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literallyjabroni · 2 years ago
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Me when I’m a Toriel with ear piercings doing a magic fire dance
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xstaircase · 4 months ago
[wip??] Altertale Toriel, my beloved 💜
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bonesnbones · 6 months ago
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I know I'm one day late but- I was busy yesterday and this took the whole day to make plus my finger is dying LMAO, but anyways happy 9th anniversary to Undertale! Loved that game since it came out and I still love it, also this is a redraw of the redraw I did of the previous anniversaries I drew! (Ignore the 100 tags btw dxcfvgbh)
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eleonorvoncarter · 1 year ago
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haliebug55555 · 6 months ago
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snailpastaenjoyer35 · 2 years ago
Every snipbit of Soriel in Undertale/Deltarune (spoilers obviously)
This is just a collective post with every “soriel” moment, but I’d like to say first that soriel can just be them being platonic friends or romantically invovled, it’s really up to how you interpret their dynamic. Keep in mind that I could be missing some more obscure things that are outside of the games and such, but I did try to be as extensive as possible. 
    - Before anything else, I’d like to mention Toriel’s joke book in the RUINs, which has a joke passage cirlced of skeleton jokes and the game reads you this one:
“Why did the skeleton want a friend? Because she was feeling BONELY.” 
    -   Next thing to talk about is Sans’ dinner story at MTT Diner, where he recalls how a lady answered his knock knock jokes at the RUINs door. Sans talks about how he’d go there all the time after that. Sans also mentions during his talk with Frisk that he gave a promise to Toriel that he’d protect them on their journey, even though he doesn’t really do promises. 
Full scene:
    -   Some one-note remarks are throughout the game as well. For example, it can be implied that Toriel was giving Sans cooking advice to some degree because of 1) the “weird quiche” that Sans out-of-the-blue tried to make at home and 2) the snail pasta that Sans bought.
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     - There’s also the fact that Sans “hasn’t been around much” at Grillby’s, but this doesn’t necessarily mean it has to do with Toriel, but it could if Papyrus is anything to go by.
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Now to the endings.
    -   Near the end of the true pacifist route, there’s Toriel and Sans’ apparent in-person meeting before Flowey comes in which you can watch below. They recognize each other’s voices and introduce themselves, Toriel says Sans told her a lot about Papyrus while at the door.
    -   After the player beats the game on a true pacifist route, there’s a TON of dialouge with Sans and Toriel, so watch the video below to see all of it:
This video also has all of Toriel’s text messages in it, a lot of with are with Sans as well, some of which I’ll put here but there’s a lot more in the video (they start at 9:15)
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    -   There’s also the neutral route with Toriel and Sans ending up living together, or the “Exiled Queen Ending.” To get this ending, you have to kill Papyrus and leave Undyne alive. In the phone call, Sans talks about how Undyne banished Toriel back to the RUINs after Toriel tried inacting a ‘no killing humans’ policy and Sans ended up going with her. Sans brings her books from the library and says she’s a “good roomie.” (Time stamp: 12:56)
    -  In the opposite of that, if you leave Papyrus alive and kill Undyne, Toriel stays ruler and Sans and Papyrus visit her in the castle. He talks about how they play games and read books together, and even convincing her to leave the castle a couple times. (Time stamp: 14:11)
    -  If you kill Toriel in a neutral route, Sans will talk about how he doesn’t get a response when he knocks on the RUINs door anymore and says the she might not be feeling well. If you also kill Papyrus in this route, he’ll say: “Or maybe she’s not feeling anything at all. . .? You’d better watch yourself, kid. . .”
Here’s a video where you can see all of this:
   -   In Deltraune chapter 1, when you talk to Sans about who he should be friends with and pick Toriel, he says: “Too late, I already befriended your mom last night. She’s great, came to the store to buy chocolate kisses. Said she’s gotta lock her door to stop you from eating ‘em.” 
     -  In Deltarune chapter 2, there’s a scene where Toriel goes into Sans’ shop to get eggs she left on the counter and they share a lot of egg puns. Toriel leaves though when Asgore comes in with possibly the funniest joke ever. Also I love Asgore calling Sans bone man. I cannot do the scene justice, it’s one of my favorite things from Deltarune, you can watch it below.
  -   Moving on from games, Undertale had a cancelled alarm clock app that had a lot of dialouge from characters, but it can all be found on the undertale website. There’s a lot of moments with Sans and Toriel, but I’ll fit what I can. Here’s the website if you want to look for yourself: https://undertale.com/alarmclock/
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 -  In the first winter Undertale newletter, there’s this:
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-   In the 5th Anniversy stream, they have a commerical for some Undertale merch and I just thought Toriel wearing Sans merch was pretty cool.
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Well I hoped you enjoyed my rambling but that’s it for what I have. okay bye i hope you enjoyed my delusion
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yu-qw0 · 8 months ago
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“ despite everything, it's still you. „
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smollbrain-artist · 1 year ago
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I'm playing Undertale again
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artsypommel · 21 days ago
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Toriel undertale
Toriel redraw from 2015, Altho this was like a doodle
Posted using PostyBirb
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aridoki · 2 years ago
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Más weas de mi Au de Undertale! Historia Ambos eran hijos de minarcas de diferentes reinos que dichos monarcas fueron bastantes estrictos con ambos y sus hermanos,no toreraban ni el más minimo error debido a que tenian estandares elevados llegando a ser perfeccionistas en todo asi que si pasaba algun error o accidente tendrian un castigo que era bastante inaguantables pero por culpa de eso iso que hubiera una increíble tensión entre padres e hijos y eso empeoro cuando isieron el clásico matrimonio arreglado para concretar una alianza y eligieron entre sus hijos a Asgore y Toriel respectivamente pero obviamente no les iso tanta gracia a ambos en especial a Toriel. Asi que intentaron por todos lo medios en impedir dicho matrimonio pero todos sus esfuerzos fueron en vano y con un pesimo humor de la leche que era bastante evidente se llegaron a conocer y su interacción fue bastante... Escasa y cortante que a duras penas se llegó a hablar de algo lo unico que se pudo hablar fue de un acuerdo de que iban a aceptar el matrimonio y aparentar una "buena" imagen ante todo por el bien de ambos reinos y de ellos mismo ya que no podian salir de esto. Pero no todo era tan malo con el pasar del tiempo conociéndose vieron que era agradable estar con el otro y de a poco se llegaron a enamorar del otro realmente llegaron a ser felices asta que inició a la guerra humano monstruo. Cuando terminó la guerra se sentian tristes, enojados y muy heridos por el ataque a traición que isieron los humanos debido a eso iso que la población de montruos llenos de ira quisieran vengarse y tomar las almas humanas para salir pero otros monstruos que no se dejaron llevar por la ira en especial los reyes calmaron a la multitud furiosa ya que si hacian eso iban a empeorar todo y no iban a permitir que maten a los humanos que estaban con ellos menos por la ayuda que les habian dado. Con el tiempo isieron el subsuelo su hogar Personalidades En si no cambian mucho sus personalidades el unico cambio notorio entre ambos es ser más melosos en especial cuando llegaron a la vejez Datos -hubo un tiempo en que ocultaban como eran realmente por culpa de sus padres asta que fallecieron -estan bastante agradecidos por los humanos que los ayudaron en la guerra #undertaleau #undertale #undertaleToriel #undertaleAsgore https://www.instagram.com/p/CoTV91YoK5-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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skullval-2000 · 3 years ago
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Ut - Toriel blocks the way (redraw) Undertale (c)Toby Fox
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decimadragonoid · 4 years ago
Undertale Dumpity-Dump-Dump-Dump
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* Welcome to randomness at its finest! I haven't done an UT sketch dump in years. And it's a shame too because I have so many random antics stashed away in my notepad. Here are just some of many random ideas that popped into my head! LAUGH!!! ======== [Some References] Skit 1: Sans' baritone moment is actually based off of a DecTalk video on YouTube I keep replaying every so often. Skit 6: Sans and Papyrus' musical number is actually a parody of Futurama's 'Whalers on the Moon' scene. Skit 7: Canonically, contrary to popular belief, Papyrus' favorite food is NOT spaghetti. It's oatmeal with dinosaur eggs. Skit 8: Sans and Frisk are playing Metroid Fusion to prepare for the upcoming Nintendo Switch game, Metroid Dread. I'm also hyped for the game this October!
(I will add the remaining segments in the next post.)
======== Undertale © Toby Fox Sketch dump by DecimaDragonoid
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bonesnbones · 3 months ago
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Merry Christmas for everyone! Go open ur gifts or at least enjoy the nice cold air of the morning, hope y'all are doing well. I worked quite hard on these and might take a break for the month- I need to apply for university soon, but, hope everything goes well, especially for you guys next year!/pos
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eleonorvoncarter · 2 years ago
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Underfell is now on AO3! 
(An Underfell illustrated story by EleonorVonCarter.)
This story is about Frisk's journey through a destroyed and hateful Underground in which they are not welcome. As they struggle to survive the many enemies on their way, they are forced to witness the tragic consequences of the Tyrant's long dictatorship over the citizens' souls and minds... The rules are strict in this merciless world: it's Kill or Be Killed. Will the young human be able to change to fit and survive this cruel reality? Or will they give in to the unstoppable circle of violence?
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kbtale · 3 years ago
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Haven't done a full illustration in a while, and I wanted to do something fun and just enjoy myself. I've been wanting to make covers for the chapters of my Undertale fan comic, KBTale. So here's the cover for chapter 1 (aka pages 1-9). UnderTale and its characters belong to Toby Fox. Katie Bunny belongs to me.
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snailpastaenjoyer35 · 1 year ago
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Here's a bunch of silly undertale doodles
Also undertale yellow is deceptively hard, but I finally managed to beat it (i had to play it on keyboard since i don't have a controller). What a game! the sprite work, the ost, the mechanics, it's very well made. Props to the team. Starlo was by far my favorite character though, bur I do plan on drawing some of the other ones too.
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