#underfell papyrus is a douche
Hey, I saw you had request open and I was hoping to put in one, IL keep it short, I just got out of a bad relationship and I'm healing and was hoping you could possibly write about how underTale, underFell, UnderSwap, and HorrorTale (dreamtale to if you are ok with that one) would act if there love or friend just got out of a bad relationship with their ex. Sorry if you don't do these, but I'm just throwing this out there. Please ignore if you aren't intrested and have a good day.
i hope you’re doing well anon <3
undertale, underfell, underswap amd horrortale skelebros (Ft. Dream!Sans) with a reader who’s just gotten out of a bad relationship
(a/n: had this one in the drafts for months and i just wanted to get it published so i skipped out on Nightmare. so sorry this took so long, i hope you’re doing well anon! anyway, im hoping to get back into the writing groove. we’ll see how this goes.)
-“hey, i’m sorry… c’mere.”
-he would engulf you in a hug, if you’re okay with hugs
-while he’s happy you’ve gotten out of a bad relationship, he’s still sad with what you had to go through.
-he’ll make puns to cheer you up, however many it takes.
-he for sure takes you out to eat at grillby’s.
-he’s there to be a listener, a shoulder to cry on, and someone to go to whenever you’re feeling particularly down.
-“a BAD relationship? human, why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
-he’s so sad. his best friend? being in an unhappy relationship? WITHOUT telling him? he’s distraught.
-he cooks for you breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
-he does literally everything in his power to make you happy
-it doesn’t matter what time it is. you call him, he’ll come.
-he’d do anything to see you smile
-“about damn time you left that douche,” he grumbled.
-“Red, not the time.”
-he rolled his eyelights.
-“fine, fine. whatever.”
-his face turned a little softer.
-“anything i can do for ya?”
-he would do a lot. he’d complain about it the whole time, but if you asked, chances are he’d do it.
-his eyes narrowed.
-“you say they mistreated you?”
-he sighs when you nod.
-“alright, come inside.”
-he moved out of the door frame so you can enter. he gestures towards his couch.
-“sit down. i’ll make you some tea.”
-he comes back a few minutes later with tea for you both. he seems slightly annoyed when you blow on it, despite it being scalding hot.
-he’d listen to anything you wanted to say to him about it.
-after that, you never see your ex again…. strange, they lived very close to you…
-oh, well.
-“a bad relationship, you say? why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
-he listens to you, anything you want to cent
-he gives his best advice on how to not end up in a situation like that again
-“want me to beat ‘im up for ya?” he would jokingly ask.
-but he’d do it for real, if you wanted him to.
-he’d drag you onto his couch and watch all your favorite movies with you until you both fell asleep.
-he’ll provide you with all your favorite snacks.
-he’d stay up late with you while you cried, and do his best to comfort you.
-he has shockingly good advice.
-he seems taken aback.
-you weren’t happy in your relationship? this whole time?
-that hole in his head affected him more than he initially thought. he couldn’t even tell his best friend was struggling.
-he’d feel super guilty about that.
-you’d also have to hold him back by his good to keep him from charging after your ex.
-after he finally calmed from his anger, he’d be there, open arms and willing to help.
-“i see. come inside.”
-definitely cooking all of your favorite foods for you, listening while you vent and cry.
-he doesn’t have much advice, but he does his best.
-offers for you to stay the night (or as long as you want).
-he does his best to cheer you up, even with his physical limitations.
-he freezes.
-how had he never noticed?
-suddenly, everything clicked for him. the way he had been sensing more and more negativity from you since you and your ex had gotten together. how you always brushed the topic off, saying it was work or family matter.
-the way you had pushed him away.
-he snapped himself back to reality, offering for you to come inside.
-obviously it didn’t take him long to cheer you up. it took longer to heal, but he’ll make this right for you.
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freezingwintah · 6 years
Echo Flower
Echo Flower Part One
This was an incredibly stupid idea and he knew it; in this world the notion of love was idiotic. Every monster searched for a reliable partner out of convenience, not feeble feelings. Feelings were for weaklings.
The only LOVE they get is Level of Violence.
Not that Sans had high LOVE to begin with. Were it not for his explicit brother's threats to other monsters, he'd be dead. Something like this is not allowed, it only shows off one's weakness. Weakness others could exploit and his bro – Boss would get more angry and bitchy at him for being so damnably pathetic.
He was pathetic. Why would a strong monster want someone like him? And they were hardly friends – seeing as friendship was only between equals in strength, they were more or less acquaintances.
Walking to the waterfall, Sans pondered if he had a masochism streak or death wish with this utterly stupid idea. He navigated like a drake, looking for the ideal little blue flower. In a corner near the entrance he found it. Sans plucked it from the ground and the echo flower was his. With it, his plan was set in motion.
He went back to Snowdin, the echo flower hidden under his hoodie. It would be too embarrassing to walk with it and having to explain to Boss, who would only beat him up for having too much free time with trifles, so it's for the best.
Sans traipsed past home, librarby and then he stood by the front entrance of Grillby's, gulping down, taking in the full horror of this fucked up idea. What could happen? At best, Grillby will dust him. At worst? Boss will have a bitch fit and beat him up senseless for being, well, Sans.
He went for the back door, looking around. No one was to see this. He unzipped his hoodie little and picked up the echo flower, bringing it close to his mouth. Sans mustered up his courage and whispered the words to the flower. He flicked it and hearing his voice saying those words was... frightening. Especially in this world. Welp, it's done. Whatever will happen will happen.
Sans slid the echo flower under the door and retreated, running from Grillby's like his life depended on it.
The skeleton hid his burning face from any onlookers.
He's done it. He's really done it!
That'll show Boss, saying he has no spine!
Racing to his home, he slowed down. Boss was talking with Undyne and they saw him. Each threw a glare at him and Sans passed on another talk about being lazy and were it not for his brother bla bla bla... And Sans was out of options on where to go. He can't go to Grillby's now because of... that and going home would mean going by Boss and Undyne and their snarky insinuations were annoying. Nah, what's some random snark? He'll pretend like usual it doesn't hurt him, play it cool. It was Sans's self – defense mechanism of sorts.
"Hey, at least say hello, freak!" Undyne's voice boomed at him and he snapped, his eye glowing. Sans wasn't present with his mind. It wandered to that tiny flower and so he missed a well – aimed punch connected with his cheekbone.
"Urgh!" Sans grunted. The punch was from Boss, showing off his "brotherly love" for all who were looking and Undyne who grimaced. Sans put out the glow in his eye and walked inside the house, shutting the door.
Sans went to his bedroom. The usual treatment from the Captain of the Royal Guard was no biggie, but it hurt on an emotional level. The little skeleton knew. He knew of the kill or be killed unwritten law in Underground and the survival of fittest. He should be thankful for Papyrus looking out for him in his own way, but sometimes, Sans just wanted to lie down and fade away from this existence he hated.
And sometimes, he just lost himself in the complex person that was Grillby, wishing for something more than being acquaintances. That flower harbored his will – and hopes.
But he had no high opinion of himself. Grillby was a powerful flame elemental and every powerful monster wanted to gain the flame for himself/herself. If it's not meant to be – then it's not.
Sans delved into nightmares induced sleep – all in which Grillby turned him to dust without mercy.
Echo Flower Part Two
Grillby's shift for today was finally done and he send all patrons home. He didn't see one in particular tonight. He always came and 'tis was unusual for the skeleton to not show up. He locked up the front door securely and then remembered to check the back, in case.
There, he was met with a single blueish tiny flower resting on the doormat. Grillby glared at the flower sceptically. He knew of the flower's function like the rest of this rat - hole called Underground. What's so super secret it had to be conveyed through a freaking flower? He preferred face to face contact, but so be it. He knelt down and poked the flower. The words were too quiet – he didn't make it anything. Was this someone's idea of prank? The fiery elemental picked up the blue flower and brought it closer, poking it once more.
"roses are, like, red and stuff,
violets are, you know, blue.
i'm not super awesome with words,
but, whatever, i totally love you."
The voice sounded similar in a sense, but he couldn't pin it down because of the whisper - like tone. The message itself was brave. Whoever the monster was, it was scared of rejection, apparently and chose echo flower to say it for themselves. It's not like Grillby wasn't interested in someone, but the "one" was painfully unaware and too dense, exactly the type to get dusted for LOVE and the person would never be his, considering the family background. Not without a bit of persuasion – at least. He's never given it much thought, though. Let's confront this mystery admirer first.
Grillby's face formed a deceptive smile. He brought the echo flower to his lips. "Meet me here tomorrow night, when the clock beats ten." He opened the back door, locked it and put the flower down so the tip was showing and the other one could find it easily. With a huge grin he headed home.
It would be interesting if the admired turned out to be the one he had an eye on for a long time.
Sans woke up the next day, yawning. Boss was super angry this morning and left in a hurry. The smaller skeleton shrugged it off and went to front door, fishing out the keys and locking the house. Like anyone would dare to break in the house of Captain of the Royal Guard, the almighty Papyrus...
Fuck it. He ought to check the back door at Grillby's. He walked (dragged his feet) more or less to the brownish building. Some patrons were inside and he saw the unmistakable silhouette of the fire elemental himself behind the bar. That reassured him somewhat and he sneaked off towards the back.
His eyes snapped at the bluish tip of the flower sticking out. He grabbed it and pulled out, observing. No burns, no nothing. Did he... he flicked the petals and it spoke in Grillby's sexy deep voice. "Meet me here tomorrow night, when the clock beats ten."
Sans dropped the echo flower, his heart rate picked up in excitement. He ran away before he was seen by someone like Undyne or god forbid Boss, snooping around the suspicious back door.
The abandoned flower was getting snowed on, wilting.
Sans waited impatiently for the hours to strike ten. At 9.55 he ignored Boss's threats if he kept falling asleep at his post and showed him the middle finger while walking to the door. He is the older brother, dammit. "i am going to grillby's. don't bother looking for me." The younger brother snorted. "Ha! Like I would. I hate that greasy place."
The smaller skeleton rolled eyes at his brother's logic and walked the decisive steps to the meeting point of his destiny. On the way, however, the skeleton was confronted by a mob of angry female monsters. He made a few steps back. "Well, well, look what we have here. Were you looking for this?"
The drunk bunny bitch held out the tiny blue flower. "Oh, you thought no one saw your bravely stupid act? We are always watching you. It's not enough for you that your brother is looking out for your useless shitface, you need more, don't you? Well, guess what..." She dropped the echo flower and stomped on it, squishing it to a unrecognizable pasta. "I am afraid your little meeting will have to be postponed. Forever." She said menacingly, nodding towards her lackeys to block his escape route from all sides. Sans gritted teeth, activating his magical powers. The drunk bunny bitch giggled. "Oh, this is rich. The weakling wants to fight!"
She hurled her magic attacks at him and others joined in. It was like playing dodge ball with sharp knives instead of balls. With low HP like he had, it was only a matter of time before he ran out of magical energy or jumped into a stray swipe of sword of spear. He knew he wasn't good in fights – and summoning the blasters was extremely magic – consuming.
His eye flared red, gathering his last remains of energy to summon as many blasters as he can. Drunk bunny's attacks were becoming more relentless and it took too much concentration to evade...
A spear was aiming at his chest and Sans had nowhere to go, nor he could. His eyes widened in fear, then suddenly a flash blinded him. When he reopened eyes, in front of him was the one monster who wore black suits and it fucking suited him, no pun intended once.
Sans wasn't expecting him here. Grillby dusted one lackey and others scattered to the winds, afraid of the rising temperature and flaming magic everywhere. "Hey, rabbit bitch."
Drunk bunny bitch looked dumbly at the fire elemental. "I'll give you this warning only once. If you decide to attack my best patron out of whim one more time, I will destroy you." To prove his point, he melted the snow at her feet and she jumped back from. Tears trickled down her face. "But he's not worthy of a monster like you!"
"That is my decision, not yours or anyone else's. Now run before I change my mind." She ran away crying, but none paid attention. Sans put out the magic in his eye, overwhelmed with Grillby's presence and closeness, no fucking bar counter between them. The fire elemental turned his attention to the skeleton, dimming the flames to normal. He reached out and Sans waited for an obligatory punch from Grillby for being a weakling that can't handle a few losers and he closed his eyes.
Grillby was appalled to the skeleton's behavior, touching his head and patting. "Are you unhurt?"
Sans's twitched eyes open in awe of Grillby's kindness. "i am f-fine." He muttered, flustered all of sudden. This was unlike him to be flustered, this must be due from Grillby's calming effect he had on the skeleton. "Come. We have much to discuss."
The purple elemental grabbed his hand and Sans's face burned up. Grillby threw a grin in his direction before looking around. The "fight" with the bunny and her goons didn't go unnoticed – also the little chat and holding hands. Grillby stared a hole into the fuckers who dared to intrude into his private matters and each went on their way – better than being grilled to death, yes?
Grillby's was closed – it was after ten o' clock after all – but Grillby wanted to have a serious heart to heart conversation with Sans and he had not patience for more delays. He turned the key in keyhole, turned the door handle and let in the skeleton. The purple flame then promptly locked the door afterwards. He didn't need more interference.
Sans took a moment to look around. It was different from usual. No one was there and it added to the ambiance of intimacy. The booths and stools empty, only source of light was Grillby himself. The flame monster drew closer, closer... and Sans was overcome with unknown feelings, backing away towards the locked exit. Grillby laughed. "By all means, make yourself comfortable, Sans. I am not going to do anything, we will just talk."
He nodded, embarrassed. Grilbby saved him in the square. If he wanted to dust him, he would have done so. Sans sat down behind a booth and Grillby went behind the counter and picked the usual – a bottle of mustard and for himself a shot of whiskey, setting them on the table and taking a seat opposite of Sans, giving him some space to adjust. "Here, your favorite."
Sans thanked him and drank a bit, keeping a curious eye on Grillby who didn't touch his whiskey. He propped elbows on the table and stared intently at the skeleton who sat the condiment bottle down, feeling the awkwardness oozing in the room. "That echo flower, the poem, your voice. Tell me, was it you or did someone play a prank on us both?" Sans shook head. "no! it was my idea. i've been meaning to ask you for longer than i care to admit that i want..." His voice died on him and Grillby leaned closer, picking up the scraps Sans left. "You want me." He stated calmly and Sans looked away. This was too embarrassing and too mushy and those fluffy feelings tugging at his SOUL...
The fire elemental sighed shortly and Sans was getting perplexed at the kind behavior he was giving off. No one was ever kind to someone, it always had a catch. The life itself in Underground was a catch.
Grillby was observing the bashful skeleton he adored for much longer he cared to admit as he was fidgeting on the soft cushioned seat. Grillby took the matter into his hands. They have to move to next step, no more dancing around the fire.
He took a sip from the whiskey and grabbed hold of the startled skeleton's chin, bringing them closer. Grillby took him by surprise, judging from the overly flustered adorable blush on Sans's cheeks.
This felt so right, so good. Serene. Sans moaned a little into the heated kiss, his head was spinning from the experience. When they finally parted because of the stupid need to breathe, Sans could swear Grillby was blushing, too, but it was hard to tell with him being a purple flame. Did flame even blush?
Grillby tore him from the semantics of fire and blushing when he sat over to him and scooted him into his warm embrace. "Stay the night at my place, Sans."
Said skeleton laid head on Grillby's chest, tracing up the muscles of his flame. Something about spending the night with the one he loved set his heart on a freaking flame. "Did anyone ever tell you how hot you are?"
Grillby laughed and Sans firsthand felt the rippling of the flame's chest. "Flirting already? Careful, you might get burned." The fire elemental said playfully and Sans giggled. "it's so damn cozy. i never realized how cold the weather is in snowdin." Grillby hugged him more fiercely. "I don't want to move, but it'll be better sleeping on a proper bed than on a sofa."
Sans groaned into his chest. "five more minutes, grillbz." He said quietly, the tone of tiredness sticked out.
Grillby gave in. "Just five more, Sans. Then I will carry you to my house."
Sans didn't answer and the fire elemental glanced at him. He was softly snoring, contently, snuggled to him. Grillby smiled at him. Sans is his from this day and he'll straighten things out with anyone who would hurt his to – be partner – be it even his abusive brother. But that is for another day.
Grillby kissed the top of his skull. "I love you."
Sans something murmured from his dreams, a wide smile spreading on his face. For the fire elemental himself; this was a moment of rare respite. And what better than to spend it curled with his skeleton?
They stayed there longer than five minutes, but Grillby relished the peaceful night and he would enjoy many more coming their way. He and his skeleton.
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blackcatt4211 · 3 years
Chapters: 86/? Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: female reader/Sans, female reader/papyrus, female reader/Red, female reader/ Edge, female reader/Slim, female reader/Black, female reader/Blue, female reader/Stretch, Swapfell frontcest, Alphys/Undyne (Underswap) Characters: Female Reader - Character, Swapfell!Papyrus, Swapfell!Sans, Underswap!Papyrus, Underswap!Sans, Undertale!Sans, Undertale!Papyrus, underfell!papyrus, underfell!sans, Underlust!Sans, Underlust!Papyrus, genderswap!Sandra, Genderswap Papi, Underswap!Undyne, Underswap!Alphys, Freshtale Sans, G!Sans, G!papyrus, Mobtale Sans, Mobtale Papyrus, Dancetale Papyrus Additional Tags: Sibling Incest, Mistress, Hiding a true self, menchen of self harm, Sex, Smutt, Massages, Fluff, Cute and fun dates, awkward moments, Teasing, may add more tags, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, suggestion of HoneyMustard, Suggestion of PuffBerry, graphic description of violence, Threesome - F/M/M, Polyandry, Troubled Past, Slim's a pervert, Douche bag ex boyfriend, Violence against women, Soul Sex, Dancing Series: Part 1 of Monsters under my bed Summary:
You lost your job, your boyfriend cheated on you with your best friend, and got kicked out of your apartment. Where do you go? A trip to the bar should help you think. Little did you know... that night changed your life forever.
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me-and-my-gaster · 4 years
What about Underfell Papaya for ship ask?
UF Papyrus / (hard worked for) happiness
Again, the fell boys of any shape and size deserve happiness... But I know this guy won’t be happy unless he either worked for happiness or he has no other choice but to accept it in his life. He’s too much of a tightass to let himself be genuinely happy without that. And don’t get me started on the paranoia...
UF Papyrus/ US Papyrus
That’s my very loved skelly OTP. It has my forever loved culture clash between the characters, especially if the US Pap is portrayed as a soft boi with some sass rather than an asshole douche that loves antagonizing people because he’s depressed like that (but both work for me!) There are endless ways they can work against each other or together in harmony if they both try. 
Also, it’s widely agreed (and I love it) that UF Papyrus in love turns into a Gomez Addams and I’m there for it.
UF Papyrus/ skeles or Grillby’s from a softer verses (Underswap or Undertale)
Because give this boy a break but also let him be protective of somebody or he’ll explode from the lack of knighting in his life.
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Who's your favorite skele out of the boys & why?:)
Oh-! Oh my, I actually never expected an ask like this, haha! 
Well, I, uh, oof, this is hard haha, I’ll just write what I love about some of the characters, cause I don’t think I can choose to be honest. 
Red (Underfell Sans)- He’s definitely someone I’d hate meeting at first then I feel like we’d become best of buds, and he’s my subconscious crush, ironically. I like dark humor, and I feel like he’d have the same type of humor. 
Error- This boy needs to hug a kitten, and I can provide those, haha. I feel like he needs someone to understand him, and, well, a lot of us would love to understand him and why he does the things he does. 
Boss (Underfell Papyrus)- He’s a douche-bag like my best friend, so I’d obviously like him, people like that actually gives me confidence, and they also make sure their friends aren’t hurt, not if they can help it. He’s best friend material for sure.
Sans (Undertale Sans)- Puns and dad jokes, dude, this guy knows how to make me laugh from those innocent jokes. Plus lazy friends are the best friends. 
Papyrus (Undertale Papyrus)- This guy, can I adopt or marry him? Like, he’s a precious bean, and I must protect this bean. He’s definitely the reason why I always do pacifist runs, I’m never going to do a genocide run, and the only time I attempted was when my friend begged me to try one, so I decided to get her to like the characters and hate herself for wanting that to happen. She punched me, not going to lie, my plan worked, she felt so bad about it all, haha. 
Blue (Underswap Sans)- Precious boy, I want to hug him. Plus, blue is my favorite color, and since it’s his color scheme and his nickname, I guess you can joke that he’s my favorite, haha. Plus, he’s more then likely not to judge appearance and body shape, in which I’d love him for that. He’d be like, my triple best friend, like, my brother from another mother.
Stretch (Underswap Papyrus)- Ever since someone mentioned he’s basically Papyrus and Sans mixed but stoned, I can’t get that out of my head, and, well, since I’ve been taking edibles lately, mainly to reduce my crippling anxiety that seems to grasp my very soul, he’d be the perfect stoner buddy. Don’t do drugs, by the way. 
Mal (Fellswap Sans)- I feel like he’d make anyone feel safe, honestly, and I find that comforting, like, I wouldn’t have to worry about people talking to me if he was real, because he’d be there to make sure I was okay. He may be a prick at times, but he’s still a great guy in the end.
Rus (Fellswap Papyrus)- This gent is guaranteed another candidate for being a best friend, I mean, he’s too much of a sweetheart to not be someone’s best friend. He’s a total gamer as well, and we’re both awkward when it comes to socializing, so we’re two awkward gaming beans together. 
Ink- The artist, he sees beauty in everything, and he’s so encouraging when it comes to creativity, I’m sure we’d get along great, since I love being creative and creating things as well. 
Dream- I need positivity in my life, and he can provide, like, I desperately need it. Plus he’s a kind, short boy, who doesn’t love him! 
Nightmares- Nightmares don’t really have any affect on me, like, I’m immune to them at this point, in fact, I somewhat enjoy nightmares because they’re the dreams I can actually remember most of the time. So, he and I can bond on everything negative, because I do acknowledge, and at times, appreciate negative things. It makes me cherish things, and I feel more humble as well. 
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proxylynn · 5 years
Underfell: File Name not Edgy Enough #17
Chapter 17: Inconvenience WARNING: I WANT NO RESPONSIBILITY OVER SPOILING THINGS FOR OTHERS. THAT BEING SAID, THIS IS HOW FILE NAME NOT FOUND WOULD FUNCTION IN THE AU OF UNDERFELL. BEFORE YOU READ THIS, UNLIKE THE NICE TIME OF UNDERTALE, THIS WORLD IS KILL OR BE KILLED. THIS STORY WILL BE GRAPHIC, GORY, USE SWEARS LIKE NOBODY'S BUSINESS, AND DEAL WITH SENSITIVE SUBJECT MATTERS. FOR EXAMPLE, THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE READ THE FILE NAME RELOCATED SPOOF WILL KNOW HOW I PICTURE THIS VERSION OF LYNSIE COMING TO THE UNDERGROUND. IT IS NOT AN ACCIDENT. IT IS NOT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING DUMB. IT IS BECAUSE SHE CHOOSES TO END HER LIFE. SO TAKE THIS WITH A GRAIN OF SALT. I MADE IT BECAUSE I NEEDED TO LET SOME OF THIS EDGINESS OUT OF MYSELF. WHICH I GUESS MAKES UNDERFELL LYNSIE EVEN MORE TRUE TO WHO I REALLY AM. ANYWAY, ENJOY. ^_^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time behind the bar ain't that bad. Grillby is a very patient man in his teaching of me. There are drinks that every bartender, and now barmaid, should know that are put into different categories. Sours, Fizzes, Lowballs, Three-parters, and Milk Drinks. Sours contain citrus juice, should be tart or at least tangy and are usually shaken in a cocktail shaker and served straight up. Freshly squeezed juices are critical here, often paired with simple syrup (sugar dissolved in an equal volume of water) to sweeten. Fizzes include anything with bubbles such as highballs, Champagne cocktails, Collinses, mules, bucks. These drinks can be incredibly simple and are clearly the most refreshing. Plus it is not difficult to keep a few six-packs of sodas and 750s of basic booze in your liquor cabinet. With Lowballs, these old school short cocktails are simply sweetened liquor zipped up with something bitter. The sweet can come from sugar, muddled with fruit or simmered into syrup, or a sweeter liqueur like triple sec or maraschino. The bitter can be a few dashes of any of a vast variety of bottled bitters, or a bitter spirit like an amaro. Three-parters are harder as these drinks are the most spirit-forward of the collection, a three-part combo of booze plus what's known as a "modifier" (a lower-alcohol ingredient like vermouth) plus a bitter or a syrup. Here we find drinks like the martini, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Negroni, boulevardier, Rob Roy and all of their bold and boozy cousins. Milk Drinks are like an odd member of this liquor family. Milk can be paired with beer, cider, wine, and spirits. It's weird but then again I'm not an expert that likes liquor. With that aside, there are ten basic drinks that are always ordered here. The Old Fashioned, Negroni, Daiquiri, Manhattan, Whiskey Sour, Dry Martini, Margarita, Moscow Mule, Mojito, and Sazerac. The Old Fashioned was the one Grillby had me make for Papyrus and it's one of those old drinks that never goes out of style but can be made with either bourbon or rye whiskey. Such changes apply to many drinks and this variety is how two drinks, even if they are the same in name, are never the same in taste. But the Old Fashioned is one of those drinks that takes some time to save in your memory due to its steps. Grillby at least keeps my starter training to the drinks with simple steps. Such as the Negroni which only needs three things to make it, 1 oz. London dry gin, 1 oz. Campari, and 1 oz. vermouth rosso. Another easy one, which the ladies tend to go for, is the Dry Martini which is made with 4 oz. gin or vodka and 1 oz. dry vermouth that is typically topped with an olive as a garnish. Grillby limits me to just two of these drinks to learn so that by repetitively making them they have a better chance of being remembered in my brain. Not a bad plan really. Then he plans on testing me the next day to see if I do recall how to make them before he tries teaching me any of the other ones. Yet other than that, I do the normal things a cocktail waitress would do, bringing drinks to patrons and making sure that they get their grub. All in all, not that bad of a job really. I could get used to this. It also helps that my new boss is a flaming sweetheart in a world of douche bags that is as fun to tease gently. "Oh, pussycat...Doggo's steak is ready." "On it, Grillmeister." "Don't forget to..." "Check if drinks and snacks need refilling." "That too. But I was going to say, don't forget to empty out his ashtray." "He needs to smoke his biscuits outside. Damn things stink. Besides, you're already smoking...hot." Grillby merely chuckles as I go about my duties. From the times when Sans and I are in the bar, I notice that Grillby has a certain mood when it comes to puns. If they are in good taste, flirty, or flattering, he's okay with them. But negative, hurtful, or just plain bad ones get him rather perturbed. "well don't you look busy..." Speak of the skeleton and he shall appear. "trying to make yourself look good for paps?" "As if. I take it it's your break time. My how time flies fast for the wingless." "what can i say? my bones are pretty hollow. perfect for flight." I wave my hand in a side to side wave. "A bit of a stretch with that one." He rubs the back of his skull as he approaches his bar stool. "yeah, not my best wordplay." Grillby pulls out a mustard bottle. "Rough day?" Sans takes it. "you can say that. i'm just...having an off day." "Want to talk about it?" Sans seems to mull this over before bringing the bottle to his mouth. "some other time maybe...though..." He gulps the condiment a few times. "if i can borrow her for a moment?" Grillby and I share odd looks of confused concern, but I give him a nod to which Grillby does as well. "Do you want a booth or somewhere less...occupied?" "here's fine." Grillby waves me over as I finish catering to Doggo and take the seat next to Sans. "Everything okay?" Sans stares off into nothing while drinking. "i've been thinking a lot today." I prop my arm on the bar and support my head in the palm of my hand. "What about? Normal stuff? Or...secret buddy stuff?" After a particularly long swig of mustard, Sans puts the bottle down and his left eye flares with a magical glow. Suddenly, the bar goes dark except for a spotlight of light on the two of us and looking around shows that everyone in the dark has frozen still as if someone paused a movie. "i can't do this for long. takes a lot of magic to stop time like this." Wait, what?! "You can stop time? Dude! That is fucking epic!" And just like that, I'm a five-year-old seeing a shark for the first time. "Is it all over or just in the bar?" "the bar. now please..." His tone is calm but holds a seriousness that I pick up on over my silly childishness. "Sorry. You wanted to talk now?" He toys with the bottle a bit. "for starters...how come you don't look at me or pap when you come back from seeing gaster?" I pout and cast my eyes to the floor. "I don't mean for it to be insulting. But after dealing with what Gaster does to me, I honestly can't bring myself to look at either of you until I've calmed down." "how come?" "Because...I can see him when I look at your faces. Like how if you stare into a light then look away, the image still lingers in your vision. It probably doesn't help that there's a family relation thing too. But after being in the void...being experimented on for god knows how long...His face remains in my sight for some time. The part that really messes with me is Papyrus...He...He resembles Gaster even on the good days." I rub my eyes trying to make them clear and Sans takes another drink. "yeah, pap and dings take after our old man in the looks department. me? i got my devilishly handsome mug from mommy dearest." Something clicks in my head that hadn't before. "You have parents?" He snorts an amused chuckle. "well duh. how else do ya think we came about? it's not like we were just thought up and poof there's a baby skeleton." "I know. I had a brain fart moment. It's just...Forgive me if I'm overstepping...But while in your home, I never saw anything showing a family memory of any sort." His eyes go dark for a moment except for the left that still holds it's glow. "we keep that stuff elsewhere in our past." A bad feeling squeezes my heart. "They...They fell down, didn't they?" He remains silent for a long time. I mentally kick myself for this. This is a scar I should not touch. "what happened in the void last night?" He speaks. At least that's something. I sigh, giving the fainting bruises on my arms a passing glance. "I requested his help in finding a way to control or suppress the Black Soul. As you can see...He has a very hands-on approach." A short weak laugh comes from that small pun. "are ya sure that's a good thing to do?" I glare at the foggy memory of what happened in that dead timeline. I wasn't in control but I saw things through a blurry dark window. So much hate. Such blood lust. That thing was less than human. A beast. "If going through the pain of his experiments is what is needed to make that THING go away and to prevent any of THAT from happening again...I think it's worth it." He breathes slowly for a bit. "just...be careful around him. gaster is like a, what do you humans call it...a wolf in sheep's clothing? he'll offer what you need, but not because he cares or anything. he does it because it helps him in the long run. if he sees something he can gain, he will do what is needed to get it." "I figured as much." That got him to look at me. "you know?" "No good deed is ever done 100% out of good intentions in this world we live in. Gaster is less than subtle with his wants. He wants to study my soul, that's his goal. I'm okay with it because my goal is being done in his little fun time. I'm using him just as much as he's using me. Simple as that." Sans shakes his head. "you're dealing with a devil that you can't possibly understand." I shrug. "Sacrifices must be made to keep any more death from happening. I am willing to be that lamb on the alter if needed." "i didn't take you for the martyr type." I turn my head to look at Grillby, standing still as he was in mid-pour from one of the taps. "I am many things. I am a fool. I am a human. I am sad. I am flawed. I am not supposed to be here. But here I am. And I refuse to be a beast that kills without hesitation or remorse. I don't want that event to ever happen again. That is my promise to all in the Underground. No one will die. I won't allow it." Sans eyes me before scoffing. This bugs me. "Did I say something weird to you?" "you can't keep anyone from dying down here." "The hell I can't." "okay...so what'll you do if someone just died in waterfall?" I sneer. "I can't do anything in that situation. One, I'm not God and lack omnipresence to know what's happening everywhere at all times. And two, you are the only one that can teleport." "exactly. you are not god. you can't stop things from happening. sure, you can tap into that quirky RESET thing, but it's not going to stop events that will still happen without you there. you are just an insignificant speck among countless other specks. your intent can be good, but in the end, is pointless." "Wow...Someone woke up on the bleak side of the mattress today." "i'm just being real. we all die. you. me. everyone in this room. all things on this planet. all of it will die one day. maybe not today. maybe not tomorrow. but someday." "Dude, have you been hanging out with my depression? Because I swear I've heard that before." "don't be a smart ass." "At least I have one." He growls at me as I smirk. "What's wrong? Was that too cheeky of me?" He clenches his teeth to hold in a laugh. "Butt...enough jokes. You still look like something is troubling you. And you might as well say it before your magic runs out on this freeze frame in time." He guzzles the bottle and brings it down rather hard. "ya wanna know what's on my mind? alright...tell me...what would you do if ya found out a monster had a thing for you?" Well, that escalated quickly out of nowhere. I can feel warmth pool in my cheeks and my mouth forms into a goofy dumb smile. "Why, Sans, I had no idea you cared." I know he didn't mean himself. But he's been so serious that I couldn't help but try to rattle him out of it. And boy did it rattle him good. His skull practically glows in crimson blush and the mustard bottle in his grip is squeezed to hell. He tries to form words to negate this but all that leaves him are these sounds of broken stumblings that aren't quite words or noise but a strange mix of the two. I end this for his sake. "Relax, buddy. I'm just messing with you. I know you don't like me like that. Hell, I'm pretty sure you see me as an abomination." His left eye starts twitching in building rage. But I continue as I let my free hand's fingers dance on the bar. "Though to answer your question...I'd be flattered really." That seems to surprise him and dispels his anger. "really?" "Yeah." "...why?" I close my eyes in thought. "I am not an expert when it comes to things like this. Matters of the heart and all that jazz. If I'm honest here...I like guys, but I've never really been one to actively seek out others. Heh...I'll let you in on a secret that's not so secret. Papyrus isn't the only one to never be on a date. And if you knew of how messed up human guys were you'd agree that it's smart not to do so. I can't say some monster guys are any different from those schmucks, but others..." I smile while opening my eyes. "The good ones leave a mark that I can't help but like." "is grillby one of those 'good ones'?" Hmmm...Me thinks he is trying to make a point here. Should I take the bait or dance around it? "My good sir, whatever do you mean?" Guess I'm dancing. And he is not happy about it. "cut the crap. i remember what happened when he was dying. i remember the kiss." "And?" "and?! ya can't just say and!" "Why not? I don't see what the big deal is. So we kissed. What's the issue?" "because!" I sigh and put a stop to the dance. "Why not just tell me what's really bugging you instead of trying to shoehorn it in like you're a dad trying to get me to admit to sneaking off with the local bad boy to make out in his car." He suddenly grabs me by the collar of my shirt and snarls in my face. "do not fuck with me! if you hurt my friend i swear to whatever fucked up god that'll listen, i will end you! i will unleash pain the likes of which..." "Hold it! You think I'd hurt Grillby?" My confused tone takes some of that anger down a bit. "...you're not stringing him along?" I put my hands up defensively. "Sans, buddy, why would I do that? Grillby is like the only guy/monster to be genuinely nice to me. I'd have to be a massive cunt to do that." "how do i know you're not lying?" "Would a heartless bitch cry over the guy she was using?" I slowly put my hands on his. "Look...I know this is weird. Hell, I'm still figuring things out on my end too. But since being down here I've learned one important thing...happiness is hard to find. So why not try to find it with someone that is wanting to do the same and actually likes me?" He sees I make a point but is still wary of me. "do you like him?" I cast my eyes at Grillby. "I do. But it's a small like. I guess in level terms it's a small crush. But what can one really expect with limited contact? As we hang out more, who knows. Maybe that level will increase to something stronger or this thing we have will never change. Only time will tell." "ya do know that if anyone finds out that you're human they'll kill him for treason, right?" That squeezing feeling happens on my heart again. This time it's more a harsh pain than dread. "You think I'm going to announce myself as human? That was the problem in the dead timeline. I have no intention of repeating that. Never again." He stares at me hard and I notice the glow in his left eye starting to flicker out. I let his hands go as his magic sputters to its end and the light expands to fill the bar, resuming time once more for those on the inside. Seeing this, Sans lets me go before anyone questions the odd scene that came out of nowhere for them. "glad we could have this talk." "Yeah. We should do it again sometime." Grillby eyes us as Sans places a small amount of gold on the bar. "oh, before i forget...pap has this idea that you're up to some cockamamie evil plan to lull us into a false sense of security." A snicker leaves me. "What? Why?" "personally, i think it's 'cause ya act nice in the morning and night. throws him off when he knows ya for being a bitch." "Yeah, I can see that. But he's just being paranoid. I'm more nice at those times because no one wants to deal with shit when the day starts or ends." "i hear that." Sans hops off his stool and I do the same. "Leaving so soon, Sans?" If only you knew, Grillby. "ya know how my bro gets. he gets all pissy if i'm away for even a second." Sans looks at me and for a moment I can't get a read off his skull. "you...be good, lynsie." A warm smile curls my lips. "It's messed up how I want to hug you right now." He shakes his head. "just like that, ya killed the moment." He walks off towards the door. "later, kiddo." A chuckle scoffs out of me. "Later, bonehead." He flips me off as he exits and all I do is smirk. "What a dork...But in a good way." "Things okay there, pussycat?" I give my flaming boss of a bartender a goofy thumbs up. "Things be swell, boss-man." I catch a glimpse of myself in the reflection of Grillby's glasses and I blush a little bit. "Geez, is that what I look like? No wonder Papyrus is suspicious of me. Heh...Barely recognized myself for a second." Grillby slides the drink he was pouring to Ugly Fish with a knowing smirk. "Seems like you're the one letting your guard down." "As dumb as it sounds, how can I not when I feel so comfortable here?" I stroll my dorky self back behind the bar and grab a dry rag to do some dish work. "It also helps if there's a warm someone that makes me smile every so often." I get to my tidying task and try not to notice Grillby inching his way closer as he goes about doing other things. "These smiles you speak of..." He's at the beer taps. "Would they be real ones..." He's by the wine rack. "Or ones made to give off the impression of happiness?" He's standing in front of where Sans and I were sitting. "As if you were wearing a mask maybe?" He's gotten beside me now and I slow down in my task. "...I say personal things when drunk, don't I?" "No, not really. But you're incredibly honest when tipsy that's for sure." I scold myself for being so weak. "Not to mention you're a bold one too..." Drunk Bun blurts out while looming out of her booth. "Took some real courage to kiss ol' Grillby there. But look at the luck you got. Now you have a cushy gig and spicy sugar daddy to play with. Girl power at it's finest." A bad taste coats my tongue as my stomach churns. I think I'm going to be sick. Grillby takes note of this distress when I nearly drop a mug in my trembling hands. He tries to settle my nerves with a hand on my shoulder. "Don't listen to her. You know that's not how things are." It's not working. I know she's wrong. But that's not to say the whole bar isn't thinking the same thing. That I'm using Grillby. Hell, even Sans thought I was. Why? Why is it hard to just be happy for once? "This was a mistake..." He flinches and I put my things down. "I'm sorry for troubling you." "Pussycat...?" I go to walk away but he blocks me. "Where do you think you're going?" "Home." "No. You're staying here." "I'm not staying." "Yes, you are." "I'm not staying in a place where everyone thinks I'm a whore!" "But you're not a whore!" "I know that!" "Then why are you getting upset?!" "I don't know! I just want to leave so no one has to see me...*quietly* cry..." I wipe my eyes on my sleeve and he frowns at me. "Go inside and rest. We'll talk later when you're feeling better." I feel like a snot-nosed kid about to yell for their lost parents. With what little dignity I have left, I just nod my head and he lets me pass to enter his home. Though once that door is closed behind me I have a hard time holding this back. I suppress any sound until I'm at least in the living room, but once there, I'm a mess. It's really annoying having to cry. Once the water starts going it's hard to make it stop. And odder still, you get used to it then want to cry more when it begins to stop. Shit is weird. I hope Grillby doesn't get mad at me for this. Making a sad nasty mess out of one of his sofa cushions. But I'm compelled to do it. To hold it in my arms as if I were holding someone else. This instinctual need to have contact, even if imaginary, just to feel some sort of comfort when feeling so low. Back on the surface, I'd simulate this by putting one of my jackets on a pillow and wrap the sleeves around my neck. Argh! I hate being so fucking weak! This shit shouldn't be getting to me! Since when do I give a shit about what others think of me?! This isn't right! Fuck this stupid soul for making me feel these stupid things! Ugh...I need to be coaxed down from this shit! I've gotta call Toriel. Her mothering is actually something I could use right now. That and a hug. I could so go for a hug right now! [RING] "Hello?" "*sniffling* Nanny..." "Lynsie, my child, are you all right?" "*crying* I was weak...My guard was down...Something stupid got under my skin and now...I can't make the tears stop." "Do you wish me to sing to you?" "*sniffles* Yes please..." As babying as it is, something about Toriel soothingly singing to me settles me down when I'm upset. "♪Cry if you want to. I won't tell you not to. I won't try to cheer you up, I'll just be here if you want me...There's no use in keeping a stiff upper lip, you can weep you can sleep you can loosen your grip. You can frown, you can drown and go down with the ship. You can cry if you want to. Don't ever apologize for venting your pain, it's something to me you don't need to explain. I don't need to know why I don't think you're insane. You can cry if you want to.♫" Toriel knows many songs, some from the past and others from human things that fell down here. This one, "Cry If You Want To" by Karen Drucker, is from my iPod's 'feel better' playlist. She's a nosy mom. "♪The windows are closed the neighbors aren't home if it's better with me then to do it alone. I'll draw all the curtains and unplug the phone. You can cry if you want to...You can start at the ceiling, tear at your hair, swallow your feelings and stagger and swear. You can show things, and throw things and I wouldn't care. You can cry if you want to...No I won't make fun of you. I won't tell anyone. I won't analyze what you do or you should have done. I won't advise you to go and have fun. You can cry if you want to.♫" My breathing is calmer and my grip on the sofa cushion is less harsh. She's good at this. "♪The windows are closed the neighbors aren't home if it's better with me then to do it alone. I'll draw all the curtains and unplug the phone. So you can cry...When it's empty and ugly and terribly sad, I can't feel what you feel but I know it feels bad. I know that it's real and it makes you so mad. That you could cry. Cry if you want to. I won't tell you not to. I won't try to cheer you up, I'll just be here if you want me to be near you.♫" The tears have stopped before her last note and god knows how much I miss being around her. "My child? You are silent now. Are you feeling any better?" I wipe my face. "I miss you. I miss you, mom." "I miss you too. Do you know if you are able to come home?" "Sans would probably help with that, but Papyrus doesn't leave me unsupervised, and now I have a job working at Grillby's that I don't want to fail at..." "Grillby's?" "It's a pub in Snowdin Town that they leave me in while they work." "...They leave my child in a bar for hours at a time?" "It's fine. Sans stops by regularly to keep an eye on me. And the owner is...nice." "Oh? This proprietor is treating you well?" "That would be Grillby, and yeah. You may remember me calling him a trouble maker for eavesdropping on one of our last phone calls. He's...without sounding like a huge dork...a great guy." "You sound like you are quite taken by him." "Heh...He has a way of warming his way into the heart." "Hmmmm..." "I think you'd like him. The man knows his way around a kitchen. I can totally picture the two of you sharing recipes and stuff. Maybe even an embarrassing story or two about me." "I am not sure how to take you talking him up like this." "I see where this is going, but I'm going to stop you before you say anything else...No. Grillby is not my boyfriend. We, at the most, have a mutual interest in each other. Whether this seed sprouts anything or remains sleeping in the soil is up to time. So, please...Try not to get all overprotective about it." "My child, if the man can not stand being burned than he has no place being near our kitchen." "Well he's made of fire so, I think he's fine with increasing temperatures." She snickers a bit off. "Darn. I will have to think of another means of keeping him in line then." I sigh. "What did I just ask you not to do? Would it help if you were able to talk to him?" "...It might." "I don't know when he'll go on break next but he'll come to check on me soon. He gave me a break when I had my break down." "Hmmm...Maybe there are some monsters with good left in them after all." That's what I was trying to...Calm down, she's just a bit messed up, it's normal. "Glad to hear you're willing to try." "So you will be calling me back within the hour?" "Depends on when he chooses to go on break. He runs the bar solo and me breaking down instead of aiding him doesn't help. Heh...Some first day huh?" "My child, you are a strong and trusting girl. You see the potential in others. You have hope that they will use that potential. You must also harden yourself for when those do not do so." "I know. I don't know what's gotten into me lately. My emotions have been out of whack. One moment I'm normal, tough as nails and with skin so thick that negativity bounces off like dust bunnies. The next moment I'm a weak wimpy mess, getting weepy over the stupidest and lamest of reasons." "Maybe this Grillby is allowing the softer emotions of a proper young lady come out?" "Nah. I blame my soul. Since being out here, two more odd colors showed themselves." "Two more?" "Yeah. Now there's pink and white. Ever since they appeared, this emotional flux has been happening. It's annoying the crap out of me. I'm not in control over how I want to feel anymore." "Welcome to being a woman, my child." That got a laugh out of me. "Good one, Nanny." "While this talk has been nice, my child, I must end it. I am slowly simmering some vegetables for a stew." "Ah...Not your super veggie stew. That's my fave." "Shame then that I have no one else to share it with." "No fair. I can't teleport." "Maybe if you are lucky, I will have some ready and be able to give it to Sans." "No with my luck as if late. Still, thank you, Nanny. You're the best." "*giggles* Take care, my child." "Laters, Mom." [CLICK] I sigh and shut my eyes, letting a small wave of calm wash over me. I needed that. I needed to hear her. I needed to feel like there was a parent I could talk to. Heh...So this is what having a mom feels like? I like it. [RING-RING] The phone goes off in my hand. Maybe Toriel forgot to mention something or perhaps Napstablook wants to share some tunes? I flip it open and see an unknown number. Who the hell knows this number? "Hello?" "HELLO THERE, DARLING~. TIS I, THE ALWAYS FABULOUS AND EVER DELIGHTFUL, METTATON! " And I thought Papyrus had an ego. Mettaton? How the fuck did he...Oh, wait... "You traced the number, didn't you?" Robotic giggles are my answer. "MY, AREN'T YOU THE CLEVER ONE." "Not to sound rude but...Why are you calling me? And if this is for TV I'm hanging up." "NO, NO, NO CAMERAS OR RECORDINGS GOING ON, I ASSURE YOU. THIS IS JUST A SIMPLE CALL ON MY PART BEING DONE IN MY PRIVATE TIME." That didn't sound weird at all...not. "Then what do I owe the honor of a celebrity giving lowly me a moment of your time?" "OH SUCH LOVELY WORDS. THE NICEST I'VE HEARD IN AGES. WELL...I HAVE A FEW QUESTIONS. I AM AN ADMIRE OF YOUR KIND AND I FIND YOU PARTICULARLY INTERESTING, TO SAY THE LEAST." I rub the bridge of my nose. "I suppose I too have a few for you as well. We could go back and forth if that's okay with you?" "SO GENEROUS. THAT'S A VERY ATTRACTIVE QUALITY. BUT TO START THINGS OFF...HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT I KNEW YOU WHERE ON THE PHONE WITH ME THE OTHER DAY?" Oh because I lived through your show before and died but no big deal. "Your show made no sense and was out of character. You were clearly reaching out for something. You created a situation that any normal person in the Underground would be okay with, killing someone deemed guilty. But you weren't looking to be called by a monster...you wanted me. The human that shows mercy." "HEHEHEHEH...YOU REALLY ARE SOMETHING ELSE. I LOVE IT. YES, DARLING, YOU SAW RIGHT THROUGH THE WHOLE THING. I APPLAUD YOU." "Now my turn...How did you find out about me?" "DEAR, YOU NEED TO PAY MORE ATTENTION TO YOUR SURROUNDINGS. I WON'T SAY WHERE OR HOW MANY, BUT THERE ARE SECURITY CAMERAS PLACED FROM OUTSIDE THE RUINS ALL ALONG THE PATH LEADING TO SNOWDIN TOWN." My eye twitches. "What?" "OH YES. BUT NO WORRIES, DEAR. THOSE CAMERAS ARE NOT FOR TELEVISION PURPOSES. THEY ARE SOLELY FOR THE DETECTION OF HUMANS. IT'S HOW I'VE BEEN MONITORING YOUR PROGRESS." Great, just what I need, another guy watching over me that I can't do shit about. "BUT LIKE I SAID, THE CAMERAS ONLY ARE ON THE PATH TO TOWN FROM THE RUINS. THERE ARE SADLY NONE IN THE TOWN ITSELF." "That's something at least." "CAMERA SHY? HOW ADORABLE." "You sound so different off-screen." One of my inner thoughts became voiced. "...HOW SO?" Okay, he's not miffed about it. Maybe I can chat with him like normal. "In shows, you come off like everybody else. But this...You seem more at ease. Comfortable. Nice." There's a pause on his end for a bit. "I believe it's your turn." "OH...HUH...MIGHT I GET A TAD PERSONAL WITH THE QUESTIONS?" "Does that question count as your turn?" "NO." "Then...Maybe. Nothing too personal. I don't know you aside from the TV personality." "THAT CAN CHANGE, DARLING~. I AM MORE THAN DELIGHTED IN SHARING ALL THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT MYSELF WITH YOU." Thank god this phone can't do pictures. Because this suddenly is giving me creepy vibes that don't need visual aids. "AS FOR MY QUESTION...WHAT ARE THOSE SKELETONS DOING WITH YOU? LAST THING I SAW OF YOU WAS THAT TALL ONE CARRIED YOU OFF AFTER SMALLER ONE RAN TO YOU ON THE FAKE BRIDGE." "Why so interested?" "I ASKED MY QUESTION FIRST, DARLING." I'm a house bitch to guys that half the time can't tell if they want me dead or not. "I'm a pet." ...Why would you let me say that, brain?! "A PET?" "Yeah? Kind of? It's complicated in a completely humiliating way that I'm not really at liberty to discuss." "BUT A PET? REALLY?" "I know. But hey, it beats being killed for my soul." "IF I HAD FOUND YOU, YOU WOULD NOT BE A PET." "Oh?" "A RARE GEM LIKE YOU SHOULD BE TREASURED. I WOULD..." "Gonna cut you off there. Don't. Just, don't." "I BEG YOUR PARDON?" "You're being cliché. I'm not a fan of clichés. And you were about to ring the oldest cliché bell." "I ASSURE YOU THAT IS NOT THE CASE." "Let me take a stab at what you were going to say...*ahem* A rare gem like you should be treasured. I would tend to your every desire. You'd be a queen. My queen. Nothing is beyond my power if it meant I'd be with you...That come any close to where you were going?" "...I WILL ADMIT TO ABOUT 5% OF THAT BEING ON THE NOSE. THE REST I FIND GOOD ENOUGH TO USE IN A SCRIPT FOR LATER." "I watch a lot of anime so when I feel a yandere vibe I tend to try to avoid it." "YANDERE?" "How do I put it? I guess you can define it as strongly and deeply infatuated, head-over-heels, obsessed, or love-struck but without really feeling the true emotion yet believing that you do. In anime and other things that use this type of character, it's usually a girl that starts out being genuinely kind, loving, or gentle, but suddenly switches to being aggressive, twisted, or deranged, often homicidal when things don't go with how they plan out their little 'love story'." "OOOH...YES, I'VE SEEN MANY OF THOSE TYPES IN ALPHY'S ANIMES. I THINK SHE HAS A THING FOR IT." "Alphys...? The name sounds familiar." "SHE'S THE ROYAL SCIENTIST." "Oh yeah. I forgot about that." "YOU HEARD OF HER?" "Small talk from the skele-bros. Not much else." "SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT. I HEAR THEY DON'T REALLY CARE FOR HER. NOT MANY DO." "She's that bad?" "DEPENDS ON WHAT END OF THE SYRINGE YOU'RE ON." Well, that's not cool. Suddenly a faint beeping is heard on his end. "OH SHOOT!" "Something wrong?" "MY TIMER IS GOING OFF. I'M AFRAID I HAVE TO END THIS PLEASANT CONVERSATION, DARLING. I CAN'T KEEP MY OBNOXIOUS FANS WAITING." "The show must go on as they say." "I LOOK FORWARD TO TALKING WITH YOU AGAIN, DEAR. IT'S SO HARD TO FIND SOMEONE TO HAVE A DECENT CONVERSATION WITH THAT DOESN'T SWEAR EVERY FIVE WORDS." "Same. We should do this again sometime. Heh...If I can be honest, I was feeling like crap till this. It's nice to get lost in talk and forget about life for a while." "THE SOONER YOU CAN COME TO HOTLAND THEN THE BETTER. I THINK WE COULD USE EACH OTHER TO GET THROUGH THIS LIFE A LOT EASIER." "Not sure if I can. As you can guess, as a human, I'm on lockdown from really going anywhere." "AND THAT'S A PROBLEM BECAUSE...?" There's that vibe again. "Don't do whatever it is you're thinking about." "SORRY, I CAN'T HEAR YOU. *FAKE STATIC* LOSING CONNECTION...*FAKE STATIC* SEE YOU SOON~." [CLICK] I glare at nothing and close the phone. "I'm gonna be abducted, I just know it. *sigh* Where is Liam Neeson when you need him?" Better get back to Grillby. I hate leaving him hanging because of some stupid emotional bullshit. But first...Make a backup plan in case of Mettaton creepiness. I reopen the phone and hit up my buddy. [RING-RING] "hello?" "Yo, Blooky. It's me." "L-Lynsie? is something wrong?" "Kind of. I just got a weird phone call and was hoping you'd keep on alert in case of something happening." "what happened?" "Mettaton called me." His side goes eerily quiet. "He is planning things. Doing things that are to get my attention. I believe his next course of action will either mean I'll be taken to Hotland or he may force me to travel there by threatening to expose my humanity. I wanted to inform you because I trust you, Blook-man. I have faith in you to help me when the time comes." Still, he's silent. "Napstablook?" "...he's always been like this." "What?" "...there's something I've been keeping to myself. no one else knows this. can you keep it a secret?" "Buddy, dude, this is me we're talking about. Nothing you tell me will ever leave me without a hell of a fight...or super torture. I'm only human after all." "*nervous* okay...*gulp* you see...Mettaton...he's my cousin." "...Ghost boy say what now?" "I know...it's his most secret of secrets. no one else knows except for that Alphys woman. she's the one that tempted him away with the promise of a 'perfect body'. damn bitch...we ghosts long for bodies. they allow us to feel alive again. but finding something that connects with us is easier said than done." Something clicks in my head. It was a while ago, but that moment stayed fresh due to how sad it was. "*cries* why did you go? you told me you wouldn't leave me behind...you said family sticks together...so why? why did you leave me all alone?!" Now it makes sense. Mettaton left him all alone and, based on how cherry Mettaton is now, he's not very concerned about breaking his promise to Napstablook. No wonder this poor spook hides away in the Ruins, home reminds of too much that he has no one. I need to help him. I want to fix this. "Napstablook..." "yeah?" "I'm getting that feeling when I'm gonna do something that might get me in trouble." "dare I ask what that dumb thing is?" "I'm thinking of running over to Waterfall and finding you so I can give you a hug that's been on hold for what feels like weeks but not really sure on how long." "...okay, that was kind of sweet. but for real, do not do that." "But if I did..." "please don't." "But if I did...What would be the fastest way that avoids being killed? Hypothetically speaking that is." "you're not listening to a thing I'm saying." "I am too." He sighs loudly with annoyed exhaustion. "can't believe the things you can make me do...I am only saying this because of Mettaton and I don't want something crazy to happen." "You're awesome, Blook-man." "just let me say this before I end up regretting it more than I already do." "Sorry." "see...there is a transport between Snowdin, Waterfall, and Hotland. if you take it, it will drop you off literally right outside from where my house is." I feel slightly pissed off about that. "Wait...So I could've been over there days ago? What the fuck, man?" "you told me not to get involved so I didn't say anything." I slap myself. "what was that?" "Realization hitting my face in the form of my hand. *groan* I'm my own worst enemy sometimes." "Lynsie...just please don't try to use it. if the royal guard is really keeping you and not turning you in, then running away is just going to piss them off." "I know, I know. I'm not going to do it. At least...Not as impulsively as I kind of feel like doing. I'm going to think things through before acting. Make a plan and all that jazz." "look at that. you're learning." "I try." "that's something, I guess." A sudden sound gets my attention. A door shutting. Better wrap this up. "I have to go, Blooky." "everything okay?" "Just life going on. I'll call again later." "alright. be careful, Lynsie." [CLICK] I quickly tuck the phone back in my pocket as Grillby's glow comes into view just a bit before he does. "Pussycat...?" "Hey there, boss. Sorry I'm doing so bad at this." He sighs with relief. "You're fine. I'm just glad to see you're feeling better." I get up and stretch. "Don't know what's up with my emotions lately. I've been so sensitive these last few days. It's freaking pissing me off really." "I might have a theory on why that is." "R-Really?" He waves me over and I oblige. "Remember when I told you about soul surges and how it's very typical of in monsters going through puberty?" No...Don't tell me something super humiliating and dumb is happening to me. Please, man, don't! "Y-Yeah?" "Well...When a monster goes through puberty, it's more than just their body, their magic does too. The soul begins to produce stronger magic and in higher quantities than in youth." "Grillz, please, don't tell me I'm going the 'change' again. Human puberty sucked enough to live through." He simply shrugs. "Again, it's just my guess. But based on what you told me, how your soul is getting used to being around magic and turning on old things in your DNA, it's likely that you are." I groan loudly and claw at my face. "It would explain the mood swings and sensitivity." I hate my life so much right now. "How long does this magic puberty last?" "Honestly? It varies from person to person. Could be weeks or even months. It all depends on how fast your soul takes to mature." My groan is even louder. "This is so much bullshit!" "Are you really telling me your 'mother' didn't tell you any of this?" I laugh at the idea of Toriel tell me about anything that sounds like I'm growing up. "Heheh...Nope. She told me nothing. She sees me as her 'child' and 'young one'. I would bet so much gold on her hiding any knowledge of the very concept of me 'maturing'." He smirks. "Sounds like she's not one to allow the birds to leave the nest so to speak." "Yeah. It's why she has me call her so often a day. But I don't mind. She has a bad history that she doesn't talk about, so...She's afraid the same mistake will happen again so she tries to prevent change." "That's understandable." "She also would like to have chat with you." That catches him off guard. "With me? Why?" I smirk. "Oh, no reason really. She just wants to get to know the nice guy that's letting me work in his lovely establishment. But no worries. Toriel is more intimidating than harmful." His eyes widen boldly. "T-Toriel? Your mother...the one down here...is the Queen?" I merely shrug. "So it would seem, my good man. Yet while she's Queen to you, all I see is my silly overprotective mum that can flip faster than a greasy light switch." I haven't seen much negative emotion on Grillby, just once and that was anger. But this? His breathing increases rapidly and his flames spark nervously. Is he having a panic attack? "Grillby?" "Don't make me talk to her!" Yep, this cool hot head is freaking out. "No one is making you do anything. So please, chill before you roast me. You're pumping out heat like a furnace." He fiddles around with his outfit, keeping his hands busy as a means to distract some part of his mind from the frightful thoughts it holds. "I...I can't believe it..." "What's that, boss?" "I can't believe I surged to the Queen's daughter." I blush with a smirk. "Ow. You wound me. You make it sound like a bad thing." He flinches and waves his hands in a small defensive panic. "N-No! No! I didn't mean it like that." I pat his shoulder. "Relax, Grillz. I'm only goofing." He sighs and leans on me. "You're going to be like this the whole time your soul is maturing, aren't you?" "Maybe." "..." "Grillby?" I feel his mouth press to my forehead. "Why are all the best people just a little bit crazy?" My mind blanks for a second. "Are...Are you really asking me or saying a rhetorical question?" He chuckles and moves off me. "Come, pussycat. There is still more to teach you before the clock times out." What just happened? Why was that funny? I'm so confused. "Sure, boss." I follow him back out into the bar and the few glances the patrons give me are either of fear or annoyance. I know not what Grillby did when I fled, but whatever it was, others are not liking this favoritism he's giving me. This instills a new mini-goal in my head. Keep this soul/emotion shit under control and do not bring attention to myself for the remainder of my time here. God, my life sucks. [Many hours later] "PICK UP THE PACE, SANS. DON'T THINK I CAN'T RECOGNIZE WHEN YOU START DRAGGING YOUR FEET." "geez, boss, ya sound like you actually wanna go there more than i do." "PLEASE. I MERELY WISH TO GET THIS DAY OVER WITH. IT JUST SO HAPPENS THAT WE MUST STOP THERE BEFORE WE CAN GO HOME." "yep. ain't life funny that way?" In all honesty, Sans wasn't looking forward to returning to the bar despite his joking attitude. The human was slowly making him want to keep away by just being there. Sure, confronting her about Grillby was a start and seeing those eyes of hers go from green to amber as her words got stronger. Made it hard not to believe those words. It's not like she wasn't right in the things she said. She wasn't using Grillby and, next to Sans himself, felt the most hurt seeing the barkeep dust away. Still, he didn't like it. He didn't like how nice they were to each other. He didn't like the flirting. He didn't like that they were closer than any monster and human should. It made him feel weird. And he hated feeling it. Papyrus opens the door to the pub and, aside from the faces that clearly fear or resent him, is met with a slightly warm welcome by the human. This facade does not fool the wise skeleton, no, not in the least. She may have his brother under the illusion of harmlessness, but not him. Just looking at her aroused all sorts of suspicion. If she was capable of breaking into their home than that's enough to have her thought of being capable of doing anything else. "That time already, gentlemen?" The fire elemental's pleasantries are cast aside by the larger brother. "SKIP THE FALSE CARE ACT, GRILLBY. YOU KNOW WHY I BOTHER COMING HERE." "Clearly not for the service." Snidely remarks the human while sweeping around the dog's poker table. "NO ONE ASKED YOU!" "but in a way, yes. we're taking your 'help', grillz." Grillby sighs. "Yeah, I know. Time to punch out, pussycat." She raises her brow playfully. "But I thought hitting was against the rules?" The bartender chuckles. "See you tomorrow, pussycat." She brings the broom behind the bar, shakes Grillby's hand, and moves to wait by the front door. "I SEE YOU HAVE IMPROVED HER LISTENING ABILITY." "She's not a pet, Papyrus." "I DISAGREE. BUT WHATEVER." "What is it that you want?" "WELL? HOW WAS SHE?" "Isn't that why you had Sans watch?" "DON'T BE DIFFICULT AND JUST SAY YOUR PEACE ALREADY." Grillby glares with a slight rumble. "Don't be a dick, Papyrus!" The human was butting in more than the skeleton liked. "IF YOU BARK ONE MORE TIME, I SWEAR, I SHALL THROW YOUR ASS OUT THAT WINDOW! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME, BITCH?!" She waves Papyrus off dismissively and he snarls angrily. "Lynsie has been a source of great aid. I doubt you believe me, given how much you seem to dislike her. But maybe that's just because you feel inadequate about being able to handle her." Sans's sockets widen as the bar pretty much goes stunned and Papyrus is less than happy. "WHAT DID YOU JUST...?" "You're a smart man, Papyrus. But you lack skills to deal with people. More to the point...Skills with dealing with women." "I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW, MY PEOPLE SKILLS ARE..." "Poor as shit!" "BITCH, DON'T MAKE ME COME OVER THERE!" "i think you're making his point, bro." "DON'T YOU START WITH ME, SANS." "To be fair, you do have to forgive pussycat for some of her words and behavior." "LIKE HELL I DO." "how come?" Grillby removes his glasses and huffs on them before wiping then putting them back on. "I had a little chat with her in private and we came to learn something. And since you boys are housing her, I think you should know about this." He waves the brothers in closer and they reluctantly oblige. "*hushed* Her soul is in the processes of maturing. Being down here is jump-starting her body's natural magic production. So she's a tad sensitive till it's over." Papyrus finds himself blushing whereas Sans is on the verge of a giggle fit. "*snickering* can you repeat that?" "Don't be a dick, Sans. No one goes through this well. Not even us." "*snickering* this is just too rich...i fucking love it." "SO...WHAT YOU'RE SAYING IS...SHE'S VULNERABLE?" The grin on Papyrus has Grillby immediately regrets opening his mouth. "Forgive me, pussycat!" She looks puzzled before her eyes widen and her cheeks burn a flaring crimson in flustered realization. "You told them?!" "Lynsie, please..." She fumes, baring her teeth and seething into a chilling agitated calm. "You will pay dearly for this." She slams the door as she storms out and Grillby cringes with thoughts of the unknowns a moody woman is willing to unleash on him. One idea, in particular, makes the man of flame shiver with cold. "we should go after her." "DAMN, WOMAN. ALWAYS SUCH A PAIN." Papyrus follows the brooding human and Sans attempts to do the same, but Grillby's hand on his shoulder stops him. "huh?" "Sans...We need to talk." Sans blinks with uncertainty but nods slightly. "uh...sure." Sans sits down at the bar and orders a drink. This is going to take some time. "so...what do ya want to talk about? " Grillby looks uncomfortable and makes his voice low. "Sans...Do you know who is hurting her?" To that, the skeleton smirked. "you need to be a bit more specific than that." Grillby did not take this answer well. His hands slap the bar harshly, threatening to sear the gloss off the wood. "I am not playing around. I saw the bruises. Who is hurting her?" Mirth leaves Sans's skull as he drinks deep from his bottle of yellow condiment. "you wouldn't believe me even if i told you who it was." "Try me." Sans sighs, his fingers tap along the bottle. "let's just say...someone from my past has come back and taken an interest in her." Grillby doesn't like this either. But before he can voice his concerns Sans speaks up. "before you say it, no. his interest in her isn't the same as yours." Grillby's eyes widen a bit and his professional demeanor falters. "W-What? I don't know what you're talking about." Sans rolls his eyes. "look, it's kinda painfully obvious the two of you have this 'thing' with each other. and, if i'm being honest, i don't like it." "Sans..." "but...*huff* i ain't gonna be that asshole that gets involved in his buddy's private life. so...whatever." The barman smiles softly. "Thanks." "yeah, yeah, it's not like i care or some shit. just warning ya before you do something moronic by trying to get with her. bitches be crazy." That earns the skeleton a few dirty looks from the women in the bar, though some of the guys agree. "If that's the case...Are you willing to help me smooth things over with her?" Sans snorts a laugh that almost has the mustard shoot out his nasal opening. "are ya nuts? no way. you're the one that put your foot in your mouth." "She's not the kind of girl to try to get even, is she?" Sans could see this was making Grillby squirm. Part of him found it hilarious. The other part was starting to get hungry and knew Papyrus would be pissed if he wasn't there for dinner. Better get this over with soon. "don't know. but is she is, i'm willing to bet she wouldn't do anything spiteful or malicious. kid's all bark and weak bite. it's gonna get her killed one of these days." Grillby sighs with relief yet recalls something left unanswered. "This 'person from your past'...?" "i'm gonna stop ya right there." Sans downs the remains of the bottle with gusto. "i'm handling it. that's about all i'm at liberty to say. heh...i don't want her pissed at me too for saying things she tells me." To that Grillby felt odd. Of course Sans would know things no one else would about the human. She lives at his house and is easier to get along with than his brother. Still, a small ember of envy burns in him for knowing of this. What things could she have shared with Sans yet not him? How much trust would he need to earn for her to have that much faith in him as well? Sans is a lucky man indeed. "well...i better get going. pap might not handle her new moodiness well if on his own." "Wait! One last question." "okay. what is it?" "Do...Do I have anything to worry about with her 'mother'?" The question and Grillby's nervousness are random but interesting to Sans. "she's told you about her old lady?" Gribbly merely nods. "in my opinion...ya got nothing to worry about. she never leaves the ruins. though...i can't say she won't break that self-enforced rule if something were to happen to her kid. know what i mean?" Grillby nods again as Sans hops off his stool and puts down a small amount of gold. However... "You're short, Sans." Oddly enough, that made the skeleton snarl. "i ain't fucking short!" He really wasn't, 5'4" isn't what most would call short. But when living in a town where just about everyone, including your younger brother but not counting kids and slimes for obvious reasons, is over six feet, it's no surprise it leaves a pretty big chip on your shoulder. If anything, the only thing short about Sans was his temper when called that. Though that too was short lived when met with Grillby's annoyed glare. "I meant the amount, Sans." Nervous chuckles leave the bonehead. "right, my bad. it's all i got on me." To make his point, he pulls the empty insides of his pockets out and small lint bits fall. Grillby shakes his head disapprovingly. "hey, no need for that look. you know i'm good for it. just put it on my tab." A perturbed groan leaves the barman as Sans makes his leave. One of these days Grillby is going to call that tab in full and both men will be sorry. [Meanwhile: Sans & Papyrus's house] Papyrus didn't have far to go to catch up with the human. She was making a beeline for the house and seemed to know he was following since left the door open for him to enter when she kicked it in. What harsh reprimanding he was going to roar at her died in his nonexistent throat when he caught the full strength of her icy glare as she headed for the stairs. "Do not start with..." She pauses to take a shaky breath. "I'm sorry. I am not myself. Please allow me to calm down before I end up doing something regrettable." Oh, how he wanted nothing more than to get in her face and pummel her face into the floor till it was nothing more than a stain on the floor. There were only two reasons he wasn't going to do that for. One, he didn't feel like wasting time cleaning bloody bits out of the carpet. And two, if what Grillby said is true, then her odd behavior as of late was more understandable. The Ruins were said to be abandoned or in the least home to a few monsters that couldn't take being around the majority, so the concentration of magic within must be very weak as opposed to out here in Snowdin with it's higher population of monsters. Soul maturing is an odd and uncomfortable stage. Even the mighty Papyrus went through it with less grace than he'd care to tell. Full of angst, rebellion, and pent up unknown feelings, with a need to just lock himself away because he felt like no one understood what he was going through. Ah, the silliness of youth. Knowing this, the great and terrible Papyrus relents...for now. "FINE." That was all that needed to be said. She nods and ascends the stairs, taking retreat to the bathroom. "Rough day?" The flower speaks up but Papyrus ignores it. He tended to do that as much as possible. He didn't know why exactly. There was just something in the back of his skull that made him distrusting of the floral fellow. Like a memory that was blurry but you still got a feeling from even if you're not sure it's real. He is about to shut the door just as Sans makes his way into view. "sup." Papyrus just motions him to enter and locks the door by the time he does. "dare i ask...?" "UPSTAIRS." "ah. and do you know...?" "NO. I DON'T KNOW WHAT SHE'S DOING AND I DON'T CARE SO LONG AS NOTHING IS DAMAGED." Typical Papyrus. "you really think she'd be stupid enough to break something of ours?" "YOUR STUFF IS NOT MY CONCERN. SHE CAN BREAK THAT JUNK FOR ALL I CARE." "gee. thanks, bro." "Is anyone going to let me know what happened?" The flower chimes in again. And again Papyrus ignores it as he heads to his room. Sans kicks his shoes off and tosses his jacket over the sentient plant. "don't worry about it, weed. if you were meant to know, we'd tell ya." Flowey shakes the jacket off and glares as Sans too heads to his room, but not before knocking on the bathroom door. "you alright in there?" Nothing is heard other than the shower. "hey, ya don't have to worry. pap and i aren't gonna mess with you...much." Still nothing. "fine, baby soul, be like that. just don't come crying to me when you feel bad. i mean that literally. i ain't helping you." He starts to walk but then stops. "oh! and don't forget, you're making dinner. pap only let that slide because you were practically dead. so don't get any ideas thinking you can get out of it." "Did you just really say that?!" Shouted not her but the flower. "the hell is your problem?" "Did you really just insinuate she'd harm herself?" "i dunno...maybe?" "You can't say that kind of stuff to her!" "why not?" Flowey just stares at the skeleton oddly before realization clicks. "You...You don't know how she came to the Underground, do you?" This had Sans's attention. "she told me that she fell." Flowey becomes uneasy. He produces several vines and, rather impressively, repels himself up to the banister where he swings through the railing to plant his pot on the floor. "wow. a plant that parkours. see something new every day." "I'm not comfortable telling you this, seeing as she hasn't and I don't think it's my place, but I can't let you say idiotic things like that." Sans kneels down imposingly. "okay, weed, you have intrigued me. if she didn't fall, then how did she get here?" Flowey rubs his leaves nervously. "Well...Falling is how she came to the Underground. But...She didn't fall from an accident." If color could drain from a skull it would be doing so for Sans. "you're telling me she..." "She fell on purpose. She...was trying to die." Flowey shirks inward, not liking this subject and feeling like he's broken some bond of trust. "I don't know about her life on the surface. She doesn't tell anyone about that stuff, not even Mom. But I have been with her since the start and I can tell...Under all that toughness and pass the goofy dork innards...She's very sad deep down." A new expression comes to Sans, a look of reverence and understanding. The human put up with a lot being down here and more for just being with the brothers. But she never seemed to be like what the flower had said. How bad was the surface to drive her to end it all and yet want to live down here? "Um...You won't tell her I said anything, will you?" Sans's thoughts broke yet kept him a bit cloudy, hearing only bits and pieces of what Flowey said. "huh? oh...no. i ain't opening my yap about this." Flowey sighs with relief until the sounds in the bathroom are less water based and more like someone getting ready to come out. In a panic of getting busted, Flowey throws Sans under the proverbial and shoves the skeleton into the door before repelling back to the table on which he stays. Obviously pissed about this, Sans growls and aims to go pluck every petal from the flower's head. Yet before he can even get off his bony butt the door to the bathroom opens to give him a bit of a bop that wasn't all that hard. Understandably, the confused human in a towel peeking halfway out the door. "Sans?" Sans gave her one look before he turned away trying hard not to blush, grateful that the cloth was long enough to cover her form. Though his behavior gave her the impression of something bad happening. "Are you okay? Oh shit, I didn't hit you, did I? I'm so sorry. I didn't know..." "i'm fine. just stumbled is all. now go put something on, will ya? i can't deal with ya when like that." Recalling the last incident that was bathroom related, she pulls the towel up more and goes back inside. "My bad." He rubs his skull. "it's fine. you were just concerned." He picks himself off the floor and tries to regain his cool. "So I was thinking...How does some comfort food sound?" "depends. what ya thinking?" "Tomato soup and grilled cheese. Provided we have that stuff." "...yeah, we got that. i did some 'shopping' earlier." "Sweet. Thanks, buddy." The door opens moments later. "Will Pap be okay with such a menu? Do I need to brace myself for impact once he knows?" "if it was other soup than yeah. he's got a thing for the tomato stuff." "So I've noticed." He looks her up and down, nothing is different besides the towel wrapped around her hair. "What?" "you're wearing the same thing you had on." "I'm limited in my clothes here. It's not like I can go across the street to Nanny and change. The other outfit I got is in need of washing but I don't trust Pap not to trash or burn it just to piss me off." "seems legit." She goes to walk past him and what the flower told him has him feeling guilty. "hey..." She stops at the top of the stairs. "Yeah?" His jaw clenches, words struggling to form as he determines if he should say something or not. "i...i didn't...that stuff i said..." "Dude, chill, we're cool. Don't stress over it." Is she forgiving him so easily? "we are?" "Yeah. I'd probably say that stuff too if someone was getting close to my buddy too. But that just shows how good of a friend you are. I respect that." Sans felt dumbstruck. Did she not hear him at all? Fuck it! Roll with it. "y-yeah. thanks. i was just being cautious is all." "I get it. That's why we're cool. You don't want to see him hurt. I don't want to hurt him. That's why we're just friends. No rushing into unknown territory here. That's for sure. Not with this damn thing being so unstable." She points to her chest and, while he knows she means her soul, he sees a joke opportunity. "yeah...with a set of knockers that big, i can imagine it being hard to stable." His grin is cocky and the only clue that has her realizing what just happened. Her expression goes from puzzled to sly snickering when she gets the joke. "Ah yes, these annoying chest bags. Hard to miss such large targets. Good jab, my friend." She took the punches and merely walks off downstairs to get cooking. That had him feeling a little off. Normally she would at least give him a quick quip back. Maybe she was in a bad mood under all that nice. He rolls his shoulders and goes to his room. She'll let them know when dinner is ready anyway. "Lynsie? Are you okay?" Flowey comes into the kitchen, he sets himself on the counter beside me as I butter bread while the pan heats up and a pot of soup warms. "Yeah, I'm fine. Got to chat with Toriel today." "Oh? How is she?" "Missing us. She even tempted me with my favorite meal." "Low blow." "Did make me wanna go though. Not gonna lie. That sew is the bomb." "What are you? A cheesy 90's character?" "Word, yo. I'm super funky fresh to the max." He shakes his head in disappointment but his giggling says otherwise. "But for real...Did anything happen today? You came home upset." I sigh. "I'm going through magic puberty. That's as blunt as I can possibly be about it." I can almost hear the gears in his head grind while I add some milk to the soup. "...What?" "From what I understand, my soul's starting to produce magic to match my body's age and it's something that can influence my emotional state. *groans* Just like when I was twelve going on thirteen. Nothing like the last day of sixth grade to be welcomed into the wacky world of womanhood." "...Is puberty really that bad?" "It sucks for everyone, boy or girl. It's only different for each gender. With us girl humans, we know when we hit our moment when we suddenly gain weight fairly quickly. Then our chests begin to store fat, aka, make these annoying things. Depending on genetics, other parts store fat too. Our growth rate slows down. Hormones start changing things on the inside that affect the outside to the point where you can become a completely different person to anyone that knows you. And then there's a thing I'm not even going to mention because I'm making food right now but will allude to it being gross as hell." He cringes as I put the sandwiches into the pan, making a loud sizzling hiss. "That sounds awful." "It is. But we all have to go through it and learn to deal with it. Because no enemy is greater in this world than yourself. Yet if you can tame yourself than that enemy becomes your greatest ally." One hand of mine holds a spatula to flip the sandwiches and the other a long spoon that keeps stirring the soup. "So it gets better eventually?" "Kind of. But you hardly notice any of this after enough time passes." "Growing up sounds like a pain." "All I can say is this...Enjoy youth to the fullest. You don't have to give up being a kid when you grow up, but it does get turned down a bit. Back on the surface, I still have toys. I have video games and comic books. Sure, I don't play with them as often as I used to. But just seeing or holding them feels good. Let's me know the happiness I once had can never truly die." The mood gets a bit somber as I flip the sandwiches and restart that sizzling hiss. "Flowey..." "Yeah?" "Can I have a hug?" He jerks a little in surprise. "Where did that come from?" "Just feel like I want one. If that's okay?" He closes himself off and I know I asked too much. I focus on my cooking, turning the burners off when the soup begins to bubble and the sandwiches are a lovely golden hue. I go about covering the food to keep it hot as I head out into the living room. "Yo, bone-boys! Food's ready!" It takes a few seconds to hear Sans pop into the kitchen while it takes a moment or two for Papyrus to appear at his door. "Evening, Papyrus." "HUMAN." He heads down the stairs as I enter the kitchen and Sans comes out with a sandwich in his teeth. "Gooey enough for you?" He nods in content while dunking the sandwich into a mug of soup. "WHAT TRAVISTY HAVE YOU BROUGHT ABOUT MY KITCH WITH THIS TIME?" Feeling funny, I get hammy. "Forsooth, my lord of bone. I present thee with broth made from the berry of nightshade. And bread, grilled gold that has hidden within the finest viscus form of bovine lactation." Papyrus stares at me funny before looking at Sans. "THE FUCK DID SHE JUST SAY?" "tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches." "OH. THAT'S NOT SO BAD." "I thank thou." He flicks my forehead. "NO. BAD HUMAN. STOP THAT." I snicker. "Shall I serve you or..." "I AM FULLY CAPABLE OF GETTING MY OWN." "Of course. I merely just wanted to treat you after a hard day's work. Unless, of course, that's just part of my evil plan to lull you into a false sense of security. Oooooh." I tease and he glares at me hard before do so to Sans. "YOU TOLD HER, DIDN'T YOU?" "she ain't a threat and ya know it." "SHE IS NOW!" "the worst she can do is annoy us." "YOU DON'T KNOW THAT!" "Master..." Papyrus flinches. "How can I prove to you that I mean you and your brother no harm?" "YOU CAN'T." [You give Papyrus the puppy dog eyes of guilt.] He backs up a bit. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" [You keep doing it.] He sweats a little. "S-STOP THAT." [You strengthen the look.] He looks to Sans but his brother is enjoying every moment. "MAKE HER STOP!" "why? she ain't hurting nobody." [You are determined to make him understand.] [It works...Papyrus gives in...but only so you'll stop.] "FINE! YOU'RE NOT A THREAT! NOW STOP MAKING THAT LOOK!" I smile and bow. "That is the extent of my power. I am now powerless since my secret is revealed. Congratulations!" He shoves past me and Sans laughs. "dinner and a show. today just gets better and better." I follow Papyrus in to take Flowey back to his table and he leaves the kitchen with his food as I get Flowey's portion before my own. "So..." I sit down with Flowey away from the one skeleton looking to kick my ass. "Will I be sleeping in the shed tonight? Because if so, a blanket would be very appreciated." "i'm fine with ya being indoors. pap, your thoughts?" Papyrus snarls while chewing. "he didn't say no." Papyrus gulps down his mouthful. "YOU DO NOT TALK FOR ME...BUT HE ISN'T WRONG." "Really?" "whoa. you said i'm right? i think hell froze over." "*GROAN* WHILE I AM NOT ALLOWING YOU TO BE INDOORS BECAUSE OF SOME SYMPAHTIC REASONS. I AM ONLY ALLOWING YOU TO BE INDOORS BECAUSE, AS A PROPER PET OWNER, IT WOULD BE A BLACK MARK ON MY RECORD TO HAVE YOU DIE DUE TO SOMETHING SO STUPID AS BEING COLD. THAT'S ALL." "Awe...You do care." "ONE OF THESE DAYS, I WILL SMOTHER YOU IN YOUR SLEEP." "Papyrus, you don't have to add icing to this cake. It's already sweet enough." "...ARE YOU SURE WE CAN'T HANDLE THE QUEEN IF WE KILL HER?" "bro, even asgore had trouble dealing with tori and that's his wife." Papyrus growls in reluctant agreement. The night continues on with us watching Mettaton on TV. Thankfully, it's one of his movies and nothing weird. Though it's not like his movies aren't odd sometimes. Mettaton seems to make a lot of action, thriller, horror, and psychological type films. Not bad stuff really. Though the CGI human that normally is a villain character is cliché and lackluster in character personality, merely filling the bad role. He needs help writing his scripts. Eventually Papyrus heads off to bed, Flowey nods off, and Sans lazily comes out of the kitchen sipping on mustard. "You headed for bed too, bone-boy?" "yeah. *yawn* don't stay up too late." "I know. I got work too now." "oh...i meant because pap will bitch about the light and noise. but that too." I watch him shuffle towards the stairs. "Sans..." "huh?" I feel unsure if I should mention Mettaton to him or not. Sans is someone I trust. But even he has trouble trusting me back. "Sleep well." I'm such a coward. "you too, kiddo." I mentally punch myself for that. He heads to his room and I shut the TV off once he's gone. With not much else to do, since all my doable chores are already complete and the other are not good to do while they sleep, I give in to the night. I lay down on the couch for some shuteye. Maybe things will be okay in the morning. Hopefully I'm wrong about Mettaton doing something to force me to Hotland. I doubt it though, as when my gut feels this twisted I tend to be right. Maybe these thoughts won't mess with my dreams. If I'm allowed to dream that is. Gaster should need time to go over what he learned last night. A shiver racks my spine at the memory. And then another because I still don't have a blanket. Nice one.
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thegreatyin · 6 years
U.04 Thoughts...basically a review/reaction. But also not. Because I'm a sarcastic narcissist.
So- I- WOW.
(spoilers ahead, be warned!)
(Also, I wrote this on my Kindle Fire, so expect spelling mistakes.)
(Also, this is vry long yes™, so it's under the cut. Read at your own risk.)
First off, I'm gonna clarify - this is my thoughts on the FIRST VIEWING. I'm gonna re-watch it later and think about stuff more then. I haven't watched it a single time after the first, because I needed to write this.
Ink was portrayed BRILLIANTLY in this episode. This is EXACTLY what he is- only in it for his own entertainment/benefit. He is Chaotic Neutral at best, and Chaotic Evil at worst. And here? He's at his worst. Straight up ELIMINATING the rest of the Multiverse, breaking the natural order of things- all because he was bored. Goddamn, I love/hate that asshole.
I gotta give props to the animation, as well- it was gorgeous. Jakei is an EXCELLENT animator, and this episode was WORTH the wait. I actually paused the episode at certain points just to appreciate how a character breathed, or how good they looked.
While the humor wasn't a prime focus, one always has to give it a HUGE shoutout. The joy, of course, usually came from my own squeals at Error's usual crazy reactions to things (imsorryilovehim) but there were also times where I took a break from my sobs just to laugh hysterically. Lots of them, in fact.
Enough praises though, lets give it a rundown. Skipping over the part that was previewed, we start in Underwap, with X-Tale Alphys. Now, what I noticed here is that Code Frisk seemed a bit surprised at all this- but I'll put that down to out-of-ut shenanigans. Anyway, X-Tale Alphys somehow uses one of the X-Tale TIMELINES to 'quarantine' Underswap, that's the main thing. Here, we also get an explanation for why Papyrus didn't come with them...there wasn't any point to it. Which is kinda a grim start for the episode, if you ask me.
Skimming over the Underfell bit- I don't have much to talk about there, surprisingly - lets discuss Nightmare and Killer and X-Tale Chara. Nightmare got a few chuckles out of me here, I have to say. Mainly from the look he gave Chara after they wanted to get the vial. It was the perfect embodiment of 'dude wtf' 
I find it interesting here that Nightmare says that he 'owns' Chara. I mean- once they get to full power, they could just OVERWRITE him away.
Then again, it won't happen if he kills Chara first. Which he plainly can, dear Lord.
Now, what REALLY gets me in this scene is what Killer said. Because they took Classic's soul, they interfered with the UT Universe, thus making a ripple effect across all the timelines connected to it. This way, Killer knew EXACTLY what was going down.
This makes me wonder- does that mean, currently, all the Sanses in the Multiverse will be aware of the X-Event? Or just the ones closely intertwined with the main UT universe, like Killer's? It's a shame they never touch more on this, I personally find it fascinating.
Anyway, we finally make our way to Outertale, where we stay for almost all of the remaining episode. Here, the Sanses, Swap, Fell, and Sans, decide that they're done with Ink's bullshit. They want to go home, and they miss their brothers.
Unfortunately, Ink went missing, because he's a little shit that can't stay in one place like a good boy. So Classic has to take a break from his beautiful, busy hair-brushing and babysit this douche. AKA, go find him.
While looking, Classic finds a meteor shower, which...has no real importance. I'm not even sure why I included it, it's just a nice moment. Followed up by a fart joke.
Long story short, Sans encounters Outer, who is actually really fucking chill??? And I love?????? Him?????????? So much????????????????
Skipping ahead a bit, Nightmare attempts to force-feed Chara some poor monster's soul, but Chara can't eat that shit. You know what they can eat? Their soul! That's right - Glitchlord, aka ERROR, is here to find Ink and beat the crap out of him.
Little personal note- I love how he goes from basically 0 to 100 in a second. "Sup Nightmare, WHERE THE FUCK IS INK."
Turns out, Ink isn't feeling things, because not even Nightmare, who can sense emotions, can find him. Which means that Ink didn't take his pills today- naughty boy.
It's a shame we don't get more of Outer, tbh- I really liked him. That's definitely one of this episode's flaws. Alas, Killer has to kill SOMETHING, otherwise his name means literally nothing.
Skipping ahead, since I, again, don't have much to say about anything else- the Error and Ink fight.
This thing is BEAUTIFUL. It's basically a game of keep-away between a grumpy glitchlord, a mad artist, and a smol anger child. Because that's what it is- and it gave me CHILLS. Mainly Ink. He gives me chills. How he looks, the way he can effortlessly throw down everyone WITHOUT his brush, the cut Error gave him- this is what he really is, at heart. Or should I say, without one.
The fight pauses so Ink can give a speach, and now? Now, we have CONTEXT.
Record Scratch.
Freeze frame.
That context.
Ink did this all because he was going to be empty without new AUs. He sided with X-Gaster because he needed something new. Something interesting. Something to fill the emptiness that is eternally there, he did it because he was bored, he did this all to have something new, he did it to play a game that would never end- and I'll fight you on it, that is the most human thing he's done, ever. Period. Never again, I show ship Ink and X-Gaster, we're calling it Creation, you can't stop me, it's sailed, and I'm the captain.
But, you ask, why did he have to be soulless to do it? Because he would otherwise feel guilty about leaving behind Cross- a genuine FRIEND. And if that also isn't the most human thing to do, if you can find a better example I'll write a bad Jerry X Reader fanfic.
(I'm not joking. I will, please pm me if you find something.)
Anyway, the real takeaway here is that Ink successfully summons Satan, AKA X-Gaster. And he proceeds to murder everyone, shove Error in the Anti-Void for being bad, give Ink's brush back, shove Classic back into UT, kill the AUs (no, actually, Error did that, but shh-) and make Cross...come back?
Horray! Start the victory parade!
...but not really. Because, from what I can tell(?), almost everyone is in a 'Quarantine ' zone, probably to wait while Ink and the X-Tale crew break bread and make their new world. Infact, from what I can tell, the only people besides them who aren't there are Error (who's having a fit in the AV), Cross, Dream, Fresh, and Nightmare and Killer, but those last two might just be around because Nightmare blends in with the background WAY too much.
x-Faster leaves, giving Cross the option to join him, and...I hope he doesn't. I pray he doesn't.
But enough of that. Let's talk about 'Valiant Heart' for a second, huh ~?
(Putting a break to pretend like I'm organized)
Tbh, I actually thought that Dream would DIE in this scene. Really - Nightmare saw a chance to get rid of a KNOWN thorn in his side, and he took it. Luckily, Cross saved him, and they both escaped...
But this scene has other things to talk about. First off, it's beautiful. This is the only thing in Underverse (so far/as far as I know) that isn't fully animated, instead shone in quick images and only having GORGEOUS song lyrics. I LOVE this part, and it might just be my favorite out of the whole episode.
Although..... I'm 25% percent sure that Dream and Cross went to X-Tale to hide, and Nightmare and Killer are now left alone in the black space that used to be the Doodle Sphere. Do they stay there? Is Nightmare's castle still existing?? This is like Killer's line at the start- I want insight to this.
For the sake of keeping this (long) thing short, I'm gonna end here, but...wow. Things are BLEAK rn. I can't even theorize any good possibilities - I'm shook. What a way to end an arc.
....or, should I say, what a way to start one~?
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enchanted-flowers · 7 years
How would the SF/UF bros react to finding out his brother has a crush on his S/O?
Okay first, how dare he? Black saw his S/O first and their dating. He tells Rus to fuck off and find their own S/O. But Rus is his brother and he does feel pity, so he’ll help him find someone else that isn’t taken. He asks you if you have any friends or siblings that is willing to date his brother. But either way, he’s not going to let Rus touch you. 
Rus is at a bit of a crossroads. He loves Black and is willing to do anything for him, but he loves you too and he’s not going to give you up because his brother has a crush on you. If it’s just a crush, it’ll go away right? He lets you know about Black’s crush and...if you want to leave him for Black he’ll understand. It’ll be painful for him, but what matters most to him is yours and Black’s happiness. Luckily you stay with Rus, but he’ll be Black’s wingman whenever they go out. 
Red suddenly becomes super over protective of you and won’t leave you alone with his brother. He and Fell already have a rocky relationship, him falling for you is only going to make it worse. He tells his brother to stay away from you and that you are one of the only good things in his life, he will not let Fell take you away from him. The two get into fights often and you’re going to have to step in to repair their relationship. 
Fell almost feels sorry for Red. Almost. His brother rarely falls for someone so when it does, it’s special. Too bad he had to fall for you though. He’s sadistic, so he’ll taunt him with your love for Fell, claiming you as his and basically shoving it in his face that you belong to him and only him. You notice this and call him out on it, scolding him to stop being a douche and to help his brother. Only upon your request will Fell begrudging help Red find someone new.
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freezingwintah · 6 years
Hot - headed capitulation
Something was way off. This bed was too soft to be his, Sans thought, half sleepy. And his bed wasn't so big either. Sans sat up and had a look around.
This wasn't his bedroom. The walls were dark blue and bed was so comfy, he never wanted to get up, but he should. Who's bed he was in and why or how did he end in it?
Then the events from yesterday came back to him and he blushed deep red, burying head in hands. He really pulled it off. By Asgore's beard, Grillby...
… This is Grillby's room...
I am at his house.
Flabbergasted didn't do justice the feeling he was experiencing. But... where was Grillby? The blankets were done on other side of bed. Sans gulped down. Oh my god. We slept in the same bed. Now I remember. The door creaked and Grillby was standing before me, in his usual black suit and red tie, holding two plates of... hot dogs with mustard. Grillbz knows me the best, Sans thought to himself as he gazed at the purple elemental who approached the bed and sat down close. "I was about to wake you up. I'll be heading to work soon and I wanted to eat with you something."
Grillby gave him the plate with the hot dog and Sans took it, unsure how to act. They weren't on a customer – bartender basis no longer. They have upgraded their relationship to lovers.
It was still hard to believe that a simple blue flower played a huge role in their get – together. In Underground, strong looked for a suitable partner with high LOVE , because it was just like that for years. Sans was sure their relationship will not be approved by the community in Snowdin. And Pap - Boss, he'll blow a fuse, or several as he knew him. Such ghastly matters should be left for later. Now...
He should enjoy the morning with Grillby.
The skeleton dug into the hot dog, munching and avoiding the intense silent stare - down of his lover who also ate, but was way too focused on Sans. Said skeleton was nervous under the warm gaze. He wasn't used to someone looking at him so tenderly. He was more used to the annoyed and pissed off looks whenever someone saw the small skeleton. This was tingling all his bones and his hearts fluttered. These mushy feelings, they are back. Honestly, this was all new for him. Grillby touched his cheekbone with a gloved hand, tracing down and Sans stayed still. Wh- what is it?
The elemental gathered something from his face and licked. "Mustard." He stated and Sans got even more flustered. Grillby held his hands and the 'dogs were forgotten. "grillb-"
He was silenced by a pair of fiery lips seizing him. Sans enthusiastically opened his mouth to grant him better access. He vividly heard the fire elemental giggle at that.
Grillby ignored the door bell ringing and Sans's head was spinning from mushy and fluffy overload. Sans tried to speak between kisses. "grillbz... ah, fuck... the... bell... so hot..." The elemental smirked and deepened the kiss, silencing his skeleton.
He happily gave in to the sweet attack on his senses, holding Grillby who was whispering some very kinky words to the skeleton while he kissed down the collarbone.
"fuck it, grillbz! There...!"
"Flaming bastard, what have you done to my pathetic brother?! He didn't come home yesterday!"
The mood was killed. Grillby growled annoyed. "Tch. I've had it with Papyrus. I'll give him a piece of my mind. I've bitten into my tongue for a long time."
Sans watched as Grillby scooted up the plates with half finished 'dogs and put them on a table, turning to face his skeleton. The banging didn't stop. It got worse and he snapped, pulling the small skeleton up. "Come. We'll confront your dickhead brother together."
"what?! grillby, that is a horrible idea!"
He squeezed the bony fingers and Sans looked up at him. "I won't let him handle you like that. I am willing to fight him even."
He would? Grillby would fight the terrible Papyrus for...me?
No one was so good to me. He's too good for a weakling and useless bonehead like me, Sans thought while Grillby led them to the front door.
Sans put on slippers that were thrice his size and realized they were Grillby's. And Boss was yelling from the other side of the door, threatening to tear it down if Grillby won't open up.
The fire elemental held onto Sans' hand while he opened the door and they were confronted by the raging younger brother. "Ahaaa! I knew he was here! But, why is he here in the first place!"
Then he noticed the joined hands and went quiet for a moment, contemplating probably if he wasn't dreaming. Then he decided it was reality. "Brother. Why are you holding hands?"
Grillby inserted himself into the conversation. "As of yesterday, Sans is my boyfriend, my partner and I intend to form a soul bond with him one day. Did that satisfy your curiosity?"
Boss' jaw dropped momentarily, skipping from the elemental to his older, blushing brother. He didn't understand, couldn't process this information. And the fire elemental was far from done. He caught Sans' gaze and smiled sweetly before letting go. He jerked Papyrus inside his house and closed the door from spectators on the morning streets.
The tall skeleton wouldn't let be manhandled and Sans knew he was going to attack regardless of place or circumstances and he stepped in before it got haywire, blocking both from attacking.
"Sans, get out of the way. I will teach your brother a lesson." Grillby said calmly and Papyrus growled. "Ha! You two are so pathetic! Standing up for each other. It's disgusting!"
"So what if I love your brother. We chose what we wanted secretly all along." Sans flared up when love was mentioned. They never quite got to the confessing yesterday. He remembered only falling asleep in the elemental's embrace. Wow, this was way too much for Sans to handle in two days in row. The smaller of skeleton brothers glanced back, holding back the tears from joy. "y- you love me, grillby?"
"I have loved since you first walked into my bar."
Sans was stunned and Papyrus snorted, turning on heels. "You two make me wanna barf. I am leaving. I expect you to be at your station on time, Sans."
He left, shutting the door like it offended him. Grillby sighed. "I didn't need help, Sans. I would have beaten him. And don't think I have forgotten all the times you came to my bar because of your brother's really bad brotherly instincts, if he has any. I'll have a chat with him soon and next time, I won't have any disturbances. He may be the Head of the Royal Guard, but you are his brother, only family he has left and he shouldn't handle you like you're a stranger or some random monster."
Sans didn't know what to say. He was resented by everyone – thanks to Boss, his head of royal guard position and Sans simply went with it. Grillby cracked a smile, once more gently holding his bony hand. "Sans, I am here for you. From today onward, I share with you pain, sadness, but also hope and love. I'll be by your side." He kissed the skeleton's hand and Sans gasped at the romantic gesture.
He found himself tearing up, unable to hold back the mushy feelings, finally letting them loose. "grillby!" Sans was much shorter than the fire elemental, so he grabbed on the signature red tie and yanked him downwards. A bit startled, Grillby let the skeleton kiss him tenderly. When they parted, Grillby smirked, wiping away the tears. "As much as I like where this is going, we have places to be at. When we're both done, come here. I have a spare key. It's yours."
Sans took the offered silvery key and put it on his key chain and shoved it back into shorts pockets. "I'll treasure it. It's the first thing you gave me."
"And there will be more with more time we spend together. But enough for now. I believe we had hot dogs before your brother rudely interrupted our breakfast. Go to the kitchen and I'll bring the hot dogs and I'll make some eggs and bacon. We are grown monsters and one hot dog won't suffice till lunch break."
Sans nodded and went to the stylish kitchen, stopping at the dining table and taking seat on one of the two kitchen stools. True to his word, he was promptly back with the unfinished plates of 'dogs and set them on table. "I'll prepare the eggs 'n bacon. You just sit back and relax." The elemental said while he put on an apron so he didn't get his suit dirty.
Sans propped elbows on the table and dreamily sighed looking at Grillby in that apron. "did i tell you how hot i find you? and not just because you're fire."
Grillby snickered, cracking the eggs into the frying pan and soon the slices of bacon followed. "I can't tell if you're flirting or making usual fire puns, Sans."
"hmm...maybe both."
Grillby had to be careful not to burn their breakfast, so his attention turned to the frying pan and Sans simply watched his incredibly hot lover who rocked not only suits but also aprons by doing his daily routine for them.
Soon he was done and presented the skeleton with scrambled eggs and crusty bacon that smelled awfully good. Grillby joined him by table and the fire elemental resumed with eating his 'dog. "grillbz, bone appetite."
The elemental chuckled and 'dog got stuck in his throat. Sans quickly handed him a cup of whisky and he drank up. "By Asgore, Sans... hahaha. I'll have to get used to your witty puns."
Sans grinned widely as he finished his last bits of hot dog and dug into the Grillby special. "grillbz? can i ask you a question? tt concerns what you told b – papyrus."
"Did I say something I shouldn't have?"
The skeleton swallowed the mixture in his mouth, the flavor reminded him of childhood and the rare memories of peaceful domestic existence. Ah, good 'ol days...
"Did you mean the soul bonding?"
Grillby positively eyed him. "I meant it. Do you not want to?"
"no, no! i mean, i do. i want that. you're the best that has happened to me, grillby."
"Then? What's the problem?"
Sans put down the fork and avoided to look at the fire elemental. "i am the problem. i seem weak next to you. there will be a scandal and your bar will be in jeopardy... because of me."
He said what was tormenting him all those years when he decided time and time again to not tell the elemental how he felt about him.
Grillby also put down the fork, stood up and went along the table and knelt down to the sobbing skeleton. "Shhh. It's okay. Our relationship won't hinder me in the slightest. When someone gives us grief, I'll simply grill them to dust."
"it's not that simple, grillbz."
"It can be. Come here." He let his skeleton hug him and he was calming down in the warm and loving embrace of the flame that loved him indisputably.
"oh my god. you made a pun." Sans stated after good one minute.
"I am only getting flared up." Now it was Sans' turn to giggle and they disentangled getting back to eating the cold breakfast.
After finishing up their plates, they both checked if they had everything and Grillby brought his skeleton before the front door. Sans wanted to leave alone, but Grillby wouldn't hear nothing about it. "I bet your brother's tongue has already wagged about us in town. Come, I'll escort you to your station. I have half hour before the bar is opening."
Sans grinned. "no need, grillbz. i can be a capable fighter if needed. also, i have a shortcut. can you come closer?"
Grillby leaned down slightly and Sans inserted a chaste kiss on the elemental's cheek, blushing. " see you later. i love you, grillby." The small skeleton winked, snapped fingers and he vanished before Grillby's eyes.
The elemental held the place where the kiss was planted, feeling it burn up. He smiled. "I've known that all along, Sans."
Grillby then left for his bar, counting the minutes before he meets with his adorable skeleton.
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blackcatt4211 · 4 years
So sorry it took me so long everyone but I hope you all enjoy this next chapter and tell me what you think 
Chapters: 84/?
Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: female reader/Sans, female reader/papyrus, female reader/Red, female reader/ Edge, female reader/Slim, female reader/Black, female reader/Blue, female reader/Stretch, Swapfell frontcest, Alphys/Undyne (Underswap) Characters: Female Reader - Character, Swapfell!Papyrus, Swapfell!Sans, Underswap!Papyrus, Underswap!Sans, Undertale!Sans, Undertale!Papyrus, underfell!papyrus, underfell!sans, Underlust!Sans, Underlust!Papyrus, genderswap!Sandra, Genderswap Papi, Underswap!Undyne, Underswap!Alphys, Freshtale Sans, G!Sans, G!papyrus, Mobtale Sans, Mobtale Papyrus, Dancetale Papyrus Additional Tags: Sibling Incest, Mistress, Hiding a true self, menchen of self harm, Sex, Smutt, Massages, Fluff, Cute and fun dates, awkward moments, Teasing, may add more tags, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, suggestion of HoneyMustard, Suggestion of PuffBerry, graphic description of violence, Threesome - F/M/M, Polyandry, Troubled Past, Slim's a pervert, Douche bag ex boyfriend, Violence against women, Soul Sex, Dancing Series: Part 1 of Monsters under my bed Summary:
You lost your job, your boyfriend cheated on you with your best friend, and got kicked out of your apartment. Where do you go? A trip to the bar should help you think. Little did you know... that night changed your life forever.
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blackcatt4211 · 3 years
Chapters: 88/? Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: female reader/Sans, female reader/papyrus, female reader/Red, female reader/ Edge, female reader/Slim, female reader/Black, female reader/Blue, female reader/Stretch, Swapfell frontcest, Alphys/Undyne (Underswap) Characters: Female Reader - Character, Swapfell!Papyrus, Swapfell!Sans, Underswap!Papyrus, Underswap!Sans, Undertale!Sans, Undertale!Papyrus, underfell!papyrus, underfell!sans, Underlust!Sans, Underlust!Papyrus, genderswap!Sandra, Genderswap Papi, Underswap!Undyne, Underswap!Alphys, Freshtale Sans, G!Sans, G!papyrus, Mobtale Sans, Mobtale Papyrus, Dancetale Papyrus Additional Tags: Sibling Incest, Mistress, Hiding a true self, menchen of self harm, Sex, Smutt, Massages, Fluff, Cute and fun dates, awkward moments, Teasing, may add more tags, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, suggestion of HoneyMustard, Suggestion of PuffBerry, graphic description of violence, Threesome - F/M/M, Polyandry, Troubled Past, Slim's a pervert, Douche bag ex boyfriend, Violence against women, Soul Sex, Dancing Series: Part 1 of Monsters under my bed Summary:
You lost your job, your boyfriend cheated on you with your best friend, and got kicked out of your apartment. Where do you go? A trip to the bar should help you think. Little did you know... that night changed your life forever.
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blackcatt4211 · 3 years
Chapters: 85/? Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: female reader/Sans, female reader/papyrus, female reader/Red, female reader/ Edge, female reader/Slim, female reader/Black, female reader/Blue, female reader/Stretch, Swapfell frontcest, Alphys/Undyne (Underswap) Characters: Female Reader - Character, Swapfell!Papyrus, Swapfell!Sans, Underswap!Papyrus, Underswap!Sans, Undertale!Sans, Undertale!Papyrus, underfell!papyrus, underfell!sans, Underlust!Sans, Underlust!Papyrus, genderswap!Sandra, Genderswap Papi, Underswap!Undyne, Underswap!Alphys, Freshtale Sans, G!Sans, G!papyrus, Mobtale Sans, Mobtale Papyrus, Dancetale Papyrus Additional Tags: Sibling Incest, Mistress, Hiding a true self, menchen of self harm, Sex, Smutt, Massages, Fluff, Cute and fun dates, awkward moments, Teasing, may add more tags, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, suggestion of HoneyMustard, Suggestion of PuffBerry, graphic description of violence, Threesome - F/M/M, Polyandry, Troubled Past, Slim's a pervert, Douche bag ex boyfriend, Violence against women, Soul Sex, Dancing Series: Part 1 of Monsters under my bed Summary:
You lost your job, your boyfriend cheated on you with your best friend, and got kicked out of your apartment. Where do you go? A trip to the bar should help you think. Little did you know... that night changed your life forever.
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blackcatt4211 · 4 years
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/13297026"><strong>Monsters under my bed</strong></a> (124668 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/BlackCatt4211"><strong>BlackCatt4211</strong></a><br />Chapters: 82/?<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Undertale%20(Video%20Game)">Undertale (Video Game)</a><br />Rating: Mature<br />Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con<br />Relationships: female reader/Sans, female reader/papyrus, female reader/Red, female reader/ Edge, female reader/Slim, female reader/Black, female reader/Blue, female reader/Stretch, Swapfell frontcest, Alphys/Undyne (Underswap)<br />Characters: Female Reader - Character, Swapfell!Papyrus, Swapfell!Sans, Underswap!Papyrus, Underswap!Sans, Undertale!Sans, Undertale!Papyrus, underfell!papyrus, underfell!sans, Underlust!Sans, Underlust!Papyrus, genderswap!Sandra, Genderswap Papi, Underswap!Undyne, Underswap!Alphys, Freshtale Sans, G!Sans, G!papyrus, Mobtale Sans, Mobtale Papyrus, Dancetale Papyrus<br />Additional Tags: Sibling Incest, Mistress, Hiding a true self, menchen of self harm, Sex, Smutt, Massages, Fluff, Cute and fun dates, awkward moments, Teasing, may add more tags, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, suggestion of HoneyMustard, Suggestion of PuffBerry, graphic description of violence, Threesome - F/M/M, Polyandry, Troubled Past, Slim's a pervert, Douche bag ex boyfriend, Violence against women, Soul Sex, Dancing<br />Series: Part 1 of <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/series/1288331">Monsters under my bed</a><br />Summary: <p>You lost your job, your boyfriend cheated on you with your best friend, and got kicked out of your apartment. Where do you go? A trip to the bar should help you think. Little did you know... that night changed your life forever.</p>
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blackcatt4211 · 5 years
Chapters: 78/? Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: female reader/Sans, female reader/papyrus, female reader/Red, female reader/ Edge, female reader/Slim, female reader/Black, female reader/Blue, female reader/Stretch, Swapfell frontcest, Alphys/Undyne (Underswap) Characters: Female Reader - Character, Swapfell!Papyrus, Swapfell!Sans, Underswap!Papyrus, Underswap!Sans, Undertale!Sans, Undertale!Papyrus, underfell!papyrus, underfell!sans, Underlust!Sans, Underlust!Papyrus, genderswap!Sandra, Genderswap Papi, Underswap!Undyne, Underswap!Alphys, Freshtale Sans, G!Sans, G!papyrus, Mobtale Sans, Mobtale Papyrus, Dancetale Papyrus Additional Tags: Sibling Incest, Mistress, Hiding a true self, menchen of self harm, Sex, Smutt, Massages, Fluff, Cute and fun dates, awkward moments, Teasing, may add more tags, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, suggestion of HoneyMustard, Suggestion of PuffBerry, graphic description of violence, Threesome - F/M/M, Polyandry, Troubled Past, Slim's a pervert, Douche bag ex boyfriend, Violence against women, Soul Sex, Dancing Series: Part 1 of Monsters under my bed Summary:
You lost your job, your boyfriend cheated on you with your best friend, and got kicked out of your apartment. Where do you go? A trip to the bar should help you think. Little did you know... that night changed your life forever.
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blackcatt4211 · 5 years
Hello everyone! This message goes out to all the fans of monsters under my bed. If you haven’t checked it out already I highly recommend it, I’ll leave a link in the description below.
For anyone who hasn’t read ‘monsters under my bed’. here is the link I hope you enjoy and tell me what you think of it. I’m always open to suggestions and advice for the story to make it more enjoyable for you. all suggestions are taken very seriously and I alway love hearing positive feed back. It helps keep me motivated when I know ppl enjoy my work. also Here is the summary and tags to what this book is about.
WARNING!!! This is a rated ‘R’ story filled with graphic violence, nudity, and fowl laguage. People who are under the age of 18 shouldn’t be reading this. It is a very mature (not really mature but more for adults) book and if you don’t like this type of content. Simple answer... don’t read
I will tell you now I do not tolerate hate comments on my work so please lets be friends every one :3 mew
(please scroll down more for the update on ‘Monsters under my bed’)
Monsters under my bed
Undertale (Video Game)
Not Rated
Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
F/M, M/M, Multi
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Graphic Depictions Of Violence
female reader/Sans
female reader/papyrus
female reader/Red
female reader/ Edge
female reader/Slim
female reader/Black
female reader/Blue
female reader/Stretch
Swapfell frontcest
Alphys/Undyne (Underswap)
Female Reader - Character
Genderswap Papi
Sibling Incest
Hiding a true self
menchen of self harm
Cute and fun dates
awkward moments
may add more tags
Attempted Rape/Non-Con
suggestion of HoneyMustard
Suggestion of PuffBerry
graphic description of violence
Threesome - F/M/M
Troubled Past
Slim's a pervert
Douche bag ex boyfriend
Violence against women
You lost your job, your boyfriend cheated on you with your best friend, and got kicked out of your apartment. Where do you go? A trip to the bar should help you think. Little did you know... that night changed your life forever.....
Hello all my fans, friends, and followers. We have come a long way from when we first started this book. It was originally just a side project, a random Idea that came to my mind at the time. After reading TONS of Undertale fan-fictions and comics, seeing all this fan art, (and working on actual side projects that was sadly never completed or never got posted, still have all my work but some of it is just terrible lol) I finally decided what to find out what it’s like to write a story based on the reader’s side of the story.
technically, my first readers view was a different book called “Finding Myself”. My first attempted of a reader’s P.O.V. book with Underfell!Papyrus/Reader/Underfell!Sans relationship. it was also my first experimentation of a 3-way relationship. It was about how our dear reader fell into a teffying place, Underfell and was found by UF!Sans. he took her back to his place where later on you meet UF!Papyrus and you fake a relationship with UF!Sans in order to live. UF!Papyrus gains an interested in you and thats when things started going wrong. you realize you have this dangerous amount of power and it becomes a terrible problem. (There’s a brief description on ‘finding myself for those of you who are interested.)
I had never attempted anything like it before and unforchanetly, I have gone on a hiatus on it due to lack of motivation and that this book is pretty much the only work I was focused the most on when I started getting more and more encouragement and suggested just pored in so when ‘Monsters under my bed, took off ‘Finding Myself’ was sadly left behind as of many of my other works. However, that doesn't mean I abandoned it. As of my other works.
See when I get an Idea I always write it down and come back to it, because life can get very, very busy. So I can always come back to any work I choose even if years had past. Pretty neat huh. However, in order for me to get the motivation to return to any past works, I need motivation (such as comments, like’s and suggestions). So for those of you who want me to work on older work you gotta tell me. But thats not why you guys are here.
For those of you who haven’t left yet from my ramblings heres a brief update on most of the change’s in ‘Monsters under my bed’ ;
Major Changes
‘Mistress’ Is no longer chapter 1 and became the introduction
The fighting scenes updated
The interaction with Slim outside in the parking lot is a little longer
Most (if not every)  grammar mistakes has been fixed
The reader now wakes up differently next to Slim
Texted edited in Grammar and spelling
Text updated based on Characters
Updated fluff scenes with certain characters to add more fluff and feels
Chapter’s 2,3,4 is now chapter 1 and is now called ‘Where am I? When do I move in?’ (Word count 4003)
Chapter’s 5,6,7 is now chapter 2 (Word count 3575)
Chapter’s 8,9,10 is now chapter 3 (work count 3690)
Chapter’s 11,12,13 is now Chapter 4 (word count 3132)
Chapter’s 14,15, 16 is now chapter 5 (word count 3718 )
Chapter’s 17, 18, 19 is now chapter  6 (word count 3641)
Chapter’s 20, 21, 22 is now chapter 7 (word count 4427)
Chapter’s 23, 24, 25 is now chapter 8 (word count 3351)
Chapter’s 26, 27, 28 is now chapter 9 (word count 3411)
Chapter’s 29, 30, 31, 32 is now chapter 10 (word count 5108)
Chapter’s 33, 34, 35 is now chapter 11 (word count 3654)
Chapter’s 36, 37, 38 is now chapter 12 and is now called ‘A date with Red’ (word count 3477)
Chapter’s 39, 40, 41, 42 is now chapter 13 (word count 4659)
Chapter’s 43, 44, 45 is now chapter 14 (word count 3657)
Chapter’s 46, 47, 48 is now chapter 15 (word count 3814)
Thats all the change’s thats happened so far. If I miss any I will repost the list with the newer one’s highlighted. I’m thinking about posting updates o the book about the books development every two weeks. what do you guys think about that?
hopefully you all will want me to post more of these. I love communicating with my fans and this helps so that everyone isn't in the dark about the book. I didn't post descriptive change’s for those who haven’t read it but are interested so sorry no one can see the actual change’s (unless they are an editor) until the update has been completed. With the drastic change in chapters and lengths i feel it be to comfusing to post as I go along so it will have to wait till me and my best friend @SofiatheHedgehog I highly suggest you check her out on Wattpad. she is a very talented Author who’s been helping on this project. I don’t think I’d make it this far without her honestly. So if your reading this Sophia, thank you Sissy! You’re a very talented author and im proud to be your friend :3
you guys can come check me out on twitter if you want and if you came from twitter, welcome to my tumblr page :)
Anyways thankyou for taking the time read this update and hopefully I will see you guys next time in the development of ‘Monster’s under my bed’. If you have any thought’s or questions, feel free to leave a comment message me. :3
Love you guys! Mew <3
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blackcatt4211 · 5 years
Chapters: 71/? Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: female reader/Sans, female reader/papyrus, female reader/Red, female reader/ Edge, female reader/Slim, female reader/Black, female reader/Blue, female reader/Stretch, Swapfell frontcest, Alphys/Undyne (Underswap) Characters: Female Reader - Character, Swapfell!Papyrus, Swapfell!Sans, Underswap!Papyrus, Underswap!Sans, Undertale!Sans, Undertale!Papyrus, underfell!papyrus, underfell!sans, Underlust!Sans, Underlust!Papyrus, genderswap!Sandra, Genderswap Papi, Underswap!Undyne, Underswap!Alphys Additional Tags: Sibling Incest, Mistress, Hiding a true self, menchen of self harm, Sex, Smutt, Massages, Fluff, Cute and fun dates, awkward moments, Teasing, may add more tags, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, suggestion of HoneyMustard, Suggestion of PuffBerry, graphic description of violence, Threesome - F/M/M, Polyandry, Troubled Past, Slim's a pervert, Douche bag ex boyfriend, Violence against women Series: Part 1 of Monsters under my bed Summary:
You lost your job, your boyfriend cheated on you with your best friend, and got kicked out of your apartment. Where do you go? A trip to the bar should help you think. Little did you know... that night changed your life forever.
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