#understanding scriptures
mindfulnessministry · 3 months
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roses-red-and-pink · 3 months
Lolol sometimes it’s so funny reading peoples posts about “Mormon” theology that is based on Exmo stories, tradition/culture but not doctrine, and like random statements by some church leader 200 years ago that was not put into doctrine/canonized, or that he was corrected/reprimanded on, and all of us look back on like “well that guy was racist/sexist. Anyways moving on…” like tbh it just makes me laugh. Like I know our theology is a bit different than mainstream Christianity but y’all don’t need to make it sound like we are out here truly believing half the stuff you say about us.
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reality-detective · 3 months
So in summation; they lie, cheat and steal to support their ridiculous narratives and 90% of the population is below average intelligence to understand any of it. 👇
"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." - Mark Twain
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We've been warned about these people who won't get it. Escape The Matrix 🤔
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Verse of the Day - Proverbs 3:5-6
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vaxxman · 5 months
I have so much brainrot about Medic's wife, specifically the design from the comic doodles that Makani drew, I'm so ready to draw a whole comic about her, man I love hallucinating.
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The Song of Song's is sensual!!!1!
The Song of Song's is spiritual!!!!1!
The song of songs is spiritual and sensual, and literal and allegorical, and dreamy and passionate, and mystical and earthly, and erotic and pure, and romantic and abstinent, and idealistic and realistic, and pastoral and political, and religious and relatable, and historical and messianic.
And a failure to understand that all of these things are simultaneously true and are not opposites nor contradictions, is a failure to understand this book. And it's a book worth understanding. This book reverses the Fall of the (G)arden. It is Paradise Restored. It is the healing of the relationship between humans and humans, between humans and The Divine, and between humans and nature.
I repeat, a failure to understand this, is a failure to understand this book. Now go read it!
Also, one final thing: no, The Song of Songs is not in conflict with "Pauline Theology" (goodness I hate that phrase). In fact both the author of Songs and Paul are both dedicated to the same thing: healing the rift between humans and each other, and healing the rift between humans and God. Part of understanding the Scriptures is understanding that is is a commentary on itself. It all goes BACK to Genesis 1-3 (The Sublime Creation Narrative, and the (G)Arden Narrative) and FORWARD to the Messiah
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blessed-bruises · 4 days
I would like to clarify to my newer followers that I am not an ED page, and I've actually recovered from anorexia in the past year. and although I have no issue with ED blogs, I will be blocking anyone who posts pro-ED content or rubs me the wrong way. we're here for pretty pictures and silly posts, and although we sometimes vent about heavy shit, this is not the space for promoting disordered behavior, girlies. let's promote healthy behaviors whenever we can, 'kay?
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When you look up at the heavens are you seeing above the stars? Who told you about this image? Was it not the nations?
Isaiah 13,14
You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to the heavens. Above the stars of God I will lift up my throne, And I will sit down on the mountain of meeting, In the remotest parts of the north. I will go up above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself resemble the Most High.’
Matthew 4:16,17
The people sitting in darkness saw a great light, and as for those sitting in a region of deathly shadow, light rose on them.” From that time on, Jesus began preaching and saying: “Repent, for the Kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.”
Matthew 10:7
As you go, preach, saying: ‘The Kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.’
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wholehear-ts · 2 months
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cicadas · 3 months
Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
1 John 4:11
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mindfulnessministry · 3 months
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handweavers · 11 months
when reading scripture or religious texts in my studies from a variety of religions (a not-insignificant part of my education has been religious studies) i can appreciate and understand the beauty and appeal of it and make sense of its internal logic system and worldview and feel that i'm picking up what it's putting down even if i don't necessarily identify with it on a personal level, but i gotta be honest i always feel like i'm missing something or losing my mind when i read christian texts like i don't get it and it doesn't make sense to me and nothing about the trinity makes sense to me and the entire worldview feels so harsh and terrifying and bleak for no reason and every time i've asked anyone in my family (on the christian side) to explain any of it to me like sincerely i just feel more baffled and whenever i've had to read passages of the new testament i dont get it at all like even abstractly i don't understand and it makes me feel crazy like what i'm looking at has to be completely different from what other people are seeing and i don't mean it in a reddit atheist smug asshole way like it's genuinely beyond my comprehension I Don't Get It and i don't think i ever will
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shedidntevenswear · 1 year
Here’s where I think we get how we talk about Taylor’s song inspirations (or what @namemarjorie has called Muse Politics) wrong: while early days I think they were probably a lot more literal, we also know that she’s been making up stories for songs since she was like 12 and that she’s incredibly skilled at writing GOOD songs, not just 100% historically accurate songs. 
Back in 2010 I was at a Parachute concert and ended up chatting with a member of the band (not Will Anderson sadly, I may have passed away if it was) after he commented on my Speak Now shirt and asked about what songs Will had written about Taylor, and he said something that really stuck with me. Will, like most songwriters, takes inspiration from a lot of different places so *parts* of songs are about a person, and the whole song may be capturing the emotions felt with that person, but not very many songs are factually about one single person. 
I think this absolutely is how Taylor writes. It’s diaristic, yes, but not in the way that every word and phrase can be mapped back to a real historical moment in time for her. There are, of course, real things that are public knowledge that she references in songs so we know they are grounded in fact, and probably a lot of private moments grounded in fact that we’ll never have confirmation of. But there are also metaphors and imagery and just things she spun up that sound nice and paint the emotional picture she’s trying to convey. She’s an artist, not a reporter. Dissecting every word to every song and then claiming ultimate knowledge of every relationship she’s had is a wasted exercise, and, in my opinion, missing the point of the art. 
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cats-in-the-clouds · 1 year
idk if this has any merit to it so correct me if i’ve got the wrong idea but a thing i’ve been thinking lately is that the biblical dichotomy between jew and gentile (which new testament scripture teaches is no more) is sort of reborn in the modern dichotomy between like.,,, cradle catholic and random atheist/agnostic
point being, God will reach out to everyone. even those who aren’t doing all the little traditional rituals right, even those who don’t know what they’re doing, even those who just walked in out of nowhere. so the former need to remember to have humility and compassion for others who are trying their best to seek truth.
this is not to say the former are doing anything wrong by going through all those motions- of course not! and of course those motions aren’t insignificant; they’ve got so much history and tradition behind them. but ultimately they aren’t what save us. the foreign gentile who just showed up one day is baptized and saved. the deathbed convert is baptized and saved. funny how that is
the devout jewish people of the scriptures and the modern day hardcore tradcaths are neither better nor worse than other people- they are the people fortunate enough to be born in the ‘right’ environment, so encountering Christ and being saved will be much easier for them. but this also means they have a responsibility to do more.
and if they go haywire in the way they behave the consequences will be so much worse because of what they’re supposed to be representing (and i’m sure we all know that biblically the jewish people have caused lots of their own problems and presently. well. a lot of catholics Suck™️. we are all that person sometimes. often. usually)
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Verse of the Day - James 3:13
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