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happythoughtswithstefania · 22 days ago
Hello from the Classic Children’s Story podcast. We bring you narrations of classic children's stories of all kinds to keep your young ones entertained, read by a professional voice actress. The themes range from animal stories to stories that teach, to classic favourites like Tom Thumb, Red Riding Hood and more.  It’s time for a brand-new Uncle Wiggily series – Uncle Wiggily’s Travels. Where in the rabbit world is he off to this time, and who will he meet? What new friends will he make? Have a listen and see how it happens.     So, cuddle up to your little ones, settle in, and enjoy.    Visit us on Instagram at “sleepstories_fairytales_4kids ”.    Visit us on BlueSky at - @sleepstories4kids.bsky.social If you’d like to help support our work, & buy us a yummy coffee or a cuppa, please pop over to  ko-fi.com/sleepstoriesandfairytales4kids, we’ve got some thoughtful rewards for our supporters.   You'll also find a lot of cute things, videos and artwork. We also have a membership club, where the members will receive a shoutout, and have access to videos recorded exclusively for the members.     Visit us at,  ko-fi.com/sleepstoriesandfairytales4kids!     Want to hear more stories? Our Subscribers Club offers a selection of special stories recorded only for the members. You can tell which those are because you’ll see a nice orange label with a crown next to those episode titles.    AND … If you’d like to watch some stories read by us on video, why not visit our new YouTube Channel – “Sleep Stories and Classic Fairy Tales For Kids” - dedicated to making videos that entertain & empower kids with stories, affirmations, tapping (EFT) etc. And, ypu'll also find stories, riddle quizzes, elearning videos, songs and more. They’re all lovingly and enthusiastically read on-camera for kids – https://www.youtube.com/@SleepStoriesandFairyTales4U      AND, exciting news ... we now have a website of stories, riddles, positive affirmations for kids and more. It's here - www.sleepstoriesandfairytales4kids.com Be sure to pop by and read the new original stories!  
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rhianna · 2 years ago
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Uncle Wiggily's Airship : Bedtime Stories by
 Howard Roger Garis
The stories herein contained appeared originally in the Evening News, of Newark, N. J., where (so many children and their parents were kind enough to say) they gave pleasure to a number of little folks and grown-ups also. Permission to issue the stories in book form was kindly granted by the publisher and editor of the News, to whom the author extends his thanks.
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thedurvin · 2 years ago
The thing about what people tend to think of as US folklore is actually “fakelore”, things presented as folklore that nobody has ever actually believed—Fearsome Critters, Pecos Bill, the Headless Horseman. Hell, Paul Bunyan was originally an advertising character for the Minnesota logging industry, and Joe Magerac was probably made up on the spot to make fun of an anthropologist that came to a steel mill asking the workers if they had any ethnic tales for him to record. Up until after the Civil War or so white Americans tended to stick with the folktales of their ancestors, so when American culture started trying to be its own thing (as the US grew into an industrial power), we just kinda either mythologized real people (Johnny Appleseed, the Pilgrims, various cowboys) or made em up on the spot: Frank Baum’s Oz books, Carl Sandberg’s Rutabaga Tales, and Uncle Wiggily were all written specifically as American-native fairy tales! PLEASE check them out, they are all clearly ancestors of “Adventure Time”. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/27085/27085-h/27085-h.htm
I did say specifically that was about white Americans. Black culture had its own stories and just like the Brothers Grimm in Germany, America had a folklorist that went around collecting old stories and recording them for posterity. Unfortunately it would be a while yet before Black Americans would be allowed to publish their own stories, and the folklorist that compiled them, Joel Chandler Harris, took some liberties with the dialect and the stories got so wrapped up in politics that it’s impossible to separate them from, ya know,
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I love folklore so much because depending on the location and era it comes from it's either the most terrifying concept or the dumbest thing you've ever heard
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travsd · 2 years ago
Born 150 Years Ago Today: The Man Who Was Uncle Wiggily
Born 150 years ago this day: Howard Roger Garis (1873-1962), most notable for creating the children’s book character Uncle Wiggily. The title of this post is derived from that of his son’s 1966 book My Father Was Uncle Wiggily. Garis was a reporter for the Newark Evening News who wrote over 11,000 stories featuring his star character for the paper for five decades starting in 1910. These were…
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ffrannyglass · 5 years ago
You know what he said once? He said he felt he was advancing in the Army, but in a different direction from everybody else. He said that when he'd get his first promotion, instead of getting stripes he'd have his sleeves taken away from him. He said when he'd get to be a general, he'd be stark naked. All he'd be wearing would be a little infantry button in his navel.
J. D. Salinger, Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut
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how-to-speak-cicada · 6 years ago
Me reading Ramona’s description of Jimmy in “Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut”:
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picturebookshelf · 3 years ago
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Uncle Wiggily and the Red Monkey (1943)
Story: Howard R Garis -- Art: Mary and Wallace Stover
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cdchyld · 6 years ago
Just added to the Vintage shop - Set of 8 Dandelion Library Books, 2 stories in 1 book, 1960s
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bjsmall · 5 years ago
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We watched Blue Sky Studios Bunny (1998) IMDb link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0179011/ Blue Sky Studios link: http://blueskystudios.com/films/bunny/ Bunny is a 1998 computer animated short film produced by Blue Sky Studios. It is directed by Chris Wedge. It was featured on the original DVD release of Ice Age in 2002.
It is 7 minutes and 15 seconds long. The animation was influenced by the classic Uncle Wiggily illustrations by Lansing Campbell and the music is written by Tom Waits. Bunny was the first film produced by Blue Sky Studios to be rendered with their in-house rendering software CGI Studio. The 7th picture shows a scene with the character models shown in wire frame. Follow this interesting link to find out how the animation process was done: https://xsisupport.com/2012/05/11/friday-flashback-69/ The short film tells the story of an elderly lady rabbit who alone in the forest. For the full plot description, see wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bunny_(1998_film) At the end of the film, Bunny dies peacefully in her sleep and is lead away by the moth into the oven (which turns into a portal) to the afterlife to reunite with her loving husband. I particularly like the way the early ray tracing (lighting and shading) is used to create the atmosphere. Bunny is shown in the 1.66:1 aspect ratio. Bunny won the 1999 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film.
Note: I took these images from a 360p YouTube video as there are no online resources for Blue Sky Studios Bunny.
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mahgnib · 9 months ago
I was raised on Uncle Wiggily stories. Even had an Uncle Wiggily board game. Long time ago.
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Lang Campbell (1882-1937), ''Uncle Wiggily's Radio'', by Howard R. Garis, 1927 Source
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happythoughtswithstefania · 1 month ago
Hello from the Classic Children’s Story podcast. We bring you narrations of classic children's stories of all kinds to keep your young ones entertained, read by a professional voice actress. The themes range from animal stories to stories that teach, to classic favourites like Tom Thumb, Red Riding Hood and more.  It’s time for a brand-new Uncle Wiggily series – Uncle Wiggily’s Travels. Where in the rabbit world is he off to this time, and who will he meet? What new friends will he make? Have a listen and see how it happens.     So, cuddle up to your little ones, settle in, and enjoy.   Visit us on Instagram at “sleepstories_fairytales_4kids ”.    Visit us on BlueSky at - @sleepstories4kids.bsky.social If you’d like to help support our work, & buy us a yummy coffee or a cuppa, please pop over to  ko-fi.com/sleepstoriesandfairytales4kids, we’ve got some thoughtful rewards for our supporters.   You'll also find a lot of cute things, videos and artwork. We also have a membership club, where the members will receive a shoutout, and have access to videos recorded exclusively for the members.     Visit us at,  ko-fi.com/sleepstoriesandfairytales4kids!    AND … If you’d like to watch some stories read by us on video, why not visit our new YouTube Channel – “Sleep Stories and Classic Fairy Tales For Kids” - dedicated to making videos that entertain & empower kids with stories, affirmations, tapping (EFT) etc. And, ypu'll also find stories, riddle quizzes, elearning videos, songs and more. They’re all lovingly and enthusiastically read on-camera for kids – https://www.youtube.com/@SleepStoriesandFairyTales4U      AND, exciting news ... we now have a website of stories, riddles, positive affirmations for kids and more. It's here - www.sleepstoriesandfairytales4kids.com Be sure to pop by and read the new original stories!  
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coyotescribe · 5 years ago
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During the #writing of final #chapters, #factchecking the #novel is required—not #historical or #logistical (that’s done)—for the #fictional #story. Details need to be reconciled. It’s like navigating Uncle Wiggily’s route to Dr. Possum. 🤠 #unclewiggily https://www.instagram.com/p/CEhcCQJhBu0/?igshid=lpzo2l739jd6
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nationaldvam · 6 years ago
Our favorite childhood stories tend to stick with us. For me, rabbits seemed to be prominent characters in the books I loved – from Uncle Wiggily to Watership Down, Peter Rabbit and Alice in Wonderland. And more than the adventures of the bunnies, I remember the way the stories made me feel, and the lessons I still carry with me. There were lessons of survival, persistence, curiosity, risk-taking, and problem-solving that reinforced values of leadership, compassion, community, respect, and kindness. These rabbits live on in my subconscious, holding power and space having shaped my understanding of the world and all of its love and pain. Now, as a parent, I’ve come to know just how critical these choices are for my own children, and just how much power a simple picture book can hold.
Enhancing Social Justice Literacy
In 2015, Tanya Nixon-Silberg and Francie Latour, two Black mothers, authors, and community activists, drew on their own parenting practices – especially their use of children’s books to disrupt dominant narratives with their kids – to launch Wee the People (WTP) in Boston. WTP is a social justice project for children aged 4-12 that explores activism, resistance, and social action through the visual and performing arts. As part of their work, WTP hosts Social Justice Storytime at the Boston Public Library for their “Little Voices, Big Changes” initiative, built on the belief that if kids can understand fairness they can understand justice. Tanya and Francie work to builds parents’ capacity to confront topics like racism, deportation, gentrification, misogyny, islamophobia, and homophobia.
Innosanto Nagara, a Southeast Asian immigrant father, author/illustrator, and graphic designer creates new-wave board books that inspire conversations about social justice and encourage children’s passion and action around social causes like environmental issues, LGBTQ rights, and civil rights. With titles like A is for Activist, Counting on Community, and The Wedding Portrait, Innosanto explores themes of activism, free speech, political progress, civil disobedience, and artistic defiance. Innosanto is on the editorial team of M is for Movement, a site dedicated to exploring social justice and activism in children’s literature. The contributors to M is for Movement are children’s writers, illustrators, and book creators who are long-time activists and advocates who “come from and stand with marginalized communities living at intersections of identity, experience, race, class, gender, religion, sexuality, and ability.”
At the 2018 Facing Race National Conference in Detroit organized by Race Forward, Wee the People co-founder Tanya Nixon-Silberg and author/illustrator Innosanto Nagara presented a workshop together on racial literacy for children. They stressed the importance of racial literacy from an early age in the process of dismantling racist systems and structures.
Through their work, Tanya, Francie, and Innosanto are invested in inspiring social action through the arts, and have found that children’s books offer a powerful medium for moving new generations of people towards justice. Louise Derman-Sparks from Social Justice Books (a project of Teaching for Change) agrees:
“Children’s books continue to be an invaluable source of information and values. They reflect the attitudes in our society about diversity, power relationships among different groups of people, and various social identities (e.g., racial, ethnic, gender, economic class, sexual orientation, and disability). The visual and verbal messages young children absorb from books (and other media) heavily influence their ideas about themselves and others. Depending on the quality of the book, they can reinforce (or undermine) children’s affirmative self-concept, teach accurate (or misleading) information about people of various identities, and foster positive (or negative) attitudes about diversity. Children’s books teach children about who is important, who matters, who is even visible” (Guide for Selecting Anti-Bias Children’s Books, 2013).
Social Justice Literacy as a Prevention Strategy
Social justice literacy is an effective gender-based violence prevention strategy – a proactive effort to stop violence and abuse from happening in the first place by interrupting the cultural rules, norms, and constructs that support it. Several projects highlighted in the PreventIPV Tools Inventory demonstrate the effectiveness of social justice literacy in creating a more peaceful and just world. For example, Teaching for Change is a project that strives to build a more equitable, multicultural society by promoting social justice activism in the classroom. Their strategies center on leadership development and civic engagement for students, parents, and teachers that draw on real world current events. Teaching a People’s History offers classroom materials that emphasize the role of working people, women, people of color, and organized social movements in shaping history. And Rethinking Schools focuses on strengthening public education through social justice teaching and education activism with a specific focus on promoting equity and racial justice in the classroom. These approaches focus on impacting the outermost layers of the social ecology to shift our cultural norms and values.
Priya Vulchi and Winona Guo, youth activists and creators of The Classroom Index, a textbook on racial literacy, identified two gaps in racial education:
The heart gap: “An inability to understand each of our experiences, to fiercely and unapologetically be compassionate beyond lip service,” and
The mind gap: “An inability to understand the larger, systemic ways in which racism operates.”
TED Talk: What It Takes to be Racially Literate by Priya Vulchi and Winona Guo
Children’s literature is one way to bridge these gaps by inspiring, educating, and engaging readers of all ages in a deeper understanding of the lived experiences of all people, families, and communities in our wide and vibrant world. But the fact is that marginalized people and communities are outrageously underrepresented in books available to children in mainstream American classrooms, libraries, and catalogues – in terms of both those authoring the books, and characters represented inside them. The Cooperative Children’s Book Center found that in all children’s picture books published in 2015, you are more likely to find non-human characters like bunnies (12.5%) than African Americans (7.6%) and Latinx (2.6%) combined. White characters are primarily depicted in the vast majority (73.3%) of these books.
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Illustration: Diversity in Children's Books 2015 by David Huyck, in consultation with Sarah Park Dahlen and Molly Beth Griffin
Social Justice Books serves to identify, vet, and promote multicultural and social justice children’s books, building on the tradition of the Council on Interracial Books for Children which offered a social justice lens to reviews of children’s literature. They also help parents and children develop critical literacy skills and promote activism around diverse representation in libraries. One example is their #StepUpScholastic campaign urging Scholastic to “publish and distribute children’s books that reflect and affirm the identity, history, and lives of ALL children in our schools.” Engaging children in proactive efforts to both notice and address the underrepresentation of people of color in literature, as illustrated above, builds their social justice literacy.
Books that Promote Justice and Peace
For those looking for books that promote justice and peace, resources like Social Justice Books offer vetted booklists on a variety of topics, as do Raising Luminaries: Books for Littles and Little Feminist: Books for raising conscious kids. Topics include:
Learning about family structures
Talking to kids about violence
Books for tomorrow’s leaders
Honoring single mothers
Promoting healthy fatherhood
Fostering social and emotional health, compassion, and independence
Helping kids recognize privilege
Cultivating healthy sexual boundaries
Preventing sexual violence
Bullying, civil disobedience, and disrupting injustice
Seek out books by authors of color like Newbery Medal and Coretta Scott King Honor receipient Kwame Alexander. Additionally, several anti-violence organizations offer book lists specific to addressing trauma. For example, The Child Witness to Violence Project offers books about trauma and violence for young children.
As M is for Movement explains, “Children’s literature—both fiction and nonfiction—is full of inspiration and examples of children and adults who stand up for themselves and others. Whether it’s ducks organizing animals to oppose unfair farm rules, a student listening to her classmates’ concerns when running for student council, or a boy joining his first march, young people’s literature can demonstrate how individuals and communities have the power to act as agents for social change.”
Through children’s books, we can teach justice and peace across generations. By engaging a child in a book with a strong message that fills the heart and the head, we can help build their understanding, compassion, and confidence to impact social change in ways that are meaningful and important to them. And these lessons and values will likely stick with them their whole life long
The Rabbit Listened by Cori Doerrfeld
Counting on Community by Innosanto Nagara
Illustration: Diversity in Children's Books 2015 by David Huyck, in consultation with Sarah Park Dahlen and Molly Beth Griffin
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crzygirlsguide · 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage 1946 Uncle Wiggily Children's Book.
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thedurvin · 3 years ago
Yes but it’s also how we got iconic stuff like Indiana Jones, Star Wars (the good ones), basically every superhero building on top of each other, Zorro, Batman (and from an unrelated source the Joker), Kill Bill, Stranger Things, uhh what else…could Tolkien be said to have done this with Germanic mythology? I know the Ents started out as an idea for a Macbeth AU where Birnam Woods literally came and tore down the castle walls. CS Lewis explicitly wrote Narnia after reading some adorable Funny Animal Land stories and imagining how it would work if Jesus went there to save their souls (Uncle Wiggily Christianity!AU). Donkey Kong was originally a Popeye game. Predator started out as a joke script for a Rocky sequel (not Rambo, surprisingly). Ask me about my hypothesis that Edward Scissorhands drew elements from Tim Burton’s ideas for Jurassic Park before the studio gave it to Spielberg! There’s millions more, idk, I’m just saying, you can be as subtle or obvious as you want, just please please we have to get out of this nostalgia-fueled cultural ouroboros and make new things
This doesn't just only apply to horny fanart but after a certain point of redesigning a fictional character so much they're unrecognizable... Just make an oc
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slickcatbooks · 3 years ago
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Uncle Wiggily and the Starfish - 10 Stories by Howard Garis! A Must-Have! #slickcatbooks #greatbooksgreatmemories #unclewiggily #unclewiggilygame #howardgaris #americancrayoncompany #vintagebooks #vintagebook https://www.instagram.com/p/CXf4XddLt5O/?utm_medium=tumblr
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