#under the readmore lmao
evoblue · 4 days
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She's getting very mixed signals with this result so she's just going to ignore it........
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mothfables · 1 year
♡ Bunny Flops ♡
Legend flops when he’s happy.
Part one!
The first time it happens, they’re all gathered around the campfire, happy and content from a relaxed day of travel and a hearty meal. Conversation is soft; with no urgent matters vying for their immediate attention, chatter flows easily from one subject to another. Legend shifts from his place on a log to sit on the ground, resting his back against it. Bringing one leg up, he wraps his arms around it to rest his cheek on his knee.
He’s... content, he realizes. Here, with these heroes, talking and laughing about everything and nothing like close friends (like brothers)... A small smile lifts his lips as Wind lightly punches Warriors on the shoulder, only to shriek with laughter as the older boy grabs him in a headlock to ruffle his hair in retaliation. Yeah... content.
Without realizing it, he slowly tips over until he lands on his shoulder with a soft oomph! Hyrule, who’s next to him, lets out a squeak of surprise as Legend’s head lands on his thigh. The Vet gives a sigh, relaxing into the contact. His eyes flutter closed.
Hyrule, for his part, hovers his hands awkwardly, unsure what to do with the unexpectedly calm Veteran lying against his leg. He catches Sky’s eye across the fire and gestures helplessly. The Chosen Hero’s eyes widen before he lets out a soft coo, catching the attention of the others.
“Aawww, did he fall asleep?” Wind asks, his eyes bright. Warriors starts to grin, and Hyrule shoots him a glare. He doesn’t think Legend would appreciate being teased right now.
“...I don’t think I’ve ever seen ‘im so relaxed,” Twilight remarks. He shifts to better see the Veteran, who is indeed very relaxed. He doesn’t so much as stir when Hyrule finally lowers his hands, resting one on his head.
...Hold on. Gently, Hyrule threads his hand through Legend’s hair (marveling quietly at how soft it is). There’s no response.
Frowning now, because Legend always gets defensive when someone touches his hair, Hyrule removes his hand from his hair and shakes his shoulder. Legend doesn’t so much as twitch.
“Um, guys? I think-” Hyrule’s breath catches at the sudden swell of worry in his chest. “I think something might be wrong.”
The other heroes snap to attention at that, Warriors scrambling to his feet and hurrying over. He copies Hyrule, reaching out to shake their unconscious brother’s shoulder. The result is the same- that is to say, nothing. Wars’ brow creases in concern.
“Do you think it’s a curse?” Wind whispers loudly. There’s a bark of surprised laughter followed by a cough.
“I think we would’ve noticed if somebody got cursed, Sailor,” Warriors disagrees, checking Legend’s pulse worriedly. It’s steady and strong; whatever’s happening, it’s not affecting his heart, which rules out a number of other possible causes. If his heart was affected, it’s likely his organs and lungs and quite possibly his brain would be too, all of which would be bad. Luckily, that doesn’t seem to be the case.
“It can’t be poison, we all ate the same thing,” Four mutters, sounding deep in thought. “Legend isn’t the type to eat things he finds out in the woods, either, so I doubt it came from that.” Hyrule and Wild shift somewhat guiltily at that. It’s a hard-learned habit born of survival, but that doesn’t mean everything they put in their mouths is safe to eat. “Warriors, can you see if maybe there’s an injury we didn’t notice? I know he usually doesn’t hide things like that, but it’s possible he didn’t know either.”
The Captain nods and gently, with Hyrule’s help, shifts Legend to check his back and sides, then after a moment of thought, his legs. There’s nothing. He sits back on his heels and just... observes. For all appearances, Legend is simply fast asleep.
He relays as much to the rest of the Chain, whose expressions shift from worry to confusion and disbelief. Legend never sleeps deeply or well, even after several months of travel together. It’s something they’ve all become accustomed to, so seeing him so loose and unguarded is odd at best.
With nothing else to do, everyone slowly goes back to what they were doing before, leaving Hyrule, Warriors, and a still-sleeping Legend in a quiet huddle. After a moment Wars shifts so his back is against the log with Legend’s legs across his lap. Their brother sleeps on.
The odd peace lasts perhaps another half hour before Legend finally stirs. Violet eyes blink open to stare sleepily at the fire. Wind is the first to notice and his gasp alerts the rest of them, startling Legend out of his sleepy half-doze.
“He’s awake!!!” In one swift movement their youngest bounds across the fire towards them. He skids to a stop on his knees and Warriors winces. Wind doesn’t seem to notice or care about the surely-raw skin that resulted and stares at Legend with his signature wiggly frown. Legend, for his part, stares back with wide eyes that slowly shift to meet each of the Chain’s, who are staring back at him.
“...what?” he croaks.
Wars opens his mouth to answer when he’s cut off by a flood of concerned questions.
“Are you okay?”
“What happened? You just passed out and-”
“We couldn’t wake you but Wars said nothin’ was wrong-”
“You don’t look sick-!”
Legend’s shoulders begin to rise. Warriors chuckles, the sound a half-sigh as he drags his hand down his face, relieved. The Vet twitches at the sound and twists around to look at him, his face falling into a scowl.
“What?” Legend asks again. He’s starting to look distinctly annoyed now. Warriors only chuckles again.
And there’s our grumpy Veteran, he thinks fondly, giving his brother a smirk.
Legend puffs up like an angry cat and shoves himself to his feet. “Whatever,” he grumbles, stalking away to where they left their bags. The others’ voices follow him, high and worried. Legend snarks back a response, though his shoulders lose some of their tension. Warriors watches him go, his smirk falling into something softer as he exchanges a glance with Hyrule.
Yeah, he’s fine.
Next >>
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karamazovanon · 11 months
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a collection of the live action raskolnikov from this post :D i thought this version was SO visually interesting so i did a bunch of redraws of stills (most of which aren't in that post oops, thank you @rknchan for sending them!!! <3)
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
IDW Megatron and Optimus weren't friends before the war. Here's why that makes their ship dynamic more interesting.
One comment I've heard among people comparing IDW1 MegOP to other continuities of MegOP is (paraphrased) that since they weren't friends before the war, there isn't as much material to ship them with/they don't have an established dynamic/they don't have ~*history*~ that makes them be the bitter exes we all know and love them to be.
In this meta post, I'm going to contend that the IDW1 MegOP lack of friendship before the war is actually a benefit to their dynamic in this continuity, not a negative. Although they didn't get a lot of time together before the war in terms of quantity, the quality of their interactions and the weight it gave their future rivalry is due to the tragic nature of their relationship: They saw a glimpse of each other at their best in their youth, but like a tragic myth of old, circumstances conspired to keep them apart, traumatize them, and turn them into people who couldn't trust or reconcile with each other.
The IDW MegOP's first meeting is like a fated encounter, almost as if it was destined to happen. The way that one single brush can change the entire course of history.
I like to call this a "love at first sight" moment because, although they're not in love, it has this sort of storybook magical quality to it where this one single moment has a lot of weight. This one moment where they saw each other at their best and could have a positive interaction.
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When I say that they met each other "at their best" here, I'm referring to Megatron's pacifistic essays and poetry that represent his pure revolutionary spirit and care for Cybertron, and Orion's trait of showing kindness and encouraging individual freedom despite his position of authority. The way that their first encounter was so brief and unassuming makes us, the readers, yearn for more. Doesn't Megatron's silent glance behind him in that final panel make you wonder what he's thinking? They only had that one brief talk at the rodion police station but it went on to ricohet the rest of their lives. Orion started thinking about the corruption of the system due to Megatron's writing. Megatron looked back at Orion with curiosity/lingering feeling after he was escorted out of the station. Even Megatron being put on Messatine was indirectly due to Orion, since Orion delivered that speech on his behalf.
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It's almost like literal chemistry, where two particles bumping into each other once can cause a chain reaction of other particles bumping and bumping and bumping until suddenly those two particles are back together.
It's a sort of magical real life scenario where you meet a stranger just once but something they did or said to you makes you remember it and think about it for a long time afterwards. except in this case the MegOPs are (un?)lucky enough to meet again. And they start a war.
I also really like that Megatron and Orion/Optimus spent most of their pre-war backstory apart from each other, because I feel like it makes them stronger characters individually instead of making all of their most important moments be about each other. This is more of a comment on fandom than canon, but many romantic stories fall into a pitfall of a relationship where the two people obsessed with each other: their romance is the most important relationship they have; the entire plot revolves around whether they're happy or upset with each other, it can even make their relationship seem unhealthy and like they have no meaningful relationships outside of their romance. In terms of MOP in other continuities, I feel that putting too much emphasis on their friendship kind of cheapens the worldbuilding and political conflict. True, it's nice when the personal and political intersect in the MegOP's lives, but sometimes I feel (especially in fanon) that the "they were friends but then they disagreed and now they're not friends" concept sometimes ends up being written as if this one simple friendship conflict was the basis of a whole war.
The benefit of IDW1 MegOP is that because they spend their pre-war time apart from each other, they develop separately as people and end up transforming into someone different from their "love at first sight" moment. I like that Orion had relationships with people like Shockwave, Roller, and Zeta, and Megatron had his student/teacher relationship with Terminus and the whole arena thing happening.
Both Megatron and Orion went through traumatizing events during this time period that changed their worldviews for the worse and made them more cynical. Megatron suffered an attempted brainwashing, losing his mentor, his first killing, then being stuck in the arena. Orion went through the loss of Shockwave to a fate worse than death, then the disappearance of his best friend Roller, then worked for Zeta and began to doubt in his ideals/goodness as a leader. In that time between the MegOP's first encounter and their ensuing encounters in a military conflict, they came back as very different people than the first glimpse they got of each other.
Since they only had that ONE first glimpse they had of each other, then met again only to be disappointed by each other's fall from grace (in each others' eyes), this sets up a lot of angst. They wonder if that first glimpse of each other was really true or if it was a lie. Should they trust in those "good" versions of each other they saw so long ago? Do those people even exist? Are they or were they ever worth believing in? Does that man I saw still exist or did I just WANT to see something good in him? That man ruined my life and I hate him for fighting against me, he's a hypocrite. I thought that man was a good person, but he's betrayed the hopes I had by becoming a violent criminal warlord/working for the evil government I thought he opposed.
It sort of has the vibes of a "love at first sight" story gone wrong where their first encounter was kind (I like to imagine Megatron was touched or at least curious about Orion, a cop, telling him to keep writing and be vocal) but then they descended into their worst selves. They only had that one small glimpse of each other at their best but now they're in a scenario where they can only be enemies.
The longing and disappointment is more obvious on Orion's part about Megatron, because Orion got this shining glimpse of Megatron at his best and most passionate, only to encounter Megatron again and all those good parts have been buried to leave only his worst. Megatron's POV about OP isn't really shown, but I feel like it could be interesting to write headcanons about it. How did Megatron feel about Orion making that speech on his behalf? Getting moved to Messatine because Orion made him so public, and all the bad things that happened there?
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Yes, their first encounter was brief and they didn't really have a personal relationship before the war. But that brief encounter changed the trajectory of their entire lives. When you combine that with the fact that they saw each other as their "ideal selves", it creates that valid obsession between Megatron and Optimus. It is kind of unhealthy LMAO, because they do kind of become obsessed with each other based on an incomplete view of the other as a person. But then the war happens and they keep having personal and professional encounters that would give them opportunities to meet (such as in diplomacy meetings like Tyrest's peace negotiations and other political things that come with war). And those repeated meetings would only cause them to get to know each other better. Then you get into more mythical/legend-like story dynamics where Megatron and OP have to learn how the other thinks tactically, and their tactical knowledge becomes so intimate they start understanding how the other thinks and it's very dramatic lol. The typical our-enmity-is-so-deep-it-could-be-love enemies to lovers fare.
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Circumstances outside of their control drove them apart, made them into different people, and kept them from becoming friends. It makes IDW MegOP feel legendary or mythical, like some sort of epic Greek tragedy of two people who were always 🤏 this close to being friends. There's longing there, and tragedy, imagining what might have been if they'd only been able to talk again, or if they had somehow been able to influence each other before they went down the bad path (violence and crime for Megatron, following Zeta and becoming Prime for Orion/Optimus). But despite that, their natural chemistry perseveres, and they talk to/about each other in a way that shows they still think of each other even when apart.
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nightislandnoveltymug · 6 months
actually, proper answer now that i'm awake and have had some time to percolate lol. best thing armand did!
i should say this is kind of a tie for me because the person armand becomes with daniel is always going to be up there -- he didn't let him die, he gave daniel what he wanted, but more importantly he told him, and showed him, that he loved him, and just in general in their time together he allowed daniel to see so much of his real genuine vulnerability and cared for him and worried about him so much and that fucks me up!!
but!! the thing i actually wanted to mention is his homes! (this is maybe cheating a little bit because it isn't something he did, it's something he does, but whatever.) one of the things i love most about armand is that he's always creating these stable places and central points for everybody to congregate on. while a lot of the others are sort of nomadic and don't stay in touch and you don't really know where they are, he is always (as he says) "a canker in the very eye of the world". he's easy to find, he stays in one place and he uses his resources and his power to create these stable, lasting home bases and then opens his doors to others. he creates stability and then shares it in a way that really nobody else does.
and i think it's very interesting because this sort of stability is a character trait that (i think!) maybe most people would first and foremost think to associate with elders like maharet, or marius, when in actual fact, the truth is that neither of them has ever done that -- for their own disparate reasons they've always been highly reclusive, and have protected their own stability by staying out of touch with the rest of the vampire world, not opening their doors, and for the most part not helping anyone or intervening in anything in any way.
there's something fascinating and honestly poignant about like... armand, maybe subconsciously, running a household according to an ideal which (imo!) is based on marius, except that marius has never actually done that. not for vampires. and so in actual fact, this is something that armand has innovated; this actually comes from him, and is coloured by his experience with the covens (which marius has never shown anything but disdain for), and perhaps even beyond that, by his experience with the sense of community in monastic life (which really ditto).
i personally suspect that rather than praiseworthy, he probably sees this as ultimately pretty self-serving on his own part, because he has this longing for community that drives him to create these places, so he probably just sees it as something he does so that he won't have to be alone. and also, from the way he talks in late canon you get the sense that he rather sees himself as trying to atone, and as trying to emulate those who are better than him. when in fact he's doing something that nobody else is doing, and in many ways (imo) behaving more like a leader of a community than any of the characters that everyone else thinks ought to lead, like marius or lestat. not because they couldn't, but because neither of them has ever had the resources, capabilities, patience, and willingness to create something like that and then open it up.
and for a character who's been so lost, and has spent so much of his life feeling lost, feeling abandoned (and i think, right up until present day, still feels that way really), and has spent so much of his life looking for something to anchor his life to, without ever having the luxury of truly finding it, and having to just sort of go on anyway, keep living anyway -- for that character to be a stable anchor point for everybody else is something that really really gets me about him, maybe especially because i think he isn't fully aware of it himself.
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softcuddledrone · 5 months
“Now, now, sweet pet. I know you think you’re full, but you forget, you’re also full of Mistress’ Nanites. That means we can see every last detail in you, every cell and electrical impulse, and our sensors show that you can handle… two more pancakes before you’re properly full. And we can’t have a pet under our dutiful care going hungry. No, that would not do at all.
“Would you take another bite for Mistress?”
“And another?”
“Good pet. I’m so proud of you, finishing your meal like a happy healthy cuddlepet. Now go on and get cleaned up, you have a busy day of being adored and snuggled ahead of you!”
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voidimp · 7 months
i am not interested in romance i am interested in characters that hate each other so much they want to fuck about it
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cringe-but-freee · 5 months
prequels save me
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wri0thesley · 8 months
really really struggling tonight. sorry for using my tumblr as a diary i just (lmao) have no friends in real life to talk to and i am feeling incredibly pathetic. don’t remember the last time i wanted to not exist so badly. what is the point of being alive anyway. imagine being twenty seven and having nothing to show for it so you’re still posting about how much you want to kill yourself on tumblr dot com
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scarrletmoon · 13 days
afraid to admit i haven’t listened to the artist du jour that everyone’s talking about bc i’ve been waiting to get into it organically but the more people are like “if you don’t like this music then something’s wrong with you” the less i’m interested in actually listening to it and im afraid it’s going to turn into resentment if everyone keeps this up
maybe it’s bc i don’t use spotify anymore so i don’t have the same gamified discovery playlist (i don’t think this is necessarily good or bad, im also just not on a music kick rn so i’m not looking to find anything new yet)
i know i’m being sensitive as usual but like. idk. i know people are just making jokes but i guess now i feel more aware of how i might be hurting others while making the same ones
i think part of why i’m bummed out about this is bc the #1 hit era is kind of over? even when i was in my annoying “not like other girls” music phase, i still knew all the words to Low for some reason. and now? i haven’t heard a new taylor swift song in about a decade and she’s one of the biggest stars in the world (i mean im not complaining that much, im not really a fan of hers). the collective culture we used to have has kind of broken up into bubbles that occasionally intersect
anyway my dumb point is, i’m sad that people think less of me bc i haven’t heard a song that apparently the whole world has heard, and it’s making me sad that a problem i thought would end in adulthood kind of hasn’t. there’s some pop culture stuff i just didn’t grow up with. i’m tired of pretending so people don’t treat me like a freak (derogatory). i’m also tired of caring what other people think of me. i know i shouldn’t. i’m only human. i know i shouldn’t. i can’t help it
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verflares · 5 months
how do ppl even post or talk abt their og loz and oc stuff without the Dread seeping in . you know what i mean
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phayz · 2 months
The skin of a siren is protected by a miniscule layer of scales that form a smooth surface. These scales are so small that they regularly fall off and regrow like flakes of dead skin on a human.
Though they are small they still hold value, especially if they are preserved.
The top of a siren's head contains keratinous fibres, much like human hair, that poke through the gaps in the thin layer of scales. Colours vary, though black is most common.
Their faces harbour traits that contrast a humans'; They have no eyebrows nor outer ear structure, but instead grow fins in their place. They have no eyelashes, relying on a set of inner and outer eyelids to block bothersome sediment and sunlight both in and out of the water. They can see a great distance farther underwater than they can above water.
A siren's eyes are always yellow, but will fade to grey upon death.
Sirens are equipped with a small set of lungs, allowing them to survive without using their gills for a short period of time. Their respiratory tracts are very similar to that of a human's, though they have a smaller air capacity.
The mouth of a siren is extremely dangerous. Their eyeteeth typically grow long and pointy as they age, over time developing a toxin inside that can paralyze a target if it penetrates their flesh. The older the siren, the stronger the toxin. Because of this, all sirens that are kept in captivity have both eyeteeth surgically removed and replaced with false ones for safety reasons.
Sirens are known to be bloodthirsty. Most, if not all, adapt an otherworldly ability to bend the will of any living creature through song. Anything that hears their melody will feel compelled to do as the siren commands. Anyone who happens across a siren is advised to wear hearing protection at all costs. Your life may depend on it.
The first set of gills is on each side of a siren's neck. These are small and are not the main source of oxygen filtering. Instead they are typically adorned with objects that display power, status, strength, wealth etc. Many sirens have been seen with hooks in these gills, a popular "piercing" gained at a certain rites of passage.
The back of the shoulders, neck, and forearms of a siren may be adorned with extra fins to assist with gliding in the water. This varies per individual.
Sirens are not mammals, therefore they do not have breasts or nipples. All sirens have bare chests, except for any markings that might be present.
There is another set of gills that sits just below the bottom ribs. These ones are much larger than the ones on the neck, and are responsible for the majority of oxygen filtering throughout the body.
The hands of a siren contain thin translucent webbing between the fingers, which are tipped with sharp keratinous claws for tearing prey apart. Ripping flesh is easy for a siren, and caution is advised near any unrestrained ocean predator.
The beginning of the tail on a siren varies per individual. The scales of the skin gradually start getting bigger near their lower midsection, gaining extra colour in the process. The more bright and full a siren's tail is, the better chance of finding a mate. These larger and more colourful scales are highly sought after for their beauty, often fetching a high price in any market.
Unfortunately, unlike their skin scales, these do not grow back once ripped out.
The tail of a siren may contain extra fins on the front, back, or sides. These serve many purposes like precision swimming and diematic displays. They are also used in courting, various body languages, and social gestures.
All sirens have a large fin at the end of their tail, which varies widely per individual. Some of them are wide and stiff, some of them are long and flexible, but all are necessary for survival and all are considered a culinary delicacy.
Sirens live to be around one hundred years old, and can lay many eggs throughout their lives. The egg of a siren initially has a soft exterior, and is cared for and watched over for an entire moon cycle before it begins to harden. At that point the parent begins to leave the egg alone, and it is often left to hatch on its own. Because of this many sirens do not know their parents, and many lack any sort of deep connection to them.
Once they break through their shell, a siren immediately knows how to swim and is able to start finding food for themselves in the sand and the crevices of the surrounding rocks. Because it can take many years for them to develop any offensive features, young sirens will usually stick to hunting small fish and crustaceans to survive.
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*points* you've been talking a lot about ruju lately so let's do fear, guilt, hunt, and secret for him (for that ask meme) >:)
oc asks: not-so-nice edition
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Ty so much for giving me an excuse to talk about The Rat™ even if this is very, VERY late... And long. Whoops. This is going under a cut, I think all of your dashes will thank me for that later.
I'll stick to just his Commander verse for this batch!
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
At his core, what Ruju fears most is feeling helpless.
There aren't a lot of times in the present that he's truly cornered, but in his youth it was a lot more obvious; he learned early on just how cruel his peers could be, and how eager they were to circle even the smallest hint of blood in the water. So he stopped showing the world he was scared. He buried it all deep, deep down and put on the air of confidence and aggression worn by so many Inquest because, well, nobody dares to mess with THEM, right? Better to blend in with the sharks than wind up as chum for the real deal.
But helplessness is more complicated than just being cornered in a fight. He's afraid of so much more than that; that his choices won't matter, that everything he's done will be for nothing, that forces he can't control will steamroll it all no matter what he does, that he just plain isn't enough for the role he's trying to fill. That fear only grew more and more as each dragon fell, the next picking up more and more new powers from each one he's taken down. What if he's just making it worse? What if that monstrous version of himself from the Infinity Ball was right-- what if the future really is unavoidable?
What if the one obstacle he'll never be able to surpass is himself?
Ruju doesn't let anyone see the deeper layers of his motivation, though. He pushes harder, fights fiercer, burns brighter. He won't let anyone see him falter. At its worst, it creates a vicious cycle of intense impulsiveness and aggressive independence, rushing past everyone else to reduce the number of variables and just deal with it. His solutions are direct and violent; as long as it works, he doesn't really care what the consequences are. And more importantly, it gives an outlet to his burning need to do something.
It takes a long time and a lot of work for Ruju to start trusting and leaning on others more instead. Even then, though, his most natural instinct is still to bristle like a cornered animal-- and if you jam your hand where it shouldn't be, he might not pause long enough to consider whether you're a friend or a foe. Watch your fingers, he bites.
guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it?
While there's lots of little things-- rude remarks, losing his temper, impulsive choices, and so on-- those he usually apologizes for shortly after. He hates leaving things to fester. Ruju knows himself well enough to recognize that if he doesn't deal with it right then, he'll default to option 2 which isn't particularly great for anybody.
By far Ruju's heaviest guilt is the knowledge he bears of the future, and what he might become for reasons not even he understands. The only person who knows prior to EoD is Zojja-- and he had no more contact with her than anybody else by that point. While he wants to believe that he's fighting to make the world better, there's always a part of him that's afraid the 'Sovereign' was right and the path he's following is going to doom the entirety of Tyria. Ruju hopes that he's making better choices this time, but how can he know for sure?
What if he's just leading all these people right to their doom?
But he handles that just about as well as he handles his guilt about being a notorious college bully: avoidance. He just tries not to think about it, focusing on the future and keeping himself busy and hoping it never comes up again. It doesn't work particularly well, though, once the void finally shows itself-- and at that point he cracks.
Ruju has something that his other, doomed version didn't, though.
When he falters, he has people who care enough to catch him.
And once everything is out in the open, he does confront it; it's a complicated conversation (and one not even Taimi dares to make more than a single jab about) but it does lead to Ruju becoming much more honest moving forward. After all it's not like he can get any worse than THAT, right? 'Possibly causing the apocalypse' is a bit hard to beat.
hunt: Who or what is your OC hunted by? A person, a feeling, a past mistake? Is your OC able to let their guard down, or are they constantly alert?
The shadow looming over Ruju's shoulder has always been his own-- his past and his future. He never really felt its weight until the Infinity Ball showed him one of his potential futures in all its grisly, self-destructive glory, but knowing what he does now? Ruju is keenly aware of his own impulsiveness and is in a constant fight to choose a better path; in more ways than one he really is his own worst enemy.
And if not that, there's his unstable magic to worry about, too. His fiery disposition isn't just in personality; Ruju's power is destructive, and at times it can be a genuine challenge to keep it in check.
But as time progressed and he gained meaningful bonds of trust, learning to lean on his friends and allies... He's gradually come to realize that the best way to keep himself in check is to rely on people who can catch him when he stumbles. Ruju has found exactly the support network that his doomed timeline never had-- and together they ensure that the future he witnessed will never come to pass.
The Doomed Sovereign was wrong; there may be no delaying the future, but that doesn't mean you can't choose how it goes.
By the time the Dragon Cycle ends, he finally knows they've won.
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
There's actually a reason Ruju's magic is so potent and unstable.
His parents worked at the Crucible of Eternity, with his mother being a high-ranking researcher working directly under Kudu. As a refresher crash course: Kudu's whole deal was controlling and weaponizing dragon corruption, with him even applying Branded corruption to HIMSELF so that he could control powerful dragon minions.
His mother wanted to be home more, but her position also required long hours-- so she took to bringing some research materials to her home lab, continuing her studies right under their roof. While she was out, Ruju got into her lab and tried to 'assist' with her research; after all, if all her work was done then she'd have more time to spend with her family, right? But, well, he didn't exactly know what any of this stuff was, or just how dangerous it could be.
The ensuing lab accident destroyed basically all the records they had so far, along with making him deathly ill from exposure to multiple heavily altered strains of dragon corruption. They didn't expect him to survive, let alone make a full recovery seemingly unscathed.
But when he did recover, while Ruju didn't show any obviously visible signs of dragon corruption... He did develop some extremely unusual qualities that they couldn't quite explain. A lot of the top secret research that the asura kept under wraps about dragon minions? They confirmed it from secretly studying him. The biggest breakthroughs were confirmations of dragon minions absorbing magic-- something they directly observed from him accidentally draining nearby power sources and reacting to ambient magic-- and being able to stabilize strains enough for Kudu to weaponize.
Ruju never knew about this until he got into the records at the Crucible of Eternity, though. Zojja saw it too, but they never really talked about it; after all, what was there to say?
And after seeing how the world felt about the sylvari... He decided that there was no way he could EVER tell anyone what he was.
If they couldn't even handle the comparatively stable liberated minions of a dragon, they definitely wouldn't be able to handle a medically inexplicable volatile freak like him. Most running theories in the present are that it has to do with being the Champion of Aurene, and he's certainly not about to tell them otherwise.
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evansbby · 1 year
id be first in line to sign up to steve and omegas OF. living vicariously through her 😩🌝🌝
And Steve’s content would just get more and more unhinged ***again, hypothetically bc actually this would never happen lmao***
“Exclusive! Tiny shy omega gets toes sucked while she sleeps!!!”
“Big strong alpha stuffs huge dick in tiny shy omega’s butt! Anal exclusive!!!”
“Tiny shy omega cries after surprise spanking!”
“MEGA EXCLUSIVE!!! Tiny shy omega caught riding her favourite stuffie! Her alpha punishes her hard!!!”
And I could go on and on lmfaooo, anyone have any more video title suggestions? 😂😂😭😭
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voidimp · 5 months
ummm ok u can have kind of spicy flavor sketch. as a treat
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(its hard to tell but the thumb is pressing a pill down)
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riftstone-of-the-calm · 6 months
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