#uneasy lies the head that wears a crown
favvn · 3 months
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I keep thinking about how, because of their positions of authority and the choices demanded by that authority, Kodos* and Kirk hold more similarities than differences.
Kirk, of course, has already had to live with the loss of friends and crew members due to his decisions as a captain, even before meeting with Kodos. The loss of life is a risk inherent to Starfleet. Jim Kirk knows this, yet his authority to make the decisions for the crew and the planets and life they come into contact with means he handles another person's life or death, be they a member of his crew or someone from outside the ship (a colonist or alien or even an entire planet. It's ultimately Kirk's decision that can enable the survival or loss of others' lives even beyond the scope of the Enterprise. This is why his moments of selfishness are so devastating, especially when looking to his past on Tarsus IV. ) This authority to decide who lives and who dies is not entirely different from Kodos choosing who would live and who would die on Tarsus IV, which is what makes Kodos' words so stinging. "You're a man of decision, captain. You ought to understand that." Regardless of the good that Kirk strives to do when he is at his best, he still has blood on his hands from the choices he has to make.
Even Spock's final words (before his resurrection), "The needs of the many outweigh... [the needs of] the one," spoken years after Kirk sought vengeance for the wrongs of his past, recall what Kodos tells Kirk, that some have to die so that others may live. Not even Kirk can outrun that reality, no matter how smart he is, how flexible his logic is, or how fast he thinks on his feet. (Or what records he creates by beating the unbeatable.)
*obligatory disclaimer: Kodos took power. He did not earn it or have it freely given in a time of peace. He used a time of hardship and distress to help himself.
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guiltknight-gaming · 2 years
Atomic Heart Episode 22: Uneasy Lies The Head That Wears A Crown
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gossamerorigins · 7 months
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“the king and the land are one”
“A king is a man, and a man can fail. But a myth is indestructible”
For heaven's sake, let us sit upon the ground / And tell sad stories of the death of kings,
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vhagarsflame · 2 years
Hello, I have written my longest ongoing fic yet, and I would like to share for my fellow Aemond obsessed people.
Uneasy Lies the Head That Wears the Crown.
Ayana Stark has fled Winterfell to avoid being forced to marry Dalton Greyjoy, the Lord Reaper of Pyke.
She has got herself a position at the Red Keep as a handmaiden to Prince Aegon Targaryen, under a bastard-name.
He is a mean drunk who refuses to treat her with respect even when he figures out who she is. He frequently hits her and forces her to clean up his messes.
This does not please his brother Aemond.
He decides to permanently request her help, she is working for him now and he takes it upon himself to teach her to fight, understand the histories of the Kingdoms and be her own person. However, in doing so he unwittingly makes a choice which forces him to marry her to keep her safe, she will have none of it.
Lord Rickon Stark is furious and arranges for Iron-born mercenaries to get her back. The Lord Reaper of Pyke does not like the Prince stealing his bride and he will gather his armies, allying with Rhaenyra on Dragonstone to steal her back before the end. The Dragons will Dance, and Ayana must decide if she is to support the man she grew to love or her family.
Why should you read it I hear you ask? Have a list:
1. I am proud of it. (Shamed but proud)
2. Main character development. (I hope)
3. Evil!Rhaenyra, c*nt!Daemon.
4. Protective Aemond, Saviour!Aemond, King!Aemond, Absolutely!Unhinged!Aemond.
5. Smut.
6. Dragon riding+Bonding
7. The Dance will be REWRITTEN.
8. Smut
9. Forced marriage
10. Arguing and sword fighting. -> smut
11. Twists and k!dnapping.
Please enjoy this absolute depravity as much as I am when writing it.
Ao3 Wattpad
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“Hooh...There’s quite a large amount of young talent up and about. If we could have them join hands with Illumina, I think even old Schwartz in Lumopolis would lift an eyebrow.”
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wilchur · 8 days
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uneasy lies the head that wears a crown (ref)
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"Canst thou, O partial sleep, give thy repose To the wet sea-boy in an hour so rude, And in the calmest and most stillest night With all the appliances and means to boot, Deny it to a king? Then happy low, lie down! Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."
~ William Shakespeare, Henry IV part II, Act III scene ii
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cohnsumer · 2 years
tag  dump .
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dwcmarshalarts · 7 months
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Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown
Per Aspera timeline and fanart by DWC Marshal Arts
Adastra and Cassius by Echo Project
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very-straight-blog · 6 months
Aegon literally looks like a character in Shakespeare's tragedy. "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown" and all this shit. I'm here for this vibe btw.
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targarrus · 2 months
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uneasy lies the head that wears a crown
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daemyradaily · 2 years
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Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. William Shakespeare | King Henry IV
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hagoftheholler · 11 months
[Pick-A-Card] Are you a soldier, poet, or king?
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[From left to right, pick one of three photos of roses + mirrors. Images found on pintrest.]
I've found several versions of this song, and all have been appealing to me. I figured, why not make a short and fun pick a card reading based on it? If y'all haven't listened to the song, feel free to go ahead and listen to it before picking an image.
[Pile One] The Poet
Uplifting Aspects: The Sun, Page of Cups, Seven of Swords (rv)
Young at heart and a soul much older, pile one are the poets. You are creative and have a unique charm to your personality. That charm comes in the form of optimism and having fun no matter what it is you do. This may draw attention to you, but take it as a compliment: you shine like the sun.
Some may think of you as naive and childish, but you are very self-aware. You know what you like and what brings you comfort. You are a dreamer. There are a dozen ideas for what path you want to walk in life, and it is so hard to choose just one so you try to live them all in some way. You often do this through your art.
Challenging Aspects: Strength (rv), Ace of Cups (rv), The Tower (rv)
Dear pile one, your joy and optimistic outlook on life may not come without some internal struggle. Your battles happen in your head with yourself. Poets seek to find the beauty in life and often will also find tragedy in it. This causes some fear and anxiety in you, but don't allow yourself to be paralyzed. You must learn not to be discouraged by this.
Self-doubt, imposter syndrome. You question yourself. Your abilities. The truth. Despite the reassurance you get from others, you still get that lingering "what if" in the back of your mind. Again, you can not allow yourself to be discouraged by this. You must move forward.
[Pile Two] The King
Uplifting Aspects: Ten of Wands, The Star, Five of Wands
Ambitious and honorable, pile two are the kings. You have a respectable sense of responsibility and will stop at nothing to achieve your goals. As a king personality, you tend to find yourself in the spotlight, but that is natural for you. You are a strong and intense presence. This can be intimidating yet admirable to others.
Competition and growth are what encourage you to keep moving forward. Even during times when you feel exhausted and ready to give up, there will always be a spark there to light you up again. Many admire you for your perseverance, and some envy you for it.
Challenging Aspects: Seven of Cups, Ace of Swords (rv), Seven of Wands
Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Your sense of duty can be both a blessing and a curse. You may frequently find yourself in situations where people look to you for answers. Sometimes, you may have them. There are also times when the options seem endless, and there are no true solutions to the problem at hand. Yet others expect you to make the hard choices.
Your neverending desire to achieve your goals may also come with a cost. You may sometimes find that others perceive you as cold and rigid, lacking in empathy. This may have cost you relationships of all kinds. Your competitive nature may have caused you trouble. Competition can bring out the best and worst in people.
[Pile Three] The Soldier
Uplifting Aspects: The Moon, Five of Cups (rv), Four of Swords
With an unbreakable spirit and the bravery to match, pile three are the soldiers. Many think of you as mysterious or closed off, but you're just mindful of where you use your energy. You're calculated and observant. All of this may result in you having very few relationships— it's not that you don't want meaningful relationships, you just see people for what they are.
Y'all are more likely to make peace with your past than poets and kings. Your sense of awareness is rather unique because, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, you are more concerned about the present. You can't change the past, and you can never be too sure about the future, but you do have control over how you approach life now. In the moment.
Challenging Aspects: Knight of Wands, Ace of Wands, Queen of Pentacles
Your fighting spirit may come with a hot temper and impulsiveness. You may be quick to judge, or you may simply judge harshly. Best mind your words, pile three. They cut just as sharp as a sword.
Y'all may also find that you have difficulty expressing yourselves. Yes, you have opinions about others and are morally conscious about right and wrong. How do you feel, though? Can you name your emotions? You spend so much time perceiving others and predicting what others are going to do next that you may become disconnected with yourself. Ground yourselves, pile three.
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Deck Used: Tarot of the Divine
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spandexinspace · 3 days
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Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown
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@pseudomonacarriea​ replied with:
Gronru: I wonder if they can beat the extra levels you set up for them. Oh! I hope they can get some OHKOs in there!
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“Ha! I wouldn’t start them off on the levels I had Kaeya endure, I only did that after seeing firsthand that he was able to handle it back in Eraveil.”
She doubts that many save for her, a scarce few others, and the Caelestite could manage under such grueling conditions, after all. Reinhardt knows all too well that she is, as overheard the younger ones saying, ‘built different’.
“From the sounds of it, you’ve improved the program again. Good work, Officer Gronru.”
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