#uncle adrien
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mochinek0 · 2 years ago
No one from Françoise Dupont High School expected Marinette Dupain-Cheng to walk into the ten year reunion. As far as they knew, she hadn't been invited. Marinette strode in, with her head held high, and walked right up to Lila Rossi.
"I want to thank you for being such a bitch to me, Lila." Mari smiled, "You changed my life for the better."
"E-Excuse me?" Lila questioned.
'There' no way that forcing her out of school and isolating her gave her an amazing life!'
"That whole shit about telling people what they wanted to hear." Marinette began to explain, "I got really tired of defending myself and being told that I had to 'love you' to make you a better person by the staff. I got tired of being stacked with doing shit for free: all that babysitting I never said I would do, the banners, uniforms, clothes, fundraisers! It was exhausting for a fifteen year old."
Mari smiled, "Once you turned everyone against me, I realized how much free time I had! I signed up for homeschooling and worked extremely hard to graduate early. I even skipped a couple grades. It turned out that my husband's family were huge fans of my designs, so they offered to pay for my schooling if I moved."
"Husband?" Lila asked, concerned, "I didn't realize you had gotten married."
"Yeah." Marinette stated, "We met when I was seventeen and got married when I was nineteen; we have two kids."
Lila looked up and down at her arch-rival. Aside from a growth spurt and a larger chest, Marinette didn't look like she had changed at all. She looked like she was in her early twenties!
"So, thank you for bullying me." Marinette continued with a smile, "It was the best thing that could have happened to me."
Lila stayed silent. She didn't know what to say to that. None of her other victims had ever thanked her. She could feel eyes on them. She knew people were listneing in on their conversation. If she started to make a scene, it wouldn't end well.
"We'll, I'm married too!" Announced Lila.
"Oh, congrats." Marinette smiled, "Where is the lucky person?"
Lila spotted a tall, dark, and handsome man walk into the venue.
"There he is." Lila smiled.
Lila watched as her prey came towards them.
'Just a few more feet and I'll be able grab him. I'm sure he wouldn't mind playing along for a few minutes.'
Lila reached out a hand to grab him, when he put his arm around Marinette's waist and kissed her.
"Hello, Habibiti." he spoke.
"Everything okay without us at the company?" Mari asked.
He sighed, "Yes. It was just Grayson being himself."
Marinette giggled, "I'm sorry, Lila. This is my husband, Damian Wayne. Where were you saying your spouse is?"
Lila plastered a smile on her face, "They just stepped out. They had their cellphone out. It must be an important client. We're both models."
'There's no way she is married to this guy! The sooner she leaves, the sooner I can tell everyone I recognize him as an actor.'
Lila couldn't believe her luck. Adrien had just walked though the doors.
'Marinette was obsessed with him for years! Her fake marriage will be exposed and I can get the guy to stay with me. It doesn’t matter how much she paid him. I'm sure I could pay him more.'
"Marinette!" Adrien shouted.
He was quick to run over and hug her, pulling her away from her husband.
"Agreste, put my wife down." Damian growled.
Adrien turned his attention to Damian and froze.
"Hey, Wayne." He smiled, before looking around, "Where are the kids? Where's my neice and nephew?"
'Kids? They're really married and have kids?'
"They're with my parents, Adrien." Mari answered, "I'm sure they're being fed sugar and will pass out soon."
"So, is that an invite?" the model asked.
"To my parent's place for sweets?" Mrs. Wayne questioned, "You live here! They call me like once a week saying you were at the bakery!"
Adrien chuckled, "No. What about my time with the kids?"
Marinette looked to Damian, who shrugged. She turned to Adrien and shot him a look.
"Tell you what, you can see them in two days." she replied, "A whole day with Uncle Adrien."
'Uncle Adrien?'
"Really?" Adrien cried out, happily.
"But, you got to plan it." she answered.
"Disneyland Paris?" the Agreste heir suggested.
"Fine." Marinette growled, "But if you lose one of my kids, again, I will hurt you."
Adrien glanced towards Damian.
"Adrien, if you think my husband is scarier, just because you have seen his sword collection, you're wrong." Marinette Wayne declared, "You lose one of my children, I will hurt you worse than my husband could ever imagine."
"Got it." Adrien smiled, "Plan awesome VIP experience for the kids!"
"Great!" Mari smiled back.
"Man, you moving really toughened you up." the model winced.
"I punched my brother-in-law the first day there because I thought he grabbed my ass." Mrs. Wayne spoke.
"That is still one of my best days ever. No one has underestimated you since." Damian stated, before kissing her head.
"So, what are you doing here?" Adrien questioned, "Didn't you graduate like two years before us?"
"Oh, I just wanted to thank Lila for bullying me and getting me homeschooled." Marinette smiled, "It sucked that she bullied me, at the time, but if she hadn't done that, I wouldn't be with Damian and we wouldn't have our kids."
Adrien quickly turned to Lila, "Thank you for being a bitch to my best friend. I love my niece and nephew. Marinette, do you think we should get her like a fruit basket or something?"
Mari laughed, "We have dinner plans so we're gonna head out. Enjoy the reunion, Adrien."
Adrien took a step back and eyed Marinette's dress. It was a short black bodycon dress with puffy transparent sleeves. He eyed the black heels, warily.
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"Dressed like that?" he questioned.
"Eyes on my wife's face, Agreste." Damian growled.
Adrien rolled his eyes, "She's all yours. I don't think I've ever seen you dressed like this, is all. You think you'll be able to take care of the kids dressed like that?"
Marinette answered, "They are staying with my parents tonight." before walking away.
Adrien watched as Damian placed his hand at Marinette's waist, likely making sure she didn't fall in those heels.
Adrien smiled, evilly, "Hey, Marinette!"
The designer turned to look back at her friend.
"I want another neice or nephew!" he shouted.
Marinette's face morphed from shock to embarassment, before she quickly glared at her best friend. She squeaked as she was quickly lifted into her husband's arms.
"Damian, you put me down!" she snapped at him.
"No." her husband responded.
"Why not?" she growled.
"Adrien won't get his wish if you're in jail for harming him." Damian smirked.
Marinette buried her face in her husband's chest and remained silent.
Adrien laughed as Marinette was carried out of the reunion. Nino walked up to him, confused.
"You….You kept in touch with Mari?" he questioned.
"Of course!" Adrien smiled, brightly, "I helped her with her math sometimes and she talks with Father about designing. She's my best friend."
"Designs?" Rose asked.
"Marinette is a fashion designer in the states." he answered, "Her husband's family runs an international company. She occasionally designs for their clothing line, but they do other stuff, too. Marinette has an office in their building, but she mostly does custom work. I think last year someone asked for a wedding dress. It was around $25,000."
"Seriously?" Alya asked, full of surprise.
"Oh yeah!" Adrien smiled, "She's an amazing deisgner. A lot of her dresses and suits have been coming out on runways and red carpet events."
"You're forgetting that she bullied Lila!" cried Sabrina, "She was mean to her! How can you be friends with her?"
"Actually, it was the other way around." Adrien stated, "Lila once claimed that Mari pushed her, after school, so hard that she injured her knee and was forced to walk home with a limp. I tried to tell you that Marinette couldn't have done it; Marinette had been with me the day before. You told me I was just confused. You never let me speak. You just decided Lila was right."
The class just stared at him.
'Had they really done that? Had they ignored Adrien when he tried to defend Marinette?'
"You never listened to me or Marinette when we told you about Lila being a lying bitch." he shrugged.
"But you're married!" Kim shouted, "How can you choose Marinette over a model?"
"I didn't. I'm bi and dating a male model from my father's company." Adrien announced, "Lila was fired when she was sixteen. Wasn't Lila held back a grade? Why is she even here? You didn't graduate with us or even from this school."
"It was a computer error!" Max spoke up, "Lila said that-
Adrien rolled his eyes, "Her mother called Natalie and declared she was owed a meeting with my father. She said we ruined Lila's future by forcing her to model. She threatened to sue the Gabriel brand until we showed her the 'signatures' on the forms. Turns out, Lila forged those so her mother's hands were tied. Her mother started shouting how she should send her to boot camp, back in Italy, as the left the house."
One by one they turned to look at Lila.
"i-I wanted to see everyone." she whispered, weakly, "I missed my friends."
"Thank for stopping by." Adrien stated, "You can leave now."
"Adrikins!" Chloe shouted.
"Chloe!" Adrien called back, "I missed you. We loved that spa treatment. You're the best!"
Chloe smiled and pulled Adrien away from the rest of the group to socialize with the other students.
"You still talk to that trash?" they heard Chloe ask.
"Rossi?" Adrien questioned, "Nah. You missed Marinette by a couple minutes. She came here and thanked Lila for being a raging bitch. The rest of them were still trying to kiss ass."
"The queen, herself, and I missed it." the Bourgeois heiress teased.
"Date night." Adrien quipped, "She brought Damian and the demon brigade."
"I missed the little ones?" she screeched.
Adrien laughed, "They're with her parents. Better book your time with them before they leave again. Oh, and Mari is already threatening bodily harm if anything happens to them."
"You lost one last time!" Chloe cried.
"I said I was sorry!" Adrien rebutted.
Chloe scoffed, "You're lucky you didn't die that day."
"I know." Adrien sighed, "Would it be weird if I put them on one of those kid leashes? I feel like they would fuck with me and purposely try to get lost to see me sweat, again. Honestly, I don't know if it's a mini Damian or mini Marinette. Don't get me wrong, Damian is frightening and he could probably work in the CIA torture room, but seeing Marinette pissed off, scares the living crap out of me. She's creative and could probably make something specifically to hurt me."
Chloe looked up from her phone, "I bought you the leashes. They'll be here tomorrow. You're welcome."
"Chloe." Adrien replied, "You didn't answer me."
"I was frenemies with her for years, Adrikins." Chloe answered, "Mari will find some way to hurt you and she wouldn't need her godly husband to do it. You have every right to fear for your life for pissing her off. Look at what happened to the idiot brigade: they believed a liar and bullied her. None of their dreams came true. The Waynes own half the companies those idiots wanted to work for. I wouldn't put it past Damian to rat those losers out to his family and have them blacklisted. You have seen how overprotective he is of their kids; he's the same way with her."
"True." Adrine sighed, "He still yells at me when I hug her."
"Idiot." Chloe declared, rolling her eyes.
The class looked at each other before pulling out their phones. They looked up Marinette and the Wayne family. The class shifted nervously as they realized what Chloe had said was true. The Waynes and Marinette owned their jobs. They were all comfortable with their jobs, but they weren't anything to brag about. They had all wanted bigger and better things at thirteen.
None of them were the doctors, rock stars, DJs, journalists, environmentalists, or the Olympians they thought they would be. They worked desk jobs or became something close to what they wanted. Lila knew she would never model again when Gabriel told her that he was going to blacklist her. The Waynes owned everything from food to biolabs to steel to shipbuilding and aerospace. Lila silently left the reunion as everyone came to terms that their dreams ended long ago.
TAG LIST: @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @missmadwoman @meira-3919  @princessdaisysolosyourfaves @blep-23 @fangirlingfanatic @darkhinauniverse @ravenr22 @im-a-satanic-ritual @ravennm84  @bianca-hooks123 @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @starling218
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gimme-that-felix-content · 1 month ago
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there was a time Adrien thought everyone was slowly dying around him x
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edorazzi · 1 year ago
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Page 8 of my Miraculous Mentor AU comic A Matter of Trust! In which Plagg doesn't quite get the awestruck reception he was looking for. Adrien got a very sanitized retelling! 🫢
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Weekly updates each Sunday! You can also read ahead early on Patreon, and/or buy me a Ko-fi if you'd like to support my work! 💖
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thebrutaliste · 10 days ago
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László + physical affection (1/?)
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theendofthematerialgworl · 6 months ago
miraculous ladybug x mcu crossover where, after the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Paris offers him sanctuary. The mayor puts out a statement, saying that if Bucky were to come to him, he would allow him to stay in Le Grand Paris.
While Bucky has no idea why this is happening, he gives it a month or so before he gets desperate and takes the chance. If it's a trap, he can probably fight his way out, anyway, and he's kind of tired of running.
The Mayor explains that it's because Paris understands. Paris has their own problems - a man who can possess people via objects on their person. There is an entire city of people who understand what happens when evil people possess you, and force you to do things you normally wouldn't.
Bucky doesn't love it, and he honestly doesn't really believe it. That is, until he sees one of the Akumas. And he realizes that two teenagers are doing most of the fighting against Hawkmoth. And something in him just has to help.
Ladybug and Chat Noir remind him of Steve, in odd ways. Running into danger without a thought for their own safety? That's exactly something he would do.
And he can't just let him do that, but no one is supposed to know he's in Paris, so he starts training them behind the scenes. Three times a week. If they're ever going to defeat Hawkmoth, they need to know how to actually fight.
He refuses to admit that working with them is helping him get better, too.
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ringleaderscarletshadow · 2 months ago
Not a bio parent prompt but more like an au where where Captain Boomerang is Roger Raincomprix's older brother (oh yeah, uncle Digger and his cute niece, Sabrina) , basically Roger and Cap Boomerang were siblings but something happened when their parents had an argument, they were separated Roger goes with his father and Digger belong to and then few years later, Roger changed his last name from Harkness to Raincomprix, as he was hiding a secret away from his daughter (Sabrina) but one day, his brother came to visits him and the chaos begin.
Ooo I really like this idea. I’ll admit, my knowledge of Boomerang is rather rusty but I love this idea so much.
This is my way of saying, if Digger is OOC, I’m sorry. I think the most ooc he’ll be is his dialogue because I’ve never written for an Aussie before, and it’s bound to read more like british… 
Without further ado, this is how I imagine it going down with a little hint of crazy. (A speciality of mine)
[I ended up getting a further idea that I might do as a sequel, and I may cross post this to Ao3 if I can come up with a name]
Characters: Digger, Owen, Roger, Sabrina, and Adrien
Words: 1033
“Digger, what are you doing here? How did you even find out where I live?” Roger interrogates his brother.
“A phonebook, mate. You may change ya last name but you can’t hide from me. Bring it in.” Digger grabs Roger into a hug.
Sabrina walks into the room to see who her father was talking to. Her eyes go wide at the sight of the person. It was Captain Boomerang. 
The only reason Sabrina knew who that was is through the times Adrien would be recalling his knowledge of the Flash back when Chloe would drag her everywhere. 
She still sees Adrien weekly so the two can talk non-paris heroes.There was going to be a new topic for them with this.
Digger looks over Roger’s shoulder to spot Sabrina who immediately freezes up at the sighting. He releases his death grip from his brother to give him the nastiest look.
“You had a daughter and never thought to tell ya brother? I have a kid too. He got caught up talking to some blonde in the stairwell.” 
Sabrina blinks at the information. She has an uncle and cousin she never knew about. They were here in Paris while the Butterfly miraculous is in the hands of someone new. 
If the butterfly wielder were to find out there is a villain, an actual one, in the city, there would be more havoc than Ladybug would be able to deal with. Even with the crew of permanent heroes, there would be no telling the damage.
This leaves Sabrina with no choice but to watch closely over her newly discovered uncle and cousin. She did need to talk to her father privately.
“Hey dad, can I talk about something with you in the other room?” Sabrina keeps a smile on her face as she asks.
Roger reassures his brother that they will only be a moment before going into the kitchen. Sabrina pulls him in close.
“I think we need to tell him,” Sabrina gives a dead serious look.
“He doesn’t know anything about miraculous. He could expose you.” 
“I meant about the new butterfly user. If he is aware of it, he may be able to reject it. I need to know about him before he knows about Barkk.” 
After the second time of her father being akumatized trying to protect her, Sabrina had sat him down to explain everything. Giving up her identity was risky but he needed to know. 
Sabrina also wanted Roger to realize that she is going to be fine even if it does not seem like it. He had seen Miss Hound in action so knowing that was his daughter gave him the assurance that she could handle herself while knowing she would come to him if she needed it.
This made it surprisingly easy on her little family to resist anything the butterfly user tries to throw out. However, now there were two more additions to the equation.
“Do you want to tell him or should I?” Roger cannot help eyeing the hidden miraculous as he asks.
“I think we should tell him together. It is important that we are all together. Adrien should be here soon. He can help explain too.”
Sabrina mentioning that made her remember she had plans with the blonde today. The same one that her cousin must have gotten talking to.
She heads out of the kitchen quickly as the door opens once more. Adrien is introducing himself to her uncle. He spots her and waves.
“I had no idea you had an uncle, Sabrina. He seems really cool. I wonder if he has any good comebacks.” He winks at Sabrina.
The only saving grace of him recognizing Digger as Captain Boomerang is that Adrien was a big fan of the Flash’s rogue gallery. So much so that he was confident he knew a way to stop them if need be.
“Hey, Uncle Digger. There is something you should know about Paris.” Sabrina rubs at her arm as she breaks the barrier of conversation.
“It’s about the Butterfly wielder, isn’t it?” The cousin whose name was not revealed yet shocks the Parsians.
“How do you know about that?” Adrien gives a squint toward the duo.
“It’s honestly not that hard not to. The Justice League Europe team got word from some reports from citizens that there was a terrorist here using butterflies. It was easy to figure out from there.”
Sabrina and Adrien both look at each other. As far as they were aware, no messages made it outside of Paris. Though the one time Chat Noir brought it up to Ladybug, she did seem rather strange about it.
“How do you know about the miraculous? Do both of you know?” Roger crosses his arms as he puts in his two questions.
Digger lets a big smirk paint his face as he looks at his son. A little kangaroo pokes out of his hair. Adrien and Sabrina’s eyes go wide. 
“You didn’t think that Paris was the only spot with miraculous, did you? I’m Owen by the way. This is Rebound.”
“Pleasure to meet you both! Glad to see miraculous in good hands.”
The room is awkward at the words of Rebound. Roger did know about Sabrina having a miraculous and had a suspicion that Adrien had one as well. The two teens knew each other’s identities because Plagg was careless one night during their weekly superhero talks.
“I think Rebound means they believe in Chat Noir and Miss Hound.” Owen clears the air.
“That’s why we came. Train the dog wielder to properly use her power. Ya know the power of returning is strong when used properly.” Digger reaches into his coat, pulling out a boomerang.
Adrien and Sabrina are left in a state of honor and slight concern. It would be good to be trained by someone. However, a villain would give the butterfly wielder the narrative they have been looking for.
“Why are you really here, Digger?” Roger was not buying the story.
“I want to take down the bastard that has been terrorizing my family since none of the blokes in the Justice League will bother to do so.” 
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yolowritter · 1 year ago
Hello there, everyone, and welcome back to another ACOLL post! Yes, I'm back on the angst train and posting another snippet, this time chapter 2! I'll probably post from all of them in order eventually! Anyways, here's the second chapter! Enjoy the angst!
Ladybug landed through her skylight, right on top of her bed. She lost her transformation and opened Marinette’s purse, tossing Tikki a cookie as she went to pick through her phone, finding countless messages from her contacts. Some of those were her classmates, telling her that she come to school tomorrow so they could “figure out what’s been going on” and “talk things out”.  A single message from Nino. A long block of text that changed it’s tone every sentence or so, seemingly unable to decide his own thoughts. She skimmed it over, stopping to properly read the last few sentences.
“Look Mari…I know things didn’t go well with Alya. But you two have been friends for years, and she told me what happened, that you thought Lila was taking advantage of Adrien. We cleared things up with her, I promise. Just…you’re my friend. Please come back Monday and apologize to Alya, I’ll help you convince her that you were just saying things because you were angry. Okay?”
She left him on read.
Lila had sent her a couple messages too, insults and petty jabs at how she’d finally won, and that nobody would care about Marinette to even miss her, that if she dared to come back, she’d regret it…
Well, Ladybug paused her scrolling, quickly made sure no reality-bending Akuma were around…and thanked Lila Rossi. Because this was just perfect! Unable to stifle a laugh, Ladybug showed Tikki, and the kwami’s features morphed into concern, until she was her holder’s grin. She didn’t find it that funny, but they did share a victory fist bump! 
Still, she’d be leaving the phone behind. Right after calling Adrien, she’d switch over to Lila’s messages, and let Karma do the rest. Not like there weren’t literal months of the same thing taking up her phone space.
Part of her hoped Alya would find it, part of her hoped nobody did. Wasn’t it good advice to move on from the past? She’d heard something like that anyways. She left her social media open on that page, and called Adrien’s cellphone number instead of video calling him over chat. Hopefully, he was awake. Hopefully he was going to pick up. Hopefully she could say a proper goodbye.
The phone rang once. Twice. Before the second ring had even finished, Adrien picked up on the other end.
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mintyaquagreen1675 · 1 year ago
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ninadove · 2 years ago
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this one got away from me a bit i'm not gonna lie
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staticonthestratosphere · 1 year ago
love getting weird anons
desperately scrolling my blog to see if there was something from a fandom I’m not in that I reblogged to see if I’m losing it or nah and the closest thing I can find IS ART OF SOMEONE’S OC THAT HAPPENS TO BE A BLACK CAT
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chocostrwberry · 9 months ago
who's part of the empire group? i dont really remeber you metioning it fully, i think you've said its kim, sabrina, chloe and adrien? anybody else?
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Introducing the royalty of Lycée Françoise Dupont!!
They’re names are all coined by Alya because they’re basically the richest kids in school!! Kind of code names they use to basically gossip ahaehhde
Once Adrien joined the class, Alya already had a name for him. She joked he was adopted by the Queen and followed her around like a puppy while she trained him on how to be royalty.
Lila told everyone she was essentially a “nouveau riche” according to Chloe. She claimed one of her parents was part of a long-lost duchy in Italy and inherited a large sum of money, which is a complete lie so she could weasel her way into The Empire and get closer to Adrien. Once she was found out, Adrien convinced Chloe not to boot her, but was promptly relabeled accordingly.
Kagami joins because of Adrien, but she never really fit in with their lifestyle, despite being leagues above it. Once she gets with Felix, they kind of just hang out together at school. Alya struggled with a name for her, but once the class found out her uncle owns an albino tiger and the dated clothes she wears is custom-made by top luxury designers, it was easy. The highest status than anyone else, but no power of her own. The Emperor’s Daughter.
Felix never was accepted into the group despite being Adrien’s cousin and his mom’s connections because he was a jerk to literally everyone when he got there, so he didn’t have any friends and didn’t want them.
I think these titles would kind of idolize them in a negative way. To the rest of the class they’re these exotic heartless animals that have never known what it’s like to not eat with a silver spoon, but it’s not true at all. I’d like to see their friend groups start to mix a bit later in the series!!
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miraculous-metamorphosis · 2 months ago
Love what you're doing!!! Is there anything about Marinette's and Adrien's family? Pics or just some more info about them? (I'm also kinda guessing that Julia is supposed to be Manon's replacement?)
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Mod CN- So first thing's first, Manon isn't getting replaced! Marinette just has a younger sister now! But Julia and Manon are best friends.
But we did design the whole family! In fact, we designed literally every single character in the show, we just haven't shown them yet!
But for the Dupain-Chengs, we gave Marinette a younger sister b/c we felt like Mathias and Lucy would be the type of couple to have two children, by personal preference and the culture Lucy grew up in.
Mathias and Lucy haven't changed up much personality-wise in Metamorphosis, but Mathias is now a little bit more over-protective, based off of his characterization in the movie.
Lucy's side of the family is much more involved in the story now! Zhihao, Marinette's great-uncle, would be moving in to Paris to start a new restaurant there, and we plan to have several episodes focusing on giving Shu-Yin a character! We're still designing Marinette's maternal grandparents, but we have plans to give them a semi-big role in season 4!
Also, we're still working on this, but we plan to bring in some family angst, focusing on how Gina isn't spending a lot of time with her family. Making her a good person, just overall acknowledging her flaws more. As well as a deceased bigoted grandfather who still gives Mathias and Lucy trouble, even after he's long gone.
Mod LB- As for the Lachances... let's start with the elephant in the room.
As we have addressed in many posts, Gabriel is NOT the butterfly holder in this universe, neither is Nathalie for the peacock.
Despite this, Gabriel is still going to be the cause of MANY problems.
We're leaning on the idea that Gabriel is more superstitious in this rewrite, he believes in something called "The Lachance Luck." Which he believes is the root that leads to all the misfortunes the family had experienced over the years.
Also, in case you're wondering where Adrien's Bodyguard/Gorilla/Placide I.T. is, he's Major Daume now! Based off of his original conceptual design found here. We plan for Daume to be more of the fatherly figure to Adrien, allowing him to sneak around and find loopholes to give the kid more freedom. He also learns of Adrien's identity mid-season 1, and keeps it a secret, even from Adrien. He prefers to wait for Adrien to open up on his own.
Nathalie is toned down a little from the series, no longer an explorer hired by Tomoe or whatever, she's just a stoic secretary who eventually becomes more motherly to Adrien and Felix.
Amelie actually moves in with the Lachances after the death of Colt Fathom. She's still the same as she was in the series, although she butts heads with her brother-in-law frequently over his parenting skills.
As for the deceased... Emilie is, no questions asked, no ambiguity, just outright dead. A woman who haunts the narrative, and drives most of Gabriel's actions posthumously. But we still plan to give her a character, and a LOT of flaws, so she isn't going to be a fridged wife.
Oh also colt fathom isn't an abusive asshole, or that important. Just some yankee-doodle-dandy who kicked the bucket. But his death did impact who Felix is as a character, making him grow up too fast and learn to be more responsible for his grieving mother and family.
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that-one-fandom-girl · 8 months ago
It also would make sense if part of why he broke down and cried after making Red Moon go away (besides the fact that he essentially killed her) was, like you were saying, that he had been controlling her every move and making her go most likely against her conscience, like both his father and Hawkmoth/Mayura had done to him and other sentis.
Now that we know about Colt Fathom, it gives insight to why Felix freaked out in “Emotion” over not being in control of his power as he snapped others away in anger, unable to bring them back. In an instant, Felix(a sentimonster) realized he was becoming his father.
Must have been one serious reality check for Felix.
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meadowindreams · 18 days ago
Too early for hot coco
Saphron, felt worried for her brother for some reason so being the good older sister she, went to beacon to check on him, of course both her wife and their son Ahould come along too, since Adrien wants to see his Uncle Jaune.
Terra: Are you sure about thisv
Saphron: Absolutely
Terra: it was just paranoia, I’m sure your brother is fine
I just want to make sure, that’s all
If you say so
And besides we owe him an overdue visit
**knock** **knock** **knock**
Terra: Saph, I’m telling you, nothing is happening to Jaune.
The doos opens
Saphron: guess who came to visit their baby, brothe- you’re not Jaune
???: no I’m not
Saphron: Sorry Who are you? And where Jaune
???: Oh he’s currently sleeping, he is pretty tired
Saphron, is mentally processing all the information right now as she looks down at what she is wearing: Is that….?
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Coco: Sorry but I’m pretty tired myself, thanks to your brother, so I’ll be going to his bed, cya
*Coco close the door, smiling smugly, and looked into Saphron’a eyes with a knowing look*
Terra, desperately trying to hold Saphron and restrain her to prevent her, breaking the door and beating the mystery Broad on the other side of the door.
Terra: Saph please don’t break down the door
Saphron: No that Hussite needs to go,
Terra: Saph, he’s old enough
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lucysarah-c · 1 year ago
Fifteen, what an age to be alive. Dad!Levi
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Summary: Steal your father's car! What could go wrong? Author note: Since the Marley world seemed to be around the 30s-40s, I’ll set this idea in a world that looks like the mid-50s. This is POST WAR. Warnings: Cursing 'cause Levi, obv. And slightly mention of a group taking advantage of a girl, nothing really happens and there's no graphic description at all. Word count: 3.9k Pairing: Dad! Levi x Mom! Reader
His hands gripped the big round wheel of the car as his eyes scanned the dark night with a nervous smile, quickly turning into clenched teeth. His attention shifted to the passenger seat, soft as if it was a scene from one of the horror pictures he saw at the drive-in.
A light blond girl lay unconscious, her head resting against the door, appearing lifeless. She wore a typical sleeveless red button-up shirt and very short white shorts, with white socks crumpled down to double-coloured loafers. Her hair was still in a ponytail, exposing her face completely. It was August, plain summer break, and he knew that most of his classmates wore shorts or even swimsuits at the pool or beach. But somehow, her exposure made him blush and feel ashamed, as if even staring felt wrong.
Turning to the back seat of the car, he picked up his letterman jacket and placed it on top of her, covering her as much as possible. It looked big on her, and somehow, Adrien blessed every deity mentioned; he probably was inheriting his father’s uncle’s height and not his father's, a fact becoming rather obvious every day, as he was only 15 and already almost 1.80m.
“Calm down, Adie… you got this,” he whispered to himself, “I’ve no idea what I'm going to do but I got it.”
How did he get into this situation? It was supposed to be a silly night out; one of his friends invited him to a party of the seniors who were graduating from high school that year. What was the issue if he was just a freshman? Fifteen, eighteen, it’s the same! Plus, it was some party at some old forgotten building, half destroyed during the rumbling around ten years ago, in the middle of nowhere. Nothing wrong with that.
Yes, perhaps he stole his father’s keys and car. Yes, perhaps he lied about sleeping in his room. Yes, maybe he stole a bit (a lot) of money from his parents. “I mean… deep down, it’s my father’s fault for not allowing me to come legally,” Adrien argued with his own reflection in the car's mirror.
But everything went downhill when he saw a group of guys dragging a girl who was clearly not feeling well and decided to step in. Now, here he was, the party had turned into a mess as the fight happened, he got kicked out with an unconscious girl, and who knew what they had given her. He hit his forehead against the wheel as time slipped through his fingers; he was supposed to be back home already.
“Fucking shit! Who told me to step in!” he cursed under his breath. Deep down, he knew stepping up for what he had been told was horrendously wrong, knowing he had the strength to fight those assholes back. ‘The curse of being a fucking Ackerman, man,’ he thought.
He had done the right thing, at least one right thing during the entire night, but now he had to face the consequences. Muffled cries mixed with distressed groans filled the car, “My father is going to kill me!”
His forehead kept hitting the wheel repeatedly as if that would knock some common sense into him or perhaps give him a concussion and fake that he had been kidnapped or something. Surrounded by trees in a dead-end road, it wasn’t even paved. Only the footprints of multiple cars to follow back to civilization. The distressed teen didn’t even know where he was; his older friend had guided him there and left with his girlfriend at some point of the party.
Slowly raising his head up again to admire the endless kilometres of dim nothing, contemplating his options, seizing his courage. “Come on, Adie. Be a man, be a man!”
The trees’ branches creaked in the middle of the night, the car slightly swayed under the strong summer wind. “I want my mommy,” he muttered.
Hand on the wheel and turning on the car, one step at a time, he took a deep breath and then decided to go out on the road again. Forgotten somewhere, his father’s car’s papers and driver's license. In them it read “Levi Ackerman.”
Each branch from the forest that scraped the car was a personal pain, praying to any god's existence that it didn’t scratch it. Of course, his father had filled up the tank, obviously he had. Levi was like that, always cautious. Adrien did a personal wish his father had a map stored in the glove compartment, but obviously, he didn’t. After all, Levi knew the streets of the city like the back of his hand. He drove a lot, especially since his legs weren’t what they used to be anymore. Perhaps he didn’t need any support for walking any longer, but walking long distances wasn’t in Levi’s plans anymore.
“Perhaps I can… drive to the hospital, leave her, and like run away,” he contemplated, before groaning loudly, “No, I can’t do that. God, I’m dead.”
‘I could have walked away, but no, Mr. Adrien Ackerman has to be a hero. Mr. Ackerman has to do the right thing.’
Adrien had driven twice in his life; this one was the second. The first was a few years ago when his father sat him down on his lap and let him do it for a little bit. He was happy he hadn’t encountered much traffic and only had to drive ahead because he wasn’t completely sure yet what the third pedal was for.
“I got it, do not worry,” he said, trying to sound reassuring to the unmoving girl on his right. Adrien’s grey eyes checked on her from time to time, but she seemed deeply asleep, or so he hoped. “I’ll get to the hospital in no time, and you’ll be alright,” he promised.
His smile created a couple of dimples on each side of his face, but it quickly faded as fear kicked in. “And if you’re not alright, do not worry. I’ll throw myself off a bridge, and we can be not alright together,” he kept joking as if, by some miracle, the girl would reply.
He didn’t even know her name, and somehow, that made him feel even guiltier. As civilization began to appear and the sky began to lighten up, he lost hope of not dying at the hands of his own progenitor, but he was also hopeful that at least he was getting somewhere without crashing. The sun hadn’t shown up yet, but the deep blue of the sky had a particular glow to it that made it imminent.
The streets were deserted, and rightfully so; it was the middle of the night on a Monday. Adrien tried to park the car as best as he could, finally reaching the only hospital he somehow remembered the route to. Rushing to the other door, he carefully picked her up.
When he crossed the doors of the main hospital, which was almost empty at those hours, the doctors on duty quickly took her in, some searching for identifications inside her clothes. The police officer at the front gates forbade him from leaving the place.
“Alright, please hand me your ID,” the front gate secretary asked after informing him that the girl was out of danger, but she would have to stay for monitoring. Adrien’s suspicious silence made the woman raise her eyes from the form she was filling out to look at him. “You know that carrying IDs is obligatory, right?”
“Yes, madam…” He felt his palm sweating as he feared being taken to the police station.
“How old are you?”
Her voice sounded calm but tired as she quickly understood the issue, “… eighteen.”
With a loud sigh, she took off her cat-eye red glasses and then slowly blinked back at him. “Look kid, I’ve been on night watch for three days straight. I’ve no energy to deal with this.”
Adrien’s eyes remained glued to the floor, feeling small despite his stature. “… fifteen,” he admitted reluctantly.
Her unpleasant groans echoed in the empty walls that reeked of disinfectant. He slowly turned to the gates, and the security guys began to chuckle as they drank coffee. Feeling the need to clarify, he said, “I swear it wasn’t me who hurt her.”
“Kid, people who drug girls don’t carry them to hospitals,” she replied disinterestedly, pouring the information into the typewriter, the typing echoing in the place. Finally, she picked up a post-it with a pencil and raised it to the top of the reception table. “Your parents' contact number, please.”
Her eyes quickly moved to him and then back to her writing as he hesitated to fill out the paper. “You know I’ve done nothing; can’t I just go?” Adrien insisted, trying to escape the situation.
“Kid, you’re breaking national curfew and walking around without identification. A responsible adult must come and sign for you to leave; otherwise, you’ll live here until you turn 18.”
“Could you at least wait until 9 am to call my mother’s work number?” He smiled awkwardly, trying to find a way to avoid his father’s rage. The secretary looked up at the clock; it wasn’t even 5 am and then back to him, deadly. Unpleasant complaining groans echoed as he reluctantly wrote his house’s telephone number. “Sorry.”
Sat down at one of those uncomfortable waiting room’s seats with a latte and chocolate donut he brought at the cafeteria, he waited as someone waits to be hanged. The doctors and nurses moved here and there attending to the few people that came in with emergencies. Until the secretary walked by and said, “Your father picked up the phone; he said that getting the car and coming this way.”
Adrien’s grey eyes quickly turned in fear to check out of the window, grimacing uneasily as he admired the family's car parked outside. “Great…”
The longer it took, the more Adrien knew he was in trouble. Pressing his eyes closed and clenching his jaw, as if he could already feel the kick in his ass. Despite the nerves, his head bobbed forward as he fell asleep, and the tug of falling forward snapped him back awake. At some point, he rested his head on the joined seat and fell asleep, mouth open.
The front gates snapping open woke him up, and he wished to make himself smaller so he could hide behind the back of the seats. But as he turned backwards, Levi was at the front desk talking to the secretary and security guards. His dark hair was a mess, and it seemed like he had just put on some shoes and a shirt because he still had the pyjama pants on. Outside, the cap that his father had probably been forced to take there.
As the secretary picked up the forms for him to fill, his father quickly raised his grey eyes to shoot him across the room the deadliest glance he had yet to witness. ‘Goodbye everybody, it was nice knowing you.’
Avoiding facing death, Adrien remained seated, giving his back, but he quickly heard the footsteps of his father, characterized by the slight hobble he had after the war. With his presence looming, he looked down at Adrien, who slowly raised his attention up.
Smiling innocently, “Hi, dad.”
Levi didn’t smile back; quite the opposite, he frowned even more and extended his right hand that was missing two fingers. “My fucking keys.”
The teen searched for them inside his jeans and quietly handed them over with puppy eyes. Levi snapped them, but his hand didn’t withdraw. “And my damn money.” Repeating the same action but with the bills, Levi grabbed them and began to count. “And the rest?”
Adrien mumbled some incoherent groans as he refused to make eye contact. “Tch,” Levi clicked his tongue and gripped his shirt neck, raising him from his seat, pushing him to the exit. “Get in the fucking car.”
The walk of shame only accentuated as his father's angry tone didn’t match the polite one he used to greet the secretary and guards on his way out. He cowered in the passenger seat, trying to make himself a tiny ball as Levi slammed the door shut. Loud sighs that didn’t withdraw the deep frown before he turned on the car again.
“You’re so fucking wrong if you think I’ll stand this type of behaviour; I'm telling you,” Levi spat the words as he drove back home. “What the hell were you thinking?!”
“Adrien!” Levi insisted as the kid didn’t even reply, looking to his right as he waited at a red light. “You don’t want to talk? Fine, fucking ungrateful brat. You know how fucking worried your mother was when we received a call from the shitty hospital? Eh?”
“The drive-in the other day, the supposed hang out at your friend’s house that you were never fucking there, and now this. Are you fucking proud?” the ex-captain of the scouts kept going as his eyes were glued to the road despite only one of them working anymore. “You’re grounded, you’re so fucking grounded that I’ll fucking die, and you’ll have to get a damn Ouija board to contact me to see if you can go out to buy groceries.”
The teen just silently rolled his eyes as the long list of unhappiness of his father about his behaviour couldn’t care less. “Don’t you dare to roll your eyes on me, brat. You heard me? Drop that fucking attitude.” Somehow his father always seemed to have eyes everywhere. “Happy now? You ruined your entire summer break; beg all you want later on. You’re not leaving the house.”
“As if you’d let me go out anyway,” Adrien murmured mockingly under his breath.
“What?” Levi demanded. “If you’re going to have the guts to steal MY car, MY money, and break MY orders, then grow the guts to speak the fuck up.”
“That you never let me go anywhere!” Adrien shouted back angrily.
“For what? To go to this damn party in the middle of nowhere to hang out with fucking rapists and get
shit-faced?” Levi argued back. “You think I was born yesterday? I know exactly which places I don’t want you to get involved with. You think you’ve everything figured out, but that’s not it, Adrien! You’re 14! Fourteen!”
“I’m fifteen!”
“You turned fifteen two weeks ago, for fuck’s sake!” Levi shouted, slightly turning to his right before focusing back on the road. “I’m telling you, better fix your attitude or this is not going to end well. You may be getting big and feel cocky, but you won’t play smart-ass with me. You can grow up to be as tall as the fucking Colossal Titan, and yet you would do whatever the fuck I tell you!”
“I did the right thing! I stood up for her; I’m not stupid enough to do whatever my classmates do. Why can’t you see that?!” Adrien complained as they reached the front of the house, and Levi stopped the car.
“’Cause you were stupid enough to steal my car even when you don’t know how to fucking drive!” Levi complained as he got out of the car, walking to the front door. He kept going with the lecture but lower as he didn’t want to wake up the neighbours. “You don’t like it? Choose another father in your next life; in this one, it’s me, and I’m not going to let my teenage kid not give a fuck about the decisions I take. I’ve gone through too much shit for a fucking brat to tell me what I believe is the best for them.”
They both walked in, and Levi locked the door behind them. The room was still dim for the early hours, and their dog greeted them enthusiastically. The keys dropping at the front plate echoed loudly, and the tuxedo cat of the family finally appeared to rub himself against the legs of the teen, who quietly picked him up. Y/N quickly rushed to check on her kid.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did they hurt you somewhere?” She seemed clearly agitated, and Adrien remained with his eyes glued to the floor.
“No, mom,” he murmured, downcast. “I’m fine.”
“Oi, to your damn room,” Levi quickly ordered. “and clean it up; I won’t say it again.”
The kid left, cursing under his breath as he went upstairs and slammed the front door shut.
“What happened?” she asked Levi, who was preparing himself a tea to calm down, enveloping herself in a negligee.
“What happened? That kid is driving me nuts, that’s what's happening,”
Y/N sighed loudly, positioning herself behind her husband and running her hands through his arms, seeking to provide some comfort. She then switched to hugging him from behind. “He’s going through a phase… his new classmates are mostly kids who survived the rumbling, and some of them aren’t the best influence. He just wants to fit in, you know how important that is at his age.”
“Tch,” Levi kept facing the countertop, murmuring as the anger didn’t quickly wash away. But eventually, he closed his eyes and sighed loudly as the adrenaline slowed down. “The audacity of that kid, where the hell does he get it?”
Y/N couldn't help but chuckle against his back, “MH, I wonder,” she said sarcastically. “If they were still around, perhaps we could have asked some senior MPs… perhaps they could enlighten us on how you were as a teen,”
“I wasn’t like that,” Levi softly replied, almost ashamed of the point out.
“No haha you were worse,” Y/N was entertained as she kissed his shoulder blades tenderly. “Or do I have to remind you how you made me sneak out to meet you after curfew?”
“That’s different…”
Forcing him to turn around to place a kiss on his scar as she caressed his face softly, “He’s your kid,” she murmured against his lips. “He hates to be told what to do and has the strength to know he can get out of almost any situation. Asking him to be submissive is like asking him not to be an Ackerman; he got it in his genes,”
Levi just groaned, accepting the caress, her loving his face as if he was brand new and the residues of the war had never happened.
Days passed by, and while the mood in the house was slowly returning to calmness, the punishment still stood, and Adrien was reading in his bedroom, suffering the heat of summer without being able to go out with his friends. He couldn’t even play his record player because if in normal cases his father tolerated him to play his favourite bands loudly, now he was almost cursed to quietness. Levi didn’t seem to be very fond of Rock; perhaps Paradise music was too behind, and the period of adaptation was lacking. It sounded like loud noise to him.
A quiet knock at the front door was heard, mostly because the dog that was resting beside him in his bed raised hastily and rushed downstairs. The noise was almost imperceptible as his father was vacuuming the living room’s carpet while his mother prepared dinner. Adrien was about to raise himself from his bed and open the door himself, but the overwhelmingly loud noise of the vacuum stopped, so he guessed his father was on it.
Levi opened the front door without checking; he had faced so many adversities in life that he hardly doubted that anyone who rang his bell at 6 pm on a Thursday in their quiet family neighbourhood was a threat. “Yes?” he crossed his arms as he admired the young girl at the front gates. She was wearing the usual outfit of the time, white and brown loafers, crumpled low white socks, an inflated pastel yellow skirt that was tightly around her waist with a white blouse. The matching light cardigan was hanging from her shoulders, but she didn’t seem to put it on, another thing that Levi thought was some stupid new fashion trend from teens. That and his son’s imperious necessity to fold the sleeves of his t-shirts. High ponytail and blushed cheeks.
“Good evening, Mr. Ackerman,” The girl greeted him with kindness and politeness.
“Hello,” Levi replied, almost uninterested, his usual unfriendly nature not withdrawn even after years of not being on service.
“I was wondering if Adrien is at home,” she asked, and Levi wished he could roll his eyes at how almost immediately the girl blushed at the mention of his son’s name. “I’m the girl from the other night; I wanted to thank him…” seeing Levi’s slight frown at the memory of that early morning, she nervously added, “And you, of course, for what he did for me,” The young girl handed a package that was easily deduced to be a cake.
“He’s grounded,” Levi quickly replied. “And you don’t need to thank him; he did the only right thing to do. I don’t raise abusers,”
“Oh…” the disappointment in her voice was palpable, “Well, but please at least take the cake? For all the inconvenience,”
“No, kid, it’s alright-”
“Hi, sweetie! Adrien will be down in a minute!” Y/N popped behind Levi, slightly pushing him to the side and smiling softly at the girl. “Do you want to wait inside?”
Levi looked at his wife, confused and slightly offended by how quickly she overstepped him in the conversation.
“Ah, no, it’s alright; I don’t want to be a bother-”
Adrien appeared behind his parents, wondering what the whole issue was, and his mother quickly pushed him forward. “There he is!” She added while tugging Levi back inside. “Let’s give him some space,” she whispered to her husband, who was refusing to move.
“Oi,” Levi complained as he was forced back inside.
Both parents faking to be doing something in the living room to not be seen; Levi wasn’t spying, but his wife was. “She’s so cute,” she whispered, “and she’s crushing so much on him.”
Levi clicked his tongue, “He’s tall. All girls of that age crush on tall boys,” he argued back.
Y/N chuckled and turned to look at him, “talking from experience?”
“Ha ha,” Levi faked a sarcastic laugh. “He’s supposed to be grounded,”
“Shh, I can’t hear!” She hushed him back and then moved slightly as Levi joined her next to the window.
“Great,” Levi said annoyed, “she’s fucking bonnie,”
Confusion was written all over his wife's face as she grimaced dazed and raised an eyebrow, silently asking how those words could be said with such disappointment.
“Now I won’t only have to buy him all those stupid vinyl records, textbooks, and uniforms for the school team, but I’ll also have to start buying condoms; there goes my fucking salary,”
Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @i-literally-cant-with-this @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @s0meb0dy-0nce-t0ld-me @trashblackrainbow @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @flxrartsstuff @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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ninadove · 2 years ago
"Uncle Felix I’m having girl problems"
"Kidnap her"
"WHAT —"
"Only if she’s into it of course. Your aunt and I made so many memories that day."
"… I’m gonna need some context on that."
uncle felix would 100% encourage the dupain-cheng kids to be menaces, and that’s why they stopped asking him to babysit.
“marinette, your kids have revealed to me that they do not get to watch the ladybug and chat noir cartoon in the 22hr timeslot?”
“that’s way past their bedtime,” she’d say behind gritted teeth
he’d tsk tsk tsk and boop little Emma’s nose. “I’m just saying that they are young only once! and Hugo here, what did you say?”
“daddy doesn’t let me have dessert for breakfast!”
felix would shake his head. “no dessert for breakfast…”
“marinette said no!” adrien would cry into the crook of his arm, unable to deny that he would definitely spoil the kids rotten if he got purely his way. 
“and poor poor louis here can’t play with the bleach under the sink?” 
“he’s a fucking baby, felix.”
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