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morespidermuffins · 5 months ago
I was going to draw Nightmare too but NAHHHH
Anyway, was testing a new brush and drew the bad sanses- (this was supposed to be a halloween post but I forgor)
I’m actually so proud of the Horror one LMAOO
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bonkedurmum · 1 month ago
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i love dream so anyways 👉👈 here’s my dream design, nm coming soon!!! this is just one of his outfits i’ll show more soon pinkie promise
dream by JokuBlog
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xnzlian · 2 years ago
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Suit :)
Daddymare belongs to Jokublog
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rawrlands · 8 months ago
Made this instead of sleeping last night
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rurostar · 1 year ago
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Dreamtale Twins Birthday ((I’m a day late))
—🎋 Dream & Nightmare sans belongs to @jokublog
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zillyzoobilee22 · 3 months ago
I JUST REALIZED THAT I'M MOOTZ WITH AN AWESOME ARTIST I'VE BEEN IDOLIZING FOR A WHILE SO I DECIDED TO DRAW THEIR OC! One of my favorites, actually. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT! @spuirrelwiththeletterp (it's a little rushed I'm sorry)
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candyeyeunicornskull · 4 months ago
Headcanons about Lust sans,-- except it's about the jobs he could've have besides being a stripper!
-(Suggestion by a friend) Bikini Bars
-Sex ED teacher
-Sex therapist
-Drag queen
-Probably does Charitys
-Upload Pole Danceing tutorials or just pole Danceing (pole dancing can be it's own thing without stripper stuff..I'm serious, it is own thing- and I love it)
-Sex worker/Stripper/Onlyfans but duh he is one.
-Makeup + nail artist 100% or work at a spa
- SFX makeup artist
-OR NSFW ARTIST (like ink😈✨ whose ace)
-Role model designer
-or a sex toy maker 👁👁?
-fashion designer and is the role model
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loneycorner · 9 months ago
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Stuff I made in church because bored
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bugtaleaskblogoffical · 9 months ago
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Who even wears a buggy fit to the underground??
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sniker28dog · 5 months ago
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Inktobertale 2024: Day 16-Forbidden
Inktobertale2024 and Ink!Sans by @comyet / @myebi
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swapswap-ust · 6 months ago
Welcome to the SwapSwap UST account:
Here updates will be posted about the fanmade alternate soundtrack for SwapSwap we are working on
here is our soundcloud account https://soundcloud.com/something-i-guess-something
Our fanmade alternate soundtrack is not for the current canon version of SwapSwap.
it's based off of a older version
I and everyone else working on this are not affiliated with @/oranskullblade aka the owner of SwapSwap.
Check these docs out to understand how SwapSwap works https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z1KSBYTMldfGlLNL6S9MjmCF26LWcfEBELomM27m6nE/edit?usp=drivesdk https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KMhfrhvg-E5KOVRXXrIN1Yt6YemRnWEQcQiDygksSyE/edit?usp=drivesdk
people always assume it's Undertale again when it's not.
People also assume it swaps underswap back to Undertale even tho that is also NOT true.
it's literally supposed to be underswap's own Underswap because that's what it would be and is logically.
I've seen people give SwapSwap the name swapback and that makes no sense at all.
SwapSwap does not swap anything back. infact it goes forward by adding another swap onto underswap.
It's literally underswap's own underswap
It's just adding underswap onto underswap
it's adding the exact same au onto itself.
that's what SwapSwap is.
I have no clue why people decided to make a fake alternate name for SwapSwap. swapback was never a name for SwapSwap. and
while yes canon SwapSwap sometimes has had the *it's just undertale again* mindset influence it that's not what SwapSwap is supposed to be
And regardless that's not what it would be logically.
Also about the being chill is Underswap papyrus' thing now in the second doc that was just me trying to find a way to get you to see it the way we see SwapSwap. tho in reality while it is a trait Underswap papyrus has it came from Undertale sans.
Underswap papyrus has those traits in Underswap but they are still undertale sans" personality.
while yes it is true that underswap papyrus acts like that in universe for obvious reasons as it's literally a au called underswap
BUT irl we know he got his personality from undertale sans so it is not really underswap papyrus' own thing
BUT that does not mean you need to call SwapSwap sans undertale sans again
While yes when talking about Underswap papyrus you say underswap papyrus has the personality of undertale sans
SwapSwap sans is meant to be based off of Underswap papyrus so you'd say he has the personality of swap papyrus.
you are supposed to see underswap papyrus's personality as it's own thing
what I'm trying to say is underswap papyrus' personality is it's own thing but also is NOT at the same time if ya know what I mean.
because as I have just said. when thinking about underswap you would say underswap papyrus' personality comes from undertale sans.
But when it comes to SwapSwap you are supposed to see underswap papyrus' personality as original
Instead of trying to connect it to undertale.
which yes when talking about underswap you would connect it to undertale
As underswap papyrus' personality comes from undertale sans
however you are NOT supposed to do that when talking about SwapSwap. as when talking about SwapSwap
The personalties of the underswap cast should always be seen as their own things and any association with undertale should not be involved when talking about SwapSwap
Also as I have said before in the second doc
Even if SwapSwap was not based off of canon underswap and instead was based
off of a version of Underswap where 100% of the Undertale cast's personality is swapped
and no new personality traits are created
And therefore making a underswap papyrus with no new personality traits and that acts 100% like undertale sans
I would still not call SwapSwap undertale again.
SwapSwap should ALWAYS be seen as it's own thing. NO MATTER WHAT.
SwapSwap is it's own thing.
One way to look at it is if undertale never existed or at least that's what I would say
If it was not for the fact that you do not need to pretend undertale does not exist to see SwapSwap as NOT undertale again
Plus if undertale suddenly became a thing in existence again you'd call SwapSwap Undertale all over again.
Despite the universes being extremely different. and when I mean extremely I mean ENTIRELY different.
SwapSwap is LTERALLY intended to be underswap's own underswap
Also once again SwapSwap sans is not 80% Undertale sans and 20% swap sans
As I've already said a million times by now SwapSwap is LITERALLY UNDERSWAP's OWN UNDERSWAP. Undertale personalities would not be in it.
SwapSwap sans would act like 80% underswap papyrus and 20% underswap sans.
however people keep saying SwapSwap sans is 80% undertale sans and 20% underswap sans because
They do not see SwapSwap as it's own separate thing from undertale. instead of saying he is 80% Underswap papyrus and 20% Underswap sans they say
He's 80% Undertale sans and 20% underswap sans
Even tho SwapSwap is not related to Undertale AT ALL
Somehow people see underswap for what it's trying to be
and do not call underswap papyrus just undertale sans again
or underswap sans just undertale papyrus again
but they'll be completely hypocritical when it comes to SwapSwap as they'll call SwapSwap sans just undertale sans again when SwapSwap sans is intended to have the personality of Underswap papyrus
The lesson here is.
do not listen to what people say.
Also people think too much because if they did not SwapSwap would not have so much false info being put out about it.
Once you stop thinking so much you'll be able to see SwapSwap as it's own thing. and if you can not remember what I told you.
as what I'm saying is a fact.
Also fun fact: not even canon SwapSwap is safe from the false info about SwapSwap either.
And while yes this is a issue that previous versions of SwapSwap have had the current canon version of SwapSwap also has it.
Because like no offense at all to the official SwapSwap team BUT The description for the SoundCloud account calls it "the same but different" and the tumblr account says
"the underswap cast swaps keeping some of their original traits with them"
which yes you could look at it in a certain perspective that would make it true
because the Underswap cast does get their personalities swapped in swapswap meaning they are no longer
who they used to be but now alternate universe equivalents that took their personalities' from eachother
but in reality ALL of the underswap cast's personalities are still in SwapSwap. just most of it has been swapped besides 20% staying the same.
this also applies to underswap's relationship with undertale as ALL of the Undertale cast's personalities do exist in underswap.
it's just mostly swapped besides 20%
The line they said just felt like they were saying that due to them swapping again they now act like the undertale cast with some of their original underswap selves remaining.
which obviously would be something only someone with the "it's undertale again" mindset would have.
so yeah. if you look at it in a certain way it's wrong. but remember. it could also be right.
and remember everybody.
SwapSwap is underswap's own underswap.
oh and before I go. I also wanna say undertale personalties are not accounted for in later swap aus after underswap
like I said before aus like swapswap are their own things.
infact it would also be wrong to say that underswap characters have their personalties warped in later swaps AFTER swapswap. tho it's not warping it's just
swapping as swapswap is underswap's own underswap.
I'm saying this because many people see the process of swapping aus over and over
as warping the Undertale cast's personality over and over even tho that's not how it works at all.
Swap stack aus are not meant to warp the personalities of the undertale cast.
also these are swap aus. they do not quote "warp" anything.
The personalities of the SwapSwap cast are based off of the underswap cast
it would not be swapping or warping the personalities of the undertale cast.
And the personalities of the tripleswap cast are based off of the SwapSwap cast.
also if you somehow do not know what tripleswap is
it is SwapSwap's own underswap.
back to talking about SwapSwap.
I know I have already said this before multiple times but always
See SwapSwap as it's own thing.
I sure as hell do.
For example while SwapSwap has the same story as underswap and
underswap has the same story as undertale
I would NOT say something like
*therefore SwapSwap has the same story as undertale.*
because that is wrong.
as that's just something someone with the "it's just undertale again* mindset would say
also I'm making the choice o have SwapSwap papyrus also fight you in the genocide route because
There is a headcanon that canon underswap sans would not forgive you in a genocide route despite having the personality of underswap papyrus
Note that I said it's a headcanon
because there's no evidence of canon underswap sans NOT being intended to forgive you in canon underswap.
however there is also no evidence to say the headcanon is false because
It was never said that underswap sans would forgive you either.
for all we know it could be canon that he would hate you in the genocide route just like undertale sans.
which would also mean you would have to fight both underswap papyrus and underswap sans
and because the headcanon exists I feel valid having SwapSwap papyrus fight you in the genocide run because he is based off of underswap sans.
BUT I will say this. underswap papyrus' personality would NOT be why SwapSwap papyrus would to fight you in a genocide route.
only the headcanon of swap sans hating you in underswap would be a good reason to have SwapSwap papyrus fight you in SwapSwap
OK WAIT NEVERMIND because since SwapSwap is underswap's own underswap
if you had the headcanon of underswap sans hating you because he kept undertale sans' personality trait of not forgiving you in the genocide route
Then it would make sense to also have the headcanon that SwapSwap papyrus could indeed keep underswap papyrus' personality trait of not forgiving you in the genocide route.
just like how underswap sans could have taken undertale sans' trait of not forgiving you in the genocide run.
Also btw underswap papyrus is still
more forgiving than undertale sans but underswap papyrus is still not as forgiving as undertale papyrus
papyrus in underswap has the tolerance of the average person when it comes to things like genocide.
Also somehow people managed to confuse SwapSwap with another au called revertswap. even tho the names should tell you they are entirely different. you already know how SwapSwap works now. it's
underswap's own underswap which also makes it Undertale swapped twice. tho of course SwapSwap is not based off of undertale at all.
SwapSwap is a underSWAP au. BUT due to being underswap's own underswap that unintentionally makes it Undertale swapped twice too.
As underswap is the result of swapping undertale once.
And SwapSwap adds another swap onto underswap.
therefore making it BOTH underswap's own underswap and Undertale swapped twice.
SwapSwap is a au that adds another swap onto underswap and that means it is going forward not backwards
As it adds underswap onto itself
it's a au of underswap after all.
but it's also undertale swapped twice too.
SwapSwap is meant to give underswap it's own underswap.
meanwhile revertswap is a entirely different au. revertswap is meant to revert underswap back to undertale
It reverts everything from underswap back to undertale. this includes stuff like the roles the designs etc etc. almost everything is reverted.
the one thing that is not is the personalities of the underswap cast.
that stays the same.
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morespidermuffins · 7 months ago
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Just a little art dump before I fade back into the void (i’m rlly bad at posting LMAO)
(Some of these are kinda old but I think they’re cool so I’m posting them anyway)💥
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ramyexd · 1 year ago
My first DTIYS :D
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I leave it in sketch because I'm afraid to line and color it, but I hope it counts :p
Ash: @itsxroxannex
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xnzlian · 2 years ago
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Killer belongs to RahafWabas Outer belongs to 2mi127 Noir belongs to Totty
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bazzlethebiohazard · 12 days ago
this was based of some fanart I found, so original fanart is by someone else, but here is my recreation of it in my art style :D
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Geno!sans belongs to Crayon Queen ❤️❤️❤️
Reaper!sans belongs to Renrink ♥️♥️♥️
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zillyzoobilee22 · 1 month ago
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JUST DREW FELL!SANS hehhee. Hehehehehehe. You're welcome everybody!
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