Chara concept design!
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Who even wears a buggy fit to the underground??
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What does sanses jacket look like when he's flying? I know he uses his jacket to have wings but what does it actually look like? :] HI WIFE
As this AU is still in the works, I do have a few concept designs. But I'm kind of struggling considering the fact that it is very weird to have his jacket as his wings, but I think it's a neat idea so it's ok! His jacket would split out in the middle and spread out, whilst the front of his jacket would just. Before a crop top almost.
(More about it is under cut)
In his reference, his jacket is long and like, split in half in the middle, I kind of used that as an indicator of how his wings would work!
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I also have a few doodles of his concept design for when I made it.
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Honestly, if you guys have any tips or ideas, I have open ears! Tell em to me in the ask box pretty please
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Hi! I'm Bloppy, this is the BUGTALE ask blog where you can ask questions, learn more about this au, and watch me grow and create this AU as we move forward.
Here are all the CURRENT designs I have so far.
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That's all for now! If you want to see more bugtale content, I post animations of it on my tiktok! Please ask any questions 🩷
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