does it honestly help to take issue with someone having a bunch of terms, as compared to thinking about where the terms come from and if they are appropriated which is a legitimate concern to have. do you know how many enbies have given us the 'why are you so into gender' talk via micro-agressions do you really think nonbinary people having a bunch of terms is the problem and not society vilifying gender expansive people generally for being able to express their personal gender as if prose or poetry or math and especially being hard on transfemmes whether or not we settle for being a conforming gal (and don't get to be) or play around with gender in ways that reject oppositional sexism out of hand all-together come on now.
can we please for the love of fucking gods take a moment to think about how our untreated or not fully resolved traumas combined with not having unlearned the way hierarchies categorize result in lashing out at each other. for fuck's sake. it breaks one of our older headmate's spark and all our souls to hear this kind of thing
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tenmyoujump · 6 months ago
one of the most annoying experiences is when you’re hungry but putting in any effort at all to start eating something does not feel at all desirable nor possible
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sleepdeprivedsurgeon · 6 months ago
amadeus (1984) is so good i wish there wasn't mozart music in it
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byzetic · 1 year ago
the guy who invented dysphoria just should not have done that
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thatspacemannsworld · 1 year ago
Okay I need to vent this shit
So I got cranberry raisins the other day
And I didn’t even notice because I got trail mix with raisins in it, I thought they were normal raisins, which I like
But NO
Instead, I get these dry, barely sweet, incredibly sour, soft raisins that are apparently
Now I don’t normally have an issue with cranberries, in fact I think the juice is alright.
But THESE cranberries have lost everything good about them, and are super soft and have awful texture.
It feels like I’m eating some raisins that were soaked with water, dried, and then had the flavor removed.
I swear it’s like god said “yeah, these raisins? Make them awful.”
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raffaellopalandri · 1 year ago
Uninventing Market, Profit, and Capitalism: A Moral Imperative for a Sustainable Future
Bloganuary writing promptIf you could un-invent something, what would it be? View all responses Today’s prompt is in the realm of hypotheses, so I would answer appropriately. A world without markets, profit, and capitalism might seem like a distant utopian dream, but to me, it is one worth striving towards. Markets, profit, and capitalism are the driving forces behind our current economic…
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meikuree · 11 months ago
"impact" in academia can be a farce but i'm not sure where people are getting the idea that """real world""" jobs are necessarily better as well -- i worked for a few years in an applied and practical area and it was mind-crushingly boring and meaningless
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psycadenza · 1 year ago
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“ I haven’t heard about gender roles since like, 2075 …. “
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superhell · 2 years ago
ive had enough when is someone going to declare that they're in love with me im so serious
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joaniam · 2 years ago
not in 10,000 years of human history have humans EVER been chill about religion, and the times human politics have explicitly tried to enshrine atheism as the state religion have been no less biased, corrupt, or fucked up than theistic regimes.
it’s like the George Washington being like “Ok, new country new rules: no political parties”, and we didn’t put controls in for political parties and now we have the most bassakward deadlocked, slow, dumb, not updated system.
We KNOW the flaws, and it is incredibly cool to see that people still believe that humans can and will rise above those flaws, we still need to realistically control for that shit.
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