#undertale alarm clock spoilers
Every snipbit of Soriel in Undertale/Deltarune (spoilers obviously)
This is just a collective post with every “soriel” moment, but I’d like to say first that soriel can just be them being platonic friends or romantically invovled, it’s really up to how you interpret their dynamic. Keep in mind that I could be missing some more obscure things that are outside of the games and such, but I did try to be as extensive as possible. 
    - Before anything else, I’d like to mention Toriel’s joke book in the RUINs, which has a joke passage cirlced of skeleton jokes and the game reads you this one:
“Why did the skeleton want a friend? Because she was feeling BONELY.” 
    -   Next thing to talk about is Sans’ dinner story at MTT Diner, where he recalls how a lady answered his knock knock jokes at the RUINs door. Sans talks about how he’d go there all the time after that. Sans also mentions during his talk with Frisk that he gave a promise to Toriel that he’d protect them on their journey, even though he doesn’t really do promises. 
Full scene:
    -   Some one-note remarks are throughout the game as well. For example, it can be implied that Toriel was giving Sans cooking advice to some degree because of 1) the “weird quiche” that Sans out-of-the-blue tried to make at home and 2) the snail pasta that Sans bought.
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     - There’s also the fact that Sans “hasn’t been around much” at Grillby’s, but this doesn’t necessarily mean it has to do with Toriel, but it could if Papyrus is anything to go by.
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Now to the endings.
    -   Near the end of the true pacifist route, there’s Toriel and Sans’ apparent in-person meeting before Flowey comes in which you can watch below. They recognize each other’s voices and introduce themselves, Toriel says Sans told her a lot about Papyrus while at the door.
    -   After the player beats the game on a true pacifist route, there’s a TON of dialouge with Sans and Toriel, so watch the video below to see all of it:
This video also has all of Toriel’s text messages in it, a lot of with are with Sans as well, some of which I’ll put here but there’s a lot more in the video (they start at 9:15)
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    -   There’s also the neutral route with Toriel and Sans ending up living together, or the “Exiled Queen Ending.” To get this ending, you have to kill Papyrus and leave Undyne alive. In the phone call, Sans talks about how Undyne banished Toriel back to the RUINs after Toriel tried inacting a ‘no killing humans’ policy and Sans ended up going with her. Sans brings her books from the library and says she’s a “good roomie.” (Time stamp: 12:56)
    -  In the opposite of that, if you leave Papyrus alive and kill Undyne, Toriel stays ruler and Sans and Papyrus visit her in the castle. He talks about how they play games and read books together, and even convincing her to leave the castle a couple times. (Time stamp: 14:11)
    -  If you kill Toriel in a neutral route, Sans will talk about how he doesn’t get a response when he knocks on the RUINs door anymore and says the she might not be feeling well. If you also kill Papyrus in this route, he’ll say: “Or maybe she’s not feeling anything at all. . .? You’d better watch yourself, kid. . .”
Here’s a video where you can see all of this:
   -   In Deltraune chapter 1, when you talk to Sans about who he should be friends with and pick Toriel, he says: “Too late, I already befriended your mom last night. She’s great, came to the store to buy chocolate kisses. Said she’s gotta lock her door to stop you from eating ‘em.” 
     -  In Deltarune chapter 2, there’s a scene where Toriel goes into Sans’ shop to get eggs she left on the counter and they share a lot of egg puns. Toriel leaves though when Asgore comes in with possibly the funniest joke ever. Also I love Asgore calling Sans bone man. I cannot do the scene justice, it’s one of my favorite things from Deltarune, you can watch it below.
  -   Moving on from games, Undertale had a cancelled alarm clock app that had a lot of dialouge from characters, but it can all be found on the undertale website. There’s a lot of moments with Sans and Toriel, but I’ll fit what I can. Here’s the website if you want to look for yourself: https://undertale.com/alarmclock/
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 -  In the first winter Undertale newletter, there’s this:
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-   In the 5th Anniversy stream, they have a commerical for some Undertale merch and I just thought Toriel wearing Sans merch was pretty cool.
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Well I hoped you enjoyed my rambling but that’s it for what I have. okay bye i hope you enjoyed my delusion
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tigerbears · 1 year
Some trans/enby Undertale headcanons of mine
Hey First post from me other than the “I exist!” post! Decided to write down some trans/enby head canons for Undertale I have… You can probably tell which one is my favorite from how much I wrote… (While I’m trans, I’m not enby so plz tell me if I get anything wrong/insensitive about enby folks here?) Also, I may use these headcanons in fics I make so possible spoilers...
Frisk Dreemurr
-They/Them Enby. -Before the events of Undertale, Frisk identified as a trans-boy because they did not like being a girl, but then Frisk realized they don’t want to be a boy either, and they start to question if they are enby. -Monsters in the underground use gender neutral language to refer to Frisk because they don’t want to assume Frisk’s gender, but this unintentionally helps Frisk fully realize their enby. -Their still unsure if they want to start HRT or not, but thankfully they have time to think about that decision thanks to puberty blockers. (lol I'm also unsure if they'd want to medically transition or not aswfaweast)
Chara Dreemurr
-They/Them Enby. -Did not know they were enby until shortly after arriving in the Underground. -Chara made up their name just as they met Asriel because they did not like their old name, not realizing that was because of dysphoria. -Chara asks Asriel why all the monsters referred to them as “they”, and the conversation following that leads to Chara fully cracking and realizing their enby… -Asriel wants to never learn the gender Chara was assigned at birth because he only wants to Chara as they really are. Chara thinks that’s cute but kind of impossible/impractical… -Toriel and Asgore ordered the royal scientist to reverse-engineer human puberty blockers for Chara because magic ones dont work on humans… -Chara would have later started HRT if they had not died.
Noelle Holiday. (In Undertale)
-She/Her trans lesbian. -Noelle’s deadname is the same one that’s used in Tension Points and Changes. (Not putting it here but using it is going to be unavoidable if I’m writing a lot about Noelle pre-transition) -Only realizes she’s a girl in timelines where Flowey helps crack her egg. -Flowey finds it impossible to crack her egg after Rudy dies… -Because I want to write a “Noelle realizes she’s trans” subplot in my post-pacifist Undertale fic that I’ll hopefully make, the Alarm Clock/Xbox dialogue is in a timeline where Flowey cracked Noelle’s egg before Rudy dies. Meanwhile, in my fic that the alarm clock dialogue was in a past timeline that was true-reseted, and in this later timeline, Flowey only cracked her egg in past resets and not the final one where true pacifist occurs… -Flowey on the surface reveals to Frisk that Noelle is an egg. -Noelle’s mom (Clarice) is not “transphobic” per se but she definitely is not helping Noelle crack by putting large expectations on her about “growing up to be like her father” and stuff like that… (Which is mainly why she has such a hard time cracking after her dad's death...) -Noelle’s mom also sends Noelle to an all-boys school on the surface because it’s prestigious and she gets very good grades... (but because Noelle’s a trans egg she does not have a good time there…) -Noelle as an egg before the barrier is broken wants to grow her hair out until the barrier is gone, and then started moving the goalpost/making excuses to explain for why she has not cut it once she's on the surface... (Partly based on myself as an egg growing out my hair during Covid aflaksjfeafg...) -In the timelines where Noelle came out before Rudy’s death, her father loves and supports his daughter during the short time they have together… -When Noelle comes out to Dess, she right away accepts and loves her adorable little sister… -When Noelle comes out to Berdly he’s first words are “MY BEST FRIEND IS A GAMER GIRL!??!?!?!??!?!?!” and he’s instantly supportive… -Frisk and Noelle are close friends, and Frisk helps Noelle with resources/information relating to transition. -Noelle after coming out gets on magic puberty blockers as soon as possible as she’s terrified of going through masc-puberty…. -Noelle a few years later starts the monster equivalent of HRT/estrogen with no hesitation. -The Monster equivalent puberty blockers/hormones in Undertale work very similarly to real life hormones/puberty blockers, except their magic potions because MAGIC/Monsters are made out of magic... -Have no real thoughts for Trans Noelle HCs in deltarune as the fanfics I read mostly cover that already… -Writing any more would be spoilers for my fic, and you can probably already tell which headcanon is my favorite…
Bonus headcanon
In the PC/Playstation versions of Undertale, Mad Mew Mew possesses the Mew Mew animatronic after the events of true pacifist and later hunts down Frisk terminator style... (They later defeat her similarly to the pacifist switch version+they get some help from their friends...)
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bonesmeal · 9 months
The actual story
Okay so I realize that the first "story" post didn't tell you guys a lot about what our game is about
Let's change that shall we?
Okay, so the game starts with a scene in a forest and a background voice talking about being lonely and doesn't remember much about their life.
The scene cuts short when an alarm clock starts to sound in the background waking you up.
In the first playthrough, you control a young teen called Matias.
Matias goes around their daily life, helping their mom and taking a stroll around town.
After that, Matias and the player decide to go to the forest to think and maybe find some cool mushrooms.
After maybe getting a little too deep in the forest, you start to hear a voice coming from the ground.
When you look down, you see a human skull… well, most of it. And the skull is talking to you.
Before the skull can actually explain why and how it is talking, Matias gets scared about it, kicks it out of panic, and runs away to their house.
The next day, still haunted by the image of a human-talking-skull, Matias decides to go back to the forest to convince themselves that it was some sort of dream or maybe some weird hallucination.
Spoiler! It was not.
After his better judgment, Matias decides to hear the skull out and ends up giving him the nickname of Skelly (there is an option for the player to give the skull a name but is still in development, there is a certain undertale reference if you name the skull sans or papyrus).
Skelly ends up telling Matias that some of his parts (part of the skull and jaw) are missing but that he still can feel them around town.
Skelly ends up asking Matias for help to recover his missing pieces.
And Matias says no.
After some more convincing from the player and Skelly, Matias ends up saying yes and decides to help Skelly out.
After finding a good chunk of his parts scattered around town, Skelly starts to remember some of his life when he was alive and ends up going to the realization that he was probably killed, but he doesn't remember if it was by accident or intentionally.
After finding his jaw, Skelly remembers his age and real name… but with this information, you piece together that Skelly was a kid that disappeared when most of the adult NPC were young, and that means that one of the people you know in your life was the murderer that killed Skelly.
Now with this information, you have to try to find out who the killer is, but before you can start your new quest… Your game crashed and closed.
If you restart the game, you play from the beginning not as Matias but as Isabell!
Relive the same story but as a different protagonist, but remember, you are not Matias anymore.
The people around town will act differently around you because "You" are a different person.
Some NPCs that helped you as Matias could be your enemies as Isabell and vice versa.
While Skelly is sitting in the forest, confused about what happened and why he doesn't remember his name anymore… but he does remember Matias and their little adventure and is very confused about why there is somebody that is certainly NOT Matias picking him up from the ground.
The player has to work with Skelly and Isabell/Matias to solve the mystery again and try to figure out why the world started again.
All of this while interacting with unique NPCs and finding a bunch of references to games we love around town and the forest!
If you wish to help us make our game real, please consider buying us a kofi!
When we get a demo for the game, we plan to release a Kickstarter to make a full game.
Please join us on this adventure!
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p-l-a-n-tz0 · 4 years
sorry for the undertale bullshit spam literally just had a heart attack over the undertale alarm clock dialouge shit
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n0maku · 4 years
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peachskull-art · 4 years
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therealstara · 4 years
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did.. did sans canonically fortnite dance??
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shrubsparrow · 4 years
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Happy 5th anniversary to Undertale! I don't have anything new but here are some panels I still like from my old 5-part comic based on my interpretation of Chara.
You can read it here!
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axeystuff · 3 years
//Deltarune Chapter 2 spoilers
I had never read the Undertale Alarm Clock things but today I read Asgore's and
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I thought people were joking when they said Asgore's marriage fell apart and he was kicked off the police for cheating on Toriel with Rudy but this is genuinely the gayest thing I've read in months
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nerdymariamania · 3 years
So, I was watching a playthrough of Undertale because I need some happiness through my seasonal depression. It got to Alphys' lab, and the amalgamations, and it made me think of Rudy from Deltarune and his lack of counterpart in Undertale. We know from a cut monologue of Asgore (from the Undertale alarm clock that was never made) that Rudy did exist and has since fallen down (aka monster talk for died.) Asgore confirms that he has two daughters and his youngest daughter with a kind face (Noelle) will make friends one day. And says that Rudy's cottage was like another home to him. He also talks about how they would dress up for Christmas, him as Santa, and Rudy as (in Asgore's words "his") Rudolph, setting presents side by side together in the snow.
From this and how Rudy's daughters in Deltarune are named Noelle and Dess (short for December), we can take it that he (UT version) is also Christmas themed and a deer. We never see him in Undertale because he is dead. Who else is a deer in Undertale? Gyftrot, the Christmas themed deer. Gyftrot is found in Snowdin (where it is speculated the ledge where you can see the cottage in the distance with the lights on, is The Holiday's cottage.) And when spared, Gyftrot gives you a present.
I suspect Rudy's body was also used to be apart of the Alphys amalgamations determination extraction experiments. The Determination Extraction Machine (or DTEM) has the same shape as Gyftrot's head AND Omega Flowy's head. How was Flowey created? Through Alphys' experiments with the DTEM. But, Alphys didn't design the DTEM, she states she "followed the blueprints." So obviously Gaster made the machine.
Here's where I'm going nuts. All numbers associated with Gaster/Mystery Man in the code of Undertale have to do with 6's. All of his stats, fun values, everything. He only appears in Undertale if you get a fun value of 666. The bunker sound is mus_smile (the sound that plays in Gaster's entry 17, that is also called garbage noise [in reference to multiple telephone calls and Spamton and Jevil's descent into madness]) slowed down by 666%. Spamtom, (who is implied to have gone mad by Gaster telling him the truth about their world.)  mentions heaven, and refers to Noelle as an Angel. Who do angels usually fight against? The Devil, and his calling card number 666.
(Also, in Entry 17, he says "Darker, Yet Darker." On the Snowgrave run of DR, the Queen says Noelle has to go into a "Darker yet Darker sleep."
And, [grain of salt here] almost every fun value is related to Gaster. One of them changes the word search Sans gives you to include Ice-e with the word "Nightmare." Noelle thinks the Dark world is a dream. And Noelle's worried sprite looks similar to Ice-e's sprite.
And this is just speculation, the person calling out in the code of Deltarune is Dess, who might have even more of connection to Gaster at some point. I mean, Gaster literally took over Undertale/Deltarune's Twitter to announce Deltarune and we know it's him because of the similar typing, all caps, and "very, very interesting." He might even be the person at the beginning of chapter 1 when you make your vessel.
So, Gyftrot is Rudy amalgamate in the Undertale world, Noelle and Gaster are linked in both worlds for varies reasons, and I also have a huge theory that Rudy and Asgore in the DR world had an affair (because of the aforementioned cut monologue where Asgore talks so highly and fondly of Rudy, plus DR!Rudy literally calling him a fruit and getting flowers from him.) and the mayor (Rudy's wife/Noelle and Dess' mom) pinned her eldest's daughters disappearance on Asgore to get back at him (quite possibly in her grief)/find a legal reason to fire Asgore off of the police force (since Alphys in DR says the cops aren't really useful and just eye candy and the Mayor has all the power.) And ruin Asgore's life. But that's a whole other bucket of worms!
Anyway, Rudy is Gyftrot, change my mind, you can't!
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maryaustria · 2 years
Share ten different favourite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice) 🎥🎬📺 
got tagged by @sometimes-i-talk-a-lot !!!
no idea who to tag so feel free to do it
im not sure youre axtually supposed to talk about them a lot but i did start rambling on with most of them so its going under the read more
kakyoin from jojo's bizarre adventure - the funny gamer man :). i like how i managed to read/watch all of jojo but he still managed to be my favorite through it all. his backstory was just really relatable to me i guess.
Patches from the soulsborne games - hes just kind of a huge asshole everytime you meet but something about hearing his voice after he kicks you down a pit for the 10th time. A lot of it probably comes from his voice actor. he really sounds like hes enjoying himself every time he gets to voice him.
ichiban kasuga from yakuza like a dragon - hes just a very loveable guy. everything from the way he talks with his friends to the way he talks with everyday people makes him just easy to fall in love with. Its also nice seeing how despite what he goes through he still keeps his friendly personality
lady from devil may cry - shes really cool and i like her character a lot. her arc in the 3rd game is just really satisfying to follow from beginning to end. she doesnt get much in terms of story in 4 or 5 but i feel like her character is fine how she is and adding more would kinda take away from it. she did get a nice little moment in 5 though which i liked. Also its nice to know that in a series where all the other fighters have some form of demonic powers she is 100% human. And please capcom make her playable in 5!!!!!
Raiden from metal gear - My favorite boy whos been through so so much. I cant really talk about how i like him since that would mostly involve spoilers and would also make up multiple pages. In 2 i just like the way he develops throughout the story and how he finds meaning by the end. Hes also the protag of one of my favorite games metal gear rising revengance. Despite the over the top nature of the game i still think they did his character justice and its a nice extension of the story of 2 (though nothing compares to that imo)
Sans from undertale - Despite everything i still really like undertale, its world and its characters. And the funny bone man managed to still be my fav. His jokes and his mysterious nature all makes him really likable to me. His fight is pretty enjoyable too. also hes a skeleton so theres that.
Samus from Metroid - Basically everything i wish i was. Shes cool, strong and she still manages all of this without saying a whole lot. I especially like her body language in dread. pls just ignore how she is in other m....
Tienshinhan from dragon ball - this ones mostly an old favorite. he was my favorite charcater when i watched it as a kid and he still is. He just seemed really cool everytime he appeared. Still think its bullshit how he isnt considered the strongest human -3-
Bridget from guilty gear - this ones a very recent fav. i never really knew anything about her before she appeared in strive but she definitely made an impact on me. Something about seeing a trans girl accepting herself in a mainstream videogame just makes me really happy. Also her theme song is soooo good and is soooo relatable to me. Like yeah i also hate the alarm clock i chose and i also taste like vegetables i dont like. 😭
Aqua from kingdom hearts - Shes one of the more competend characters in the series. She isnt without flaws or anything but she definitely gets shit done when she wants to. Her fighting style is also really nice. And of course she has blue hair and pronouns 🙄
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things that are evoking strong feelings in me at this moment:
the piece "prelude" by twosetviolin that I just listened to again for the first time in a while, the part right before the end is playing in my head
the image portrayed at the end of the undertale winter alarm clock dialogue that I just got reminded of, i remember when I first read those and i think I cried, and I remember the strong feeling I had of wanting to draw that final image of the whole crew standing around the christmas tree with their warm soup given to them by toriel and it was so sweet. I'm remembering how I never drew it because I'm not really an artist in that way but I still have a strong image and desire to
this one is a bit out there, sorry but I am still obsessed with Naruto, and it's from a music video I watched with the intro song Diver from shippuden and it reaches a part in the sobg that says "i want to breathe but it's diffiuclt here" and the music video shows (spoilers) Sasuke standing before Itachi as he dies and flicks his forehead one last time and it'S SO SAD, the way Sasuke's eyes are full of fear and yet so empty and lost as he knows his most important person is dying, ugh it hurts me. It's such a ridiculous situation, yet my brain empathizes and goes "that hurts. Ouch"
and the last thing making me feel intense emotion right now is the fact that I need to write a short english essay
idk how to end this. Send post
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heloflor · 3 years
A Comparison of Sans, Dakota, Papyrus and Cavendish
Because I’m trash for both Undertale and Milo Murphy’s Law, had the idea in mind for a long time now (read : ever since I saw fanart of one of the duo in the clothes of the other) and since someone on Discord encouraged me to write it. And yeah I know this is some random useless post that little people care about and which explains something obvious, but it wouldn’t be my first of that kind and I like rambling so…¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As the title says, this post is going to compare the four characters. On one hand, you have Sans and Dakota, and on the other hand Papyrus and Cavendish. This post is going to be split up in three parts, one for each duo + one for their group dynamic with their respective partner/brother.
TL;DR : On a surface level, Cavendish and Dakota are pretty reminiscent of Sans and Papyrus, including their dynamic as a duo. But if you dig deeper into their personalities, they actually are very different characters. Which makes a lot of sense because all four characters have many facades to their personalities and are overall pretty well-rounded characters.
CONTENT WARNING : Mention of depression and character death.
Also, spoilers for both Undertale (game + winter alarm-clock dialogues) and Milo Murphy’s Law !
Btw, I will be saying “you/us” or “the player” while talking about Frisk Undertale, because that’s a thing I tend to do while talking about any game. Even if the character we play is their own person, we’re still the one choosing their actions and dialogues for the most part, though obviously there can be cutscenes in which the characters act on their own, the same way you almost always have limited dialogue choices in games.
Anyways, rambling under the cut (long post ahead)
Sans and Dakota
For starters, Sans and Dakota. When you take a look at the two, they definitely seem pretty similar : short guy, laid-back, lazy, not taking things much seriously, very protective and defensive of Papyrus/Cavendish, an aura of mystery regarding their past. But if you look at why they act this way, you’ll realize they are actually very different characters.
The thing is, Sans has depression. This is hinted throughout the game with some dialogues, which also includes the alarm clock dialogue with Paps noticing his brother being happier living on the surface. And that depression explains his behavior. Sans isn’t ‘lazy’, he just doesn’t see the point of doing things or doesn’t have the motivation to do so (“Just give up. I did.”). He also uses humor as a way to deal with his emotions, hiding his pain behind a facade, hence all the puns he makes and his laid-back attitude.
Sans may have had goals in life before but, during the events of the game, he just doesn’t seem to see the point of these goals. He’s just trying to get by, hiding his sadness behind a smile.
Dakota, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have depression. And yeah I say “doesn’t seem” because CLEARLY the whole Island situation took a toll on him. There’s NO denying that Dakota was traumatized by Cavendish’s deaths. But at the same time, it doesn’t really feel like Dak is unhappy in life ? Like, Dakota seems like someone who doesn’t need much to live. I talked about it once a while ago but it feels like Dak doesn’t really have a life goal aside from having fun and being with Cavendish.
So with that in mind, his laid-back attitude seemingly comes from him being satisfied with the little he has. On top of that, you have his job at B.O.T.T. in season 1, which probably gave him a mindset of “It doesn’t matter if things go terribly. I can always just go back and fix it.” And actually ends up causing trouble in season 2 when Cav gets desperate for recognition, but that’s another story.
So yeah, Dakota’s laid-back attitude seems to be more linked with him being satisfied with what he has along with a lack of direct consequences from his actions in season 1, while Sans is that way due to going through depression and not seeing the point of doing anything anymore.
Another thing to consider is how they react to seeing the person they care about the most in a deadly situation. In Undertale, unless you’re doing a Genocide run, Sans will never attack you. If you kill his brother, he’s going to be furious with you, but he still lets you continue your road, keeping his promise to Toriel.
Speaking of which, I’d say it’s worth pointing out that, in the neutral endings in which you keep Toriel alive but she’s sent back to the Ruins, Sans tells us “never come back here. You are not welcome.”. And given his previous dialogue about Toriel missing Frisk, it’s implied that what he’s saying is he knows that, if we come back, Toriel will be very happy and take care of Frisk, forcing Sans to hang around the one who killed his brother.
Also, if you kill both Toriel and Papyrus but spare Undyne, Sans implies that he knows Toriel is dead and then tells us “You’d better watch yourself, kid. Things are lookin real bad for you.” with black eyesockets, implying that, in this scenario, if Undyne manages to break the barrier, Sans will be coming for us.
But yeah, point is, if you kill Papyrus, Sans lets it happen. He hates us for it and clearly wants us dead, but he still accepts that Papyrus is dead. He accepts to let it go. He’s able to live his life without his brother by his side, either by going with Toriel or by hanging out with the person who becomes the new ruler of the Underground. He also has a few friends at Grillby’s (though the relationships do feel a bit artificial).
Dakota, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. The whole point of “The Island of Lost Dakotas” is that Dak refuses to let go. He can’t let go. He needs Cavendish in his life. We see it in season 2, especially in the episode “Escape”. Dakota can’t ‘function properly’ without Cavendish (which is absolutely unhealthy and I wish the show would have pointed it out). Even before that, in earlier episodes, he’s seen becoming very protective of Cav (“Lady Krillers” and “Disco Do-Over”).
Cavendish sometimes feels like the only thing Dakota seems to care about. And Dak doesn’t really have anyone else aside from him. I mean, Brick and Savannah don’t seem to like him, Milo and co are kids and they don’t even see each-other that often anyways, and Doof annoys him to no end (though Dak being so quick to anger towards him might have been linked to his fears of losing Cavendish, rather than real hostility towards Doof).
Btw, what I mean with Milo, Zack and Melissa is that, while they get along with the guy rather well, he’s still more of a fun uncle for them, aka someone they can be good friends with but wouldn’t hang out with all the time. The trio are teens, they don’t share the same interests as Dak and would probably rather hang out with other teens.
So yeah, I’d say this is the biggest difference between the two characters : Sans has given up and lets us kill his brother, no matter how much it hurts him; while Dakota refuses to give up, to an obsessive and unhealthy degree.
Another difference, though rather minor : Regarding their “mysterious past”. Now that I think about it, we actually know quite a lot about Sans ? Like, we know he used to be a scientist and worked with Alphys and very likely Gaster who may or may not have a direct relation with him (because let’s be honest, Dadster comes from the fandom assuming that this one “Mysterious Man” sprite is Gaster and then using his similarities with the skelebros to make them related. That being said, I absolutely LOVE Dadster so I ain’t gonna complain ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).
Regarding Alphys, it’s also hinted that he knows about the Amalgamates (if you call Paps while at Alphys’ lab, he tells you that he’s seen the bag of dog food in Sans’ room. Then there’s the chips bag in the fridge but that’s more of a hint that he was at the lab at some point, not just after the Core incident).
Sans also has a mysterious lab behind his house, and the door of his bedroom is very weird. Speaking of the door, Sans can teleport and apparently prank us “across time and space” when we try visiting his room but Papyrus can float weirdly after you fight him so maybe it’s a family thing ??? Finally, we know that he and Paps moved to Snowdin not that long ago.
Now don’t get me wrong, there’s still a lot of mystery regarding Sans’ character. But the point is, we do have quite a lot of pieces of this puzzle.
For Dakota, however, there’s a complete blank. All we know is that he was an agent before Cav (“First Impressions” and “Time-Out”), that he had something to do with turning ‘The Mississippi Purchase’ into the Louisiana Purchase (“Time Out”) and that he has a physically abusive mother (“Disco Do-Over”) whose last name was “Drowssap” (“We’re Going to the Zoo”). But aside from that, we don’t know a thing about his career as a time-traveler or what led him to be at the bottom of the ladder. Dakota is also somehow able to always know where Brick and Savannah are and steal their shit but, again, complete mystery as to how or why.
Other random small difference they have : Given his fight, Sans is secretly pretty strong, at least when it comes to the strength of his attacks (especially with the karma/poison effect) and dodging the enemy’s assault. While he’s considered “the easiest enemy” due to his stats, he knows how to play dirty to keep going (though I wouldn’t really call that “play dirty” when the fate of thousands of people is at stake…).
Dakota, on the other hand, is the guy who tries to slide across a car and fails miserably (“First Impression”) and keeps being humiliated in season 2 (which I honestly hate but we’re not here to complain about S2). Also, while saving Cavendish so many times is definitely something impressive, from what we see, most of the saves are made by preventing Cav from being in the wrong place at the wrong time. So, while Dakota definitely has his moments, especially in season 1 when fighting against pistachions, he’s also seen as ridiculous many times.
And another thing that I don’t know is worth pointing out but, on several occasions, he’s not the only one fighting against pistachions. It’s more of a group effort, making the entire group on the same level of badass in these instances.
(Though, if I had to be honest, I’m absolutely going to write Dakota as being pretty badass and able to fight in a fic I’m still working on)
Last difference, a very short one : Dakota can have a bit of a temper at times. Like, when he’s in private with Cavendish in their office, Dak can show himself to complain about things (“Perchance to Sleepwalk”) or be a bit of an asshole (“Snow Way Out”). Then there’s also how he constantly loses his temper around Doof.
Sans, on the other hand, seems to be an incredibly chill person. Even in the Genocide Run, when he’s pissed off at us, he still talks to us with some humor during his fight. Though, there are definitely instances in which his eyesockets go black and his dialogue is more than enough to let us know he’s PISSED. But those are rare instances and, throughout the game, are mostly related to the loss of a close one (Toriel and Paps dying in one neutral ending. Papyrus dying in general, both when Sans warns us about having a bad time and when calling us a “dirty brother killer”).
Now, onto the other guys…
Papyrus and Cavendish
 When it comes to similarities, they might seem very different aside from getting frustrated with their smaller partner/brother, but there’s actually quite a few things they have in common : both are much stronger than they let on (Papyrus being described by Undyne as tough, Cavendish showing a pretty impressive strength at times), both have a bit of an ego with a desire to be popular and can act confident while ‘in the act’ (Papyrus posing while talking about being a royal guard and calling himself “The Great Papyrus”, Cavendish acting like he knows what he’s doing and having a bit of an ‘all-mighty’ personality during missions), both can be stubborn at times (Cav thinking Milo is a counter-agent + the Rogue Arc, Paps calling every single number until finding ours in Waterfall), both are shown to be selfless with a desire to do what’s best for others (Paps trying to convince Undyne not to hurt us after realizing we were friendly, Cav trying to save the abductee and in general caring more about Dakota’s well-being than his own), and both are considered as autistic-coded by at least part of their respective fandom.
But despite all that, at their core, they are pretty different people :
First off, Papyrus is incredibly positive and wholesome. Despite wishing to capture us, he doesn’t want to hurt us (you can’t die during his fight and get ‘captured’ instead if you’re at 1HP). He then tries to be our friend or go on a date if we flirt with him. He tries to convince Undyne not to hurt us and then goes out of his way to try finding ways to confuse her (the whole “what are you wearing ?” situation). He’s also friendly with Flowey and pretty open to everyone in general. In pacifist, during the Alphyne date, he agrees to help Alphys with her issues and, in the alarm-clock dialogue, he chooses her first during the hockey game because he doesn’t want her to be chosen last due to not being good at sports. Last example, during the hangout with Undyne, she points out how she doesn’t want to make him a royal guard because he’s too nice and would “get ripped into little smiling shreds”.
All-in-all, Papyrus is just incredibly wholesome and sweet (and oh my god I love this character so much !!!). Hell, he even manages to actually befriend Flowey according to the alarm-clock dialogue ! Though, it’s a bit sad how the fandom tends to infantilize him due to that side of him…😒 Then again, it’s not helped by Sans and Undyne, with Sans telling Paps that his friends “went on vacation” during the King Papyrus neutral ending and Undyne never telling Paps why she’s teaching him to cook instead of fighting. Like come one guys, he’s an adult !
Cavendish, on the other hand, doesn’t have the immediate warmth that Papyrus has. Don’t get me wrong, Cav is a very sweet guy, but he definitely has a colder exterior that can be a bit hard to crack.
Also, despite being a very emotional person (seriously Cav is riddled with anxiety and self-doubts, seemingly has Dennis as a comfort object and tends to hold onto Dakota whenever he feels a strong emotion, as if Dakota was his support/rock to keep him grounded), Cavendish actually struggles a lot to express his affections to others.
It’s especially obvious in his relationship with Dakota. Dakota is very open about how he feels towards Cav, while Cav mostly shows his affection for the man through caring about his well-being before his own or being willing to show his anxious and insecure side to him. Cav has a more subtle love-language, but he’s also not the most welcoming person when you meet him for the first time, whether it’s intentional on his end or not.
On that note, Paps is also a bit of a “in your face” kind of person. He seemingly talks loudly and it feels like you always know when he’s in a room. Cavendish, on the other hand, feels a bit more reserved and only approaches people if he needs to, like for the job or when he was trying to get news reports on the ship.
But I think the main difference between them is their ability to read other people.
Papyrus, despite being considered as “innocent” or “gullible” (with how Flowey can manipulate him) is actually pretty good at understanding people. I mean, if you look at all his dialogues, especially his phonecalls, you’ll find out that he can actually read his older brother like an open book. Not only did he notice every single new thing Sans has been doing since meeting Toriel (“My brother has been spending a lot of time at this door recently”, “he tried baking a sugary quiche”, “he bought snails recently”, “he started a sock collection recently”. While it’s not the actual quotes, I do remember him saying “recently” a lot), but he also seems to know about Sans’ depression, or at least in the alarm-clock dialogue noticed that Sans was doing better.
In the King Papyrus ending, the dialogue also implies that he knows Sans is lying to him but hides the fact that he knows to ease Sans (”Is Sans gone ? You know...Don’t tell my brother, but”), the same way Sans tries to lie to him in hopes to comfort him. I think there might also be dialogues about Grillby’s but yeah, point is, Papyrus knows A LOT about Sans.
On that same note, Papyrus seems to know Undyne quite well, at least enough to manipulate her by using reverse psychology to make her befriend us. He also seems aware of her crush on Alphys, teasing her in one or two phonecalls.
Another thing worth pointing out is how, in the genocide ending, Papyrus seemingly understands that we’re dangerous. I remember reading theories stating that him saying “that’s not what I expected” wasn’t about us attacking him but rather about him not being able to take the hit. Like, there was something about how his stats are lower because he’s sparing us or something. If that’s true, then he at least expected us to try hurting him, he just thought he could handle it and then try to talk some sense into us. It’s not about him underestimating us, it’s about him seeing the best in people and trying to help the Underground along with the player.
So yeah, Paps seems to know a lot more than he lets on. I’m pretty sure there are other things about Paps that can be pointed out to show he knows a lot. But one thing is for sure : he knows everything there is to know about Sans and knows Undyne enough to manipulate her. And it’s actually pretty funny in a way to see Sans and Undyne having a “cinnamon roll, must protect” opinion at times towards Papyrus when the guy like, knows everything about them and is able to manipulate them.
Cavendish, on the other hand, is a terrible judge of character. He immediately assumes Milo is a threat and refuses to listen when Dakota tries to rationalize things or talk to the kid directly. He puts Professor Time on a pedestal and gets extremely upset when the guy doesn’t meet his expectations (though, honestly, this kind of thing can happen to anyone who likes a celebrity to this extent).
But more than that, he doesn’t seem to know a thing about Dakota. Even when Dakota kept pushing him towards specific directions during missions, stopped him right before a road or railroad dozens of times, or just outright saved his life right when Cav probably thought he was going to die, Cavendish never realized something was weird or off about it. It took him seeing the island to understand what Dak was doing behind his back. But even then, Cav doesn’t seem like he understands much of what’s going on in Dakota’s mind.
Cavendish is also kind of an oblivious guy at times. Like, ok first off some of his deaths are facepalm-worthy (though I tend to imagine that Dak shielding him all the time led to Cav just not paying attention to his surroundings anymore, which led to even more deaths). Then, you have him in “Time Out” not knowing his outfit is from the 1870s.
He’s also bad at recognizing sarcasm (“Abducting Murphy’s Law” with Dak at the end pointing out he’s being sarcastic as if knowing Cav is bad with it, and “Look at this Ship” in which he doesn’t immediately recognizes sarcasm). He also has no issue believing and immediately cheering when Bob Block appears on screen for the first time to tell him and Dak “you’re hired to that one secret organization”, though he does look it up later.
Finally, you have “Abducting Murphy’s Law” with him not understanding that things aren’t the same way they used to be in season 1 so, when he gets the idea of going behind their boss’ back, he doesn’t take Dakota’s protests seriously. And then later in the episode he struggles to understand Dak’s point of view.
All-in-all, I wouldn’t say Cav is stupid or gullible, but he definitely doesn’t always think things through and tends to jump on his first assumptions of people. And even when he’s known someone for a while and lives with them, it’s not that hard to hide a secret from him.
One last thing that I want to point out about these two characters, and which I’m actually pretty unsure about : them having self-esteem issues.
For Cavendish, it’s pretty obvious that he has poor self-esteem. He spends the whole show trying to run after fame and fortune, getting desperate for any kind of attention in season 2 (“Free Fall” with him being happy about a drone trying to kill him). And if you mix that with his anxiety, it really feels like he’s so desperate because he doesn’t have the best opinion of himself. And the fact that his job along with other people keep putting him down doesn’t help.
Papyrus on the other hand…I’m really not sure ? Like, he definitely wants to be a royal guard for the fame given how he calls himself the Great Papyrus, rambles about becoming popular and has an account on some website that he seems to take seriously. But at the same time, I’m not sure how much he suffers from his lack of popularity ? He has positive influences in his life like Sans and Undyne who genuinely like him, but that doesn’t mean he can’t yearn for more. Also he’s a very positive and upbeat guy, but that doesn’t mean he can’t have his moments of doubt !
So yeah, I really don’t know where to stand when it comes to Paps and having self-esteem issues. If you tell me he has it, I would believe you, but if you tell me he doesn’t have it, I would believe you as well. Like, I’m more inclined to say he has it due to some of his dialogue in Snowdin, but then I look at that one neutral ending when Toriel becomes queen and keeps the royal guard with only Paps as a member + the pacifist ending and suddenly I’m not so sure…
Their relationships
 A very last point I’d like to make, to wrap up this post : a small comparison of the duo dynamics of these characters.
Now, obviously, this is kind of the main reason why some people might compare the duos, since in both cases, we have a short ‘lazy’ laid-back guy who gets under the skin of a taller ambitious guy. But if you look at the way the characters interact :
Sans and Papyrus are brothers. They very likely grew up together and probably live with each other on their own volition. As for their relationship, they act like siblings. Papyrus’ phonecalls imply that he actually enjoys making puns. Seriously, I’m pretty sure this guy makes as many puns as Sans and Toriel combined. Sans also points out how his brother smiles at some of his puns or Toriel’s. So Paps possibly pretends to dislike Sans’ puns because seeing him frustrated over those amuses his brother. Or maybe Sans can tell his brother likes puns but refuses to admit it so he tries to prove it. Either way, there’s absolutely some siblings teasing between the two.
And in general, I feel like this is the way to describe their relationship. Sans annoys his brother with puns and incidental music, while some of Papyrus’ phonecalls give off the impression that he enjoys messing with Sans as well (though I can’t give you an actual example. Like, I remember thinking “Paps is messing with Sans/talking shit about his brother” but I can’t remember an actual dialogue about it).
But at the same time, Sans is protective of Paps in neutral and genocide routes, while Paps can tell Sans isn’t the happiest and worries about him. Then there’s also the alarm-clock dialogue with the hockey game, with Paps getting upset over losing, making Sans angry and actually play, while at some point Paps forgets the two aren’t on the same team and Sans doesn’t use the opportunity and gives the puck back to him.
All-in-all, they’re brothers. They know everything about each other, they keep teasing each other but at the same time they absolutely adore each other and would be willing to die protecting the other.
As for Cavendish and Dakota, while they also have a “can’t live with them, can’t live without them” kind of relationship, it feels a bit different. First off, they’re forced to be in each other’s space. It came with the job. And, in season 1 (“Backwards to School Night”), it’s implied they have their own places to go to on the weekend, showing that they need some space from each other. And while I would say it could be part of why they drift away in season 2, another element that definitely played a part here is the fact that they’re stuck in some crumpled office with no personal space whatsoever. In comparison, Sans and Papyrus have a big-ass home with their own room each.
Another thing is that their personalities seem to clash a lot more than the skelebros. Like I said, the bros mostly have playful banter. And while Cav and Dak seem to often have small insignificant arguments that they immediately forget, it also really feels like Cav genuinely gets annoys by some of the things Dak says and do, the same way Dak seems genuinely annoyed by Cav’s constant complaining in season 2. It definitely feels like you can easily end up with some resentment between them, while the bros never get to that point. Also I’m not saying Sans and Paps never have big arguments, what I’m saying is that they have less issues than Cav and Dak when it comes to annoying each other.
Very last thing : I would say that Cav and Dak have more of a “stereotype of the old married couple who doesn’t always get along” kind of dynamic when it comes to the way they argue (like their five-seconds argument in “Game Night”, or in the crossover when they’re trying to catch the clocks in the timestream and Cav just barks orders to Dak like a ‘nagging wife’).
Also, because I love bringing this up, let me remind you about the way Cav and Dak have constant physical contact, which includes hugs, holding hands (“Smooth Opera-tor”) and having their faces close (“Snow Way Out”), and that they never get flustered or weirded out by said physical contact and instead even sometimes act like they don’t even notice they’re touching, showing that they’re incredibly comfortable around each other’s bodies and those physical contacts are the most natural thing for them. Also I guess the way Dakota looks at Cavendish is also worth pointing out ?
So there you have it ! I don’t have anything else to say or any conclusion to give. Thanks for reading !
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starlightshore · 4 years
It's strange that Toriel doesn't refer to Chara as her child in the winter dialogue. Spoilers isn't a valid excuse as there's a whole spoiler warning before you read it. So what gives?
shrugs. idk. i don't think they do so either in undertale, even afterward the reveal. there's "and became like siblings" which is enough wording for them to be siblings (along with DR kris and asriel being siblings, the chairs and bedrooms in asgore’s home ect.) it’s weirdly never like. outright stated iirc
that said i think its a combo of how u name chara and how frisk isn’t mentioned in the first UT anniversary and the alarm clock one. its just. a weird thing toby does... no idea what its supposed to mean. my best guess is like, the meta-narrative thing with the player influencing the characters and how no-mercy depersonalizes frisk by never naming them and giving them no acknowledgement VS. how they’re only named in pacifist when you earn the best ending. frisk is given a LOT more autonomy and presence once named
so idk what it means that the kids aren’t as acknowledged. maybe its cause living with toriel is optional but still??? frisk... i care 4 u
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n0maku · 4 years
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lynxgriffin · 4 years
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Aaaand trying to get through some more asks here! Thanks for bearing with me guys!
For the two-parter: For Susie’s nightmare? Whyyyy not both? ;P There’s no telling if it doesn’t apply to her current friends, just at that time Noelle was on her mind because of Kris dropping that bomb on her that night. Aaaand I’m afraid any stuff with Kris is thatwouldbetelling.gif! (Although KH lore is...certainly KH lore aaaa)
Well, that is debatable... I mean come on does Berdly look like he’s anything but feathers and bones
Spoilers: this was the Undertale alarm clock that was going to be one of the Kickstarter rewards. 
Probably need more details for both in the future! ;D (And it’s all good!)
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