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steampaul · 1 year ago
i've started a little series of weekly posts documenting every MoC i made (digitally) over the last few years:
Week 6: the first half of 2020 (and a bonus)
some Cyberpunk-y stuff, more youtubers, revisiting that robot dog, a really cool movie, some contest and some of my first digital MoCs rendered
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i made these hover-vehicles IRL building with my little Sister and her LEGO. I don't like LEGO friends because i hate how minidolls look like polly pockets, but i think the more patel colours of those sets are really pleasant
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"der Weltall. UnENTliche weiten..."
there's a german Youtuber called "Coldmirror". she was one of the first youtubers in germany and she made some pretty funny animations, including StarStarSpace, a kind of parody of Star Trek, Star Wars and some other sci-fi stuff.
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Adam Savage made a Rickshaw to be pulled by boston dynamics' Spot. I saw that build, remembered the minifigure scale Spot i built in the year before and added his rickshaw. i made two versions. the simpler one i made after seeing the teaser on twitter and the more complex one i made after watching the build-video.
i posted the simpler version on reddit, which got the attention of Adam savage's team and later of adam savage. they contacted me and i mailed them the instructions of the simpler version, felt bad for the inaccuracies of the build, built the more complex version and also mailed them its instructions.
Adam later build the simpler version on a stream that i sadly missed, but i was really happy that a maker i admire liked my MoC.
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Fanart for TomSka and Friends' CONTENT table. i still kinda like it, even though i thought it would be hilarious to make their legs skin-coloured.
this was actually featured in the "trial by trolley" video they made in feburary 2020.
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Newelementary did a contest featuring the then new Green Lantern Part from the first series the DC collectible minifigures.
i built these two ships with the part as engine details, the W45-P Stinger and the 0G-L13 Leapfrog. i submitted them both and for some reason the people from Newelementary switched up the names of the works.
anyway, i did not win.
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just a digital version of the Old Factory i posted back in week 2.
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i tried imitating some more logo-like stuff.
i don't think arstotzkan Flag turned out really good, but i really like the way the Blood Machines Title looks.
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speaking of Blood Machines, i had recently watched this really cool movie and had to make some sort of MoC inspired by the really cool ship designs found in that movie. i first tried to make something more Minifigure scale, got overwhelmed, and just made the mIcro scale
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the Star Wars Helmet series also started that year. i rebuild the Boba Fett helemt and modified it it to represent Jango Fett and the Mandalorians found in the Mandalorian battle pack that also came out that year.
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i don't really remember why, but i tried remaking set 7310 Mono-jet from Life on Mars as a more modern set. i made a colour-accurate version and a version that actually can be built IRL.
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i had the fun idea to remake some Lego city-style Vehicles as cyberpunk-y hovercars. i tried making some different styles of 0-G-generators/repulsor lifts to make the vehicles feel like they've been built by different manufacturers.
also, Stud.io had a weird bug/feature where you had a coloured gradiend as a background if you put a part on the ground that is out of frame and have the rest of the build "hover" over the ground.
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another Contest, this time for Lego Ideas. they had a Star Wars x Christmas thing, so i had the (kind of uncreative) idea to make a gingerbread TIE fighter, based off the Imperial TIE fighter set from 2018 and the little polybag from the same year.
this also did not win.
Bonus: some of my first digital MoCs i made.
i found them again.
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the Dalek Emperor from NewWho. this was basically the first MoC i ever made on a PC, back when LDD still worked on my laptop.
i had to tweak the colours a lot when i rendered this one, because the way they were represented in LDD was very different to the way they look in stud.io or even real life.
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i struggled quite a bit with redoing this one in stud.io because it handles flexible a lot different than LDD. that is also one of the reasons why i never finished this MoC.
i think i'll have to split this year again, but hopefully only in two parts. i dislike that 30 image limit for tumblr Posts.
first week last week next week
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mikaelaelsblog · 3 years ago
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Das schönste ist die Liebe zum Hund und die Liebe zu meine Freundin,den das ist unendlich. #unentlich #lovechihuahuas #liebeserklärung #gemeinsamsindwirstarkt #fürimmer #fürdentollstenmenschen #aufinstagram #aufderwelt ##chihuahualiebe❤️ #hundeliebe #dogsliebe #frauenliebe #Tierliebe #fürimmer #undweig #dasbestewaspassirt #imleben #insta #Instagram #instalikes #followersinstagram #folgemir #profile #instaprofil (hier: Irlich, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUvHnRHMx9u/?utm_medium=tumblr
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schoefisch · 6 years ago
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Mit dem Stillleben, dass ich für meinen Workshop am 13.10.2018 zum '9. Brandenburgischen Hospiztag'  für die Kursteilnehmer vorbereitet habe möchte ich meine Vanitasserie erstmal abschließen. Das Thema hat mich über das gesamte letzte Jahr begleitet und letztlich dazu geführt, dass ich im November die Ausbildung zum ehrenamtlichen Hosptzbegleiter beginnen werde. Ich habe in den vergangenen Jahren soviele Menschen auf ihrem letzten Weg begleitet und dabei so unentlich viel über mich selbst gelernt und für mein persönliches Leben mitnehmen können. Aus diesem Grund möchte ich dies nun zu einem festen Teil meines Lebens machen und die Zuversicht, Dankbarkeit und Kraft, die ich bei diesen Begleitungen gewonnen  habe mit anderen teilen. Ich freue mich auf diese neue Aufgabe.
With the still life, that I prepared for a workshop on 13.10.2018 to '9. Brandenburgische Hospiztag' (9. Brandenburg hospice day) for the students I would like to conclude my vanitasserie.
The theme has accompanied me throughout the last year and ultimately made me start a training in November  for volunteer hospice companion. For the past 19 years, I have accompanied so many people on their last journey and have been able to take so much for my personal life. That's why I want to make this an integral part of my life and share with others the confidence, gratitude, and strength that I have experienced in these context.
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sabiruben-blog · 8 years ago
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kuala-lumpur ist unser letzte stop bevor wir zurück nach europa reisen. hier haben wir uns für vier tage in einem hotel einquartiert. das tropische klima macht uns auch hier zuschaffen bei 31 grad mit 90% luftfeuchtigkeit.😅 auch hier gibt es unzählige shoppingmals, wir besuchten eine direkt unter den petronas tween towers. angegliedert an die towers liegt ein schöner park, und die sicht auf die beiden berümten türme ist grandios! kuala lumpur ist eine sehr multikulturelle stadt, dies spigelt sich auch in den vielen restaurants wider. das angebot ist beinahe unentlich und man findet alles was das herz beghert. wir verbrachten einen abend in der heli skybar. im 34. stock eines gebäudes wird jeden abend um 18:00 der helikandeplatz zu einer bar umfuktioniert. die aussicht über kuala lumpur war einfach nur genial, erst der sonnenuntergang und danach die vielen hochhäuser im lichtermeer! nun ist packen angesagt...unsere reisegeht weiter via bangkok nach paris.
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x-mrs · 5 years ago
liebe ist wie russan roulette, entweder du hast unentliches glück oder du stirbst, was dazwischen gibts nicht.
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keinglueckfuerimmer · 7 years ago
Und wenn es niemanden interessiert wie es dir geht, wenn es niemand sehen oder hören will. Dann, ja genau dann, wäre es der beste Zeitpunkt sich umzubringen. Es allen zeigen. Allen zeigen, dass ihre Worte nur leer waren, nur geheuchelt. Den in den unentlich vielen Nächten, den Nachmittagen, den Morgen etc., waren Sie nicht da und sie werden es auch nicht sein, egal wie sehr du dir das einredest. Es sind keine Freunde. Es sind keine Seelenverwandte. Es sind Menschen die dich zum Zweck nutzen. That‘s it.
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neverendinglovetotheocean · 11 years ago
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mikaelaelsblog · 4 years ago
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Lina leckt sich die Zunge 😝bei leckerchen. Wie kann man einfach nur so süß sein 🐾🐕❤💋 #chihuahua #chihuwahuwa #chihuahualove #blackweite #dogs #doglife #hundeliebe #knuffig #chihuahua #hund #hundebussi #hundeglücklich #hundefotografie #hundeglück #hundemodel #hundeblick #hundeblog #hundeblogger #hundemädchen #hundeliebegrenzenlos #freunde #ihrlieben #schönenabendeuch #lrfreunde #lrworld #liebe #unentlich #fürimmer #freunde #sonne #hundeleckerlie (hier: Irlich, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQCDNY6D-pi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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